ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

Acta Psychologica Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (7): 813-827.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2022.00813

• Reports of Empirical Studies • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The developmental cascades of prosocial behavior tendency, internalizing and externalizing problems for early adolescence in China: A within-person analysis

DUAN Wenting1, SUN Qiwu1, WANG Ming2(), WU Caizhi1, CHEN Zhenzhen1   

  1. 1Key Laboratory of Adolescent Cyberpsychology and Behavior (CCNU), Ministry of Education; School of Psychology, Central China Normal University; Key Laboratory of Human Development and Mental Health of Hubei Province, Wuhan 430079, China
    2Center for Mental Health Education, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China
  • Received:2021-03-23 Published:2022-07-25 Online:2022-05-19
  • Contact: WANG Ming
  • Supported by:
    general funding project of the excellent student work project of universities in Hubei Province(2019XGJPX3023)


Understanding the developmental cascades of prosocial behavior, internalizing and externalizing problems is of great value in promoting adolescent mental health. The 3-year longitudinal data of 894 junior school students were analyzed at the within-person level, and compared with the traditional cross-lagged panel model. The results showed that: (1) at the within-person level, prosocial behavior tendency had moderate or weak co-variation with internalizing and externalizing problems, and T1 prosocial behavior tendency negatively predicted T2 internalizing problems, T2 prosocial behavior tendency negatively predicted T3 externalizing problems, which has a weak effect. (2) for girls, T2 internalizing problems positively predicted T3 externalizing problems, while for boys, internalizing problems and externalizing problems did not predict each other; (3) four factors of prosocial behavior tendency (public, compliant, emotional and altruistic) negatively predicted internalizing problems in T2, which have a weak effect. (4) the results obtained by within-person analysis are different from those by traditional cross-lagged analysis, and different models have different results. Conclusion: the development of prosocial behavior tendency in early adolescence reduces internalizing and externalizing problems, which has gender difference. The analysis at the within-person level has great value in the research of adolescent psychopathology development.

Key words: prosocial behavior tendency, internalizing and externalizing problems, random-intercept cross-lagged panel model, general cross-lagged panel model, developmental cascades