ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报, 2019, 51(4): 507-516 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00507



杨玲1, 王斌强,1, 耿银凤2, 姚东伟1, 曹华1, 张建勋,1, 许琼英1

1 西北师范大学心理学院, 物质成瘾与康复研究所, 兰州 730070

2 菏泽信息工程学校学前教育科, 山东 菏泽 274000

The influence of hypothetical and real money rewards on the risky decision-making of the abstinent heroin user

YANG Ling1, WANG Binqiang,1, GEN Yinfeng2, YAO Dongwei1, CAO Hua1, ZHANG Jianxun,1, XU Qiongying1

1 Institute of Substance Addiction and Rehabilitation, School of Psychology, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China

2 Department of Preschool Education, Heze Information Engineering School of Shandong Province, Heze 247000, China

通讯作者: 王斌强, E-mail:wbq0824@sina.com张建勋,

收稿日期: 2018-01-29   网络出版日期: 2019-04-25

基金资助: * 国家自然基金项目资助.  

Received: 2018-01-29   Online: 2019-04-25

Fund supported: 31660276.  


已有研究表明海洛因成瘾者风险决策能力受损, 但少有研究关注不同幅度金钱奖赏对戒断期海洛因成瘾者风险决策的影响以及这种影响是否会受到金钱奖赏类型的调节。因此, 本研究使用气球模拟风险任务(BART), 通过两个实验探究不同幅度虚拟和真实金钱奖赏对海洛因戒断者风险决策的影响。结果显示, 在虚拟奖赏情景下, 海洛因戒断者未爆破气球按键次数和爆破气球个数均显著大于正常组被试, 以及两组被试在25分奖赏条件下的未爆破气球按键次数和爆破气球个数均显著大于1分奖赏; 而在真实奖赏情景下, 海洛因戒断者未爆破气球按键次数和爆破气球个数均显著小于正常组被试, 以及两组被试在25分奖赏条件下的未爆破气球按键次数和爆破气球个数均显著小于1分奖赏。研究结果表明, 金钱奖赏类型和金钱奖赏幅度会影响被试的风险决策行为。在虚拟奖赏情景下, 两组被试的风险偏好水平随着奖赏幅度的增加显著升高, 但是戒断期海洛因成瘾者的风险偏好水平高于正常组被试; 而在真实奖赏情景下, 两组被试的风险偏好水平随着奖赏幅度的增加显著降低, 同时戒断期海洛因成瘾者的风险偏好水平低于正常组被试。

关键词: 海洛因戒断者 ; 风险决策 ; 金钱奖赏幅度 ; 气球模拟风险任务


Today, drug abuse is closely being watched by most of society. It has been found that risky decision-making deficit is one of the main characteristics of drug abuse. Drug abusers are facing increasingly negative consequences in their personal, emotional, professional, and social lives. However, they still prefer to choose immediate reward, and it is difficult for them to make adaptive decisions. Several studies have shown that risky decision-making abilities of heroin addicts are impaired, but few studies have focused on the impact of different levels of monetary reward on risky decision-making for heroin addicts during abstinence and whether such effects are regulated by type of monetary reward. Therefore, this study used the balloon analogue risk task to examine the effects of different levels of hypothetical and real money rewards on risky decision-making in the abstinent heroin user.

Two experiments were included in the study. In Experiment 1, a hypothetical reward was used. however, the participants were asked to imagine the money prizes obtained in the experiment as real money rewards and to obtain as much profit as possible. The results showed that the main effect of the reward magnitude was significant. Post-hoc testing showed the average adjusted pumps (the mean number of pumps for balloons that did not pop) and the total number of popped balloons were significantly less under the 1-cent reward condition compared with the 25-cent reward condition. The main effects of the group were significant, and post-hoc testing showed that the average adjusted pumps and the total number of popped balloons were significantly higher for the abstinent heroin users compared with the non-heroin users. The interaction between the reward magnitude and the group was not significant. Experiment 2 used real rewards. The final rewards of the participants were converted according to their performance in the experimental task. The results showed that the main effect of reward magnitude was marginal significant for the average adjusted pumps and the main effect of the reward magnitude was significant for the total number of popped balloons. Post-hoc testing showed the average adjusted pumps and the total number of popped balloons were significantly higher under the 1-cent reward condition compared with the 25-cent reward condition. The main effects of the group were significant, and post-hoc testing showed that the average adjusted pumps and the total number of popped balloons for the abstinent heroin users were significantly smaller compared with the non-heroin users. The interaction between the reward magnitude and the group was not significant.

The data suggest that risk-taking behavior is modulated by reward type and magnitude of monetary rewards. Overall, participants make more risky decisions on the BART with increased magnitude of hypothetical monetary rewards. However, this trend is completely reversed under the real monetary reward condition. In addition, compared with the non-heroin user, abstinent heroin users make less “optimal” decisions on the BART under the hypothetical monetary reward condition, while they exhibit greater risk aversion on the BART under real monetary rewards condition.

Keywords: the abstinent heroin users ; risky decision-making ; monetary reward magnitude ; balloon analogue risk task

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杨玲, 王斌强, 耿银凤, 姚东伟, 曹华, 张建勋, 许琼英. 虚拟和真实金钱奖赏幅度对海洛因戒断者风险决策的影响 . 心理学报[J], 2019, 51(4): 507-516 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00507

YANG Ling, WANG Binqiang, GEN Yinfeng, YAO Dongwei, CAO Hua, ZHANG Jianxun, XU Qiongying. The influence of hypothetical and real money rewards on the risky decision-making of the abstinent heroin user. Acta Psychologica Sinica[J], 2019, 51(4): 507-516 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00507

1 引言

风险决策(risky decision-making)是指个体在面对两个或两个以上不确定的结果选项时进行权衡, 从而做出判断和抉择的过程(Kahneman & Tversky, 1979)。风险决策缺陷被认为是毒品成瘾者的主要特征之一, 成瘾者在个人情感, 职业和社会生活中面临日益增长的消极后果(如, 身体伤害, 失去工作、家庭、亲人、朋友或社会地位)时仍然倾向于选择立即奖赏(如, 药物摄入) (Fein & Chang, 2008; Li et al., 2013), 他们很难根据结果反馈做出适应性的决策行为(Redish, Jensen, & Johnson, 2008)。针对不同毒品类型的实验研究均支持了这一观点, 例如, 大麻(Gonzalez, Schuster, Mermelstein, & Diviak, 2015), 冰毒(Kohno, Morales, Ghahremani, Hellemann, & London, 2014), 可卡因(Verdejo-Garcia et al., 2007)等。神经影像学的研究结果显示, 毒品成瘾者的风险决策相关脑区, 包括腹内侧前额叶皮层(ventral medial prefrontal cortex, VMPFC)、眶额叶皮层(orbitofrontal cortex, OFC)、前扣带回皮层(anterior cingulate cortex, ACC)和脑岛(insula)等区域激活存在异常, 表明其风险决策能力受到损伤(Bolla et al., 2004; Ersche et al., 2005, 2006; Hanlon, Wesley, Stapleton, Laurienti, & Porrino, 2011; Vaidya et al., 2012; 严万森, 李纾, 隋南, 2011)。与此同时, 越来越多的研究开始强调风险决策缺陷在成瘾行为的维持和复吸中同样扮演着重要角色(Verdejo-Garcia et al., 2014), 决策功能的损伤可能会加剧成瘾物质的使用并危及使用者停止用药和抵制复吸的能力(Gonzalez et al., 2015; Fein & Chang, 2008)。研究进一步明确指出, 毒品成瘾者的决策缺陷对于成瘾者治疗维持时间和治疗后复吸率具有显著的预测作用(Black & Rosen, 2011; Passetti, Clark, Mehta, Joyce, & King, 2008)。在此基础上, 研究使用不同的方法对成瘾者的风险决策进行干预, 如非侵入性脑刺激(Gorini, Lucchiari, Russell-Edu, & Pravettoni, 2014)、目标管理训练和正念冥想(Alfonso, Caracuel, Delgado-Pastor, & Verdejo-García, 2011)等。全面深入地考察毒品成瘾者的风险决策, 不仅可以帮助人们认识成瘾行为发生的原因, 而且可以为今后毒品成瘾的干预与治疗提供借鉴。

关于成瘾者决策研究常见的实验范式有延迟折扣任务(Delay Discounting Task, DDT) (Petry & Casarella, 1999)、爱荷华赌博任务(Iowa Gambling Task, IGT) (Bechara, Damasio, Damasio, & Anderson, 1994)以及剑桥赌博任务(Cambridge Gamble Task, CGT) (Rogers et al., 1999)。DDT被认为主要是评估个体的冲动性决策, 而IGT和CGT则主要用于考察被试的风险性决策(Yao et al., 2017; Zhao, Li, Hu, Wu, & Liu, 2017)。已有大量研究通过这些任务来探究不同物质成瘾者的决策功能状况, 除毒品成瘾者以外, 还包括其他合法成瘾物质使用者, 如, 香烟吸食者(Bickel, Odum, & Madden, 1999; Reynolds, Karraker, Horn, & Richards, 2003), 酒精依赖者(Petry, 2001; Noël, Bechara, Dan, Hanak, & Verbanck, 2007; Lawrence, Luty, Bogdan, Sahakian, & Clark, 2009)等。随着研究工作不断深入开展, 研究人员不再只是简单地证实成瘾者的决策功能受到损伤, 他们开始关注影响成瘾者决策功能的内外因素, 以期为后续的有效干预提供科学依据。研究发现, 不同类型的毒品使用可能会造成成瘾者包括决策功能在内的认知损伤差异。如早期研究结果显示, 与正常人相比, 可卡因成瘾者表现出更高的右侧眶额叶皮层激活以及更低的右侧背外侧前额叶皮层(dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, DLPFC)和左侧内侧前额叶皮层(medial prefrontal cortex, MPFC)激活(Bolla et al., 2003), 相反, 大麻使用者表现出更低的右侧眶额叶皮层和右侧背外侧前额皮层激活以及更高的小脑(cerebellum)激活(Bolla, Eldreth, Matochik, & Cadet, 2005)。上述研究采用了相同的实验范式, 从认知神经活动层面进行了间接的比较, 另有部分研究对不同物质成瘾者的行为数据结果直接比较后发现, 戒断期可卡因成瘾者相较于海洛因成瘾者表现出更高的冲动性和风险寻求行为(Bornovalova, Daughters, Hernandez, Richards, & Lejuez, 2005); 可卡因成瘾者相较于尼古丁成瘾者和健康组被试表现出更高的延迟折扣率(García-Rodríguez, Secades- Villa, Weidberg, & Yoon, 2013)。研究同时强调, 多重物质的使用可能会加剧决策功能的损伤(Hopko et al., 2006), 而且决策功能损伤可能会随着戒断时间增长而有所恢复(周平艳 等, 2014a)。海洛因等阿片类药物仍然是我国毒品成瘾的主要物质之一, 进一步探究戒断期海洛因成瘾者的风险决策特征对于其康复治疗具有重要意义。

与决策相关的研究通常都伴随着一定的金钱奖赏, 这是因为金钱具有一定的社会属性, 能够最大程度地提供与现实相近的决策情景。对于金钱奖赏幅度(高、中、低)进行操纵来考察个体认知加工特点的实验研究较为普遍(纪丽燕, 陈宁轩, 丁锦红, 魏萍, 2015)。研究发现, 金钱奖赏幅度会影响个体的风险决策。例如, 在概率折扣任务中, 被试对低额奖赏的折扣率要小于高额奖赏, 时间折扣任务则刚好与之相反(Estle, Green, Myerson, & Holt, 2006)。另有研究对IGT任务中盈利牌和亏损牌的立即奖赏幅度差异进行操纵后发现, 当奖赏幅度的差异降低时, 被试会更少地选择亏损牌来获得更大的金钱奖励。反之, 当奖赏幅度的差异增大时, 被试则会更多地选择亏损牌从而导致更大的金钱损失(van, den. Bos, Houx, & Spruijt, 2006)。这表明在风险决策过程中, 个体在低额金钱奖赏条件下更易做出风险规避行为, 而在高额金钱奖赏条件下则易做出风险偏好行为。但是, 部分研究结果却与之相反, 个体的风险偏好水平会随着奖赏幅度的增加而减小(Bornovalova et al., 2009)。研究进一步发现, 金钱奖赏幅度对风险决策的影响会受到奖赏类型的调节, 虚拟金钱奖赏幅度对被试的风险决策行为没有影响, 而真实金钱奖赏幅度能够显著改变被试的风险决策行为, 具体表现为高额真实金钱奖赏可以降低被试的风险偏好水平(Xu et al., 2018; 徐四华, 方卓, 饶恒毅, 2013)。考虑到已有研究在考察奖赏幅度与风险决策关系时的结果并不一致, 且尚未有研究以毒品成瘾者为研究对象具体考察其在虚拟和真实奖赏情景下风险决策行为与正常人的差异, 本研究拟对此进行补充。原因是, 决策加工涉及环境刺激的奖赏价值或者情感效价, 评估潜在选项的奖赏或惩罚, 整合潜在积极或消极结果信息, 并最终做出选择行为等过程(赵海潮, 黄小璐, 何清华, 2016)。毒品成瘾者的奖赏加工受损, 其对奖赏幅度的变化相较于正常人更不敏感(Goldstein et al., 2008; Goldstein et al., 2007), 以毒品成瘾者为研究对象来考察金钱奖赏幅度对风险决策的影响不仅是对以往研究的拓展, 而且能够更好地了解毒品成瘾者的风险决策特征。

气球模拟风险任务(BART, Balloon Analogue Risk Task) (Lejuez et al., 2002)是近年来研究人员开发出的一种更接近现实生活中真实风险决策的认知任务。被试通过不断按键让气球体积变大, 每一次按键伴随着累积更高的收益和更大风险的损失。与DDT、IGT和CGT相比, BART因为其较高的生态效度以及较多的行为指标受到研究者的青睐(徐四华 等, 2013)。更为重要的是, 该程序能够比较容易地通过操纵奖赏幅度来探究被试在不同水平奖赏条件下的风险决策行为(Bornovalova et al., 2009)。目前国内外已有多项研究使用BART对不同人群的风险决策进行探究。如Lejuez等人(2003)最早以吸烟者和非吸烟者为被试, 验证了BART的有效性; Fein和Chang (2008)通过事件相关电位(event-related potential, ERP)考察了酒精依赖者与正常人在风险决策过程中的电生理差异; Crowley等人(2010)探讨了同时具有反社会行为和成瘾行为的青少年与一般青少年脑区激活的不同; Hevey等人(2017)比较了抑郁症患者和正常控制组被试之间的风险决策状况; 田录梅等人(2018)探究了同伴在场和自尊水平对青少年冒险行为的影响。少有研究使用BART来探究毒品成瘾者的风险决策(Bornovalova et al., 2005; Hopko et al., 2006), 仅有的研究也并未深入考察金钱奖赏幅度和金钱奖赏类型对毒品成瘾者风险决策的影响。

综上所述, 本研究以戒断期海洛因成瘾者作为研究对象, 使用BART全面探究金钱奖赏对海洛因戒断者风险决策的影响。实验1使用了虚拟金钱奖赏, 其主要目的是探究海洛因戒断者与正常组被试在1分和25分虚拟奖赏情景下的风险决策差异。实验2使用了真实金钱奖赏, 其主要目的是探究海洛因戒断者与正常组被试在1分和25分真实奖赏情景下的风险决策差异。

2 实验1:虚拟奖赏情景下的风险决策特征

2.1 方法

2.1.1 被试

研究共选取被试64名, 其中戒断期男性海洛因成瘾者33名, 均来自甘肃省某强制隔离戒毒所。年龄在19~54岁之间(平均年龄40.94 ± 9.74岁)。文化程度文盲/半文盲2人, 小学8人, 初中20人, 高中/职高/中专/技校2人, 大专1人。满足DSM-IV阿片类药物依赖诊断标准。初次吸食海洛因的平均年龄为25.94 ± 7.76岁, 本次入所戒断时长为14.09 ± 6.43月。正常组男性被试31名, 通过口头和广告两种方式招募, 无毒品使用史。年龄在18~52岁之间(平均年龄40.45 ± 9.10岁)。文化程度小学9人, 初中17人, 高中/职高/中专/技校5人。所有被试均为右利手, 视力或矫正视力正常, 无色觉障碍, 无既往精神病史或心血管疾病。经统计检验, 两组被试的年龄(t(62) = 0.21, p > 0.05)以及文化程度(χ2 = 4.05, p > 0.05)无显著性差异。

2.1.2 实验设计

实验采用2 (奖赏幅度:1分, 25分) × 2 (被试类型:海洛因戒断组, 正常被试组)的两因素混合实验设计。其中奖赏幅度是组内变量, 被试类型是组间变量。因变量是未爆破气球平均按键次数和爆破气球个数。

2.1.3 实验程序

电脑屏幕中央最先呈现一个气球, 气球下方有“当前气球收益”、“前一气球收益”和“总收益”三个标签。被试需要按“1”键给气球充气, 每按一次“1”键气球会扩大0.3 cm, 并获得相应奖赏条件下的金钱数额, 同时, “当前气球收益”会显示按键后的收益总额。随着按“1”键次数的增加, 气球会逐渐变大, 当前气球收益相应也会增加。每个气球可被充气的次数介于1~128次, 每个气球爆破点也处于1~128次之间, 平均爆破点为64次。被试在按键吹气球的过程中, 可以随时停止按键, 并通过按“5”键将当前气球收益保存到总收益。如果被试按“1”键的次数达到气球的爆破点, 气球就会爆炸, 那么“当前气球收益”就会显示相应的损失额度, 并从总收益中减去由于当前气球爆破造成的损失。吹爆气球或按“5”键保存当前收益, 该试次就会结束。随后会呈现另一个气球开始新的试次, 直至实验结束(如图1)。正式实验开始前, 被试需要完成预实验的练习以保证被试完全理解实验任务。

实验共包括60个气球, 1分奖赏条件和25分奖赏条件下各30个气球。两种奖赏条件的呈现顺序在被试之间进行平衡, 目的是减少练习效应和顺序效应。同时, 被试在两种奖赏条件之间会获得短暂的休息以减少疲劳效应。尽管本研究使用的是虚拟奖赏, 但是要求被试将实验中获得的奖励想象为真实金钱奖赏, 并尽可能多地获取盈利。被试同意进行实验后签署知情同意书。


图1   BART流程图

2.2 结果

首先, 对未爆破气球平均按键次数进行2 (奖赏幅度: 1分, 25分) × 2 (被试类型: 海洛因戒断组, 正常被试组)重复测量方差分析。结果发现, 奖赏幅度主效应显著, F(1, 62) = 25.59, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.29。事后检验(LSD法)表明, 1分奖赏条件下的未爆破气球平均按键次数小于25分奖赏条件(p < 0.001)。被试类型主效应显著, F(1, 62) = 6.99, p < 0.05, ηp2 = 0.10。事后检验(LSD法)表明, 海洛因戒断者未爆破气球平均按键次数大于正常组被试(p < 0.05)。奖赏幅度和被试类型交互作用不显著, F(1, 62) = 0.65, p > 0.05 (图2)。


图2   两组被试在虚拟奖赏1分/25分收益下未爆气球平均按键次数

其次, 对爆破气球个数进行2 (奖赏幅度: 1分, 25分) × 2 (被试类型: 海洛因戒断组, 正常被试组)重复测量方差分析。结果发现, 奖赏幅度主效应显著, F(1, 62) = 15.10, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.20。事后检验(LSD法)表明, 1分奖赏条件下的爆破气球个数小于25分奖赏条件(p < 0.001)。被试类型主效应显著, F(1, 62) = 7.45, p < 0.01, ηp2 = 0.11。事后检验(LSD法)表明, 海洛因戒断者的爆破气球个数大于正常组被试(p < 0.01)。奖赏幅度和被试类型交互作用不显著, F(1, 62) = 0.002, p > 0.05 (图3)。


图3   两组被试在虚拟奖赏1分/25分收益下爆破气球个数

实验1结果显示, 海洛因戒断者未爆破气球平均按键次数以及爆破气球个数均显著大于正常组被试, 说明了海洛因戒断者具有更高的风险偏好水平, 其在行为决策中往往会忽视潜在风险, 追求及时性的奖励。这与其他物质成瘾者的研究结果相一致(Lejuez et al., 2003; Fein & Chang, 2008; Hanson, Thayer, & Tapert, 2014), 即使是长期戒断后的海洛因成瘾者其决策功能依然存在损伤(Li et al., 2013; 周平艳 等, 2014a)。此外, 实验1还发现, 两组被试在25分奖赏条件下的未爆破气球平均按键次数以及爆破气球个数显著大于1分奖赏, 说明个体的风险决策会受到奖赏幅度的影响, 其在高额的虚拟奖赏情景下更容易表现出风险偏好行为。鉴于已有研究对虚拟和真实金钱奖赏是否能够引起相同的决策行为存在争议, 实验2将使用真实金钱奖赏来考察海洛因戒断者和正常组被试的风险决策行为差异, 进一步探究奖赏幅度与被试类型之间的关系。

3 实验2:真实奖赏情景下的风险决策特征

3.1 方法

3.1.1 被试

研究共选取被试82名, 其中戒断期男性海洛因成瘾者42名, 均来自甘肃省某强制隔离戒毒所。年龄在28~60岁之间(平均年龄47.52 ± 6.88岁)。文化程度文盲/半文盲3人, 小学13人, 初中17人, 高中/职高/中专/技校8人, 大专1人。满足DSM-IV阿片类药物依赖诊断标准。初次吸毒的平均年龄为33.40 ± 9.82岁, 本次入所戒断时长为13.71 ± 7.15月。正常组男性被试40人, 通过口头和广告两种方式招募, 无毒品使用史。年龄在27~60岁之间(平均年龄48 ± 8.06岁)。文化程度文盲/半文盲1人, 小学5人, 初中17人, 高中/职高/中专/技校14人, 大专1人, 大学2人。所有被试均为右利手, 视力或矫正视力正常, 无色觉障碍, 无既往精神病史或心血管疾病。经统计检验, 两组被试的年龄(t(80) = -0.29, p > 0.05)以及文化程度(χ2 = 7.87, p > 0.05)无显著性差异。实验2被试和实验1被试无一重复。

3.1.2 实验设计


3.1.3 实验程序

基本同实验1。不同之处在于, 实验开始之前, 主试会告知被试本实验使用的是真实金钱奖赏, 实验任务结束后, 主试会根据被试在实验任务中获得的奖赏总额进行换算, 被试的盈利越多, 最终获得报酬就越多。实验2根据被试的行为表现设置了4个奖赏等级:60元以下获得5元现金奖励, 60~80元获得10元现金奖励, 80~100元获得15元现金奖励, 110元以上获得20元现金奖励。被试事先并不知道具体的折扣方式, 他们只需要尽可能让自己的收益最大, 实验最后每名被试平均获得14.43元现金奖励。

3.2 结果

首先, 对未爆破气球平均按键次数进行2 (奖赏幅度: 1分, 25分) × 2 (被试类型: 海洛因戒断组, 正常被试组)重复测量方差分析。结果发现, 奖赏幅度主效应边缘显著, F(1, 80) = 3.22, p = 0.077, ηp2 = 0.04。事后检验(LSD法)表明, 1分奖赏条件下的未爆破气球平均按键次数大于25分奖赏条件(p = 0.077)。被试类型主效应显著, F(1, 80) = 6.33, p < 0.05, ηp2 = 0.07。事后检验(LSD法)表明, 海洛因戒断者未爆破气球平均按键次数小于正常组被试(p < 0.05)。奖赏幅度和被试类型交互作用不显著, F(1, 80) = 1.52, p > 0.05 (图4)。


图4   两组被试在真实奖赏1分/25分收益下未爆气球平均按键次数

其次, 对爆破气球个数进行2 (奖赏幅度: 1分, 25分) × 2 (被试类型: 海洛因戒断组, 正常被试组)重复测量方差分析。结果发现, 奖赏幅度主效应显著, F(1, 80) = 4.16, p < 0.05, ηp2 = 0.05。事后检验(LSD法)表明, 1分奖赏条件下的爆破气球个数大于25分奖赏条件(p < 0.05)。被试类型主效应显著, F(1, 80) = 4.14, p < 0.05, ηp2 = 0.05。事后检验(LSD法)表明, 海洛因戒断者的爆破气球个数小于正常组被试(p < 0.05)。奖赏幅度和被试类型交互作用不显著, F(1, 80) = 1.24, p > 0.05 (图5)。


图5   两组被试在真实奖赏1分/25分收益下爆破气球个数

实验2结果显示, 海洛因戒断者未爆破气球平均按键次数以及爆破气球个数显著小于正常组被试, 说明了海洛因戒断者相较于正常组被试风险偏好水平降低, 即海洛因戒断者面对风险选项反而更为谨慎。此外, 实验2还发现, 1分奖赏条件下的未爆破气球平均按键次数以及爆破气球个数显著大于25分奖赏, 说明在真实奖赏情景下, 随着奖赏幅度的增加, 海洛因戒断者和正常组被试的风险偏好水平都有所降低, 结果与已有研究相一致(Bornovalova et al., 2009; Johnson & Bickel, 2002)。

4 讨论

本研究采用BART实验范式, 通过虚拟奖赏和真实奖赏两个实验探讨不同幅度金钱奖赏对海洛因戒断者和正常组被试风险决策的影响。结果发现, 在虚拟奖赏情景下, 随着奖赏幅度的增加, 个体的风险偏好水平升高; 在真实奖赏情景下, 则表现出相反的趋势。此外, 通过比较海洛因戒断者和正常组被试的风险决策特征发现, 在虚拟奖赏情景下, 海洛因戒断者的整体风险偏好水平高于正常组被试, 而在真实奖赏情景下, 海洛因戒断者的风险偏好水平低于正常组被试。进一步的分析讨论如下:

首先, 虚拟奖赏和真实奖赏是否能够引起相同的决策行为历来存在争议。早期的行为实验结果发现, 被试在虚拟奖赏和真实奖赏条件下的延迟折扣率无显著差异, 表明虚拟奖赏和真实奖赏对于考察个体的冲动性决策具有相同的生态效度(Johnson & Bickel, 2002)。随后的研究同样证实了这一结论(Madden, Begotka, Raiff, & Kastern, 2003)。进一步的神经影像学结果显示, 个体在虚拟奖赏和真实奖赏条件下前扣带回, 纹状体(striatum), 后扣带回(posterior cingulate cortex, PCC)以及外侧前额皮层(lateral prefrontal cortex, LPFC)激活无显著差异(Bickel, Pitcock, Yi, & Angtuaco, 2009)。上述研究主要考察金钱奖赏类型对冲动性决策的影响, 新近研究在探讨金钱奖赏类型与风险性决策的关系时, 其结果与以往研究并不一致。研究发现, 在BART任务中, 与虚拟奖赏相比, 个体在真实奖赏条件下未爆破气球按键次数明显更少(徐四华 等, 2013), 且个体在真实奖赏条件下的负性反馈之后表现出更大的反馈相关负波(feedback-related negativity, FRN) (Xu et al., 2016), 这说明真实奖赏条件下的金钱损失会增加个体的负面情绪, 与之相应的风险偏好行为进一步减少。本研究结果在一定程度上支持了近来关于风险决策的实验研究。

但是, 本研究部分结果与前人的研究存在不一致。Bornovalova等人(2009)使用BART考察了3种不同幅度(1分, 5分, 25分)真实金钱奖赏下被试的风险决策行为差异, 结果表明, 当奖赏幅度增加时, 被试的风险偏好水平显著降低。徐四华等人(2013)研究进一步指出, 真实奖赏条件下的风险偏好水平随着奖赏幅度的增加而降低, 虚拟奖赏条件下的风险偏好水平并不会随着奖赏幅度的增加而改变。之后的ERP研究结果同样发现, 相较于小额的真实奖赏, 被试在大额真实奖赏条件下面临消极反馈时表现出更大的FRN成分。然而, 这种差异在虚拟奖赏条件下并未出现(Xu et al., 2018)。本研究结果与上述研究相符, 无论是海洛因戒断者还是正常组被试在真实奖赏风险决策任务中, 个体的风险偏好水平会随着奖赏幅度的增加而降低。尽管如此, 少许的研究结果同样发现, 个体的风险偏好会随着奖赏幅度的增加而升高(Estle et al., 2006; van, den. Bos et al., 2006), 引起这一差异的主要原因可能是实验任务以及奖赏额度大小的不同。与本研究结果相符的各项实验研究使用了BART, 且伴随着更接近真实环境的小额金钱奖励刺激。然而, 其他研究则使用了概率折扣任务和IGT两种经典实验范式, 该类任务通常伴随高额金钱奖赏刺激。有研究指出, 延迟折扣任务中的高额奖励脱离真实情境, 因此个体会低估金钱奖赏的真实价值(Hinvest & Anderson, 2010)。所以, 不同金钱奖赏条件诱发的动机性差别可能是影响他们风险决策模式的主要原因。本研究的另一结果也为此假设提供了证据, 即被试在虚拟奖赏情景下的风险偏好水平随着奖赏幅度的增加而升高。此外, 如前文所述, 已有研究表明, 真实奖赏条件下的风险决策行为受到奖赏幅度的调节, 虚拟奖赏条件下的奖赏幅度对被试的风险决策行为没有影响(徐四华 等, 2013; Xu et al., 2018)。本研究结果与其不一致的原因可能是选择被试的不同。已有研究以在校大学生为被试, 相较于本研究中的成年人被试, 他们在行为决策中更加合理, 因而奖赏幅度的差异并不显著。

其次, 本研究结果发现, 在虚拟奖赏情景下, 海洛因戒断者风险偏好水平高于正常人, 然而在真实奖赏情景下, 海洛因戒断者的风险偏好水平低于正常人。这与已有研究结果存在部分不一致。已有大量研究使用不同的实验范式来考察各类物质成瘾者的风险决策特征, 其结果普遍表明, 与正常人相比, 物质成瘾者表现出更高的风险偏好水平, 他们更愿意选择高风险的大额奖赏而非低风险的小额奖赏。例如, Li等人(2013)使用IGT任务发现, 海洛因戒断者与正常被试相比更倾向于选择不利纸牌; Lejuez等人(2003)使用BART发现吸烟者的未爆破气球按键次数明显高于非吸烟者; Hanson, Thayer和Tapert (2014)研究发现, 大麻成瘾者相比正常被试爆破气球个数更多。本研究在真实奖赏情景下并未发现海洛因戒断者的风险偏好水平高于正常组被试, 原因可能是, 本研究所选取的被试属于强制隔离戒毒人员, 他们对金钱的价值感知相较于正常人更高, 换言之, 同等金钱对于强制隔离海洛因成瘾者而言具有更大的交换价值, 因而他们更为谨慎, 表现出更低的风险偏好行为。虚拟奖赏对于两组被试具有同等意义, 可能更准确地反映了海洛因戒断者和正常组被试的风险决策差异。与本研究结果相类似的另一研究使用IGT发现, 可卡因成瘾者在虚拟奖惩条件下进行不利选择的次数显著多于控制组, 但在真实奖惩条件下两组被试没有显著差异(Vadhan, Hart, Haney, Gorp & Foltin, 2009)。由此可见, 使用虚拟奖赏对于评估物质成瘾者的风险决策, 尤其是特殊环境下成瘾者的风险决策仍然具有重要意义。

最后, 无论是虚拟奖赏情景还是真实奖赏情景, 奖赏幅度对海洛因戒断者和正常组被试的风险决策变化特征具有相同的影响, 即虚拟奖赏情景下, 两组被试的风险偏好水平随着奖赏幅度的增加而升高; 真实奖赏情景下, 两组被试的风险偏好水平随着奖赏幅度的增加而降低。造成这一结果的原因可能是, 一方面海洛因成瘾者的金钱奖赏敏感性随着戒断时间的增长显示出一定水平的恢复(周平艳 等, 2014b), 从而表现出与正常人相同的风险决策行为; 另一方面本研究仅从行为层面探讨了奖赏幅度对两组被试风险决策变化特征的影响, 考虑到行为指标反应不够敏感, 因此并未观测到两组被试的风险决策变化特征差异。

鉴于本研究的不足以及与前人研究结果的不一致, 未来的研究仍然需要对以下的问题进行深入探究:(1)虚拟奖赏与真实奖赏对风险决策的影响机制是否相同, 以及奖赏幅度对风险决策的影响是否受到奖赏类型的调节。Xu等人(2016)将已有研究关于虚拟金钱奖赏与真实金钱奖赏的不一致结果归纳为延迟奖赏时间长度, 奖赏额度以及奖赏概率的不同等因素, 具体的原因与结论有待进一步考证。(2)我国的毒品戒断者多处于强制隔离环境, 成瘾者的风险决策特征是否会受到所处环境的影响, 使用虚拟金钱奖赏来评估成瘾者的风险决策是否相较于真实金钱奖赏更具有优势。(3)后续研究可以通过更为敏感的认知神经科学手段来探究金钱奖赏幅度对其他物质成瘾者(如香烟, 酒精等)和正常组被试风险决策的影响差异。

5 结论

总体而言, 在虚拟奖赏情景下, 随着奖赏幅度的增加, 海洛因戒断者和正常组被试的风险偏好水平升高; 然而, 在真实奖赏情景下, 随着奖赏幅度的增加, 海洛因戒断者和正常组被试的风险偏好水平降低。海洛因戒断者在虚拟奖赏情景下的风险偏好水平高于正常组被试, 在真实奖赏情景下的风险偏好水平低于正常组被试。

致谢:非常感谢匿名审稿人及编委专家等为本研究提出建设性修改意见, 非常感谢甘肃省第二强制隔离戒毒所物质成瘾与康复研究中心对本研究的竭力支持。


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A money management-based substance use treatment increases valuation of future rewards

Addictive Behaviors, 36( 1-2), 125-128

DOI:10.1016/j.addbeh.2010.08.014      URL     PMID:2981645      [本文引用: 1]

78ATM money management-based intervention decreased delay discounting. 78ATM intervention decreased cocaine use over time. 78Change in delay discounting was related to change in cocaine abstinence. 78Monetary Choice Questionnaire scores were reliable in psychiatric patient sample.

Bolla K. I., Eldreth D. A., London E. D., Kiehl K. A., Mouratidis M., & Contoreggi C., .. Ernst M . ( 2003).

Orbitofrontal cortex dysfunction in abstinent cocaine abusers performing a decision-making task

Neuroimage, 19( 3), 1085-1094.

DOI:10.1016/S1053-8119(03)00113-7      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Bolla K. I., Eldreth D. A., Matochik J. A., & Cadet J. L . ( 2005).

Neural substrates of faulty decision-making in abstinent marijuana users

Neuroimage, 26( 2), 480-492.

DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2005.02.012      URL     PMID:15907305      [本文引用: 1]

Persistent dose-related cognitive decrements have been reported in 28-day abstinent heavy marijuana (MJ) users. However, the neural substrates of these decrements in cognitive performance are not known. This study aimed to determine if 25-day abstinent MJ users show persistent dose-related alterations in performance and brain activity using PET H 2 15O during the Iowa Gambling Task-IGT (a decision-making task). Eleven heavy MJ users and 11 non-drug users participated. The MJ group resided in an inpatient research unit at the NIH/NIDA-IRP for 25 days prior to testing to ensure abstinence. A dose-related association was found between increased MJ use and lower IGT performance and alterations in brain activity. The MJ group showed greater activation in the left cerebellum and less activation in the right lateral orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) than the Control group. When the MJ group was divided into Moderate (8–35 joints/week) and Heavy users (53–84 joints/week), the Heavy MJ group showed less activation in the left medial OFC and greater activation in the left cerebellum than the Moderate group. However, brain activity and task performance were similar between the Moderate MJ users and the Control group, suggesting a “threshold effect”. These preliminary findings indicate that very heavy users of MJ have persistent decision-making deficits and alterations in brain activity. Specifically, the Heavy MJ users may focus on only the immediate reinforcing aspects of a situation (i.e., getting high) while ignoring the negative consequences. Thus, faulty decision-making could make an individual more prone to addictive behavior and more resistant to treatment. Finally, it is unclear if these neurologic findings will become progressively worse with continued heavy MJ use or if they will resolve with abstinence from MJ use.

Bolla K., Ernst M., Kiehl K., Mouratidis M., Eldreth D., Contoreggi C., .. London E . ( 2004).

Prefrontal cortical dysfunction in abstinent cocaine abusers

Journal of Neuropsychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences, 16( 4), 456-464.

DOI:10.1176/jnp.16.4.456      URL     PMID:2771441      [本文引用: 1]

The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and lateral prefrontal (LPFC) cortex are brain regions important to executive cognitive functions (ECF). We determined ACC and LPFC function in 23-day abstinent cocaine abusers using positron emission tomography (PET H(2)(15)O) during performance of a modified version of the Stroop Task. Cocaine abusers showed less activation than non-drug-using comparison subjects in the left ACC and the right LPFC and greater activation in the right ACC. Average amount of cocaine used per week was negatively correlated with activity in the rostral ACC and right LPFC. Disruption of ECF in substance abusers could interfere with attempts to stop drug use and undermine treatment. Since impairment in ECF may be a common feature of various neuropsychiatric disorders, these findings have applicability beyond the neurobiology of addiction.

Bornovalova M. A., Cashman-Rolls A., O'Donnell J. M., Ettinger K., Richards J. B., Dewit H., & Lejuez C W . ( 2009).

Risk taking differences on a behavioral task as a function of potential reward/loss magnitude and individual differences in impulsivity and sensation seeking

Pharmacology Biochemistry & Behavior, 93( 3), 258-262.

[本文引用: 4]

Bornovalova M. A., Daughters S. B., Hernandez G. D., Richards J. B., & Lejuez C. W . ( 2005).

Differences in impulsivity and risk-taking propensity between primary users of crack cocaine and primary users of heroin in a residential substance-use program

Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 13( 4), 311-318.

DOI:10.1037/1064-1297.13.4.311      URL     PMID:16366761      [本文引用: 2]

Crack cocaine use is more associated with impulsivity and a propensity to take risks than heroin use. yet no studies have examined this relationship in the absence of acute drug effects. The current study examined impulsivity (using the Delay Discounting Task) and risk-taking propensity (using the Balloon Analogue Risk Task) across independent groups of primary crack cocaine users with minimal heroin use (n = 16) and primary heroin users with minimal crack cocaine use (n = 11) in residential treatment, with all participants drug abstinent during participation. Crack cocaine users evidenced greater levels of impulsivity and risk-taking propensity, with only the difference in impulsivity persisting after controlling for age and gender. These data hold potential theoretical importance in understanding differences between crack cocaine and heroin users, as the findings cannot be attributed solely to acute pharmacological drug effects.

Crowley T. J., Dalwani M. S., Mikulichgilbertson S. K., Du Y. P., Lejuez C. W., Raymond K. M., & Banich M. T . ( 2010).

Risky decisions and their consequences: Neural processing by boys with antisocial substance disorder

Plos One, 5( 9), e12835.

DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0012835      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Ersche K. D., Fletcher P. C., Lewis S. J. G., Clark L., Stocks-Gee G., London M., .. Sahakian B. J . ( 2005).

Abnormal frontal activations related to decision-making in current and former amphetamine and opiate dependent individuals

Psychopharmacology, 180( 4), 612-623.

DOI:10.1007/s00213-005-2205-7      URL     PMID:16163533      [本文引用: 1]

Rationale There is converging evidence for impairments in decision-making in chronic substance users. In the light of findings that substance abuse is associated with disruptions of the functioning of the striato halamo rbitofrontal circuits, it has been suggested that decision-making impairments are linked to frontal lobe dysfunction. We sought to investigate this possibility using functional neuroimaging. Methods Decision-making was investigated using the Cambridge Risk Task during H 2 15 O PET scans. A specific feature of the Risk Task is the decisional conflict between an unlikely high reward option and a likely low reward option. Four groups, each consisting of 15 participants, were compared: chronic amphetamine users, chronic opiate users, ex-drug users who had been long-term amphetamine/opiate users but are abstinent from all drugs of abuse for at least 1 year and healthy matched controls without a drug-taking history. Results During decision-making, control participants showed relatively greater activation in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, whereas participants engaged in current or previous drug use showed relatively greater activation in the left orbitofrontal cortex. Conclusion Our results indicate a disturbance in the mediation by the prefrontal cortex of a risky decision-making task associated with amphetamine and opiate abuse. Moreover, this disturbance was observed in a group of former drug users who had been abstinent for at least 1 year.

Ersche K. D., Fletcher P. C., Roiser J. P., Fryer T. D., London M., & Robbins T. W., & Sahakian B. J . ( 2006).

Differences in orbitofrontal activation during decision- making between methadone-maintained opiate users, heroin users and healthy volunteers

Psychopharmacology, 188( 3), 364-373.

DOI:10.1007/s00213-006-0515-z      URL     PMID:16953385      [本文引用: 1]

Objective Previously, we reported that opiate users enrolled in methadone treatment made 'risky' choices on a decision-making task following a loss of points compared with heroin users and healthy volunteers. One possible explanation for this behaviour is that methadone users were less sensitive to punishment on immediately preceding unsuccessful trials. Methods We sought to explore this finding from a neural perspective by performing a post hoc analysis of data from a previous H

Estle S. J., Green L., Myerson J., & Holt D. D . ( 2006).

Differential effects of amount on temporal and probability discounting of gains and losses

Memory & Cognition, 34( 4), 914-928.

DOI:10.3758/BF03193437      URL     PMID:17063921      [本文引用: 2]

In four experiments, we compared the effects of delay, probability, and monetary amount on the subjective value of gains and losses. For delayed gains, smaller amounts were discounted more steeply than larger amounts, whereas the opposite pattern was observed with probabilistic gains. For both delayed and probabilistic losses, however, amount had much smaller and less reliable effects on discounting. Taken together, the pattern of differential magnitude effects leads to delayed gains' being discounted significantly more steeply than delayed losses, but only at smaller amounts, whereas probabilistic gains are discounted significantly more steeply than probabilistic losses, but only at larger amounts. Even though the same hyperbola-like function described both individual and group discounting of delayed and probabilistic gains and losses, the present findings suggest that different processes are involved in discounting positive and negative outcomes. Raw data may be downloaded from

Fein, G., &Chang, M. ( 2008).

Smaller feedback ern amplitudes during the bart are associated with a greater family history density of alcohol problems in treatment- naive alcoholics

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 92( 1-3), 141-148.

DOI:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2007.07.017      URL     PMID:2430520      [本文引用: 4]

Alcoholism is characterized by impaired decision-making (i.e., choosing intoxication in the face of mounting negative consequences). This impairment may involve a reduced brain response to the negative consequences of behavior, which supports an inclination to engage in risky behaviors. The feedback error-related negativity (F-ERN) is hypothesized to reflect the valence attached to the negative consequences of behavior. Performance on the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART) measures risk-taking propensity. We recorded F-ERNs during the BART and during a BART simulation, where individuals observed the rewards and consequences of (someone else's) BART performance. EEGs were recorded on 22 actively drinking, treatment-na ve alcoholics during the BART and BART simulation. F-ERNs were measured and their association with psychological and alcohol use measures was examined. F-ERNs over fronto-central electrode sites were observed to balloon pops in the BART and BART simulation. F-ERNs during the BART were more than twice the amplitude of F-ERNs during the BART simulation. Smaller F-ERN amplitudes from the BART (but not the BART simulation) were associated with a greater family history density of alcohol problems. The results suggest a possible link between the genetic vulnerability toward developing alcoholism and the brain's response to the negative consequences of behavior.

García-Rodríguez O., Secades-Villa R., Weidberg S., & Yoon J. H . ( 2013).

A systematic assessment of delay discounting in relation to cocaine and nicotine dependence

Behavioural Processes, 99, 100-105.

DOI:10.1016/j.beproc.2013.07.007      URL     PMID:23872502      [本文引用: 1]

Delay discounting is a measure of impulsivity describing how a reinforcer loses value as the delay to its receipt increases. Greater delay discounting is reliably observed among those with different substance use disorders (SUDs) compared to the general population. Nevertheless, the relation between delay discounting and the type and number of substances used remains unclear. The aim of this study was to compare delay discounting across four groups of participants: cocaine- and nicotine-dependent participants, cocaine-dependent only participants, nicotine-dependent only participants, and non-dependent controls. One hundred and seven participants completed a computerized delay discounting task for hypothetical monetary values. Data were fit to Mazur's hyperbolic equation to derive the discounting rate k. Results showed that delay discounting was significantly greater in the cocaine- and nicotine-dependent group, compared to the nicotine-dependent only group, compared to control group. Delay discounting was also greater in the cocaine-dependent only group relative to the nicotine-dependent only and control groups, but no differences were observed between the cocaine- and nicotine-dependent group and the cocaine-dependent only group. This study provides evidence that delay discounting differs depending on the type of SUD but not on the number of SUDs.

Goldstein R. Z., Parvaz M. A., Maloney T., Alia-Klein N., Woicik P. A., Telang F., .. Volkow N. D ( 2008).

Compromised sensitivity to monetary reward in current cocaine users: An ERP study

Psychophysiology, 45( 5), 705-713.

DOI:10.1111/j.1469-8986.2008.00670.x      URL     PMID:2574641      [本文引用: 1]

We studied modulation of the P300 by monetary reward expected to be received on a sustained attention task in 18 individuals with current cocaine use disorders (CUD) and 18 control subjects. Results in the controls revealed sensitivity to money as measured with P300 amplitude and speed of behavioral response and their intercorrelations. In contrast, despite generally faster P300 waveforms and higher self-reported interest in the task, individuals with CUD did not display these responses to money versus nonreward; at the behavioral level, this impairment correlated with frequency of recent cocaine use. These preliminary results suggest a compromised sensitivity to a secondary reinforcer in CUD. This deficit, which needs to be replicated in larger samples of people with currently active versus abstaining CUD, may underlie the compromised ability to advantageously modify behavior in response to changing inner motivations and environmental contingencies.

Goldstein R. Z., Tomasi D., Alia-Klein N., Cottone L. A., Zhang L., Telang F., & Volkow N. D ( 2007).

Subjective sensitivity to monetary gradients is associated with frontolimbic activation to reward in cocaine abusers

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 87( 2-3), 233-240.

DOI:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2006.08.022      URL     PMID:16997508      [本文引用: 1]

Drug addiction is characterized by marked disruptions in the ability to process reward. Here we evaluated in cocaine addicted and healthy control participants the subjective sensitivity to reward gradients and its association with neural responses to sustained reward. A self-report questionnaire was used to assess the former. A functional magnetic resonance imaging task that utilized monetary reward as feedback in a blocked design was used to assess the latter. Results revealed that whereas control subjects valued high money more than low money, over half of the cocaine addicted subjects valued all monetary amounts equally. This compromised subjective sensitivity to gradients in reward value was significantly correlated with higher activations to money in the lateral orbitofrontal cortex/inferior frontal gyrus (BA 47) and amygdala, and lower activations in the middle frontal gyrus (BA 6), which together explained 85% of the variability on this rating scale in the cocaine abusers only. These results provide for the first time evidence of restricted subjective sensitivity to gradients of reward in cocaine addiction and of the involvement of frontolimbic brain regions (including the orbitofrontal cortex) in this deficit.

Gonzalez R., Schuster R. M., Mermelstein R. M., & Diviak K. R . ( 2015).

The role of decision-making in cannabis- related problems among young adults

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 154, 214-221.

DOI:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.06.046      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Gorini A., Lucchiari C., Russell-Edu W., &Pravettoni G . ( 2014).

Modulation of risky choices in recently abstinent dependent cocaine users: A transcranial direct-current stimulation study

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 661.

DOI:10.3389/fnhum.2014.00661      URL     PMID:4145470      [本文引用: 1]

Previous neurobiological and neuropsychological investigations have shown that risk-taking behaviors and addictions share many structural and functional aspects. In particular, both are characterised by an irresistible need to obtain immediate rewards as well as by specific alterations in brain circuits responsible for such behaviors.In this study, we used a transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS) over the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) of two samples of subjects (18 dependent cocaine users and 18 control subjects) to investigate the effects of left and right cortical excitability on two risk tasks: the Balloon Analog Risk Task (BART) and the Game of Dice Task (GDT). All subjects randomly received a left anodal/right cathodal stimulation (LAn+), a right anodal/left cathodal stimulation (RAn+), and a sham (placebo) stimulation each run at least 48 hours apart. Participants were asked to perform the BART and the GDT immediately before and after each stimulation.Our results reveal that the activation of the DLPFC (left and right) results in a reduction of risky behaviors at the BART task both in controls subjects and cocaine dependent users. The effect of dTCS on GDT, instead, is more complex. Cocaine users increased safe behavior after right DLPFC anodal stimulation, while risk-taking behavior increased after left DLPFC anodal stimulation. Control subjects performance were only affected by the anodal stimulation of the right DLPFC, resulting in an increase of safe bets. These results support the hypothesis that excessive risk propensity in dependent cocaine users, might be due to a hypoactivation of the right DLPFC, as well as to an unbalance interhemispheres interaction. In conclusion, since risky decision-making seems to be, at least in part, responsible for maintenance and relapse of addiction, we argue that a neuromodulation-based approach could represent a valuable adjunct in the clinical treatment of addiction.

Hanlon C. A., Wesley M. J., Stapleton J. R., Laurienti P. J., & Porrino L. J . ( 2011).

The association between frontal- striatal connectivity and sensorimotor control in cocaine users

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 115( 3), 240-243.

DOI:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2010.11.008      URL     PMID:21193273      [本文引用: 1]

In addition to cognitive and emotional processing dysfunction, chronic cocaine users are also impaired at simple sensorimotor tasks. Many diseases characterized by compulsive movements, repetitive actions, impaired attention and planning are associated with dysfunction in frontal–striatal circuits. The aim of this study was to determine whether cocaine users had impaired frontal–striatal connectivity during a simple movement task and whether this was associated with sensorimotor impairment. Functional MRI data were collected from 14 non-treatment seeking cocaine users and 15 healthy controls as they performed a finger-tapping task. Functional coupling was quantified by correlating the timecourses of each pair of anatomically connected regions of interest. Behavioral performance was correlated with all functional coupling coefficients. In controls there was a significant relationship between the primary motor cortex and the supplementary motor area (SMA), as well as the SMA and the dorsal striatum during ongoing movement. Cocaine users exhibited weaker fronto-striatal coupling than controls, while the cortical–cortical coupling was intact. Coupling strength between the SMA and the caudate was negatively correlated with reaction time in the users. The observation that cocaine users have impaired cortical–striatal connectivity during simple motor performance, suggests that these individuals may have a fundamental deficit in information processing that influences more complex cognitive processes.

Hanson K. L., Thayer R. E., & Tapert S. F . ( 2014).

Adolescent marijuana users have elevated risk-taking on the balloon analog risk task

Journal of Psychopharmacology, 28( 11), 1080-1087.

DOI:10.1177/0269881114550352      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Hevey D., Thomas K., Laureanoschelten S., Looney K., & Booth R . ( 2017).

Clinical depression and punishment sensitivity on the bart

Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 670.

DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00670      URL     PMID:5411816      [本文引用: 1]

Depression is associated with altered sensitivity to reward and punishment, which can influence complex decision-making. We examined punishment sensitivity in the performance of participants with major depressive disorder (MDD) with that of a comparison group on the automatic Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART), which is a direct measure of risk taking. The present study examined the BART performance of 30 individuals with MDD and 30 matched comparison individuals. The comparison group (M= 63.25) entered a significantly (p< 0.001;d= 1.1) higher number of pumps on the BART than the MDD group (M= 50.83). Higher levels of depression symptoms were significantly correlated (r= -0.40,p< 0.05) with entering a lower number of pumps in the MDD group. MDD patients showed an increased sensitivity to punishment on the BART: after a loss, the MDD group decreased (M= 13.7) the number of subsequent pumps they entered by a significantly (p< 0.001,d= 0.81) greater amount than the comparison group (M= 4.35). This difference applied to losses only: no difference was found between the groups regarding the magnitude of change in pumps selected after a win. Findings suggest the presence of elevated punishment sensitivity among individuals with MDD, which may contribute to the maintenance of depressive symptoms.

Hinvest N. S., & Anderson I. M ., ( 2010).

The effects of real versus hypothetical reward on delay and probability discounting

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63( 6), 1072-1084.

DOI:10.1080/17470210903276350      URL     PMID:19890767      [本文引用: 1]

Delay discounting and probability discounting tasks providing hypothetical rewards have commonly been used to measure levels of impulsivity and risk taking. Results have been inconsistent as to whether real, compared with hypothetical, rewards influence choice behaviour in delay discounting tasks. This experiment examined choice behaviour in 38 healthy individuals using delay and probability discounting tasks involving both real and hypothetical rewards ( 0.10/ 0.20), real delays, and probabilistic outcomes. It was hypothesized that choice behaviour when receiving real rewards would be less impulsive and less risky than when receiving hypothetical rewards. The tasks were designed so that a mathematical model (the multiplicative hyperbolic model of choice) could be applied to assess effects on discounting parameters. The provision of real rewards was associated with significantly decreased impulsive, but not risky, choice although the size of effect was small and was influenced by the order of presentation. Repeated presentation of both tasks increased quantity discounting but not delay or probability discounting parameters. These results indicate that the nature of the reward provided, and repetition effects, need to be taken into account when designing discounting studies.

Hopko D. R., Lejuez C. W., Daughters S. B., Aklin W. M., Osborne A., Simmons B. L., & Strong D. R ( 2006).

Construct validity of the balloon analogue risk task (BART): Relationship with MDMA use by inner-city drug users in residential treatment

Journal of Psychopathology & Behavioral Assessment, 28( 2), 95-101.

DOI:10.1007/s10862-006-7487-5      URL     [本文引用: 2]

In a program of research assessing the validity of the balloon analogue risk task (BART; C. W. Lejuez et al., 2002) as a measure of risk taking, the BART was administered to a sample of inner-city...

Ji L. Y., Chen N. X., Ding J. H., & Wei P ., ( 2015).

Monetary incentive modulates the localized attentional interference effect

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 47( 6), 721-733.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 纪丽燕, 陈宁轩, 丁锦红, 魏萍 . ( 2015).


心理学报, 47( 6), 721-733.]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2015.00721      URL     [本文引用: 1]

It is well documented that monetary reward improves performance of cognitive tasks by increasing task concentration and engagement. In the current study, we investigated the effect of reward expectation on the localized attentional interference effect (LAI). LAI occurs when attending to a visual object degrades the processing of nearby objects, with the interference subsiding with increasing distance from the attended item. The reason for LAI is that, as the separation between the attended items decreases, stimuli presented within receptive fields of the same sets of neurons are processed in a mutually suppressive manner, competing for neural representation. We carried out three experiments combining cuing paradigm and visual search paradigm. A cue indicating the reward condition of each trial (incentive vs. non-incentive) was followed by the presentation of a search array containing two target items (in Experiment 1) or a target item and a salient distractor (in Experiments 2a and 2b). In Experiment 1, participants were asked to discriminate whether the two shape singletons among a set of non-target items were of the same shape or not. The results showed that participants performance declined as the target separation reduced in both the incentive and the non-incentive conditions. The response accuracy in identifying the two targets was higher in the incentive condition than that in the non-incentive condition when the two targets were distant from each other, but the pattern was reversed when they were close to each other. Namely, the LAI effect was larger in the incentive condition than that in the non-incentive condition. In Experiments 2a and 2b, participants were asked to discriminate the orientation of a target while a salient distractor was presented in the search array. In contrast to Experiment 1, results from Experiment 2b revealed LAI effect in the non-incentive condition, but not in the incentive condition. In addition, shorter reaction times and higher response accuracy were observed in the incentive condition than in the non-incentive condition at any target-distractor separations. These results suggested that reward expectation regulates the LAI effect according to the task set, with improved attentional concentration on task-relevant objects and enhanced inhibition to task-irrelevant ones, although this may intensify local competition when two critical objects are both targets.

Johnson, M. W., & Bickel, W. K . ( 2002).

Within-subject comparison of real and hypothetical money rewards in delay discounting

Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 77( 2), 129-146.

DOI:10.1901/jeab.2002.77-129      URL     PMID:11936247      [本文引用: 2]

A within-subject design, using human participants, compared delay discounting functions for real and hypothetical money rewards. Both real and hypothetical rewards were studied across a range that included $10 to $250. For 5 of the 6 participants, no systematic difference in discount rate was observed in response to real and hypothetical choices, suggesting that hypothetical rewards may often serve as a valid proxy for real rewards in delay discounting research. By measuring discounting at an unprecedented range of real rewards, this study has also systematically replicated the robust finding in human delay discounting research that discount rates decrease with increasing magnitude of reward. A hyperbolic decay model described the data better than an exponential model.

Kahneman, D., &Tversky, A. ( 1979).

Prospect theory: An analysis of decision under risk

Econometrica, 47( 2) 263-291.

DOI:10.2307/1914185      URL     [本文引用: 1]

No abstract is available for this item.

Kohno M., Morales A. M., Ghahremani D. G., Hellemann G., & London E. D . ( 2014).

Risky decision-making: Prefrontal function and mesocorticolimbic resting-state connectivity in methamphetamine users

JAMA Psychiatry, 71( 7), 812-820.

DOI:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2014.399      URL     PMID:24850532      [本文引用: 1]

IMPORTANCE Various neuropsychiatric disorders, especially addictions, feature impairments in risky decision making; clarifying the neural mechanisms underlying this problem can inform treatment. OBJECTIVE To determine how methamphetamine-dependent and control participants differ in brain activation during a risky decision-making task, resting-state functional connectivity within mesolimbic and executive control circuits, and the relationships between these measures. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS A case-control, functional magnetic resonance imaging study of methamphetamine-dependent and healthy comparison participants at rest and when performing the Balloon Analogue Risk Task, which involves the choice to pump a balloon or to cash out in the context of uncertain risk. Conducted at a clinical research center at an academic institution, this study involved 25 methamphetamine-dependent and 27 control participants. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Parametric modulation of activation in the striatum and right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (rDLPFC; ie, the degree to which activation changed as a linear function of risk and potential reward), both indexed by pump number, and resting-state functional connectivity, measured in the whole brain with seeds in the midbrain and rDLPFC. Relationships between these outcomes were also tested. RESULTS Parametric modulation of cortical and striatal activation by pump number during risk taking differed with group. It was stronger in the ventral striatum but weaker in the rDLPFC in methamphetamine-dependent participants than control individuals. Methamphetamine-dependent participants also exhibited greater resting-state functional connectivity of the midbrain with the putamen, amygdala, and hippocampus (P < .05, whole brain, cluster corrected). This connectivity was negatively related to modulation of rDLPFC activation by risk level during risky decision making. In control participants, parametric modulation of rDLPFC activation by risk during decision making was positively related to resting-state functional connectivity of the rDLPFC with the striatum. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Maladaptive decision making by methamphetamine users may reflect circuit-level dysfunction, underlying deficits in task-based activation. Heightened resting-state connectivity within the mesocorticolimbic system, coupled with reduced prefrontal cortical connectivity, may create a bias toward reward-driven behavior over cognitive control in methamphetamine users. Interventions to improve this balance may enhance treatments for stimulant dependence and other disorders that involve maladaptive decision making.

Lawrence A. J., Luty J., Bogdan N. A., Sahakian B. J., & Clark L . ( 2009).

Problem gamblers share deficits in impulsive decision-making with alcohol-dependent individuals

Addiction, 104( 6), 1006-1015.

DOI:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2009.02533.x      URL     PMID:19466924      [本文引用: 1]

Aims Problem gambling has been proposed to represent a 'behavioural addiction' that may provide key insights into vulnerability mechanisms underlying addiction in brains that are not affected by the damaging effects of drugs. Our aim was to investigate the neurocognitive profile of problem gambling in comparison with alcohol dependence. We reasoned that shared deficits across the two conditions may reflect underlying vulnerability mechanisms, whereas impairments specific to alcohol dependence may reflect cumulative effects of alcohol consumption. Design Cross-sectional study. Setting Out-patient addiction treatment centres and university behavioural testing facilities. Participants A naturalistic sample of 21 male problem and pathological gamblers, 21 male alcohol-dependent out-patients and 21 healthy male control participants. Measurements Neurocognitive battery assessing decision-making, impulsivity and working memory. Findings The problem gamblers and alcohol-dependent groups displayed impairments in risky decision-making and cognitive impulsivity relative to controls. Working memory deficits and slowed deliberation times were specific to the alcohol-dependent group. Conclusions Gambling and alcohol-dependent groups shared deficits in tasks linked to ventral prefrontal cortical dysfunction. Tasks loading on dorsolateral prefrontal cortex were selectively impaired in the alcohol-dependent group, presumably as a consequence of long-term alcohol use.

Lejuez C. W., Aklin W. M., Jones H. A., Richards J. B., Strong D. R., Kahler C. W., & Read J. P . ( 2003).

The balloon analogue risk task (BART) differentiates smokers and nonsmokers

Experimental & Clinical Psychopharmacology, 11( 1), 26-33.

DOI:10.1037/1064-1297.11.1.26      URL     PMID:12622341      [本文引用: 3]

In trying to better understand why individuals begin and continue to smoke despite the obvious health consequences, researchers have become interested in identifying relevant personality variables, such as risk taking. In this study, the authors compared the ability of 2 behavioral measures of risk taking, the Bechara Gambling Task (BGT) and the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART), to differentiate smokers and nonsmokers. Self-report measures of impulsivity and sensation seeking were taken for comparison with the 2 behavioral risk-taking tasks. Results indicate that behavior on the BART, and not the BGT, was related to smoking status. Further, when considered in a logistic regression analysis, only the Sensation Seeking total score and the BART score contributed uniquely to the differentiation of smokers and nonsmokers.

Lejuez C. W., Read J. P., Kahler C. W., Richards J. B., Ramsey S. E., Stuart G. L., .. Brown. R. J . ( 2002).

Evaluation of a behavioral measure of risk taking: The balloon analogue risk task (BART)

Journal of Experimental Psychology Applied, 8( 2), 75-84.

DOI:10.1037/1076-898X.8.2.75      URL     PMID:12075692      [本文引用: 1]

The present study (N = 86) sought to evaluate a laboratory-based behavioral measure of risk taking (the Balloon Analogue Risk Task; BART) and to test associations between this measure and self-report measures of risk-related constructs as well as self-reported real-world risk behaviors. The BART evidenced sound experimental properties, and riskiness on the BART was correlated with scores on measures of sensation seeking, impulsivity, and deficiencies in behavioral constraint. Also, riskiness on the BART was correlated with the self-reported occurrence of addictive, health, and safety risk behaviors, with the task accounting for variance in these behaviors beyond that accounted for by demographics and self-report measures of risk-related constructs. These results indicate that the BART may be a useful tool in the assessment of risk taking.

Li X. Y., Zhang F., Zhou Y., Zhang M., Wang X., & Shen M. W . ( 2013).

Decision-making deficits are still present in heroin abusers after short- to long-term abstinence

Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 130( 1-3), 61-67.

DOI:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2012.10.012      URL     PMID:23131777      [本文引用: 3]

Background: Substance dependent individuals (SDIs) consistently show deficits in decision making with biased choices toward immediate rewards, even at the expense of future consequences. However, relatively little evidence has been reported concerning the population of drug abusers who are exclusively addicted to heroin. Methods: The present study tested 124 male abstinent "pure" heroin (AH) abusers (divided into short-term, mid-term, and long-term groups based on their length of abstinence) and 43 healthy controls (HC) intending to address this issue. Two decision-making tasks, the Delay Discounting Task (DDT) and the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) were employed to measure their decision-making performance. Results: Compared to HC participants, AH participants made significantly poorer choices on both the DDT and the IGT and the poor decision-making performances were not influenced by their lengths of abstinence. It is suggested that heroin-abuse-related decision-making deficits that are demonstrated by rapidly discounting future rewards; preferring incentives with large short-term gains while ignoring accompanying potential risks; and being inflexible in adjusting decision-making behaviors in accordance with outcome feedback, may not be compensated for even after a long period of abstinence from heroin abuse. Conclusion: Hence, this inability to recover should be taken into consideration in the evaluation, prevention and intervention of heroin abuse and relapse. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Madden G. J., Begotka A. M., Raiff B. R., & Kastern L. L . ( 2003).

Delay discounting of real and hypothetical rewards

Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 11( 2), 139-145.

DOI:10.1037/1064-1297.11.2.139      URL     PMID:12755458      [本文引用: 1]

Prior studies comparing discounting of delayed hypothetical or potentially real rewards have reported no differences, but they used within-subjects designs. This raises the possibility that participants remembered their choices in one condition and repeated them in the other. In Experiment 1, between-subjects comparisons were made with an adjusting-amount procedure. No significant effect of reward type on delay discounting was detected. Experiment 2 increased the proportion of real rewards and made between- and within-subject comparisons. These comparisons also failed to reveal a significant effect of reward type. Although these findings are consistent with prior findings, caution is urged because choices involving hypothetical rewards have yet to be compared with choices involving real rewards (i.e., the consequences of every choice are obtained) in an experiment using forced-choice trials and steady-state methodology.

Noël X., Bechara A., Dan B., Hanak C., & Verbanck P . ( 2007).

Response inhibition deficit is involved in poor decision making under risk in nonamnesic individuals with alcoholism

Neuropsychology, 21( 6), 778-786

DOI:10.1037/0894-4105.21.6.778      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Passetti F., Clark L., Mehta M. A., Joyce E., & King M . ( 2008).

Neuropsychological predictors of clinical outcome in opiate addiction

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 94( 1-3), 82-91.

DOI:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2007.10.008      URL     PMID:18063322      [本文引用: 1]

A growing literature supports a role for neurocognitive deficits such as impaired decision-making in the development and maintenance of addictive behaviour. On the basis of these findings, it has been suggested that measures of neurocognitive functioning may be applied to the task of predicting clinical outcome in drug addiction. This in turn may have relevance for differentiating treatment based on individual patient needs. To explore this hypothesis we obtained neurocognitive measures of planning, impulsivity and decision-making from 37 opiate dependent individuals within 6 weeks of starting a community drug treatment programme and we followed them up 3 months into the programme. Performance on two tests of decision-making, but not on tests of planning, motor inhibition, reflection impulsivity or delay discounting, was found to predict abstinence from illicit drugs at 3 months with high specificity and moderate sensitivity. In particular, two thirds of the participants performing normally on the Cambridge Gamble Task and the Iowa Gambling Task, but none of those impaired on both, were abstinent from illicit drugs at follow up. Other neuropsychological, psychiatric or psychosocial factors measured in this sample did not explain this finding. The results are discussed in terms of the brain circuitry involved and the potential implications for the planning of treatment services for opiate dependence.

Petry, N. M . ( 2001).

Delay discounting of money and alcohol in actively using alcoholics, currently abstinent alcoholics, and controls

Psychopharmacology, 154( 3), 243-250.

DOI:10.1007/s002130000638      URL     PMID:11351931      [本文引用: 1]

Rationale: Impulsivity is implicated in alcohol dependence, and discounting of delayed rewards may be an objective indicator of impulsiveness. Objectives: This study evaluated delay discounting functions in alcoholics and controls. It compared discounting rates between different magnitudes ($1000 and $100) and different types (money and alcohol) of rewards. Methods: Active alcoholics ( n =19), currently abstinent alcoholics ( n =12) and controls ( n =15) indicated preferences for immediate versus delayed rewards using a titration procedure that determined indifference points at various delays. Four conditions were presented, and the delayed rewards in the four conditions were $1000, $100, 150 bottles of an alcoholic beverage, and 15 bottles of an alcoholic beverage. Results: In all three groups across all four conditions, hyperbolic discounting functions provided a good fit of the data. Linear contrasts, predicting the most rapid discounting rates in active alcoholics, intermediary rates in currently abstinent alcoholics, and the least rapid rates in controls, were significant for three of the four conditions. Alcohol was discounted more rapidly than money. Conclusions: These data provide further evidence of more rapid discounting of delayed rewards in alcohol abusers compared to controls, and especially steep discounting among current users. Rapid discounting of delayed rewards may be a feature related to addictive disorders. A better understanding of how delaying rewards in time impacts their value may have implications for treatment.

Petry, N. M.,& Casarella, T. , ( 1999).

Excessive discounting of delayed rewards in substance abusers with gambling problems

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 56( 1), 25-32.

DOI:10.1016/S0376-8716(99)00010-1      URL     PMID:10462089      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract This study evaluated delay discounting functions of substance abusing problem gamblers, substance abusing non-problem gamblers, and non-problem gambling/non-substance abusing controls. Subjects chose between hypothetical monetary amounts available after various delays or immediately. In one condition, a USUS$1000 reward was delayed at intervals ranging from 6 h to 25 years. At each delay interval, the immediately available rewards varied from USUS$1 to USUS$999 until choices reflected indifference between the smaller immediate and larger delayed rewards. In a second condition, the delayed reward was USUS$100, and immediate rewards varied from USUS$0.10 to USUS$99.90. In all three groups, hyperbolic discounting functions provided a good fit of the data, and the smaller reward was discounted at a higher rate than the larger reward. Substance abusers discounted delayed rewards at significantly higher rates than non-substance abusing controls, and problem gambling substance abusers discounted delayed rewards at higher rates than their non-problem gambling substance abusing counterparts. Discounting rates were not associated with types or recency of drug use. These results provide further evidence of more rapid discounting of delayed rewards in substance abusers, and especially among substance abusers with a comorbid gambling problem. Rapid discounting of delayed rewards may be a feature central to impulse control and addictive disorders.

Redish A. D., Jensen S., & Johnson A . ( 2008).

A unified framework for addiction: Vulnerabilities in the decision process

Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 31( 4), 415-437.

[本文引用: 1]

Reynolds B., Karraker K., Horn K., Richards J.B . ( 2003).

Delay and probability discounting as related to different stages of adolescent smoking and non-smoking

Behavioural Processes, 64( 3), 333-344.

DOI:10.1016/S0376-6357(03)00168-2      URL     PMID:14580702      [本文引用: 1]

This study examined relations between different patterns of adolescent cigarette smoking and discounting of monetary rewards due to delay (delay discounting) and probabilistic uncertainty (probability discounting). The study also examined the relation between smoking and the number of peer friends who smoke and level of parent education. Participants were 55 adolescents (28 females) between 14 and 16 years of age who were categorized according to the following patterns of smoking behavior: “never smokers” ( n=19; 10 females) who had not tried even one cigarette; “triers” ( n=17; 9 females) who had recently tried cigarettes for the first time; and “current smokers” ( n=19; 9 females) who smoked a minimum of one cigarette every week for at least 6 months prior to data collection. It was hypothesized that current smokers would discount more than those who had never smoked. No specific hypotheses were made for participants only trying cigarettes. Unexpectedly, results indicated no differences in discounting between the current smokers and never smokers. However, the trier group discounted probabilistic rewards significantly more than the never- and current-smoker groups. Also, triers and current smokers both reported having more friends who smoked than never smokers, and fathers of never smokers had significantly more education than fathers of either triers or current smokers. These results suggest that impulsive discounting may be more related to adolescents trying cigarettes than to their becoming regular smokers, whereas number of peer friends who smoke and parent level of education seem to differentiate between those who have smoked to some extent (triers and current smokers) and those who have not even tried cigarettes (never smokers).

Rogers R. D., Everitt B. J., Baldacchino A., Blackshaw A. J., Swainson R., Wynne K., .. Robbins T.W . ( 1999).

Dissociable deficits in the decision-making cognition of chronic amphetamine abusers, opiate abusers, patients with focal damage to prefrontal cortex, and tryptophan-depleted normal volunteers: Evidence for monoaminergic mechanisms

Neuropsychopharmacology, 20( 4), 322-339.

DOI:10.1016/S0893-133X(98)00091-8      URL     PMID:10088133      [本文引用: 1]

We used a novel computerized decision-making task to compare the decision-making behavior of chronic amphetamine abusers, chronic opiate abusers, and patients with focal lesions of orbital prefrontal cortex (PFC) or dorsolateral/medial PFC. We also assessed the effects of reducing central 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) activity using a tryptophan-depleting amino acid drink in normal volunteers. Chronic amphetamine abusers showed sub-optimal decisions (correlated with years of abuse), and deliberated for significantly longer before making their choices. The opiate abusers exhibited only the second of these behavioral changes. Importantly, both sub-optimal choices and increased deliberation times were evident in the patients with damage to orbitofrontal PFC but not other sectors of PFC. Qualitatively, the performance of the subjects with lowered plasma tryptophan was similar to that associated with amphetamine abuse, consistent with recent reports of depleted 5-HT in the orbital regions of PFC of methamphetamine abusers. Overall, these data suggest that chronic amphetamine abusers show similar decision-making deficits to those seen after focal damage to orbitofrontal PFC. These deficits may reflect altered neuromodulation of the orbitofrontal PFC and interconnected limbic-striatal systems by both the ascending 5-HT and mesocortical dopamine (DA) projections.

Tian L M., Yuan J. C., & Li Y. M . ( 2017).

Effects of peer presence and self-esteem on adolescent risk-taking behavior: Evidence from an ERP study

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 50( 1), 47-57.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 田录梅, 袁竞驰, 李永梅 . ( 2018).

同伴在场和自尊水平对青少年冒险行为的影响: 来自ERPs的证据

心理学报, 50( 1), 47-57.]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.00047      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Vadhan N. P., Hart C. L., Haney M., van Gorp W. G., & Foltin R. W . ( 2009).

Decision-making in long-term cocaine users: Effects of a cash monetary contingency on gambling task performance

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 102( 1-3), 95-101.

DOI:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2009.02.003      URL     PMID:2694492      [本文引用: 1]

The Iowa Gambling task, which typically incorporates hypothetical monetary earnings and losses for performance, has been widely used to measure decision-making in substance abusers. We examined the effects of a cash monetary contingency on Gambling task performance in cocaine abusers and control participants. Twenty-two long-term cocaine smokers who met DSM-IV criteria for cocaine dependence and 24 non-cocaine-using control participants completed this study. Both groups were similar in terms of age, executive function, and self-reported alcohol and marijuana use. All participants performed the Gambling task under two counterbalanced conditions: under one condition, earnings and losses were hypothetical, and under the other condition, earnings and losses were in cash. Condition group interactions on card selection and task completion time were noted ( p < 0.05). Under the hypothetical payment condition, cocaine abusers selected a greater proportion of cards from disadvantageous decks than advantageous decks ( p < 0.05), but took a similar amount of time to complete the task, relative to control participants. However, under the cash payment condition, no group differences were seen for card selection and cocaine abusers took more time than controls to complete the task ( p < 0.05). The application of tangible consequences improved the decision-making and effort of cocaine abusers on the Gambling task, relative to control participants. These findings underscore the importance of considering population-specific factors (e.g., sensitivity to instructional vs. consequential control) when conducting neuropsychological research in substance abusers.

Vaidya J. G., Block R. I., O'Leary D. S., Ponto L. B., Ghoneim M. M., & Bechara A . ( 2012).

Effects of chronic marijuana use on brain activity during monetary decision- making

Neuropsychopharmacology, 37( 3), 618-629.

DOI:10.1038/npp.2011.227      URL     PMID:21956445      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Marijuana (MJ) acutely acts on cannabinoid receptors that are found in numerous brain regions, including those involved in reward processing and decision-making. However, it remains unclear how long-term, chronic MJ use alters reward-based decision-making. In the present study, using [(15)O]water PET imaging, we measured brain activity in chronic MJ users, who underwent monitored abstinence from MJ for approximately 24 h before imaging, and control participants, while they took part in the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT), a monetary decision making task that strongly relies on the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC). During PET imaging, participants took part in the standard and a variant version of the IGT as well as a control task. Chronic MJ users performed equally well on the standard IGT, but significantly worse than controls on the variant IGT. Chronic MJ users and control subjects showed increased regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in the vmPFC on both versions of the IGT compared to the control task. In the two-group comparison, chronic MJ users showed significantly greater rCBF than controls in the vmPFC on the standard IGT and greater activity in the cerebellum on both versions of the IGT. Furthermore, duration of use, but not age of first use, was associated with greater activity in the vmPFC. Thus, chronic MJ users tend to strongly recruit neural circuitry involved in decision-making and reward processing (vmPFC), and probabilistic learning (cerebellum) when performing the IGT.

van den. Bos. R., Houx B. B., & Spruijt B. M . ( 2006).

The effect of reward magnitude differences on choosing disadvantageous decks in the Iowa gambling task

Biological Psychology, 71( 2), 155-161.

DOI:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2005.05.003      URL     PMID:16095798      [本文引用: 2]

In the Iowa Gambling Task, participants have to develop a long-term profitable monetary scenario in a situation of uncertainty and a conflict between the chance of encountering an immediate large reward (US$ 100) in two long-term loosing decks (A and B; US$ 250 per 10 cards) and the chance of encountering an immediate small reward (US$ 50) in two long-term winning decks (C and D; US$ +250 per 10 cards). The ratio of the immediate rewards in decks A/B and C/D is thus 2:1. Here, we manipulated these differences in reward magnitude between the advantageous (C/D) and disadvantageous (A/B) decks, while keeping the net gains and losses per 10 cards the same, to assess the impact of the conflict between immediate and distant pay-off on choice behaviour. Participants selected less cards from disadvantageous decks and won more money when the reward magnitude difference was decreased, A/B:C/D = 1:1, while they selected more cards from disadvantageous decks and lost more money when reward magnitude differences were increased, A/B:C/D = 4:1 and 6:1. This study shows that the outcome in the Iowa Gambling Task is sensitive to differences between the magnitude of immediate rewards in the advantageous and disadvantageous decks.

Verdejo-Garcia A., Albein-Urios N., Martinez-Gonzalez J. M., Civit E., De la Torre R., & Lozano O . ( 2014).

Decision-making impairment predicts 3-month hair-indexed cocaine relapse

Psychopharmacology, 231( 21), 4179-4187.

DOI:10.1007/s00213-014-3563-9      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Verdejo-Garcia A., Benbrook A., Funderburk F., David P., Cadet J. L., & Bolla K. I . ( 2007).

The differential relationship between cocaine use and marijuana use on decision-making performance over repeat testing with the iowa gambling task

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 90( 1), 2-11.

DOI:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2007.02.004      URL     PMID:17367959      [本文引用: 1]

Decision-making deficits are a robust cognitive correlate of substance abuse, but few studies have addressed the long-term differential associations of cocaine use and marijuana (MJ) use on decision-making. This study utilized the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT), a widely used measure of decision-making, to investigate the relationship between cocaine and MJ use and IGT learning. We analyzed between and within group differences across two consecutive testing sessions in abstinent users of either MJ or cocaine. We assessed long-term correlates of the use of these drugs by evaluating users after 25 days of enforced abstinence. Results showed that both cocaine users and MJ users performed worse than controls on the total IGT net score. All groups showed learning between Session 1 and Session 2, but the cocaine users showed the smallest increase in performance. The pattern of learning from the beginning to the end (block block) of the IGT (Session 2) was different for the drug groups, with the cocaine group showing more learning than the MJ group. Dose-related measures of cocaine use (g/week) and MJ use (joints/week) predicted IGT performance (the heavier the drug use the lower the performance). Differential correlates of cocaine use and MJ use on decision-making learning may have important implications for the development of novel treatment interventions.

Xu S. H., Fang Z., & Rao H. Y . ( 2013).

Real or hypothetical monetary rewards modulates risk taking behavior

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 45( 8), 874-886.

[本文引用: 5]

[ 徐四华, 方卓, 饶恒毅 . ( 2013).


心理学报, 45( 8), 874-886.]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2013.00874      URL     [本文引用: 5]


Xu S. H., Pan Y., Qu Z., Fang, Z, Yang, Z. j., Yang F., .. Rao H. Y . ( 2018).

Differential effects of real versus hypothetical monetary reward magnitude on risk-taking behavior and brain activity

Scientific Reports, 8.

DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-21820-0      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Human decisions are more easily affected by a larger amount of money than a smaller one. Although numerous studies have used hypothetical money as incentives to motivate human behavior, the validity of hypothetical versus real monetary rewards remains controversial. In the present study, we used event-related potential (ERP) with the balloon analogue risk task to investigate how magnitudes of real and hypothetical monetary rewards modulate risk-taking behavior and feedback-related negativity (FRN). Behavioral data showed that participants were more risk averse after negative feedback with increased magnitude of real monetary rewards, while no behavior differences were observed between large and small hypothetical monetary rewards. Similarly, ERP data showed a larger FRN in response to negative feedback during risk taking with large compared to small real monetary rewards, while no FRN differences were observed between large and small hypothetical monetary rewards. Moreover, FRN amplitude differences correlated with risk-taking behavior changes from small to large real monetary rewards, while such correlation was not observed for hypothetical monetary rewards. These findings suggest that the magnitudes of real and hypothetical monetary rewards have differential effects on risk-taking behavior and brain activity. Real and hypothetical money incentives may have different validity for modulating human decisions.

Xu S. H., Pan. Y., Wang Y., Spaeth A. M., Qu Z., & Rao H. Y . ( 2016).

Real and hypothetical monetary rewards modulate risk taking in the brain

Scientific Reports, 6( 1).

DOI:10.1038/srep29520      URL     PMID:27383241      [本文引用: 2]

Performance monitoring has been associated with two event-related potentials. The feedback-related negativity reflects a reinforcement-learning signal leading to remedial action, whereas the P3 reflects the motivational significance of feedback outcomes. Till date, research has focused on how these components are influenced by different outcomes within a range of the same, usually monetary,... [Show full abstract]

Yan W. S., Li S., & Sui N . ( 2011).

Research paradigms and neural mechanisms for decision-making deficits in addicts

Advances in Psychological Science, 19( 5), 652-663.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 严万森, 李纾, 隋南 . ( 2011).

成瘾人群的决策障碍: 研究范式与神经机制

心理科学进展, 19( 5), 652-663.]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2011.00652      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Yao Y. W., Chen P. R., Li C. S. R., Hare T. A., Li S., Zhang J. T., .. Fangg X. Y . ( 2017).

Combined reality therapy and mindfulness meditation decrease intertemporal decisional impulsivity in young adults with internet gaming disorder

Computers in Human Behavior, 68( 5), 210-216.

DOI:10.1016/j.chb.2016.11.038      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Decisional impulsivity represents an important phenotype and a therapeutic target in Internet gaming disorder (IGD). Reality therapy and mindfulness meditation were two approaches to reduce impulsivity. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of a group behavioral intervention combining reality therapy and mindfulness meditation in reducing decisional impulsivity and IGD severity. Twenty-five IGD and 21 healthy comparison (HC) young adults participated in baseline tests on the delay discounting and balloon analog risk tasks to measure intertemporal and risky decision-making respectively. Among them, 18 IGD subjects participated in the intervention and were tested again at the end of intervention, and 19 HC subjects without intervention were also tested twice within a similar time period. Results indicate that: (1) at baseline, IGD subjects showed greater intertemporal and risky decisional impulsivity than HC subjects; (2) After intervention, IGD subjects were decreased in delay discounting rate and IGD severity, but did not perform differently on decisional impulsivity in risky choices, as compared with baseline. These findings suggest that decisional impulsivity is a multifaceted behavioral construct and may serve as a possible therapeutic target for IGD. In addition, these results highlight the need for further research into the roles of different forms of decisional impulsivity in the shaping, maintenance, and remission of IGD.

Zhao H. C., Huang X. L., & He Q. H ., ( 2016).

Cognitive dysfunction and underlying neural basis in substance addiction

Chinese Science Bulletin, 61( 34), 3672-3683.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 赵海潮, 黄小璐, 何清华 . ( 2016).


科学通报, 61( 34), 3672-3683.]

URL     [本文引用: 1]


Zhao Q. L., Li H. Q., Hu B., Wu H. Y., & Liu Q. Y . ( 2017).

Abstinent heroin addicts tend to take risks: ERP and source localization

Frontiers in Neuroscience, 11( 6), 1-12.

DOI:10.3389/fnins.2017.00681      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Abnormal decision making is a behavioral characteristic of drug addiction. Indeed, drug addicts prefer immediate rewards at the expense of future interests. Assessing the neurocognitive basis of decision-making related to drug dependence, combining event-related potential (ERP) analysis and source localization techniques, may provide new insights into understanding decision-making deficits in drug addicts and further guide withdrawal treatment. In this study, EEG was performed in 20 abstinent heroin addicts (AHAs) and 20 age-, education- and gender-matched healthy controls (HCs) while they participated in a simple two-choice gambling task (99 vs. 9). Our behavioral results showed that AHAs tend to select higher-risk choices compared with HCs (i.e., more “99” choices than “9”). ERP results showed that right hemisphere preponderance of stimulus-preceding negativity was disrupted in AHAs, but not in HCs. Feedback-related negativity of difference wave was higher in AHAs than HCs, with the P300 amplitude associated with risk magnitude and valence. Using source localization that allows identification of abnormal brain activity in consequential cognitive stages, including the reward expectation and outcome evaluation stages, we found abnormalities in both behavioral and neural responses on gambling in AHAs. Taken together, our findings suggest AHAs have risk-prone tendency and dysfunction in adaptive decision making, since they continue to choose risky options even after accruing considerable negative scores, and fail to shift to a safer strategy to avoid risk. Such abnormal decision-making bias to risk and immediate reward seeking may be accompanied by abnormal reward expectation and evaluation in AHAs, which explains their high risk-seeking and impulsivity.

Zhou P. Y., Liu D. W., Zhou R. L., Sun B. L., Xiao J., & Li S . ( 2014

a). Impairment of drug addiction on decision making and recovery after abstinence

Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 22( 6), 951-956.

[本文引用: 2]

[ 周平艳, 刘丹玮, 周仁来, 孙本良, 肖洁, 李松 . ( 2014

a). 药物成瘾对决策行为的损伤及戒断后的恢复

中国临床心理学杂志, 22( 6), 951-956.]

URL     [本文引用: 2]


Zhou P. Y., Liu D. W., Zhou R. L., Sun B. L., Xiao J., & Li S . ( 2014

b). Sensitivity to monetary reward in drug abstainers at different post-drug withdrawal phases: An ERP study

Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 22( 4), 571-576.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 周平艳, 刘丹玮, 周仁来, 孙本良, 肖洁, 李松 . ( 2014

b). 不同戒断期毒品戒断者对金钱奖赏敏感性的ERP研究

. 中国临床心理学杂志, 22( 4), 571-576.]

URL     [本文引用: 1]



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