ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 1994, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (4): 347-353.

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  1. 北京大学心理系
  • 发布日期:1994-12-25 出版日期:1994-12-25
  • 通讯作者: 许政援


Xu Zhengyuan(Department of Psychologg, Beijing University)   

  • Online:1994-12-25 Published:1994-12-25

摘要: 在对幼儿从出生到3岁语言发展追踪研究和有关实验研究结果的基础上,比较、分析儿童语言和认知(思维)发展的各阶段及起作用的因素,探讨语言发展和认知发展的关系,提出以下几点看法:(1)儿童在1岁前(前语言期)的具体思维阶段有认知(有感知、记忆、表象和思维),但还没有真正的语言。这说明语言不是先于思维,也不是所有的思维都与语言相联系。但是,人类特有的抽象思维却与语言有着密切的联系。(2)认知(思维)发展是语言发展的基础。(3)认知(思维)发展和语言发展的关系是双向的,辩证的,是复杂地交互作用的。(4)应以辩证的唯物主义的观点来看语言和认知(思维)的产生。人类所以有语言,有高度抽象概括的思维,都源于人类的实践活动。

关键词: 语言发展, 认知(思维)发展, 语言的作用, 认知基础, 实践活动

Abstract: On the basis of the results of our longitudinal and experimental researches upon language development of 12 children from birth to three years of age,this article analyzed and compared the stages of the child's language and cognitive development, the respective influencing factors, investigating the relationship between the child's development of language and cognition(thought).Four viewpoints on this question are derived:(1) In the stage of the child's concrete thought before 1 year of age (pre-linguistic stage),children do have cognition (not only sensory perception,memory and presentation, but also thought),but have no language.This showed clearly that it is invalid to say that all the thoughts are linked with language.Nevertheless,abstract thought characteristic to mankind are closely and indivisibly linked with language.Having highly generalized language,human beings can possess highly abstract thoughts.(2) Development of cognition (thought) is the basis of language development.This is illustrated and proved from three aspects,i.e.the order of grasping parts of speech,the process of acquiring personal pronouns,and the effects of cognitive development on language development.(3) Thus we can see that the relationships between development of cognition (thought)and that of language are two-way,dialectic and interacting complicatedly.It is inappropriate to say the relationship between cognition(thought)and language is one determining the other.(4) Approaching the origin of both cognition(thought)and language,we should adopt a dialectical materialist point of view.The reason why human beings have language and highly generalized abstract thoughts is that they practise for the need of adapting,reflecting and changing the objective world.Lastly,brief comments are made on Whorf′s and Piaget's relevant views.

Key words: language development, development of cognition(thought), role of language, cognitive basis, practical activities