ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展 ›› 2017, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (suppl.): 7-7.

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 孙俊才; 刘萍   

  1.  (曲阜师范大学教育科学学院, 山东省曲阜市静轩西路57号, 中国, 273165)
  • 出版日期:2017-08-26 发布日期:2017-08-01
  • 基金资助:

 The advantage of empathy from evidence of visual processing

 Sun Juncai; Liu Ping   

  1.  (Institute of Education Sciences, QuFu Normal University, 57JingXuan West Road, QuFu, ShanDong Province, China, 273165)
  • Online:2017-08-26 Published:2017-08-01
  • Supported by:

摘要:  目的:本研究拟从社会认知角度出发, 综合考察了高低共情被试在不同认知资源消耗条件下对不同类型情绪信息的注意偏向及具体成分的时间进程特点。
方法:采用情绪Stroop范式、点探测范式与眼动追踪技术相结合, 以词语和面孔表情为实验材料。实验一采用情绪Stroop任务, 记录被试的注视时间及注视次数。实验二在实验一的基础上, 采用点探测任务, 记录被试的首次注视达到时间和注视时间、注视次数, 分别作为注意定向和注意维持的指标。
结果:在实验一中, 所有被试都对负性刺激表现出注意偏向(注视时间更长、注视次数更多), 特别是对悲伤面孔。在实验二中, 所有被试都对情绪刺激的早期注意定向更快(首次注视到达时间更短); 但是, 只有高共情被试对情绪刺激的晚期注意维持更长(注视时间更长、注视次数更多), 特别是对高兴、悲伤面孔。
结论:本研究表明高共情被试对情绪信息的注意定向-维持模式的加工优势, 仅发生于低认知资源消耗的面孔刺激条件下, 这为共情特质的优化提供了参考。 

关键词:  共情, 注意偏向, 情绪Stroop, 点探测, 眼动

Abstract:  PURPOSE:From the social cognitive perspective, we systematically investigated the effect of empathy to attentional bias and specific components time processes under the different cognitive resources and different types of emotional information.
METHODS:We used emotional Stroop paradigm and dot probe paradigm and combined with eye movement, words and faces were the experimental stimulus.In study1, we adopted emotional Stroop task and recorded fixation time and fixation count.In study2, we used dot probe paradigm and recorded first fixation time and fixation time and fixation count as the index of attention orientation and attention maintenance respectively.
RESULTS:Study1 showed that all participants showed negative attentional bias(longer fixation time and more fixation count), especially for sad face.Study2 showed that all participants directed their attention more quickly(shorter first fixation time)to emotional information than neutral ones at the attention orientation stage.However, at the attention maintenance stage, only participants with high empathy had longer total fixation duration and more fixation count for happy and sad faces than participants with low empathy.
CONCLUSIONS: This study indicated that only under the conditions of low cognitive resources consumption and face stimulus,could participants with high empathy play the processing advantages of attention orientation-maintenance pattern towards emotional information,which provided a reference for the optimization of trait empathy.

Key words:  empathy, attentional bias, emotional Stroop, dot probe, eye movement
