ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报, 2020, 52(6): 694-705 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2020.00694



丁小斌, 王睿, 康铁君,, 刘建邑, 周嘉宁

西北师范大学心理学院, 甘肃省行为与心理健康重点实验室, 兰州 730070

Consistency between self-reference and mother-reference in emotional perception of others' faces: Evidence from ERP

DING Xiao-bing, WANG Rui, KANG Tie-jun,, LIU Jian-yi, ZHOU Jia-ning

School of Psychology, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China

通讯作者: 康铁君,



收稿日期: 2019-05-14   网络出版日期: 2020-06-25

基金资助: * 国家自然科学基金项目.  31960181

Received: 2019-05-14   Online: 2020-06-25


本研究采用不同参照语境下的面孔情绪评定任务, 使用事件相关电位技术, 考察了自我参照、母亲参照及他人参照对面孔情绪知觉加工的影响。行为结果显示, 与他人参照相比, 在自我参照与母亲参照的消极语境中的面孔被认为更消极, 积极语境中的面孔被认为更积极。ERP的结果显示, 相比他人参照, 自我参照与母亲参照都能诱发更大的EPN波幅; 自我参照与母亲参照对EPN和LPP波幅的影响差异并不显著。这些研究结果表明, 自我参照和母亲参照在面孔情绪知觉上具有一致性, 本研究从他人面孔情绪加工的角度为中国人的自我结构中包含“母亲”成分提供了进一步的证据。

关键词: 自我参照 ; 母亲参照 ; 第三人称视角 ; 面孔情绪


The self is a unique structure with unique motivations and emotional significance and the processing of self-related information has its own characteristics. These characteristics are reflected not only in the advantage of remembering self-related information, but also in the influence of the emotional perception of other people's faces. However, there has been little research on how the evaluation of one's mother affects the perceptual processing of others' emotions and whether there is consistency between the perceptual processing of others' emotions and the self's maternal reference and self-reference. To address this question, this study combined the evaluation contexts of the self, the mother, and other people's faces in a facial emotion assessment task to investigate whether the neural representations of self-reference and mother-reference are consistent in Chinese people's emotional processing.

The participants were asked to rate the facial emotions of strangers in different valence evaluation contexts (negative, neutral, or positive) and based on different references (self-reference, mother-reference, other-reference, and no-reference). Except for neutral emotions, three reference contexts of positive or negative emotions were expressed through the personality trait words, while no-reference contexts were mainly noun contexts. For example, Lanzhou is the provincial capital of Gansu Province.

At the beginning of the experiment, participants were presented with evaluative or declarative contextual material. We emphasized that the contextual material was the subsequent face statement. The neutral emotional face stimulus was presented after the contextual material. After the face stimulus disappeared, participants were asked to judge the valence and arousal of facial emotion. The changes in neural activity during the processing of facial emotion were recorded. The event-related potential (ERP) components of interest in this study are P1 and N170, which are related to early automatic processing of facial emotion, EPN components related to selective attention processing of facial emotion information, and LPP components reflecting late processing of facial emotion.

The behavioral results showed that the faces in the self-reference and mother-reference contexts were more aroused than those in the other-reference contexts. Moreover, the faces in the negative context were perceived as more negative and the faces in the positive context were perceived as more positive. The ERP results showed that different valence and reference contexts had no significant influence on the early components (P1 and N170) of facial emotion perception, but that they influenced the relatively late components EPN and LPP. Compared with the contexts of un-reference and other-reference, the contexts of self-reference and mother-reference caused larger amplitudes in EPN and LPP. Furthermore, the emotional context (negative or positive) caused larger amplitudes than the neutral context. It is worth noting that there is no significant difference in the results of both behavioral and ERP levels between self-reference and mother-reference conditions.

The results of this study showed that the mothers of Chinese individuals affect their perception and processing of other people's faces. Self-reference and mother-reference were consistent in face emotional processing. This result is highly consistent with previous research, suggesting that mothers shares neural representations with the self. This study is the first to provide ERP evidence of the inclusion of mothers in Chinese self-concept from the perspective of emotional processing.

Keywords: self-reference ; mother-reference ; third-person perspective ; facial emotion

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丁小斌, 王睿, 康铁君, 刘建邑, 周嘉宁. 他人面孔情绪知觉中自我参照与母亲参照的一致性:来自ERP的证据. 心理学报[J], 2020, 52(6): 694-705 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2020.00694

DING Xiao-bing, WANG Rui, KANG Tie-jun, LIU Jian-yi, ZHOU Jia-ning. Consistency between self-reference and mother-reference in emotional perception of others' faces: Evidence from ERP. Acta Psychologica Sinica[J], 2020, 52(6): 694-705 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2020.00694

1 引言

俗语有云: “打人不打脸, 骂人不骂娘, 揭人不揭短”。在社会交往与人际互动中, 与自我母亲相关的信息, 尤其是负面信息, 通常会引发个体的广泛关注和强烈情绪反应, 但是负面信息如果指向一般他人, 个体的感受就未必如此强烈。同样的负面信息, 为什么指向母亲与指向他人会引发个体不同的感受?以往的研究并未明确提供这一问题的答案。一些研究从特质判断任务和记忆诱发提取任务的角度, 证实了中国人的自我结构中包含有“母亲”成分, 母亲在中国人的自我结构中占据重要地位(杨红升, 朱滢2004; 朱滢, 张力, 2001)。来自神经影像的证据也显示, 集体主义文化中的个体对自我和母亲的神经表征具有一致性, 二者对内侧前额叶(medial prefrontal cortex, mPFC)、前扣带回(anterior cingulate cortex, ACC)、额下回(inferior forehead gyrus, IFG)等的激活类似(贺熙, 朱滢, 2010; Ng, Han, Mao, & Lai, 2010; Vanderwal, Hunyadi, Grupe, Connors, & Schultz, 2008; Wang et al., 2012; Zhu, Zhang, Fan, & Han, 2007)。有关电生理的研究也进一步发现, 母亲参照和自我参照还具有相同动机等级的内侧额叶负波(medial frontal negativity, 朱湘茹 等, 2015)。上述研究为集体主义文化中自我和母亲概念表达的重叠(Markus & Kitayama, 1991)提供了不同角度的证据支持, 同时也验证了Aron等(2004)的自我扩展模型(self-expansion mode), 该模型认为中国文化中母亲与自我有着紧密的联系, 母亲是中国人自我结构的一部分。

在人际互动中, 那些与自我有密切关系的信息往往具有加工优势, 并且伴随特有的情感意义与动机。自我参照加工(self-referential processing)反映了个体对自己所经历的并且与个体密切相关的刺激的加工(Northoff et al., 2006)。先前与自我参照加工有关的研究采用自我参照范式, 要求被试评估特征词与自我或他人的关系, 并在随后的测试中要求被试回忆或再认这些词汇。研究者发现, 个体对那些与自己相关的特质词有明显的记忆优势, 这种记忆优势被称为自我参照效应(self-reference effect, Rogers, Kuiper, & Kirker, 1977)。随后, 在使用各种记忆材料、采用不同记忆任务的研究中, 这种自我相关信息的记忆优势效应得以广泛验证(王斌, 付雅, 张积家, 2019; 杨群, 冯意然, 张积家, 2019; 周爱保, 张奋, 马小凤, 李建升, 夏瑞雪, 2015)。上述研究中的“自我”通常是基于第一人称视角(first- person perspective), 即个体以自我为中心来加工各种相关的信息。近年来的一些研究发现, 自我相关信息的加工优势同样可以在第三人称视角(third-person perspective)中找到相应的证据, 即个体可以通过采用他人的视角来感知、评估或记忆相关信息(夏瑞雪 等, 2014; Li et al., 2016; Mattan, Quinn, Apperly, Sui, & Rotshtein, 2015; Zhang, Zhu, & Wu, 2014; Zhou et al., 2014)。

除记忆的优势效应外, 自我参照加工还能够增强个体对自我相关信息的注意(Sui & Humphreys, 2015; Sui & Gu, 2017; Truong & Todd, 2017), 如经典的鸡尾酒会效应(cocktail party effect), 即使在非常嘈杂的环境中, 我们依然能够对自我相关信息表现出注意优势(self-priority effects in attention)。自我信息的注意优势不仅限于文字或听觉刺激, 而且还可以延伸到社会认知相关的刺激。例如, 个体对自我面孔的反应更快(Sui, Zhu, & Han, 2006), 而且比其他面孔更难以忽视(Devue & Brédart, 2008; Sui, Liu, & Han, 2009)。此外, 如果个体受到来自他人的评价(如有人评价你的声音好听/刺耳), 同样会影响个体对他人(自我相关信息的评价者)面孔知觉的神经表征(Herbert, Sfärlea, & Blumenthal, 2013; Klein, Iffland, Schindler, Wabnitz, & Neuner, 2015; Schwarz, Wieser, Gerdes, Mühlberger, & Pauli, 2013; Wieser et al., 2014)。Schwarz等(2013)的研究发现, 较之于评价他人的语境, 在评价自我的语境中被试观察中性面孔时, 其mPFC和梭状回面孔区(fusiform face area, FFA)的激活程度更加明显。基于ERP技术的研究为自我参照加工影响面孔情绪知觉提供了更直接的证据, 个体在自我参照相关的语境条件下, 观察他人中性面孔时会诱发比他人参照更强的早期后部负波(early posterior negativity, EPN)和晚期正成分(late positive potential, LPP)的波幅(Wieser et al., 2014)。自我参照加工为什么影响个体对他人面孔情绪的知觉?首先, 自我相关的信息具有重要的社会和生物属性(Han & Northoff, 2008), 大脑会自发地增强对自我相关信息的特异性加工编码(Mu & Han, 2010; Ng et al., 2010; Zhu et al., 2007)。个体对自我相关信息的语境产生更加明显的选择性注意, 从而影响了语境之后的中性面孔刺激的知觉(Wieser et al., 2014; Schwarz et al., 2013)。其次, 自我参照加工中的语义加工与面孔情绪加工的神经网络存在共享的神经机制。mPFC是面孔加工的扩展神经网络(extended face network)的组成部分, 参与面孔传达的语义信息和情感信息的提取(Wang, Zhu, Song, & Liu, 2017), mPFC同时也被认为是广泛地参与自我参照加工(Mu & Han, 2010; Wuyun et al., 2014), 是自我信息加工神经网络模型中的核心部分(Sui & Humphreys, 2015; Sui & Gu, 2017)。例如, 一些评定情绪面孔图片的情感强度与自我相关程度的研究发现, 自我参照信息的加工与mPFC和FFA的激活存在关联(Moran, Macrae, Heatherton, Wyland, & Kelley, 2006)。最后, 自我参照语境中, 被试有更强的动机去“解读”中性面孔传递和表达的模糊信息。与具有明确情绪意义的面孔不同, 那些在参照语境中的中性面孔的情感信息就显得模棱两可, 自我参照语境中神经表征因而可以影响中性面孔的知觉加工(Fields & Kuperberg, 2012), 此外, 具有模糊效价的刺激会自发的吸引更多注意资源, 从而提高了处理这些刺激的动机(Hirsh & Inzlicht, 2008)。

综上所述, 现有研究虽然初步揭示了自我相关语境对面孔情绪知觉的影响, 但是不同文化背景下自我参照信息的神经表征存在差异, 且中国人的自我结构中包含母亲(贺熙, 朱滢, 2010; Ng et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2012; Zhu et al., 2007), 因此有必要探讨中国文化背景下母亲参照加工语境是否影响面孔情绪知觉?如果母亲参照语境同样能够影响面孔情绪知觉, 那么第三人称视角下自我参照与母亲参照是否具有一致性?对上述问题的探究, 不仅可以进一步明晰不同参照语境影响面孔情绪知觉加工的起效机制, 还可以为中国文化背景下自我参照加工和母亲参照加工的研究提供一种新的视角和方法。基于此, 本研究将不同参照(自我、母亲、他人)和情绪效价(消极、中性、积极)及无参照的评价语境, 与评价者的面孔情绪评定任务相结合, 探究不同参照语境和无参照语境对面孔情绪评定和知觉过程的影响。以往有关面孔情绪知觉过程的研究中, EPN和LPP是受面孔情绪信息影响的两个主要成分(Li, Zhu, Ding, Ren, & Luo, 2019; Luo, Wang, Dzhelyova, Huang, & Mo, 2016; Wieser et al., 2014)。EPN成分是面孔情绪刺激呈现200~350ms时枕颞部位出现的一个特异性的成分, 其与情绪的选择性注意加工有关(Calvo & Beltrán, 2013; Hietanen, Kirjavainen, & Nummenmaaet, 2014)。LPP成分是刺激出现400ms以后顶正中央出现的晚期正波, 反映了情绪的高级认知加工(Suess, Rabovsky, & Rahman, 2015)。因此, 以往研究将EPN与LPP作为个体加工面孔信息的重要指标。此外, 本研究中还分析了P1和N170成分, 以检验参照信息是否影响面孔情绪的早期加工。其中P1成分反映了对面孔特征的早期的自动加工(Rossion & Caharel, 2011), N170成分与面孔的早期构型编码有关(丁小斌, 康铁君, 赵鑫, 付军军, 2018; 侠牧, 李雪榴, 叶春, 李红, 2014; Calvo & Beltrán, 2013)。

基于以往研究(Klein et al., 2015; McCrackin & Itier, 2018; Wieser et al., 2014), 对于语境效价的影响, 我们提出假设: 相比中性语境, 消极语境中的面孔会被认为更消极, 积极语境中的面孔会被认为更积极, 面孔的唤醒度也更大, 且引起的N170、EPN和LPP成分的波幅更大。基于先前集体主义文化中自我参照与母亲参照的相关研究(谭群 等, 2018; 张力 等, 2005; 朱湘茹 等, 2015; Mu & Han, 2010; Wuyun et al., 2014; Zhu et al., 2007)。对于语境参照信息的影响, 我们提出假设: 与他人参照相比, 自我参照和母亲参照在消极的语境背景中面孔情绪被认为更消极, 并且EPN和LPP成分的波幅更大; 在积极语境背景中, 面孔情绪被认为更积极, EPN和LPP成分的波幅更大, 并且自我参照和母亲参照的实验条件下对面孔情绪的效价和唤醒度的判断和脑电反应具有一致性。

2 方法

2.1 被试

23名大学生被试参与了本实验, 2名被试因眨眼过度在后续数据分析中予以排除, 保留21名被试(M = 23.95岁, SD = 2.04, 女12人)的数据。所有被试均为汉族人, 未有出国留学或国外生活经历。身体健康, 视力或矫正视力正常, 均为右利手, 自述无任何神经或精神疾病史, 近期内未发生重大生活事件。所有被试在实验前签署了实验知情同意书, 完成实验后均获得了相应的被试费或学分。

2.2 刺激材料

刺激图片选择了来自CAL/PAL数据库(Minear & Park, 2004)中的42张中性面孔图片, 面孔刺激性别平衡。采用Photoshop CS6软件对所有面孔照片的背景、头发和饰物进行统一处理。为避免面孔肤色对实验的影响, 使用Matlab中的SHINE工具包对所有刺激的亮度进行控制(Willenbockel et al., 2010)。

参照以往研究(张力 等, 2005), 初步从《现代汉语常用词频词典》(刘源, 1990)中选择词频为中等频度(0.00023~0.00153)的人格特质词368个, 对特质词的笔画数、读音、效价等进行控制, 5名本领域的研究者对初步筛选的人格特质词的情感效价进行评分, 从中选取40个得分较高的特质词(积极词与消极词各半)。根据所选词汇, 编制描述自我、母亲和他人(刘翔)评价的语法结构相同的180个句子, 所有句子长度控制在5~7个字。然后, 30名被试对编写语句的效价和唤醒度进行评价, 筛选出140个句子作为语境刺激, 包括不同参照(自我、母亲、他人)和效价(消极、中性、积极), 以及无参照语句(如你是成年人), 共10类, 每个类别14个句子。

2.3 实验设计

实验条件为3(参照: 自我、母亲、他人) × 3(效价: 消极、中性、积极)和无参照条件作为基线的被试内设计。自变量参照和效价均为组内变量。考察的行为指标为情绪效价和唤醒度的评级, 脑电指标为P1、N170、EPN和LPP成分的波幅。

2.4 程序

采用 E-Prime 2.0软件呈现实验刺激并记录行为数据。实验开始时要求被试集中注意阅读评价语境材料(2000 ms), 语境材料呈现结束后出现一个500~800 ms的随机空屏, 随后呈现500 ms的中性面孔图片(评价者)。当面孔刺激消失后, 要求被试对面孔刺激的效价(-4: 非常消极; 4: 非常积极)和唤醒度(1: 无唤醒; 9: 唤醒程度最高)进行等级评定, 评级反应无时间限制(实验流程见图1)。面孔刺激出现后开始记录被试的脑电反应。


图1   实验流程示意图

实验程序分为3个block, 每个block有140个trial, 总共420个trial。每个实验条件(自我-消极、自我-中性、自我-积极、母亲-消极、母亲-中性、母亲-积极、他人-消极、他人-中性、他人-积极、无参照)包含14个语境条件, 每个语境条件包含10个特质词的评价语境。依据以往自我参照语境实验中的面孔刺激设置方式, 本研究中的每个面孔在不同条件参照语境中各展示一次, 在不同实验条件下平衡了面孔的性别。每种条件下每个刺激重复呈现三次, 所有trial均随机呈现。

2.5 脑电数据收集与预处理

实验在隔音、电磁屏蔽的实验室中进行。EEG数据的记录采用国际10-20系统64导Ag/AgCl电极帽(eegosports, ANT, Inc), DC采样, 带通滤波为0.01~40 Hz (Wieser et al., 2014), 脑电数据采样率为500 Hz (AsaLab Amplifier,, 在线参考电极选为CPz。电极与头皮间的阻抗维持在10 kΩ以下。使用ASA 4.9.3 (ANT, Inc.)软件对EEG数据进行离线分析, 转换参考电极为全脑平均。剔除因眼动或眨眼引起的伪迹, 振幅超过±100 μV的波幅同样视为伪迹而被自动剔除。ERP分析时长为面孔刺激呈现前100 ms和呈现后800 ms, 基线校正为刺激出现前100 ms。

2.6 数据分析方法

对不同语境条件下面孔刺激的效价进行3(自我、母亲、他人) × 3(消极、中性、积极)的重复测量方差分析(ANOVA), 评价语句的参照条件和语句效价为两个组内变量。在统计分析中均使用0.05的alpha值。

对面孔图片诱发的脑电波幅数据采用重复测量方差分析(ANOVA)的方法进行分析, 本实验根据电极与头皮分布之间的关系, 根据所有被试的总平均波形特征, 对脑电数据进行分析。具体地, 在80~120 ms时间窗口(O1/O2)下关注P1成分; 在140~190 ms的时间窗口下(P7/P8)关注N170成分; 在220~320 ms的时间窗口(O1/O2/P7/P8)下观测EPN成分; 在400~600 ms的时间窗口(C3/C4)下观测LPP成分。

3 结果

3.1 行为结果

3.1.1 面孔情绪效价的评级

语境效价主效应显著, F(2, 40) = 103.80, p < 0.001, ηp² = 0.84。经事后比较, 与中性语境(0.34 ± 0.69)相比, 消极语境(-2.16 ± 0.99)中的面孔被评为更消极, t(62) = 14.36, p < 0.001; 积极语境(1.72 ± 1.07)中的面孔被评为更积极, t(62) = 12.80, p < 0.001。参照的主效应不显著, F(2, 40) = 1.09, p = 0.35。他人参照与无参照的差异不显著, t(20)= 0.55, p = 0.59。

语境效价和参照的交互作用显著, F(4, 80) = 12.78, p < 0.001, ηp² = 0.39。简单效应分析可得, 在消极语境中, 参照的主效应显著, F(2, 19) = 9.55, p = 0.001, ηp² = 0.50。自我参照语境中的面孔(-2.30 ± 0.21)比他人参照语境中的面孔(-1.68 ± 0.19)被认为更消极(p = 0.008), 母亲参照语境中的面孔(-2.51 ± 0.22)比他人参照语境中的面孔被认为更消极(p = 0.001), 自我参照语境中的面孔和母亲参照语境中的面孔无显著差异(p = 0.08)。在积极语境中, 参照的主效应显著, F(2, 19) = 6.12, p = 0.009, ηp² = 0.39。自我参照语境中的面孔(1.92 ± 0.22)比他人参照语境中的面孔(1.23 ± 0.23)被认为更积极(p = 0.01), 母亲参照语境中的面孔(2.01 ± 0.22)比他人参照语境中的面孔被认为更积极(p = 0.006), 自我参照语境中的面孔和母亲参照语境中的面孔无显著差异(p = 0.075)。中性语境中, 参照的主效应不显著, F(1, 19) = 1.27, p = 0.31。在自我参照的语境中, 效价主效应显著, F(2, 19) = 50.60, p < 0.001, ηp² = 0.84: 相比中性语境, 消极语境中的面孔被认为更消极(p < 0.001), 积极语境中的面孔被认为更积极(p < 0.001); 在母亲参照语境中, 效价的主效应显著, F(2, 19) = 56.08, p < 0.001, ηp² = 0.86: 相比中性语境, 消极语境中的面孔被认为更消极(p < 0.001), 积极语境中的面孔被认为更积极(p < 0.001); 他人参照语境中, 效价的主效应显著, F(2, 19) = 27.66, p < 0.001, ηp² = 0.74: 相比中性语境, 消极语境中的面孔被认为更消极(p < 0.001), 积极语境中的面孔被认为更积极(p < 0.001)。

3.1.2 面孔情绪唤醒度的评级

语境效价的主效应显著, F(2, 40) = 26.03, p < 0.001, ηp² = 0.57。经事后比较, 与中性语境中的面孔相比, 消极和积极语境中的面孔被认为唤醒度更高, 消极: t(62)= 9.57, p < 0.001、积极: t(62) = 9.22, p < 0.001。积极和消极语境中的面孔唤醒度无显著差异, t(62) = 0.50, p = 0.62。

参照的主效应显著, F(2, 40) = 21.00, p < 0.001, ηp² = 0.51。经事后比较, 相比他人参照, 自我参照和母亲参照语境中的面孔唤醒度更高, 自我: t(62) = 6.48, p < 0.001、母亲: t(62) = 7.35, p < 0.001; 而自我参照和母亲参照语境中的面孔唤醒度分数无显著差异, t(62) = 1.05, p = 0.30。他人参照与无参照条件中面孔的唤醒度差异不显著, t(20) = 0.78, p = 0.44。

语境效价和参照的交互作用显著, F(4, 80) = 3.12, p = 0.02, ηp² = 0.14。进一步简单效应分析发现, 不论消极、积极还是中性语境中, 参照的主效应均显著, 消极: F(2, 19) = 7.76, p = 0.003, ηp² = 0.45、中性: F(2, 19) = 5.16, p = 0.016, ηp² = 0.35、积极: F(2, 19) = 19.12, p < 0.001, ηp² = 0.67: 自我参照语境中的面孔唤醒度(消极: 6.84 ± 1.72、中性: 5.72 ± 1.62、积极: 6.82 ± 1.45)比他人参照语境中的面孔唤醒度(消极: 5.72 ± 1.62、中性: 3.02 ± 1.82、积极: 5.90 ± 1.57)更高(消极: p = 0.001, 中性: p = 0.006, 积极: p < 0.001); 母亲参照语境中的面孔唤醒度(消极: 6.84 ± 1.88、中性: 3, 64 ± 1.56、积极: 6.95 ± 1.35)比他人参照语境中的面孔唤醒度更高(消极: p = 0.001, 中性: p = 0.004, 积极: p < 0.001); 自我参照语境中面孔情绪的唤醒度与母亲参照语境中面孔情绪的面孔唤醒度无显著差异(消极: p = 0.96, 中性: p = 0.37, 积极: p = 0.27)。



图2   不同效价(消极、中性、积极)和参照(自我、母亲、他人)的语境中的面孔情绪效价、唤醒度评价

3.2 脑电结果

3.2.1 P1成分

语境效价的主效应不显著, F(2, 40) = 2.70, p = 0.08。参照的主效应不显著, F(2, 40) = 1.28, p = 0.29。半球主效应显著, 右半球比左半球波幅显著更大, F(1, 20) = 7.95, p = 0.011, ηp² = 0.28。P1成分在各实验条件下的波幅见表1

表1   P1、N170、EPN、LPP成分在各实验条件下左右半球的平均波幅及标准差(M ± SD, μV)

P1消极0.14 ± 2.461.52 ± 2.43-0.33 ± 2.080.46 ± 2.64-1.12 ± 2.450.34 ± 1.71
中性-0.27 ± 2.32-0.10 ± 2.00-0.75 ± 1.960.37 ± 2.37-0.74 ± 1.860.12 ± 1.90
积极-0.35 ± 2.330.22 ± 0.760.12 ± 1.461.40 ± 1.89-0.07 ± 2.531.09 ± 2.40
N170消极-2.77 ± 3.40-6.32 ± 4.97-2.36 ± 2.79-5.71 ± 4.46-1.24 ± 4.36-4.70 ± 5.35
中性-1.71 ± 2.58-5.32 ± 3.69-2.40 ± 3.13-5.65 ± 4.49-1.57 ± 2.59-4.41 ± 3.77
积极-2.89 ± 2.78-7.49 ± 5.50-1.90 ± 3.23-6.81 ± 4.69-2.46 ± 3.02-6.78 ± 4.51
EPN消极0.52 ± 3.170.81 ± 4.690.91 ± 3.541.32 ± 4.143.18 ± 3.012.95 ± 3.91
中性2.40 ± 3.602.11 ± 3.721.11 ± 2.871.48 ± 3.652.74 ± 3.522.70 ± 4.11
积极1.04 ± 3.480.73 ± 4.621.30 ± 2.861.07 ± 3.691.25 ± 2.920.68 ± 3.81
LPP消极0.08 ± 2.491.52 ± 2.43-0.33 ± 2.080.46 ± 2.64-1.12 ± 2.450.34 ± 1.71
中性-0.27 ± 2.32-0.10 ± 2.00-0.75 ± 1.960.37 ± 2.37-0.74 ± 1.860.12 ± 1.90
积极-0.35 ± 2.340.22 ± 2.760.12 ± 0.461.40 ± 1.89-0.07 ± 2.531.09 ± 2.40

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3.2.2 N170成分

语境效价的主效应显著, F(2, 40) = 7.41, p = 0.002, ηp² = 0.27。参照主效应显著, F(2, 40) = 5.77, p = 0.006, ηp² = 0.22。效价和参照的交互作用不显著, F(4, 80) = 1.88, p = 0.12。半球主效应显著, 右半球比左半球波幅显著更大, F(1, 20) = 27.62, p < 0.001, ηp² = 0.58。N170成分在各实验条件下的波幅见表1

3.2.3 EPN成分

语境效价主效应显著, F(2, 40) = 6.09, p = 0.005, ηp² = 0.23。经事后检验, 相比积极语境, 中性和消极语境中面孔引发的EPN波幅更大(中性: t(125) = 4.47, p < 0.001、消极: t(125) = 2.30, p = 0.023)。

参照主效应显著, F(2, 40) = 6.13, p = 0.005, ηp² = 0.24。经事后检验, 相比他人参照, 自我参照和母亲参照语境中的面孔引起的EPN波幅更大(自我: t(125) = 3.53, p = 0.001、母亲: t(125) = 4.12, p < 0.001), 而自我参照与母亲参照语境中的面孔引起的EPN波幅无显著差异, t(125) = 0.24, p = 0.81。他人参照与无参照条件的差异显著, t(41) = 3.10, p = 0.003, 他人参照(2.72 ± 3.78)条件语境中的面孔引起的EPN波幅显著大于无参照条件(1.15 ± 3.49)。半球差异不显著, F(1, 25) = 0.02, p = 0.88。

效价与参照的交互作用显著, F(4, 80) = 3.24, p = 0.016, ηp² = 0.14。进一步简单效应分析发现, 在消极语境中, 参照的主效应显著, F(2, 19) = 7.53, p = 0.004, ηp² = 0.44, 自我参照比他人参照语境中的面孔诱发的波幅更大(p = 0.003), 母亲参照比他人参照语境中的面孔诱发的波幅更大(p = 0.025), 自我参照和母亲参照语境中的面孔诱发的EPN波幅无显著差异(p = 0.48); 在中性语境中和积极语境中, 没有观察到参照的主效应, 中性: F(2, 19) = 2.68, p = 0.095、积极: F(2, 19) = 0.31, p = 0.74。EPN成分在各实验条件下的波幅见表1图3


图3   消极自我、消极母亲、消极他人三种实验条件下ENP成分总平均波形图

此外, 对面孔情绪唤醒度评级和EPN波幅的相关分析发现: 在消极语境中, 自我参照语境中面孔唤醒度的评级与EPN的波幅大小存在显著相关, r = 0.47, p = 0.033; 母亲参照语境中面孔唤醒度的评级与EPN的波幅大小存在显著相关, r = 0.58, p = 0.006 (见图4)。但是, 他人参照语境中面孔唤醒度的评级与EPN的波幅大小不存在显著相关, r = 0.31, p = 0.18。


图4   消极语境中面孔唤醒度评分与EPN波幅的相关关系图

3.2.4 LPP成分

效价的主效应不显著, F(2, 40) = 2.66, p = 0.08。参照的主效应不显著, F(2, 40) = 1.23, p = 0.30。左右半球的LPP波幅差异显著, F(1, 20) = 8.12, p = 0.01, ηp² = 0.29, 面孔引发的LPP波幅在右半球显著更大。他人参照与无参照条件的差异不显著, t(41) = 1.79, p = 0.081。

效价和参照的交互作用显著, F(4, 40) = 3.25, p = 0.016, ηp² = 0.14, 进一步简单效应分析发现, 在消极语境中, 参照的主效应显著, F(2, 19) = 5.32, p =0.015, ηp² = 0.36: 自我参照比他人参照语境中的面孔诱发的波幅更大(p = 0.011), 自我参照与母亲参照语境中的面孔诱发的波幅无显著差异(p = 0.05); 在中性语境中和积极语境中, 没有观察到参照的主效应, 中性: F(2, 19) = 0.08, p = 0.93、积极: F(2, 19) = 2.87, p = 0.08。LPP成分在各实验条件下的波幅见表1图5


图5   消极自我、消极母亲、消极他人三种实验条件下LPP总平均波形图

4 讨论

本研究采用面孔情绪评定任务, 考察了个体在母亲参照、自我参照、他人参照及无参照语境中面孔情绪的知觉加工特点。结果显示, 与他人参照和无参照语境相比, 自我参照与母亲参照语境中的中性面孔的EPN和LPP波幅更大, 自我参照与母亲参照条件下的波幅差异并不显著, 面孔情绪效价和唤醒度的评价结果与ERP的结果一致, 这就表明中国文化背景下自我参照与母亲参照对面孔情绪知觉的影响具有一致性。本研究开创性地从他人评价自我和自我相关他人, 即客体我的视角考察了中国文化背景下自我参照、母亲参照语境对他人面孔情绪知觉加工的影响。

4.1 不同情绪效价和参照的语境对面孔情绪知觉EPN成分的影响

与他人参照的语境相比, 自我参照的消极语境背景中的面孔被认为情绪更消极, 并且诱发的EPN成分波幅更大, 这一结果与先前的研究(Wieser et al., 2014)一致。此外, 与他人参照相比, 母亲参照语境下面孔知觉过程中EPN成分的波幅同样更明显, 这一结果符合研究假设, 表明母亲参照可以影响面孔的知觉加工。此外, 研究结果还发现, 他人参照较无参照条件语境下的面孔EPN波幅更明显。EPN成分反映了早期视觉编码完成之后, 情绪信息与目标驱动(goal-driven)注意对刺激的进一步选择性加工(Calvo & Beltrán, 2013; Lang & Bradley, 2010), 使用情绪面孔(McCrackin & Itier, 2018; Rellecke, Sommer, & Schact, 2013)和情绪词(Schindler & Kissler, 2016)的研究发现, 与中性和正性刺激相比, 负性刺激能够诱发更明显的EPN波幅。本研究与Wieser等人(2014)Klein等人(2015)的研究所用的面孔刺激均为中性面孔, 因此不同参照条件下面孔知觉过程中EPN波幅的差异并不受面孔刺激特征的影响, 而是受语境中自我参照加工与母亲参照加工的影响。一方面, 自我参照语境条件下, 中性面孔固有的情感模糊性, 导致大脑对其更多的注意加工(Fields & Kuperberg, 2012; Hirsh & Inzlicht, 2008)。因此, 与无参照语境相比, 自我参照、母亲参照和他人参照加工以一种完全自上而下的方式影响对面孔的知觉加工, 但是自我参照和母亲参照语境引发了个体更多的注意加工, 因而中性面孔知觉过程中EPN效应更加明显。来自个体水平的分析结果支持了这一解释, 母亲参照和自我参照条件下面孔情绪唤醒度评级与EPN波幅的大小呈显著正相关, 而他人参照条件下的面孔情绪唤醒度评级与EPN波幅大小并不相关。另一方面, 母亲参照和自我参照共同的神经表征, 与EPN成分的溯源分析(Schindler & Kissler, 2016)的结果存在一致性, 对ACC、IFG等都有着共同的激活。同时ACC、IFG等在内的皮层中线结构和颞顶联合区是注意定向网络中重要组成部分(Petersen & Posner, 2012), 自上而下的调节视觉皮层的加工(Desimone & Duncan, 1995)。因此, 较他人参照加工, 母亲参照加工与自我参照加工都可以持续地影响中性面孔加工过程中的EPN成分。

不同语境效价对面孔情绪加工的EPN成分有显著影响。与中性评价语境相比, 消极评价语境条件下的面孔引起的EPN波幅更大。这可能是因为消极的评价语句暗示了社会交往中的潜在威胁, 对这种危险信号的优先加工则显示了个体避免伤害的需要(Williams, 2006), 消极情感性内容能够引发个体更明显的注意指向, 从而产生更大的EPN波幅(Schupp et al., 2007), 表明语境中消极信息更能影响面孔加工的扩展神经网络的神经活动, 从而改变对面孔的感知和评价(Wieser & Brosch, 2012)。因此, 个体在处理涉及到自我与母亲的消极信息时, 可能会对他人的情绪感知产生偏差, 容易诱发个体更为强烈的情绪反应, 甚至过激的行为表现。这种认知加工方式可以解释为消极评价通常被视为一种威胁线索(Baumeister & Leary, 1995), 个体出于生存本能, 会投入更多的注意力关注潜在的威胁, 警惕威胁状况以保护自己免受伤害, 这对生存具有重要的适应价值。

4.2 不同情绪效价和参照的语境对面孔情绪知觉LPP成分的影响

本研究的结果显示, 相比他人参照, 自我参照和母亲参照语境中的面孔均诱发了顶叶更大的LPP波幅, 与先前自我参照语境中LPP的结果一致(Klein et al., 2015; Wieser et al., 2014)。与EPN成分不同, 较母亲参照和自我参照语境, 他人参照与无参照语境对中性面孔知觉中的LPP影响较小。LPP是与刺激的动机意义关联的成分(Hajcak, Weinberg, MacNamara, & Foti, 2012), 受面孔、场景和语境情绪信息的调节和影响。与他人参照相比, 在自我参照与母亲参照的消极语境中的面孔被认为更消极, 积极语境中的面孔被认为更积极, 并且与自我和母亲相关语境的唤醒度更高。上述结果表明, 相比于无参照与他人参照语境对面孔知觉过程中LPP成分的影响较弱, 而母亲参照与自我参照语境对面孔知觉过程中LPP成分的影响更强。

使用EEG与fMRI同步记录技术的研究发现, LPP的振幅与视觉皮层、颞叶皮层、后扣带回、杏仁核、眶额皮质和岛叶等的激活程度显著相关(Sabatinelli, Keil, Frank, & Lang, 2013), 自我参照与母亲参照条件下个体对面孔情绪唤醒度的评级更高, 与此对应的面孔刺激的唤醒度也更高, 因此对中性面孔晚期知觉过程(LPP)的调节作用也就更加明显。有趣的是, 不论自我参照语境, 还是母亲参照语境, 只在消极的语境中观察到了EPN和LPP波幅的增强。本研究的这一结果, 或许可以解释为什么对母亲的侮辱或者攻击通常会引起个体强烈的情绪反应, 而负性刺激指向他人时个体的感受会进一步降低。但是, 这一结果与以往积极或消极面孔较中性面孔诱发更强LPP和EPN振幅的结论并不一致(Wieser, Gerdes, Greiner, Reicherts, & Pauli, 2012), 自我参照或母亲参照语境提供的内在情感信息与情绪面孔表达的直观情感信息不同, 前者是通过事先给定语境中的情感信息的方式, 间接地调节视觉皮层的兴奋, 从而影响了中性面孔的后期知觉, 但是这种内在情感信息的调节方式相对较弱(Wieser et al., 2014), 这可能解释了为什么本研究只发现了部分LPP成分的效应。

4.3 不同情绪效价和参照的语境对面孔情绪早期加工过程的影响

本研究并没有发现不同的参照语境信息对P1成分和N170成分波幅的影响, 该结果与先前的研究结果一致(Wieser et al., 2014)。这表明, 反映情绪刺激自动化加工的P1成分和与面孔构型编码相关的N170成分, 可能不受语境的效价和参照信息的影响(Klein et al., 2015; Wieser et al., 2014)。以往研究发现, 与中性面孔刺激相比, 情绪性面孔刺激(恐惧、快乐等)能引发更强的P1成分(Luo et al., 2010)和N170成分(Calvo & Beltrán, 2013)。但是, 自我参照语境对视觉皮层的调节作用往往出现在视觉加工晚期(Wieser et al., 2014), P1与N170成分反映了视觉皮层对面孔刺激的早期加工, 因而无法影响中性面孔加工的早期成分。并且, 本研究中只使用了中性面孔刺激, 这些面孔刺激的情绪特征并不存在显著差异, 因此可以得出与以往研究(Wieser et al., 2014)相一致的结论, 语境中的参照信息对面孔知觉的影响产生于晚期视觉加工阶段, 而非早期视觉加工阶段。

4.4 自我参照与母亲参照在情绪知觉加工中的一致性效应

本研究中的自我参照与母亲参照的条件, 对他人面孔情绪加工的影响表现出了一致性, 母亲参照和自我参照语境较他人参照语境诱发了中性面孔更明显的EPN、LPP波幅, 对面孔情绪效价和唤醒度的评定结果与ERP的结果相互印证。上述结果符合Markus和Kitayama (1991)的文化与自我概念的理论和Aron等(2004)的自我扩展模型。与西方文化中独立性自我不同, 东方文化强调与他人的社会联结或群体属性, 建构互依型自我, 自我包含母亲这样的重要他人。虽然在每个文化中, 母亲都具有非常重要的地位, 但在集体主义文化中母亲的地位具有其特殊性(Markus & Kitayama, 1991), 这种特殊性不仅表现为记忆加工优势, 而且体现为对面孔情绪知觉加工的影响。语境中自我参照加工与面孔情绪加工具有共享的神经机制, 从而能够改变个体对面孔情绪的感知和评价, 进而影响了面孔情绪的后期知觉(Wieser & Brosch, 2012; Wieser et al., 2014)。由于自我参照加工能够增强大脑区域之间的功能耦合(Sui & Humphreys, 2015; Sui & Gu, 2017), 本研究认为自我参照与母亲参照共同的神经表征机制(mPFC, ACC等), 使得母亲参照与自我参照在情感语境加工中具有相同动机, 二者对面孔加工扩展神经网络的影响也具有一致性, 从而能够以相同的方式持续调节后期面孔的知觉加工皮层的活动, 因而表现为诱发了相似的EPN和LPP效应。此外, 自我整合模型认为, 自我参照不仅能够增强自我相关刺激的知觉与记忆, 还能促进不同加工阶段的耦合(Sui & Humphreys, 2015; Sui & Gu, 2017), 本研究的结果为自我参照加工对面孔情绪知觉具有促进和易化作用提供了证据支持, 并且这种促进和易化作用还可能扩展至母亲参照加工, 在一定程度上扩展了自我整合模型。同时, 本研究的面孔识别背景为第三人称视角的语境, 不同于第一人称视角下与自我的直接相关, 因此本研究对第三人称视角下的“自我”与面孔情绪知觉相结合的探讨, 从认知神经科学的角度再一次证明了“自我”范畴的扩展性。

本研究与以往的一些研究相似, 都是基于单一文化背景考察自我参照与母亲参照的特点(杨红升, 朱滢, 2004; 朱湘茹 等, 2015; 张力 等, 2005; 朱滢, 张力, 2001)。 但是, 自我参照与母亲参照具有一致性的研究, 大多还是基于跨文化的比较研究(Han et al., 2013; Han & Ma, 2014), 为进一步考察母亲参照与自我参照语境条件下的面孔知觉加工特点, 今后有必要提供基于跨文化比较的证据, 进一步验证当前的研究结论。

5 结论

本研究基于他人对自我和母亲评价的视角, 探讨了不同参照语境对他人面孔情绪知觉的影响。与他人参照相比, 自我参照与母亲参照语境中的中性面孔能引起更大的EPN和LPP波幅, 而面孔情绪知觉的早期成分P1和N170在不同条件下的差异并不显著。这一结果表明, 在中国文化背景下, 母亲参照语境同样影响个体对他人面孔情绪的知觉加工; 此外, 自我参照与母亲参照语境中, 个体对面孔情绪效价、唤醒度的评定分数, 以及EPN、LPP波幅的大小均无显著差异, 表明自我参照与母亲参照对面孔情绪知觉加工的影响具有一致性。


感谢审稿专家与编委专家所提的宝贵意见, 感谢西北师范大学心理学院赵鑫教授在论文修改中提出的建设性意见。


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Our first impression of others is highly influenced by their facial appearance. However, the perception and evaluation of faces is not only guided by internal features such as facial expressions, but also highly dependent on contextual information such as secondhand information (verbal descriptions) about the target person. To investigate the time course of contextual influences on cortical face processing, event-related brain potentials were investigated in response to neutral faces, which were preceded by brief verbal descriptions containing cues of affective valence (negative, neutral, positive) and self-reference (self-related vs. other-related). ERP analysis demonstrated that early and late stages of face processing are enhanced by negative and positive as well as self-relevant descriptions, although faces per se did not differ perceptually. Affective ratings of the faces confirmed these findings. Altogether, these results demonstrate for the first time both on an electrocortical and behavioral level how contextual information modifies early visual perception in a top-down manner. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.

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Emotion and attention are key players in the modulation of pain perception. However, much less is known about the reverse influence of pain on attentional and especially emotional processes. To this end, we employed painful vs. non-painful pressure stimulation to examine effects on the processing of simultaneously presented facial expressions (fearful, neutral, happy). Continuous EEG was recorded and participants had to rate each facial expression with regard to valence and arousal. Painful stimulation attenuated visual processing in general, as reduced P100 and late positive potential (LPP) amplitudes revealed, but did not interfere with structural encoding of faces (N170). In addition, early perceptual discrimination and sustained preferential processing of emotional facial expressions as well as affective ratings were not influenced by pain. Thus, tonic pain demonstrates strong attention-demanding properties, but this does not interfere with concurrently ongoing emotion discrimination processes. These effects point at partially independent effects of pain on emotion and attention, respectively. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V.

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DOI:10.3758/BRM.42.3.671      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Williams, L. M . (2006).

An integrative neuroscience model of "significance" processing

Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 5(1), 1-47.

DOI:10.1142/S0219635206001082      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Wuyun, G., Shu, M., Cao, Z., Huang, W., Zou, X., Li, S., ... Wu, Y. H . (2014).

Neural representations of the self and the mother for Chinese individuals

Plos One, 9(3), e91556.

DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0091556      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Xia, M., Li, X. M., Ye, C., & Li, H . (2014).

The ERPs for the facial expression processing

Advances in Psychological Science, 22(10), 1556-1563.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2014.01556      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The ERP components related to facial expression processing include P1 (80~120 ms), N170 (120~200 ms), EPN (Early Posterior Negativity, 200~300 ms) and LPP (Late Positive Potential, after 300 ms). These components represent different stage of facial expression process and thus have different mental meaning. P1 is sensitive to threaten-related face, such as fear, disgust and anger, reflects a quick and automatic detection to threatened stimuli. N170 implicates the automatic process to code the structure of expression. EPN reflects the selective attention to emotion information. This competent is also automatic in some conditions and can be modulated by emotional expression of different kinds and emotional scene. LPP that is affected by attention control represents the higher cognitive process. Future research should extend the understanding of these ERP components by exploring: (1) Whether P1 is affected by the extent of threat. (2) The impact of top-down factors on N170. (3) Whether the facial expression stimulus that can elicit EPN, but not N170 be treated as general emotional stimulus. (4) Whether the LPP also reflects certain level of automaticity. (5) Whether processing different type of expression (e.g. fear and disgust) is dissociative in ERPs?

[ 侠牧, 李雪榴, 叶春, 李红 . (2014).


心理科学进展, 22(10), 1556-1563.]

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Xia, R. X., Zhou, A. B., Li S., F., Xu, K. P., Ren, D. Y., & Zhu, J . (2014).

The moderating effect of perspective taking in implicit emotional processing

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 46(8), 1094-1102.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2014.01094      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Perspective taking plays an clear role on processing emotional information. Existing studies have shown that emotional negativity bias and perspective taking&rsquo;s roles as moderators in pain empathy could be observed in the controlled processing stage (370~420 ms). However, emotional negativity bias only explains the differences in processing information of different emotional valence. Due to researchers&rsquo; lack of concerns on perspective taking, the existing research could not explain how human beings understand their own emotions and other&rsquo;s emotions differently. Meanwhile, the findings of pain empathy did not effectively explain people's unconscious processing of negative emotion because most of the existing research only employed explicit experimental tasks. The effect of perspective taking on the implicit emotion empathy is unclear. The aim of this research is to explore the moderating effect of perspective taking in implicit emotional processing. In the present research, a 2 (perspective taking: self-perspective, others-perspective) &times; 2 (emotional valence: negative, neutral) within-group design is employed. The task of the participants was to judge the shapes of the pictures with different emotional valance. Eighteen college students participated in the experiment with the data of 16 valid cases were achieved. The electroencephalogram (EEG) was continuously recorded from scalp electrodes using the 256-channel HydroCel Geodesic Sensor Net (Electrical Geodesics, Inc., Eugene, OR) while subjects were performing the tasks. Component analysis and spectral analysis are used to explore on negative emotion empathy in an implicit emotional processing task. The extracted mean amplitude and power data were then analyzed with repeated measures ANOVAs. The results showed that negative stimulus elicited an increased amplitude of N200 (180~220 ms) in the frontal and central electrodes and LPC (267~567 ms) in the central-parietal area under the self-perspective, but not the other-perspective condition. The result of phase-locked wavelet analysis showed that under the self-perspective condition, negative stimulus induced a signi?cantly higher power of the theta rhythm (4~8 Hz) in the time-window from stimulus presentation to 300ms. Evidence from component and wavelet analysis showed that a priming effect could be observed when the subjects were processing negative information under the self-perspective condition. However, other-perspective inhibited the processing of negative information. Both findings supported that perspective-taking played a robust moderating effect on implicit emotion processing. Moreover, this moderating effect appears during the early stage of information processing. The findings of the present study showed that human not only can identify risk information in the environment, but also can distinguish self from others by perspective-taking.

[ 夏瑞雪, 周爱保, 李世峰, 徐科朋, 任德云, 朱婧 . (2014).


心理学报, 46(8), 1094-1102.]

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Yang, H. S., & Zhu, Y . (2004).

The self and retrieval-induced forgetting

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 36(02), 154-159.

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[ 杨红升, 朱滢 . (2004).


心理学报, 36(2), 154-159.]

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Yuan, J., Tian, Y., Huang, X., Fan, H., & Wei, X . (2019).

Emotional Bias varies with Stimulus type, Arousal and Task setting: Meta-analytic evidences

Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 107, 461-472.

DOI:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2019.09.035      URL    

Zhang, L., Zhou, T. G., Zhang, J., Liu, Z. X., Fan, J., & Zhou, Y . (2005).

Looking for Chinese self: A fMRI study

Science in China (Series C), 35(5), 472-478.

[本文引用: 3]

[ 张力, 周天罡, 张剑, 刘祖祥, 范津, 朱滢 . (2005).

寻找中国人的自我: 一项fMRI研究

中国科学C辑:生命科学, 35(5), 472-478.]

[本文引用: 3]

Zhang, T., Zhu, Y., & Wu, Y . (2014).

Losing oneself upon placement in another's position: The influence of perspective on self-referential processing

Consciousness & Cognition, 27(1), 53-61.

[本文引用: 1]

Zhou, A. B., Zhang, F., Ma, X. F., Xia, R. X., & Li, J. S . (2015).

The cultural differences of imam-reference Processing: Based on the retrieval-induce forgetting paradigm discussed

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 47(6), 757-764.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2015.00757      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Self-referential encoding affects retrieval-induced forgetting (RIF). However, little research has been conducted to explore whether it can be generalized to different culture and religion contexts, especially whether significant others in real world are involved in self-concept in religion. The present research used retrieval-induced forgetting paradigm to investigate the regional cognition in the references (self, imam, others) by ethnicity (Han vs. Hui). Participants included 99 Hui college students (53 males and 46 females; ranging from 17 to 31 years old; average age = 20.08) from Muslim communities and 90 Han college students (including 31males, 59 females; ranging from 18 to 26 years old; average age = 21.63). Before the experiment began, the Muslim participants were asked to indicate their religion beliefs. And only those who have religion belief took part in. For the Han participants, only those who did not believe in any religion were included in the experiments. Hui subjects were divided into different conditions by self, imam and others. Han subjects were also divided into the three conditions. The results showed that RIF was observed neither under the self-referential encoding nor under the imam-referential encoding in hui culture contexts. While for Han participants, RIF was observed in the imam-referential and the other-referential but not in the self-referential. These suggest that self-referential effect has a cross-cultural generalizability. The imam as an important others to Muslim can be integrated in Hui&rsquo;s self-concept and therefore lead to imam-referential effect in retrieval-induced forgetting.

[ 周爱保, 张奋, 马小凤, 李建升, 夏瑞雪 . (2015).

阿訇参照效应的文化差异: 基于提取诱发遗忘范式的探讨

心理学报, 47(6), 757-764.]

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Zhu, Y., & Zhang, L . (2001).

An experimental study on the self-reference effect

Science China Press 31(6), 537-543.

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[ 朱滢, 张力 . (2001).


中国科学, 31(6), 537-543.]

[本文引用: 2]

Zhu, Y., Zhang, L., Fan, J., & Han, S . (2007).

Neural basis of cultural influence on self-representation

Neuroimage, 34(3), 1310-1316.

DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2006.08.047      URL     [本文引用: 4]

AbstractCulture affects the psychological structure of self and results in two distinct types of self-representation (Western independent self and East Asian interdependent self). However, the neural basis of culture–self interaction remains unknown. We used fMRI to measured brain activity from Western and Chinese subjects who judged personal trait adjectives regarding self, mother or a public person. We found that the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) showed stronger activation in self- than other-judgment conditions for both Chinese and Western subjects. However, relative to other-judgments, mother-judgments activated MPFC in Chinese but not in Western subjects. Our findings suggest that Chinese individuals use MPFC to represent both the self and the mother whereas Westerners use MPFC to represent exclusively the self, providing neuroimaging evidence that culture shapes the functional anatomy of self-representation.]]>

Zhu, X. R., Zhang, Y., Yang, S. Y., Wu, H. Y., Wang, L. L., & Gu, R. L . (2015).

The motivational hierarchy between self and mother: Evidence from the feedback-related negativity

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 47(6), 807-813.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2015.00807      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Self not only represents individual distinctiveness, but also internalizes and integrates with closed others, such as mother. The importance of closed others for self conception is shaped by culture difference, which could be reflected on the neural level. For instance, previous studies on Western people have observed significant difference in the activation of medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) between the judgment of self and that of mother, which is a region involved in self-relevant processing. In contrast, for East Asians, there is a shared neural representation between self and mother in Chinese people. However, it remains unknown whether self and mother have the same motivational hierarchy among East Asians. Eighteen college students (22.1 &plusmn; 0.8 years of age, ranged 20~24, 10 males) participated in this study. Informed consent was obtained prior to the experiment. All had normal vision (with correction), and none had a history of neurological disease or brain injury. All of them were right-handed. The subjects were paid for their participation. The subjects were asked to finish the simple gambling task. Each trial started with a 3000 ms presentation of the a notice about the beneficiary of the ongoing bet (i.e. either &lsquo;for yourself&rsquo;, &lsquo;for your mother&rsquo; or &lsquo;for stranger&rsquo;). The subjects were told that the stranger was someone selected from the subject pool. Each participant was paid 20 Chinese yuan for their participation. In the gambling task, there was a separate account for each beneficiary. Based on the gained points for each beneficiary, the final revenue or losses were added to the separate account. Finally, the money were put on the mother's or stranger's cell phone. The current findings replicated the well-established ERP pattern that losses evoked a larger FRN than gain in the gambling task. Also, the FRN amplitude was sensitive to the beneficiary factor. That is, the FRN was larger when the subjects made choices on behalf of themselves and their mothers than for strangers, but there was no significant difference between self and mother conditions. These ERP results provided evidence that self and mother share the same motivational hierarchy in Chinese brain.

[ 朱湘茹, 张艳, 杨苏勇, 伍海燕, 王丽丽, 古若雷 . (2015).

母亲与自我具有相同的动机等级: 来自结果评价的FRN证据

心理学报, 47(6), 807-813.]

[本文引用: 3]


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