ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展, 2018, 26(7): 1223-1231 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01223



康一奇, 种霞, 吴南,

北京联合大学师范学院, 北京 100011

Autism Spectrum Disorders early warning: Occurrence, development and influencing factors of joint attention and empathy

KANG Yiqi, CHONG Xia, WU Nan,

Teachers College of Beijing Union University, Beijing 100011, China

通讯作者: 吴南,

收稿日期: 2017-06-1   网络出版日期: 2018-07-15

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金青年项目(NSFC81501184)

Received: 2017-06-1   Online: 2018-07-15

Fund supported: (NSFC81501184)


自闭症在3岁前已经发病, 目前对于自闭症儿童的诊断却要到3岁后, 滞后性的诊断使得自闭症儿童可能错过最佳干预治疗期。证据显示, 在婴幼儿早期, 联合注意与共情的发生发展可以作为3岁之前自闭症预警的重要内容。早期联合注意能力发展异常是自闭症言语和社交障碍的重要诱因; 而早期共情能力发展的偏离则可能导致自闭症儿童表现出社交障碍和沟通障碍。文章初步描绘出早期联合注意和共情的发生发展轨迹, 总结归纳了影响二者早期发生发展的三个重要方面:神经生理、遗传和环境机制。未来的研究应考虑结合分子生物学和神经成像技术, 设计更加生态化的联合注意及共情任务, 探索自闭症个体联合注意和共情损伤在大脑分子细胞层面的表征状态, 从而为自闭症的早期预警提供更加客观的指标。

关键词: 自闭症; 联合注意; 共情; 预警; 婴幼儿


The Manifestation of overt ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders) symptoms can be as early as before age of 3, yet the diagnosis under existing technique takes intervention only after 3 years old, on which the autistic children miss the optimal intervention period. The mismatch will makes autistic children likely to miss the optimal intervention period. The empirical evidence showing that the development of joint attention and empathy can be of importance as to an early warning of autism before the age of 3. The abnormal early joint attention development is a vital incentive for autistic speech disorders and social barriers. While the deviation of the early empathy may lead to ASD social barriers and communication disorders. The article depicts the trajectory of early joint attention and empathy, to summarize the neurophysiologic, genetic and environmental mechanism that affects the early development of the two. Future studies to combine molecular biology and neuroimaging techniques will provide significant evidence-based indicators for early warning from reaching on the brain cell layers.

Keywords: ASD; joint attention; empathy; early warning; infant

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康一奇, 种霞, 吴南. 自闭症早期预警:联合注意和共情的发生发展及影响因素 . 心理科学进展, 2018, 26(7): 1223-1231 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01223

KANG Yiqi, CHONG Xia, WU Nan. Autism Spectrum Disorders early warning: Occurrence, development and influencing factors of joint attention and empathy. Advances in Psychological Science, 2018, 26(7): 1223-1231 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01223

1 引言

自闭症谱系障碍(Autism Spectrum Disorders, ASD)是一种广泛性发育障碍, 其核心症状包括: 言语障碍、社会人际互动障碍、刻板行为、机械化及强迫性行为(American Psychiatric Association, 2013)。作为一组多发于婴幼儿的神经发育疾病, ASD的病因非常复杂, 但可以确定ASD在3岁之前已经发病。然而, 目前对于ASD儿童评估和诊断的依据和标准都是从3、4岁开始, 评估和诊断的滞后, 会严重影响对ASD儿童的早期诊断和治疗。因此, 建立3岁之前的预警机制显得非常紧迫和必要。作为ASD核心症状所反映能力的重要前提和基础, 联合注意和共情应是自闭症早期预警机制中重要的研究内容。

联合注意(joint attention)是指个体追随另一个体的注意而使得两个个体(通常是婴儿和成人)同时注意同一物体的过程(Mundy, Kim, McIntyre, Lerro, & Jarrold, 2016)。联合注意在婴儿的认知发展和社会性发展中起着重要作用, 是婴儿语言、模仿、社会认知和社会互动能力的重要先兆。研究表明, 联合注意技能的缺陷是ASD婴幼儿最早的症状之一, 在1岁之前就有明显的缺陷并且早于其他诊断标准。许多ASD儿童在出生后几个月获得的联合注意技能在1岁左右忽然失去(或减少), 如对物体或人的协同注意能力下降, 目光追随和指示等动作减少等(Thorup et al., 2016), 更重要的是, ASD儿童的联合注意损伤可能是ASD核心症状的诱因, 如导致语言理解和语言表达能力滞后, 模仿能力、社会理解和社会交流能力下降(Chawarska, Macari, & Shic, 2013; Nowakowski, Tasker, & Schmidt, 2012)。

对社会性线索的指向和解读是联合注意技能的重要体现, 其中对他人情绪的识别和理解尤为重要(Gangi, Ibañez, & Messinger, 2014)。共情是指识别和理解他人的情绪、心理状态并在此基础上做出适当的反应(Hoffman, 2000)。作为一种驱力因素, 共情使个体能够识别、理解他人情绪和心理状态, 预测他人的行为, 是有效社会互动和成功人际关系的重要动机。一方面, 高共情个体表现出较好的社会适应性, 能很快地融入他人, 进行有效的社会互动, 建立良好的人际关系(Deschamps, Schutter, Kenemans, & Matthys, 2015)。另一方面, 共情损伤会对个体(儿童和成人)的社会交往产生消极的影响。其中, ASD个体有明显的共情损伤, 他们在理解他人情绪意图上有困难, 表现出“心盲(mind-blindness)”, 不能对他人进行适当的回应(Tell & Davidson, 2015; Argott, Townsend, & Poulson, 2017), 从而导致融入他人的方式僵化, 交流和社会性上的困难。因而, 共情损伤可在很大程度上解释ASD患者的社交障碍和沟通障碍。

近年来, ASD的发病率提高了30倍(潘威, 陈巍, 汪寅, 单春雷, 2016)。发病率的上升将意味着有越来越多的患者和家庭正在或者将要遭受ASD带来的痛苦(Lord, Cook, Leventhal, & Amaral, 2013)。因此, ASD的早期预警不仅对有患病风险的孩子及早识别或者诊断有所裨益, 而且对降低儿童最终患ASD的概率以及程度有重要的影响。本文旨在总结现有联合注意和共情缺陷对于儿童ASD的早期预警以及影响ASD儿童联合注意和共情发展因素的成果, 为进一步应用联合注意和共情来建立ASD的预警机制提供基础, 为ASD的早期发现提供一些新的思路。

2 联合注意和共情的缺陷对ASD的预警

2.1 联合注意的缺陷对ASD儿童的早期预警

联合注意包括被动/回应联合注意(respond joint attention, RJA)和主动联合注意(initiate joint attention, IJA), 前者指婴儿追随或者回应另一个人的眼睛注意点或追随点而去注视一个物体; 后者指婴儿使用姿势、眼神将另一个人的注意引向物体或事件(Mundy et al., 2016)。作为婴儿早期社会认知发展的标志, 联合注意在个体身上的发展并非是在某个时间点忽然出现的, 而是有其具体的发生发展过程。婴儿最初表现出对父母面孔的注意偏好, 他们4个月左右开始注意父母的手及手中的物体, 这是联合注意发展的先兆(Szatmari et al., 2015)。之后, 婴儿开始注视父母的呼唤。6个月的时候, 他们开始从与大人面对面的互动转向对大人手中的物体的探索, 婴儿会指向这一物体, 试图抓住物体, 并伴有发声交流(Hutman, 2013)。9个月左右, 婴儿会有更多的目光追随, 发展出更高级的联合注意技能, 如模仿, 模仿大人的动作、重复大人的言语、表情和行为(Mundy et al., 2016)。12个月左右, 婴儿通过大人的头部和眼睛的转动来追随注视的目标物, 从而判断和预期大人的心理状态和行为(Morgan et al., 2014)。接近1岁末时, 当存在婴儿感兴趣的物体(事件), 儿童开始主动发起联合注意以吸引大人的注意。大约在2岁中期, 儿童开始发展出协调性很好的联合注意技能, 以注视的转移和手势、身体的移动来表明社会意图、愿望, 从而提高交往互动的效率(de Abreu, Cardoso-Martins, & Barbosa, 2014)。

联合注意是婴儿和儿童利用外界物体获得大人注意的手段, 也是婴儿和儿童进行模仿学习和社会学习的重要形式(Hutman, 2013)。作为一种社会性行为, 联合注意反映了婴儿和儿童对外部环境的认识和理解, 以及与大人就此物体(事件)进行交流的动机, 对于婴儿言语的获得、心理理论的发展和有效社会交流和互动的进行都具有重要的促进作用(Mundy et al., 2016; Wu, Pan, Su, & Gros-Louis, 2013)。然而, ASD儿童在联合注意的发展轨迹上存在异常, 联合注意的技能存在缺陷。根据ASD儿童父母的回忆以及录像分析结果, 6~9个月大的ASD儿童与父母的眼神交流、对物体的协同注视与其他典型发展的婴儿没有差异, 他们也表现出试图抓够物体的动作, 简单回应成人的召唤, 并伴随模仿和重复(Hutman, 2013)。但在12个月时, 他们的目光追随、指示、给等动作反而表现出下降趋势, 眼神交流非常有限, 不能回应别人呼喊他们的名字, 用以交流的肢体语言也非常少(如用身体接近目标物) (Chawarska et al., 2013; Escudero-Sanz, Carranza-Carnicero, & Huéscar- Hernández, 2013)。15~24个月期间, 他们开始表现出明显的联合注意技能缺陷, 如不能进行正常的眼神交流和情绪交流, 无效的和不合时机的眼神交流增多, 基本不模仿他人, 不会主动发起联合注意, 重复刻板的行为持续存在(Campbell, Shic, Macari, & Chawarska, 2014)。此外, 研究发现, 15个月高风险ASD婴儿(哥哥或姐姐已经确诊为ASD)的联合注意行为显著少于典型发展的婴儿, 对目标物的注视时间也更短(Jaime et al., 2016)。事实上, 这些高风险的婴儿中有20%在3岁时被确诊为ASD儿童。

总之, 关于婴幼儿联合注意发生发展轨迹的研究还非常有限, 虽然可以获知联合注意在典型发展的儿童身上表现出上升趋势, ASD儿童则表现出下降和消失的趋势, 但无法对婴幼儿期各个关键年龄段的发展进行准确的描绘, 尤其是在9~24个月期间, 联合注意在典型发展儿童及ASD儿童中的发生发展轨迹图还不是很清晰。

2.2 共情的缺陷对ASD的早期预警

在联合注意和婴儿社会性发展的过程中, 关注、识别和理解他人的情绪非常重要。从他人的情绪中, 婴儿可以获得和学习到很多的社会信息, 从而帮助其做出正确的决策和回应。作为一种重要的情绪能力, 共情可分为认知共情(如观点采择)和情绪共情(如个人悲伤) (Davis, 1983)。认知共情是一个理解并采纳他人观点的过程。6个月的婴儿已经表现出了认知共情的雏形(Hamlin, Wynn, & Bloom, 2007)。12~24个月婴儿的帮助、假设检验(hypothesis testing)和关心等认知共情的指标都会随着年龄的增长而发展。情绪共情是个体在对他人情绪状态替代性分享和自动模仿的基础上, 快速地感知他人的情绪的能力, 包括对他人情绪状态的自动模仿和自动感知两个方面。研究发现, 婴儿的情绪共情能力是与生俱来的, 刚出生的小婴儿就会受到他人情绪的感染, 表现出传染性哭泣, 并自动化地模仿他人(Harrison, Morgan, & Critchley, 2010)。之后, 传染性哭泣和自动化模仿出现了下降的趋势(Geangu, Benga, Stahl, & Striano, 2010), 但一直到学步期和学龄前, 这种情绪感染仍稳定存在于共情结构中。学步儿童(Spinrad & Stifter, 2006)、学龄前儿童和学龄儿童中存在传染性哭泣现象就是很好的例证(Neufeld & Chakrabarti, 2016)。

共情的能力是人们社会交往的重要前提和基础(孟景, 沈林, 2017)。然而, 研究证据显示, 自闭症儿童的共情在发生发展初期似乎就表现出异常, 尤其是在情绪感知, 情绪模仿, 情绪表达等方面。马伟娜和朱蓓蓓(2014)在以实验法研究ASD儿童的情绪共情结果发现, ASD儿童对情绪表情的感知能力和自动模仿能力显著低于智力障碍儿童与典型发展儿童; 对面孔的总注视时间、总注视点数均显著少于智力障碍儿童、典型发展儿童; 对眼部、嘴部的注视时间比及注视点数比均显著低于典型发展儿童; 对高兴和悲伤表情的注意较多而对恐惧则较少。McIntosh, Reichmann-Decker, Winkielman和Wilbarger (2006)的研究也发现典型发展的婴儿在出生时会对生气、高兴和害怕三种表情产生注意偏好, 但ASD个体却没有这种反应(父母的回忆), 他们也不能对这三种表情进行自动模仿。新近的研究也发现了ASD儿童的情绪共情能力不足、对情绪表情的注意方式异常(Tell & Davidson, 2015; Neufeld, Ioannou, Korb, SSchilbach, & Chakrabarti, 2016)。由于共情缺损的ASD个体在情绪识别与理解上存在很大困难, 特别是一些负性情绪和复杂情绪与尴尬、羞愧以及内疚等, 因此导致ASD个体无法与其他人进行正常的交流, 不能理解对方的心理状态等。鉴于此, 有研究者提出可以通过促进情绪识别和理解来改善ASD儿童的共情。Golan等人(2010)设计了“运输车”干预方案训练儿童对情绪的感知力和模仿能力, 方案包含15个三维动画小片段, 每个片段5分钟包含一种情绪, 15种情绪由简单到复杂、从基本情绪到次级情绪依次训练。经过训练, 3~8岁的ASD儿童理解与识别情绪的能力大大增强。

3 ASD儿童联合注意和共情发展的影响因素

3.1 环境因素

婴幼儿联合注意技能的发生发展离不开成长的家庭环境, 包括丰富的刺激, 父母对儿童主动及时和高效的回应。研究发现, 在婴儿出生后丰富的环境刺激, 如颜色、声音、形状多样的玩具, 可以促使其对这些物体的主动探索, 婴儿会长时间注视, 追随甚至尝试去够这些物体(Wolf, Launay, & Dunbar, 2016)。这是联合注意出现的雏形。此外, 在儿童出现目光追随、指等动作时, 看护者及时的回应以及回应方式对婴儿联合注意的技能以及语言的发展有重要的促进作用, 当婴儿注视一个物体, 看护者协同注视并且伴随语言的解释有利用婴儿下一步的指示动作发展(Gros- Louis & Wu, 2012)。相比于简单的回应(简单询问如“是哪个吗”, “你说什么”), 当婴儿用手指向一个物体(事件)或者用身体朝向一个物体(事件)时, 看护者也用手指并用语言向儿童解释更能促进儿童的主动联合注意技能和表达性言语的发展(Medeiros & Winsler, 2014 ; Wu & Gros-Louis, 2015)。

个体社会化的环境也是影响共情发展的重要因素。家庭是共情发生和发展的摇篮, 是个体社会化最直接和最重要的环境。家庭教养自身的特点会影响儿童共情的发展。温暖和高反应性的亲子互动能减少儿童的自我中心倾向, 使儿童有更多的资源去考虑他人的感受, 温暖和高反应性的家长也更可能拥有较好的共情能力, 从而为子女学习共情的技能提供榜样(Llorca-Mestre, Samper- García, Malonda-Vidal, & Cortés-Tomás, 2017)。此外, 父母的情绪表达在儿童共情的发展中也同样起到了一定的作用。父母正性的情绪表达被视为亲子关系的中介, 有助于建立良好的亲子关系(McDonald, Baker, & Messinger, 2016), 而父母负性的情绪表达会导致儿童更难理解他人的情绪表达, 并有较高的个人悲伤, 最终可能导致儿童更易回避他人的情绪(Valiente et al., 2004)。

此外, 母亲孕期的宫内外微观环境、用药情况、负性应激事件、体验到的焦虑、抑郁等也是影响联合注意与共情发展的重要因素, 同时也是ASD病因学关注的重点内容。

3.2 神经机制

社会脑理论认为, 包括杏仁核、眶额皮层和内侧额叶以及部分颞叶区域在内的脑区是联合注意和共情的神经基础, 这些脑区专门负责加工社交信息, 如面孔识别、目光注视、心理理论以及共情等(Takeuchi et al., 2013; 刘艳丽, 陆桂芝, 2016)。已有研究表明ASD个体在这些脑区存在异常, 导致联合注意和共情能力的损伤(Singer, 2006)。如, 杏仁核的低激活与体积的不规律发展影响了ASD患者对不同面部情绪表情的识别, 从而造成孩子社会交往方面的困难, 进而损伤其共情能力的发展。另外, 个体在建立联合注意的过程中, 需要首先提取和利用他人眼部信息来进行重新定向注视点, 此时颞上沟后部和楔前叶等脑区被激活(Materna, Dicke, &Thier, 2008)。研究发现, 3~4岁ASD儿童与发育迟滞儿童来完成联合注意任务时, 颞上沟和腹内侧前额叶额激活显著弱于典型发展的儿童(Zhu et al., 2015); 镜像神经元的很多研究也支持了上述结果, 人类的镜像神经元分布在额下回(inferior frontal gyrus, IFG)和颞上沟(superior temporal sulcus, STS), 当ASD儿童在模仿和观察他人动作和表情时, 这些区域的镜像神经元活动显著偏弱, 联合注意与共情得分也显著低于典型发展儿童(Ramachandran & Oberman, 2006)。这说明ASD个体镜像神经元系统障碍是联合注意和共情缺损的重要原因。

另一些研究发现脑区之间的功能连接出现异常, 也会导致ASD儿童共情和联合注意能力受损(刘艳丽, 陆桂芝, 2016)。胼胝体是左右脑信息传递的桥梁, 当胼胝体异常, 个体左、右脑半球功能则会出现极端化的现象, 研究结果显示, ASD个体的胼胝体功能损伤会致使其共情缺损(Kim et al., 2010)。Baron-Cohen等人(2011)的研究发现, ASD儿童的胼胝体体积明显小于典型发展儿童, 可致儿童在整合信息时出现障碍, 共情能力受到损伤。进一步的研究发现, 同一半球内部不同脑区之间的连接障碍会引起幼儿早期联合注意发展异常, 特别是额叶、颞顶系统的长距连接障碍对联合注意的早期发展的影响非常深远(Eggebrecht et al., 2017)。另外一些研究证据指向ASD儿童的默认网络(Default Mode Network, DMN)连接异常, 默认网络是由前额皮层、后扣带皮层和颞上沟组成的, 这些脑区涉及到目光追随, 社会识别、自我参照、心理理论、共情等(Takeuchi et al., 2013), fMRI检测到这三个脑区功能连接出现损伤时, ASD儿童在共情和联合注意的任务上的表现显著差于典型发展儿童。

3.3 遗传因素

以往成人共情和注意方面的候选基因研究有许多, 但婴幼儿共情和联合注意发展的候选基因研究非常有限, 随着全基因组关联研究方法和第三代遗传学标记手段的应用, 诸多儿童联合注意和共情遗传机制的证据指向催产素受体基因、多巴胺D4受体基因等一些关键候选基因。

催产素受体基因(oxytocin receptor, OXTR)是影响联合注意和共情的重要候选基因。研究发现, OXTR基因多态性位点rs53576与个体的注意和对社会线索的知觉关系密切, 携带AA/AG基因型的个体对婴儿的哭泣不如GG基因型敏感, 反应也更迟钝(Riem, Pieper, Out, Bakermans-Kranenburg, & van IJzendoorn, 2011); GG基因型个体对明显的情绪线索(Tost et al., 2010)和威胁性信息的觉知也更敏感(Poulin, Holman, & Buffone, 2012)。在共情线索加工上表现出的基因型差异与婴儿期高风险的自闭症显著相关(McDonald et al., 2016)。另外一些催产素受体基因位点rs1042778, rs2254298, rs11131149, rs237897与18个月婴儿的联合注意关系密切(Wade, Hoffmann, Wigg, & Jenkins, 2014)。OXTR rs53576也与共情相关, 携带GG型等位基因个体的共情显著高于携带AA/AG型的个体(Rodrigues, Saslow, Garcia, John, & Keltner, 2009)。在另两个位点rs237887和rs4686302上, 不同基因型携带者在情绪共情上存在显著差异; 而在rs13316193位点上, 发现了认知共情的个体差异(Wu, Li, & Su, 2012)。此外, 诸多ASD的候选基因研究结果也指向催产素受体基因(Kranz et al., 2016)。

多巴胺D4受体基因(Dopamine Receptor D4, DRD4)是另一个和联合注意及共情关系密切的候选基因。研究较多的是第3外显子上的一段48bp的数目可变串联重复多态性(Variable Number of Tandem Repeats, VNTR), 重复次数为2次(2R)、4次(4R)和7次(7R)。研究者发现, 相比于未携带7R多态性的儿童, 携带7R多态性的儿童对事物的专注时间更长, 注意力表现也较好(Gorlick et al., 2015)。共情研究结果显示, 当母亲经常表现出负性情绪时, 携带7R多态性的儿童比未携带7R多态性的儿童表现出较多的共情关注(Knafo et al., 2009)。ASD儿童中广泛的情绪障碍都也与该基因紧密相关(Gadow, Devincent, Olvet, Pisarevskaya, & Hatchwell, 2010)。

五羟色胺转运体基因启动区(Serotonin- Transporter-Linked Promoter Region, 5-HTTLPR)也是一个ASD相关的候选基因(Jaiswal et al., 2015)。5-HTTLPR的片段长度多态性与父母教养的敏感性关系密切, 其中携带L等位基因(SL/LL)的父母比携带SS基因型的父母对儿童的反应更主动敏感、更及时, 他们会对儿童的注意反应更及时、给予更多的共情关注和情绪性观点采择(Isbell, Stevens, Hampton, Bell, & Neville, 2016)。5-HTTLPR与共情相关, 可能是因为5-HTTLPR多态性影响转录的活性和合成的5-HTT活性, 其中L等位基因的转录活性比S高2.5倍, 它能增加5-HTT基因的转录和5-HTT蛋白的表达。中枢神经系统的5-HTT含量及功能异常可能与共情存在一定关系, 并且很多情绪相关疾病的发病是由S等位基因的转录活性不足所致(Bakermans- Kranenburg & van IJzendoorn, 2008; Schauder, Muller, Veenstra-VanderWeele, & Cascio, 2015)。上述基因多态性与典型发展婴幼儿及高风险ASD儿童联合注意及共情发展关系还需要进一步确认。

4 结语

综上, 关于联合注意和共情能力的研究为我们初步揭示了典型发展儿童这两种能力在婴儿早期的发展轨迹, 关于自闭症儿童的部分研究也提示我们这两种能力在婴幼儿早期可能会表现出发展过程中的中断或者偏离, 这些对照性的研究结果为自闭症的早期评估、诊断和及早治疗提供了重要的实践参考和理论依据。未来研究在以下方面还须深入。

研究内容上, 关于ASD个体在婴幼儿早期联合注意和共情发展轨迹的研究结果多来自于自闭症儿童父母之后(4岁被确诊后)的回忆, 实时在线的研究证据还很缺乏。尤其是ASD儿童在婴幼儿早期哪个时间点共情发展出现异常, 以及这种异常对其认知和社会性发展的具体影响也尚不清楚。ASD儿童的联合注意损伤是ASD核心症状的诱因, 如导致语言理解和语言表达能力滞后, 模仿能力、社会理解和社会交流能力下降(Chawarska et al., 2013; Nowakowski et al., 2012)。同时, ASD儿童的共情损伤导致他们在理解他人情绪意图上有困难, 表现出“心盲”, 不能对他人进行适当的回应(Argott et al., 2017), 从而导致融入他人的方式僵化, 交流和社会性上的困难。因此, 探讨自闭症儿童联合注意和共情在婴儿早期的发生发展轨迹可以为ASD的及早诊断和治疗提供更加详实客观的依据。

研究方法上, ASD是一种广泛的谱系障碍, 其症状表现多样, 对ASD相对省时省力的实验研究常常会带来人为控制性的影响, 而相比之下, 现场(自然环境)研究的方法, 或者在真实的社交情境中诱发本真状态的方法更能发掘ASD儿童在共情方面表现出的个体差异(Tell & Davidson, 2015), 同时使研究结果更加真实有效, 真实场景下的研究方法不仅能准确发现ASD儿童在共情上的个体差异, 也是决定ASD早期干预和治疗成效的关键(孟景, 沈林, 2017)。

在诊断标准上, ASD的早期诊断依据除了结合DSM-5中的外显行为标准外, 加入个体脑神经和脑功能的异常生理指标也非常有必要。新的生物基因和神经影像学等检测方法也使得这些神经生物指标纳入ASD的客观诊断标准成为可能, 尤其是再借助脑神经成像技术, 逐步建立完善的ASD脑成像的公共数据库并将其行为测量的数据进行分享(张芬, 王穗苹, 杨娟华, 冯刚毅, 2015)。在此基础上探索ASD个体联合注意和共情损伤在大脑分子细胞层面的表征状态, 这对于ASD早期鉴别和早期干预具有重要的借鉴价值。

此外, 现有针对ASD儿童的早期干预方法应该将生理药物与心理干预方法结合起来, 而不完全依赖于服用精神类药物(尤其是婴幼儿和儿童), 尽管药物可以改善ASD儿童的情绪不稳、注意缺陷、自伤行为等症状, 但不可忽视药物会对儿童产生无法避免的副作用甚至不良反应。尤其对于婴幼儿, 他们还处于一个快速发展阶段, 身心免疫力也在不断增强, 及早发现和干预可大大提高治愈的可能性。因此, 结合心理咨询的方法和手段, 有利于降低精神类药物对ASD儿童身体发育的负性影响。此外, 要在有意义的生活情境中对ASD个体的联合注意和共情进行生态化、个性化的干预和训练, 可在医院、家庭和特殊教育机构等不同的场合全面地进行ASD干预训练, 以增加其有效性 (刘艳丽, 陆桂芝, 2016)。尽管要将在实验条件下训练的联合注意和共情迁移到真实的生活中会面临各种各样的困难与挑战, 但是努力将干预的效果运用到现实的生活中去始终是自闭症研究未来关注的方向(陈璐, 张婷, 李泉, 冯廷勇, 2015)。


陈璐, 张婷, 李泉, 冯廷勇 . ( 2015).


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潘威, 陈巍, 汪寅, 单春雷 . ( 2016).

自闭症碎镜理论之迷思: 缘起、问题与前景

心理科学进展, 24( 6), 958-973.

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张芬, 王穗苹, 杨娟华, 冯刚毅 . ( 2015).


心理科学进展, 23( 7), 1196-1204.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2015.01196      URL     [本文引用: 1]

自闭症谱系障碍(Autism spectrum disorders,ASD)是一种常见的神经发育障碍,ASD在社交、语言、行为等方面的障碍与其异常的大脑功能连接存在密切关系。与正常发育者相比,ASD大脑既表现出远距离功能连接不足,也表现出局部功能连接过度增强。ASD这种异常的脑功能连接受到结构异常、扫描状态、个体发展、分析方法等多种因素的影响。未来的ASD脑机制研究中,要综合分析脑功能与结构,关注年龄发展变化,并将任务状态、被试取样、数据分析标准等因素纳入考察。

American Psychiatric Association.( 2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®) (5th ed.). Washington DC: American Psychiatric Publishing.

[本文引用: 1]

Argott P. J., Townsend D. B., & Poulson C. L . ( 2017).

Acquisition and generalization of complex empathetic responses among children with autism

Behavior Analysis in Practice, 10( 2), 107-117.

DOI:10.1007/s40617-016-0171-7      URL     PMID:5459767      [本文引用: 2]

Abstract Empathy can be defined as a social interaction skill that consists of four components: (1) a statement voiced in the (2) appropriate intonation, accompanied by a (3) facial expression and (4) gesture that correspond to the affect of another individual. A multiple-baseline across response categories experimental design was used to evaluate the effectiveness of a prompt sequence (video modeling, in vivo modeling, manual and verbal prompting) and reinforcement to increase the frequency of complex empathetic responding by four children with autism. The number of complex empathetic responses increased systematically with the successive introduction of the treatment package. Additionally, generalization was demonstrated to untaught stimuli and a novel adult. Responding maintained over time to varying degrees for all participants. The data illustrate that children with autism can be taught using modeling, prompting, and reinforcement to discriminate between categories of affective stimuli and differentially respond with complex empathetic responses.

Bakermans-Kranenburg, M. J., & van IJzendoorn, M. H . ( 2008).

Oxytocin receptor ( OXTR) and serotonin transporter( 5-HTT) genes associated with observed parenting

Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience, 3( 2), 128-134.

DOI:10.1093/scan/nsn004      URL     PMID:19015103      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Both oxytocin and serotonin modulate affiliative responses to partners and offspring. Animal studies suggest a crucial role of oxytocin in mammalian parturition and lactation but also in parenting and social interactions with offspring. The serotonergic system may also be important through its influence on mood and the release of oxytocin. We examined the role of serotonin transporter (5-HTT) and oxytocin receptor (OXTR) genes in explaining differences in sensitive parenting in a community sample of 159 Caucasian, middle-class mothers with their 2-year-old toddlers at risk for externalizing behavior problems, taking into account maternal educational level, maternal depression and the quality of the marital relationship. Independent genetic effects of 5-HTTLPR SCL6A4 and OXTR rs53576 on observed maternal sensitivity were found. Controlling for differences in maternal education, depression and marital discord, parents with the possibly less efficient variants of the serotonergic (5-HTT ss) and oxytonergic (AA/AG) system genes showed lower levels of sensitive responsiveness to their toddlers. Two-way and three-way interactions with marital discord or depression were not significant. This first study on the role of both OXTR and 5-HTT genes in human parenting points to molecular genetic differences that may be implicated in the production of oxytocin explaining differences in sensitive parenting.

Baron-Cohen S., Lombardo M. V., Auyeung B., Ashwin E., Chakrabarti B., & Knickmeyer R . ( 2011).

Why are autism spectrum conditions more prevalent in males?

PLoS Biology, 9( 6), e1001081.

DOI:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001081      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Campbell D. J., Shic F., Macari S., & Chawarska K . ( 2014).

Gaze response to dyadic bids at 2 years related to outcomes at 3 years in autism spectrum disorders: A subtyping analysis

Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 44( 2), 431-442.

DOI:10.1007/s10803-013-1885-9      URL     PMID:3900601      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Variability in attention towards direct gaze and child-directed speech may contribute to heterogeneity of clinical presentation in toddlers with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). To evaluate this hypothesis, we clustered sixty-five 20-month-old toddlers with ASD based on their visual responses to dyadic cues for engagement, identifying three subgroups. Subsequently, we compared social, language, and adaptive functioning of these subgroups at 30002years of age. The cluster displaying limited attention to social scenes in general exhibited poor outcome at 30002years; the cluster displaying good attention to the scene and to the speaker's mouth was verbal and high functioning at 30002years. Analysis of visual responses to dyadic cues may provide a clinically meaningful approach to identifying early predictors of outcome.

Chawarska K., Macari S., & Shic F . ( 2013).

Decreased spontaneous attention to social scenes in 6-month-old infants later diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders

Biological Psychiatry, 74( 3), 195-203.

DOI:10.1016/j.biopsych.2012.11.022      URL     PMID:3646074      [本文引用: 3]

The ability to spontaneously attend to the social overtures and activities of others is essential for the development of social cognition and communication. This ability is critically impaired in toddlers with autism spectrum disorders (ASD); however, it is not clear if prodromal symptoms in this area are already present in the first year of life of those affected by the disorder. To examine whether 6-month-old infants later diagnosed with ASD exhibit atypical spontaneous social monitoring skills, visual responses of 67 infants at high-risk and 50 at low-risk for ASD were studied using an eye-tracking task. Based on their clinical presentation in the third year, infants were divided into those with ASD, those exhibiting atypical development, and those developing typically. Compared with the control groups, 6-month-old infants later diagnosed with ASD attended less to the social scene, and when they did look at the scene, they spent less time monitoring the actress in general and her face in particular. Limited attention to the actress and her activities was not accompanied by enhanced attention to objects. Prodromal symptoms of ASD at 6 months include a diminished ability to attend spontaneously to people and their activities. A limited attentional bias toward people early in development is likely to have a detrimental impact on the specialization of social brain networks and the emergence of social interaction patterns. Further investigation into its underlying mechanisms and role in psychopathology of ASD in the first year is warranted.

Davis, M. H . ( 1983).

Measuring individual differences in empathy: Evidence for a multidimensional approach

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 44( 1), 113-126.

DOI:10.1037/0022-3514.44.1.113      URL     [本文引用: 1]

de Abreu C. S., Cardoso-Martins C., & Barbosa P. G . ( 2014).

The relationship between joint attention and theory of mind: A longitudinal study

Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 27( 2), 409-414.

DOI:10.1590/1678-7153.201427222      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Deschamps P. K. H., Schutter D. J. L. G., Kenemans J. L., & Matthys W . ( 2015).

Empathy and prosocial behavior in response to sadness and distress in 6- to 7-year olds diagnosed with disruptive behavior disorder and attention- deficit hyperactivity disorder

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 24( 1), 105-113.

DOI:10.1007/s00787-014-0535-x      URL     PMID:24643447      [本文引用: 1]

Empathy has been associated with decreased antisocial and increased prosocial behavior. This study examined empathy and prosocial behavior in response to sadness and distress in disruptive behavior disorder (DBD) and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Six- and 7-year-old children with DBD (with and without ADHD) ( n 02=0267) and with ADHD only ( n 02=0227) were compared to typically developing children (TD) ( n 02=0237). Parents and teachers rated affective empathy in response to sadness and distress on the Griffith Empathy Measure. Children reported affective empathic ability in response to sad story vignettes. Empathy-induced prosocial behavior in response to sadness and distress was assessed with a computer task, the Interpersonal Response Task (IRT). Compared to TD, children with DBD (with and without ADHD) and those with ADHD only were rated as less empathic by their teachers, but not by their parents. No differences between groups were observed in children who reported affect correspondence. Children with DBD (with and without ADHD) showed less prosocial behavior in response to sadness and distress compared to TD. Children with ADHD only did not differ from TD. An additional analysis comparing all children with a diagnosis to the TD group revealed that the difference in prosocial behavior remained after controlling for ADHD symptoms, but not after controlling for DBD symptoms. These findings of impaired empathy-induced prosocial behavior in response to sadness and distress in young children with DBD suggest that interventions to ameliorate peer relationships may benefit from targeting on increasing prosocial behavior in these children.

Eggebrecht A. T., Elison J. T., Feczko E., Todorov A., Wolff J. J., Kandala S., … Pruett J. R., Jr . ( 2017).

Joint attention and brain functional connectivity in infants and toddlers

Cerebral Cortex, 27( 3), 1709-1720.

DOI:10.1093/cercor/bhw403      URL     PMID:28062515      [本文引用: 1]

Initiating joint attention (IJA), the behavioral instigation of coordinated focus of 2 people on an object, emerges over the first 2 years of life and supports social-communicative functioning related to the healthy development of aspects of language, empathy, and theory of mind. Deficits in IJA provide strong early indicators for autism spectrum disorder, and therapies targeting joint attention have shown tremendous promise. However, the brain systems underlying IJA in early childhood are poorly understood, due in part to significant methodological challenges in imaging localized brain function that supports social behaviors during the first 2 years of life. Herein, we show that the functional organization of the brain is intimately related to the emergence of IJA using functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging and dimensional behavioral assessments in a large semilongitudinal cohort of infants and toddlers. In particular, though functional connections spanning the brain are involved in IJA, the strongest brain-behavior associations cluster within connections between a small subset of functional brain networks; namely between the visual network and dorsal attention network and between the visual network and posterior cingulate aspects of the default mode network. These observations mark the earliest known description of how functional brain systems underlie a burgeoning fundamental social behavior, may help improve the design of targeted therapies for neurodevelopmental disorders, and, more generally, elucidate physiological mechanisms essential to healthy social behavior development.

Escudero-Sanz A., Carranza-Carnicero J. A., & Huéscar- Hernández E . ( 2013).

Emergence and development of joint attention in infancy

Anales De Psicología, 29( 2), 404-412.

DOI:10.6018/analesps.29.2.136871      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Joint Attention is the first step to build communication. Hence, its study is of great interest due to its influence on cognitive, social, emotional, and language development. This article presents a review of the research on the emergence and development of Joint Attention in infancy, highlighting the major points of discussion on this topic. We begin by examining the concept of intentionality in the definition of Joint Attention, followed by a description of the sequence of development of this capacity. We finish relating joint attention to language development and suggesting directions that can guide ulterior research in the field.

Gadow K. D., Devincent C. J., Olvet D. M., Pisarevskaya V., & Hatchwell E . ( 2010).

Association of DRD4 polymorphism with severity of oppositional defiant disorder, separation anxiety disorder and repetitive behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorder

European Journal of Neuroscience, 32( 6), 1058-1065.

DOI:10.1111/j.1460-9568.2010.07382.x      URL     PMID:20731709      [本文引用: 1]

The objective was to examine whether a common polymorphism in the dopamine D4 receptor gene (DRD4) might be a potential biomarker for behavioral variation within the autism spectrum disorder clinical phenotype. Children (N = 66) were evaluated with a validated mother- and teacher-completed DSM-IV-referenced rating scale. Partial eta-squared (ηp2) was used to gauge the magnitude of group differences: 0.01610.06 = small, 0.06610.14 = moderate and > 0.14 = large. Children who were 7-repeat allele carriers had more severe oppositional defiant disorder behaviors according to mothers’ (ηp2 = 0.10) and teachers’ (ηp2 = 0.06) ratings than noncarriers, but the latter was marginally significant (P = 0.07). Children who were 7-repeat allele carriers also obtained more severe maternal ratings of tics (ηp2 = 0.07) and obsessions–compulsions (ηp2 = 0.08). Findings for maternal ratings of separation anxiety were marginally significant (P = 0.08, ηp2 = 0.05). Analyses of combined DRD4 and dopamine transporter gene (DAT1) genotypes approached significance (P = 0.05) for teachers’ ratings of oppositional behavior and mothers’ ratings of tics. DRD4 allelic variation may be a prognostic biomarker for challenging behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorder, but these exploratory findings remain tentative pending replication with larger independent samples.

Gangi D. N., Ibañez L. V., & Messinger D. S . ( 2014).

Joint attention initiation with and without positive affect: Risk group differences and associations with ASD symptoms

Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 44( 6), 1414-1424.

DOI:10.1007/s10803-013-2002-9      URL     PMID:24281421      [本文引用: 1]

Infants at risk for autism spectrum disorders (ASD) may have difficulty integrating smiles into initiating joint attention (IJA) bids. A specific IJA pattern, anticipatory smiling, may communicate preexisting positive affect when an infant smiles at an object and then turns the smile toward the social partner. We compared the development of anticipatory smiling at 8, 10, and 12 months in infant siblings of children with ASD (high-risk siblings) and without ASD (low-risk siblings). High-risk siblings produced less anticipatory smiling than low-risk siblings, suggesting early differences in communicating preexisting positive affect. While early anticipatory smiling distinguished the risk groups, IJA not accompanied by smiling best predicted later severity of ASD-related behavioral characteristics among high-risk siblings. High-risk infants appear to show lower levels of motivation to share positive affect with others. However, facility with initiating joint attention in the absence of a clear index of positive affective motivation appears to be central to the prediction of ASD symptoms.

Geangu E., Benga O., Stahl D., & Striano T . ( 2010).

Contagious crying beyond the first days of life

Infant Behavior & Development, 33( 3), 279-288.

DOI:10.1016/j.infbeh.2010.03.004      URL     PMID:20362341      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Newborns cry in response to another newborn cry and researchers agree that these are the very early signs of empathy development. Yet, little is known about the development of these affect sharing reactions in infancy, beyond the very first few days after birth. The aim of this study is to investigate the presence of contagious cry phenomenon in infancy. Infants aged 1-, 3-, 6-, and 9-month-old were presented with the sound of another infant cry vocalizations. Their emotional reactions were recorded in terms of vocal (presence of vocal distress, latency, and intensity) and facial (anger and sadness) expressions of emotions. Results show that during the presentation of a pain cry sound, 1, 3, 6, and 9 months old infants manifest increased vocal and facial expressions of distress. These affect sharing reactions do not decrease with age. Both boys and girls manifest similar levels of contagious crying reactions. The results are discussed in terms of early empathy development. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Golan O., Ashwin E., Granader Y., McClintock S., Day K., Leggett V., & Baron-Cohen S . ( 2010).

Enhancing emotion recognition in children with autism spectrum conditions: An intervention using animated vehicles with real emotional faces

Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 40( 3), 269-279.

DOI:10.1007/s10803-009-0862-9      URL     PMID:19763807      [本文引用: 1]

This study evaluated The Transporters , an animated series designed to enhance emotion comprehension in children with autism spectrum conditions (ASC). n 02=0220 children with ASC (aged 4–7) watched The Transporters everyday for 402weeks. Participants were tested before and after intervention on emotional vocabulary and emotion recognition at three levels of generalization. Two matched control groups of children (ASC group, n 02=0218 and typically developing group, n 02=0218) were also assessed twice without any intervention. The intervention group improved significantly more than the clinical control group on all task levels, performing comparably to typical controls at Time 2. We conclude that using The Transporters significantly improves emotion recognition in children with ASC. Future research should evaluate the series’ effectiveness with lower-functioning individuals.

Gorlick M. A., Worthy D. A., Knopik V. S., McGeary J. E., Beevers C. G., & Maddox W. T . ( 2015).

DRD4 long allele carriers show heightened attention to high-priority items relative to low-priority items

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27( 3), 509-521.

DOI:10.1162/jocn_a_00724      URL     PMID:4312507      [本文引用: 1]

Humans with seven or more repeats in exon III of the DRD4 gene (long DRD4 carriers) sometimes demonstrate impaired attention, as seen in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and at other times demonstrate heightened attention, as seen in addictive behavior. Although the clinical effects of DRD4 are the focus of much work, this gene may not necessarily serve as a "risk" gene for attentional deficits, but as a plasticity gene where attention is heightened for priority items in the environment and impaired for minor items. Here we examine the role of DRD4 in two tasks that benefit from selective attention to high-priority information. We examine a category learning task where performance is supported by focusing on features and updating verbal rules. Here, selective attention to the most salient features is associated with good performance. In addition, we examine the Operation Span (OSPAN) task, a working memory capacity task that relies on selective attention to update and maintain items in memory while also performing a secondary task. Long DRD4 carriers show superior performance relative to short DRD4 homozygotes (six or less tandem repeats) in both the category learning and OSPAN tasks. These results suggest that DRD4 may serve as a "plasticity" gene where individuals with the long allele show heightened selective attention to high-priority items in the environment, which can be beneficial in the appropriate context.

Gros-Louis, J., & Wu, Z . ( 2012).

Twelve-month-olds' vocal production during pointing in naturalistic interactions: Sensitivity to parents' attention and responses

Infant Behavior & Development, 35( 4), 773-778.

DOI:10.1016/j.infbeh.2012.07.016      URL     PMID:22982278      [本文引用: 1]

Infants’ pointing and concurrent vocalizing were examined in naturalistic interactions. Validating experimental findings of infants’ flexible vocalizing while pointing, infants vocalized more while pointing when parents were not already attending to where infants were pointing and when parents did not respond sensitively. 78 Twelve-month-old infants and parents were observed in naturalistic interactions. 78 We documented pointing and concurrent vocalizing by infants. 78 We compared pointing with vocalizing relative to parents’ attention and responses. 78 Infants vocalized while pointing when parents were not attending. 78 Infants vocalized while pointing when parents did not respond sensitively.

Hamlin J. K., Wynn K., & Bloom P . ( 2007).

Social evaluation in preverbal infants

Nature, 450, 557-559.

DOI:10.1038/nature06288      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Harrison N. A., Morgan R., & Critchley H. D . ( 2010).

From facial mimicry to emotional empathy: A role for norepinephrine?

Social Neuroscience, 5( 4), 393-400.

DOI:10.1080/17470911003656330      URL     PMID:2913325      [本文引用: 1]

Tendency to mimic others emotional facial expressions predicts empathy and may represent a physiological marker of psychopathy. Anatomical connectivity between amygdala, cingulate motor cortex (M3, M4), and facial nucleus demonstrates a potential neuroanatomical substrate for mimicry, though pharmacological influences are largely unknown. Norepinephrine modulation selectively impairs negative emotion recognition, reflecting a potential role in processing empathy-eliciting facial expressions. We examined effects of single doses of propranolol (beta-adrenoceptor blocker) and reboxetine (selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor) on automatic facial mimicry of sadness, anger, and happiness, and the relationship between mimicry and empathy. Forty-five healthy volunteers were randomized to 40 mg propranolol or 4 mg reboxetine. Two hours after drug subjects viewed and rated facial expressions of sadness, anger, and happiness, while corrugator, zygomatic, and mentalis EMG were recorded. Trait emotional empathy was measured using the Balanced Emotional Empathy Scale. EMG confirmed emotion-specific mimicry and the relationship between corrugator mimicry and empathy. Norepinephrine modulation did not alter mimicry to any expression or influence the relationship between mimicry and empathy. Corrugator but not zygomaticus mimicry predicts trait empathy, consistent with greater anatomical connectivity between amygdala and M3 coding upper facial muscle representations. Although influencing emotion perception, norepinephrine does not influence emotional facial mimicry or its relationship with trait empathy.

Hoffman M. L. ( 2000). Empathy and moral development: Implications for caring and justice. New York: Cambridge University Press.

[本文引用: 1]

Hutman, T . ( 2013).

From attention to interaction: The emergence of autism during infancy

Biological Psychiatry, 74( 3), 162-163.

DOI:10.1016/j.biopsych.2013.05.018      URL     PMID:23845582      [本文引用: 3]

Author information: (1)Department of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences, UCLA, Center for Autism Research & Treatment, Semel Institute of Neuroscience & Human Behavior, David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA.

Isbell E., Stevens C., Hampton W. A., Bell T., & Neville H. J . ( 2016).

5-HTTLPR polymorphism is linked to neural mechanisms of selective attention in preschoolers from lower socioeconomic status backgrounds

Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 22, 36-47.

DOI:10.1016/j.dcn.2016.10.002      URL     PMID:27837677      [本文引用: 1]

While a growing body of research has identified experiential factors associated with differences in selective attention, relatively little is known about the contribution of genetic factors to the skill of sustained selective attention, especially in early childhood. Here, we assessed the association between the serotonin transporter linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) genotypes and the neural mechanisms of selective attention in young children from lower socioeconomic status (SES) backgrounds. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded during a dichotic listening task from 121 children (76 females, aged 40-67 months), who were also genotyped for the short and long allele of 5-HTTLPR. The effect of selective attention was measured as the difference in ERP mean amplitudes elicited by identical probe stimuli embedded in stories when they were attended versus unattended. Compared to children homozygous for the long allele, children who carried at least one copy of the short allele showed larger effects of selective attention on neural processing. These findings link the short allele of the 5-HTTLPR to enhanced neural mechanisms of selective attention and lay the groundwork for future studies of gene-by-environment interactions in the context of key cognitive skills.

Jaime M., McMahon C. M., Davidson B. C., Newell L. C., Mundy P. C., & Henderson H. A . ( 2016).

Brief report: Reduced temporal-central EEG alpha coherence during joint attention perception in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder

Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 46( 4), 1477-1489.

DOI:10.1007/s10803-015-2667-3      URL     PMID:26659813      [本文引用: 1]

Although prior studies have demonstrated reduced resting state EEG coherence in adults with (), no studies have explored the nature of EEG coherence during joint attention. We examined the EEG coherence of the joint attention network in adolescents with and without during congruent and incongruent joint attention perception and an eyes-open resting condition. Across conditions, adolescents with showed reduced right hemisphere temporal-central alpha coherence compared to typically developing adolescents. Greater right temporal-central alpha coherence during joint attention was positively associated with social cognitive performance in typical development but not in . These results suggest that, in addition to a resting state, EEG coherence during joint attention perception is reduced in .

Jaiswal P., Guhathakurta S., Singh A. S., Verma D., Pandey M., Varghese M., … Rajamma U . ( 2015).

SLC6A4 markers modulate platelet 5-HT level and specific behaviors of autism: A study from an Indian population

Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 56, 196-206.

DOI:10.1016/j.pnpbp.2014.09.004      URL     PMID:25261775      [本文引用: 1]

61A significant fraction of ASD probands exhibits platelet hyperserotonemia.61Significant effect of SLC6A4 markers on platelet 5-HT level61Genetic association study reveals gender bias effect in males.61SLC6A4 markers regulate specific behavioral symptoms in ASD.

Kim J. E., Lyoo I. K., Estes A. M., Renshaw P. F., Shaw D. W., Friedman S. D., … Dager S. R . ( 2010).

Laterobasal amygdalar enlargement in 6- to 7-year-old children with autism spectrum disorder

Archives of General Psychiatry, 67( 11), 1187-1197.

DOI:10.1001/archgenpsychiatry.2010.148      URL     PMID:21041620      [本文引用: 1]

There is substantial imaging evidence for volumetric abnormalities of the amygdala in younger children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The amygdala can be divided into functionally distinct laterobasal, superficial, and centromedial subregions. To date, we are not aware of any in vivo reports specifically assessing subregional amygdalar abnormalities in individuals with ASD. To evaluate alterations in subregional amygdalar morphology in children with ASD compared with typically developing (TD) children and to examine the relationships with ASD symptom severity. A cross-sectional study encompassing a narrow age range of children with ASD and age-matched TD children that evaluated magnetic resonance imaging-defined subregional morphology of the amygdala using a novel subregional analytic method. Participants were recruited and clinically evaluated through the University of Washington Autism Center and imaged at the Diagnostic Imaging Sciences Center at the University of Washington. Imaging data were analyzed through the Brain Imaging Laboratory at the Seoul National University. Fifty-one children 6 to 7 years of age (ASD, n = 31 and TD, n = 20) were assessed using magnetic resonance imaging and behavioral measures. Volume and subregional measures of the amygdala and measures of social and communication functioning. The ASD group exhibited larger right and left amygdalae, by 12.7% and 11.0%, respectively, relative to the TD group. Subregional analysis revealed that the ASD group had enlarged laterobasal amygdalar subregions, relative to the TD group, after adjusting for age, sex, and hemispheric cerebral volume (P < .05, false discovery rate corrected and with clustered surface points >15). Exploratory analyses revealed that there were linear trends comparing a strictly defined subgroup of children with autistic disorder, who exhibited the greatest extent of laterobasal enlargement, followed by a subgroup of children with pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified and then the group of TD children (P for linear trend <.001). There were linear trends between enlargement of laterobasal subregions and lower levels of social and communication functioning (P < .001, P < .001, and P = .001 for 3 areas in the right laterobasal subregion; P < .001 for 1 area in the left laterobasal subregion). The current study demonstrates bilateral enlargement of laterobasal subregions of the amygdala in 6- to 7-year-old children with ASD and that subregional alterations are associated with deficits in social and communicative behavior.

Knafo A., Zahn-Waxler C., Davidov M., van Hulle C., Robinson J. L., & Rhee S. H . ( 2009).

Empathy in early childhood: Genetic, environmental, and affective contributions

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1167, 103-114.

DOI:10.1111/j.1749-6632.2009.04540.x      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Kranz T. M., Kopp M., Waltes R., Sachse M., Duketis E., Jarczok T. A., … Chiocchetti A. G . ( 2016).

Meta-analysis and association of two common polymorphisms of the human oxytocin receptor gene in autism spectrum disorder

Autism Research, 9( 10), 1036-1045.

DOI:10.1002/aur.1597      URL     PMID:26788924      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Neuropeptides such as oxytocin (OXT) are known facilitators of social behavior across species. Variants of the OXT receptor gene (OXTR) have been tested for association with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) across manifold ethnicities, yielding both positive and negative findings. A recent meta-analysis, comprising 16 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), has corroborated the implication of OXTR in the etiology of ASD. Here, we genotyped and tested two additional variants (rs237889 and rs237897) for association with ASD in two German predominantly high-functioning ASD samples. We found nominal over-transmission (OR090009=0900091.48, CI95090009=0900091.06-2.08, P090009=0900090.022) for the minor A allele of variant rs237889G>A in sample 1 (N090009=090009135 complete parent-offspring trios, 29 parent child duos), but not in sample 2 (362 trios, 69 duos). Still, in a meta-analysis comprising four different studies including the two unreported German data sets (N090009=090009542 families), this finding was confirmed (OR090009=0900091.12; CI95090009=0900091.01-1.24, random effects P090009=0900090.012). In addition, carriers of the minor risk allele rs237889-A showed significantly increased severity scores, as assessed through the autism diagnostic interview - revised (ADI-R), with highly significant increases in social interaction deficits. Our results corroborate the implication of common OXTR variants in the etiology of ASD. There is a need for functional studies to delineate the neurobiological implications of this and other association findings. (172/250). Autism Res 2016, 9: 1036-1045. 0008 2016 International Society for Autism Research, Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 0008 2016 International Society for Autism Research, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Llorca-Mestre A., Samper-García P., Malonda-Vidal E., & Cortés-Tomás M. T . ( 2017).

Parenting style and peer attachment as predictors of emotional instability in children

Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 45( 4), 677-694.

DOI:10.2224/sbp.5363      URL     [本文引用: 1]

We analyzed the roles of parenting style and peer attachment in predicting emotional instability in late childhood and early adolescence. Effects were analyzed separately by gender. Children's personal variables analyzed were empathy, anger, and the mechanisms used to cope with anger (externalization and self-control). Participants were 316 girls and 294 boys (= 610) aged from 9 to 12 years who were students at schools in Valencia, Spain. Main gender differences for each variable were examined using one-way ANOVAs. Results of 2 multiple linear regression analyses (1 for boys and 1 for girls) explained 50.9% and 35.5%, respectively, of variance in the students' emotional instability. Considering emotional and cognitive variables, the results for our participant group show that parenting styles and peer attachment were equally significant as predictors of emotional instability.

Lord C., Cook E. H., Leventhal B. L., & Amaral D. G . ( 2001).

Autism spectrum disorders

In S. Hyman (Ed.), Autism: The science of mental health( pp. 217-226). New York: Routledge.

[本文引用: 1]

Materna S., Dicke P. W., & Thier P . ( 2008).

Dissociable roles of the superior temporal sulcus and the intraparietal sulcus in joint attention: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20( 1), 108-119.

DOI:10.1162/jocn.2008.20.1.108      URL     PMID:18095789      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Previous imaging work has shown that the superior temporal sulcus (STS) region and the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) are specifically activated during the passive observation of shifts in eye gaze [Pelphrey, K. A., Singerman, J. D., Allison, T., & McCarthy, G. Brain activation evoked by perception of gaze shifts: The influence of context. Neuropsychologia, 41, 156-170, 2003; Hoffman, E. A., & Haxby, J. V. Distinct representations of eye gaze and identity in the distributed human neural system for face perception. Nature Neuroscience, 3, 80-84, 2000; Puce, A., Allison, T., Bentin, S., Gore, J. C., & McCarthy, G. Temporal cortex activation in humans viewing eye and mouth movements. Journal of Neuroscience, 18, 2188-2199, 1998; Wicker, B., Michel, F., Henaff, M. A., & Decety, J. Brain regions involved in the perception of gaze: A PET study. Neuroimage, 8, 221-227, 1998]. Are the same brain regions also involved in extracting gaze direction in order to establish joint attention? In an event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment, healthy human subjects actively followed the directional cue provided by the eyes of another person toward an object in space or, in the control condition, used a nondirectional symbolic cue to make an eye movement toward an object in space. Our results show that the posterior part of the STS region and the cuneus are specifically involved in extracting and using detailed directional information from the eyes of another person to redirect one's own gaze and establish joint attention. The IPS, on the other hand, seems to be involved in encoding spatial direction and mediating shifts of spatial attention independent of the type of cue that triggers this process.

McDonald N. M., Baker J. K., & Messinger D. S . ( 2016).

Oxytocin and parent-child interaction in the development of empathy among children at risk for autism

Developmental Psychology, 52( 5), 735-745.

DOI:10.1037/dev0000104      URL     PMID:26998571      [本文引用: 2]

ABSTRACT This longitudinal study investigated whether variation in the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) and early parent-child interactions predicted later empathic behavior in 84 toddlers at high or low familial risk for autism spectrum disorder. Two well-studied OXTR single-nucleotide polymorphisms, rs53576 and rs2254298, were examined. Parent-child interaction was measured at 15 and 18 months of age during free play sessions. Empathy was measured at 24 and 30 months using a response to parental distress paradigm. While there was no direct association between parent-child interaction quality or OXTR and empathy, rs53576 moderated the relation between interaction quality and empathy. Results suggest that the interplay between OXTR and early parent-child interactions predicts individual differences in empathy in children at varying risk for atypical social development. Findings are consonant with a differential susceptibility model in which an OXTR variant may increase the social salience of interaction processes for specific allele carriers. These results increase our understanding of predictors of empathy development in young children with a wide range of social outcomes. (PsycINFO Database Record

McIntosh D. N., Reichmann-Decker A., Winkielman P., & Wilbarger J. L . ( 2006).

When the social mirror breaks: Deficits in automatic, but not voluntary, mimicry of emotional facial expressions in autism

Developmental Science, 9( 3), 295-302.

DOI:10.1111/j.1467-7687.2006.00492.x      URL     PMID:16669800      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Humans, infants and adults alike, automatically mimic a variety of behaviors. Such mimicry facilitates social functioning, including establishment of interpersonal rapport and understanding of other minds. This fundamental social process may thus be impaired in disorders such as autism characterized by socio-emotional and communicative deficits. We examined automatic and voluntary mimicry of emotional facial expression among adolescents and adults with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) and a typical sample matched on age, gender and verbal intelligence. Participants viewed pictures of happy and angry expressions while the activity over their cheek and brow muscle region was monitored with electromyography (EMG). ASD participants did not automatically mimic facial expressions whereas the typically developing participants did. However, both groups showed evidence of successful voluntary mimicry. The data suggest that autism is associated with an impairment of a basic automatic social-emotion process. Results have implications for understanding typical and atypical social cognition.

Medeiros, K., & Winsler, A . ( 2014).

Parent-child gesture use during problem solving in autistic spectrum disorder

Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 44( 8), 1946-1958.

DOI:10.1007/s10803-014-2069-y      URL     PMID:24535577      [本文引用: 1]

This study examined the relationship between child language skills and parent and child gestures of 58 youths with and without an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis. Frequencies and rates of total gesture use as well as five categories of gestures (deictic, conventional, beat, iconic, and metaphoric) were reliably coded during the collaborative Tower of Hanoi task. Children with ASD had lower Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test scores and gestured less and at lower rates compared to typically developing children. Gesture use was unrelated to vocabulary for typically developing children, but positively associated with vocabulary for those with ASD. Demographic correlates of gesturing differed by group. Gesture may be a point of communication intervention for families with children with ASD.

Morgan M. J., Bass D., Bik H., Birky C. W., Blaxter M., Crisp M. D., … Creer S . ( 2014).

A critique of rossberg et al.: Noise obscures the genetic signal of meiobiotal ecospecies in ecogenomic datasets

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281( 1783), 20133076.

DOI:10.1098/rspb.2013.3076      URL     PMID:24671969      [本文引用: 1]

@misc{5819721, articleno = {20133076}, author = { Morgan, MJ and Bass, D and Bik, H and Birky, CW and Blaxter, M and Crisp, MD and Derycke, Sofie and Fitch, D and Fontaneto, D and Hardy, CM and King, AJ and Kiontke, KC and Moens, Tom and Pawlowski, JW and Porazinska, D and Tang, CQ and Thomas, WK and Yeates, DK and Creer, S}, issn = {0962-8452}, keyword = {DIVERSITY,PROTOZOA,DISPERSAL,NEMATODA,BIODIVERSITY,TAXONOMY,COMPLEX}, language = {eng}, number = {1783}, pages = {4}, series = {PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES}, title = {A critique of Rossberg et al.: noise obscures the genetic signal of meiobiotal ecospecies in ecogenomic datasets}, url = {}, volume = {281}, year = {2014}, }

Mundy P., Kim K., McIntyre N., Lerro L., & Jarrold W . ( 2016).

Brief report: Joint attention and information processing in children with higher functioning autism spectrum disorders

Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 46( 7), 2555-2560.

DOI:10.1007/s10803-016-2785-6      URL     PMID:27062035      [本文引用: 4]

Abstract Theory suggests that information processing during joint attention may be atypical in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This hypothesis was tested in a study of school-aged children with higher functioning ASD and groups of children with symptoms of ADHD or typical development. The results indicated that the control groups displayed significantly better recognition memory for pictures studied in an initiating joint attention (IJA) rather than responding to joint attention (RJA) condition. This effect was not evident in the ASD group. The ASD group also recognized fewer pictures from the IJA condition than controls, but not the RJA condition. Atypical information processing may be a marker of the continued effects of joint attention disturbance in school aged children with ASD.

Neufeld, J., & Chakrabarti, B . ( 2016).

Empathy modulates the rewarding effect of mimicry

Scientific Reports, 6, 27751.

DOI:10.1038/srep27751      URL     PMID:4906278      [本文引用: 1]

We tend to like those who mimic us. In this study we formally test if mimicry changes the reward value of the mimicker, using gaze bias as a proxy for reward. Previous research has demonstrated that people show gaze bias towards more rewarding targets, suggesting that gaze bias can be considered a proxy for relative reward value. Forty adults participated in a conditioning task, where they were mimicked by one face and ‘anti-mimicked’ by another. Subsequently, they were found to show gaze-bias towards faces that mimicked them compared to those that did not, in a preferential looking task. The strength of this effect correlated positively with individual levels of trait empathy. In a separate, similar task, these participants showed a gaze bias for faces paired with high vs low monetary rewards, thus validating the use of gaze bias as a proxy for learnt reward. Together, these results demonstrate that mimicry changes the reward value of social stimuli, and empathy influences the extent of this change. This can potentially inform conditions marked by deficits in forming social bonds, such as Autism.

Neufeld J., Ioannou C., Korb S., Schilbach L., & Chakrabarti B . ( 2016).

Spontaneous facial mimicry is modulated by joint attention and autistic traits

Autism Research, 9( 7), 781-789.

DOI:10.1002/aur.1573      URL     PMID:4982086      [本文引用: 1]

Joint attention (JA) and spontaneous facial mimicry (SFM) are fundamental processes in social interactions, and they are closely related to empathic abilities. When tested independently, both of these processes have been usually observed to be atypical in individuals with autism spectrum conditions (ASC). However, it is not known how these processes interact with each other in relation to autistic traits. This study addresses this question by testing the impact of JA on SFM of happy faces using a truly interactive paradigm. Sixty‐two neurotypical participants engaged in gaze‐based social interaction with an anthropomorphic, gaze‐contingent virtual agent. The agent either established JA by initiating eye contact or looked away, before looking at an object and expressing happiness or disgust. Eye tracking was used to make the agent's gaze behavior and facial actions contingent to the participants' gaze. SFM of happy expressions was measured by Electromyography (EMG) recording over the Zygomaticus Major muscle. Results showed that JA augments SFM in individuals with low compared with high autistic traits. These findings are in line with reports of reduced impact of JA on action imitation in individuals with ASC. Moreover, they suggest that investigating atypical interactions between empathic processes, instead of testing these processes individually, might be crucial to understanding the nature of social deficits in autism.Autism Res2016, 9: 781–789. 08 2015 The Authors Autism Research published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of International Society for Autism Research

Nowakowski M. E., Tasker S. L., & Schmidt L. A . ( 2012).

Joint attention in toddlerhood predicts internalizing problems at early school age

Clinical Pediatrics, 51( 11), 1032-1040.

DOI:10.1177/0009922812441670      URL     PMID:22511189      [本文引用: 2]

The authors examined the longitudinal relation between joint attention and socioemotional functioning in a low-risk, typically developing sample of children when the children were toddlers and again during the early school-age years. Fifty-eight mothers and their children were observed in the home or laboratory engaging in 1 unstructured and 4 semistructured tasks designed to assess joint attention episodes when the children were toddlers. Approximately 4 years later, the mother–child dyads were contacted again and mothers completed the Child Behavior Checklist as a measure of their children’s socioemotional outcome at the early school years. The authors found that lower frequencies of joint attention episodes at toddlerhood predicted higher internalizing behaviors at early school age. Preliminary findings are discussed in terms of their theoretical implications for work on early mother–child interactions and children’s typical and atypical sociemotional development.

Poulin M. J., Holman E. A., & Buffone A . ( 2012).

The neurogenetics of nice: Receptor genes for oxytocin and vasopressin interact with threat to predict prosocial behavior

Psychological Science, 23( 5), 446-452.

DOI:10.1177/0956797611428471      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Oxytocin, vasopressin, and their receptor genes influence prosocial behavior in the laboratory and in the context of close relationships. These peptides may also promote social engagement following threat. However, the scope of their prosocial effects is unknown. We examined oxytocin receptor ( OXTR ) polymorphism rs53576, as well as vasopressin receptor 1a ( AVPR1a ) polymorphisms rs1 and rs3 in a national sample of U.S. residents ( n = 348). These polymorphisms interacted with perceived threat to predict engagement in volunteer work or charitable activities and commitment to civic duty. Specifically, greater perceived threat predicted engagement in fewer charitable activities for individuals with A/A and A/G genotypes of OXTR rs53576, but not for G/G individuals. Similarly, greater perceived threat predicted lower commitment to civic duty for individuals with one or two short alleles for AVPR1a rs1, but not for individuals with only long alleles. Oxytocin, vasopressin, and their receptor genes may significantly influence prosocial behavior and may lie at the core of the caregiving behavioral system.

Ramachandran, V. S., & Oberman, L. . ( 2006).

Broken mirrors: A theory of autism

Scientific American, 295( 5), 62-69.

DOI:10.1038/scientificamerican1106-62      URL     PMID:17076085      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Studies of the mirror neuron system can help know the causes of autism, a mental developmental disorder and help the researchers to find out a way to treat it. Studies of people with autism show a lack of mirror neuron activity in several regions of the brain. Mirror neurons may enable humans to see themselves as others see them, which may be an essential ability for self-awareness and introspection. The dysfunctional mirror neurons can create absence of empathy, language deficits, poor imitation, and many other disorders. The researchers have found mirror neuron deficits in children with autism by employing magnetoencephalography, which measures the magnetic fields produced by electric currents in the brain. Doctors could monitor the mu waves of a child with autism and display them on a screen in front of the patient. Specialized Neuromodulators may also enhance the activity of mirror neurons involved in emotional responses.

Riem M. M. E., Pieper S., Out D., Bakermans-Kranenburg M. J., & van IJzendoorn, M. H . ( 2011).

Oxytocin receptor gene and depressive symptoms associated with physiological reactivity to infant crying

Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience, 6( 3), 294-300.

DOI:10.1093/scan/nsq035      URL     PMID:20400491      [本文引用: 1]

Both the oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene and depressive symptoms have been associated with parenting behaviour. The OXTR GG genotype has been suggested to be related to more sensitive parenting, whereas depressive symptoms may affect sensitivity negatively. We examined the role of OXTR and the influence of depressive symptoms in explaining differences in physiological reactivity to infant crying. Heart rate responses of 40 healthy females without children (age 1947 years, randomly selected half of twin pairs) were measured during the presentation of three episodes of infant cry sounds. Participants with the presumably more efficient variant of the oxytonergic system gene (OXTR GG) had more pronounced physiological reactivity to repeated cry sounds, except when they showed more symptoms of depression. Results were replicated in the second half of the twin sample. This is the first study to suggest effects of OXTR genotype on physiological reactivity to infant crying. Depressive symptoms may however suppress the effect of the OXTR GG genotype.

Rodrigues S. M., Saslow L. R., Garcia N., John O. P., & Keltner D . ( 2009).

Oxytocin receptor genetic variation relates to empathy and stress reactivity in humans

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106( 50), 21437-21441.

DOI:10.1073/pnas.0909579106      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Oxytocin, a peptide that functions as both a hormone and neurotransmitter, has broad influences on social and emotional processing throughout the body and the brain. In this study, we tested how a polymorphism (rs53576) of the oxytocin receptor relates to two key social processes related to oxytocin: empathy and stress reactivity. Compared with individuals homozygous for the G allele of rs53576 (GG), individuals with one or two copies of the A allele (AG/AA) exhibited lower behavioral and dispositional empathy, as measured by the "Reading the Mind in the Eyes" Test and an other-oriented empathy scale. Furthermore, AA/AG individuals displayed higher physiological and dispositional stress reactivity than GG individuals, as determined by heart rate response during a startle anticipation task and an affective reactivity scale. Our results provide evidence of how a naturally occurring genetic variation of the oxytocin receptor relates to both empathy and stress profiles.

Schauder K. B., Muller C. L., Veenstra-VanderWeele J., & Cascio C. J . ( 2015).

Genetic variation in serotonin transporter modulates tactile hyper-responsiveness in ASD

Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 10, 93-100.

DOI:10.1016/j.rasd.2014.11.008      URL     PMID:25558276      [本文引用: 1]

Several lines of evidence implicate dysfunction of the serotonin (5-HT) system in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Specifically, the serotonin transporter (5-HTT, SERT) has been scrutinized as an ASD candidate risk gene. SERT plays key roles in the development of circuits that underlie sensory function, particularly in the somatosensory system. One previous study in ASD found association of a rare, hyperfunctional SERT variant with sensory aversion, but studies of common SERT variants have never examined sensory symptoms in ASD. Using standardized caregiver assessments of sensory function in children, we evaluated patterns of sensory responsiveness in 47 children with ASD and 38 typically developing (TD) children. Study participants were genotyped for the functional SERT promoter polymorphisms, 5-HTTLPR and rs25531, to test the hypothesis that the higher expressing genotypes would be associated with hyperresponsiveness to touch, a common sensory aversion in ASD. All measures of sensory hypo- and hyperresponsiveness were increased in children with ASD, with hyporesponsive sensory patterns negatively correlated to age and hyperresponsive sensory patterns positively correlated to repetitive behavior. Strikingly, high-expressing SERT genotypes were associated with increased tactile hyperresponsiveness in the ASD group. Our findings indicate genetic variation that increases SERT function may specifically impact somatosensory processing in ASD.

Singer, T . ( 2006).

The neuronal basis and ontogeny of empathy and mind reading: Review of literature and implications for future research

Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 30( 6), 855-863.

DOI:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2006.06.011      URL     PMID:16904182      [本文引用: 1]

Social neuro-science has recently started to investigate the neuronal mechanisms underlying our ability to understand the mental and emotional states of others. In this review, imaging research conducted on theory of mind (ToM or mentalizing) and empathy is selectively reviewed. It is proposed that even though these abilities are often used as synonyms in the literature these capacities represent different abilities that rely on different neuronal circuitry. ToM refers to our ability to understand mental states such as intentions, goals and beliefs, and relies on structures of the temporal lobe and the pre-frontal cortex. In contrast, empathy refers to our ability to share the feelings (emotions and sensations) of others and relies on sensorimotor cortices as well as limbic and para-limbic structures. It is further argued that the concept of empathy as used in lay terms refers to a multi-level construct extending from simple forms of emotion contagion to complex forms of cognitive perspective taking. Future research should investigate the relative contribution of empathizing and mentalizing abilities in the understanding of other people's states. Finally, it is suggested that the abilities to understand other people's thoughts and to share their affects display different ontogenetic trajectories reflecting the different developmental paths of their underlying neural structures. In particular, empathy develops much earlier than mentalizing abilities, because the former relys on limbic structures which develop early in ontogeny, whereas the latter rely on lateral temporal lobe and pre-frontal structures which are among the last to fully mature.

Spinrad, T. L., & Stifter, C. A . ( 2006).

Toddlers' empathy- related responding to distress: Predictions from negative emotionality and maternal behavior in infancy

Infancy, 10( 2), 97-121.

DOI:10.1207/s15327078in1002_1      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This study focused on the predictive contributions of infants' temperamental negative emotionality (proneness to fear, anger), sex, maternal responsivity, and their interaction on toddlers' empathy-related responding to distress in 3 contexts. Ninety-eight infants and their mothers participated in a longitudinal study. When the infants were 10 months of age, mothers completed assessments of infant temperamental anger and fear, and maternal behaviors were observed in a free-play setting. At 18 months of age, toddlers' empathy-related responding to the distress of a stranger, a crying baby doll, and the mother was assessed. A series of hierarchical and logistic regressions were performed, and results indicated that infant fear predicted higher concerned awareness toward adults and higher personal distress reactions toward the mother. In addition, maternal responsivity predicted higher concerned attention and lower personal distress reactions toward the baby doll and mother. Findings also revealed several interaction effects to predict toddlers' empathy-related responding to distress.

Szatmari P., Georgiades S., Duku E., Bennett T. A., Bryson S., Fombonne E., … Thompson A . ( 2015).

Developmental trajectories of symptom severity and adaptive functioning in an inception cohort of preschool children with autism spectrum disorder

Jama Psychiatry, 72( 3), 276-283.

DOI:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2014.2463      URL     PMID:25629657      [本文引用: 1]

Symptom severity and adaptive functioning are fundamental domains of the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) phenotype. To date, the longitudinal association between these 2 domains has not been examined. To describe the developmental trajectories of autistic symptom severity and adaptive functioning in a large inception cohort of preschool children with ASD. The sample consisted of 421 newly diagnosed preschool children with ASD 2 to 4 years old (355 boys; mean age at study enrollment, 39.87 months) participating in a large Canadian multisite longitudinal study (Pathways in ASD Study). Prospective data collected at 4 points from time of diagnosis to age 6 years were used to track the developmental trajectories of children. Autistic symptom severity was indexed using the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule. Adaptive functioning was indexed using the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Second Edition. Two distinct trajectory groups provided the best fit to the autistic symptom severity data. Group 1 (11.4% of the sample) had less severe symptoms and an improving trajectory (P65<65.05), whereas group 2 (88.6% of the sample) had more severe symptoms and a stable trajectory. Three distinct trajectory groups provided the best fit to the adaptive functioning data. Group 1 (29.2% of the sample) showed lower functioning and a worsening trajectory, group 2 (49.9% of the sample) had moderate functioning and a stable trajectory, and group 3 (20.9% of the sample) had higher functioning and an improving trajectory (P65<65.05). Cross-trajectory overlap between the autistic symptom severity and adaptive functioning groups was low (φ65=650.13, P65<65.05). Sex was a significant predictor of autistic symptom severity group membership and age at diagnosis, and language and cognitive scores at baseline predicted membership in adaptive functioning trajectories. Trajectories of both symptom severity and adaptive functioning predicted several different outcomes at age 6 years. Findings confirm the heterogeneous nature of developmental trajectories in ASD. Change in adaptive functioning suggests that improvement is possible in roughly 20% of the sample. Autistic symptom severity appears to be more stable, with roughly 11% of the sample showing a marked decrease in symptom severity. During the preschool years, there appears to be only a small amount of "yoking" of developmental trajectories in autistic symptom severity and adaptive functioning. It is imperative that a flexible suite of interventions that target both autistic symptom severity and adaptive functioning should be implemented and tailored to each child's strengths and difficulties.

Takeuchi H., Taki Y., Thyreau B., Sassa Y., Hashizume H., Sekiguchi A., … Kawashima R . ( 2013).

White matter structures associated with empathizing and systemizing in young adults

NeuroImage, 77, 222-236.

DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.04.004      URL     PMID:23578577      [本文引用: 2]

61White matter structures associated with empathizing/systemizing and the D score61Empathizing's positive correlates included the key nodes of the default mode network.61They also included the key nodes of the mirror neuron system.61Those of systemizing included the key nodes of the external attention system.

Tell, D., & Davidson, D . ( 2015).

Emotion recognition from congruent and incongruent emotional expressions and situational cues in children with autism spectrum disorder

Autism, 19( 3), 375-385.

DOI:10.1177/1362361314535676      URL     PMID:24852752      [本文引用: 3]

In this research, the emotion recognition abilities of children with and typically developing children were compared. When facial expressions and situational cues of emotion were congruent, accuracy in recognizing emotions was good for both children with and typically developing children. When presented with facial expressions incongruent with situational cues, children with relied more on facial cues than situational cues, whereas typically developing children relied more on situational cues. The exception was fear. When presented with incongruent information (i.e. a smiling boy surrounded by a swarm of ), most children based their response on the situation and indicated that the boy felt scared. While the majority of typically developing children commented on the disparity between facial expressions and situational cues, children with did not mention the conflicting cues. Although typically developing children were more accurate in recognizing emotion with situational cues, children with were still adequate at identifying emotion from situational cues alone. These findings suggest that children with show an understanding of simple emotions in prototypical situations, but may prefer facial expressions when facial expressions and situational cues are incongruent. Reasons for these findings are discussed.

Thorup E., NystrÖm P., Gredebäck G., BÖlte S., Falck-Ytter T., & The EASE Team . ( 2016).

Altered gaze following during live interaction in infants at risk for autism: An eye tracking study

Molecular Autism, 7( 1), 12.

DOI:10.1186/s13229-016-0069-9      URL     PMID:4729153      [本文引用: 1]

The ability to follow gaze is an important prerequisite for joint attention, which is often compromised in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The direction of both the head and eyes provides cues to other people attention direction, but previous studies have not separated these factors and their relation to ASD susceptibility. Development of gaze following typically occurs before ASD diagnosis is possible, and studies of high-risk populations are therefore important. Eye tracking was used to assess gaze following during interaction in a group of 10-month-old infants at high familial risk for ASD (high-risk group) as well as a group of infants with no family history of ASD (low-risk group). The infants watched an experimenter gaze at objects in the periphery. Performance was compared across two conditions: one in which the experimenter moved both the eyes and head toward the objects (Eyes and Head condition) and one that involved movement of the eyes only (Eyes Only condition). A group by condition interaction effect was found. Specifically, whereas gaze following accuracy was comparable across the two conditions in the low-risk group, infants in the high-risk group were more likely to follow gaze in the Eyes and Head condition than in the Eyes Only condition. In an ecologically valid social situation, responses to basic non-verbal orienting cues were found to be altered in infants at risk for ASD. The results indicate that infants at risk for ASD may rely disproportionally on information from the head when following gaze and point to the importance of separating information from the eyes and the head when studying social perception in ASD. The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13229-016-0069-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.

Tost H., Kolachana B., Hakimi S., Lemaitre H., Verchinski B. A., Mattay V. S., … Meyer-Lindenberg A . ( 2010).

A common allele in the oxytocin receptor gene ( OXTR) impacts prosocial temperament and human hypothalamic- limbic structure and function

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107( 31), 13936-13941.

DOI:10.1073/pnas.1003296107      URL     PMID:20647384      [本文引用: 1]

The evolutionarily highly conserved neuropeptide oxytocin is a key mediator of social and emotional behavior in mammals, including humans. A common variant (rs53576) in the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) has been implicated in social-behavioral phenotypes, such as maternal sensitivity and empathy, and with neuropsychiatric disorders associated with social impairment, but the intermediate neural mechanisms are unknown. Here, we used multimodal neuroimaging in a large sample of healthy human subjects to identify structural and functional alterations in OXTR risk allele carriers and their link to temperament. Activation and interregional coupling of the amygdala during the processing of emotionally salient social cues was significantly affected by genotype. In addition, evidence for structural alterations in key oxytocinergic regions emerged, particularly in the hypothalamus. These neural characteristics predicted lower levels of reward dependence, specifically in male risk allele carriers. Our findings identify sex-dependent mechanisms impacting the structure and function of hypothalamic-limbic circuits that are of potential clinical and translational significance.

Valiente C., Eisenberg N., Shepard S. A., Fabes R. A., Cumberland A. J., Losoya S. H., & Spinrad T. L . ( 2004).

The relations of mothers' negative expressivity to children's experience and expression of negative emotion

Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 25( 2), 215-235.

DOI:10.1016/j.appdev.2004.02.006      URL     PMID:20617103      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Guided by the heuristic model proposed by Eisenberg et al. [Psychol. Inq. 9 (1998) 241], we examined the relations of mothers' reported and observed negative expressivity to children's (N = 159; 74 girls; M age = 7.67 years) experience and expression of emotion. Children's experience and/or expression of emotion in response to a distressing film were measured with facial, heart rate, and self-report measures. Children's heart rate and facial distress were modestly positively related. Children's facial distress was significantly positively related to mothers' reports of negative (dominant and submissive) expressivity; the positive relation between children's facial distress and mothers' observed negative expressivity approached the conventional level of significance. Moreover, mothers' observed negative expressivity was significantly negatively related to children's heart rate reactivity during the conflict film. The positive relation between children's reported distress and mothers' observed negative expressivity approached the conventional level of significance. Several possible explanations for the pattern of findings are discussed.

Wade M., Hoffmann T. J., Wigg K., & Jenkins J. M . ( 2014).

Association between the oxytocin receptor ( OXTR) gene and children's social cognition at 18 months

Genes Brain & Behavior, 13( 7), 603-610.

DOI:10.1111/gbb.12148      URL     PMID:24916666      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract At 18 months, children engage in a variety of social behaviors that reflect their nascent ability to understand the intentions of other people (e.g. joint attention, empathy, cooperation and self-recognition). Although numerous contextual factors have been shown to predict social cognition in young children, the genetic underpinnings of social-cognitive traits has been understudied in this age group. Owing to the known effects of oxytocin on adult social cognition and psychopathology, this study hypothesized that variability in the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) would be associated with social cognition in children at 18 months. Participants consisted of 350 children (182 males; 168 females) who were part of an ongoing longitudinal study that aimed to assess environmental and genetic contributions to children's cognitive and socio-emotional functioning. At 18 months, social cognition was measured using previously validated and developmentally sensitive tasks assessing children's joint attention, empathy, cooperation and self-recognition. Five potentially functional OXTR variants were genotyped: rs1042778, rs2254298, rs11131149, rs237897 and rs237899. A family-based association design was used to control for population admixture and stratification, and additional non-genomic covariates were controlled. Results showed that variability in rs11131149 was significantly associated with social cognition (P=0.009), with more copies of the major allele related to higher social cognition, and more copies of the minor (risk) allele associated with lower social cognition. A haplotype consisting of rs11131149-rs2254298 was also associated with social cognition (P=0.020). Implications for normative and pathological development are discussed, and key areas for future research are proposed. 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd and International Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society.

Wolf W., Launay J., & Dunbar, R. I. M . ( 2016).

Joint attention, shared goals, and social bonding

British Journal of Psychology, 107( 2), 322-337.

DOI:10.1111/bjop.12144      URL     PMID:4849556      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract There has recently been interest in the ways in which coordinated movements encourage coactors to feel socially closer to one another, but this has generally overlooked the importance of necessary precursors to this joint action. Here we target two low-level behaviours involved in social coordination that may mediate a relationship between joint actions and social bonding, namely joint attention and shared goals. Participants engaged in a simple reaction time task while sitting next to a partner performing the same task. In a joint attention condition, both participants attended to stimuli presented on the same half of a computer screen, while in a control condition, they attended to opposite sides of the computer screen. Shared goals were manipulated by giving participants the instruction to keep below a threshold score for both individual response times and accuracy (individual goal), or their joint mean response time and accuracy (i.e., averaging their mean response time and accuracy with that of their partner: shared goal). Attending to the same side of the screen led to higher ratings on a composite social bonding index directed towards a partner, while shared goals did not cause any effects on partner ratings. Joint attention was sufficient to encourage social closeness with an interaction partner, which suggests that any activities which encourage attending to the same point in space could have some influence on how connected coactors feel about one another. 2015 The British Psychological Society.

Wu N., Li Z., & Su Y. J . ( 2012).

The association between oxytocin receptor gene polymorphism ( OXTR) and trait empathy

Journal of Affective Disorders, 138( 3), 468-472.

DOI:10.1016/j.jad.2012.01.009      URL     PMID:22357335      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract BACKGROUND: Oxytocin exerts well accepted effects on one of the key social processes: empathy. Previous researches have demonstrated that oxytocin promotes emotional and cognitive aspects of empathy, by exogenous administration as well as on gene level. However, the effect of diverse gene locus haplotypes of oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) on trait empathy lacks reliable evidence. METHODS: Participants consisted of 101 genetically unrelated, non-clinical Chinese subjects (46 males and 55 females). Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) was applied to measure the trait empathy from four dimensions: empathy concern, personal distress, perspective taking and fantasy. Fantasy and perspective taking measured cognitive aspect of empathy, while empathy concern and personal distress measured emotional aspect of empathy. Ten single tagging SNPs on OXTR rs2268491, rs1042778, rs53576, rs7632287, rs2254298, rs13316193, rs237897, rs237887, rs4686302, and rs2268493 were tested. RESULTS: Genotype difference in emotional empathy was found on rs237887 and rs4686302 whereas cognitive empathy varied on SNPs rs2268491 and rs2254298 between homozygous and variant carriers. For IRI score, there is a genotype and gender interaction on rs4686302 and rs13316193. LIMITATION: The sample sizes from the current study were not so optimal that these results should have to be interpreted with caution when amplified into a larger population. CONCLUSION: The findings demonstrate that natural variants of OXTR associated with trait empathy; specifically, individuals with certain OXTR genotype did perform better on trait empathy, while others did not. Our findings also provide genetic evidence for gender-related difference on empathy, indicating the popular fact that females who displayed more empathy than males could be likely to trace back to the genetic variants. Copyright 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Wu, Z., & Gros-Louis, J . ( 2015).

Caregivers provide more labeling responses to infants' pointing than to infants' object-directed vocalizations

Journal of Child Language, 42( 3), 538-561.

DOI:10.1017/S0305000914000221      URL     PMID:24923871      [本文引用: 1]

Existing studies have observed a robust relationship between infants' pointing gestures and language outcomes. By contrast, infants' overall vocal production is not related to language outcomes. One possible explanation for the association between pointing and language is that pointing gestures, as compared to vocalizations, may elicit more verbal responses from social partners that are facilitative for language learning. To test this, we observed forty-seven infants aged 1;0 during free play with their mothers and fathers separately to compare parents' verbal responses to infants' pointing gestures and object-directed vocalizations. Results showed that, compared to object-directed vocalizations, infants' pointing elicited more verbal responses from parents, particularly object labels. Moreover, mothers were more likely than fathers to provide labels. These results may help explain why pointing is associated with indices of language acquisition, but the production of vocalizations is not.

Wu Z., Pan J. T., Su Y. J., & Gros-Louis J . ( 2013).

How joint attention relates to cooperation in 1- and 2-year-olds

International Journal of Behavioral Development, 37( 6), 542-548.

DOI:10.1177/0165025413505264      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Joint attention has been suggested to contribute to children's development of cooperation; however, few empirical studies have directly tested this hypothesis. Children aged 1 and 2 years participated in two joint action activities to assess their cooperation with an adult partner, who stopped participating at a specific moment during the tasks. Children's joint attention skills were measured by the Early Social Communication Scales (ESCS). Results showed that children's responding to joint attention ability contributed to their successful cooperation in an activity that required parallel roles, whereas initiating joint attention ability contributed to their successful cooperation in an activity that required complementary roles. These results suggest a complex relationship between joint attention and cooperative abilities when considering RJA and IJA separately.

Zhu H. L., Li J., Fan Y. B., Li X., Huang D., & He S. L . ( 2015).

Atypical prefrontal cortical responses to joint/non-joint attention in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD): A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study

Biomedical Optics Express, 6( 3), 690-701.

DOI:10.1364/BOE.6.000690      URL     PMID:4361426      [本文引用: 1]

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neuro-developmental disorder, characterized by impairments in one's capacity for joint attention. In this study, functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) wa ...


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