ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

›› 1982, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (03): 34-41.

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Zhu Man-shu;Wu Jing-zhi;Zhuang Xiu-juan et al. East China University   

  • Published:1982-09-25 Online:1982-09-25

Abstract: The experimental study shows 1. Children's comprehension of temporal words in sentences undergo along developmental stage. This fact shows that the development of semanticsis a slow process. 2. Children's cemprehension of temporal words presented in this exp-eriment always develops in a steady sequences; this has been proved both bylongitudinal and cross-sectional studies. However, there are obvious individualdifferences in the speed of each child's development. a) Both the levels and stages of comprehension of temporal wordsexpressing the order of activities vary with the nature of the temporal wordspresented, the order of the words in the sentence, the structure of the sentence,and the number of the objects to be acted upon. b) In comprehending the words about temporal units(or periods),childrenfirst understand "today", "yesterday", "tomorrow", then gradually learnsmaller units (or periods) such as "morning", "afternoon", "evening", "at xin the morning", "at x in the afternoon", "at x in the evening", or bigger onessuch as "this year", "last year", "next year". c) In comprehending tenses, children start with present tense, then extendto past and future tenses, that is, progressive tense first, perfect tense next,and future tense last.

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