›› 1996, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (01): 53-57.
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ZHou Aibao (Department of Education, Northwest Normal University,lanzhou,730070)
Abstract: The difference of the word frequency in visual and auditory experience was discussed. Two experiments explored the character of the auditory word frequency in the pure modality. Experiment 1,40 two-character words of Chinese were obtained through 5-point scaling, which kept the visual word frequency equal, but the auditory one different. Experiment 2, memory test was carried on by making use of the two-character words. Experimental dissociation was found between free recall,recognition, and identification of degraded word in the auditory condition.
Key words: auditory word frequency, pure-modality, memory test
ZHou Aibao (Department of Education, Northwest Normal University,lanzhou,730070). (1996). A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF DIRCT AND INDIRECT MEASURES FOR MEMORY IN AUDITORY WORD FREOUENCY. , 28(01), 53-57.
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