ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展, 2018, 26(9): 1590-1599 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01590



刘晨, 陈旭,

西南大学心理学部, 重庆 400715

Differences in autobiographical memory retrieval from the perspective of attachment

LIU Chen, CHEN Xu,

Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China

通讯作者: * 陈旭,

收稿日期: 2017-05-26   网络出版日期: 2018-09-15

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31771232)

Received: 2017-05-26   Online: 2018-09-15

Fund supported: (31771232)


自传体记忆是关于个人生活的记忆, 依恋理论为自传体记忆的理解提供重要的理论框架。本文以个体依恋风格的差异为视角, 根据Conway和Pleydell-Pearce’s的自我记忆系统(Self-Memory System)总结出在自传体记忆提取的过程中, 依恋系统具有目标导向、防御排斥和情绪调节的作用。安全型相较于非安全型依恋的个体在自传体记忆提取的数量、具体性、准确性、通达性和情绪强度、情绪唤醒度上具有优势。未来研究可以从依恋系统的激活, 焦虑型、回避型依恋在记忆提取中具体成分的差异, 依恋与不随意自传体记忆提取的关系上来探讨。

关键词: 依恋风格; 自传体记忆; 目标导向; 防御排斥; 情绪调节


Autobiographical Memory is the memory of personal experiences. Attachment theory provides an important framework for understanding autobiographical memory. Based on the differences in individual attachment styles and the Self-Memory System of Conway and Pearce’s, this article concludes that attachment system plays the role of target director, defensive exclusion and emotion regulation in autobiographical memory retrieval. Studies have found that secure individuals have advantages over insecure ones in the quantity, specificity, accuracy, accessibility, emotional intensity and arousal of memory retrieval. Future research can be carried out on the effects of attachment activation, the differences in specific components of memory retrieval between anxious and avoidant attachment styles, the relationship between attachment and retrieval of involuntary autobiographical memory.

Keywords: attachment styles; autobiographical memory; target director; defensive exclusion; emotion regulation

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刘晨, 陈旭. 依恋视角下自传体记忆提取的差异 . 心理科学进展, 2018, 26(9): 1590-1599 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01590

LIU Chen, CHEN Xu. Differences in autobiographical memory retrieval from the perspective of attachment. Advances in Psychological Science, 2018, 26(9): 1590-1599 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01590

1 引言

自传体记忆是与自我事件相关的外显记忆, 包括对个体经历的具体事件以及生活事件知识的回忆, 尤其是当这些经历和事件知识对个体具有重大的意义时(Chae, Goodman, & Edelstein, 2011)。而与自我相关的事件的记忆, 既以情景记忆的形式出现, 同时也以与自我相关的概念化的信息进行表征(Williams et al., 2007)。以往研究多以依恋为视角, 探讨依恋风格对不同类型的学习材料提取的影响(马书采, 肖祝祝, 周爱保, 杨晓莉, 向玲, 2011; Dujardin, Bosmans, Braet, & Goossens, 2014; McWilliams, Goodman, Lyons, Newton, & Avila- Mora, 2014), 缺乏以依恋的视角探讨自传体记忆的提取。个体对于学习材料的提取和自传体记忆的提取具有不同的特点和机制。在提取内容上, 事件的提取相较于材料的提取具有显著的时间效应, 其事件既可以是近期的, 也可以追溯到儿童期; 在提取的过程中, 个体会伴随相应的情绪体验; 在提取后期, 个体对事件的评估对维持个体的自我连续性、一致性, 指导个体对问题的解决, 发展和维持社会关系具有强大作用(Rasmussen & Berntsen, 2009)。

儿童早期自传体记忆的出现源于个体自我概念的出现, 而Bowlby的依恋理论认为个体早期与依恋对象的交往经验是个体形成自我表征和他人表征的基础, 即依恋理论为解释自传体记忆中的自我差异提供理论支撑。且就记忆内容而言, 自传体记忆中存储的信息都与自我有关, 是个体对亲身经历的事件的回忆, 受制于认知、情感、和社会因素(Fivush, 2011)。而依恋产生的行为模式和认知图式能够影响这种记忆和社会信息的加工(Dykas & Cassidy, 2011), 即依恋风格会成为一种因素, 影响自传体记忆的加工偏好和提取方式。同时, 在自传体记忆的提取过程中, 有关自我生活事件的回忆总是伴随着相应的情绪体验, 以个体的情绪调节能力为核心, 个体体验到的情绪或积极或消极。而依恋理论成为解释个体情绪调节差异的强有力的框架。已有研究也证明了依恋关系的质量在羞耻性记忆的建构中起到重要的作用(Matos, Pinto-Gouveia, & Costa, 2013)。

依恋理论是对个体依恋系统作用机制的总结, 而依恋系统差异的外化表现则体现为个体依恋风格的不同。依恋风格作为依恋系统的核心, 一旦形成便成为个体的一种特质存在, 而依恋风格的稳定性为探讨依恋系统对自传体记忆提取的影响提供稳固的桥梁作用。因此本文以个体依恋风格的差异为视角, 以Conway和Pleydell-Pearce’s的自我记忆系统(Self-Memory System)为基础, 通过整合来自行为、EEG实验的研究结果, 探讨在自传体记忆提取的过程中, 依恋系统具有目标导向、防御排斥、情绪调节的作用, 以影响自传体记忆的提取。

2 依恋与自传体记忆的发展

自传体记忆的提取受到许多因素的影响, 如线索材料(图片、声音、气味)本身的性质(Knez, Ljunglöf, Arshamian, & Willander, 2017), 回忆记忆时采用的视角和人称(汪新建, 朱艳丽, 2010), 个体的性别和性别认同等(Grysman, Merrill, & Fivush, 2017)。以往研究多以静态的角度探讨单一因素与自传体记忆之间的关系, 但是自传体记忆的提取是一个动态的过程。Haggerty, Siefert和Weinberger (2010)发现, 个体的依恋风格既会影响其对幼儿期自传体记忆的提取, 也会影响其对记忆的评估。依恋风格能够为个体自传体记忆的提取提供一个动态的视角, 以观察个体差异是如何在各个阶段对自传体记忆的提取产生影响的。

在大量研究结果的基础上, 前人提出了许多理论模型以解释自传体记忆的发展。Tulving (1985)的“多重记忆系统理论”认为, 记忆是一个单向层级的系统, 不同的记忆形式严格地根据个体发育的成熟度, 按照相应的先后顺序出现。但个体的成熟度既受到生物因素也受到社会情感的影响(Chae et al., 2011), 而依恋是婴幼儿与其抚养者在亲子互动过程中形成的牢固而持久的情感关系(Bowlby, 1969), 在互动中形成的行为模式和认知图式与个体的记忆有关(Baldwin, 1992)。Tulving的模型突出了个体发育的成熟度的作用, 从生理的角度阐释记忆的发展。而在个体不断成熟的过程中, 其自身特质也逐渐趋于稳定。个体的依恋一旦形成便会成为一种稳定的特质对记忆产生影响。随即提出的个性化理论(Howe & Courage, 1993)认为, 自传体记忆的出现来自于幼儿在18~24个月时发展出的认知自我。但有研究发现, 这种内在的自我表征源于早期与依恋对象的交往经验(Bowlby, 1969)。同时个性化模型强调自我在出现的时间点上的差异, 而依恋理论根据个体与依恋对象的交往质量将个体形成的自我图式分为积极的和消极的(Bartholomew & Horowitz, 1991), 以此区分不同依恋风格者自我认知的不同, 从而对个性化模型的自我差异这一维度进行了补充。Nelson和Fivush (2004)提出的社会文化理论, 以社会、认知以及人际交往领域的视角理解自传体记忆的发展。他们认为亲子间对过去事件的回忆方式是影响儿童自传体记忆发展的重要因素。然而亲子间的回忆风格既是依恋的产物又是依恋的影响因素(Fivush, 2013), 将个体的依恋纳入讨论更有利于直观地分析自传体记忆在个体差异中的表现。

通过总结前人的研究发现, 从依恋的角度解释自传体记忆的提取主要存在以下两种观点:一种观点着重探讨不同依恋风格者自我图式的作用, 将差异的来源解释为个体自我图式是积极的还是消极的。即具有积极自我图式的个体倾向于提取积极自传体记忆, 反之, 消极自我图式引导个体更多地提取消极自传体记忆。但是, 这种解释无法对Wang, Wang, Feeney和Li (2017)的实验结果做出说明。高依恋焦虑的个体有着消极的自我图式, 但实验结果却表明, 依恋焦虑无法预测婚姻自传体记忆的情绪效价以及与婚姻关系相关的自传体记忆的主题内容。可见, 单纯地从自我图式一方面对自传体记忆进行解释存在一些不足。

另一种观点从单一因素深入到依恋对自传体记忆的影响是整体性的, 认为个体为了维持自我认知上的一致性, 依恋系统会作用于记忆的编码、重建、提取阶段, 分别影响自传体记忆的事件特征、叙述特征和现象学特征(Öner & Gülgöz, 2016)。但个体在记忆提取时会伴随强烈的情绪体验(Conway & Pleydellpearce, 2000), 仅仅出于维持认知上的一致性, 无法对个体在记忆提取的通达性和情绪唤醒度上的差异做出相应的解释。不仅如此, 有研究也发现即使通过依恋安全启动使回避型个体具有安全型个体的认知方式, 回避型个体也无法在回忆场景的同时减轻痛苦(Bryant & Chan, 2017)。即依恋系统激活减轻个体的痛苦和生理唤醒是通过情绪调节起作用的(Bryant & Chan, 2015; Selcuk, Zayas, Günaydin, Hazan, & Kross, 2012)。

基于以上两种观点在解释依恋对自传体记忆的提取上存在不足, 通过查阅文献, 文章总结出依恋系统在记忆提取中具有目标导向、防御排斥和情绪调节的作用。当自传体记忆提取的线索较不明确时, 依恋系统具有目标导向的作用, 引导工作自我整合、提取与自我图式一致的事件和信息; 当记忆提取的线索过于直接和强烈时, 依恋系统具有防御排斥的作用, 通过减少事件信息的注意、低详尽性的叙述风格和降低记忆的准确性三种方式进行防御排斥; 当先前的策略失效时, 依恋系统具有情绪调节的作用, 以降低个体的心理痛苦, 减缓记忆带来的心理疼痛。

3 依恋系统在自传体记忆提取中的动力作用

依恋系统中的许多成分都是在无意识地发挥作用, 当个体的愿望在自传体记忆提取的过程中, 通过情境性的刺激无意识地被唤醒时, 不同依恋风格者的认知、情绪和行为会受到影响。拒绝亲密的回避型个体在被要求回忆与依恋对象有关的自传体记忆、过度紧张的焦虑型个体在回忆消极的自传体记忆时, 个体会感知到不同的压力源。在调节压力与心理痛苦的过程中, 依恋系统作为一个动力系统, 通过调用个体的认知情绪策略, 在自传体记忆提取的过程中具有目标导向、防御排斥和情绪调节的作用, 以保护个体免受伤害。

3.1 依恋自我图式引导记忆的整合与提取

根据Conway和Pleydell-Pearce’s的自我记忆系统(Self-Memory System), 自传体记忆是一个相互联结的层级结构, 包含了分层组织的自传体记忆知识库和工作自我, 而自传体记忆的提取就是工作自我将自传体记忆知识库中的知识进行外化的结果。

Bowlby认为早期与依恋对象的交往经验会使得个体形成有关自我的表征, 即自我图式。当个体认为自己是有价值的, 值得被爱的, 个体就会保持积极的自我表征, 形成积极的自我图式, 即为安全型依恋个体的特征; 与此相反, 非安全型的个体尤其是焦虑型的个体会形成消极的自我图式。自我是自传体记忆提取的关键, 自我图式通过为工作自我进行目标选择, 影响自传体记忆提取的内容。研究表明, 安全型的儿童能够回忆更多的积极事件, 而非安全型的儿童对消极事件的回忆多于积极事件(Belsky, Spritz, & Crnic, 1996), 且依恋焦虑能显著预测消极自传体记忆的回忆(Boyacioglu & Sümer, 2011)。同时, Wang等(2017)也发现, 安全型的个体回忆的积极自传体记忆的数量更多。但Messina和Zavattini (2014)发现, 无论记忆是幸福的还是痛苦的, 安全型的儿童相较于非安全型的儿童都能回忆更多的自传体记忆。同时, 在自传性的叙述过程中, 高依恋回避的个体报告出更多的与个人竞争、个人成就以及个人权利相关的怀旧记忆(Abeyta, Routledge, Roylance, Wildschut, & Sedikides, 2015), 且会回忆更多的与威胁生命相关的记忆(Goldner & Scharf, 2017)。这说明, 在没有明确线索的情况下, 为维持个体的自我一致性和连续性, 工作自我会以自我图式为参照, 提取与自我图式一致的自传体记忆。但在个体明确被要求提取与自我图式不符的自传体记忆时, 安全型个体的自我图式更具开放性和灵活性, 他们能够通过安全基地支持和安全基地使用管理痛苦(李彩娜, 石鑫欣, 黄凤, 马婧, 2013), 以一种更开放的方式对消极记忆进行加工。而非安全型依恋的个体面对事件中与自我不一致的信息时(积极记忆), 工作自我会降低对该事件提取的频率。因此, 不符合个体图式的记忆更容易被遗忘(Dykas & Cassidy, 2011)。

然而Neumann和Philippot (2007)发现, 自传体记忆的加工方式影响个体的情绪强度, 与自我概念保持一致的自传体记忆能减轻情绪强度。这提示我们, 不同依恋风格者自传体记忆在提取阶段表现出的差异可能在其加工过程中就已经发生了。自传体记忆知识库中, 储存的全部信息都与自我相关, 这就决定了在整合信息的过程中个体的自我参照成为一个重要的步骤。且当积极信息与自我相关时, 这种记忆优势更加强烈(Hardin & Banaji, 1990)。因此, 安全型依恋个体对积极的自传体记忆提取具有优势, 是由于积极经历对他而言更容易被整合与组织。相反, 非安全型依恋的个体, 尤其是焦虑型依恋, 为了避免对已有消极图式的修正, 更可能阻止对积极信息的加工(Öner & Gülgöz, 2016)。对于非安全型依恋的个体而言, 积极经历会引发自我记忆系统的矛盾(Conway, Singer & Tagini, 2004), 致使积极记忆回忆不足。以上说明自我图式的积极性和消极性, 引导着信息整合时的难易程度。同时, 由于被整合的难度更低, 与自我图式保持一致的信息在自传体记忆知识库中也保持着数量优势, 为后期的提取提供丰富的资源。

通过总结前人研究发现, 自我图式在自传体记忆和它的发展中起重要作用(Chae et al., 2011), 在依恋关系中形成的自我图式通过两个通道发挥目标导向的作用:自我图式引导自传体记忆知识库中知识的整合, 自我图式通过为工作自我进行目标选择提供动力。但是自我图式发生作用的方向并不总是保持一致的。在老年时期, 非安全型的个体对记忆的提取会出现积极的偏向。国内学者对老年人婚姻自传体的研究发现, 由于老年人社会目标的转变, 安全型、专注型和冷漠型的个体提取的积极事件显著多于消极事件(贾孟华, 杨小洋, 王大华, 2015)。因此, 后续研究中应进行纵向研究, 探讨处于人生不同阶段的个体自传体记忆提取与自我图式之间的关系, 同时也应将非安全型的个体进行详细的区分, 比较焦虑型和回避型个体间自传体记忆提取的差异。

3.2 依恋系统下的防御排斥与自传体记忆提取

当面临的提取线索过于直接和强烈, 个体必须提取与自我图式不一致的信息或记忆时, 此时的个体处于一种压力情境下, 而焦虑型个体的夸大性机制和回避型个体的防御性机制是个体在遭受威胁时产生的防御性反应(马原啸, 冉光明, 陈旭, 2016)。个体在如何分配注意力资源, 编码新信息和回忆过去经历上的差异, 反映了个体如何调整与依恋相关的需求。在依恋系统激活下, 非安全型个体采取的防御排斥会通过信息过滤的方式分别作用于记忆编码、重建、提取阶段, 影响自传体记忆的提取数量、具体性、准确性。而信息过滤主要通过减少事件信息的注意、低详尽性的叙述风格和降低记忆的准确性三种方式产生作用。

3.2.1 依恋系统下的防御排斥与记忆提取数量

事前防御策略是个体在编码阶段通过减少对事件信息的注意、降低对事件的编码量, 以回避不愉快的感受和想法的一种防御策略。在自传体记忆提取的过程中, 回避型个体为了避免遭受心理痛苦, 在编码阶段就会对消极的信息进行排斥而优先采取事前防御策略。Tagini (2008)的实验发现, 在15分钟的自传体记忆自由回忆任务中, 回避型个体的消极自传体记忆回忆的数量显著少于安全型和焦虑型的个体, 但在记忆的现象学属性上, 回避型个体与其他组别无显著差异。这证明回避型个体的防御排斥发生在提取前并非记忆提取后, 从而导致了个体的记忆在回忆容量上发生差异但在记忆评估上无显著差异。自传体记忆的事件特征是编码阶段的重要指标, 研究也表明高依恋回避的个体对于所有与事件特征相关的指标, 评分显著偏低(Öner & Gülgöz, 2016), 尤其是对于积极记忆而言。而对父母是安全型依恋的儿童, 注意力资源会更多地集中在事件本身上(Chae et al., 2011)。即事件一旦被编码, 回避型个体与安全型和焦虑型个体在信息现象学属性的提取上是不存在差别的, 而是否采用事前防御策略是造成记忆事件回忆数量较少的主要因素。由于对事件信息的注意减少, 信息编码量减少, 记忆在后续的加工过程中无法对获得的自传记忆知识进行精加工, 事件在自传体记忆知识库中缺乏整合导致后期对自传体记忆中事件的提取出现不足。

3.2.2 依恋系统下的防御排斥与记忆具体性

不仅在编码阶段, 不同依恋风格者自传体记忆提取的差异也会延续到记忆的巩固阶段, 而非安全型依恋的个体自传体记忆具体性减少是区别于安全型个体的另一大特点。安全型的个体回忆的自传体记忆更具具体性, 而非安全型的个体, 尤其是回避型和未解决型, 其自传体记忆呈现过度概括化的特点(Sales, 2009)。研究表明, 儿童对母亲的安全依恋在母亲的回忆风格和儿童自传体记忆的发展中起关键作用(Reese, 2008)。对母亲是安全依恋的儿童相对于非安全型依恋的儿童其叙述风格更加详尽, 进而报告出更加丰富的记忆(Fivush & Vasudeva, 2002; Newcombe & Reese, 2004)。同时, 安全型依恋的儿童相较于焦虑型和回避型个体在对过去事件的回忆中有着更长的个人叙述(Kelly, 2015)。相应地, 儿童与依恋相关的信任和自传体记忆的具体性之间虽无直接相关, 但对母亲的支持更加信任的儿童自我报告出更多的与母亲交流生活经历的倾向, 从而间接地提高了自传体记忆提取的具体性(Bosmans, Dujardin, Raes, & Braet, 2013)。不仅儿童自身的依恋有影响, 父母自身的浪漫依恋也会产生作用。Alexander, Quas和Goodman (2002)推测父母和儿童之间的回忆方式会调节成人依恋和儿童的自传体记忆。

儿童自传体记忆的建立依赖于成人对其过去经历进行重复性地组织, 通过儿童与成人间的语言叙述交流, 儿童的自传体记忆得以重建(Nelson & Fivush, 2004)。除了减少对消极信息的注意, 非安全型依恋的个体在记忆的巩固阶段仍旧会采取防御排斥的策略, 通过低详尽性的叙述风格避免信息得到进一步的加工。即安全型与非安全型的个体在记忆的巩固阶段, 是否通过详尽性的叙述风格对自传体记忆进行精细加工导致了自传体记忆提取的具体性的差异。安全型的儿童与非安全型的儿童在对记忆回忆的能力上不存在差异, 但是在记忆的叙述风格上的显著差异导致了记忆在提取时的具体性差异。

3.2.3 依恋系统下的防御排斥与记忆准确性

事后防御策略即提取失败, 是个体通过抑制已编码的信息的激活和可接近性对记忆提取产生影响。在个体无法完全抑制消极信息的加工情况下, 回避型个体在记忆提取的阶段会采取事后防御策略, 降低自传体记忆提取的准确性, 以回避心理痛苦。研究表明, 父母的回避型依恋能显著预测个体虚假的自传体记忆的形成(Qin, Ogle, & Goodman, 2008)。父母在依恋回避维度上的得分越高, 其对疫苗经历的叙述准确性更低; 同时, 对父母有更少积极表征的儿童对疫苗经历的回忆准确性更低(Chae et al., 2014)。对个体的年龄, 短时记忆, 气质特征和行为问题进行控制后发现, 对父母有更多积极依恋表征的儿童, 其一周前的疫苗接种经历的提取内容更加精确(Chae et al., 2011)。高依恋回避的个体自传体记忆的提取质量更低, 尽管回避型的个体也会提取相应的自传体记忆, 甚至包括积极经历(Öner & Gülgöz, 2016), 但个体的防御排斥过程会抑制这些经历的提取, 导致记忆亏损或记忆扭曲(Chae et al., 2014)。即在提取阶段, 回避型个体通过事后防御策略抑制已编码的信息的激活, 使得有限的认知资源大量消耗导致个体执行控制功能削弱, 从而提取的自传体记忆准确性降低。

结合以上研究, 在依恋系统激活下, 非安全型依恋的个体采取的防御排斥会以信息过滤的形式分别作用于记忆的编码、巩固、提取阶段, 使得非安全型个体记忆的准确性和具体性相较于安全型个体出现不足。由于依恋回避影响自传体记忆中的认知成分, 依恋焦虑影响情感成分(Boyacioglu & Sümer, 2011), 这种差异多体现在安全型和回避型个体之间, 在安全型和焦虑型的比较中不显著。而一项对于正常组(69.2%为安全型依恋)和分离病人组(92.3%为未解决型)的EEG研究表明, 正常组中, 对依恋相关的自传体记忆的提取使得连通性普遍增加, 尤其在高频EEG的频段上(Farina et al., 2014)。这是否间接说明安全型和非安全型的个体, 自传体记忆提取的差异不仅体现在行为上, 在神经生理上也显著。但这种连通性的差异产生在哪个阶段尚无定论。与此同时, 记忆提取的差异在作用机制上也存在分歧。对于自传体记忆具体性减少的原因, 陈雪军、黄月胜、党晓姣和郑希付(2012)认为主要是情感调节的结果, 但李博和赵笑梅(2014)表明是个体的执行控制力降低以及情绪调节同时产生作用。

3.3 依恋系统下的情绪调节与自传体记忆提取

依恋系统是一个动态平衡的系统, 它既包含了认知信息, 也包括了个体的情绪调节。个体会优先使用认知策略而抑制情绪调节, 但是在压力增加的情境下, 个体的认知控制减弱, 情绪调节系统无可避免地被激活(Fonagy & Luyten, 2009)。在自传体记忆提取的过程中, 当先前的防御排斥失效, 个体提取的记忆强烈地诱发了心理痛苦时, 此时的依恋系统具有情绪调节的作用, 使得个体在情绪的评估上出现偏差以减轻身心痛苦。

3.3.1 依恋系统下的情绪调节与记忆通达性

自传体记忆的提取会伴随相应的情绪体验, 非安全型的个体对过去经历的回忆方式更具偏差(Mikulincer & Orbach, 1995), 而这种偏差在高依恋回避的个体中更显著。为了缓冲自传体记忆带来的心理疼痛, 回避型的个体会降低与依恋相关的自传体记忆的通达性(Dykas & Cassidy, 2011; Hesse, 2008), 且高依恋回避的青少年需更长的时间来提取儿童期的事件, 无论事件的情绪类型如何(Dykas, Woodhouse, Jones, & Cassidy, 2014)。即从记忆通达性引发的情绪结果上来看, 非安全型个体采取情绪策略对记忆进行管理。回避型的个体会使用去激活策略以阻止自传体事件的通达性, 增长记忆提取的时间来缓解心理压力, 以降低心理疼痛、回避痛苦的情绪信息。相较于回避型个体, 事件的情绪效价的影响在安全型和焦虑型个体间更加显著, Mikulincer发现, 安全型个体对过去积极经历的回忆具有较好的通达性, 提取时间最短; 而焦虑型的个体其过度激活策略夸大了消极情绪状态, 对消极经历的提取最快。焦虑型个体在自传体记忆提取的过程中, 其过度激活策略的特点使得个体过度夸大消极信息的威胁性而采取警觉性的加工, 从而加快了消极信息的提取时间。但记忆的通达性并非总是根据个体的策略一成不变的, 有研究通过对比自我损耗组与非自我损耗组中个体记忆的通达性时发现, 在自我损耗的条件下, 高依恋回避的个体与依恋对象的消极经历的通达性会增强(Kohn, Rholes, & Schmeichel, 2012)。这也说明个体的情绪抑制策略需要消耗大量的认知资源, 在自我损耗的条件下, 有限的认知资源被消耗时, 个体的抑制策略会失去效力, 从而无法对消极记忆的通达性进行有效的管理。

3.3.2 依恋系统下的情绪调节与情绪特征

依恋系统的情绪调节作用, 更为直接地体现在个体对记忆引发的情绪的评估上。传统的观点认为, 个体对情绪的评估与自身所采取的情绪调节策略保持一致。回避型的个体其防御性机制会降低记忆的情绪唤醒度和情绪强度的评估; 而焦虑型个体的夸大性机制会夸大情绪体验, 产生情绪过度反应的现象; 安全型个体的安全基地策略使得个体保持中等强度的唤醒。Gerlsma (2000)发现, 回避型个体极力避免对童年经历进行评估以维持亲密关系间的满意度, 而焦虑型个体在重新评估童年经历时, 倾向于在情感上进行夸大。一项来自EEG的研究也发现, 在静息状态下, 回避型的个体其右侧额叶脑活动的增强和右侧顶叶脑活动的降低, 表明其去激活策略的使用和低特质唤醒的特点; 在对自传体记忆提取的过程中, 非安全型个体的右侧顶叶增强的脑活动表明其情绪唤醒的提高, 情绪调节能力受提取任务的影响, 而安全型的个体在自传体记忆提取过程中保持中等的情绪唤醒(Kungl, Leyh, & Spangler, 2016)。对于情绪强度的评定, 有一些实验结果却在回避型和焦虑型的个体中出现了分歧。高回避者对包含照料者在内的自传体记忆的情绪强度评定更低(Haggerty et al., 2010)。而Dykas的研究表明, 在回忆儿童期的事件时, 依恋回避与个体的情绪强度无关; 高依恋焦虑的青少年在提取儿童事件时, 对非显性的情绪报告了更强烈的情绪强度。即焦虑型个体的过度激活策略使得个体对显性的情绪调节困难, 从而溢出到非显性情绪上。这种情绪调节异常的现象在Hesse的实验中也很明显, 焦虑型个体对幼儿经历提供困惑、愤怒等过度情绪化的叙述。而Haggerty的研究却发现依恋焦虑和记忆提取时的情绪强度负相关。

安全型个体其安全基地策略有利于个体在消极情境中的情绪调节, 若对非安全型的个体进行安全基地启动, 通过情境性激活被试安全依恋表征, 提高被试的安全感, 也会对自传体记忆提取的产生作用。在依恋图片启动中, Selcuk等人(2012)首先引导被试回忆消极自传体事件(令人沮丧的)后, 进行情绪效价、情绪唤醒程度的评定; 接着呈现被试母亲/熟人, 被试恋人/其他人的照片, 要求被试对之前回忆的消极事件再次进行情绪效价、情绪唤醒程度的评定。结果发现, 观看母亲和恋人图片的被试其消极情绪减少, 消极情绪唤醒程度降低, 说明安全依恋启动具有缓冲作用, 会对自传体记忆提取的情绪特征产生影响。

综上可以看出, 非安全型个体的次级策略使得个体对自传体记忆的提取存在偏差, 而安全依恋启动能减少个体在记忆提取后期对情绪评定的偏差。以上对于自传体记忆的提取与依恋风格的探讨都是基于随意自传体记忆, 但不随意自传体记忆相较于随意自传体记忆而言, 具有更强的情绪影响性, 个体在不随意自传体记忆提取中会出现高度的自我体验和自我觉知, 而目前对于依恋与不随意自传体记忆的研究却很少。

4 评论与展望

自传体记忆的提取过程是对过去经历的部分重建, 依恋系统在这过程中起到重要的作用。Tagini (2008)认为, 自我图式调节注意资源的卷入是不需要进行意识加工的, 而李博和赵笑梅(2016)发现, 在执行控制资源受到损耗时, 健康个体无论是提取正性、负性还是中性记忆, 其生动性都会降低, 且记忆所引发的情绪强度也会有所减弱。据此可以推想依恋系统的目标导向作用是自动化的, 而防御排斥和情绪调节是一种控制加工的过程。通过总结也发现, 无论自传体记忆提取线索是否明确和强烈, 安全型的个体都能提取相应的记忆。而面对过于强烈和痛苦的线索时, 回避型个体更多的是从认知上进行防御排斥, 焦虑型的个体侧重从情绪上进行调节。据此可以更进一步地推想, 不同依恋风格的个体其自传体记忆的提取策略具有特异性, 即安全型的个体倾向于通过自我图式的一致性对记忆进行提取, 回避型个体多使用防御排斥策略, 焦虑型个体多采取情绪调节对痛苦记忆进行管理。未来研究可以从以下几个方面展开:

4.1 从多侧面多层次探讨依恋对自传体记忆提取的影响

现有对自传体记忆提取与依恋的研究多为相关研究, 而两者之间包含许多复杂的模型, 除了直接的联系, 还受到中介因素和调节因素的影响。但有研究者尝试将过度概括化的自传体记忆作为中介因素, 探讨依恋与抑郁症之间的关系时却发现, 中介效应不显著(Beyderman & Young, 2016)。而对于老年时期的非安全型个体出现的积极记忆偏向, 后续研究中应加强纵向研究, 探讨在不同的依恋时期, 个体自我概念、自我模型的转变, 与重要他人的关系等是如何影响自传体记忆提取的。依恋系统的激活会影响自传体记忆的提取内容、评估方式, 但影响的时间长度(短期、长期), 作用阶段(编码阶段、提取阶段), 作用机制(直接起作用、间接作用)仍旧存疑。除了安全基地启动, 威胁情境启动作为依恋启动的另一种方式, 其对自传体记忆的作用是否相同也有待探讨。

4.2 注重探讨依恋风格与不随意自传体记忆提取的差异

不随意自传体记忆同随意自传体一样, 是记忆的基本模式, 并存在于每个人完整的自传体记忆中(Berntsen, 2009)。虽然两者具有相似的编码和存储过程, 但在提取方式、记忆内容具体性和情绪感染性等方面存在差异, 说明不随意自传体记忆具有独特的性质(陈国栋, 李力红, 2014)。安全型和非安全型依恋的个体对情绪信息的注意和提取存在显著的差异, 而这种差异体现在对不同情绪效价的随意自传体记忆的提取中, 非安全型依恋的个体倾向于提取消极记忆。由于两者具有相似的编码和存储过程, 情绪效价上的提取差异在不随意自传体记忆中也可能出现。但是不随意自传体记忆相较于随意自传体记忆而言, 具有更强的情绪影响性, 不同依恋风格者在不随意自传体记忆的提取中在自我体验和自我觉知上的差异, 相对于随意自传体而言更具特殊性。有研究采用警戒任务实验范式比较了焦虑个体和非焦虑个体不随意自传体记忆的特点(Kvavilashvili & Schlagman, 2011), 而个体的依恋焦虑作为一种稳定的特质, 是否会对不随意自传体记忆产生影响, 产生影响的机制是否与随意自传体记忆相同, 可在后期的研究中进行比较。

4.3 区分非安全型依恋在自传体记忆具体成分中的作用

非安全型依恋是使个体偏向于过度概括化自传体记忆的潜在因素(Valentino, 2011), 并通过个体对社会信息的加工方式产生影响(Dykas & Cassidy, 2011)。但是, 非安全型依恋的个体中, 既包含回避型依恋个体, 也包含焦虑型依恋个体。而有研究者假设回避型依恋和焦虑型依恋会对自传体记忆中的不同成分产生作用, 依恋回避会影响自传体记忆中的认知成分, 依恋焦虑影响情感成分(Boyacioglu & Sümer, 2011)。即非安全型的个体都会表现出过度概括化的自传体记忆提取的倾向, 然而回避型和焦虑型个体的作用方式却不同。因此, 将回避型与焦虑型的个体进行区分, 在后续的对过度概括化自传体记忆的干预中, 能够提高心理干预的效果。与此同时, 以往的研究对于自传体记忆具体性减少究竟是个体情绪调节的结果还是执行控制的作用仍存在分歧。由于依恋焦虑与记忆的情绪成分有关, 依恋回避与记忆的认知成分有关, 焦虑型个体可能会更多地采取情绪调节策略, 而回避型个体可能会更倾向于执行控制, 即自传体记忆具体性减少的解释机制存在个体差异, 将依恋风格加入探讨是否能解决这种分歧有待后续探讨。


陈国栋, 李力红 . ( 2014).


心理科学, 37( 1), 245-252.

URL     [本文引用: 1]


陈雪军, 黄月胜, 党晓姣, 郑希付 . ( 2012).

创伤青少年自传体记忆具体性减少: 情感调节还是执行控制受损

心理学报, 44( 1), 112-120.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2012.00112      URL    

Reduced specificity of autobiographical memories retrieved to word cues on the Autobiographical Memory Test (AMT) associated with increased posttraumatic stress in traumatized samples has been already confirmed, though the researches for the adolescents are still not very substantial. Theoretical debates concerning the dominant influences on this effect have focused on affect regulation, whereby specific personal information is avoided more by those experiencing greater distress, versus impaired executive control, whereby increased distress is associated with an inability to set aside inappropriately general responses on the AMT. The present study compared these 2 views using AMT and AMT-R (the reversed version of the AMT) together. All the participants were recruited from a nonclinical and normal middle school. Participants (divided into three groups: high-PTSD, n = 31, low-PTSD, n = 32, and nontraumatic controls, n = 30)were required to generate specific memories response to emotion-related cue words in the AMT, whereas had to generate general memories from the past in the AMT-R. An emphasis on the role of affect regulation would predict that distress would be associated with reduced specificity (as in the standard AMT), whereas emphasis on the role of executive control would predict that this relationship should be reversed. The results indicated that, in contrast with the earlier studies, high-PTSD and low-PTSD groups behaved less specificity than nontraumatic controls and high-PTSD group also had generated less specific memories than low-PTSD group, regardless of cue valence in the AMT. But there were no significant differences of specific memories among the three groups in the AMT-R. The findings suggested that reduced autobiographical memory specificity has been demonstrated in traumatized adolescents in this study, and the results of AMT and AMT-R supported the affect regulation may play a greater role. Moreover, the clinical implications of the current research are discussed.

贾孟华, 杨小洋, 王大华 . ( 2015).

婚姻自传体记忆的数量特征: 时间与依恋风格的影响

心理与行为研究, 13( 2), 271-277.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Convenient sampling is used in communities of Beijing and 599 participants were recruited(mean age=67.50±5.1 years, mean marriage time=41.9±6.5 years). They were required to complete a 5-minute quick-memory-recall interview of autobiographical memory and the Older Adults’Marital Attachment Scale. Quantitative characteristics of marital autobiographical memory were explored from the impacts of time distribution, emotional valence and attachment style. Results showed that: 1)The distribution of positive marital autobiographical memory over family life cycle among older adults shows an approximately U-shaped curve, indicating that there exists newly marriage effect and recency effect. However, the distribution of negative marital autobiographical memory doesn't show recency effect; 2)The number of positive events recalled by the old adults is greater than negative ones, indicating a ″positivity preference″ of old adults in marital autobiographical memory; 3)Attachment style may have an effect on quantitative characteristics of marital autobiographical memory: individuals with secure, preoccupied and dismissive attachment styles all report more positive events than negative ones, whereas there is no difference between the number of positive events and negative events for individuals with fearful attachment style.

李博, 赵笑梅 . ( 2014).


中国临床心理学杂志, 22( 1), 38-42.

[本文引用: 1]

李博, 赵笑梅 . ( 2016).


心理科学, 39( 1), 56-62.

URL     [本文引用: 1]


李彩娜, 石鑫欣, 黄凤, 马婧 . ( 2013).


北京师范大学学报(社会科学版), ( 6), 30-37.

[本文引用: 1]

马书采, 肖祝祝, 周爱保, 杨晓莉, 向玲 . ( 2011).

回避性依恋和注意偏向: 刺激普遍性与刺激特定性

心理科学, 34( 6), 1313-1319.

[本文引用: 1]

马原啸, 冉光明, 陈旭 . ( 2016).


心理科学进展, 24( 3), 392-401.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2016.00392      URL     [本文引用: 1]


汪新建, 朱艳丽 . ( 2010).


心理科学进展, 18( 12), 1858-1863.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Narrative approach research on self assumed that individual constructed and developed self through telling life-story and retrieving autobiographical memory. Recent study explored the factors that influence narrative and its meaning on self-development. Relative results showed that such factors as coherent positive narrative, narrative style, and personality traits were correlated with life-story and self-development. A series of experiments proved that different narrative person and self perspective on autobiographical memory have different effect on emotion, behavior, and body. On the basis of those studies, researchers conducted clinical intervention and carried out fundamental researches including neural mechanisms. It proposed that future research should expand research materials and explore influence factors, such as cross-culture study of narrative style and self perspective.

Abeyta A. A., Routledge C., Roylance C., Wildschut T., & Sedikides C. ( 2015).

Attachment-related avoidance and the social and agentic content of nostalgic memories

Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 32( 3), 406-413.

DOI:10.1177/0265407514533770      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Alexander K. W., Quas J. A., & Goodman G. S. ( 2002).

Theoretical advances in understanding children’s memory for distressing events: The role of attachment

Developmental Review, 22, 490-519.

DOI:10.1016/S0273-2297(02)00004-7      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Baldwin, M. W. ( 1992).

Relational schemas and the processing of social information

Psychological Bulletin, 112( 3), 461-484.

DOI:10.1037/0033-2909.112.3.461      URL     [本文引用: 1]

It has long been one of the grand ideas in psychology that people internalize their relationships with significant others, which influences their experience of subsequent relationships and their sense of self. Recent work in social cognition has largely neglected the impact of internally represented interpersonal information, however, with researchers choosing instead to focus on the perception of self and other persons in isolation. After a review of relevant theoretical models, it is proposed that research could profitably examine people's relational schemas, defined as cognitive structures representing regularities in patterns of interpersonal relatedness. The elements of a relational schema include an interpersonal script for the interaction pattern, a self-schema for how self is experienced in that interpersonal situation, and a schema for the other person in the interaction. Research strategies are discussed.

Bartholomew, K., & Horowitz, L. M. ( 1991).

Attachment styles among young adults: A test of a four-category model

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 61( 2), 226-244.

DOI:10.1037//0022-3514.61.2.226      URL     PMID:1920064      [本文引用: 1]

A new 4-group model of attachment styles in adulthood is proposed. Four prototypic attachment patterns are defined using combinations of a person's self-image (positive or negative) and image of others (positive or negative). In Study 1, an interview was developed to yield continuous and categorical ratings of the 4 attachment styles. Intercorrelations of the attachment ratings were consistent with the proposed model. Attachment ratings were validated by self-report measures of self-concept and interpersonal functioning. Each style was associated with a distinct profile of interpersonal problems, according to both self- and friend-reports. In Study 2, attachment styles within the family of origin and with peers were assessed independently. Results of Study 1 were replicated. The proposed model was shown to be applicable to representations of family relations; Ss' attachment styles with peers were correlated with family attachment ratings.

Belsky J., Spritz B., & Crnic K. ( 1996).

Infant attachment security and affective-cognitive information processing at age 3

Psychological Science, 7( 2), 111-114.

DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9280.1996.tb00339.x      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Three-year old's attention toward and memory of affectively laden information presented in specialty designed puppet snows were examined to test the hypothesis, based on Bowlby's theory of attachment and the internal-working-model construct central to the theory, that children with secure attachment histories (measured at 12 months) would prove less distractable during positive than negative events and would remember positive events more accurately than negative events, with the reverse being true of children with insecure attachment histories Support for this hypothesis emerged in the case of memory but not attention (for which no attachment effects emerged), even when infants' temperament-emotionality and general verbal intelligence were taken into consideration Results are discussed in terms of life-course implications of affective-cognitive information processing and directions for future research.

Berntsen, D. ( 2009). How do they come to mind? In Involuntary autobiographical memories (pp. 86-110). London: Cambridge University Press.

[本文引用: 1]

Beyderman, I., & Young, M. A. ( 2016).

Rumination and overgeneral autobiographical memory as mediators of the relationship between attachment and depression

Personality and Individual Differences, 98, 37-41.

DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2016.03.077      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Bosmans G., Dujardin A., Raes F., & Braet C. ( 2013).

The specificity of autobiographical memories in early adolescence: The role of mother-child communication and attachment-related beliefs

The Journal of Early Adolescence, 33( 5), 710-731.

DOI:10.1177/0272431612466172      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Although autobiographical memory specificity is an important developmental feature fostering adaptation throughout life, little is known about factors related to interindividual differences in autobiographical memory specificity. The current study investigated associations with early adolescents communication with mother about their experiences and their trust in her support. For this reason, 80 general population children (ages ranging from 10 to 13) were asked to retrieve specific memories of interactions with mother. Communication and trust in maternal support were measured using questionnaires. Results showed that specificity of autobiographical memories was directly linked with communication, but not with trust in maternal support. Moreover, evidence was found in favor of an indirect effect of trust on autobiographical memory specificity through communication. This study suggests that trust-related mother-child communication is important to understand interindividual differences in autobiographical memory specificity.

Bowlby, J. ( 1969) Attachment and loss: Attachment (Vol.1. ). New York, NY: Basic Books.

[本文引用: 2]

Boyacioglu, I., & Sümer, N. ( 2011).

Attachment factors, autobiographical memory and accepting the past

Turkish Journal of Psychology, 26( 67), 105-122.

URL     [本文引用: 3]

Abstract The purpose of the present study is to investigate the relationships between attachment dimensions (i.e., attachment anxiety and avoidance), autobiographical memory, and accepting the past. University students (N = 222, women = 127, men = 95) participated to the study. The relationships between attachment anxiety, avoidance, and autobiographical memory were examined within the context of the phenomenological properties of the autobiographical memory. Results revealed that attachment anxiety significantly predicted visceral reactions, vividness, negative valence, and social aspect of autobiographical memory. Results also indicated that attachment anxiety was a reliable predictor of accepting the past. Attachment avoidance significantly predicted recollection. Furthermore, the interaction between attachment anxiety and avoidance significantly predicted specificity, vividness, and social aspect of autobiographical memories. The patterns of the interaction effect suggested that those with fearful attachment pattern reported higher levels of specificity, vividness, and social components of the recalled memories than those with dismissive attachment. Findings indicated that attachment anxiety, but not avoidance, has a consistent effect on the affective aspects of autobiographical memory.

Bryant, R. A., & Chan, L. L. ( 2015).

Thinking of attachments reduces noradrenergic stress response

Psychoneuroendocrinology, 60, 39-45.

DOI:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2015.06.004      URL     PMID:26115145      [本文引用: 1]

Although there is much evidence that activating mental representations of attachments figure is beneficial for psychological health and can reduce stress response, no research has directly investigated whether attachment activation can ameliorate hormonal stress response. This study investigated whether activating an attachment figure or a non-attachment figure following administration of a socially evaluated cold pressor test to elicit stress impacted on glucocorticoid and noradrenergic response. Participants (N=61) provided baseline salivary samples, underwent a cold pressor test, then imagined an attachment or non-attachment figure, and finally provided subsequent saliva samples. Participants who imagined a non-attachment figure had greater noradrenergic response following the stressor than those who imagined an attachment figure. These findings highlight that activating attachment representations can ameliorate the immediate noradrenergic stress response.

Bryant, R. A., & Chan, I. ( 2017).

Activating attachment representations during memory retrieval modulates intrusive traumatic memories

Consciousness and Cognition, 55, 197-204.

DOI:10.1016/j.concog.2017.08.010      URL     [本文引用: 5]

Chae Y., Goodman G. S., & Edelstein R. S. ( 2011).

Autobiographical memory development from an attachment perspective: The special role of negative events

Advances in Child Development and Behavior, 40, 1-49.

DOI:10.1016/B978-0-12-386491-8.00001-3      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Chae Y., Goodman G. S., Larson R. P., Augusti E. M., Alley D., VanMeenen K. M., .. Coulter. K. P. ( 2014).

Children's memory and suggestibility about a distressing event: The role of children's and parents' attachment

Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 123, 90-111.

DOI:10.1016/j.jecp.2014.01.005      URL    

Conway, M. A., & Pleydellpearce, C. W. ( 2000).

The construction of autobiographical memories in the self-memory system

Psychological Review, 107( 2), 261-288.

DOI:10.1037//0033-295X.107.2.261      URL     PMID:10789197      [本文引用: 1]

The authors describe a model of autobiographical memory in which memories are transitory mental constructions within a self-memory system (SMS). The SMS contains an autobiographical knowledge base and current goals of the working self. Within the SMS, control processes modulate access to the knowledge base by successively shaping cues used to activate autobiographical memory knowledge structures and, in this way, form specific memories. The relation of the knowledge base to active goals is reciprocal, and the knowledge base "grounds" the goals of the working self. It is shown how this model can be used to draw together a wide range of diverse data from cognitive, social, developmental, personality, clinical, and neuropsychological autobiographical memory research.

Conway M. A., Singer J. A., & Tagini A. ( 2004).

The self and autobiographical memory: Correspondence and coherence

Social Cognition, 22( 5), 491-529.

DOI:10.1521/soco.22.5.491.50768      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Dujardin A., Bosmans G., Braet C., & Goossens L. ( 2014).

Attachment-related expectations and mother-referent memory bias in middle childhood. S

candinavian Journal of Psychology, 55( 4), 296-302.

DOI:10.1111/sjop.12129      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Understanding the cognitive processing of attachment-relevant information has become a major focus of attachment research. Previous research demonstrated links between attachment and memory for attachment-related information, but results were contradictory and did not control for mood-effects. The current study aimed to provide a conceptual framework to capture inconsistencies. A straightforward memory bias hypothesis was derived and tested. Fifty children (aged 10-12) completed questionnaires assessing confidence in maternal support and depressive symptoms, and a memory task in which they recalled positive and negative words that referred to previous interactions with mother. Less confidence in maternal support and more depressive symptoms were linked to a more negative mother-related memory bias. The effect of confidence in maternal support remained marginally significant when controlling for depressive symptoms, explaining the initial effect of depressive symptoms. These findings support attachment theory's hypothesis that attachment-relevant information is processed in an attachment expectation-congruent way.

Dykas, M. J., & Cassidy, J. ( 2011).

Attachment and the processing of social information across the life span: Theory and evidence

Psychological Bulletin, 137( 1), 19-46.

DOI:10.1037/a0021367      URL     PMID:21219056      [本文引用: 4]

Researchers have used J. Bowlby's (1969/1982, 1973, 1980, 1988) attachment theory frequently as a basis for examining whether experiences in close personal relationships relate to the processing of social information across childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. We present an integrative life-span-encompassing theoretical model to explain the patterns of results that have emerged from these studies. The central proposition is that individuals who possess secure experience-based internal working models of attachment will process--in a relatively open manner--a broad range of positive and negative attachment-relevant social information. Moreover, secure individuals will draw on their positive attachment-related knowledge to process this information in a positively biased schematic way. In contrast, individuals who possess insecure internal working models of attachment will process attachment-relevant social information in one of two ways, depending on whether the information could cause the individual psychological pain. If processing the information is likely to lead to psychological pain, insecure individuals will defensively exclude this information from further processing. If, however, the information is unlikely to lead to psychological pain, then insecure individuals will process this information in a negatively biased schematic fashion that is congruent with their negative attachment-related experiences. In a comprehensive literature review, we describe studies that illustrate these patterns of attachment-related information processing from childhood to adulthood. This review focuses on studies that have examined specific components (e.g., attention and memory) and broader aspects (e.g., attributions) of social information processing. We also provide general conclusions and suggestions for future research.

Dykas M. J., Woodhouse S. S., Jones J. D., & Cassidy J. ( 2014).

Attachment-related biases in adolescents' memory

Child Development, 85( 6), 2185-2201.

DOI:10.1111/cdev.12268      URL     PMID:25040922      [本文引用: 2]

Attachment theorists propose that individuals' internal working models influence their social information processing. This study explored links between attachment representations and social information processing by examining adolescents' (n = 189; Mage = 16.5 years) attachment-related biases. Participants completed laboratory tasks assessing for (a) emotionally salient childhood events, (b) adjectives describing their parents, and (c) generalized parent-related characteristics not specific to their own parents. As expected, dismissing attachment (assessed using the Adult Attachment Interview) was linked across tasks to a deactivating strategy in which for emotional childhood events and attachment-relevant stimuli was reduced. In contrast, evidence that preoccupied attachment was linked to a hyperactivating strategy in which was heightened emerged only in relation to emotional childhood events.

Farina B., Speranza A. M., Dittoni S., Gnoni V., Trentini C., Vergano C. M., .. Marca G. D. ( 2014).

Memories of attachment hamper EEG cortical connectivity in dissociative patients

European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 264( 5), 449-458.

DOI:10.1007/s00406-013-0461-9      URL     PMID:24121863     

Abstract In this study, we evaluated cortical connectivity modifications by electroencephalography (EEG) lagged coherence analysis, in subjects with dissociative disorders and in controls, after retrieval of attachment memories. We asked thirteen patients with dissociative disorders and thirteen age- and sex-matched healthy controls to retrieve personal attachment-related autobiographical memories through adult attachment interviews (AAI). EEG was recorded in the closed eyes resting state before and after the AAI. EEG lagged coherence before and after AAI was compared in all subjects. In the control group, memories of attachment promoted a widespread increase in EEG connectivity, in particular in the high-frequency EEG bands. Compared to controls, dissociative patients did not show an increase in EEG connectivity after the AAI. Conclusions: These results shed light on the neurophysiology of the disintegrative effect of retrieval of traumatic attachment memories in dissociative patients.

Fivush, R. ( 2011).

The development of autobiographical memory

Annual Review of Psychology, 62, 559-582.

DOI:10.1146/annurev.psych.121208.131702      URL     PMID:20636128      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Autobiographical memory is a uniquely human system that integrates memories of past experiences into an overarching life narrative. In this review, I extend social-cultural models of autobiographical memory development and present theory and research that demonstrates that (a) autobiographical memory is a gradually developing system across childhood and adolescence that depends on the development of a sense of subjective self as continuous in time; (b) autobiographical memory develops within specific social and cultural contexts that relate to individual, gendered, and cultural differences in adults' autobiographical memories, and, more specifically, (c) mothers who reminisce with their young children in elaborated and evaluative ways have children who develop more detailed, coherent, and evaluative autobiographical memories.

Fivush, R. ( 2013).

Maternal reminiscing style: The sociocultural construction of autobiographical memory across childhood and adolescence

In P. J. Bauer & R. Fivush (Eds.), The wiley handbook on the development of children's memory ( pp. 568-585). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

[本文引用: 1]

Fivush, R., & Vasudeva, A. ( 2002).

Remembering to relate: Socioemotional correlates of mother-child reminiscing

Journal of Cognition and Development, 3, 73-90.

DOI:10.1207/S15327647JCD0301_5      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Previous research has established that mothers vary in how elaborately they reminisce with their preschool children, but explanation of these individual differences is lacking. We predicted that maternal elaborations during reminiscing would be related to mother-child attachment status, as well as to measures of verbal and nonverbal emotional expressiveness. Thirty-eight middle class mothers and their 41/2-year-old children participated in a reminiscing task and a joint art activity, and mothers completed the Attachment Behavior Q-set (Waters, 1987). Mothers who were more elaborative during reminiscing also reported a more secure attachment bond, but these variables were unrelated to either verbal or nonverbal expression of emotion during mother-child interaction. However, patterns of relations also varied by gender of child. Theoretical implications of these results for understanding joint reminiscing and attachment are discussed.

Fonagy, P., & Luyten, P. ( 2009).

A developmental, mentalization- based approach to the understanding and treatment of borderline personality disorder

Development and Psychopathology, 21, 1355-1381.

DOI:10.1017/S0954579409990198      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Gerlsma, C. ( 2000).

Recollections of parental care and quality of intimate relationships: The role of re-evaluating past attachment experiences

Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 7( 4), 289-295.

[本文引用: 1]

Goldner, L., & Scharf, M. ( 2017).

Individuals’ self-defining memories as reflecting their strength and weaknesses

Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools, 27, 153-167.

DOI:10.1017/jgc.2016.32      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Abstract The associations between attachment orientations, temperament, resilience, and various dimensions of self-defining memories were examined in 83 female Israeli adolescents and young adults. Resiliency and positive temperament were associated with positive qualities of memories, whereas negative emotionality and reactivity were associated with poor recollection quality. Lower levels of fearful attachment orientation were associated with interpersonal memories and mixed emotions in memories, and a profound-distrust attachment orientation was associated with life-threatening memories. The study highlights the contribution of these qualities to recollections and underscores the contribution to theory and practical implications.

Grysman A., Merrill N., & Fivush R. ( 2017).

Emotion, gender, and gender typical identity in autobiographical memory

Memory, 25( 3), 289-297.

DOI:10.1080/09658211.2016.1168847      URL     PMID:27043869      [本文引用: 2]

Abstract Gender differences in the emotional intensity and content of autobiographical memory (AM) are inconsistent across studies, and may be influenced as much by gender identity as by categorical gender. To explore this question, data were collected from 196 participants (age 18-40), split evenly between men and women. Participants narrated four memories, a neutral event, high point event, low point event, and self-defining memory, completed ratings of emotional intensity for each event, and completed four measures of gender typical identity. For self-reported emotional intensity, gender differences in AM were mediated by identification with stereotypical feminine gender norms. For narrative use of affect terms, both gender and gender typical identity predicted affective expression. The results confirm contextual models of gender identity (e.g., Diamond, 2012 . The desire disorder in research on sexual orientation in women: Contributions of dynamical systems theory. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 41, 73-83) and underscore the dynamic interplay between gender and gender identity in the emotional expression of autobiographical memories.

Haggerty G. D., Siefert C. J., & Weinberger J. ( 2010).

Examining the relationship between current attachment status and freely recalled autobiographical memories of childhood

Psychoanalytic Psychology, 27( 1), 27-41.

DOI:10.1037/a0018638      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Hardin, C., & Banaji, M. R. ( 1990).

Affective intensity and valence in memory

Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

[本文引用: 1]

Hesse, E. ( 2008).

The Adult attachment interview: Protocol, method of analysis, and empirical studies

In J. Cassidy & P. R. Shaver (Eds.), Handbook of attachment: Theory, research, and clinical applications (pp. 552-598). New York: Guilford Press.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Abstract The chapter is organized into three major sections. The first section provides a description of the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) protocol and individual differences among the organized response patterns. I begin by introducing the ways in which the three organized classifications can be understood in terms of both attentional and eparately, albeit relatedly inguistic (conversational or discourse) mechanisms. The former relies on the thinking of Main (e.g., 1990, 1993) regarding flexibility versus inflexibility of attention under stress. The analyses of the linguistic or conversational mechanisms draw upon the work of linguistic philosopher H. P. Grice (1975, 1989). These mechanisms are well represented in the central AAI state-of-mind scales, although each of those scales (as described in a history of the Bay Area longitudinal study; Main, Hesse, & Kaplan, 2005) had been devised prior to Main's discovery of Grice's work. I conclude this section by presenting some prototypical responses to two different AAI queries that are common among "organized" speakers. As differing responses are presented, I point out how they can be understood in terms of both attentional and Gricean conversational mechanisms. In the second section, I describe how trained coders systematically approach the analysis of an AAI transcript. This was not explicated in the first edition of this chapter (Hesse, 1999), leaving a mystery for readers who had been aware of the instrument and its connections to other phenomena, but not of the ways in which interview texts are analyzed. There are two additional approaches to analyzing the AAI, beyond the five major classifications presented in 1999. These have drawn less attention in the literature, despite the fact that they appear to be of at least equal power. First, the three organized categories of the AAI are ultimately divided into 12 subclassifications, which I describe here for the first time. This is in keeping with Ainsworth's division of her three organized infant Strange Situation classifications into eight subclassifications (Ainsworth et al, 1978), which she predicted would "in time prove even more useful than classification into the three major groups themselves" (Ainsworth et al, 1978, p. 251). As I note here, AAI and Strange Situation subclassifications have now been found to be significantly related in four different investigations (including Behrens, Hesse, & Main, 2007), but nonetheless remain underutilized. Second, from its inception, the AAI scoring system has included a set of (9-point) continuous rating scales that assess the speaker's current "state of mind with respect to attachment," whether with respect to a given parent (e.g., idealizing of the father) or with respect to discourse patterning in general (e.g., overall coherence of transcript, vague discourse usages). As researchers from several laboratories have correctly emphasized, use of these scales releases the restriction of range imposed by the presentation of findings only in terms of classifications, and hence substantially increases statistical power (Fyffe & Waters, 1997; Roisman, Fraley, & Belsky, 2007). This section brings together all three current methods of AAI text analysis. In the third section, I review selected studies based on the AAI, beginning with Main's original investigation of a Bay Area sample (Main & Goldwyn, 1984b, 1988, 2008). I review (and then partially update) the best-replicated findings regarding the AAI, including those related to its psychometric properties, and then move on to a necessarily select group of newer studies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

Howe, M. L., & Courage, M. L. ( 1993).

On resolving the enigma of infantile amnesia

Psychological Bulletin, 113, 305-326.

DOI:10.1037//0033-2909.113.2.305      URL     PMID:8451337      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Historical and current theories of infantile amnesia are examined. To evaluate the viability of these theories, as well as the phenomenon of infantile amnesia itself, a review of memory development from birth through the preschool years is provided, including an overview of relevant perceptual and neurological maturation. In the context of this review, extant theories of infantile amnesia are shown to falter, and it is concluded that infantile amnesia is a chimera of a previously unexplored relationship between the development of a cognitive sense of self and the personalization of event memory. This hypothesis is examined in detail and discussed in the context of related developments in language and social cognition.

Kelly, K. R. ( 2015).

Insecure attachment representations and child personal narrative structure: Implications for delayed discourse in preschool-age children

Attachment & Human Development, 17( 5), 448-471.

[本文引用: 1]

Knez I., Ljunglöf L., Arshamian A., & Willander J. ( 2017).

Self-grounding visual, auditory and olfactory autobiographical memories

Consciousness and Cognition, 52, 1-8.

DOI:10.1016/j.concog.2017.04.008      URL     PMID:28448791      [本文引用: 1]

Given that autobiographical memory provides a cognitive foundation for the self, we investigated the relative importance of visual, auditory and olfactory autobiographical memories for the self. Th ...

Kohn J. L., Rholes W. S., & Schmeichel B. J. ( 2012).

Self-regulatory depletion and attachment avoidance: Increasing the accessibility of negative attachment-related memories

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48( 1), 375-378.

DOI:10.1016/j.jesp.2011.06.020      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Kungl M. T., Leyh R., & Spangler G. ( 2016).

Attachment representations and brain asymmetry during the processing of autobiographical emotional memories in late adolescence

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10, 644.

[本文引用: 1]

Kvavilashvili, L., & Schlagman, S. ( 2011).

Involuntary autobiographical memories in dysphoric mood: A laboratory study

Memory, 19( 4), 331-345.

DOI:10.1080/09658211.2011.568495      URL     PMID:21678152      [本文引用: 1]

The frequency and characteristics of involuntary autobiographical memories were compared in 25 stable dysphoric and 28 non-dysphoric participants, using a new laboratory-based task (Schlagman & Kvavilashvili, 2008). Participants detected infrequent target stimuli (vertical lines) in a simple vigilance task and recorded any involuntary autobiographical memories that came to mind, mostly in response to irrelevant words presented on the screen. Dysphoric participants reported involuntary memories as frequently and as quickly as non-dysphoric participants and their memories were not repetitive intrusive memories of negative or traumatic events. Additional content analysis showed that dysphoric participants did not recall more memories of objectively negative events (e.g., accidents, illnesses, deaths) than non-dysphoric participants. However, significant group differences emerged in terms of a mood congruency effect whereby dysphoric participants rated their memories as more negative than non-dysphoric participants. Moreover, the proportion of negatively rated involuntary memories was related to lower mood ratings at the end of the session in the dysphoric but not in the non-dysphoric group. Finally, groups did not differ on several memory characteristics such as vividness, specificity (high in both groups) and rates of rehearsal (low in both groups). Theoretical and practical implications of these findings for research on depression and autobiographical memory are discussed.

Matos M., Pinto-Gouveia J., & Costa V. ( 2013).

Understanding the importance of attachment in shame traumatic memory relation to depression: The impact of emotion regulation processes

Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 20( 2), 149-165.

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McWilliams K., Goodman G. S., Lyons K. E., Newton J., & Avila-Mora E. ( 2014).

Memory for child sexual abuse information: Simulated memory error and individual differences

Memory & Cognition, 42( 1), 151-163.

DOI:10.3758/s13421-013-0345-2      URL     PMID:23835600      [本文引用: 1]

Building on the simulated-amnesia work of Christianson and Bylin (Applied Cognitive Psychology, 13, 495-511, 1999), the present research introduces a new paradigm for the scientific study of memory of childhood sexual abuse information. In Session 1, participants mentally took the part of an abuse victim as they read an account of the sexual assault of a 7-year-old. After reading the narrative, participants were randomly assigned to one of four experimental conditions: They (1) rehearsed the story truthfully (truth group), (2) left out the abuse details of the story (omission group), (3) lied about the abuse details to indicate that no abuse had occurred (commission group), or (4) did not recall the story during Session 1 (no-rehearsal group). One week later, participants returned for Session 2 and were asked to truthfully recall the narrative. The results indicated that, relative to truthful recall, untruthful recall or no rehearsal at Session 1 adversely affected memory performance at Session 2. However, untruthful recall resulted in better memory than did no rehearsal. Moreover, gender, PTSD symptoms, depression, adult attachment, and sexual abuse history significantly predicted memory for the childhood sexual abuse scenario. Implications for theory and application are discussed.

Messina, S., & Zavattini, G. C. ( 2014).

How do children make sense of their experiences? Children's memories of wellbeing and distress from an attachment perspective

International Journal of Behavioral Development, 38( 3), 209-218.

DOI:10.1177/0165025413506416      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Mikulincer, M., & Orbach, I. ( 1995).

Attachment styles and repressive defensiveness: The accessibility and architecture of affective memories

Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 68( 5), 917-925.

[本文引用: 1]

Nelson, K., & Fivush, R. ( 2004).

The emergence of autobiographical memory: A social cultural developmental theory

Psychological Review, 111, 486-511.

DOI:10.1037/0033-295X.111.2.486      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Neumann, A., & Philippot, P. ( 2007).

Specifying what makes a personal memory unique enhances emotion regulation

Emotion, 7( 3), 566-578.

DOI:10.1037/1528-3542.7.3.566      URL     PMID:17683213      [本文引用: 1]

During recollection of past experiences, the way autobiographical information is processed affects the intensity of the emotion aroused. Two main hypotheses were proposed in this respect: One focuses on the type of information activated during retrieval; the second is centered on the mode of processing at work. This article defends the notion that both perspectives need to be integrated to predict emotional arousal during autobiographical recollection. The authors explored the consequences on emotional feeling intensity by manipulating the type of information processed, together with the cognitive mode activated (specific vs. general level of processing). Results support previous findings that voluntarily specifying memories reduces emotional intensity. However, this was observed only when the details that make the event unique were processed.

Newcombe, R., & Reese, E. ( 2004).

Evaluations and orientations in mother-child narratives as a function of attachment security: A longitudinal investigation

International Journal of Behavioral Development, 28, 230-245.

DOI:10.1080/01650250344000460      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Öner S., & Gülgöz, S. ( 2016).

Latent constructs model explaining the attachment-linked variation in autobiographical remembering

Memory, 24( 3), 364-382.

DOI:10.1080/09658211.2015.1009469      URL     [本文引用: 4]

Qin J. J., Ogle C. M., & Goodman G. S. ( 2008).

Adults' memories of childhood: True and false reports

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 14( 4), 373-391.

DOI:10.1037/a0014309      URL     PMID:19102620      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract In 3 experiments, the authors examined factors that, according to the source-monitoring framework, might influence false memory formation and true/false memory discernment. In Experiment 1, combined effects of warning and visualization on false childhood memory formation were examined, as were individual differences in true and false childhood memories. Combining warnings and visualization led to the lowest false memory and highest true memory. Several individual difference factors (e.g., parental fearful attachment style) predicted false recall. In addition, true and false childhood memories differed (e.g., in amount of information). Experiment 2 examined relations between Deese/Roediger-McDermott task performance and false childhood memories. Deese/Roediger-McDermott performance (e.g., intrusion of unrelated words in free recall) was associated with false childhood memory, suggesting liberal response criteria in source decisions as a common underlying mechanism. Experiment 3 investigated adults' abilities to discern true and false childhood memory reports (e.g., by detecting differences in amount of information as identified in Experiment 1). Adults who were particularly successful in discerning such reports indicated reliance on event plausibility. Overall, the source-monitoring framework provided a viable explanatory framework. Implications for theory and clinical and forensic interviews are discussed. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2008 APA, all rights reserved.

Rasmussen, A. S., & Berntsen, D. ( 2009).

Emotional valence and the functions of autobiographical memories: Positive and negative memories serve different functions

Memory & Cognition, 37( 4), 477-492.

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Reese, E. ( 2008).

Maternal coherence in the adult attachment interview is linked to maternal reminiscing and to children's self concept

Attachment & Human Development, 10( 4), 451-464.

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Sales J. M. ( 2009).

Creating a context for children's memory: The importance of parental attachment status, coping, and narrative skill for co-constructing meaning following stressful experiences

In J. Quas & R. Fivush (Eds.), Emotion in memory and development (pp. 196-217). New York, NY, US: Oxford University Press.

[本文引用: 1]

Selcuk E., Zayas V., Günaydin G., Hazan C., & Kross E. ( 2012).

Mental representations of attachment figures facilitate recovery following upsetting autobiographical memory recall

. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 103( 2), 362-378.

DOI:10.1037/a0028125      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Tagini, A. ( 2008). Adult attachment and phenomenological characteristics of autobiographical memory (Unpublished doctorial dissertation). Durham University.

[本文引用: 2]

Tulving, E. ( 1985).

How many memory systems are there?

American Psychologies, 40, 385-398.

DOI:10.1037/0003-066X.40.4.385      URL     [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT Proposes a ternary classificatory scheme of memory in which procedural, semantic, and episodic memory constitute a monohierarchical arrangement. In this scheme, episodic memory is a specialized subsystem of semantic memory, which in turn is a specialized subsystem of procedural memory. The 3 memory systems differ from one another in a number of ways, including the kind of consciousness that characterizes their operations. The ternary scheme overlaps with dichotomies and trichotomies of memory proposed by others. Evidence for multiple systems is reviewed, and illustrative data are provided from experiments. Direct priming effects were found to be both functionally and stochastically independent of recognition memory. (100 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

Valentino, K. ( 2011).

A developmental psychopathology model of overgeneral autobiographical memory

Developmental Review, 31( 1), 32-54.

DOI:10.1016/j.dr.2011.05.001      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Overgeneral memory (OGM) is a phenomenon that refers to difficulty retrieving specific autobiographical memories. The tendency to be overgeneral in autobiographical memory recall has been commonly observed among individuals with emotional disorders compared to those without emotional disorders. Despite significant advances in identifying mechanisms that underlie OGM, etiological models are not particularly developmental in nature and, instead, are focused on identifying isolated cognitive presentations of individuals with high OGM. The aim of the current paper is to utilize a developmental psychopathology framework, which emphasizes the interface between typical and atypical development, and risk and protective factors at multiple ecological levels, to propose a comprehensive model of OGM development. Specifically, (1) the progression of current etiological models of OGM is reviewed; (2) developmental theory and research on autobiographical memory that have relevance for OGM are discussed; and (3) an integrative model of OGM that includes processes at psychological, biological, social, and cultural levels is proposed. Directions for future research are formulated and treatment implications derived from this perspective are addressed.

Wang Y., Wang D. H., Feeney B. C., & Li F. Z. ( 2017).

What will I tell you about my marriage? The relationship between attachment and autobiographical memory of married life

Journal of Social & Personal Relationships, 34, 963-983.

[本文引用: 2]

Williams J. M. G., Barnhofer T., Crane C., Herman D., Raes F., Watkins E., & Dalgleish T. ( 2007).

Autobiographical memory specificity and emotional disorder

Psychological Bulletin, 133, 122-148.

DOI:10.1037/0033-2909.133.1.122      URL     PMID:2834574     

The authors review research showing that when recalling autobiographical events, many emotionally disturbed patients summarize categories of events rather than retrieving a single episode. The mechanisms underlying such overgeneral memory are examined, with a focus onM. A. Conway and C. W. Pleydell-Pearce's (2000)hierarchical search model of personal event retrieval. An elaboration of this model is proposed to account for overgeneral memory, focusing on how memory search can be affected by (a) capture and rumination processes, when mnemonic information used in retrieval activates ruminative thinking; (b) functional avoidance, when episodic material threatens to cause affective disturbance; and (c) impairment in executive capacity and control that limits an individual's ability to remain focused on retrieval in the face of distraction.


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