ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2002, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (02): 96-102. cstr: 32110.14.2002.00096

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  1. 云南师范大学教育科学与管理学院,云南师范大学教育科学与管理学院 昆明650092 ,昆明650092
  • 发布日期:2002-04-25 出版日期:2002-04-25


Zhang Feng, Zhu Haiyan (College of Educational Science and management, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming,650092)   

  • Online:2002-04-25 Published:2002-04-25

摘要: 目的 :探讨毒品犯的人格分类模型。方法 :以 378名在押毒品犯接受CPI测验数据为基础 ,在 2 0个变量组成的 2 0维空间内对毒品犯进行Q型聚类。结果 :采用分层聚类中的Q型聚类方法分析在押毒品犯的人格类型 ,得到 3种基本的人格类型 ,经F检验和LSD检验 ,表明 3种人格类型在各分量表上的得分具有十分显著的差异。结论 :怯弱 -不成熟型、独立 -不成熟型和可控制 -不成熟型 3种人格类型是一个有效的分类模型 ;这一分类模型有助于监狱开展对在押毒品犯的分类矫治工作

关键词: 毒品犯, 人格类型, 聚类分析, 分类矫治

Abstract: In order to establish some scientific bases for setting down the efficient measure for rebuilding and correcting this study tried to explore the categorisedmodel of the drugpusher's personality. 378 male drugpusher prisoners were tested using CPI and then using SPSS package to explore the drugpusher's categoryby cluster analysis. Results showed that 387 cases of drugpushers were divided into three groups by hierarchical cluster analysis, t scores of 19 CPI sub scale were remarkably different among the three groups. The typical personality characteristic of the first category was lack of self confidence, disliking competion, self suspicion, passiveness, dependence, sensitiveness, and trending to explain things from the individual eye. The second category was cleverer, responding quickly, independent, responsible and good self control. They had betterpsychological diathesis but could not consciously admit their guilty behavior or admit their mistake and often had conflictive mind with the manager.The third category was better socially, self confident, fawning and worldly wise. They could manage a good relationship with others and selected an appropriate behavior to act or to disguise. The three Categorieswere Coward immaturity, Independence immaturity and Control immaturity and these three categoriesmade up an effective categorised model which could established a stable scientific base for rebuilding and correcting the drugpusher's psychological state.

Key words: drugpusher, personality category, cluaster analysis, categorisedmodel, classified rectification