ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R


    15 March 2007, Volume 15 Issue 02 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Chinanized Psychology Research and the Construction of Harmonious Society
    Huang Xiting
    2007, 15 (02):  193-195. 
    Abstract ( 2431 )  
    The construction of harmonious society brings forward a lot of urgent issues in social psychology and personality studies, which call for Chinanized research. Chinanized psychology research refers to studies in which concept analysis, methodology design and theory construction of research on the psychology and behavior of the Chinese people should be originally carried out on the basis of investigation into the society, history and other related factors of China, rather than indiscriminately apply concepts, methods and theories available from other countries, the western countries in particular
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    Chinese-Western Differences of Personality Structure and
    Specialty of Chinese Personality
    WAng Dengfeng;Cui Hong
    2007, 15 (02):  196-202. 
    Abstract ( 2740 )  

    This article was aimed at exploring relations between culture and personality structure, and cultural implications of Chinese personality. Researches on both Chinese and Western personality structure based on lexical hypothesis indicated that the formation of personality structure were based on behavior classification, and differences between Chinese and Western personality were caused by differences of behavior classification, which originated from different emphasis on perception, cognition, and thinking styles of cultures. Empirical evidences also indicated better predictive powers of Chinese personality, instead of Western personality structures. Further research directions were also discussed

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    Social Development and the Changes of Chinese People’s Personalities
    Zhou Mingjie;Zhang Jianxin
    2007, 15 (02):  203-210. 
    Abstract ( 2254 )  
    The present study is aimed at exploring the relationship between the social transformation and personality changes of Chinese people by using so-called indigenous personality measurement of CPAI (Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory). Two sets of CPAI data collected in a 10 year interval were analyzed. At the same time, the CPAI-2 data was analyzed in terms of modernization level of various cities from which the data were collected. It was found in the study that Chinese personality traits do have some changes with the development of social transformation and with the level of modernization. Chinese people tend to be more individualized and open-minded. Besides, the results of the study also suggest that anyone who wants to study the relationship of social change and personality, he must consider both development status and level of modernization of participants’ residence
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    Research Progress in Thinking Styles from the Perspective of Cultural Psychology
    Hou Yubo
    2007, 15 (02):  211-216. 
    Abstract ( 2619 )  
    Investigation into eastern and western thinking styles has been a hot-topic in the field of cultural psychology during recent decades. This article focuses on psychological studies on thinking style and analyzes the transition of the investigation routes along with the development of psychological researches. It stresses the contrast between eastern and western thinking styles and the theoretical and empirical analyses of Chinese thinking style. The analysis has great theoretical and practical significance in understanding the influence of Chinese thinking style and in promoting the cultural communication between the east and the west. The article also points out the future direction of thinking style research
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    The Theoretical Construct of Chinese Core Self-evaluation
    Gan Yiqun;Wang Chun;Hu Xiaoxiao
    2007, 15 (02):  217-223. 
    Abstract ( 1724 )  
    The paper introduced the concept, elements and predictive value of Western classic core self-evaluation, which consists of four central traits: Self-Esteem, Locus of Control, Neuroticism, and General Self-Efficacy. The present article analyzed the main contributions of the Western classic core self-evaluation and its implication to our current study, and proposed the theoretical construct of Chinese core self-evaluation. The proposed construct consisted four traits: Kindness, Talents, Ways of Life, and Collective Self-esteem
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    The Concept and Function of Self-Confidence in Chinese Culture
    Bi Chongzeng;Guang Xiting
    2007, 15 (02):  224-229. 
    Abstract ( 1236 )  
    self-confidence is an indigenous personality concept, which rooted in Chinese traditional culture, and the study of this concept is very important to establish the Chinese personality knowledge system and practical fields. While the study of the concept of self-confidence confound great challenge, such as the confused with the concept of self-esteem, self-efficacy, self-supporting, and self-strengthening. In this paper, evidences that constitute the base of self-confidence were given. And the new evidences of mental function of self-confidence about self-regulation and mental health were discussed. Future study should focus on the structure, cognitive processes, and integrated all the approach and practical field
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    On Self-strengthening Personality in Confucianism and Its Cultivation
    Zheng Jianhong;Guang Xiting
    2007, 15 (02):  230-233. 
    Abstract ( 2331 )  
    From a psychological point of view, Confucianism mainly reflects the personality of self-strengthening. Kindheartedness (Renai) personality, strong-willedness (hongyi) personality and innovative (gexin) personality are the main contents of self-strengthening in Confucianism, of which the ultimate goal is to cultivate a healthy personality. Self-strengthening personality in Confucianism is not only individually-oriented, but also socially-oriented. It is based on individual orientation, and the ultimate goal is towards social orientation, expanding gradually from individual to social. Learning from practice, overcoming bias and selfishness, correctly dealing with intellect and emotion, and correctly dealing with social interaction are the four approaches to the cultivation of self-strengthening in Confucianism
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    Chinese Personality and Mental Health
    Cui Hong;Wang Dengfeng
    2007, 15 (02):  234-240. 
    Abstract ( 2427 )  
    Researches on relations between Chinese personality and mental health were systematically reviewed in the current article. Mental health was proposed as four levels, overt psychosomatic symptoms, self-experience inconsistency, behavior inhibition, and positive psychological characters, and researches on the relations between each of the four levels of mental health, and all levels of mental health, respectively, and personality were reviewed, and dimensions of Extroversion, Kindness, and Ways of Life were proposed as health-promoters, Behavior Styles and Emotionality as health-inhibitors, and Talents as health promoter-and-inhibitor. Hardiness personality and future research directions were also discussed
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    A Stress-Buffering in Personality: Hardiness
    Zou Zhimin;Wang Dengfeng
    2007, 15 (02):  241-248. 
    Abstract ( 2089 )  
    Over the past 30 years, behavioral scientists and various health care professionals have expressed an interest in the concept of psychological hardiness. This interest has been shown through theoretical analysis of the concept and implementation of a number of research studies. This article presents the concept of hardiness by reviewing literature that has been published in western countries, as well as proposes the approach to explore the Chinese’s hardiness. As a part of the construction of personality, hardiness should be explored in “Big Five” or “Big Seven”. In China, studies have shown the big seven dimensions in personality have different influences on physical and metal health. So the question which dimensions construct the hardiness is waited for an answer
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    Biological Genetics Factors Influencing Sensation Seeking
    Zhang Ming;Mei Songli
    2007, 15 (02):  249-252. 
    Abstract ( 1846 )  
    In this article, some issues are argued about the biological factors of sensation seeking that is a kind of personality traits. The discussion are from three aspects: (1) the relationship between sensation seeking and monoamine substance; (2) the influence of hormone to sensation seeking;(3) biological genetics of sensation seeking
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    The Study of Antisocial Personality Abroad
    Liu Banghui; Huang Xiting
    2007, 15 (02):  253-259. 
    Abstract ( 2179 )  
    Antisocial personality is a type of personality disorder which is most closely related with criminal activities. This paper briefly reviews the history of the study of antisocial personality, and summarizes the achievements on diagnosis and assessment of antisocial personality and its affecting factors. At the end,the article points out not only the problems existing in present study ,such as confusing concepts in the study ,the single-object of the study,ignoring to inquire into its inner structure and so on,but also the directions to future research in which we should develop the cross-cultural research
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    Studies on Animal Individual Differences to Personality Psychology: Contribution and Value
    Su Yanjie
    2007, 15 (02):  260-266. 
    Abstract ( 2078 )  
    Studies on animal individual differences and its association with personality psychology have gained increasing research attention and been intensively investigated by many researchers. Despite of many other descriptive terms, a broad working definition of animal individual differences is “animal personality”, which refers to a set of related behavioral patterns with consistency across time and situations. Researchers of animal individual differences should ensure their selected research variables are comprehensive in intra-species and comparable in inter-species. The contribution and value of studies on animal individual differences to personality psychology were discussed mainly in aspects of personality constructs, influence of genetics and environment, association of personality with cognition and health, as well as personality-environment match
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    The Framework of Personality Psychology
    2007, 15 (02):  267-274. 
    Abstract ( 1287 )  
    The field of personality is one of the most exciting yet frustrating areas of psychology. However, lack of a single, integrative framework becomes a barrier to the development of temporary personality psychology. The origin and development of personality psychology are briefly discussed. Moreover, latest tendencies of this principle and the most popular frameworks of personality psychology are also addressed. Based on the new orientations of framework integrations, this paper proposes a modified “3D” framework comparing Clonlinger’s “3D” Model of Personality. This modified “3D” framework (a) adds more personality theories in the framework, (b) substitutes the first “D” —“Description” with “Demonstration”, and (c) refines the original “3D” and proposes a new approach “Theories Plus 3D(personality demonstration, dynamics and development)”
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    Views of Embodied Language Comprehension
    Lu zhongyi;Gao Zhihua;Duan Xiaoli;Liu Xuehua
    2007, 15 (02):  275-281. 
    Abstract ( 1575 )  
    The development of Embodied Philosophy and Embodied Cognition has evoked the emergence of new views which emphasize the role of experience in the language comprehension. The views is called Views of Embodied Language Comprehension. Its basic ideas are that language grounds in perception and action, and language comprehension is mental simulation of the situation described in the language. Such simulations base on the physical, emotional and social experiences of comprehenders, so language comprehension in nature is to enact the experiences to the referents mentally. Here, the Indexical Hypothesis, the Immersed Experiencer Frame and the Neural Theory of Language are representatives among the Views of Embodied Language Comprehension
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    Prosodic Resolution of Syntactic Ambiguity:
    From the Point of View of Speaker and Listener
    Li Weijun;Yang Yufang
    2007, 15 (02):  282-287. 
    Abstract ( 1878 )  
    The present paper review the use of prosodic information in disambiguating syntactic structure in recent years. Firstly, this article introduces the prosodic properties and its function; secondly, it discusses the syntactic ambiguity and its models. Thirdly, two problems are analyzed from the point of view of speaker and listener: whether naïve speakers spontaneously and reliably produce prosodic cues that resolve syntactic ambiguities in the natural context, and whether listeners use on-line prosodic information to inform initial syntactic parsing decisions. Then the characteristics of Chinese prosody and syntax are introduced, which followed by the corresponding study in China. Finally, it simply talks about what should be concerned in studying prosodic resolution of ambiguity in Chinese
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    Syntactic Priming in Sentence Production
    Yang Jie;张亚旭
    2007, 15 (02):  288-294. 
    Abstract ( 1014 )  
    Syntactic priming (SP) in sentence production refers to the tendency of speakers and writers to reuse syntactic structures that they have recently processed. The studies we reviewed in this article have demonstrated that, (a) SP can not be explained simply by lexical, thematic, or metrical similarity between prime and target; (b) The magnitudes of SP effects have been observed to be reduced if the prime and target contain different verb, different number of thematic roles, or different order of the roles; (c) both hierarchical and linear structures have mental realities; (d) there is cross-modal syntactic priming both between speaking and writing and from comprehension to production. These findings have promoted development of new models of sentence production such as the syntactic priming model and the model of verb’s syntactic representation. The directions of further studies were speculated in this article
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    Accuracy of Metacomprehension Monitoring and Delayed-Keyword Effect
    Chen Qishan
    2007, 15 (02):  295-300. 
    Abstract ( 1505 )  
    :A person’s metacomprehension monitoring accuracy is operationalized as the intra-individual correlation between a person’s comprehension ratings and his or her test performance, the metacomprehension accuracy and its effect are key issues in the study of metacomprehension and become one of the most intensely investigated of the metacognitive judgments. In this paper, we started with a review on the study of the methodolody for research on metacomprehension judgment and its accuracy. Then, the delayed-keyword effect of metacomprehension monitoring and its mechanism were introduced and discussed. Finally, the limitations of previous studies and some suggestions and new directions were proposed on the research of metacomprehension monitoring accuracy
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    Information Integration between
    Visual Short-Term Memory and Visual Perception
    Ren Yanju; Xuan Yuming;Fu Xiaolan
    2007, 15 (02):  301-307. 
    Abstract ( 1675 )  
    Like perceptual integration and transsaccadic integration, Information integration between visual short-term memory and visual perception is also important to process and maintain a coherent perception of the scene. Using the empty cell localization task, many studies had been carried out to attempt to find out the experimental evidences for information integration between visual short-term memory and visual perception and to explore its mechanism. The present paper reviewed and analyzed these related experimental paradigms, experimental evidences and integration mechanism between visual short-term memory and visual perception, and pointed out that, based on behavioral data; the convergent evidences from eye movement and brain mapping data were required
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    Time Perception and Contingent Negative Variation
    ZhangZguhuwl;Yin Huazhan;Huang Xiting
    2007, 15 (02):  308-312. 
    Abstract ( 1880 )  
    This review examined the relationship Contingent Negative Variation (CNV) and time perception in millisecond-to-second range .Drawn from the ERPs studies on time perception, the conclusions were : the CNV amplitude was an index of temporal accumulator and accuracy; the CNV peak was an index of time-based decision making; and CNV time course differentiated the roles of the hemispheres during time processing. Finally, we suggested that the future research should further dissociate the “true” components of time perception from CNV
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    On Functional Lateralization of Amygdala Involved in Emotion
    Wang Cuiyan;Liu Chang
    2007, 15 (02):  313-318. 
    Abstract ( 1636 )  
    Functional lateralization of amygdala involved in emotion is reviewed from three aspects:conscious level, sex, emotional type. Indeed, the function of amygdala is asymmetry, and left amygdala shows more active than right amygdala. Right amygdala is responsible for early stage, basic, backstage emotion activities which is not easy to be tested, and left amygdala involves followed, concrete, sustained, proscenium emotion activities which is easy to be tested. It is not very clear about its mechanism of functional lateralization. The hypothesis and prospects on future studies about lateralization of amygdala are also reviewed in the paper
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    The Module Theory of Children’s Spatial Reorientation
    and Its Limitation
    Wu Deli;Li Fuhong;Sun Hongjin;Li Hong
    2007, 15 (02):  319-325. 
    Abstract ( 1402 )  

    Children’s spatial reorientation was the ability of reorienting themselves and finding the hidden object after disorientation. This ability was similar to that of some nonhuman mammals (such as rats), all could only reorient in accord with the geometric information provided by the spatial environment, but could not reorient in accord with nongeometric information. The theory of geometric model insisted that it was some kind of geometric module in the cognition system of children and nonhuman mammals caused this phenomenon. However, many researches have put forward doubts that this viewpoint was too simple. Armed at these doubts, the theory of geometric module has been enriched and developed

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    Brain Mechanism of Developmental Stuttering
    Xu Xingyuan;Cai Houde
    2007, 15 (02):  326-332. 
    Abstract ( 1476 )  
    Developmental stuttering is a popular speech disorder, about which there has been a hypothesis that laterality of brain speech function could be abnormal in stutterers. Recently, the evidences from neuroimaging studies of developmental stuttering support this classical hypothesis as well, and indicate that the temporal system responsible for speech monitoring, and the frontal system as well as subcortical structures related with speech motor control are dysfunctional, which impair precise timing for speech production. According to these, researchers argue the brain mechanism of stuttering with the neural networks, and suggest that “two-loop” networks including multiple brain regions involved in speech production could be disrupted
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    A Review of Proactive Personality
    Liu Mi;Long Lirong;Zu Wei
    2007, 15 (02):  333-337. 
    Abstract ( 1945 )  
    In recent years, more and more researchers and managers started to pay attention to employee’s proactive behavior. Proactive behavior could improve the organization’s efficiency and enhance the competitive power. Proactive behavior was influenced by many factors,which one is proactive personality. Proactive personality is a stable disposition toward proactive behavior. Many researches demonstrated that proactive personality was closely related to many behavioral outcomes, including job performance, career success, leadership, team performance, and entrepreneurship. The future research should discuss several questions, for example, the relationship between proactive personality and contextual performance, the relationship between proactive personality and new standard of career success
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    Self-complexity and Coping
    Sun Xiaoling;Qiu Fudong;Wu Mingzheng
    2007, 15 (02):  338-343. 
    Abstract ( 1427 )  
    The self-complexity model proposed that a highly differentiated self-concept protected against the depressogenic impact of negative life events. Linville’s influential prospective study appeared to support this proposition. Subsequent reports have raised questions about the construct validity of Linville’s operationalization of self-complexity (defined by the degree to which self-reported personality descriptors are dispersed across self-aspects), as well as the robustness of a buffering effect of self-complexity. Despite some efforts to modify the model, there’s no significant progress because of the inconsistent definition of self-complexity, lack of effective research method and representative samples. Future work should engage in improving all of these aspects accordingly. Implications of the findings for the study of self-knowledge structure and its relation to psychological well-being were discussed
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    Cloninger’s Biosocial Model of Personality and Its Empirical Data
    Xu Shiyong
    2007, 15 (02):  344-349. 
    Abstract ( 1532 )  
    The present paper started with introduction to 7 dimensions of biosocial personality model proposed by Cloninger. The empirical evidences to this model regarding neurotransmitter, genetics, index of cerebral blood flow and EEG were reviewed. The relationship between Cloninger’s model and other biological models of personality were thoroughly discussed, especially, the difference between Cloninger’s model and Eysenck’s model was compared in-depth. Last, the author commented on Cloninger’s model, and proposed that investigating the interaction between biological mechanism, environment and individual behavior could become a future trend of personality studies
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    Therapeutic Potentials and Outlook of Online Counseling
    Cui Lixia;Lie Le;Lan Wenwen;Zheng Richang
    2007, 15 (02):  350-357. 
    Abstract ( 2136 )  
    Psychologist predicted in 2002 that online counseling would be the second fastest increasing service area in the next ten years. In this article the authors summarized foreign various definitions and different models of online counseling, introduced some empirically based research on outcome of online counseling and suggestions for how to standardize online counseling services. In the meantime the authors pointed out the problems of online counseling research. They believed that online counseling would be more normalized, more standardized and more scientific with improving on these problems
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    Team Decision Making and Its Influencing Factors
    Jiang Li;Yu Guantao;Li Yongjuan
    2007, 15 (02):  358-365. 
    Abstract ( 1771 )  
    Along with the change of organizational structure, team decision has been taken widely within organizations. Four kinds of team decision-making models were categorized in this article as follows: social decision scheme, information sampling model, ranking item task and safety priority teams in organizations. Then influencing factors of team decision making and the strategies to improve the quality of decision making were discussed. Finally, critical issues concerning team decision making research and promising fields were also pointed out
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    A Review of the Research on Work/Job Engagement
    Li Rui;Ling Wenquan
    2007, 15 (02):  366-372. 
    Abstract ( 2848 )  
    Work/job engagement is a positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind that is characterized by vigor, dedication, and absorption. Scholars have found that work/job engagement can effectively predict both individual work-related outcomes such as general workplace attitudes, individual performance outcomes, and organizational outcomes including customer satisfaction, retention, productivity, and profitability. The antecedents of work/job engagement include individual features, work-related factors, and family-related factors. Based on the relatively complete review of the studies on work/job engagement, the paper pointed out five prospects for the future research, such as the intervening mechanism of work/job engagement
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    Belief in a Just World:
    The Conception, Measurement and Hot Topics
    Du Jianzheng;Zhu Zhenbing
    2007, 15 (02):  373-378. 
    Abstract ( 2168 )  
    The belief in a just world (BJW) is a new area for the just research in psychology, and it is first introduced by Lerner, an American psychologist. The just world hypothesis states that people have a need to belief that their environment is a just and orderly place where people usually get what they deserve and deserve what they get. The paradoxical concept serves an important adaptive function for the individual, and sparks a wave of similar experiments. This paper reviews researches on belief in a just world
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    Advance in Research on Social Dilemmas:
    Evidence from Experimental Social Psychology
    Liu Chang jiang;Li Yanmei;Li Shu
    2007, 15 (02):  379-384. 
    Abstract ( 2138 )  
    Social dilemmas are situations in which individual rationality leads to collective irrationality. An extensive body of empirical research examines the mechanism of cooperation in social dilemmas, yet lacking systematical theory framework. Structure of social dilemmas in experimental research could be classified into four categories: give-some vs. take-some games, 2-person vs. N-person dilemmas, asymmetric vs. symmetric dilemmas, iterated vs. noniterated dilemmas. Experimental research on social dilemmas mainly examines the factors influencing cooperative behavior in social dilemmas, including individual differences, task structure, and, perceptual and strategical factors. Those factors could be integrated in a conceptual framework. We believe that future research will identify those and other important variables and determine the interrelationship among them, and continue to enrich relevant concepts and theories
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