ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

›› 1984, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (03): 48-54.

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Zhang Wutian;Peng Ruixiang Institute of Psychology, Academia Sinica   

  • Published:1984-09-25 Online:1984-09-25

Abstract: The laterality of recognition of Chinese characters, words andsingle. Arabic numerals (ideogram) tachistoscopically exposed in the leftand right visual. field of normal right-handed subjects was investigated.There was no difference between left and right visual field for singleArabic numerals. A significant right field (left hemisphere). superiorityfor characters and words presented unilaterally and characters.presentedbilaterally with Arabic numerals was shown. The nonsignificant differ-ence between left and right visual fields for words .presentedbilaterally with numerals and characters presented in center and lateralvisual fields simultaneously was obtained; still the right visualfield (left hemisphere) produced the main effect on the recognition ofChinese characters and words.

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