ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 1959, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (4): 3-15.

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  1. 中国科学院心理研究所 ,中国科学院心理研究所
  • 出版日期:1959-08-25 发布日期:1959-08-25
  • 通讯作者: 潘菽


PAN SHUH and CHEN DA-JOU (Institute of Psychology, Academia Sinica)   

  • Published:1959-08-25 Online:1959-08-25

摘要: <正> 心理学在中国有着悠久的历史渊源。在中国古代哲学家討論道德和教育的理論或者和宗教思想作斗爭的著作中,包含着許多有关心理学問題的理論与資料,值得予以发掘和探討。 但心理学作为一門独立的科学出现于中国,是在清朝末年西方近代科学被介紹到中国来以后。1907年王国維譯出“心理学概論”一书,約在1917年,北京大学哲学系首

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Abstract: In describing the ten years' developments in Chinese psychology, the authors have divided the whole decade into three main periods. The brief descriptions of these, three periods are as follows: The preliminary efforts of the first period (1949—1952) in washing off the academical thoughts of bourgeois psychology were ended in victory, and the policies concerning the reformation and reconstruction of psychology upon the basis of Marxism and Parlov's theory were firmly established. In the second period (1952—71957) in accordance with the policies, the reformation and rebuilding of psychology were actually tested for the first time, and the plans for the development of psychology were also made. The third period (1957—1959) has been characterized with the thoroughful scholarstic disputes in psychological problems, the close alliance of psychological practice with the Socialistic reconstruction and a great advancement on the road of active reconstruction of psychology upon the dialectic Materialism. The authors have especially pointed to the fact that, the Chinese Communist Party and the People's Government regard psychology as an important subiect of study, thereby supporting enthusiastically the work of Chinese psychologists, that the experiences of Soviet psychologists in establishing the materialistic psychology have had a positive influence on the development of psychology in China, and hat the unanimous efforts of Chinese psychological workers have resulted in a preliminary, yet a triumphant success. Finally, the directions of the future developments of psychology in China are also pointed out.

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