ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展 ›› 2017, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (suppl.): 40-40.

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  1.  视觉与计算认知实验室, 中国科学院心理研究所, 北京市朝阳区林萃路16号, 中国, 100101
  • 出版日期:2017-08-26 发布日期:2017-08-12
  • 基金资助:

 Face Shapes on Chinese Traditional Physiognomy and Relevant Personality

 Kai ZhiZhong   

  1.  Visual and Computational Cognition Laboratory, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 16 Lincui Road, Chaoyang Dist., Beijing, China, 100101
  • Online:2017-08-26 Published:2017-08-12
  • Supported by:

摘要:  目的: 面相学在中国有近3000年的发展历史, 其认为通过看面相可以判断人的性格, 然而未有科学研究对其验证。本文通过实验探寻面相学中脸型与对应的性格之间关系, 以及脸型对人通过视觉认知评判性格的影响。
方法:按照面相学中八种脸型, 由10名受训实验助理从3816张证件照中按指定程序筛选出的64张典型脸并施测获得这64人对应的实测16项性格特质(16PF)分数。再另外随机抽取8张证件照, 通过图像处理技术将每张照片中人脸修改成为8种脸型(五官不变, 脸型是唯一变量), 获得64张人工脸。由949名大学生被试在实验室中使用e-prime2.0程序按照《16项性格特质评分表》对这128张脸通过视觉认知进行性格评价。通过SPSS统计分析不同脸型之间的视觉评价性格特质分数和实测性格特质(16PF)分数。
结果:总体上, 8种典型脸的16PF实测分数都没有出现异于其他所有脸型的典型特征(方差分析组间差异都不显著)。通过LSD两两比较法, 某些脸型还是在某些性格特质上与其他某些脸型差异显著(如心型脸M=2.625*在Q2特质上显著低于菱形脸M=4.375*, 而心型脸M=7.00*在A特质上显著高于椭圆形脸M=5.25*)。与之对应, 人们对8种脸型的视觉评价分数则有多种性格特质存在显著差异(如心型脸M=4.01**在A特质上显著低于其他各种脸型, 再如椭圆形脸M=6.35**则在B特质上显著高于其他各种脸型)。对比每种脸型的实测性格特质与视觉评估性格特质, 都出现了多种性格特质上的显著差异(如菱形脸在聪慧性t=-2.847**、怀疑性t=2.256*、自律性t=-2.182*上, 人们的视觉判断和实测结果大不相同)。
结论:传统的面相学中脸型推理性格的理论并没有能得到本研究结果的支持, 所以并不可靠。而人们受到固有经验影响(如国字脸显得正直), 对脸型形成特有的社会认知, 从而影响对人的性格的判断。尽管不一定符合此人实际性格特质, 但脸型的确影响了多数人对于此人性格的看法。在这个看脸的时代, 如果能应用研究发现, 根据场合和对方喜好, 有针对性地化一个讨喜的脸型和妆容, 能够更快建立好感与信任。

关键词:  脸型, 视觉认知, 性格, 面相学

Abstract:  PURPOSE: Physiognomy has over 3000 years history in China, which beliefs that people’s personality can be told through physiognomy. However, it hasn’t been verified by any scientific research. This research explored the relationship between face shapes in physiognomy, one of the face features, with relevant personalities by experiment, and the influence of face shapes through visual cognition to affect people’s judgments about personalities.
METHODS: According to eight face shapes theory on physiognomy, 10 trained laboratory assistants have selected 64 typical faces through 3816 pieces of ID photo following a designated procedure, and tested the selected 64 persons’ 16PF scores. 8 more ID photos have been randomly selected, and modified by Image Processing Technology into 8 face shapes (other features of face have stayed the same, the only variable is face shape) to get 64 artificial faces. 949 undergraduates, as participant, have visually judged these 128 faces in laboratory by using e-prime 2.0 and 16PF
RATING SCALE. SPSS has been used to analyze data from tested 16PF scores and visual judgmental 16PF scores among 8 face shapes.
RESULTS: Totally, there is no significant difference (intergroup difference on ANOVA) among 8 typical faces’ tested sixteen personality traits. Through LSD paired-comparisons method, some face shapes have certain significant difference on some personality traits than a certain face shape (e.g. heart face shape (M=2.625*) is significantly lower than diamond face shape (M=4.375*) on Q2 trait; heart face shape (M=7.00*) is significantly higher than oval face shape (M=5.25*) on A trait.). In contrast, there are variety differences among 8 face shapes on people’s visual judgmental 16PF scores (e.g. heart face shape (M=4.01**) is significantly lower than all other face shapes on A trait; and oval face shape (M=6.35**) is significantly higher than all other face shapes on B trait.). By comprising the tested 16PF scores and visual judgmental 16PF scores of each face shape, there are significant differences on some personality traits (e.g. diamond face has a huge difference on Reasoning (t=-2.847**), Vigilance (t=2.256*), Perfectionism (t=-2.182*) between tested 16PF score and visual judgmental 16PF score.). CONCLUSIONS: Traditional physiognomy theory on explaining personality by face shapes can’t be supported by the result, so that is unreliable. People are affected by inherent experience (such as people with square face shape look like more right-minded), which is a specific social cognition, and tend to make judgment about people’s personalities according to experience on others faces shapes. Although their judgments are inconformity with the real personality traits, it indeed influence many people’s judgments on personality. According to the founding of this research, if people can target someone’s favorite to have a targeted face shape by makeup, which will make he/she easier to build trust and favorable impression.

Key words: Face shape, Visual cognition, Personality, Physiognomy
