ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报, 2020, 52(8): 921-932 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2020.00921



杨帆, 隋雪,, 李雨桐,

辽宁师范大学心理学院, 大连 116029

An eye movement study for the guidance mechanism of long-distance regressions in Chinese reading

YANG Fan, SUI Xue,, YI Yutong,

School of psychology, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116029, China

通讯作者: 隋雪,;李雨桐,

收稿日期: 2019-06-28   网络出版日期: 2020-08-25

基金资助: * 教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目.  19YJA190005
辽宁省教育厅高水平创新团队国外培养项目.  2018LNGXGJWP-YB015
辽宁省教育科学“十三五”规划年度课题.  JG16CB341
辽宁省教育厅科学研究经费项目.  LJ2019015
全国教育科学"十三五"规划2019年度教育部重点项目.  DHA190373

Received: 2019-06-28   Online: 2020-08-25


从记忆的角度, 探讨中文阅读中长距离回视的引导机制。采用眼动实验, 操纵了回视条件(实验1)、回视可见性(实验2)、目标词位置及词频变量。结果发现:与不阅读组相比, 阅读组的最初回视误差更小, 定位效率更高; 与可见组相比, 不可见组累积回视距离更大, 且难以正确定位目标; 目标词位置主效应显著, 而词频主效应不显著。结果表明, 回视具有空间选择性, 最初的回视由空间记忆引导, 最初回视后的修正眼跳在文本可见情况下才能正常进行, 而词频这一言语属性对回视没有显著影响, 本研究结果支持了空间编码假设。

关键词: 中文阅读 ; 记忆 ; 长距离回视 ; 眼动


Regression is one of a usual phenomenon in normal reading. But the eye movements go against normal reading order during regressions. According to the eye moving distance during regressing, researchers divide regressions into long-distance regressions and short-distance regressions. Some English studies suggest that long-distance regressions are guided by memory and two theories can explain the mechanisms of regression, which are the spatial coding hypothesis and the verbal reconstruction hypothesis. Both theories have their rationality and get some studies' supporting, but there are some arguments between them. The spatial coding hypothesis suggests that the eye movements are guided by spatial memory during regressions, but the other suggests that they are guided by verbal memory. And researchers find that first regression was always followed by some small corrective saccades. There is also no consensus among researchers on the guiding mechanism of corrective saccades. The purpose of this study is to explore the guiding mechanism of long-distance regression in Chinese reading and to provide new evidence for the resolution of this dispute.

In order to explore the effect of memory on regressions, we recruited 20 students as participants in Experiment 1, and divided them into 2 groups: reading group and non-reading group. First, the reading group was presented with a sentence. After reading the sentence, the subjects were presented with a cue word. The subjects were required to locate the cue wword in the sentence. The non-reading group was presented with the cue word directly, and a sentence was presented before the cue word. The subjects were asked to locate the cue word in the sentence. The formal experiment was organized into a 2×2×3 mixed experimental design. The first variable was the reading condition with 2 levels: reading and non-reading; the second variable was the word frequency with 2 levels: high-frequency words and low-frequency words; the third variable was word location with 3 levels: in the first/middle/last third of the sentence. In Experiment 2, we adopted the procedure similar to Experiment 1 for exploring the effect of text visibility on corrective saccades with another 20 student as participants. It was also a 2×2×3 mixed experimental design, and only the first variable was different. The first variable in Experiment 2 was regression visibility with 2 levels: visible and invisible. It meant that the participants in visible condition, they could see the sentence which they have read before. On the contrary, the participants in invisible condition, when they regressed the goal word, the sentence was masked by ‘※'. In both experiments, we adopted 4 measures of regressions, included initial regression size, initial regression error, and cumulative regression size and regression reaction time.

The results in Experiment 1 indicated that initial regression error was higher in the non-reading group than in the reading group. Initial regression size was not different between the two groups, but the first regressing location of the reading group was related with prearranged word location rather than the non-reading group. Word location was significant in all measures except initial regression size. The results in Experiment 2 indicated that initial regression error was shorter in the invisible group than in the visible group and initial regression size was higher in the invisible group than in the visible group. It was because the invisible group might use more time to read. Cumulative regression size was higher in the invisible group than in the visible group. Word location was significant with initial regression size and initial regression error. Word frequency was not significant in all two experiment conditions.

The results proved that initial regression was guided by spatial memory. Verbal attributes such as word frequency had no significant effect on regression. Corrective saccade affected by text visibility.

Keywords: Chinese reading ; memory ; long-regressions ; eye movement

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杨帆, 隋雪, 李雨桐. 中文阅读中长距离回视引导机制的眼动研究. 心理学报[J], 2020, 52(8): 921-932 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2020.00921

YANG Fan, SUI Xue, YI Yutong. An eye movement study for the guidance mechanism of long-distance regressions in Chinese reading. Acta Psychologica Sinica[J], 2020, 52(8): 921-932 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2020.00921

1 引言

阅读时, 读者的眼睛主要是按照文本的布局, 从左至右, 向前移动以获取新的文本信息。但也有10%~25%的眼动, 其方向与之相反, 是将眼睛移回到已阅读过的文本, 对文本信息进行再加工(Rayner & Pollatsek, 1989), 这种眼动被定义为回视。

回视的存在是非常重要的(Schotter, Tran, & Rayner, 2014)。通过回视读者可以对之前加工错误或者加工困难的信息进行重新注视和加工(闫国利, 刘妮娜, 梁菲菲, 刘志方, 白学军, 2015), 以整合前、后语义, 并解决首次注视时的加工不完整所带来的问题(陈双, 陈黎静, 杨晓虹, 杨玉芳, 2015; 刘志方, 张智君, 潘运, 仝文, 苏衡, 2017; Eskenazi & Folk, 2016)。就像研究者关注正常阅读中, 读者何时进行眼跳, 然后跳向哪里一样(臧传丽, 孟红霞, 白学军, 闫国利, 2013; Rayner, 2009), 研究者也关注回视现象, 回视是反映读者阅读情况的重要指标(何立媛, 黄有玉, 王梦轩, 孟珠, 闫国利, 2015; 刘璐, 闫国利, 2018; 彭晓玲, 黄丹, 2018; Carter & Luke, 2017)。研究发现, 读者所进行的回视具有较高的目标指向性, 回视距离并不固定, 会依据目标的位置进行调整(Danna, Massendari, Furnari, & Ducrot, 2018; Fischer, 1999; Hale, Myerson, Rhee, Weiss, & Abrams, 1996; Kennedy & Murray, 1987)。较短距离回视的范围, 在英文阅读中主要在注视点左侧10个字母以内(Vitu, 2005), 在中文阅读中就是对注视点左侧临近词语进行的回视(闫国利 等, 2013), 而超出这一范围的回视, 被称为长距离回视(Booth & Weger, 2013; Kennedy & Murray, 1987;Tanaka, Sugimoto, Tanida, & Saito, 2014)。长距离回视涉及一个问题, 读者是如何将眼睛准确地定位到目标上的?特别是对超过了副中央凹有效视觉范围的目标所进行的长距离回视。读者是如何在无法获取阅读材料的视觉信息时, 对这些目标进行准确定位的呢?

对回视的引导机制有两个假设:一个是空间编码假设, 一个是言语重构假设。空间编码假设认为读者对识别过的单词的位置进行了编码, 并依据对单词的位置的记忆来进行回视(Rawson & Miyake, 2002)。两个假设争论的焦点是:长距离回视是由空间记忆引导, 还是由言语记忆引导。本研究也是要回答类似的问题, 即汉语阅读中长距离回视是由空间记忆还是言语记忆引导的。

研究发现, 阅读过程中, 读者对文本中单词的空间位置进行了记忆(Hale, et al, 1996), 在回视过程中使用空间位置记忆来引导眼睛定位目标(Baccino & Pynte, 1994; Christie & Just, 1976; Kennedy & Murray, 1987; O'Regan, 1992), 在定位时表现出空间选择性, 即根据所要回视的单词的位置来调整首次回视眼跳(Weger & Inhoff, 2007)。表明对单词空间位置信息的记忆引导了回视眼跳, 结果支持空间编码假设。

Rawson和Miyake (2002)却发现个体的视觉空间能力不能预测回视定位的分数, 而言语能力却能预测, 因此, 提出言语重构假设。他们认为, 言语记忆才是引导回视的主要因素。研究发现, 阅读时, 空间记忆存在过短, 当读者阅读超过一行以上的文本时, 空间记忆已无法提取, 不能用来引导回视(Therriault & Raney, 2002)(Guérard, Saint-Aubin, Maltais, & Lavoie, 2014)。这表明言语记忆在回视定位中有重要作用, 超过有效视觉范围的长距离回视, 其定位依靠的是言语记忆, 支持了言语重构假设。

上述对长距离回视引导机制的研究, 都是对英语这样的拼音文字进行的, 还没有针对汉语这样表意文字进行的研究。在汉语阅读的研究中, 回视只是作为一个眼动指标来衡量其他的阅读现象, 没有研究回答回视的引导机制以及不同类型回视差异等问题。与英文读者阅读英文材料相比, 中文读者阅读中文材料更加依赖视觉信息(刘志方 等, 2017)。依据Baddeley和Hitch (1974)提出的工作记忆模型, 空间记忆对应工作记忆中视觉空间模板部分, 言语记忆对应语音回路部分。在中文阅读的回视中, 回视目标处在工作记忆中, 对目标词的加工, 视觉空间模板、语音回路是独立工作的。因为要定位回视词, 视觉空间模板作用更大, 语音回路起辅助作用。那么, 在进行回视定位时, 中文读者对阅读材料空间记忆的提取、运用以及表现出来的相关回视指标是否与英文读者不同呢?之前的英文研究表明, 单词空间位置的编码与外部的一些标记, 例如页面布局(Kennedy, Brooks, Flynn, & Prophe, 2003)有密切关系。除了阅读材料的首尾部分所给出的明显的空间边界标记以外, 英文与中文在文本布局中, 最大的不同就是英文拥有“空格”。英文单词有长有短, 结合相应的空格之后, 能给读者非常明显的空间位置编码的外部标记, 而中文阅读材料, 除了标点符号, 并没有这样明显的外部标记。虽然汉字有笔画数多少之分, 但汉字的笔画数并不影响材料的排版布局。就排版布局而言, 中文材料所能提供的外部边界信息确实与英文材料不同。由此推测, 中文读者在对中文材料进行长距离回视时, 更依赖空间位置记忆, 回视由空间记忆引导。英文的空格等边界信息起到了切分的作用, 信息加工过程中, 空间位置的加工相对容易, 而中文没有这样的边界信息, 切分变得困难, 这也是汉语初学者经常遇到的问题。相对来讲, 对空间的记忆变得重要, 完成切分并对信息进行记忆, 当需要回视时, 空间记忆更好地引导了长距离回视。

自然阅读过程中, 回视出现的次数和位置难以进行定量研究, 因而本研究采用了Guérard等(2013)的研究范式, 即让被试阅读句子, 在句子末尾给出一个目标词, 被试的任务是到句子中找目标词, 确保回视的发生。同时, 将目标词在句子中出现的位置作为一个变量, 以比较不同位置目标词的回视指标间的差异。本研究中采用基本的回视范式来探究空间记忆在长距离回视中的作用, 并添加了词频变量来探究长距离回视中言语记忆的作用。Guérard等(2013)在探究言语记忆对长距离回视作用时, 除了基本的回视范式外, 还通过发音抑制的方法, 干扰语音的正常存储, 进而干扰被试对言语信息的记忆。通过比较言语记忆被干扰和不被干扰状态下回视指标的差异, 得出长距离回视由言语记忆引导的结论。阅读是一种需要眼睛注视与言语信息提取之间相互协调配合才能完成的一种认知活动(Radach & Kennedy, 2013)。在阅读时, 通过眼睛输入的视觉信息和言语信息都会进入工作记忆中进行整合, 而相对应形成的空间记忆和言语记忆都是阅读工作记忆中重要的组成部分。研究者认为, 在需要语音回路和视觉空间画板联合起来运作的认知任务中, 视觉空间短时记忆会受到注意资源分配的影响, 例如在发音抑制双任务作业中, 言语记忆和空间记忆都会受到干扰(Morris, 1987)。因此, 使用发音抑制同样无法将言语记忆和空间记忆的作用进行分离。Guérard等(2013)的研究结果最终支持言语重构假设, 但也没有否认空间记忆在长距离回视中的作用。本研究认为, 读者在阅读时, 会同时输入阅读材料的言语信息和空间布局, 言语记忆和空间记忆是同时存在于阅读这一认知过程中的。回视同样受这两种记忆的影响。只是, 在进行长距离回视时, 个体在提取相关记忆引导眼睛定位目标时会有所侧重, 其中一种记忆将作为引导眼睛向目标移动的主导力量。实验操纵了词频变量, 考查言语属性的作用。词频是阅读研究中常用的指标之一, 高频词比低频词更易加工, 词频效应出现在词汇加工的晚期阶段(苏衡, 刘志方, 曹立人, 2016; Kliegl, Grabner, Rolfs, & Engbert, 2004; Rayner, Binder, Ashby, & Pollatsek, 2001; Rayner & Duffy, 1986)。词频会影响词汇再认的反应时, 并且在读者的心理词典中, 对于双字词而言, 高频词往往被视为一个整体进行存储, 而低频词则是以单个汉字进行存储的(白学军, 李馨, 闫国利, 2015), 高频词的提取效率高于低频词。本研究认为, 若言语记忆在长距离回视中起主导作用, 那么高频词和低频词在相关的回视指标中应表现出明显的差异。

本研究假设, 超过有效视觉范围的长距离回视需要记忆的引导, 因而阅读了文本后进行的回视定位与没有阅读过文本进行的目标搜索在眼动指标上的表现会有显著差异。采用这一范式能够体现出回视定位中记忆的作用。同时本文考察了目标词的位置和词频对回视定位的影响。若回视定位由空间记忆引导, 那阅读组被试的回视定位会表现出空间选择性, 并且词频对回视定位不产生影响。反之, 若回视定位由言语记忆引导, 那么词频应该对其产生显著的影响, 特别是对被试的回视反应时, 应有显著影响(Ma & Zhuang, 2018)。

研究发现, 长距离回视定位并不绝对准确, 有时在定位到目标词之前, 需要一次或几次较小距离的眼跳进行修正, 修正眼跳后才能最终定位到目标词上(Weger & Inhoff, 2007)。那修正眼跳又是由什么引导的呢?Weger和Inhoff (2007)提出, 最初的回视由空间记忆引导, 而修正眼跳则是由言语记忆引导。但Guérard等(2013)使用发音抑制的研究却发现, 言语抑制对修正眼跳几乎没有影响。也就是说, 修正眼跳由言语记忆引导没有得到证明。

因此, 本研究的实验2对修正眼跳的引导因素进行探究。本文认为修正眼跳是在长距离回视后, 为了调整长距离眼跳定位的误差所进行的眼跳, 距离较小。这样小的范围已进入读者的阅读知觉广度的范围, 因而修正眼跳或许与短距离回视一样, 已可以从副中央凹注视中提取词汇的视觉信息, 不需要进行记忆的提取就可定位目标, 文本信息的可见性对修正眼跳的影响是显著的。因此, 实验2控制了回视时文本的可见性, 来确定词汇视觉信息是否是引导修正眼跳的主要因素。

2 实验1:记忆在长距离回视中的作用

2.1 方法

2.1.1 被试

40名本科生和研究生(男9人), 年龄18~27岁, 平均年龄20.85岁, 均为右利手, 裸眼视力或矫正视力正常。被试阅读并签署《知情同意书》, 且均不知实验目的。实验结束后获适当报酬。

被试随机分为两组, 每组20人, 分别完成两种回视任务。阅读组年龄M = 20.7, SD = 1.72; 不阅读组年龄M = 21, SD = 1.81; 独立样本t检验显示:t(38) = 0.54, p = 0.59 > 0.05, 差异不显著。阅读组性别:男5人, 女15人; 不阅读组性别:男3人, 女17人; 卡方检验显示:c2(1) = 0.16, p = 0.69 > 0.05, 差异不显著。

2.1.2 实验设计

采用2(回视条件:阅读后回视、不阅读直接回视) × 2(目标词词频:高频、低频) × 3(目标词位置:前1/3、中间1/3、后1/3)的三因素混合实验设计。其中, 回视条件是被试间变量, 目标词词频和目标词位置为被试内变量。因变量采用了回视反应时以及Guérard等(2013)所使用的相关回视指标:最初回视大小、最初回视误差、累积回视距离。其中, 最初回视大小指在看到提示词后, 向左侧句子所进行的第一次回视的落点位置与提示词之间的距离。最初回视误差指第一次回视落点位置到句子中的目标词之间的距离大小。累积回视距离指在回视定位到目标词之前进行的所有回视眼跳距离的累加值。回视反应时指从提示词呈现到被试注视到句子中的目标词之间的时间。

2.1.3 实验材料

从《现代汉语频率词典》中选择144个中文双字名词作为目标词, 其中72个高频词(M = 242.64/百万, SD = 205.26), 72个低频词(M = 7.27/百万, SD = 4.61), 词频差异显著, t(142) = 9.73, p < 0.001。对所有目标词的笔画数进行了控制, 高频词首字笔画数(M = 7.53, SD = 1.96)与尾字笔画数(M = 8.1, SD = 1.78)之间不存在显著差异, t(142) = 1.83, p > 0.05; 低频词首字笔画数(M = 7.69, SD = 2.06)与尾字笔画数(M = 8.2, SD = 2.25)之间不存在显著差异, t(142) = 1.39, p > 0.05; 高频词总笔画数(M = 15.63, SD = 2.12)与低频词总笔画数(M = 15.89, SD = 1.97)之间不存在显著差异, t(142)= 0.77, p > 0.05; 高频词与低频词在首字笔画数与尾字笔画数上, 不存在显著差异(ts < 0.49, ps > 0.05)。构建了72个句子框架, 句子长度为18个汉字, 将目标词分别放入句子框架中, 使得同一种结构的句子中包含全部这2种类型的目标词, 共计144个实验句, 形成2个句子序列, 每个被试阅读其中的一个序列, 包含72个实验句, 36个句子含有高频词, 36个句子含有低频词。这些句子中间无标点符号, 末尾有句号, 都为陈述句。另外构建了24个填充句, 填充句的句型与实验句保持一致。填充句中的24个目标词的词性包括动词、形容词以及功能词, 填充句的目标词可以出现在句子中的任何位置, 但前、中、后的分布较为平均, 填充句的目标词不会与实验句的目标词重复。为确保实验句搭配合理可理解, 在实验之前, 请不参加正式实验的16名本科生用5点量表评价了实验句的合理性, 1为很不合理, 5为很合理, 数字越大代表句子内容语义搭配越合理, 句子合理性(M = 4.13, SD = 0.43)符合实验要求。同时, 为保证被试认真的进行实验和阅读句子, 阅读组的填充句后面将伴随一个与句子内容相关的问题, 被试需要按键回答, 正确答案一半为“是”, 一半为“不是”。填充句与实验句按随机顺序呈现, 对正式实验中的句子顺序进行拉丁方平衡。实验材料举例见表1

表1   实验材料举例


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2.1.4 实验仪器

采用EyeLink 1000眼动仪追踪眼动轨迹并记录被试右眼的眼动数据。眼动仪的采样率为1000次/秒。刺激在一个21英寸的DELL显示器上呈现, 分辨率为1024×768像素, 刷新率为75 Hz。被试眼睛与屏幕的距离为60 cm。句子以单行形式呈现, 字体为28号宋体, 每个汉字在屏幕上的大小为37×37像素(字间距为3像素), 每个汉字的视角为0.94°。

2.1.5 实验程序

每个被试单独进行实验。首先由实验助理引导被试认真阅读实验的指导语, 并进行实验流程示例图片的展示和具体流程的介绍, 确保被试能够完全理解实验的流程。正式实验开始前先进行3点校准, 然后进入正式实验。阅读组和不阅读组的实验材料是完全相同的。每个试次前都会进行眼校准, 阅读组需要阅读句子, 实验所需时间大约为25分钟, 不阅读组则为15分钟。

阅读组被试在每个句子呈现之前需注视一个呈现在屏幕左侧的注视点, 该注视点位于每个句子第一个字的前一个字符的位置上, 与句子垂直对齐, 除了能提示被试句子第一个字出现的位置外, 也能确保被试能从左向右的阅读句子。当被试的眼睛注视到该点之后, 计算机自动呈现需要阅读的句子, 被试可以按照正常速度阅读句子。阅读之后, 被试需按一下空格键, 然后, 在距离句子结尾处6个字符(也就是3个汉字水平排列距离)的位置出现一个黑色十字注视点, 当被试注视该十字500 ms之后, 十字注视点消失, 同一位置出现一个提示词。提示词出现后, 被试要尽可能快并准确地回视定位句子中的该词(目标词), 然后注视句子中的目标词500 ms后, 句子消失。句子消失之后, (1)呈现与句子内容相关的问题, 被试按键回答; 或者(2)直接进入下一个试次。

不阅读组与阅读组区别在于, 他们是在没有阅读句子的情况下, 去寻找并定位句子中的目标词。在看到提示词之前, 不阅读组同阅读组一样, 需要注视屏幕左侧的一个注视点。同样, 在确保被试注视到该点后, 屏幕右侧会出现一个黑色十字, 注视该十字500 ms之后, 十字消失, 同一位置呈现提示词, 并在距离提示词左侧3个汉字的位置呈现相应的句子。同阅读组一样, 不阅读组在看到提示词之后, 要尽可能快且准确地定位左侧句子中该词(目标词), 注视该词500 ms后, 句子消失, 之后开始下一个试次。因为该组不阅读句子, 所以不要求回答相应问题。

2.2 结果

本研究使用Eyelink 1000眼动仪自带的数据处理软件Data Viewer导出数据后进行统计分析。一共进行了2880个试次, 每个被试阅读答题正确率均在87%以上, 说明被试认真阅读了句子(迟慧 等, 2014)。参考以往删除数据的标准(Weger & Inhoff, 2007):(1)实验中因头动、眨眼等因素导致眼动仪记录数据丢失的试次; (2)平均数大于或小于3个标准差的数据。总共删除的数据占总数的5.24%。描述统计结果见表2

表2   所有实验条件在4个回视指标上的描述统计结果[M (SD)]

阅读组高频词前1/3248.97 (68.38)436.42 (71.52)26.74 (3.45)2012 (736)
中间1/3159.26 (36.31)410.63 (63.76)23.87 (3.05)1804 (577)
后1/3116.20 (41.41)373.39 (67.86)22.23 (5.38)1613 (471)
低频词前1/3252.84 (71.40)432.07 (73.97)26.35 (3.96)1906 (812)
中间1/3143.39 (32.19)410.57 (47.71)23.00 (3.91)1863 (642)
后1/3112.11 (36.49)353.59 (73.56)20.68 (5.69)1688 (591)
不阅读组高频词前1/3317.02 (122.25)375.64 (137.14)30.57 (5.63)2234 (743)
中间1/3202.17 (66.28)387.95 (138.31)30.52 (9.20)1894 (570)
后1/3158.15 (100.56)396.33 (151.15)29.96 (9.66)1756 (680)
低频词前1/3310.23 (114.87)376.61 (122.86)30.97 (6.54)2240 (922)
中间1/3211.48 (61.01)368.88 (143.83)28.52 (6.78)1858 (506)
后1/3159.76 (81.62)402.25 (125.88)30.91 (9.86)1925 (607)

注:其中最初回视误差、最初回视大小、累积回视距离是以电脑像素为单位, 回视反应时以毫秒为单位

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2.2.1 最初回视误差

以最初回视误差为因变量进行重复测量方差分析(F1基于被试, F2基于项目, 下同), 结果表明:回视条件主效应显著, F1(1, 38) = 29.439, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.44; F2(1, 138) = 140.10, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.50, 阅读组的最初回视误差显著小于不阅读组的。目标词位置主效应显著, F1(2, 37) = 90.84, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.83; F2(2, 138) = 214.81, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.76, 成对比较(Bonferroni)结果显示:位于句子前1/3的目标词与其余两个位置上的目标词之间的差异都显著(ps < 0.001), 位于句子中间1/3的目标词与后1/3的目标词之间的差异显著(p = 0.035), 表明回视近距离的目标词的准确性要高于回视远距离的目标词, 目标词位置对回视定位有显著影响。词频主效应不显著, 变量间交互作用不显著。

2.2.2 最初回视大小

以最初回视大小为因变量进行重复测量方差分析, 结果表明:回视条件主效应、词频主效应均不显著(ps > 0.05)。目标词位置主效应显著, F1(2, 37) = 6.06, p = 0.005, η2p = 0.25; F2(2, 138) = 5.74, p = 0.004, η2p = 0.08, 成对比较(Bonferroni)结果显示:仅位于句子前1/3的目标词与位于句子后1/3的目标词间的差异显著(p = 0.003)。目标词位置与回视条件之间交互作用显著, F1(2, 37) = 25.97, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.58; F2(2, 138) = 21.76, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.24, 简单效应检验发现:在阅读条件下, 三个位置上的目标词间的差异均达到显著水平(ps < 0.05), 而在不阅读条件下, 三个位置上的目标词间的差异均不显著(ps < 0.05)。表明阅读组的最初回视大小随目标词位置的变化而变化。

2.2.3 累积回视距离

以累积回视距离为因变量进行重复测量方差分析, 结果表明:回视条件主效应显著, F1(1, 38) = 13.42, p = 0.001, η2p = 0.26; F2(1, 138) = 273.98, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.67。阅读组的累积回视距离显著小于不阅读组的, 表明阅读组确实记住了句子中词的位置, 以更少的回视使眼睛更有效率地定位到了目标上。目标词位置主效应显著, F1(2, 37) = 9.17, p = 0.001, η2p = 0.33; F2(2, 138) = 13.82, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.17。成对比较(Bonferroni)结果显示:位于句子前1/3的目标词的累积回视距离显著大于中间的(p < 0.001)和后1/3的目标词(p = 0.016), 中间的与后1/3的目标词之间的差异不显著。目标词位置与回视条件之间交互作用显著, F1(2, 37) = 25.97, p = 0.050, η2p = 0.15; F2(2, 138) = 13.67, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.17。简单效应检验发现:阅读组的被试对三个位置上的目标词的累积回视距离都显著小于不阅读组的被试(ps < 0.05), 并且在阅读条件下, 前1/3目标词的累积回视距离也显著大于前1/3和后1/3目标词的累积回视距离(ps < 0.05, 而不阅读组则都不显著。词频主效应不显著。

2.2.4 回视反应时

以回视反应时为因变量进行重复测量方差分析, 结果表明:回视条件主效应、词频主效应以及变量间的交互作用均不显著(ps > 0.05), 目标词位置主效应显著, F1(2, 37) = 7.46, p = 0.002, η2p = 0.29; F2(2, 138) = 14.86, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.18。成对比较(Bonferroni)结果显示:位于句子前1/3的目标词与中间1/3的目标词之间差异显著(p = 0.029), 回视句子后1/3目标词的反应时显著快于回视位于句子前1/3目标词的反应时(p = 0.001), 回视句子中间1/3目标词与回视句子后三分一目标词之间差异不显著(p > 0.05)。

3 实验2:文本可见性对回视的影响

3.1 方法

3.1.1 被试

40名本科生(男生2人), 年龄18~23岁, 平均20.42岁, 均为右利手, 裸眼视力或矫正视力正常。被试阅读并签署《知情同意书》, 且均不知实验目的。实验结束后获适当报酬。

被试随机分为两组, 每组20人, 分别完成两种回视任务。可见组年龄M = 20.65岁, SD = 1.09; 不可见组年龄M = 20.95岁, SD = 1.00; 独立样本t检验显示:t(38) = 1.43, p = 0.16 > 0.05, 差异不显著。可见组性别:男1人, 女19人; 不可见组性别:男1人, 女19人; 两组性别分布相同。

3.1.2 实验设计

采用2(回视可见性:回视时句子可见、回视时句子不可见) × 2(目标词词频:高频、低频) × 3(目标词位置:前1/3、中间1/3、后1/3)的三因素混合实验设计。

3.1.3 材料和仪器

实验2与实验1所用仪器和材料基本相同, 只是为了掩蔽的一致性, 实验2中所用的句子材料去除了末尾的句号。

3.1.4 实验程序

实验2与实验1的程序基本相同, 只是两组被试都需要按自己的速度阅读句子, 阅读完句子按空格键, 句子消失。之后, 距离句子结尾三个汉字处出现一个十字注视点, 被试注视十字100 ms后, 十字消失, 同一位置出现提示词。看到提示词后, 被试都需回视句子中相同的目标词。可见组被试在回视时, 整个句子是可见的, 要求被试回视到目标词后, 按空格键确认。而不可见组被试在回视时, 整个句子被“※”掩蔽, 该“※”符号的大小与数量与原句中的汉字一致。由于不可见组回视时, 看不见目标词, 所以只要求被试回视定位到自己认为正确的目标词位置, 便可按空格键确认。

3.2 结果

剔除了3名问题回答正确率在75%以下的被试(关宜韫, 宋悉妮, 郑玉玮, 张颖靓, 崔磊, 2019), 实验2共37名被试的数据有效。除按照与实验1相同的删除标准删除的数据外, 实验2中还删除了可见组被试最终注视点没有落在目标词上的数据, 这样的情况一般是因为被试没有按照实验的要求注视到目标词就提前按下了反应键。因此, 有7.58%的数据被删除。描述统计结果见(表3)。

表3   所有实验条件在4个回视指标上的描述统计结果[M (SD)]

可见组高频词前1/3275.31 (68.10)391.23 (70.06)23.76 (1.83)1827 (509)
中间1/3152.24 (35.71)392.74 (67.56)22.12 (3.61)1663 (495)
后1/393.53 (33.36)338.96 (58.62)18.24 (3.49)1498 (437)
低频词前1/3266.58 (94.40)401.30 (98.54)23.82 (2.56)1802(523)
中间1/3162.93 (33.67)364.83 (44.58)19.92 (2.36)1666 (563)
后1/395.89 (32.92)325.91 (64.63)18.21 (4.53)1579 (472)
不可见组高频词前1/3171.12 (85.65)502.00 (92.73)23.01 (2.97)1948 (504)
中间1/3133.78 (40.28)449.99 (65.31)22.61 (4.20)2207 (583)
后1/3124.27 (56.12)354.42 (91.77)19.50 (5.53)2005 (423)
低频词前1/3150.41 (68.04)524.20 (75.08)23.57 (2.85)1938 (488)
中间1/3136.38 (50.09)438.34 (80.93)22.48 (3.73)2058 (584)
后1/3126.82 (48.44)353.43 (67.54)20.48 (5.39)2049 (552)

注:其中最初回视误差、最初回视大小、累积回视距离是以电脑像素为单位, 回视反应时以毫秒为单位

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3.2.1 最初回视误差

以最初回视误差为因变量进行重复测量方差分析, 结果表明:回视可见性主效应显著, F1(1, 35) = 8.98, p = 0.005, η2p = 0.20; F2(1, 138) = 54.48, p < 0.001, η2p =0.28, 不可见组的最初回视误差显著小于可见组的。目标词位置主效应显著, F1(2, 34) = 26.22, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.61; F2(2, 138) = 114.07, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.62。成对比较(Bonferroni)结果显示:句子前1/3的目标词的最初回视误差显著大于中间以及后1/3的(ps < 0.001), 句子中间1/3的目标词的最初回视误差也显著大于后1/3的(p < 0.001)。目标词位置与回视可见性之间的交互作用显著, F1(2, 34) = 10.80, p < 0.001, η2p =0.39; F2(2, 138) = 98.69, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.59。简单效应检验结果显示:回视前1/3的目标词时, 不可见组的最初回视误差显著小于可见组的(p < 0.001), 而回视后1/3目标词时, 不可见组的最初回视误差显著大于可见组的(p = 0.025), 可见组对三个位置目标词的最初回视误差间的差异都显著(ps < 0.001), 而不可见组的都不显著(ps > 0.05)。词频主效应不显著。

3.2.2 最初回视大小

以最初回视大小为因变量进行重复测量方差分析, 结果表明:回视可见性主效应显著F1(1, 35) = 12.07, p = 0.001, η2p = 0.26; F2(1, 138) = 219.40, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.61, 不可见组的最初回视大小显著大于可见组的。目标词位置主效应显著, F1(2, 34) = 37.95, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.69; F2(2, 138) = 88.26, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.56。成对比较(Bonferroni)结果显示:句子前1/3目标词的最初回视大小显著大于中间以及后1/3目标词的(ps < 0.001), 中间1/3目标词的最初回视大小也显著大于后1/3目标词的(p < 0.001)。目标词位置与回视可见性之间的交互作用显著, F1(2, 34) = 7.45, p = 0.002, η2p = 0.31; F2(2, 138) = 28.71, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.29。简单效应检验结果显示:回视前1/3和中间1/3的目标词时, 不可见组的最初回视大小显著大于可见组的(ps < 0.05), 不可见组对三个位置目标词的最初回视大小间的差异都显著(ps < 0.001), 而可见组的则是句子前1/3与后1/3目标词的最初回视大小间的差异显著(p = 0.003), 中间1/3与后1/3目标词的最初回视大小间的差异也显著(p = 0.002)。词频主效应不显著。

3.2.3 累积回视距离

以累积回视距离为因变量进行重复测量方差分析, 结果表明:目标词位置主效应显著, F1(2, 34) = 24.27, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.59; F2(2, 138) = 49.70, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.42。成对比较(Bonferroni)结果显示:对句子前1/3目标词进行的累积回视的距离显著大于中间以及后1/3目标词的(ps < 0.001), 中间1/3的也显著大于后1/3的(p < 0.001)。目标词位置与回视可见性之间的交互作用显著, F1(2, 34) = 4.37, p = 0.02, η2p = 0.20; F2(2, 138) = 6.37, p = 0.002, η2p = 0.08。简单效应检验结果显示:可见组对三个位置目标词的累积回视距离间的差异都显著(ps < 0.05), 而不可见组的则是对句子前1/3目标词进行的累积回视距离显著大于句子后1/3目标词的(p = 0.003), 后1/3目标词的累积回视距离显著大于中间1/3的(p = 0.002)。词频与回视可见性之间的交互作用显著, F1(1, 35) = 4.87, p = 0.034, η2p = 0.12; 项目分析不显著。简单效应检验结果显示:无论是可见组还是不可见组, 在回视高频和低频词时, 累积回视距离间都没有显著差异, 只是从平均累积回视距离以及数据的趋势可以看出, 不可见组的平均累积回视距离比可见组要大, 而在目标词为低频时, 这种差异更加地明显, 所以才出现了交互作用。回视可见性主效应和词频主效应均不显著。

3.2.4 回视反应时

以回视反应时为因变量进行重复测量方差分析, 结果表明:回视条件主效应显著, F1(1, 35) = 5.04, p = 0.031, η2p = 0.13; F2(1, 138) = 179.57, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.57, 不可见组的回视反应时显著长于可见组的。目标词位置主效应显著, F1(2, 34) = 8.80, p = 0.001, η2p = 0.34; F2(2, 138) = 3.8, p = 0.025, η2p = 0.05。成对比较(Bonferroni)结果显示:句子中间1/3目标词的回视反应时显著大于后1/3的(p = 0.001)。回视可见性与目标词位置间的交互作用显著, F1(2, 34) = 19.21, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.53; F2(2, 138) = 25.82, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.27。简单效应检验显示:在回视句子不可见的条件下, 中间1/3目标词的回视反应时显著大于前1/3和后1/3目标词的回视反应时(ps < 0.05), 在回视句子可见条件下, 则是句子前1/3的目标词的回视反应时显著大于中间1/3和后1/3的目标词回视反应时(ps < 0.05), 中间1/3的也显著大于后1/3的(p = 0.007); 在对位于句子后1/3目标词进行回视时, 可见组的回视反应时显著小于不可见组的。

4 讨论

在目前的回视引导机制的研究中, 有些研究支持空间编码假设, 认为回视是由空间记忆引导的(Ferreira, Apel, & Henderson, 2008; Inhoff & Weger, 2005; Rawson & Miyake, 2002)。两个理论假设的各自支持者都提供了相应的实验数据来证明所支持的理论假设的正确性, 所以, 对于回视到底是由空间记忆引导还是由言语记忆引导的问题, 目前还没有确切的结论。

本研究采用了Guérard等(2013)实验1中所使用的范式, 通过比较阅读组和不阅读组的回视指标来确定在中文阅读中, 记忆是否在回视中起了重要的作用。本研究的实验结果与Guérard等(2013)的研究结果一致, 阅读组的最初回视误差确实显著小于不阅读组。这表明被试在长距离回视时, 确实从记忆中提取了回视目标的相关信息去引导眼睛进行回视。在回视定位时, 能直接让眼睛向着目标词的方向去进行定位, 而不再是没有目标的随机定位, 因而对目标定位的误差也就更小。同时, 阅读组的最初回视定位点跟随目标词位置的改变而改变, 而不阅读组的最初回视定位的位置并没有表现出这一现象。表明阅读了句子后, 阅读组被试已经记住了目标词的大致位置, 定位方向会随着目标词位置的变化而变化。而不阅读组被试完全不知道目标词的位置, 没有对目标词的记忆, 因而其最初回视的落点位置就比较随机, 不会随着所设定的目标词位置的变化而变化。表明阅读组被试记忆了目标词位置, 并能根据目标词的位置进行回视, 回视具有空间选择性。本研究考察了回视目标位置对回视的影响, 结果与之前的研究一致(Inhoff & Weger, 2005), 被试对距离近的目标词的定位准确性比对距离远的目标词定位准确性高。在本研究中具体表现为, 被试对位于句子前1/3的目标词的回视定位准确性要显著的小于对位于句子中间1/3的目标词以及后1/3的目标词的回视定位准确性, 表明目标词的位置对回视的定位有显著的影响。说明空间记忆在回视中起了非常重要的作用, 能够引导个体的眼睛指向需要回视的目标, 但这样的引导只能确定一个大致正确的方向和范围, 并不能完全精确地定位到目标上, 特别是当目标的距离较远的时候, 定位的精确性会显著的降低。与Guérard等(2013)的研究结果一致, 阅读组被试的累积回视大小显著小于不阅读组的, 表明阅读组的被试确实记住了句子中词的位置。如果被试没有记住句子中词的位置, 就应该与不阅读组一样, 在到达目标词之前, 进行更多的回视, 扫视更多的词, 从而导致累积回视大小的增加。同时, 在本研究中, 距离越远的目标词的累积回视大小越大, 表现出了显著的位置效应, 支持了空间编码假设而不是言语重构假设。若回视定位是依靠言语去进行推论目标词的位置, 目标词在句中的位置对被试而言应该是等价的, 在累积回视大小这一指标上不应出现显著差异。由于对词位置的记忆不是阅读的主要目的, 是在无意识中进行的, 因而遗忘较快。回视时, 对距离远的目标词的记忆提取不如距离近的目标词的记忆准确, 导致累积回视大小呈现显著的位置效应。回视反应时所呈现的结果与累积回视大小一致, 对距离近的目标词的反应时更小, 这不仅仅是因为距离, 也与累积回视大小有关, 累积回视越多, 所耗费的时间也就越多。总之, 实验1的结果说明回视需要记忆的引导, 回视时的眼动受目标词空间位置的影响, 表现出显著的空间选择性, 支持了空间编码假设。

实验2探究了文本可见性对回视的影响。回视时不可见组的最初回视误差比可见组小, 如何解释呢?其原因可能是, 被试知道在回视时看不见句子, 阅读句子时更加认真。不可见组的阅读时间确实也显著长于可见组的阅读时间, 导致不可见组被试对句子的记忆更加深刻, 所以最初回视定位的误差更小。不可见组的最初回视大小显著大于可见组的, 也正是因为这点, 不可见组最终表现出来的最初回视误差比可见组更小, 因为从同一位置出发进行的眼跳, 最初落点位置在随着目标变化的情况下, 落点距离起点更远, 说明其距离目标的位置更近。两个组的最初回视大小的变化都与目标词位置的变化同步, 即对距离远的目标进行更大距离的回视眼跳, 对距离近的目标进行更小距离的回视眼跳。说明被试确实是依据记忆中目标的位置来进行的回视, 而不是单纯的采用特定的搜索策略来进行目标的定位。在目标可见时, 被试完全可以不提取目标词相关的记忆, 在看到提示词后, 直接搜索目标, 这样也会出现最初回视误差大于不可见组的情况, 但是这样的情况会导致其最初回视大小的变化情况与实验1中不阅读组一样, 出现最初回视大小在不同位置目标词间变化差异不显著的情况。而现在这样的结果, 虽然并不能排除被试采用搜索策略的情况, 却能反映出长距离回视定位中, 个体对相关记忆的提取, 特别是对目标空间位置记忆的提取。因为如果不是提取目标位置, 而是采用言语推论的方式去推断目标词的位置, 那按词汇的顺序从头开始推论, 那不可见组的回视反应时也就不会出现显著的首尾效应, 即定位首尾的目标词比定位中间词所用时间少。因为首尾目标词的位置更容易记忆, 回视时的反应时更短。可见组的回视反应时随目标词距离的变化而变化的趋势, 即距离远的目标的回视反应时更长, 同样证明了被试不是依靠言语推论去进行长距离回视。若是依靠言语从头推论目标词的位置, 那应该是对句子开头的目标的反应更快, 而不是像现在这样的结果。目前的结果支持了空间编码假设。

不可见组的回视反应时显著长于可见组, 说明回视时, 句子的可见性确实对其产生了影响, 这一影响并不体现在最初的回视定位上, 而是针对最终能使眼睛找到目标, 并能最终定位到目标的修正眼跳上。因为不可见组的最初回视误差更小, 如果被试对目标位置的记忆足够准确, 在最初的回视定位下, 就能直接按键反应, 确认找到目标, 而正因为他们在最初的回视定位后, 缺失了言语信息的引导, 所以无法快速确认定位目标, 才导致其回视反应时比可见组长, 并且出现可见组没有出现的首尾效应。因为相较于中间目标词, 首尾目标词的位置, 干扰更小, 也更加容易记忆和确认。说明在进行长距离回视时, 个体会先依据对目标位置的空间记忆, 使眼睛向这个目标的方向移动, 并定位目标的大致位置, 然后在言语信息的引导下, 进行小距离的修正眼跳, 最终才能完全定位到目标词上。累积回视距离这一指标上出现的回视可见性与词频的交互作用也说明了这一点。本文在两个实验中都检验了词频在回视中的作用, 以确认词频这一言语属性是否会对回视产生影响。结果显示, 无论是在考察记忆作用的实验1还是在考察文本可见性作用的实验2中, 高频词和低频词在本研究所采用的眼动指标上, 也只有在实验2的累积回视距离中出现了词频与回视可见性的交互作用。累积回视距离反映的是在进行了最初回视定位之后, 继续进行的所有眼跳的距离的累积值, 也就是进行的总的修正眼跳距离的大小。虽然无论是可见组还是不可见组, 在回视高频和低频词时, 累积回视距离间都没有显著差异, 但是从平均累积回视距离以及数据的趋势可以看出, 不可见组的平均累积回视距离比可见组要大, 而在目标词为低频时, 这种差异更加地明显, 即不可见组对低频词进行定位时, 需要长距离的修正眼跳。说明在回视句子不可见时, 修正眼跳的进行需要言语信息的引导, 需要的言语信息首先应该是视觉层面的, 所以, 可见组在高频和低频词上, 没有出现显著的词频效应, 而在缺失视觉层面的信息的时候, 更高级的言语属性词频的效应就显现出来了。

词频效应一般出现在阅读理解任务或者词汇决策任务中(赵冰洁 等, 2018;Ma & Zhuang, 2018)。在本研究的最初回视中没有体现出词频效应, 或许是因为被试在见到目标词后, 只需要回视句子中的原词, 不需要到语境中理解词语所致。在未来的研究中, 可以改变目标词和所需回视的词的词汇属性(如:词形, 词义等), 进一步考察词频的作用。Guérard等(2013)研究中出现的, 在发音抑制后, 对最初回视定位产生的影响, 其实是无法完全排除这一操作对空间短时记忆的干扰的。因为发音抑制在干扰言语记忆的同时也干扰了视觉空间记忆(Morris, 1987), 特别是在需要视觉和言语合作的认知活动中, 无法完全将这种干扰分离和排除, 其研究结论, 虽然支持最初的回视由言语记忆引导, 但是也无法否定空间位置记忆的存在。其研究并不能完全说明所得结果, 到底是因为干扰了言语记忆还是干扰了空间记忆, 亦或者两者都被干扰后才获得的结果。而结合本研究的结果来看, 言语记忆和空间记忆在阅读输入信息时, 应该是同时储存的, 只是在进行最初回视定位时, 空间记忆的位置信息占主导, 引导眼睛去往目标的大致方向, 然后再依据所见言语的信息最终定位到目标词上, 在最终定位无法获取言语视觉信息时, 才会提取储存的更高层级的言语信息来帮助定位。

5 结论

回视是由记忆引导的, 对目标有记忆的情况下的回视定位会依据所储存的相关信息, 引导眼睛定位到目标上。回视具有空间选择性, 个体对句子中词汇位置的记忆对回视定位的效率和准确性有显著的影响, 最初的回视定位由空间记忆主导, 支持空间编码假设。而词频这一高级言语属性对长距离回视中的首次回视的定位没有显著影响。修正眼跳需要文本视觉信息引导, 在缺乏文本视觉信息匹配的情况下, 会提取储存在记忆中的更高级的言语信息帮助定位。


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DOI:10.1037/xhp0000471      URL     PMID:28816481      [本文引用: 1]

Eye movements are used to study a variety of cognitive phenomena, including attention, perception, memory, language, reading, decision making, and many others, as well as cognitive impairments and individual differences in cognition. These studies assume, with little evidence, that eye movements are stable across time and trials. Eye movement stability must be better characterized to understand the full theoretical and clinical implications of individual differences in eye movement behavior. The present study examined eye movement reliability in normal individuals during reading. Thirty-nine participants completed 2 sessions of a reading task separated by 1 month. Means and standard deviations of fixation duration, saccade amplitude, first fixation duration, gaze duration, total time, go-past time, skipping, refixation and regression probabilities were compared both between sessions and across trials within sessions. All correlations were highly significant, indicating that eye movement behaviors are stable within individuals across several weeks and highly stable across trials within each individual. The different components of the ex-Gaussian distribution of fixation durations were also highly stable over time. Differences in sensitivity to lexical variables (frequency, predictability, length) were also compared, and were also observed to be highly stable across time. Eye movements in reading are therefore suitable for studying cognition and its neural underpinnings, as well as cognitive development and longitudinal change. Theoretical and clinical implications of these findings are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record

Chen, S., Chen, L. J., Yang, X. H., & Yang, Y. F. (2015).

The role of discourse context on semantic integration

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 47(2), 167-175.

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[ 陈双, 陈黎静, 杨晓虹, 杨玉芳. (2015).


心理学报, 47(2), 167-175.]

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Chi, H., Yan, G. L., Xu, X. L., Xia, Y., Cui, L., & Bai, X. J. (2014).

The effect of phonetic radicals on identification of Chinese phonograms: Evidence from eye movement

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 46(9), 1242-1260.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 迟慧, 闫国利, 许晓露, 夏萤, 崔磊, 白学军. (2014).


心理学报, 46(9), 1242-1260.]

[本文引用: 1]

Christie, J. M., & Just, M. A. (1976).

Remembering the location and content of sentences in a prose passage

Journal of Educational Psychology, 68(6), 702-710.

DOI:10.1037/0022-0663.68.6.702      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Danna, J., Massendari, D., Furnari, B., & Ducrot, S. (2018).

The optimal viewing position effect in printed versus cursive words: Evidence of a reading cost for the cursive font

Acta Psychologica, 188, 110-121.

DOI:10.1016/j.actpsy.2018.06.003      URL     PMID:29908365      [本文引用: 1]

Two eye-movement experiments were conducted to examine the effects of font type on the recognition of words presented in central vision, using a variable-viewing-position technique. Two main questions were addressed: (1) Is the optimal viewing position (OVP) for word recognition modulated by font type? (2) Is the cursive font more appropriate than the printed font in word recognition in children who exclusively write using a cursive script? In order to disentangle the role of perceptual difficulty associated with the cursive font and the impact of writing habits, we tested French adults (Experiment 1) and second-grade French children, the latter having exclusively learned to write in cursive (Experiment 2). Results revealed that the printed font is more appropriate than the cursive for recognizing words in both adults and children: adults were slightly less accurate in cursive than in printed stimuli recognition and children were slower to identify cursive stimuli than printed stimuli. Eye-movement measures also revealed that the OVP curves were flattened in cursive font in both adults and children. We concluded that the perceptual difficulty of the cursive font degrades word recognition by impacting the OVP stability.

Eskenazi, M. A., & Folk, J. R. (2016).

Regressions during reading: The cost depends on the cause

Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 24(4), 1211-1216.

DOI:10.3758/s13423-016-1200-9      URL     PMID:27873185      [本文引用: 1]

The direction and duration of eye movements during reading is predominantly determined by cognitive and linguistic processing, but some low-level oculomotor effects also influence the duration and direction of eye movements. One such effect is inhibition of return (IOR), which results in an increased latency to return attention to a target that has been previously attended (Posner & Cohen, Attention and Performance X: Control of Language Processes, 32, 531-556, 1984). Although this is a low level effect, it has also been found in the complex task of reading (Henderson & Luke, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 19(6), 1101-1107, 2012; Rayner, Juhasz, Ashby, & Clifton, Vision Research, 43(9), 1027-1034, 2003). The purpose of the current study was to isolate the potentially different causes of regressive eye movements: to adjust for oculomotor error and to assist with comprehension difficulties. We found that readers demonstrated an IOR effect when regressions were caused by oculomotor error, but not when regressions were caused by comprehension difficulties. The results suggest that IOR is primarily associated with low-level oculomotor control of eye movements, and that regressive eye movements that are controlled by comprehension processes are not subject to IOR effects. The results have implications for understanding the relationship between oculomotor and cognitive control of eye movements and for models of eye movement control.

Ferreira, F., Apel, J., & Henderson, J. M. (2008).

Taking a new look at looking at nothing

Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 12(11), 405-410.

DOI:10.1016/j.tics.2008.07.007      URL     PMID:18805041      [本文引用: 1]

A crucial question in cognitive science is how linguistic and visual information are integrated. Previous research has shown that eye movements to objects in the visual environment are locked to linguistic input. More surprisingly, listeners fixate on now-empty regions that had previously been occupied by relevant objects. This 'looking at nothing' phenomenon has been linked to the claim that the visual system constructs sparse representations of the external world and relies on saccades and fixations to extract information in a just-in-time manner. Our model provides a different explanation: based on recent work in visual cognition and memory, it assumes that the visual system creates and stores detailed internal memory representations, and that looking at nothing facilitates retrieval of those representations.

Fischer, M. H. (1999).

Memory for word locations in reading

Memory, 7(1), 79-116.

DOI:10.1080/741943718      URL     PMID:10645374      [本文引用: 1]

Sentences were presented in various spatial formats, and readers localised one word of each sentence using a mouse cursor directly after reading. There was a localisation advantage for cumulative over single-word displays, for left-to-right presentation over presentation in a 3 x 3 grid, and for complete over incomplete sentences. Comparing performance for predictable and unpredictable word locations suggests that word location memory in reading decays within three seconds to a span of only 2-3 entries, and that readers can then reconstruct word locations from item memory. Implications for the role of spatial cognition in reading are discussed.

Guan, Y. Y., Song, X. N., Zheng, Y. W., Zhang, Y. L., & Cui, L. (2019).

Preview processing of between words and within words in Chinese reading: No word highlighting effect

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 51(9), 969-981.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 关宜韫, 宋悉妮, 郑玉玮, 张颖靓, 崔磊. (2019).


心理学报, 51(9), 969-981.]

[本文引用: 1]

Guérard, K., Saint-Aubin, J., & Maltais, M. (2013).

The role of verbal memory in regressions during reading

Memory and Cognition, 41(1), 122-136.

DOI:10.3758/s13421-012-0243-z      URL     PMID:22893066      [本文引用: 9]

During reading, participants generally move their eyes rightward on the line. A number of eye movements, called regressions, are made leftward, to words that have already been fixated. In the present study, we investigated the role of verbal memory during regressions. In Experiment 1, participants were asked to read sentences for comprehension. After reading, they were asked to make a regression to a target word presented auditorily. The results revealed that their regressions were guided by memory, as they differed from those of a control group who did not read the sentences. The role of verbal memory during regressions was then investigated by combining the reading task with articulatory suppression (Exps. 2 and 3). The results showed that articulatory suppression affected the size and the accuracy of the initial regression but had a minimal effect on corrective saccades. This suggests that verbal memory plays an important role in determining the location of the initial saccade during regressions.

Guérard, K., Saint-Aubin, J., Maltais, M., & Lavoie, H. (2014).

The role of verbal memory in regressions during reading is modulated by the target word's recency in memory

Memory and Cognition, 42(7), 1155-1170.

DOI:10.3758/s13421-014-0424-z      URL     PMID:24879638      [本文引用: 1]

During reading, a number of eye movements are made backward, on words that have already been read. Recent evidence suggests that such eye movements, called regressions, are guided by memory. Several studies point to the role of spatial memory, but evidence for the role of verbal memory is more limited. In the present study, we examined the factors that modulate the role of verbal memory in regressions. Participants were required to make regressions on target words located in sentences displayed on one or two lines. Verbal interference was shown to affect regressions, but only when participants executed a regression on a word located in the first part of the sentence, irrespective of the number of lines on which the sentence was displayed. Experiments 2 and 3 showed that the effect of verbal interference on words located in the first part of the sentence disappeared when participants initiated the regression from the middle of the sentence. Our results suggest that verbal memory is recruited to guide regressions, but only for words read a longer time ago.

Hale, S., Myerson, J., Rhee, S. H., Weiss, C. S., & Abrams, R. A. (1996).

Selective interference with the maintenance of location information in working memory

Neuropsychology, 10(2), 228-240.

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He, L. Y., Huang, Y. Y., Wang, M. X., Meng, Z., & Yan, G. L. (2015).

The effects of background noise on Chinese passage reading: An eye movement study

Psychological Science, 38(6), 1290-1295.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 何立媛, 黄有玉, 王梦轩, 孟珠, 闫国利. (2015).


心理科学, 38(6), 1290-1295.]

[本文引用: 1]

Inhoff, A. W., & Weger, U. W. (2005).

Memory for word location during reading: Eye movements to previously read words are spatially selective but not precise

Memory and Cognition, 33(3), 447-461.

DOI:10.3758/bf03193062      URL     PMID:16156180      [本文引用: 2]

In two experiments, readers' use of spatial memory was examined by asking them to determine whether an individually shown probe word had appeared in a previously read sentence (Experiment 1) or had occupied a right or left sentence location (Experiment 2). Under these conditions, eye movements during the classification task were generally directed toward the right, irrespective of the location of the relevant target in the previously read sentence. In two additional experiments, readers' knowledge of prior sentence content was examined either without (Experiment 3) or with (Experiment 4) an explicit instruction to move the eyes to a target word in that sentence. Although regressions into the prior sentence were generally directed toward the target, they rarely reached it. In the absence of accurate spatial memories, readers reached previously read target words in two distinct steps--one that moved the eyes in the general vicinity of the target, and one that homed in on it.

Kennedy, A., Brooks, R., Flynn, L.-A., & Prophet, C. (2003).

The reader's spatial code

In R. Radach, J. Hyöna, & H. Deubel (Eds.). In R. Radach, J. Hyöna, & H. Deubel (Eds.).The mind's eye: Cognitive and applied aspects of eye movement research(pp. 193-212). Amsterdam: Elsevier

[本文引用: 1]

Kennedy, A., & Murray, W. S. (1987).

Spatial coordinates and reading: Comments on Monk (1985)

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology A, 39(4), 649-656.

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Kliegl, R., Grabner, E., Rolfs, M., & Engbert, R. (2004).

Length, frequency and predictability effects of words on eye movements in reading

European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 16(1/2), 262-284.

[本文引用: 1]

Liu, L., & Yan, G. L. (2018).

Effect of parafoveal visual attention enhancement in deaf reading: Evidence from disappearing text

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 50(7), 715-726.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.00715      URL     [本文引用: 1]

[ 刘璐, 闫国利. (2018).


心理学报, 50(7), 715-726.]

[本文引用: 1]

Liu, Z. F., Zhang, Z. J., Pan, Y., Tong, W., & Su, H. (2017).

The characteristics of visual word encoding in preview and fixation frames during Chinese reading: Evidences from disappearing text

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 49(7), 853-865.

[本文引用: 2]

[ 刘志方, 张智君, 潘运, 仝文, 苏衡. (2017).


心理学报, 49(7), 853-865.]

[本文引用: 2]

Ma, G. J., & Zhuang, X. L. (2018).

Distributional analyses of word frequency effects in Chinese sentence reading and lexical decision tasks.

[J] ournal of Research in Reading, 41(S1), S1823-S196.

[本文引用: 2]

Morris, N. (1987).

Exploring the visuo-spatial scratch pad

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology A Human Experimental Psychology, 39(3), 409-430.

DOI:10.1080/14640748708401796      URL     PMID:3671761      [本文引用: 2]

O'Regan, J. K. (1992).

Solving the “real” mysteries of visual perception: The world as an outside memory

Canadian Journal of Psychology, 46(3), 461-488.

DOI:10.1037/h0084327      URL     PMID:1486554      [本文引用: 1]

Visual science is currently a highly active domain, with much progress being made in fields such as colour vision, stereo vision, perception of brightness and contrast, visual illusions, etc. But the

Peng, X. L., & Huang, D. (2018).

Task difficulty modulates the superiority of visual search in children with autism spectrum disorders

Psychological Science, 41(2), 498-503.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 彭晓玲, 黄丹. (2018).


心理科学, 41(2), 498-503.]

[本文引用: 1]

Radach, R., & Kennedy, A. (2013).

Eye movements in reading: Some theoretical context

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66(3), 429-452.

[本文引用: 1]

Rawson, K. A., & Miyake, A. (2002).

Does relocating information in text depend on verbal or visuospatial abilities? An individual- differences analysis

Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 9(4), 801-806.

DOI:10.3758/bf03196338      URL     PMID:12613686      [本文引用: 3]

In this individual-differences study, we evaluated the prevalent view that relocating information in a previously read text depends primarily on visuospatial abilities. Participants read a text, answered fill-in-the-blank test questions, and identified which page and line in the original text contained the sentence in each question. They also completed a battery of verbal and visuospatial tasks. Performance on verbal tasks was highly predictive of the accuracy of both page and line identifications, and this correlation remained significant even after we controlled for performance on visuospatial tasks. In contrast, performance on visuospatial tasks was not predictive of either page or line identification accuracy, once verbal abilities were controlled for. These results suggest an important role for verbal abilities in relocation of text information and a lesser role for visuospatial abilities than has previously been assumed.

Rayner, K. (2009).

Eye movements and attention in reading, scene perception, and visual search

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62(8), 1457-1506.

[本文引用: 1]

Rayner, K., Binder, K. S., Ashby, J., & Pollatsek, A. (2001).

Eye movement control in reading: Word predictability has little influence on initial landing positions in words

Vision Research, 41 (7), 943-954.

DOI:10.1016/s0042-6989(00)00310-2      URL     PMID:11248279      [本文引用: 1]

We examined the initial landing position of the eyes in target words that were either predictable or unpredictable from the preceding sentence context. Although readers skipped over predictable words more than unpredictable words and spent less time on predictable words when they did fixate on them, there was no difference in the launch site of the saccade to the target word. Moreover, there was only a very small difference in the initial landing position on the target word as a function of predictability when the target words were fixated which is most parsimoniously explained by positing that a few programmed skips of the target word fell short of their intended target. These results suggest that low-level processing is primarily responsible for landing position effects in reading.

Rayner, K., & Duffy, S. A. (1986).

Lexical complexity and fixation times in reading: Effects of word frequency, verb complexity, and lexical ambiguity

Memory and Cognition, 14(3), 191-201.

DOI:10.3758/bf03197692      URL     PMID:3736392      [本文引用: 1]

Rayner, K., & Pollatsek, A. (1989). The psychology of reading. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.

[本文引用: 1]

Schotter, E. R., Tran, R., & Rayner, K. (2014).

Don't believe what you read (only once): Comprehension is supported by regressions during reading

Psychological Science, 25(6), 1218-1226.

DOI:10.1177/0956797614531148      URL     PMID:24747167      [本文引用: 1]

Recent Web apps have spurred excitement around the prospect of achieving speed reading by eliminating eye movements (i.e., with rapid serial visual presentation, or RSVP, in which words are presented briefly one at a time and sequentially). Our experiment using a novel trailing-mask paradigm contradicts these claims. Subjects read normally or while the display of text was manipulated such that each word was masked once the reader's eyes moved past it. This manipulation created a scenario similar to RSVP: The reader could read each word only once; regressions (i.e., rereadings of words), which are a natural part of the reading process, were functionally eliminated. Crucially, the inability to regress affected comprehension negatively. Furthermore, this effect was not confined to ambiguous sentences. These data suggest that regressions contribute to the ability to understand what one has read and call into question the viability of speed-reading apps that eliminate eye movements (e.g., those that use RSVP).

Su, H., Liu, Z. F., & Cao, L. R. (2016).

The effects of word frequency and word predictability in preview and their implications for word segmentation in Chinese reading: Evidence from eye movements

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 48(6), 625-636.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 苏衡, 刘志方, 曹立人. (2016).


心理学报, 48(6), 625-636.]

[本文引用: 1]

Tanaka, T., Sugimoto, M., Tanida, Y., & Saito, S. (2014).

The influences of working memory representations on long-range regression in text reading: An eye-tracking study

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 48, 625.

[本文引用: 1]

Therriault, D. J., & Raney, G. E. (2002).

The representation and comprehension of place-on-the-page and text-sequence memory

Scientific Studies of Reading, 6(2), 117-134.

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Vitu, F.(2005).

Visual extraction processes and regressive saccades in reading. In G. Underwood (Ed.)

Cognitive processes in eye guidance (pp. 1-32). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

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Weger, U. W., & Inhoff, A. W. (2007).

Long-range regressions to previously read words are guided by spatial and verbal memory

Memory and Cognition, 35(6), 1293-1306.

DOI:10.3758/bf03193602      URL     PMID:18035628      [本文引用: 4]

To examine the nature of the information that guides eye movements to previously read text during reading (regressions), we used a relatively novel technique to request a regression to a particular target word when the eyes reached a predefined location during sentence reading. A regression was to be directed to a close or a distant target when either the first or the second line of a complex two-line sentence was read. In addition, conditions were created that pitted effects of spatial and linguistic distance against each other. Initial regressions were more accurate when the target was spatially near, and effects of spatial distance dominated effects of verbal distance. Initial regressions rarely moved the eyes onto the target, however, and subsequent

Yan, G. L., Liu, N. N., Liang, F. F., Liu, Z. F., & Bai, X. J. (2015).

The comparison of eye movements between Chinese children and adults when reading disappearing text

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 47(3), 300-318.

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[ 闫国利, 刘妮娜, 梁菲菲, 刘志方, 白学军. (2015).


心理学报, 47(3), 300-318.]

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Yan, G. L., Xiong, J. P., Zang, C. L., Yu, L. L., Cui, L., & Bai, X. J. (2013).

Review of eye-movement measures in reading research

Advances in Psychological Science, 21(4), 589-605.

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[ 闫国利, 熊建萍, 臧传丽, 余莉莉, 崔磊, 白学军. (2013).


心理科学进展, 21(4), 589-605.]

[本文引用: 1]

Zang, C. L., Meng, H. X., Bai, X. J., & Yan, G. L. (2013).

Advances in landing position effect during reading

Journal of Psychological Science, 36(4), 770-775.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 臧传丽, 孟红霞, 白学军, 闫国利. (2013).


心理科学, 36(4), 770-775.]

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Zhao, B. J., Wang, Y. S., Chen, M. J., Li, X., Yan, G. L., & Bai, X. J. (2018).

The processing of morpheme and lexical of two-character affects the selection of saccade target during Chinese reading

Studies of Psychology and Behavior, 16(6), 721-734.]

[本文引用: 1]

[ 赵冰洁, 王永胜, 陈茗静, 李馨, 闫国利, 白学军. (2018).


心理与行为研究, 16( 6), 721-734.]

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