ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

›› 1984, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (03): 80-84.

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Ren Renmei;LuMingyi;Mu Wenwei;Yang Mingjie;Yan Kanghui;Beijing University Medicine and Biology Institute, Academy of Medicine of China   

  • Published:1984-09-25 Online:1984-09-25

Abstract: This research was divided into two parts: 1. About 1,200 artificially fed Rhesus Monkeys were observed for atotal of 1,510 monkey-times in unrestrained free range. For each monkeywe counted randomly ten times of hand use in picking up food duringfeeding, and then recorded right and left hand use ten times for each hand.The results showed that there were no dominant lateratization of han-dedness in the monkey group. 2. 79 Rhesus Monkeys were observed in breeding cages. We countedten times of hand use in picking up food by each monkey during feed-ing everyday within a period of ten days, and then recorded right andleft hand use ten times for each monkey. The results showed that the mon-keys exhibited handedness but no dominant lateralization of same.

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