ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报, 2020, 52(5): 572-583 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2020.00572



黄发杰, 孟迎芳,, 严颖

福建师范大学心理学院, 福州 350117

The effects of retrieval interference on different types of implicit memory

HUANG Fajie, MENG Yingfang,, YAN Ying

School of Psychology, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350117, China

通讯作者: 孟迎芳,

收稿日期: 2019-09-9   网络出版日期: 2020-05-25

基金资助: * 国家自然科学基金青年项目.  31800906
福建省自然基金面上项目.  2018J01719

Received: 2019-09-9   Online: 2020-05-25


以往研究关于提取阶段的干扰是否会影响内隐记忆存在着异义, 其中一个重要因素可能源于所采用的内隐记忆测验类型的差异。本研究采用学习-测验范式, 通过4个实验, 分别考察了提取干扰对识别式知觉内隐测验、识别式概念内隐测验、产生式知觉内隐测验和产生式概念内隐测验的影响, 以期对提取干扰和内隐记忆之间的关系有着更全面的了解。结果表明: (1)词汇判断任务(识别式知觉)和语义分类任务(识别式概念)的启动效应在提取干扰下消失了, (2)而产生式词汇判断任务(产生式知觉)和产生式语义分类任务(产生式概念)在提取干扰下仍发现了明显的启动效应, 但与无干扰条件相比, 启动效应量也有着明显的减少。由此可见, 不同类型的内隐记忆都会受到提取干扰的影响, 相比于产生式启动, 识别式启动更容易受到提取干扰的破坏。

关键词: 内隐记忆 ; 提取干扰 ; 识别式 ; 产生式 ; 知觉启动 ; 概念启动


According to traditional automation theory, an automatic process should be "purely unconscious", independent of limited attention resources, and executed at the same time as other processing tasks without interference. Implicit memory is considered to be a tool that provides unconscious and automatic cognitive processes and that is not be affected by any type of attention resource. Memory includes two important links: coding and retrieval. Coding is mainly responsible for the preliminary processing of information and the generation of memory traces. Retrieval promotes or suppresses the connection of these memory representations after coding.
Previous studies have mostly discussed the effect of interference on implicit memory from the point of view of coding and considered that implicit memory tests are immune to coding interference. However, there are doubts about whether the interference in the retrieval stage will affect the implicit memory, and more importantly, it is not known whether this difference is caused by the different types of memory tests. Because of the intersection between the types of implicit memory tests, this study involves four experiments. The effects of retrieval interference on an identification-perceptual implicit test, an identification-conceptual implicit test, a production-perception implicit test and a production-concept implicit test were investigated.
In this study, two new production tasks were designed. The learning-test paradigm was used to explore the relationship between retrieval interference and different types of implicit memory by setting up digital interference tasks at the same time in the retrieval stage of the test. The results showed that (1) under the condition of no interference, both the lexical judgement task (identification-perceptual test) and semantic classification task (identification-conceptual) display a significant priming effect, and under the condition of interference, the priming effect of the two types of tasks disappears. (2) Under the condition of no interference, both the production lexical judgement task (production-perceptual test) and the production semantic classification task (production-conceptual test) show obvious priming effects; however, under interference conditions, the two kinds of production judgements still have obvious priming effects. Because of the priming effect for both interference conditions, we performed repeated 2 (with or without interference) × 2 (processing level) analysis of variance tests for the priming amounts (reaction time and ACs) of the two production experiments to determine whether interference would influence the priming effect. The results showed that the priming amounts of the two experiments under interference conditions were significantly lower than those under noninterference conditions. Therefore, compared with those for noninterference conditions, the priming effects of the two implicit identification tests disappeared under retrieval interference. Although the priming effects of the two implicit production memory tasks significantly decreased, there was still a significant priming effect.
In conclusion, the retrieval processing of different types of implicit memory tests is affected by interference, and unconscious memory retrieval processing is not completely automated processing but is also regulated by attention resources. Identified implicit memory is more easily affected by retrieval interference than productive implicit memory. Under retrieval interference, there is a separation of the identified implicit memory and production implicit memory, and identified priming is more easily affected by retrieval interference than is productive priming.

Keywords: implicit memory ; retrieval interference ; identification memory ; production memory ; perceptual priming ; conceptual memory

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黄发杰, 孟迎芳, 严颖. 提取干扰对不同类型内隐记忆的影响. 心理学报[J], 2020, 52(5): 572-583 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2020.00572

HUANG Fajie, MENG Yingfang, YAN Ying. The effects of retrieval interference on different types of implicit memory. Acta Psychologica Sinica[J], 2020, 52(5): 572-583 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2020.00572

1 前言

内隐记忆是指在不需要被试有意识回忆的间接测验中, 如词汇判断、语义分类任务等, 被试对学习过的刺激比未学习过的刺激表现出更快的反应, 更高的准确率, 通常以启动效应来表示。近30年来, “无意识的内隐记忆应该是自动化加工”这一观念一直统治着记忆领域, 因为间接测验中的启动效应通常不会受到编码时“注意干扰”的影响。研究多采用双任务范式, 要求被试在记忆学习材料的同时, 执行一项与学习任务无关的干扰任务, 之后完成相应的内隐(间接)或外显(直接)记忆测验, 结果发现, 编码时的干扰显著降低了外显记忆测验如回忆和再认的成绩, 但并不会削弱内隐记忆测验中的启动效应(Dew & Cabeza, 2011; Lozito & Mulligan, 2010; Spataro, Cestari, & Rossi-Arnaud, 2011), 可见启动效应对编码干扰具有“抗干扰性”。

编码是对信息最初的加工, 产生记忆痕迹, 提取是对编码信息的印迹激活, 但提取并不一定是编码的复原(Spaniol et al., 2009), 因此启动效应对编码干扰的“抗干扰性”是否也适用于提取干扰还须进一步考察。孟迎芳和郭春彦(2007, 2009)最早通过系列研究探讨了提取干扰与内隐记忆之间的关系。实验采用“学习-测验”范式, 被试学习系列词汇后进行内隐记忆测验, 同时在学习或测验阶段要求被试执行一项与学习和测验都无关的目标“十”的记数任务(干扰任务)。结果发现, 虽然编码时的干扰不会影响词汇判断任务中的启动效应, 但在提取干扰下, 该启动效应却未有发现。采用事件相关电位技术(ERP)的实验数据进一步支持了这一结果, 发现编码干扰对顶枕区的N400新旧效应(内隐记忆的一个脑电位关联, Lucas, Taylor, Henson, & Paller, 2012)没有产生影响, 但提取干扰下却没有发现明显的N400新旧效应。这些结果似乎表明, 启动效应虽然对编码干扰具有“抗干扰性”, 但却会受到提取干扰的影响。

然而这一结果并不符合传统观念, 并且也曾有研究表明, 提取干扰并不会影响内隐记忆(Clarke & Butler, 2008; Lozito & Mulligan, 2010; Prull, Lawless, Marshall & Sherman, 2016; Sbicigo, Janczura, & Salles, 2017)。例如, Clarke和Butler (2008)采用词干补笔任务作为内隐记忆测验, 被试在测验过程中同时还需执行一项音节监控的干扰任务, 结果未发现提取干扰对词干补笔测验中启动效应的影响。Lozito和Mulligan (2010)采用类似范式, 也没有发现提取干扰对知觉识别、词干补笔以及类别范例产生等内隐记忆测验中启动效应的影响。由于不同研究在实验设置上存在着差异, 为了更确切了解提取干扰与内隐记忆的关系, 孟迎芳等人进一步操纵了可能产生实验结果差异的变量, 例如: 将干扰刺激与记忆刺激由同通道呈现, 修改为类似于Clarke等人和Lozito等人实验中的不同通道呈现(孟迎芳, 于海莉, 2012); 将之前较为消耗注意资源的延时反应干扰改为与Clarke等人(2008)Lozito等人(2010)一样的即时反应干扰, 但仍发现提取干扰对启动效应的影响。并且不论干扰刺激与记忆刺激是同时呈现, 还是先后呈现, 都存在着提取干扰效应(林无忌, 孟迎芳, 林静远, 2017)。这些结果表明, 内隐记忆, 至少词汇判断任务中的启动效应, 对于提取干扰并不具有“抗干扰性”。

虽然孟迎芳等人针对不同研究中存在的变量差异再次进行的实验, 仍发现了提取干扰对内隐记忆的影响, 但纵观其研究, 均采用的是词汇判断的内隐测验任务, 与其它研究所采用的内隐测验有所不同。内隐记忆因测验类型的不同而有着不同的划分(Gabrieli et al., 1999; Spataro et al., 2017)。一方面, 根据任务形式的差别可分为识别式和产生式启动。识别式启动的测验要求被试对呈现的刺激进行知觉辨认或属性判断, 在这种判断中有且只有一种正确反应; 而产生式启动的测验中只提供目标线索, 该线索可能激活多种解决方案, 需要被试从中选择并产生一种答案。另一方面, 依据任务所依赖的认知加工不同, 又可分为知觉和概念启动。知觉启动主要依赖于分析刺激的表面或感知特征, 反映了刺激知觉加工上的易化效应; 概念启动则依赖于分析刺激的意义, 反映了刺激概念加工上的易化效应。已有研究曾表明, 不同类型的启动效应所依赖的认知神经系统存在着差异(Leynes, Bruett, Krizan, & Velosa, 2017; Marques, Spataro, Cestari, Sciarretta, & Rossi-Arnaud, 2016)。更为重要的是, 编码干扰对不同类型间接测验中的启动效应所产生的影响也是分离的: 编码干扰会影响产生式测验中的启动效应, 但不影响识别式测验中的启动效应(LaVoie & Faulkner, 2008); 编码干扰会减少随后的概念启动, 但不影响知觉启动(Mulligan & Lozito, 2006; Newell, Cavenett, & Anderws., 2008)。那么提取干扰对内隐记忆的影响是否也会因内隐记忆测验类型的不同而有所差异呢?

具体分析来看, 孟迎芳等人实验中采用的词汇判断任务属于识别式测验, 由于该任务会受到学习和测验阶段词汇知觉信息相似性的影响(Prull et al., 2016), 因此主要测量的是知觉启动。而其它研究中采用的内隐测验包括知觉识别、词干补笔和类别范例产生。词干补笔和类别范例产生都属于产生式测验。知觉识别虽然也被认为是一种识别式测验, 但因为刺激呈现时间非常短暂, 被试有可能只知觉到了刺激的一部分, 而根据所知觉到的部分信息可能会激活多种解决方案, 因此不少研究者也认为其具有产生式测验的特征(Spataro et al., 2017)。由此我们产生了一个疑问, 内隐记忆的提取干扰效应是否只发生在孟迎芳等人所采用的词汇判断这种识别式的知觉内隐记忆测验中呢?

为了更全面地了解提取干扰与内隐记忆之间的关系, 本研究拟在孟迎芳和郭春彦(2007, 2009)的实验基础上, 采用不同类型的内隐记忆测验, 考察提取干扰对内隐记忆的影响是否会因内隐记忆测验类型的不同而不同。已有研究曾认为, 两种内隐记忆测验类型的划分之间会存在着交叉(Gabrieli et al., 1999; Prull & Spataro, 2017), 由此可构成4种类型的间接测验, 即识别式知觉内隐测验、识别式概念内隐测验、产生式知觉内隐测验和产生式概念内隐测验。因此, 本研究拟通过4个实验, 分别设置4种不同类型的内隐测验任务, 系统考察提取干扰对内隐记忆的影响。

2 实验1: 提取干扰对识别式知觉内隐测验的影响

2.1 研究目的

如前所述, 词汇判断任务会受到学习和测验阶段词汇知觉信息相似性的影响(Prull et al., 2016), 一直是作为识别式知觉内隐测验的典型代表。因此实验1仍采用词汇判断任务, 进一步验证提取干扰对识别式知觉启动的影响。与前人研究(林无忌等, 2017)类似, 实验1也设置了编码加工水平变量。一般认为内隐记忆测验较不容易受到编码加工水平的影响, 编码加工水平的设置也可为内隐记忆测验的有效性提供更多的证据(Alipour, Aerab-Sheybani, & Akhondy, 2012)。但与林无忌等人(2017)不同是, 实验1采用对词汇的结构一致性判断作为浅编码加工任务, 即要求对词汇正字法或词形方面进行知觉加工。该任务可以作为更有效的知觉加工任务(王丹, 王婷, 秦松, 张积家, 2019)。

2.2 研究方法

2.2.1 被试

32名大学生(男11名)自愿参与实验, 年龄24.41 ± 1.25岁, 右利手, 裸视或矫正视力正常, 身心健康, 无类似实验经历, 结束后获得一定报酬。实验过程中4名被试察觉到了学习和测验的关系, 并采用意识性提取策略(Prull et al., 2016), 数据被剔除, 最终有效被试28名。根据孟迎芳和郭春彦(2007)中干扰变量主效应的效应值(f = 0.45)为先验效果量, 采用GPower 3.1设置Power为95%, α显著性水平为0.05, 计算出计划被试数为10名(Anderson, Kelley, & Maxwell, 2017), 因此实验1被试量具有足够的统计检验力。随后3个实验的被试量确定依据与此相同。

2.2.2 实验材料

记忆材料: 从《现代汉语频率词典》(1986年版)中选取汉语低频双字词240个, 词频为2.3~12.2/百万, 平均词频为3.654/百万, 所有词趋于中性化。双字词随机分为8组(30词/组), 每组词中结构一致(同为上下、左右结构等)与不一致各一半, 各组的笔画数、词频均无统计显著差异[F(7, 232) = 0.81, p = 0.58; F(7, 232) = 0.63, p = 0.73]。其中4组用于无干扰条件, 4组用于提取干扰条件。每种条件下, 2组用于编码阶段, 1组进行知觉加工, 1组进行概念加工, 剩余2组用于测验阶段作为新词(知觉、概念编码)。此外, 把前述低频双字词的前后两个字拆开, 随机组成假词, 去除音或义上的重合, 从中选取60个, 再随机分为2组, 分别用于两种实验条件的测验阶段, 与旧、新词混合随机呈现。并且, 每个学习阶段开始和结束都额外增添2个填充词, 不计入分析。

干扰材料: 1~8的整数。

2.2.3 实验程序

采用Presentation 0.71软件编写程序。所有刺激呈现于电脑屏幕中间, 人机距离80 cm。被试在隔音实验室完成个别测试。实验前进行练习, 直到熟悉理解后进入正式实验。正式实验分成无干扰和提取干扰两部分, 中间休息5分钟, 两部分在被试间平衡。其中, 无干扰条件包括5个阶段:

(1)编码阶段: 要求被试对随机呈现的双字词进行知觉或概念加工, 知觉加工要求对词进行结构一致性判断, 一致按F键, 不一致按J键; 概念加工要求对词进行主观愉悦度判断, 愉悦按F键, 不愉悦按J键。每种加工条件30个词, 每个词呈现500 ms, ISI为1600 ± 200 ms。两种加工条件在被试间平衡。

(2)分心作业阶段: 屏幕中央呈现一个3位数数字, 要求被试进行1分钟的倒减7运算, 最后出声报告运算结果。

(3)单独干扰任务阶段: 屏幕中央随机呈现15个1~8的整数, 要求被试进行奇(J键)/偶(L键)判断, 每个数呈现800 ms, ISI为1400~1800 ms。

(4)测验阶段: 60个旧词(深、浅加工各30个)与60个新词及30个假词混合随机呈现, 要求被试进行真(S键)或假词(F键)的词汇判断任务(见图1 A)。每个词呈现800 ms, ISI为1600 ± 200 ms。


图1   词汇判断任务有无干扰条件下的测验流程图

(5)单独干扰任务阶段: 具体同(3)。

提取干扰条件只在阶段(4)与无干扰条件不同, 即在测验阶段, 数字与双字词(间隔2 cm)上下呈现于屏幕中央(见图1 B), 要求被试用左手按S/F键对双字词进行真假词汇判断, 同时右手按J/L键对数字进行奇偶判断。实验前告知被试两个任务同等重要, 在刺激出现后对两个任务都尽可能快速、准确地进行按键反应。实验中所有双字词(黑体)和干扰数字(Times New Roman)都以白色60号字体呈现于黑色背景中。

实验结束后, 每个被试需要填答一份意识性问卷(Prull et al., 2016), 以排除实验过程中被试反应偏向的影响, 确保内隐测验的相对纯净性和有效性。

2.3 结果分析


表1   词汇判断任务各条件下的反应时和正确率指标

反应时(ms)无干扰639 ± 12646 ± 9681 ± 1243 ± 835 ± 6
有干扰1229 ± 741250 ± 711260 ± 6832 ± 1810 ± 19
正确率(%)无干扰0.99 ± 0.020.98 ± 0.030.95 ± 0.040.04 ± 0.040.04 ± 0.04
有干扰0.96 ± 0.040.94 ± 0.060.94 ± 0.040.01 ± 0.050.01 ± 0.04
ACs无干扰86.92 ± 1.0585.65 ± 1.1677.83 ± 1.019.09 ± 1.257.82 ± 1.28
有干扰80.30 ± 1.3178.99 ± 1.6477.79 ± 1.202.51 ± 1.511.20 ± 1.79

注: 由于本研究中内隐测验任务的平均正确率较高(大于0.7), 因此应用反正弦平方根(ACs = DEGREES (ASIN (SQRT (AC))))对本研究非正态的正确率进行转换(Winer, Brown, & Michels, 1971), 确保数据的方差分析结果更加稳定; 启动量为新旧词在反应时/ACs上的平均差值。实验2\3\4类似。

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首先, 对无干扰条件下词汇判断的新旧词反应时和ACs分别进行词类型(知觉编码旧词vs.概念编码旧词vs.新词)的单因素重复测量方差分析, 以确认是否存在启动效应。结果显示, 在反应时上, 词类型的主效应显著, F(2,54) = 20.43, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.43; 两类旧词的反应时都要显著快于新词(ps < 0.001); 两类旧词之间无显著差异(p = 0.99)。在ACs上, 词类型主效应显著, F(2, 54) = 28.64, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.52; 两类旧词的ACs都显著高于新词(ps < 0.001); 两类旧词之间无显著差异(p = 0.99)。因此, 反应时、ACs上均发现启动效应, 但无明显加工水平效应。

随后, 对干扰条件也进行相同的分析, 结果显示, 词类型的主效应不显著, F(2, 54) = 0.96, p = 0.34; 在ACs上, 词类型主效应不显著, F(2, 54) = 1.13, p = 0.33。因此, 提取干扰条件下词汇判断未发现显著的启动效应。

2.4 讨论

实验1结果表明, 词汇判断任务中的启动效应在提取干扰下消失了, 该结果重复了前人的研究(孟迎芳, 郭春彦, 2007, 2009; 孟迎芳, 于海莉, 2012; 林无忌等, 2017)。由于词汇判断任务要求一个快速且无产生性的反应, 是一种典型的识别式内隐记忆测验, 因此该结果再次验证了提取干扰会破坏识别式知觉启动这一现象。

3 实验2: 提取干扰对识别式概念内隐测验的影响

3.1 研究目的

虽然已有研究表明提取干扰不会破坏概念内隐记忆的成绩, 但其概念内隐记忆测验主要为产生式的类别范例产生(Clarke & Butler, 2008; Prull et al., 2016)。那么类似于词汇判断任务这样的识别式概念内隐测验, 是否可能产生类似的提取干扰效应呢?因此实验2拟采用语义分类任务来解决这个问题。语义分类任务要求被试判断呈现的双字词属于生物还是非生物, 反应模式与词汇判断任务一致, 都为识别式任务, 并且已被广泛用于评估概念启动(Spataro, Mulligan, & Rossi-Arnaud, 2013), 因此能较好地比较提取干扰对知觉和概念启动可能产生的不同影响。

3.2 研究方法

3.2.1 被试

30名大学生(男10名)自愿参与实验, 年龄24.35 ± 1.06岁, 右利手, 裸视或矫正视力正常, 身心健康, 无类似实验经历, 结束后获得一定报酬。同实验1, 剔除了4名实验过程中察觉到了学习和测验的关系, 并采用意识性提取策略被试, 最终有效被试26名。

3.2.2 实验材料

记忆材料: 同实验1的低频双字词共180个, 随机分为6组(30词/组), 各组的笔画数、词频均无统计显著差异[F(5, 174) = 1.50, p = 0.19; F(5, 174) = 1.97, p = 0.09], 每组词中一半为有生命, 一半为无生命, 随机分配到两个实验条件: 无干扰和提取干扰, 3组词/条件, 2组词用于编码阶段的知觉(结构一致性判断)或者概念加工(愉悦度判断), 剩余1组用于测验阶段的新词, 与2组旧词随机混合呈现。并且, 每个编码阶段开始和结束都添加2个填充词, 不计入分析。

干扰材料: 同实验1。

3.2.3 实验程序

与实验1的差异主要在于阶段(4)的内隐记忆测验不同。在测验阶段, 60个旧词(深、浅加工各30个)与30个新词混合随机呈现, 要求被试进行有(S键)/无(F键)生命的语义分类任务。提取干扰条件下, 双字词与干扰数字同时呈现, 要求被试对词汇进行语义分类的同时对数字进行奇偶判断(见图2)。有无干扰条件在被试间平衡。


图2   语义分类任务干扰条件流程图

3.3 结果分析


表2   语义分类任务中各种条件下的平均反应时和正确率指标

反应时(ms)无干扰718 ± 29701 ± 28742 ± 2924 ± 740 ± 8
有干扰1186 ± 611197 ± 631134 ± 58-51 ± 19-62 ± 23
正确率(%)无干扰0.94 ± 0.010.91 ± 0.010.89 ± 0.010.05 ± 0.010.02 ± 0.02
有干扰0.92 ± 0.020.91 ± 0.020.90 ± 0.020.02 ± 0.010.01 ± 0.01
ACs无干扰77.35 ± 1.5274.93 ± 1.8572.23 ± 1.625.12 ± 1.312.70 ± 1.93
有干扰76.97 ± 2.1675.65 ± 1.9874.53 ± 2.092.43 ± 2.031.12 ± 1.65

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首先, 对无干扰条件下语义分类任务的新旧词反应时和ACs分别进行词类型的单因素重复测量方差分析。结果显示, 在反应时上, 词类型的主效应显著, F(2, 50) = 15.72, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.39; 两类旧词的反应时均显著快于新词(p1 = 0.003; p2 < 0.001); 旧词之间无显著差异(p = 0.10), 因此, 在反应时上发现了明显的启动效应。在ACs上, 词类型的主效应显著, F(2, 50) = 4.89, p = 0.011, ηp2 = 0.16; 知觉编码旧词的ACs显著高于新词(p = 0.002), 但概念编码旧词与知觉编码及新词没有显著差异(p = 0.52), 两类旧词之间也无显著差异(p = 0.44)。因此, ACs上只发现知觉编码的旧词存在明显的启动效应。

其次, 对干扰条件下的反应时和ACs进行相同的方差分析。结果显示, 在反应时上, 词类型的主效应显著, F(2, 50) = 5.04, p = 0.01 , ηp2 = 0.17; 两类旧词的反应时显著长于新词(p1 = 0.033; p2 = 0.031), 即表现出明显的负启动效应。两类旧词之间无显著差异(p = 0.99)。在ACs上, 词类型的主效应不显著, F(2, 50) = 0.79, p = 0.46。因此, 提取干扰下语义分类任务未发现明显的启动效应。

3.4 讨论

实验2的结果表明, 提取干扰对语义分类任务中的启动效应也产生了明显的影响, 这种影响表现为出现了负启动效应。因此, 与已往采用类别范例产生任务的提取干扰效应不同(Clarke & Butler, 2008; Prull et al., 2016), 概念内隐记忆的识别式启动会受到提取干扰的破坏。

4 实验3: 提取干扰对产生式知觉内隐测验的影响

4.1 研究目的

产生式知觉内隐测验的研究多采用词干补笔任务(Clarke & Butler, 2008; Lozito & Mulligan, 2010), 该测验任务主要依赖于分析词干所提供的残缺或者模糊的知觉特征, 从多种与之匹配的词汇中选择第一个想到的单词进行补全。但在这一任务中也存在着一个问题, 即不同词干所激活的解决方案可能存在着差异, 而解决方案的多少与注意资源需求成正比(Marques et al., 2016)。因此多种解决方案的选择可能会导致反应竞争的冲突(Barnhardt, 2005), 而这种竞争冲突可能会混淆差异的来源。为了避免反应竞争, 同时能与实验1的词汇判断任务相匹配, 实验3将结合词干补笔与词汇判断任务的特点, 形成产生式的词汇判断任务, 即呈现双字词的第一个字作为词干, 随后同时呈现两个字, 分别与词干组成真词和假词, 要求被试判断哪边的字可以和词干组成真词。在该任务中, 启动效应将会表现为学习过的词会比新词的判断速度更快、准确率更高。该任务要求被试进行词汇判断任务, 同时仍具有词干补笔的性质, 即被试首先需根据词干进行单词补全, 但选项的限定又避免了反应竞争。因此与实验1的区别主要在于识别式和产生式测验之间的差异。

4.2 研究方法

4.2.1 被试

30名大学生(男11名)自愿参与实验, 年龄24.11 ± 1.95岁, 右利手, 裸视或矫正视力正常, 身心健康, 无类似实验经历, 结束后获得一定报酬。同实验1, 剔除了3名实验过程中察觉到了学习和测验的关系, 并采用意识性提取策略被试, 最终有效被试27名。

4.2.2 实验材料

记忆材料: 汉语低频双字词240个, 选取方式同实验1。双字词随机分为8组, 各组的笔画数、词频、首字笔画数、首字词频均无统计显著差异[F(7,232) = 1.90, p = 0.08; F(7, 232) = 1.79, p = 0.10; F(7, 232) = 1.73, p = 0.11; F(7, 232) = 1.78, p = 0.10], 一半用于无干扰条件, 一半用于提取干扰条件。每种条件下, 2组用于编码阶段, 1组进行知觉加工, 1组进行概念加工, 剩余2组用于测验阶段作为新词。通过与实验1相同的方式形成假词240个, 并确保这些假词与240个双字词的第一个词是相同的, 可以在测验阶段作为词干补笔的另一个选项。

4.2.3 实验程序

与实验1的差异主要在阶段(4)的内隐记忆测验上。实验3采用产生式的词汇判断任务, 即呈现词干, 同时呈现与词干配对的两个选项(括号内), 其中1个选项可与词干组成真词, 要求被试判断括号内左边还是右边的选项可与词干组成真词, 左边按S键, 右边按F键, 正确选项左右各半。正确选项中, 一半为编码阶段呈现过的旧词(深浅各30), 一半为60个新词。提取干扰条件下则要求被试判断词汇的同时对数字进行奇偶判断(见图3)。无干扰与提取干扰两种条件在被试间平衡。


图3   产生式的词汇判断任务干扰条件流程图

4.3 结果分析


表3   产生式词汇判断任务各种条件下的平均反应时和正确率指标

反应时(ms)无干扰860 ± 23851 ± 24958 ± 3198 ± 13107 ± 12
有干扰1227 ± 651236 ± 641279 ± 6552 ± 1543 ± 16
正确率(%)无干扰0.95 ± 0.010.95 ± 0.010.89 ± 0.010.06 ± 0.010.06 ± 0.01
有干扰0.95 ± 0.010.96 ± 0.010.92 ± 0.010.03 ± 0.010.04 ± 0.01
ACs无干扰79.95 ± 1.5780.01 ± 1.6871.23 ± 1.168.72 ± 1.528.78 ± 1.28
有干扰79.18 ± 1.3481.94 ± 1.5074.73 ± 1.214.46 ± 1.497.21 ± 1.63

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首先, 对无干扰条件下产生式词汇判断任务的新旧词反应时和ACs分别进行词类型的单因素重复测量方差分析。结果显示, 在反应时上, 词类型的主效应显著, F(2, 52) = 54.62, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.68;两类旧词的反应时显著快于新词(ps < 0.001); 两类旧词之间无显著差异(p = 0.92)。在ACs上, 词类型的主效应显著, F(2, 52) = 20.95, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.45; 两类旧词的ACs显著高于新词(ps < 0.001); 两类旧词之间无显著差异(p = 0.99)。因此不论在反应时还是ACs上, 无干扰条件下均产生了明显的启动效应, 但没有发现加工水平差异。

其次, 对干扰条件下的反应时和ACs进行同样的方差分析。结果显示, 在反应时上, 词类型的主效应显著, F(2, 52) = 4.65, p = 0.014, ηp2 = 0.15; 两类旧词的反应时显著快于新词(p1 = 0.006, p2 = 0.036), 但两类旧词之间无显著差异(p = 0.99)。在ACs上, 词类型的主效应显著, F(2, 52) = 8.92, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.26; 两类旧词的ACs显著高于新词(p1 = 0.018, p2 < 0.001); 两类旧词之间无显著差异(p = 0.54)。因此, 在提取干扰下, 产生式词汇判断任务的启动效应仍是明显的, 但无加工水平差异。

由于两种干扰条件下都存在着启动效应, 我们对启动量(反应时、ACs)进行了2(有无干扰) × 2(加工水平)的重复测量方差分析, 以确定干扰是否会对启动效应产生影响。结果显示, 在反应时上, 只发现有干扰条件的主效应, F(1,26) = 25.11, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.49; 无干扰条件下的启动量(M = 47.74, 95% CI = 26.0, 3~69.45)显著大于干扰条件(M = 102.26, 95% CI = 78. 57~125.95), 加工水平主效应[F(1,26) = 0.001, p = 0.99], 及二者的交互作用均不显著[F(1,26) = 0.59, p = 0.45]。在ACs上, 干扰条件的主效应接近显著, F(1, 26) = 3.19, p = 0.086, ηp2 = 0.11; 无干扰条件下的ACs启动量(M = 8.75, 95% CI = 6.55~10.96)也会略大于干扰条件(M = 5.83, 95% CI = 3.37~8.29), 加工水平主效应和二者交互作用均不显著[F(1, 26) = 1.39, p = 0.25; F(1, 26) = 0.81, p = 0.38]。因此, 与无干扰相比, 提取干扰下产生式词汇判断任务的启动量都有明显下降。

4.4 讨论

实验3的结果发现, 产生式的词汇判断任务在提取干扰的作用下仍有明显的启动效应存在, 但对两种干扰条件下启动量的直接比较表明, 提取干扰下的启动效应量要比无干扰条件有所减少。可见提取干扰也还是对产生式知觉内隐测验中的启动效应产生了影响, 只是其影响相对较小。

5 实验4: 提取干扰对产生式概念内隐测验的影响

5.1 研究目的

类别范例产生任务是一种较为常用的产生式概念启动测验(Lozito & Mulligan, 2010; Prull et al., 2016)。该任务首先给被试呈现一系列范例, 要求被试根据某一类别线索产生多个范例, 用首先想到的某一个范例快速回答。但是, 该任务通常采用口头或纸笔的形式, 导致反应时间较长, 也无法与前面几个实验的结果进行比较。并且如前所述, 产生式中线索所激活的多种选择方案会导致反应竞争, 从而混淆结果。因此借鉴实验3的方式, 并能与实验2中的语义分类任务进行比较, 我们结合类别范例产生和语义分类任务提出了产生式的语义分类任务, 即呈现一种类别线索, 随后同时呈现两个选项, 其中一个选项属于该种线索所指示的类别。要求被试判断, 左边还是右边的选项属于该类别。在该任务中, 启动效应将会表现为学习过的类别词会比未学过的类别词的判断速度更快、准确率更高。该任务要求被试进行类别属性任务, 与语义分类任务有着相似的判断, 同时仍具有产生式的性质, 即被试需根据类别线索进行提取。因此与实验2一样, 都是一种内隐概念判断任务, 其区别主要在于识别式和产生式测验之间的差异, 可用于提取干扰是否影响产生式概念内隐记忆。

5.2 研究方法

5.2.1 被试

30名大学生(男11名)自愿参与实验, 年龄24.96 ± 1.14岁, 右利手, 裸视或矫正视力正常, 身心健康, 无类似实验经历, 结束后获得一定报酬。同实验1, 剔除了5名实验过程中察觉到了学习和测验的关系, 并采用意识性提取策略被试, 最终有效被试25名。

5.2.2 实验材料

记忆材料: 汉语低频双字词480个, 其中240个词分别选自8种目标类别(例如: 武器、建筑、球类、画、职业、服饰、动物、花卉), 30词/类; 随机混合分成8组, 各组的笔画数、词频均无统计显著差异[F(7,232) = 0.59, p = 0.77; F(7,232) = 1.33, p = 0.24], 再随机分配给无干扰和提取干扰两个实验条件; 另外240个词选自另外8个类别(例如: 植物、风景、水果、日用品、食物、珠宝、鞋类、城市), 30词/类, 仅用于测验提取阶段, 以便与目标类别相结合形成不一致的类别样本对, 例如: 水果(乌龟, 草莓)。

5.2.3 实验程序

与实验2的差异主要在于阶段(4)的内隐记忆测验上, 实验4采用产生式的语义分类任务, 即在屏幕中同时呈现类别线索, 以及两个选项, 其中1个选项属于该类别, 该选项一半位于左边, 一半位于右边。要求被试选择出属于该类别的词, 左边按S键, 右边按F键, 正确选项左右各半。正确选项中有一半的词是在编码阶段出现过的该类别词, 共60个, 深浅加工各30个, 而另一半为60个在编码阶段未出现过的该类别词, 每个词分别配对呈现一个不属于该类别的其他词, 所有的刺激混合随机。提取干扰条件下类别词对与干扰数字同时呈现, 要求被试进行双任务判断(见图4)。有无干扰条件在被试间平衡。


图4   产生式语义分类任务干扰条件流程图

5.3 结果分析


表4   产生式语义分类任务各种条件下的平均反应时和正确率指标

反应时(ms)无干扰992 ± 24969 ± 211055 ± 2663 ± 1386 ± 10
有干扰1347 ± 621320 ± 691403 ± 6855 ± 1983 ± 19
正确率(%)无干扰0.96 ± 0.010.94 ± 0.010.88 ± 0.010.08 ± 0.010.06 ± 0.01
有干扰0.95 ± 0.010.94 ± 0.010.91 ± 0.010.05 ± 0.010.04 ± 0.01
ACs无干扰81.25 ± 1.3977.77 ± 1.5070.43 ± 1.1510.82 ± 0.997.34 ± 1.20
有干扰80.38 ± 1.6578.59 ± 1.6573.28 ± 1.377.10 ± 1.355.31 ± 1.60

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首先, 对无干扰条件下产生式语义分类任务的反应时和ACs分别进行词类型的单因素重复测量方差分析。结果显示, 在反应时上, 词类型的主效应显著, F(2,48) = 24.15, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.50; 两类旧词的反应时显著快于新词(ps < 0.001), 两类旧词之间无显著差异(p = 0.42)。在ACs上, 词类型的主效应显著, F(2,48) = 40.16, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.63; 两类旧词的ACs显著高于新词(ps < 0.001), 两类旧词之间无显著差异(p = 0.45)。因此, 在无干扰条件下, 不论反应时和ACs上, 均发现启动效应, 但无加工水平差异。

其次, 对干扰条件下的反应时和ACs进行同样的方差分析。结果显示, 在反应时上, 词类型的主效应显著, F(2,48) = 7.34, p = 0.002, ηp2 = 0.24; 两类旧词的反应时显著快于新词(p1 = 0.007; p2 < 0.001), 两类旧词之间无显著差异(p = 0.99)。在ACs上, 词类型的主效应显著, F(2,48) = 9.23, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.28; 两类旧词的ACs显著高于新词(p1 < 0.001; p2 = 0.004)。两类旧词之间无显著差异(p = 0.99)。因此, 提取干扰下, 产生式语义分类任务中仍存在着明显的启动效应, 但无加工水平差异。

随后与实验3类似, 我们对启动量(反应时、ACs)进行了2 (有无干扰) × 2(加工水平)的重复测量方差分析。结果显示, 在反应时上未发现干扰条件的主效应[F(1,24) = 0.20, p = 0.66], 编码加工水平主效应[F(1,24) = 1.52, p = 0.23], 以及二者的交互作用[F(1,24) = 0.02, p = 0.96]。但在ACs上, 干扰条件的主效应显著, F(1,24) = 5.65, p = 0.02, ηp2 = 0.19; 无干扰条件下的ACs启动量(M = 9.83, 95% CI = 8.00~11.67)显著大于干扰条件(M = 6.78, 95% CI = 4.33~9.21); 但未发现干扰条件和加工水平的交互作用[F(1,24) = 1.10, p = 0.31; F(1, 24) = 0.37, p = 0.55]。因此, 与无干扰条件相比, 提取干扰下产生式语义分类任务的启动量在正确率上还是有一定下降的。

5.4 讨论

实验4的结果发现, 在提取干扰下, 产生式的语义分类任务仍表现出明显的启动效应, 但进一步对启动效应量的比较也发现, 与无干扰条件相比, 虽然在反应时上的启动效应量并未有显著变化, 但在正确率上, 提取干扰下的启动效应量还是有明显减少的, 因此提取干扰也还是对产生式的语义分类任务产生了一定的影响, 只是相比于实验2的知觉式语义分类任务来说, 其影响相对更小。

6 总讨论

本研究通过识别式和产生式、知觉和概念启动两类经典划分的交叉结合, 设置了4种不同类型的内隐记忆测验, 同时在测验阶段采用双任务范式, 系统地探讨提取干扰是否会对内隐记忆产生影响。结果表明, 对于识别式的内隐记忆测验, 不论是知觉(实验1的词汇判断任务)还是概念测验(实验2的语义判断任务), 提取干扰条件下均未发现启动效应, 在概念内隐测验中甚至出现了负启动效应。而对于产生式的内隐记忆测验, 不论是知觉(实验3的产生式词汇判断任务)还是概念测验(实验4的产生式语义判断任务), 提取干扰条件下的启动效应仍是明显的, 但与无干扰条件相比, 提取干扰条件下的启动效应量都有一定程度的减少。由此可见, 不论是何种类型的内隐记忆测验, 提取干扰都会对测验中的启动效应产生影响。

虽然传统的观念都认为“无意识的内隐记忆应该是自动化加工”, 但这一观念主要来源于内隐记忆不会受到编码干扰的影响(Dew & Cabeza, 2011; Spataro et al., 2011)。提取虽然是对编码信息的印迹激活, 但提取并不一定是编码的复原(Spaniol et al., 2009), 因此内隐记忆是否也对提取干扰具有“抗干扰性”还须进一步考察。如前言所述, 已有研究对此并未得出一致的结论, 而不同研究之间差异的结果有可能源于所采用的内隐记忆测验的不同。在发现提取干扰对内隐记忆影响的系列研究中, 内隐记忆测验均采用词汇判断任务, 该任务一般被划分为典型的识别式知觉内隐测验。由此我们产生了一个疑问, 内隐记忆的提取干扰效应是否只会发生这种识别式的知觉内隐记忆测验中?然而本研究在4种不同类型的内隐记忆测验中都发现了提取干扰的影响, 可见提取干扰对内隐记忆的影响具有一定的普遍性。经典自动化理论认为, 自动加工过程应该是“纯无意识”的, 独立于有限的注意资源, 可与其他任务加工同时执行, 并且免受干扰(Moors & de Houwer, 2006; Kiefer, 2012; Kiefer & Martens, 2010)。而本研究结果意味着内隐记忆的提取加工并非完全自动化, 也会受到注意资源的调节。这一观点也得到其他一些研究的支持。如Kiefer等人研究表明, 至上而下的认知控制, 如注意资源、刺激预期、任务目标等, 都会对掩蔽语义启动产生明显的调节作用, 表明无意识的信息加工也具有注意敏感性(Martens & Kiefer, 2009; Kiefer & Martens, 2010; Adams & Kiefer, 2012)。而近期的另一些研究则将孟迎芳和郭春彦(2007, 2009)实验中的双任务同时操作修改为前后操作, 结果发现, 不论干扰刺激在记忆项目之前或之后呈现, 启动效应均受到影响(林无忌 等, 2017)。更为重要的是, 研究者通过延长干扰刺激与记忆项目之间的间隔, 或将部分干扰刺激设置为NO-GO反应, 以减少干扰任务对注意资源的竞争。结果发现在这些条件下, 提取干扰对启动效应的影响大大减少或消失了(Lin, Meng, & Lin, in press)。由此可见, 内隐记忆的提取加工并不完全独立于二级任务, 而是会受到二级任务对注意资源的调节, 因此表现出提取干扰效应。

然而, 为何以往的另一些研究却未发现这种提取干扰效应呢(如Clarke & Butler, 2008; Lozito & Mulligan, 2010; Prull et al., 2016)?本研究结果或许可以为之前研究在提取干扰与内隐记忆关系上出现的不同结论提供合理的解释。如前言所述, 以往未发现提取干扰效应的研究所采用的内隐测验任务主要为产生式的测验, 如词干补笔、类别范例产生等。而本研究也发现, 对于产生式的内隐记忆测验, 不论是知觉(实验3)还是概念测验(实验4), 提取干扰并没有破坏测验中的启动效应, 即仍表现出旧词的优势效应, 似乎表明提取干扰并不会影响内隐记忆。但进一步的分析发现, 与无干扰条件相比, 两个产生式测验中的启动效应量在提取干扰下都有着一定程度的减少, 可见本研究的产生式测验中仍有发现提取干扰效应。这可能与本研究所设置的产生式测验(产生式词汇判断测验和产生式语义判断测验)不同于传统的产生式测验有关。

在采用传统产生式测验的研究中, 目标线索的呈现时间一般较长(2.5~5 s)。曾有研究者认为, 在内隐记忆测验中, 如果刺激呈现时间过长, 较容易混入外显记忆成分(Sheldon & Moscovitch, 2010; Miyoshi & Ashida, 2014)。而提取意识的混入可能造成研究结果的明显差异。例如Prull等(2016)采用类别范例产生任务, 虽然在分析所有被试的数据时, 没有发现在该产生式测验上的提取干扰效应, 但根据事后反馈问卷将意识到学习-测验间关联并采用了有意识提取策略的被试去除之后, 却发现提取干扰明显减少了类别范例产生任务中的启动效应。本研究为了避免传统产生式测验中存在的这些问题, 并且使得产生式测验与识别式测验有着更好的可比性, 实验3结合了词干补笔和词汇判断任务的特点, 提出了产生式的词汇判断任务。该任务要求被试进行词汇判断任务, 同时具有词干补笔的性质, 即被试首先需根据词干进行单词补全, 但选项的限定又避免了反应竞争。因此与词汇判断任务的区别主要在于识别式和产生式测验之间的差异。实验4类似, 结合了类别范例产生与语义分类任务的特点设计了产生式的语义分类任务, 要求被试进行类别属性判断任务, 与语义分类任务有着相似的判断, 同时仍具有产生式的性质, 即被试需根据类别线索进行提取。因此与实验2语义分类任务的区别也主要在于识别式和产生式测验之间的差异。研究曾认为, 词汇判断任务要求一个快速且无产生性的反应, 能最小化外显提取的可能性, 即使被试觉察到许多词曾经学习过, 一个外显提取策略也不会有助于在快速词/非词决策中的行为(Newell et al., 2008; Spataro et al., 2017)。而本研究4个实验的反应模式较为一致, 应该都能相对较好地去除提取意识所产生的影响, 更有效地探测到提取干扰对启动效应所产生的作用。

虽然本研究中提取干扰对4类测验中的启动效应都产生了影响, 但在提取干扰下的表现也还是存在着差异的。实验1和2采用识别式的词汇判断任务及语义分类任务, 启动效应在提取干扰下完全消失了。实验3和4采用产生式的词汇判断任务和语义分类任务, 启动效应量虽然与无干扰条件相比有一定的减少, 但仍表现出旧词的优势效应, 不完全被干扰所抵消。可见提取干扰虽然会对内隐记忆产生影响, 但这种影响也会因测验类型而有所差异, 主要表现为与识别式测验(实验1和实验2)相比, 提取干扰对产生式测验(实验3和实验4)中启动效应产生的影响相对较小。研究曾表明, 双任务同时执行会激活前额叶皮层, 即便是两个任务都比较简单甚至完全自动化, 也需要激活这一双任务执行功能相关的特定化皮层区域(D’Esposito et al., 1995; Just, Keller, & Cynkar, 2008)。双任务和单独的子任务执行时对大脑额叶皮层相同区域的激活程度存在差异, 如果负责单任务加工的皮层区域激活增强, 可以为双任务执行过程提供额外的资源, 促进双任务之间的协调转换, 降低任务冲突等, 进而减小任务之间的干扰(Just et al., 2008; 谭金凤, 伍姗姗, 徐雷, 王丽君, 陈安涛, 2013; Tombu et al., 2011)。研究通过将外部脑损伤病人与健康被试进行对比, 发现双任务下外部脑损伤组的前额叶激活程度更大, 这说明了额外的前额叶资源的参与更有助于双任务操作的顺利完成(Rasmussen et al., 2008)。据此我们认为, 与后枕皮层的血流动力减少相关的识别式任务相比, 由于单独的产生式内隐测验任务通常需要前额叶区域的参与(Gabrieli et al., 1999; Geraci, 2006), 同时执行一个相对简单的干扰任务(奇偶判断), 在双任务下表现出一定的前额叶激活增强效果, 使得受到提取干扰的破坏更小。因此, 与识别式启动相比, 产生式启动在提取干扰下的启动效应并未被完全破坏。

综上所述, 不同类型的内隐记忆都会受到提取干扰的破坏, 内隐记忆的提取加工并非完全自动化, 也会受到注意资源的调节。但这种调节会因内隐记忆测验类型的不同而有所差异, 主要表现为与识别式测验相比, 提取干扰对产生式测验中启动效应产生的影响相对较小。


Adams S. C., & Kiefer M . (2012).

Testing the attentional boundary conditions of subliminal semantic priming: the influence of semantic and phonological task sets

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 6, 1-12.

DOI:10.3389/fnhum.2012.00001      URL     PMID:22279433      [本文引用: 1]

Alipour A., Aerab-Sheybani K., & Akhondy N . (2012).

Effects of handedness and depth of processing on the explicit and implicit memory

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 32, 29-33.

DOI:10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.01.005      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In this research the effects of handedness and depth of processing on the explicit and implicit memory was evaluated. An experimental research was carried out individually on 80 students using computerized measurement tools and Edinburgh Handedness Inventory. The data were analyzed through Variance Analysis Method. Results showed that the difference between examinees under different depths of processing is significant in explicit memory. Moreover, there was also a significant difference in explicit memory between the three groups. Mixed-handed and left-handed participants had better recall performance but there was no significant difference in implicit memory. Better performance of the mixed-handed in explicit memory recall test indicates that explicit memory function is dependent on the interrelation between the two hemispheres. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the 4th International Conference of Cognitive Science

Anderson S. F., Kelley K., & Maxwell S. E . (2017).

Sample- size planning for more accurate statistical power: a method adjusting sample effect sizes for publication bias and uncertainty

Psychological Science, 28(11), 1547-1562.

DOI:10.1177/0956797617723724      URL     PMID:28902575      [本文引用: 1]

The sample size necessary to obtain a desired level of statistical power depends in part on the population value of the effect size, which is, by definition, unknown. A common approach to sample-size planning uses the sample effect size from a prior study as an estimate of the population value of the effect to be detected in the future study. Although this strategy is intuitively appealing, effect-size estimates, taken at face value, are typically not accurate estimates of the population effect size because of publication bias and uncertainty. We show that the use of this approach often results in underpowered studies, sometimes to an alarming degree. We present an alternative approach that adjusts sample effect sizes for bias and uncertainty, and we demonstrate its effectiveness for several experimental designs. Furthermore, we discuss an open-source R package, BUCSS, and user-friendly Web applications that we have made available to researchers so that they can easily implement our suggested methods.

Barnhardt T . (2005).

Number of solutions effects in stem decision: support for the distinction between identification and production processes in priming

Memory, 13(7), 725-748.

DOI:10.1080/09658210444000368      URL     PMID:16191822      [本文引用: 1]

Three experiments explored the distinction between identification and production processes (e.g., Gabrieli et al., 1999). A stem decision test was introduced, in which participants were asked to state whether there were any English words that began with the presented three-letter stems. In Experiment 1, stem decision priming was robust for single-solution stems, but much reduced for many-solution stems. In Experiment 2, the solutions effect in stem decision was replicated in a within-subjects design, as was the contrast between the presence of priming in a many-solution stem completion test and the absence of priming in a many-solution stem decision test. In Experiment 3, for each critical many-solution stem in the stem decision test, participants studied three words that began with those three letters. Again, priming was not observed. These results were consistent with the notions that (a) many-solution stem completion relies on production processes, (b) the stem decision test eliminates production processes, and (c) single-solution priming relies on identification processes, regardless of whether the test is stem completion or stem decision.

Clarke A. J. B., & Butler L. T . (2008).

Dissociating word stem completion and cued recall as a function of divided attention at retrieval

Memory, 16(7), 763-772.

DOI:10.1080/09658210802261116      URL     PMID:18720222      [本文引用: 7]

The aim of this study was to investigate the widely held, but largely untested, view that implicit memory (repetition priming) reflects an automatic form of retrieval. Specifically, in Experiment 1 we explored whether a secondary task (syllable monitoring), performed during retrieval, would disrupt performance on explicit (cued recall) and implicit (stem completion) memory tasks equally. Surprisingly, despite substantial memory and secondary costs to cued recall when performed with a syllable-monitoring task, the same manipulation had no effect on stem completion priming or on secondary task performance. In Experiment 2 we demonstrated that even when using a particularly demanding version of the stem completion task that incurred secondary task costs, the corresponding disruption to implicit memory performance was minimal. Collectively, the results are consistent with the view that implicit memory retrieval requires little or no processing capacity and is not seemingly susceptible to the effects of dividing attention at retrieval.

D’Esposito M., Detre J. A., Alsop D. C., Shin R. K., Atlas S., & Grossman M . (1995).

The neural basis of the central executive system of working memory

Nature, 378, 279-281.

DOI:10.1038/378279a0      URL     PMID:7477346      [本文引用: 1]

Working memory refers to a system for temporary storage and manipulation of information in the brain, a function critical for a wide range of cognitive operations. It has been proposed that working memory includes a central executive system (CES) to control attention and information flow to and from verbal and spatial short-term memory buffers. Although the prefrontal cortex is activated during both verbal and spatial passive working memory tasks, the brain regions involved in the CES component of working memory have not been identified. We have used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine brain activation during the concurrent performance of two tasks, which is expected to engage the CES. Activation of the prefrontal cortex was observed when both tasks are performed together, but not when they are performed separately. These results support the view that the prefrontal cortex is involved in human working memory.

Dew I. T. Z., & Cabeza R . (2011).

The porous boundaries between explicit and implicit memory: behavioral and neural evidence

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1224(1), 174-190.

DOI:10.1111/j.1749-6632.2010.05946.x      URL     PMID:21486300      [本文引用: 2]

Explicit memory refers to the conscious retrieval of past information or experiences, whereas implicit memory refers to an unintentional or nonconscious form of retrieval. Much of the literature in cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience has focused on differences between explicit and implicit memory, and the traditional view is that they rely on distinct brain systems. However, the potential interplay between implicit and explicit memory is not always clear. This review draws from behavioral and functional neuroimaging evidence to evaluate three areas in which implicit and explicit memory may be interrelated. First, we discuss views of familiarity-based recognition in terms of its relationship with implicit memory. Second, we review the challenges of distinguishing between implicit memory and involuntary aware memory, at both behavioral and neural levels. Finally, we examine evidence indicating that implicit and explicit retrieval of relational information may rely on a common neural mechanism. Taken together, these areas indicate that, under certain circumstances, there may be an important and influential relationship between conscious and nonconscious expressions of memory.

Gabrieli J. D. E., Vaidya C. J., Stone M., Francis W. S., Thompson-Schill S. L., Fleischman D. A., … Wilson R. S . (1999).

Convergent behavioral and neuropsychological evidence for a distinction between identification and production forms of repetition priming

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 128(4), 479-498.

DOI:10.1037//0096-3445.128.4.479      URL     PMID:10650584      [本文引用: 3]

Four experiments examined a distinction between kinds of repetition priming which involve either the identification of the form or meaning of a stimulus or the production of a response on the basis of a cue. Patients with Alzheimer's disease had intact priming on picture-naming and category-exemplar identification tasks and impaired priming on word-stem completion and category-exemplar production tasks. Division of study-phase attention in healthy participants reduced priming on word-stem completion and category-exemplar production tasks but not on picture-naming and category-exemplar identification tasks. The parallel dissociations in normal and abnormal memory cannot be explained by implicit-explicit or perceptual-conceptual distinctions but are explained by an identification-production distinction. There may be separable cognitive and neural bases for implicit modulation of identification and production forms of knowledge.

Geraci L . (2006).

A test of the frontal lobe functioning hypothesis of age deficits in production priming

Neuropsychology, 20(5), 539-548.

DOI:10.1037/0894-4105.20.5.539      URL     PMID:16938016      [本文引用: 1]

Older adults have been hypothesized to show reduced priming relative to younger adults on implicit memory tests that require production of a response because these tasks place high demands on attentional processes associated with frontal lobe function, which are often reduced with age (see D. A. Fleischman &amp;amp; J. D. E. Gabrieli, 1998). The current study directly tested this frontal lobe hypothesis of age effects in production priming. Younger adults and older adults who differed in their attentional abilities as measured by a battery of neuropsychological tests were given two production priming tasks, word stem completion and category production, followed by explicit free recall tests. Results showed that explicit memory performance was reduced by age and older adults' frontal functioning. Age and frontal functioning influenced category production priming but not word stem completion priming. Results failed to support the frontal account of age reductions in production priming. Instead, results implicate the influence of other processes often involved in production priming tasks, such as explicit memory strategies and response competition, as critical for understanding age effects in implicit memory performance.

Just M. A., Keller T. A., & Cynkar J . (2008).

A decrease in brain activation associated with driving when listening to someone speak

Brain Research, 1205, 70-80.

DOI:10.1016/j.brainres.2007.12.075      URL     PMID:18353285      [本文引用: 2]

Behavioral studies have shown that engaging in a secondary task, such as talking on a cellular telephone, disrupts driving performance. This study used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the impact of concurrent auditory language comprehension on the brain activity associated with a simulated driving task. Participants steered a vehicle along a curving virtual road, either undisturbed or while listening to spoken sentences that they judged as true or false. The dual-task condition produced a significant deterioration in driving accuracy caused by the processing of the auditory sentences. At the same time, the parietal lobe activation associated with spatial processing in the undisturbed driving task decreased by 37% when participants concurrently listened to sentences. The findings show that language comprehension performed concurrently with driving draws mental resources away from the driving and produces deterioration in driving performance, even when it does not require holding or dialing a phone.

Kiefer M . (2012).

Executive control over unconscious cognition: attentional sensitization of unconscious information processing

Frontiers of Human Neuroscience, 6, 1-12.

DOI:10.3389/fnhum.2012.00061      URL     PMID:22470329      [本文引用: 1]

Unconscious priming is a prototypical example of an automatic process, which is initiated without deliberate intention. Classical theories of automaticity assume that such unconscious automatic processes occur in a purely bottom-up driven fashion independent of executive control mechanisms. In contrast to these classical theories, our attentional sensitization model of unconscious information processing proposes that unconscious processing is susceptible to executive control and is only elicited if the cognitive system is configured accordingly. It is assumed that unconscious processing depends on attentional amplification of task-congruent processing pathways as a function of task sets. This article provides an overview of the latest research on executive control influences on unconscious information processing. I introduce refined theories of automaticity with a particular focus on the attentional sensitization model of unconscious cognition which is specifically developed to account for various attentional influences on different types of unconscious information processing. In support of the attentional sensitization model, empirical evidence is reviewed demonstrating executive control influences on unconscious cognition in the domains of visuo-motor and semantic processing: subliminal priming depends on attentional resources, is susceptible to stimulus expectations and is influenced by action intentions and task sets. This suggests that even unconscious processing is flexible and context-dependent as a function of higher-level executive control settings. I discuss that the assumption of attentional sensitization of unconscious information processing can accommodate conflicting findings regarding the automaticity of processes in many areas of cognition and emotion. This theoretical view has the potential to stimulate future research on executive control of unconscious processing in healthy and clinical populations.

Kiefer M., & Martens U . (2010).

Attentional sensitization of unconscious cognition: task sets modulate subsequent masked semantic priming

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 139(3), 464-489.

DOI:10.1037/a0019561      URL     PMID:20677895      [本文引用: 2]

According to classical theories, automatic processes are autonomous and independent of higher level cognitive influence. In contrast, the authors propose that automatic processing depends on attentional sensitization of task-congruent processing pathways. In 3 experiments, the authors tested this hypothesis with a modified masked semantic priming paradigm during a lexical decision task by measuring event-related potentials (ERPs): Before masked prime presentation, participants attended an induction task either to semantic or perceptual stimulus features designed to activate a semantic or perceptual task set, respectively. Semantic priming effects on the N400 ERP component, an electrophysiological index of semantic processing, were obtained when a semantic task set was induced immediately before subliminal prime presentation, whereas a previously induced perceptual task set attenuated N400 priming. Across experiments, comparable results were obtained regardless of the difficulty level and the verbal or nonverbal nature of the induction tasks. In line with the proposed attentional sensitization model, unconscious semantic processing is enhanced by a semantic and attenuated by a perceptual task set. Hence, automatic processing of unconscious stimuli is susceptible to top-down control for optimizing goal-related information processing.

LaVoie D. J., & Faulkner K. M . (2008).

Production and identification repetition priming in amnesticmild cognitive impairment

Aging Neuropsychology and Cognition, 15(4), 523-544.

DOI:10.1080/13825580802051497      URL     PMID:18584343      [本文引用: 1]

The experiment reported here examined implicit memory function, as measured through repetition priming, in amnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to examine whether impairments exist in this aspect of memory function. Young adults, healthy older controls, Alzheimer's disease patients, and MCI participants were asked to perform two types of implicit memory tests (word stem completion and threshold identification repetition priming tasks), as well as a recognition test for studied items. As expected, young adults performed better than the other participants on the recognition test and the word stem completion task; there was equivalent priming across groups on the word identification task. While both the older control and MCI participants showed lower levels of priming on the word stem completion task relative to the young adults, the magnitude of priming was equivalent for these two groups, and reliably greater than that of the dementia participants. These results suggest that not all aspects of memory function are impaired in MCI relative to healthy aging.

Leynes P. A., Bruett H., Krizan J., & Veloso A . (2017).

What psychological process is reflected in the FN400 event-related potential component

Brain and Cognition, 113, 142-154.

DOI:10.1016/j.bandc.2017.02.004      URL     PMID:28235696      [本文引用: 1]

During many recognition contexts, old items elicit a more positive event-related potentials (ERPs) than new items at mid-frontal electrodes about 300-500ms. The psychological processes that are reflected in is ERP component (i.e., the FN400) has been vigorously debated. Some argue that the FN400 reflects familiarity, whereas others argue that it reflects conceptual implicit memory. Three experiments contrasted these two hypotheses by presenting pre-experimentally familiar (i.e., name-brand) products and novel, off-brand products. In addition, some of the off-brand products were conceptually primed by the name-brand product to determine how FN400 amplitude would be affected by conceptually primed, but novel, products. The results provided mixed support for both theoretical views, and it is integrated with a broader theoretical framework to characterize the psychological processes captured by the FN400.

Lin J. Y., Meng Y. F., & Lin W. J . (in press).

Conditional automaticity: interference effects on the implicit memory retrieval process

Psychological Research. Retrieved from

DOI:10.1007/s00426-019-01228-9      URL     PMID:31302775     

Many studies have indicated that executing a secondary task during encoding has little influence on implicit memory (priming effect). However, relatively few studies have discussed the effect of interference on implicit memory during retrieval. Our previous studies found asymmetry between implicit encoding and retrieval processes, with the priming effect disrupted by retrieval interference. Therefore, the present study investigated why and how the priming effect is affected by interference at retrieval. We adopted a dual-task paradigm, with a lexical decision task as the memory task and an odd-even decision task as the interference task. The effect of interference during retrieval was assessed by comparing the performance in the interference condition with that in the full-attention condition. In Experiment 1, we observed that the priming effect was absent in the synchronous retrieval interference condition. In Experiment 2, asynchronous interference was also found to block the priming effect. To verify the assumption that the priming effect is sensitive to attentional resource competition during retrieval, we used two different manipulations (an extended stimulus interval in the dual-task paradigm, Experiment 3, and an interference inhibition manipulation, Experiment 4) known to reduce attentional distraction. In these experiments, the priming effect was protected from interference effects. We suggest that implicit memory retrieval could be regarded as a conditional automatic process that depends on a configuration of the cognitive system by attention and task sets. If the limited resources are occupied by another task, the implicit retrieval process can be impacted.

Lin W. J., Meng Y. F., & Lin J. Y . (2017).

Effects of interference on retrieval process in implicit memory

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 49(7), 49-60.

[本文引用: 5]

[ 林无忌, 孟迎芳, 林静远 . (2017).


心理学报, 49(7), 49-60.]

[本文引用: 5]

Lozito J. P., & Mulligan N. W . (2010).

Exploring the role of attention during implicit memory retrieval

Journal of Memory and Language, 63(3), 387-399.

[本文引用: 7]

Lucas H. D., Taylor J. R., Henson R. N., & Paller K. A . (2012).

Many roads lead to recognition: electrophysiological correlates of familiarity derived from short-term masked repetition priming

Neuropsychologia, 50(13), 3041-3052.

DOI:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2012.07.036      URL     PMID:23010141      [本文引用: 1]

The neural mechanisms that underlie familiarity memory have been extensively investigated, but a consensus understanding remains elusive. Behavioral evidence suggests that familiarity sometimes shares sources with instances of implicit memory known as priming, in that the same increases in processing fluency that give rise to priming can engender familiarity. One underappreciated implication of this account is that patterns of neural activity that appear to index familiarity in a generic sense may instead reflect fluency-related precursors of recognition. In a novel illustration of this principle, we examined brain potentials during recognition tests for visual words. In two experiments, fluency was selectively enhanced for half of the test cues via masked repetition priming. Replicating previous findings, the proportion of words endorsed as &amp;quot;old&amp;quot; was greater for words immediately preceded by a matching masked word versus an unrelated one. In addition, N400 potentials were more positive for test cues preceded by matching versus unrelated masked words. Similar N400 differences were observed when false alarms were compared to correct rejections for the subset of unstudied words that were preceded by matching masked words. These N400 effects were topographically dissociable from other potentials that correlated with familiarity for studied words. We conclude that experiences of familiarity can have different neural correlates that signal the operation of distinct neurocognitive precursors of recognition judgments. Conceptualizations of the neural basis of recognition memory must account for a plurality of mechanisms that produce familiarity memory.

Marques V. R. S., Spataro P., Cestari V., Sciarretta A., & Rossi- Arnaud C . (2016).

Testing the Identification/Production hypothesis of implicit memory in Schizophrenia: The role of response competition

Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 22( 3), 314-321.

DOI:10.1017/S1355617715001198      URL     PMID:26689111      [本文引用: 2]

Previous evidence indicates that patients with schizophrenia exhibit reduced repetition priming in production tasks (in which each response cue engenders a competition between alternative responses), but not in identification tasks (in which each response cue allows a unique response). However, cross-task comparisons may lead to inappropriate conclusions, because implicit tests vary on several dimensions in addition to the critical dimension of response competition. The present study sought to isolate the role of response competition, by varying the number of solutions in the context of the same implicit tasks.

Martens U., & Kiefer M . (2009).

Specifying attentional top-down influences on subsequent unconscious semantic processing

Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 5, 56-68.

DOI:10.2478/v10053-008-0067-3      URL     PMID:20523850      [本文引用: 1]

Classical theories assume that unconscious automatic processes are autonomous and independent of higher-level cognitive influences. In contrast, we propose that automatic processing depends on a specific configuration of the cognitive system by top-down control. In 2 experiments, we tested the influence of available attentional resources and previously activated task sets on masked semantic priming in a lexical decision task. In Experiment 1, before masked prime presentation, participants were engaged in an easy or hard primary task that differentially afforded attentional resources. Semantic priming was attenuated when the primary task was hard, that is, when only little attentional resources were available. In Experiment 2, a semantic or perceptual induction task differentially modulated subsequent masked semantic priming. Hence, unconscious automatic processing depends on the availability of attentional resources and is susceptible to top-down control.

Meng Y. F., & Guo C. Y . (2007).

The Asymmetric Effect of Interference at Encoding or Retrieval on Implicit and Explicit Memory

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 39(4), 579-588.

[本文引用: 5]

[ 孟迎芳, 郭春彦 . (2007).


心理学报, 39(4), 579-588.]

[本文引用: 5]

Meng Y. F., & Guo C. Y . (2009).

The Asymmetric Relationship Between Encoding and Retrieval in Implicit and Explicit Memory

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 41(8), 694-705.

URL     PMID:17039771      [本文引用: 4]

[ 孟迎芳, 郭春彦 . (2009).


心理学报, 41(8), 694-705.]

PMID:17039771      [本文引用: 4]

Meng Y. F., & Yu H. L . (2012).

The dissociation between encoding and retrieval in implicit and explicit memory

Journal of South China Normal University (Social Science Edition), (3), 50-55.

[本文引用: 2]

[ 孟迎芳, 于海莉 . (2012).


华南师范大学学报(社会科学版), (3), 50-55.]

[本文引用: 2]

Miyoshi K., & Ashida H . (2014).

Priming and implicit recognition depend on similar temporal changes in perceptual representations

Acta Psychologica, 148, 6-11.

DOI:10.1016/j.actpsy.2013.12.012      URL     PMID:24486801      [本文引用: 1]

Previous studies have reported that longer stimulus presentation decreases the magnitude of priming. In the present study, we used meaningless kaleidoscope images, which were reported to minimize conceptual processing, to investigate the mechanism of the phenomenon. We assessed the impact of stimulus duration on perceptual priming (Experiment 1) and implicit recognition memory (Experiment 2). Both the magnitude of priming and the accuracy of implicit recognition were lower with the longer stimulus presentation (350 ms) compared with the shorter presentation (250 ms). This coincidence of temporal dynamics between priming and implicit recognition suggests similar underlying memory mechanisms. In both cases, the decrease of performance with longer presentation can be explained by either changes in perceptual processes or interference from explicit memory retrieval.

Moors A., & de Houwer J . (2006).

Automaticity: a theoretical and conceptual analysis

Psychological Bulletin, 132(2), 297-326.

DOI:10.1037/0033-2909.132.2.297      URL     PMID:16536645      [本文引用: 1]

Several theoretical views of automaticity are discussed. Most of these suggest that automaticity should be diagnosed by looking at the presence of features such as unintentional, uncontrolled/uncontrollable, goal independent, autonomous, purely stimulus driven, unconscious, efficient, and fast. Contemporary views further suggest that these features should be investigated separately. The authors examine whether features of automaticity can be disentangled on a conceptual level, because only then is the separate investigation of them worth the effort. They conclude that the conceptual analysis of features is to a large extent feasible. Not all researchers agree with this position, however. The authors show that assumptions of overlap among features are determined by the other researchers' views of automaticity and by the models they endorse for information processing in general.

Mulligan N. W., & Lozito J. P . (2006).

An asymmetry between memory encoding and retrieval Revelation, generation, and transfer-appropriate processing

Psychological Science, 17(1), 7-11.

DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9280.2005.01657.x      URL     PMID:16371137      [本文引用: 1]

Transfer-appropriate-processing accounts of memory emphasize the similarity of encoding and retrieval processes, and imply that experimental manipulations should have similar effects on encoding and retrieval. Exceptions to this expectation are thus of great interest, but extant exceptions (produced by studies using divided attention, alcohol, and benzodiazepines) are debatable, single dissociations between encoding and retrieval. The present experiments demonstrate a reversed dissociation, in which the same variable produced opposite effects when implemented at encoding and retrieval. At encoding, participants either solved anagrams of study words or read intact study words. At retrieval, participants likewise solved anagrams or read intact words prior to making recognition memory judgments. Compared with reading intact words, solving anagrams at encoding enhanced later recognition accuracy, whereas solving anagrams at test impaired accuracy. These results were obtained with old/new decisions (Experiment 1) and with confidence ratings (Experiment 2).

Newell B. R., Cavenett T., & Anderws S . (2008).

On the immunity of perceptual implicit memory to manipulations of attention

Memory & Cognition, 36(4), 725-734.

DOI:10.3758/mc.36.4.725      URL     PMID:18604956      [本文引用: 2]

In four experiments, we examined the effect of manipulating study phase attention in a Stroop task on the extent of repetition priming in the lexical decision task (LDT). Experiment 1 replicated the immunity of the LDT to division of attention reported by Szymanski and MacLeod (1996), using a standard Stroop configuration. Response times to previously encountered words were identical regardless of whether the participants were required to read the words or name the color in which they were presented. Experiment 2 demonstrated that implementing the Stroop manipulation across separate visual objects reduced but did not eliminate priming of unattended words, provided the words remained in the attended region of the stimulus display. When this constraint was removed in Experiment 3, priming of unattended words disappeared. Experiment 4 demonstrated statistically equivalent priming for attended and unattended words when the Stroop manipulation remained in the same visual object but attention was directed to a single letter of the word. In all four experiments, the Stroop manipulation had a clear effect on recognition. These results qualify claims that the LDT might be immune to manipulations of study phase attention and suggest that the LDT has a lower threshold level of attention at encoding than do other standard implicit tests of memory.

Prull M. W., Lawless C., Marshall H. M., & Sherman A. T . (2016).

Effects of divided attention at retrieval on conceptual implicit memory

Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1-13.

DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00001      URL     PMID:26858668      [本文引用: 10]

A computational model of visual selective attention has been implemented to account for experimental findings on the Perceptual Load Theory (PLT) of attention. The model was designed based on existing neurophysiological findings on attentional processes with the objective to offer an explicit and biologically plausible formulation of PLT. Simulation results verified that the proposed model is capable of capturing the basic pattern of results that support the PLT as well as findings that are considered contradictory to the theory. Importantly, the model is able to reproduce the behavioral results from a dilution experiment, providing thus a way to reconcile PLT with the competing Dilution account. Overall, the model presents a novel account for explaining PLT effects on the basis of the low-level competitive interactions among neurons that represent visual input and the top-down signals that modulate neural activity. The implications of the model concerning the debate on the locus of selective attention as well as the origins of distractor interference in visual displays of varying load are discussed.

Prull M. W., & Spataro P . (2017).

Editorial: The role of the distinctions between identification/production and perceptual/ conceptual processes in implicit memory: Findings from cognitive psychology, neuroscience and neuropsychology

Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 8-10.

DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00008      URL     PMID:28194118      [本文引用: 1]

reversed ownership effect. Moreover, people high in conscientiousness showed an increase in this trend, suggesting a stronger other-consideration; (2) Self-chosen-self-owned stocks and other-chosen-self-owned stocks revealed no significant d-FRN discrepancy, showing no choosership effect beyond the ownership effect; (3) Other-chosen-self-owned stocks evoked a significantly stronger d-FRN discrepancy than other-chosen-other-owned stocks, demonstrating an ownership effect; (4) Self-chosen-other-owned stocks evoked a significantly stronger d-FRN discrepancy than other-chosen-other-owned stocks, revealing a choosership effect. These findings suggest that the ownership effect could be reversed by conscientiousness induced by perceived choosership in the agency relationship, while the choosership effect is attenuated and even disappears under the influence of perceived ownership.]]>

Rasmussen I. A., Xu J., Antonsen I. K., Brunner J., Skandsen T., & Axelson D. E., … Haberg A . (2008).

Simple dual tasking recruits prefrontal cortices in chronic severe traumatic brain injury patients, but not in controls

Journal of Neurotrauma, 25(9), 1057-1070.

DOI:10.1089/neu.2008.0520      URL     PMID:18729718      [本文引用: 1]

The ability to carry out two tasks simultaneously, dual tasking, is specifically impaired after traumatic brain injury (TBI). The aim of the present study was to investigate the neuronal correlates to this increased dual cost in chronic severe TBI patients (n = 10) compared to healthy controls (n = 11) using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) at 3 Tesla (T). The tasks were a visual search and a simple two-fingers button press motor task. Performance data demonstrated similar and significant dual task interference in both TBI patients and controls using a linear mixed model. However, principal component analysis showed that TBI patients and controls could be classified into different categories based on motor activity in the single compared to the dual task condition, thus reflecting the increased variability in the performance in the TBI group. Random effects between-group analysis demonstrated significantly reduced activation in the TBI group in both single task conditions in the occipital and posterior cingulate cortices, and for the visual task also in the thalami. This pattern was reversed in the dual task condition with significantly increased activation of a predominantly left lateralized prefrontal-anterior midline-parietal network in the TBI group compared to the controls. The increase in activation occurred within regions described to be engaged in healthy volunteers as dual task cost increases. This finding points to substitution, functional reorganization within the primary network subserving the task, following TBI, and demonstrates more effortful processing. Recruitment of these additional prefrontal resources may be connected to serial rather than parallel processing in low level dual tasking in TBI. Thus, in severe TBI, low level dual task performance depends on increased attentional and executive guidance.

Sbicigo J. B., Janczura G. A., Salles. J . (2017).

The role of attention in perceptual and conceptual priming

Psychology & Neuroscience, 10(2):117-131.

[本文引用: 1]

Sheldon S. A., & Moscovitch M . (2010).

Recollective performance advantages for implicit memory tasks

Memory, 18(7), 681-97.

DOI:10.1080/09658211.2010.499876      URL     PMID:20721805      [本文引用: 1]

A commonly held assumption is that processes underlying explicit and implicit memory are distinct. Recent evidence, however, suggests that they may interact more than previously believed. Using the remember-know procedure the current study examines the relation between recollection, a process thought to be exclusive to explicit memory, and performance on two implicit memory tasks, lexical decision and word stem completion. We found that, for both implicit tasks, words that were recollected were associated with greater priming effects than were words given a subsequent familiarity rating or words that had been studied but were not recognised (misses). Broadly, our results suggest that non-voluntary processes underlying explicit memory also benefit priming, a measure of implicit memory. More specifically, given that this benefit was due to a particular aspect of explicit memory (recollection), these results are consistent with some strength models of memory and with Moscovitch's (2008) proposal that recollection is a two-stage process, one rapid and unconscious and the other more effortful and conscious.

Spaniol J., Davidson P. S. R., Kim A. S. N., Han H., Moscovitch M., & Grady C. L . (2009).

Event-related fMRI studies of episodic encoding and retrieval: meta-analyses using activation likelihood estimation

Neuropsychologia, 47(8-9), 1765-1779.

DOI:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2009.02.028      URL     PMID:19428409      [本文引用: 2]

The recent surge in event-related fMRI studies of episodic memory has generated a wealth of information about the neural correlates of encoding and retrieval processes. However, interpretation of individual studies is hampered by methodological differences, and by the fact that sample sizes are typically small. We submitted results from studies of episodic memory in healthy young adults, published between 1998 and 2007, to a voxel-wise quantitative meta-analysis using activation likelihood estimation [Laird, A. R., McMillan, K. M., Lancaster, J. L., Kochunov, P., Turkeltaub, P. E., &amp;amp; Pardo, J. V., et al. (2005). A comparison of label-based review and ALE meta-analysis in the stroop task. Human Brain Mapping, 25, 6-21]. We conducted separate meta-analyses for four contrasts of interest: episodic encoding success as measured in the subsequent-memory paradigm (subsequent Hit vs. Miss), episodic retrieval success (Hit vs. Correct Rejection), objective recollection (e.g., Source Hit vs. Item Hit), and subjective recollection (e.g., Remember vs. Know). Concordance maps revealed significant cross-study overlap for each contrast. In each case, the left hemisphere showed greater concordance than the right hemisphere. Both encoding and retrieval success were associated with activation in medial-temporal, prefrontal, and parietal regions. Left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) and medial-temporal regions were more strongly involved in encoding, whereas left superior parietal and dorsolateral and anterior PFC regions were more strongly involved in retrieval. Objective recollection was associated with activation in multiple PFC regions, as well as multiple posterior parietal and medial-temporal areas, but not hippocampus. Subjective recollection, in contrast, showed left hippocampal involvement. In summary, these results identify broadly consistent activation patterns associated with episodic encoding and retrieval, and subjective and objective recollection, but also subtle differences among these processes.

Spataro P., Cestari V., & Rossi-Arnaud C . (2011).

The relationship between divided attention and implicit memory: a meta-analysis

Acta Psychologica, 136(3), 329-339.

DOI:10.1016/j.actpsy.2010.12.007      URL     PMID:21257140      [本文引用: 2]

This article reports a meta-analysis comparing the size of repetition priming in full and divided-attention (DA) conditions. The main analysis included 38 effect sizes (ES) extracted from 21 empirical studies, for a total of 2074 (full-attention) and 2148 (divided-attention) participants. The mean weighted ES was 0.357 (95% CI=0.278-0.435), indicating that divided attention produced a small, but significant, negative effect on implicit memory. Overall, the distinction between identification and production priming provided the best fit to empirical data (with the effect of DA being greater for production tests), whereas there was no significant difference between perceptual and conceptual priming. A series of focused contrasts suggested that word-stem completion might be influenced by lexical-conceptual processes, and that perceptual identification might involve a productive component. Implications for current theories of implicit memory are discussed.

Spataro P., Mulligan N. W., & Rossi-Arnaud C . (2013).

Divided attention can enhance memory encoding: the attentional boost effect in implicit memory

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition, 39(4), 1223-1231.

DOI:10.1037/a0030907      URL     PMID:23356238      [本文引用: 1]

Distraction during encoding has long been known to disrupt later memory performance. Contrary to this long-standing result, we show that detecting an infrequent target in a dual-task paradigm actually improves memory encoding for a concurrently presented word, above and beyond the performance reached in the full-attention condition. This absolute facilitation was obtained in 2 perceptual implicit tasks (lexical decision and word fragment completion) but not in a conceptual implicit task (semantic classification). In the case of recognition memory, the facilitation was relative, bringing accuracy in the divided attention condition up to the level of accuracy in the full attention condition. The findings follow from the hypothesis that the attentional boost effect reflects enhanced visual encoding of the study stimulus consequent to the transient orienting response to the dual-task target.

Spataro P., Saraulli D., Mulligan N. W., Cestari V., Costanzi M., & Rossi-Arnaud C . (2017).

Not all identification tasks are born equal: testing the involvement of production processes in perceptual identification and lexical decision

Psychological Research, 82(4), 685-699.

DOI:10.1007/s00426-017-0852-z      URL     PMID:28285363      [本文引用: 3]

The distinction between identification and production processes suggests that implicit memory should require more attention resources when there is a competition between alternative solutions during the test phase. The present two experiments assessed this hypothesis by examining the effects of divided attention (DA) at encoding on the high- and low-response-competition versions of perceptual identification (Experiment 1) and lexical decision (Experiment 2). In both experiments, words presented in the high-response-competition condition had many orthographic neighbours and at least one higher-frequency neighbour, whereas words presented in the low-response-competition condition had few orthographic neighbours and no higher-frequency neighbour. Consistent with the predictions of the identification/production distinction, Experiment 1 showed that DA reduced repetition priming in the high-, but not in the low-response-competition version of perceptual identification; in contrast, DA had comparable effects in the two versions of lexical decision (Experiments 2). These findings provide the first experimental evidence in support of the hypothesis that perceptual identification, a task nominally based on identification processes, might involve a substantive production component.

Tan J. F., Wu S. S., Xu L., Wang L. J., & Chen A. T . (2013).

Prefrontal cortex with executive functions involved in dual- task performance

Advances in Psychological Science, 21(12), 2127-2135.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 谭金凤, 伍姗姗, 徐雷, 王丽君, 陈安涛 . (2013).


心理科学进展, 21(12), 2127-2135.]

[本文引用: 1]

Tombu M. N., Asplund C. L., Dux P. E., Godwin D., Martin J. W., & Marois R . (2011).

A unified attentional bottleneck in the human brain

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(33), 13426-13431.

DOI:10.1073/pnas.1103583108      URL     PMID:21825137      [本文引用: 1]

Human information processing is characterized by bottlenecks that constrain throughput. These bottlenecks limit both what we can perceive and what we can act on in multitask settings. Although perceptual and response limitations are often attributed to independent information processing bottlenecks, it has recently been suggested that a common attentional limitation may be responsible for both. To date, however, evidence supporting the existence of such a &amp;quot;unified&amp;quot; bottleneck has been mixed. Here, we tested the unified bottleneck hypothesis using time-resolved fMRI. Experiment 1 isolated brain regions involved in the response selection bottleneck that limits speeded dual-task performance. These same brain regions were not only engaged by a perceptual encoding task in Experiment 2, their activity also tracked delays to a speeded decision-making task caused by concurrent perceptual encoding (Experiment 3). We conclude that a unified attentional bottleneck, including the inferior frontal junction, superior medial frontal cortex, and bilateral insula, temporally limits operations as diverse as perceptual encoding and decision-making.

Wang D., Wang T., Qin S., & Zhang J. J . (2019).

Location effect of Chinese wordable components in the component priming paradigm

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 51(2), 163-176.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 王丹, 王婷, 秦松, 张积家 . (2019).


心理学报, 51(2), 163-176.]

[本文引用: 1]

Winer B. J., Brown D. R., & Michels K. M . (1971).

Statistical principles in experimental design

New York: McGraw-Hill.

[本文引用: 1]


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