ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报, 2018, 50(12): 1336-1345 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.01336



王永胜, 赵冰洁, 陈茗静, 李馨, 闫国利, 白学军,

教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地, 天津 300074

Influence of the frequency of fixated words and the number of strokes of parafoveal words on saccadic target selection in Chinese reading

WANG Yongsheng, ZHAO Bingjie, CHEN Mingjing, LI Xin;, YAN Guoli, BAI Xuejun,

Academy of Psychology and Behaviour, Tianjin Normal University,Key Research Base of Humanities and Social Sciences of Ministry of Education, Tianjin 300074, China

通讯作者: 白学军,

收稿日期: 2017-08-30   网络出版日期: 2018-11-30

基金资助: * 天津市哲学社会科学项目资助.  TJJX17-011

Received: 2017-08-30   Online: 2018-11-30


研究探讨汉语读者选择眼跳目标时, 中央凹注视词的加工负荷是否影响副中央凹获取信息量, 进而调节随后的眼跳长度。采用眼动追踪技术, 操纵了中央凹注视词的词频(高频、低频)和副中央凹词的笔画数(多笔画、少笔画)。结果发现:从中央凹词到副中央凹少笔画词的眼跳长度显著地长于到多笔画词的, 且这种笔画数效应并不受中央凹加工负荷的调节; 从高频中央凹词到副中央凹词的眼跳长度显著地长于低频词的。在本实验条件下结果提示:中央凹加工负荷在眼跳目标选择中的作用不是通过调节副中央凹获取信息量的多少来实现的。

关键词: 汉语阅读 ; 眼跳目标选择 ; 中央凹加工 ; 副中央凹加工


In alphabetic languages, such as English, the spaces between words are one kind of cue of visual word segmentation that guides the reader in selecting the word center as the saccadic target. Previous studies have shown that in English reading, such visual word boundaries can be extracted from parafoveal vision. However, no visual word boundary serves as a saccadic target for selection in Chinese reading. Most recently, several researchers have claimed that Chinese readers adjust their saccade length to accommodate lexical processing, rather than moving their eyes to specific saccadic targets. The properties of fixated words affect the subsequent saccadic target selection. For example, the saccade length is longer for high- than for low-frequency words. Moreover, parafoveal processing also has an important influence on the modulation of saccade length. Some researchers have nonetheless found that the load of fixated word processing modulates the processing of parafoveal words, where readers then adjust the selection of the next saccade target, though several studies have failed to find an interaction between the fixated word and foveal and parafoveal processing.

Given the evidence that the frequency of fixated words and the strokes of parafoveal words significantly influence the upcoming saccade length, in the present study, the frequency of fixated words in foveal processing and the strokes of parafoveal words were manipulated to explore the relationship between foveal processing and parafoveal processing on saccade target selection. If the load of processing of fixated words modulates the processing of the word in parafoveal vision, then we predicted that the effect of parafoveal word strokes from adjusting the current saccade length would be more pronounced when the fixated word is processed in high- rather than in low-frequency foveal processing.

The results showed that participants fixated on low-frequency words for a significantly longer time than for high-frequency words; they fixated on parafoveal words with a low number of strokes for a significantly shorter time than those with a high number of strokes; the saccade length of high-frequency words was longer than that of low-frequency words; the upcoming saccade length in parafoveal vision was significantly longer for words with a low than a high number of strokes; and the location of the initial fixation on words with a low number of strokes was closer to the word centre than with words with a high number of strokes. Unfortunately, we failed to observe significant interactions between these two factors for any eye movement measures used in the present study.

The results indicate that the frequency of fixated word and the number of strokes of parafoveal words independently affect the selection of saccadic targeting in Chinese reading.

Keywords: Chinese reading ; saccade-target selection ; foveal processing ; parafoveal processing

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王永胜, 赵冰洁, 陈茗静, 李馨, 闫国利, 白学军. 中央凹加工负荷与副中央凹信息在汉语阅读眼跳目标选择中的作用 . 心理学报[J], 2018, 50(12): 1336-1345 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.01336

WANG Yongsheng, ZHAO Bingjie, CHEN Mingjing, LI Xin;, YAN Guoli, BAI Xuejun. Influence of the frequency of fixated words and the number of strokes of parafoveal words on saccadic target selection in Chinese reading. Acta Psychologica Sinica[J], 2018, 50(12): 1336-1345 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.01336

1 问题提出

在阅读过程中, 眼球运动控制系统需要实时做出何时(when)进行眼跳、跳到何处(where)的决定, 即“when”和“where”的问题(Rayner, 2009)。“where”的问题即眼跳目标选择的问题。研究发现读者的眼跳并不是随机发生的, 例如在拼音文字(比如英语)的阅读中, 词上的首次注视位置通常落在词首和词中心之间的位置, 即偏向注视位置上(preferred viewing location, PVL) (McConkie, Kerr, Reddix, & Zola, 1988; Rayner, 1979), 而这一位置靠近在单个词汇识别中的最佳注视位置(optimal viewing position, OVP) (O’regan, 1992; O’regan & Jacobs, 1992; Vitu, O’regan, & Mittau, 1990)。副中央凹加工中获取的词间空格信息指引着读者的眼跳目标选择(Juhasz, Inhoff, & Rayner, 2005; Morris, Rayner, & Pollatsek, 1990; Perea & Acha, 2009; Pollatsek& Rayner, 1982)。当前最具代表性的眼动控制模型, 例如E-Z读者模型和SWIFT模型, 都将词的中心作为默认的眼跳位置。读者在进行眼跳计划时将词中心作为眼跳的目标位置, 但是由于眼跳误差, 注视点往往落在词的开头与词的中心之间的位置上, 即落在偏向注视位置(PVL)上(Liversedge, Gilchrist, & Everling, 2011; Reichle, Rayner, & Pollatsek, 2012; Schad & Engbert, 2012)。

汉语属于表意文字, 基本的书写单位是字, 每个汉字占有相同的空间。虽然对于汉语读者而言, 关于“词”的定义有所不同, 既存在个体差异也存在个体内差异(Hoosain, 1992; Liu & Li, 2014; 彭瑞元, 陈振宇, 2004), 且缺少外显的词边界线索(例如拼音文字中的空格信息), 但词在汉语阅读中具有重要的作用, 有研究者认为词是汉语阅读的基本加工单元(Bai, Yan, Liversedge, Zang, & Rayner, 2008; Li, Bicknell, Liu, Wei, & Rayner, 2014; Yan, Tian, Bai, & Rayner, 2006)。

汉语阅读中如何选择眼跳目标当前研究并不清楚。Yan, Kliegl, Richter, Nuthmann和Shu (2010)的研究发现当词上只有一次注视时, 注视点倾向于落在词的中心位置, 类似于拼音文字阅读中的偏向注视位置; 当词上存在多次注视时, 首次注视更多的落在词首。据此, 研究者认为汉语阅读中的眼跳目标选择依赖于副中央凹的词切分情况:如果在副中央凹加工完成了词切分, 注视点将落在下一个词的中心, 如果在副中央凹没有完成词切分, 注视点将落在下一个词的开头。但是这种注视点分布模式是否与副中央凹词切分有关, 受到了研究者的质疑。Li, Liu和Rayner (2011)采用“恒定步幅”的策略模拟了词上的首次注视位置分布, 得到了类似的注视位置分布模式。因此研究者认为, 这种注视位置分布模式可能与读者采用何种眼跳策略无关, 而是由数据分析方法造成的(Li et al., 2011; Ma, Li, & Pollatsek, 2015)。Ma等人(2015)研究三字词、三字非词的注视位置分布情况, 得到了与Yan等人(2010)类似的注视位置分布, 即使将句子中的字进行随机排列, 也得到了相同的注视位置分布。之所以在多次注视中, 首次注视偏向于词首是由于在计算首次注视位置时, 只包括了从前目标区跳向目标区的眼跳, 而目标区内的向前再注视并没有包括在内, 这种分析方法导致越靠近目标区开始的位置注视点的数量越多; 在单次注视中, 首次注视位置之所以偏向词的中心, 是由于汉语阅读中的平均眼跳长度为两个字左右, 以三个字的目标区为例, 当首次注视落在了第二个字上, 下一次眼跳跳出目标区的可能性要远大于落在目标区上, 而当首次注视落在第一个字上时, 再次注视仍落在目标区上的可能性要大于落到目标区之外, 因此在单次注视的情况下注视点倾向于落在目标区的中心(Ma et al., 2015)。

有研究者认为汉语读者并不像存在外显词切分线索的拼音文字读者一样将词的中心作为默认的眼跳目标位置, 而是一种动态调节的过程(Liu, Huang, Gao, & Reichle, 2017; Liu, Reichle, & Li, 2016)。该假设认为, 在注视时副中央凹加工获取的信息决定着随后眼跳长度, 副中央凹加工获取的信息越多随后的眼跳长度越长; 当前注视词的加工负荷调节副中央凹加工, 当前注视的加工负荷越低, 在副中央凹加工中获取的信息越多, 那么随后的眼跳长度越长。副中央凹加工影响眼跳目标选择的研究, 对这一假设提供了支持。例如, Zang, Liang, Bai, Yan和Liversedge (2013)探讨了汉语阅读过程中词间空格对注视位置的影响。结果表明, 与无空格条件相比, 平均首次注视位置在空格条件下更接近于词的中心。表明词间空格在一定程度上能够帮助读者进行眼跳定位。Li等人(2014)的研究发现, 与副中央凹词是低频词相比, 当词n+1为高频词的时候, 跳入词n+1的眼跳长度会显著增长。而且当副中央凹词为高预测时, 跳入词n+1的眼跳长度也会较长(Liu, Guo, Yu, & Reichle, 2018)。

中央凹注视词的加工负荷对眼跳目标选择的影响是否通过调节副中央凹加工获取的信息量来完成仍存在争议。虽然之前一些研究表明, 中央凹注视词的加工影响随后的眼跳长度, 中央凹加工负荷越低, 随后的眼跳长度越长(Liu, Reichle, & Li, 2015; Liu et al., 2017; Wei, Li, & Pollatsek, 2013; 王永胜, 2016), 但研究者认为中央凹加工负荷对眼跳长度的影响是通过调节副中央凹加工获取信息的多少来完成的。Liu等人(2015)操纵了中央凹注视词的词频(高、低)和副中央凹的信息可见性(可见、不可见), 以考察二者对眼跳目标选择的影响。该研究假设:在中央凹注视词向前的眼跳长度上, 如果汉语读者眼跳目标的选择主要受注视词加工特征的影响, 那么不论副中央凹预视信息是否可见, 都应存在中央凹注视词频的主效应; 如果汉语读者眼跳目标的选择主要受副中央凹加工的影响, 那么只有当副中央凹预视信息可见时, 才会存在注视词频的效应; 如果中央凹加工与副中央凹加工同时调节眼跳目标选择, 那么中央凹注视词频的效应在副中央凹预视信息可见时要显著地大于预视信息不可见时。实验结果发现, 只有副中央凹预视信息可见时, 中央凹注视词的词频才会影响随后的眼跳长度, 表明汉语读者的眼跳目标选择主要受副中央凹加工的影响, 中央凹注视词的加工负荷对随后眼跳长度的影响是通过调节副中央凹加工进而影响随后的眼跳长度的。中央凹注视词的加工负荷越低, 副中央凹加工获取的信息越多, 随后的眼跳长度越长。

但有研究发现, 汉语阅读中央凹注视词加工负荷不对副中央凹加工产生调节。Yan (2015)的研究中, 操纵了前目标词的笔画数(多笔画数词、少笔画数词), 同时使用边界范式操纵了目标词的预视类型(目标预视、无关词预视和非词预视), 结果发现与拼音文字不同, 当前目标词为高加工负荷的多笔画数词时, 目标词上的预视效应更大。研究者认为这是由于当前目标词加工负荷越大, 注视点停留的时间越长, 对目标词的预视加工时间越长所导致的。张慢慢(2015)、王永胜(2016)操纵了中央凹注视词的词频与副中央凹中的预视类型(目标预视和假字预视), 均没有发现中央凹词频调节副中央凹加工, 中央凹注视词加工负荷的高低并不影响副中央凹预视效应的大小。

此外, 在Liu等人(2015)的研究中, 当被试的注视点没有通过边界时, 边界之后的句子部分被“※”掩蔽。由于“※”与汉字之间存在非常明显的差异, 缺少明确的眼跳目标, 可能会对读者的正常阅读产生一定的影响。闫国利、张巧明、张兰兰和白学军(2013)探讨了使用“※”和文字作为掩蔽材料时对汉语知觉广度的影响, 结果发现使用“※”作为掩蔽材料时的知觉广度比使用文字作为掩蔽材料时的知觉广度更小, 但是眼跳幅度更大, 从而说明使用“※”可能干扰了读者正常的眼跳目标选择过程。而Yan (2015)以及张慢慢(2015)、王永胜(2016)的研究中并没有掩蔽边界之后的句子部分。因此需要进一步探讨中央凹加工负荷是否通过调节副中央凹加工获取信息的多少来影响随后的眼跳目标选择。

本研究通过操纵中央凹注视词的词频来操纵中央凹的加工负荷(Kliegl, Grabner, Rolfs, & Engbert, 2004; Rayner, Ashby, Pollatsek, & Reichle, 2004; Rayner & Raney, 1996)。研究表明双字词首字的笔画数越少, 词上的首次注视位置越靠近词的中心(Ma & Li, 2015; 孟红霞, 白学军, 闫国利, 姚海娟, 2014)。Ma和Li (2015)认为, 在副中央凹加工中即可获得词的笔画数信息:词的笔画数越少在副中央凹对其加工越充分, 跳向该词的眼跳长度越长, 注视点距离词首位置越远。因此, 本研究同时操纵副中央凹词的笔画数。以此来探讨中央凹加工负荷对眼跳目标选择的影响是否通过调节副中央凹加工获取信息的多少来完成。

在本研究中, 如果中央凹注视词加工负荷对眼跳目标选择的影响是通过调节副中央凹加工获取信息的多少来完成, 那么在从中央凹词到副中央凹词的眼跳长度上, 将存在中央凹注视词频与副中央凹词笔画数显著的交互作用, 中央凹低加工负荷(高频词)条件下副中央凹词的笔画数效应显著地大于中央凹高加工负荷(低频词)条件; 如果中央凹注视词的加工负荷并不对副中央凹加工产生调节, 那么高低中央凹注视词加工负荷条件下副中央凹加工中获取的信息不存在显著的差异, 因此不同中央

凹加工负荷条件下, 副中央凹词笔画数的作用不存在显著差异。

2 方法

2.1 被试

被试为40名天津师范大学在校本科学生, 平均年龄为20.78岁(SD = 1.21岁)。女生35名, 男生5名。被试的裸视或矫正视力正常, 母语均为汉语, 且为右利手, 均不了解实验目的。实验结束后, 被试可获得一定的报酬。

2.2 实验设计

本研究采用2(中央凹词频: 高频, 低频)×2(副中央凹笔画数: 多笔画, 少笔画)的两因素被试内实验设计。

2.3 实验材料

选择76组双字词作为中央凹注视词, 包括76个低频词(M = 7.64/百万, SD = 7.18)和76个高频词(M = 405.08/百万, SD = 458.04), 词频差异显著(t = 7.56, p < 0.001)。在总笔画数、首字笔画数与尾字笔画数上, 高频词与低频词不存在显著差异(ts < 1.03, ps > 0.05)。高频词的首字字频显著高于低频词的首字字频(t = 3.48, p = 0.001), 高频词尾字字频显著高于低频词尾字字频(t = 4.35, p < 0.001))。选取76组双字词作为副中央凹词, 根据以往实验标准将笔画数低于8画(包括8画), 定义为低笔画; 将笔画数高于12画(包括12画), 定义为多笔画(Ma & Li, 2015)。副中央凹注视词在总笔画数、首字笔画数与尾字笔画数上存在显著差异(ts > 28.20, ps < 0.001), 多笔画词与少笔画词在词频、首字字频、尾字字频差异不显著(ts < 1.47, ps > 0.05)。具体材料见表1。最后将中央凹词对和副中央凹词对组合, 放在相似的句子框架中, 句子长度为15~20个汉字。在中央凹注视词前的句子部分相同。

表1   实验材料

中央凹词高频405.08 (458.04)7.76 (2.71)7.47 (2.69)2208.96 (3995.05)2866.28 (3561.96)
低频7.64 (7.19)8.21 (3.16)7.29 (2.76)835.42 (2263.10)1203.60 (1772.83)
副中央凹词多笔画数词21.05 (46.99)13.38 (1.57)13.59 (1.77)380.16 (991.66)1256.01 (144.07)
少笔画数词21.23 (46.06)5.24 (1.16)5.45 (1.67)780.85 (2233.47)1226.78 (140.72)


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实验材料的评定。首先选择40名大学生对实验句子进行通顺性的7点评定。“1”代表非常不通顺, “7”代表非常通顺。句子通顺性为M = 6.4 (SD = 0.38)四种条件下句子的通顺性不存在显著的差异, Fs < 0.43,ps > 0.05。句子的通顺性符合实验要求。之后选择28名大学生对中央凹注视词预测性进行了评定, 呈现中央凹词之前的句子, 让被试将剩余的句子填写完整。高频词句子的预测性为(M = 0.32, SD = 1.61), 对低频词的预测性为(M = 0.31, SD = 1.99), 两种条件下中央凹注视词的预测性不存在显著的差异, t = -0.001, p = 1.00。表2为实验材料举例。

表2   实验材料举例


注:斜体字为中央凹注视词, 黑体字为副中央凹词, 在实验中均以正常形式呈现。

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2.4 实验仪器

实验采用Eyelink 1000型眼动记录仪, 采样频率为1000 Hz。被试机屏幕刷新频率为120 Hz, 分辨率为1024× 768像素。被试眼睛与屏幕之间的距离为70 cm, 刺激以28号宋体形式呈现, 每个字在屏幕上的大小为37×37像素, 每个汉字约为1.18度视角。

2.5 程序

每个被试单独施测。被试进入实验室后, 首先向被试简单的介绍实验室环境。之后, 被试开始阅读实验指导语。被试阅读完毕后, 主试向被试再简述指导语, 确保被试准确的理解实验程序。然后进行3点校准, 校准的平均值小于0.2时, 表示被试校准成功。校准完成后, 被试开始阅读屏幕上呈现的实验句子, 其中前8个句子为练习句。实验共有4组材料, 每组包括76个正式实验的句子, 每种条件下有19个句子, 每组内句子随机呈现, 每个被试只需做其中一组。实验材料中, 除了实验句子76句, 还有8个练习句和20个填充句, 其中30个句子后面有简单的“是”或“否”的判断题, 被试对问题回答的平均正确率为93.2%, 表明认真的完成了实验任务。实验过程中, 在必要时重新进行校准, 整个实验过程大约需要20~30 min。

3 结果分析

根据以往的研究, 过短或过长的注视点不能反映阅读的加工信息(Rayner, 1998; Rayner, 2009), 因此, 将注视点短于80 ms或长于800 ms的注视点删除, 并根据如下标准将不符合要求的数据进行删除:(1)在句子上的注视点少于4个; (2)追踪失败的数据(由于被试眨眼、头动等因素); (3)平均数位于3个标准差之外的数据。删除的数据占总数据的2.64%。

在数据分析中, 对眼跳目标选择的分析包括起跳位置、从中央凹注视词到副中央凹词的眼跳长度、副中央凹词上的注视位置、跳读率; 对注视时间的分析包括首次注视时间、凝视时间、单一注视时间。在眼跳目标选择的分析中, 以字为单位进行(闫国利等, 2013)。

本研究采用基于R语言(R Development Core Team, 2014)环境下的线性混合模型(Linear Mixed Model, LMM)对数据进行分析, 采用lme4数据处理包(Bates, Maechler, & Bolker, 2012)对数据进行分析。使用LMM数据处理技术在分析数据时, 指定被试和项目作为交叉随机效应。使用马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗(Markov-Chain Monte Carlo)的算法得出事后分布的模型参数来作为显著性的估计值, 能同时反映来自被试和项目中的变异(Baayen, Davidson, & Bates, 2008)。模型在运行过程中, 对分析指标进行了log转换, 而对跳读数据则进行logistic lme转换。本实验中的线性模型是将中央凹词词频、副中央凹词的笔画数以及两因素的交互作用作为固定因素来进行分析。由于高频词首字和尾字的字频显著高于低频词, 因此在眼跳目标选择相关指标时, 将首字字频和尾字字频作为协变量纳入到了模型当中进行分析。在交互作用显著时, 对高频中央凹词条件下副中央凹多笔画数词与少笔画数词进行了比较。

3.1 注视目标选择分析


表3   副中央凹词的眼跳目标和注视位置分析

起跳位置0.91 (0.55)0.91 (0.53)0.90 (0.54)0.88 (0.52)
中央凹词到副中央凹词眼跳长度1.93 (0.53)2.00 (0.50)1.89 (0.51)1.90 (0.55)
中央凹词向前眼跳长度2.03 (0.61)2.18 (0.67)1.98 (0.60)2.10 (0.75)
平均首次注视位置0.95 (0.50)1.02 (0.53)0.94 (0.51)0.95 (0.55)
单次注视位置1.04 (0.45)1.09 (0.49)1.02 (0.48)1.06 (0.50)
多次注视中的首次注视位置0.63 (0.52)0.68 (0.55)0.63 (0.49)0.54 (0.50)

注:表中为平均数, 括号内为标准差。各指标的单位为字。

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表4   注视词频、副中央凹词笔画数在眼跳目标选择分析指标上的固定效应估计值


注:***表示p < 0.001, **表示p < 0.01, *表示p < 0.05, §表示p < 0.1。下同

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在中央凹词到副中央凹词眼跳的起跳位置上, 中央凹词频与副中央凹词笔画数两因素的主效应及交互作用均不显著(ts < 0.88, ps > 0.05)。

在中央凹词到副中央凹词的眼跳长度上, 中央凹词频主效应显著(b = -0.037, SE = 0.013, t = -2.80, p = 0.006), 从高频中央凹词跳向副中央凹词的眼跳长度显著地长于从低频词跳出的眼跳长度。副中央凹词笔画数主效应显著(b = 0.029, SE = 0.013, t = 2.10, p = 0.042), 中央凹词跳向少笔画数副中央凹词的眼跳长度显著地长于跳向多笔画数词的眼跳长度。两因素的交互作用不显著(b = 0.026, SE = 0.028, t = 0.94, p > 0.05)。

在中央词向前眼跳长度上, 中央凹词频主效应显著(b = -0.034, SE = 0.014, t = -2.49, p = 0.015), 高频中央凹词的向前眼跳长度显著地长于低频词上的向前眼跳长度。副中央凹词笔画数主效应显著(b = 0.055, SE = 0.016, t = 3.35, p = 0.002), 当副中央凹词为少笔画数词时中央凹词向前眼跳长度显著地长于多笔画数词条件。两因素的交互作用不显著(b = -0.023, SE = 0.031, t = 0.76, p > 0.05)。

在注视位置各指标上, 中央凹词频的主效应在多次注视的首次注视位置上边缘显著(b = -0.078, SE = 0.046, t = -1.70, p = 0.09), 在平均首次注视位置以及单次注视位置上均没有发现中央凹词频的主效应。在平均首次注视位置上, 副中央凹词笔画数的主效应边缘显著(b = 0.046, SE = 0.025, t = 1.82, p = 0.074); 在单次注视位置上, 副中央凹词笔画数主效应边缘显著(b = 0.051, SE = 0.026, t = 1.96, p = 0.055); 在多次注视位置的首次注视位置上并没有发现副中央凹词笔画数的主效应(ts < 1.7, ps > 0.05)。两因素的交互作用在注视位置各指标上均不显著(ts < 1.16, ps > 0.05)。

进一步通过贝叶斯分析检验了中央凹词频与副中央凹词笔画数交互作用不显著的可靠性。将即包含两因素主效应也包含两因素交互作用的全模型和包含两因素主效应的模型对比, 分析结果更加支持两因素之间不存在交互作用(中央凹词到副中央凹词眼跳长度:9.63 : 1; 中央凹词向前眼跳长度:4.65 : 1)。

将中央凹词首字、尾字字频作为协变量纳入到模型当中进行分析, 在中央凹词到中央凹词的眼跳长度, 首字字频与词频的交互作用显著(b = -0.030, SE = 0.011, t = -2.79, p = 0.006)。简单效应分析发现当中央凹词为低频词时, 字频效应显著, 字频越高眼跳长度越长(b = 0.098, SE = 0.037, t = 2.66, p = 0.008)。尾字字频的主效应显著(b = 0.018, SE = 0.006, t = 3.16, p = 0.002), 且与副中央凹词笔画数的交互作用边缘显著(b = -0.017, SE = 0.009, t = -1.88, p = 0.06)。简单效应分析发现, 中央凹词尾字为高频字时副中央凹多笔画数词与少笔画数数词之间的差异(1.97 vs 2.00) (b = 0.057, SE = 0.029, t = 1.94, p = 0.052)小于中央凹词尾字为低频字时副中央凹多笔画数词与少笔画数词之间的差异(1.86 vs 1.91) (b = 0.053, SE = 0.027, t = 1.96, p = 0.05)。中央凹词向前眼跳长度上的分析结果相同。

此外, 我们选择了52组实验材料, 在词频上存在显著差异(t = 10.38, p < 0.001), 但首字与尾字笔画数、字频均不存在显著差异(ts < 1.90, p > 0.05), 副中央凹词笔画数存在显著差异(ts > 21.55, p < 0.001), 以检验排除字频差异后, 中央凹注视词词频是否仍对眼跳目标选择产生影响。结果发现, 在中央凹词到副中央凹词的眼跳长度上, 词频主效应边缘显著(b = 0.031, SE = 0.017, t = 1.81, p = 0.075), 高频词上的向前眼跳长度长于低频词; 两因素交互作用不显著(b = 0.025, SE = 0.033, t = 0.77, p = 0.44)。

在眼跳目标选择相关指标的分析上, 发现了中央凹词频与副中央凹笔画数的作用, 但是并没有发现两因素的交互作用, 表明中央凹加工对眼跳目标选择产生影响并不是通过调节副中央凹加工产生的。

3.2 注视时间分析

中央凹词与副中央凹词的注视时间进行了分析, 注视结果与分析结果见表5表6

表5   中央凹词与副中央凹词的注视结果

中央凹词注视时间首次注视时间229 (73)239 (81)246 (83)249 (82)
凝视时间268 (119)268 (120)291 (132)306 (146)
单一注视时间228 (72)236 (79)244 (82)249 (83)
总注视时间383 (227)401 (237)449 (266)464 (275)
跳读率0.08 (0.26)0.09 (0.27)0.08 (0.27)0.08 (0.27)
副中央凹词注视时间首次注视时间252 (85)251 (89)261 (88)251 (84)
凝视时间305 (136)295 (135)311 (136)300 (134)
单一注视时间256 (86)251 (89)264 (88)251 (84)
总注视时间462 (287)431 (270)486 (278)456 (276)
跳读率0.05 (0.21)0.08 (0.26)0.05 (0.21)0.09 (0.28)

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表6   注视词频、副中央凹词笔画数在注视时间指标上的固定效应估计值


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在中央凹词的注视时间分析上, 词频的主效应显著, 高频词的注视时间显著地短于低频词的注视时间(首次注视时间:b = 0.053, SE = 0.013, t = 4.04, p < 0.001; 凝视时间:b = 0.095, SE = 0.019, t = 4.98, p < 0.001 ; 单一注视时间:b = 0.052, SE = 0.013, t = 3.93, p < 0.001 ; 总注视时间:b = 0.139, SE = 0.023, t = 6.05, p < 0.001)。副中央凹词笔画数的主效应在首次注视时间上显著(b = 0.024, SE = 0.012, t = 2.04, p = 0.04), 副中央凹词多笔画数的词首次注视时间显著地短于少笔画数数词。在单一注视时间上边缘显著(b = 0.025, SE = 0.014, t = 1.83, p = 0.07)。在凝视时间和总注视时间上, 副中央凹词笔画数的主效应不显著(ts < 1.75, ps > 0.05)。两因素交互作用均不显著(ts < 1.14, ps > 0.05)。在跳读率上, 两因素的主效应及交互作用均不显著(ts < 0.51, ps > 0.05)。

在副中央凹词的注视时间分析上, 首次注视时间的笔画数主效应边缘显著(b = -0.027, SE = 0.016, t = -1.71, p = 0.095), 在凝视时间、单一注视时间以及总注视时间上笔画数主效应显著(凝视时间:b = -0.047, SE = 0.017, t = -2.62, p = 0.011 ; 单一注视时间:b = -0.039, SE = 0.016, t = -2.39, p = 0.022 ; 总注视时间:b = -0.077, SE = 0.028, t = -2.65, p = 0.009), 多笔画数词的注视时间显著地长于少笔画数词的注视时间。在总注视时间上, 中央凹词频主效应显著(b = 0.066, SE = 0.024, t = 2.75, p = 0.008), 中央凹词频为低频时, 副中央凹词上的总注视时间显著地长于中央凹为高频词时。两因素的交互作用在各注视时间指标上均不显著(ts < 0.77, ps > 0.05)。

在跳读率上, 副中央凹词笔画数主效应显著(b = 0.610, SE = 0.181, t = 3.36, p < 0.001), 少笔画数词的跳读率显著地是高于多笔画数词的跳读率, 中央凹词频的主效应以及两因素的交互作用均不显著(ts < 0.51, ps > 0.05)。

在注视时间的分析上发现了显著的词频效应与笔画数效应, 表明了我们对实验操纵的有效性。在中央凹词的首次注视时间和总注视时间上发现, 副中央凹词的笔画数越少, 中央凹词的注视时间越长, 即存在副中央凹-中央凹效应。在副中央凹词的总注视时间指标上发现了词频效应, 中央凹词的词频越高, 总注视时间越短。

4 讨论

本研究同时操纵了中央凹词频和副中央凹词的笔画数, 以此探讨中央凹加工负荷对眼跳目标选择的影响是否通过调节副中央凹加工实现。在注视时间上发现了显著的词频效应与笔画数效应; 与之前研究结果类似(Li, et al., 2014; Liu, et al., 2015; Wei et al., 2013; Yan, et al., 2006; Ma & Li, 2015), 在中央凹词向前眼跳长度上, 注视词词频越高眼跳长度越长, 副中央凹词笔画数越少, 眼跳长度越长, 但是两者的交互作用不显著。

汉语阅读眼跳目标选择的动态调节假设认为, 副中央凹加工获取信息的多少调节着随后的眼跳长度, 副中央凹加工获取的信息越多, 随后的眼跳长度越长, 而不是将词上的特定位置作为眼跳目标(Liu et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2017)。本研究的结果表明, 副中央凹词的笔画数越少, 从中央凹词跳向副中央凹词的眼跳长度越长, 与之前的一些研究结果相同(Ma & Li, 2015; 孟红霞等, 2014), 符合该假设的预期。

该假设认为, 中央凹加工负荷对眼跳目标选择的影响是通过调节副中央凹加工获取信息的多少实现的, 中央凹加工负荷越低副中央凹加工获取的信息越多, 随后的眼跳长度也就越长。根据该假设, 在本研究中我们应该发现中央凹注视词频与副中央凹笔画数的交互作用, 但研究结果并没有发现两者存在显著的交互作用, 贝叶斯的分析结果也表明了这种交互作用不显著的可靠性, 与该假设的预期不同。中央凹注视词的加工负荷与副中央凹笔画数信息不存在显著交互作用的原因可能有以下两点。

首先, 虽然在拼音文字的阅读, 例如英语, 中央凹加工负荷调节副中央凹加工, 中央凹加工负荷越低, 副中央凹加工中获取的信息越多(Henderson & Ferreira, 1990), 但是汉语阅读的一些研究表明, 汉语阅读的中央凹与副中央凹加工是平行进行的(Yan, Richter, Shu, & Kliegl, 2009; Yan, Kliegl, Shu, Pan, & Zhou, 2010; 崔磊, 王穗苹, 闫国利, 白学军, 2010), 中央凹加工负荷并不对副中央凹加工产生调节(Yan, 2015; 王永胜, 2016; 张慢慢, 2015)。虽然中央凹注视词的加工负荷越高, 分配到副中央凹的注意资源越少, 但是对中央凹词的注视时间变长, 即对副中央凹词的预视时间变长, 因此不同中央凹加工负荷条件下, 副中央凹加工中获取信息的多少不存在差异。因此, 读者在使用副中央凹信息进行眼跳计划时, 表现为不受中央凹加工负荷的调节。为检验这种可能性, 我们将中央凹注视词的凝视时间(即副中央凹加工的预视时间)作为协变量纳入到数据分析模型当中。结果虽然发现预视时间影响从中央凹词到副中央凹词的眼跳长度(b = -0.076, SE = 0.014, t = 5.42, p < 0.001), 预视时间越长, 随后的眼跳长度越长, 但是预视时间与副中央凹词笔画数的交互不显著(b = -0.014, SE = 0.027, t = 0.52, p = 0.61)。表明中央凹负荷对眼跳目标选择的影响不是通过调节预视时间来实现的。因此我们认为, 读者在进行眼跳计划时, 中央凹与副中央凹加工获取的信息均会产生影响, 中央凹加工负荷的作用不赖于对副中央凹加工的调节, 两者的作用是可能是相互叠加的, 不产生相互影响。

其次, 中央凹加工与副中央凹加工虽然均会对眼跳目标选择产生显著影响, 但是两者的作用机制可能不同, 中央凹加工调节眼跳长度, 而副中央凹加工情况直接决定了眼跳的落点位置(李玉刚, 黄忍, 滑慧敏, 李兴珊, 2017)。基于加工的眼跳目标选择策略认为读者会估计一次注视时所能加工的字数, 下次注视目标为能够获取新信息的位置(Wei et al., 2013)。虽然中央凹注视词加工负荷越低, 分配到副中央凹的注意资源越多, 但注意资源分配到更多的字上。为了检验这种可能性, 在今后的研究中应该探讨不同中央凹加工负荷条件下, 右侧的知觉广度是否存在差异。此外还需同时探讨, 不同中央凹加工负荷条件下, 副中央凹信息的特性, 比如词切分、词长等对眼跳目标选择的影响, 以此探讨中央凹与副中央凹加工对眼跳目标选择的作用机制是否存在差异。

在将中央凹词的字频作为协变量进行分析时, 除了词频调节随后的眼跳长度外, 我们还发现字频同样影响随后的眼跳长度, 当中央凹注视词为低频词时, 首字字频越高随后的眼跳长度越长。之前研究表明, 低频词首字的字频越低词上的注视时间越长(Yan et al., 2006), 表明注视词的字频信息可能同样影响加工负荷进而调节随后的眼跳长度。这也可能是刘萍萍(2013)操纵了词频与对比度来考察眼跳目标选择时没有发现词频影响随后的眼跳长度的原因。Liu等人(2015)、Wei等人(2013)和王永胜(2016)的研究中虽然发现词频调节随后的眼跳长度, 但是并没有报告词的字频信息是否存在显著差异, 而刘萍萍(2013)的研究中控制了字频信息, 因此没有发现词频的作用。本研究中并没有严格操纵字频信息, 因此需要同时操纵词频与字频信息来进一步考察字水平加工与词水平加工对眼跳目标选择的影响。

此外, 本研究将中央凹注视词的字频作为协变量纳入到分析模型时, 发现中央凹注视词的尾字字频与副中央凹词笔画数, 在眼跳长度上的交互作用显著, 中央凹注视词尾字字频越低, 副中央凹词笔画数效应越显著。表明中央凹注视词的词频与字频信息均会影响眼跳目标选择, 并且与副中央凹加工的关系存在不同。这也可能是在词水平上中央凹注视词频与副中央凹词的笔画数不存在显著的交互作用的一个原因, 因此在今后的研究中需同时操纵中央凹注视词的词频、字频与副中央凹加工情况, 来探讨中央凹加工与副中央凹加工的关系是否在字、词水平上存在差异。

综上所述, 中央凹注视词的加工负荷与副中央凹词的笔画数均会影响随后的眼跳目标选择, 中央凹注视词频越高, 加工负荷越低, 随后的眼跳长度越长; 副中央凹词笔画数越少, 跳入该词的眼跳长度越长, 注视位置越靠近词中心; 中央凹加工负荷对眼跳目标选择的影响并不是通过调节副中央凹加工获取信息的多少来完成的, 今后在进行汉语读者眼跳目标选择的理论构建时, 需充分考虑中央凹加工负荷所发挥的作用。

5 结论

汉语阅读中, 中央凹注视词词频调节随后的眼跳长度; 副中央凹词的笔画数调节随后的眼跳长度; 中央凹加工负荷对眼跳目标选择产生的影响不是通过调节副中央凹加工获取信息的多少来进行的。


Baayen R. H., Davidson D. J., & Bates D. M . ( 2008).

Mixed-effects modeling with crossed random effects for subjects and items

Journal of Memory and Language, 59( 4), 390-412.

[本文引用: 1]

Bai X. J., Yan G. L., Liversedge S. P., Zang C. L., & Rayner K . ( 2008).

Reading spaced and unspaced Chinese text: Evidence from eye movements

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 34( 5), 1277-1287.

DOI:10.1037/0096-1523.34.5.1277      URL     PMID:18823210      [本文引用: 1]

Native Chinese readers' eye movements were monitored as they read text that did or did not demark word boundary information. In Experiment 1, sentences had 4 types of spacing: normal unspaced text, text with spaces between words, text with spaces between characters that yielded nonwords, and finally text with spaces between every character. The authors investigated whether the introduction of spaces into unspaced Chinese text facilitates reading and whether the word or, alternatively, the character is a unit of information that is of primary importance in Chinese reading. Global and local measures indicated that sentences with unfamiliar word spaced format were as easy to read as visually familiar unspaced text. Nonword spacing and a space between every character produced longer reading times. In Experiment 2, highlighting was used to create analogous conditions: normal Chinese text, highlighting that marked words, highlighting that yielded nonwords, and highlighting that marked each character. The data from both experiments clearly indicated that words, and not individual characters, are the unit of primary importance in Chinese reading.

Bates D., Mäechler M., & Bolker B . ( 2012).

lme4: Linear mixed-effects models using S4 classes. R package version 0


[本文引用: 1]

Cui L., Wang S. P., Yan G. L., & Bai X. J . ( 2010).

Parafoveal-on-foveal interactions in normal Chinese reading

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 42( 5), 547-558.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2010.00547      URL    

How much information can be acquired from a single fixation in normal reading-Whether words in a sentence are processed one by one (serially),or two or more words are processed in parallel,is a major dispute between serial attention shift (SAS) and distributed lexical processing models (SWIFT) of eye movement control.Assessing which type of model is more consistent with empirical data has become a hot topic in research examining eye movements during reading.The main purpose of the present study was to determine how processing of characters in the parafovea affects foveal inspection time during Chinese sentence reading.The boundary paradigm (Rayner,1975) was used in two experiments designed to examine whether processing of the fixated character was affected by the frequency of the character to the right of fixation.An invisible boundary was positioned between the two characters (N and N-1).Once the reader's eyes crossed the boundary,the incorrect preview of N was changed to the correct character,ensuring that the preview character was only available for parafoveal processing.In Experiment 1,30 university students were asked to read 48 sentences.There were two types of preview characters (high-or low-frequency),both of which were congruent with the context.When the eyes crossed the invisible boundary,both previews were changed to the same target character,which was also congruent with the context.In Experiment 2,34 university students were asked to read 76 sentences.Again,the frequency of the preview character was manipulated (high or low).Both of the two preview characters were incongruent with the sentence context,but the target character was congruent with the context.In Experiment 1,the results showed that first fixation durations and gaze durations on character n were longer with low-frequency previews than with high-frequent previews.In contrast,first fixation durations and gaze durations on character n-2 were longer in the condition where a high-frequency preview of n was being presented compared to a low-frequency preview.In Experiment 2,there were no significant differences for first fixation durations and gaze durations on character n between high or low frequency preview conditions.However,first fixation durations and gaze durations on character n-2 were longer in the condition where a low-frequency preview of n was being presented compared to a high-frequent preview-the opposite pattern observed in Experiment 1.The results showed that information about character frequency can be accessed in parafoveal preview.Furthermore,this preview information can affect processing of the currently fixated character to some extent (the results showed a strong preview effect but less stable parafoveal-on-foveal effects).The data from these experiments fit better with the theoretical assumptions of parallel processing models of eye movement control in reading.

[ 崔磊, 王穗苹, 闫国利, 白学军 . ( 2010).


心理学报, 42( 5), 547-558.]

[本文引用: 1]

Henderson J. M., &Ferreira F . ( 1990).

Effects of foveal processing difficulty on the perceptual span in reading: Implications for attention and eye movement control

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 16( 3), 417-429.

DOI:10.1037/0278-7393.16.3.417      URL     PMID:2140401      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Two experiments were conducted to examine the effects of foveal processing difficulty on the perceptual span in reading. Subjects read sentences while their eye movements were recorded. By changing the text contingent on the reader's current point of fixation, foveal processing difficulty and the availability of parafoveal word information were independently manipulated. In Experiment 1, foveal processing difficulty was manipulated by lexical frequency, and in Experiment 2 foveal difficulty was manipulated by syntactic complexity. In both experiments, less parafoveal information was acquired when processing in the fovea was difficult. We conclude that the perceptual span is variable and attentionally constrained. We also discuss the implications of the results for current models of the relation between covert visual-spatial attention and eye movement control in reading.

Hoosain R. , ( 1992).

Psychological reality of the word in Chinese. In H. C. Chen & O. J. L.Tzeng (Eds.), Language processing in Chinese

(pp. 111-130). Elsevier.

[本文引用: 1]

Juhasz B. J., Inhoff A. W., & Rayner K . ( 2005).

The role of interword spaces in the processing of English compound words

Language and Cognitive Processes, 20( 1-2), 291-316.

DOI:10.1080/01690960444000133      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Four experiments are reported which examined the role of interword spaces in the processing of English compound words. Normally nonspaced compounds (e.g., softball) as well as normally spaced compounds (e.g., front door) were presented with either their correct spatial layout (softball, front door) or with an incorrect spatial layout (soft ball, frontdoor). Lexical decisions and first fixations on the compounds showed an advantage for interword spaces. However, when refixations on the compounds were taken into account, inserting a space into a normally nonspaced compound significantly disrupted processing. This disruption was larger for adjective-noun compounds than for noun-noun compounds. The results indicate that spatially segmenting compounds facilitates access to the constituent lexemes while spatial unification of compounds benefits the specification of full compound meaning.

Kliegl R., Grabner E., Rolfs M., & Engbert R . ( 2004).

Length, frequency, and predictability effects of words on eye movements in reading

European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 16( 1-2), 262-284.

DOI:10.1080/09541440340000213      URL     [本文引用: 1]

We tested the effects of word length, frequency, and predictability on inspection durations (first fixation, single fixation, gaze duration, and reading time) and inspection probabilities during first‐pass reading (skipped, once, twice) for a corpus of 144 German sentences (1138 words) and a subset of 144 target words uncorrelated in length and frequency, read by 33 young and 32 older adults. For corpus words, length and frequency were reliably related to inspection durations and probabilities, predictability only to inspection probabilities. For first‐pass reading of target words all three effects were reliable for inspection durations and probabilities. Low predictability was strongly related to second‐pass reading. Older adults read slower than young adults and had a higher frequency of regressive movements. The data are to serve as a benchmark for computational models of eye movement control in reading.

Li X. S., Bicknell K., Liu P. P., Wei W., & Rayner K . ( 2014).

Reading is fundamentally similar across disparate writing systems: A systematic characterization of how words and characters influence eye movements in Chinese reading

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143( 2), 895-913.

DOI:10.1037/a0033580      URL     PMID:23834023      [本文引用: 2]

While much previous work on reading in languages with alphabetic scripts has suggested that reading is word-based, reading in Chinese has been argued to be less reliant on words. This is primarily because in the Chinese writing system words are not spatially segmented, and characters are themselves complex visual objects. Here, we present a systematic characterization of the effects of a wide range of word and character properties on eye movements in Chinese reading, using a set of mixed-effects regression models. The results reveal a rich pattern of effects of the properties of the current, previous, and next words on a range of reading measures, which is strikingly similar to the pattern of effects of word properties reported in spaced alphabetic languages. This finding provides evidence that reading shares a word-based core and may be fundamentally similar across languages with highly dissimilar scripts. We show that these findings are robust to the inclusion of character properties in the regression models and are equally reliable when dependent measures are defined in terms of characters rather than words, providing strong evidence that word properties have effects in Chinese reading above and beyond characters. This systematic characterization of the effects of word and character properties in Chinese advances our knowledge of the processes underlying reading and informs the future development of models of reading. More generally, however, this work suggests that differences in script may not alter the fundamental nature of reading.

Li X. S., Liu P. P., & Rayner K . ( 2011).

Eye movement guidance in Chinese reading: Is there a preferred viewing location?

Vision Research, 51( 10), 1146-1156.

DOI:10.1016/j.visres.2011.03.004      URL     PMID:21402094      [本文引用: 1]

In this study, we examined eye movement guidance in Chinese reading. We embedded either a 2-character word or a 4-character word in the same sentence frame, and observed the eye movements of Chinese readers when they read these sentences. We found that when all saccades into the target words were considered that readers eyes tended to land near the beginning of the word. However, we also found that Chinese readers eyes landed at the center of words when they made only a single fixation on a word, and that they landed at the beginning of a word when they made more than one fixation on a word. However, simulations that we carried out suggest that these findings cannot be taken to unambiguously argue for word-based saccade targeting in Chinese reading. We discuss alternative accounts of eye guidance in Chinese reading and suggest that eye movement target planning for Chinese readers might involve a combination of character-based and word-based targeting contingent on word segmentation processes.Highlights? This paper deals with how Chinese readers decide where to look next in reading. ? It notes that target selection could be based on (1) word-based targeting, (2) character-based targeting, or (3) a constant distance strategy. ? An experiment is reported and a number of simulations are provided. ? It is argued that a constant distance strategy cannot account for the data and that eye movement control is a combination of word and character-based strategies.

Li Y. G., Huang R., Hua H. M., & Li X. S . ( 2017).

How do reader select the saccade targets?

Advances in Psychological Science, 25( 3), 404-412.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2017.00404      URL    

How do readers select a landing position when they make a saccade is an interesting and important question in cognitive psychology research. For alphabetic languages(i.e., English and German) which use blank spaces to segment words, readers usually make saccades to the preferred viewing location(PVL), which is usually slightly to the left of the center of a word. For non-alphabetic languages like Chinese, however, the absence of obvious visual cues between words makes the selection of a landing position more complex. Recently, researchers have studied saccade target selection from the perspective of dynamic saccade adjustment based on foveal-parafoveal processing. They found that saccade lengths are influenced by the demands of on-going foveal and parafoveal processing. Moreover, the processing of parafoveal information directly determines the saccade lengths. However, more efforts are needed to understand precisely how saccade length is adjusted to accommodate foveal and parafoveal processing demands during the reading of both alphabetic and non-alphabetic languages.

[ 李玉刚, 黄忍, 滑慧敏, 李兴珊 . ( 2017).


心理科学进展, 25( 3), 404-412.]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2017.00404      URL     [本文引用: 1]

读者在阅读中面临如何选择眼跳落点位置的问题。研究者在有词间空格的字母文字中(如英语和德语)发现人们倾向于将眼跳落在词中心偏左的位置,这个位置被称为偏好注视位置(preferred viewing location,PVL)。中文文本并没有空格来标记词边界信息,这使得中文阅读的眼跳目标选择机制更加复杂。近年来,研究者从中央凹—副中央凹动态调节的角度研究了阅读中眼跳目标选择的机制。结果发现在中文阅读中眼跳目标选择受到中央凹和副中央凹信息加工的共同影响,而副中央凹的加工直接决定了眼跳落点位置。

Liu P., P. ( 2013).

Eye movement control during Chinese reading: How to select the saccade target (Unpublished doctorial dissertation). University of Chinese Academy of Science

[ 刘萍萍 . ( 2013).

汉语阅读时的眼动控制: 眼跳目标的选择(博士学位论文). 中国科学院大学.]

Liu P.P., & Li, X. S . ( 2014).

Inserting spaces before and after words affects word processing differently in Chinese: Evidence from eye movements

British Journal of Psychology, 105( 1), 57-68.

DOI:10.1111/bjop.12013      URL     PMID:24387096      [本文引用: 1]

Unlike in English, there are no spaces between printed words in Chinese. In this study, we explored how inserting a space before or after a word affects the processing of that word in Chinese reading. Native Chinese readers' eye movements were monitored as they read sentences with different presentation conditions. The results show that inserting a space after a word facilitates its processing, but inserting a space before a word does not show this effect and inhibits the processing of that word in some cases. Our results are consistent with the prediction of a word segmentation and recognition model in Chinese Li et al., 2009, Cognit. Psychol., 58, 525. Additionally, we found that a space guides the initial landing position on the word: the initial landing position was further away from the space that inserted into the text, whether it was before or after a word.

Liu Y. P., Guo S. Y., Yu L., & Reichle E. D . ( 2018).

Word predictability affects saccade length in Chinese reading: An evaluation of the dynamic-adjustment model

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 21( 5), 1891-1899.

DOI:10.3758/s13423-017-1357-x      URL     PMID:28762028      [本文引用: 1]

How does a word’s within-sentence predictability influence saccade length during reading? An eye-movement experiment manipulating the predictability of target words indicates that, relative to low-pre

Liu Y. P., Huang R., Gao D. G., & Reichle E. D . ( 2017).

Further tests of a dynamic-adjustment account of saccade targeting during the reading of Chinese

Cognitive Science, 41( S6), 1264-1287.

DOI:10.1111/cogs.12487      URL     PMID:28295571      [本文引用: 3]

Abstract <p>There are two accounts of how readers of unspaced writing systems (e.g., Chinese) know where to move their eyes: (a) saccades are directed toward default targets (e.g., centers of words that have been segmented in the parafovea); or (b) saccade lengths are adjusted dynamically, as a function of ongoing parafoveal processing. This article reports an eye-movement experiment supporting the latter hypothesis by demonstrating that the slope of the relationship between the saccade launch site on word N and the subsequent fixation landing site on word N + 1 is >1, suggesting that saccades are lengthened from launch sites that afford more parafoveal processing. This conclusion is then evaluated and confirmed via simulations using implementations of both hypotheses (Liu, Reichle, & Li, 2016), with a discussion of these results for our understanding of saccadic targeting during reading and existing models of eye-movement control.</p>

Liu Y. P., Reichle E. D., & Li X. S . ( 2015).

Parafoveal processing affects outgoing saccade length during the reading of Chinese

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 41( 4), 1229-1236.

DOI:10.1037/xlm0000057      URL     PMID:4345150      [本文引用: 4]

Participants' eye movements were measured while reading Chinese sentences in which target-word frequency and the availability of parafoveal processing were manipulated using a gaze-contingent boundary paradigm. The results of this study indicate that preview availability and its interaction with word frequency modulated the length of the saccades exiting the target words, suggesting important functional roles for parafoveal processing in determining where the eyes move during reading. The theoretical significance of these findings is discussed in relation to 2 current models of eye-movement control during reading, both of which assume that saccades are directed toward default targets (e.g., the center of the next unidentified word). A possible method for addressing these limitations (i.e., dynamic attention allocation) is also discussed.

Liu Y. P., Reichle E. D., & Li X. S . ( 2016).

The effect of word frequency and parafoveal preview on saccade length during the reading of Chinese

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42( 7), 1008-1025.

DOI:10.1037/xhp0000190      URL     PMID:4925191      [本文引用: 2]

Abstract There are currently 2 theoretical accounts of how readers of Chinese select their saccade targets: (a) by moving their eyes to specific saccade targets (i.e., the default-targeting hypothesis) and (b) by adjusting their saccade lengths to accommodate lexical processing (i.e., the dynamic-adjustment hypothesis). In this article, we first report the results of an eye-movement experiment using a gaze-contingent boundary paradigm. This experiment demonstrates that both target-word frequency and its preview validity modulate the lengths of the saccades entering and exiting the target words, with longer saccades to/from high-frequency words when their preview was available. We then report the results of 2 simulations using computational models that instantiate the core theoretical assumptions of the default-targeting and dynamic-adjustment hypotheses. Comparisons of these simulations indicate that the dynamic-adjustment hypothesis provides a better quantitative account of the data from our experiment using fewer free parameters. We conclude by discussing evidence for dynamic saccade adjustment during the reading of alphabetic languages, and why such a heuristic may be necessary to fully explain eye-movement control during the reading of both alphabetic and nonalphabetic languages. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved.

Liversedge S. P., Gilchrist I. D. & Everling, S. (Eds.) ,.( 2011) . The Oxford handbook of eye movements. US: Oxford University Press.

[本文引用: 1]

, Ma G.J., & Li X.S, . ( 2015).

How character complexity modulates eye movement control in Chinese reading

Reading and Writing, 28( 6), 747-761.

DOI:10.1007/s11145-015-9548-1      URL     [本文引用: 5]

This empirical study examined whether the visual complexities of the first and second characters in two-character words play similar roles in modulating the fixation time and saccade target selection during un-spaced Chinese reading. Consistent with prior research, words with low-complexity characters were fixated for shorter times than words with high-complexity characters. Critically, saccade target selection was primarily influenced by the visual complexity of the first character of a two-character word: words with low-complexity first characters were skipped more frequently, and fixation was localized nearer to the center of the word compared with the words with high-complexity first characters. These results are important for understanding the mechanisms of eye movement control in Chinese reading and thus provide benchmark data to test models of eye movement control in Chinese reading.

Ma, G. J, Li, X. S., & Pollatsek , A. ( 2015).

There is no relationship between preferred viewing location and word segmentation in Chinese reading

Visual Cognition, 23( 3), 399-414.

DOI:10.1080/13506285.2014.1002554      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In Chinese, as there are no spaces between words to mark word boundaries, readers usually do not target their eyes to the centre of the word as readers of English do. Previous studies showed that the distribution of the initial landing positions on a word (the PVL curve) peaked at the beginning of a word when there was more than one fixation; but peaked at the centre of a word if there was only one fixation on the word. Based on this phenomenon, it was argued that Chinese readers move their eyes to the beginning of a word if they cannot correctly segment words in the parafovea, but move to the centre of a word if they can. In the present study, we implemented a natural sentence reading task in Experiment 1 and a shuffled-character reading task in Experiment 2 to test whether the above PVL phenomenon was in fact caused by word segmentation. In both experiments, we found that the different PVL patterns in multiple- and single-fixation cases occurred not only for a 3-character word region but also for a 3-character nonword region. These results suggest that the different PVL curves in multiple- and single-fixation cases are likely to be due to a statistical artefact instead of parafoveal word segmentation.

McConkie G. W., Kerr P. W., Reddix M. D., & Zola D . ( 1988).

Eye movement control during reading: I. The location of initial eye fixations on words

Vision research, 28( 10), 1107-1118.

DOI:10.1016/0042-6989(88)90137-X      URL     PMID:3257013      [本文引用: 1]

Sixty-six college students read two chapters from a contemporary novel while their eye movements were monitored. The eye movement data were analyzed to identify factors that influence the location of a reader's initial eye fixation on a word. When the data were partitioned according to the location of the prior fixation (i.e. launch site), the distribution of fixation locations on the word (i.e. landing site distribution) was highly constrained, normal in shape, and not influenced by word length. The locations of initial fixations on words can be accounted for on the basis of five principles of perceptuo-oculomotor control: a word-object has a specific functional target location, a saccadic range error occurs that produces a systematic deviation of landing sites from the functional target location, the saccadic range error is reduced somewhat for saccades that follow longer eye fixations, there exists perceptuo-oculomotor variability that is a second, nonsystematic source of variation in landing sites, and the perceptuo-oculomotor variability increases with distance of the launch site from the target.

Meng H. X., Bai X. J., Yan G. L., & Yao H. J . ( 2014).

The Number of Strokes Influences Initial Landing Positions during Chinese Reading

Journal of Psychological Science, 37( 4), 809-815.


For alphabetic language scripts,the decision about where to move the eyes during reading is strongly influenced by low-level visual variables such as word length,which is provided by spacing information. In contrast,high-level linguistic variables,such as word frequency and word predictability do not have an influence on where readers move their eyes( Rayner,2009). Similar to the alphabetic writing systems,there has been evidence that word frequency and word predictability do not influence initial landing positions during Chinese reading( Guo,2012; Wu et al.,2011). However,written Chinese is a kind of ideographic writing system,which differs from alphabetic writing systems in many dimensions. Chinese uses a non-alphabetic,character-based script with square-shaped forms of different levels of visual complexity( i. e.,roughly the number of strokes) as basic writing units. Yang and McConkie( 1999)obtained a flat preferred viewing location curve,and concluded that in Chinese reading,unlike other languages,saccadic target selection is not word-based. Their results also showed that the number of strokes did not influence participants' initial landing positions.However,we think that,in their study,the width of the space between adjacent characters is equivalent to half the width of a Chinese character,which maybe influences the results. Many studies have found that the number of strokes of characters influences the processing of vocabulary recognition,therefore suggesting that readers tended to fixate characters with high complexity.In the current study,48 sentences including two-character target words were adopted to examine whether the number of strokes influenced landing positions. The number of strokes of the first and the second constituent characters of target words were manipulated.The target words never occurred at the beginning or the end of the sentences. All experimental sentences were 17 to 27 characters in length( M = 19. 84 characters). The sentences were rated on a 7-point scale for their naturalness by 20 participants who did not take part in the eye-tracking study. The mean naturalness score was 5. 97( where a score of 7 was very natural). 60 participants were asked to read the experimental sentences which included target words,and their eye movements were monitored as they read texts. The participants' eye movements were recorded with an SR Research EyeLink 2000 eye tracker that monitored the position of the right eye every 1 ms. The stimuli were presented on a 19-inch ViewSonic monitor with a 1,024 768 pixel resolution. Each participant was tested individually. They were required to read the sentences and understand them to the best of their ability. When they completed reading a sentence,they pushed a button box to terminate the display. They were instructed that occasionally a comprehension question would appear after a sentence and that they should try hard to answer the question correctly.We found that eye movement behaviors were different in different fixation cases. When there was only one fixation on a target word,the first fixations mostly landed on the centre of the word. Therefore,we found a preferred viewing location in single-fixation cases during Chinese reading. While there were multiple fixations on a target word,readers first fixated at the beginning of the target word. In those multiple fixation cases,if the first fixation landed at the beginning of a target word,the probability of refixating of this word was the highest. Importantly,we found that when the number of first character's strokes is high,readers mostly fixated at the first character.In addition,the numbers of strokes of the first and second characters both influence the probability of refixation. We argued that Chinese children use the " strategy-tactics" approach during reading.

[ 孟红霞, 白学军, 闫国利, 姚海娟 . ( 2014).


心理科学, 37(4), 809-815.]

[本文引用: 2]

Morris R. K., Rayner K., & Pollatsek A . ( 1990).

Eye movement guidance in reading: The role of parafoveal letter and space information

Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance, 16( 2), 268-281.

DOI:10.1037//0096-1523.16.2.268      URL     PMID:2142198      [本文引用: 1]

Considerable data in the literature on eye movement control in reading indicates that there is a close relation between visual characteristics of the text and the pattern of fixations. The moving-window technique developed by researchers has been instrumental in studying both the control of eye movements in reading and the size of the perceptual spam. In particular, experiments in which the moving-window technique is used have demonstrated that decreasing the amount of parafoveal information to the left of the currently fixated word has little influence on reading, whereas restricting information to the right of fixation has powerful effects on both reading rate and saccade length.

O’Regan J.K., (1992).

Optimal viewing position in words and the strategy-tactics theory of eye movements in reading. In: Rayner K. (eds) Eye movements and visual cognition. Springer Series in Neuropsychology (pp. 333-354)

Springer New York.

O'Regan J.K., & Jacobs A.M, . ( 1992).

Optimal viewing position effect in world recognition: A challenge to current theory

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 18( 1), 185-197.

DOI:10.1037/0096-1523.18.1.185      URL     [本文引用: 2]

This article presents a study on optimal viewing position effect in word recognition. The result of this experiment is the finding that the optimal viewing position phenomenon also occurs with the lexical decision task. As can be seen from the slopes of the curves, the strength of the effect amounts to a penalty of slightly more than 20 ms for each additional letter by which the eye deviates from the optimal viewing position. The size of this penalty is similar to that found in our earlier work, which used gaze duration and naming latency, and is amazingly large.

Peng J-Y, &Chen J-Y. , ( 2004).

Even words are right, odd ones are odd: Explaining word segmentation inconsistency among Chinese readers

Chinese Journal of Psychology, 46( 1), 49-55.

[ 彭瑞元, 陈振宇 . ( 2004).

“偶语易安, 奇字难适”: 探讨中文读者断词不一致之原因

中华心理学刊, 46( 1), 49-55.]

[本文引用: 1]

Perea M, & Acha J , ( 2009).

Space information is important for reading

Vision Research, 49( 15), 1994-2000.

DOI:10.1016/j.visres.2009.05.009      URL     PMID:19463847      [本文引用: 1]

Reading a text without spaces in an alphabetic language causes disruption at the levels of word identification and eye movement control. In the present experiment, we examined how word discriminability affects the pattern of eye movements when reading unspaced text in an alphabetic language. More specifically, we designed an experiment in which participants read three types of sentences: normally written sentences, regular unspaced sentences, and alternating unspaced sentences. Although there was a reading cost in the unspaced sentences relative to the normally written sentences, this cost was much smaller in alternating unspaced sentences than in regular unspaced sentences.

Pollatsek A, & Rayner K . (1982).

Eye movement control in reading: The role of word boundaries

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 8( 6), 817-833.

DOI:10.1037/0096-1523.8.6.817      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Three experiments, involving 19 members of a university community, examined the functions of spaces between words in the reading of text. Certain spaces in stimulus sentences were filled contingent upon the reader's fixation: all spaces to the right of fixation, all spaces to the right of fixation except in the 1st, or only the 1st space to the right of fixation. Several space-filling characters were used: random letters, random digits, and "gratings." In addition, the onset of the space fillers was delayed 0-250 msec into the fixation. In the 1st-space-preserved conditions, the space fillers had no effect if they were delayed more than 50 msec, and there was little difference in the amount of interference resulting from the various space-filling characters. In the other 2 conditions, the space fillers produced interference at all delays studied, and letters were considerably more interfering as space fillers than were digits or gratings. Results are consistent with a 2-process theory in which filling parafoveal spaces disrupts the guidance of the next eye movement and filling foveal spaces disrupts the processing of the fixated word as well. (22 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

R Development Core Team ( 2014).

R: A language and environment for statistical computing. Vienna, Austria: The R Foundation for Statistical Computing. URL:

2014). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. Vienna, Austria: The R Foundation for Statistical Computing. URL:


Rayner K ( 1979).

Eye guidance in reading: Fixation locations within words

Perception, 8( 1), 21-30.

[本文引用: 1]

Rayner K ( 1998).

Eye movements in reading and information processing: 20 years of research

Psychological Bulletin, 124( 3), 372-422.

[本文引用: 1]

Rayner K ( 2009).

Eye movements and attention in reading, scene perception, and visual search

The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62( 8), 1457-1506.

DOI:10.1080/17470210902816461      URL     PMID:19449261      [本文引用: 2]

Eye movements are now widely used to investigate cognitive processes during reading, scene perception, and visual search. In this article, research on the following topics is reviewed with respect to reading: (a) the perceptual span (or span of effective vision), (b) preview benefit, (c) eye movement control, and (d) models of eye movements. Related issues with respect to eye movements during scene perception and visual search are also reviewed. It is argued that research on eye movements during reading has been somewhat advanced over research on eye movements in scene perception and visual search and that some of the paradigms developed to study reading should be more widely adopted in the study of scene perception and visual search. Research dealing with “real-world” tasks and research utilizing the visual-world paradigm are also briefly discussed.

Rayner K., Ashby J., Pollatsek A., & Reichle E. D . ( 2004).

The effects of frequency and predictability on eye fixations in reading: Implicationsfor the E-Z Reader model

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 30( 4), 720-732.

DOI:10.1037/0096-1523.30.4.720      URL     PMID:15301620      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Readers read sentences containing target words varying in frequency and predictability. The observed pattern of data for fixation durations only mildly departed from additivity, with predictability effects that were slightly larger for low-frequency than for high-frequency words. The pattern of data for skipping was different as predictability affected only the probability of skipping for high-frequency target words. Simulations of these data using the E-Z Reader model indicated that a single-process model was unlikely to provide a good fit for both measures. A version of the model that assumes that (a) word-encoding time is additively affected by frequency and predictability and (b) difficulty with postlexical processing of the target word causes a double take accounted for the data while indicating that the relationship between the duration of hypothesized word-encoding stages and observed fixation durations is not likely to be transparent.

Rayner K, & Raney, G. E . ( 1996).

Eye movement control in reading and visual search: Effects of word frequency. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 3(2), 245-248

[本文引用: 1]

Reichle E. D., Rayner K., & Pollatsek A . ( 2012).

Eye movements in reading versus nonreading tasks: Using E-Z Reader to understand the role of word/stimulus familiarity

Visual Cognition, 20( 4-5), 360-390.

DOI:10.1080/13506285.2012.667006      URL     PMID:3374660      [本文引用: 1]

In this paper, we extend our previous work (Reichle, Pollatsek, & Rayner, 2012) using the principles of the E-Z Reader model to examine the factors that determine when and where the eyes move in both reading and nonreading tasks, and in particular the role that word/stimulus familiarity plays in determining when the eyes move from one word/stimulus to the next. In doing this, we first provide a brief overview of E-Z Reader, including its assumption that word familiarity is the ngine driving eye movements during reading. We then review the theoretical considerations that motivated this assumption, as well as recent empirical evidence supporting its validity. We also report the results of three new simulations that were intended to demonstrate the utility of the familiarity check in three tasks: (1) reading; (2) searching for a target word embedded in text; and (3) searching for the letter O in linear arrays of Landolt Cs. The results of these simulations suggest that the familiarity check always improves task efficiency by speeding its rate of performance. We provide several arguments as to why this conclusion is not likely to be true for the two nonreading tasks, and, in the final section of the paper, we provide a fourth simulation to test the hypothesis that problems associated with the misidentification of words may also curtail the too liberal use of word familiarity.

Schad D.J., & Engbert R. , (2012).

The zoom lens of attention: Simulating shuffled versus normal text reading using the SWIFT model

Visual Cognition, 20( 4-5), 391-421.

DOI:10.1080/13506285.2012.670143      URL     PMID:3379738      [本文引用: 1]

Assumptions on the allocation of attention during reading are crucial for theoretical models of eye guidance. The zoom lens model of attention postulates that attentional deployment can vary from a sharp focus to a broad window. The model is closely related to the foveal load hypothesis, i.e., the assumption that the perceptual span is modulated by the difficulty of the fixated word. However, these important theoretical concepts for cognitive research have not been tested quantitatively in eye movement models. Here we show that the zoom lens model, implemented in the SWIFT model of saccade generation, captures many important patterns of eye movements. We compared the model's performance to experimental data from normal and shuffled text reading. Our results demonstrate that the zoom lens of attention might be an important concept for eye movement control in reading.

Vitu F., O’regan J. K., & Mittau M . ( 1990).

Optimal landing position in reading isolated words and continuous text

Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 47( 6), 583-600.

DOI:10.3758/BF03203111      URL     PMID:2367179      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract During isolated-word reading, within-word eye-movement tactics (i.e., whether the eye makes one or more fixations on the word) depend strongly on the eye's first fixation position in the word; there exists an optimal landing position where the probability of having to refixate the word is much smaller than when the eye first fixates other parts of the word. The present experiment was designed to test whether the optimal landing position effect still exists during text reading, and to compare the nature and strength of the effect with the effect found for isolated words. The results confirmed the existence of an optimal landing position in both reading conditions, but the effect for words in texts was weaker than it was for isolated words, probably because of the presence of factors such as reading rhythm and linguistic context. However, the effect still existed in text reading; within-word tactics during text reading are dependent on the eye's initial landing position in words. Moreover, individual fixation durations were dependent on within-word tactics. Thus, the initial landing position in words must be taken into account if one wishes to understand eye-movement behavior during text reading. Further results concerned the effects of word length and word frequency in both reading conditions.

Wang Y.S . ( 2016).

The parafoveal processing influence selection of target during Chinese reading (Unpublished doctorial dissertation)

Tianjin Normal University, China.

[本文引用: 2]

[ 王永胜 . ( 2016).

汉语阅读中副中央凹加工在眼跳目标选择中的作用 (博士学位论文)


[本文引用: 2]

Wei W., Li X. S., & Pollatsek A . ( 2013,

March). Word properties of a fixated region affect outgoing saccade length in Chinese reading

Vision Research, 80, 1-6.

DOI:10.1016/j.visres.2012.11.015      URL     PMID:23231957      [本文引用: 1]

In two experiments, we investigated how forward saccades are targeted in Chinese reading. In Experiment 1, the critical region was a 4-character string which was either a word (one-word condition) or two 2-character word phrases (two-word condition). In Experiment 2, the critical region was either a high frequency word or a low frequency word. The outgoing saccade length from the last fixation on the critical region was longer in the one-word condition than the two-word condition in Experiment 1 and was longer in the high frequency condition than in the low frequency condition in Experiment 2. These results indicate that the properties of words in a fixated region affect the length of the outgoing saccade. We propose a processing-based strategy for saccade target selection in Chinese reading in which readers estimate how many characters they can process on each fixation, and then program their next saccade so that the eyes fixate somewhere beyond them. As a consequence, the easier the processing of the fixated region is, the longer the outgoing saccade is.

Yan G. L., Xiong J. P., Zang C. L., Xu L. L., Cui L., & Bai X. J . ( 2013).

Review of eye-movement measures in reading research

Advances in Psychological Science, 21( 4), 589-605.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2013.00589      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Saccade and fixation are the elementary ocularmotor activities during reading.The eye-movement measures in reading research can be classified into two different categories.One category is temporal dimension measure related to the time course of eye movements and it includes the measures in area of interest of character or word(such as single fixation duration,first fixation duration,second fixation duration,gaze duration,regression time and total fixation duration and so on.) and the measures in area of interest of phrase or sentence(such as first-pass reading time,forward reading time,second-pass reading time,regression path reading time,re-reading time and so on.).The other category is spatial dimension measure related to the location of eye movement and it includes saccade amplitude,landing position,number of fixations,skipping rate,refixation rate and regression count.Finally,when using the eye movement measures we should pay attention to the classification of oculomotor measures,the cutoff criterion of raw data,the psychological interpretation of the measures and so on.

[ 闫国利, 熊建萍, 臧传丽, 余莉莉, 崔磊, 白学军 . ( 2013).


心理科学进展, 21( 4), 589-605.]

[本文引用: 2]

Yan G. L., Tian H. G., Bai X. J., & Rayner K . ( 2006).

The effect of word and character frequency on the eye movements of Chinese readers

British Journal of Psychology, 97( 2), 259-268.

DOI:10.1348/000712605X70066      URL     PMID:16613652      [本文引用: 1]

Eye movements of native Chinese readers were monitored as they read sentences containing target words that varied in terms of word frequency and character frequency. There was an effect of word frequency on fixation times on a target word and it was comparable in size to that typically found with readers of English. Furthermore, character frequency also influenced fixation time on the target word. The effect of the initial character in two character words was more pronounced than that of the second character. However, word frequency modulated the effect of character frequency. The effect of character frequency was attenuated with high frequency target words while it was quite apparent with low frequency target words.

Yan G. L., Zhang Q. M., Zhang L. L., & Bai X. J . ( 2013).

The effect of masking materials on percetptual span in chinese reading

Journal of Psychological Science. 36( 6), 1317-1322.


Perceptual span refers to the area of effective vision from which useful information can be obtained during a fixation in reading. Research has demonstrated that skilled adult readers of Chinese can obtain useful information from an asymmetric region extending roughly one character space to the left of fixation to about two-to-three character spaces to the right of fixation. To determine the size of the perceptual span,the classic gaze-contingent moving-window technique was developed. In this technique,the text outside a pre-defined window around the point of fixation is masked by Xs or scrambled letters. Thus,wherever the reader looks,the text is visible within the window,but outside the window the text is disrupted in some way. By varying the masking material,the researcher can find the perceptual span is different from English and other alphabetic writing systems. In the present study,gaze-contingent moving-window technique was used to explore the effect of masking materials on the perceptual span of Chinese reading. 26 college students participated. Their eye movements were recorded with a SR Research EyeLink eye tracker. 130 sentences were presented in seven viewing conditions( R1,R2,R3,R4,L1R4,L2R4 and the whole line) to examine the perceptual span of college students in different masking conditions. The results showed that( 1) Compared to the symbol masking condition,the reading efficiency in character masking condition was lower,the average fixation time was longer and the saccade amplitude was smaller.( 2) The participants obtained useful information from an asymmetric region extending roughly one character space to the left of fixation to about two-to-three character spaces to the right of fixation in the symbol masking condition,and the perceptual span extended one character space to the left of fixation to about threeto-four character spaces to the right of fixation in the character masking condition. In summary,the perceptual span is larger but the reading efficiency is lower in the character masking condition than in the symbol masking condition. Perhaps a character is more appropriate to be used as the masking material to study the perceptual span in Chinese reading.

[ 闫国利, 张巧明, 张兰兰, 白学军 . ( 2013).


心理科学, 36( 6), 1317-1322.]



Yan M., ( 2015).

Visually complex foveal words increase the amount of parafoveal information acquired

Vision Research, 111, 91-96.

DOI:10.1016/j.visres.2015.03.025      URL     PMID:25911574      [本文引用: 1]

This study investigates the effect of foveal load (i.e., processing difficulty of currently fixated words) on parafoveal information processing. Contrary to the commonly accepted view that high foveal load leads to reduced parafoveal processing efficiency, results of the present study showed that increasing foveal visual (but not linguistic) processing load actually increased the amount of parafoveal information acquired, presumably due to the fact that longer fixation duration on the pretarget word provided more time for parafoveal processing of the target word. It is therefore proposed in the present study that foveal linguistic processing load is not the only factor that determines parafoveal processing; preview time (afforded by foveal word visual processing load) may jointly influence parafoveal processing.

Yan M., Kliegl R., Richter E. M., Nuthmann A., & Shu H . ( 2010).

Flexible saccade-target selection in Chinese reading

The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63( 4), 705-725.

DOI:10.1080/17470210903114858      URL     PMID:19742387     

As Chinese is written without orthographical word boundaries (i.e., spaces), it is unclear whether saccade targets are selected on the basis of characters or words and whether saccades are aimed at the beginning or the centre of words. Here, we report an experiment where 30 Chinese readers read 150 sentences while their eye movements were monitored. They exhibited a strong tendency to fixate at the word centre in single-fixation cases and at the word beginning in multiple-fixation cases. Different from spaced alphabetic script, initial fixations falling at the end of words were no more likely to be followed by a refixation than initial fixations at word centre. Further, single fixations were shorter than first fixations in two-fixation cases, which is opposite to what is found in Roman script. We propose that Chinese readers dynamically select the beginning or centre of words as saccade targets depending on failure or success with segmentation of parafoveal word boundaries.

Yan M., Kliegl R., Shu H., Pan J., & Zhou X. L . ( 2010).

Parafoveal load of word N+ 1 modulates preprocessing effectiveness of word N+ 2 in Chinese reading

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36( 6), 1669-1676.

DOI:10.1037/a0019329      URL     PMID:20731511      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Preview benefits (PBs) from two words to the right of the fixated one (i.e., word N + 2) and associated parafoveal-on-foveal effects are critical for proposals of distributed lexical processing during reading. This experiment examined parafoveal processing during reading of Chinese sentences, using a boundary manipulation of N + 2-word preview with low- and high-frequency words N + 1. The main findings were (a) an identity PB for word N + 2 that was (b) primarily observed when word N + 1 was of high frequency (i.e., an interaction between frequency of word N + 1 and PB for word N + 2), and (c) a parafoveal-on-foveal frequency effect of word N + 1 for fixation durations on word N. We discuss implications for theories of serial attention shifts and parallel distributed processing of words during reading.

Yan M., Richter E. M., Shu H., & Kliegl R . ( 2009).

Readers of Chinese extract semantic information from parafoveal words

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 16( 3), 561-566.

DOI:10.3758/PBR.16.3.561      URL     PMID:19451385      [本文引用: 1]

Evidence for semantic preview benefit (PB) from parafoveal words has been elusive for reading alphabetic scripts such as English. Here we report semantic PB for noncompound characters in Chinese reading with the boundary paradigm. In addition, PBs for orthographic relatedness and, as a numeric trend, for phonological relatedness were obtained. Results are in agreement with other research suggesting that the Chinese writing system is based on a closer association between graphic form and meaning than is alphabetic script. We discuss implications for notions of serial attention shifts and parallel distributed processing of words during reading.

Zang C. L., Liang F. F., Bai X. J., Yan G. L., & Liversedge S. P . ( 2013).

Interword spacing and landing position effects during Chinese reading in children and adults

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 39( 3), 720-734.

DOI:10.1037/a0030097      URL     PMID:23067120     

The present study examined children and adults' eye movement behavior when reading word spaced and unspaced Chinese text. The results showed that interword spacing reduced children and adults' first pass reading times and refixation probabilities indicating spaces between words facilitated word identification. Word spacing effects occurred to a similar degree for both children and adults, though there were differential landing position effects for single and multiple fixation situations in both groups; clear preferred viewing location effects occurred for single fixations, whereas landing positions were closer to word beginnings, and further into the word for adults than children for multiple fixation situations. Furthermore, adults targeted refixations contingent on initial landing positions to a greater degree than did children. Overall, the results indicate that some aspects of children's eye movements during reading show similar levels of maturity to adults, while others do not.

Zhang M.M . ( 2015).

The mechanism of word skipping in Chinese reading: An eye movement study (Unpublished doctorial dissertation)

Tianjin Normal University, China.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 张慢慢 . ( 2015).




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