ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 1989, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (1): 11-19. cstr: 32110.14.1989.00011

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  1. 山西矿业学院 太原
  • 发布日期:1989-03-25 出版日期:1989-03-25

The DL Theorem

Chen Wen-xi Shanxi Mining College   

  • Online:1989-03-25 Published:1989-03-25

摘要: 近百年来,针对韦伯定律的各种修正方案,虽经多次提出,但始终未能成功地揭示差别阈对标准刺激强度的普适规律,或称“差别阈定理”。 本文以刺激-效应的统一模型为基础,推导出的差别阈定理,能在较小误差范围内拟合简单的提重实验以至韦伯分数变动百倍以上的明度实验。 对结果的分析还表明:在10~(-3)-10~3毫朗这个日常生活的照明范围里,人眼感受性的调制,主要靠瞳孔变化完成;间视觉的主要分析器是棒体本身;并给出了这个视觉区间的刺激强度上限。

关键词: NULL

Abstract: Schemes intending to improve Weber's law have been often proposed during the past hundred years. Yet none of them can be regarded as a successful rule to reveal the general relationship between stimulation inte- nsity and difference threshold of a certain receptor. The DL theorem derived from the model of stimulation and effect fo- rmerly given by the author is shown to be in sound agreement with sensa- tion experiments from simple hand weighing to that of illumination with Weber's ratio varying more than a hundredfold. Besides, examination of the verified data gives evidence that the accomodation of visual sensibility under daily life illumination of 10~(-3) --10~3 millilambert is mainly accomplished by the change of the pupil; that in the range of intermediate vision, the chief analyzer of the eye is the cone itself; and that the illumination intensity about the upper limit of the mentioned range can also be estimated by the DL theorem.

Key words: NULL