ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (9): 1528-1538.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2024.01528

• 研究前沿 • 上一篇    下一篇

为何人际价值观冲突难以达成共识? 理论解释及调解策略

岳童1, 王洪2, 傅安国3, 徐浩4, 李文俏5   

  1. 1西南大学心理学与社会发展研究中心; 西南大学心理学部, 重庆 400715;
    2重庆师范大学应用心理学重点实验室, 重庆 401331;
    3海南大学国际商学院, 海口 570228;
    4重庆幼儿师范高等专科学校学前教育学院, 重庆 404047;
    5浙江省儿童青少年心理健康与危机干预智能实验室, 金华 321004
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-07 出版日期:2024-09-15 发布日期:2024-06-26
  • 通讯作者: 王洪, E-mail:
  • 基金资助:
    * 重庆市教育委员会人文社会科学研究项目(24SKJD071)、重庆市自然科学基金面上联合实施项目(4322400175)和浙江省哲学社会科学规划研究方法创新专项课题(23SYS09ZD)资助

Why is it difficult to reach consensus in interpersonal value conflict situations? Theoretical explanations and mediation strategies

YUE Tong1, WANG Hong2, FU ANguo3, XU Hao4, LI Wenqiao5   

  1. 1Research Center for Psychology and Social Development, Southwest University; School of Psychology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China;
    2Key Laboratory of Applied Psychology, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing 401331, China;
    3International Business School of Hainan University, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China;
    4Preschool Education Department of Chongqing Preschool Education College, Chongqing 404047, China;
    5Zhejiang Laboratory for the Mental Health and Crisis Intervention of Children and Adolescents,  Jinhua 321004, China
  • Received:2024-03-07 Online:2024-09-15 Published:2024-06-26

摘要: 人们常常用“道不同, 不相为谋”来形容人际价值观冲突发生后共识的难以达成性。在这个过程中, 个体不仅会产生一系列消极的主观感受, 还会形成指向对手的偏见和敌意, 进而使得基于价值观差异而产生的人际冲突在调解上具有很大的困难。目前研究者主要从自我威胁和个人客观性幻觉两个方面来解释为何人际价值观冲突难以达成共识, 并在此基础上发展出了自我肯定和他人肯定的调解策略。未来研究需要更多丰富相关的理论解释, 关注人际价值观冲突中的影响因素及其作用效果, 并拓展相关的调解策略和应用实践研究。

关键词: 价值观, 人际价值观冲突, 自我威胁, 自我肯定, 他人肯定

Abstract: Harinck and Ellemers (2014) classify interpersonal conflicts into two types: conflicts based on the distribution of interests (or resources) and conflicts based on differences in values. The former is essentially caused by disagreements over the distribution of scarce resources, such as time, space, money, and possessions, while the latter is often related to identity and personal stance. In terms of the underlying motives of the conflicting parties in constructing a situation, interpersonal conflict of interest involves the distribution of resources, with the root of the conflict lying in the satisfaction of each party's interest claims. In contrast, when an individual constructs a conflict situation based on differences with other people's values, the interpersonal conflict often involves the issue of right and wrong, and thus is more abstract and complex. Interest-based interpersonal conflicts can often be mitigated or resolved through negotiation, resource reallocation, and compromise. However, when interpersonal conflicts involve values, the differences at issue can easily be seen as non-negotiable and non-transactional: not only is it difficult to reach a consensus, but the conflict can easily lead to tensions and further escalation. Moreover, mediation strategies that are effective in conflicts of interest, such as give-and-take, compromise, or trade-offs, do not work in interpersonal value conflicts.
Based on a systematic review of previous studies, this paper will first clarify the specific manifestations of interpersonal values conflicts that make it difficult to reach a consensus by comparing them with interpersonal conflicts of interest. Then the relevant theoretical explanations and corresponding mediation strategies will be introduced, with a view to providing theoretical inspiration for both basic research and practical applications in this field.
Compared with interpersonal conflicts based on the distribution of benefits or resources, interpersonal conflicts arising from differences in values are more difficult to resolve. This difficulty is mainly manifested in the following two aspects. First, people in interpersonal value conflicts seem to be unwilling to take the initiative to solve the problem. This psychological and behavioral tendency is also reflected in the corresponding physiological indicators; specifically, in the face of interpersonal value conflicts, people will exhibit obvious signs of pressure or even perceive that they are under threat. Second, compared with conflicts of interest, individuals in value conflicts will experience more negative perceptions and emotions, and even display hostile behaviors towards their opponents, which increases the interpersonal distance between them. Thus, people are unwilling to solve the problem through contact and communication.
Currently, researchers mainly focus on two aspects - self-threat and the illusion of personal objectivity - to explain why it is difficult to reach consensus in interpersonal value conflicts. The former suggests that individuals may develop self-threat perceptions during value confrontations with others, the avoidance of which makes people reluctant to compromise and accept mediation on their originally held values. The latter suggests that the main reason why interpersonal value conflicts are so difficult to resolve is that individuals suffer from a cognitive bias of the illusion of personal objectivity. Specifically, individuals overestimate the rationality and correctness of their own views, perceiving opponents who disagree with them as uninformed, irrational, or biased, and subsequently are unwilling to compromise on or revise the values they hold.
Based on current research, self-affirmation and other-affirmation are the more common and proven mediation strategies for interpersonal values conflicts. Self-affirmation theory suggests that people are motivated to maintain self-integrity. Specifically, individuals believe that the self is positive overall and that they have the ability to control a socially adaptive image. Thus, when an aspect of the self-concept is threatened, individuals can restore their perceptions of self-integrity and sense of worth by utilizing a resource base that includes values. Relevant empirical research suggests that self-affirmation mitigates interpersonal values conflict through two main pathways. On one path, the source of an individual's sense of self-worth is broadened beyond the specific domain of self-threat through the process of self-affirmation. In other words, the perceived threat to the self-concept due to the values clash is “decoupled” from the current self-concept, and thus the negative impact of the perceived self-threat is diminished. On the other possible path of action, self-affirmation interventions can be effective in reducing adversarial bias and hostility during interpersonal value conflicts. Other-affirmation, or asking individuals in an interpersonal conflict to think about the positive qualities of their opponents (that are not directly related to the conflict), has been suggested as an alternative strategy for mitigating interpersonal values conflict. On one hand, other-affirmation can effectively weaken the ego threat posed by the adversary in the process of interpersonal values conflict. On the other hand, it can effectively enhance people's perception of common identity and thus improve conflict adjustment strategies.
As shown in the previous discussion, current research on the theoretical explanations of and mediation strategies for interpersonal values conflict comprise a single step forward and should be further explored. First, the theoretical explanation of interpersonal values conflict needs to be further verified and expanded. Second, the influencing factors and their effects in the process of interpersonal values conflict are also worthy of attention. Finally, the mediation strategies and related applications to interpersonal values conflict need to be further expanded.

Key words: values, interpersonal value conflicts, self-threat, self-affirmation, other-affirmation
