ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

›› 1983, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (01): 61-71.

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Fang Ge,Liu Fan (Institute of Psychology,Academia Sinica)   

  • Published:1983-03-25 Online:1983-03-25

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to explore further the levels and characteris-tics of the development of children's cognition of velocity.The subjects were205 children from five to eleven years old divided into seven age groups,with28 or 30 in each.Individual test was adopted. Two light-spots moving simultaneously and uniformly at the same speedunder three experimental conditions were presented by an experimentalinstrument.The subjects were asked to make comparison of the velocities ofthe two moving light-spots.After each trial the child was asked to give thereason of his answer no matter whether it was correct or not. The results of this research indicate: 1. The tendency and characteristics of the development of children'scognition of velocity of two moving light-spots in this experiment is the sameas that of moving toy cars. 2. The differences between the present and the former experiment areas follows: a) Person-times that judged velocities according to the distance betweentwo light-spots increase with age from eight on. b) The superiority of spacial effects decreases in the case that childrencouldn't integrate spacial and temporal factors. 3. Some eider children actively finish the task successfully by useingvarious strateges.

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