ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报, 2018, 50(9): 985-996 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.00985


快乐型和实现型情感的习惯化 *

罗扬眉1, 莫凡1,2, 陈煦海1, 蒋宏达1, 游旭群,1

1 陕西师范大学心理学院; 陕西省行为与认知神经科学重点实验室, 西安 710062

2 中国科学院心理研究所, 北京 100101

The habituation of hedonic and eudaimonic affect

LUO Yangmei1, MO Fan1,2, CHEN Xuhai1, JIANG Hongda1, YOU Xuqun,1

1 School of Psychology, Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Behavior and Cognitive Neuroscience, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710062, China;

2 Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China

通讯作者: 游旭群,

收稿日期: 2017-08-28   网络出版日期: 2018-09-15

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金青年项目.  31600913
教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目西部项目.  15XJC190001
中国博士后基金.  2016M590918, 2017T100724
陕西省博士后面上项目.  2016BSHTDZZ10
陕西省高校科协青年人才托举计划项目.  20160210
陕西师范大学中央高校基本科研业务费.  18SZYB03

Received: 2017-08-28   Online: 2018-09-15


作为时间动态性表现形式之一, 积极情感习惯化对于心理健康和幸福感有着重要意义。积极情感可分为快乐型(追求快乐和避免痛苦)和实现型(追求意义和自我实现)。以往研究大多关注快乐型情感的习惯化, 而对实现型情感鲜有研究。并且, 实现型情感习惯化是否会受到多样化的影响及其与抑郁的关系也不清楚。因此, 采用习惯化范式, 对快乐型和实现型情感的动态变化过程进行了比较。结果发现:与快乐型情感相比, 实现型情感不容易发生习惯化; 多样性能降低两类积极情感的习惯化速度; 个体的抑郁水平与实现型情感习惯化速度有关, 且神经质在其中起调节作用。这表明, 实现型情感短期习惯化可能与个体的心理健康水平有着重要联系。

关键词: 实现型情感 ; 快乐型情感 ; 习惯化 ; 抑郁 ; 神经质


Affect unfolds over time. Thus, it is crucial to understand the temporal dynamics of affect. Affective habituation, a form of affective temporal dynamic, refers to the psychological process by which the affective response becomes weak for repeated or continuous stimulation. Although substantial interest has been directed at delineating the affective habituation, it is still unclear that how hedonic affect (pleasure attainment and pain avoidance) and eudaimonic affect (meaning and self-realization) habituate across time. Additionally, it is unknown whether variety affects the habituation and how individual differences in the two types of affective habituation relate to people’s depression. The current study examines the process of the eudaimonic and hedonic habituation in a short time and its relation to depression.
Two experiments were designed in the current study. Experiment 1 was designed to investigate the habituation of positive and neutral affect. It was a 2 (stimulus variability: 1-stimulus vs. 4-simuli) × 2 (positive vs neutral) within-subject design. Thirty-eight participants completed the habituation paradigm, in which people assessed the affective reactions to the repeated positive and neutral pictures using a visual analog scale and their depressive states were measured. We used hierarchical linear models to model the affective habituation and its relation with depression. The results showed that positive affect is more likely to habituate than neutral affect is; variety counteracted habituation; and there is no relationship between affective habituation and depression.
From the hedonism and eudaimonism perspective, we divided positive affect into hedonic and eudaimonic affect. Experiment 2 was a 2 (variety: 1-stimulus vs. 4-simuli) × 3 (affective types: eudaimonic vs. hedonic vs. neutral) within-subject design. The procedure was almost identical to Experiment 1. Hedonic affect was defined as high pleasure but low meaning, such as the scenes depicting a person enjoying delicious food; eudaimonic affect was defined as high pleasure and high meaning, such as the scenes depicting a person helping others in need and spending time with family. The images were standardized with another sample. Seventy-one participants completed this habituation paradigm and their depressive states and neuroticism were measured after the experiment. The results showed that the hedonic affect is more likely to habituate than are eudaimonic affect and neutral affect. Variety counteracted hedonic and eudaimonic affect habituation. Their depressions were associated with rapid habituation of eudaimonic affect, but there was no such association for hedonic affect. Moreover, neuroticism moderated the relationship between the eudaimonic affect habituation and depression.
In general, evidences from the current study found that eudaimonic affect is difficult to habituate relative to hedonic affect in a short time. Variety counteracted both types of affect habituation. Furthermore, depression was associated with rapid habituation of eudaimonic affect and neuroticism could moderate this relationship. The findings may provide insight into temporal dynamics of eudaimonic affect and its implications in mental health of human beings.

Keywords: hedonic affect ; eudaimonic affect ; habituation ; depression ; neuroticism

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罗扬眉, 莫凡, 陈煦海, 蒋宏达, 游旭群. 快乐型和实现型情感的习惯化 *. 心理学报[J], 2018, 50(9): 985-996 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.00985

LUO Yangmei, MO Fan, CHEN Xuhai, JIANG Hongda, YOU Xuqun. The habituation of hedonic and eudaimonic affect. Acta Psychologica Sinica[J], 2018, 50(9): 985-996 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.00985

1 引言

情感具有重要的时间特性, 如情感的发生、持续和复苏等(Waugh, Shing, & Avery, 2015)。以往大多数研究只关注情感的发生, 很少考虑情感如何随时间发生动态变化。然而, 越来越多的研究者认识到, 了解情感时间动态变化性对于情感理论和个体心理健康均具有重要的价值(Verduyn, Delaveau, Rotgé, Fossati, & van Mechelen, 2015)。譬如, 抑郁症患者很难保持持续的积极情感(Heller et al., 2009)。

作为时间动态性的主要形式之一, 情感习惯化(affective habituation)是指对重复或连续刺激的情感反应变弱的心理过程(Frederick & Loewenstein, 1999; Galak & Redden, 2018)。情感习惯化在日常生活中是很常见的现象。譬如, 刚买了一辆新车, 最初看到它时很高兴, 但随着多次与新车接触, 快乐程度慢慢下降了。习惯化是有机体一种重要的学习和保护机制, 如它能够帮助个体有效地分配资源, 将资源分配到那些对个体具有重要意义的刺激上, 实现资源优化配置, 以更好地适应环境变化, 有利于个体的生存和发展(龙泉杉, 杨洁敏, 娄熠雪, 蔡阿燕, 袁加锦, 2015)。积极情感习惯化对于个体心理健康和幸福感有着重要意义。从心理健康的角度来看, 积极情感的习惯化或减少是预测抑郁的特异性指标之一(袁加锦, 丁南翔, 刘莹莹, 杨洁敏, 2015; Ding, Yang, Liu, & Yuan, 2015; Dyck, Jolly, & Kramer, 1994; Heller et al., 2009; Jolly, Dyck, Kramer, & Wherry, 1994)。例如, 有研究发现, 负面情感为焦虑和抑郁所共有, 但积极情感的减少却只特异性地预测抑郁症状(Dyck et al., 1994; Jolly et al., 1994)。从幸福感的角度来看, 积极情感的习惯化与个体快乐感和幸福感的保持和提升相悖(范富霞, 吕厚超, 2013)。因此, 积极情感习惯化的研究能促进人类对于心理健康和持续幸福的理解, 也能为心理健康的维护和幸福感的提升提供理论指导。

基于哲学渊源, 可以从快乐主义(hedonism)和实现主义(eudaimonism)的视角来探究积极情感(Huta & Waterman, 2014; Ryan & Deci, 2001)。对于什么是以及怎么获得快乐和幸福, 哲学家们很早就有两种不同的观点:以阿里斯提波(Aristippus)为代表的哲学家们持快乐主义观点, 认为人生目的就是体验最大程度的快乐和满足, 如享受一顿美食、玩电子游戏等, 其基本特征是快乐性和自我中心; 以亚里士多德(Aristotle)为代表的哲学家们则持实现主义观点, 认为人的快乐或幸福可通过发挥个人潜能、践行美德等来实现, 如挑战自我、帮助他人等, 其基本特征是意义性(Ryan & Deci, 2001; Telzer, Fuligni, Lieberman, & Galván, 2014)。Huta和Waterman (2014)认为, 快乐主义和实现主义可以从多个维度和层次进行研究, 其中包括了认知–情感体验维度。基于此, 我们在情感体验层次上, 将积极情感分为快乐型情感和实现型情感, 分别对它们的时间特性加以研究, 更好地认识人类快乐或幸福的保持机制。

以往理论认为, 快乐型和实现型情感随着时间动态变化的特征是不同的。“快乐水车” (hedonic treadmill)理论认为, 快乐型情感虽然最初处于较 高水平, 但随着时间的推移, 它很快发生习惯化, 快速回到最初状态, 就像水车一样, 总在原地踏步 (Brickman & Campbell, 1971; Diener, Lucas, & Scollon, 2006)。例如, 彩票中奖者并不比没有获奖的人更快乐, 而瘫痪者的幸福感也并不比健康人更低(Brickman, Coates, & Janoff-Bulman, 1978)。然而, 与快乐型情感不同, “实现阶梯” (eudaimonic staircase)理论认为, 实现型情感就像阶梯一样, 螺旋式增长, 能维持较长的时间(Waterman, 2007)。一项日记研究发现, 帮助他人、挑战自我和实现自我价值等活动带来的实现型情感能够提高个体人生意义感和目的感, 并且这种积极情感是长期可持续的(Steger, Kashdan, & Oishi, 2008)。总之, 快乐型情感容易发生变化, 更容易习惯化; 实现型情感有着更为持续的长期的影响, 难以发生习惯化。

尽管以往研究者对快乐型和实现型情感习惯化提出了相应理论并进行了研究, 但大部分研究都只能揭示相关关系, 很少通过实验操纵从因果层面来探究它们在短时间内发生动态变化的特征。例如, Steger等(2008)的研究采用日记法探讨了快乐型和实现型情感。这种方法生态效度较高, 但研究证据是基于事后回溯的, 可能存在记忆偏差等混淆因素。并且, 这些研究的时间跨度过长, 通常跨度达到几个月, 甚至几年。在这过程中, 由于社会生活的复杂性, 情感的变化难免会受到其他因素如生活事件的干扰(Leventhal, Martin, Seals, Tapia, & Rehm, 2007)。基于此, 本研究第一个目的在于在同一个研究中通过实验操纵, 在短时间内比较快乐型和实现型情感的习惯化特点, 以揭示人类快乐保持的奥秘。基于“快乐水车”和“实现阶梯”理论(Brickman & Campbell, 1971; Diener et al., 2006; Waterman, 2007), 我们假设, 实现型情感比快乐型情感不易习惯化。

本研究的第二个目的在于, 通过操纵刺激多样序列和刺激单一序列, 进一步澄清作为影响情感习惯化的重要因素之一的多样性(variety)对快乐型和实现型习惯化过程的影响(Galak & Redden, 2018)。以往研究表明, 引入新颖刺激, 能够有效减缓情感习惯化(Bradley, Lang, & Cuthbert, 1993; Leventhal et al., 2007)。在短时间内, 多样性是否对两种类型情感习惯化均起到减缓作用, 还是仅减缓快乐型情感习惯化, 目前尚不清楚。以往研究大多基于快乐型情感习惯化(e.g. Bradley et al., 1993), 多样性对于实现型情感习惯化的影响少有研究。不过, 最近有一项研究发现, 那些在10周内完成不同善事的人, 比每周都做同样善事的人, 有更强的积极体验(Sheldon, Boehm, & Lyubomirsky, 2013)。基于此, 可以假设, 多样性均能减缓快乐型情感和实现型情感的习惯化。

本研究的第三个目的在于, 探讨抑郁与快乐型和实现型情感习惯化的关系。如前所述, 抑郁与积极情感习惯化有着紧密的联系。有研究考查了青少年在体验快乐型和实现型情感时的神经活动与其抑郁变化的关系(Telzer et al., 2014)。实验任务为家庭捐赠任务:一种任务是自己得到钱(快乐型), 另一种任务是自己损失钱而家人得到钱(实现型)。同时用功能磁共振扫描了他们在做这两项任务时的神经活动, 并把腹侧纹状体作为感兴趣区域分析。结果发现, 自己得到钱时(快乐型)激活了腹侧纹状体, 其激活水平预测了青少年在一年内抑郁水平的增加; 自己损失钱而家人得到钱时(实现型)同样激活了腹侧纹状体, 相反的是, 其激活水平预测了其一年内抑郁水平的降低。这表明, 快乐型和实现型情感可能与个体长期抑郁有关, 但个体抑郁与快乐型和实现型情感习惯化的关系还不清楚。值得一提的是, Leventhal等(2007)发现随着接触次数的增加积极刺激引起快乐感降低, 但是该研究并没有发现个体的抑郁水平与积极情感习惯化有显著相关关系。这个研究与发现抑郁与积极情感习惯化存在关系的结果不一致。有研究发现, 与健康个体相比, 抑郁个体对积极刺激的脑神经反应更难持续, 更难长时间维持积极情感, 更容易发生积极情感习惯化(Heller et al., 2009; Moses-Kolko et al., 2011)。结合Telzer等(2014)的研究和“实现阶梯”理论, 可以推测, 抑郁与实现型情感习惯化的个体差异可能有着更为密切的联系。所以, Leventhal等(2007)的结果没有发现两者关系的原因可能是他们的研究是把快乐型和实现型情感混淆在一起。

另外, 人格在抑郁与实现型情感习惯化关系之间的作用还需要进一步探究。人格因素在很大程度上影响了习惯化的速度和范围 (Boyce & Wood, 2011; Diener et al., 2006; Dyrdal & Lucas, 2013; Pai & Carr, 2010)。研究人格在情感习惯化中的调节作用具有重要意义:不仅有助于完善对情感习惯化心理机制的认识, 还有助于在实践中对不同习惯化速度的个体进行个性化干预(李爱梅, 高结怡, 彭元, 夏萤, 陈晓曦, 2015)。在人格变量中, 神经质(neuroticism)由于其核心特征为情绪情感不稳定, 可能与具有时间动态特征的情感习惯化有关(Dyrdal & Lucas, 2013)。与低神经质个体相比, 高神经质个体在面对负性压力时产生的生理反应难以发生习惯化(Hughes, Howard, James, & Higgins, 2011), 这说明了神经质这一人格特质对个体情感习惯化过程有着重要影响。然而, 尽管神经质能减缓个体对负性刺激的习惯化过程(Hughes et al., 2011), 但它是否能加快个体对积极刺激的习惯化过程呢?目前还不清楚。另外, 高神经质个体情感不稳定, 容易烦恼和紧张, 在面对模糊情境时更容易体验负性内容(Rafienia, Azadfallah, Fathi-Ashtiani, & Rasoulzadeh-Tabatabaiei, 2008), 因此, 神经质能够显著预测现在抑郁症状和未来抑郁变化(Hakulinen et al., 2015; Vittengl, 2017)。鉴于抑郁与神经质的紧密关系以及神经质对于习惯化过程的影响, 可以假设, 神经质可能在抑郁与实现型情感习惯化的关系之间起调节作用。具体地说, 高神经质个体, 抑郁水平越高, 其实现型情感习惯化更快, 但低神经质个体并没有这种关系(见图1)。


图1   研究假设:神经质对抑郁与实现型情感习惯化之间关系的调节作用

基于这些目的, 本研究在实验室条件下, 探索短时间内快乐型和实现型情感的习惯化差异, 并且探究它们的习惯化是否受到多样性影响, 及其个体差异分别与个体长期抑郁水平的关系。要研究快乐型和实现型情感习惯化, 首先要证明它们的上位概念–积极情感确实能够在短时间内发生习惯化, 否则无法对两种类型的情感习惯化展开比较。因此, 实验1的目的是证明积极情感的确能在短时间内习惯化, 且证明目前习惯化实验范式对于研究积极情感习惯化是有效的, 这是实验2将积极情感进一步区分的基础。实验2将积极情感分成快乐型和实现型, 考察短时间内实现型和快乐型情感习惯化的时间动态特征。此外, 两个实验均对多样性和个体 差异(如抑郁、神经质)与情感习惯化的关系进行了探讨。

2 实验1:积极情感的习惯化

实验1拟研究积极和中性情感的习惯化及多 样性对它们习惯化的影响, 并探究习惯化范式(Leventhal et al., 2007)用于研究情感习惯化的有 效性。

2.1 实验设计

采用2(多样性:刺激单一序列、刺激多样序列)×2(效价:积极、中性)的被试内设计。多样性是指序列只有1个刺激(刺激单一序列, 1个刺激呈现20次), 或序列有4个同样类型但内容不同的刺激(刺激多样序列, 每个刺激呈现5次, 一共有4个刺激)。因变量为图片引起的快乐感程度。

2.2 方法

2.2.1 被试

随机招募40名在校大学生参与研究。剔除3个标准差之外的极端数据2个, 剩余38名被试的数据纳入分析, 其中男生18人, 女生20人。被试平均年龄为18.92 ± 0.88岁, 视力或矫正视力正常。

2.2.2 实验材料和工具

本实验从中国情感图片库(Chinese Affective Picture System, CAPS) (白露, 马慧, 黄宇霞, 罗跃嘉, 2005)中选取中性图片和积极图片各4张。随机招募37名大学生采用李克特9点量表对于每张图片的效价和唤醒度进行评定。其中, 积极图片的平均效价7.42 ± 0.13 (M ± SD), 唤醒度6.68 ± 0.11; 中性图片的平均效价5.29 ± 0.44, 唤醒度4.98 ± 0.47。对两种类型图片的效价和唤醒度进行配对样本t检验。结果表明, 两种图片在效价上差异显著, t (3) = 12.00, p < 0.01, d = 6.56; 两种图片唤醒度差异也显著, t (3) = 6.12, p < 0.01, d = 4.98。

采用Radloff (1977)编制的流调中心用抑郁 自评量表(The Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale, CESD)测量个体的抑郁水平。共20个题, 采用0~3级评定。分数越高, 表示抑郁水平越严重。在本实验中, 该量表的Cronbach α系数为0.91。

2.2.3 实验程序

本实验采用修改后的习惯化范式(Leventhal et al., 2007), 具体流程见图2。首先呈现一张图片, 要求被试看5 s, 然后让被试采用视觉类比量表(visual analog scale, VAS)进行0~100的评定(0表示“非常不快乐”, 100表示“非常快乐”)。同时, 为了避免前一个trial的评定对后一个trial的影响, 被试用2 s的时间“清空”之前的选择和感受, 即要求被试把每次评定都看作独特的经历, 只关注当前的感觉, 尽快遗忘之前的选择。为了让被试尽快熟悉实验流程和操作, 正式实验开始前进行少量练习, 练习使用的图片与正式实验不同。


图2   实验1习惯化任务流程图示例

参照Leventhal等(2007), 刺激单一序列所呈现的图片是从刺激多样序列的4个刺激中随机选择1个刺激, 而这张图片作为刺激多样序列的第1张开始图片(见图2), 所以每个被试在刺激单一序列中看到的图片不一样。实验1共有80个trial, 分成4个序列, 每个序列包含20个trial。每个条件各1个序列, 序列呈现的顺序在被试间平衡, 序列之间被试可休息。

2.2.4 数据记录与分析

实验程序采用E-prime 2.0编程。数据分析使用SPSS 16.0进行重复测量方差分析, 使用HLM 7 Student (Scientific Software International, Inc)进行多层线性模型(hierarchical linear models, HLM) 分析。

2.3 结果和讨论

2.3.1 积极情感的习惯化

将20次暴露为横坐标, 以每次图片的快乐程度评分为纵坐标, 画成了折线图, 见图3


图3   积极和中性情感的习惯化

为了从统计上研究积极和中性情感的习惯化, 根据多层线性模型的原理, 分别以重复暴露20次快乐度的评分作为因变量(单一积极刺激、单一中性刺激、多样积极刺激和多样中性刺激), 以时间为第一层的自变量(0, 1, 2, 3…19), 构建基本的二层级HLM方程(模型1):




表1   积极和中性情感习惯化:二层线性模型


注:*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, 下同

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由于快乐度的变化趋势(习惯化)是本研究的核心, 所以我们重点关注斜率。首先, 如图3表1所示, 随着暴露次数的增加, 各个条件下的快乐度都呈下降趋势, 且斜率都是负数, 并且固定效应也显著(ps < 0.05), 这表明随着重复次数的增加, 快乐度均不断降低, 这与Leventhal等(2007)的研究一致。其次, 我们将被试的习惯化速度即斜率进行了两因素(多样性, 效价)重复测量方差分析。结果发现, 效价的主效应边缘显著, F (1, 37) = 3.56, p = 0.067, η2p = 0.09, 积极情感的习惯化要比中性情感的习惯化要快; 多样性的主效应显著, F (1, 37) = 6.19, p < 0.05, η2p = 0.14, 刺激单一序列的习惯化要比刺激多样序列的习惯化速度要快, 这样说明了新异效应的存在(Leventhal et al., 2007); 但效价和多样性的交互效应不显著, F (1, 37) = 0.47, p > 0.05, η2p = 0.01。

此外, 除了刺激多样序列下中性刺激的斜率外, 其他条件的初次评定和斜率的随机效应均显著 (ps < 0.001), 这说明对积极和中性刺激的初次评定和习惯化还受到其他因素的影响。于是, 我们接着探讨了抑郁与中性和积极情感习惯化的关系。

2.3.2 积极情感习惯化的个体差异与抑郁的关系

为了研究抑郁与情感习惯化的关系, 并且由于刺激单一序列下积极和中性刺激的习惯化是我们最感兴趣的, 我们分别以刺激单一序列条件下中性和积极刺激的快乐度为因变量, 构建了模型2。模型2在模型1的基础上, 加入以个体的中心化后的抑郁水平为第二层的预测变量, 构建二层级HLM方程(模型2)。




表2   积极和中性情感习惯化与抑郁的关系:二层线性模型


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根据表2, 个体的抑郁水平和积极、中性情感的初始水平和习惯化趋势均不存在显著相关(ps > 0.05)。该结果与Leventhal等(2007)的研究结果一致。我们推测, 之所以没有发现积极情感习惯化的差异, 可能是将快乐型和实现型情感混淆了。因此, 我们在实验2中将积极情感分成了快乐型和实现型, 分别研究了它们的习惯化及其与个体抑郁水平的关系。

3 实验2:快乐型和实现型情感的习惯化

实验2的目的是探究短时间内实现型和快乐型情感的习惯化特征, 以及多样性对它们的影响, 并探究习惯化与个体的抑郁水平、神经质的关系。

3.1 实验设计


3.2 方法

3.2.1 被试

重新随机招募82名大学生参与研究, 剔除3个标准差之外的极端数据11个, 剩余71名被试的数据纳入分析, 其中男生34人, 女生37人。被试的平均年龄为18.83 ± 0.81岁, 视力或矫正视力正常。

3.2.2 材料和测量

根据快乐型和实现型情感的核心特征, 结合文献(Baumeister, Vohs, Aaker, & Garbinsky, 2013; Sotgiu, 2016; Steger et al., 2008), 对它们下操作定义:实现型情感是指能够给人带来高意义感和高快乐感的情感; 快乐型情感是指能够给人带来高快乐度和低意义度的情感。

从中国情绪图片库、国际情绪图片库以及搜索引擎中选取实现型图片、快乐型图片以及中性图片各120张。实现型主要包括指家庭团聚、帮助他人、慈善捐赠和表达感激等场景; 快乐型主要包括指享受美食、购物、聚会、游玩等场景。中性图片包括人物活动, 但没有表现出相应的情绪。所有图片均包含人物活动。图片用Photoshop对进行处理, 统一明度、亮度和饱和度, 分辨率为100 象素/英寸, 尺寸为433像素×315像素。

参照中国情绪图片库的制定方法(白露等, 2005), 选取38名本科生(年龄:19.18 ± 1.07岁), 让他们从意义度、效价和唤醒度三个维度对每幅图片进行1~9点评定。参照白露等(2005)的研究, 唤醒度的定义:看到这个场景觉得兴奋或提不起精神。兴奋程度越高评分越接近9, 越不兴奋评分越接近1。具体来说, 眼前一亮、令人敏感、刺激、激动代表高唤醒度; 放松、平静、提不起精神、迟钝、昏昏欲睡代表低唤醒度。效价的定义:看到这个场景觉得很快乐。快乐程度越高评分越接近9, 快乐程度越低评分越接近1。具体来说, 图片所描述场景体现的是或放松、或有趣、或享受、或快乐、或舒适等感觉, 有这些感觉中的一种或多种即代表高快乐度; 不能产生这些感觉则代表低快乐度。参照Huta和Ryan (2010)的研究, 意义度的定义:看到这个场景觉得有意义, 意义程度越高评分越接近9, 意义程度越低评分越接近1。具体来说, 图片所描述场景体现的是一种寻求自我卓越、或挑战自我、或发掘自我潜能、或自我价值的实现、或有利于社会及他人、或人生目的感和意义感的感觉, 有这种感觉代表高意义度; 不能产生这种感觉代表低意义度。本实验从这些实现型图片、快乐型图片和中性图片各选4张(见图4)。其中, 快乐型图片的平均意义度为4.42 ± 0.31, 平均效价为6.00 ± 0.08, 平均唤醒度为5.83 ± 0.13; 实现型图片的平均意义度为6.58 ± 0.44, 平均效价为5.93 ± 0.14, 平均唤醒度为5.82 ± 0.10; 中性图片的平均意义度为4.53 ± 0.08, 平均效价为4.14 ± 0.19, 平均唤醒度为4.46 ± 0.22。对三种类型图片的唤醒度、效价和意义度进行方差分析。结果表明, 三种图片在意义度上差异显著, F (2, 9) = 62.85, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.93, 实现型图片的意义度显著高于快乐型图片和中性图片(p < 0.001), 但快乐型图片与中性图片的意义度差异不显著(p > 0.05)。实现型图片的意义度高于其他图片, 这与实现型情感的核心特征即意义性是一致的; 在效价上差异显著, F (2, 9) = 223.80, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.98; 在唤醒度上差异显著, F (2, 9)= 99.90, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.96。快乐型图片和实现型图片在快乐度、唤醒度上差异均不显著(p > 0.05), 但均显著高于中性图片(p < 0.001) (见图5)。


图4   实现型和快乐型图片的举例


图5   实现型和快乐型和中性图片在意义度、效价和唤醒度上的评分

实验2的抑郁量表同实验1, 在本实验中CESD的Cronbach α系数为0.86。采用简式大五人格(NEO-Five-Factor Inventory, NEO-FFI)中的神经质分量表(Costa & McCrae, 1992; Yang et al., 1999)测量了神经质。共12题, 采用1~5计分。在本实验中, 该量表Cronbach α系数为0.85。

3.2.3 实验程序

本实验的实验范式和流程同实验1。实验2共有120个trial, 分为6个序列, 每个序列包含20个trial。每个条件各1个序列, 序列呈现的顺序随机, 序列之间被试休息以防止疲劳。

3.2.4 数据记录与分析


3.3 结果和讨论

3.3.1 快乐型和实现型情感的习惯化

将20次暴露为横坐标, 以每次图片快乐度的评分为纵坐标, 画折线图, 见图6。同实验1, 为了研究快乐型和实现型情感的习惯化, 根据多层线性模型的原理, 分别以重复暴露20次快乐度的评分作为因变量(单一积极刺激、单一中性刺激、多样积极刺激和多样中性刺激), 以时间为第一层的自变量(0, 1, 2, 3…19), 构建基本的二层级HLM方程(模型3), 具体模型同实验1的模型1。


图6   快乐型、实现型和中性情感的习惯化

与实验1一致, 我们重点关注斜率。首先, 如图6表3所示, 随着重复呈现次数的增加, 快乐度显著下降, 斜率为负数, 说明发生了习惯化。其次, 我们将被试的习惯化速度即斜率进行了两因素(多样性, 效价)的重复测量方差分析。结果发现, 效价的主效应显著, F (2, 140) = 5.81, p < 0.01, η2p = 0.08; 多样性的主效应显著, F (1, 70) = 25.37, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.27; 效价和多样性的交互效应显著, F (2, 140) = 4.27, p < 0.05, η2p = 0.06。对交互效应进行简单效应分析, 结果表明, 在刺激单一序列上, 快乐型情感的习惯化快于实现型(p < 0.05)和中性(p < 0.001), 但实现型和中性没有显著差异(p > 0.05); 在刺激多样序列上, 快乐型、实现型和中性情感的习惯化均没有显著差异(ps > 0.05); 对快乐型、实现型和中性情感的刺激单一序列和刺激多样序列的习惯化速度进行比较发现, 在三种条件下, 刺激单一序列的习惯化速度均要高于刺激多样序列(ps < 0.05)。这与实验1一致, 同样说明了新异效应的存在(Leventhal et al., 2007)。

表3   实现型和快乐型情感的习惯化:二层线性模型


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此外, 无论何种条件下, 初次评定和斜率的随机效应均显著(ps < 0.001), 说明对实现型、快乐型和中性刺激的初次评定和习惯化还受到其他因素的影响。因此, 我们还探讨了抑郁与中性和实现型、快乐型刺激习惯化的关系, 及人格变量如神经质在它们关系中的调节作用。

3.3.2 快乐型和实现型、中性情感习惯化的个体差异与抑郁的关系

为了研究抑郁与实现型、快乐型和中性情感习惯化的关系, 模型4在模型3的基础上, 加入以个体的抑郁水平为第二层的预测变量, 构建二层级HLM方程(模型4), 模型同实验1的模型2。结果见表4

表4可知, 个体的抑郁水平与实现型情感的初始水平没有显著关系(β01 = -0.39, p > 0.05), 但与实现型情感习惯化的斜率存在显著相关(β11 = -0.39, p < 0.05)。但是, 个体的抑郁水平与快乐型情感的初始水平和发展趋势均不存在显著相关(β01 = -4.48, p > 0.05; β11 = -0.22, p > 0.05)。这表明抑郁程度可能越高的个体, 实现型情感习惯化的速度越快, 而个体的抑郁水平和快乐型情感的习惯化速度没有关系。

表4   实现型和快乐型情感习惯化与抑郁的关系:二层线性模型


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为了探究神经质在抑郁和实现型情感习惯化关系之间的作用, 以实现型情感条件下重复暴露20次条件下对刺激快乐度的评分作为因变量, 以时间为第一层的自变量(0, 1, 2, 3…19), 以中心化的抑郁、神经质和抑郁和神经质的交互为第二层的预测变量, 构建基本的二层级HLM方程(模型5):




π0i0001×(神经质)+β02×(抑郁水平)+β03×(抑郁和神经质的交互)+ γ0i

π1i1011×(神经质)+β12×(抑郁水平)+β13×(抑郁和神经质的交互)+ γ1i


表5   神经质在抑郁和实现型情感习惯化之间的调节作用:二层线性模型


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表5可知, 抑郁和神经质的交互作用与实现型情感习惯化有相关(β13 = -0.33, p < 0.001), 表明神经质可能在抑郁与实现型情感习惯化之间存在调节作用。简单斜率检验(Preacher, Curran, & Bauer, 2006)结果表明, 对于高神经质倾向者, 抑郁对实现型情感习惯化有显著作用(b = -0.42, t = -2.35, p < 0.05, 图7); 对于低神经质倾向者, 抑郁对实现型情感习惯化没有显著预测作用 (b = 0.24, t = 1.34, p > 0.05, 图7)。


图7   神经质在抑郁与实现型情感习惯化关系中的调节作用

4 总讨论

本研究旨在实验室情境下比较快乐型和实现型情感习惯化的差异, 并进一步探究短时间内多样性对两种情感习惯化的影响及其与抑郁的关系。基于此, 本研究设计了两个实验。实验1比较了积极和中性情感的习惯化, 结果发现, 积极情感比中性情感更容易产生习惯化, 多样性减缓了积极情感的习惯化。实验2将积极情感分成了快乐型和实现型, 采用相同的实验范式, 比较了快乐型和实现型情感的习惯化差异。结果发现, 相较于实现型情感和中性情感, 快乐型情感更易习惯化。多样性减缓了实现型和快乐型情感的习惯化。另外, 本研究还发现, 个体的抑郁水平与实现型情感的习惯化速度有显著关系, 并且个体的神经质水平在它们之间起调节作用。但是, 本研究并没有发现快乐型情感的习惯化与个体抑郁水平的关系。

4.1 快乐型和实现型情感的习惯化

本研究把积极情感分为快乐型和实现型情感, 比较了它们习惯化过程的差异。结果发现, 在短时间内, 快乐型情感更易产生习惯化。正如“快乐水车”理论, 快乐型情感是暂时的, 人们又很快地回到了基线水平(Brickman & Campbell, 1971; Diener et al., 2006)。在实验中, 经过20次的重复暴露, 人们刚开始较高的快乐感逐渐下降, 最后变为中等快乐水平。因此, 快乐型情感在时间上容易发生习惯化的, 这与“快乐水车”理论是相一致的。然而, 与快乐型情感的习惯化相比, 实现型情感的习惯化速度较慢。具体地说, 随着暴露次数的增加, 实现型情感虽然也呈下降趋势, 但其快乐感始终保持在高快乐的水平, 诱发的积极体验能够在较长时间维持。这与“实现阶梯”的理论是一致的(Waterman, 2007)。这可能是由于实现型情感的核心特征是意义感, 给人们提供了一种归属感和社会联系(Steger et al., 2008), 因此, 实现型情感能够给人带来持久的积极体验。

本研究首次用实验操纵的方法, 比较了快乐型和实现型情感在短时间内的习惯化, 在情感体验层面证明了“快乐水车”和“实现阶梯”的理论。以往研究对快乐型和实现型在时间上的变化情况, 都是基于较长时间跨度的。例如, 一项对结婚这一重大事件习惯化的长达15年的追踪研究发现, 人们会对结婚这件重大生活事件的积极情感会提升, 而且过一段时间后这种积极感觉又回到基线(Lucas, Clark, Georgellis, & Diener, 2003)。大部分追踪研究都是以年为时间单位对习惯化过程进行测量, 难以描绘出情感习惯化的动态变化过程(Uglanova & Staudinger, 2013), 并且难以避免其他因素如生活经历的影响。本研究在短时间内考查快乐型和实现型情感的习惯化, 避免了在长时间跨度中不可控因素对习惯化的影响(Leventhal et al., 2007), 比较精确地描述了快乐型和实现型情感在时间上的动态变化特征。

另外, 本研究还发现, 多样性能够有效减缓包括实现型和快乐型在内的积极情感的习惯化。这与以往研究一致。以往研究也发现了多样性能够减缓情感习惯化(Bradley et al., 1993; Leventhal et al., 2007; Sheldon et al., 2013)。新异刺激在此过程中可能起着分心的作用, 转移了个体的部分注意, 从而减缓了习惯化(Galak & Redden, 2018)。本研究拓展了前人研究, 发现多样性在短时间内不仅能减缓快乐型情感习惯化, 也能减缓实现型情感的习惯化。

4.2 快乐型和实现型习惯化与抑郁的关系

另一个有趣的结果是, 抑郁与实现型情感的短期习惯化有显著相关关系, 而抑郁与快乐型情感习惯化无显著相关。具体地说, 个体的抑郁水平越高, 越容易对实现型情感产生习惯化。这样的结果得 到了临床上对抑郁症患者的情感习惯化研究的支持(Heller et al., 2009; Moses-Kolko et al., 2011)。研究发现, 不管给抑郁症患者呈现积极情感场景刺 激(Heller et al., 2009), 还是让他们得到金钱奖励(Moses-Kolko et al., 2011), 他们与健康个体相比, 更难长时间维持积极情感, 更容易发生积极情感习惯化。但是, 这些研究并没有将积极刺激分成快乐型和实现型。本研究结果显示, 抑郁情绪并不是与所有的积极情感习惯化都有关系, 只与实现型情感有显著关系, 而与快乐型情感关系可能不存在关系。

最后, 本研究还发现, 抑郁与实现型情感习惯化之间关系要取决于个体的神经质倾向。神经质倾向高的个体, 抑郁水平越高, 其实现型情感习惯化速度越快, 但神经质倾向低的个体, 抑郁与实现 型情感习惯化不存在显著关系。神经质具有情感 不稳定, 容易紧张和烦恼, 常体验负性内容等特点(Rafienia et al., 2008)。这些特点可能进一步加剧了个体的抑郁或负面情绪, 使得他们很难从重复呈现的实现型情感场景中体验持续的意义感, 进一步加快了实现型情感的习惯化。有研究发现, 神经质调节了压力与生理反应习惯化的关系, 即高神经质个体对压力这一负性事件的生理反应习惯化速度要比低神经质个体慢(Hughes et al., 2011)。Hughes等(2011)从神经质对消极情感事件(如压力)习惯化影响的角度进行研究, 而本研究发现从神经质对积极情感事件习惯化影响的角度进行研究, 结果发现抑郁水平高且高神经质个体对实现型积极情感习惯化速度快。这样的结果互相验证, 都说明了神经质这一人格特质在情感习惯化过程中的重要作用(e.g. Diener et al., 2006; Dyrdal & Lucas, 2013; Hughes et al., 2011)。

4.3 本研究的局限和未来方向

虽然本研究得到一些结果, 但仍存在一些局限性。首先, 本研究在实验中用实验操纵的方法考查了短时间内的快乐型和实现型情感的习惯化, 尽管实验室控制严格, 但生态效度可能存在局限。要将研究结果推广到实际生活中还需要更多的研究。其次, 本研究与大多数情绪研究一样(Meng et al., 2015; Yuan et al., 2012), 即通过情绪图片刺激诱发个体的积极体验。尽管这种方法是有效的, 但实现型或快乐型情感图片诱发的情感体验并不能与个体真正从事实现型或快乐型活动中所带来的积极情感完全等同起来。例如, 本研究用残疾人通过自己努力实现自我价值的图片诱发积极情感, 但这种积极情感并不能完全等同于个体在“实现自我价值”后的积极感受。未来需要采用多种更能真实反映这两类积极情感的方法, 更为精确地描述和比较它们的动态变化。第三, 在本研究的实验设计上, 刺激单一序列和刺激多样序列的开始采用的是同一刺激, 尽管采用了被试间平衡它们的顺序, 但前一个序列对该刺激的评定可能影响到后一个序列的评定。未来研究可以在不同序列中采用不同的刺激以避免该问题。第四, 本研究只在短时间内(几分钟)研究了快乐和实现的习惯化, 未来还可以在更长时间跨度内探索它们的习惯化。最后, 习惯化不仅发生在心理层面, 而且还发生在生理层面(龙泉杉等, 2015)。还可以进一步借鉴脑成像的技术考 查快乐型和实现型情感在神经生理层面发生的习惯化。

5 结论


(1) 在本实验中, 与快乐型情感相比, 实现型情感相对不容易习惯化。

(2) 在本实验中, 多样性能减缓实现型和快乐型情感的习惯化。

(3) 在本实验中, 实现型情感在短时间内的习惯化与个体的抑郁水平有关系, 并且神经质在它们关系中起调节作用。



Bai L., Ma H., Huang Y. X., & Luo Y. J . ( 2005).

The development of native Chinese affective picture system—A pretest in 46 college students

Chinese Mental Health Journal, 19( 11), 719-722.

[ 白露, 马慧, 黄宇霞, 罗跃嘉 . ( 2005).


中国心理卫生杂志, 19( 11), 719-722.]

DOI:10.3321/j.issn:1000-6729.2005.11.001      URL     [本文引用: 2]

建立本土化的中国情绪图片系统( CAPS)以适应情绪研究的需要。方法: 筛选出 852 幅图片组成 CAPS, 46 名中国大学生对 CAPS 图片的愉悦度、 唤醒度和优势度进行了自我报告的 9 点量表评分。结果: 在 CAPS 评分中, 唤醒度评分结果的一致性最高, 愉悦度和优势度评分结果的标准差大于唤醒度的标准差。散点图显示, CAPS 在愉悦度和唤醒度上评分分布较为广泛。结论: 国际情绪图片系统( IAPS)具有较好的国际通用性, 但仍由于文化、 个性等因素存在差异, 因此编制本土化的中国情绪图片系统是有必要的

Baumeister R. F., Vohs K. D., Aaker J. L., & Garbinsky E. N . ( 2013).

Some key differences between a happy life and a meaningful life

The Journal of Positive Psychology, 8( 6), 505-516.

DOI:10.2139/ssrn.2168436      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Being happy and finding life meaningful overlap, but there are important differences. A large survey revealed multiple differing predictors of happiness (controlling for meaning) and meaningfulness (controlling for happiness). Satisfying one needs and wants increased happiness but was largely irrelevant to meaningfulness. Happiness was largely present oriented, whereas meaningfulness involves integrating past, present, and future. For example, thinking about future and past was associated with high meaningfulness but low happiness. Happiness was linked to being a taker rather than a giver, whereas meaningfulness went with being a giver rather than a taker. Higher levels of worry, stress, and anxiety were linked to higher meaningfulness but lower happiness. Concerns with personal identity and expressing the self contributed to meaning but not happiness. We offer brief composite sketches of the unhappy but meaningful life and of the happy but meaningless life.

Boyce, C. J., & Wood, A. M . ( 2011).

Personality prior to disability determines adaptation: Agreeable individuals recover lost life satisfaction faster and more completely

Psychological Science, 22( 11), 1397-1402.

DOI:10.1177/0956797611421790      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Bradley M. M., Lang P. J., & Cuthbert B. N . ( 1993).

Emotion, novelty, and the startle reflex: Habituation in humans

Behavioral Neuroscience, 107( 6), 970-980.

DOI:10.1037//0735-7044.107.6.970      URL     PMID:8136072      [本文引用: 3]

Previous research with both animal and subjects has shown that startle reflex magnitude is potentiated in an aversive stimulus context, relative to responses elicited in a neutral or appetitive context. In the present experiment, the same pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral picture stimuli were repeatedly presented to subjects. Startle reflex was assessed in each stimulus context and was compared with the patterns of heart rate, electrodermal, and facial corrugator muscle responses. All systems showed initial differentiation among affective picture contents and general over trials. The startle reflex alone, however, continued to differentiate among pleasant, neutral, and unpleasant pictures throughout the presentation series. These results suggest that (a) the startle probe reflex is relatively uninfluenced by stimulus novelty, (b) the startle modulatory circuit (identified with amygdala-reticular connections in ) varies systematically with affective valence, and (c) the modulatory influence is less subject to than is the obligatory startle pathway or responses in other somatic and autonomic systems.

Brickman P., & Campbell, D. T. ( 1971) . Hedonic relativism and planning the good society. In M. H. Appley (Ed.), Adaptation level theory: A symposium (pp. 287-305). New York: Academic Press.

[本文引用: 3]

Brickman P., Coates D., & Janoff-Bulman R . ( 1978).

Lottery winners and accident victims: Is happiness relative?

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 36( 8), 917-927.

DOI:10.1037/0022-3514.36.8.917      URL     PMID:69080620      [本文引用: 1]

Adaptation level theory suggests that both contrast and habituation will operate to prevent the winning of a fortune from elevating happiness as much as might be expected. Contrast with the peak experience of winning should lessen the impact of ordinary pleasures, while habituation should eventually reduce the value of new pleasures made possible by winning. Study 1 compared a sample of 22 major lottery winners with 22 controls and also with a group of 29 paralyzed accident victims who had been interviewed previously. As predicted, lottery winners were not happier than controls and took significantly less pleasure from a series of mundane events. Study 2 indicated that these effects were not due to preexisting differences between people who buy or do not buy lottery tickets or between interviews that made or did not make the lottery salient. Paraplegics also demonstrated a contrast effect, not by enhancing minor pleasures but by idealizing their past, which did not help their present happiness.

Costa, P. T., & McCrae, R. R . ( 1992).

Revised NEO personality inventory (NEO-PI-R) and NEO five-factor inventory (NEO-FFI) professional manual

Odessa, FL, USA: Psychological Assessment Resources.

[本文引用: 1]

Diener E., Lucas R. E., & Scollon C. N . ( 2006).

Beyond the hedonic treadmill: Revising the adaptation theory of well-being

American Psychologist, 61( 4), 305-314.

DOI:10.1037/0003-066X.61.4.305      URL     PMID:16719675      [本文引用: 5]

According to the hedonic treadmill model, good and bad events temporarily affect happiness, but people quickly adapt back to hedonic neutrality. The theory, which has gained widespread acceptance in recent years, implies that individual and societal efforts to increase happiness are doomed to failure. The recent empirical work outlined here indicates that 5 important revisions to the treadmill model are needed. First, individuals' set points are not hedonically neutral. Second, people have different set points, which are partly dependent on their temperaments. Third, a single person may have multiple happiness set points: Different components of well-being such as pleasant emotions, unpleasant emotions, and life satisfaction can move in different directions. Fourth, and perhaps most important, well-being set points can change under some conditions. Finally, individuals differ in their adaptation to events, with some individuals changing their set point and others not changing in reaction to some external event. These revisions offer hope for psychologists and policy-makers who aim to decrease human misery and increase happiness. Copyright 2006 APA, all rights reserved.

Ding N. X., Yang J. M., Liu Y. Y., & Yuan J. J . ( 2015).

Paying less but harvesting more: The effect of unconscious acceptance in regulating frustrating emotion

Science China Life Sciences, 58( 8):799-809.

DOI:10.1007/s11427-015-4875-7      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Dyck M. J., Jolly J. B., & Kramer T . ( 1994).

An evaluation of positive affectivity, negative affectivity, and hyperarousal as markers for assessing between syndrome relationships

Personality and Individual Differences, 17( 5), 637-646.

DOI:10.1016/0191-8869(94)90136-8      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Dyrdal, G. M., & Lucas, R. E . ( 2013).

Reaction and adaptation to the birth of a child: A couple-level analysis

Developmental Psychology, 49( 4), 749-761.

DOI:10.1037/a0028335      URL     PMID:22686177      [本文引用: 3]

The present study explored how life satisfaction changes before and after childbirth among first-time parents from a nationally representative, longitudinal study of Germans. Life satisfaction increased before pregnancy to a peak just after birth and then returned to the baseline level within 2 years postpartum. The 2 members of the same couple reacted and adapted to childbirth in similar ways, suggesting that something about the event itself (rather than the individuals' personality) affects individual differences in these responses. However, some personality characteristics (including neuroticism and openness) did moderate reaction and adaptation effects.

Fan, F. X., & Lv, H. C . ( 2013).

The psychological mechanism of affective adaptation: AREA model

Advances in Psychological Science, 21( 4), 653-663.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2013.00653      URL    

Affective adaptation is the psychological processes that cause an affective response to weaken after one or more exposures to a stimulus.In those theories that illustrate the psychology mechanism and procedure of affective adaptation,AREA model is the most influential theory.The AREA model holds that people attend to self-relevant,unexplained events,react emotionally to these events,explain or reach an understanding of the events,and thereby adapt to the events,then attend less and have weaker emotional reactions to them.Lots of empirical studies concerning negative events and positive events supported the AREA model.The development of this field needs to deeply investigate the variables that facilitate or impede affective adaptation,cross-cultural research,the precision of the temporal localization of the adaptation trajectory and happiness interventions.

[ 范富霞, 吕厚超 . ( 2013).

情感适应的心理机制: AREA模型

心理科学进展, 21( 4), 653-663.]

[本文引用: 1]

Frederick S., & Loewenstein, G. ( 1999) . Hedonic adaptation. In D. Kahneman, E. Diener, & N. Schwartz (Eds.), Well-being: The foundations of hedonic psychology (pp. 302-329). New York, USA: Russell Sage Foundation Press.

[本文引用: 1]

Galak, J., &Redden, J. P . ( 2018).

The properties and antecedents of hedonic decline

Annual Review of Psychology, 69, 1-25.

DOI:10.1146/annurev-psych-122216-011542      URL     PMID:28854001      [本文引用: 3]

Abstract We review the phenomenon of hedonic decline, whereby repeated exposure to a stimulus typically reduces the hedonic response (e.g., enjoyment). We first discuss the typical trajectory of hedonic decline and the common research paradigms used to study it. We next discuss the most popular theories regarding general mechanisms widely believed to underlie hedonic decline. We then propose a taxonomy to organize these various general theories and to incorporate more recent work on top-down, self-reflective theories. This taxonomy identifies three general classes of antecedents to hedonic decline: physiological feedback, perceptual changes, and self-reflection. For each class, we review the supporting evidence for specifically identified antecedents and recent developments on how each antecedent influences hedonic decline. Our review focuses especially on more recent work in the growing area of self-reflection. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Psychology Volume 69 is January 4, 2018. Please see for revised estimates.

Hakulinen C., Elovainio M., Pulkki-Råback L., Virtanen M., Kivimäki M., & Jokela M . ( 2015).

Personality and depressive symptoms: Individual participant meta-analysis of 10 cohort studies

Depression and Anxiety, 32( 7), 461-470.

DOI:10.1002/da.22376      URL     PMID:4605994      [本文引用: 1]

2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Background Personality is suggested to be a major risk factor for depression but large-scale individual participant meta-analyses on this topic are lacking. Method Data from 10 prospective community cohort studies with 117,899 participants (mean age 49.0 years; 54.7% women) were pooled for individual participant meta-analysis to determine the association between personality traits of the five-factor model and risk of depressive symptoms. Results In cross-sectional analysis, low extraversion (pooled standardized regression coefficient (B) = -.08; 95% confidence interval = -0.11, -0.04), high neuroticism (B =.39; 0.32, 0.45), and low conscientiousness (B = -.09; -0.10, -0.06) were associated with depressive symptoms. Similar associations were observed in longitudinal analyses adjusted for baseline depressive symptoms (n = 56,735; mean follow-up of 5.0 years): low extraversion (B = -.03; -0.05, -0.01), high neuroticism (B =.12; 0.10, 0.13), and low conscientiousness (B = -.04; -0.06, -0.02) were associated with an increased risk of depressive symptoms at follow-up. In turn, depressive symptoms were associated with personality change in extraversion (B = -.07; 95% CI = -0.12, -0.02), neuroticism (B =.23; 0.09, 0.36), agreeableness (B = -.09; -0.15, -0.04), conscientiousness (B = -.14; -0.21, -0.07), and openness to experience (B = -.04; -0.08, 0.00). Conclusions Personality traits are prospectively associated with the development of depressive symptoms. Depressive symptoms, in turn, are associated with changes in personality that may be temporary or persistent.

Heller A. S., Johnstone T., Shackman A. J., Light S. N., Peterson M. J., Kolden G. G., … Davidson R. J . ( 2009).

Reduced capacity to sustain positive emotion in major depression reflects diminished maintenance of fronto- striatal brain activation

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106( 52), 22445-22450.

DOI:10.1073/pnas.0910651106      URL     [本文引用: 5]

Hughes B. M., Howard S., James J. E., & Higgins N. M . ( 2011).

Individual differences in adaptation of cardiovascular responses to stress

Biological Psychology, 86( 2), 129-136.

DOI:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2010.03.015      URL     PMID:20347005      [本文引用: 5]

Previous research has described patterns of adaptation of cardiovascular responses across prolonged or recurring stress. However, despite important implications for the study of reactivity, relatively little research has directly examined the antecedents or consequences of this adaptation. We present data showing that neuroticism, a personality trait associated with dispositional appraisals of stress, is associated with reductions in HR, CO, and TPR responses across stress exposures. Comparisons of reactivity curves suggest blunted initial stress responses among persons with high neuroticism, and higher initial responses followed by greater decreases among persons with low neuroticism. The data also suggest an association between adaptation of cardiovascular responses and myocardial hemodynamic responding. Such findings shed new light on previous studies detecting healthful correlates of short-term stress responding, and highlight the relevance of adaptation to future cardiovascular reactivity research.

Huta, V., &Ryan, R. M . ( 2010).

Pursuing pleasure or virtue: The differential and overlapping well-being benefits of hedonic and eudaimonic motives

Journal of Happiness Studies, 11( 6), 735-762.

DOI:10.1007/s10902-009-9171-4      URL    

Huta, V., &Waterman, A. S . ( 2014).

Eudaimonia and its distinction from hedonia: Developing a classification and terminology for understanding conceptual and operational definitions

Journal of Happiness Studies, 15( 6), 1425-1456.

DOI:10.1007/s10902-013-9485-0      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Jolly J. B., Dyck M. J., Kramer T. A., & Wherry J. N . ( 1994).

Integration of positive and negative affectivity and cognitive content-specificity: Improved discrimination of anxious and depressive symptoms

Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 103( 3), 544-552.

DOI:10.1037/0021-843X.103.3.544      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Leventhal A. M., Martin R. L., Seals R. W., Tapia E., & Rehm L. P . ( 2007).

Investigating the dynamics of affect: Psychological mechanisms of affective habituation to pleasurable stimuli

Motivation and Emotion, 31( 2), 145-157.

DOI:10.1007/s11031-007-9059-8      URL     [本文引用: 11]

Li A. M., Gao J. Y., Peng Y., Xia Y., & Chen X. X . ( 2015).

The asymmetric adaptation to positive and negative emotions and its mechanism exploration

Advances in Psychological Science, 23( 4), 632-642.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2015.00632      URL    

Affective adaptation is a psychological processes that causes a weak affective when exposures to a repetitive and successive stimulus. Empirical researches suggested that the adaptation to positive and negative emotions is asymmetric in speed and degree. We explain the mechanism of asymmetric affective adaptation from views of evolutionary psychology, cognitive psychology and positive psychology. There are many questions should be further explored:(1) The different adaptation between affective well-being and cognitive well-being;(2) The moderate effect of personality traits in affective adaptation process;(3) Investigate the interventions of affective adaptation;(4) Promote the precision of the temporal localization of the adaptation trajectory.

[ 李爱梅, 高结怡, 彭元, 夏萤, 陈晓曦 . ( 2015).


心理科学进展, 23( 4), 632-642.]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2015.00632      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Affective adaptation is a psychological processes that causes a weak affective when exposures to a repetitive and successive stimulus. Empirical researches suggested that the adaptation to positive and negative emotions is asymmetric in speed and degree. We explain the mechanism of asymmetric affective adaptation from views of evolutionary psychology, cognitive psychology and positive psychology. There are many questions should be further explored: (1) The different adaptation between affective well-being and cognitive well-being; (2) The moderate effect of personality traits in affective adaptation process; (3) Investigate the interventions of affective adaptation; (4) Promote the precision of the temporal localization of the adaptation trajectory.

Long Q. S., Yang J. M., Lou Y. X., Cai A. Y., & Yuan J. J . ( 2015).

Humans’ emotional habituation to pleasant stimuli: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence

Chinese Science Bulletin, 60( 36), 3594-3605.

[ 龙泉杉, 杨洁敏, 娄熠雪, 蔡阿燕, 袁加锦 . ( 2015).

情绪反应习惯化的正性优势: 行为与电生理证据

科学通报, 60( 36), 3594-3605.]

URL     [本文引用: 2]


Lucas R. E., Clark A. E., Georgellis Y., & Diener E . ( 2003).

Reexamining adaptation and the set point model of happiness: Reactions to changes in marital status

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84( 3), 527-539.

DOI:10.1037/0022-3514.84.3.527      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Meng X. X., Yang J. M., Cai, A. Y, Ding, X. S., Liu W. W., Li H., & Yuan J. J . ( 2015).

The neural mechanisms underlying the aging-related enhancement of positive affects: Electrophysiological evidences

Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 7, 143.

[本文引用: 1]

Moses-Kolko E. L., Fraser D., Wisner K. L., James J. A., Saul A. T., Fiez J. A., & Phillips M. L . ( 2011).

Rapid habituation of ventral striatal response to reward receipt in postpartum depression

Biological Psychiatry, 70( 4), 395-399.

DOI:10.1016/j.biopsych.2011.02.021      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Pai, M., &Carr, D. ( 2010).

Do personality traits moderate the effect of late-life spousal loss on psychological distress?

Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 51( 2), 183-199.

DOI:10.1177/0022146510368933      URL     PMID:20617758      [本文引用: 1]

We use data from the Changing Lives of Older Couples (CLOC) study to investigate the extent to which: (1) five personality traits (agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability/neuroticism, extraversion, and openness) moderate the effect of late-life spousal loss on depressive symptoms; (2) these patterns vary based on the expectedness of the death; and (3) the patterns documented in (1) and (2) are explained by secondary stressors and social support. Widowed persons report significantly more depressive symptoms than married persons, yet the deleterious effects of loss are significantly smaller for highly extraverted and conscientious individuals. The protective effects of personality traits, however, vary based on the expectedness of the death. Extraversion is protective against depression only for persons who had forewarning of the death. Extraverts may be particularly good at marshalling social support during prolonged periods of spousal illness. We discuss the ways that extraversion and conscientiousness may buffer against bereavement-related stressors.

Preacher K. J., Curran P. J., & Bauer D. J . ( 2006).

Computational tools for probing interactions in multiple linear regression, multilevel modeling, and latent curve analysis

Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 31( 4), 437-448.

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Eudaimonic theories of well-being assert the importance of achieving one’s full potential through engaging in inherently meaningful endeavors. In two daily diary studies, we assessed whether reports of engagement in behaviors representative of eudaimonic theories were associated with well-being. We also examined whether eudaimonic behaviors were more strongly related to well-being than behaviors directed toward obtaining pleasure or material goods. In both studies, eudaimonic behaviors had consistently stronger relations to well-being than hedonic behaviors. Data also provided support for a temporal sequence in which eudaimonic behaviors were related to greater well-being the next day. Overall, our results suggest that “doing good” may be an important avenue by which people create meaningful and satisfying lives.

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