ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展, 2020, 28(7): 1156-1163 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2020.01156



程士静, 何文广,

曲阜师范大学教育学院, 山东 曲阜 273165

The acquisition, development and aging of semantic cognition and related neural mechanism

CHENG Shijing, HE Wenguang,

School of Educational, Qufu Normal University, Qufu 273165, China

通讯作者: 何文广,

收稿日期: 2019-08-19   网络出版日期: 2020-07-15

基金资助: * 国家社科基金资助(18BYY092)

Received: 2019-08-19   Online: 2020-07-15


作为语言系统的重要组成部分, 探究语义认知发展机制及其神经机理对揭示人类语言发展、认知机制有着重要意义。以语义认知能力的习得、发展、老化认知机制为主线, 在系统阐释词汇-语义系统的习得、语义认知能力和策略发展的基础上, 进一步探讨了语义认知老化的认知机制及其神经机理。最后, 围绕儿童和成人的语义认知差异、句法和语义认知老化的差异、语义认知老化的影响因素等问题上进行了思考和展望。

关键词: 语义认知; 语义习得和发展; 语义认知老化; 神经机制


Semantic cognition is an important part of language systems, and thus the exploration of its development mechanism and the underlying neural mechanism is of great significance to reveal the development and cognitive mechanism of human languages. This paper focuses on the acquisition, development and aging of semantic cognition, and further explores the mechanism of aging in semantic cognition and related neural mechanism based on systematic elaboration of lexica-semantic acquisition and the development of semantic cognitive ability and strategy. Finally, discussions were made on the differences between children and adults in semantic cognition, syntactic and semantic cognitive aging, and the influencing factors of aging.

Keywords: semantic processing; semantic acquisition and development; aging in semantic cognition; neural mechanism

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程士静, 何文广. 语义认知的习得、发展和老化及其神经机制 . 心理科学进展, 2020, 28(7): 1156-1163 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2020.01156

CHENG Shijing, HE Wenguang. The acquisition, development and aging of semantic cognition and related neural mechanism. Advances in Psychological Science, 2020, 28(7): 1156-1163 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2020.01156

语言是人类在漫长历史进化过程中, 逐渐形成的集社会、文化、生物、心理等因素为一体的复杂符号体系, 该符号体系的重要功能在于实现人际间的交流与沟通, 而该功能的实现在很大程度上则依赖于语义, 即语言所蕴含的意义。尽管学界对有关语义的界定和理解存在争议, 但是综合来看, 语义是基于语言形式表现出来的、用于描述事物本质及其关系的客观知识体系, 是人脑对客观现实及其关系的反映(秦春秀, 祝婷, 赵捧未, 张毅, 2014)。从表现形式上看, 语义是主观的, 但从功能上看, 语义则具有客观现实性, 是人类理解世界、采取行为的重要指导性因素, 而该功能的实现则基于人们对语义的正确理解和表征, 即语义认知。科学、合理、正确的语义认知是客观语义知识取得心理现实性的重要前提和保障。因此, 探究语义认知的发展机制、影响因素及其神经机理对于揭示语言认知机制、有效达成语言功能有着重要理论和实践意义。

1 语义认知含义分析

语义认知, 即语义客观知识体系获得心理现实性的心理表征过程, 它要求人们既要以可接受的形式表征信息, 又要控制人们在特定情况下如何使用和操作语义知识。语义认知是语义客观知识体系渗透行为的神经认知机制的集合, 使人们能够识别和推断环境中的物体和事件。具体来说, 语义认知就是要了解任务需要的对象和动作(Badre & Wagner, 2002; Hoffman, McClelland, & Ralph, 2018; Ralph, Jefferies, Patterson, & Rogers, 2017; Yee & Thompson-Schill, 2016), 并在此基础上对存贮在语义记忆中的概念特征等知识信息进行表征和提取(许振国, 2011)。因此, 语义认知是诸多认知系统协同作用的结果。而其中语义表征系统和语义控制系统最为重要。语义表征系统通过分布于大脑皮层内的感觉、运动、语言、情感等诸多信息源间的高阶关系实现概念知识的编码。通过该系统, 人们可以将从语言和非语言经验中获得的知识归纳、提炼到新的情况中, 该系统更多和语言经验有关, 相对比较稳定。语义控制系统主要包括语义检索和语义竞争两个子系统, 主要负责控制、操纵语义表征系统的激活, 以生成适合于每个特定时间或特定任务环境的推断和行为(Hoffman, 2019; Ralph et al., 2017), 该系统更多的依赖于个体的认知神经系统的成熟性, 具有鲜明的发展变化性。研究表明, 语义表征系统和语义控制系统具有不同的神经表征机制(胡云霄, 2017), 因而两者有着不同的形成、发展、衰老模式。

2 语义认知能力的习得、发展认知机制及其神经基础

2.1 儿童词汇-语义系统的建构

学界普遍认为, 作为构成语句、篇章最基本的单位, 词汇的意义是语义系统中最自然、最基础的组成部分, 它贯穿语义发展的始终, 具有不可或缺的地位和作用(王德春, 2006)。因此, 个体语义的发展是建立在词义获得的基础之上, 而词义的获得又依赖于个体的词汇量。研究表明, 个体生命早期的词汇量是显著递增的, 表现出爆炸性模式。有研究发现, 7~8个月的婴幼儿已可以从语音流中提取单词形式, 并能保持较长时间(Cheour et al., 2002)。儿童是在什么时间逐渐建构起自己的词汇-语义系统的呢?诸多证据表明, 24个月左右的婴幼儿已开始逐步发展有着不同语义关系的词汇-语义系统(Arias-trejo & Plunkett, 2009, 2013; Rämä, Sirri, & Serres, 2013)。Chow, Davies和Plunkett (2017)通过四图视觉情境范式(four- picture Visual World Paradigm, VWP)考察了24个月和30个月大的幼儿在口语-单词识别中词汇-语义表征的激活方式, 将视觉情境与听觉刺激跨通道结合, 即以显示器呈现的4幅图片(包含听觉目标词, 与目标词语音、语义相关或无关的图片)作为视觉情境, 通过耳机播放听觉刺激, 要求被试注视图片或对图片进行选择。结果发现, 两岁之前的幼儿就可以把单词和他们口语中所指的参照物联系起来, 并且可以从语言中提取出关于语义相关的信息。但也有研究表明, 18个月左右的幼儿就已经建构起自己的词汇-语义系统(Rämä et al., 2013)。儿童词汇-语义系统的发展, 既受到语义类型的影响, 也受到儿童认知能力和语言经验的影响。来自跨通道偏好注视范式(Intermodal Preferential Looking Paradigm, IPLP)的研究比较了幼儿和成人词汇-语义系统存在的差别, 该范式是婴儿认知研究中偏好范式的一种变式, 和VWP研究不同的是婴儿IPLP研究倾向于使用两张图片, 目标通常只是调查婴儿是否已学习或已理解目标词。实验包含学习和测试两个阶段, 若婴儿在测试阶段对词语相匹配的那个客体注视时间更长, 那么就认为婴儿已经成功地将词语和客体联系起来。IPLP研究表明, 幼儿的词汇-语义系统与成人的词汇-语义系统最初是不同的。虽然幼儿在1岁时就表现出对语音细节的敏感性, 并能将单词与意义相匹配, 但他们对单词之间语音相似性和语义相似性的理解程度在2岁时才开始趋于成人。该发现表明了儿童从幼儿期基于单独对单词进行编码的词汇-语义系统逐渐发展到根据单词之间语音和语义的相似性对单词进行编码的词汇-语义系统。但后来研究者发现幼儿语音和语义表征激活的顺序和时间进程与成人是相近的, 都是以渐进的方式从语言中提取语音和语义信息, 只不过在提取速度上有些差异, 幼儿从口语中提取语音信息的速度比他们提取语义信息的速度快(Chow et al., 2017)。另外, 有研究发现, 正在学习两种语言的双语儿童, 与单语儿童相似, 对单词之间的分类关系也很敏感, 这表明接触两种语言并不会延迟词汇-语义系统的发展, 但是在自动加工的效率上不如单语儿童, 这也许是因为他们可能需要额外的时间来处理语义相关性。据此, 研究者们认为双语儿童语义加工的认知过程可能因语言经验而异(Rämä, Sirri, & Goyet, 2018)。

2.2 儿童语义认知能力及其策略的发展

从语义发展的过程来看, 婴幼儿更多是在假设检验认知策略的基础上来发展语义认知能力。起初, 他们会根据自己的理解对初始词义进行词义假设, 这时词汇的初始意义与成人视角下的词义往往不尽相同, 可能会造成词义的过度扩展或者扩展不足的现象(马菊青, 2005)。前种情况下儿童常常会赋予词语一个较大的外延, 即用一个单词指代种类比较广泛的物体或事件。比如, 儿童使用“狗狗”这个词指代所有长毛的四条腿动物。后种情况下儿童会用一般性单词指代较小范围的物体, 即把一个词语只用在一种环境下或者只用来特指一种事物。例如, 把“饼干”只用于指巧克力小饼。儿童对初始词义形成假设后, 随后的社会交往环境促使儿童反复的提出假设, 并不断的验证和修正该假设, 儿童词义的义素也相应的逐步稳定, 导致儿童的词汇-语义系统在整个过程中逐渐完善且不断丰富。

除了假设检验认知策略外, 统计学习(Statistical Learning)是目前有关儿童语音、正字法、语义、句法等多种语言现象习得的具有强大普适性解释效力的语言学习机制。统计学习又称内隐学习或程序学习, 主要是指儿童在大量语言现象的接触过程中, 于不觉间抽取某种语言现象的概率特性(Wells, Christiansen, Race, Acheson, & Macdonald, 2009)。学界通常把该统计学习看成是个体具有的一种强大的先天能力, 个体在很早的时候就对协同发生的语音、正字法、语义概率非常敏感。有研究表明, 8个月大的婴儿对音节协同发生的概率已经比较敏感, 他们可以根据该概率从人工语言中抽取出相应的词汇(Saffran, Newport, & Aslin, 1996)。12~14个月大的婴幼儿可以通过快速评估多个孤立的模糊单词和场景中的统计证据来匹配单词的意义从而完成词汇学习(Smith & Yu, 2008)。基于统计学习策略, 儿童可以将获得的词汇迁移到新的情景中, 也可以从具有普适性词汇意义中提取该词的特殊语义(官群, 赵建蓉, 姚茹, 2018)。Arizmendi团队使用跨情景词汇学习实验范式研究发现, 即使说话较晚的幼儿也具备利用统计学习增进其词汇容量、提升词汇学习的能力(Alt, Meyers, Oglivie, Nicholas, & Arizmendi, 2014)。

如上所述, 儿童是在假设检验和统计学习的基础上形成了词汇-语义映射系统(lexical-semantic mapping system)。那么, 儿童是如何在更大语言信息单元层面通达和提取语义信息的呢?研究发现, 儿童最初是通过话语片断建构语义, 此后, 通过掌握语法意义建构新的话语。语法意义的习得使儿童语言中语义之间的关系越来越清晰、明确, 同时也能够顺利的将自己的想法表达出来。伴随词汇语义关系及其搭配规律的发现, 儿童不断地建构其内部的语义体系(马菊青, 2005)。为了有效、准确、经济的通达和提取语义信息, 儿童会有意识的使用某些认知策略建构和提取语义(桂诗春, 2000)。总体来说, 存在着三种理解策略: (1)自我主观认知策略。该策略是指儿童会先对自己主观存在的生理心理状态进行评估, 然后根据评估结果和自己仅存的语言水平来对话语进行理解和会晤。(2)口语中的谐音策略。这一策略指的是, 当儿童听到某个词汇的发音和他大脑认知系统中已有词汇的发音一样或者非常相近时, 便会对该词汇产生同样的理解。(3)非言语策略。该策略指的是儿童会把大脑中已经构建好的知识经验、成人给予的态度反应以及言语发生时的周围环境结合起来进行话语理解。

2.3 语义习得和发展的神经机制

较之语音感知能力, 个体语义认知能力的获得似乎要晚许多。研究表明, 婴儿从出生开始, 就能够辨别自然语言中用来区分单词的语音细节, 7~8个月的婴儿就能从语音流中提取单词形式。但是, 在词汇形式和其意义间建立起稳定的映射关系却是个非常漫长的过程。有研究运用事件相关电位(event-related potential, ERP)技术考察了7~9个月婴儿语义习得的神经机制, 结果发现, 在动作语义或词汇语义信息的识别中, 9个月大的婴儿诱发了和成人类似的N400脑成分, 而7个月大的婴儿则没有观察到N400成分, 据此他们认为在单个词汇语义的识别中, 9个月大的婴儿才基本上具备了类似成人的语义认知机制(Reid et al., 2009)。语义整合的认知能力似乎发展的更晚, Friedrich和Friederici (2005)使用语义启动任务, 研究了12~19个月年龄段个体的体语义整合发展特点, 结果在12月大的婴儿身上, 没有发现标示语义整合机制存在的N400成分, 直到19个月大的幼儿身上才观察到类似成人语义整合机制的N400成分。据此, 研究者认为1岁前的婴儿已具备基于词汇提取语义的认知能力, 但语义整合能力却要推延到18个月左右才能具备。虽然19个月大的幼儿表现出类似成人诱发的N400成分, 但其波幅、潜伏期及半球分布方面和成人还是存在差异性。在成人被试中, N400成分在顶叶中心部分表现最强, 额叶部位反应相对较弱, 且右半球的反应比左半球更强烈, 但在儿童被试身上, 额叶区域有较强的激活, 且两半球激活强度差异不明显。该现象说明, 儿童语义信息的提取和整合自动化程度仍然不够, 依然需要认知控制的参与。此外, 研究者还使用ERP技术考察了21~24个月儿童语义关联性认知能力, 结果发现, 刺激项目间的索引关系及语义不一致关系在儿童被试和成人被试中诱发了类似的N400成分, 说明该年龄段的儿童对语义之间的关联性就有了认知能力(von koss Torkildsen, Syversen, Simonsen, Moen, & Lindgren, 2007; Arias-Trejo & Plunkett, 2009)。不止如此, 研究者还发现24个月的个体已经具备语义分类认知能力。Rämä, Sirri和Serres (2013)在语义启动任务中于24个月大的儿童右侧枕叶附近观察到标示语义分类启动效应的N400成分, 据此他们得出上述结论, 考察了上述年龄段儿童语义分类认知能力。

来自ERP技术的研究已表明, 12~24个月左右的婴幼儿基本具备诸如语义提取、语义整合、语义联想、语义分类等多种语义认知能力。那么, 该年龄段的婴幼儿在上述语义认知过程中是否和成人经历了类似的神经活动?由于在神经激活空间定位方面ERP技术不够精确, 学界开始借助功能磁共振成像技术(fMRI)对该问题进行了深入研究。一项有关5~10岁儿童听觉语义信息处理的研究显示, 儿童和成人具有类似的脑激活模式, 除却负责语义处理的经典脑区如颞叶、顶叶及部分枕叶有激活外, 左侧梭状回的前、后外侧, 及扣带回左前侧也有激活, 不同是儿童被试在上述部分脑区的激活更强(Balsamo, Xu, & Gaillard, 2006; Binder et al., 1997)。有关语义表征的研究也表明, 儿童在额下中回前腹侧区(BA 47)和颞上中回前腹侧区(BA 22, 21)表现出更多的激活(Booth et al., 2006)。Chou等人(2010)以9~12岁、具有不同语义理解水平的儿童为被试, 就其语义加工中神经激活模式的差异进行了研究, 发现语义理解水平较好的被试, 包括颞下回和颞中回在内的后侧区域神经系统有更强的激活, 而语义理解水平相对较差的被试, 包括额下回和额中回在内的前侧脑区有更多的激活。研究者据此认为, 语义理解水平较低的被试可能由于语义系统连接较弱或不准确, 导致语义选择过程中更多的使用负责执行控制功能的前额脑区。在另一项有关9~15岁儿童语义认知的研究中(Chou et al., 2006), 研究者们发现年龄较大的儿童在进行语义搜索任务时, 右侧额下回、左侧颞中回和顶叶下叶等区域有较强的激活, 该结果说明年龄较大的儿童具有更精细的语义表征和更完整的语义整合机制。而且, 该研究还发现, 右侧颞上回(BA 22)的激活强度和年龄大小相关, 右侧颞中回(BA 21)的激活则和语义理解准确性相关, 该结果说明年龄越小、语义理解水平越低的被试, 语义认知活动中右半球的激活越强。

3 语义认知老化的认知机制及其神经基础

随着生理机能老化, 老年人的各项认知功能都呈现出衰退趋势, 作为人类较为复杂的语言认知能力也不可避免的发生老化(何文广, 2017)。目前, 句法认知老化已获得共识, 但有关语义认知能力是否会发生老化依然存在争论。来自词汇测试的研究表明, 语义在整个成年期保持相对稳定, 老化现象不明显(Laver, 2009)。语义认知荟萃分析表明, 60岁以上的老年人词汇语义认知得分反而要高于30岁以下的年轻人。研究者认为这是由于语义知识随着年龄增长而有所增加所导致(Verhaeghen, 2003)。据此, 他们认为语义认知老化现象并不严重, 与年轻人相比, 虽然在其它认知领域中观察到了许多功能衰退现象, 但是老年人在语义处理的大多数方面依然保持稳定, 老年人依然有着较好的语义认知能力。然而, 也有研究者主张语义认知老化现象的存在, 这主要是因为语义认知过程中需要认知控制, 而认知控制能力伴随着年龄的老化而呈现出衰退趋势, 所以语义认知不可避免的存在老化现象(Hoffman & Morcom, 2018; Hoffman, 2019; Boudiaf et al., 2018)。研究表明, 语义控制能力的老化会降低概念知识快速提取与检索的效率, 进而影响到相应任务的语言生成(Wierenga et al., 2008)。Boudiaf等人(2018)使用fMRI技术考察了老年人语义分类能力。行为数据显示, 正常的老化与概念或语义表征的丧失无关, 而与词汇生成过程和词汇产生障碍有关。脑成像的结果则显示在涉及单词检索和生成的脑区, 老年被试激活较弱。同时, 与左半球负责语义加工对应的右半球相应脑区, 老年被试有着较强的激活表现。该结果说明, 在词汇检索、语义分类等任务中, 老年被试需要征用右半球有关脑区以补偿左半球因老化而导致的语义加工效率的降低。语义认知能力的老化还体现在阅读理解水平上。研究发现, 阅读中语境对老年人的词汇语义加工有明显的影响, 他们不容易使用自上而下的上下文约束, 因此在句子理解中更主要依赖自下而上的词汇特征来指导单词的语义通达(Payne & Federmeier, 2018)。此外, 老年人的阅读理解水平还受到词汇语义丰富性的影响, 其主要原因在于面临具有多种词义的词汇时, 老年人选择符合语境的义项、控制非目标义项的能力衰退(Hoffman & Woollams, 2015; Pexman & Yap, 2018)。一项来自语义匹配任务的研究表明, 年轻人在任务中受词频和想象力的影响较大, 这两个因素与语义表征的丰富性有关, 相比之下, 老年人没有表现出词频效应和较弱的想象力。据此, 研究者认为, 老年人由于语义知识库较大且词汇义项表征较为精细, 在词汇语义匹配过程中, 老年人需要付出较多的认知控制资源, 以便更好的完成语义匹配实验任务(Hoffman, 2019)。

近来, 语义认知老化得到了更多神经生理学研究结果支持。与老年人左颞中回的激活相比, 左下前额回的激活在年轻受试者中是显著的。此外, 老年人在右侧梭状回和顶叶的激活显著, 而年轻人则在右侧扣带回区域的激活显著。在语义流畅性任务中, Baciu等人(2016)发现, 老年被试和年轻被试在前额叶、颞叶、枕叶、顶叶均有激活, 老年人对该语义任务的大脑激活体现在右半球的顶叶前部和感觉-运动联合区区域, 在左半球的激活主要体现在前扣带回区域。而在语义判断任务(Lacombe, Jolicoeur, Grimault, Pineault, & Joubert, 2015)中, 年轻人在双侧颞顶区和左侧颞叶前部脑区的激活中不如老年人, 反而在左侧前额皮层的激活强于老年人。

综上所述, 语义认知老化已是不争的事实, 导致语义认知老化的认知机制是什么呢?已有研究表明, 语义表征和语义控制是语义加工较为依赖的两个认知系统(Hoffman, 2018, 2019; Ralph et al., 2017)。较之年轻人, 老年人在语义表征、词汇知识、语义丰富性方面老化效应并不明显, 语义认知老化更多体现在涉及到选择、抑制、转换、整合、维持等语义控制任务方面。而且, 语义认知的这种老化机理并不是语言认知所特有的, 它和人类一般执行认知能力的老化有着紧密关联。因为, 来自神经影像学的研究表明, 语义控制脑区和一般执行能力任务激活的脑区有着高度重合, 它们共同激活前额叶(AF)、左额下回(LIFG)、左后颞中回(pMTG)等脑区。而且, 老年人的语义神经激活模式表现出由神经专门区域向一般任务区域转移的趋势, 左半球负责语义认知的几个核心区域(包括LIFG、pMTG和dIPC)的激活强度减弱, 而包含右脑额下沟(rIFS)、额中回(MFG)、右脑背侧下顶叶皮质(dIPC)和背侧前扣带回皮质(dACC)在内的多需求网络(multiple demand network, MDN)区域则有着更强的激活(Jefferies, 2013)。

此外, 言语工作记忆能力的衰退也是造成语义认知老化的原因。研究表明, 言语工作记忆对概念-语义信息的维持有着重要作用(Fiebach, Friederici, Smith, & Swinney, 2007)。虽然在词汇知识方面老年人和年轻人不存在明显的差异, 但在使用句法规则和语义关系等约束条件处理长句或复合句时, 老年人的表现不如年轻被试(Vassileiou, Meyer, Beese, & Friederici, 2018)。据此, Caplan, DeDe, Waters, Michaud和Tripodis (2011)认为这是由于老年人言语工作记忆容量衰退导致了抑制和维持语义信息能力的减弱。另外, 言语工作记忆能力的衰退还会影响到老年人语境知识的使用及其语用推理能力。来自语篇阅读理解的研究表明, 老年人利用语境线索预测即临句子成分的能力减弱, 并且他们倾向于将更多的认知资源分配给低预测词或低频词(Rayner, Yang, Schuett, & Slattery, 2013)。

4 问题与展望

4.1 儿童和成人的语义认知机制是否存在差异性?

语义是复杂的认知过程, 就目前来看, 儿童和成年人在语义认知机制上存在着年龄差异。那这种年龄差异到底是质的不同还是量的变化呢?一种观点普遍认为, 语义认知的发展具有连续性, 工作记忆等其他与语义加工相关的认知能力的衰退是造成后期语义加工困难的主要原因(Kavé & Knafo-Noam, 2015)。同时, 语言经验的不同也是其差异性的来源之一(Hoffman, 2019)。儿童由于在工作记忆、语言经验等方面与成人有着量的差异, 所以他们在语义认知方面表现出的差异性, 更多是量的不同。随着儿童工作记忆容量及语言经验的不断增长, 在语义认知机制及策略上会与成人趋于一致。另一种观点则认为, 儿童和成年人在语义认知的发展上具有质的差异。在语义加工策略上, 成年人对阅读中单词的识别是自下而上的过程, 而儿童更多的是结合上下文, 使用自上而下的加工策略。电生理学证据表明, 成年人在语义一致性任务中是一种自动的、扩散激活的加工过程, 但儿童则是一种缓慢的、受控的抑制加工过程(Benau, Morris, & Couperus, 2011)。在脑区激活上, 儿童在语义加工过程中除了左半球颞叶区域的激活增强外, 还征用了具有一般执行功能的前额区域。而成年人和老年人相比, 老年人则激活了与左半球语义加工区域相对应的右半球区域。虽然, 有些学者认为儿童和成人在语义认知机制方面存在质的差异, 但是“质”的界定标准是什么、用什么方法衡量, 以及质和量差异的划分是否具有语义认知任务特异性等问题还存在争论, 需要深入系统的研究。

4.2 语义和句法认知老化模式差异性探讨

目前, 有关语义、句法认知老化模式是否具有差异性问题主要存在两种观点。一种观点认为, 随着生理年龄的增长, 句法认知能力更容易受损, 而语义认知能力则相对保存完好(Alatorre-Cruz et al., 2018; Poulisse, Wheeldon, & Segaert, 2019)。较之语义认知, 句法认知能力为什么更容易发生老化呢?首先, 语义和句法隶属于不同的知识体系。语义即语言所蕴含的意义, 用于描述事物本质及其关系的客观知识体系, 多属于陈述性知识体系, 它的认知更多地依赖于个体的语言经验, 认知老化的效应往往不明显。句法则是由一套数量有限的抽象规则组成的系统, 多属于程序性知识, 其加工更多的依赖于工作记忆等认知资源, 容易受认知老化的影响。其次, 语义和句法有着不同的认知神经表征机制。研究表明, 语义的认知神经表征主要包括颞上回、颞中回和角回等神经结构的双侧网络, 而句法加工的神经表征则主要涉及由额下回和颞-顶区域组成的强左偏侧网络(Shafto & Tyler, 2014)。由于前额叶和顶叶生理老化相对较早且速度较快, 所以句法认知更容易受生理老化的影响(Harley, Oliver, Jessiman, & Macandrew, 2013)。但现在越来越多的研究显示, 语义认知老化效应同样非常明显, 诸如词汇语义通达、句子语义提取、文本语义整合(Boudiaf et al., 2018; Hoffman et al., 2018; Payne & Federmeier, 2018), 而且语义认知老化在个体中年阶段就开始有所表现。

作为语言系统的两个主要组成部分, 语义准确、有效的提取离不开对句法即时、有效的认知, 如果句法受认知老化影响较为明显的话, 语义认知同样应该有着鲜明的认知老化表现。为什么当前的研究更倾向于主张句法认知容易老化、语义认知能力相对完好呢?句法老化和语义老化彼此间有着什么样的影响?句法和语义认知老化是否具有同步性?句法和语义认知间的老化关系是否因为语言任务的不同而有所不同?这些问题亟待深入研究。

4.3 语义认知老化影响因素的思考

语义认知是较为复杂的认知活动, 该过程既受到诸如语义表征、语义控制、言语工作记忆等主体性因素的制约, 又受到词汇习得年龄、词频、词性等诸多客体性因素的影响。当前有关语义认知老化的研究主要集中于主体性因素的分析, 而有关影响语义认知老化客体性因素的研究则较为欠缺。词汇习得年龄(age of acquisition, AOA)是指单词以口头或书面形式接触和理解的年龄。词汇语义假设认为(兰丽珍, 2016), 词汇习得的顺序可能是语义系统中最重要的因素, 习得时间不同的词汇不仅在大脑中有着不同的神经表征基础, 而且其表征质量也存在差异。因此, 词汇习得年龄不仅影响到词汇语义的通达和提取, 同样会影响到语义的发展和老化。词汇语义习得时间对语义认知老化会有着什么样的影响呢?是否早习得的词汇语义老化较晚, 而晚习得的词汇语义老化较早呢?另外, 早期习得的词汇不仅有着较高的使用频率, 而且从词性上来说多是具体词, 那么词频和词性对语义认知老化又有何影响呢?如果词频和词性对语义认知老化有影响, 其影响是独立于词汇习得年龄, 还是彼此间存在交互作用呢?


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Effects of age and working memory load on syntactic processing: An event-related potential study

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Cognitive changes in aging include working memory (WM) decline, which may hamper language comprehension. An increase in WM demands in older adults would probably provoke a poorer sentence processing performance in this age group. A way to increase the WM load is to separate two lexical units in an agreement relation (i.e., adjective and noun), in a given sentence. To test this hypothesis, event-related potentials (ERPs) were collected from Spanish speakers (30 older adults, mean age = 66.06 years old; and 30 young adults, mean age = 25.7 years old) who read sentences to detect grammatical errors. The sentences varied with regard to (1) the gender agreement of the noun and adjective, where the gender of the adjective either agreed or disagreed with the noun, and (2) the WM load (i.e., the number of words between the noun and adjective in the sentence). No significant behavioral differences between groups were observed in the accuracy of the response, but older adults showed longer reaction times regardless of WM load condition. Compared with young participants, older adults showed a different pattern of ERP components characterized by smaller amplitudes of LAN, P600a, and P600b effects when the WM load was increased. A smaller LAN effect probably reflects greater difficulties in processing the morpho-syntactic features of the sentence, while smaller P600a and P600b effects could be related to difficulties in recovering and mapping all sentence constituents. We concluded that the ERP pattern in older adults showed subtle problems in syntactic processing when the WM load was increased, which was not sufficient to affect response accuracy but was only observed to result in a longer reaction time.

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Lexical-semantic priming effects during infancy

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What's in a link: Associative and taxonomic priming effects in the infant lexicon

Cognition, 128(2), 214-227.

DOI:10.1016/j.cognition.2013.03.008      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Infants develop a lexical-semantic system of associatively and semantically related words by the end of the second year of life. However, the precise nature of the lexical relationships that underpin the structure-building process remains under-determined. We compare two types of lexical-semantic relationship, associative and taxonomic, using a lexical-priming adaption of the intermodal preferential looking task with 21- and 24-month-olds. Prime-target word pairs were either associatively or taxonomically related or unrelated. A further control condition evaluated the facility of a prime word, in the absence of a target word, to promote target preferences. Twenty-four-month-olds, but not 21-month-old infants, exhibited a priming effect in both associative and taxonomic conditions, pointing to the formation of a lexical-semantic network driven by both associative and taxonomic relatedness late in the second year. The pattern of priming in 24-month-olds indicates the operation of inhibitory processes: unrelated primes interfere with target recognition whereas related primes do not. We argue that taxonomic and associative relationships between words are integral to the emergence of a structured lexicon and discuss the importance of inhibitory mechanisms in shaping early lexical-semantic memory. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V.

Baciu, M., Boudiaf, N., Cousin, E., Perrone-Bertolotti, M., Pichat, C., Fournet, N., … Krainik, A. (2016).

Functional MRI evidence for the decline of word retrieval and generation during normal aging

Age, 38(1), 1-22.

URL     PMID:26695510     

Badre, D., & Wagner, A. D. (2002).

Semantic retrieval, mnemonic control, and prefrontal cortex

Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Reviews, 1(3), 206-218.

DOI:10.1177/1534582302001003002      URL     PMID:17715593      [本文引用: 1]

Accessing stored knowledge is a fundamental function of the cognitive and neural architectures of memory. Here, the authors review evidence from cognitive-behavioral paradigms, neuropsychological studies of patients with focal neural insult, and functional brain imaging concerning the mechanisms underlying retrieval of semantic knowledge and their association with prefrontal cortex. First, the authors examine behavioral and neuropsychological evidence distinguishing between controlled and automatic semantic retrieval. Then the authors review the subregions of prefrontal cortex that functional neuroimaging has associated with semantic retrieval across a range of memory demanding tasks. Finally, two hypotheses concerning the nature of processing in these brain regions--the controlled semantic retrieval and selection hypotheses--are critically examined, and a possible synthesis is proposed.

Balsamo, L. M., Xu, B., & Gaillard, W. D. (2006).

Language lateralization and the role of the fusiform gyrus in semantic processing in young children

NeuroImage, 31(3), 1306-1314.

DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2006.01.027      URL     PMID:16545581      [本文引用: 1]

We used blood oxygen-dependent (BOLD) fMRI technique at 1.5 T to examine brain regions associated with language comprehension in normally developing children, age 5 to 10 years. Twenty-three children participated in the study using an auditory semantic decision task which varied in task difficulty. Analysis of individual participants' data showed patterns of activation largely consistent with previous neuroimaging findings in adult language processing. Group data analysis also showed a strong left-lateralized pattern of activation that closely resembles those typically observed in adults. In addition, significant activation in the left fusiform gyrus was observed and was associated with task accuracy. This finding suggests that auditory semantic processing in young children may recruit cortical regions associated with word reading in adults prior to the initiation of a semantic category decision, a process which is consistent with patterns of early word recognition process and language development.

Benau, E. M., Morris, J., & Couperus, J. W. (2011).

Semantic processing in children and adults: Incongruity and the N400

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 40(3), 225-239.

DOI:10.1007/s10936-011-9167-1      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Semantic processing in 10-year-old children and adults was examined using event related potentials (ERPs). The N400 component, an index of semantic processing, was studied in relation to sentences that ended with congruent, moderately incongruent, or strongly incongruent words. N400 amplitude in adults corresponded to levels of semantic incongruity with the greatest amplitude occurring to strongly incongruent sentences at all midline electrodes. In contrast, children's N400s were greater for both moderately and strongly incongruent sentences but did not differ between these levels of incongruity. This finding suggests that semantic processing may differ in adults and children.

Binder, J. R., Frost, J. A., Hammeke, T. A., Cox, R. W., Rao, S. M., & Prieto, T. (1997).

Human brain language areas identified by functional magnetic resonance imaging

The Journal of Neuroscience, 17(1), 353-362.

URL     PMID:8987760      [本文引用: 1]

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) was used to identify candidate language processing areas in the intact human brain. Language was defined broadly to include both phonological and lexical-semantic functions and to exclude sensory, motor, and general executive functions. The language activation task required phonetic and semantic analysis of aurally presented words and was compared with a control task involving perceptual analysis of nonlinguistic sounds. Functional maps of the entire brain were obtained from 30 right-handed subjects. These maps were averaged in standard stereotaxic space to produce a robust

Booth, J. R., Lu, D., Burman, D. D., Chou, T.-L., Jin, Z., Peng, D. L., … Liu, L. (2006).

Specialization of phonological and semantic processing in Chinese word reading

. Brain Research, 1071(1), 197-207.

DOI:10.1016/j.brainres.2005.11.097      URL     PMID:16427033      [本文引用: 1]

The purpose of this study was to examine the neurocognitive network for processing visual word forms in native Chinese speakers using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). In order to compare the processing of phonological and semantic representations, we developed parallel rhyming and meaning association judgment tasks that required explicit access and manipulation of these representations. Subjects showed activation in left inferior/middle frontal gyri, bilateral medial frontal gyri, bilateral middle occipital/fusiform gyri, and bilateral cerebella for both the rhyming and meaning tasks. A direct comparison of the tasks revealed that the rhyming task showed more activation in the posterior dorsal region of the inferior/middle frontal gyrus (BA 9/44) and in the inferior parietal lobule (BA 40). The meaning task showed more activation in the anterior ventral region of the inferior/middle frontal gyrus (BA 47) and in the superior/middle temporal gyrus (BA 22,21). These findings are consistent with previous studies in English that suggest specialization of inferior frontal regions for the access and manipulation of phonological vs. semantic representations, but also suggest that this specialization extends to the middle frontal gyrus for Chinese. These findings are also consistent with the suggestion that the left middle temporal gyrus is involved in representing semantic information and the left inferior parietal lobule is involved in mapping between orthographic and phonological representations.

Boudiaf, N., Laboissière, R., Cousin, É., Fournet, N., Krainik, A., & Baciu, M. (2018).

Behavioral evidence for a differential modulation of semantic processing and lexical production by aging: A full linear mixed-effects modeling approach

Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 25(1), 1-22.

DOI:10.1080/13825585.2016.1257100      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Caplan, D., Dede, G., Waters, G., Michaud, J., & Tripodis, Y. (2011).

Effects of age, speed of processing, and working memory on comprehension of sentences with relative clauses

Psychology and Aging, 26(2), 439-450.

DOI:10.1037/a0021837      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Two hundred participants, 50 in each of four age ranges (19-29, 30-49, 50-69, 70-90) were tested for working memory, speed of processing, and the processing of sentences with relative clauses. In Experiment 1, participants read four sentence types (cleft subject, cleft object, subject-subject, subject-object) in a word-by-word, non-cumulative, self-paced reading task and made speeded plausibility judgments about them. In Experiment 2, participants read two types of sentences, one of which contained a doubly center embedded relative clause. Older participants' comprehension was less accurate and there was age-related slowing of online processing times in all but the simplest sentences, which increased in syntactically complex sentences in Experiment 1. This pattern suggests an age-related decrease in the efficiency of parsing and interpretation. Slower speed of processing and lower working memory were associated with longer online processing times only in Experiment 2, suggesting that task-related operations are related to general speed of processing and working memory. Lower working memory was not associated with longer reading times in more complex sentences, consistent with the view that general working memory is not critically involved in online syntactic processing. Longer online processing at the most demanding point in the most demanding sentence was associated with better comprehension, indicating that it reflects effective processing under some certain circumstances. However, the poorer comprehension performance of older individuals indicates that their slower online processing reflects inefficient processing even at these points.

Cheour, M., Martynova, O., Näätänen, R., Erkkola, R., Sillanpää, M., Kero, P., … Hämäläinen, H. (2002).

Psychobiology: Speech sounds learned by sleeping newborns

Nature, 415(6872), 599-600.

DOI:10.1038/415599a      URL     PMID:11832929      [本文引用: 1]

Many applications have been found for carbon nanotubes, and we can now add a role as a 'nanothermometer' to this list. We describe how the height of a continuous, unidimensional column of liquid gallium inside a carbon nanotube (up to about 10 micrometres long and about 75 nanometres in diameter) varies linearly and reproducibly in the temperature range 50-500 degrees C, with an expansion coefficient that is the same as for gallium in the macroscopic state. We chose gallium as our thermal indicator because it has one of the greatest liquid ranges of any metal (29.78-2,403 degrees C) and a low vapour pressure even at high temperatures. This nanothermometer should be suitable for use in a wide variety of microenvironments.

Chou, T.-L., Booth, J. R., Bitan, T., Burman, D. D., Bigio, J. D., Cone, N. E., … Cao, F. (2010).

Developmental and skill effects on the neural correlates of semantic processing to visually presented words

Human Brain Mapping, 27(11), 915-924.

DOI:10.1002/hbm.20231      URL     PMID:16575838      [本文引用: 1]

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to explore the neural correlates of semantic judgments to visual words in a group of 9- to 15-year-old children. Subjects were asked to indicate if word pairs were related in meaning. Consistent with previous findings in adults, children showed activation in bilateral inferior frontal gyri (Brodmann area [BA] 47, 45) and left middle temporal gyrus (BA 21). Words with strong semantic association elicited significantly greater activation in bilateral inferior parietal lobules (BA 40), suggesting stronger integration of highly related semantic features. By contrast, words with weak semantic association elicited greater activation in left inferior frontal gyrus (BA 45) and middle temporal gyrus (BA 21), suggesting more difficult feature search and more extensive access to semantic representations. We also examined whether age and skill explained unique variance in the patterns of activation. Increasing age was correlated with greater activation in left middle temporal gyrus (BA 21) and inferior parietal lobule (BA 40), suggesting that older children have more elaborated semantic representations and more complete semantic integration processes, respectively. Decreasing age was correlated with activation in right superior temporal gyrus (BA 22) and decreasing accuracy was correlated with activation in right middle temporal gyrus (BA 21), suggesting the engagement of ancillary systems in the right hemisphere for younger and lower-skill children.

Chou, T.-L., Booth, J. R., Burman, D. D., Bitan, T., Bigio, J. D., Lu, D., & Cone, N. (2006).

Developmental changes in the neural correlates of semantic processing

NeuroImage, 29(4), 1141-1149.

DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2005.09.064      URL     PMID:16275017      [本文引用: 1]

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to explore the neural correlates of semantic judgments in the auditory modality in a group of 9- to 15-year-old children. Subjects were required to indicate if word pairs were related in meaning. Consistent with previous findings in adults, children showed activation in bilateral superior temporal gyri (BA 22) for recognizing spoken words as well as activations in bilateral inferior frontal gyri (BAs 47, 45) and left middle temporal gyrus (BA 21) for semantic processing. The neural substrates of semantic association and age differences were also investigated. Words with strong semantic association elicited significantly greater activation in the left inferior parietal lobule (BA 40), whereas words with weak semantic association elicited activation in left inferior frontal gyrus (BAs 47/45). Correlations with age were observed in the left middle temporal gyrus (BA 21) and the right inferior frontal gyrus (BA 47). The pattern of results for semantic association implies that the left inferior parietal lobule effectively integrates highly related semantic features and the left inferior frontal gyrus becomes more active for words that require a greater search for semantic associations. The developmental results suggest that older children recruit the right inferior frontal gyrus as they conduct a broader semantic search and the left middle temporal gyrus to provide more efficient access to semantic representations.

Chow, J., Davies, A. A., & Plunkett, K. (2017).

Spoken-word recognition in 2-year-olds: The tug of war between phonological and semantic activation

Journal of Memory & Language, 93, 104-134.

[本文引用: 2]

Fiebach, C. J., Friederici, A. D., Smith, E. E., & Swinney, D. (2007).

Lateral inferotemporal cortex maintains conceptual- semantic representations in verbal working memory

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19(12), 2035-2049.

DOI:10.1162/jocn.2007.19.12.2035      URL     PMID:17892385      [本文引用: 1]

Verbal working memory, that is, the temporary maintenance of linguistic information in an activated state, is typically assumed to rely on phonological representations. Recent evidence from behavioral, neuropsychological, and electrophysiological studies, however, suggests that conceptual-semantic representations may also be maintained in an activated state. We developed a new semantic working memory task that involves the maintenance of a novel conceptual combination. Functional magnetic resonance imaging data acquired during the maintenance of conceptual combinations, relative to an item recognition task without the possibility of conceptual combination, demonstrate increased activation in the posterior left middle and inferior temporal gyri (known to be involved in conceptual representations) and left inferior frontal gyrus (known to be involved in semantic control processes). We suggest that this temporo-frontal system supports maintenance of conceptual information in working memory, with the frontal regions controlling the sustained activation of heteromodal conceptual representations in the inferior temporal cortex.

Friedrich, M., & Friederici, A. D. (2005).

Phonotactic knowledge and lexical-semantic processing in one-year- olds: Brain responses to words and nonsense words in picture contexts

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 17(11), 1785-1802.

DOI:10.1162/089892905774589172      URL     PMID:16269114      [本文引用: 1]

During their first year of life, infants not only acquire probabilistic knowledge about the phonetic, prosodic, and phonotactic organization of their native language, but also begin to establish first lexical-semantic representations. The present study investigated the sensitivity to phonotactic regularities and its impact on semantic processing in 1-year-olds. We applied the method of event-related brain potentials to 12- and 19-month-old children and to an adult control group. While looking at pictures of known objects, subjects listened to spoken nonsense words that were phonotactically legal (pseudowords) or had phonotactically illegal word onsets (nonwords), or to real words that were either congruous or incongruous to the picture contents. In 19-month-olds and in adults, incongruous words and pseudowords, but not nonwords, elicited an N400 known to ref lect mechanisms of semantic integration. For congruous words, the N400 was attenuated by semantic priming. In contrast, 12-month-olds did not show an N400 difference, neither between pseudo- and nonwords nor between incongruous and congruous words. Both 1-year-old groups and adults additionally displayed a lexical priming effect for congruous words, that is, a negativity starting around 100 msec after words onset. One-year-olds, moreover, displayed a phonotactic familiarity effect, that is, a widely distributed negativity starting around 250 msec in 19-month-olds but occurring later in 12-month-olds. The results imply that both lexical priming and phonotactic familiarity already affect the processing of acoustic stimuli in children at 12 months of age. In 19-month-olds, adult-like mechanisms of semantic integration are present in response to phonotactically legal, but not to phonotactically illegal, nonsense words, indicating that children at this age treat pseudowords, but not nonwords, as potential word candidates.

Harley, T. A., Oliver, T. M., Jessiman, L. J., & Macandrew, S. B. G . (2013).

Ageing makes us dyslexic

Aphasiology, 27(4), 490-505.

DOI:10.1080/02687038.2013.775564      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Background: The effects of typical ageing on spoken language are well known: word production is disproportionately affected while syntactic processing is relatively well preserved. Little is known, however, about how ageing affects reading. Aims: What effect does ageing have on written language processing? In particular, how does it affect our ability to read words? How does it affect phonological awareness (our ability to manipulate the sounds of our language)? Methods & Procedures: We tested 14 people with Parkinson's disease (PD), 14 typically ageing adults (TAA), and 14 healthy younger adults on a range of background neuropsychological tests and tests of phonological awareness. We then carried out an oral naming experiment where we manipulated consistency, and a nonword repetition task where we manipulated the word-likeness of the nonwords. Outcomes & Results: We find that normal ageing causes individuals to become mildly phonologically dyslexic in that people have difficulty pronouncing nonwords. People with Parkinson's disease perform particularly poorly on language tasks involving oral naming and metalinguistic processing. We also find that ageing causes difficulty in repeating nonwords. We show that these problems are associated with a more general difficulty in processing phonological information, supporting the idea that language difficulties, including poorer reading in older age, can result from a general phonological deficit. Conclusions: We suggest that neurally this age-induced dyslexia is associated with frontal deterioration (and perhaps deterioration in other regions) and cognitively to the loss of executive processes that enable us to manipulate spoken and written language. We discuss implications for therapy and treatment.

Hoffman, P. (2018).

An individual differences approach to semantic cognition: Divergent effects of age on representation, retrieval and selection

Scientific Reports, 8(1), 8145-8158.

DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-26569-0      URL     PMID:29802344      [本文引用: 1]

Semantic cognition refers to the appropriate use of acquired knowledge about the world. This requires representation of knowledge as well as control processes which ensure that currently-relevant aspects of knowledge are retrieved and selected. Although these abilities can be impaired selectively following brain damage, the relationship between them in healthy individuals is unclear. It is also commonly assumed that semantic cognition is preserved in later life, because older people have greater reserves of knowledge. However, this claim overlooks the possibility of decline in semantic control processes. Here, semantic cognition was assessed in 100 young and older adults. Despite having a broader knowledge base, older people showed specific impairments in semantic control, performing more poorly than young people when selecting among competing semantic representations. Conversely, they showed preserved controlled retrieval of less salient information from the semantic store. Breadth of semantic knowledge was positively correlated with controlled retrieval but was unrelated to semantic selection ability, which was instead correlated with non-semantic executive function. These findings indicate that three distinct elements contribute to semantic cognition: semantic representations that accumulate throughout the lifespan, processes for controlled retrieval of less salient semantic information, which appear age-invariant, and mechanisms for selecting task-relevant aspects of semantic knowledge, which decline with age and may relate more closely to domain-general executive control.

Hoffman, P. (2019).

Divergent effects of healthy ageing on semantic knowledge and control: Evidence from novel comparisons with semantically impaired patients

Journal of Neuropsychology, 13(3), 462-484.

DOI:10.1111/jnp.12159      URL     PMID:29667366      [本文引用: 5]

Effective use of semantic knowledge requires a set of conceptual representations and control processes which ensure that currently relevant aspects of this knowledge are retrieved and selected. It is well-established that levels of semantic knowledge increase across the lifespan. However, the effects of ageing on semantic control processes have not been assessed. I addressed this issue by comparing the performance profiles of young and older people on a verbal comprehension test. Two sets of variables were used to predict accuracy and RT in each group: (1) the psycholinguistic properties of words probed in each trial and (2) the performance on each trial by two groups of semantically impaired neuropsychological patients. Young people demonstrated poor performance for low-frequency and abstract words, suggesting that they had difficulty processing words with intrinsically weak semantic representations. Indeed, performance in this group was strongly predicted by the performance of patients with semantic dementia, who suffer from degradation of semantic knowledge. In contrast, older adults performed poorly on trials where the target semantic relationship was weak and distractor relationships strong - conditions which require high levels of controlled processing. Their performance was not predicted by the performance of semantic dementia patients, but was predicted by the performance of patients with semantic control deficits. These findings indicate that the effects of ageing on semantic cognition are more complex than has previously been assumed. While older people have larger stores of knowledge than young people, they appear to be less skilled at exercising control over the activation of this knowledge.

Hoffman, P., Mcclelland, J. L., & Ralph, M. A. L . (2018).

Concepts, control, and context: A connectionist account of normal and disordered semantic cognition

Psychological Review, 125(3), 293-328.

DOI:10.1037/rev0000094      URL     PMID:29733663      [本文引用: 2]

Semantic cognition requires conceptual representations shaped by verbal and nonverbal experience and executive control processes that regulate activation of knowledge to meet current situational demands. A complete model must also account for the representation of concrete and abstract words, of taxonomic and associative relationships, and for the role of context in shaping meaning. We present the first major attempt to assimilate all of these elements within a unified, implemented computational framework. Our model combines a hub-and-spoke architecture with a buffer that allows its state to be influenced by prior context. This hybrid structure integrates the view, from cognitive neuroscience, that concepts are grounded in sensory-motor representation with the view, from computational linguistics, that knowledge is shaped by patterns of lexical co-occurrence. The model successfully codes knowledge for abstract and concrete words, associative and taxonomic relationships, and the multiple meanings of homonyms, within a single representational space. Knowledge of abstract words is acquired through (a) their patterns of co-occurrence with other words and (b) acquired embodiment, whereby they become indirectly associated with the perceptual features of co-occurring concrete words. The model accounts for executive influences on semantics by including a controlled retrieval mechanism that provides top-down input to amplify weak semantic relationships. The representational and control elements of the model can be damaged independently, and the consequences of such damage closely replicate effects seen in neuropsychological patients with loss of semantic representation versus control processes. Thus, the model provides a wide-ranging and neurally plausible account of normal and impaired semantic cognition. (PsycINFO Database Record

Hoffman, P., & Morcom, A. M. (2018).

Age-related changes in the neural networks supporting semantic cognition: A meta-analysis of 47 functional neuroimaging studies

Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 84, 134-150.

DOI:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2017.11.010      URL     PMID:29183684      [本文引用: 1]

Semantic cognition is central to understanding of language and the world and, unlike many cognitive domains, is thought to show little age-related decline. We investigated age-related differences in the neural basis of this critical cognitive domain by performing an activation likelihood estimation (ALE) meta-analysis of functional neuroimaging studies comparing young and older people. On average, young people outperformed their older counterparts during semantic tasks. Overall, both age groups activated similar left-lateralised regions. However, older adults displayed less activation than young people in some elements of the typical left-hemisphere semantic network, including inferior prefrontal, posterior temporal and inferior parietal cortex. They also showed greater activation in right frontal and parietal regions, particularly those held to be involved in domain-general controlled processing, and principally when they performed more poorly than the young. Thus, semantic processing in later life is associated with a shift from semantic-specific to domain-general neural resources, consistent with the theory of neural dedifferentiation, and a performance-related reduction in prefrontal lateralisation, which may reflect a response to increased task demands.

Hoffman, P., & Woollams, A. M. (2015).

Opposing effects of semantic diversity in lexical and semantic relatedness decisions

Journal of Experimental Psychology Human Perception & Performance, 41(2), 385-402.

DOI:10.1037/a0038995      URL     PMID:25751041      [本文引用: 1]

Semantic ambiguity has often been divided into 2 forms: homonymy, referring to words with 2 unrelated interpretations (e.g., bark), and polysemy, referring to words associated with a number of varying but semantically linked uses (e.g., twist). Typically, polysemous words are thought of as having a fixed number of discrete definitions, or

Jefferies, E. (2013).

The neural basis of semantic cognition: Converging evidence from neuropsychology, neuroimaging and tms

Cortex, 49(3), 611-625.

DOI:10.1016/j.cortex.2012.10.008      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Recent studies suggest that a complex, distributed neural network underpins semantic cognition. This article reviews our contribution to this emerging picture and traces the putative roles of each region within this network. Neuropsychological studies indicate that semantic cognition draws on at least two interacting components: semantic representations [degraded in semantic dementia (SD)] and control processes [deficient in patients with multimodal semantic impairment following stroke aphasia (SA)]. To explore the first component, we employed distortion-corrected functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in healthy volunteers: these studies convergently indicated that the anterior temporal lobes (ATLs; atrophied in SD) combine information from different modalities within an amodal semantic "hub". Regions of cortex that code specific semantic features ("spokes") also make a critical contribution to knowledge within particular categories. This network of brain regions interacts with semantic control processes reliant on left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG), posterior middle temporal gyrus (pMTG) and inferior parietal cortices. SA patients with damage to these regions have difficulty focussing on aspects of knowledge that are relevant to the current goal or context, in both verbal and non-verbal tasks. SA patients with LIFG and temporoparietal lesions show similar deficits of semantic control, suggesting that a large-scale distributed cortical network underpins semantic control. Convergent evidence is again provided by fMRI and TMS. We separately manipulated the representational and control demands of a semantic task in fMRI, and found a dissociation within the temporal lobe: ATL was sensitive to the number of meanings retrieved, while pMTG and LIFG showed effects of semantic selection. Moreover, TMS to LIFG and pMTG produced equal disruption of tasks tapping semantic control. The next challenges are to delineate the specific roles of each region within the semantic control network and to specify the way in which control processes interact with semantic representations to focus processing on relevant features of concepts. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd.

Kavé, G., & Knafo-Noam, A. (2015).

Lifespan development of phonemic and semantic fluency: Universal increase, differential decrease

Journal of Clinical & Experimental Neuropsychology, 37(7), 751-763.

DOI:10.1080/13803395.2015.1065958      URL     PMID:26299188      [本文引用: 1]

The aim of this study was to examine whether performance on phonemic and semantic fluency tasks follows similar lifespan trajectories. Data from 1212 Hebrew-speakers aged 5-86 years were analyzed. Both linear and curvilinear quadratic models fit the data, reflecting a general increase in ability with age, as well as an increase followed by a decrease beyond this linear rise. A significant interaction between task type and the curvilinear effect demonstrated differential lifespan patterns of performance on each task. While scores improved similarly on the phonemic and semantic tasks during childhood, late-life decline was more noticeable on the semantic task, possibly due to the unique characteristics of aging-related word retrieval difficulties.

Lacombe, J., Jolicoeur, P., Grimault, S., Pineault, J., & Joubert, S. (2015).

Neural changes associated with semantic processing in healthy aging despite intact behavioral performance

Brain & Language, 149, 118-127.

DOI:10.1016/j.bandl.2015.07.003      URL     PMID:26282079      [本文引用: 1]

Semantic memory recruits an extensive neural network including the left inferior prefrontal cortex (IPC) and the left temporoparietal region, which are involved in semantic control processes, as well as the anterior temporal lobe region (ATL) which is considered to be involved in processing semantic information at a central level. However, little is known about the underlying neuronal integrity of the semantic network in normal aging. Young and older healthy adults carried out a semantic judgment task while their cortical activity was recorded using magnetoencephalography (MEG). Despite equivalent behavioral performance, young adults activated the left IPC to a greater extent than older adults, while the latter group recruited the temporoparietal region bilaterally and the left ATL to a greater extent than younger adults. Results indicate that significant neuronal changes occur in normal aging, mainly in regions underlying semantic control processes, despite an apparent stability in performance at the behavioral level.

Laver, G. D. (2009).

Adult aging effects on semantic and episodic priming in word recognition

Psychology & Aging, 24(1), 28-39.

DOI:10.1037/a0014642      URL     PMID:19290735      [本文引用: 1]

Two experiments compared automatic semantic and episodic priming effects in adult aging. In the 1st experiment, target words were semantically primed; in the 2nd experiment, targets were primed by repetition of semantically unrelated words. Both experiments involved a pronunciation task with response signals at fixed times following target onset. Consequently, priming was measured as improvement in the percentage of correct responses. Priming was also calculated with speed-accuracy measures of intercept and slope. Both types of priming effect were significant in the percentage correct and slope measures, but no age group differences were found. Furthermore, the magnitudes of the priming effects were equivalent. The age-resistant nature of semantic and episodic priming, as well as evidence for a common theoretical mechanism, is discussed.

Payne, B. R., & Federmeier, K. D. (2018).

Contextual constraints on lexico-semantic processing in aging: Evidence from single-word event-related brain potentials

Brain Research, 1687, 117-128.

DOI:10.1016/j.brainres.2018.02.021      URL     PMID:29462609      [本文引用: 2]

The current study reports the effects of accumulating contextual constraints on neural indices of lexico-semantic processing (i.e., effects of word frequency and orthographic neighborhood) as a function of normal aging. Event-related brain potentials were measured from a sample of older adults as they read sentences that were semantically congruent, provided only syntactic constraints (syntactic prose), or were random word strings. A linear mixed-effects modeling approach was used to probe the effects of accumulating contextual constraints on N400 responses to individual words. Like young adults in prior work, older adults exhibited a classic word position context effect on the N400 in congruent sentences, although the magnitude of the effect was reduced in older relative to younger adults. Moreover, by modeling single-word variability in N400 responses, we observed robust effects of orthographic neighborhood density that were larger in older adults than the young, and preserved effects word frequency. Importantly, in older adults, frequency effects were not modulated by accumulating contextual constraints, unlike in the young. Collectively, these findings indicate that older adults are less likely (or able) to use accumulating top-down contextual constraints, and therefore rely more strongly on bottom-up lexical features to guide semantic access of individual words during sentence comprehension.

Pexman, P. M., & Yap, M. J. (2018).

Individual differences in semantic processing: Insights from the calgary semantic decision project

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 44(7), 1091-1112.

DOI:10.1037/xlm0000499      URL     PMID:29481104      [本文引用: 1]

Most previous studies of semantic processing have examined group-level data. We investigated the possibility that there might be individual differences in semantic decision performance even among the standard undergraduate population and that such differences might provide insights into semantic processing. We analyzed the Calgary Semantic Decision Project dataset, which includes concrete/abstract semantic decision responses to thousands of words and also a vocabulary measure for each of 312 participants. Results of our analyses showed that semantic decision responses had good reliability, and that the speed of those responses was related to individual differences as assessed by vocabulary scores and also by diffusion model parameters. That is, semantic decisions were faster for participants with higher vocabulary scores and for participants with steeper drift rates. Further, in their semantic decision responses high vocabulary participants showed more sensitivity to some lexical/semantic predictors and less sensitivity to others. For responses to both concrete and abstract words, high vocabulary participants were more sensitive to word concreteness and less sensitive to word frequency and age of acquisition. For concrete words, high vocabulary participants were also more sensitive to semantic neighborhood similarity. The results suggest that high vocabulary participants are able to more readily access semantic information and are better able to emphasize task-relevant dimensions. In sum, the results are consistent with a dynamic, multidimensional account of semantic processing. (PsycINFO Database Record

Poulisse, C., Wheeldon, L., & Segaert, K. (2019).

Evidence against preserved syntactic comprehension in healthy aging

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 45(12), 2290-2308.

DOI:10.1037/xlm0000707      URL     PMID:30998075      [本文引用: 1]

We investigated age-related differences in syntactic comprehension in young and older adults. Most previous research found no evidence of age-related decline in syntactic processing. We investigated elementary syntactic comprehension of minimal sentences (e.g., I cook), minimizing the influence of working memory. We also investigated the contribution of semantic processing by comparing sentences containing real verbs (e.g., I cook) versus pseudoverbs (e.g., I spuff). We measured the speed and accuracy of detecting syntactic agreement errors (e.g., I cooks, I spuffs). We found that older adults were slower and less accurate than younger adults in detecting syntactic agreement errors for both real and pseudoverb sentences, suggesting there is age-related decline in syntactic comprehension. The age-related decline in accuracy was smaller for the pseudoverb sentences, and the decline in speed was larger for the pseudoverb sentences, compared to real verb sentences. We suggest that syntactic comprehension decline is stronger in the absence of semantic information, which causes older adults to produce slower responses to make more accurate decisions. In line with these findings, performance for older adults was positively related to a measure of processing speed capacity. Taken together, we found evidence that elementary syntactic processing abilities decline in healthy aging. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved).

Ralph, M. A. L., Jefferies, E., Patterson, K., & Rogers, T. T. (2017).

The neural and computational bases of semantic cognition

Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 18(1), 42-55.

DOI:10.1038/nrn.2016.150      URL     PMID:27881854      [本文引用: 3]

Semantic cognition refers to our ability to use, manipulate and generalize knowledge that is acquired over the lifespan to support innumerable verbal and non-verbal behaviours. This Review summarizes key findings and issues arising from a decade of research into the neurocognitive and neurocomputational underpinnings of this ability, leading to a new framework that we term controlled semantic cognition (CSC). CSC offers solutions to long-standing queries in philosophy and cognitive science, and yields a convergent framework for understanding the neural and computational bases of healthy semantic cognition and its dysfunction in brain disorders.

Rämä, P., Sirri, L., & Goyet, L. (2018).

Event-related potentials associated with cognitive mechanisms underlying lexical- semantic processing in monolingual and bilingual 18- month-old children

Journal of Neurolinguistics, 47, 123-130.

DOI:10.1016/j.jneuroling.2018.04.012      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Rämä, P., Sirri, L., & Serres, J. (2013).

Development of lexical-semantic language system: N400 priming effect for spoken words in 18- and 24-month old children

Brain & Language, 125(1), 1-10.

DOI:10.1016/j.bandl.2013.01.009      URL     PMID:23435193      [本文引用: 3]

Our aim was to investigate whether developing language system, as measured by a priming task for spoken words, is organized by semantic categories. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded during a priming task for spoken words in 18- and 24-month-old monolingual French learning children. Spoken word pairs were either semantically related (e.g., train-bike) or unrelated (e.g., chicken-bike). The results showed that the N400-like priming effect occurred in 24-month-olds over the right parietal-occipital recording sites. In 18-month-olds the effect was observed similarly to 24-month-olds only in those children with higher word production ability. The results suggest that words are categorically organized in the mental lexicon of children at the age of 2 years and even earlier in children with a high vocabulary.

Rayner, K., Yang, J., Schuett, S., & Slattery, T. J. (2013).

Eye movements of older and younger readers when reading unspaced text

Experimental Psychology, 60(5), 354-361.

DOI:10.1027/1618-3169/a000207      URL     PMID:23681016      [本文引用: 1]

Older and younger readers read normal and unspaced text as their eye movements were monitored. A high or low frequency word was embedded in each sentence. Global analyses yielded large effects of spacing with unspaced text leading to much longer reading times for both groups, but the older readers had much more difficulty with unspaced text than younger readers. Local analyses of the target word revealed large main effects due to age, spacing, and frequency. In general, the older readers had more difficulty with the unspaced text than younger readers and some reasons why they did so are suggested.

Reid, V. M., Hoehl, S., Grigutsch, M., Groendahl, A., Parise, E., & Striano, T. (2009).

The neural correlates of infant and adult goal prediction: Evidence for semantic processing systems

Developmental Psychology, 45(3), 620-629.

DOI:10.1037/a0015209      URL     PMID:19413420      [本文引用: 1]

The sequential nature of action ensures that an individual can anticipate the conclusion of an observed action via the use of semantic rules. The semantic processing of language and action has been linked to the N400 component of the event-related potential (ERP). The authors developed an ERP paradigm in which infants and adults observed simple sequences of actions. In one condition the conclusion of the sequence was anticipated, whereas in the other condition the conclusion was not anticipated. Adults and infants at 9 months and 7 months were assessed via the same neural mechanisms-the N400 component and analysis of the theta frequency. Results indicated that adults and infants at 9 months produced N400-like responses when anticipating action conclusions. The infants at 7 months displayed no N400 component. Analysis of the theta frequency provided support for the relation between the N400 and semantic processing. This study suggests that infants at 9 months anticipate goals and use similar cognitive mechanisms to adults in this task. In addition, this result suggests that language processing may derive from understanding action in early development.

Saffran, J. R., Newport, E. L., & Aslin, R. N. (1996).

Word segmentation: The role of distributional cues

Journal of Memory & Language, 35(4), 606-621.

[本文引用: 1]

Shafto, M. A., & Tyler, L. K. (2014).

Language in the aging brain: The network dynamics of cognitive decline and preservation

Science, 346(6209), 583-587.

DOI:10.1126/science.1254404      URL     PMID:25359966      [本文引用: 1]

Language is a crucial and complex lifelong faculty, underpinned by dynamic interactions within and between specialized brain networks. Whereas normal aging impairs specific aspects of language production, most core language processes are robust to brain aging. We review recent behavioral and neuroimaging evidence showing that language systems remain largely stable across the life span and that both younger and older adults depend on dynamic neural responses to linguistic demands. Although some aspects of network dynamics change with age, there is no consistent evidence that core language processes are underpinned by different neural networks in younger and older adults.

Smith, L., & Yu, C. (2008).

Infants rapidly learn word-referent mappings via cross-situational statistics

Cognition, 106(3), 1558-1568.

DOI:10.1016/j.cognition.2007.06.010      URL     PMID:17692305      [本文引用: 1]

First word learning should be difficult because any pairing of a word and scene presents the learner with an infinite number of possible referents. Accordingly, theorists of children's rapid word learning have sought constraints on word-referent mappings. These constraints are thought to work by enabling learners to resolve the ambiguity inherent in any labeled scene to determine the speaker's intended referent at that moment. The present study shows that 12- and 14-month-old infants can resolve the uncertainty problem in another way, not by unambiguously deciding the referent in a single word-scene pairing, but by rapidly evaluating the statistical evidence across many individually ambiguous words and scenes.

Vassileiou, B., Meyer, L., Beese, C., & Friederici, A. D. (2018).

Alignment of alpha-band desynchronization with syntactic structure predicts successful sentence comprehension

Neuroimage, 175, 286-296.

DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.04.008      URL     PMID:29627592      [本文引用: 1]

Sentence comprehension requires the encoding of phrases and their relationships into working memory. To date, despite the importance of neural oscillations in language comprehension, the neural-oscillatory dynamics of sentence encoding are only sparsely understood. Although oscillations in a wide range of frequency bands have been reported both for the encoding of unstructured word lists and for working-memory intensive sentences, it is unclear to what extent these frequency bands subserve processes specific to the working-memory component of sentence comprehension or to general verbal working memory. In our auditory electroencephalography study, we isolated the working-memory component of sentence comprehension by adapting a subsequent memory paradigm to sentence comprehension and assessing oscillatory power changes during successful sentence encoding. Time-frequency analyses and source reconstruction revealed alpha-power desynchronization in left-hemispheric language-relevant regions during successful sentence encoding. We further showed that sentence encoding was more successful when source-level alpha-band desynchronization aligned with computational measures of syntactic-compared to lexical-semantic-difficulty. Our results are a preliminary indication of a domain-general mechanism of cortical disinhibition via alpha-band desynchronization superimposed onto the language-relevant cortex, which is beneficial for encoding sentences into working memory.

Verhaeghen, P. (2003).

Aging and vocabulary score: A meta- analysis

Psychology and Aging, 18(2), 332-339.

DOI:10.1037/0882-7974.18.2.332      URL     PMID:12825780      [本文引用: 1]

Vocabulary scores were examined in a total of 210 articles, containing 324 independent pairings of younger and older adults, from the 1986-2001 issues of Psychology and Aging. The average effect size, favoring the old, was 0.80 SD. Production tests yielded smaller effects (0.68 SD) than multiple-choice tests (0.93 SD). Both age and education were found to be partially independent determinants of performance in production tests; age effects disappeared in multiple-choice tests as soon as education was taken into account. In addition, the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale--Revised Vocabulary subtest (D. Wechsler, 1981) was also found to be sensitive to the Flynn effect (J. R. Flynn, 1987; i.e., increasing test scores with advancing birth year). The results question the approach of using age-group equality in vocabulary scores as a check on sample equivalence.

von koss Torkildsen, J., Syversen, G., Simonsen, H. G., Moen, I., & Lindgren, M. (2007).

Electrophysiological correlates of auditory semantic priming in 24-month-olds

Journal of Neurolinguistics, 20(4), 332-351.

DOI:10.1016/j.jneuroling.2007.02.003      URL     [本文引用: 1]

AbstractWhile the N400 component in adults is sensitive to both semantic incongruity and semantic relatedness between stimulus items, the N400 in toddlers has only been shown as an incongruity effect so far. The present event-related potential (ERP) study aimed to investigate whether the N400 in toddlers also indexes semantic relatedness between single words. To address this issue, we developed a unimodal auditory experiment with semantically related and unrelated word pairs, comparable to behavioral semantic priming tasks used with adults. In 24-month-old children, target words which were preceded by a semantically unrelated word elicited a broadly distributed N400-like effect compared to target words which were primed by a semantically related word. For related words, toddlers displayed a negativity in the 200–400 ms interval, indicating facilitated lexical-phonological processing. Results of the present study suggest that the N400 in toddlers is functionally equivalent to the adult component in indexing relatedness as well as semantic incongruity between stimulus items. Moreover, the study demonstrates an instrument for investigating semantic relatedness priming in young children, for whom behavioral tasks are often inappropriate.]]>

Wells, J. B., Christiansen, M. H., Race, D. S., Acheson, D. J., & Macdonald, M. C. (2009).

Experience and sentence processing: Statistical learning and relative clause comprehension

Cognitive Psychology, 58(2), 250-271.

DOI:10.1016/j.cogpsych.2008.08.002      URL     PMID:18922516      [本文引用: 1]

AbstractMany explanations of the difficulties associated with interpreting object relative clauses appeal to the demands that object relatives make on working memory. MacDonald and Christiansen [MacDonald, M. C., & Christiansen, M. H. (2002). Reassessing working memory: Comment on Just and Carpenter (1992) and Waters and Caplan (1996). Psychological Review, 109, 35–54] pointed to variations in reading experience as a source of differences, arguing that the unique word order of object relatives makes their processing more difficult and more sensitive to the effects of previous experience than the processing of subject relatives. This hypothesis was tested in a large-scale study manipulating reading experiences of adults over several weeks. The group receiving relative clause experience increased reading speeds for object relatives more than for subject relatives, whereas a control experience group did not. The reading time data were compared to performance of a computational model given different amounts of experience. The results support claims for experience-based individual differences and an important role for statistical learning in sentence comprehension processes.]]>

Wierenga, C. E., Benjamin, M., Gopinath, K., Perlstein, W. M., Leonard, C. M., Rothi, L. J. G., … Crosson, B. (2008).

Age-related changes in word retrieval: Role of bilateral frontal and subcortical networks

Neurobiology of Aging, 29(3), 436-451.

DOI:10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2006.10.024      URL     PMID:17147975      [本文引用: 1]

AbstractHealthy older adults frequently report word-finding difficulties, yet the underlying cause of these problems is not well understood. This study examined whether age-related changes in word retrieval are related to changes in areas of the frontal lobes thought to subserve word retrieval or changes in areas of the inferior temporal lobes thought to be involved in semantic knowledge. Twenty younger and 20 older healthy adults named aloud photographs during event-related fMRI. Results showed that in the face of equivalent naming accuracy, older adults activated a larger frontal network than younger adults during word retrieval, but there were no activity differences between groups in the fusiform gyrus, suggesting that the substrates for word retrieval but not for semantic knowledge change with aging. Additionally, correlations between BOLD response and naming accuracy and response latency were found in several frontal and subcortical regions in older adults. Findings are discussed in the context of possible compensatory mechanisms invoked to maintain performance in healthy aging, and suggest that increased involvement of the right hemisphere is not universally beneficial to performance.]]>

Yee, E., & Thompson-Schill, S. L. (2016).

Putting concepts into context

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23(4), 1015-1027.

DOI:10.3758/s13423-015-0948-7      URL     PMID:27282993      [本文引用: 1]

At first glance, conceptual representations (e.g., our internal notion of the object


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