ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

›› 1986, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (03): 3-10.

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Shen Decan Peking University   

  • Published:1986-09-25 Online:1986-09-25

Abstract: The article centres on the topic of introspection as a basic problem inpsychology. Making reference to history of psychology in the West, itdiscusses the early controversies over introspection and the views held byclassical. modern and Chinese psychologists towards the subject. Theauthor approves the value of introspection. Meanwhile he points out itsdifficulties and obstacles and the ways to overcome them. In conclusion,the author calls for treating introspection adequately, exploring andimproving introspection to speed up the development of psychology inChina.

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