›› 2000, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (01): 115-120.
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Xie Xiaofei(Dept of Psychology,Beijing University,Beijing 100871)Xu Liancang(Institute of Psychology,Academia Sinica,Beijing 100101)
Abstract: Reformation in economic system has continued in recent years and all business is deeply involvedin such reformation. It is obvious that everyone in all organizations with different ownership will beinfluenced by these changes. People will feel competition and crisis in one way or the other. From thepoint of risk perception, we chose to study how managerial personals in the rapidly changing businessrecognized and dealt with some sensitive matters in a real world situation. Here we designed aquestionnaire for risk perception in working situation designed for enterprises. The main results were asfollows:There existed factor groups of high risk. People showed large variation in perceiving risk factors. Italso showed that ownership difference in business influenced the person's view of risk. "Businessbenefit" is the biggest concern to managerial personals and is viewed as the highest risk factor.Moreover, managing strategy in business (aggressive or conservative) is directly related to productivity.
Key words: risk perception, working situation, productivity
Xie Xiaofei(Dept of Psychology,Beijing University,Beijing 100871)Xu Liancang(Institute of Psychology,Academia Sinica,Beijing 100101). (2000). STUDY ON RISK PERCEPTION OF MANAGERS IN WORKING SITUATION. , 32(01), 115-120.
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