ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

›› 1985, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (03): 80-87.

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Cheng Lihai Yao Guozheng Liu Lei(Institute of Biophysics, Academia Sinica)   

  • Published:1985-09-25 Online:1985-09-25

Abstract: Four sets of RDS were designed to specify the relationship between human stereoscopic noise tolerance and binocular disparity, magnitude and structure of figure and texture of image respectively. The main results areas follows:(1) Stereoscopic noise tolerance is related to the magnitude and direction of disparity. The bigger the binocular disparity, the lower the noise tolerance. The noise tolerance for crossed disparity is higher than that for uncrossed disparity.(2) Stereoscopic noise tolerance is related to the magnitude and structure of figure. The smaller and more complex the figure, the lower the noise tolerance.(3) Stereoscopic noise tolerance is related to the texture of image.The noise tolerance for "checkboard" texture is a bit higher than that for "gauze-like" pattern.(4) It seems that the maximum noise tolerance of RDS does not exceed 30%.

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