ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

›› 1994, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (02): 121-127.

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Huang Xiting(Southwest China Normal Uniuersity,Chongqing,630715)   

  • Published:1994-06-25 Online:1994-06-25

Abstract: By using seven kinds of time units(i.e.second, minute,hour,day, week,month,and year)and fuzzy statistical test,220 college students evaluated the value of 39 uncertain temporal qualifiers'semantics. The results showed:①the 39 uncertain temporal qualifiers of future had a kind of corresponding relation with the six kinds of time units.②The mental time of future can be sectioned into three parts,that is, second and minute belong to "nearer future", hour, day and month belong to "near future", and year belongs to "far future", ③If the semantic meaning of temporal qualifiers become near the present time, their fuzziness-grade will become small, and the number of assurance-score of evaluation will become large; and vice versa. According to these results,the author proposed a model on psychological structure of future time.

Key words: future time, temporal qualifier, time units, future time Perspective