ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展, 2018, 26(7): 1272-1283 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01272



严磊1, 佐斌,2, 张艳红1, 吴漾3, 杨林川4

1 江大学教育学院, 荆州 434023

2 中师范大学心理学院, 武汉 430079

3 中科技大学马克思主义学院, 武汉 430074

4 峡大学高等教育研究所, 宜昌 443002

Cross-categorization and its influence on stereotyping

YAN Lei1, ZUO Bin,2, ZHANG Yanhong1, WU Yang3, YANG Linchuan4

1 School of Education, Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434023, China

2 School of Psychology, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China

3 School of Marxism, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China

4 Research Institute of Higher Education, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, China

通讯作者: 佐斌,

收稿日期: 2017-08-21   网络出版日期: 2018-07-15

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金项目(31571147)

Received: 2017-08-21   Online: 2018-07-15

Fund supported: (31571147)


社会分类(分类)是群体认知和印象评价的依据, 交叉分类作为一种认知过程, 是指在知觉或评价他人时, 同时在两个或多个类别维度上进行社会分类, 形成在多个类别维度上内外群体身份的交叉。研究发现交叉分类既可以降低刻板印象, 也可以增强刻板印象。对此, 类别化视角的解释强调群体身份的作用, 而个体化视角的解释强调多重类别背景下去类别化的作用。现有的研究在如何理解并考察这一影响的不同方向上仍存在分歧, 同时, 也未能认识到刻板印象对于个体认知与认同的意义, 存在明显不足。今后的研究应重点探讨类别化视角的动机与认知过程, 个体化视角的优势类别与加工方式, 以及以自我归类为基础的整合。

关键词: 交叉分类; 刻板印象; 社会认同; 自我归类; 多元类别


During social categorization, a critical cognitive process that serves as the basis for group cognition and impression evaluation, a very specific type of categorization, or Cross-categorization, may arise, in which two or more social categories/dimensions of targets are simultaneously salient for participants, forming intersections of ingroups and outgroups across multiple categories. Research examining whether cross-categorization decreases or increases stereotyping shows conflicting results. Theoretical explanation from a categorization perspective emphasizes the effect of group membership and identification, whereas an individualization perspective highlights a “de-categorization” process in the multiple-category context. The limitations of existing research are the failure to reach an agreement about how to understand and investigate the conflicting results and to recognize the significance of stereotypes for an individual’s cognition and identification process. Future research should focus on the motivations and cognitive processes critical to the categorization perspective, the dominant category and processing styles under the individualized perspective, as well as the potential of a theoretical integration based on self-categorization process.

Keywords: cross-categorization; stereotype; social identity; self-categorization; multiple identities

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严磊, 佐斌, 张艳红, 吴漾, 杨林川. 交叉分类及其对刻板印象的影响 . 心理科学进展, 2018, 26(7): 1272-1283 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01272

YAN Lei, ZUO Bin, ZHANG Yanhong, WU Yang, YANG Linchuan. Cross-categorization and its influence on stereotyping. Advances in Psychological Science, 2018, 26(7): 1272-1283 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01272

社会分类(分类)是群体认知和印象评价的依据, 它帮助人类认识世界, 也带来了人类认识的“黑暗面”——群际偏见。在全球化加剧、多元文化的群际交流越来越频繁的时代, 如何避免群际偏见, 促进人际和群际和谐, 成为当前社会心理学的热点(Crisp & Meleady, 2012)。交叉分类(crossed categorization)作为一种干预群际偏见的策略, 是指在进行群体相关的社会判断(group- relevant social judgments)时, 同时在两个或多个类别维度上进行社会分类, 形成在多个类别维度上内外群体身份的交叉(Crisp & Hewstone, 2007)。交叉分类源于社会认同理论对群际偏见的考察, 该理论认为同时在多个维度上对他人进行分类有利于消除群际偏见(Hogg & Abrams, 1998/2011)。事实上, 现实社会中的个体从来都不是仅仅属于某一个群体(如性别、年龄、某球队的球迷), 人们往往同时拥有多个群体认同, 这些群体身份构成了社会认知的线索, 也激活了自我的多个群体身份(Kang & Bodenhausen, 2015), 这些群体身份有些是先天而来(如国籍、性别等), 有些则是后天选择(如职业、信仰等)的结果(Ellemers, 2012)。但是, 以往的研究重点考察了交叉分类对情感偏见的影响(Kang & Bodenhausen, 2015; 黎情, 佐斌, 胡聚平, 2009; 马秀凤, 2015; 汪国驹, 2012), 忽视了交叉分类的来源及偏见的认知基础——刻板印象。本文集中探讨了交叉分类的缘起、定义及其对刻板印象的影响, 不同的理论解释, 以及今后的研究方向。

1 交叉分类的缘起、定义与操纵

1.1 社会分类、自我归类与心理群体

现实中人们总是通过分类(categorization)认识周围的世界, 个体通过了解事物与其他事物的相似与不同, 来理解某种事物(Leonardelli & Toh, 2015)。分类将纷繁复杂的刺激组织成几个简单的易于管理的类别, 简化了个体对周围世界的感 知, 是人类适应性生存的结果, 它以增强效应(accentuation affect)的方式简化和明晰各种信息:夸大类别以内的相似性及类别之间的差异性(Hogg & Abrams, 1998/2011)。社会分类指个体根据他人共享的相似性将他们归入某个群体的主观加工过程, 此时的增强作用更为显著(Dovidio & Gaertner, 2010)。这个过程简化了对他人的感知信息, 有利于个体的理解和行动, 但是, 它也是产生和维持群际偏见(intergroup bias)的基础, 它会夸大群体间的差异和群体内的相似, 带来诸多的负面结果(Dovidio & Gaertner, 2010):如对外群 体的消极刻板印象、情感上的偏见和行为上的歧 视等。

社会认同理论通过对社会分类、社会认同和社会比较的分析解释了这个群际偏见的过程(Hogg & Abrams, 1998/2011; Hogg, 2012):人们根据他人与自我的相同与差异来对他人进行分类, 不断的将他人分在与自我同一个类别(内群体, ingroup)中, 或与自我不同的类别(外群体, outgroup)中。然而, 社会分类并非“公正客观”的过程, 由于自我的卷入, 个体认为自我与其他内群体成员是相似的, 而与外群体的成员具有较大的差异, 出现了自我归类(self-categorization)过程(Turner & Reynolds, 2012)。伴随着个体对自我的认识从个人一端转化为群体一端, 自我与群体建立了有意义的心理联系, 即形成了社会认同。社会认同成为个体自我概念的一部分, 它涉及自我归属于某个特定社会群体的群体资格以及这个群体对自我的情感和价值意义(Abrams & Hogg, 2010)。自我归类不仅带来了个体对自我认知的变化, 而且带来了自我的动机和情感, 如获得自尊、保持积极自我的动机。由于个体总是力图获得或维持积极的社会认同, 提高自尊水平, 并且积极的社会认同源自内外群体之间的有利比较, 即形成内群体的积极特异性, 因此, 个体对内群体成员具有积极的态度(内群体偏爱), 而对外群体成员具有消极态度(偏见、刻板印象和歧视) (Tajfel & Turner, 1986)。

自我归类理论(self-categorization theory)指出(Turner, Hogg, Oakes, Reicher, & Wetherell, 1987/ 2011):经过社会认同过程形成的社会群体的本质是心理群体, 它是指在心理上对于成员具有重要性的群体。人们为了通过社会比较获得相应的规范和价值(以此为基础评价自己的能力、观点, 并接受有关行为和态度的相应标准及信念), 会从主观上把自己与这一群体联系起来, 接受自己的成员身份(membership), 这时群体就会影响他们的态度和行为。可见, 在社会分类中只有产生了社会认同, 经历了自我归类和社会比较, 社会“类别”才会变为社会“群体” (Turner & Reynolds, 2012)。

1.2 交叉分类的定义与操纵

在社会分类中, 根据类别是否具有生物属性, 可以将类别分为自然性类别(如性别、年龄和种族)和社会性类别(如民族、文化、宗教、职业、阶层、城乡、教育程度等), 显然, 自然性的类别是人类和动物所共有的类别。对人类而言, 自然性类别往往具有比较明显的生理线索(如面孔特点等, 可被他人自动识别) (Nicolas, de la Fuente, & Fiske, 2017), 而社会类别没有明显的生理线索。因此, 交叉分类有三种情况, 两个自然性类别的交叉(如性别与年龄), 两个社会性类别的交叉(如社会阶层和宗教信仰), 以及自然类别和社会类别的交叉(如种族与阶层)。在当前的研究中, 美国学者基于种族问题的研究传统, 侧重自然性类别的交叉(如种族和年龄); 而欧洲学者基于社会认同的传统, 侧重自然类别与社会类别的交叉, 或者两个社会类别的交叉(Nicolas et al., 2017)。

表1   年龄和性别交叉分类后的四类次级群体


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交叉分类具有几个显著的特点(Crisp & Turner, 2011):首先, 多个分类维度在包容性上相当, 不存在相互包含的情况; 其次, 多个分类维度之间的相关性较低, 不存在高度的相互重合; 再次, 个体在进行知觉和评价时是同时使用了多个分类维度, 形成了内外群体的交叉, 不存在类别显著性的问题。此外, 交叉分类本身蕴含着共同内群体模型(common ingroup identity model) (Gaertner, Dovidio, Anastasio, Bachman, & Rust, 1993)和双重认同模型(dual identification) (Crisp, 2010), 如在上例中, 年轻女性和老年女性的共同内群体是女性, 而如果一个人既很认同自己的年轻人身份, 又很认同自己的女性身份, 这就是双重认同。但是, 它们与交叉分类具有明显的不同:共同内群体模型将“我们”和“他们”表征为更具包容性的“我们”, 实现更抽象的上位类别的共同内群体身份(Gaertner et al., 1993)。双重认同则强调个体可以同时认同次级群体和上位群体, 这样既可以拥有在次级群体上的积极特异性, 也同时可以将自己归入上位的共同内群体(Crisp, 2010)。综上可见, 交叉分类是同时知觉两个(或多个)包容水平相当的类别, 既可以共享一个内群体身份, 也可以使他人的另一个外群体身份得以凸显。所以可将个体化、双重认同/交叉分类、简单分类和上位分类之间的关系表示为下图(Crisp, 2010)。


图1   不同的分类水平与多元类别
(资料来源:Crisp, 2010)

当前交叉分类有两种操纵取向:一类是基于人工类别维度, 一类是基于现实类别维度。其中前者侧重寻找交叉分类影响偏见的最低条件, 而现实类别维度的交叉分类更具生态效度, 研究结果可向实际推广, 如种族与国籍的交叉分类(Singh, Yeoh, Lim, & Lim, 1997)。交叉分类的早期研究着重探讨对于情感偏见的影响, 大多数研究使用最简群体范式, 这种实验范式的价值在于所创设的类别重要性相当, 并且可以避免现实的各种社会因素(群体的地位、权力等)的干扰(Crisp & Hewstone, 2007)。使用最简群体范式操作交叉分类有两个要点(Crisp, Hewstone, & Rubin, 2001):其一要有比较的基线水平, 需要通过引入一个类别重复基本的最简群体范式, 并发现内群体的偏爱; 其二要注意群体交叉的类型, 即需要在统计上分别比较部分交叉群体(OI、IO)和双外群体(OO)相对于基线水平的变化。

2 交叉分类对刻板印象的影响

尽管交叉分类的研究更强调其积极作用, 但是当前的研究发现交叉分类既可以减少刻板印象, 也可能强化刻板印象。

2.1 交叉分类对刻板印象的积极影响

一般而言, 交叉分类通过赋予外群体成员在另一个维度上的内群体身份, 来改变对他人的评价。在种族(白人、黑人)与球迷(支持本队、支持对手)的交叉分类中, 白人球迷只会贬低对手球队球迷中的黑人, 而不会贬低本球队球迷中的黑人, 在刻板印象评价上, 本队球迷中的黑人要比对手球队球迷的黑人更积极, 此时球迷的内群体身份对刻板印象带来了积极作用(Crisp & Hewstone, 2007)。Echabe (2006)采用阶层和种族进行交叉分类, 使用特质词测量刻板印象, 包含4个具体维度。其中, 在极端的-功利的(如反叛、自私等)、工具性(如聪明、能力等)这两个维度上, 交叉分类群体的刻板印象评价为:本阶层的同种族的刻板印象(Ii)和本阶层的外种族(Io)的刻板印象较好, 其次是其他阶层的同种族(Oi), 评价最差的是其他阶层的外种族(Oo)。该研究中, 在阶层上的社会分类对刻板印象评价的影响更大。以上两个研究都指出, 交叉分类中两个维度对刻板印象的影响并不相同, Crisp等(2007)总结了4个交叉群体的评价模式, 他认为当一个维度上导致的差异依赖于另一维度上的群体身份时, 其中较为重要的维度上的外群体身份带来了更大的差异, 这就是典型的层级排斥((hierarchical rejection))模式:Ii = Io>Oi>Oo (大写字母为主导维度, 小写字母为次级维度, 两个维度包容性相当, 主导、次级是指影响大小)。

严磊(2016)认为经典两维交叉分类的积极影响主要取决于交叉维度上的群体身份, 使用热情和能力的IAT进行测量, 结果显示仅仅是最简群体范式中的内群体身份就可以起到积极作用, 但这种积极作用也会受到类别信息的干扰, 并且在第一维度高认同的情况下积极作用会消失。可见, 交叉分类的关键就在于共享的(内群体)身份是 否可以克服另一个外群体身份的作用(Kang & Bodenhausen, 2015)。相应的, 交叉分类必然带来多元类别和多元认同, 这些多元身份对他人的印象评价及对自我的认同经验都具有重要的心理意义(Kang & Bodenhausen, 2015)。与社会类别相对应的刻板印象常常会影响社会知觉, 而与自我归类相对应的群体规范和标准则经常引导个体的自我管理(self-regulation) (Turner & Reynolds, 2012)。交叉分类形成的多元类别也会对刻板印象产生积极的影响:一方面是相互矛盾的刻板印象预期, 另一方面是多元类别个体的刻板印象使用。

Kang, Chasteen, Cadieux, Cary和Syeda (2014)发现负面的种族刻板印象可以被年龄刻板印象抵消:老年人虚弱、友好的刻板印象抵消了黑人攻击性和敌意的刻板印象, 老年人高热情、低力量的刻板印象对黑人低热情、高力量的刻板印象具有积极的消解作用, 年龄刻板印象的作用占据了主导。在年龄这个自然类别和贫富这个社会类别的交叉分类中, 研究者发现在评价能力维度时, 贫富这个社会类别的影响更大, 而在评价热情维度时, 年龄这个自然类别的影响更大(Song & Zuo, 2016; 宋静静, 佐斌, 温芳芳, 谭潇, 赵苗苗, 2017)。显然, 这种抵消或削弱的效应是人们对相互矛盾的单维刻板印象进行信息加工的结果, 并不涉及自我卷入和内外群体身份。而且, 这里的刻板印象测量更加重视具体的内容维度:能力和热情(Abele & Wojciszke, 2014; Cuddy, Fiske, & Glick, 2008)。如果同一个个体所属的两个不同的类别具有相似的刻板印象, 那么交叉分类的作用就会变小; 但是, 如果不同的类别带来不同的刻板预期, 那么负面的刻板印象就会被抵消或减弱(Kang & Bodenhausen, 2015)。

即使是没有矛盾刻板预期的两维交叉分类, 单维刻板印象也具有彼此抵消和削弱的作用(Klauer, Ehrenberg, & Wegener, 2003; 王凯, 王沛, 2012)。Klauer等人(2003)使用‘‘Who said what?’’范式考察年龄与性别的交叉分类对刻板印象的影响, 他们发现交叉分类削弱了每个维度上的刻板印象, 并且当社会情境与某个维度相关时, 该维度会被激活, 而其他维度上的刻板印象几乎被完全抑制。同样是性别-年龄的交叉分类(王凯, 王沛, 2012), 以大学生为被试的启动分类研究中, 不同的被试存在着性别刻板印象或年龄刻板印象的加工优势, 同时存在的各类单维刻板印象加工是彼此削弱的。那么, 如果交叉分类的维度大于两个, 交叉分类对刻板印象会有怎样的影响呢?多个维度上的交叉分类促进了个体化信息的使用, 也会降低外群体的刻板印象。研究者(Bigler & Liben, 1992)认为如果个体拥有从多元维度对他人进行社会分类的能力, 就可以降低对他人的性别刻板印象。

综上可见, 在交叉分类影响刻板印象的研究中, 一般将单维外群体的刻板印象视为消极的, 从测量手段上来看, 外显测量中, 单维外群体在积极刻板特质词上得分较低, 或在消极刻板特质词上的得分较高; 内隐测量中, 单维外群体与消极刻板特质词的联系更为紧密, 所需反应时更短; 其他方法的测量(如“who said what”范式、启动分类范式)中, 单维外群体与相应的刻板印象特质词或刻板信息联系更为紧密, 回忆或再认所需反应时更短。因此, 交叉分类影响刻板印象的积极效应也会因测量手段的不同而表现为不同的形式:外显测量中, 交叉分类的积极效应表现为, 相应交叉分类群体(部分群体OI)刻板印象在积极特质词上得分提高, 或在消极刻板特质词上的得分降低; 内隐测量中, 相应交叉分类群体与消极特质词的紧密联系程度降低, 所需反应时增加; 其他方法的测量中, 相应交叉分类群体与刻板印象特质词或刻板信息的紧密联系程度降低, 所需反应时增加。总体来看, 我们都可以将单维外群体刻板印象作为比较基准, 交叉分类的积极效应表现为交叉分类之后的刻板印象, 变得没有那么“消极”, 或者变得“积极”起来。

2.2 交叉分类对刻板印象的消极影响

既然交叉分类可以凸显他人在另一个维度上的内群体身份, 同样, 它也可以凸显他人在另一个维度上的外群体身份, 这就意味着有可能将降低本来积极的内群刻板印象, 或提高外群消极刻板印象的程度。在Echabe (2006)的研究中, 尽管增加阶层上的内群体身份可以有效地降低种族外群体的刻板印象, 但是同时总是会有部分成员被赋予阶层上的外群体身份, 成为个体的双外群体成员, 此时的刻板印象得到了加强而不是削弱。同样, 在种族和国籍的交叉分类中, 也发现了同样的结果(Singh et al., 1997)。该研究中进行了两个被试内实验, 要求新加坡的中国人从能力和吸引力两方面评价三类陌生群体, 第一类是种族(马来人:外群体, 中国人:内群体)和国籍(马来西亚:外群体, 新加坡:内群体)的交叉分类群体, 第二类是种族或国籍的简单分类群体, 第三类没有群体标签。结果表明:与单一分类相比, 交叉分类促进了群际的偏见和刻板印象(马来西亚的马来人总是双外群体:OO); 在印象评价中, 表现出明显的内群体偏爱和外群体贬损。可见, 交叉分类对刻板印象的影响始终都是一体两面, 在降低部分人的刻板印象的同时, 总是不可避免的加强了另一部分个体的刻板印象。但是, 从动态视角考察的结果显示, 双外群体相对于单维外群体在能力和热情上(内隐测量)并没有明显的变化(严磊, 2016)。

然而, 进一步的研究表明, 即使增加内群体身份也不一定会对刻板印象产生积极的影响, 在某些情境下, 增加内群体身份甚至会有消极作用。自我与社会认同过程都强调, 人们并不是主动的去接受文化中的各种刻板印象, 而是根据自己的群体或类别的身份进行积极的协商, 以满足自己的认同需要(Reicher, 1995)。主观群体动力学模型(subjective group dynamics) (王明忠, 范翠英, 周宗奎, 2010)和“白乌鸦”效应(black sheep effect) (Giannakakis & Fritsche, 2011)指出, 当一个内群体成员偏离了内群体规范时, 个体对他的评价不仅低于内群体成员, 甚至会低于外群体成员, 因为个体在主观上并不接受这些偏离内群体规范的成员。这就意味着增加一个内群体的身份未必会带来积极的影响, 甚至有可能带来消极的影响。

例如, 青少年可以在是否喜欢科学(如物理、化学等)上将所有的同学划分为内群体或外群体成员, 那么对于科学偏好外群体的消极刻板印象是否会因为性别维度上的内群体身份发生改变呢(Breakwell, Vignoles, & Robertson, 2003)?这就要看具体是哪一个性别内群体身份。他们(Breakwell et al., 2003)使用男性化特质、女性化特质和社会赞许性特质(如友好的、聪明的、真诚的等)测量交叉群体的刻板印象, 结果发现:对于一个不喜欢科学的青少年而言, 共享女生的身份会有积极影响, 共享男生的身份则会有相反的作用, 因为不喜欢科学是女生的内群体规范, 喜欢科学是男生的内群体规范; 同样, 对于一个喜欢科学的青少年, 只有共享男生的内群体身份才会有积极作用, 共享女生身份的作用相反。从主观群体动力学模型来看, 青少年是通过对科学学科的偏好来定义和保护他们认为重要的性别内群体成员的边界, 当某个内群体成员不符合该性别对于科学的规范偏好(男生-喜欢, 女生-不喜欢)时, 就会得到比双外群体还要消极的评价。

此外, 研究者(Kang & Chasteen, 2009)还指出面对交叉分类之后的个体, 他们从属的两个群体的刻板印象有可能产生叠加的效果(“双危现象”), 从而加剧了刻板印象的使用。例如, 一个个体同时属于黑人和女性, 即发生种族和性别的交叉分类, 那么这个个体身上就会出现“双危现象”, 即个体同时拥有了黑人和女性这两种消极的刻板印象。此时, 交叉分类对刻板印象起到了消极的作用。

综上可见, 在交叉分类对刻板印象的消极影响的相关研究中, 对于刻板印象的测量主要使用的是外显测量和内隐测量。同样, 研究者将单维外群体的刻板印象视为消极的, 而将单维内群体的刻板印象视为积极的, 这就意味着, 外显测量中, 在消极刻板特质词的得分上, 外群体高于内群体, 在积极刻板特质词的得分上, 内群体高于外群体; 内隐测量中, 内群体与积极刻板特质词的联系更紧密, 而外群体与消极刻板特质词的联系更紧密, 相关反应中所需反应时更短。因此, 交叉分类影响刻板印象的消极效应也会因测量手段的不同而表现为不同的形式:外显测量中, 交叉分类之后, 从单维外群成员到双外群体成员(OO), 此时刻板印象在消极刻板特质词上的得分变得更高, 或在积极刻板特质词的得分变得更低。从单维外群体群体成员到部分群体成员(OI), 此时刻板印象在积极刻板特质词上的得分降低, 而在消极刻板特质词上的得分增高(第一个维度上内群体认同的作用)。在内隐测量中, 研究者试图证明, 双外群体成员与消极刻板特质词的紧密程度得到增强, 反应时进一步缩短, 但是这个假设没有被证实(严磊, 2016)。总之, 我们都可以使用单维外群体刻板印象作为比较基准, 交叉分类的消极效应表现为交叉分类之后的刻板印象, 从“消极”变得“更加消极”, 或者由“积极”转向“消极”。

2.3 矛盾结果的原因

交叉分类在增加另一个维度上的群体身份的过程中, 实际上包含了4个新的因素, 它们都是造成矛盾结果的重要原因:其一, 评价对象增加的群体身份的性质, 内群体还是外群体; 其二, 在刻板印象的强度与内容上, 两个(或多个)维度之间是否存在强度上的差异与内容上的矛盾; 其三, 在内群体认同的强度上, 两个(或多个)维度上的内群体认同是否一致; 其四, 交叉分类的维度数量, 即交叉分类的“复杂性”。总之, 对交叉分类的类型、刻板印象内容、内群体认同以及交叉维度的数量等四个因素上的忽视, 造成了现有研究相互矛盾的结果。其中, 除了内群体认同具有个体差异性之外, 其他三个因素均可总结为交叉分类的内在属性:“质”的矛盾性(从刻板印象内容上看是否矛盾), 和“量”的复杂性(交叉分类的维度数量)。

3 交叉分类影响刻板印象的理论解释

当前, 对于交叉分类影响刻板印象的理论解释主要有两种取向:一种基于类别化视角, 强调群体身份, 对交叉分类影响刻板印象的积极和消极作用都进行解释; 另一种是基于个体化视角, 强调印象形成中放弃类别信息, 主要解释交叉分类影响刻板印象的积极效应。

3.1 类别化视角

但是, 交叉分类的社会认同模型(the social identity model of categorization) (Crisp & Hewstone, 2000)认为在线性的交叉分类背景下, 社会比较和自尊过程依然存在, 群体为个体自尊提供了重要且有意义的资源, 因此, 群际偏见遵循一个相加的模式, 4个交叉群体的评价得分高低排序为II> IO=OI>OO (Singh et al., 1997)。在第二个维度上, 共享的内群体身份带来了积极评价, 外群体身份则带来了消极评价(Crisp & Turner, 2011)。但是目前对于交叉分类过程中自尊的变化是否会影响群际评价还尚不清楚(Crisp & Hewstone, 2007)。该模型也可以同时从积极和消极两个方面解释交叉分类对刻板印象的影响, 强调群体身份的内群偏爱和外群贬损的效应, 但是仍然无法解释增加内群体身份后的其他情况。

以上两个模型都强调内群体身份降低群际差异, 但是, 如果交叉分类的两个维度具有一定的相关性, 那么就会因为主观内群体规范的原因导致共享群体身份的作用消失(Breakwell et al., 2003)。而且, 降低群际差异并不一定都能成功的改善群际关系, 共享群体身份带来的相似性的积极作用会在高认同条件下失效, 甚至产生相反的效果(Crisp & Beck, 2005; Crisp, Stone, & Hall, 2006; Hall, Crisp, & Suen, 2009; Rosenthal & Crisp, 2006)。在共同内群体模型中, 简单分类的“我们”和“他们”经过再类别化归入上位群体的“我们”, 增加了原有内外群体之间的相似性, 对于原有次级群体的高认同者, 共同内群体会提高偏见, 只有同时保持次级群体的显著性时, 才会改变这一结果(Crisp et al., 2006)。研究者进一步直接检验了降低群际差异策略对群际偏见的影响是否会受到内群体认同的调节, 结果发现, 低认同时该策略具有积极效果, 高认同时该策略的效果相反(Crisp & Beck, 2005; Hall et al., 2009)。当社会情境凸 显了内群体和比较群体的相似性时, 内群体的刻板化也会增强(van Rijswijk, Haslam, & Ellemers, 2006)。可见, 在较高的内群体认同条件下, 个体为了维护一个独特的、积极的社会认同, 平衡“求同”和“存异”两种基本需求(Leonardelli, Pickett, & Brewer, 2010), 倾向于增强在相关比较维度上内、外群体的差异。

3.2 个体化视角

显然, 类别化视角并不能完全解释交叉分类对刻板印象的影响, 当交叉分类的维度本身的刻板印象相互矛盾, 或在多个维度上进行交叉时, 人们很可能放弃了类别信息, 将他人视为一个独特的个体而非某群体的成员, 从而使用个体化信息对他人进行加工。即发生了去类别化过程, 人们不再依据类别来形成对他人的印象, 而是将他人看做个体(Crisp, 2010)。

交叉分类的结果是使用多个类别去定义个体, 这些不同的类别之间会出现刻板印象上的不一致, 在这种情况下, 相对于评估自我与他人的相似性与差异性, 个体更有可能通过加工个体性的信息来应对这种矛盾(Crisp & Turner, 2011)。例如, 当交叉分类两个维度是相互冲突的类别(“女性砖瓦工”)时, 个体会放弃类别信息, 更多的注意个体化的信息, 从而对他人形成印象(Hutter & Wood, 2015; Hutter, Wood, & Turner, 2013; 陈莉, 王沛, 谢轶雯, 张琴, 2015)。但是, 也有研究显示尽管个体更多的注意个体化信息, 但是也并非完全放弃了类别信息, 在相互冲突的两维交叉时, 基于感知者不同的态度(如刻板印象强度)和具体的情境(独特的维度、违反刻板预期的行为等), 两个维度影响刻板印象的权重会出现不同的变化(宋静静, 2017)。当多元类别的维度较多时, 人们很有可能放弃了启发式的类别加工方式, 转而使用精细化的个体化加工方式(Crisp & Hewstone, 2001; Hall et al., 2009)。例如, 在5个维度上进行交叉分类, 当人们面对拥有5个内群体身份(相似性增加)或5个外群体身份(差异性增加)的个体, 评价对他们的态度时, 与基线水平相比, 多重外群体的偏见降低, 但是, 被试报告他们更多将外群体成员视为个体而不是某群体的成员, 个体化的程度具有显著的中介作用(Crisp & Hewstone, 2001)。与此同时, 更多的维度也意味着多个类别之间发生冲突的可能性会更大(如刻板印象之间的矛盾) (Crisp & Turner, 2011)。Hall和Crisp (2005)指出, 使用多个类别去定义目标外群体会降低群际偏见, 但前提是新增加的多个类别彼此之间是不同的, 而不是比较他人与自我的相似性。因此, 在多元类别中, 增加的类别(群体身份)是否能够带来自我与他人的相似性对群际偏见并没有影响(Crisp & Turner, 2011)。

Crisp和Hewstone (2007)认为相对于经典的两维交叉分类, 只需要增加加工类别的数量, 就可以引发去类别化, 其本质在于提高了类别的复杂性(即对他人进行社会知觉时需要考虑的类别数量)。随着交叉维度数量的增加, 群际背景变得更加复杂, 个体并不能容易的确定自我与他人的相似与不同。更重要的是, 更多的维度使得个体在对他人形成印象时更少的使用类别信息, 多元类别带来的信息组成了一个更为个体化的他人印象。随着个体同时加工的类别维度的增加, 原始的维度对于定义目标来说变得不具有唯一性, 这时会发生类别化加工方式向精细化加工方式的转换(Crisp & Turner, 2011), 或在个人水平上的自我归类(Turner & Reynolds, 2012)。

可见, 当知觉者感觉类别太多以至于不能提供一个快速的印象时, 他们便倾向于使用个体化的加工方式。这种从单一两级维度向个体特质的转变, 实际上包含了量和质两个层面的变化(Crisp & Hewstone, 2007):一方面降低了对任何一个类别维度的使用, 另一方面多元内群体和多元外群体都会去类别化(内群偏爱和外群贬损消失)。

3.3 两种解释视角的局限

总体来看, 交叉分类既可以降低刻板印象, 也可以增强刻板印象:交叉横断分类(OI、IO), 增加了自我-他人的相似性, 削弱刻板印象; 交叉聚合分类(OO), 增加了自我-他人的差异性, 增强刻板印象。但是, 由于内群体的特异性, 对于原有维度的内群体高认同者, 共享群体身份的积极作用会消失, 甚至起到相反的效果。当交叉分类的两个维度的刻板预期相反, 或同时在多个维度上(两个以上)进行交叉分类时, 人们倾向于放弃类别的信息, 转而使用个体化的信息, 或使用精细化的加工方式, 也会降低刻板印象。

类别化视角的理论背景是社会认同与自我归类, 该视角认为交叉分类的本质是内外群体的交叉, 使用群际差异-偏见模型、内群偏爱、群体特异性来解释刻板印象的变化, 强调群体身份的核心作用。但是, 类别化视角也存在局限, 当两维刻板预期相互矛盾, 或者三个维度(或以上)的交叉分类时, 类别简化认知的作用消失, 类别复杂性的提高不仅抑制了几乎所有类别上的刻板印象的作用, 也促使人们改变认知加工方式, 更多的使用个体化的信息形成对他人的印象(Crisp & Turner, 2011; Crisp & Hewstone, 2007; Kang & Bodenhausen, 2015)。

个体化视角的理论背景是信息加工和记忆提取, 该视角认为交叉分类的本质是形成了多元类别, 个体所属的多个群体的类别信息(刻板印象)得以凸显, 强调个体化信息的核心作用。虽然去类别化能够降低偏见, 但是因为它集中关注的是个体特征, 而不是群体刻板印象, 因此它仅仅适用于具体的某个外群体成员, 而没有推广到外群体其他成员, 所以群际关系并没有出现整体水平上的改善(Crisp & Turner, 2011)。去类别化视角的本质是消除群际边界, 但是实际上这个过程很难实现(Park & Judd, 2005):其一, 从纯粹的认知视角来看, 分类是个体组织和管理社会现实的基本工具, 人们很难放弃分类的加工方式; 其二, 对于少数族群体来说, 分类之后的社会认同为他们提供了一个有价值的、具有积极差异的自我感知; 其三, 群体间的差异是客观存在的, 这也是个体使用分类加工的现实原因。

4 研究不足与展望

4.1 研究不足

4.1.1 对影响方向的界定

现有的研究对如何考察交叉分类对刻板印象的影响方向未能达成一致:第一种思路是考察交叉分类之后四类群体在刻板印象上的得分高低顺序, 延续交叉分类效应的研究传统。第二种思路, 以单维外群体刻板印象为基线, 并细化刻板印象的内容维度(热情、能力), 比较增加另一群体身份之后刻板印象的变化。第三种思路, 考察交叉分类之后相对应的单维类别刻板信息的激活强度。积极影响就意味着交叉分类之后刻板印象得分更加接近双内群体, 或比单维外群体要低, 或者相应的刻板印象的激活强度减弱。但是, 从交叉分类影响刻板印象的研究目的来看, 减弱或消除单维外群体的消极刻板印象是最终目标, 因此, 以简单分类为基线水平进行比较的思路是最为合适的比较方法。如果与单维外群体刻板印象相比, 交叉分类之后的刻板印象得分降低, 则说明交叉分类的影响是积极的, 反之则说明交叉分类具有消极影响。实际上, 在交叉分类影响情感偏见的研究中, Deschamps和Doise (1978)已经提出了类似的观点, 但是并没有引起足够的重视。以简单分类作为基线水平判断交叉分类的作用, 不仅可以明确的界定影响方向的本质, 而且还可以考察交叉分类群体评价中两个简单分类的权重问题(functional significance of the two simple categorizations) (即对交叉分类群体的评价中, 两个维度的作用大小) (Echabe, 2006; Song & Zuo, 2016)。

4.1.2 对刻板印象的认识

尽管研究交叉分类影响刻板印象的目的是消除或削弱单维外群体的消极刻板印象, 但是当前研究未能认识到刻板印象对于个体的认知与认同上的意义。从进化心理学的视角来看, 刻板印象的具体内容传递了这个群体成员对“我” (或“我们”)的意图(热情)以及实现该意图的可能性(能力) (Cuddy et al., 2008), 从客观上来看, 刻板印象是有利于个体和群体生存的重要信息载体。简单的将单维外群体的刻板印象视为消极, 实际上模糊或忽略了刻板印象本身的重要功能, 并且现有研究也大多没有具体指出在能力或热情的哪个维度上是消极的。那么交叉分类增加的维度是否意味着提供了更多的信息呢?从刻板印象对于个体社会认同的功能来看, 它提供了内群体和外群体不一样的认知图式, 并且强调内群体优于外群体, 因此内群体在能力和热情的得分往往是双高(佐斌, 2015)。但是交叉分类中, 个体对于交叉分类的两个维度上的内群体认同很可能是不同的, 当对简单分类维度上的内群体认同更高时, 交叉分类带来的自我与他人的相似性只会强化原有的刻板印象, 而不是削弱原有的刻板印象。也就是说, 尽管交叉分类的目的是削弱或降低消极刻板印象, 但是从社会认同的视角来看, 有时消极刻板印象的“存在”比“消除”更有意义, 此时交叉分类可能会有相反的效果。可见, 交叉分类这种扩大内群体边界的方法并不是在所有的情况下都可以起到积极的效果。进一步来看, 特定个体在交叉分类的两个维度上同时拥有的两个群体身份很有可能发生相互矛盾(在热情和能力这两个内容维度上)的情况(如老年黑人), 而交叉分类在刻板印象内容维度上是否矛盾的属性并未得到研究者足够的重视。这种交叉分类的“质”的矛盾性不仅可以决定人们使用类别化加工还是个体化加工, 也可以决定交叉分类会对刻板印象产生何种影响。

4.2 研究展望

4.2.1 类别化视角中的动机和认知过程

既然类别化视角认为交叉分类的本质是内外群体的交叉, 那么交叉分类是否作为一种“提高内群体-外群体归类显著性的因素” (Turner et al., 1987/2011), 影响了自我与认同中的动机和认知过程呢?最优差异模型(Leonardelli et al., 2010)指出社会认同是相似性需求和差异性需求这两种相反的需求共同协调的结果。当个体处于交叉分类情境时, 针对交叉维度上的内群体的相似和差异需求是否会发生变化?与此同时, 个体将自己视为交叉维度上的内群体成员, 是否会发生将个体特质投射到内群体成员上的自我锚定过程, 以及用内群体原型规范自己行为的自我刻板过程呢?社会认同的整合模型(van Veelen, Otten, Cadinu, & Hansen, 2016)指出自我锚定与自我刻板作为逻辑上平行的认知路径, 共同影响了自我和内群体的重叠。此外, 交叉分类作为一个具有复杂群际线索的情境, 可能促进个体认识到自己拥有多个内群体的身份, 提高社会认同复杂性, 降低群际偏见(Roccas & Brewer, 2002)。

4.2.2 个体化视角中的优势类别与加工方式

个体化视角强调交叉分类的本质是形成多元类别, 当类别对应的刻板印象相互矛盾时, 具有优先性的优势类别成为社会知觉的主导, 那么, 什么样的类别才会成为优势类别呢?社会分类本身具有不同的属性, 如性别、年龄等自然属性的维度, 贫富、职业等社会属性的维度, 这些分类维度有些是生而有之, 有些是后天选择的结果(Ellemers, 2012)。例如, 在年龄和贫富的交叉分类中, 老年富人和富人比较, 社会维度对热情评价的影响更大(宋静静等, 2017)。进一步来看, 当多元类别个体的多个类别被同时知觉时, 人们是放弃了类别化加工, 而转向个体化加工, 但是并没有直接的研究证据证明。从两维交叉到多维交叉, 当维度数目为多少时, 个体才会转换加工方式呢?这些都是个体化视角尚未解决的问题。

4.2.3 以自我归类为基础的整合

自我归类理论的创始人Turner等(1987/2011)提出了社会自我(the social self)的概念, 他认为社会性的自我概念的功能是依赖特定的情境而定的, 在产生特定自我形象的特定环境中, 特定的自我概念往往会被激发出来, 知觉者与情境互动的结果就是个体多重自我概念中的某个特定自我被激活。类别化视角认为人们在不同维度的内外群体上进行自我归类, 印象加工的核心是群体身份, 此时, 自我与他人处于“社会归类”的自我归类水平。这种加工机制存在两个条件:交叉分类的维度较少(复杂性低), 并且两个维度之间的刻板信息没有明显矛盾(矛盾性低)。个体化视角认为人们在个体层面进行自我归类, 印象加工的核心是个体化信息, 此时, 自我与他人处于“个人归类”的自我归类水平。这种加工机制也存在前提条件:交叉分类的维度较多(复杂性高), 或两个维度之间的刻板信息存在明显矛盾(矛盾性高)。综上可见, 可以从自我归类的视角整合两个加工机制, 将类别化加工、个体化加工与“社会归类”、“个人归类”相对应, 是不同情境下自我觉知(自我归类水平)的变化导致了不同的加工方式。而这个不同的情境又可以使用交叉分类的维度数量, 以及从刻板印象内容来看类别之间是否矛盾, 这两个属性进行刻画。也就是说, 从自我归类理论来看, 交叉分类的内在属性:“质”的矛盾性和“量”的复杂性所反映的情境决定了自我归类水平, 自我归类水平的变化决定了加工机制的不同, 从而影响了刻板印象。这样就可以全面的解释交叉分类影响刻板印象的过程与结果。


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交叉分类被认为是一种能够有效减少群际偏见的方法.交叉分类效应 的代数模型主要包括平均模型、相加模型和等价模型,各个模型都有自己成立的证据,其中支持相加模型的研究证据最多.尽管如此,交叉分类效应的代数模型有很 明显的局限,即要求所有进行交叉的类别维度权重相等,这与真实社会情境是相矛盾的.交叉分类的潜在加工过程主要有基于认知角度的类别差异模型和基于动机角 度的社会认同两种比较成熟的理论,前者又分为类别差异消除模型和类别差异减少模型.

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Communal and agentic content in social cognition: A dual perspective model

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ABSTRACT We summarize and integrate a large body of research showing that agency and communion constitute two fundamental dimensions of content in social cognition. Agentic content refers to goal-achievement and task functioning (competence, assertiveness, decisiveness), whereas communal content refers to the maintenance of relationships and social functioning (benevolence, trustworthiness,morality).Wepresent a Dual Perspective Model of Agency and Communion (DPM-AC) developed to show that the two dimensions are differently linked to the basic perspectives in social interaction, that is, the actor versus the observer/recipient perspectives. We review numerous research confirming three general hypotheses of the DPM. First, communal content is primary among the fundamental dimensions. Second, in the observer/recipient perspective (perception of others), communal content receives more weight than agentic content. Third, in the actor perspective (self-perception), agentic content receives more weight than communal content. Wethen discuss the complex issues of relations of agency and communion to valence as well as associations between agency and communion. Although they are logically independent and their inferences are based on different cues, the two content dimensions of meaning frequently function as psychological alternatives in social cognition.

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Social identity and self-categorization

In J. F. Dovidio, M. Hewstone, P. Glick, & V. M. Esses (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination( pp. 179-193). London: SAGE Publications Ltd.

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1999), people have a variety of ways to buffer the self-evaluative conse- quences of stigma (Major,Quinton, & attraction) or trusted much by the group, and are therefore relatively un-influential andare cast as deviants who are especially vulnerable to social exclu- sion.

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Cognitive mechanisms in children's gender stereotyping: Theoretical and educational implications of a cognitive-based intervention

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The study was designed to test the hypothesis derived from cognitive-developmental theory that multiple classification skill plays an important role in children's gender stereotyping and in their processing of counterstereotypic gender information. Children (N = 75; 5-10 years) were matched on pretest measures of gender stereotyping and multiple classification skill and then assigned to: (1) multiple classification training using nonsocial stimuli, (2) multiple classification training using social stimuli, (3) a rule training intervention, or (4) a control intervention. Children who had acquired multiple classification skill via training with social stimuli and those children trained on rules for occupational sorting showed significantly more egalitarian responding on a subsequent measure of gender stereotyping and superior memory for counterstereotypic information embedded in stories. Additionally, children who had acquired multiple classification skill via training with nonsocial stimuli showed superior memory for counterstereotypic information, despite demonstrating no greater flexibility on the gender stereotyping measure. Both theoretical and educational implications of results are discussed.

Breakwell G. M., Vignoles V. L., & Robertson T . ( 2003).

Stereotypes and crossed-category evaluations: The case of gender and science education

British Journal of Psychology, 94( 4), 437-455.

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Abstract A sample of UK adolescents ( n = 1140), grouped by sex and liking of science, evaluated themselves, and girl and boy targets who did or did not like science, on masculine, feminine and gender non-specific traits. Contrary to sociological concerns about the masculine image and appeal of science, those who liked science more rated themselves more positively on feminine and gender non-specific—but not masculine—traits. The girl target was rated lower on feminine traits if she liked science, but the boy was rated higher on feminine traits if he liked science. Target ratings also showed in-group enhancement based on liking of science, and a ‘black sheep’ effect: those who liked science less discriminated against the same-sex target who liked science, especially on gender in-group relevant traits. We argue that gender differences in science education should be attributed partly to subjective group dynamics and not solely to images of science.

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Abstract The effect of criss-crossing two dichotomous social categorizations on intergroup discrimination is studied. One hundred and thirty-nine 12 13 year old schoolchildren were randomly assigned to five categorization conditions: one simple, division into one ingroup and outgroup; and four crossed, half the ingroup members by one division are outgroup members by a second division and vice versa. Simple subjects rated ingroup and outgroup members; crossed subjects rated members of both ingroups and either simultaneous members of one ingroup and outgroup, or one outgroup and ingroup, or both outgroups, or everybody. Ingroup members were rated more favourably than outgroup members ( P < 0.025), this effect varying with experimental condition ( P < 0.025). In group bias was found with crossed but not simple categorization and was greatest when members of both ingroups were compared to members of both outgroups. Bias was non-significant when crossed subjects rated everybody. The significance of the data for earlier work and the explanation of social categorization effects in intergroup behaviour is discussed.

Crisp, R. J . ( 2010).

Prejudice and perceiving multiple identities

In J. F. Dovidio, M. Hewstone, P. Glick, & V. M. Esses (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination( pp. 508-525). London: SAGE Publications Ltd.

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BF Psychology

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Reducing intergroup bias: The moderating role of ingroup identification

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Recent work developing interventions designed to reduce intergroup bias has sometimes yielded disparate findings. We tested whether the varying effectiveness of such interventions may have a motivational basis. In two experiments we examined whether differential ingroup identification moderated the effectiveness of a differentiation-reducing intervention strategy. In Experiment 1, thinking of characteristics shared between the ingroup and outgroup reduced ingroup favoritism to a greater extent for lower identifiers than for higher identifiers. In Experiment 2 we replicated this finding with different target groups and evaluative measures while controlling for information load. We discuss the implications of this work for developing social psychological models of bias-reduction.

Crisp, R. J., & Hewstone M . ( 2001).

Multiple categorization and implicit intergroup bias: Differential category dominance and the positive-negative asymmetry effect

European Journal of Social Psychology, 31( 1), 45-62.

DOI:10.1002/ejsp.31      URL    

Abstract Two experiments explored the differential information processing that occurs when perceivers encounter multiple categorizable individuals. Participants were required to recall specific information from previously encountered bogus newspaper stories. Across two experiments it emerged that participants differentially recalled target attributes as a function of positive versus negative story context and multiple dimensions of group membership. Specifically, different dimensions of categorization were dominant for positive and negative evaluative domains. These findings provide an important qualification to the positive egative asymmetry effect in intergroup discrimination when multiple dimensions of categorization are available. In addition, comparison of the observed effects in different cultural settings suggests the need to consider contextual influences when considering intergroup phenomena with real social group memberships. Finally, in line with previous work, a dissociation was observed between explicit and implicit measures of intergroup bias. The findings are considered within the wider context of work into social categorization and intergroup relations.. Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Crisp, R. J., & Meleady, R . ( 2012).

Adapting to a multicultural future

Science, 336( 6083), 853-855.

DOI:10.1126/science.1219009      URL     PMID:22605761      [本文引用: 2]

Abstract Humans have an evolved propensity to think categorically about social groups. This propensity is manifest in cognitive processes that have broad implications for public and political endorsement of multicultural policy. Drawing on these principles, we postulate a cognitive-evolutionary account of human adaptation to social diversity. This account explains broad social trends marking a resistance to multiculturalism, while providing an important reorienting call for scholars and policy-makers seeking intervention-based solutions to the problem of prejudice.

Crisp R. J., Stone C. H., & Hall N. R . ( 2006).

Recategorization and subgroup identification: Predicting and preventing threats from common ingroups

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 32( 2), 230-243.

DOI:10.1177/0146167205280908      URL     PMID:16382084      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Much work has supported the idea that recategorization of ingroups and outgroups into a superordinate category can have beneficial effects for intergroup relations. Recently, however, increases in bias following recategorization have been observed in some contexts. It is argued that such unwanted consequences of recategorization will only be apparent for perceivers who are highly committed to their ingroup subgroups. In Experiments 1 to 3, the authors observed, on both explicit and implicit measures, that an increase in bias following recategorization occurred only for high subgroup identifiers. In Experiment 4, it was found that maintaining the salience of subgroups within a recategorized superordinate group averted this increase in bias for high identifiers and led overall to the lowest levels of bias. These findings are discussed in the context of recent work on the Common Ingroup Identity Model.

Crisp, R. J., & Turner, R. N . ( 2011).

Cognitive adaptation to the experience of social and cultural diversity

Psychological Bulletin, 137( 2), 242-266.

DOI:10.1037/a0021840      URL     PMID:21142349      [本文引用: 8]

Diversity is a defining characteristic of modern society, yet there remains considerable debate over the benefits that it brings. The authors argue that positive psychological and behavioral outcomes will be observed only when social and cultural diversity is experienced in a way that challenges stereotypical expectations and that when this precondition is met, the experience has cognitive consequences that resonate across multiple domains. A model, rooted in social categorization theory and research, outlines the preconditions and processes through which people cognitively adapt to the experience of social and cultural diversity and the resulting cross-domain benefits that this brings. Evidence is drawn from a range of literatures to support this model, including work on biculturalism, minority influence, cognitive development, stereotype threat, work group productivity, creativity, and political ideology. The authors bring together a range of differing diversity experiences and explicitly draw parallels between programs of research that have focused on both perceiving others who are multicultural and being multicultural oneself. The findings from this integrative review suggest that experiencing diversity that challenges expectations may not only encourage greater tolerance but also have benefits beyond intergroup relations to varied aspects of psychological functioning.

Crisp, R. J., & Hewstone, M . ( 2000).

Multiple categorization and social identity

In D. Capozza & R. Brown (Eds.), Social identity processes: Trends in theory and research( pp. 149-166). Beverly Hills: Sage.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Crisp R. J., & Hewstone, M .( 2007).

Multiple social categorization

In M. P. Zanna (Ed. ), Advances in experimental social psychology (Vol. 39, pp. 163-254). Orlando, FL: Academic Press.

[本文引用: 10]

Crisp R. J., Hewstone M., & Rubin M . ( 2001).

Does multiple categorization reduce intergroup bias?

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 27( 1), 76-89.

DOI:10.1177/0146167201271007      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Two experiments explored whether crossing social category memberships can reduce intergroup bias. Experiment 1 Provided a precise comparison between discrimination against single outgroups, partial outgroups, and double outgroups. Intergroup bias and perceived intergroup similarity followed an additive pattern such that partial outgroups were discriminated against as much as single outgroups, whereas both were discriminated against to a lesser extent than double outgroups. In Experiment 2, a more realistic form of crossing was employed whereby five additional dimensions of categorization were considered by participants instead of the traditional two. In line with a decategorization perspective, intergroup bias was reduced in both multiple group conditions relative to the single categorization (baseline) condition. Participants perceived a weakened intergroup structure and displayed a greater tendency to see outgroup members as individuals in multiple group conditions; however only perceived intergroup structure mediated the pattern of intergroup bias. The implications of these findings for conceptualizations of crossed categorization are discussed.

Cuddy A. J. C., Fiske, S. T., & Glick, P .( 2008).

Warmth and competence as universal dimensions of social perception: The stereotype content model and the BIAS map

In M. P. Zanna (Ed.), Advances in experimental social psychology (Vol. 40, pp. 61-149). San Diego: Academic Press.

DOI:10.1016/S0065-2601(07)00002-0      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The stereotype content model (SCM) defines two fundamental dimensions of social perception, warmth and competence , predicted respectively by perceived competition and status. Combinations of warmth and competence generate distinct emotions of admiration, contempt, envy, and pity. From these intergroup emotions and stereotypes, the behavior from intergroup affect and stereotypes (BIAS) map predicts distinct behaviors: active and passive, facilitative and harmful. After defining warmth/communion and competence/agency, the chapter integrates converging work documenting the centrality of these dimensions in interpersonal as well as intergroup perception. Structural origins of warmth and competence perceptions result from competitors judged as not warm, and allies judged as warm; high status confers competence and low status incompetence. Warmth and competence judgments support systematic patterns of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral reactions, including ambivalent prejudices. Past views of prejudice as a univalent antipathy have obscured the unique responses toward groups stereotyped as competent but not warm or warm but not competent. Finally, the chapter addresses unresolved issues and future research directions.

Deschamps J. C., & Doise, W .( 1978). Crossed category membership in intergroup relations: Differentiation between social groups. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

[本文引用: 1]

Doise W., & Graham, D .( 1978). Groups and individuals: Explanations in social psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Dovidio, J. F., & Gaertner, S. L . ( 2010).

Intergroup bias

In S. T. Fiske, D. T. Gilbert, & G. Lindzey (Eds.), Handbook of social psychology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

[本文引用: 2]

Echabe, A. E . ( 2006).

Crossed-categorization and stereotypes: Class and ethnicity

Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale, 19( 2), 81-101.

DOI:10.1207/s15327973rlsi3904_4      URL     [本文引用: 3]

An experiment analyzing the influence of crossed-categorization on evaluative and cognitive responses is presented. The combined effects of class and ethnic information were enquired. Three models of cross-categorization were tested: Additive, Hierarchical, and Interactive. As for as the cognitive responses (traits application) is concerned, the hierarchical model received support. Although both class and ethnic information had significant main effects, the impact of class information was stronger than the ethnic information. Anti-poor and anti-gypsies biases were found. The interactive model received marginal support. The anti-poor bias was restricted to gypsies. With regard to the evaluative responses, only ethnic information influenced evaluations of the targets. An anti-gypsy bias was found. The interactive model also received marginal support. The relative independent impact of crossed-categorization on evaluative and cognitive processes was confirmed.

Ellemers, N . ( 2012).

The group self

Science, 336( 6083), 848-852.

DOI:10.1126/science.1220987      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Gaertner S. L., Dovidio J. F., Anastasio P. A., Bachman B. A., & Rust M. C . ( 1993).

The common ingroup identity model: Recategorization and the reduction of intergroup bias

European Review of Social Psychology, 4( 1), 1-26.

DOI:10.1080/14792779343000004      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Abstract This chapter introduces the common ingroup identity model as a means of reducing intergroup bias. This model proposes that bias can be reduced by factors that transform members' perceptions of group boundaries from “us” and “them” to a more inclusive “we”. From this perspective, several features specified by the contact hypothesis (e.g. co-operative interaction) facilitate more harmonious intergroup interactions, at least in part, because they contribute to the development of a common ingroup identity. In this chapter, we describe laboratory and field studies that are supportive of the model; we also relate the model to earlier work on aversive racism.

Giannakakis, A. E., & Fritsche, I . ( 2011).

Social identities, group norms, and threat: On the malleability of ingroup bias

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37( 1), 82-93.

DOI:10.1177/0146167210386120      URL     PMID:20956355      [本文引用: 1]

Ingroup bias is one of the most basic intergroup phenomena and has been consistently demonstrated to be increased under conditions of existential threat. In the present research the authors question the omnipresence of ingroup bias under threat and test the assumptions that these effects depend on the content of social identity and group norm salient in a situation. In the first two studies cross-categorization and recategorization manipulations eliminated and even reversed mortality salience effects on bias in relations between English and Scottish students (Study 1) as well as English and French people (Study 2). In the third study the specific normative content of a given social identity (collectivism vs. individualism) was shown to moderate mortality salience effects on ingroup bias. The results of these studies suggest a social identity perspective on terror management processes.

Hall, N. R., & Crisp, R. J . ( 2005).

Considering multiple criteria for social categorization can reduce intergroup bias

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 31( 10), 1435-1444.

DOI:10.1177/0146167205276084      URL     PMID:16143674      [本文引用: 3]

Two experiments tested the notion that considering multiple criteria for social categorization can reduce intergroup bias. In both experiments, participants were required to consider alternative ways in which people could be classified, other than an initially salient intergroup dichotomy. In Experiment 1, the authors found that generating alternative social classifications that were unrelated to an initial target dichotomy reduced intergroup bias compared to a control condition. In Experiment 2, this effect was replicated and the authors found that unrelated, but not related, categorizations were necessary to reduce bias. This article adds support to the view that increasing categorical complexity is a useful tool in bias reduction. These findings are discussed in the context of a developing model of multiple categorization effects.

Hall N. R., Crisp R. J., & Suen M. W . ( 2009).

Reducing implicit prejudice by blurring intergroup boundaries

Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 31( 3), 244-254.

DOI:10.1080/01973530903058474      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In two experiments we examined whether and when blurring intergroup boundaries reduces implicit prejudice. In Experiment 1 we observed that when participants first completed a task in which they generated characteristics that overlapped between an ingroup and an outgroup they showed less implicit bias as measured by an Implicit Association Test. In Experiment 2 we found that the effectiveness of blurring intergroup boundaries for reducing implicit bias was moderated by pretask levels of ingroup identification. We discuss these findings in the context of extending differentiation-based interventions for reducing explicit bias to the domain of implicit attitudes.

Hogg M. A. ( 2012).

Social identity and the psychology of groups

In M. R. Leary & J. P. Tangney (Eds. ), Handbook of self and identity (2nd ed., pp. 502-519). New York, US: Guilford Press.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Widely regarded as the authoritative reference in the field, this volume comprehensively reviews theory and research on the self. Leading investigators address this essential construct at multiple levels of analysis, from neural pathways to complex social and cultural dynamics. Coverage includes how individuals gain self-awareness, agency, and a sense of identity; self-related motivation and emotion; the role of the self in interpersonal behavior; and self-development across evolutionary time and the lifespan. Connections between self-processes and psychological problems are also addressed. ? New to This Edition *Incorporates significant theoretical and empirical advances. *Nine entirely new chapters. *Coverage of the social and cognitive neuroscience of self-processes; self-regulation and health; self and emotion; and hypoegoic states, such as mindfulness. ?

Hogg, M. A., & Abrams, D . ( 2011). Social identifications: A social psychology of intergroup relations and group processes. London, England: Routledge. ( Original work published 1998)

[本文引用: 3]

[ Hogg M. A., & Abramas, D .( 2011). 社会认同过程 (高明华译). 北京: 中国人民大学出版社.]

Hutter, R. R. C., & Wood, C . ( 2015).

Applying individuation to conflicting social categories

Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 18( 4), 523-539.

[本文引用: 1]

Hutter R. R. C., Wood C., & Turner R. N . ( 2013).

Individuation moderates impressions of conflicting categories for slower processors

Social Psychology, 44( 4), 239-247.

DOI:10.1027/1864-9335/a000108      URL     [本文引用: 1]

We investigated individuation - attribute-based impressions associated with each unique individual rather than their categorical membership - as a moderator of impressions formed when slower versus faster processors encounter conflicting social category conjunctions. Descriptions of incongruent (e. g., female bricklayer), but not congruent category conjunctions (e. g., female nurse) were moderated by individuation in the application of emergent attributes (novel attributes associated exclusively with the category conjunction and not the constituents). However, this was only the case for slow processors. These findings suggest that the means by which slower processors relative to faster processors form impressions for poorly correlated category conjunctions vary systematically. Individuated impressions lead to emergent attribute application for perceivers with slower processing ability. We discuss the implications of these findings.

Kang, S. K., & Bodenhausen, G. V . ( 2015).

Multiple identities in social perception and interaction: Challenges and opportunities

Annual Review of Psychology, 66( 1), 547-574.

DOI:10.1146/annurev-psych-010814-015025      URL     PMID:25061671      [本文引用: 6]

Categorization plays a fundamental role in organizing daily interactions with the social world. However, there is increasing recognition that social categorization is often complex, both because category membership can be ambiguous (e.g., multiracial or transgender identities) and because different categorical identities (e.g., race and gender) may interact to determine the meaning of category membership. These complex identities simultaneously impact social perceivers' impressions and social targets' own experiences of identity, thereby shaping perceptions, experiences, and interactions in fundamental ways. This review examines recent research on the perception and experience of the complex, multifaceted identities that both complicate and enrich our lives. Although research has historically tended to focus more on difficulties and challenges associated with multiple identities, increasing attention is being paid to opportunities that emerge from the possession of identities that include multiple distinct or overlapping groups. We consider how these opportunities might benefit both perceivers and targets. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Psychology Volume 66 is November 30, 2014. Please see for revised estimates.

Kang, S. K., & Chasteen, A. L . ( 2009).

Beyond the double- jeopardy hypothesis: Assessing emotion on the faces of multiply-categorizable targets of prejudice

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45( 6), 1281-1285.

DOI:10.1016/j.jesp.2009.07.002      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Prior research has shown that race influences perceptions of facial expressions, with hostility detected earlier on young male Black than White faces. This study examined whether the interplay of race and age would moderate perceptions of hostility by having participants evaluate facial expressions of multiply-categorizable targets. Using a facial emotion change-detection task, we assessed evaluations of onset/offset of anger and happiness on faces of young and old Black and White men. Significant age by race interactions were observed: while participants perceived anger as lasting longer and appearing sooner on old compared to young White faces, this relationship was reversed for Black faces, with participants perceiving anger lasting longer and appearing sooner on young compared to old Black faces. Similar results were found for perceived happiness. These results suggest that perception during cross-categorization may be more complex than the simple additive function proposed by the double-jeopardy hypothesis, such that co-activation of other stereotypes may sometimes confer a protective benefit against bias.

Kang S. K., Chasteen A. L., Cadieux J., Cary L. A., & Syeda M . ( 2014).

Comparing young and older adults' perceptions of conflicting stereotypes and multiply- categorizable individuals

Psychology and Aging, 29( 3), 469-481.

DOI:10.1037/a0037551      URL     PMID:25244468      [本文引用: 1]

Individuals can be simultaneously categorized into multiple social groups (e.g., racial, gender, age), and stereotypes about one social group may conflict with another. Two such conflicting stereotype sets are those associated with older adults (e.g., frail, kind) and with Black people (e.g., violent, hostile). Recent research shows that young adult perceivers evaluate elderly Black men more positively than young Black men, suggesting that components of the elderly stereotype moderate the influence of conflicting Black stereotypes (Kang & Chasteen, 2009). The current research begins to examine whether this pattern of perceiving multiply-categorizable individuals is maintained among older adults or altered, perhaps due to -related cognitive and motivational changes. In three studies using different targets and evaluative tasks, both young and older participants showed evidence of an interplay between Black and elderly stereotypes, such that they perceived elderly Black targets more positively than young Black targets. A similar pattern was observed when assessing emotion change (Study 1), making ratings of warmth and power in the past, present, and future (Study 2), and when directly comparing young and old Black and White targets on traits related to warmth and power (Study 3). The absence of age differences suggests that evaluation of multiply-categorizable targets follows comparable underlying patterns of stereotype activation and inhibition in younger and older adults.

Klauer K. C., Ehrenberg K., & Wegener I . ( 2003).

Crossed categorization and stereotyping: Structural analyses, effect patterns, and dissociative effects of context relevance

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 39( 4), 332-354.

DOI:10.1016/S0022-1031(03)00017-9      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Based on the “Who said what?” paradigm, a new method is proposed for investigating social categorization and non-evaluative stereotype application in crossed categorization. The method is applied in 5 studies that manipulated relative context relevance of crossed age and gender categories. Social categorization is characterized by 2 indices: Relative subgroup memory assesses the amount of subgroup formation represented in memory, and relative category dominance the relative weight of each dimension of categorization. Both indices were affected by context relevance. There was strong evidence for social categorization at the subgroup level, whereas stereotype application followed a simple pattern of category dominance, in which only the context-relevant dimension exerted an effect. The results bear on current models of category-based impression formation and intergroup perception, and on category-activation cum stereotype-inhibition models.

Leonardelli G. J., Pickett C. L., & Brewer, M. B .( 2010).

Optimal distinctiveness theory: A framework for social identity, social cognition, and intergroup relations

In M. P. Zanna (Ed.), Advances in experimental social psychology (Vol. 43, pp. 63-115). San Diego, CA: Elsevier Academic Press.

DOI:10.1016/S0065-2601(10)43002-6      URL     [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT Optimal distinctiveness theory [Brewer, M. B. (1991). The social self: on being the same and different at the same time. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 17(5), 475–482] proposes that individuals have two fundamental and competing human needs—the need for inclusion and the need for differentiation—that can be met by membership in moderately inclusive (optimally distinct) groups. In this chapter, the optimal distinctiveness model and its origins are summarized, and theoretical extensions and empirical tests of the model are discussed. In particular, the empirical review summarizes the model's consequences for social identification, social cognition, and intergroup relations. The evidence strongly supports the notion that the needs for inclusion and differentiation influence self-categorization resulting in a curvilinear relation between group inclusiveness and group identification. The existing evidence also indicates that the two needs influence perceptions and judgments of the self and others and the nature of intragroup and intergroup relations. The chapter concludes by discussing the interplay of the needs for inclusion and differentiation across levels of the self and how the needs for inclusion and differentiation influence which level of self (individual or collective) is motivationally primary.

Leonardelli, G. J., & Toh, S. M . ( 2015).

Social categorization in intergroup contexts: Three kinds of self-categorization

Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 9( 2), 69-87.

DOI:10.1111/spc3.12150      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Abstract In reviewing self-categorization theory and the literature upon which it is based, we conclude that individuals' attempts to form social categories could lead to three kinds of self-categorization. We label them intergroup categorization, ingroup categorization, and outgroup categorization. We review literature supporting these three types and argue that they can help to explain and organize the existing evidence. Moreover, we conclude that distinguishing these three kinds of self-categorization lead to novel predictions regarding social identity, social cognition, and groups. We offer some of those predictions by discussing their potential causes (building from optimal distinctiveness and security seeking literatures) and implications (on topics including prototype complexity, self-stereotyping, stereotype formation, intergroup behavior, dual identity, conformity, and the psychological implications of perceiving uncategorized collections of people). This paper offers a platform from which to build theoretical and empirical advances in social identity, social cognition, and intergroup relations.

Nicolas G., de la Fuente M., & Fiske S. T . ( 2017).

Mind the overlap in multiple categorization: A review of crossed categorization, intersectionality, and multiracial perception

Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 20( 5), 621-631.

DOI:10.1177/1368430217708862      URL     [本文引用: 1]

react-text: 246 Purpose: Career advancement in academic medicine often hinges on the ability to garner research funds. The National Institutes of Health's (NIH's) R01 award is the "gold standard" of an independent research program. Studies show inconsistencies in R01 reviewers' scoring and in award outcomes for certain applicant groups. Consistent with the NIH recommendation to examine potential bias in R01... /react-text react-text: 247 /react-text [Show full abstract]

Park, B., & Judd, C. . ( 2005).

Rethinking the link between categorization and prejudice within the social cognition perspective

Personality and Social Psychology Review, 9( 2), 108-130.

DOI:10.1207/s15327957pspr0902_2      URL     PMID:15869378      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract For the past 40 years, social psychological research on stereotyping and prejudice in the United States has been dominated by the social cognition perspective, which has emphasized the important role of basic categorization processes in intergroup dynamics. An inadvertent consequence of this approach has been a disproportionate focus on social categorization as a causal factor in intergroup animosity and, accordingly, an emphasis on approaches that minimize category distinctions as the solution to intergroup conflict. Though recognizing the crucial function of categorization, we question existing support for the hypothesis that the perception of strong group differences necessarily results in greater intergroup bias. Given that it is neither feasible nor ultimately desirable to imagine that social categories can be eliminated, we suggest that a more useful approach is one that promotes intergroup harmony even while recognizing and valuing the distinctions that define our social world.

Reicher, S . ( 1995).

Three dimensions of the social self

In A. Oosterwegel & R. A. Wicklund (Eds.), The self in European and North American culture: Development and processes( pp. 277-290). Dordrecht: Springer.

DOI:10.1007/978-94-011-0331-2_20      URL     [本文引用: 1]

We social psychologists tend to drape the word “social” about our concepts like a talisman—as if the mere use of the word can perform the magical trick of relating psychology to society. Thus, instead

Roccas, S., & Brewer M. B . ( 2002).

Social identity complexity

Personality and Social Psychology Review, 6( 2), 88-106.

DOI:10.1207/S15327957PSPR0602_01      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Rosenthal, H. E. S., & Crisp R. J, . ( 2006).

Reducing stereotype threat by blurring intergroup boundaries

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 32 4), 501-511.

DOI:10.1177/0146167205281009      URL     PMID:16513802      [本文引用: 3]

The authors aimed to establish whether interventions designed to reduce intergroup bias could be applied to the stereotype threat domain. In three experiments, the hypothesis was tested that blurring intergroup boundaries would reduce stereotype threat. In the first study, it was found that female participants who thought about characteristics shared between the genders tended to show less preference for stereotypical female careers than did participants in the baseline condition. In. Experiment 2, participants who thought. about overlapping characteristics answered more math questions correctly compared to a baseline group and Participants who thought, about differences between the genders. In experiment 3, a. specific threat manipulation was included. Participants who completed the overlapping characteristics task before receiving the threat completed significantly more math questions correctly than did participants in the baseline and threat conditions. The findings support the idea that interventions designed to reduce intergroup bias can be applied successfully in the reduction of stereotype threat.

Singh R., Yeoh B. S. E., Lim D. I., & Lim K. K . ( 1997).

Cross-categorization effects in intergroup discrimination: Adding versus averaging

British Journal of Social Psychology, 36( 2), 121-138.

DOI:10.1111/j.2044-8309.1997.tb01123.x      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Abstract In two between-participants experiments ( Ns = 216 and 260), Chinese in Singapore rated competence and attractiveness of strangers described ( a ) by cross-categorizations of race (Malay: out-group vs. Chinese: in-group) and nationality (Malaysian: out-group vs. Singaporean: in-group), ( b ) by simple categorization of either race or nationality, and ( c ) by no-group label. An additive effect of cross-categorizations was obtained: Both the race and nationality categorizations produced main effects but no interaction effect. Analyses of variance of the simple and cross-categorization data together also retained the additive effect as predicted by the adding rule. However, the higher ratings of the in-group than of the out-group in both the simple and cross-categorization conditions were based on an out-group derogation instead of an in-group bias. Explanations of the out-group derogation and suggestions for additional work on the cross-categorization effects are discussed.

Song, J. J., & Zuo, B . ( 2016).

Functional significance of conflicting age and wealth cross-categorization: The dominant role of categories that violate stereotypical expectations

Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1624.

DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01624      URL     PMID:5073204      [本文引用: 2]

The purpose of the current study was to identify the functional significance of conflicting stereotypes and to identify the dominant category in such conflicts. In the present research we examined the conflicting crossed categories of age and wealth with regard to warmth and competence perceptions. It was found (Pilot Study and Study 1) that the old-rich targets presented a conflicting stereotype group in the perception of warmth, whereas young-poor targets presented a conflicting stereotype group in the perception of competence. In addition, theoldstereotype dominated the warmth evaluation of old-rich targets, whereas thepoorstereotype dominated the competence evaluation of young-poor targets. In Study 2, participants provided warmth and competence evaluations after they learned about the targets' behaviors which demonstrated high or low warmth and high or low competence. The results suggest that for the warmth evaluation of the old-rich target the category that did not match the behavior (i.e., contradicted the stereotype expectation) was more salient and drove judgments. However, the effect of stereotype expectation violation was not found in the competence evaluation of the young-poor target. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for understanding factors that activate and inhibit stereotyped perceptions.

Tajfel, H., & Turner, J. C . ( 1986).

The social identity theory of intergroup behavior

In S. Worchel & W. G. Austin (Eds.), Psychology of intergroup relations( pp. 7-24). Chicago: Nelson Hall.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

This reprinted chapter originally appeared in (Psychology of Intergroup Relations [ed. by S. Worchel; W. G. Austin], 1986, 7-24.) The aim of this chapter is to present an outline of a theory of intergroup conflict and some preliminary data relating to the theory. It begins with a discussion of alternative approaches to intergroup conflict with special attention to the "realistic group conflict theory" (RCT). RCT's relative neglect of the processes underlying the development and maintenance of group identity and the possibly autonomous effects upon the in-group and intergroup behavior is responsible for some inconsistencies between the empirical data and the theory in its "classical" form. In this sense, the theoretical orientation to be outlined in this chapter is intended not to replace RCT, but to supplement it in some respects that seem essential for an adequate social psychology of intergroup conflict--particularly as the understanding of the psychological aspects of social change cannot be achieved without an appropriate analysis of the social psychology of social conflict. The authors argue that people derive a sense of self-worth and social belongingness from their memberships in groups, and so they are motivated to draw favorable comparisons between their own group and other groups. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved)

Turner J. C., Hogg M. A., Oakes P. J., Reicher S. D., & Wetherell M. S . ( 2011). Rediscovering the social group: A self-categorization theory. Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell. ( Original work published 1987)

[本文引用: 3]

[ Turner J. C., Hogg M. A., Oakes P. J., Reicher S. D., & Wetherell, M. S .( 2011). 自我归类论 (杨宜音, 王冰, 林含章译). 北京: 中国人民大学出版社.]

Turner, J. C., & Reynolds, K. J . ( 2012).

Self-categorization theory

In P. A. M. van Lange, A. W. Kruglanski, & E. T. Higgins (Eds.), Handbook of theories of social psychology( pp. 399-417). London: Sage.

[本文引用: 5]

van Rijswijk W., Haslam S. A., & Ellemers N . ( 2006).

Who do we think we are? The effects of social context and social identification on in-group stereotyping

British Journal of Social Psychology, 45( 1), 161-174.

DOI:10.1348/014466605X39475      URL     PMID:16573878      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract In this study, in-group stereotyping was examined as a function of variations in social context and perceiver factors. The social context consisted of different comparison groups and different domains of comparison. Comparison group and comparative domain were expected to interact in determining the content of the in-group stereotype. This prediction was confirmed with in-group stereotyping being strongest in conditions where the combination of comparison group and comparative domain made the in-group seem most similar to an out-group. The perceiver's level of in-group identification was also positively related to the level of in-group stereotyping. Moreover, the level of identification was shown to be dependent on the immediate social context and mediated the relationship between social context and in-group stereotyping. This pattern is explained in terms of a search for in-group distinctiveness.

van Veelen R., Otten S., Cadinu M., & Hansen N . ( 2016).

An integrative model of social identification: Self-stereotyping and self-anchoring as two cognitive pathways

Personality and Social Psychology Review, 20( 1), 3-26.

DOI:10.1177/1088868315576642      URL    


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