ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报, 2019, 51(1): 14-23 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00014



刘贵雄1,2, 贾永萍1, 王余娟3, 买合甫来提·坎吉1,*, 郭春彦2,*

1 新疆师范大学教育科学学院心理系

2 新疆师范大学心智发展与学习科学重点实验室, 乌鲁木齐 830017

3 首都师范大学心理学院

The bilingual L2 advantage in associative recognition

LIU Guixiong1,2, JIA Yongping1, WANG Yujuan3, MAIHEFULAITI ·Kanji1,*, GUO Chunyan2,*

1 Department of Psychology, Xinjiang Normal University, The Key Laboratory of Mental Development and Learning Science, Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi 830017, China

2 Department of Psychology, Capital Normal University, Beijing Key Laboratory of “Learning & Cognition”, Beijing 100048, China

3 Intellectual Property School of Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 400054, China

通讯作者: 郭春彦, E-mail:; 买合甫来提·坎吉, E-mail:

第一联系人: 刘贵雄、贾永萍为共同第一作者。

收稿日期: 2018-01-3   网络出版日期: 2019-01-25

基金资助: * 国家自然科学基金资助.  31671127
首都师范大学科技创新服务能力建设-基本科研业务费科研类.  025185305000 /200
国家自然科学地区基金.  31660283
博士科研启动基金.  XJNUBS1707
博士科研创新基金.  XJ107621710
心智发展与学习科学重点实验室基金项目.  XJNUSYS072017B06

Received: 2018-01-3   Online: 2019-01-25


研究使用ERPs技术, 考察了双语者在联结再认中是否存在第二语言记忆优势效应。实验要求被试完成维吾尔语(L1)和汉语(L2)两类“学习-测试”任务。学习阶段要求被试学习混合呈现的复合词和无关词, 测验阶段要求被试区分“旧”、“重组”或“新”词对。行为结果发现:(1)复合词中, L2的正确率高于L1, L2的反应时快于L1; 无关词中, L2的正确率与L1无显著差异, 但L2的反应时快于L1。(2) 在L2和L1中, 复合词的正确率均高于无关词, 反应时均快于无关词。ERPs结果发现:(1)在高整合条件下, L2仅诱发了FN400效应, L1诱发了FN400效应和LPC效应; 在低整合条件下, L2和L1都只诱发了LPC效应。(2)在时间进程上, L2和L1分别在650 ms和900 ms完成联结关系的提取。上述结果表明, 在高整合条件下, 双语者在联结再认中存在L2记忆优势。此外, 实验结果也从双语角度证明了, 整合编码能促进熟悉性在维吾尔语联结再认中发挥作用。本研究结果的实践意义在于, 为我国少数民族学生习得国家通用语言文字提供了认知神经科学依据。

关键词: 联结再认 ; 双语 ; 整合编码 ; 熟悉性 ; 回想


Recent research has indicated that humans exhibit better item recognition when working with their second language (L2) than in their first (L1). Associative and item recognition are based on different retrieval information and retrieval processes, even though they share certain characteristics. In the present study, we investigated whether bilingual associative recognition performance was better in L2 than in L1. We asked participants to complete two study-test tasks that were presented in Chinese or Uygur, as appropriate. During the study phase, participants were instructed to remember either compound or unrelated word pairs. Participants were then asked to indicate whether word pairs were intact, rearranged, or new.
According to the dual-process model of recognition memory, recognition can be mediated by two functionally distinct processes known as familiarity and recollection. Familiarity is a subjective feeling of prior encounter associated with an early (300~500 ms) frontal old/new effect (FN400). Recollection provides access to detailed information about the prior occurrence of an item and its associated episodic context, which is reflected by a later (500~800 ms) left parietal old/new effect (LPC). Traditionally, most researchers have assumed that associative recognition depended only on recollection, but more and more researchers have suggested that familiarity could also support associative recognition under unitized encoding conditions.
In the present study, we manipulated levels of unitization (LOU) through semantic relations of word pairs. In the unitization condition (compound word pairs), two words can be processed as a single coherent entity or an object. In contrast, in the non-unitization condition (unrelated word pairs), two items can only be treated as two separate objects. The current experiment found (1) associative recognition was more rapid in L2 than in L1 for both compound and unrelated word pairs, and the accuracy of associative recognition was higher in L2 for compound word pairs but equal for unrelated word pairs; and (2) associative recognition was better for compound than for unrelated word pairs both in L2 and in L1. The event-related potentials (ERPs) showed that in the unitization condition, recognition in L1 elicited both FN400 and LPC effects, indicating the unitization effect kept consistency in different language. However, recognition in L2 only elicited the FN400 effect. In addition, participants accomplished associative recognition at a time of 650 ms in L2. However, associative recognition was not completed until 900 ms in L1. This result pattern indicated that associative recognition in L2 can rely solely on familiarity. In the non-unitization condition, there was no FN400 effect, but the LPC effect occurred in both L2 and L1.
Together, these results indicate similar to item recognition, bilingual associative recognition is better in L2 than in L1 in the unitization condition. In addition, unitization increases the relative contribution of familiarity to subsequent associative retrieval. The practical significance of this study is that it provides a cognitive neuroscientific basis for promotion of the national common language in minority regions of China.

Keywords: associative recognition ; bilingualism ; unitization ; familiarity ; recollection

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刘贵雄, 贾永萍, 王余娟, 买合甫来提·坎吉, 郭春彦. 联结再认中双语者第二语言记忆优势效应. 心理学报[J], 2019, 51(1): 14-23 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00014

LIU Guixiong, JIA Yongping, WANG Yujuan, MAIHEFULAITI ·Kanji, GUO Chunyan. The bilingual L2 advantage in associative recognition. Acta Psychologica Sinica[J], 2019, 51(1): 14-23 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00014

1 引言

近年来, 研究者开始关注双语者的第二语言记忆优势效应。有研究发现, 双语者在项目再认中第二语言(以下简称L2)的击中率高于第一语言 (以下简称L1)而虚报率却低于L1, 表现出L2记忆优势效应(Francis & Strobach, 2013), 但联结再认中是否存在L2记忆优势效应尚不清楚。联结再认和项目再认是两种不同的认知加工过程。项目再认中, 人们凭借项目内在信息(intrinsic information)区分旧项目和新项目; 联结再认中, 人们凭借项目间的关系信息(associative information)区分旧项目和重组项目(Mandler, 1980)。此外, 词频对项目再认和联结再认有不同的影响。低频词的项目再认成绩高于高频词(MacLeod & Kampe, 1996), 联结再认成绩却低于高频词(Clark, 1992)。由此可见, 低频词在联结再认中表现出记忆劣势。有研究认为, L2词汇类似于双语者L1的低频词(Gollan, Montoya, Cera, & Sandoval, 2008)。据此推论, 双语者L2的联结再认成绩可能低于L1, 表现出L2记忆劣势。

L2记忆效应在项目再认和联结再认中的不同表现可由SAC模型(Source of Activation Confusion Model of Memory)解释。SAC模型假定信息以网络结构形式存储于记忆系统中, 网络结构中包含概念节点(Concept node)和情景节点(Episode node), 信息能否成功提取取决于情景节点的激活水平(见图1)。在测试中, 线索词出现后, 其概念节点被激活, 扩散并激活相应的情景节点。情景节点的激活会受到概念节点的激活水平以及和此概念节点相连接的情景节点数目的影响。概念节点的激活水平越高, 相应情景节点的激活就越大; 与概念节点相连接的情景节点数目越多, 干扰越大, 相应情景节点的激活就越小(Dinan, Reder, Arndt, & Park, 2006)。在项目再认中, 与L2概念节点相连接的情景节点数目少、干扰小, 相应情景节点的激活大, 击中率则较高。此外, L2概念节点自身的激活水平低, 虚报率则相应地较低。因此, 高击中率和低虚报率引起了项目再认中的L2记忆优势(Francis & Strobach, 2013)。


图1   SAC模型中记忆信息存储位置及其关系(采自Buchler & Reder, 2007)

在联结再认中, 信息的提取除受到概念节点自身的激活水平以及与概念节点相连接的情景节点数目影响之外, 还受到项目间关系激活水平的影响。项目间关系的激活受到个体认知资源的影响较大。概念节点自身的激活水平越低, 在形成项目间关系时对认知资源的需求就越大(Reder, Paynter, Diana, Ngiam, & Dickison, 2007)。在个体认知资源有限的情况下, 由于L2中两个项目的概念节点自身的激活水平较低, 两个项目间关系得不到充分编码, 形成项目间关系较困难(Buchler & Reder, 2007; Kuperman & Van Dyke, 2013)。由此可见, 提高L2联结再认的关键在于促进项目间的关系编码。

整合(unitization)编码在一定程度上能够弥补L2中项目间关系编码不充分的缺陷。整合编码是指把两个或多个项目加工成一个整体概念的过程(Graf & Schacter, 1989), 其主要作用在于减少个体在编码时对认知资源的需求。当项目被整合编码后, 个体对L2中的项目间关系编码时对认知资源的需求变小, 所以L2项目中概念节点自身的激活水平对项目间关系编码的影响变小(Buchler & Reder, 2007), 项目间关系也能得到充分编码。在整合编码之后, 联结再认提取的不再是两个分离的项目, 而是对整体概念的提取。这一提取过程类似于项目提取。一方面, 由于L2中无关情景节点的干扰较小, 击中率则较高; 另一方面, 由于L2概念节点的激活水平较低, 虚报率也较低。由此可推知, 在高整合条件下, 双语者L2的联结再认成绩可能也会好于L1, 即表现出L2记忆优势。然而, 在低整合条件下, 由于L2概念节点自身的激活水平低, 项目间关系形成较困难, 所以项目间关系的激活水平也较低, 其联结再认成绩也相应地较低。

再认包括熟悉性和回想两个加工过程。熟悉性是对事物整体的再认, 它不包含对事物具体细节信息的有意识提取; 回想是一种有意识的提取加工, 是对事物具体细节的再认(毛新瑞, 徐慧芳, 郭春彦, 2015; Yonelinas, 2002)。事件相关电位(ERPs)研究以两类旧/新效应分别作为熟悉性和回想的指标。刺激后300~500 ms出现在双侧额区的旧/新效应(或FN400效应), 与基于熟悉性的提取有关(Rugg & Curran, 2007); 刺激后500~800 ms出现在左侧顶区的旧/新效应(或LPC效应)指示回想(Vilberg, Moosavi, & Rugg, 2006)。近年来, 研究者(Zheng, Xiao, Broster, & Jiang, 2015a; Kamp, Bader, & Mecklinger, 2016)认为旧/重组效应比旧/新效应更能反映联结关系的提取。因为旧/新效应中混杂了项目信息和关系信息的提取, 个体仅凭借两个项目的熟悉性就能够区分旧项目和新项目。在旧/重组效应中, 由于两个项目的熟悉性在旧和重组中相同, 仅凭借熟悉性不能区分旧和重组刺激, 有效地区分旧和重组刺激必须提取两个项目间关系信息。因此, 本研究参考Kamp等人(2016)的方法, 以双侧额区旧/重组效应和左侧顶区旧/重组效应分别作为熟悉性与回想的电生理指标。

综上, 双语者在项目再认中存在L2记忆优势效应, 但在联结再认中是否存在L2记忆优势效应尚不清楚。如果在高整合条件下, 双语者在联结再认中也存在L2记忆优势, 则说明在一定条件下, 双语者再认记忆中的L2优势效应具有普遍性。此外, 如果整合编码是引起双语者L2联结再认记忆优势的关键因素, 那么双语者在学习L2中, 可以利用整合编码策略来弥补自己在L2中关系编码的缺陷, 从而促进L2的联结再认。这一结果将为我国少数民族学生有效习得国家通用语言提供重要的科学依据。为此, 本研究采用ERPs技术, 通过改变语义关系来操纵项目间的整合程度(Ahmad & Hockley, 2014; Zheng et al., 2015a), 考察不同语义整合程度下, 双语者在联结再认中是否存在L2记忆优势。实验中, 双语者分别完成L1和L2“学习-测试”任务。在L1任务中, 学习和测验阶段均为维吾尔语词语; 在L2任务中, 学习和测验阶段均为汉语词语。学习阶段要求被试学习混合呈现的复合词和无关词, 测验阶段要求被试区分“旧”、“重组”或“新”词对。复合词中, 由于两个词语自身存在语义关联, 能较容易地被加工成一个整体概念, 项目间关系较容易形成。此外, 在L2联结关系的提取中, 无关情景节点的干扰也较少。据此假定, 在复合词中, 熟悉性支持联结再认, 并表现出L2记忆优势; 在无关词中, 两个词语不太容易被加工成一个整体概念, 项目间关系形成较困难, 熟悉性不支持联结再认。

2 方法

2.1 被试

20名维吾尔族双语学生参与实验, 并获得相应报酬。2名学生未能成功完成实验, 其数据被剔除。实际参与数据分析的为18人(男生5人), 平均年龄为20.78岁(SD = 1.48岁), 视力或矫正视力正常。实验前被试接受语言经历和语言水平问卷测试(Marian, Blumenfeld, & Kaushanskaya, 2007)。其中, 汉语接触程度为40.37% (SD = 7.99%), 汉语水平为5.46 (SD = 0.80), 维吾尔语水平为5.93 (SD = 0.82), 语言转换能力为5.25 (SD = 0.69)。

2.2 实验材料

首先, 从现代汉语词典中选择800对名词作为备选材料, 包含400对复合词(如“劳动-模范”)和400对无关词(如“日期-人民”)。然后, 由不参与正式实验的26名学生对材料的熟悉度(1 = 非常不熟悉, 7 = 非常熟悉)和整合程度(1 = 整合程度非常低, 7 = 整合程度非常高)进行评定。在熟悉度评定中, 评分低于5分的词对被剔除; 在整合程度评定中, 复合词中评分低于5分和无关词中评分高于3分的词对被剔除。

正式实验材料包含642对词语。其中18对用于练习, 剩余624对被随机分成两组, 312对用于L2“学习-测试”任务; 312对翻译成维吾尔语, 用于L1“学习-测试”任务。L1和L2材料经过熟悉度和整合程度平衡后各分成13组, 每组材料包含12对复合词和12对无关词。其中8对复合词和8对无关词作为学习材料, 剩余8对作为测试“新”词对的材料。L1和L2在词频、熟悉度和整合程度上的评分见表1。配对样本t检验结果表明, L1 [t(25) = 93.26, p < 0.001]和L2 [t(25) = 89.64, p < 0.001]中, 复合词的整合程度高于无关词; 两种语言材料在词频[t(25) = 1.29, p = 0.208]和熟悉度上[t(25) = 0.64, p = 0.412]差异不显著。

表1   两种语言条件下实验材料的评定结果[M (SD)]

L1复合词66.24 (9.78)6.42 (0.32)6.20 (0.26)
无关词64.89 (8.42)6.28 (0.36)1.74 (0.25)
L2复合词61.77 (8.62)6.23 (0.28)6.08 (0.32)
无关词60.19 (9.40)6.16 (0.41)1.56 (0.31)

注:参照现代汉语词典, 词频单位为百万分之一。

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2.3 实验设计

实验为2 (语言:L1, L2)×2 (关系:复合词, 无关词)×2 (反应:旧, 重组)三因素被试内设计。新刺激作为填充材料, 不进入分析。

2.4 实验程序

实验材料为黑色背景、白色36号黑体字词对, 以图片形式通过Presentation软件呈现。被试在隔音电磁屏蔽房间内, 分辨率为1024×768像素的联想电脑上完成实验。被试分别完成L1和L2任务, L1和L2任务在被试间平衡。

被试按学习、干扰、测验的流程完成实验, 具体程序见图2。练习阶段:在正式实验前, 被试进行1组练习, 以便熟悉和理解实验任务要求。学习阶段:8对复合词和8对无关词随机出现在屏幕中央, 要求被试记住屏幕上的词语。学习阶段ISI为700~1100 ms, 学习时间为5000 ms。学习结束后, 被试进行20 s三位数倒减3运算。测验阶段:旧、重组以及新词对随机出现在屏幕中央, 测试时ISI为700~1100 ms, 词对呈现3000 ms, 要求被试做出“旧”、“重组”或“新”判断。若两个词语都学过, 且搭配关系与学习时相同, 按“F”键(旧); 若两个词语都学过, 但搭配关系已经被改变, 按“H”键(重组); 若两个词语都没有学过, 按“J”键(新)。学习、干扰、测验阶段之间无时间间隔, 完成全部实验任务约2小时40分钟。


图2   实验程序

2.5 ERPs数据记录和分析

使用Neuroscan公司ESI-64导脑电采集分析系统, 按照国际10-20系统扩展的64导Ag/AgCL电极帽记录62个头皮位置相应的EEG。接地点在FPz和Fz连线中点, 参考电极置于左耳乳突处, 离线分析时转换为左右乳突的平均值。左眼上下电极记录垂直眼电, 双眼外侧电极记录水平眼电。采样率为1000 Hz, 连续记录时滤波带通为0.05~100 Hz, 电阻均小于5 kΩ。对测验阶段记录获得的连续EEG进行离线分析处理。排除眼电伪迹和波幅在±75 μV以外的伪迹, 滤波带通为0.05~40 Hz, 分析时间进程为-100~1000 ms。

参考Kriukova, Bridger和Mecklinger (2013)研究, 对额区(F3, F1, Fz, F2, F4)和顶区(P3, P1, Pz, P2, P4) 10个电极进行旧/重组效应分析。从总平均波形来看, 两类反应在刺激后250 ms出现分离, 且在450~650 ms时段, L2旧/重组效应消失, L1旧/重组效应持续到650~900 ms时段。基于此, 本研究选择250~450 ms、450~650 ms和650~900 ms三个时段分析, 其中250~450 ms时段的旧/重组效应被认为指示熟悉性, 450~650 ms和650~900 ms时段的旧/重组效应被认为指示回想, 用来进一步分析L1和L2在回想中的差异。

使用Neuroscan软件, 通过分类叠加获得“旧”和“重组”词对中判断正确的ERPs。行为和脑电数据均采用SPSS 22.0进行统计分析。分别对三个时段的平均电压值, 进行语言×关系×反应×半球重复测量方差分析, 进一步分析只针对与反应有关的显著主效应和显著交互作用。旧/重组效应的头皮分布比较时, 先计算10个电极的波形差异矢量, 然后进行重复测量方差分析, 若交互作用显著, 说明头皮分布不同(McCarthy & Wood, 1985)。

3 结果

3.1 行为数据分析

行为数据见表2。首先, 对正确率和反应时进行2 (语言:L1, L2)×2 (关系:复合词, 无关词)×2 (反应:旧, 重组)三因素重复测量方差分析。其次, 为了进一步考察双语者区分旧/重组的能力, 对Pr联结值(Snodgrass & Corwin, 1988)进行语言×关系两因素重复测量方差分析。

表2   两种语言条件下各反应的正确率和反应时[M (SD)]

正确率汉语0.86 (0.09)0.72 (0.19)0.19 (0.14)0.67 (0.19)0.83 (0.13)0.86 (0.09)0.10 (0.08)0.73 (0.18)
维吾尔语0.80 (0.16)0.67 (0.15)0.20 (0.12)0.61 (0.18)0.76 (0.15)0.79 (0.12)0.12 (0.08)0.75 (0.15)
汉语1276 (195)1655 (276)1352(221)1572(249)
维吾尔语1495 (257)1863 (227)1589(271)1583(269)

注:FA重组为“重组”虚报为“旧”的比率, Pr联结为“旧”的击中率 - FA重组

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3.1.1 正确率

语言主效应边缘显著, F(1, 17) = 3.59, p = 0.075, η2 p = 0.17, 说明L2的再认成绩高于L1; 关系主效应显著, F(1, 17) = 8.22, p = 0.011, η2 p = 0.33, 说明复合词的再认成绩高于无关词; 反应主效应显著, F(1, 17) = 4.83, p = 0.042, η2 p = 0.21, 说明“旧”词对的正确率大于“重组”词对; 三者的交互作用不显著, F(1, 17) = 0.01, p = 0.961; 语言和反应[F(1, 17) = 0.02, p = 0.903]、语言和关系[F(1, 17) = 0.26, p = 0.614]交互作用不显著; 反应和关系的交互作用显著, F(1, 17) = 33.67, p < 0.001, η2 p = 0.66。简单效应分析结果显示, 在复合词中, “旧”词对的正确率大于“重组”词对, F(1, 17) = 17.55, p < 0.001; 在无关词中, “旧”词对和“重组”词对的正确率差异不显著, F(1, 17) = 2.01, p = 0.314。

3.1.2 反应时

语言主效应显著, F(1, 17) = 8.41, p = 0.010, η2 p = 0.33, 说明L2的反应时小于L1; 反应主效应显著, F(1, 17) = 122.88, p < 0.001, η2 p = 0.88, 说明“旧”词对的反应快于“重组”词对; 关系主效应显著, F(1, 17) = 5.81, p = 0.028, η2 p = 0.26, 说明复合词的反应时小于无关词; 三者的交互作用不显著, F(1, 17) = 1.34, p = 0.264; 语言和反应的交互作用不显著, F(1, 17) = 0.21, p = 0.651; 关系和反应的交互作用显著, F(1, 17) = 20.58, p < 0.001, η2 p = 0.55。简单效应分析结果显示, 复合词[F(1, 17) = 25.25, p < 0.001]和无关词中[F(1, 17) = 98.51, p < 0.001]“重组”词对的反应都比“旧”词对的反应慢。语言和关系的交互作用显著, F(1, 17) = 5.09, p = 0.038, η2 p = 0.23。简单效应分析结果显示, 在复合词[F(1, 17) = 7.66, p = 0.013]和无关词中[F(1, 17) = 8.92, p = 0.011], L2的反应时都小于L1。

3.1.3 鉴别指标

Pr联结值表示被试区分旧和重组的能力, 值越大说明被试区分旧和重组的能力越强。语言×关系二因素重复测量方差分析结果显示, 语言主效应不显著, F(1, 17) = 0.21, p = 0.651, 说明被试在L2和L1中区分旧和重组的能力无差异; 关系主效应显著, F(1, 17) = 12.88, p = 0.002, η2 p = 0.43, 说明被试在复合词中区分旧和重组的能力大于无关词; 语言和关系的交互作用边缘显著, F(1, 17) = 3.77, p = 0.069, η2 p = 0.18。简单效应结果显示, 在复合词中, 被试在L2中区分旧和重组的能力好于L1, F(1, 17) = 2.61, p = 0.031; 在无关词中, 被试在L2和L1中区分旧和重组的能力差异不显著, F(1, 17) = 0.30, p = 0.578。

3.2 ERP结果分析

两类反应在刺激后250 ms出现了分离。在250~450 ms时段, L1和L2中均存在旧/重组效应; 在450~650 ms时段, 仅L1存在旧/重组效应, 并持续到650~900 ms时段(见图3)。为了检验两类反应分离的统计有效性, 分别在三个时段, 对与语言有关的显著交互作用进行简单效应分析, 交互作用不显著时, 对条件间的ERPs进行计划性比较(Keppel, 1991)。


图3   旧/重组反应在各电极的平均振幅

注:A、B分别为双语者在L2(汉语)复合词和无关词上的旧/重组反应在各电极的平均振幅; C、D分别为双语者在L1(维吾尔语)复合词和无关词上的旧/重组反应在各电极的平均振幅。其中, FL为F1和F3振幅的均值, FR为F2和F4振幅的均值; PL为P1和P3振幅的均值, PR为P2和P4振幅的均值。时间进程为-100~1000 ms, 时段为250~450 ms、450~650 ms和650~900 ms。

3.2.1 250~450 ms

2 (语言:L1, L2)×2 (关系:复合词, 无关词)×2 (反应:旧, 重组)×2 (半球:左, 右)重复测量方差分析结果显示, 反应主效应显著, F(1, 17) = 4.51, p = 0.049, η2 p = 0.21; 关系主效应显著, F(1, 17) = 13.04, p = 0.002, η2 p = 0.43; 四者的交互作用显著, F(1, 17) = 7.60, p = 0.013, η2 p = 0.31。结果和双侧额区旧/重组效应的典型分布一致, 以F3, F1, F2, F4电极的平均振幅为指标, 进一步对L2和L1的旧/重组效应进行检验。

L2 反应主效应显著, F(1, 17) = 10.48, p = 0.005, η2 p = 0.38; 关系主效应显著, F(1, 17) = 18.86, p < 0.001, η2 p = 0.53; 二者的交互作用不显著, F(1, 17) = 0.02, p = 0.900。进一步分析发现, 复合词存在旧/重组效应, F(1, 17) = 7.18, p = 0.016, η2 p = 0.30; 无关词不存在旧/重组效应, F(1, 17) = 4.04, p = 0.061。

L1 反应主效应不显著, F(1, 17) = 1.07, p = 0.315; 关系主效应不显著, F(1, 17) = 2.56, p = 0.128; 但二者的交互作用显著, F(1, 17) = 16.46, p = 0.001, η2 p = 0.49。简单效应分析结果显示, 复合词存在旧/重组效应, F(1, 17) = 4.78, p = 0.041; 无关词不存在旧/重组效应, F(1, 17) = 0.01, p = 0.914。

3.2.2 450~650 ms

2 (语言:L1, L2)×2 (关系:复合词, 无关词)×2 (反应:旧, 重组)×2 (半球:左, 右)重复测量方差分析结果显示, 反应主效应显著, F(1, 17) = 5.73, p = 0.024, η2 p = 0.25; 语言主效应显著, F(1, 17) = 6.58, p = 0.020, η2 p = 0.28; 关系主效应显著, F(1, 17) = 18.35, p < 0.001, η2 p = 0.52; 左半球的平均振幅大于右半球, F(1, 17) = 4.77, p = 0.043, η2 p = 0.22。结果和左侧顶区的旧/重组效应分布一致, 以P3和P1电极的平均振幅为指标, 进一步对L2和L1的旧/重组效应进行检验。

L2 反应主效应边缘显著, F(1, 17) = 3.38, p = 0.084, η2 p = 0.17; 关系主效应显著, F(1, 17) = 19.39, p < 0.001, η2 p = 0.533; 二者的交互作用不显著F(1, 17) = 0.30, p = 0.590。进一步分析发现, 复合词无旧/重组效应, F(1, 17) = 0.82, p = 0.378, 无关词存在旧/重组效应, F(1, 17) = 3.72, p = 0.041, η2 p = 0.19。

L1 反应主效应显著, F(1, 17) = 5.89, p = 0.027, η2 p = 0.25; 关系主效应显著, F(1, 17) = 6.26, p = 0.023, η2 p = 0.27; 二者的交互作用不显著, F(1, 17) = 0.24, p = 0.629。进一步分析发现, 复合词[F(1, 17) = 4.13, p = 0.048]和无关词[F(1, 17) = 5.01, p = 0.041]都存在旧/重组效应。

3.2.3 650~900 ms

2 (语言:L1, L2)×2 (关系:复合词, 无关词)×2 (反应:旧, 重组)×2 (半球:左, 右)重复测量方差分析结果显示, 反应主效应显著, F(1, 17) = 10.87, p = 0.004, η2 p = 0.39; 语言主效应显著, F(1, 17) = 8.55, p = 0.009, η2 p = 0.34; 关系主效应显著, F(1, 17) = 5.34, p = 0.034, η2 p = 0.24; 四者的交互作用显著, F(1, 17) = 4.50, p = 0.049, η2 p = 0.21。结果和晚期左侧顶区旧/重组效应分布一致, 以P3和P1电极的平均振幅为指标, 进一步对两种语言条件下的旧/重组效应进行检验。

L2 反应主效应不显著, F(1, 17) = 0.57, p = 0.459; 关系主效应不显著, F(1, 17) = 0.88, p = 0.360; 二者的交互作用不显著, F(1, 17) = 0.02, p = 0.890。结果表明, 复合词和无关词都无旧/重组效应。

L1 反应主效应显著, F(1, 17) = 26.33, p < 0.001, η2 p = 0.61; 关系主效应显著, F(1, 17) = 9.65, p = 0.007, η2 p = 0.36; 二者交互作用边缘显著, F(1, 17) = 4.02, p = 0.061, η2 p = 0.19。简单效应分析结果显示, 复合词[F(1, 17) = 13.03, p < 0.001]和无关词[F(1, 17) = 9.97, p = 0.006]都存在旧/重组效应。

为了进一步比较L2和L1在三个时段中旧/重组效应的差异, 对两种语言的旧/重组效应进行独立样本t检验。在250~450 ms时段(图4A), L2和L1中复合词中都存FN400效应, 但二者差异不显著, t(17) = -0.09, p = 0.931; 无关词中都无FN400效应。在450~650 ms时段(图4B), 在复合词中, L1存在LPC效应, L2无LPC效应; 在无关词中, L2和L1都存在LPC效应, 但二者差异不显著, t(17) = 0.02, p = 0.988。在650~900 ms时段(图4C), 在复合词中, L1存在LPC效应, L2无LPC效应, L1的LPC效应显著大于L2, t(17) = -2.67, p = 0.016, d = 2.20; 在无关词中, L1存在LPC效应, L2无LPC效应, 二者差异不显著, t(17) = -1.61, p = 0.126。


图4   两种语言旧/重组效应比较

注:A为250~450 ms时间窗口, 双语者在双侧额区上L2 (汉语)和L1(维吾尔语)中复合词和无关词的旧/重组效应; B和C为450~ 650 ms和650~900 ms时间窗口, 双语者在左顶区上L2 (汉语)和L1 (维吾尔语)中复合词和无关词的旧/重组效应。

3.2.3 地形图分析

选取三个时段的10个电极, 并计算其波形差异矢量(McCathy & Wood, 1985), 进行2 (语言:L1, L2)×10 (电极:F3, F1, FZ, F2, F4, P3, P1, PZ, P2, P4)×3 (时间:250~450 ms, 450~650 ms, 650~900 ms)三因素重复测量方差分析。结果显示, 语言、电极和时间的交互作用边缘显著, F(18, 306) = 1.61, p = 0.057, η2 p = 0.09。随后分三个时段对L2和L1在大脑皮层的分布进行检验。在250~450 ms时段, 语言和电极的交互作用显著, F(9, 153) = 1.83, p = 0.041, η2 p = 0.13; 其余两个时段, 交互作用均不显著(Fs < 1)。结果说明, L2和L1旧/重组效应的空间分布存在不同(见图5A图5B)。


图5   两种语言下各条件间差异波地形图

注:A为双语者在L2(汉语)复合词和无关词中F3、F1、Fz、F2、F4; P3、P1、Pz、P2、P4十个电极在250~450 ms、450~650 ms和650~900 ms三个时间窗口的大脑皮层分布; B为双语者在L1(维吾尔语)复合词和无关词中F3、F1、Fz、F2、F4; P3、P1、Pz、P2、P4十个电极在250~450 ms、450~650 ms和650~900 ms三个时间窗口的大脑皮层分布。彩图见电子版。

4 讨论

本研究从联结再认的角度考察了双语者的第二语言记忆优势效应。实验结果表明, 在高整合条件下, 联结再认中存在L2记忆优势; 在低整合条件下, L2和L1的记忆效果差异不显著。实验结果还表明, 语义整合能促进熟悉性在维吾尔语联结再认中发挥作用。

4.1 联结再认中双语者L2记忆优势效应

在高整合条件下, 双语者在联结再认中存在L2记忆优势。在行为结果上, 与L1相比, L2表现出更高的旧/重组区分能力和更短的反应时间。在低整合条件下, 双语者在两种语言中的旧/重组区分能力无显著差异。在ERPs结果上, L2记忆优势主要体现在加工过程和提取时间上。在加工过程上, L2在联结再认中只诱发了FN400效应, 而L1在联结再认中既诱发了FN400效应, 也诱发了LPC效应。结果说明, L1在联结再认中需要回想和熟悉性的共同参与, 而L2仅凭借熟悉性就能够完成联结关系的提取。在时间进程上, L2和L1分别在650 ms和900 ms完成联结关系的提取, 即L2的提取速度快于L1。

Francis和Strobach (2013)的研究发现了双语者在项目再认中存在L2记忆优势。本研究发现了在高整合条件下, 双语者在联结再认中也存在L2记忆优势, 说明在高整合条件下, 双语者的再认记忆L2优势效应具有普遍性。在高整合条件下, 双语者在联结再认中的L2记忆优势可由SAC模型解释。该模型认为, 联结关系的提取会受到来自概念节点自身的激活水平、与概念节点相连接的情景节点数目以及项目间关系编码质量的影响。由于L2概念节点自身的激活水平低于L1, 导致L2中形成两个项目间关系比较困难。因此, 提高L2联结再认的关键在于促进L2中两个项目间的关系编码。本研究中, 复合词中的两个词语在语义上高度关联, 两个词语能够较容易地被加工成一个整体概念。个体对L2中两个项目间关系编码时对认知资源的需求变小, 项目间关系得到了充分编码。在整合编码后, 双语者在联结再认中不再提取两个分离的项目, 而是对整体概念的提取。由于L2整体概念中无关情景节点的干扰较少, 击中率则较高; 与此同时, L2概念节点自身的激活水平较低, 虚报率也较低。因此在高整合条件下, L2联结再认成绩好于L1, 即表现出L2记忆优势。

有研究发现, 低频词的联结再认成绩低于高频词(Clark, 1992)。本实验结果却发现, 低整合条件下, L2和L1的联结再认成绩并无显著差异。Clark (1992)的研究中没有采用整合编码策略。由于低频词中概念节点激活水平较低, 项目间关系编码不充分, 因此低频词的联结再认成绩低于高频词。本研究通过语义关系来调节项目间的整合程度。虽然无关词的整合程度低于复合词, 但不能排除无关词在编码中被整合的可能性。在250~450 ms时段, 与L1相比, L2无关词中“旧”反应的ERPs比“重组”反应有更正的趋势(1.02 vs 0.07 μV), 即也可能存在L2无关词的整合程度高于L1的趋势。此外, 虽然有研究者认为, L2词汇类似于双语者L1中的低频词(Gollan et al., 2008), 但汉语是国家通用语言, 少数民族学生接触和掌握汉语的程度可能不完全等同于低频词。双语者L2概念节点自身的激活水平低于L1, 但二者在低整合条件中却存在相同的记忆效果。这一结果也反映了双语者在联结再认中存在L2记忆优势。

4.2 整合编码促进基于熟悉性的联结再认

实验结果也从双语的角度证明了语义整合能够促进熟悉性支持联结再认。如前言所述, FN400效应反映基于熟悉性的提取; LPC效应反映基于回想的提取 (Zheng et al., 2015a; Kamp et al., 2016)。复合词中, 双语者在L2和L1中都诱发FN400效应, 说明在两种语言中熟悉性都能够支持联结再认。无关词中, 两种语言都只诱发了LPC效应, 说明联结再认主要凭借回想, 熟悉性不支持联结再认。复合词中两个词语之间语义高度关联, 其语义整合程度比无关词强。复合词存在FN400效应, 而无关词只存在LPC效应, 说明语义整合引起了基于熟悉性的联结再认。维吾尔语文字和汉语文字是透明性差异比较大的两种文字。维吾尔语是一种透明文字, 一个字素和音素之间是规则的一一对应关系; 而汉语是一种不透明文字, 一个音节可以代表多个汉字的发音(Liu & Cao, 2016)。在高整合条件下, 两种透明性差异比较大的文字在250~450 ms都诱发了FN400效应, 说明熟悉性不仅能够支持单一语言的联结再认, 而且能够支持双语者两种语言的联结 再认。

此外, L2中的复合词只诱发了FN400效应, 而L1中的复合词同时诱发了FN400效应和LPC效应。结果说明, 整合编码对L2和L1中联结再认的影响程度不同。汉语是少数民族学生的第二语言, 它作为个体的一种经验会自上而下地影响到个体对事件的编码和提取(Schroeder & Marian, 2012)。维吾尔族学生拥有维吾尔语和汉语两套概念编码系统。两种语言在L2言语理解过程中处于平行激活状态, 因此在提取L2时, 存在L2和L1两种提取线索。L1是双语者的优势语言, 在L1编码时, 来自L2词汇的激活较少。因此在提取L1时, L2词汇线索对L1词汇提取的贡献相对较小(Schroeder & Marian, 2012)。语言和编码的交互影响也可能是导致双语者在L2和L1联结再认中差别的一个重要原因。未来研究可进一步探究语言和编码的交互影响对双语者联结再认的作用。

长期以来, 人们认为双语者的L2关系加工存在编码不充分的缺陷(Buchler & Reder, 2007)。本研究却发现, 整合编码能够弥补双语者这类加工缺陷, 促进L2的联结再认, 表现出L2记忆优势。这一结果为我国少数民族学生有效地习得国家通用语言提供了重要的认知神经科学依据。常用的整合编码策略, 如交互表象(Diana, Yonelinas, & Ranganath, 2008)、知觉特征(Yonelinas, Kroll, & Dobbins, 1999)以及语义关联(Ahmad & Hockley, 2014)等, 都可以用于帮助少数民族学生学习和掌握国家通用语言。

5 结论

(1)在语义整合的条件下, 双语者在联结再认中存在第二语言记忆优势效应, 即在联结再认中, 双语者仅凭借熟悉性就能成功提取联结关系, 而且提取速度快于第一语言。

(2)整合编码不仅促进了双语者第一语言中基于熟悉性的联结再认, 而且引发了第二语言联结再认中的熟悉性加工。结果表明, 整合编码促进熟悉性支持联结再认的效应不仅存在于单一语言中, 而且在双语中也存在。


Ahmad F. N., & Hockley W.E. ( 2014).

The role of familiarity in associative recognition of unitized compound word pairs

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67( 12), 2301-2324.

DOI:10.1080/17470218.2014.923007      URL     PMID:24873736      [本文引用: 2]

This study examined the effect of unitization and contribution of familiarity in the recognition of word pairs. Compound words were presented as word pairs and were contrasted with noncompound word pairs in an associative recognition task. In Experiments 1 and 2, yes-no recognition hit and false-alarm rates were significantly higher for compound than for noncompound word pairs, with no difference in discrimination in both within- and between-subject comparisons. Experiment 2 also showed that item recognition was reduced for words from compound compared to noncompound word pairs, providing evidence of the unitization of the compound pairs. A two-alternative forced-choice test used in Experiments 3A and 3B provided evidence that the concordant effect for compound word pairs was largely due to familiarity. A discrimination advantage for compound word pairs was also seen in these experiments. Experiment 4A showed that a different pattern of results is seen when repeated noncompound word pairs are compared to compound word pairs. Experiment 4B showed that memory for the individual items of compound word pairs was impaired relative to items in repeated and nonrepeated noncompound word pairs, and Experiment 5 demonstrated that this effect is eliminated when the elements of compound word pairs are not unitized. The concordant pattern seen in yes-no recognition and the discrimination advantage in forced-choice recognition for compound relative to noncompound word pairs is due to greater reliance on familiarity at test when pairs are unitized.

Buchler N. E.G., & Reder L.M . ( 2007).

Modeling age-related memory deficits: A two-parameter solution

Psychology and Aging, 22( 1), 104-121.

DOI:10.1037/0882-7974.22.1.104      URL     PMID:17385988      [本文引用: 5]

Abstract Recent research and meta-analytic reviews suggest that 1 observed pattern of impaired and intact memory performance with advancing age is a deficit in measures of episodic but not semantic memory. The authors used computational modeling to explore a number of age-related parameters to account for this pattern. A 2-parameter solution based on lifelong experience successfully fit the pattern of results in 5 published studies of the word-frequency mirror effect and paired-associate recognition. Lifelong experience increases the strength (resting level of activation) of concepts in the network but also saturates the network with an increasing number of episodic associations to each concept. More episodic associations to each concept mean that activation spreads more diffusely, making retrieval of any newly established memory trace less likely; however, the greater strength of a concept makes recognition based on familiarity more likely. The simulations provide good quantitative fits to the extant age-related memory literature and support the plausibility of this mechanistic account. ((c) 2007 APA, all rights reserved).

Clark S.E . ( 1992).

Word frequency effects in associative and item recognition

Memory and Cognition, 20( 3), 231-243.

DOI:10.3758/BF03199660      URL     PMID:1508049      [本文引用: 3]

The word frequency effect (WFE) has been taken as evidence that recall and recognition are in some way fundamentally different. Consequently, most models assume that recall and recognition operate via very different retrieval mechanisms. Experiment 1 showed that the WFE reverses for associative recognition, which requires discrimination between intact test pairs and recombinations of study list words from different study pairs. Experiment 2, in which word triples were used, revealed an interaction between word frequency and test type: for item recognition, performance was better for low-frequency words; however, for associative recognition and free recall, performance was better for high-frequency words. In Experiment 3, item recognition was tested: although overall performance was better for low-frequency words, the recognition advantage for items in intact pairs was larger for high-frequency words, suggesting two components in recognition memory. These results imply common mechanisms in recall and recognition. Theoretical implications are discussed within the framework of the SAM model.

Diana R. A., Reder L. M., Arndt J., & Park H . ( 2006).

Models of recognition: A review of arguments in favor of a dual-process account

Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 13( 1), 1-21.

DOI:10.3758/BF03193807      URL     PMID:2387212      [本文引用: 1]

The majority of computationally specified models of recognition memory have been based on a single-process interpretation, claiming that familiarity is the only influence on recognition. There is increasing evidence that recognition is, in fact, based on two processes: recollection and familiarity. This article reviews the current state of the evidence for dual-process models, including the usefulness of the remember/know paradigm, and interprets the relevant results in terms of the source of activation confusion (SAC) model of memory. We argue that the evidence from each of the areas we discuss, when combined, presents a strong case that inclusion of a recollection process is necessary. Given this conclusion, we also argue that the dual-process claim that the recollection process is always available is, in fact, more parsimonious than the single-process claim that the recollection process is used only in certain paradigms. The value of a well-specified process model such as the SAC model is discussed with regard to other types of dual-process models.

Diana R. A., Yonelinas A. P.,& Ranganath C . ( 2008).

The effects of unitization on familiarity-based source memory: Testing a behavioral prediction derived from neuroimaging data

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 34( 4), 730-740.

DOI:10.1037/0278-7393.34.4.730      URL     PMID:18605864      [本文引用: 1]

Performance on tests of source memory is typically based on recollection of contextual information associated with an item. However, recent neuroimaging results have suggested that the perirhinal cortex, a region thought to support familiarity-based item recognition, may support source attributions if source information is encoded as a feature of the relevant item (i.e., "unitized"). The authors hypothesized that familiarity may contribute to source memory performance if item and source information are unitized during encoding, whereas performance may rely more heavily on recollection if source information is encoded as an arbitrary contextual association. Three source recognition experiments examining receiver operating characteristics and response deadline performance indicated that familiarity makes a greater contribution to source memory if source and item information are unitized during encoding. These findings suggest that familiarity can contribute to source recognition and that its contribution depends critically on the way item and source information are initially processed.

Francis W. S., & Strobach E. N ., ( 2013).

The bilingual L2 advantage in recognition memory

Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 20( 6), 1296-1303.

DOI:10.3758/s13423-013-0427-y      URL     PMID:23606134      [本文引用: 3]

To better understand the mechanisms by which bilingual proficiency impacts memory processes, two recognition memory experiments were conducted with matched monolingual and bilingual samples. In Experiment 1, monolingual speakers of English and Spanish studied high- and low-frequency words under full attention or cognitive load conditions. In Experiment 2, Spanish-English bilingual participants studied high- and low-frequency words under full-attention conditions in each language. For both monolinguals and bilinguals, low-frequency words were better recognized than high-frequency words. The central new findings were that bilingual recognition was more accurate in the less fluent language (L2) than in the more fluent language (L1) and that bilingual L2 recognition was more accurate than monolingual recognition. The bilingual L2 advantage parallels word frequency effects in recognition and is attributed to the greater episodic distinctiveness of L2 words, relative to L1 words.

Gollan T. H., Montoya R. I., Cera C., & Sandoval T. C . ( 2008).

More use almost always means a smaller frequency effect: Aging, bilingualism and the weaker links hypothesis

Journal of Memory and Language, 58( 3), 787-814.

DOI:10.1016/j.jml.2007.07.001      URL     PMID:2409197      [本文引用: 2]

The “weaker links” hypothesis proposes that bilinguals are disadvantaged relative to monolinguals on speaking tasks because they divide frequency-of-use between two languages. To test this proposal, we contrasted the effects of increased word use associated with monolingualism, language dominance, and increased age on picture naming times. In two experiments, younger and older bilinguals and monolinguals named pictures with high- or low-frequency names in English and (if bilingual) also in Spanish. In Experiment 1, slowing related to bilingualism and language dominance was greater for producing low- than high-frequency names. In Experiment 2, slowing related to aging was greater for producing low-frequency names in the dominant language, but when speaking the non-dominant language, increased age attenuated frequency effects and age-related slowing was limited exclusively to high-frequency names. These results challenge competition-based accounts of bilingual disadvantages in language production, and illustrate how between-group processing differences may emerge from cognitive mechanisms general to all speakers.

Graf P., & Schacter D.L . ( 1989).

Unitization and grouping mediate dissociations in memory for new associations

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 15( 5), 930-940.

DOI:10.1037/0278-7393.15.5.930      URL     [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT Previous research has demonstrated performance dissociations between explicit and implicit memory for newly acquired associations between unrelated words. The present article accounts for this finding in terms of two factors: unitization and grouping. Unitization involves representing previously separate items as a single unit, and grouping involves forming associations among separate representations. We propose that grouping facilitates primarily explicit remembering by providing the routes for accessing encoded word pairs via the cues available during testing; in contrast, unitization affects primarily implicit remembering by enabling the reintegration of studied items in response to partial cues. Consistent with this view, the results from two experiments show that by focusing processing on the relation between target word pairs, explicit remembering can be manipulated independently of implicit remembering. Two further experiments reveal that a material manipulation (concreteness of words) affects both implicit and explicit remembering. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

Kamp S., Bader R., & Mecklinger A . ( 2016).

The Effect of Unitizing Word Pairs on Recollection Versus

[本文引用: 3]

Familiarity-Based Retrieval-Further Evidence from ERPs.Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 12( 4), 168-177.

Keppel G. ( 1991).

Design and analysis: A researcher's handbook

New Jersey: Prentice-Hall,Inc.

[本文引用: 1]

Kriukova O., Bridger E., & Mecklinger A . ( 2013).

Semantic relations differentially impact associative recognition memory: electrophysiological evidence

Brain and Cognition, 83( 1), 93-103.

DOI:10.1016/j.bandc.2013.07.006      URL     PMID:23942226      [本文引用: 1]

Though associative recognition memory is thought to rely primarily on recollection, recent research indicates that familiarity might also make a substantial contribution when to-be-learned items are integrated into a coherent structure by means of an existing semantic relation. It remains unclear how different types of semantic relations, such as categorical (e.g., dancer-singer) and thematic (e.g., dancer-stage) relations might affect associative recognition, however. Using event-related potentials (ERPs), we addressed this question by manipulating the type of semantic link between paired words in an associative recognition memory experiment. An early midfrontal old/new effect, typically linked to familiarity, was observed across the relation types. In contrast, a robust left parietal old/new effect was found in the categorical condition only, suggesting a clear contribution of recollection to associative recognition for this kind of pairs. One interpretation of this pattern is that familiarity was sufficiently diagnostic for associative recognition of thematic relations, which could result from the integrative nature of the thematic relatedness compared to the similarity-based nature of categorical pairs. The present study suggests that the extent to which recollection and familiarity are involved in associative recognition is at least in part determined by the properties of semantic relations between the paired associates.

& Kuperman V., Van Dyke J.A . ( 2013).

Reassessing word frequency as a determinant of word recognition for skilled and unskilled readers

Journal of Experimental Psychology, 39( 3), 802-823.

DOI:10.1037/a0030859      URL     PMID:23339352      [本文引用: 1]

The importance of vocabulary in reading comprehension emphasizes the need to accurately assess an individual's familiarity with words. The present article highlights problems with using occurrence counts in corpora as an index of word familiarity, especially when studying individuals varying in reading experience. We demonstrate via computational simulations and norming studies that corpus-based word frequencies systematically overestimate strengths of word representations, especially in the low-frequency range and in smaller-size vocabularies. Experience-driven differences in word familiarity prove to be faithfully captured by the subjective frequency ratings collected from responders at different experience levels. When matched on those levels, this lexical measure explains more variance than corpus-based frequencies in eye-movement and lexical decision latencies to English words, attested in populations with varied reading experience and skill. Furthermore, the use of subjective frequencies removes the widely reported (corpus) Frequency X Skill interaction, showing that more skilled readers are equally faster in processing any word than the less skilled readers, not disproportionally faster in processing lower frequency words. This finding challenges the view that the more skilled an individual is in generic mechanisms of word processing, the less reliant he or she will be on the actual lexical characteristics of that word.

Liu H.S Cao F. ., ( 2016).

L1 and L2 processing in bilingual brain: A meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies

Brain and Language, 159, 60-73.

DOI:10.1016/j.bandl.2016.05.013      URL     PMID:27295606      [本文引用: 1]

Neuroimaging studies investigating bilingual processes have produced controversial results in determining similarities versus differences between L1 and L2 neural networks. The current meta-analytic study was conducted to examine what factors play a role in the similarities and differences between L1 and L2 networks with a focus on age of acquisition (AOA) and whether the orthographic transparency of L2 is more or less transparent than that of L1. Using activation likelihood estimation (ALE), we found L2 processing involved more additional regions than L1 for late bilinguals in comparison to early bilinguals, suggesting L2 processing is more demanding in late bilinguals. We also provide direct evidence that AOA of L2 influences L1 processing through the findings that early bilinguals had greater activation in the left fusiform gyrus than late bilinguals during L1 processing even when L1 languages were the same in the two groups, presumably due to greater co-activation of orthography in L1 and L2 in early bilinguals. In addition, we found that the same L2 languages evoked different brain activation patterns depending on whether it was more or less transparent than L1 in orthographic transparency. The bilateral auditory cortex and right precentral gyrus were more involved in shallower-than-L1 L2s, suggesting a 鈥渟ound-out鈥 strategy for a more regular language by involving the phonological regions and sensorimotor regions to a greater degree. In contrast, the left frontal cortex was more involved in the processing of deeper-than-L1 L2s, presumably due to the increased arbitrariness of mapping between orthography and phonology in L2.

MacLeod C.M., & Kampe K.E, . ( 1996).

Word frequency effects on recall, recognition, and word fragment completion tests

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 22( 1), 132-142.

DOI:10.1037/0278-7393.22.1.132      URL     PMID:8648282      [本文引用: 1]

In 3 experiments, the effect of word frequency on an indirect word fragment completion test and on direct free-recall and Yes-no recognition tests was investigated. In Experiment 1, priming in word fragment completion was substantially greater for low-frequency words than for high-frequency words, but free recall was unaffected. Experiment 2 replicated the word fragment completion result and showed a corresponding effect in recognition. Experiment 3 replicated the low-frequency priming advantage in word fragment completion with the set of words that P.L. Tenpenny and E.J. Shoben (1992) had used in reporting the opposite pattern in word fragment completion. Using G. Mandler's (1980) dual-process theory, the authors argue that recognition and word fragment completion tests both rely on within-item integration that influences familiarity, whereas recall hinges on elaboration that influences retrievability.

[ 毛新瑞, 徐慧芳, 郭春彦 . ( 2015).


心理学报, 47( 9), 1111-1123.]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2015.01111      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In studies of recognition retrieval, emotional memory enhancement effect was described as better memory performance for emotional stimuli than neutral ones. Based on dual-processing theory, recognition retrieval can be divided into two different processes: familiarity and recollection. Two important event-related potential correlates, the FN400 (a negative shift in frontal regions at 300~500ms time window), and the late positive complex (LPC; a positive peak over posterior regions at 500~800ms time window) was associated with familiarity and recollection, respectively. Some researchers considered that emotional memory enhancement effect occurred in recollection but not in familiarity. However, some indirect evidences showed that emotion could enhance memory strength in familiarity-based retrieval. Our research focused on two controversies: 1) whether emotion can enhance familiarity, and 2) how arouse and valence of emotion affect memory enhancement effect. In the current experiment, we used modified “remember/know” paradigm with ERPs recorded, to investigate how emotion influences familiarity and recollection in long-term study-test duration. Subjects were instructed to learn the pictures (including neutral, negative and positive pictures). And after one week, they made “remember/know/guess/new” recognition judgments towards stimuli intermixed with learnt and new pictures. Finally, the valence and arouse of experimental pictures were evaluated by the subjects participated in the experiment. Behaviorally, for studied pictures endorsed as “know”, the memory performances of emotional pictures were better than neutral ones, and there was no significant difference between emotional valences. As for the “remember” judgments, the memory performances of negative pictures were better than positive and neutral ones. ERP results show that, for the pictures judged as “know”, the FN400 old/new effects were significant in emotion condition but not in neutral condition, suggesting that emotion arousing enhanced familiarity-based retrieval. For pictures judged as “remember”, the LPC potentials of negative pictures were more positive than positive and neutral ones, showing that emotion valence modulated recollection-based retrieval. Our findings suggest that: in long-term study-test duration, emotional pictures could result in memory enhancement effect in the familiarity-based as well as the recollection-based retrieval. The emotional memory enhancement effect was not only modulated by the arousing as well as the valence of emotion. Emotional arousing played a predominant role in enhancing memory strength for familiarity-based retrieval. Emotional valence exerts influence exclusively on recollection-based retrieval in a way that only negative pictures could make enhancement effect on recollection.

Mandler, G. ( 1980).

Recognizing: The judgment of previous occurrence

Psychological Review, 87( 3), 252-271.

[本文引用: 1]

Marian V., Blumenfeld H. K., & Kaushanskaya M . ( 2007).

The language experience and proficiency questionnaire (LEAP-Q): Assessing language profiles in bilinguals and multilinguals

Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, 50( 4), 940-967.

DOI:10.1044/1092-4388(2007/067)      URL     PMID:17675598      [本文引用: 1]

Purpose: To develop a reliable and valid questionnaire of bilingual language status with predictable relationships between self-reported and behavioral measures. Method: In Study 1, the internal validity of the Language Experience and Proficiency Questionnaire (LEAP-Q) was established on the basis of self-reported data from 52 multilingual adult participants. In Study 2, criterion-based validity was established on the basis of standardized language tests and self-reported measures from 50 adult Spanish-English bilinguals. Reliability and validity of the questionnaire were established on healthy adults whose literacy levels were equivalent to that of someone with a high school education or higher. Results: Factor analyses revealed consistent factors across both studies and suggested that the LEAP-Q was internally valid. Multiple regression and correlation analyses established criterion-based validity and suggested that self-reports were reliable indicators of language performance. Self-reported reading proficiency was a more accurate predictor of first-language performance, and self-reported speaking proficiency was a more accurate predictor of second-language performance. Although global measures of self-reported proficiency were generally predictive of language ability, deriving a precise estimate of performance on a particular task required that specific aspects of language history be taken into account. Conclusion: The LEAP-Q is a valid, reliable, and efficient tool for assessing the language profiles of multilingual, neurologically intact adult populations in research settings.

McCarthy G., & Wood C.C . ( 1985).

Scalp distributions of event-related potentials: An ambiguity associated with analysis of variance models

Electroencephalography and Clinical. Neurophysiology/Evoked Potentials Section, 62( 3), 203-208.

DOI:10.1016/0168-5597(85)90015-2      URL     PMID:2581760      [本文引用: 2]

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) interactions involving electrode location are often used to assess the statistical significance of differences between event-related potential (ERP) scalp distributions for different experimental conditions, subject groups, or ERP components. However, there is a fundamental incompatibility between the additive model upon which ANOVAs are based and the multiplicative effect on ERP voltages produced by differences in source strength. Using potential distributions generated by dipole sources in spherical volume conductor models, we demonstrate that highly significant inetractions involving electrode location can be obtained between scalp distributions with identical shapes generated by the same source. Therefore, such interactions cannot be used as unambiguous indications of shape differences between distributions and hence of differences in source configuration. This ambiguity can be circumvented by scaling the data to eliminate overall amplitude differences between experimental conditions before an ANOVA is performed. Such analyses retain sensitivity to genuine differences in distributional shape, but do not confuse amplitude and shape differences.

Reder L. M., Paynter C., Diana R. A., Ngiam J., & Dickison D . ( 2007).

Experience is a double-edged sword: A computational model of the encoding/retrieval trade-off with familiarity

Psychology of Learning and Motivation, 48, 271-312.

DOI:10.1016/S0079-7421(07)48007-0      URL    

This chapter proposes that experience can facilitate cognition, but that it also carries costs. It provides both empirical evidence to support these claims and a computational mechanism to show how these processes interact with other aspects of the mind. It reviews the evidence that experience can be a liability when retrieving information and also explains the conditions when experience does not hurt performance at retrieval. The chapter focuses on how experience generally facilitates encoding. It also describes model that can explain retrieval deficits with experience. The SAC model, which stands for source of activation confusion, has had success predicting many results, including some that were not intuitive. Moreover, this chapter introduces a revised, but more psychologically accurate model that can explain how experience positively affects encoding. Finally, the goal of this chapter is to move toward closer and closer approximations to the truth by building models that can account for more and more phenomena.

Rugg M.D., & Curran T. , ( 2007).

Event-related potentials and recognition memory

Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 11( 6), 251-257.

DOI:10.1016/j.tics.2007.04.004      URL     PMID:17481940      [本文引用: 3]

According to dual-process models, recognition memory is supported by distinct retrieval processes known as familiarity and recollection. Important evidence supporting the dual-process framework has come from studies using event-related brain potentials (ERPs). These studies have identified two topographically distinct ERP correlates of recognition memory –the ‘parietal’ and ‘mid-frontal’ old/new effects – that are dissociated by variables that selectively modulate recollection and familiarity, respectively. We evaluate the extent to which ERP data support dual-process models in light of the proposal that recollection is a continuous rather than a discrete memory process. We also examine the claim that the putative ERP index of familiarity is a reflection of implicit rather than explicit memory. We conclude that ERP findings continue to offer strong support for the dual-process perspective.

Schroeder S, Marian V . ( 2012).

A bilingual advantage for episodic memory in older adults

Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 24( 5), 591-601.

DOI:10.1080/20445911.2012.669367      URL     PMID:23175648     

The ability to remember events—referred to as episodic memory—is typically subject to decline in older adulthood. Episodic memory decline has been attributed in part to less successful executive functioning, which may hinder an older adult's ability to implement controlled encoding and retrieval processes. Since bilingual older adults often show more successful executive functioning than monolinguals, they may be better able to maintain episodic memory. To examine this hypothesis, we compared bilingual and monolingual older adults on a picture scene recall task (assessing episodic memory) and a Simon task (assessing executive functioning). Bilinguals exhibited better episodic memory than their monolingual peers, recalling significantly more items overall. Within the bilingual group, earlier second language acquisition and more years speaking two languages were associated with better recall. Bilinguals also demonstrated higher executive functioning, and there was evidence that level of executive functioning was related to memory performance. Results indicate that extensive practice controlling two languages may benefit episodic memory in older adults.

Snodgrass J.G., & Corwin J. ,( 1988).

Pragmatics of measuring recognition memory: Applications to dementia and amnesia

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 117( 1), 34-50.

[本文引用: 1]

Vilberg K. L., Moosavi R. F., & Rugg M. D . ( 2006).

The relationship between electrophysiological correlates of recollection and amount of information retrieved

Brain Research, 1122( 1), 161-170.

[本文引用: 1]

Yonelinas A.P . ( 2002).

The nature of recollection and familiarity: A review of 30 years of research

Journal of Memory and Language, 46( 3), 441-517.

DOI:10.1006/jmla.2002.2864      URL     [本文引用: 1]

To account for dissociations observed in recognition memory tests, several dual-process models have been proposed that assume that recognition judgments can be based on the recollection of details about previous events or on the assessment of stimulus familiarity. In the current article, these models are examined, along with the methods that have been developed to measure recollection and familiarity. The relevant empirical literature from behavioral, neuropsychological, and neuroimaging studies is then reviewed in order to assess model predictions. Results from a variety of measurement methods, including task-dissociation and process-estimation methods, are found to lead to remarkably consistent conclusions about the nature of recollection and familiarity, particularly when ceiling effects are avoided. For example, recollection is found to be more sensitive than familiarity to response speeding, division of attention, generation, semantic encoding, the effects of aging, and the amnestic effects of benzodiazepines, but it is less sensitive than familiarity to shifts in response criterion, fluency manipulations, forgetting over short retention intervals, and some perceptual manipulations. Moreover, neuropsychological and neuroimaging results indicate that the two processes rely on partially distinct neural substrates and provide support for models that assume that recollection relies on the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, whereas familiarity relies on regions surrounding the hippocampus. Double dissociations produced by experimental manipulations at time of test indicate that the two processes are independent at retrieval, and single dissociations produced by study manipulations indicate that they are partially independent during encoding. Recollection is similar but not identical to free recall, whereas familiarity is similar to conceptual implicit memory, but is dissociable from perceptual implicit memory. Finally, the results indicate that recollection reflects a thresholdlike retrieval process that supports novel learning, whereas familiarity reflects a signal-detection process that can support novel learning only under certain conditions. The results verify a number of model predictions and prove useful in resolving several theoretical disagreements.

Yonelinas A. P., Kroll N. E. A., Dobbins I. G., & Soltani M . ( 1999).

Recognition memory for faces: When familiarity supports associative recognition judgments

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 6( 4), 654-661.

[本文引用: 1]

Zheng Z. W., Li J., Xiao F. Q., Broster L. S., & Jiang Y . ( 2015 a).

Electrophysiological evidence for the effects of unitization on associative recognition memory in older adults

Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 121, 59-71.

DOI:10.1016/j.nlm.2015.03.006      URL     PMID:25858698      [本文引用: 3]

Normal aging is associated with greater decline in associative memory relative to item memory due to impaired recollection. Familiarity may also contribute to associative recognition when stimuli are perceived as a ‘unitized’ representation. Given that familiarity is relatively preserved in older adults, we explored whether age-related associative memory deficits could be attenuated when associations were unitized (i.e., compounds) compared with those non-unitized (i.e., unrelated word pairs). Young and older adults performed an associative recognition task while electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded. Behavioral results showed that age differences were smaller for recognition of compounds than for unrelated word pairs. ERP results indicated that only compounds evoked an early frontal old/new effect in older adults. Moreover, the early frontal old/new effect was positively correlated with associative discrimination accuracy. These findings suggest that reduced age-related associative deficits under unitized condition may be associated with the presence of familiarity-based retrieval of compounds in older adults.


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