ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

›› 1985, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (04): 25-32.

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Yu Bolin Jing Qicheng(Institute of Psychology, Academia Sinica) Herbert A. Simon(Carnegie-Mellon University)   

  • Published:1985-12-25 Online:1985-12-25

Abstract: Using the Standard immediate recall experimental design, we examined the span of STM for Chinese words and phrases. The data for single words, double-phonetic-compound words and four-character idiomsspeak for the hypothesis that STM is capable of storing a fixed number of chunks, but with rather strong effects of familiarity and complexity onSTM span. Furthermore, phonetic similarity caused a decrease in span. We also examined the morphological effects of the internal components of Chinese characters in forming chunks. We made up pseudocharacters and noncharacters from character components, and found that the component units, and not the full composite patterns, behaved as chunks. Finally, by comparing two different stimilus presentation procedures as to their effects on STM span, we found that the strategy of controlling perception may somewhat increase STM span.

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