ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

›› 1986, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (01): 27-36.

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Liang Baoyong;Xu Liangen Bethun Medical College Hangzhou University   

  • Published:1986-03-25 Online:1986-03-25

Abstract: Using accommodation and convergence time of the eye, brightnessdiscrimination and subjective estimations of fatigue as indicators ofvisual fatigue, this experiment compared 8 lightings at two levels oflighting power (anit, 10 nit) and 4 color temperatures of light 630nm,and white lights at 1800K, 2400K, 3000K. The following results wereobtained: 1. When the nature of lighting is under control, visual fatigue ismore marked under 2-nit lightings than under 10-nit lightings. 2. With the same level of lighting power, the visual fatigue underred lightings is more marked than that under white lightings. Thedifferences among white lightings at the three different color temperaturesare not significant. 3. The differences between the 10-nit red lighting and the 32-nitwhite lightings are also not significant. The authors have come to the following conclusions: 1. It is necessary to conduct the right kinds of tests so that theindicators used in the tests will sensitively reflect the degree of visualfatigue. 2. It is necessary to aim at high precision in the detection oflowered capacity due to fatigue.

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