ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

›› 1989, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (01): 20-25.

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Ji Gui-ping;Luo Chun-rong Institute of Psychology, Academia Sinica   

  • Published:1989-03-25 Online:1989-03-25

Abstract: The experiment was performed to investigate the capacity limitation for and strategies 1 in image processing. The Chinese character was de- composed into its parts (stroke units) as stimulus, and these parts, arr- anged either in the same sequence as the stroke order of writing the cha- racter or in the random sequence, were exposed to the subjects by a ta- chistoscope. The subjects' task was to find the original character which was composed of these parts. There were 56 well-selected characters which were decomposed into 2,3,4 or 5 parts. The results show that the capacity for image processing is quite small, limited to 3±1 items, and indicate that image processing is a kind of parallel process which operates simultaneously on all the items in image storage.

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