ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

›› 1986, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (03): 71-78.

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Wei Jinghan;Zheng Lianxing Institute of Psychology, Academia Sinica   

  • Published:1986-09-25 Online:1986-09-25

Abstract: The Usual CNV and Non-motor CNV were investigated on fourteenyoung men. A wave (EML) which followed the extrication of mentalload was discovered. The EML which is different from wave V formedafter Usual CNV, does not contain any exogenous components of EP ormotor components and is just a pure mental brain wave elicited bypsychological factors. At the present stage, it is too early to considerEML as a component of LPC. The Psychological factors in CNV havebeen inferred because of the increase of mental load which is syntheti-clly composed of expectancy, conation, motivation, orientation, attention,arousal, etc., while engaging in an identical task. In this experiment theoff-line artireject procedure and grand average records were used.

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