Resilience: The Psychological Mechanism for Recovery and Growth during Stress
Yu Xiaonan,Zhang Jianxin
2005, 13 (05):
Resilience refers to the effective coping and adaptation although faced with loss, hardship, or adversity. This biological imperative for self-protection will be exhibited when people are faced with stress, threats, or life changes. Coping resources or protective factors on personal, family, and social aspects interact with each other into a dynamic system in order to resist the effect of adversity. The process model argues that resilience refers to the higher homeostasis than original level, and it is different from recovery. The hierarchy of resilience demonstrates its adaptive nature on different developmental stages, and the meaning of resilience varies according to the specific situations. Although there is no consensus on the measurement of resilience, some scales have been employed widely for their convenience and efficiency. The aim of resilience research is to examine strength and promote adaptation of people, and resilience interventions conducted by schools, clinical institutions, communities, and enterprises have been proven good effects.
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