ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报, 2019, 51(3): 293-303 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00293



吴岩1, 高约飞1, 赵思敏1, 王穗苹,2

1东北师范大学心理学院, 长春 130024

2华南师范大学心理学院, 广州 510631

The effects of discourse context and world knowledge on pronoun resolution

WU Yan1, GAO Yuefei1, ZHAO Simin1, WANG Suiping,2

1 School of Psychology, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, China

2 School of Psychology, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China

通讯作者: 王穗苹,

收稿日期: 2018-06-22   网络出版日期: 2019-03-25

基金资助: * 国家自然科学基金项目.  31500878
国家自然科学基金项目.  31571136
国家哲学社会科学重点研究项目资助.  15AZD048

Received: 2018-06-22   Online: 2019-03-25


本研究围绕中文代词理解中, 读者的常识性知识和语篇语境的作用以及作用时程这一问题展开。实验1首先探讨在中文阅读理解中, 职业性别倾向这种常识性信息是否能对代词的指认产生早期影响。存在一致和冲突(如警卫-他; 警卫-她)两个实验条件, 结果在凝视时间、重读时间和总阅读时间上都发现了职业性别倾向所引发的性别冲突效应。实验2在实验1基础上增加一个代词(如:警卫-他-他; 警卫-她-她), 考察更正后的信息, 即文本语境内容是否可以覆盖常识的作用对代词加工产生影响。结果发现语篇语境确实可以覆盖常识性信息的作用, 对代词加工产生早期影响。但是, 职业性别倾向这种常识性知识仍然在代词加工的后期阶段发挥作用。考虑到代词所形成的语境较为含蓄, 实验3中采用更明确的方式来界定职业名称的性别, 例如男艺人、爸爸等, 然后再出现一个代词, 代词的性别始终和先前的性别描述一致, 而与职业性别倾向冲突, 这样也存在一致和冲突两个条件(例如:保姆-妻子-她, 警卫-妻子-她), 结果发现只有更正后的语境信息对代词加工产生影响, 职业性别倾向不再发挥作用。说明在中文这种高语境依赖性的语言文字中, 语境可以覆盖常识性知识对代词加工产生早期作用。但是, 语境作用的持续性问题会受到语篇语境中性别信息明确程度的影响。

关键词: 代词 ; 语境 ; 常识性知识 ; 职业性别倾向


Pronoun resolution can play a vital role in narrative comprehension. Understanding nature of pronoun resolution can help us to learn more about the cognitive processes underlying comprehension. Studies have shown that comprehension processes will be interrupted when a pronoun mismatches its prior context or the gender stereotype of its antecedent. This indicates that discourse context and world knowledge about gender stereotype can play an important role in pronoun resolution. Recently, researchers tried to combine these two factors together and to examine which factor is crucial to the pronoun resolution. The most controversial issue is that whether the discourse context could override the world knowledge which was told to be wrong by the passage, and exert earlier influence on the pronoun resolution. Therefore, the present study examined the effects of context and world knowledge as well as its time course on pronoun resolution with eye tracking measures.
In the Experiment 1, participants were asked to read the discourse with a personal pronoun congruent or incongruent with the gender stereotype of its antecedent, an occupation name. The results revealed that reading times (including gaze, second reading time and total reading time) increased when the gender of the pronoun mismatched with the gender stereotype of its antecedent.
In the Experiment 2, another personal pronoun indicating the gender of the antecedent would be inserted into the discourse as the prior context to update the readers’ gender stereotype of the occupation name. Therefore, readers would meet two identical personal pronouns while reading the passage. The first pronoun provided the updated gender information for the second pronoun. Again, the results of the first pronoun indicated that the gender stereotype of occupation could influence pronoun processing immediately. As for the second pronoun, the complicated results showed discourse context had an early influence on resolution of pronouns, but with the processing went on, the gender stereotype of occupation continued to influence integration. However, when the first pronoun was changed into an obvious gender description in Experiment 3, the discourse context was found not only to exert an earlier effect but the effect would be continued as the only factor to influence the pronoun resolution.
The current results clearly suggest that both gender stereotype and discourse context can affect the comprehension of Chinese pronouns. However, when the discourse context updates the gender stereotype of the antecedents, the updating information can override the world knowledge information to exert an earlier effect on pronoun resolution. But whether the effects will be continued depend on the strength of the discourse context. These findings provide evidence for the interactive model of sentence comprehension.

Keywords: pronoun ; discourse context ; world knowledge ; occupation gender stereotype

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吴岩, 高约飞, 赵思敏, 王穗苹. 常识性知识和语篇语境对代词指认的影响. 心理学报[J], 2019, 51(3): 293-303 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00293

WU Yan, GAO Yuefei, ZHAO Simin, WANG Suiping. The effects of discourse context and world knowledge on pronoun resolution. Acta Psychologica Sinica[J], 2019, 51(3): 293-303 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00293

1 前言

代词是一种具有特定功能和特殊地位的词汇, 代词的加工是语言理解中不可缺少的组成部分, 确定代词的所指是保持句子乃至语篇连贯性的重要环节。所以对代词解决过程的探讨一直是心理语言学家所关心的问题(Garnham, 2001, a review)。作为一种代替人或事物的名称, 代词所携带的语义信息有限(Esaulova, Reali, & von Stockhausen, 2014)。但通常情况下, 代词会显示出一定的性别(中文中的“他”和“她”)和数(单复数)的区别。因此, 以往很多研究在探讨代词加工过程时, 都围绕着代词的性别和数量展开, 通过造就先行词性别、性别倾向或数量与代词的不一致性, 对代词的加工过程以及影响因素进行研究(Canal, Garnham, & Oakhill, 2015; Duffy & Keir, 2004; Esaulova et al., 2014; Kennison & Trofe, 2003; Qiu, Chen, & Wang, 2012; Qiu, Swaab, Chen, & Wang, 2012; Xu, Jiang, & Zhou, 2013)。例如, 以往研究发现, 先行词的数量信息、生物性别(如:爸爸-她)都可以影响到代词的加工(Canal et al., 2015; Xu et al., 2013); 此外, 先行词的性别刻板印象(如:警卫-她)也会影响到代词的指认过程(Duffy & Keir, 2004; Esaulova et al., 2014; Qiu et al., 2012)。

但是, 值得注意的是, 在代词指认过程中, 数量或生物性别违背和性别刻板印象违背并不是一回事, 前者是不可协调、不可整合的; 而后者是可以协调、可以整合的。性别刻板印象是读者在生活中获得的常识性知识, 并不一定是正确的。例如, 警卫虽然极有可能是男性, 但是并不必然是男性, 也有可能是女性。因此当读者读到“警卫匆忙地拦下正要进来的出租车, 因为她需要检查证件”时, 虽然会产生加工困难, 但是读者可以从代词“她”中推测出警卫是一名女性, 从而将之前读到的信息进行整合。

可以说, 在这里, 代词“她”的第一次出现事实上构成了一种语境, 揭示了语言材料中其所指代人物的真正性别。那么, 在一个较长的语段里, 读者很有可能第二次遇见代词“她”。比如, 读完前面一句“警卫匆忙地拦下正要进来的出租车, 因为她需要检查证件”之后, 假设读者又读到以下部分“这是台里的规定, 这也是她的工作, 所有来访人员都必须遵守”。在这一部分里, 读者会遇到第二个代词“她”。此时, 将有两种对立的因素会影响到代词的加工, 由于代词指代的仍是警卫, 关于警卫是男性这一性别刻板印象仍有可能使读者对代词的加工发生困难; 与此同时, 第一个代词所提供的“对错误的职业名称性别倾向进行更正的信息”, 又可以促进代词的加工。那么在这两种信息同时存在时, 读者将会如何对代词进行加工呢?这事实上关系到不同类型的语义知识, 如语言材料所提供的语义信息以及读者相关的常识性知识, 如何影响到当前信息的加工这一问题。

以往研究关于更新后的信息是否可以取代读者头脑中固有的信息, 对当前词汇的加工产生更快且持续的作用, 不同的理论存在着不同的观点。来自两阶段加工模型认为, 读者对当前代词的加工是分两阶段完成的, 更新后的信息确实可以对当前的词汇加工产生作用, 但是要在代词加工的晚期阶段才会发挥作用。例如, Kintsch的建构整合模型(Construction-Integration Model, 1988)认为, 对当前信息的理解加工可以分成建构和整合两个阶段。在早期建构阶段, 读者原有的一些观念首先被激活参与到当前目标加工中, 而语篇的语境信息要到整合阶段才会发挥作用。Garrod和Terras的捆绑消解模型(Bonding-Resolution Model, 2000)认为阅读理解的早期阶段是一个自动化、低水平的加工过程。在此加工阶段, 通过低水平的匹配机制, 与当前信息有语义联系的信息首先被激活; 晚期阶段为高级加工过程, 在这一阶段, 读者会根据语篇的语境信息对在早期阶段形成的匹配做出评价。与两阶段理论相反, 另一种观点则认为阅读理解中词汇的加工是通过一个阶段就可以完成的, 语境可以和常识、语义这种低水平的信息一样, 对当前词汇加工产生即时性影响。例如, Hess, Foss和Carroll (1995)词汇再解释模型(Lexical Reinterpretation Model)认为读者会根据句子或语篇语境对词汇的语义进行再解释, 为了确保句子或语篇信息的连贯性, 只有解释后的信息才会对当前的词汇加工产生影响。

承接以上理论争端, 已有一些研究对这一问题进行了探讨(Duffy & Keir, 2004; Cook & Myers, 2004; Garrod & Terras, 2000; Nieuwland & Van Berkum, 2006b)。但是, 这方面的研究来自代词加工的证据较少, 比较有代表性的一篇研究来自Duffy和Keir (2004)。研究者采用眼动技术, 在反身代词的加工中探讨了语境和常识的作用。眼动法可以实时监控读者的阅读过程, 眼动中用来测量时间的指标“注视时间”可以为不同的加工阶段提供有效的证据 (Rayner & Pollatsek, 1989)。例如, 首次注视时间(first fixation duration)和凝视时间(gaze duration)通常是反映词汇早期加工的重要指标(Kliegl, Grabner, Rolfs, & Engbert, 2004), 首次注视时间指在首次通过阅读中某一兴趣区内的首个注视点的注视时间; 凝视时间又称为第一遍阅读时间, 指从首次注视点开始到注视点首次离开当前兴趣区之间的持续时间。重读时间(second reading time)指所有回视到当前兴趣区的注视时间之和, 是反映词汇后期加工过程的重要指标(Inhoff & Liu, 1998)。

Duffy和Keir (2004)以反映词汇早期和晚期加工阶段的眼动指标凝视时间和重读时间为标准, 测量了常识和语境的效应。他们给被试呈现如下材料, 同时记录被试的眼动轨迹:

The electrician taught herself/himself a lot.

结果发现在单独给被试呈现上面材料时, 冲突条件下读者对herself凝视时间和重读时间都更长。但当前面先出现“electrician is a cautious woman.”这样的信息后, 读者对herself的加工无论是在凝视时间还是在重读时间上, 一致和冲突条件下两者差异都不再显著。说明语言材料所提供的信息已经完全覆盖了常识性知识, 对代词加工产生了即时且持续的影响, 这种结果为Hess等(1995)提出词汇再解释模型提供了证据。

然而, 除此之外, 目前并没有发现其他将常识和语境结合起来, 探讨两者对代词作用的文章。有单独探讨常识对代词作用的文章, 如先前提及的关于先行词性别刻板印象对代词作用的研究(Duffy & Keir, 2004; Esaulova et al., 2014; Kennison & Trofe, 2003; Qiu et al., 2012); 也有单独探讨语境作用的文章(Chen, Cheung, Tang, & Wong, 2000; Nieuwland & Van Berkum, 2006a), 但将两者结合起来的研究较少。可见, 关于语境和常识同时作用下, 对词汇加工情况的探讨, 来自代词加工的研究证据非常有限。

然而我们又不能简单地将非代词加工和代词加工混为一谈, 这是因为代词加工和其他词汇, 甚至于其他类型的替代词(如这个人)加工都存在区别(Crocker, Pickering, & Clifton, 2000; Esaulova et al., 2014)。Esaulova等(2014)认为由于代词携带的语义信息有限, 所以遇到代词, 读者需要立即确定代词的所指, 才能保证句子乃至篇章内容的连贯; 而其他词汇则不同, 他们含有丰富的语义信息, 很多情况下不必要立即和前语境联系起来, 就可以完成对当前内容的理解(Esaulova et al., 2014; p798)。这就导致先行词乃至句子语篇语境所提供的信息在代词和其他类型词汇加工中所产生的作用不同。在Esaulova等研究中, 研究者发现先行词所携带性别信息对代词的影响早于对其他类型替代词的作用。

此外, 这方面的研究尚缺乏来自中文的研究证据, 中文和英文相比, 具有很多独特的性质。书面汉语的特点被概括为高度语境依赖性(Chen et al., 2000; Wang, Chen, Yang, & Mo, 2008), 表现为中文里单个汉字的意思比较模糊, 在很多情况下, 单字的字义必须依赖上下文才能确定。即使是意义相对较单纯的代词, 如他, 可能是单数的第三人称, 但也可能是构成其他词汇的一个语素, 如“其他、他乡、排他”, 这里的他并不指具体某个对象, 也因而不需要读者去解决他所指的对象。相比之下, 大部分西方的语言, 如英语的词汇与词汇之间有固定的间隔, 词汇的意义具有相当高的透明度, 词的意义一般不会随着前后词义的改变而变化。中文的这一特点将会如何影响到语境对代词的加工呢?一种可能是, 由于上下文的信息要常常被用来确定字词的意义, 因而语境的作用也许会更快或更强; 然而, 另一种可能性是因为汉字的字词意义通常较为模糊, 因而更多的加工资源将被用于确定字词的含义, 从而使语境信息的利用更为延迟。总体来说, 尽管不少研究者认为, 相比于语法结构等因素, 语义因素对成功地理解书面汉语起着相当重要的作用, 然而, 遗憾的是, 与这种重要性相比, 却鲜有研究集中去探讨不同类型的语义因素, 例如语境和常识, 分别是如何起作用的。

正是基于上述考虑, 我们采用较为敏感的眼动技术, 分三个实验探讨中文代词加工里语境与常识性知识对代词的作用和作用进程。实验1首先检验在中文阅读理解中, 职业性别倾向这种常识性信息是否能对代词的指认产生早期影响。实验1的材料中会出现一个代词, 按照代词的性别和职业性别倾向的关系, 形成一致和冲突两个版本(例:警卫-他, 警卫-她)。实验2的材料在实验1的基础上, 增加一个代词, 两个代词总是保持一致, 同样有一致和冲突两个版本(例:警卫-他-他, 警卫-她-她)。对于第二个代词来说, 第一个代词所提供的性别, 形成了一种与常识性知识相违背的语境。因此, 可以用于考察当语境提供的信息对错误的常识性知识进行更正的情况下, 语境和常识性知识如何对其后的代词加工产生影响的。由于在实验2里, 主角的性别是通过代词确定的, 这种性别提示相对比较含蓄。因此在实验3里, 将进一步对主角的性别做出外显而明确的描述, 例如男艺人、爸爸等, 然后再出现一个代词, 代词的性别始终和先前的性别描述一致, 这样也存在一致和冲突两个版本(例如:保姆-妻子-她, 警卫-妻子-她)。以进一步考察当语境所提供的性别信息清楚而明确时, 代词加工又将如何受常识性知识与语境信息的影响。

2 实验1:职业的性别倾向对代词加工的影响

考察职业的性别倾向对代词加工的影响。根据以往研究结果, 我们预期性别倾向可以影响代词加工, 并在代词加工的早期阶段发挥作用。

2.1 研究方法

2.1.1 被试

根据参考文献(Anderson, Kelley, & Maxwell, 2017; Taylor & Muller, 1996)设置先验效果量值为0.8, 采用软件GPower 3.1版本(计算出计划被试量为24人。实际收集被试25名, 所有被试裸视或矫正视力正常, 母语均为汉语, 无阅读障碍。删除3名回答问题的正确率小于75%的被试, 有效被试22名, 男女各半。

2.1.2 实验设计和材料

采用单因素被试内设计, 自变量为一致性, 有两个水平, 代词和职业名称的性别倾向一致或冲突。首先对职业名称的性别倾向性进行等级评价, 找出具有性别倾向性的职业名称用于编写实验材料, 以确保职业名称和代词确实构成一致或冲突的关系。要求32名不参加正式实验的某高校学生对80个职业名称的性别倾向性进行评定。共有1~7评定等级, 其中一半被试的问卷里1代表极有可能是女性, 7代表极有可能是男性; 另一半被试的问卷里评价等级正好相反。数据分析时标准统一, 1代表极有可能是男性, 7代表极有可能是女性。根据平均评价等级, 选出20个具有强男性倾向的职业名称(M = 2.13; SD = 0.40)和20个具有强女性倾向的职业名称(M = 5.58; SD = 0.40)。独立样本t检验结果表明两者差异显著, t(38) = 23.99, p < 0.001。

根据筛选出来具有性别倾向的职业名称编写实验材料, 每个语篇由5句话组成, 首句中出现职业名称, 接下来是两个过渡句, 然后是目标句, 目标句中会出现目标代词, 最后是结语。实验材料按照代词的性别线索和职业名称的性别倾向可以分为一致和冲突两个版本, 例句如下:

一致条件:魔术师今天晚上有一个重要演出, 可是现在头却痛得厉害, 于是便走到后台休息。但发现后台一片混乱, 根本没有休息的地方。

冲突条件:魔术师今天晚上有一个重要演出, 可是现在头却痛得厉害, 于是便走到后台休息。但发现后台一片混乱, 根本没有休息的地方。

按照句子主题和两种实验条件进行拉丁方平衡, 构成两个系列的实验材料, 每一系列包含40个实验材料, 每一被试只接受每个语篇的一种条件。在每一系列的实验材料中又加入26个填充语篇, 语篇的结构和实验材料类似。所以每一系列共包含66个语篇。

2.1.3 实验程序

被试随机接受两个实验系列中的一个, 个别施测。完成实验大约需要40分钟。眼动仪是SR-Research公司开发的EyeLink II, 采样率为500次/秒, 被试眼睛注视和运动情况通过头盔上两个微型红外摄像机输入电脑, 我们只记录被试右眼数据。显示器屏幕与被试眼睛的距离大约是75 cm, 屏幕刷新率为150 Hz。所有材料以34号楷体呈现, 每个汉字大小为0.95 cm × 0.95 cm, 相邻汉字之间有0.25 cm的距离, 这样每个汉字大约形成0.73视角。

每段实验开始前都需要进行校准以保证被试眼动轨迹记录的精确性。每次校准都包括校对(calibration)、效度检验(validation)和漂移修正(drift correction)。在校对过程中, 九个校准点(白色小圆点)会依次随机出现在屏幕中心或四周。当校准点出现时, 要求被试注视该点, 直至该点消失。校对之后是效度检验, 仍然出现九个校准点, 程序和校对一样。如果效度检验成功, 则进行一次漂移修正, 一个校准点会随机地出现在屏幕的中心或四周, 要求被试注视它。

校准成功后方可进入正式实验。66个语篇分22组呈现, 每三篇为一组。具体的实验流程图如图1所示, 每组语篇呈现前有提示信息“第X组”, 接下来是实验材料, 每个语篇以多行一屏的方式呈现在电脑屏幕上, 首行空两格, 所有材料均是黑底白字。每组后都有一个阅读理解题, 要求被试作“是”或“否”判断, 以鼓励被试仔细阅读实验材料。被试自己控制阅读速度, 读完一屏后按手柄任意键往下翻页。计算机在呈现提示信息、语篇或问题之前, 都会再进行一次漂移修正以保证眼动记录的精确性。也就是屏幕左上角出现一个校准点, 只有被试的注视点和校准点重合时校准点才会消失, 下一屏内容才会呈现。实验之前有三组练习材料, 以熟悉实验流程。


图1   实验流程图

2.2 结果与分析

由于过长或过短的注视点被认为不能反映阅读加工(Rayner, 1998), 因而将小于60 ms或大于600 ms的注视点删除(Angele, Slattery, Yang, Kliegl, & Rayner, 2008; Qiu et al., 2012)。中文的单数人称代词由一个汉字构成, 同时人称代词的词频也较高, 因此, 本实验发现代词的略读概率非常高, 首次略读概率在70%以上, 这一点与汉语以往研究(Qiu et al., 2012)以及英文单数人称代词的状况非常相似(Ehrlich & Rayner, 1983)。由于数据统计是建立在有注视点的汉字上, 高略读率引发数据的大量缺失, 从而导致结果的可靠性降低。为了获得更多的有效数据, 研究者往往将代词与其左右一定范围的语言刺激合并为一个兴趣区来分析(Van Gompel & Majid, 2004; Qiu et al., 2012)。分析的区域包括代词区和代词后区。代词区由代词和其前后两字构成(其中10个左右代词前为标点符号), 代词后区由代词区后三个字组成。代词后区主要考察可能出现的延迟效应或溢出效应。

数据分析时用到的指标有首次注视时间、凝视时间、重读时间和总阅读时间。前三个指标前言中有介绍, 总注视时间(total fixation duration)是指落在兴趣区的所有注视点时间的总和, 该指标对较慢和较长时间的认知加工过程敏感(Kliegl et al., 2004)。因此基于此四项指标的分析结果, 我们可以获知代词早期、晚期以及总体加工的情况。在以下处理中, t1均指以被试为随机误差的t检验值, 而t2指以项目为随机误差的t检验值, 95%CI为95%置信度下的置信区间。各兴趣区内平均数和标准差见表1

表1   代词区和代词后区各眼动指标的平均数和标准差 (ms)

首次注视时间225 (37)217 (22)228 (30)224 (26)
凝视时间296 (59)277 (63)262 (45)265 (56)
重读时间123 (104)99 (70)136 (99)121 (110)
总阅读时间381 (137)340 (104)365 (110)347 (108)

注:括号内为标准差, 下同

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对代词区数据分析结果表明, 首次注视时间在两条件间差异不显著, t1(21) = 1.52, p = 0.43, d = 0.33; t2(39) = 1.72, p = 0.093, d = 0.27。但和一致条件相比, 冲突条件下的凝视时间更长, t1(21) = 2.25, p = 0.036, d = 0.50; t2(39) = 2.06, p = 0.046, d = 0.33; 95%CI = 1.4~36; 重读时间也更长, t1(21) = 2.02, p = 0.056, d = 0.43; t2(39) = 1.95, p = 0.058, d = 0.31; 95%CI = -0.7~48; 总阅读时间也更长, t1(21) = 3.08, p = 0.006, d = 0.66; t2(39) = 2.93, p = 0.006, d = 0.47; 95%CI = 13~67。但这种冲突效应并没有延续到代词后区, 对代词后区的分析结果表明, 无论是首次注视时间、凝视时间、重读时间抑或是总阅读时间, 在两种条件下差异均不显著(ps > 0.2)。根据Cohen (1988)标准, 凝视时间和总阅读时间的效应量都在中等偏上水平, 进一步肯定了职业的性别倾向对代词加工的影响。

这表明, 在中文语篇阅读理解时, 读者可以很快地将职业名称所携带的性别信息和代词联系起来, 因而冲突的常识信息对代词的理解造成了阻碍。这和Duffy和Keir (2004)对英文代词加工的研究结果一致; 和Esaulova等(2014)德语代词加工的研究结果稍有不同, Esaulova等发现职业性别倾向在晚期加工指标如总阅读时间上发挥作用。说明在不同语言中, 先行词的性别倾向作用时程有所不同, 本研究结果在以往研究基础上肯定了像中文这种高语境依赖的语言, 代词的指认可以即时地进行。那么当文本中有信息对性别刻板印象这种常识性知识进行更正后, 更正后的信息又是如何影响代词加工的?实验2将探讨此问题。

3 实验2:首次出现的代词所形成的语境对代词加工的作用

实验2的材料中包含两个代词, 两个代词总是保持一致, 并且和先行词职业名称的性别倾向形成一致和冲突两个条件。因此, 对于第二个代词来说, 将存在两种信息影响其加工。首先, 由于代词的先行词仍然是职业名称, 所以职业名称的性别倾向仍会对代词的加工产生影响; 其次, 第一个代词所提供的性别信息也会对代词的加工产生作用。因此, 如果文本中第一个代词所提供的语境信息可以更新读者头脑中关于职业名称所固有的性别倾向, 对代词的加工产生作用, 那么在冲突条件下, 读者对第二个代词的加工将不会产生困难; 而如果即使有语境信息的提示, 职业的性别倾向仍然会对代词加工产生影响, 那么和一致条件相比, 冲突条件下第二个代词的阅读时间仍会较长。

3.1 研究方法

3.1.1 被试

同上, 计划样本量为24人, 但是考虑到事后统计功效未达到一定标准, 实际收集被试32人, 男女各16人, 平均年龄20岁, 所有被试裸视或矫正视力正常, 母语均为汉语, 无阅读障碍。

3.1.2 实验设计与材料

采用单因素被试内设计, 自变量为一致性, 有两个水平:代词与职业名称性别倾向一致或冲突。实验材料与实验1相似, 同样包含5个分句, 与实验1不同的是, 首句之后紧接着出现第一目标句, 该句中第一次出现与职业名称的性别倾向一致或冲突的代词, 接下来是过渡句, 之后是第二目标句, 该句中将第二次出现代词, 第二个代词与第一个代词保持一致。最后是结语。此外, 实验2中第二个代词出现的位置和实验1中代词的位置大致相同。例句如下:

一致条件:魔术师被眼前的突发事件所惊呆了, 这是没有想到的事情。演出就这样被搞砸, 对真是不公平, 当初就不应该找这样的助手。

冲突条件:魔术师被眼前的突发事件所惊呆了, 这是没有想到的事情。演出就这样被搞砸, 对真是不公平, 当初就不应该找这样的助手。

按照句子主题和两种实验条件进行拉丁方平衡, 形成两个系列的实验材料, 每一系列包含40个实验材料, 每一被试只接受每个主题材料的一种条件。在每一系列的实验材料中又加入47句填充材料, 文本的结构和实验材料类似。每一系列共有语篇87个, 每3个语篇为一组, 共29组。

3.1.3 实验步骤


3.2 结果与分析

被试回答问题的正确率均在81%以上, 说明被试都在认真阅读实验材料。同理, 删除小于60 ms或大于600 ms的注视点。同样, 数据分析以兴趣区为单位, 包括T1区(第一个代词和其前后两字, 其中10个左右代词前为逗号)、T1+1区(T1区的后三个字组成); T2区(第二个代词和其前后两字)和T2+1区(T2区的后三个字组成)。

实验结果如表2所示, 当读者第一次遇到和先行词职业名称相别倾向相违背的代词时, 同样产生了冲突效应, 表现为在T1区内冲突条件下凝视时间更长, t1(31) = 2.31, p = 0.028, d = 0.41; t2(39) = 2.46, p = 0.018, d = 0.40; 95%CI = 2.5~42; 重读时间更长, t1(31) = 1.96, p = 0.059, d = 0.35; t2(39) = 1.75, p = 0.089, d = 0.27; 95%CI = -1.1~53; 总阅读时间也更长, t1(31) = 3.64, p = 0.001, d = 0.64; t2(39) = 2.77, p = 0.009, d = 0.43; 95%CI = 22~78。由Cohen (1988)关于d系数的标准可知, 凝视时间和总阅读时间都产生了中等偏上水平的效应量, 说明两条件差异较可靠。但是这样冲突效应并没有持续到T1+1区, 在T1+1区, 两种条件在首次注视时间、凝视时间、重读时间和总阅读时间上差异均不显著(ps > 0.1)。此结果和实验1结果一致, 说明职业的性别倾向对代词的加工产生了早期且持续的影响。

表2   T1区、T1+1区、T2区和T2+1区眼动指标的平均数和标准差(ms)

首次注视时间219 (38)210 (32)228 (43)224 (34)206 (31)218 (32)210 (29)216 (32)
凝视时间321 (87)299 (65)289 (60)297 (81)286 (68)293 (76)260 (55)235 (42)
重读时间169 (99)143 (99)172 (120)157 (91)134 (86)114 (84)128 (110)113 (84)
总阅读时间455 (131)405 (125)440 (121)427 (95)377 (114)366 (119)359 (109)317 (87)

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但当读者再次遇到代词时(T2区), 冲突条件下的首次注视时间反而变小, t1(31) = 2.70, p = 0.007, d = 0.46; t2(39) = 2.82, p = 0.011; d = 0.47; 95%CI = 3.0~22。凝视时间在两条件间不再存在差异。但是冲突条件下的重读加工时间比一致条件下更长, t1(31) = 2.27, p = 0.031, d = 0.41; t2(39) = 1.88, p = 0.068; d = 0.30; 95%CI = 1.9~37。此外, 在T2+1区, 和一致条件相比, 冲突条件下的凝视时间更长, t1(31) = 3.22, p = 0.003, d = 0.75; t2(39) = 2.87, p = 0.007; d = 0.44, 95%CI = 9.1~40; 总阅读时间也更长, t1(31) = 2.62, p = 0.013, d = 0.46; t2(39) = 2.74, p = 0.009, d = 0.43; 95%CI = 9.2~73。此结果说明第一个代词所形成的语境信息对第二个代词的加工产生早期影响, 导致冲突条件下第二个代词的首次阅读时间和凝视时间都变短, 甚至短于一致条件。但是随着加工的进程, 在后期加工阶段中, 职业性别倾向这种常识性知识仍然对代词的加工产生了作用, 表现在T2区冲突条件下的重读时间; T2+1区凝视时间和总阅读时间更长。

可见, 虽然实验2中第二个代词与实验1中代词的位置基本相同, 但第一个代词的存在造成了两种不同的结果。实验1中职业性别倾向对代词加工产生了早期且持续的作用。实验2中职业性别倾向的作用被延后, 在词汇后期的加工阶段或更漫长的认知加工过程中发挥作用。这是因为读者注意到了第一个代词所提供的性别信息, 对职业名称的性别倾向进行了重新加工, 从而促进了第二个代词的早期加工。但是, 意外的是, 反映早期加工的首次注视时间在冲突条件下反而变得更短, 我们认为此结果和读者在阅读过程中产生的预期有关。因为文本中前后两个代词始终保持一致, 那么当读者加工第一个代词时, 其所提供的性别信息和职业名称的冲突性, 使读者意识到之前关于职业名称性别倾向的认知在当前文本中可能是不恰当的, 因而在头脑中保持对职业性别倾向的预期。而一致条件下, 第一个代词的非冲突性并没有使读者形成一定预期, 因此在遇到第二个代词时, 反映最初加工的首次注视时间在冲突条件下反而更短。但是, 这种预期效应很快就消失了, 反映在凝视时间上两条件间不再存在差异。

然而, 值得注意的是, 在再次或者更漫长的认知加工中, 职业性别倾向仍然可以发挥作用, 可能原因在于, 读者通过单一的代词并不能完全更正读者关于先行词的性别倾向的固有观念, 因而在后继的加工中, 职业名称的性别倾向仍然在发挥作用。可见在实验2中, 读者对第一个代词所提供的性别信息的加工比较曲折, 最初形成强烈的预期, 然后认可文本中提供的性别, 但在更漫长的认知加工中, 这种纠结再一次出现, 职业的性别倾向仍然在发挥作用。那么当文本中通过“男艺人、父亲”等更明朗的方式揭示先行词的性别时, 在漫长的认知加工中, 读者是否仍然会产生纠结, 职业的性别倾向是否仍然可以影响到代词的加工呢?这是实验3所关心的问题。

4 实验3:性别描述所形成的语境对代词加工的作用

在实验3里, 将进一步对职业名称的性别做出外显而明确的描述, 例如男艺人、爸爸等, 然后再出现一个代词。代词的性别始终和先前的性别描述一致, 而与职业性别倾向冲突。如果文本中外显的性别描述所提供的语境信息可以完全更新读者头脑中关于职业名称所固有的性别倾向, 对代词的加工产生作用, 那么在冲突条件下, 读者对第二个代词的加工将不会产生任何困难, 反映后期加工的重读时间和总阅读时间在两条件也不会存在差异; 反之, 冲突条件下的重读时间或总阅读时间将会更长。

4.1 研究方法

4.1.1 被试

某高校大学生24名, 男女各半。所有被试裸视或矫正视力正常, 母语均为汉语, 无阅读障碍。

4.1.2 实验设计和材料

实验设计同实验2, 一致条件下代词与职业名称性别倾向一致, 与性别描述也一致; 冲突条件下代词与职业名称性别倾向不一致, 与性别描述一致。实验材料同实验2, 语料中描述性别的词汇和职业名称的距离, 和实验2中第一个代词和职业名称的距离相似; 代词和职业名称的距离, 和实验2中第二个代词和职业名称的距离相似。此外, 两实验材料总体字数基本一致, 例句如下:

一致条件:魔术师在艺术团中表现特别突出, 获得杰出男艺人的称号, 为此团里提出表扬, 这令整整几天都处于兴奋状态, 逢人就提起这件事情。

冲突条件:舞蹈家在艺术团中表现特别突出, 获得杰出男艺人的称号, 为此团里提出表扬, 这令整整几天都处于兴奋状态, 逢人就提起这件事情。

和代词构成一致和冲突条件的两个职业名称在字数(3.35 vs. 3.35)、字平均笔画数(7.97 vs. 8.24)以及词频(2.57 vs. 2.39)或平均字频1 (词频库来自Center for Chinese Linguistic PKU, 字频库来自现代汉语单字频率列表, Modern Chinese Character Frequency List (网址为:。词频和字频均以10为底取对数。)(5.19 vs. 5.22)上差异均不显著(ps > 0.30)。为了确定实验2中的代词和实验3中的性别词汇所提供语境明确度确实不同, 另收集28名被试, 要求其对两实验材料中出现的职业名称的性别进行评价。材料样例如下:

实验2:魔术师被眼前的突发事件所惊呆了, 这是他/她没有想到的事情。

实验3:魔术师/舞蹈家在艺术团中表现特别突出, 获得杰出男艺人的称号。

评价材料在电脑屏幕上呈现, 要求被试确定文本中主角性别并按F (男)或J (女)键进行反应, 记录被试反应时和正确率。4种条件按拉丁方平衡形成4个版本, 每个被试随机接受其中一个版本的实验材料。

针对项目结果, 以一致性和性别描述方式为自变量, 正确率和反应时为因变量, 分别进行两因素重复测量方差分析。在正确率上发现性别描述方式和一致性的交互作用, F(1, 39) = 4.15, p = 0.04, η2 = 0.096, 简单效应分析发现, 在两种性别描述下, 一致和违背的差异均显著(ps < 0.001)。但以代词进行性别描述时两条件下的正确率差异(0.96 vs. 0.82)大于以性别词进行描述时两条件间的差异(0.95 vs. 0.86)。原因在于读者在以性别词汇描述职业名称的性别时, 冲突条件下被试反应的准确率大大提升。说明性别描述确实提升了语境信息对性别界定的强度。

4.1.3 实验步骤


4.2 结果与分析

被试回答问题的正确率都在80%以上, 说明被试都有认真阅读材料。分析区域包括T1区(性别描述词)、T1+1区(性别描述词后三字)、T2区(代词和其前后两字)和T2+1区(代词区后三字)。结果分析时剔除小于60 ms或大于600 ms的注视点, 结果如表3所示。

表3   T1区、T1+1区、T2区和T2+1区眼动指标的平均数和标准差(ms)

首次注视时间211 (28)198 (33)187 (29)186 (35)212 (30)206 (19)191 (29)194 (23)
凝视时间288 (58)256 (53)262 (67)246 (59)253 (58)238 (69)216 (46)215 (37)
重读时间173 (94)133 (87)154 (121)129 (91)79 (50)77 (54)91 (78)73 (68)
总阅读时间430 (117)359 (105)384 (169)349 (183)297 (73)276 (84)289 (96)269 (89)

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对T1区的数据分析结果表明, 冲突条件下首次注视时间更长, 基于被试分析显著, t1(23) = 2.29, p = 0.023, d = 0.47; t2(39) = 1.54, p = 0.132, d = 0.24, 95%CI = 1.3~25; 凝视时间更长, t1(23) = 2.94, p = 0.007, d = 0.59; t2(39) = 2.10, p = 0.042, d = 0.33, 95%CI = 9.6~55; 重读时间更长, t1(23) = 3.68, p = 0.001, d = 0.75; t2(39) = 2.02, p = 0.049, d = 0.32, 95%CI = 17~62; 总阅读时间也更长, t1(23) = 5.39, p < 0.001, d = 1.11; t2(39) = 3.45, p = 0.001, d = 0.55, 95%CI = 44~98。对性别描述后区进行分析, 没有发现显著的差异(ps > 0.1)。此外, 代词区和代词后区的结果也不显著(ps > 0.1)。此结果说明, 当读者遇到和职业名称的性别倾向不一致的性别描述时, 读者发生了加工困难。但读者很快就接受了这种性别信息, 即时地更正了读者头脑中固有的关于职业的性别倾向, 因此在遇到与职业名称性别倾向不一致的代词时, 阅读理解过程不再发生困难。表现在两条件下, 代词区和代词后区的所有阅读时间均无差异。此外, 对比实验2和实验3的结果我们发现, 语境的明确度确实影响到了语境在代词加工中的作用, 当语境信息比较含蓄时, 语境可以产生即时但非持续的作用; 但当语境内容比较明朗时, 语境可以产生即时且持续的作用。

5 讨论

本研究围绕在中文代词理解中, 语篇语境与常识性知识对代词作用和作用进程展开。实验1主要考察职业的性别倾向这种常识性知识是否可以对代词加工产生早期影响。在此基础上, 实验2和实验3分别在文本中增加一定的信息, 对职业的性别倾向进行更正, 考察更正后的信息对代词加工的作用。

首先, 在实验1和2中, 研究结果都肯定了职业的性别倾向对代词加工的作用, 反映在当读者首次遇到与先行词职业名称性别倾向不一致的代词时, 代词的凝视时间、重读时间和总阅读时间都更长。此外, 本研究还发现先行词和代词的距离不会干扰到职业性别倾向对代词的指认过程。在实验1和2中, 职业名称和首次出现的代词的距离虽然不同, 但性别倾向这种常识性知识都可以很快地被激活并参与到当前代词的加工。这一研究结果和Qiu等(2012)的研究结果有所出入, Qiu等发现距离能够调节先行词的性别倾向对代词的作用, 当先行词和代词距离较近时, 性别倾向对代词加工产生即时作用; 先行词离代词较远时, 性别倾向在代词加工的晚期阶段才发挥作用。两研究结果的不同可能在于语篇中先行词的可通达性不同。在Qiu等研究中, 先行词是具有一定性别倾向的姓名, 而本研究中先行词是具有性别倾向的职业名称。以姓名作为先行词时, 语料可以随意编制。但是以职业名称为先行词, 为了保持语篇内容的自然顺畅, 语篇内容基本都是围绕各职业者所从事的行业内容展开, 正如本研究中大部分语料所示, 这就导致在先行词职业名称的可通达性更高。而先行词可通达性恰恰是影响代词能否完全被解决的关键因素。例如, 依据Love和McKoon (2011)的观点, 有时代词并不必然得到完全解决, 而是处于一种部分被解决的状态。而代词是否完全解决受先行词的可通达性以及建立连贯文本表征这两个因素的影响。依据以上观点, 本研究中由于先行词类型和语料特点, 先行词通达性相对较好, 在没有其他信息的干扰下, 代词出现时其能够即时激活。所以在先行词和代词间增加一两句话, 不足以影响到职业性别倾向对代词的作用。

但是, 当语境中有信息对职业名称的性别倾向进行更正时, 性别倾向这种常识性知识对代词加工的作用时程会发生变化, 而且这种变化和语境中性别信息的突显程度有关。在实验2中, 当以代词为性别信息更正职业名称的性别倾向时, 更正后的信息发挥早期作用, 冲突条件下的凝视时间和一致条件下的差异不再显著, 职业性别倾向的作用被延后, 反映在冲突条件下的重读时间和总阅读时间仍然更长; 在实验3中, 当采用性别描述更正职业名称的性别倾向时, 职业性别倾向不再对代词加工产生作用。这样的结果很难纳入现有的理论体系。例如, 根据Hess的词汇再加工理论(Hess et al., 1995), 一旦读者头脑中的常识被更新后, 只有更新后的语境信息才能对代词加工产生影响, 常识不再对代词加工产生影响。此理论虽然可以很好地解释实验3的结果, 语境完全覆盖了常识的作用, 对代词即时且持续的作用。但却不能解释实验2的结果, 语境只是部分覆盖了常识的作用, 对代词加工产生的即时但非持续性的作用。此外, 本研究的结果也不能用Kintsch (1998)的建构整合模型和Garrod与Terras (2000)的捆绑消解模型来解释。依据这两个模型, 代词的加工要分两个阶段完成, 常识在代词加工的早期阶段发挥作用, 语境只能在代词晚期的加工阶段才能产生作用。但在实验2和实验3中, 我们都在反映早期加工的指标凝视时间上都发现了语境的作用。因此, 可以肯定的是, 语境可以在代词加工的早期阶段发挥作用。

可见, 在常识和语境的影响下, 代词是分阶段的还是一次完成的, 似乎和所采用语境的明确度有关。如果语境的表现方式比较含蓄, 如本研究实验2中的代词, 便会得出词汇加工分为两阶段的结果; 如果采用的语境表现方式比较明确, 如本研究实验3中的性别描述, 便得到语境较强的作用, 从而导致词汇加工一次完成。另外, Nieuwland和Van Burkum (2006b)来自非代词词汇加工的证据也可以验证语境明确度是影响语境效应的一个因素。研究者所采用的设计是营造出一种童话故事的氛围, 从而使原来不合理的现象合理化。通过不断地重复而形成一种语境, 使读者认可这个童话故事。结果表明, 当读者首次听到和常识不相符的词汇时, 出现了语义违背效应(N400)。当违背的词汇第三次出现时, 违背的名词没有发现N400效应, 但其前面的动词仍表现出违背效应。但当词汇在语篇中第五次出现时, 与常识相违背的名词和其前面的动词已不再产生任何效应。这似乎说明, 当读者第三次听到与常识相违背的名词时, 所形成的关于童话的语境还不够明确, 不足以完全覆盖常识对词汇加工的作用。直到句子语境足够明确了, 到了第五次出现才完全发挥作用。此结果表明语境明确度似乎是影响语境对词汇作用的重要中介变量, 关于语境对词汇作用的一些理论, 例如两阶段加工理论(Kintsch的建构整合模型和Garrod与Terras的捆绑消解模型)或一阶段加工理论(Hess词汇再解释理论)的对立, 可能正是由于研究者所采用的语境明确度不同所导致的。

此外, 值得注意的是, 本研究两实验结果虽然在语境的总体作用时程上不尽相同, 但是语境均表现出了早期作用机制, 反映在实验2中的第二个代词区的首次注视时间在冲突条件下反而更短, 凝视时间在两条件间差异不再显著; 实验3中代词区在冲突条件下的首次注视时间和凝视时间和一致条件下差异均不显著。这样的结果和近年来采用眼动和脑电技术的研究结果(Cook & Myers, 2004; Duffy & Keir, 2004; Nieuwland & Van Berkum, 2006a; Hald, Steenbeek-Planting, & Hagoort, 2007)一致。表明在中文阅读理解中, 虽然词汇的切分困难, 容易造成词汇理解的困难, 但正因为这种情况, 中文词汇理解的语境依赖性更强, 所以导致语境对代词加工的作用更快。此结果和一些对中文阅读理解时程的研究结果一致(Wang et al., 2008), 为中文阅读理解过程中, 语境的即时作用提供了证据支持。

最后, 值得注意的是, 本研究采用语境对常识进行更新的研究范式, 得到了语境可以对代词加工产生即时的影响。在这样的设计中, 语境是语料中被明确告知的正确信息, 而常识是读者头脑中固有的, 但被告知是错误的知识。相对于错误的常识知识, 正确的语境信息更强。因此, 较强的语境信息和错误的常识性知识相比, 能对代词加工产生即时影响也是可以理解的。如果语境和常识都是错误的信息, 并且语境强度和常识强度相同的情况下, 语境是否仍然可以对代词加工产生早期影响呢?这一问题值得继续探讨。

总之, 本研究结果说明在中文这种高语境依赖性的语言文字中, 语境可以覆盖常识性知识的作用, 对代词加工产生早期的影响, 这和以往中文加工中探讨语境作用时程的研究具有一致性(Wang et al., 2008)。此外, 语境的明确度可以影响语境作用的持续性问题, 以往关于语篇中词汇加工的两阶段理论和一阶段理论的对立, 可能原因在于各研究中所采用的语境的明确度不同。


Anderson S. F., Kelley K., &Maxwell S. E . ( 2017).

Sample-size planning for more accurate statistical power: A method adjusting sample effect sizes for publication bias and uncertainty

Psychological Science, 28( 11), 1547-1562.

DOI:10.1177/0956797617723724      URL     PMID:28902575      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract The sample size necessary to obtain a desired level of statistical power depends in part on the population value of the effect size, which is, by definition, unknown. A common approach to sample-size planning uses the sample effect size from a prior study as an estimate of the population value of the effect to be detected in the future study. Although this strategy is intuitively appealing, effect-size estimates, taken at face value, are typically not accurate estimates of the population effect size because of publication bias and uncertainty. We show that the use of this approach often results in underpowered studies, sometimes to an alarming degree. We present an alternative approach that adjusts sample effect sizes for bias and uncertainty, and we demonstrate its effectiveness for several experimental designs. Furthermore, we discuss an open-source R package, BUCSS, and user-friendly Web applications that we have made available to researchers so that they can easily implement our suggested methods.

Angele B., Slattery T. J., Yang J., Kliegl R., &Rayner K . ( 2008).

Parafoveal processing in reading: Manipulating n+1 and n+2 previews simultaneously

Visual Cognition, 16( 6), 697-707.

DOI:10.1080/13506280802009704      URL     PMID:2677831      [本文引用: 1]

The boundary paradigm (Rayner, 1975) with a novel preview manipulation was used to examine the extent of parafoveal processing of words to the right of fixation. Words n+1 and n+2 had either correct or incorrect previews prior to fixation (prior to crossing the boundary location). In addition, the manipulation utilized either a high or low frequency word in word n+1 location on the assumption that it would be more likely that n+2 preview effects could be obtained when word n+1 was high frequency. The primary findings were that there was no evidence for a preview benefit for word n+2 and no evidence for parafoveal-on-foveal effects when word n+1 is at least four letters long. We discuss implications for models of eye-movement control in reading.

Canal P., Garnham A., &Oakhill J . ( 2015).

Beyond gender stereotypes in language comprehension: Self sex-role descriptions affect the brain's potentials associated with agreement processing

Frontiers in Psychology, 6( 9), 1953.

DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01953      URL     PMID:4689154      [本文引用: 2]

We recorded Event-Related Potentials to investigate differences in the use of gender information during the processing of reflexive pronouns. Pronouns either matched the gender provided by role nouns (such as “king” or “engineer”) or did not. We compared two types of gender information, definitional information, which is semantic in nature (a mother is female), or stereotypical (a nurse is likely to be female). When they followed definitional role-nouns, gender-mismatching pronouns elicited a P600 effect reflecting a failure in the agreement process. When instead the gender violation occurred after stereotypical role-nouns the ERP response was biphasic, being positive in parietal electrodes and negative in anterior left electrodes. The use of a correlational approach showed that those participants with more “feminine” or “expressive” self sex-role descriptions showed a P600 response for stereotype violations, suggesting that they experienced the mismatch as an agreement violation; whereas less “expressive” participants showed an Nref effect, indicating more effort spent in linking the pronouns with the possible, although less likely, counter-stereotypical referent.

Chen H-C., Cheung H., Tang S. L., &Wong Y. T . ( 2000).

Effects of antecedent order and semantic context on Chinese pronoun resolution

Memory & Cognition, 28( 3), 427-438.

DOI:10.3758/BF03198558      URL     PMID:10881560      [本文引用: 2]

Three reading time experiments were conducted in order to examine the relative contributions of order of antecedents and semantic context to the resolution of temporarily ambiguous Chinese pronouns. These pronouns were ambiguous because each of them was preceded by two antecedents, both of which were likely candidates for coreference. The identity of the pronoun was revealed by subsequent disambiguating information that constrained the pronoun to one particular interpretation. Experiment 1 showed that reading of the disambiguating phrase was slower when the phrase confined the pronoun to the second rather than to the first antecedent. Experiment 2 produced the same effect of antecedent order (first vs. second antecedent) regardless of whether the target antecedent was an action-performing or an action-receiving entity. In Experiment 3, the order effect was eliminated by a biasing modifier inserted immediately before the pronoun. These results indicate that in a semantically neutral environment, the first-appearing antecedent is the preferred candidate for coreferencing the ambiguous Chinese pronoun. The interaction between order of antecedents and semantic context (in the form of preposed biasing modifiers) suggests that the initial comprehension of Chinese pronouns depends as much on contextual as on structural factors.

Cohen J . ( 1988).

Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences

Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2nd(334).

DOI:10.1016/B978-0-12-179060-8.50012-8      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Includes index/Bibliography: p. 465-467

Cook A.E., &Myers J.L . ( 2004).

Processing discourse roles in scripted narratives: The influences of context and world knowledge

Journal of Memory and Language, 50( 3), 268-288.

DOI:10.1016/j.jml.2003.11.003      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Discourse context may affect comprehension of a word in a text by facilitating lexical access or by facilitating integration of the target concept with the preceding text. In two experiments, we used eye tracking measures to examine contextual influence on the integration of role fillers in scripted narratives. In both experiments, context had an early influence on integration of role fillers. However, measures of post-target processing indicated that semantic knowledge continued to influence integration. The results are discussed in terms of several theories of contextual influence on reading. The data appear to support a two-stage model of processing: in the first stage, incoming text is linked to the contents of active memory; in the second stage, the link between the new and old information is evaluated.

Crocker M. W., Pickering M., &Clifton C . ( 2000).

Architectures and mechanisms for language processing

Linguistic Inquiry, 17( 4), 623-662.

DOI:10.1162/coli.2000.26.4.648      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Abstract The concerns of psycholinguists will look very familiar to people engaged in CL research. A major area of investigation in psycholinguistics is determining how a listener uses frequency and other experience-based information during on-line sentence understanding. This book gives computationalists a distinguished guide to the current issues in the field. It is very clear that psycholinguistics has been influenced by recent work in CL, and is ripe for further cross-fertilization. Many of the papers recognize that more rigorous modeling is called for and that these models will require insights from computational linguistics. I will highlight some of the issues that shape current debates, with particular emphasis on areas of common interest between psycholinguistics and CL. The major source of data in the theory of human sentence processing comes from the disambiguation of temporarily ambiguous sentences as in examples (1) and (2):

Duffy S.A., & Keir, J. A . ( 2004).

Violating stereotypes: Eye movements and comprehension processes when text conflicts with world knowledge

Memory & Cognition, 32( 4), 551-559.

DOI:10.3758/BF03195846      URL     PMID:15478749      [本文引用: 8]

We investigated the effect of discourse context on the access of word meaning during reading. Target words were role names (e.g., electrician ) for which there was a gender stereotype (e.g., electricians are stereotypically male). Target sentences contained a reflexive pronoun that referred to the role name (e.g., The electrician taught herself . . .). Participants read these target sentences with or without paragraph context while their eye movements were monitored. In the absence of discourse context and in neutral discourse contexts, fixation times on the reflexive pronoun and immediately following the pronoun were inflated when the pronoun specified a gender that mismatched the stereotype, indicating that the gender stereotype was activated upon encountering the role name. When prior discourse context indicated the gender of the role-named character, this mismatch effect was eliminated. The mismatch effect indicates that gender stereotypes are automatically activated in the absence of disambiguating information. The lack of an effect when gender has previously been specified is consistent with the lexical reinterpretation model proposed by Hess, Foss, and Carroll (1995).

Ehrlich K., &Rayner K. ( 1983).

Pronoun assignment and semantic integration during reading: Eye movements and immediacy of processing

Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 22( 1), 75-87.

DOI:10.1016/S0022-5371(83)80007-3      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Subjects read passages of text in which the distance between a pronoun and its antecedent was varied. To complete pronoun assignment, a reader must access and integrate information from another portion of text in order to select an antecedent that matches the pronoun in number and gender. Out data suggest that although this process may be started when the pronoun is encoded, the assignment was not completed on the current fixation when the antecedent occurred some distance back in the text. The implications of the results for pronoun assignment are dicussed as well as the implications for the immediacy of processing.

Esaulova Y., Reali C., &von Stockhausen L . ( 2014).

Influences of grammatical and stereotypical gender during reading: Eye movements in pronominal and noun phrase anaphor resolution

Language Cognition & Neuroscience, 29( 7), 781-803.

DOI:10.1080/01690965.2013.794295      URL     [本文引用: 8]

Two eye-tracking studies addressed the processing of grammatical and stereotypical gender cues in anaphor resolution in German. The authors investigated pronominal (er ‘he’/sie ‘she’) and noun phrase (dieser Mann ‘this man’/diese Frau ‘this woman’) anaphors in sentences containing stereotypical role nouns as antecedents (Example: Oft hatte der Elektriker gute Einf01lle, regelm01ssig plante er/dieser Mann neue Projekte' Often had the electrician good ideas, regularly planned he/this man new projects'). Participants were native speakers of German (N=40 and N=24 in Experiments 1 and 2, respectively). Results show that influences of grammatical gender occur in early stages of processing, whereas the influences of stereotypical gender appear only in later measures. Both effects, however, strongly depend on the type of anaphor. Furthermore, the results provide evidence for asymmetries in processing feminine and masculine grammatical gender and are discussed with reference to two-stage models of anaphor resolution.

Garnham A. (Ed).( 2001) . Mental models and the interpretation of anaphora. Philadelphia: Psychology Press/ Taylor & Francis.

[本文引用: 1]

Garrod S., &Terras M. ( 2000).

The contribution of lexical and situational knowledge to resolving discourse roles: Bonding and resolution

Journal of Memory and Language, 42( 4), 526-544.

DOI:10.1006/jmla.1999.2694      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Resolving links between subsequent referents (e.g., the car) and open discourse roles (as in Keith drove to London yesterday. The car kept overheating) is crucial for discourse understanding. This article investigates the contribution of lexical semantic factors (e.g., that drive implies using a vehicle) as compared to more general contextual factors in the on-line resolution of such links. We report an eye-tracking experiment that measures immediate and delayed effects of both kinds of information as readers resolve the reference. The results indicate that lexical information dominates the initial linking process with more general contextual influences emerging later. They are discussed in terms of the distinction between early bonding and subsequent resolution processes that has been proposed for other kinds of anaphoric interpretation (Sanford, Garrod, Lucas, & Henderson, 1983).

Hald L. A., Steenbeek-Planting E. G., &Hagoort P . ( 2007).

The interaction of discourse context and world knowledge in online sentence comprehension. Evidence from the N400

Brain Research. 1146, 210-218.

DOI:10.1016/j.brainres.2007.02.054      URL     PMID:17433893      [本文引用: 1]

In an ERP experiment we investigated how the recruitment and integration of world knowledge information relate to the integration of information within a current discourse context. Participants were presented with short discourse contexts which were followed by a sentence that contained a critical word that was correct or incorrect based on general world knowledge and the supporting discourse context, or was more or less acceptable based on the combination of general world knowledge and the specific local discourse context. Relative to the critical word in the correct world knowledge sentences following a neutral discourse, all other critical words elicited an N400 effect that began at about 300 ms after word onset. However, the magnitude of the N400 effect varied in a way that suggests an interaction between world knowledge and discourse context. The results indicate that both world knowledge and discourse context have an effect on sentence interpretation, but neither overrides the other.

Hess D. J., Foss D. J., &Carroll P . ( 1995).

Effects of global and local context on lexical processing during language comprehension

Journal of Experimental Psychology General, 124( 1), 62-82.

DOI:10.1037/0096-3445.124.1.62      URL     [本文引用: 3]

ABSTRACT Nine experiments involving young adults ( N68=68525) tested the roles of local (sentence) and global (discourse) contexts on lexical processing. Contextual material was presented auditorily, and naming times for the last (visually presented) word were collected. Experiment 1 tested the local contexts alone and found facilitation of naming latencies when local contexts were related to the target word. Subsequent experiments, using varying baseline conditions, found that globally related material affected naming latency in all cases, whereas the same locally related material that was used in the first study now had no facilitation effect. The globally related material had an immediate effect on naming times. The authors argue that the results are inconsistent with associatively based models and with various hybrid models of context effects and that a discourse-based model best accounts for the data. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

Inhoff A.W., &Liu W. ( 1998).

The perceptual span and oculomotor activity during the reading of Chinese sentences

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 24( 1), 20-34.

DOI:10.1037//0096-1523.24.1.20      URL     PMID:9483822      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Eye-movement-contingent display changes were used to control the visibility of characters during the reading of Chinese text. Characters outside a window of legible text were masked by dissimilar characters, and effects of viewing constraints were ascertained in several oculomotor measures. The results revealed an asymmetric perceptual span that extended 1 character to the left of the fixated character and 3 characters to its right. The size of right-directed saccades extended across 2 to 2 1/2 character spaces, indicating that the perceptual spans of successive fixations overlapped slightly and that some linguistic information was integrated across fixations. The relatively small spatial overlap of successive spans appears to reflect a text-specific process. However, the results also revealed substantial similarities in the coding of morphographic Chinese and alphabetic English texts, indicating that text-specific coding routines are subordinated to general coding principles.

Kennison S.M., &Trofe J.L . ( 2003).

Comprehending pronouns: A role for word-specific gender stereotype information

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 32( 3), 355-378.

DOI:10.1023/A:1023599719948      URL     PMID:12845944      [本文引用: 2]

The research investigated how word-specific gender stereotype information can be used during language comprehension. In a rating study, the gender stereotypes for 405 noun and noun compounds were assessed. From these norms, 32 words strongly stereotyped to refer mostly to males and 32 words strongly stereotyped to refer mostly to females were selected and used in a reading experiment. Comprehenders read pairs of sentences. The subject of the first sentence was a gender stereotyped word (e.g., executive or secretary). The subject of the second sentence was either the pronoun he or she. Reading time was significantly longer when gender of the pronoun mismatched the gender stereotype of the antecedent than when the genders of pronoun and antecedent matched. This gender mismatch effect occurred on the two regions immediately following the region containing the pronoun. The results indicated that word-specific gender stereotypes can influence coreference resolution of pronouns.

Kintsch W. ( 1988).

The role of knowledge in discourse comprehension: A construction-integration model

Psychological Review, 95( 2), 163-182.

DOI:10.1037//0033-295X.95.2.163      URL     PMID:3375398      [本文引用: 1]

A discourse comprehension model is developed in which the initial processing is bottom-up. Word meanings are activated, propositions are formed, and inferences and elaborations are produced, regardless of the discourse context. A network of interrelated items is created which can be integrated into a coherent structure. (SLD)

Kliegl R., Grabner E., Rolfs M., &Engbert R . ( 2004).

Length, frequency, and predictability effects of words on eye movements in reading

European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 16( 1-2), 262-284.

DOI:10.1080/09541440340000213      URL     [本文引用: 2]

We tested the effects of word length, frequency, and predictability on inspection durations (first fixation, single fixation, gaze duration, and reading time) and inspection probabilities during first-pass reading (skipped, once, twice) for a corpus of 144 German sentences (1138 words) and a subset of 144 target words uncorrelated in length and frequency, read by 33 young and 32 older adults. For corpus words, length and frequency were reliably related to inspection durations and probabilities, predictability only to inspection probabilities. For first-pass reading of target words all three effects were reliable for inspection durations and probabilities. Low predictability was strongly related to second-pass reading. Older adults read slower than young adults and had a higher frequency of regressive movements. The data are to serve as a benchmark for computational models of eye movement control in reading.

Love J., &McKoon G. ( 2011).

Rules of engagement: Incomplete and complete pronoun resolution

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 37( 4), 874-887.

DOI:10.1037/a0022932      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Nieuwland M.S., &Van Berkum J. J.A . ( 2006 a).

Individual differences and contextual bias in pronoun resolution: Evidence from ERPs

Brain Research, 1118( 1), 155-167.

DOI:10.1016/j.brainres.2006.08.022      URL     PMID:16956594      [本文引用: 2]

Although we usually have no trouble finding the right antecedent for a pronoun, the co-reference relations between pronouns and antecedents in everyday language are often ‘formally’ ambiguous. But a pronoun is only really ambiguous if a reader or listener indeed perceives it to be ambiguous. Whether this is the case may depend on at least two factors: the language processing skills of an individual reader, and the contextual bias towards one particular referential interpretation. In the current study, we used event related brain potentials (ERPs) to explore how both these factors affect the resolution of referentially ambiguous pronouns. We compared ERPs elicited by formally ambiguous and non-ambiguous pronouns that were embedded in simple sentences (e.g., “Jennifer Lopez told Madonna that she had too much money.”). Individual differences in language processing skills were assessed with the Reading Span task, while the contextual bias of each sentence (up to the critical pronoun) had been assessed in a referential cloze pretest. In line with earlier research, ambiguous pronouns elicited a sustained, frontal negative shift relative to non-ambiguous pronouns at the group-level. The size of this effect was correlated with Reading Span score, as well as with contextual bias. These results suggest that whether a reader perceives a formally ambiguous pronoun to be ambiguous is subtly co-determined by both individual language processing skills and contextual bias.

Nieuwland M.S., &Van Berkum J. J.A . ( 2006 b).

When peanuts fall in love: N400 evidence for the power of discourse

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18( 7), 1098-1111.

DOI:10.1080/00222340701582951      URL     PMID:16839284      [本文引用: 2]

Abstract In linguistic theories of how sentences encode meaning, a distinction is often made between the context-free rule-based combination of lexical-semantic features of the words within a sentence ("semantics"), and the contributions made by wider context ("pragmatics"). In psycholinguistics, this distinction has led to the view that listeners initially compute a local, context-independent meaning of a phrase or sentence before relating it to the wider context. An important aspect of such a two-step perspective on interpretation is that local semantics cannot initially be overruled by global contextual factors. In two spoken-language event-related potential experiments, we tested the viability of this claim by examining whether discourse context can overrule the impact of the core lexical-semantic feature animacy, considered to be an innate organizing principle of cognition. Two-step models of interpretation predict that verb-object animacy violations, as in "The girl comforted the clock," will always perturb the unfolding interpretation process, regardless of wider context. When presented in isolation, such anomalies indeed elicit a clear N400 effect, a sign of interpretive problems. However, when the anomalies were embedded in a supportive context (e.g., a girl talking to a clock about his depression), this N400 effect disappeared completely. Moreover, given a suitable discourse context (e.g., a story about an amorous peanut), animacy-violating predicates ("the peanut was in love") were actually processed more easily than canonical predicates ("the peanut was salted"). Our findings reveal that discourse context can immediately overrule local lexical-semantic violations, and therefore suggest that language comprehension does not involve an initially context-free semantic analysis.

Qiu L., Swaab T. Y., Chen H-C., &Wang S . ( 2012).

The role of gender information in pronoun resolution: Evidence from Chinese

Plos One, 7( 5), e36156.

DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0036156      URL     [本文引用: 7]

Qiu L. J., Wang S. P., &Chen H. C . ( 2012).

Pronoun processing during language comprehension: The effects of distance and gender stereotype

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 44( 10), 1279-1288.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 邱丽景, 王穗苹, 陈烜之 . ( 2012).


心理学报, 44( 10), 1279-1288.]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2012.01279      URL     [本文引用: 1]

To establish a coherent representation of a text, what is being read must be in line with previous information in the text. Personal pronouns are among the most important devices to establish coherence between linguistic expressions. Previous studies have shown that world knowledge about gender stereotype plays an important role in pronoun resolution. In other words, comprehension processes will be interrupted when a pronoun mismatches the gender stereotype of its antecedent. However, it is still controversial about the time course of the influence of gender stereotype on pronoun resolution. For example, in some eye movement studies, the gender mismatch effect on reading appeared relatively earlier, while in other studies this effect emerged relatively late. It has been suggested that, among different studies, discrepancies in the distance between a pronoun and its antecedent might be a contributing factor to the controversy. The main purpose of the current study was to examine whether the effect of gender stereotype on pronoun comprehension could be modulated by the distance between the two critical words. In the experiment, 29 Chinese participants were asked to read 160 short passages, during which their eye movements were recorded. Each of these contained a personal pronoun congruent or incongruent with the gender stereotype of its antecedent, while the distance between the two critical words was manipulated to be either short or long. The results revealed that reading times increased when the gender of the pronoun mismatched with the gender stereotype of its antecedent. Interestingly, the location of the mismatching effect varied with the distance between critical words. Specifically, in the short distance condition the mismatch effect was observed on first fixation duration and the second second-pass reading times at the critical pronoun region, whereas in the long distance condition the effect appeared in the second-pass reading times at the region after the pronoun. In addition, the first fixation duration and the gaze durations of congruent sentences were significantly longer at the region following the pronoun in the short distance condition relative to the long one. In sum, our results clearly suggested that both gender stereotype and the distance between a pronoun and its antecedent can affect the comprehension of Chinese pronouns. These findings provide evidence for the interactive model of sentence comprehension.

Rayner K. ( 1998).

Eye movements in reading and information processing: 20 years of research

Psychological Bulletin, 124( 3), 372-422.

DOI:10.1037/0033-2909.124.3.372      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Rayner K. &Pollatsek A. ( 1989).

The psychology of reading.

Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice-Hall.

[本文引用: 1]

Taylor D.J., &Muller K.E . ( 1996).

Bias in linear model power and sample size calculation due to estimating noncentrality

Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 25( 7), 1595-1610.

DOI:10.1080/03610929708831953      URL     PMID:24363488      [本文引用: 1]

Planning a study using the General Linear Univariate Model often involves sample size calculation based on a variance estimated in an earlier study. Noncentrality, power, and sample size inherit the randomness. Additional complexity arises if the estimate has been censored. Left censoring occurs when only significant tests lead to a power calculation, while right censoring occurs when only non-significant tests lead to a power calculation. We provide simple expressions for straightforward computation of the distribution function, moments, and quantiles of the censored variance estimate, estimated noncentrality, power, and sample size. We also provide convenient approximations and evaluate their accuracy. The results allow demonstrating that ignoring right censoring falsely widens confidence intervals for noncentrality and power, while ignoring left censoring falsely narrows the confidence intervals. The new results allow assessing and avoiding the potentially substantial bias that censoring may create.

Van Gompel R. P.G., &Majid A. ( 2004).

Antecedent frequency effects during the processing of pronouns

Cognition, 90( 3), 255-264.

DOI:10.1016/S0010-0277(03)00161-6      URL     PMID:14667697      [本文引用: 1]

An eye-movement reading experiment investigated whether the ease with which pronouns are processed is affected by the lexical frequency of their antecedent. Reading times following pronouns with infrequent antecedents were faster than following pronouns with frequent antecedents. We argue that this is consistent with a saliency account, according to which infrequent antecedents are more salient than frequent antecedents. The results are not predicted by accounts which claim that readers access all or part of the lexical properties of the antecedent during the processing of pronouns.

Wang S., Chen H-C., Yang J., &Mo L . ( 2008).

Immediacy of integration in discourse comprehension: Evidence from Chinese readers’ eye movements

Language and Cognitive Processes, 23( 2), 241-257.

DOI:10.1080/01690960701437061      URL     [本文引用: 3]

An eye-movement study was conducted to examine whether Chinese readers immediately activate and integrate related background information during discourse comprehension. Participants were asked to read short passages, each containing a critical word that fitted well within the local context but was inconsistent or neutral with background information from the early part of the passage. This manipulation of textual consistency produced reliable effects on both first-pass reading fixations in the target region and second-pass reading times in the pre-target and target regions. These results indicate that integration processes start very rapidly in reading text in a writing system with properties that encourage delayed processing, suggesting that immediate processing is likely a universal principle in discourse comprehension.

Xu X., Jiang X., &Zhou X . ( 2013).

Processing biological gender and number information during Chinese pronoun resolution: ERP evidence for functional differentiation

Brain and Cognition, 81( 2), 223-236.

DOI:10.1016/j.bandc.2012.11.002      URL     PMID:23262177      [本文引用: 2]

There have been a number of behavioral and neural studies on the processing of syntactic gender and number agreement information, marked by different morpho-syntactic features during sentence comprehension. By using the event-related potential (ERP) technique, the present study investigated whether the processing of semantic gender information and the processing of notional number information can be differentiated and to what extent they might interact during Chinese pronoun resolution. The pronoun (with singular form in Experiment 1 and with plural form in Experiment 2) in a sentence matched its antecedent or mismatched it with respect to either biological gender or notional number or both. While the number mismatch elicited a P600 effect starting from 550ms (for singular pronoun) or 400ms (for plural pronoun) post-onset of the pronoun, the gender mismatch elicited an earlier (for singular) and larger (for both singular and plural) P600 effect. More importantly, the double mismatch produced a P600 effect identical to the effect elicited by the single gender mismatch. These results demonstrate that biological gender information and notional number information are processed differentially and have different processing priorities during Chinese pronoun resolution.


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