ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

›› 1989, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (03): 68-76.

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Chen Yong-ming Institute of psychology, Academia Sinica   

  • Published:1989-09-25 Online:1989-09-25

Abstract: This paper has described and discussed some main approaches of com-puter understanding natural language in relation with Chinese languageprocessing. The author has pointed out that: (1 )although these approachesare proposed for processing English, they are also suitable for processingchinese language to certain degree; Of course, Chinese language has its ownfeature. Underst anding Chinese depends more on semantic and pragmaticknowledge (2 ) Natural language understanding not only is a problem oflinguistics but mainly is a problem that cognitive psychology should studyThere is a close relation between cognitive psychology and computer und-erstanding natural language. The actul process of understanding naturallanguage by human must be explored in more detail in order to developmore powerful computer system of understanding natural language.

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