ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展, 2018, 26(12): 2091-2100 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.02091



任定成1, 何晨宏1,2, 陈天嘉,1

1. 中国科学院大学膜拜现象研究中心

2. 中国科学院大学人文学院, 北京 100049

Physical and mental harm caused by participation in cults from a psychological perspective

REN Dingcheng1, HE Chenhong1,2, CHEN Tianjia,1

1. Center for Cult Studies, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

2. School of Humanities, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

通讯作者: 陈天嘉,

责任编辑: 李纾

收稿日期: 2018-05-28   网络出版日期: 2018-12-15

Received: 2018-05-28   Online: 2018-12-15

作者简介 About authors

任定成,北京大学博士,中国科学院大学科学史与科学哲学教授、博士生导师、膜拜现象研究中心首席专家,享受国务院政府津贴专家,全国优秀科技工作者。曾任北京大学科学与社会研究中心主任和教授、中国科学院大学人文学院执行院长、中国科学技术协会全民科学素质行动计划制定工作专家组副组长、科技部-发展改革委-教育部-中国科协创新方法部际联席会议顾问,曾受聘斯坦福大学访问教授、佛光大学客座教授、日本学术振兴会研究员。以动物行为学原理重构了中国传统斗蟋博戏中的动物争斗知识,提出从领地行为和资源占有方面重新理解三国叙事的概念框架,带领团队从多学科视角研究极端膜拜现象,团队成员参加极端膜拜现象研究国际学术会议20余人次。 。


对极端膜拜团体造成身心伤害现象的科学研究, 集中在对极端膜拜伤害的界定、测量和机制三个方面。本文的目的, 是梳理这三个主题上的研究脉络, 明晰其中的争议之处和取得的成绩。文本分析表明, 对极端膜拜伤害的界定从“洗脑”转向了“心理虐待”, 对这类伤害的经验观察由个体症状转向了群体行为和经历的描述, 测量方法由传统心理测试工具变成了新型团体心理虐待量表, 膜拜伤害的心理机制研究在综合环境和个人精神特质两种因素的基础上建立了二者交互的病理模型, 表观遗传学和人际神经生物学用于极端膜拜伤害的生理机制研究已见端倪。但是, 迄今对于极端膜拜伤害的学术研究尚未形成范式。

关键词: 极端膜拜团体; 身心伤害; 洗脑; 团体心理虐待量表; 群体依赖障碍理论


Scientific research on the phenomena of the physical and mental injury caused by participation in cults focuses on three aspects: definition, measurement and mechanism. The purpose of this paper is to review the issues, analyses, and findings on these three topics, and to clarify the field’s controversies and achievements. Our literature survey indicates that a) the terminology regarding the harm caused by cults has changed from “brainwashing” to “psychological abuse”; b) the focus of observation has changed from individual behavior to group experiences; c) the measurement of harm has shifted from traditional psychometric tools to group psychological abuse scales; and d) for psychological mechanisms, an interactive pathology model based on cult milieu factors and personal vulnerability has been established, and epigenetics and interpersonal neurobiology are also primarily used in the study of physiological mechanisms. However, a new research paradigm on cult harm has not yet been formed.

Keywords: cult; physical and mental injury; brainwashing; the group psychological abuse scale; group dependence disorder

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任定成, 何晨宏, 陈天嘉. 心理学视角下的极端膜拜伤害问题. 心理科学进展, 2018, 26(12): 2091-2100 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.02091

REN Dingcheng, HE Chenhong, CHEN Tianjia. Physical and mental harm caused by participation in cults from a psychological perspective. Advances in Psychological Science, 2018, 26(12): 2091-2100 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.02091


膜拜团体(邪教)对其成员及他人造成的身心伤害, 在世界范围内引起广泛关注。心理学界自1970年代起对之开展科学研究, 已在伤害现象的确认、概念的澄清、心理测度技术的开发和伤害机制研究等方面取得了进展, 并在膜拜成员的脱教和帮辅工作中发挥了积极作用。本期主编特邀文章着重介绍了该领域有影响的研究成果和有争议问题。作者任定成教授及其团队自1999年起一直从事膜拜现象研究, 2012年以来每年参加国际膜拜团体研究会年会并报告团队工作, 主要关注方向包括膜拜团体的社会特征、传播方式、治理方略、反主流社会策略及其对策。

1 极端膜拜伤害:一个需要开展科学研究的领域

极端膜拜团体(cult)是“不同于传统宗教、与主流文化关系高度紧张、由克里斯玛(charisma)式领袖领导并具有怪异信仰和越轨实践的类宗教团体。” (陳天嘉, 任定成, 2012) 1970年代后期, 世界各地频繁发生的极端膜拜团体活动引起了广泛关注, 以美国琼斯镇集体自杀事件、日本奥姆真理教东京地铁投毒事件、乌干达恢复上帝十诫惨案等极端事例为典型的各类恶性暴力事件, 严重危害了极端膜拜团体参与者甚至普通民众的身心安全。如何防范和杜绝类似事件的重演, 成为人类社会共同面对的紧迫问题。

学术界对现代极端膜拜活动伤害现象的认识始于1970年代的北美。极端膜拜团体成员的精神异常在此时引起心理学界广泛重视。一些学者认识到这种现象显示了此类活动的危害性特征, 并尝试从机制、预防和治疗三方面展开研究, 随后逐渐形成了一个以心理学、社会学和宗教学为基础的交叉研究领域, 在概念、测量和机制解释等方向不断取得进展。

中国类似现代极端膜拜团体的民间秘密宗教早在唐代就有文献记载, 清代官方正式将其中具有社会危害性的团体称作“邪教” (阎瑞雪, 2010)。中国语境中的“邪教”, 是与“破坏性膜拜团体(destructive cult)”最相近的概念。新中国成立后也将这些团体称作“会道门” (陈松涛, 2012)。1990年代, 中国邪教以“超科学”和气功的名义广泛传播(Ren, 2013), 一些极端暴力伤害行为及其严重后果不断见诸报端(Zhang, 2012), 引起中国社会和国际社会高度重视。由于文化环境和社会制度不同, 中国依托立法行政、传统文化和教育体系应对极端膜拜伤害的方式与西方的民间帮辅策略区别较大(Chen, 2015; Zhang, 2016), 中国学者对邪教的抵制和揭露源于对传统巫术文化、神秘主义和伪科学的反对态度(Chen, 2014), 对邪教危害的关注也集中于主观意愿下的身体伤害, 如拒医拒药、自残与故意伤害他人等行为(Li, 2017), 较少涉及心理学维度的学术观察, 这使反邪教帮辅在一定程度上步入实践困境, 同时也引起了国际社会的争议(Ren, 2009)。对极端膜拜团体及其伤害问题展开科学研究, 可减轻甚至消除意识形态偏见, 提高预防和治理邪教伤害效果。本文拟系统考察学界对极端膜拜伤害的研究情况, 理出心理学研究成果和发展前景, 以期为今后的研究提供帮助。

2 从“洗脑”到“心理虐待”:极端膜拜伤害概念的形成

在开展极端膜拜团体研究之前, 心理学界已长期关注正常宗教与生理、心理和社会的关系(Marks, 2005)。许多研究者指出, 正常宗教对健康的影响以积极作用为主(Baetz & Toews, 2009; Koenig, King, & Carson, 2012; Park & Slattery, 2013), 表现为信教与抗压、自尊、乐观等积极情绪之间的正相关性(Van Cappellen, Toth-Gauthier, Saroglou, & Fredrickson, 2016), 与抑郁、焦虑、药物成瘾等精神问题之间的负相关性(Bonelli & Koenig, 2013), 以及治疗如精神分裂症(Grover, Davuluri, & Chakrabarti, 2014)、癌症(Jim et al., 2015)等特殊疾病的辅助作用等等。尽管也有少量研究发现了精神异常方面的消极影响(Ellison & Lee, 2010), 但正常宗教整体表现出的正面效应与极端膜拜团体存在较大差异, 促使研究者着重关注后者的高伤害特性。

2.1 早期临床观察及其争议

1970年代, 北美地区受极端膜拜团体伤害者中, 在亲属介入下接受心理治疗和脱教咨询者逐渐增多。心理咨询师和帮辅人员发现这些人普遍具有典型的心理症状, 包括分离性障碍(dissociative disorder)、认知缺陷(cognitive deficit)、抑郁(depression)和焦虑(anxiety)等等。随后, 心理学和医学领域工作者开始广泛搜集极端膜拜团体成员精神状况材料, 为他们受到的身心伤害提供间接例证。不过, 大部分早期文献仅提供了临床诊断结果和统计数据, 没有提出明确的问题和合理的理论预设。随着材料的积累, 学界对这些人心理异常的原因形成了两类看法, 一类认为极端膜拜活动是造成精神问题的直接原因, 另一类则认为精神问题是许多因素共同作用的结果。这两类看法之间的差异, 使早期的临床观察和研究争论不断。

为澄清这一差异, 研究者分析了极端膜拜团体成员在入教前(pre-cult)、在教中(in-cult)和脱教后(post-cult)三阶段的精神状况, 发现大量参与者在加入极端膜拜团体之前就具有沮丧、抑郁、焦虑、自控力差等不良症状, 有些成员甚至有精神病史(Goldberg & Goldberg, 1988)。这样的研究结果支持了精神问题与极端膜拜活动没有直接关联的观点。不过, Martin, Langone, Dole和Wiltrout (1992)随后发现, 不同临床医师给出的入教前患病率差异很大, 患病者占总人数的比率从7%至62%不等。他们还发现, 平均约1/3患者寻求过心理咨询, 该数字与美国国家心理健康研究所(National Institute of Mental Health)的20%正常人群参与心理治疗差距不大。因此Aronoff, Lynn和Malinoski (2000)认为, 除非进行前瞻性对照实验, 否则很难得到极端膜拜团体成员在入教前就普遍患有心理疾病的判决性结论。

对于教中成员精神状况的研究有两种结果。Galanter和Buckley (1978)的心理学实验表明极端膜拜活动有助于成员形成良好的精神调节能力。然而Spero (1982)对极端膜拜团体成员进行精神分析治疗, 发现部分人确实有知觉困难和认知缺陷等所谓“退化现象” (regressive phenomena)。Weiss和Comrey (1987)也发现了高强迫性(compulsivity)和低社会信任(reduced trust in society)特征。关于这两类不同结果, Ayella (1990)认为存在以下可能:由于极端膜拜团体具有排外性, 自愿参与心理学实验者不能代表整个群体的特征, 其心理功能可能更正常, 从而降低了测试结论的可靠性。

脱离极端膜拜团体者的表现较为复杂。除临床常见的人格障碍、认知缺陷和抑郁之外, Conway和Siegelman总结了7种异常情况, 包括飘忽(floating)、梦魇(nightmare)、失忆(amnesia)、念咒(mental- chanting)、幻觉(hallucinations/delusions)、自杀和暴力倾向 (引自Adams, 2008)。其他研究者也发现了病理性重现(flashbacks)、注意力不集中(difficulty concentrating)等临床症状(Martin et al., 1992)。1980年代末, 半结构化访谈(semi-structured interviews)和美国《精神疾病诊断与统计手册》推进了精神诊断的客观性。调查显示, 大量脱离极端膜拜团体者初期具有明显的精神问题, 需要心理帮辅甚至入院治疗。不过, 仍有许多研究者认为, 仅凭临床经验无法确定疾病症状是由极端膜拜活动所引起。也有学者强调脱离极端膜拜团体、回归正常社会生活时经历的调节困难才是病因(Lewis & Bromley, 1987)。

从初步临床数据和诊断结果来看, 极端膜拜团体成员精神问题的产生和变化情况复杂, 心理学家和医务人员本身的立场对诊断结果也有影响。研究人员逐渐意识到, 极端膜拜活动与参与者的精神异常之间确实存在相关性, 但并非直接的因果关系。因此, 如何准确判断并为这些相关性提供合理的解释就成为解决争议、推动极端膜拜伤害研究发展的关键。

2.2 “极端膜拜团体”和“洗脑”概念的重新审视

研究者力图找到极端膜拜伤害不同于一般伤害的特征, 起初把这个特征归结于“洗脑”, 继而归结于“心理虐待”。“洗脑(brainwashing)”被某些心理学家用于指代极端膜拜团体或类似组织在招募或教化成员时使用的技术, 同时将之看作精神疾病的重要成因。“强制劝服(coercive persuasion)”、“精神控制(mental manipulation)”、“思想改造(thought reform)”等都类似于“洗脑” (Richardson, 2015)。1970年代, 基于这种定义的极端膜拜参与和伤害理论成为主流, 在大众传媒和一些心理学家的支持下广泛传播, 影响至今。

1980年代, 一些学者尤其是实际接触极端膜拜团体的社会学家质疑“洗脑”假说(Coleman, 1984), 某些反邪教运动采取强制措施进行反洗脑(deprogramming)的合法性随之也受到学者和宗教自由人士批评(Giambalvo, Kropveld, & Langone, 2016)。之后, 不依赖“反洗脑”而自行脱教的前极端膜拜团体成员逐渐增多, 极端膜拜团体采用“洗脑”控制成员这一观点受到广泛质疑, 促使研究者重新审视此概念的恰当性。

首先, 一些研究者认为应放弃“极端膜拜团体”以及更激进的词汇, 以避免学术界受到主观偏见的影响。宗教社会学者提出使用中立的“新宗教运动” (New Religious Movement, NRM)概念来代替(Barrett, 2001), 然而许多从事脱教咨询的专家、受害成员家属却认为这一术语未提供明确界线, 无法将侵犯他人权利和自由意志的极端团体与不造成危害的普通组织加以区别(West, 1990)。持所谓“客观中立”态度的学术界与反邪教帮辅专家和家属对邪教态度的对立使争论延续至今。从应用域来看, “极端膜拜团体”术语的非中立性源于对伤害特征的描述, 正如中国立法方向是“事实有害”而非“宗教”本身一样(Ye, 2014)。这是研究极端膜拜问题的概念基础, 所谓“中立术语”的引入实际上是对内涵和研究边界的模糊。因此, 许多研究者仍然使用“极端膜拜团体”这一概念。

其次, 极端膜拜团体成员事实上极少因被“洗脑”、“思想改造”、“强制劝服”等因素参与相关活动。中国的实践也发现脱教无法通过外界干预彻底达成(Wu & Ye, 2016)。Dole和Dubrow-Eichel (1985)的研究表明, 极端膜拜团体具有危险性的原因并非是与主流宗教不符或具有不当的心理干预, 而是可证实的“虐待” (abuse)行为。这启发长期从事极端膜拜观察的心理咨询专家Langone和Chambers提出了“心理虐待”概念。

2.3 “心理虐待”概念的提出

Langone和Chambers (1991)调查了大量前极端膜拜团体成员脱教的原因以及对极端膜拜研究中运用的各类概念的看法, 发现前成员并不同意“精神控制”、“强制劝服”等说法, 而是更支持“虐待”、“伤害”等用法, 许多成员表示这些才是其脱离极端膜拜团体的主要原因。因此, Langone认为用虐待和伤害作为衡量标准划分研究对象更合适, 随即基于伤害现象与虐待行为的联系提出“心理虐待” (psychological abuse)概念, 为极端膜拜伤害提供了较为清晰的定义。遵循这一思路, Langone (1992)又以临床经验和Hart-Brassard青少年心理虐待研究为基础, 给出了“心理虐待”的基本定义:将人类个体当作物品操纵和使用, 不尊重、忽视甚至损害其心智(mind)、自主性(autonomy)、人格(identity)和尊严(dignity)的行为。同时, 他将“心理虐待”的实施方式分为四种:(1)以操纵他人的思想和判断能力为目的进行信息控制; (2)操控和强制个人选择; (3)粉碎或改造个体人格; (4)系统地降低个人对自我价值的认同。

随后心理学家从应用范畴、研究对象、分类和程度评估等多方面细致研究了心理虐待。Chambers, Langone, Dole和Grice (1994)首先划定了研究范围, 提出基于群体分析的团体心理虐待(group psychological abuse, GPA)进路。西班牙学者Almendros, GÁmez-Guadix, Carrobles和Rodríguez- Carballeira (2011)将GPA与“精神操控团体(psychologically manipulative groups)”联系起来, 认为人们警惕后者的主因是这些团体中可能有虐待, 包括“团体心理虐待”, 从而确定了研究对象是实施操纵虐待等犯罪行为、具有社会危害的团体, 分辨这类团体的关键是其成员的信仰影响其身心健康和正常生活。随着GPA应用成果的积累, Almendros与其同事进一步提供了更精确的定义及新分类方法, 并且评估了虐待行为的严重程度(Rodríguez-Carballeira et al., 2015), 发现情绪虐待(emotional abuse)、孤立(isolation)和信息操控(control and manipulation of information)是GPA中最严重的三种虐待方式。

“心理虐待”是极端膜拜伤害的第一个明确定义, 尽管该术语忽略了极端膜拜团体的宗教特征, 但有效避免了不同立场学者的争议, 并将考察重心转移到分析伤害行为。Langone指出, 宗教学背景或心理学背景的研究者可根据学术背景或个人习惯使用“心理虐待(psychological abuse)”和“精神虐待(spiritual abuse)”两个术语。也有学者指出, 后者可应用于非心理学领域, 从而扩展“心理虐待”概念的内涵(Barner, 2017)。

3 从症状观察到行为确认:极端膜拜伤害的测量

为了精确掌握极端膜拜群体的心理状况, 除了直接观察外, 还有学者采用心理测量工具考察极端膜拜团体成员的智力、人格、精神状态和心理健康情况。

3.1 传统量表及其局限

研究初期缺乏针对性测量极端膜拜团体特征的工具, 采用传统量表存在分析局限且结果差异较大。

起初常用量表主要是韦氏成人智力量表(Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, WAIS)和明尼苏达多项人格测验(Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, MMPI)。Ungerleider和Wellisch (1979)使用这两种工具, 并未发现极端膜拜团体成员的智力和人格异常。不过, 他们也指出现极端膜拜团体成员的MMPI谎言测试值高于常值, 影响数据可信度。随后, Spero (1984)对现极端膜拜团体成员应用了Witkin’s镶嵌图形测试(Witkin’s Embedded- Figures Test)并发现该群体的标准差低于正常人群, 可能有认知差异。

除了基本智力、人格和认知水平方面的考察外, 也有学者测量情绪和意识差异。Latkin (1990)采用自我意识量表(Self-Consciousness Scale)和加利福尼亚心理问卷(California Psychological Inventory, CPI)测量大量奥修组织成员(The Rajneeshees)的内在自我意识、公众自我意识、社交焦虑和其他人格特质, 发现测试结果与外界的常规看法不同, 被试者表现出强烈的自我意识并且难以诱导和劝服; 尽管其外界关注和社交倾向指数偏低, 却并未超出正常范围。不过, 有学者指出这项研究采用的两种测试工具均以外界环境为基准, 因此无法避免极端膜拜团体内部独特的群体关系对测定结果的影响(Aronoff et al., 2000)。

总体来看, 以上研究并未发现极端膜拜团体成员异常。不过Martin等(1992)采用米隆临床多轴问卷(Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory, MCMI)、贝克抑郁自评量表(Beck Depression Inventory, BDI)、霍普金斯症状检查表(Hopkins Symptom Checklist, HSCL)和工作倦怠问卷(The Staff Burnout Scale, SBS-HP)测试, 却发现极端膜拜团体成员有多种精神问题。这项研究的优势在于其结论并非基于单一类型的测量工具, 而是多种指标综合的结果, 这极大地提高了测量数据的信度。但由于缺乏可靠的理论依据, 这种运用传统方法得到的结果仍然缺乏针对性, 多种心理量表共用也使操作难度变得更高, 此后再未见其他类似研究。

3.2 “心理虐待”测量工具的开发与比较

“心理虐待”概念提出后, 极端膜拜伤害的定量分析聚焦于极端膜拜活动中心理虐待行为的分类、定性和严重程度的定量评估。Langone和Chambers在提出“团体心理虐待”时考虑到这是一个描述性概念, 在进行实践应用中需要对其操作方法和严重程度进行分类, 并且精确衡量其实施、后果和影响等各方面因素, 于是开发了首个测量工具“团体心理虐待量表(The Group Psychological Abuse Scale, GPAS)” (Chambers et al., 1994)。GPAS基于对308名前极端膜拜团体成员的因素分析而成, 其四个维度分别是顺从性(极端膜拜团体对成员服从规则的强制程度)、剥夺性(极端膜拜团体是否让成员进行损伤健康的活动)、焦虑性依赖(极端膜拜团体成员对群体环境的依赖性)和心理控制(群体领袖是否运用欺诈手段和操纵行为来控制其成员)。GPAS针对群体而非个人, 只调查特定的心理虐待相关事件和行为, 不仅可给心理虐待分类, 还能有效避免被试的情绪和主观体验的影响。

除GPAS外, 还有其他类似尝试, 如Winocur, Whitney, Sorenson, Vaughn和Foy (1997)开发的个人极端膜拜经历指数(Individual Cult Experience Index, ICE), 关注成员所经历过的极端膜拜事件, 并考察哪些事件发生后对经历者的不良情绪产生了影响, 再如Wolfson (2002)在女性心理虐待量表(Psychological Maltreatment of Women Inventory, PMWI)修订版的基础上开发的跨团体心理虐待与控制交互量表(Across Groups Psychological Abuse and Control Scale, AGPAC)等。

这些工具将开发思路从观察症状转向考察群体行为和个人经历, 在一定程度上提高了测量极端膜拜伤害的针对性。但迄今为止, 只有GPAS在大范围调查和一定时间间隔的测定中表现出相对一致的测试结果, 并且较少受文化环境差异影响, 具有较好的稳定性, 已被译成多种语言, 应用于全世界数十项研究(陈天嘉, 2016)。有学者尝试将其用于中国, 提出需要细化家庭和社会关系测量、慎重分析外界批评维度的初步调整方案(Li, 2013)。最新应用是Almendros团队(Saldaña, Rodríguez- Carballeira, Almendros, & Escartín, 2017)基于GPAS并在138位前极端膜拜团体成员的帮助下开发的团体心理虐待经历量表(Psychological Abuse Experienced in Groups Scale), 该量表在评估团体心理虐待的细微征兆上有所突破, 同时克服了先前量表的诸多局限, 体现出GPAS的良好可塑性。

4 从情感到基因:极端膜拜伤害的心理和生理机制

学界对极端膜拜伤害机制的探讨始于临床心理学家对相关心理疾病病因的解释。早期对极端膜拜伤害的了解仅停留于症状观察层面, 与极端膜拜团体成员接触的皆是临床心理学学者。1990年代以来, 生理学和医学专家逐渐参与, 脑科学和神经科学研究成果得到应用, 提出了具有生理基础的机制解释。

4.1 极端膜拜伤害的心理机制

对心理机制的早期解释通常将环境影响和个人精神特质两种因素分开讨论。Ash (1985)试图整合两类研究, 提出交互型精神病理模型, 从而构建极端膜拜伤害心理机制的综合框架。他指出, 极端膜拜相关的精神疾病与成员易受影响的性格特征和其改宗过程直接相关, 并概括出五种易受影响的个人精神状态, 分别是具有高度生活压力和极度不满情绪、对当下所处文化环境缺乏认同、缺乏稳固的价值观、出身于异常家庭环境以及具有依赖性人格特质。改宗过程中的特殊环境因素分为三部分:封闭环境隔离个人与外界联系, 减少其自主现实检验能力; 通过信息控制、情绪刺激、生理机能控制以及宗教仪式等手段, 使成员进入“分离(dissociative)”状态; 引导成员进入新的“亲密”关系, 使其以“去分化(dedifferentiation)”状态融入团体之中。Ash认为, 正是这种“隔离”和“去分化”最终导致具有易受性特征的极端膜拜团体成员表现出分离性人格障碍和创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)。不过, 他未解释为何具有上述精神特质者易受影响, 也未给出极端膜拜环境因素导致个体人格异常的具体机制, 使该模型应用受限。

West和Martin (1996)通过论述长期环境压力和非正常生活状态对个体人格整合功能的影响, 提出区别于分离型人格障碍的“伪人格(pseudo- identity)”概念, 用于描述个人应对极端膜拜环境压力时表现出的分离性症状, 并指出“伪人格”与常见分离性障碍在病因、病理、预后和治疗方面皆有不同。他们认为, “伪人格”不稳定, 会在特定情况下受干扰从而表现出人格转换、无意识类修炼行为和创伤闪回三种临床症状。这解释了早期研究发现的“飘忽”、“念咒”和PTSD的成因。Jenkinson (2008)认为, 格式塔心理学中的“心力投入(introjection)”支持“伪人格”状态描述。

由于极端膜拜团体内部复杂的人际结构, 教主、高级成员、普通成员之间的频繁互动、摩擦和分化会导致群体环境异变(Chen, 2017), 仅以极端膜拜团体成员个人状态作为分析对象显然并不全面, 因此有学者将极端膜拜团体成员的相互精神影响作为切入点。典型的有Perlado (2003)提出的“群体依赖障碍(group dependence disorder)”理论, 描述极端膜拜团体中个人、群体与教主三者互动过程中特殊心理状态的表现与形成机制。也有研究者(Burke, 2006)对教主具有反社会人格障碍(antisocial personality disorder)能够促使极端膜拜团体成员形成依赖性人格障碍(dependent personality disorder)的现象进行了心理机制分析。此外, 法国临床心理学家Rousselet, Duretete, Hardouin和Grall-Bronnec (2017)认为陷入极端膜拜活动与行为成瘾的表现具有相似性:(1)已知有害风险但无法控制行为(Goodman, 1990); (2)因行为损失重要社会关系(American Psychiatric Association, 2013)。通过分析31位前极端膜拜团体成员的半结构化访谈结果, 他们给出了“促使成员入教的易感因素(vulnerability factors)”和“防止成员入教的保护因素(protective factors)”两种量化特征, 前者包括“弥补不安全依恋(insecure attachment)”、“缓解焦虑障碍和心理压力”等个人因素和“亲缘引导”、“家庭冲突”等环境因素, 与行为成瘾的形成原因类似; 后者多与个人对教主幻灭、团体内部分歧和家庭帮助相关。

极端膜拜团体教主一般具有自我神化、妄想和挑战社会道德等行为特征(Chen & Xu, 2016)。还有学者关注其他更极端的精神状态, 及其潜在的心理异常现象。美国精神病学家Anderson (1999)是这方面的早期研究者, 他撰写的摩门教创始人Joseph Smith的心理传记, 详细探讨了其童年不幸与其自恋症、谎言癖等心理问题形成之间的相关性。另外, 由于无法直接接触到教主本人进行临床诊断, 还有一些学者将教主精神疾病情况的间接材料作为分析依据, 并强调心理学家、社会学家和历史学家所撰写的教主心理传记在科学、司法方面同样具有参考价值。例如, Holoyda和Newman (2016)分析了8起美国邪教谋杀案件, 认为涉案教主和教徒患有自恋、偏执和反社会特征, 以及严重精神障碍。

4.2 极端膜拜伤害的生理机制

很早就有学者试图应用睡眠循环理论和睡眠剥夺技术探讨极端膜拜伤害的某些可能成因(Valatx, 1994), 但未能涉及极端膜拜行为与睡眠障碍的生理联系。中国学者关于极端膜拜活动引发脑部生理结构变化的脑电检测研究也曾引起国际学者关注(Cowan & Moore, 2008), 但未见进一步研究。不过, 从儿童发育和表观遗传学研究第二代成年极端膜拜成员受影响的机制, 从人际神经生物学解释极端膜拜团体成员精神创伤的形成, 开启了新的视野。

最早的生理机制观察样本是SGAs (Second Generation Adults)群体, 即极端膜拜团体成员的子女, 在极端膜拜环境影响下成长的第二代成年人。田野调查显示该群体常遭遇来自极端膜拜团体和家庭内部的精神虐待(Zhang, 2018), 并且普遍有自卑、孤独或社交障碍等心理特征(Hong, 2015)。Whitsett (2006)结合儿童发育早期经受高压环境与幼儿大脑和神经系统发育受损的神经生理学研究, 以此解释SGAs的精神疾病, 认为早期压力与SGAs的经历具有一致性, 高压环境导致一系列生理心理问题, 例如HPA轴应激障碍、海马发育异常和功能紊乱、激素分泌异常、边缘系统、前额叶系统和新皮层损伤以及PTSD和分离性障碍等等。这就初步解释了不同环境中SGAs的相似性精神疾病(Young, Sachs, Braun, & Watkins, 1991)。基于儿童发育异常这一思路, Blackwell (2015)在国际膜拜团体研究会(International Cultic Studies Association)2015年年会上提出的表观遗传学观点引起与会者关注。根据表观遗传学基本原理, 个体性状除了受基因序列所含信息的影响外, 还与基因表达情况有关, 而且并非只有先天遗传会影响基因的表达, 母系遗传、饮食情况和生活习惯等许多因素都可调控基因表达。他以小鼠实验为例, 解释母体的不同情绪影响子代发育造成生理后果的原理, 这与SGAs成长环境中亲代的情绪影响具有相似性, 从而将表观遗传学原理与SGAs心理病态形成二者联系起来。

人际神经生物学(interpersonal neurobiology)是解释成人人际关系对个体影响的新领域, 近期也被引入了极端膜拜伤害领域, 为成年极端膜拜团体成员的受害机制提供解释。根据精神病学家Siegel (2001)的研究, 人脑的垂直整合与左右半球的水平综合需要依靠连动(linkages)和变异(differentiation)两者结合来维持, 反映在行为层面则是个体与他人在思考和行动上存在联系和区别, 而极端膜拜团体维持成员之间的连动但禁止任何变异。这种状况虽然可使群体成员在控制下维持表面和谐, 但个体却缺乏内在综合和人格稳定; 伴随极端膜拜行为对人脑整合功能的抑制, 参与者逐渐形成创伤性记忆, 最终形成精神疾病(Whitsett, 2014)。随后, Land, Starnino和Whitsett (2017)应用Cozolino (2017)的人脑可塑性理论进一步解释创伤性记忆的成因。根据该理论, 人脑的可塑性使其具有生理易损性, 极端压力和强制行为等有害环境能够重塑大脑基础部位, 因此, 极端膜拜团体成员在身体遭遇强迫行为时会经视觉、听觉直接在下丘脑和杏仁核等边缘系统形成内隐记忆, 长期以往会导致记忆、语言和行为的失调, 形成创伤和精神障碍。

5 结语

对极端膜拜现象及其伤害的科学研究已持续40余年, 关注焦点集中于从心理学维度对极端膜拜团体活动造成的虐待和身心创伤(trauma)进行科学确认, 以及考察“极端膜拜现象是否造成伤害”、“造成何种伤害以及程度如何”等问题。

目前, 极端膜拜伤害的科学研究仍然方向分散且亟待深入, 研究范式尚未形成。可以预见, 极端膜拜伤害的生理机制研究将成为有前景的研究领域, 甚至有可能在这个领域产生新的学科生长点。SGAs概念促进了生理学和社会学视角的扩展, 这为创伤经历对儿童记忆和神经系统的影响在极端膜拜环境的应用提供了参考(Perry, 2013)。前极端膜拜团体成员精神障碍的治疗和预后处置也是重要的研究方向, 除了叙事疗法、瑜伽、游戏和神经反馈训练以外, 还有采用EMDR疗法并取得了良好效果的案例(DeYoung, 2009), 为帮辅邪教受害者提供了借鉴。这些工作都有值得深入开展和继续推进的前景。

伴随中国后气功热时代邪教活动的转型、互联网传播手段的进步(Chen, 2018)、国外另类身心修炼组织的传入(Chen, 2013) 以及“超科学”和类气功团体的复兴(Li & Fu, 2015), 极端膜拜团体不断以各种形式持续渗入中国社会。加强对极端膜拜伤害的心理学研究将为前成员的身心康复、回归社会提供必要的科学支持, 更好地服务于邪教问题治理与救助工作。虽然迄今对于极端膜拜伤害的学术研究尚未形成范式, 中国学者仍然可以通过调试和细化已有极端膜拜伤害分类与测量标准开发适合中国国情的测量工具, 以弥补现有研究的不足。极端膜拜团体招募策略的心理机制、行为异常的脑科学和神经科学解释以及医学治疗技术等课题同样是有价值的研究方向。

值得注意的是, 为了抵制主流社会对于受极端膜拜伤害者的社会救助工作, 一些极端膜拜团体甚至把帮辅工作指责为主流社会对其成员的身心迫害(Ye, Ren, & Wu, 2018)。除了通过基于确凿证据澄清极端膜拜团体的反向指责外, 研究者也需要对这种反向指责及其传播机制开展心理学研究。


李纾先生和两位匿名审稿者对拙文提出了宝贵的修改建议, 谨此致谢。


陈松涛 . ( 2012).


宗教学研究, ( 1), 269-272.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

为了有效地预防、治理“法轮功”等邪教,维护良好的社会秩序,本文梳理了新中国成立以来邪教治理方式的演进过程,对其不足进行了反思,并探讨了新形势下治理邪教问题的对策思路。 陈松涛,四川大学政治学院2009级博士研究生。

陈天嘉 . ( 2016).


北京社会科学, ( 10), 120-128.

DOI:10.13262/j.bjsshkxy.bjshkx.161014      URL     [本文引用: 1]


陳天嘉, 任定成 . ( 2012).


文化研究, ( 15), 523-535.

[本文引用: 1]

阎瑞雪 . ( 2010).


科学与无神论, ( 6), 60-62.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1008-9802.2010.06.015      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Adams,D. L . ( 2008).

Contemplative cults, time spent in a cult and dissociation and depression in former members (Unpublished doctorial dissertation)

. College of Education of Ohio University.

[本文引用: 1]

Almendros C., GÁmez-Guadix M., Carrobles J. A., & Rodríguez-Carballeira A . ( 2011).

Assessment of psychological abuse in manipulative groups

International Journal of Cultic Studies, 2( 1), 61-76.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Abstract This work reviews the studies that have investigated psychological abuse in group settings, particularly highlighting their evaluation and discussing their main findings. It has been asserted, in the different settings where it was studied, that psychological abuse is an elusive concept, difficult to operationalize (e.g., Almendros, GÁmez-Guadix, Carrobles, Rodríguez-Carballeira, & Porrúa, 2009). If this is the case in the family (e.g., psychological abuse against a partner, children, or the elderly), and in school or work settings, it is even more so in the case of psychologically manipulative groups, a field markedly less investigated than the others. Although much has been written about these latter groups, their practices, and the psychological consequences of belonging to them, very few studies approach the issue of the psychological violence of which some of their members are victims, and much less frequently are such studies based on empirical findings (Almendros, Carrobles, Rodríguez-Carballeira & GÁmez-Guadix, 2009). In this study, the researchers draw specific conclusions, identify some research gaps, and suggest guidelines for future studies that would be interesting to examine in more in depth.

American Psychiatric Association. ( 2013).

Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-IV-TR -5) (5th ed.)

. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Pub.

[本文引用: 1]

Anderson,R. D . ( 1999).

Inside the mind of Joseph Smith: Psychobiography and the book of Mormon

Salt Lake City, UT:Signature Books.

[本文引用: 1]

Aronoff J., Lynn S. J., & Malinoski P . ( 2000).

Are cultic environments psychologically harmful?

Clinical Psychology Review, 20( 1), 91-111.

DOI:10.1016/S0272-7358(98)00093-2      URL     PMID:10660830      [本文引用: 2]

This article is the first critical review of research that addresses the question of whether cult membership is psychologically harmful. The available evidence warrants three conclusions: (a) persons entering cults do not necessarily exhibit psychopathology; (b) current cult members appear psychologically well-adjusted generally, and demonstrate few conspicuous symptoms of psychopathology. However, pathology may be masked by conformity pressures and demand characteristics associated with the cultic environment; (c) a small but growing body of research indicates that at least a substantial minority of former cult members experience significant adjustment difficulties. There also are indications that these difficulties cannot be ascribed to demand characteristics. Although the review highlights definitional and methodological issues and problems that temper conclusions that can be drawn from the literature, no evidence indicates that cults improve adjustment after members leave the cultic environment.

Ash,S. M . ( 1985).

Cult-induced psychopathology: I. clinical picture

Cultic Studies Journal, 2( 1), 31-90.

[本文引用: 1]

Ayella, M. ( 1990).

"They must be crazy": Some of the difficulties in researching "cults."

American Behavioral Scientist, 33( 5), 562-577.

DOI:10.1177/0002764290033005005      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Ayella, Marybeth. ""They Must Be Crazy": some of the Difficulties in Researching "Cults"". In "Sociology of Religon: A Reader"" edited by Monahan, Susanne C., Mirola, William A., and Emerson, Michael O., second ed., p. 327-37, Boston, Massachusetts: Allyn & Bacon, 2011.

Baetz, M.,&Toews, J . ( 2009).

Clinical implications of research on religion, spirituality, and mental health

The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 54( 5), 292-301.

DOI:10.1177/070674370905400503      URL     PMID:19497161      [本文引用: 1]

The relation between religion and (or) spirituality (RS), and mental health has shown generally positive associations; however, it is a complex and often emotion-laden field of study. We attempt to examine potential mechanisms that have been proposed as mediators for the RS and mental health relation. We also examine more philosophical areas including patient and physician opinions about inclusion of RS in patient care, and ethical issues that may arise. We review suggested guidelines for sensitive patient inquiry, and opportunities and challenges for education of psychiatrists and trainees. We also study practical ways to incorporate psychospiritual interventions into patient treatment, with specific reference to more common spiritual issues such as forgiveness, gratitude, and altruism.

Barner, D. ( 2017, June).

The degrees of spiritual abuse and effective treatment modalities for victims experiencing each degree.Paper presented at the 2017 ICSA Annual Conference

, Bordeaux, France.

[本文引用: 1]

Barrett,D. V . ( 2001).

The new believers: A survey of sects, cults, and alternative religions

. London: Cassell & Co.

[本文引用: 1]

Blackwell, E. ( 2015, June).

The neurobiological effects of childhood trauma in high-demand groups

.Paper presented at the 2015 ICSA Annual Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.

[本文引用: 1]

Bonelli,R. M., &Koenig, H.G . ( 2013).

Mental disorders, religion and spirituality 1990 to 2010: A systematic evidence-based review

Journal of Religion and Health, 52( 2), 657-673.

DOI:10.1007/s10943-013-9691-4      URL     PMID:23420279      [本文引用: 1]

Religion/spirituality has been increasingly examined in medical research during the past two decades. Despite the increasing number of published studies, a systematic evidence-based review of the available data in the field of psychiatry has not been done during the last 20 years. The literature was searched using PubMed (1990-2010). We examined original research on religion, religiosity, spirituality, and related terms published in the top 25 % of psychiatry and neurology journals according to the ISI journals citation index 2010. Most studies focused on religion or religiosity and only 7 % involved interventions. Among the 43 publications that met these criteria, thirty-one (72.1 %) found a relationship between level of religious/spiritual involvement and less mental disorder (positive), eight (18.6 %) found mixed results (positive and negative), and two (4.7 %) reported more mental disorder (negative). All studies on dementia, suicide, and stress-related disorders found a positive association, as well as 79 and 67 % of the papers on depression and substance abuse, respectively. In contrast, findings from the few studies in schizophrenia were mixed, and in bipolar disorder, indicated no association or a negative one. There is good evidence that religious involvement is correlated with better mental health in the areas of depression, substance abuse, and suicide; some evidence in stress-related disorders and dementia; insufficient evidence in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, and no data in many other mental disorders.

Burke, J. ( 2006).

Antisocial personality disorder in cult leaders and induction of dependent personality disorder in cult members

Cultic Studies Review, 5( 3), 390.

[本文引用: 1]

Chambers W. V., Langone M. D., Dole A. A., & Grice J. W . ( 1994).

The group psychological abuse scale: A measure of the varieties of cultic abuse

Cultic Studies Journal, 11( 1), 88-117.

URL     [本文引用: 2]

The Group Psychological Abuse Scale's (GPAS's) items were pooled from A. Dole and S. Dubrow-Eichel's (see record 1992-03844-001 ) study of cult dangerousness, M. D. Langone's (see record 1994-02047-001 ) model of respect/abuse, various theoretical formulations, and the authors' clinical experience and conversations with clinicians. A pilot study of 12 former cult members' responses and comments led to the selection of 112 items, which clustered around the group's purpose and members' relationships with group members and nonmembers. Ss assess each item's resemblance to their experience and observations on a 5-point Likert scale. A factor analysis of 308 former cult members' questionnaire responses yielded 4 subscales: Compliance, Exploitation, Mind Control, and Anxious Dependency. Reliability and validity findings suggest that the GPAS will be useful in characterizing the varieties of abuse and in differentiating cults from innocuous groups. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

Chen, T. ( 2013, July).

Body, mind, and spirit fever: Tantra and the Osho community in modern China

.Paper presented at the ICSA 2013 Annual Conference, Trieste, Italy.

[本文引用: 1]

Chen, T. ( 2014, July).

A historical study on the interaction of scientists and cultic and paranormal Groups in China (1979~2013)

.Paper presented at the 2014 ICSA Annual Conference, Washington DC.

[本文引用: 1]

Chen, T . ( 2015, June).

Cult awareness, science literacy, and education for Chinese youngsters from the perspective of textbooks

.Paper presented at the 2015 ICSA Annual Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.

[本文引用: 1]

Chen, T. ( 2017, June).

From co-founder to renegade: A case study of core ex-members in cultic movements in China

Paper presented at the 2017 ICSA Annual Conference, Bordeaux, France.

[本文引用: 1]

Chen, T. ( 2018 2018, July).

New challenges from cultic movements in post Qigong fever China. Paper presented at the 2018 ICSA Annual Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

zRetrieved March 20, 2018, from

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Chen, T., &Xu, G .(2016, June).

Utopian expectations and shaping of charisma: An analysis of biography of leaders

.Paper presented at the 2016 ICSA Annual Conference, Dallas,Texas.

[本文引用: 1]

Coleman, L. ( 1984).

New religions and the myth of mind control

American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 54( 2), 322-325.

DOI:10.1111/j.1939-0025.1984.tb01499.x      URL     PMID:6731597      [本文引用: 1]

We have recently shown that bimorph piezoelectric PVDF films induce formation of periosteal bone in vivo and attributed this phenomenon to a piezoelectric effect. In the present study films were implanted in rabbits to encircle the femoral diaphysis. Specimens obtained after 6 and 12 days were subjected to routine processing for electron microscopy as well as fixation using the Ka-pyroantimonate technique. The electron micrographs revealed that initial osteoblastic differentiation and formation of collagenous matrix were followed by Ca accumulation in mitochondria. Calcification of the matrix progressed with deposition of mineralizing nodules and their fusion to form larger calcified masses. This was associated with disappearance of the pyroantimonate positive material from mitochondria. These ultrastructural observations confirm that bimorph films induce bone formation and disclose some features of the calcification process of the osseous callus.

Cowan,D. E., &Moore, R . ( 2008).

The first international symposium on cultic studies, Shenzhen, China

Nova Religio the Journal of Alternative & Emergent Religions, 12( 2), 121-130.

DOI:10.1525/nr.2008.12.2.121      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This article describes the First International Symposium on Cultic Studies, sponsored by the Institute of World Religions of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing. Two North American participants narrate their encounter with Chinese scholars, whose views about new religions diverge markedly from those in the West. The symposium revealed the various attempts by which "cults" are defined and understood by Asian scholars, and demonstrated a concern for protecting individuals from harm and for maintaining a stable society. Taking primarily a psychological rather than a sociological perspective, many conference participants focused on individual pathologies and charismatic leaders, although there were notable exceptions. The symposium revealed an openness to listen and to engage in dialogue by all participants that promises profitable exchanges in the future.

Cozolino, L. ( 2017).

The neuroscience of psychotherapy: Healing the social brain

(3rd ed.). New York: W.W. Norton & Company.

[本文引用: 1]

DeYoung,R. R . ( 2009).

A single-case design implementing eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) with an ex-cult member

Cultic Studies Review, 8( 2), 139-153.

[本文引用: 1]

Dole,A. A., &Dubrow-Eichel, S . ( 1985).

Some new religions are dangerous

Cultic Studies Journal, 2( 1), 17-30.


Ellison,C. G., &Lee, J . ( 2010).

Spiritual struggles and psychological distress: Is there a dark side of religion?

Social Indicators Research, 98( 3), 501-517.

DOI:10.1007/s11205-009-9553-3      URL     [本文引用: 1]

A growing literature examines the correlates and sequelae of spiritual struggles. Particular attention has been focused on three specific types of such struggles: (a) divine, or troubled relationships with God; (b) interpersonal, or negative social encounters in religious settings; and (c) intrapsychic, or chronic religious doubting. To date, however, this literature has focused primarily on one or another type, leaving open the possibility that these are highly correlated and may tap a single, underlying dimension. Further, because studies have relied mostly on small, specialized samples, it is not clear whether the associations between spiritual struggles and psychological functioning vary across key subgroups in the US population. Using data from the 1998 NORC General Social Survey we address these issues. Findings reveal strong and independent associations between each type of spiritual struggle and psychological distress, and they also show that these patterns are robust across most population subgroups, except for variations by age and marital status. Implications, study limitations, and directions for further research are identified.

Galanter, M.,&Buckley, P . ( 1978).

Evangelical religion and meditation: Psychotherapeutic effects

Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 166( 10), 685-691.

DOI:10.1097/00005053-197810000-00001      URL     PMID:359761      [本文引用: 1]

Members of a religious sect, the Divine Light Mission, were evaluated for psychological effects of t

Giambalvo C., Kropveld M., & Langone M. D . ( 2016).

Changes in the north American cult awareness movement

In E. Banker (Eds.), Revisionism and Diversification in New Religious Movements( pp. 227-246). Abingdon, Oxfordshire, England: Routledge.

[本文引用: 1]

Goldberg, L.,&Goldberg, W . ( 1988).

Psychotherapy with ex-cultists: Four case studies and commentary

Cultic Studies Journal, 5( 2), 193-210.

URL     [本文引用: 2]

Goodman, A. ( 1990).

Addiction: Definition and implications

British Journal of Addiction, 85( 11), 1403-1408.

[本文引用: 1]

Grover S., Davuluri T., & Chakrabarti S . ( 2014).

Religion, spirituality, and schizophrenia: A review

Indian journal of psychological medicine, 36( 2), 119-124.

DOI:10.4103/0253-7176.130962      URL     PMID:4031576     

Religion and spirituality exert a significant role in the lives of many individuals, including people with schizophrenia. However, the contribution of religion and spirituality to various domains (psychopathology, explanatory models, treatment seeking, treatment adherence, outcome, etc.) has not received much attention. In this article, we review the exiting data with regards to the relationship of religion, spirituality, and various domains in patients with schizophrenia. Available evidence suggests that for some patients, religion instills hope, purpose, and meaning in their lives, whereas for others, it induces spiritual despair. Patients with schizophrenia also exhibit religious delusions and hallucinations. Further, there is some evidence to suggest that religion influences the level of psychopathology. Religion and religious practices also influence social integration, risk of suicide attempts, and substance use. Religion and spirituality also serves as an effective method of coping with the illness. Religion also influences the treatment compliance and outcome in patients with schizophrenia.

Holoyda, B.,&Newman, W . ( 2016).

Between belief and delusion: Cult members and the insanity plea

Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online, 44( 1), 53-62.

URL     PMID:26944744      [本文引用: 1]

Cults are charismatic groups defined by members' adherence to a set of beliefs and teachings that differ from those of mainstream religions. Cult beliefs may appear unusual or bizarre to those outside of the organization, which can make it difficult for an outsider to know whether a belief is cult-related or delusional. In accordance with these beliefs, or at the behest of a charismatic leader, some cult members may participate in violent crimes such as murder and later attempt to plead not guilty by reason of insanity (NGRI). It is therefore necessary for forensic experts who evaluate cult members to understand how the court has responded to such individuals and their beliefs when they mount a defense of NGRI for murder. Based on a review of extant appellate court case law, cult member defendants have not yet successfully pleaded NGRI on the basis of cult involvement, despite receiving a broad array of psychiatric diagnoses that could qualify for such a defense. With the reintroduction of cult involvement in the DSM-5 criteria for other specified dissociative disorder, however, there may be a resurgence of dissociative-type diagnoses in future cult-related cases, both criminal and civil.

Hong, F. ( 2015, June).

An empirical research study on children of cult member families in China

.Paper presented at the 2015 ICSA Annual Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.

[本文引用: 1]

Jenkinson, G. ( 2008).

An investigation into cult pseudo- personality: What is it and how does it form?

Cultic Studies Review, 7( 3), 199-224.

[本文引用: 1]

Jim H. S. L., Pustejovsky J. E., Park C. L., Danhauer S. C., Sherman A. C., Fitchett G., Salsman J. M .(2015).

Religion, spirituality, and physical health in cancer patients: A meta-analysis

Cancer, 121( 21), 3760-3768.

DOI:10.1002/cncr.29353      URL     PMID:26258868      [本文引用: 1]

<p>Although religion/spirituality (R/S) is important in its own right for many cancer patients, a large body of research has examined whether R/S is also associated with better physical health outcomes. This literature has been characterized by heterogeneity in sample composition, measures of R/S, and measures of physical health. In an effort to synthesize previous findings, a meta-analysis of the relation between R/S and patient-reported physical health in cancer patients was performed. A search of PubMed, PsycINFO, the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, and the Cochrane Library yielded 2073 abstracts, which were independently evaluated by pairs of raters. The meta-analysis was conducted for 497 effect sizes from 101 unique samples encompassing more than 32,000 adult cancer patients. R/S measures were categorized into affective, behavioral, cognitive, and ‘other’ dimensions. Physical health measures were categorized into physical well-being, functional well-being, and physical symptoms. Average estimated correlations (Fisher z scores) were calculated with generalized estimating equations with robust variance estimation. Overall R/S was associated with overall physical health ( z =650.153, P Cancer 2015;121:3760–3768.</b> 08 2015 American Cancer Society .</p>

Koenig H. G., King D. , & Carson, V. B.( 2012) . Handbook of religion and health (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.

[本文引用: 1]

Land H., Starnino V., & Whitsett D . ( 2017, June).

Panel - moral injury, trauma and recovery: Common re-entry issues and treatment for veterans and survivors of high-demand groups

.Paper presented at the 2017 ICSA Annual Conference, Bordeaux, France.

[本文引用: 1]

Langone,M. D . ( 1992).

Psychological abuse

Cultic Studies Journal, 9( 2), 206-218.

[本文引用: 1]

Langone,M. D., &Chambers, W.V . ( 1991).

Outreach to ex-cult members: The question of terminology

Cultic Studies Journal, 8( 1), 134-150.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Measured ex-cultists' opinions about various terms used to describe religious cults. 108 Ss responded to a questionnaire rating how well "walk-aways" (individuals who have simply left religious cults) would relate to a list of 20 terms. The Ss did not endorse any term. Terms traditionally employed by anti-cult educational organizations were not rated as highly as innovative terms, such as "psychological abuse," 'trust abuse," and "spiritual abuse." A principal components analysis of the ratings revealed the presence of 5 components: (1) Mind Control, (2) Social Manipulation, (3) Group Intensity, (4) Trauma, and (5) Abuse. Factor analysis showed that Ss perceived Components 4 and 5 to be more acceptable than Components 1 3. Manipulation is a common theme throughout the list of terms suggested by the Ss themselves (e.g., enmeshment, dysfunctional organizations, and predatory spirituality). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

Latkin,C. A . ( 1990).

Self-consciousness in members of a new religious movement: The Rajneeshees

Journal of Social Psychology, 130( 4), 557-558.

DOI:10.1080/00224545.1990.9924618      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Behavioral researchers are often faced with the need to identify complex multivariate relationships. Statistical information theory provides a framework for quantifying in a single value the proportion of total information in one set of measures (Y) explained by another set of measures (X). It also quantifies the amount of redundant information and allows for asymmetry of explained information between variables. The general information theoretic approach is presented and illustrated using measures of affect, cognition and behavior. A statistically significant and asymmetric information theoretic relationship is found among the variables: affect (like/dislike) provides a higher percentage of information about behavior (shopping frequency) than behavior does about affect. In addition, affect provides a higher percentage of information about behavior than does perceived location convenience.

Lewis,J. R., &Bromley, D.G . ( 1987).

The cult withdrawal syndrome: A case of misattribution of cause?

Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 26( 4), 508-522.

[本文引用: 1]

Li, B. ( 2013, July).

Universality and diversities of the group psychological abuse scale

.Paper presented at the ICSA 2013 Annual Conference, Trieste, Italy.

[本文引用: 1]

Li, J. ( 2017, June).

Dynamics and radicalization of cults based on Qigong and ESP

.Paper presented at the 2017 ICSA Annual Conference, Bordeaux, France.

[本文引用: 1]

Li, J.,&Fu, Z . ( 2015).

The craziness for extra-sensory perception: Qigong fever and the science-pseudoscience debate in China

Zygon, 50( 2), 534-547.

DOI:10.1111/zygo.12178      URL     [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT From 1979 to 1999, a heated dispute over the science or pseudoscience of extraordinary power or extrasensory perception (ESP) took place in China. During these two decades, many so-called “grandmasters” of ESP and Qigong emerged, and millions of people across the country studied with them; this was known as “Qigong Fever” or “ESP Fever.” The supporters of ESP argued that ESP existed, people could cultivate ESP through specific Qigong training, and ESP was a science; whereas the opponents of ESP denied all of these. Both sides of the dispute had many supporters. With the onset of Qigong Fever in China, some Qigong and ESP masters developed their Qigong organizations into Chinese-style religions. Qigong Fever ended when the religions were banned by the Chinese government. The rise of Qigong Fever demonstrated that basic questions about the boundaries between science and pseudoscience were not easy to answer. Different theoretical and practical consequences resulted from different answers to these questions.

Marks, L. ( 2005).

Religion and bio-psycho-social health: A review and conceptual model

Journal of Religion and Health, 44( 2), 173-186.

DOI:10.1007/s10943-005-2775-z      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This paper presents a research-based conceptual model respectively linking three dimensions of religious experience (religious practices, spiritual beliefs, and faith community) with three dimensions of health (biological, psychological, and social). The model is used as a framework to highlight findings in the religion-health knowledge base and to provide a broad survey of this domain of inquiry. Considerations for future research on religion and health are addressed.

Martin P. R., Langone M. D., Dole A. A., & Wiltrout J . ( 1992).

Post-cult symptoms as measured by the MCMI before and after residential treatment

Cultic Studies Journal, 9( 2), 219-250.

[本文引用: 3]

Park,C. L., &Slattery, J.M . ( 2013).

Religion, spirituality, and mental health

In R. F. Paloutzian & C. L. Park (Eds.), Handbook of the psychology of religion and spirituality( 2nd ed.). New York: Guilford Publications.

[本文引用: 1]

Perlado, M. ( 2003).

Clinical and diagnostic issues of cultism: Group dependence disorder

Cultic Studies Review, 2( 2), 90-97.

[本文引用: 1]

Perry B. D. ( 2013). Brief: Reflections on childhood, trauma and society. Houston, TX: The ChildTrauma Academy Press.

[本文引用: 1]

Ren, D. (2009).

An analysis of literature related to Falun Gong published in major international academic journals from 1999 to 2008. In Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Centre for the study of destructive cults

(Eds.), Research on Destructive Cults: Selected Papers of International Symposium (pp. 263-281). Beijing: China Social Sciences Press.

[本文引用: 1]

Ren, D. ( 2013, July).

In the name of super-science: A missionary strategy of the Qigong-based groups in China

.Paper presented at the ICSA 2013 Annual Conference, Trieste, Italy.

[本文引用: 2]

Richardson, J. ( 2015).

‘Brainwashing’and mental health

In H. S. Friedman (Eds. ), Encyclopedia of Mental Health (2nd ed., Vol. 1, pp. 210-215). Oxford, England: Academic Press.

[本文引用: 1]

Rodríguez-Carballeira Á., Saldaña O., Almendros C., Martín-Peña J., Escartín J., & Porrúa-Garcíaa C . ( 2015).

Group psychological abuse: Taxonomy and severity of its components

European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context, 7( 1), 31-39.

DOI:10.1016/j.ejpal.2014.11.001      URL    

The purpose of this study was to delimit group psychological abuse through a psychosocial approach. An operational definition of the phenomenon and a taxonomy of group psychological abuse strategies were proposed based on a review of the scientific literature. A panel of 31 experts in the area evaluated the content of the taxonomy and judged the severity of the strategies through a Delphi study. Group psychological abuse was defined by the application of abusive strategies, their continued duration, and their ultimate aim, i.e., subjugation of the individual. The taxonomy showed adequate content validity. Experts judgments allowed for hierarchically organizing the strategies based on their severity, being the most severe those directed to the emotional area. Operationalizing, classifying, and organizing the strategies hierarchically contributes to a better delimitation of the phenomenon, which is useful for both the academic and applied fields.

Rousselet M., Duretete O., Hardouin J. B., & Grall- Bronnec M . ( 2017).

Cult membership: What factors contribute to joining or leaving?

Psychiatry Research, 257, 27-33.

DOI:10.1016/j.psychres.2017.07.018      URL     PMID:28711763      [本文引用: 1]

We assumed that, as in the case of addiction disorders, former cult members exhibit vulnerability and protective factors for cult commitment and membership. Thus, the aim of our study was to identify vulnerability factors that are involved in the commitment and in the retention in the group, as well as protective factors that are involved in the departure. We interviewed 31 former cult members, using semi-structured interviews to evaluate their clinical profile, characteristics of the cultic group and their experience in the group. Cult membership and addictive disorders share some characteristics: persistence despite damage, initial psychological relief, occupation of an exclusive place in the thoughts of members, high psychiatric comorbidity prevalence, high accessibility, leading to social precariousness and the importance of familial support when leaving. Three main axes of improvement were highlighted: regulations concerning cults in order to limit their social presence, which appears to be a vulnerability factor for commitment; social and therapeutic follow-up when a member leaves a group so that social precariousness does not become an obstacle to departure; and familial support to maintain a link with the member, as the intervention of a person from outside of the group is an important protective factor for leaving.

Saldaña O., Rodríguez-Carballeira Á., Almendros C., & Escartín J . ( 2017).

Development and validation of the psychological abuse experienced in groups scale

The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context, 9( 2), 57-64.

DOI:10.1016/j.ejpal.2017.01.002      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The aim of this study is the development and analysis of the psychometric properties of a new instrument to assess the possible psychological abuse experienced in a group setting. The Psychological Abuse Experienced in Groups Scale was administered to 138 people who self-identified as former members of abusive groups. An exploratory factor analysis revealed a common factor, which showed appropriate reliability. The scale scores were correlated with a prior measure aimed to assess group abusiveness, providing evidence of external validity. Participants reported a higher degree of psychological distress than normative samples, and those who requested psychological counseling after leaving the group had suffered group psychological abuse to a greater extent. The scale covers a wide range of subtle and explicit abusive behaviors and overcomes the limitations of previous instruments, being useful in both research and applied settings.

Siegel,D. J . ( 2001).

Toward an interpersonal neurobiology of the developing mind: Attachment relationships, "mindsight," and neural integration

Infant Mental Health Journal, 22( 1-2), 67-94.

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Spero,M. H . ( 1982).

Psychotherapeutic procedure with religious cult devotees

Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 170( 6), 332-344.

DOI:10.1097/00005053-198206000-00003      URL     PMID:7077308      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract The literature dealing with the cult devotee has been primarily descriptive, offering phenomenological reports of psychological characteristics and symptomatology but few reports of specific assessment and psychotherapeutic procedures for management of this unique patient population. The present paper offers a brief review of previous literature and describes specific assessment and interventive procedures which have been successfully applied to an outpatient clinic population of 65 cult devotees. Diagnostic impressions based on psychological testing are reported. Discussion focuses on the contribution of diagnostic and clinical findings to the conceptualization of cultic religiosity as a regressive phenomenon.

Spero,M. H . ( 1984).

Some pre-and post-treatment characteristics of cult devotees

Perceptual and Motor Skills, 58( 3), 749-750.

DOI:10.2466/pms.1984.58.3.749      URL     PMID:6473023      [本文引用: 1]

A summary of some test characteristics is presented. These were drawn from 51 religious cult devotees prior to and following 6 mo. of psychotherapy. Positive changes were attributed to increasing psychological differentiation.

Ungerleider,J. T., &Wellisch D.K . ( 1979).

Coercive persuasion (brainwashing), religious cults, and deprogramming

The American Journal of Psychiatry, 136( 3), 279-282.

DOI:10.1111/j.1600-0447.1979.tb00255.x      URL     PMID:420323      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Psychiatric interviews and psychological testing were conducted with 50 members of former members of a variety of religious cults who contacted the authors about the issue of deprogramming. The subjects were divided into four groups: cult members who feared deprogramming, those who had returned to the cult after deprogramming, ex-cult members who had left after deprogramming, and those who had left without deprogramming. There were significant differences between these groups on length of time in the cult, perception of and resistance toward the deprogramming experience, status of parental marriage, and who became a deprogrammer. No evidence of insanity or mental illness in the legal sense was found.

Valatx, J.-L. ( 1994).

Sleep deprivation

Cultic Studies Journal, 11( 2), 211-216.

[本文引用: 1]

Van Cappellen P., Toth-Gauthier M., Saroglou V., & Fredrickson B. L . ( 2016).

Religion and well-being: The mediating role of positive emotions

Journal of Happiness Studies, 17( 2), 485-505.

DOI:10.1007/s10902-014-9605-5      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Research has consistently shown that endorsing a religion or spirituality is to some extent related to one well-being. Common studied explanations tap into the social and cognitive aspects of religion and spirituality. The present research aims at understanding how religiosity and spirituality exert their impact on well-being and investigates the role of a surprisingly neglected mechanism: positive emotions. Two cross-sectional studies using a quantitative approach are presented. In two different contexts (churchgoers in a European country and US university employees interested in meditation), results showed that the relation between religion (Study 1), spirituality (Study 2) and well-being is mediated by positive emotions. Distinguishing between more and less relevant positive emotions in a religious/spiritual context, it was found that the effect was mediated by self-transcendent positive emotions (awe, gratitude, love, and peace) but not by other positive emotions (amusement and pride).

Weiss,A. S., &Comrey A.L . ( 1987).

Personality characteristics of Hare Krishnas

Journal of Personality Assessment, 51( 3), 399-413.

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West,L. J . ( 1990).

Persuasive techniques in contemporary cults: A public health approach

Cultic Studies Journal, 7( 2), 126-149.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT The persuasive techniques used by totalist cults to bind and exploit their members are powerful and effective enough to assure recruitment of a significant percentage of those approached, and retention of a significant percentage of those enlisted. Such cults are a menace to society because they harm persons, families, and the community. Whatever good done by cults could be done as well or better by other organizations that do not pose the same risks to individuals and the public. The extent of cult-related harm done during the past 20 yrs is sufficient to justify describing cult activity as an epidemic. A public health approach to the problem of cults should reduce their numbers and power, and thus reduce the amount of harm done. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

West,L. J., &Martin, P.R . ( 1996).

Pseudo-identity and the treatment of personality change in victims of captivity and cults

Cultic Studies Journal, 13( 2), 125-152.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Prolonged environmental stress can disrupt the normal integrative functions of personality. Prisoners of war, civilian prisoners of Chinese Communist captors, political prisoners (e.g., J. C. Mindszenty, 1974), victims of the "Stockholm Syndrome," hostages, concentration camp inmates, and members of totalist cults often adapt to prolonged environmental stress by means of dissociation, that is by generating an altered persona, or pseudo-identity. When internal defense mechanisms break down, pseudo-identity can become destabilized, producing 1 or more of 3 clinical pictures: the "floater," the "contemplator," and the "survivor." The goal of treatment is to relieve clients' induced psychopathology and thus restore their precult personality. Treatment, which varies somewhat with the 3 clinical pictures, should examine preabuse factors and the nature of the environmental stress, which is unique to thought-reform systems. This approach helps clients come to understand that their symptoms are largely responses to stress. Case examples and specific treatment strategies are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

Whitsett, D. ( 2006).

The psychobiology of trauma and child maltreatment

Cultic Studies Review, 5( 3), p 351.

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Whitsett, D. ( 2014).

Why cults are harmful: Neurobiological speculations on interpersonal trauma?

ICSA Today, 5( 1), 2-5.

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Winocur N., Whitney J., Sorenson C., Vaughn P., & Foy D . ( 1997).

The individual cult experience index: The assessment of cult involvement and its relationship to postcult distress

Cultic Studies Journal, 14, 290-306.

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Wolfson,L. B . ( 2002).

A study of the factors of psychological abuse and control in two relationships: Domestic violence and cultic systems

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Wu, M.,&Ye, Q . ( 2016, June).

Survey on exit counseling with community help and education

.Paper presented at the 2016 ICSA Annual Conference, Dallas,Texas.

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Parallel legislation and disposal: How the Chinese government defines and controls cults

.Paper presented at the 2014 ICSA Annual Conference, Washington DC.

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Who harms whom: The offensive and defensive strategy in the Chinese cult movement

Paper presented at the 2018 ICSA Annual Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Retrieved March 20, 2018, from


Young W. C., Sachs R. G., Braun B. G., & Watkins R. T . ( 1991).

Patients reporting ritual abuse in childhood: A clinical syndrome. report of 37 cases

Child Abuse & Neglect, 15( 3), 181-189.

DOI:10.1016/0145-2134(91)90063-J      URL     PMID:2043970      [本文引用: 1]

Se describen treinta y siete adultos con trastornos disociativos que reportaron abuso ritual en la ni09ez por parte de cultos satÁnicos. Los pacientes vinieron de diferentes tipos de clínicas y localidades y reportaron un número de abusos similares. Se describen los tipos de abuso ritual reportados con mayor frecuencia, y se prÉsenta un síndrome clínico que incluye estados disociativos con aspectos satÁnicos, trastornos severos de stress post-traumÁticos, sentimientos de culpa del sobreviviente, auto-abuso bizarro, miedos extra09os, sexualizaciÓn de los impulses sÁdicos, creencias por adoctrinamiento, y abuso de sustancias. Se analizan a fondo los problemas de fiabilidad, credibilidad y verificabilidad, y se comentan los resultados y sus implicaciones.

Zhang, Z. ( 2012, July).

Media coverage of "evil cults" in China newspapers

.Paper presented at the 2012 ICSA Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada.

[本文引用: 1]

Zhang, Z. ( 2016, June).

A comparative study in the helping strategies and means for recovery from cults between China and the United States: A study of People's Daily and the New York Times

.Paper presented at the 2016 ICSA Annual Conference, Dallas,Texas.

[本文引用: 1]

Zhang, Z. ( 2018 2018, July).

Family involved in cultic groups influence on young people: an analysis based on media coverage and interviews

Paper presented at the 2018 ICSA Annual Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Retrieved March 20, 2018, from

URL     [本文引用: 1]


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