ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展, 2020, 28(8): 1282-1292 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2020.01282



俞国良1, 陈婷婷2, 赵凤青,2

1 中国人民大学心理研究所, 北京 100872

2 郑州大学教育学院, 郑州 450001

The influence of air temperature and temperature variability on mental health

YU Guoliang1, CHEN Tingting2, ZHAO Fengqing,2

1 Institute of Psychology, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China

2 School of Education, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China

通讯作者: 赵凤青,

收稿日期: 2019-12-11   网络出版日期: 2020-08-15

基金资助: * 教育部人文社会科学研究项目(青年项目)(19YJC190031)

Received: 2019-12-11   Online: 2020-08-15


气温与气温变化对心理健康的威胁和影响引起越来越多研究者的关注。气温及气温变化对情绪体验、抑郁症等情感障碍、精神分裂症、阿尔茨海默等脑器质性精神障碍、物质滥用与依赖、自杀意念与行为等心理健康指标具有直接或间接的影响。气象情绪效应、棕色脂肪组织理论和血清素理论从生理角度解释气温影响心理健康的机制, 健康保持行为理论则从行为角度解释气温与心理健康的关系。儿童青少年、老年人、工人是高温与高温压力的易感人群。气温变化对心理健康的影响还存在性别、年龄、社会经济地位等方面的差异。未来研究应进一步区分不同的气温指标, 增加对低温与心理健康关系的关注, 控制其它因素对气温与心理健康关系的干扰, 并揭示群体间差异。

关键词: 气温; 气温变化; 心理健康


More and more researchers are concerned about the threat and impact of temperature and temperature variability on mental health. Temperature and temperature variability has direct or indirect effects on mental health indicators such as emotional well-being, emotional disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, organic mental disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, substance abuse and dependence, suicidal ideation and behavior. Most researchers explain the mechanism of temperature's influence on mental health from physiological aspects such as meteorological emotional effect, brown adipose tissue theory, and serotonin theory. Children and adolescents, the elderly, workers are vulnerable to temperature and high temperature pressure. There are also gender, age, and socioeconomic status differences in the effects of temperature change on mental health. In future studies, it is necessary to further distinguish different temperature indexes, pay more attention to the relationship between low temperature and mental health, control the interference of other factors on the relationship between temperature and mental health, and reveal the differences between individuals and groups.

Keywords: air temperature; temperature variability; mental health

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俞国良, 陈婷婷, 赵凤青. 气温与气温变化对心理健康的影响. 心理科学进展, 2020, 28(8): 1282-1292 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2020.01282

YU Guoliang, CHEN Tingting, ZHAO Fengqing. The influence of air temperature and temperature variability on mental health. Advances in Psychological Science, 2020, 28(8): 1282-1292 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2020.01282

1 引言

随着全球平均气温逐年上升, 气候变暖对人类的健康状况也造成了一系列的影响, 甚至有学者提出“气候变化是21世纪最大的全球性健康威胁” (Costello et al., 2009)。气候变化带来的显著影响就是气温(air temperature)的变化。以往众多研究表明, 气温会影响人们的身体健康水平, 过高或过低的气温都会对人体健康造成不利的影响, 甚至导致死亡率的上升(李芙蓉, 李丽萍, 2008; Guirguis et al., 2018; Rocklov, Forsberg, Ebi, & Bellander, 2014; Ho et al., 2018)。例如, 气温的变化与呼吸系统疾病、脑血管疾病、心血管疾病、过敏性鼻炎、腹泻、皮肤病和关节炎等躯体疾病之间都存在着关联; 诸如西尼罗病毒、疟疾、黄热病此类的热带传染疾病也会向较冷的地区传播(Chan, Ho, Hung, Liu, & Lam, 2019; Wang et al., 2019; 韩京 等, 2017; Shahmohamadi, Che-ani, Maulud, Sairi, & Mohd-nor, 2010; Hayes & Poland, 2018)。

基于世界卫生组织对健康的定义, 健康不仅是没有疾病和衰弱的状态, 也包含精神上的完满状态, 以及良好思维适应能力。近年来, 越来越多的研究着眼于探讨气温与人们心理健康之间的关系, 并且发现气温变化对情感、行为障碍或精神疾病等心理健康指标都产生了显著的影响(姜法宝, 刘雪娜, 张颖, 单晓英, 张敬轩, 2012; Gao et al., 2019; Vida, Durocher, Ouarda, & Gosselin, 2012), 这一效应在儿童、青少年、老年人和工人等特定群体中尤其明显(Xu, Wheeler, & Zuo, 2018; Cleary, Raeburn, West, & Childs, 2019; Tawatsupa et al., 2010; Sugg, Dixon, & Runkle, 2019)。总之, 气温变化对精神卫生的影响正在加速形成, 直接或间接地威胁着人们的心理健康状况(Hayes, Blashki, Wiseman, Burke, & Reifels, 2018; Palinkas & Wong, 2019)。本研究将围绕气温与心理健康的关系, 梳理国内外已有文献, 以期阐明气温与气温变化对心理健康的影响及其作用机制。

2 气温与心理健康的关系

研究表明, 气温与一系列广泛的心理健康指标之间存在着联系。从横向来看, 暴露于极端气温会降低积极情绪, 增加消极情绪, 导致心理障碍发病率提高(Noelke et al., 2016; Lee, Lee, Myung, Kim, & Kim, 2018)。过高或过低的气温都会对心理健康造成不利的影响, 气温与心理健康状况之间存在着倒U型的关系(Melrose, 2015; Mullins & White, 2019)。从纵向来看, 气温对心理健康状况产生影响并不是“立竿见影”的, 其影响总是存在着滞后效应, 长期暴露于高温与低温环境都会增加心理疾病患病率(Chen, Lin & Guo, 2019; Gao et al., 2019)。

2.1 气温与情绪体验

气温与气温的变化会影响人们的主观情绪体验。这可能是因为直接暴露于高温环境会使人体感受到高温压力和疲惫感, 降低生理上的愉悦感, 进而影响其积极情绪体验(Kovats & Hajat, 2008)。当气温过高时, 人们可能会产生压抑、愤怒、痛苦等心理感受, 进而影响人们的心理健康水平(Noelke et al., 2016; Vanos, Warland, Gillespie & Kenny, 2012)。例如, 美国斯坦福大学研究人员Burke等人(2018)发现, 月平均气温越高, 社交网站推特(Twitter)上使用压抑词汇的频率也越高。此外, 暴露于高温环境会增加人际冲突与攻击行为(Anderson & Bushman, 2002), 降低生活满意度(Connolly, 2013; Lucas & Lawless, 2013)。

研究者也关注了具体气温指标与情绪体验之间的关系。例如, 美国一项基于190万人的追踪调查显示, 在2008~2013年间, 与平均温度(10~ 16℃)相比, 高于21℃会降低积极情绪和幸福感, 增加压力感、愤怒等消极情绪, 使人体验到疲劳感和无力感(Noelke et al., 2016)。这一结果得到其它研究者的支持。Chen等人(2019)发现, 当温度超过21℃时, 个体的幸福感会下降, 而当温度超过32℃时, 个体的负面情绪、压力和疲劳感会显著增加。一项澳大利亚的研究则发现, 气温每增高1℃, 极度痛苦的心理体验就会增加0.2% (Ding, Berry, & Bennett, 2016)。

2.2 气温与心理障碍

2.2.1 气温与情感障碍

抑郁症、躁狂症和双相(情感)障碍是情感障碍的三种常见类型。情感障碍患者的痛苦体验明显, 患者有可能出现伤人或自伤的行为, 造成无法挽回的结果。其中抑郁症尤其受到公众和研究者的关注。温度被认为是影响情感障碍尤其是抑郁症的重要环境因素。以往研究表明, 暴露在高温环境中可能与抑郁心境或痛苦情绪的产生有关(Hansen, Bi, Nitschke et al., 2008; Chen et al., 2019)。首先, 短期地暴露在高温环境下可能导致抑郁症状。来自美国的研究表明, 温度的升高降低了人们的积极情绪, 同时增加了人们的消极情绪和疲惫感(Noelke et al., 2016); 来自澳大利亚的研究发现, 与舒适温度(23℃)相比, 气温每升高1摄氏度可以预测心理压力增高0.2% (Hansen, Bi, Nitschke et al., 2008)。其次, 持续高温会导致情感障碍发病与就诊人数增加。持续高温的一种重要表现形式是热浪, 热浪是气候变化对人类健康影响的重大因素。一项来自澳大利亚的研究发现, 在热浪侵袭期间, 因情感障碍而入院治疗的人数与平时相比增加了9.1% (Hansen, Bi, Ryan et al., 2008)。对济南市四次热浪期间资料的研究也发现, 热浪期间心理疾病的日就诊人次显著上升(姜法宝 等, 2012)。由此可见, 异常的高温环境的确是包括抑郁症在内的情感障碍的危险因素及预测因子。最后, 长期的高温暴露与抑郁症有显著关系。一项来自中国台湾2003~2013年的追踪研究发现, 长期暴露于高温环境是患重度抑郁症的危险因素。对于最初没有发现重度抑郁症的被试而言, 长期居住在气温为20~23℃的地区, 患重度抑郁症的风险最低; 长期居住在平均气温高于23℃的地区, 重度抑郁症的发病风险增大, 气温每增加1℃, 重度抑郁症的患病率将增加7%, 但是气温与重度抑郁症的发展之间存在非线性的关系, 二者关系中还有其它诸多因素在起作用(Chen et al., 2019), 具体机制尚需进一步研究。

2.2.2 气温与脑器质性精神障碍

脑器质性精神障碍发病的主要原因是各种原因导致的开放性或闭合性的颅脑损伤, 但个体的素质特征以及外伤后的心理、社会、环境因素也起到一定的作用(钱铭怡, 2006)。一项来自澳大利亚的研究发现, 在热浪侵袭城市期间, 脑器质性精神障碍的入院人数增加了21.3%, 男性和女性住院人数均有所增加(Hansen, Bi, Nitschke et al., 2008); 来自加拿大多伦多的研究发现, 平均气温的升高与精神与行为障碍的急诊就诊量呈正相关(Wang, Lavigne, Ouellette-kuntz, & Chen, 2014)。

除此之外, 老年人群体对温度的变化尤其敏感, 很多关注气温与脑器质性精神障碍关系的研究者把目光放在痴呆上。阿尔茨海默病(AD)是痴呆的最常见类型, 占痴呆患者总数的50%以上。AD常见于65岁以上的老年人, 患病率随着年龄的增长而升高(Finkel, 2000)。Cornali等人(2004)发现, 高温气候可能会对痴呆患者的行为和心理症状产生负面影响, 并提出了两种假设来解释高温环境对痴呆患者产生负面影响的机制:一是较高的气温可能会引起不适的感觉, 患有精神障碍的人应对能力有所下降, 可能会在面对和管理紧张的环境变化时存在更大的困难; 二是高温环境会导致中枢系统和大脑的温度升高, 这时一个受下丘脑调节的选择性冷却系统会自动发挥作用, 降低大脑的温度, 但是患有精神障碍的老年人对高温压力的适应能力较低, 冷却系统无法准确地发挥作用。

2.3 气温与精神分裂症

精神分裂症是一种发病率、患病率和致残率都很高的精神疾病。根据世界卫生组织2001年的统计数据, 精神分裂症约占全球疾病总负担的2.8%。2007~2010年间国内的一项数据调查显示, 中国有0.37%的男性和0.44%的女性患有精神分裂症(司天梅, 2015)。由于精神分裂症的遗传机制尚不能完全解释其病因, 近年来人们开始关注环境因素的影响。中国民间有一句俗语叫做“菜花开, 痴子忙”, 这就是指精神分裂症在春末夏初发病率最高的现象, 人们也明显观察到精神分裂症的入院率存在明显的季节变化(Trang, Rocklöv, Giang, & Nilsson, 2016)。

有关温度因素对精神分裂症影响的研究很多, 大都得出了类似的结果。对合肥市的体感温度和精神分裂症患者住院人数的时间序列分析发现, 过高和过低的环境温度都是精神分裂症的危险因素(Yi, Zhang, Pan et al., 2019); 除了体感温度, 有关昼夜温差与精神分裂症之间关系的研究发现, 较大的昼夜温差会增加精神分裂症患者住院治疗的风险, 其中男性患者、已婚患者和年龄达到或超过41岁的患者更容易受到昼夜温差的影响(Yi, Zhang, Pan et al., 2019)。此外, 国内外的一系列研究发现, 在控制时间趋势、湿度等干扰因素后, 气温的变化与精神分裂症患者的发病或住院治疗效果之间存在显著相关(Sung, Chen, Lin, Lung, & Su, 2011; Peng, Wang, Wang, Kan, & Chen, 2017; Zhao et al., 2016; Carlsen, Oudin, Steingrimsson, & Oudin, 2019)。例如, 一项来自中国合肥2005~2014年间的研究在控制了湿度等干扰因素的影响后发现, 与暴露于较低昼夜温差(大约8.3℃)相比, 暴露于极端昼夜温差(大约14.6℃)导致精神分裂症患者发病人数比例增加2.7% (Zhao et al., 2016)。一项针对上海市2008~2015年间日平均气温与精神障碍住院率关系的研究将气温均值(18.3℃, 即50%阈值)作为参照温度, 结果发现, 当气温达到24.6℃ (即75%阈值)及以上时, 气温的升高与精神障碍, 尤其是精神分裂症住院人数的增加之间存在显著的正相关; 当气温达到33.1℃ (即99%阈值)以上时, 精神障碍的住院风险达到均值时的1.266倍; 而低温与精神障碍住院率之间未发现显著相关(Peng et al., 2017)。总之, 大量的研究都证实了气温与精神分裂症之间存在一定的相关关系, 但不同的研究采用的气温指标不尽相同, 有日平均温度、日最高温度、体感温度、昼夜温差等不同的指标, 其结果仍存在一定差异。

2.4 气温与物质滥用及依赖、自杀

根据已有的数据可知, 相对于其它可预防的健康问题而言, 物质滥用造成了最多的死亡、疾病以及伤残。个人以及社会因素会在一定程度上影响人对物质的情感和行为, 环境因素也会影响到物质依赖患者的行为(钱铭怡, 2006)。一些研究者关注了气温对物质滥用、物质依赖等行为问题的影响。来自澳大利亚的一项研究发现, 在热浪侵袭城市期间, 存在酒精或物质依赖的女性患者(尤其是15~64岁年龄组中的女性)的死亡率有所增加(Hansen, Bi, Nitschke et al., 2008); 此外, 由城市热岛效应引起的气温升高与由精神活性物质使用导致的死亡率的上升有关(Wong, Alias, Aghamohammadi, Aghazadeh, & Sulaiman Nik, 2018)。由此可见, 关注环境因素尤其是气温的变化对于物质依赖患者的护理及治疗都具有重要的意义。

此外, 气温变化与自杀之间也存在显著的相关。经常有报道称, 春夏季节出现自杀高峰, 这间接表明气温升高可能是自杀的一个重要的风险因素, “伤春悲秋”等成语的产生就是自杀受到气温因素影响的一个很好的佐证。研究也表明, 气温对自杀率的影响可以说是气温影响心理健康的一个最有力的证据。例如, 有关温度与自杀之间关系的研究表明, 26.6%~60%的自杀率的变化可以用温度变化来解释(Thompson, Hornigold, Page, & Waite, 2018); 对1751年至2008年间芬兰地区的年度气温与自杀率之间关系的追踪研究表明, 在出台预防自杀的政策之前, 气温持续变暖这一因素可以解释超过60%的自杀率的变化(Helama, Holopainen, & Partonen, 2013); 此外, 一项来自加利福利亚的研究发现, 在温暖的季节, 每日的体表温度升高10华氏度与5.8%的自杀或自伤行为增加相关(Basu, Gavin, Pearson, Ebisu, & Malig, 2018)。一项针对2018年7月前发表的有关气温与自杀关系的14篇研究的元分析发现, 气温升高(每升高1℃)与自杀率(每增加1%)之间存在显著的正相关, 且气温升高对自杀死亡的影响大于其对自杀意念或自杀未遂的影响。进一步的亚组分析显示, 与高收入国家相比, 中等收入国家气温升高与自杀之间关系更显著; 在低纬度地区和中纬度地区均发现气温与自杀之间的显著相关关系; 与亚热带地区相比, 热带和温带地区的气温升高与自杀的关系更为明显(Gao et al., 2019)。由此可见, 气温可能是预测自杀率的可靠变量。同时有研究发现, 在季节性变化不明显的热带地区, 气温与自杀率之间的关系并不明显(Fernández-Niño, Flórez-García, Astudillo-García, & Rodríguez- Villamizar, 2018), 这也从另一个角度说明了异于平常的高温才是自杀的风险因素。除了异常的高温, 异常的低温也是自杀的一个危险因素。例如有研究发现, 冬季常常使人们陷入莫名其妙的抑郁情绪中, 这对那些本就患有严重抑郁症的人来说是一种不利的环境因素, 可能会诱发其自杀意念、自杀行为(Melrose, 2015)。

3 气温与心理健康关系的相关研究

3.1 气温与心理健康关系的理论视角

总体而言, 关于气温影响心理健康的比较有代表性的理论是气象情绪效应。除此之外, 研究者大多从两个角度来解释其影响机制。第一个角度是生理角度, 代表性理论主要有棕色脂肪组织理论和血清素理论等。第二个角度是行为角度, 认为气温通过影响人们的健康保持行为来影响其心理健康。

3.1.1 气象情绪效应理论

气象情绪效应(Meteorological emotional effect)是指一个人的情绪状态可以受到气象条件的影响。气象条件是组成人类生活环境的重要因素, 气象条件及其变化不仅影响人的生理健康, 对人的心理情绪的影响也非常明显。有利的气象条件可使人们情绪高涨、心情舒畅, 生活质量和工作效率提高; 而不利的气象条件则使人情绪低落、心胸憋闷、懒惰无力, 甚至会导致心理及精神病态和行为异常(Palinkas & Wong, 2019)。据世界卫生组织报道, 1982~1983年期间的“厄尔尼诺”事件, 给全球健康造成了严重的影响, 使得全球的精神病的发病率上升了8%, 大约有10万人患上了抑郁症, 这足以说明全球的气候变化对人类心理健康的巨大影响(WHO, 1984)。

3.1.2 棕色脂肪组织理论

棕色脂肪组织, 是哺乳动物体内非颤栗产热的主要来源, 对于维持动物的体温和能量平衡起到重要作用, 对幼龄哺乳动物尤为重要(贺斌, 王炳蔚, 郑瑞茂, 2016)。这可能解释了为什么儿童和青少年是高温压力的易感人群(Xu et al., 2018)。高温压力会过度激活棕色脂肪组织, 进而损害人体的耐热性, 这种损害会改变棕色脂肪组织投射到脑区的神经活动, 使人产生异常的情绪或行为, 影响个体心理健康。研究者推测这可能是高温损害心理健康的一种合理的机制(Gao et al., 2019)。

3.1.3 血清素理论

血清素理论认为, 血清素(即五羟色胺)作为一种神经递质, 会影响到人的情绪状态, 进而影响人的心理健康。已有的生物实验已经证明, 五羟色胺作用广泛, 对情绪调节、感觉传输和认知行为等都有重要调节作用, 在调节焦虑和抑郁情绪及行为中发挥着关键性的作用(李双, 姚文青, 陶冶铮, 马兰, 刘星, 2018)。在冬季, 人体内的五羟色胺受体的活动水平较低, 但是随着温度的升高, 五羟色胺受体的活动水平会逐渐增高, 人的情绪状态会受此影响, 可能产生焦虑、抑郁情绪, 进而导致情绪的稳定性降低, 引发冲动和攻击行为, 严重者甚至引发自伤、自杀行为(Gao et al., 2019)。

3.1.4 健康保持行为观点

有研究者认为, 极端的温度, 如异常的高温(热浪等)和异常的低温(暴雪等)会使人们的“健康保持行为”减少甚至完全消失, 进而影响人们的心理健康。这里的健康保持行为主要是指锻炼和良好的睡眠, 这些行为对于人们保持良好的身心状态是必不可少的(Obradovich, Migliorin, Mednick, & Fowler, 2017; Obradovich & Fowler, 2017)。Xu等人(2018)在研究气温对澳大利亚的儿童心理健康水平的影响时, 提出气温可能通过影响儿童的行为, 尤其是阻碍儿童参加有组织的体育活动, 如舞蹈、体操、球类运动等, 对儿童心理健康产生影响。其它研究也表明, 参加体育活动与更好的心理健康水平呈正相关, 与自然环境接触也有益于增加积极情绪, 减少压力和消极情绪, 而高温显然成为儿童户外活动的障碍(Brown, Barton, & Gladwell, 2013; Paluska & Schwenk, 2000)。

3.2 气温与心理健康关系的调节变量

气温影响心理健康的过程是一个综合性的、复杂的过程, 这个过程包含了许多因素的调节作用, 这些因素主要包括被试群体的年龄、性别、社会经济地位等。

3.2.1 年龄

在极端的高温条件下, 不同年龄的群体受环境影响的程度是不同的。已有研究表明, 儿童、青少年、老年人群体是易感人群, 对气温的变化更加敏感。瑞典研究机构的一项研究表明, 对于65岁以下有精神病史或药物滥用的患者, 冬季较低的气温会增加死亡风险(Rocklov et al., 2014)。关于老年人更容易受到气温的影响, 研究者提出的一种解释是, 随着自然衰老过程的不断发展, 老年人(尤指65岁以上)自身的体温调节能力也不断衰退, 在面对持续的高温天气时, 这种衰退带来的不利影响尤其明显(Schneider, Rückerl, Breitner, Wolf, & Peters, 2017)。与之相对的是, 成年人对极端天气的适应能力更强, 他们的耐热性也更强, 所以在面对异常的高温环境时, 应该更加关注和保护儿童、青少年、老年人等易感人群(Sugg et al., 2019)。

3.2.2 性别

大多数探讨气温和个体心理健康关系的研究都发现了性别差异。一项研究最高气温对儿童心理发展的影响的研究结果显示, 与女孩的心理健康更多受到家庭因素及其社会经济地位的影响相比, 男孩的心理健康水平更多地受到环境因素的影响(Xu et al., 2018); 另一项以泰国的工人为被试的研究则发现, 面对高温的工作环境, 女性比男性更少报告心理上的痛苦感受, 但其原因尚不明确(Tawatsupa et al., 2010) ; 室内气温也会对办公人员大脑的认知和执行功能产生影响, 且这种对大脑认知和执行功能的影响在男女之间存在着显著的性别差异(Abbasi, Motamedzade, Aliabadi, Golmohammadi, & Tapak, 2019; Chang & Kajackaite, 2019)。这些研究似乎都说明, 男性更可能受到高温压力带来的影响。

3.2.3 社会经济地位

相关研究表明, 社会经济地位也会对气温影响个体心理健康的过程起调节作用(Xu et al., 2018; Tawatsupa et al., 2010)。已有的研究表明, 贫困地区儿童的心理发展水平更容易受到高温压力的影响(Xu et al., 2018); 发展中国家的人们也更容易受到气温变化的影响(Sanson, Hoorn, & Burke, 2019); 而那些工作环境比较简陋, 尤其是从事没有足够的劳动保护的户外工作的工人也更容易感受到职业高温压力(Tawatsupa et al., 2010); Obradovich等人的研究发现, 气温变化对低收入者造成的不利影响可能是最大的(Obradovich, Migliorinic, Paulusd, & Rahwan, 2018)。与低收入者相比, 社会经济地位较高的人群拥有更多的可支配的社会资源来抵抗外界的高温压力, 如使用空调, 居住在隔热性能更好的住宅里, 在高温天气避免外出, 使用更加舒适的交通工具等, 这些措施都可以使人们尽量少地感受到高温带来的负面影响。

3.3 气温对特殊群体心理健康的影响

气温对人们的影响不是一概而论的, 相比普通人群而言, 一些特殊的群体如老年人、儿童、青少年等, 对温度变化的感受性更高, 更容易受到气温的影响, 是高温压力的易感人群。

3.3.1 气温与儿童和青少年

儿童和青少年是最容易受到环境影响的群体, 这种易感性来源于他们生理防御系统的不成熟性、与环境互动的方式的直接性、对成年人的依赖性以及一生中经历的风险和损害的累积性(Sanson, Wachs, Koller, & Salmela-Aro, 2018)。一些研究者关注了气温对儿童和青少年心理健康的影响。例如, Xu等人(2018)以澳大利亚的儿童为样本, 发现最高温的升高对儿童的心理健康存在负面影响, 且这种影响在6~11岁的男孩中最显著。Sugg等人(2019)通过从美国危机干预短信热线中搜集到的数据来研究青少年寻求危机支持的行为与气温之间的联系, 结果发现, 在高温条件下, 青少年寻求危机支持的行为有所增加, 而求助行为的增加也意味着高温导致青少年群体经历的心理危机增加, 心理健康水平下降。此外, 研究者关注了极端天气对儿童青少年心理健康的直接影响和间接影响, 发现极端天气会直接导致儿童青少年出现更多的创伤后应激障碍、焦虑和抑郁、睡眠问题、认知缺陷和学习问题等(Garcia & Sheehan, 2016; Majeed & Lee, 2017); 也可能通过导致的食品短缺、群体间冲突、经济混乱、强迫移民等问题, 间接地对儿童和青少年的心理健康造成不利的影响(Akresh, 2016)。

3.3.2 气温与老年群体

从生活经验可知, 如何顺利度过寒冷的冬季对老年人来说是一大挑战, 但近年来的研究显示, 高温环境也会对老年人造成威胁。研究发现, 老年人比年轻人对温度变化更敏感(Trang et al., 2016)。Cleary等人(2019)对一组居住在澳大利亚的一家养老机构中的老年人进行了半结构化访谈, 发现老年人群体在异常高温的环境下会被限制待在室内, 但这样也极大地限制了老年人对自主性和流动性的需求, 不利于老年人的心理健康; Chan及其同事以来自中国香港的数据探究了在亚热带城市中环境温度与精神疾病入院治疗率之间的关系, 发现了二者之间的正相关关系, 且这种相关在老年人中最为显著(Chan et al., 2018)。可见, 高温环境是老年人心理健康发展的不利因素。

3.3.3 气温与工人

职业高温压力是一个众所周知的问题, 尤其是在热带国家, 职业高温压力已经严重影响到工人们的健康和福祉。一些热带发展中国家的社会经济发展和快速的城市化建设形成了可能存在高温压力的工作条件, 而工作场所的高温不仅会直接导致中暑、肾脏疾病、心肺疾病、事故和受伤等问题, 影响身体健康, 也会间接地给工人造成心理上的痛苦和不适感(Maurya, Karena, Vardhan, Aruna, & Raj, 2015; Varghese, Hansen, Bi, & Pisaniello, 2018; Varghese et al., 2019)。目前着眼于职业高温压力对工人心理健康影响的研究还比较少, 比较具有代表性的研究是一项以四万余名泰国工人为被试的研究。研究发现, 职业高温压力与工人们的不良心理健康状况之间存在正相关关系。随着年龄的增长, 工人中报告感受到职业高温压力的人数比例逐渐下降, 这可能是由于较为年长的工人积累了较多的工作经验, 对工作环境有较强的适应性, 同时具有较高的情绪控制能力。与此同时, 年龄在15~29岁之间的男性工人报告心理痛苦感受的比例最高, 这可能是泰国的年轻男性的高自杀率的原因之一(Tawatsupa et al., 2010)。除了室外工作的工人会受到气温的影响, 一项来自伊朗的研究还发现室内的气温也对办公人员的心理健康、舒适度、福利和工作效率起着重要作用, 不适的室内气温对办公人员的生理反应、大脑的认知功能和执行功能都有较大的影响(Abbasi et al., 2019)。

4 建议与展望

4.1 政策建议

全球变暖的趋势不可逆转, 日益频繁的极端天气对人们的心理健康造成的严重而广泛的影响似乎在告诉我们应该重视天气因素的作用, 从多层面、多角度采取有效的预防和干预措施, 来应对环境的变化。

第一, 及时发出预警。每日在发布天气预报时, 可以同时发布未来几天里天气可能诱发的生理和心理方面的疾病, 如高温天气应警惕精神分裂症患者发病, 对易感人群及时进行心理疏导等, 提前发出预警, 并提供一些实用性的“因天制宜”的防病措施, 让大众及时做好应对恶劣天气的准备工作, 防患于未然。

第二, 保护易感人群。老年群体、儿童、青少年等都是气温变化的易感人群, 在异常高温的天气条件下, 要更多地关注这些群体的心理健康状况, 为他们提供一定的防护措施。例如, 经历极端高温天气时, 小学、中学应该放高温假, 避免对学生的心理和身体健康造成不利影响; 同时要关注老年人的生活状况, 在满足其心理需求的前提下, 保护老年人不受高温环境的侵扰。

第三, 关注精神障碍患者。医院精神科的医务人员要随时注意气温的变化, 在气温产生较大变化时, 要更加关注精神障碍患者的症状及治疗效果, 尤其要重点关注有自杀意念和自杀企图的患者, 防止他们在外界环境因素的刺激下做出自杀举动; 精神分裂症等精神障碍患者的护理人员也应格外关注患者的病情及状态, 为患者提供更好的护理服务。

4.2 不足与展望

在探讨气温与身体健康关系的基础上, 研究者关注了气温与心理健康的关系, 这些研究对于揭示心理现象的成因具有一定的启发意义, 但该领域仍然存在诸多不足之处, 有较大的研究空间。

首先, 研究者采用的代表气温的指标不尽相同。一项研究精神分裂症患者的住院人数与气温关系的研究中, 采用的指标是体感温度, 认为体感温度作为环境温度、风速和湿度的综合指标, 比温度本身更客观地反映了人体的热感觉(Yi, Zhang, Gao et al, 2019)。一些探讨气温与精神疾病急诊入院率的关系的研究采用的指标是每日最高温度(Grjibovski et al., 2013); 而另一些研究采用每日平均温度(Williams, Hill, & Spicer, 2015; 2016), 例如, 一项基于里斯本的数据的研究发现日平均温度与精神障碍的入院治疗人数呈正相关(Almendra, Loureiro, Silva, Vasconcelos, & Santana, 2019)。除此之外, 还有研究采用日温度较差(一天中气温最高值与最低值之差)作为气温的指标, 发现较大的日温差是精神分裂症发病的潜在诱因(Sung et al., 2011; Zhao et al., 2016)。也有研究关注季节性的温度变化对心理健康的影响(Davies, Welham, Chant, Torrey, & McGrath, 2003)。这些不同的指标大多能得出类似的结论, 但并没有研究关注这些不同的温度指标对心理健康的影响是否存在差异, 未来的研究应该区分不同指标对心理健康的影响, 不能混为一谈。

第二, 大部分研究关注高温对心理健康的影响, 忽视低温对心理健康的影响。这可能是由于当前全球气候变暖的不可逆转的大趋势让众多研究者把目光放在了异常或极端的高温上, 但低温对心理健康的影响也不可忽视。已有的少量研究发现, 低温天气和抑郁症之间存在着关联(Palinkas & Wong, 2019)。例如, 台北市平均气温低于16.9℃时, 平均昼夜温差越大, 精神分裂症住院率越低(Sung et al., 2011); 常征飞(2012)发现在2008年和2010年南方多个省份遭遇由雨雪冰冻灾害带来的长达一个多月的冰冻期里, 人们处于紧张和焦虑状态, 承受了巨大的心理压力。未来的研究也可以关注异常的低温天气, 如暴雪、霜冻等对人们心理健康的影响。

第三, 研究方法具有局限性, 对干扰变量的控制不足。此领域的研究主要采用基于网络数据文本分析、自我报告法、流行病学的方法等。虽然这样的研究生态效度比较高, 但是由于数据的

有效性和准确性受到很多因素的影响, 而研究者在进行数据分析时没有将这些因素的作用排除出去, 所以得到的结果并不是十分严谨。事实上, 参与者心理上的不适感可能受到其它没有控制的因素干扰, 例如, 湿度、风速等因素都可能对气温与心理健康的关系造成干扰。即使是处于同一气温下, 处在南方的湿热和北方的干热环境、有风的海边和无风的内陆、室内和室外都会影响人体感受到的舒适度。人体感受到的舒适度不同, 人对环境的适应性不同, 气温对人的身心健康产生的影响也可能不同。未来研究或许可以考虑收集更丰富的指标, 将其它可能的影响因素加以控制, 从而更有效地揭示气温与心理健康之间的关系。

第四, 没有考虑到群体差异。例如, 寒带、温带、热带地区不同被试面对气温升高是否会呈现同样的心理病症?一些研究发现使人产生心理不适感的气温阈限是24摄氏度左右, 另一些研究得出的阈限值却是27摄氏度, 而在热带地区的研究得出的阈值高达30摄氏度以上。可见人体对环境的感受具有适应性, 不同地区、不同族群人们的环境适应性不同, 那么群体温度适应性是否是气温对心理健康影响的调节变量?此外, 对于健康人群和已有心理障碍或精神疾病的人群而言, 气温对其心理健康指标的影响是否相同?针对高温环境制定的预防政策是否应该随着不同人群的群体差异而有所不同?这些问题都值得未来研究进一步探讨。未来研究应关注气温升高对不同地区、族群、经济状况、健康水平的人心理健康指标的影响是否存在差异, 以便在制定针对气温威胁的政策和策略时“因地制宜”, 达到更好的效果。此外, 元分析技术能够帮助分析不同地区、族群等因素的调节作用。例如, 一项元分析比较了热带与温带、低纬度与中纬度、中等收入国家和高收入国家环境温度与自杀之间的关系(Gao et al., 2019), 但由于现有文献积累较少, 且文献发表存在地域偏差(如针对温带地区的文献有11篇, 但热带地区的文献仅有2篇), 这些都可能导致元分析结果产生偏差。


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Short-term impacts of air temperature on hospitalizations for mental disorders in Lisbon

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BACKGROUND: Individuals with mental disorders are often susceptible to the effects of extreme ambient temperatures. The aim of this study is to assess the short-term impacts of daily mean temperature on hospitalizations for mental disorders in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, Portugal. METHODS: To assess the short-term impacts of daily mean temperature on hospitalizations for mental disorders (2008-2014), a quasi-Poisson generalized additive model combined with a distributed lag non-linear model was applied. The model was adjusted for day of the week, air pollution, relative humidity, time and seasonality. RESULTS: The number of hospital admissions for mental disorder during the study period was 30,139. Hospital admissions increase significantly with high temperatures on day of exposure, at lag 0-1 and at lag 0-2. Women are more vulnerable than men, and there was no difference between the age groups studied. CONCLUSIONS: The exposure to high temperatures should be considered a significant risk factor for mental disorders; therefore, patient management services may need to be strengthened when extreme high temperature alerts are given.

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Examining the association between apparent temperature and mental health-related emergency room visits in California

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Burke, M., González, F., Baylis, P., Heft-Neal, S., Baysan, C., Basu, S., & Hsiang, S. (2018).

Higher temperatures increase suicide rates in the United States and Mexico

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Chan, E. Y. Y., Ho, J. Y., Hung, H. H. Y., Liu, S., & Lam, H. C. Y. (2019).

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Association between ambient temperatures and mental disorder hospitalizations in a subtropical city: A time-series study of Hong Kong special administrative region

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Long-term exposure to high temperature associated with the incidence of major depressive disorder

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OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate if high climate temperature could have a negative effect on behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD). DESIGN: We conducted a retrospective study. SETTING AND PATIENTS: Six patients discharged from the

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Weather and suicide: A decade analysis in the five largest capital cities of Colombia

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Gao, J., Cheng, Q., Duan, J., Xu, Z., Bai, L., Zhang, Y., ... Su, H. (2019).

Ambient temperature, sunlight duration, and suicide: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Science of The Total Environment, 646, 1021-1029. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.07.098

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Garcia, D. M., & Sheehan, M. C. (2016).

Extreme weather- driven disasters and children's health

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Grjibovski, A. M., Kozhakhmetova, G., Kosbayeva, A., & Menne, B. (2013).

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Guirguis, K., Basu, R., Al Delaimy, W. K., Benmarhnia, T., Clemesha, R. E. S., Corcos, I., ... Gershunov, A. (2018).

Heat, disparities, and health outcomes in San Diego County's diverse climate zones

GeoHealth, 2(7), 212-223. doi: 10.1029/2017GH000127

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Hansen, A., Bi, P., Nitschke, M., Ryan, P., Pisaniello, D., & Tucker, G. (2008).

The effect of heat waves on mental health in a temperate Australian city

Environmental Health Perspectives, 116(10), 1369-1375. doi: 10.1289/ehp.11339

URL     PMID:18941580      [本文引用: 4]

OBJECTIVE: The goal of this study was to identify mental, behavioral, and cognitive disorders that may be triggered or exacerbated during heat waves, predisposing individuals to heat-related morbidity and mortality. DESIGN: Using health outcome data from Adelaide, South Australia, for 1993-2006, we estimated the effect of heat waves on hospital admissions and mortalities attributed to mental, behavioral, and cognitive disorders. We analyzed data using Poisson regression accounting for overdispersion and controlling for season and long-term trend, and we performed threshold analysis using hockey stick regression. RESULTS: Above a threshold of 26.7 degrees C, we observed a positive association between ambient temperature and hospital admissions for mental and behavioral disorders. Compared with non-heat-wave periods, hospital admissions increased by 7.3% during heat waves. Specific illnesses for which admissions increased included organic illnesses, including symptomatic mental disorders; dementia; mood (affective) disorders; neurotic, stress related, and somatoform disorders; disorders of psychological development; and senility. Mortalities attributed to mental and behavioral disorders increased during heat waves in the 65- to 74-year age group and in persons with schizophrenia, schizotypal, and delusional disorders. Dementia deaths increased in those up to 65 years of age. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that episodes of extreme heat pose a salient risk to the health and well-being of the mentally ill. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL OR PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: Improvements in the management and care of the mentally ill need to be addressed to avoid an increase in psychiatric morbidity and mortality as heat waves become more frequent.

Hansen, A. L., Bi, P., Ryan, P., Nitschke, M., Pisaniello, D., & Tucker, G. (2008).

The effect of heat waves on hospital admissions for renal disease in a temperate city of Australia

International Journal of Epidemiology, 37(6), 1359-1365. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyn165

URL     PMID:18710886      [本文引用: 1]

BACKGROUND: A rarely investigated consequence of heat exposure is renal dysfunction resulting from dehydration and hyperthermia. Our study aims to quantify the relationship between exposure to extreme high temperatures and renal morbidity in South Australia. METHODS: Poisson regression accounting for over dispersion, seasonality and long-term trend was used to estimate the effect of heat waves on hospital admissions for renal disease, acute renal failure and renal dialysis over a 12-year period. Selected comorbidities were investigated as possible contributing risk factors. RESULTS: Admissions for renal disease and acute renal failure were increased during heat waves compared with non-heat wave periods with an incidence rate ratio of 1.100 [95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.003-1.206] and 1.255 (95% CI 1.037-1.519), respectively. Hospitalizations for dialysis showed no corresponding increase. Comorbid diabetes did not increase the risk of renal admission, however 'effects of heat and light' and 'exposure to excessive natural heat' (collectively termed effects of heat) were identified as risk factors. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that as heat waves become more frequent, the burden of renal morbidity may increase in susceptible individuals as an indirect consequence of global warming.

Hayes, K., Blashki, G., Wiseman, J., Burke, S., & Reifels, L. (2018).

Climate change and mental health: Risks, impacts and priority actions

International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 12(1), 12-28. doi: 10.1186/s13033-018-0210-6

[本文引用: 1]

Hayes, K., & Poland, B. (2018).

Addressing mental health in a changing climate: Incorporating mental health indicators into climate change and health vulnerability and adaptation assessments

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(9), 1806. doi: 10.3390/ijerph15091806

[本文引用: 1]

Helama, S., Holopainen, J., & Partonen, T. (2013).

Temperature-associated suicide mortality: Contrasting roles of climatic warming and the suicide prevention program in Finland

Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 18(5), 349-355. doi: 10.1007/s12199-013-0329-7

URL     PMID:23382022      [本文引用: 1]

Ho, H. C., Wong, M. S., Yang, L., Shi, W., Yang, J., Bilal, M., & Chan, T. (2018).

Spatiotemporal influence of temperature, air quality, and urban environment on cause-specific mortality during hazy days

Environment International, 112, 10-22. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2017.12.001

URL     PMID:29245038      [本文引用: 1]

Kovats, R. S., & Hajat, S. (2008).

Heat stress and public health: A critical review

Annual Review of Public Health, 29, 41-55. doi: 10.1146/annurev.publhealth.29.020907.090843

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Lee, S., Lee, H., Myung, W., Kim, E. J., & Kim, H. (2018).

Mental disease-related emergency admissions attributable to hot temperatures

Science of The Total Environment, 616-617, 688-694. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.10.260

URL     PMID:29126638      [本文引用: 1]

OBJECTIVE: The association between high temperature and mental disease has been the focus of several studies worldwide. However, no studies have focused on the mental disease burden attributable to hot temperature. Here, we aim to quantify the risk attributed to hot temperatures based on the exposure-lag-response relationship between temperature and mental diseases. METHOD: From data on daily temperature and emergency admissions (EA) for mental diseases collected from 6 major cities (Seoul, Incheon, Daejeon, Daegu, Busan, and Gwangju in South Korea) over a period of 11years (2003-2013), we estimated temperature-disease associations using a distributed lag non-linear model, and we pooled the data by city through multivariate meta-analysis. Cumulative relative risk and attributable risks were calculated for extreme hot temperatures, defined as the 99th percentile relative to the 50th percentile of temperatures. RESULTS: The strongest association between mental disease and high temperature was seen within a period of 0-4days of high temperature exposure. Our results reveal that 14.6% of EA for mental disease were due to extreme hot temperatures, and the elderly were more susceptible (19.1%). Specific mental diseases, including anxiety, dementia, schizophrenia, and depression, also showed significant risk attributed to hot temperatures. Of all EA for anxiety, 31.6% were attributed to extremely hot temperatures. CONCLUSIONS: High temperature was responsible for an attributable risk for mental disease, and the burden was higher in the elderly. This finding has important implications for designing appropriate public health policies to minimize the impact of high temperature on mental health.

Lucas, R. E., & Lawless, N. M. (2013).

Does life seem better on a sunny day? Examining the association between daily weather conditions and life satisfaction judgments

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104(5), 872-884. doi: 10.1037/a0032124

URL     PMID:23607534      [本文引用: 1]

Maurya, T., Karena, K., Vardhan, H., Aruna, M., & Raj, M. G. (2015).

Effect of heat on underground mine workers

Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 11, 491-498. doi: 10.1016/j.proeps.2015.06.049

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Melrose, S. (2015).

Seasonal affective disorder: An overview of assessment and treatment approaches

Depression Research and Treatment, 2015, 178564. doi: 10.1155/2015/178564

URL     PMID:26688752      [本文引用: 2]

Seasonal affective disorder or SAD is a recurrent major depressive disorder with a seasonal pattern usually beginning in fall and continuing into winter months. A subsyndromal type of SAD, or S-SAD, is commonly known as

Mullins, J. T., & White, C. (2019).

Temperature and mental health: Evidence from the spectrum of mental health outcomes

Journal of Health Economics, 68, 102240. doi: 10.1016/j.jhealeco.2019.102240

URL     PMID:31521024      [本文引用: 1]

We study patient choice of healthcare provider based on both objective and subjective quality measures in the context of maternal care hospital services in Germany. Objective measures are obtained from publicly reported clinical indicators, while subjective measures are based on satisfaction scores from a large and nationwide patient survey. We merge both quality metrics to detailed hospital discharge records and quantify the additional distance expectant mothers are willing to travel to give birth in maternity clinics with higher reported quality. Our results reveal that patients are on average willing to travel 0.1-2.7 additional kilometers for a one standard deviation increase in quality. Patients respond to both objective and subjective quality measures, suggesting that patient satisfaction scores may constitute important complements to clinical indicators when choosing provider.

Noelke, C., McGovern, M., Corsi, D. J., Jimenez, M. P., Stern, A., Wing, I. S., Berkman, L. (2016).

Increasing ambient temperature reduces emotional well-being

Environmental Research, 151, 124-129. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2016.06.045

URL     PMID:27475052      [本文引用: 4]

This study examines the impact of ambient temperature on emotional well-being in the U.S. population aged 18+. The U.S. is an interesting test case because of its resources, technology and variation in climate across different areas, which also allows us to examine whether adaptation to different climates could weaken or even eliminate the impact of heat on well-being. Using survey responses from 1.9 million Americans over the period from 2008 to 2013, we estimate the effect of temperature on well-being from exogenous day-to-day temperature variation within respondents' area of residence and test whether this effect varies across areas with different climates. We find that increasing temperatures significantly reduce well-being. Compared to average daily temperatures in the 50-60 degrees F (10-16 degrees C) range, temperatures above 70 degrees F (21 degrees C) reduce positive emotions (e.g. joy, happiness), increase negative emotions (e.g. stress, anger), and increase fatigue (feeling tired, low energy). These effects are particularly strong among less educated and older Americans. However, there is no consistent evidence that heat effects on well-being differ across areas with mild and hot summers, suggesting limited variation in heat adaptation.

Obradovich, N., & Fowler, J. H. (2017).

Climate change may alter human physical activity patterns

Nature Human Behaviour, 1(5), 97. doi: 10.1038/s41562-017-0097

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Obradovich, N., Migliorini, R., Mednick, S. C., & Fowler, J. H. (2017).

Nighttime temperature and human sleep loss in a changing climate

Science Advances, 3(5), e1601555. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1601555

URL     PMID:28560320      [本文引用: 1]

Obradovich, N., Migliorini, R., Paulus, M. P., & Rahwan, I. (2018).

Empirical evidence of mental health risks posed by climate change

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115(43), 10953-10958. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1801528115

URL     PMID:30297424      [本文引用: 1]

Sound mental health-a critical facet of human wellbeing-has the potential to be undermined by climate change. Few large-scale studies have empirically examined this hypothesis. Here, we show that short-term exposure to more extreme weather, multiyear warming, and tropical cyclone exposure each associate with worsened mental health. To do so, we couple meteorological and climatic data with reported mental health difficulties drawn from nearly 2 million randomly sampled US residents between 2002 and 2012. We find that shifting from monthly temperatures between 25 degrees C and 30 degrees C to >30 degrees C increases the probability of mental health difficulties by 0.5% points, that 1 degrees C of 5-year warming associates with a 2% point increase in the prevalence of mental health issues, and that exposure to Hurricane Katrina associates with a 4% point increase in this metric. Our analyses provide added quantitative support for the conclusion that environmental stressors produced by climate change pose threats to human mental health.

Palinkas, L. A., & Wong, M. (2020).

Global climate change and mental health

Current Opinion in Psychology, 32, 12-16. doi: 10.1016/j.copsyc.2019.06.023

URL     PMID:31349129      [本文引用: 3]

Although several empirical studies and systematic reviews have documented the mental health impacts of global climate change, the range of impacts has not been well understood. This review examines mental health impacts of three types of climate-related events: (1) acute events such as hurricanes, floods, and wildfires; (2) subacute or long-term changes such as drought and heat stress; and (3) the existential threat of long-lasting changes, including higher temperatures, rising sea levels and a permanently altered and potentially uninhabitable physical environment. The impacts represent both direct (i.e. heat stress) and indirect (i.e. economic loss, threats to health and well-being, displacement and forced migration, collective violence and civil conflict, and alienation from a degraded environment) consequences of global climate change.

Paluska, S. A., & Schwenk, T. L. (2000).

Physical activity and mental health

Sports Medicine, 29(3), 167-180. doi: 10.2165/00007256-200029030-00003

[本文引用: 1]

Peng, Z., Wang, Q., Wang, W., Kan, H., & Chen, R. (2017).

Effects of ambient temperature on daily hospital admissions for mental disorders in Shanghai, China: A time-series analysis

Science of the Total Environment, 590-591, 281-286. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.02.237

URL     PMID:28274603      [本文引用: 2]

BACKGROUND: Evidence for extreme ambient temperature effects on the risk of mental disorders (MDs) is limited. In this study, we evaluated the short-term effects of daily mean temperature on hospital admissions of MDs in Shanghai, China. METHODS: We obtained daily hospital admission data for MDs, daily meteorological and ambient pollution data in Shanghai from January 2008 to December 2015. Adjusted for time trend, air pollution, relative humidity and other confounders, a quasi-Poisson generalized additive model (GAM) combined with a distributed lag non-linear model (DLNM) was used to analyze the lag-exposure-response relationship between daily mean temperature and hospital admissions for MDs. RESULTS: Total daily hospital admissions for MDs during the study period were 93,971. With a reference of median temperature (18.3 degrees C), there was a significant positive association between the temperature above threshold (24.6 degrees C) and MD hospital admission visits at a lag of 0-1days. The relative risks of extreme hot temperatures (33.1 degrees C, 99% percentile) over the lag 0-1days compared to median temperature were 1.266 (95% confidence intervals: 1.074-1.493). No effect of cold weather on the hospital admissions for MDs was observed. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that extreme hot temperature poses significant risks on MD; health counseling and cooling measures should be considered for the susceptible population.

Rocklov, J., Forsberg, B., Ebi, K., & Bellander, T. (2014).

Susceptibility to mortality related to temperature and heat and cold wave duration in the population of Stockholm County, Sweden

Global Health Action, 7(1), 22737. doi: 10.3402/gha.v7.22737

URL     PMID:28672479      [本文引用: 2]

Sanson, A. V., Wachs, T. D., Koller, S. H., & Salmela-Aro, K. (2018). Young people and climate change: The role of developmental science. In S. Verma & A. C. Petersen (Eds.), Developmental science and sustainable development goals for children and youth (pp. 115-137). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

[本文引用: 2]

Schneider, A., Rückerl, R., Breitner, S., Wolf, K., & Peters, A. (2017).

Thermal control, weather, and aging

Current Environmental Health Reports, 4(1), 21-29. doi: 10.1007/s40572-017-0129-0

URL     PMID:28110470      [本文引用: 1]

Shahmohamadi, P., Che-Ani, A., Maulud, K., Sairi, A., & Mohd-nor, M. (2010).

The framework to mitigate the urban heat island effect for improving environment and protecting human health

International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning: Encouraging the Unified Approach to Achieve Sustainability, 5(4), 351-366. doi: 10.2495/SDP-V5-N4-351-366

[本文引用: 1]

Sugg, M. M., Dixon, P. G., & Runkle, J. D. (2019).

Crisis support-seeking behavior and temperature in the United States: Is there an association in young adults and adolescents?

Science of The Total Environment, 669, 400-411. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.02.434

URL     PMID:30884264      [本文引用: 3]

BACKGROUND: Mounting evidence demonstrates the relationship between high temperatures and adverse mental health outcomes. Yet, no study has examined the influence of temperature on crisis support-seeking behavior among youth in large urban areas. METHODS: Crisis Text Line (CTL) is a text messaging service that provides crisis interventions for support-seeking individuals for a range of mental-health outcomes in the United States. We applied a distributed lag non-linear modeling technique to assess the short-term impacts of daily maximum and minimum temperature on crisis-related events in four metropolitan locations in the USA. RESULTS: There were multiple positive associations in three of the four study locations that demonstrate crisis help-seeking behavior increased during anomalously warm conditions. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that there is a significant association between high minimum or maximum temperatures and crisis help-seeking behaviors in young adults and adolescents in urban areas in the United States.

Sung, T., Chen, M., Lin, C., Lung, S., & Su, H. (2011).

Relationship between mean daily ambient temperature range and hospital admissions for schizophrenia: Results from a national cohort of psychiatric inpatients

Science of The Total Environment, 410-411, 41-46. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2011.09.028

URL     PMID:22018962      [本文引用: 3]

Environmental temperature is known to correlate with schizophrenia, but little is known about the association with changes in temperature. This 12-year study aimed to evaluate the relationship between the mean daily range of ambient temperature and schizophrenia admissions in a national cohort of psychiatric inpatients in Taiwan. Meteorological data provided by the Central Weather Bureau of Taiwan were interpolated to create representative estimates. Psychiatric inpatient admissions in all hospitals with medical services enrolled in the current health care insurance system were retrieved from the 1996-2007 Psychiatric Inpatient Medical Claim dataset of the National Health Insurance Research Database. Generalized linear models with Poisson distributions were used to analyze the impact of mean diurnal change of temperature on schizophrenia admissions, controlling for internal correlations and demographic covariates. The daily temperature range varied between 1.7 degrees C and 12.1 degrees C (1st to 99th percentile). The relative risk of schizophrenia admission was significantly increased at a temperature range of 3.2 degrees C (10th percentile), and the maximum was at 12.1 degrees C (99th percentile); however, no such association was found with schizoaffective disorder. When restricted to the capital and largest city, the effects of temperature range were prominent and may correlate with temperature itself. The joint effect of temperature and temperature range was associated with elevated risk, particularly at cooler temperatures. A positive correlation was found between increasing temperature range and schizophrenia admissions. The increase in morbidity at high percentiles suggests that the increasing dynamics of temperature range are a valid reflection of risk, highlighting the need for precautionary action.

Tawatsupa, B., Lim, L. L., Kjellstrom, T., Seubsman, S. A., Sleigh, A., & The Thai Cohort Study team (2010).

The association between overall health, psychological distress, and occupational heat stress among a large national cohort of 40, 913 Thai workers

Global Health Action, 3(1), 5034. doi: 10.3402/gha.v3i0.5034

[本文引用: 5]

Thompson, R., Hornigold, R., Page, L., & Waite, T. (2018).

Associations between high ambient temperatures and heat waves with mental health outcomes: A systematic review

Public Health, 161, 171-191. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2018.06.008

URL     PMID:30007545      [本文引用: 1]

Trang, P. M., Rocklov, J., Giang, K. B., & Nilsson, M. (2016).

Seasonality of hospital admissions for mental disorders in Hanoi, Vietnam

Global Health Action, 9(1), 32116. doi: 10.3402/gha.v9.32116

URL     PMID:28157008      [本文引用: 2]

Vanos, J. K., Warland, J. S., Gillespie, T. J., & Kenny, N. A. (2012).

Thermal comfort modelling of body temperature and psychological variations of a human exercising in an outdoor environment

International Journal of Biometeorology, 56(1), 21-32. doi: 10.1007/s00484-010-0393-2

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(sk) RMSE was 1.5 degrees C, with separate cycling and running giving RMSE of 1.4 degrees C and 1.6 degrees C, respectively, and no significant difference in residuals. Subjects' actual thermal sensation (ATS) votes displayed significant strong rank correlation with budget scores calculated using both measured and predicted (T) over bar (sk) (rs=0.507 and 0.517, respectively, P(sk) and T(c) validations, enables better application to a variety of outdoor spaces. This model can be used in future research studying linkages between thermal discomfort, subsequent decreases in physical activity, and negative health trends.]]>

Varghese, B., Pisaniello, D., Hansen, A., Barnett, A., Williams, S., Bi, P., ... Rowett, S. (2019).

Insights into the epidemiology of heat-related work injuries: A mixed-methods analysis of workers’ compensation claims and stakeholder perspectives

Environmental Epidemiology, 3, 410. doi: 10.1097/01.EE9.0000610592.74549.9d

[本文引用: 1]

Varghese, B. M., Hansen, A., Bi, P., & Pisaniello, D. (2018).

Are workers at risk of occupational injuries due to heat exposure? A comprehensive literature review

Safety Science, 110, 380-392. doi: 10.1016/j.ssci.2018.04.027

[本文引用: 1]

Vida, S., Durocher, M., Ouarda, T. B. M. J., & Gosselin, P. (2012).

Relationship between ambient temperature and humidity and visits to mental health emergency departments in Québec

Psychiatric Services, 63(11), 1150-1153. doi: 10.1176/

URL     PMID:23117515      [本文引用: 1]

OBJECTIVE: This study examined whether the number of emergency department visits for

Wang, H., Di, B., Zhang, T., Lu, Y., Chen, C., Wang, D., ... Yang, Z. (2019).

Association of meteorological factors with infectious diarrhea incidence in Guangzhou, southern China: A time-series study (2006-2017)

Science of the Total Environment, 672, 7-15. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.03.330

URL     PMID:30954825      [本文引用: 1]

BACKGROUND: Infectious diarrhea (ID) has exerted a severe disease burden on the world. The seasonal ID patterns suggest that meteorological factors (MFs) may influence ID incidence. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of MFs on ID, and to provide scientific evidence to the relevant health authorities for disease control and prevention. METHODS: Data from ID cases and daily MFs (including mean temperature, diurnal temperature range, relative humidity, precipitation, atmospheric pressure, and wind velocity) in Guangzhou, Southern China from 2006 to 2017 were collected. Using a distributed lag non-linear model approach, we assessed the relationship between MFs and ID incidence. RESULTS: Compared with the lowest ID risk values, low mean temperature, relative humidity, and precipitation were associated with an increased risk for ID, while higher diurnal temperature range and atmospheric pressure were also associated with increased risk. Maximum atmospheric pressure and minimum relative humidity had larger cumulative effects within 21 lag days, yielding relative risks of 133.11 (95% CI: 61.29-289.09) and 18.17 (14.42-22.89), respectively. The cumulative effect within 21 lag days of minimum temperature was higher than that from maximum temperature in all sub-populations. The cumulative effects of minimum temperature for men, teenagers, and young adults (10-29years) were higher than those for other populations. CONCLUSIONS: MFs should be considered when developing prevention and surveillance programs for ID. Special attention should be paid to vulnerable populations, such as teenagers and young adults.

Wang, X., Lavigne, E., Ouellette-kuntz, H., & Chen, B. E. (2014).

Acute impacts of extreme temperature exposure on emergency room admissions related to mental and behavior disorders in Toronto, Canada

Journal of Affective Disorders, 155, 154-161. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2013.10.042

URL     PMID:24332428      [本文引用: 1]

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of extreme ambient temperature on hospital emergency room visits (ER) related to mental and behavioral illnesses in Toronto, Canada. METHODS: A time series study was conducted using health and climatic data from 2002 to 2010 in Toronto, Canada. Relative risks (RRs) for increases in emergency room (ER) visits were estimated for specific mental and behavioral diseases (MBD) after exposure to hot and cold temperatures while using the 50th percentile of the daily mean temperature as reference. Poisson regression models using a distributed lag non-linear model (DLNM) were used. We adjusted for the effects of seasonality, humidity, day-of-the-week and outdoor air pollutants. RESULTS: We found a strong association between MBD ER visits and mean daily temperature at 28 degrees C. The association was strongest within a period of 0-4 days for exposure to hot temperatures. A 29% (RR=1.29, 95% CI 1.09-1.53) increase in MBD ER vists was observed over a cumulative period of 7 days after exposure to high ambient temperature (99th percentile vs. 50th percentile). Similar associations were reported for schizophrenia, mood, and neurotic disorers. No significant associations with cold temperatures were reported. LIMITATIONS: The ecological nature and the fact that only one city was investigated. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that extreme temperature poses a risk to the health and wellbeing for individuals with mental and behavior illnesses. Patient management and education may need to be improved as extreme temperatures may become more prevalent with climate change.

Williams, M. N., Hill, S. R., Spicer, J. (2015).

Will climate change increase or decrease suicide rates? The differing effects of geographical, seasonal, and irregular variation in temperature on suicide incidence

Climate Change, 130(4), 519-528. doi: 10.1007/s10584-015-1371-9

[本文引用: 1]

Williams, M. N., Hill, S. R., Spicer, J. (2016).

Do hotter temperatures increase the incidence of self-harm hospitalisations?

Psychology, Health & Medicine, 21(2), 226-235. doi: 10.1080/13548506.2015.1028945.

URL     PMID:25849087      [本文引用: 1]

Wong, L. P., Alias, H., Aghamohammadi, N., Aghazadeh, S., & Sulaiman, N. M. N. (2018).

Physical, psychological, and social health impact of temperature rise due to urban heat island phenomenon and its associated factors

Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, 31(7), 545-550. doi: 10.3967/bes2018.074

URL     PMID:30145991      [本文引用: 1]

Xu, Y., Wheeler, S. A., & Zuo, A. (2018).

Will boys' mental health fare worse under a hotter climate in Australia?

Population and Environment, 40(2), 158-181. doi: 10.1007/s11111-018-0306-6

[本文引用: 7]

Yi, W., Zhang, X., Gao, J., Wei, Q., Pan, R., Duan, J., ... Su, H. (2019).

Examining the association between apparent temperature and admissions for schizophrenia in Hefei, China, 2005-2014: A time-series analysis

The Science of the Total Environment, 672, 1-6. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.03.436

URL     PMID:30954808      [本文引用: 1]

Yi, W., Zhang, X., Pan, R., Wei, Q., Gao, J., Xu, Z., ... Su, H. (2019).

Quantifying the impacts of temperature variability on hospitalizations for schizophrenia: A time series analysis in Hefei, China

Science of the Total Environment, 696, 133927. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.133927

URL     PMID:31465930      [本文引用: 2]

Patent data present a number of advantages compared to other alternative measures of innovation. This paper presents research on the use of environmentally relevant technology patent data using a comprehensive analysis method to analyze the development of green technology innovation in China in 1990-2015. From the analysis, it can be concluded that during the period of 2000-2015, China's environmental-related technology innovation made great progress and was at the forefront of green technology growth; in particular, the areas of water and wastewater treatment, solar photovoltaic (PV) energy, lighting, improvements related to bulk or fine chemicals or pharmaceuticals, electric vehicles, and other technologies made great achievements. These technologies are closely related to environmental policies, such as climate change mitigation and green industry transformation, for which China has been advocating for more than a decade. However, after analyzing China's green development, it was found that, although some of the indicators, environmental-related patents, and green developments have made great progress, complete reliance on green technology is far off in the future.

Zhao, D., Zhang, X., Xie, M., Cheng, J., Zhang, H., Wang, S., ... Su, H. (2016).

Is greater temperature change within a day associated with increased emergency admissions for schizophrenia?

Science of the Total Environment, 566-567, 1545-1551. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.06.045

URL     PMID:27320736      [本文引用: 3]

BACKGROUND: Diurnal temperature range (DTR), as an important index of climate change, has been increasingly used to evaluate the impacts of temperature variability on human health. However, little is known about the effects of DTR on schizophrenia. OBJECTIVE: The present study aims to examine the relationship between DTR and schizophrenia admissions, and further, to explore whether the association varied by individual characteristics and study periods. METHODS: A Poisson generalized linear regression combined with distributed lag non-linear model (DLNM) was applied to analyze daily DTR and schizophrenia data from Hefei, China during 2005 to 2014, after adjusting for long-term and seasonal trends, mean temperature, relative humidity and other confounding factors. RESULTS: An acute adverse effect of extremely high DTR on schizophrenia was observed, with a 2.7% (95% CI: 1.007-1.047) increase of daily schizophrenia admissions after exposure to extremely high DTR (95th percentile vs. 50th percentile). The risk for schizophrenia onset due to large DTR exposure increased from the first five years (2005-2009) to the second five years (2010-2014). Additionally, the patient aged 15-29 and 50-64years, male patients, patients born in spring/autumn, and married patients appeared to be more vulnerable to DTR effect. However, there was no significant association between moderately high DTR (75th percentile) and schizophrenia. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that extremely high DTR is a potential trigger for schizophrenia admissions in Hefei, China. Our findings may provide valuable information to decisions-makers and guidance to health practitioners.


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