ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

›› 1984, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (01): 4-10.

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Huang Nai-song Suzhou University   

  • Published:1984-03-25 Online:1984-03-25

Abstract: Personality, the stable and unique set of psychological traits, describeshow a person thinks, feels and acts, i.e. how he reflects upon and acts on theobjective world. Each individual receives a unique combination of genetic endowment andenvironmental experiences. Variations in adult personality are governed by each individual's uniqueinteraction between his genetic endowment and developmental experiences. All aspects of personality can potentially affect behavior, but beharioris also governed by those situational factors and contextual cues to whichthe individual has already accumulated responses. Personality dimensions as shown in the figure at the end of this articleare more or less useful to us in describing an,individual's personality.

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