ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报, 2018, 50(7): 771-781 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.00771



谢其利1,2, 李崇敬3, 全小山4, 何飞5, 江光荣,1

Couples when young and companions when aged: The relationship between marital attachment and loneliness of left behind elderly

XIE Qili1,2, LI Chongjing3, QUAN Xiaoshan4, JIANG Guangrong5, ,1

通讯作者: 江光荣,

收稿日期: 2017-10-17   网络出版日期: 2018-07-15

基金资助: * 国家社科基金重大投标项目:国民心理卫生素养及其提升机制与对策资助.  16ZDA232

Received: 2017-10-17   Online: 2018-07-15


为考察留守老人的夫妻依恋及其与孤独感的关系, 采用问卷法对510名留守老人进行调查。结果表明留守老人安全型夫妻依恋比例低于城市老年人, 拒绝型夫妻依恋比例高于城市老年人; 领悟社会支持在留守老人依恋安全和依恋回避与孤独感的关系中起中介作用、领悟社会支持和核心自我评价在留守老人依恋安全和依恋回避与孤独感的关系中起链式多重中介作用, 核心自我评价在留守老人依恋焦虑与孤独感的关系中起部分中介作用。上述结果表明夫妻依恋与留守老人孤独感关系密切, 结果有利于拓展老年人夫妻依恋的研究范围并为降低留守老人孤独感提供参考。

关键词: 夫妻依恋 ; 领悟社会支持 ; 核心自我评价 ; 孤独感 ; 留守老人


In rural areas of China, more than 50 million elderly people are left-behind, and they have a strong sense of loneliness. The relationship between husband and wife plays an important role in alleviating the loneliness feeling of the elderly, therefore, it is crucial to understand the association between marital attachment and loneliness of left-behind elderly. Previous study showed that Chinese elderly’s marital attachment was composed in three dimensions: security, avoidance and anxiety. However, the three-dimensional structure of Chinese elderly’s marital attachment has not been tested in the rural elderly population. In addition, the association between Chinese elderly’s loneliness and their three-dimensional marital attachment is also not clear. Therefore, further studies are needed. The current study, firstly, tested the three-dimensional structure of the Chinese elderly’s marital attachment, and secondly, investigated the relationship between marital attachment and loneliness of left-behind elderly.

The Older Adults’ Marital Attachment Scale, Scale of Perceived Social Support, Core Self-Evaluations Scale, and ULS-8 Loneliness Scale were administered to 510 left-behind elderly from rural areas in China. All cases were randomly assigned to two subsets: one set was for exploratory factor analysis, and the other was for confirmatory factor analysis. The SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 20.0 were used for this analysis, and the structural equation model and the bootstrapping analysis were employed to examine the hypothesized mediating model.

The key findings were as follows: (1) the 14-item revised OAMAS showed a three-dimensional construct of attachment, namely security, avoidance, and anxiety; (2) the marital attachment of left-behind elderly could be clustered into three types, including secure marital attachment (37.84%), refusal marital attachment (31.18%), and anxious marital attachment (30.98%). The proportion of secure marital attachment in left-behind elderly was significantly lower than that in community elderly (Z = -5.63, p < 0.001), and the proportion of refusal marital attachment in left-behind elderly was significantly higher than that in community elderly (Z = 7.01, p < 0.001) ; (3) perceived social support fully mediated the association among security attachment, avoidance attachment and loneliness. Perceived social support and core self-evaluations had multiple mediation effects on the association among security attachment, avoidance attachment and loneliness. While the association between anxiety attachment and loneliness was partially mediated by core self-evaluations.

The results indicated that three-dimensional structure of Older Adults’ Marital Attachment Scale was an effective measurement of marital attachment in left-behind elderly group. There was a close relationship between the marital attachment and loneliness of the left-behind elderly, safe marital attachment could effectively relieve the loneliness of left-behind elderly. The results may help to expand the study range of elderly’s marital attachment, and provide a reference for reducing the loneliness of the left-behind elderly. implications and limitations are discussed.

Keywords: marital attachment ; perceived social support ; core self-evaluation ; loneliness ; left behind elderly

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谢其利, 李崇敬, 全小山, 何飞, 江光荣. 少年夫妻老来伴:夫妻依恋与留守老人孤独感. 心理学报[J], 2018, 50(7): 771-781 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.00771

XIE Qili, LI Chongjing, QUAN Xiaoshan, JIANG Guangrong, . Couples when young and companions when aged: The relationship between marital attachment and loneliness of left behind elderly. Acta Psychologica Sinica[J], 2018, 50(7): 771-781 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.00771

1 引言

截至2014年底, 我国60岁以上留守老人约5000万, 这是一个数量巨大的弱势群体(中华人民共和国国家卫生和计划生育委员会, 2015)。研究表明留守老人孤独感强烈(谢其利, 宛蓉, 张睿, 2017; 张春林, 张国兵, 李志, 伍业光, 2012), 孤独感是一种消极的情绪体验(Jaremka et al., 2013), 长期的孤独体验会对老年人的身心健康造成负面影响, 如导致较高的抑郁和焦虑、较低的主观幸福感和生活满意度(Jaremka et al., 2013; Richard et al., 2017; Santini et al., 2016; 谢祥龙, 段慧, 谷传华, 2014), 增高阿尔兹海默症的患病率(Andrew & Rockwood, 2010), 导致较高的心血管疾病患病率和死亡率(Moyle, Kellett, Ballantyne, & Gracia, 2011; Perissinotto, Stijacic Cenzer, & Covinsky, 2012)。因而, 探讨影响留守老年人孤独感的因素, 为降低留守老人孤独感提供参考非常有必要。

受中国传统文化的影响(加之目前中国农村社会养老体系尚处于完善中), 农村老年人特别重视来自家庭的支持, 来自家庭成员(如配偶、成年子女)的支持对维护农村老年人的心理健康具有重要作用(Lin, Yin, & Loubere, 2014; Zhang, Chen, Ran, & Ma, 2016)。在成年子女长期外出务工的情况下配偶成为留守老人最重要的社会支持来源(Connelly & Maurer-Fazio, 2016; Lin et al., 2014; 谢其利等, 2017; Zhang et al., 2016), 已有研究表明与配偶共同生活的留守老人的孤独感比独居留守老人低(谢其利等, 2017; 张春林等, 2012)。但是, 目前对留守老人夫妻关系的状况以及夫妻关系是如何缓解留守老人孤独感的探讨较少, 需要进一步探讨。

夫妻之间的相互依恋程度是夫妻关系亲密程度的重要体现(Hazan & Shaver, 1987; 王大华, 杨小洋, 王岩, & Miller, 2015)。“依恋”这一概念最初是指婴儿与主要抚养者之间建立的一种特殊情感联系(Bowlby, 1969), 研究者认为这种婴儿时期形成的特殊情感联系以及婴儿与抚养者在互动过程中形成的内部工作模型对个体心理的影响稳定地贯穿整个生命发展全程(Bowlby, 1969; Collins, 1996), 大量实证研究也证明依恋对个体的身心健康有持续的影响(Antonucci, Akiyama, & Takahashi, 2004; van Assche et al., 2013)。随着依恋研究的推进, 研究者(Hazan & Shaver, 1987)发现个体依恋的对象并不局限于生命早期的主要抚养者, 生命发展过程中的其他重要他人(如家庭成员、恋爱伴侣、教师和朋友)也可能成为重要的依恋对象。自然而然, 婚姻伴侣是成年人生活中最重要的依恋对象之一, 夫妻依恋(romantic attachment)也是成年人最为重要的特定依恋之一(Hazan & Shaver, 1987)。

社会情绪选择理论 (Socioemotional Selectivity Theory, SST)认为, 老年人以情绪目标为主导安排自己的社会交往, 把更多的精力集中在重要关系(如夫妻关系、亲子关系)上, 从而提升自己的积极体验(Carstensen et al., 2011)。事实的确如此, 随着年龄的增加, 老年人开始逐渐从社会生活中退出, 开始丧失朋友和亲人、依恋对象的数量和类型逐渐减少, 他们更加专注于家庭生活(van Assche et al., 2013)。基于一般依恋的研究结果表明安全的依恋与老年人心理健康水平正相关, 不安全的依恋与老年人心理健康水平负相关(Bodner & Cohen-Fridel, 2010; Kafetsios & Sideridis, 2006; Mikulincer & Shaver, 2007; van Assche et al., 2013), 安全的依恋有助于降低老年人的孤独感(Halat & Hovardaoğlu, 2010; Holtfreter, Reisig, & Turanovic, 2016; Kuwert, Knaevelsrud, & Pietrzak, 2014)。由于成年子女外出务工, 留守老人日常生活中缺少了成年子女这一重要的依恋对象, 依恋对象的数量比一般老年人更 少, 夫妻依恋对缓解留守老人孤独感的重要性更加凸显。

依恋理论认为, 安全的依恋就像一个基地, 让个体可以放心地探索未知的世界, 以积极的眼光看待外部世界(Bowlby, 1969)。依恋安全水平较高的个体更容易主动与他人互动沟通并更多感知到来自他人的社会支持, 与依恋安全水平较低的个体相比, 依恋安全水平较高的个体拥有更真诚、更亲密的人际关系(Merz & Consedine, 2009; Zhang et al., 2016)。良好的社会支持是缓解老年人孤独感、提高老年人心理健康的重要因素(Poulin, Deng, Ingersoll, Witt, & Swain, 2012; Timm & Keile, 2011; Zhang et al., 2016), 因而社会支持在老年人依恋与心理健康的关系中起中介作用(Kafetsios & Sideridis, 2006; Merz & Consedine, 2009; Zhang et al., 2016)。已有研究(王大华, 张明妍, 2011)表明夫妻依恋与配偶支持关系密切, 但是夫妻依恋这一特定的依恋是否会像一般依恋一样起着“基地”的作用, 影响老年人更为广泛的社会支持是一个有趣的问题。夫妻依恋虽然和一般依恋有一定的区别, 但也有诸多相似之处(Hazan & Shaver, 1987; 王大华等, 2015; 翟晓艳, 李春花, 魏红, 王大华, 2010), 因而一个有意思的假设是:夫妻依恋可能也会发挥“基地”的作用, 让留守老人获得来自配偶以外的更为广泛的社会支持, 社会支持可能在留守老人夫妻依恋与孤独感的关系中起中介作用。

Judge, Erez, Bono和Thoresen (2003)认为个体的核心自我评价由自尊、控制点、神经质和一般自我效能4种人格特质所构成, 是个体对于自我持有的基本的、核心的价值判断。依恋的内部工作模型认为, 拥有安全依恋的个体倾向于采用积极的工作模型评价自己和他人的价值, 而拥有不安全依恋的个体倾向于采用消极的工作模型评价自己和他人的价值 (Collins, 1996; Schmitt et al., 2004), 拥有安全依恋的个体对自己的评价更高, 而拥有不安全依恋的个体对自己评价较低(Mikulincer & Shaver, 2007)。夫妻依恋大多在个体20岁以上才开始逐渐形成, 此时个体的自我评价已经具有了一定的稳定性。但是个体的自己评价并非一成不变的、而是毕生发展的, 在个体自我评价毕生发展的过程中, 支持性、亲密的人际关系会显著提高成年个体的自我评价(Orth, Trzesniewski, & Robins, 2010)。因而, 拥有安全夫妻依恋的留守老人的核心自我评价可能更高。已有研究表明自我价值感与老年人孤独感 关系密切, 自我价值感高的老年人孤独感更少(McCarthy & Davies, 2003; 谢其利等, 2017)。而且, 在面临逆境时安全的依恋对个体的自我价值感有较好的保护作用, 可以避免或减少个体的自我评价受到逆境的负面影响(McCarthy & Davies, 2003)。因而, 安全的夫妻依恋对处在留守这一逆境中的老年人的核心自我评价可能有保护作用, 核心自我评价可能在留守老人夫妻依恋与孤独感的关系中起中介作用。

依恋理论和实证研究均表明安全的依恋会让个体感知到更多的社会支持(Bowlby, 1969; Merz & Consedine, 2009; Zhang et al., 2016)。而来自他人的社会支持和反馈会显著影响个体自我价值的形成和维护, 感知到更多社会支持和积极反馈的个体的自我价值感更高, 缺乏社会支持以及经常感知到消极反馈的个体的自我价值感较低(Nguyen, Chatters, Taylor, & Mouzon, 2016; Orth et al., 2010; Poulin et al., 2012)。自我价值感又与老年人的孤独感关系密切, 自我价值感高的老年人孤独感更低(McCarthy & Davies, 2003; Poulin et al., 2012; 谢其利等, 2017; Zhang et al., 2016)。因而, 社会支持和核心自我评价可能会在夫妻依恋与留守老人孤独感的关系中起链式多重中介作用。

综上所述, 相关理论和在普通老年人群体中的实证研究均表明依恋与孤独感的关系密切, 并且依恋可能会通过社会支持和核心自我评价间接影响老年人孤独感。但是, 中国留守老人夫妻依恋的基本状况如何, 夫妻依恋是否可以缓解留守老人孤独感以及通过何种途径缓解留守老人孤独感有待进一步探讨。此外, 以城市社区老年人为研究对象的本土化研究(王大华等, 2015; 翟晓艳等, 2010)表明中国老年人夫妻依恋包含安全、回避和焦虑三个维度(不同于传统依恋研究中依恋回避和依恋焦虑的两维结构), 但是, 中国老年人夫妻依恋的三维结构未在农村老年人群体中验证过, 而且中国老年人夫妻依恋的三个维度与孤独感的关系也不清楚, 非常有必要进行探讨。因而, 本研究拟探讨以下问题:1.在中国农村留守老人群体中验证老年人夫妻依恋的三维结构; 2.留守老人的夫妻依恋基本情况; 3.夫妻依恋与留守老人孤独感的关系以及夫妻依恋维度影响留守老人孤独感的路径。基于相关理论和已有研究, 提出如图1的假设模型。


图1   假设模型图

2 研究对象与方法

2.1 研究对象


守老年人, 选取的标准是:子女及子女配偶外出务工、常年不在本村居住半年及以上, 老人与配偶一起居住(Connelly & Maurer-Fazio, 2016)。两所高校应用心理学专业志愿参与调查的学生利用假期在贵州、湖南、重庆、四川、河南、云南等6省市(以贵州省为主)77个区县的农村地区通过方便取样的方法进行调查, 共调查510名留守老人, 510名留守老人的年龄在60~88岁间, 平均年龄68.05 ± 6.23岁, 平均婚龄41.23 ± 4.37年; 性别:男性269人(52.75%), 女性241人(47.25%); 文化程度:文盲173人(33.92%), 小学275人(53.92%), 初中42人(8.24%), 初中以上20人(3.92%); 职业:农民476(93.33%), 非农民34人(6.67%)。

2.2 研究工具

2.2.1 老年人夫妻依恋问卷

采用符合中国老年人实际情况的《老年人夫妻依恋问卷》(王大华等, 2015; 翟晓艳等, 2010), 原问卷含18个条目, 被试根据自己与配偶的相处的实际情形进行7点评定(1 = 完全不同意, 7 = 完全同意), 原问卷包含依恋安全、依恋回避和依恋焦虑3个维度, 3个维度的重测信度在0.87~0.91之间, 总量表的重测信度为0.88。由于已有研究(王大华等, 2015; 翟晓艳等, 2010)均是以城市社区老年人为研究对象, 未在农村老年人群体中检验过该量表的结构, 所以本研究采用和已有研究(王大华等, 2015; 翟晓艳等, 2010)基本相同的方法在留守老人群体中对量表的结构进行检验。在平衡性别、年龄、婚龄、文化程度等人口学因素的基础上将510份数据分半, 255份数据用于探索性因素分析(EFA), 255份数据用于验证性因素分析(CFA)。EFA结果表明, 18个条目可提取出4个特征根大于1的因素, 4个因素累计可解释61.51%的总变异。进一步核查项目的因素载荷, 发现第4个因素只有2个条目、且这2个条目均在两个因素上有大于0.40的负荷, 另有1个条目也在两个因素上有大于0.40的负荷, 有1个条目的因素负荷小于0.4, 删除这4个条目重新EFA, 结果表明可以提取3个特征根大于1的因素, 3个因素可解释60.75%的总体变异。3个因素分别为:依恋回避, 解释33.51%的总变异; 依恋安全, 解释16.29%的总变异; 依恋焦虑, 解释10.95%的总变异。14个条目均表现出题项单极化并且最大载荷均出现在原量表构想的维度上, 因素载荷分布范围在0.64~0.87之间。采用另一半数据进行CFA, 结果表明, χ2 = 215.34, df = 74, χ2/df = 2.91, RMSEA = 0.07, NFI = 0.90、IFI = 0.91、CFI = 0.92, 拟合良好。在本研究中, 修改后问卷依恋安全维度的Cronbach’s α系数为0.77, 依恋回避维度的Cronbach’s α系数为0.79, 依恋焦虑维度的Cronbach’s α系数为0.69。

2.2.2 领悟社会支持问卷

问卷用于考察个体感受到的来自他人的社会支持(Dahlem, Zimet, & Walker, 1991)。问卷含家庭支持、朋友支持和其他支持3个维度, 每个维度4个条目, 量表采用7级计分(1 = 极不同意, 7 = 极同意), 项目累加求总分, 总分越高表明个体感知的社会支持越强。本研究CFA结果表明, χ2 = 208.1, df = 51, χ2/df = 4.06, RMSEA = 0.07, NFI = 0.91、 IFI = 0.90、CFI = 0.92, 拟合良好。本研究中家庭支持维度的Cronbach’s α系数为0.74, 朋友支持维度的Cronbach’s α系数为0.80, 其他支持维度的Cronbach’s α系数为0.76。

2.2.3 核心自我评价量表

量表由Judge等(2003)编制, 是一个单维量表, 用于评定个体的自尊、控制点、神经质和一般自我效能等4种人格特质。本研究采用的修订后的问卷包含10个条目(杜建政, 张翔, 赵燕, 2012), 量表采用4级评分(1 = 完全不符合, 4 = 完全符合), 总分越高表明个体对自己的评价越积极。本研究CFA结果表明, χ2 = 152.95, df = 35, χ2/df = 4.37, RMSEA = 0.08, NFI = 0.89、IFI = 0.86、CFI = 0.89, 拟合较好。本研究中量表的Cronbach’s α系数为0.71。

2.2.4 ULS-8孤独感量表

量表由Hays和DiMatteo (1987)编制, 是一个单维量表, 周亮等(周亮, 黎芝, 胡宓, 肖水源, 2012)在中国农村群体中验证了该量表的信度和效度, 量表包含8个条目, 采用4级评分(1 = 完全不符合, 4 = 完全符合), 总分越高表明个体孤独感越强烈。本研究CFA结果表明, χ2 = 74.14, df = 20, χ2/df = 3.71, RMSEA = 0.07, NFI = 0.89、IFI = 0.92、CFI = 0.90, 拟合良好。本研究中量表的Cronbach’s α系数为0.77。

2.3 调查程序

调查员由两所高校应用心理学专业志愿参与调查的学生担任, 调查员利用假期的时间采用方便取样的方式入户调查。在正式调查前研究者共同讨论、编写调查指导手册, 并由研究者对所有调查员进行个人调查的培训并强调调查的伦理问题(志愿参加、保密、确保问卷真实性等)。在调查前首先征得老年人的同意, 排除不能理解题目、不能自主表达自己意思的留守老人。填写问卷前调查员讲清楚指导语, 有能力自行填写问卷的老年人请其自行填写, 不识字(或者由于视力等原因不能自行填写)的老年人由调查员逐条将题目读给老年人, 老年人独立选择后由调查员将选项记录在量表上, 填写完成后当场核查、回收问卷, 调查结束后赠予参加调查的老年人一份小礼品。

2.4 共同方法偏差控制

首先从测量程序方面对共同方法偏差进行控制, 如整个调查匿名进行、对不同问卷的指导语、计分方式等进行适当的变换、部分条目使用反向计分。在进行数据正式分析前采用Harman单因素检验法进行检验(熊红星, 张璟, 叶宝娟, 郑雪, 孙配贞, 2012), 对总体48个项目进行单因子验证性因素分析, 结果显示模型拟合不佳(χ2 = 6758.76, df = 1080, χ2/df = 6.26, RMSEA = 0.098, CFI = 0.39, NFI = 0.35, IFI = 0.39), 表明本研究中共同方法偏差得到较好控制、共同方法偏差不明显。

2.5 统计方法

采用 SPSS 20.0统计软件和AMOS 20.0统计软件进行数据管理和分析。

3 结果

3.1 留守老人夫妻依恋基本情况

为了解留守老人的夫妻依恋风格, 将留守老人的依恋维度分数转化成依恋类型(Becker, Billings, Evelrth, & Gilbert, 1997; 翟晓艳等, 2010)。首先对留守老人在《老年人夫妻依恋问卷》三个维度上的分数进行标准分的计算, 然后采用K-means聚类法对夫妻依恋类型进行划分, 聚类摘要见表1。聚类分析表明留守老人夫妻依恋可以分为3类(Becker et al., 1997; 翟晓艳等, 2010):(1) 安全型夫妻依恋:在依恋焦虑和依恋回避维度上得分均较低, 而在依恋安全维度上得分较高。表现为能自在地与老伴相处, 遇到事情能主动向老伴寻求帮助和支持, 相信自己值得老伴关心, 相信老伴尊重、理解和喜欢自己。(2) 拒绝型夫妻依恋:依恋焦虑和依恋回避维度分数均较高, 依恋安全维度分数较低, 表现为不喜欢和老伴有亲密的情感联结, 喜欢和老伴保持距离。(3) 焦虑型夫妻依恋:在三个维度上得分均较高。表现为不自信, 担心老伴嫌弃自己, 担心老伴不能真正理解自己。为了验证聚类结果的合理性, 根据聚类的结果, 以依恋维度为结果变量, 以依恋类型为自变量进行多因素方差分析。结果表明, 在依恋安全维度上, 三种依恋类型之间存在显著差异, F(2,508) = 493.53, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.66; 在依恋回避维度上, 三种依恋类型之间存在显著差异, F(2,508) = 275.16, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.52; 在依恋焦虑维度上, 三种依恋类型之间存在显著差异, F(2,508) = 192.16, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.43。表明本研究聚类的结果是合理的。

表1   留守老人夫妻依恋类型聚类分析摘要统计表

留守老人样本数(%)193 (37.84%)159 (31.18%)158 (30.98%)
城市社区老人样本数(%)244 (56.2%)50 (11.5%)140 (32.3%)


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表1表明, 留守老年人安全型夫妻依恋人数为193人(37.84%), 拒绝型夫妻依恋人数为159人(31.18%), 焦虑型夫妻依恋人数为158人(30.98%)。将留守老人夫妻依恋类型情况和城市社区老年人夫妻依恋类型情况进行比较有助于更好地理解留守老人的夫妻依恋类型情况(见表1), χ2分析表明, 留守老人和社区老人的夫妻依恋类型整体上存在差异(χ2 = 58.71, df = 2, p < 0.001, Cramer’s φ = 0.24), 留守老人安全型夫妻依恋类型的比例显著低于城市社区老年人(Z = -5.63, p < 0.001), 留守老人拒绝型夫妻依恋的比例显著高于城市社区老年人(Z = 7.01, p < 0.001), 留守老人焦虑型夫妻依恋的比例与城市社区老年人无显著差异(Z = -0.45, p > 0.05)。

3.2 不同夫妻依恋类型留守老人领悟社会支持、核心自我评价和孤独感的差异

表2表明, 三种夫妻依恋类型留守老人的核心自我评价、领悟社会支持和孤独感均存在显著差异。进一步事后检验(LSD法)表明, 安全型夫妻依恋留守老人的领悟社会支持和核心自我评价显著高于拒绝型和焦虑型夫妻依恋的留守老人; 安全型夫妻依恋留守老人的孤独感显著低于拒绝型和焦虑型夫妻依恋的留守老人; 焦虑型夫妻依恋留守老人的领悟社会支持高于拒绝型夫妻依恋留守老人。

表2   不同夫妻依恋类型留守老人领悟社会支持、核心自我评价和孤独感的差异

领悟社会支持5.10 (0.77)4.27 (0.80)4.67 (0.79)46.52***0.161 > 2, 1 > 3, 3 > 2
核心自我评价2.87 (0.33)2.62 (0.32)2.67 (0.36)24.57***0.091 > 2, 1 > 3
孤独感2.21 (0.39)2.51 (0.31)2.47 (0.39)33.31***0.121 < 2, 1 < 3

注:*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001下同。

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3.3 留守老人夫妻依恋、领悟社会支持、核心自我评价和孤独感的相关分析

相关分析结果表明, 留守老人夫妻依恋各维度与领悟社会支持各维度及总分、核心自我评价和孤独感的两两相关均显著(具体请见表3)。

表3   留守老人各研究变量描述统计及相关分析

变量M (SD)123456789
1. 依恋安全3.16 (0.66)
2. 依恋回避2.41 (0.74)-0.34***
3. 依恋焦虑2.61 (0.68)-0.19***0.52***
4. 家庭支持4.80 (1.02)0.39***-0.25***-0.15**
5. 朋友支持4.52 (0.79)0.28***-0.16***-0.08*0.60***
6. 其他支持4.78 (0.97)0.41***-0.27***-0.11**0.74***0.52***
7. 领悟社会支持4.71 (0.86)0.42***-0.26***-0.14**0.91***0.82***0.87***
8. 核心自我评价2.19 (1.12)0.26***-0.24***-0.24***0.41***0.27***0.39***0.42***
9. 孤独感2.35 (0.43)-0.16***0.29***0.39***-0.37***-0.29***-0.30***-0.37***-0.46***

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3.4 结构方程模型的建立

本研究中多个变量之间两两相关, 采用结构方程模型分析变量之间的关系更为有效(吴明隆, 2013)。为了控制由于潜变量的多个项目造成的膨胀测量误差, 在进行模型建构前对题目较多的单维量表进行项目打包(吴艳, 温忠麟, 2011)。在项目打包之前, 需要对单维量表进行理论核查和CFA检验, 如果检验结果不理想, 应重新检查和提炼测量结构。CFA检验结果表明《核心自我评价问卷》和《ULS-8孤独感量表》均符合单维同质的打包前提(拟合情况请见研究工具部分), 因而采用“项目-结构平衡法”对《核心自我评价问卷》和《ULS-8孤独感量表》进行打包处理(吴艳, 温忠麟, 2011)。结构方程检验表明测量模型与数据拟合良好, 各因子载荷均显著(系数均在0.5以上, p值均小于0.001, 见图2), 表明观测变量较好地反映了所要观测的潜变量, 可以进行结构方程分析。


图2   夫妻依恋与留守老人孤独感结构方程模型图

注:A1-14是《老年人夫妻依恋问卷》条目; CSE1-3是《核心自我评价量表》打包题目组; Lone1、2是《ULS-8孤独感量表》打包题目组, 图中系数均在0.001水平上显著。

在检验包含中介变量的模型前, 先检验夫妻依恋对留守老人孤独感的直接预测作用, 分层回归分析结果表明, 夫妻依恋的3个维度均显著预测留守老人的孤独感(依恋安全, β = -0.27, p < 0.01; 依恋回避, β = 0.45, p < 0.001; 依恋焦虑, β = 0.60, p < 0.001)。接着, 用农村留守老人数据拟合包含中介变量(领悟社会支持和核心自我评价)的模型, 结果表明模型拟合良好, χ2 = 679.77, df = 194, χ2/df = 3.50, NFI = 0.89、IFI = 0.90、CFI = 0.91、RMSEA = 0.07, 但是部分路径系数不显著(依恋安全到孤独感, β = -0.12, p > 0.05; 依恋安全到核心自我评价, β = 0.02, p > 0.05; 依恋回避到孤独感, β = 0.05, p > 0.05; 依恋回避到核心自我评价, β = -0.01, p > 0.05; 依恋焦虑到领悟社会支持, β = -0.09, p > 0.05)。为使模型更为简洁, 尝试删除不显著的路径系数后重新拟合模型, 结果表明模型拟合良好, χ2 = 687.48, df = 199, χ2/df = 3.45, NFI = 0.90、IFI = 0.92、CFI = 0.91、RMSEA = 0.07。两个模型的Δχ2 = 7.71, Δdf = 5, Δχ2/df = 1.54, p > 0.05, 这表明删除不显著路径之后的简洁模型和假设模型整体上没有差异, 但是简洁模型的部分拟合参数更优, 所以删除不显著路径系数后的简洁模型为最优模型。留守老人各变量之间的标准化系数具体请见图2

3.5 中介效应检验

采用偏差校正的Bootstrap方法检验领悟社会支持和核心自我评价在留守老人夫妻依恋与孤独感之间的中介效应(方杰, 张敏强, 2012)。在农村留守老人的原始数据(N = 510)中抽取3000个Bootstrap样本进行间接效应估计, 表4显示了各个间接路径的估计值和中介效应的95%置信区间, 如果95%置信区间没有包括0, 表明中介效应显著(方杰, 张敏强, 2012)。图2表4的结果表明, 领悟社会支持在依恋安全、依恋回避与留守老人孤独感的关系中起中介作用; 领悟社会支持和核心自我评价在依恋安全、依恋回避与留守老人孤独感的关系中起链式中介作用; 核心自我评价在依恋焦虑与留守老人孤独感的关系中起部分中介作用, 中介效应占总效应的比例为-0.23 × (-0.35) ÷ [0.41 + (-0.23) × (-0.35)] = 16.41%。

表4   领悟社会支持、核心自我评价在夫妻依恋与留守老人孤独感之间中介效应检验的Bootstrap分析

1. 依恋安全—领悟社会支持—孤独感0.44 × (-0.21) = -0.09-0.11-0.08
2. 依恋安全—领悟社会支持—核心自我评价—孤独感0.44 × 0.53 × (-0.35) = -0.08-0.11-0.05
3. 依恋回避—领悟社会支持—孤独感-0.15 × (-0.21) =
4. 依恋回避—领悟社会支持—核心自我评价—孤独感-0.15 × 0.53 × (-0.35 ) =
5. 依恋焦虑—核心自我评价—孤独感-0.23 × (-0.35) =

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4 讨论

本研究表明《老年人夫妻依恋问卷》的三维结构在农村留守老年人群体中成立, 包含依恋安全、依恋回避和依恋焦虑三个维度。这一结果和在中国城市社区老人群体中的结果一致(王大华等, 2015; 翟晓艳等, 2010), 与此前国外大多数成人依恋问卷包含依恋回避和依恋焦虑的两维结构不同(Mikulincer & Shaver, 2007)。研究者(王大华等, 2015; 翟晓艳等, 2010)认为在中国文化背景下的老年人夫妻依恋中的“依恋安全”维度体现了中国文化的特殊性。可能的原因是与个体主义文化背景下的老年人相比, 集体主义文化背景下的中国老年人更关注和善于营造和睦的婚姻关系, 有更多的积极情感体验, 也更乐意报告较积极的情感体验(王大华等, 2015; 翟晓艳等, 2010)。而且并不是所有的成人依恋问卷都是两维结构, 例如成人依恋量表(AAS)就包含亲近、依赖和焦虑三个维度(Collins, 1996), 不过在后期数据处理时将亲近和依赖维度进行了合并, Schmitt等(2004)在62个国家和地区调查成年人夫妻依恋的结果也表明夫妻依恋的维度和类型均会受到文化背景的影响。本研究在留守老人群体中验证了《老年人夫妻依恋问卷》的三维结构, 表明了中国老年人夫妻依恋三维结构的稳定性。但是本研究的结果和在城市社区老年人中的结果也有一些不同:因素分析的结果表明依恋回避维度是解释力最大的维度, 和在城市社区老年人群体中依恋安全维度是解释力最大的结果不一致(王大华等, 2015; 翟晓艳等, 2010), 这一结果可能和农村留守老人的夫妻依恋的特点有关, 具体的原因有待进一步的研究进行探讨。

本研究结果表明, 农村留守老人安全型夫妻依恋类型的比例低于不安全型夫妻依恋(拒绝型和焦虑型), 这一结果和已有研究(王大华等, 2015; 翟晓艳等, 2010)认为中国老年人夫妻依恋中安全型夫妻依恋占主要类型的结果不一致。进一步的分析表明, 留守老人安全型夫妻依恋比例低于城市社区老人安全型夫妻依恋的比例、拒绝型夫妻依恋的比例高于城市社区老人(王大华等, 2015; 翟晓艳等, 2010)。可能的原因是在子女外出务工的情况下, 大多数留守老人需要照顾家庭、看管孙辈、承担更多的农活和家务, 而在“男主外女主内”的传统家庭观念的分工下, 农村男性老人在日常生活中要承担较多的农活, 而女性老年人更多承担家务, 夫妻在一起劳作、交流的时间较少, 因而在空间和心理上和老伴保持一定的距离。此外, 本研究结果表明拥有安全型夫妻依恋的留守老人社会支持和自我评价更高、孤独感更低, 和以普通老年人为研究对象的研究结果一致(Halat & Hovardaoğlu, 2010; Holtfreter et al., 2016; Kuwert et al., 2014), 提示在成年子女长期外出的情况下经营安全夫妻依恋有助于降低留守老人的孤独感。

本研究在已有研究(王大华等, 2015; 翟晓艳等, 2010)的基础上进一步探讨中国文化背景下老年夫妻依恋的三个维度与孤独感之间的关系、并探讨领悟社会支持和核心自我评价的中介作用。相关分析表明依恋安全和领悟社会支持各维度及总分均显著正相关, 表明拥有安全依恋的留守老人可以从家庭以外感知和获得更多的社会支持, 安全的夫妻依恋确实起到了类似一般依恋的“安全基地”的作用(Bowlby, 1969; Zhang et al., 2016)。中介效应分析表明依恋安全通过提高领悟社会支持的路径间接地降低留守老人的孤独感, 此外, 依恋安全还通过领悟社会支持、核心自我评价的链式中介路径降低孤独感, 这一结果和我们的假设一致。已有研究(王大华等, 2015; 翟晓艳等, 2010)表明依恋安全这一积极的维度是中国文化背景下独有的、积极的维度, 本研究的结果证实老年人夫妻依恋的依恋安全维度确实会提高留守老人的社会支持并提高其对自身的评价, 从而降低其孤独感, 表明中国文化背景下的夫妻依恋安全维度对降低留守老人孤独感有积极作用。

基于依恋两维结构的研究表明依恋回避和依恋焦虑影响个体心理的路径并不一样(Zhang et al., 2016), 本研究结果也表明中国文化背景下老年人夫妻依恋的安全、回避和焦虑三个维度影响留守老人孤独感的路径并不一致, 依恋安全、依恋回避对孤独感的作用主要是通过领悟社会支持和核心自我评价间接起作用, 而依恋焦虑的直接作用更大, 核心自我评价在依恋焦虑与孤独感的关系中只起到部分中介的作用。本研究表明依恋回避与领悟社会支持负相关, 说明夫妻依恋中的依恋回避行为会导致留守老人消极寻求社会支持和导致较低的社会交往技能(Gillath, Johnson, Selcuk, & Teel, 2011; Mallinckrodt & Wei, 2005; Zhang et al., 2016)。依恋回避还通过降低社会支持的路径间接导致留守老人较高的孤独感, 这一结果和已有研究认为依恋回避得分高会降低老年人心理健康水平的结果一致(Mallinckrodt & Wei, 2005; Zhang et al., 2016), 此外, 依恋回避还通过降低领悟社会支持进一步降低核心自我评价的途径导致留守老人较高的孤独感, 提示要需要重视夫妻依恋回避行为对留守老人孤独感的影响。本研究表明夫妻依恋中的依恋焦虑维度除了直接预测留守老人孤独感外, 还通过核心自我评价间接影响留守老人孤独感, 依恋焦虑与核心自我评价负相关, 而核心自我评价与孤独感负相关, 和已有的结果一致(Mikulincer & Shaver, 2007; Roberts, Gotlib, & Kassel, 1996; Zhang et al., 2016), 这一结果在中国留守老人群体中部分验证了依恋的内部工作模型, 表明在长期的夫妻共同生活中, 夫妻依恋与留守老人的自我评价密切相关。

本研究尚存在以下不足:首先, 本研究没有选取农村非留守老人进行调查, 无法考察子女外出对留守老人夫妻依恋的影响, 本研究中用于比较的城市老年人样本取样时间与本研究相距时间较长且留守老人与城市社区老人的差异较大, 后续研究应该选取包含农村和城市老年人的样本; 其次, 本研究是一个横断研究, 只能在统计上证明中介效应和因果关系, 后续研究应采用追踪范式进一步验证; 此外, 由于取样的困难, 本研究采用方便取样, 样本的代表性略显不足; 另外, 本研究采用的是自评量表, 无法完全避免社会赞许效应, 后续研究应结合他评的方式加以改进。

尽管存在一些不足, 但是本研究还是具有一定的意义的。首先, 在中国留守老人群体中验证了《老年人夫妻依恋问卷》的三维结构, 是对老年人夫妻依恋本土化研究的一个补充; 其次, 本研究初步了解了留守老人夫妻依恋的特点, 并进一步探讨夫妻依恋3个维度与留守老人孤独感的关系以及领悟社会支持、核心自我评价的中介作用, 为降低留守老人孤独感提供参考, 具有一定的现实意义, 也是对老年人夫妻依恋本土化研究的推进。

5 结论

《老年人夫妻依恋问卷》具有稳定的三维结构(依恋安全、依恋回避和依恋焦虑)。夫妻依恋与留守老人孤独感关系密切, 依恋安全维度和依恋回避维度通过领悟社会支持和核心自我评价间接影响留守老人的孤独感, 依恋焦虑维度除了直接影响留守老人孤独感外还通过核心自我评价间接影响留守老人孤独感。在成年子女长期外出的情况下, 安全的夫妻依恋有助于降低留守老人的孤独感。


Andrew, M.K., &Rockwood K. , ( 2010).

Social vulnerability predicts cognitive decline in a prospective cohort of older Canadians

Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 6( 4), 319-325.

DOI:10.1016/j.jalz.2009.11.001      URL     PMID:20630414      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract BACKGROUND: Although numerous social factors have been associated with cognition in older adults, these findings have been limited by the consideration of individual factors in isolation. We investigated whether social vulnerability, defined as an index comprising many social factors, is associated with cognitive decline. METHODS: In this secondary analysis of the Canadian Study of Health and Aging, 2468 community-dwellers aged 70 and older were followed up for 5 years. The social vulnerability index incorporated 40 social variables. Each response was scored as 0 if the "deficit" was absent and 1 if it was present; the 40 deficit scores were then summed. For some analyses, index scores were split into tertiles of high, intermediate, and low social vulnerability. Cognitive decline was defined as a >or=5-point decline in the Modified Mini-Mental State Examination (3MS). Associations of social vulnerability with 5-year cognitive decline (adjusting for age, sex, frailty, and baseline cognition) were analyzed by using logistic regression. RESULTS: Mean social vulnerability was 0.25 (standard deviation, 0.09) or 9.9 deficits of the list of 40. The median cognitive change of -1.0 (interquartile range, -6 to 2) points on the 3MS was noted at 5 years. About 743 individuals (30% of the sample) experienced a decline of >or=5 points on the 3MS. Each additional social deficit was associated with increased odds of cognitive decline (odds ratio, 1.03; 95% confidence interval, 1.00 to 1.06; P = .02). Compared with those with low social vulnerability, individuals with high social vulnerability had a 36% increased odds of experiencing cognitive decline (odds ratio, 1.36; 95% confidence interval, 1.06 to 1.74; P = .015). CONCLUSIONS: Increasing social vulnerability, defined by using a social vulnerability index incorporating many social factors, was associated with increased odds of cognitive decline during a period of 5 years in this study of older Canadians. Further study of social vulnerability in relation to cognition is warranted, with particular attention to potential interventions to alleviate its burden. Copyright 2010. Published by Elsevier Inc.

Antonucci T. C., Akiyama H., &Takahashi K . ( 2004).

Attachment and close relationships across the life span

Attachment & Human Development, 6( 4), 353-370.

DOI:10.1080/1461673042000303136      URL     PMID:15764124      [本文引用: 1]

The Convoy Model of Social Relations is identified as a unifying conceptual framework within which to consider attachment and other close social relationships across the life span. Convoy data are provided for people aged 8 to 93 in both the United States and Japan. Data from community based representative samples in the Detroit (N = 1703) and Yokohama (N = 1842) metropolitan areas indicate age differences in all close relationships but gender differences only in very close relationships in the two countries. There was only one Age Gender Country interaction for number of people in close relations. Examination of role relationships suggest age differences overall but considerable similarities in the two countries.

Becker T. E., Billings R. S., Evelrth D. M., & Gilbert N. W . ( 1997).

Validity of scores on three attachment style scales: Exploratory and confirmatory evidence

Educational & Psychological Measurement, 57( 3), 477-493.

DOI:10.1177/0013164497057003009      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Three attachment style scales were developed. The factor structure of the attachment style construct was supported through exploratory factor analysis of attachment style scores from 1,181 and 545 recent college graduates. Additional evidence for score validity is presented, based on a measure of the Big Five personality traits. (SLD)

Bodner, E., &Cohen-Fridel S. , ( 2010).

Relations between attachment styles, ageism and quality of life in late life

International Psychogeriatrics, 22( 8), 1353-1361.

DOI:10.1017/S1041610210001249      URL     PMID:20561381      [本文引用: 1]

Background:This study is the first to explore the relations between attachment styles, ageism, and quality of life (QoL) among elderly people. The attachment theory describes how human beings relate to each other, according to their attachment style. Previous studies have examined the connection between attachment styles and prejudice toward distinctive social groups and minorities. Ageism as a form of prejudice is a way of relating negatively to people because they are old. QoL among the elderly was found to be associated with negative age-perceptions. It was therefore hypothesized that QoL, attachments styles, and demographic characteristics can explain ageism among the elderly. Methods:Four questionnaires were administered: Fraboni Scale of Ageism (FSA), which comprises four scales (separation, affective, stereotype, and intergeneration); Experiences in Close Relationships Scale, which measures four attachment styles (secure, dismissive, fearful, and preoccupied); SF-36 health status inventory (eight scales); and sociodemographic questions. Ninety-four elderly men and women aged 64 85 years living in the community completed the questionnaires. Results:MANCOVAS indicated that securely attached individuals score higher on separation than fearfully attached individuals, and that securely and dismissively attached individuals score higher than fearful and preoccupied individuals on seven QoL scales. Multiple regression analyses showed that attachment styles, age, gender, and some QoL scales contribute to the explained variance of ageism. Conclusions:Secure attachment in late life seems to be related to less ageism and a better QoL. The enhancement of a secure attachment base in elderly people may assist in moderating ageism and improving older people's QoL.

Bowlby, J. (1969).

Attachment and loss: Vol. 1. Attachment

New York:Basic Books.

[本文引用: 5]

Carstensen L. L., Turan B., Scheibe S., Ram N., Ersner- Hershfield H., Samanez-Larkin G. R., … Nesselroade J. R . ( 2011).

Emotional experience improves with age: Evidence based on over 10 years of experience sampling

Psychology and Aging, 26( 1), 21-23.

DOI:10.1037/a0021285      URL     PMID:20973600      [本文引用: 1]

Recent evidence suggests that emotional well-being improves from early adulthood to old age. This study used experience-sampling to examine the developmental course of emotional experience in a representative sample of adults spanning early to very late adulthood. Participants (N = 184, Wave 1; N = 191, Wave 2; N = 178, Wave 3) reported their emotional states at five randomly selected times each day for a one week period. Using a measurement burst design, the one-week sampling procedure was repeated five and then ten years later. Cross-sectional and growth curve analyses indicate that aging is associated with more positive overall emotional well-being, with greater emotional stability and with more complexity (as evidenced by greater co-occurrence of positive and negative emotions). These findings remained robust after accounting for other variables that may be related to emotional experience (personality, verbal fluency, physical health, and demographic variables). Finally, emotional experience predicted mortality; controlling for age, sex, and ethnicity, individuals who experienced relatively more positive than negative emotions in everyday life were more likely to have survived over a 13 year period. Findings are discussed in the theoretical context of socioemotional selectivity theory.

Collins, N.L . ( 1996).

Working models of attachment: Implications for explanation, emotion, and behavior

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 71( 4), 810-832.

DOI:10.1037//0022-3514.71.4.810      URL     PMID:8888604      [本文引用: 3]

Abstract Two studies examined attachment style differences in social perception. In Study 1, participants wrote open-ended explanations for hypothetical relationship events and described how they would feel and behave in response to each event. Compared with secure participants, preoccupied participants explained events in more negative ways; they also reported more emotional distress and behaviors that were likely to lead to conflict. Avoidant participants also provided negative explanations, but did not report emotional distress. Path analysis indicated that attachment style differences in behavior were mediated by explanation patterns and emotional distress. Study 2 was designed to replicate Study 1 and test the relative importance of attachment style and relationship quality to predicting each outcome. Results indicated that both variables were significant predictors of explanations, but only attachment style predicted emotional responses. These findings are consistent with the idea that adults with different working models of attachment are predisposed to think, feel, and behave differently in their relationships.

Connelly,R., &Maurer-Fazio M. , ( 2016).

Left behind, at-risk, and vulnerable elders in rural China

China Economic Review, 37, 140-153.

DOI:10.1016/j.chieco.2015.10.005      URL     [本文引用: 2]

61We examine the living arrangements of rural Chinese residents 60 or older.61The most vulnerable elders are those living alone with no adult children nearby.61Accurately accounting for migration of family members is critical.61Many elders with a migrant child continue to live with another child.61Migration of children affects elders' mental health but less so than losing a spouse.61Demographic features of elders living with children and grandchildren differ greatly.

Dahlem N. W., Zimet G. D., & Walker R. R . ( 1991).

The multidimensional scale of perceived social support: A confirmation study

Journal of Clinical Psychology, 47( 6), 756-761.

DOI:10.1002/(ISSN)1097-4679      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Du J. Z., Zhang X., & Zhao Y . ( 2012).

Reliability, validation and construct confirmatory of core self-evaluations scale

Psychological Research, 5( 3), 54-60.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 杜建政, 张翔, 赵燕 . ( 2012).


心理研究, 5( 3), 54-60.]

URL     [本文引用: 1]


Fang, J., &Zhang M.Q . ( 2012).

Assessing point and interval estimation for the mediating effect: Distribution of the product, nonparametric Bootstrap and Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 44( 10), 1408-1420.

[本文引用: 2]

[ 方杰, 张敏强 . ( 2012).

中介效应的点估计和区间估计: 乘积分布法、非参数Bootstrap和MCMC法

心理学报, 44( 10), 1408-1420.]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2012.01408      URL     [本文引用: 2]


Gillath O., Johnson D. K., Selcuk E., & Teel C . ( 2011).

Comparing old and young adults as they cope with life transitions: The links between social network management skills and attachment style to depression

Clinical Gerontologist, 34( 3), 251-265.

DOI:10.1080/07317115.2011.554345      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Smaller social networks are associated with poorer health and well-being, especially as people negotiate life transitions. Many older adults, however, tend to have smaller networks, without the expected negative outcomes. To understand better how older adults avoid such outcomes we measured social network management skills, attachment style, and depression among individuals going through a life transition. Older adults who recently became caregivers were compared with young adults who recently transitioned to college. Although older adults initiated fewer and terminated more social ties (being selective in their choice of network members), both age groups had an equal number of close network members. A closer look revealed that securely attached older adults maintained their social ties, and in turn, sustained low levels of depression. These findings emphasize the importance of attachment style and network skills to mental health in general, and among older adults specifically.

Halat, M.I., &Hovardaoğlu S. , ( 2010).

The relations between the attachment styles, causality and responsibility attributions and loneliness of the married couples in the context of the investment model

Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 5, 2332-2337.

DOI:10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.07.459      URL     [本文引用: 2]

According to the investment model, the relationship satisfaction, the level of the evaluation of the quality of alternatives and relationship investment are determinants for the relationship commitment and relationship stability. The aim of this research is to study the levels of causality and responsibility attributions, attachment styles and loneliness of the married couples within the context of the investment model. 131 married couples filled in the Demographic Information Form, Relationship Stability Form, Relationship Attribution Measure Form, Relationship Scales Questionnaire, UCLA Emotional Loneliness Scale, UCLA Social Loneliness Scale and UCLA Loneliness Scale. Findings are examined it is observed that the assumptions of investment model are supported.

Hays, R.D., &DiMatteo M.R . ( 1987).

A short-form measure of loneliness

Journal of Personality Assessment, 51( 1), 69-81.

DOI:10.1207/s15327752jpa5101_6      URL     PMID:3572711     

Abstract The revised UCLA Loneliness Scale (ULS-20) and a four-item short form (ULS-4) are widely used in personality research (Russell, Peplau, & Cutrona, 1980). In an exploratory factor analysis of the ULS-20, we identified eight items that loaded substantially on the first factor. These items were combined to form an alternative short-form measure, the ULS-8. The results of this study indicate that the ULS-8 is reliable, valid, and a better substitute for the ULS-20 than is the ULS-4. Consistent with the previous research, the loneliness measures (ULS-20, ULS-8, ULS-4) were strongly related to socially undesirable personality characteristics, but loneliness was uncorrelated with the six different health-related behaviors (exercise, meal regularity, alcohol use, hard drug use, smoking, and hours of sleep) assessed in this study.

Hazan, C., &Shaver P. , ( 1987).

Romantic love conceptualized as an attachment process

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52( 3), 511-524.

DOI:10.1037/0022-3514.52.3.511      URL     [本文引用: 4]

Holtfreter K., Reisig M. D., &Turanovic J. J . ( 2016).

Self-rated poor health and loneliness in late adulthood: Testing the moderating role of familial ties

Advances in Life Course Research, 27, 61-68.

DOI:10.1016/j.alcr.2015.11.006      URL     [本文引用: 2]

The objective of this study was to investigate whether the relationship between self-rated poor health and loneliness in late adulthood is moderated by strong and supportive familial ties. Using cross-sectional data from a sample of 2000 individuals 60 years of age and older who reside in Arizona and Florida, moderation tests were conducted to determine whether two types of familial ties – spouse and children – diminish the effect of poor health on loneliness. The results indicated that participants who reported poor health were less likely to experience loneliness when they have a strong attachment to their spouse. Similar attachments to children did not condition the relationship, neither did the mere presence of familial ties (alternative measures that did not take into account the quality of such ties). The findings lend support the argument that it is not familial ties per se that are beneficial, but rather the quality of such ties that matters.

Jaremka L. M., Fagundes C. P., Glaser R., Bennett J. M., Malarkey W. B., & Kiecolt-Glaser J. K . ( 2013).

Loneliness predicts pain, depression, and fatigue: Understanding the role of immune dysregulation

Psychoneuroendocrinology, 38( 8), 1310-1317.

DOI:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2012.11.016      URL     PMID:3633610      [本文引用: 2]

The pain, depression, and fatigue symptom cluster is an important health concern. Loneliness is a common risk factor for these symptoms. Little is known about the physiological mechanisms linking loneliness to the symptom cluster; immune dysregulation is a promising candidate. Latent herpesvirus reactivation, which is reflected by elevated herpesvirus antibody titers, provides a window into immune dysregulation. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Epstein arr virus (EBV) are two common herpesviruses. Participants were 200 breast cancer survivors who were 2 months to 3 years post-treatment at the time of the study. They completed questionnaires and provided a blood sample that was assayed for CMV and EBV antibody titers. Lonelier participants experienced more pain, depression, and fatigue than those who felt more socially connected. Lonelier participants also had higher CMV antibody titers which, in turn, were associated with higher levels of the pain, depression, and fatigue symptom cluster. Contrary to expectations, EBV antibody titers were not associated with either loneliness or the symptom cluster. The pain, depression, and fatigue symptom cluster is a notable clinical problem, especially among cancer survivors. Accordingly, understanding the risk factors for these symptoms is important. The current study suggests that loneliness enhances risk for immune dysregulation and the pain, depression, and fatigue symptom cluster. The present data also provide a glimpse into the pathways through which loneliness may impact health.

Judge T. A., Erez A., Bono J. E., & Thoresen C. J . ( 2003).

The core self-evaluations scale: Development of a measure

Personnel Psychology, 56( 2), 303-331.

DOI:10.1111/j.1744-6570.2003.tb00152.x      URL     [本文引用: 2]

ABSTRACT Despite an emerging body of research on a personality trait termed core self-evaluations, the trait continues to be measured indirectly. The present study reported the results of a series of studies that developed and tested the validity of the Core Self-Evaluations Scale (CSES), a direct and relatively brief measure of the trait. Results indicated that the 12-item CSES was reliable, displayed a unitary factor structure, correlated significantly with job satisfaction, job performance, and life satisfaction, and had validity equal to that of an optimal weighting of the 4 specific core traits (self-esteem, generalized self-efficacy, neuroti-cism, and locus of control), and incremental validity over the 5-factor model. Overall, results suggest that the CSES is a valid measure that should prove useful in applied psychology research.

Kafetsios, K., &Sideridis ,G.D . ( 2006).

Attachment, social support and well-being in young and older adults

Journal of Health Psychology, 11( 6), 863-875.

DOI:10.1177/1359105306069084      URL     PMID:17035259      [本文引用: 2]

The present study examined the link between attachment, social support and well-being in young and older adults. The results from multi-group path analyses showed significant between-group differences in the links between attachment, perceived support and well-being. Anxious attachment and well-being were inversely associated and this was stronger for the younger group than it was for the older group. Avoidant attachment was negatively related to perceived support satisfaction in the older age group only, and perceived support mediated the effects of avoidant attachment on mental health and loneliness in the older group. Generally, perceived satisfaction with support was more strongly related with well-being in older adults. The results point to differential links of insecure attachment styles with perceived support in different life-stages and to related cognitive, emotional and social processes.

Kuwert P., Knaevelsrud C., & Pietrzak R. H . ( 2014).

Loneliness among older veterans in the United States: Results from the national health and resilience in veterans study

American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 22( 6), 564-569.

DOI:10.1016/j.jagp.2013.02.013      URL     PMID:23806682      [本文引用: 2]

This study examined the current prevalence, and demographic, military, health, and psychosocial correlates of loneliness in a contemporary nationally representative sample of older U.S. veterans.Two thousand twenty-five veterans aged 60 years and older participated in the National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study. Loneliness was assessed using a questionnaire adapted from the Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale. A broad range of demographic, military, health, and psychosocial variables was also assessed.44% of veterans reported feeling lonely at least some of the time (10.4% reported often feeling lonely). Greater age, disability in activities of daily living, lifetime traumas, perceived stress, and current depressive and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms were positively associated with loneliness, and being married/cohabitating, higher income, greater subjective cognitive functioning, social support, secure attachment, dispositional gratitude, and frequency of attending religious services were negatively associated with loneliness. The largest magnitude associations were observed for perceived social support, secure attachment style, and depressive symptoms.Loneliness is prevalent among older veterans in the United States, and associated with several health and psychosocial variables. These results suggest that multifactorial interventions that emphasize bolstering of social support and reduction of depressive symptoms may help mitigate loneliness in the rapidly growing population of older veterans.

Lin K., Yin P. J., & Loubere N . ( 2014).

Social support and the ‘left behind’ elderly in rural China: A case study from Jiangxi province

Journal of Community Health, 39( 4), 674-681.

DOI:10.1007/s10900-014-9864-4      URL     PMID:24676490      [本文引用: 2]

This study examines the living situation of elderly people in rural China whose children have left to work in other areas [the ‘left behind’ elderly (LBE)] and explores policy implications associated with their care. Based on survey data and interviews conducted in three villages in Jiangxi Province, China, we compare the living situation of the LBE and the ‘non-left behind’ elderly (NLBE). The data reveal that the LBE are relatively more isolated and that they spend less time interacting with neighbors and more time watching television. The study shows that the LBE have a much greater need for care services than income maintenance. Also, the LBE group has less social capital than the NLBE group. Based on our findings, it is clear that the proposal to use social capital and informal care cannot effectively meet all the needs of the LBE group. Instead, it is recommended that a comprehensive system of social support is developed.

Mallinckrodt, B., &Wei, M.F . ( 2005).

Attachment, social competencies, social support, and psychological distress

Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52( 3), 358-367.

DOI:10.1037/0022-0167.52.3.358      URL     [本文引用: 2]

In this survey study of 430 undergraduates, elements of the social competencies and interpersonal processes model (B. Mallinckrodt, 2000) were tested. Two social competencies were hypothesized to mediate the direct effects of 2 independent variables, attachment anxiety and avoidance, on 2 outcomes, psychological distress and perceived social support. Social self-efficacy was expected to be a significant mediator only for attachment anxiety. Emotional awareness, construed as low levels of alexithymia, was expected to be a significant mediator only for attachment avoidance. A bootstrap method was used to estimate the significance of indirect effects. Structural equation analyses suggested that, instead of specialized significant parings of one mediator with one independent variable, both social self-efficacy and emotional awareness served as significant mediators for both attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance.

McCarthy, G., &Davies S. , ( 2003).

Some implications of attachment theory for understanding psychological functioning in old age: An illustration from the long-term psychological effects of World War Two

Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 10( 3), 144-155.

[本文引用: 3]

Merz,E.M., &Consedine N.S . ( 2009).

The association of family support and wellbeing in later life depends on adult attachment style

Attachment & Human Development, 11( 2), 203-221.

DOI:10.1080/14616730802625185      URL     PMID:19266366      [本文引用: 3]

The current study examines the association between family support and wellbeing in the elderly, paying particular attention to the possible moderating role of attachment style. Data from a community-dwelling, ethnically diverse, elderly sample (N = 1118) were analyzed to determine the best linear combination of emotional support, instrumental support, and attachment styles predicting wellbeing. Emotional support generally was associated with higher wellbeing whereas instrumental support was related to decreased wellbeing. As expected, however, these associations were qualified by attachment style. Receiving emotional support had stronger positive and instrumental support less negative effects on the wellbeing of elderly individuals with higher attachment security. Given increased longevity, family networks may become important sources of support for the elderly. Work detailing when, how, and for whom particular types of family support are beneficial is a key agenda within developmental psychology and social gerontology.

Mikulincer M., & Shaver, P. R. ( 2007).

Attachment in adulthood: Structure, dynamics, and change

New York: Guilford Press.

URL     [本文引用: 4]

This authoritative work provides a systematic, comprehensive overview of theory and research on adult attachment. The authors - who have been at the forefront of this rapidly growing field since the concepts of "adult attachment" and "attachment style" were first developed - trace how Bowlby's original constructs have evolved through the study of adolescents and adults. They review extant measures and analyze how attachment theory has been used to advance scientific understanding of emotions, social cognition, close relationships, psychopathology, and psychotherapy. Integrative and clearly organized, this book is essential reading for anyone wishing to understand or contribute to the large and still expanding literature on adult attachment.

Moyle W., Kellett U., Ballantyne A., & Gracia N . ( 2011).

Dementia and loneliness: An Australian perspective

Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20( 9-10), 1445-1453.

DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2010.03549.x      URL     PMID:21366740      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Aim.68 To explore the perceptions of loneliness according to people with early-stage dementia, living in community and long-term care and also the views of their family carers. Background.68 Research that specifically explores the influence of loneliness on dementia is limited and indicates the prevalence of loneliness and the negative relationship between loneliness and cognitive decline. There is a paucity of research that explores loneliness from the perspective of the person with dementia. Design.68 A descriptive exploratory qualitative approach was used. Methods.68 Data were collected through semi-structured audio-taped interviews. A purposive sample of 70 people with a diagnosis or probable dementia and 73 family carers were recruited from community and long-term care from South East Queensland, Australia. Results.68 Four themes were identified: staying connected to others; losing the ability to socially engage; experiencing loneliness; and overcoming loneliness. The results emphasise the importance of familiar human relationships in reducing the feelings of loneliness in people experiencing dementia. Conclusions.68 People with dementia are at risk of loneliness, but placing them with unfamiliar people and environments may not improve their situation. Relevance to clinical practice.68 Better refinement of care that takes into account the potential for loneliness and an understanding of premorbid social tendency may assist in the implementation of individualised and evidence-based strategies to assist people with dementia to lead a better quality of life. To maintain well-being, the social needs of the person with dementia as well as the family need to be considered.

National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People’s Republic of China. ( 2015.

China family development report

(2015). Retrieved May 13, 2017, from

URL     [本文引用: 1]

[ 中华人民共和国国家卫生和计划生育委员会. ( 2015.


(2015). 2017-05-13取自 ]

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Nguyen A. W., Chatters L. M., Taylor R. J., & Mouzon D. M . ( 2016).

Social support from family and friends and subjective well-being of older African Americans

Journal of Happiness Studies, 17( 3), 959-979.

DOI:10.1007/s10902-015-9626-8      URL     PMID:27212890      [本文引用: 1]

This study examines the impact of informal social support from family and friends on the well-being of older African Americans. Analyses are based on a nationally representative sample of older African Americans from the National Survey of American Life (n=837). Three measures of well-being are examined: life satisfaction, happiness and self-esteem. The social support variables include frequency of contact with family and friends, subjective closeness with family and friends, and negative interactions with family. Results indicate that family contact is positively correlated with life satisfaction. Subjective closeness with family is associated with life satisfaction and happiness and both subjective closeness with friends and negative interaction with family are associated with happiness and self-esteem. There are also significant interactions between family closeness and family contact for life satisfaction, as well as friendship closeness and negative interaction with family for happiness. Overall, our study finds that family and friend relationships make unique contributions to the well-being of older African Americans. Qualitative aspects of family and friend support networks (i.e., subjective closeness, negative interactions) are more important than are structural aspects (i.e., frequency of contact). Our analysis verify that relationships with family members can both enhance and be detrimental to well-being. The findings are discussed in relation to prior research on social support and negative interaction and their unique associations with well-being among older African Americans.

Orth U., Trzesniewski K. H., & Robins R. W . ( 2010).

Self-Esteem development from young adulthood to old age: A cohort-sequential longitudinal study

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98( 4), 645-658.

DOI:10.1037/a0018769      URL     PMID:20307135      [本文引用: 2]

The authors examined the development of self-esteem from young adulthood to old age. Data came from the Americans' Changing Lives study, which includes 4 assessments across a 16-year period of a nationally representative sample of 3,617 individuals aged 25 years to 104 years. Latent growth curve analyses indicated that self-esteem follows a quadratic trajectory across the adult life span, increasing during young and middle adulthood, reaching a peak at about age 60 years, and then declining in old age. No cohort differences in the self-esteem trajectory were found. Women had lower self-esteem than did men in young adulthood, but their trajectories converged in old age. Whites and Blacks had similar trajectories in young and middle adulthood, but the self-esteem of Blacks declined more sharply in old age than did the self-esteem of Whites. More educated individuals had higher self-esteem than did less educated individuals, but their trajectories were similar. Moreover, the results suggested that changes in socioeconomic status and physical health account for the decline in self-esteem that occurs in old age.

Perissinotto C. M., Stijacic Cenzer I., & Covinsky K. E . ( 2012).

Loneliness in older persons: A predictor of functional decline and death

Archives of Internal Medicine, 172( 14), 1078-1084.

DOI:10.1001/archinternmed.2012.1993      URL     PMID:4383762      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract BACKGROUND: Loneliness is a common source of distress, suffering, and impaired quality of life in older persons. We examined the relationship between loneliness, functional decline, and death in adults older than 60 years in the United States. METHODS: This is a longitudinal cohort study of 1604 participants in the psychosocial module of the Health and Retirement Study, a nationally representative study of older persons. Baseline assessment was in 2002 and follow-up assessments occurred every 2 years until 2008. Subjects were asked if they (1) feel left out, (2) feel isolated, or (3) lack companionship. Subjects were categorized as not lonely if they responded hardly ever to all 3 questions and lonely if they responded some of the time or often to any of the 3 questions. The primary outcomes were time to death over 6 years and functional decline over 6 years on the following 4 measures: difficulty on an increased number of activities of daily living (ADL), difficulty in an increased number of upper extremity tasks, decline in mobility, or increased difficulty in stair climbing. Multivariate analyses adjusted for demographic variables, socioeconomic status, living situation, depression, and various medical conditions. RESULTS: The mean age of subjects was 71 years. Fifty-nine percent were women; 81% were white, 11%, black, and 6%, Hispanic; and 18% lived alone. Among the elderly participants, 43% reported feeling lonely. Loneliness was associated with all outcome measures. Lonely subjects were more likely to experience decline in ADL (24.8% vs 12.5%; adjusted risk ratio [RR], 1.59; 95% CI, 1.23-2.07); develop difficulties with upper extremity tasks (41.5% vs 28.3%; adjusted RR, 1.28; 95% CI, 1.08-1.52); experience decline in mobility (38.1% vs 29.4%; adjusted RR, 1.18; 95% CI, 0.99-1.41); or experience difficulty in climbing (40.8% vs 27.9%; adjusted RR, 1.31; 95% CI, 1.10-1.57). Loneliness was associated with an increased risk of death (22.8% vs 14.2%; adjusted HR, 1.45; 95% CI, 1.11-1.88). CONCLUSION: Among participants who were older than 60 years, loneliness was a predictor of functional decline and death.

Poulin J., Rong D., Ingersoll T. S., Witt H., & Swain M . ( 2012).

Perceived family and friend support and the psychological well-being of American and Chinese elderly persons

Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 27( 4), 305-317.

DOI:10.1007/s10823-012-9177-y      URL     PMID:22903533      [本文引用: 3]

Abstract This study examines two sources of informal support-perceived family and friend support-and the psychological well-being-self-esteem, depression and loneliness-of 150 Chinese and 145 American elders. There were no significant differences between the elderly American and Chinese persons' mean scores on family and friend support. The multiple linear regression analyses with interaction terms (country x family support and country x friend support), however, indicated that the relationship between family support and depression and family support and loneliness was stronger for the Chinese elderly than the US elderly. Conversely, the relationship between friend support and depression and friend support and loneliness is stronger for US elderly than Chinese elderly. The implications of these findings for social work practice in both countries is discussed.

Richard A., Rohrmann S., Vandeleur C. L., Schmid M., Barth J., & Eichholzer M . ( 2017).

Loneliness is adversely associated with physical and mental health and lifestyle factors: Results from a Swiss national survey

PLoS One, 12( 7), e0181442.

DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0181442      URL     PMID:28715478      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract INTRODUCTION: Loneliness is a common, emotionally distressing experience and is associated with adverse physical and mental health and an unhealthy lifestyle. Nevertheless, little is known about the prevalence of loneliness in different age groups in Switzerland. Furthermore, the existing evidence about age and gender as potential effect modifiers of the associations between loneliness, physical and mental health and lifestyle characteristics warrants further investigation. Thus, the aim of the study was to examine the prevalence of loneliness among adults in Switzerland and to assess the associations of loneliness with several physical and mental health and behavioral factors, as well as to assess the modifying effect of sex and age. METHODS: Data from 20,007 participants of the cross-sectional population-based Swiss Health Survey 2012 (SHS) were analyzed. Logistic regression analyses were used to assess associations of loneliness with physical and mental health or lifestyle characteristics (e.g. diabetes, depression, physical activity). Wald tests were used to test for interactions. RESULTS: Loneliness was distributed in a slight U-shaped form from 15 to 75+ year olds, with 64.1% of participants who had never felt lonely. Lonely individuals were more often affected by physical and mental health problems, such as self-reported chronic diseases (Odds ratio [OR] 1.41, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.30-1.54), high cholesterol levels (OR 1.31, 95% CI 1.18-1.45), diabetes (OR 1.40, 95% CI 1.16-1.67), moderate and high psychological distress (OR 3.74, 95% CI 3.37-4.16), depression (OR 2.78, 95% CI 2.22-3.48) and impaired self-perceived health (OR 1.94, 95% CI 1.74-2.16). Loneliness was significantly associated with most lifestyle factors (e.g. smoking; OR 1.13, 95% 1.05-1.23). Age, but not sex, moderated loneliness' association with several variables. CONCLUSION: Loneliness is associated with poorer physical and mental health and unhealthy lifestyle, modified by age, but not by sex. Our findings illustrate the importance of considering loneliness for physical and mental health and lifestyle factors, not only in older and younger, but also in middle-aged adults. Longitudinal studies are needed in Switzerland to elucidate the causal relationships of these associations.

Roberts J. E., Gotlib I. H., & Kassel J. D . ( 1996).

Adult attachment security and symptoms of depression: The mediating roles of dysfunctional attitudes and low self-esteem

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70( 2), 310-320.

DOI:10.1037//0022-3514.70.2.310      URL     PMID:8636884      [本文引用: 1]

Three studies investigated the relation between adult attachment security and symptoms of depression. Study l examined the overall magnitude of the association between adult attachment and depression, and Studies 2 and 3 tested whether this relation was mediated by dysfunctional attitudes and low self-esteem. Results from the three studies were consistent with a mediation model. This model suggests that insecure adult attachment styles are associated with dysfunctional attitudes, which in turn predispose to lower levels of self-esteem. Such depletions in self-esteem are directly associated with increases in depressive symptoms over time. Insecure attachment appears to lead to depressive symptoms in adulthood through its impact on self-worth contingencies and self-esteem.

Santini Z. I., Fiori K. L., Feeney J., Tyrovolas S., Haro J. M., & Koyanagi A . ( 2016).

Social relationships, loneliness, and mental health among older men and women in Ireland: A prospective community-based study

Journal of Affective Disorders, 204, 59-69.

DOI:10.1016/j.jad.2016.06.032      URL     PMID:27337705      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract BACKGROUND: Data is lacking on the association of interpersonal stressors and social isolation with mental disorders and the mediating role of loneliness. Thus, we examined this association prospectively using community-based data. METHODS: Data on 6105 adults aged 鈮50 years from the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) was analyzed. Mental health outcomes were assessed 2 years after baseline. Depressive and anxiety symptoms were evaluated with validated scales. Multivariable linear regression and mediation analyses were conducted. RESULTS: Higher levels of spousal support, less strain from spouse and better social network integration were protective against depressive symptoms in men. Social support from friends and children was protective against depressive symptoms in both genders. Higher levels of social strain from children were positively associated with depressive symptoms in women. Loneliness was a significant mediator in the majority of these associations. CONCLUSION: Interventions aimed at increasing relationship quality and strengthening existing social network structures, with a specific focus on reducing feelings of loneliness, may be beneficial in the prevention of depressive symptoms among older adults. Copyright 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Schmitt D. P., Alcalay L., Allensworth M., Allik J., Ault L., Austers I., … Zupanèiè A . ( 2004).

Patterns and universals of adult romantic attachment across 62 cultural regions: Are models of self and of other pancultural constructs?

Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 35( 4), 367-402.

DOI:10.1177/0022022104266105      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Timm, T.M., &Keiley M.K . ( 2011).

The effects of differentiation of self, adult attachment, and sexual communication on sexual and marital satisfaction: A path analysis

Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 37( 3), 206-223.

DOI:10.1080/0092623X.2011.564513      URL     PMID:21512940      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract This article explores the relations among differentiation of self, adult attachment, sexual communication, sexual satisfaction, and marital satisfaction, in a path analysis model. In a sample of 205 married adults, the path analysis results indicated that (a) differentiation of self had no direct effect on marital or sexual satisfaction, although it was significantly related to sexual communication; (b) adult attachment had a direct effect on marital satisfaction, but not on sexual satisfaction; (c) sexual communication is a mediating variable; (d) sexual communication was positively related to sexual satisfaction and marital satisfaction; and (e) no gender differences existed in the model.

van Assche L., Luyten P., Bruffaerts R., Persoons P., van de Ven L., & Vandenbulcke M . ( 2013).

Attachment in old age: Theoretical assumptions, empirical findings and implications for clinical practice

Clinical Psychology Review, 33( 1), 67-81.

DOI:10.1016/j.cpr.2012.10.003      URL     PMID:23128036      [本文引用: 3]

Contemporary theoretical models that conceptualize attachment as a biologically-based behavioral system that is activated under threat offer a heuristic theoretical framework to understand processes involved in aging and particularly individual differences in coping with the inevitable losses associated with aging and age-related disease, including dementia. This paper provides a systematic qualitative review of research concerning attachment in old age published between 1983 and June 2012. Four major findings emerged. First, studies suggest age-related changes with regard to the number and type of attachment figures, with older adults, compared to younger adults, having less attachment relations. Moreover, so-called symbolic attachments (e.g., to God or a deceased loved one) become more prominent in old age. Second, the quality of attachment changes with increasing age, with significant decreases in attachment anxiety, but not in attachment avoidance. Third, late-life attachment is in theoretically predicted ways associated with indices of intraindividual and interindividual functioning. Finally, insecure attachment has a negative impact on subjective caregiver burden and behavior of patients with dementia. There is some evidence suggesting that attachment-based interventions show positive effects in treating problem behaviors associated with dementia. However, these conclusions need to be interpreted within the context of important methodological limitations, stressing the need for future research in this domain. Guidelines for future research are outlined.

Wang, D.H., &Zhang M.Y . ( 2011).

The features of spouse support and its relationship with marital attachment and marital satisfaction among older adults

Psychological Development and Education, 27( 2), 195-201.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 王大华, 张明妍 . ( 2011).


心理发展与教育, 27( 2), 195-201.]

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Wang D. H., Yang X. Y., Wang Y., & Miller R. B . ( 2015).

The assessment of marital attachment and its relationship with general attachment among older adults

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 47( 9), 1133-1142.

[本文引用: 14]

[ 王大华, 杨小洋, 王岩, Miller, R.B. ( 2015).


心理学报, 47( 9), 1133-1142.]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2015.01133      URL     [本文引用: 14]

A total of 697 older adults, over 60 years old, dwelling in communities in Beijing participated in the current study. The participants completed the Older Adults Marital Attachment Scale (Zhai, et al., 2010), Relationship Questionnaire (Bartholomew &Horowitz, 1991), Marital Satisfaction subscale (Olson, Fournier, & Druckman, 1983), 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale (Burke, Roccaforte, & Wengel, 1991) and the Clock Drawing Test. After 86 of them with either dementia or depression were excluded, the final valid sample size was 611 participants. The cases were divided randomly into two subsets, one for exploratory factor analysis, and the other for confirmatory factor analysis. Cluster analysis and cross-tab analysis were then conducted on the total data. The SPSS 17.0 and Mplus 7.0 were used for analysis.The main findings were as follows: (1) the final 15-item revised OAMAS showed a three-dimensional construct of attachment, namely anxiety, avoidance, and security; (2) the revised OAMAS exhibited acceptable reliability and good criterion-related validity; (3) the older adults marital attachment could be clustered into four types, including secure, preoccupied, dismissing, and fearful. The secure and the preoccupied comprised the major marital attachment style with 43.9% and 22.9%, respectively; (4) with regard to general attachment, the majority included the secure and dismissing types; and (5) about 39.9% of the total sample presented identical attachment types between marital relationship and general relationship.These results indicated that the three dimensioned Older Adults Marital Attachment Scale could be a desired measure in studies concerning marital attachment among older adults. In addition, general attachment shaped in early life might not robustly predict the specified attachment in such as marital relationship. From a developmental viewpoint, the moderate consistency between marital and general attachment styles in later life also suggested that the attachment is a contextual property, instead of a stable trait.

Wu M. L. ( 2013).

Structural equation model: Amos advanced practice

Chongqing, China: Chongqing University Press.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 吴明隆 . ( 2013).

结构方程模型: Amos实务进阶

重庆: 重庆大学出版社.]

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本书深入地剖析了在进行结构方程模型检验时常犯的错误, 并对诸如不适当解值及整体适配度指标的判别、修正指标的使用及模型界定、验证性因素分析、潜在及混合变量的路径分析等进行了深入地探讨。

Wu, Y., &Wen ,Z.L . ( 2011).

Item parceling strategies in structural equation modeling

Advances in Psychological Science, 19( 12), 1859-1867.

[本文引用: 2]

[ 吴艳, 温忠麟 . ( 2011).


心理科学进展, 19( 12), 1859-1867.]

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Xie Q. L., Wan R., & Zhang R . ( 2017).

The relationships between the personality trait, self-esteem and loneliness of the rural left-behind elderly

Chinese Journal of Gerontology, 37( 7), 3338-3339.

[本文引用: 5]

[ 谢其利, 宛蓉, 张睿 . ( 2017).


中国老年学杂志, 37( 7), 3338-3339.]

[本文引用: 5]

Xie X. L., Duan H., & Gu C. H . ( 2014).

Older adults’ attachment affects their satisfaction with life: The mediating effect of loneliness

Journal of Psychological Science, 37( 6), 1421-1425.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 谢祥龙, 段慧, 谷传华 . ( 2014).

老年人依恋对生活满意度的影响: 孤独感的中介作用

心理科学, 37( 6), 1421-1425.]

URL     [本文引用: 1]


Xiong H. X., Zhang J., Ye B. J., Zheng X., & Sun P. Z . ( 2012).

Common method variance effects and the models of statistical approaches for controlling it

Advances in Psychological Science, 20( 5), 757-769.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 熊红星, 张璟, 叶宝娟, 郑雪, 孙配贞 . ( 2012).


心理科学进展, 20( 5), 757-769.]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2012.00757      URL     [本文引用: 1]

共同方法变异(common method variance,CMV)指两个变量之间变异的重叠是因为使用同类测量工具而导致,而不是代表潜在构念之间的真实关系。虽然以往研究显示CMV不一定导致研究结果的偏差,在实际研究中应当加以考量。特别是在使用测量方法的研究中,如果数据来源越单一,测量方法越类似,CMV效应使研究结果产生偏差的可能性越大。CMV效应的控制方法包括过程控制法和统计控制法。在统计控制法的选择和使用上,需要重点考虑该方法是否分离了三大变异(特质变异、方法变异和误差变异),CMV效应是在测量构念层面还是题目层面,CMV效应是加法效应还是乘法效应。控制潜在方法因子途径是统计控制方法中最重要的一类方法,理解其模型是正确使用这类方法的前提。未来研究应当关注多个研究的CMV效应和侧重评估某个理论研究中CMV所引起的潜在的效度威胁。

Zhai X. Y., Li C. H., Wei H., & Wang D. H . ( 2010).

The development of the questionnaire of marital attachment for older adults

Psychological Development and Education, 26( 2), 197-204.

[本文引用: 16]

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心理发展与教育, 26( 2), 197-204.]

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Zhang C. L., Zhang G. B., Li Z., & Wu Y. G . ( 2012).

Investigation of loneliness of 151 cases Zhuang staying behind elderly people in rural

Jilin Medical Journal, 33( 19), 4140-4141.

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吉林医学, 33( 19), 4140-4141.]

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Zhang X., Chen X., Ran G. M., & Ma Y. X . ( 2016).

Adult children’s support and self-esteem as mediators in the relationship between attachment and subjective well-being in older adults

Personality and Individual Differences, 97, 229-233.

DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2016.03.062      URL     [本文引用: 12]

61Adult children's support partially mediated the relation between attachment anxiety and subjective well-being.61Adult children's support fully mediated the relation between attachment avoidance and subjective well-being.61Self-esteem fully mediated the relation between attachment avoidance and subjective well-being.

Zhou L., Li Z., Hu M., & Xiao S. Y . ( 2012).

Reliability and validity of ULS-8 loneliness scale in elderly samples in a rural community

Journal of Central South University (Medical Science), 37( 11), 1124-1128.

[本文引用: 2]

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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1672-7347.2012.11.008      URL     [本文引用: 2]

目的:探讨ULS-8孤独感量表在农村社区老年人中的信度、效度。方法:通过面对面访谈,在839名农村社区老年人中完成问卷调查,对部分研究对象两周后实施重测。结果:探索性因素分析结果发现ULS-6(剔除条目3和条目6后)符合原文的理论构想;ULS.6总量表的Cronbach‘s α系数为O.831,重测信度为0.715,条目与总分的相关系数均具有统计学意义;经统计学检验,总量表得分与老年人生活质量、社会支持、自杀意念、重性抑郁发作均显著相关,证明ULS-6量表具有较好的实证效度。结论:ULS.6量表信度、效度均较好,符合心理学测量的要求,可以用于我国农村社区老年人中孤独感的调查。


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