ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报, 2020, 52(9): 1031-1047 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2020.01031



刘志方1, 仝文2, 张智君,3, 赵亚军4

1杭州师范大学教育学院, 杭州 311121

2山西师范大学心理学系, 临汾 041004

3浙江大学心理与行为科学系, 杭州 310028

4西南民族大学教育学与心理学学院, 成都 610041

Predictability impacts word and character processing in Chinese reading: Evidence from eye movements

LIU Zhifang1, TONG Wen2, ZHANG Zhijun,3, ZHAO Yajun4

1College of Education, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 311121, China

2Department of Psychology, Shanxi Normal University, Linfen 041004, China

3Department of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310028, China

4College of Education and Psychology, Southwest Minzu University, Chengdu 610041, China

通讯作者: 张智君,

收稿日期: 2019-10-22   网络出版日期: 2020-09-25

基金资助: * 国家社会科学基金青年项目.  17CYY059

Received: 2019-10-22   Online: 2020-09-25


研究包含3项实验, 通过观察语境预测性与目标词汇的整词词频、词内汉字字频间交互作用, 以探讨阅读中语境预测性如何影响中文词汇加工问题。研究以双字词为例, 实验1操控目标词汇的语境预测性与整词词频, 结果发现, 语境预测性与整词词频交互作用不显著。实验2操控目标词汇的语境预测性与首字字频, 结果发现, 语境预测性与首字字频交互作用不显著。实验1和实验2的贝叶斯分析都倾向于支持交互作用不存在假设。实验3操控目标词汇的语境预测性与尾字字频, 结果发现, 语境预测性与尾字字频交互影响首次注视时间、凝视时间、总注视时间和再注视概率。由此可知, 语境预测性与整词词频、首字字频变量相对独立地影响词汇加工; 语境预测性直接影响词内汉字(尾字)的加工过程。

关键词: 中文阅读 ; 语境预测性 ; 字词加工 ; 眼动


It has been extensively documented that the predictability of a word in context is closely related with how easily it can be processed. Although there is evidence that the precise time course of predictability effects facilitates the parafoveal processing of alphabetic words, i.e., the extraction of their visual, orthographic, phonological, and semantic features, the issue of how context impacts the early stages of word processing in Chinese reading remains a matter of debate. In particular, does it affect early word and character processing when identifying multi-character words? This issue was explored in the present study by manipulating the predictability of the target words and the frequency of words or characters. The hypothesis that predictability facilitates the early stage of word processing, i.e., word/character processing, predicts reliable interaction effects of predictability with word/character frequency. Three experiments were conducted to check this prediction.

Eye movements of participants were tracked as they read Chinese text. The sentences that contained target words were displayed in Song font, with each Chinese character subtending approximately 1.32 degrees of visual angle. The target words embedded in the sentences in the experiments were composed of two Chinese characters. All three experiments manipulated target words’ predictability, in addition to which we also varied the target words’ frequencies in Experiment 1, the frequencies of the initial characters of the target words in Experiment 2, and the frequencies of the end characters of the target words in Experiment 3. The movements of the participants’ right eyes were recorded with an Eye Link 1000 device manufactured by SR Research Ltd.

Pervasive predictability effects were observed in the eye movement measures in all three experiments, such that high predictability words were fixated for longer times than low predictability words (i.e., first fixation duration, gaze duration, and total reading time), and were re-fixated and regressed less often and skipped more often than low predictability words. Except for skipping probability, a similar pattern was observed for the effects of word frequency, where frequency had a significant impact on first fixation duration, gaze duration, total reading time, and re-fixation and regression probability in Experiment 1. Reliable frequency effects of the initial character on probability measures were observed in Experiment 2, with higher probability of skipping and regression, and less re-fixation on words with high initial-character frequency than those with low initial-character frequency. Reliable or marginally reliable frequency effects of the end character were also observed in Experiment 3. Although no reliable interaction effects of predictability with frequency factors were observed in Experiments 1 and 2, pronounced interaction effects of predictability with end character frequency were observed on fixation time and re-fixation probability in Experiment 3.

The particular concerns of the present study were the interactions between word predictability and frequency variables. Bayes factor analyses of the linear mixed models in relation to first fixation duration, single fixation duration, and gaze duration were conducted for Experiments 1 and 2 whose results favored the null hypothesis. The lack of interaction effects in the first two experiments suggests independent impacts of word predictability and word or initial character frequency on Chinese word processing, while reliable interaction effects between word predictability and end character frequency in Experiment 3 suggest that word predictability affects prelexical processing, i.e., character processing in Chinese reading, thus suggesting that context directly impacts character processing in Chinese reading. Finally, the theoretical implications of the data are discussed.

Keywords: Chinese reading ; word predictability ; characters and word processing ; eye movement

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刘志方, 仝文, 张智君, 赵亚军. 语境预测性对阅读中字词加工过程的影响:眼动证据. 心理学报[J], 2020, 52(9): 1031-1047 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2020.01031

LIU Zhifang, TONG Wen, ZHANG Zhijun, ZHAO Yajun. Predictability impacts word and character processing in Chinese reading: Evidence from eye movements. Acta Psychologica Sinica[J], 2020, 52(9): 1031-1047 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2020.01031

1 引言

识别词汇是阅读理解文本的必要前提, 语境信息通常也会影响(促进)词汇识别(Clifton et al., 2016; Rayner, 1998, 2009 )。多种证据显示, 高语境预测性目标词汇的加工效率优于低语境预测性目标词汇。比如, 拼音文字阅读中, 低语境预测性词汇比高语境预测性词汇诱发更大波幅的N400脑电成分(Dambacher et al., 2006; Kretzschmar, Schlesewsky, & Staub, 2015); 读者注视高语境预测性目标词汇的时间(首次注视时间、凝视时间和总注视时间)和再注视概率显著少于低语境预测性目标词汇, 高语境预测性词汇被跳读的概率也多于低语境预测性词汇(Ashby, Rayner, & Clifton, 2005; Balota, Pollatsek, & Rayner, 1985; Ehrlich & Rayner, 1981; Fischler, 1985; Schustack, Ehrlich, & Rayner, 1987; Rayner & Well, 1996; Rayner, Binder, Ashby, & Pollatsek, 2001; Rayner, Reichle, Stroud, Williams, & Pollatsek, 2006)。中文阅读中同样可见相应的语境预测性效应(陈朝阳, 刘志方, 苏永强, 程亚华, 2018; Lee, Liu, & Tsai, 2012; Rayner, Li, Juhasz, & Yan, 2005)。由此可见, 读者利用语境预测性信息促进词汇加工是个跨语言的、普遍性的规律。然而, 语境预测性如何影响整个词汇加工过程?目前系统探讨此问题的研究尚不多见。本研究拟在中文阅读背景下探讨这个问题。

视觉词汇加工大致区分为3个阶段:前词汇加工(prelexical processing)、词汇通达(lexical access)和后词汇加工(post-lexical processing) (Forster, 1979, 1981; Fodor, 1983)。前词汇加工和词汇通达是识别词汇的先决环节; 后词汇加工涉及语义整合(semantic integration), 直接关乎阅读理解。研究发现, 相对于低语境预测性词汇, 高语境预测性词汇更容易被整合理解(Dambacher et al., 2006)。语境预测性是否(以及如何)影响词汇通达和前词汇加工阶段?目前尚无确定结论。词频是影响词汇通达的重要变量(Hudson & Bergman, 1985; Monsell, Doyle, & Haggard, 1989; Sereno & Rayner, 2000, 2003), 语境预测性与词频交互作用显著意味着语境预测性直接影响词汇通达(Hand, Miellet, O’Donnell, & Sereno, 2010)。前词汇加工包括视觉加工、词形知觉、语音/正字法提取等多个加工成分(Forster, 1981; Lee et al., 2012)。语境预测性与词汇下水平变量交互作用显著意味着语境预测性直接影响前词汇加工。早期探讨单个拼音词汇识别的研究显示, 语境预测性与词频交互影响识别单词的反应时间(Stanovich & West, 1981, 1983)。逐词呈现的阅读任务实验发现, 语境预测性与词频交互影响脑电N100波幅(Lee et al., 2012; Sereno & Rayner, 2003)。Inhoff (1984)发现, 语境预测性与词频交互影响目标词汇的凝视时间。这些结果意味着, 语境预测性可能直接影响词汇通达或前词汇加工。然而, Inhoff (1984)的阅读任务中部分词汇被掩蔽, 这种任务与自然阅读的差异较大; 行为实验、逐个呈现单词的脑电实验也都并非自然阅读, 故上述结论是否普适于自然阅读还有待商榷。

自然阅读中(主要是拼音文字阅读)语境预测性与词频之间的交互作用并不明朗。研究发现, 在眼动数据上, 健康成年读者的语境预测性与词频交互作用不显著(Altarriba et al., 1996; Gollan et al., 2011; Kliegl, Grabner, Rolfs, & Engbert, 2004; Miellet, Sparrow, & Sereno, 2007; Rayner et al., 2001; Rayner, Ashby, Pollatsek, & Reichle, 2004; Rayner et al., 2006), 但低阅读技能成年读者和失语症读者的语境预测性与词频交互作用则达到显著水平(Ashby et al., 2005; Huck, Thompson, Cruice & Marshall, 2017)。Hand等(2010)分析了预视加工对两者交互作用的影响, 结果发现, 目标词汇上首次注视点之前眼跳的幅度越短, 语境预测性与词频间交互作用就越为显著, 他们据此推测, 两者之间的交互作用受到预视加工影响, 充分预视目标词汇的情况下语境预测性与词频交互影响词汇通达, 预视不够充分时语境预测性与词频则相对独立地影响词汇识别。不过, 采用严苛的统计方法后, Slattery, Staub和Rayner (2012)的研究并未发现语境预测性与词频之间的交互作用显著。总得来说, 拼音文字阅读中语境预测性与词频之间的交互作用并不稳定, 这意味着拼音文字阅读中语境预测性直接影响词汇通达的证据并不充分。

中文阅读中的词汇加工与眼动控制也受语境预测性的影响(陈朝阳 等, 2018; Liu, Guo, Yu, & Reichle, 2018; Rayner et al., 2005)。语境预测性与词频是否交互影响中文词汇通达?脑电研究发现, 繁体中文阅读中语境预测性与词频交互影响N100波幅, 但在P200和N400脑电上两者交互作用并不显著(Lee et al., 2012), N100反应早期视觉分析和知觉加工特点, 这意味着语境预测性对词汇加工的影响起始于视觉分析。繁体与简体中文在视觉复杂性上有所差异, 基于脑电研究阅读时都采用逐词呈现的方法, 这与自然阅读相差较大, 故这项结论是否普适于简体中文自然阅读仍需探讨。简体中文自然阅读的眼动研究发现, 语境预测性与词频之间的交互作用在各项注视时间(首次注视时间、凝视时间和总注视时间)上均不显著(卢张龙, 白学军, 闫国利, 2008)。由此可见, 支持“语境预测性与词频交互影响中文词汇通达”的证据也尚不充分。不过, 根据统计思想, 检测不到的效应并不代表它不存在(Altman & Bland, 1995; Cervero & Laird, 2000), 能否发现相关效应涉及到统计力、效应量等多个因素。在语境预测性与词频交互问题上, 即使两者交互影响词汇通达过程, 交互作用效应量较小时, 其仍难发现(Hand et al., 2010), 探讨之则容易犯“假阴性”错误。分析卢张龙等人(2008)的结果可以发现, 其中语境预测性与词频间交互作用的效应量都小于0.1, 该研究中所使用的实验材料和被试取样数量均不多, 这种情况下语境预测性与词频间的交互作用较难捕捉。本研究拟通过增加被试数量, 进而继续探讨语境预测性与词频交互作用显著的可能性, 抑或坐实两个因素交互作用不显著的稳定性。

研究语境预测性与词频是否交互影响词汇识别, 有利于检验/完善阅读理论模型。迄今为止, 较为成熟的阅读眼动控制模型(比如, E-Z读者和SWIFT模型)都是在解释语境预测性和词频效应的基础上构建。E-Z读者模型的早期版本假定两者交互影响熟悉性检验(早期加工)和词汇通达(Reichle, Pollatsek, Fisher, & Rayner, 1998; Reichle, Rayner, & Pollatsek, 2003)。然而, 后续的实证研究仅在注视时间上发现, 低频词汇的语境预测性效应略大于高频词汇, 但从整体上看, 语境预测性与词频之间的交互作用并不显著, 为了拟合这些数据, E-Z读者模型的后续版本设定语境预测性和词频以独立/相加的方式影响词汇识别的两个加工阶段(Rayner et al., 2004)。SWIFT模型的各发展版本中, 语境预测性与词频都是以不同的方式影响词汇识别, 故该模型能够拟合交互作用显著数据(Engbert et al., 2005; Hand et al., 2010; Richter, Engbert, & Kliegl, 2006)。Glenmore模型借鉴交互激活理论的观点, 直接假定整词激活与字母激活之间存在交互关系, 但却并未设定语境与词汇激活之间的交互模式, 也没有设定语境与词汇下水平激活间的交互模式(McClelland & Rumelhart, 1981; Reilly & Radach, 2006; Rumelhart & McClelland, 1982)。由此可见, 相应理论的验证与发展, 都需后续实证数据的推动。

在解释“语境预测性如何影响拼音文字阅读中的词汇识别”问题上, 上述理论模型都取得较大成功, 但用它们解释中文阅读中的语境预测性效应还需慎重, 这是因为中文词汇(尤其是多字词)的加工阶段与拼音词汇差异较大。首先, 绝大数(76%)的中文词汇由两个汉字组成, 中国读者是以整词方式激活双字词汇, 首字加工完全受制于整词加工, 但尾字加工却有一定独立性(Li, Rayner, & Cave, 2009; Shen, Li, & Pollatsek, 2018; 申薇, 李兴珊, 2012)。其次, 与拼音文字相比, 中文读者需要在词切分的基础上识别词汇, 词切分发生时程较早, 且与尾字加工密切相关(Bai, Yan, Liversedge, Zang, & Rayner, 2008; Gu & Li, 2015; Li & Shen, 2013; Liang et al., 2015; Liu & Li, 2012; Reilly & Radach, 2012; Yen, Radach, Tzeng, & Tsai, 2012)。最后, 识别词汇(多字词)需要经历字的加工和词的加工两个环节, 李兴珊等人认为, 字的加工和词的加工之间存在交互激活机制, 但语境与词的加工、字的加工之间是否存在交互机制则尚无明确假设(Li et al., 2009; Li, Bicknell, Liu, Wei, & Rayner, 2014; 李兴珊 等, 2011)。综上可知, 考察中文阅读中的语境效应, 除了需要观察语境与整词词频变量间交互作用外, 还不能回避语境与汉字加工间的交互问题, 而系统探讨这些交互作用有助于丰富和完善阅读中的字词加工与眼动控制机制。

语境预测性与词频交互作用显著意味着语境会预激活相应整词表征, 语境加工至少从词汇通达阶段开始影响词汇加工。中文阅读中, 语境预测性是否会促进前词汇加工呢?解决此问题需观察语境预测性与前词汇变量间的交互模式。本研究将从整词加工环节和词内汉字加工环节(包括汉字的视觉分析、字形知觉和单字识别等)入手, 探讨“语境影响词汇加工的时间起始点, 以及具体方式”, 从而较为系统地解决语境影响中文词汇识别的具体机制。已知双字词汇的词频效应能代表整词通达, 前词汇变量(词内汉字字频)会影响词汇加工(词汇上的眼动数据) (Li et al., 2014; Lin et al., 2018; Ma & Li, 2015; Ma, Li, & Rayner, 2015; Yan, Tian, Bai, & Rayner, 2006), 故本研究选择最具代表性的双字词汇作为研究对象, 拟通过3项实验观察语境预测性与整词词频、词内汉字字频间的交互作用, 探讨研究问题。研究假设, 若语境预测性直接影响词汇通达, 语境预测性与整词词频交互作用将会显著; 若语境预测性直接影响前词汇加工, 语境预测性与字频变量交互作用将会显著; 否则则说明语境预测性与频率变量相对独立地影响中文词汇加工。

2 实验1:语境预测性对词频效应的影响

2.1 实验方法

2.1.1 被试

参照以往研究, 招募被试前使用G Power 计算所需样本量。梳理已有文献可见语境预测性与词频的交互作用效应量本身较低(小于0.1), 因而通过增加样本量方有可能观察到语境预测性与频率变量(词频/字频)之间的交互作用显著。目前为止, 仅看到一篇使用眼动技术探讨中文阅读中语境预测性与词频间交互作用的论文(卢张龙 等, 2008), 根据该论文提供的数据计算所需样本量为282 人, 为得到稳定结果后续3 项实验中招募的被试均在320 人左右。3 项实验均在杭州师范大学校园内招募被试。322 名母语为汉语大一本科生参与实验1。电话预约被试前提醒近视的被试佩戴近视镜, 所有被试的视力或矫正视力正常, 无色盲色弱, 所有被试之前均未参加过类似实验, 实验结束后获得一定报酬。

2.1.2 实验材料

实验材料编制过程如下:首先, 参照语料库在线网站(提供数据库信息(主要参照整词词频和单字字频)选取名词词对。然后, 利用这些词对编造框架句子, 保证词对中的两个词汇分别放置在框架句子的相同位置(基本处于句子中间)后都能形成语义正常、合理的句子。保证词对的两个词汇分别是框架句子背景下的低预测性词汇和高预测性词汇, 并结合词频因素共计设置4种目标词汇:“高预测性-高频”目标词、“低预测性-低频”目标词、“高预测性-低频”目标词和“低预测性-高频”目标词。最后, 邀请19名大学生根据目标词之前的句子内容将句子补充完整, 根据填充效果确定目标词汇的语境预测性。

在平衡无关变量的基础上选择合适框架句子。最终选取了40个框架句。40个框架句子中的“高预测性-高频”目标词与“高预测性-低频”目标词、“低预测性-低频”目标词与“低预测性-高频”目标词在语境预测性程度上差异不显著(ps > 0.05); 40个框架句子中的“高预测性-高频”目标词与“低预测性-高频”目标词、“低预测性-低频”目标词与“高预测性-低频”目标词在整词词频上差异也不显著(ps > 0.05); 40个框架句子中的4种目标词汇在首字字频、尾字字频、首字笔画数和尾字笔画数方面差异不显著(ps > 0.05)。各组词汇在各项参数上均值和标准差见表1

表1   实验1四种目标词汇的字频、笔画数, 整词词频和语境预测性参数均值和标准差

高预测性-高频0.74 (0.14)111.60 (62.59)792.27 (537.11)597.95 (435.01)7.45 (2.87)7.60 (2.68)
低预测性-低频0.01 (0.01)3.42 (0.72)798.27 (1038.02)684.40 (545.69)7.25 (3.54)7.25 (2.17)
高预测性-低频0.74 (0.17)3.69 (1.30)630.24 (818.67)554.74 (571.21)7.60 (2.60)7.65 (2.52)
低预测性-高频0.01 (0.02)113.94 (60.21)729.21 (531.07)768.29 (580.95)7.20 (2.53)7.65 (1.53)

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表2可知, 40个框架句子可被区分成两种类型(每个类型20句)。其中第一种类型框架句子可包含“高预测性-高频”目标词汇或“低预测性-低频”目标词汇, 第二种类型框架句子可包含“高预测性-低频”目标词汇或“低预测性-高频”目标词汇。所有框架句子中, 目标词汇左侧位置上的词汇也是双字词。两种类型框架句子中目标词汇左侧词在“整词词频、首字字频、尾字字频、首字笔画数和尾字笔画数”上差异均不显著(ps > 0.05)。

表2   实验1中包含4种目标词汇的框架句子举例


注:加粗斜体为目标词汇, 下同

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另外, 邀请40名大学生对实验句子的通顺性与合理性进行5点评定, 其中20名评定句子通顺性(1代表非常不通顺, 5代表非常通顺), 另外20名评定句子的合理性(1代表非常不合理, 5代表非常合理)。结果发现:包含4类目标词汇框架句子的通顺性和合理性不受“目标词汇的语境预测性变量、词频变量及其交互作用”的影响(Fs < 0.34, ps > 0.56; 包含“高预测性-低频”目标词框架句子:通顺性4.48, 合理性4.44; 包含“高预测性-高频”目标词框架句子:通顺性4.55, 合理性4.57; 包含“低预测性-低频”目标词框架句子:通顺性4.44, 合理性4.51; 包含“低预测性-高频”目标词框架句子:通顺性4.34, 合理性4.55)。

2.1.3 实验设计

实验采用2(目标词汇的语境预测性:高预测性 vs 低预测性) × 2(目标词汇的词频:高词频 vs 低词频)两因素被试内设计。以拉丁方方式来匹配框架句子和目标词汇。这种匹配方式会共形成2个实验文件, 每个实验文件中都包含40个框架句子, 这些句子分别包含4种目标词汇。具体而言, 实验文件1中40个框架句子与目标词汇的组合方式为:1~10框架句包含“高预测性-低频”目标词, 11~20框架句包含“低预测性-高频”目标词, 21~30框架句包含“高预测性-高频”目标词, 31~40框架句包含“低预测性-低频”目标词。实验文件2中40个框架句子与目标词汇的组合方式为:1~10框架句包含“低预测性-高频”目标词, 11~20框架句包含“高预测性-低频”目标词, 21~30框架句包含“低预测性-低频”目标词, 31~40框架句包含“高预测性-高频”目标词。每个被试只阅读其中一个实验文件, 其中的40个句子随机呈现。完成实验文件1和实验文件2的被试数量相同, 这样便有效地控制了被试误差和实验材料误差。各种句子设置举例见表2

2.1.4 实验设备

实验采用加拿大SR research公司生产的Eyelink 1000眼动记录仪, 采样频率为1000 Hz, 空间分辨率为0.01°。被试机屏幕刷新频率为75 Hz, 分辨率为1024 × 768像素。实验句子都以宋体20号字单行呈现在屏幕中央, 被试距离屏幕45 cm, 每个汉字约成1.32°视角。

2.1.5 实验程序

实验时, 首先调整座椅和下巴托高度, 使被试视线与屏幕中央保持水平。准备就绪后, 进入电脑实验程序。刺激材料呈现电脑上首先呈现指导语, 主试向被试解释说明实验流程, 待被试阅读理解指导语和实验流程后, 主试校准眼动设备, 当校准误差低于0.5°时接受校准结果, 电脑呈现实验句子并收集眼动数据。电脑呈现句子、记录眼动数据的流程中包含了两个部分:练习部分和正式实验部分。首先开始练习部分, 练习完成且确定被试理解实验流程后, 开始正式实验, 否则主试再次向被试解释实验流程, 并重新练习直到被试完全理解实验流程。练习和正式实验中, 部分句子后面跟随问题句, 要求被试根据前一句内容, 通过按键判断问题句的正确与错误。

电脑呈现句子、记录眼动的基本流程如下:首先, 在呈现句子之前, 白色的电脑屏幕的左侧位置会出现一个黑色圆环, 这个圆环所在位置是句子的起始位置, 被试需注视这个圆环的同时按键, 随后才会出现实验句子(被试在没有注视这个圆环的情况下按键, 句子不会呈现; 眼动仪追踪被试注视位置的误差较大时, 被试按键也不会出现句子, 此时主试提醒被试重新校准眼动设备)。屏幕上每次只出现一个句子, 被试读完这个句子后, 再次按键句子消失, 屏幕转为白屏, 白屏的左侧位置再次出现一个黑色圆环, 被试再次注视这个黑色圆环, 并按键开始下一句子阅读, 以此类推, 直到所有句子呈现完毕。当被试注视屏幕左侧圆环按键、句子呈现前的瞬间, 主试机电脑屏幕上会呈现本次注视的追踪误差, 主试实时监视这个追踪误差, 当其大于0.5°时, 重新校准眼动仪。

2.2 数据处理

根据研究目的, 实验主要分析目标词汇兴趣区域上的注视时间和注视概率两类指标。其中时间指标包括:(1)首次注视时间, 第一遍阅读中首次注视目标词汇注视点的持续时间; (2)凝视时间, 第一遍阅读中从首次注视目标词汇开始至到注视离开目标词汇之间所有注视点持续时间之和; (3)总注视时间, 目标词汇上所有注视点持续时间之和。概率指标包括:(1)跳读概率, 特定实验条件下, 第一遍阅读中被跳读目标词数量与该条件下目标词总量之间的比值; (2)回视概率, 特定实验条件下被回视目标词数量与该条件下目标词总量之间的比值; (3)再注视概率, 第一遍阅读中, 特定实验条件下被注视两次或以上的目标词数量与该条件下目标词总量间比值。

分析上述数据之前, 先剔除练习句和判断句, 然后基于线性混合模型分析因变量数据, 在R环境中使用lme4统计软件包进行分析(Baayen, Davidson, & Bates, 2008; Barr, Levy, Scheepers, & Tily, 2013; Bates, Maechler, Bolker, & Walker, 2015)。分析时间指标(首次注视时间、凝视时间和总注视时间)前先将这些指标进行对数转换, 转换完成后当做连续变量处理, 跳读概率、回视概率和再注视概率则被作为两分变量直接处理。分析模型同时包含被试和项目两种误差, 语境预测性、词频变量及其交互作用项都作为固定因子纳入分析模型。分析注视时间指标采用LMM模型, 分析概率指标采用GLMM模型。时间指标分析的模型除了包含固定因子外, 还包含首次注视落点位置和首次注视起跳位置两个协变量。所有模型均未包括slope项, 因为增加slope会导致模型不能收敛。报告回归系数b、标准误SEt值(t = b/SE)、p值以及95%的置信区间(95% CI)。

2.3 实验结果

被试回答问题正确率的均值在90%以上, 表明其认真阅读并充分理解实验句子。各条件下因变量的均值与标准差见表3, 分析结果见表4

表3   实验1各条件下目标词汇上注视时间类指标和注视概率类指标的均值与标准误差

首次注视时间221 (2.34)223 (2.34)228 (2.34)241 (2.34)
凝视时间238 (3.31)243 (3.31)252 (3.31)277 (3.32)
总注视时间247 (7.48)261 (7.48)343 (7.49)375 (7.48)
跳读概率30.0 (1.0)30.2 (1.0)26.7 (1.0)24.8 (1.0)
再注视概率6.2 (0.7)7.5 (0.7)9.1 (0.7)13.3 (0.7)
回视概率5.6 (0.6)7.1 (0.6)12.1 (0.6)14.1 (0.6)

注:注视时间类指标单位为ms, 注视概率类指标单位为%, 括号内为标准误差, 下同。

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表4   实验1混合线性模型分析结果

bSEtp95% CIbSEtp95% CI
Intercept2.320.01422.53< 0.001[2.30, 2.33]2.370.01332.77< 0.001[2.35, 2.38]
词频0.020.005.38< 0.001[0.01, 0.02]< 0.001[0.02, 0.03]
语境预测性0.020.007.16< 0.001[0.02, 0.03]0.040.0010.15< 0.001[0.03, 0.04]
bSEtp95% CIbSEzp95% CI
Intercept2.460.01225.76< 0.001[2.44, 2.48]-1.050.06-17.05< 0.001[-1.18, -0.93]
词频0.030.005.80< 0.001[0.02, 0.03]-0.050.04-1.300.19-
语境预测性0.100.0022.99< 0.001[0.09, 0.11]-0.230.04-5.64< 0.001[-0.31, -0.15]
bSEzp95% CIbSEzp95% CI
Intercept-2.780.10-27.81< 0.001[-2.98, -2.59]-2.520.09-26.98< 0.001[-2.70, -2.34]
词频0.350.075.35< 0.001[0.22, 0.47]< 0.001[0.10, 0.34]
语境预测性0.560.078.69< 0.001[0.44, 0.69]0.840.0613.23< 0.001[0.72, 0.97]

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表3表4的统计结果可知:语境预测性和词频变量在3项注视时间指标(首次注视时间、凝视时间和总注视时间)和2项注视概率指标(再注视概率和回视概率)上显著, 读者注视高频/高语境预测性目标词汇的时间、再注视和回视概率均小于低频/低语境预测性目标词汇。在跳读概率指标上仅发现语境预测性效应显著, 读者跳读高语境预测性目标词汇的概率大于低语境预测性目标词汇。语境预测性与词频间的交互作用在任何指标上均不显著。

考虑到通过零假设检验的统计结果(p值)推断无效应有所不足, 故在R中补做贝叶斯统计分析(Morey et al., 2018), 参照以往研究报告注视时间指标(首次注视时间、凝视时间和总注视时间)的贝叶斯因子(胡传鹏 等, 2018; Rouder & Morey, 2012)。贝叶斯因子是由“不包含交互作用项模型的后验概率”与“包含交互作用项模型的后验概率”间比值所得, 这个值代表“假定语境预测性与词频之间的交互作用不显著时, 出现当前数据的可能性”是“在假定交互作用显著时, 出现当前数据可能性”的倍数, 当这个比值大于1时被认为倾向于接受虚无假设H0, 即交互作用不存在。默认先验概率(0.5)下, 首次注视时间、凝视时间和总注视时间的贝叶斯因子分别为:6.29, 4.90, 6.33, 根据相关标准可知当前结果在中等程度上支持零假设(胡传鹏 等, 2018; Wagenmakers et al., 2017); 变换先验概率选择(0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8)多次计算得到的贝叶斯因子值均大于2.32。可见实验1结果更加倾向于接受虚无假设, 即语境预测性与词频交互作用不存在。

2.4 讨论

实验1操控双字目标词汇的语境预测性和整词词频, 检验两个变量是否交互影响词汇通达环节。结果发现:首先, 语境预测性影响所有的注视时间指标(首次注视时间、凝视时间和总注视时间), 读者注视高语境预测性词汇的时间显著少于低语境预测性词汇, 他们更容易跳读高语境预测性目标词汇, 再注视、回视低语境预测性目标词汇的概率则高于高语境预测性目标词汇。其次, 词频对注视时间、再注视概率和回视概率的影响类似于语境预测性, 读者注视高频目标词汇的时间显著少于低频目标词汇, 而对低频目标词汇的再注视、回视概率却高于高频目标词, 词频变量并不影响跳读概率。最后, 语境预测性与整词词频间的交互作用在所有眼动指标上均不显著, 贝叶斯分析结果也更加倾向于接受虚无假设。以往眼动研究结果显示, 语境预测性与词频之间交互作用不显著(卢张龙 等, 2008)。本研究大幅增加被试量并提供贝叶斯因子分析, 发现语境预测性与词频交互作用不显著是个稳定的结果。词频效应是词汇通达的证据(Hudson & Bergman, 1985; Monsell et al., 1989; Sereno & Rayner, 2000, 2003)。因而此结果意味着, 至少对成年健康中文读者而言, 语境预测性与词频变量以相对独立的方式影响词汇通达。

繁体中文阅读的ERP研究发现, 在P200脑电成分上(该成分能反映词汇通达过程)语境语境预测性与词频交互作用也不显著, 但在N100成分上两者交互作用显著, N100反映视觉分析和词形知觉(Lee et al., 2012)。由此研究可以推测, 尽管语境预测性与词频变量以相对独立的方式影响词汇通达, 但两者可能以交互模式影响前词汇加工(比如, 视觉分析和词形知觉等), 考虑到Lee等人(2012)的研究并没控制字频变量, 词频与字频之间存在相关性, 因而N100上语境预测性与词频交互作用可能也反映了语境预测性与字频变量之间的交互。另外, 根据以往研究可知, 多字词识别需经历字的加工环节, 语境预测性影响词汇加工的发生时程较早, 这是否意味着语境预测性会影响字的加工环节(其中包括字的视觉分析, 字形知觉和字的识别等)呢?基于这些考虑组织后两项实验, 通过观察语境预测性与目标词汇首字字频间交互作用, 语境预测性与目标词汇尾字字频间交互作用, 继续探讨语境预测性影响中文词汇识别的具体加工阶段(机制)问题。

3 实验2:语境预测性对首字字频效应的影响

3.1 方法

3.1.1 被试

在杭州师范大学内招募被试。318名母语为汉语的本科生参与实验。所有被试的视力或矫正视力正常, 无色盲色弱, 所有被试之前均未参加过类似实验, 实验结束后获得一定报酬。

3.1.2 实验材料

实验材料的编制过程基本等同于实验1, 不同的是, 实验2材料操控目标词汇的语境预测性和首字字频。同样邀请19名大学生根据目标词之前的句子内容将句子补充完整, 根据其填充效果确定语境预测性程度。在平衡无关变量的基础上选择合适框架句子, 最终选取了48个词对, 分别适合48个框架句子。4种目标词汇在整词词频、尾字字频、首字笔画数和尾字笔画数方面差异都不显著(ps > 0.05)。“高预测性-首字高频”目标词与“高预测性-首字低频”目标词、“低预测性-首字低频”目标词与“低预测性-首字高频”目标词在语境预测性程度上差异不显著(ps > 0.05), “高预测性-首字高频”目标词与“低预测性-首字高频”目标词、“低预测性-首字低频”目标词与“高预测性-首字低频”目标词在首字字频上差异也不显著(ps > 0.05)。各组词汇在各项参数上均值和标准差见表5。由表6可知, 48个框架句子可被区分成两种类型(每个类型24句)。两种类型框架句子中目标词汇的左侧词在“整词词频、首字字频、尾字字频、首字笔画数和尾字笔画数”上差异均不显著(ps > 0.05)。

表5   实验2四种目标词汇的字频、笔画数、整词词频和语境预测性参数均值和标准差

高预测性-首字高频76.1 (19.2)12 (12)1558 (1062)707 (727)7.2 (2.1)7.7 (2.1)
低预测性-首字低频0.2 (0.11)10 (11)51 (27)610 (841)7.9 (2.1)7.3 (2.4)
高预测性-首字低频78.7 (19.2)10 (11)38 (27)641 (884)7.0 (2.3)6.9 (2.7)
低预测性-首字高频0.2 (0.11)10 (11)1377 (1044)740 (767)7.1 (2.0)7.7 (2.5)

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表6   实验2中包含4种目标词汇的框架句子举例

哥哥要出远门, 妈妈一边帮他收拾行李一边叮嘱他注意安全。
哥哥要出远门, 妈妈一边帮他收拾岩石一边叮嘱他注意安全。

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同样邀请40名大学生分别对实验句子的通顺性与合理性进行5点评定(同实验1)。结果发现:包含4类目标词汇框架句子的通顺性和合理性不受“目标词汇的语境预测性变量、首字字频变量及其交互作用”的影响(Fs < 0.58, ps > 0.45; 包含“高预测性-首字低频”目标词框架句子:通顺性4.41, 合理性4.26; 包含“高预测性-首字高频”目标词框架句子:通顺性4.47, 合理性4.22; 包含“低预测性-首字低频”目标词框架句子:通顺性4.42, 合理性4.38; 包含“低预测性-首字高频”目标词框架句子:通顺性4.40, 合理性4.41)。

3.1.3 实验设计

实验采用2(目标词汇的语境预测性:高预测性 vs 低预测性) × 2(目标词汇的首字字频:高频 vs 低频)两因素被试内设计。框架句子和目标词汇之间的平衡方式同实验1。各种句子设置举例见表6

3.1.4 实验设备和程序


3.2 实验结果

实验因变量选择及其数据处理方法同实验1。被试回答问题正确率的均值在90%以上, 表明其认真阅读并充分理解实验句子。表7呈现眼动指标的均值与标准误差。表8显示各项指标分析结果。

表7   实验2各条件下目标词汇上注视时间类指标和注视概率类指标的均值与标准误差

首次注视时间228 (2.27)224 (2.27)240 (2.27)244 (2.27)
凝视时间246 (3.40)247 (3.40)281 (3.40)281 (3.40)
总注视时间276 (7.70)278 (7.71)402 (7.71)399 (7.71)
跳读概率29.5 (0.9)25.1 (0.9)21.6 (0.9)20.8 (0.9)
再注视概率6.9 (0.7)9.1 (0.7)14.2 (0.7)13.5 (0.7)
回视概率10.3 (0.7)9.3 (0.7)18.8 (0.7)13.5 (0.7)

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表8   实验2混合线性模型分析结果

bSEtp95% CIbSEtp95% CI
Intercept2.330.01443.52< 0.001[2.32, 2.34]2.390.01352.54< 0.001[2.38, 2.40]
语境预测性0.030.0010.11< 0.001[0.02, 0.03][0.04, 0.06]
bSEtp95% CIbSEzp95% CI
Intercept2.510.01223.69< 0.001[2.38, 2.40]-1.260.06-21.48< 0.001[-1.38, -1.15]
首字字频-0.010.00-1.420.16--0.140.04-3.42< 0.001[-0.21, -0.06]
语境预测性0.110.0027.75< 0.001[0.04, 0.06]-0.350.04-8.87< 0.001[-0.43, -0.27]
bSEzp95% CIbSEzp95% CI
Intercept-2.440.08-29.85< 0.001[-2.60, -2.28]-2.370.10-23.80< 0.001[-2.56, -2.17]
首字字频0.130.062.360.02[0.02, 0.24]-0.250.06-4.66< 0.001[-0.36, -0.15]
语境预测性0.670.0612.25< 0.001[0.57, 0.78]0.710.0613.00< 0.001[0.60, 0.82]

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表7表8的统计结果可知:语境预测性在各项眼动指标上显著, 读者注视高语境预测性目标词汇的时间(首次注视时间、凝视时间和总注视时间), 再注视和回视高语境预测性目标词汇的概率都小于低语境预测性目标词汇, 而跳读高语境预测性目标词汇的概率则大于低语境预测性目标词汇。首字字频效应在各项注视时间指标上都不显著, 但读者跳读和回视首字高频目标词汇的概率都大于首字低频目标词汇, 读者再注视首字高频目标词汇的概率则显著少于首字低频目标词汇。语境预测性与首字字频间交互作用在任何指标上均不显著。同样, 参照实验1对注视时间做贝叶斯检验, 结果发现, 默认先验概率(0.5)情况下, 首次注视时间、凝视时间和总注视时间的贝叶斯因子分别为, 6.49, 9.62, 6.99, 说明当前结果至少在中等程度上支持零假设。通过变换先验概率(0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8)多次计算得到的贝叶斯因子值均大于2.91。可见实验2亦接受虚无假设H0, 即语境预测性与首字字频交互作用不显著。

3.3 讨论

实验2操控双字目标词汇的语境预测性和首字字频, 检验两个变量是否交互影响词汇识别。结果如下:首先, 语境预测性效应完全与实验1相同。其次, 首字字频不影响目标词上的注视时间(首次注视时间、凝视时间和总注视时间), 但却影响注视概率(见表7表8), 读者跳读和回视首字高频目标词汇的概率大于首字低频目标词汇, 再注视首字高频目标词汇的概率则小于首字低频目标词汇。以往研究发现, 读者跳读未被充分加工的词汇时, 随后更容易对之进行回视再加工(Rayner, 1998, 2009), 还有证据显示, 中国读者可在没有充分识别词汇的情况下, 跳读其内汉字(Lin et al., 2018), 因而首字字频影响注视概率结果的具体模式应与跳读导致词汇加工不充分有关, 读者会通过增加回视的方式, 弥补“因跳读首字高频目标词汇所导致对之识别加工”的不足。首字字频不影响注视时间, 但却影响跳读和再注视概率, 可归根于双字词汇中首字的加工受到整词加工的影响较大(申薇, 李兴珊, 2012), 而读者选择汉字作为眼跳目标时较少受整词加工影响(Li & Pollatsek, 2011; Lin et al., 2018; Ma & Li, 2015)。最后, 没有发现语境预测性与首字字频变量间的交互作用显著。贝叶斯因子检验也倾向于支持零假设, 说明语境预测性与首字字频变量也是相对独立地影响中文词汇识别。

在语境预测性是否与频率变量交互影响词汇识别问题上, 实验2和实验1的结果完全一致。这种结果可在一定程度上归根于如下原因:首先, 中文阅读中, 读者基于整词单元激活整个双字词汇(Shen et al., 2018), 因而词内汉字的加工(比如, 视觉分析、字形知觉和单字识别)会受整词加工的影响; 其次, 对双字词汇而言, 整词加工对汉字加工的影响主要体现在首字加工方面, 证据表明, 识别双字词的首字受整词加工的影响较大(申薇, 李兴珊, 2012), 实验2在最大限度上控制了整词变量, 因此语境预测性与首字加工间的交互作用可能淹没在整词加工之中。不过, 需要指出的是, 双字词的尾字加工较少受到整词加工的影响, 且尾字加工与发生在词汇加工早期阶段的切词环节有关(Liang et al., 2015; 申薇, 李兴珊, 2012; Yen et al., 2012)。倘若语境预测性与频率变量交互影响词汇加工的早期阶段(比如, 视觉分析, 词形/字形知觉, 汉字识别等), 那么有可能观察到语境预测性与尾字字频交互影响读者的眼动数据, 实验3进一步检测这项可能。

4 实验3:语境预测性对尾字字频效应的影响

4.1 实验方法

4.1.1 被试

杭州师范大学内314名母语为汉语的大一本科生参与实验。所有被试的视力或矫正视力正常, 无色盲色弱, 所有被试之前均未参加过类似实验, 实验结束后获得一定报酬。

4.1.2 实验材料

实验材料的编制过程基本等同于实验1和实验2, 不同的是, 实验3材料操控目标词汇的语境预测性和尾字字频。同样邀请19名大学生根据目标词之前的句子内容将句子补充完整, 并根据其填充效果确定语境预测性程度。在平衡无关变量的基础上选择合适框架句子, 最终选取了40个词对, 分别适合40个框架句子。4种目标词汇在整词词频、首字字频、首字笔画数和尾字笔画数方面差异不显著(ps > 0.05)。“高预测性-尾字高频”目标词与“高预测性-尾字低频”目标词、“低预测性-尾字低频”目标词与“低预测性-尾字高频”目标词在语境预测性程度上差异不显著(ps > 0.05), “高预测性-尾字高频”目标词与“低预测性-尾字高频”目标词、“低预测性-尾字低频”目标词与“高预测性-尾字低频”目标词在尾字字频上差异也不显著(ps > 0.05)。各组词汇在各项参数上均值和标准差见表9。由表10可知, 40个框架句子可被区分成两种类型(每个类型20句)。两种类型框架句子中目标词汇的左侧词在“整词词频、首字字频、尾字字频、首字笔画数和尾字笔画数”上差异均不显著(ps > 0.05)。

表9   实验3四种目标词汇的字频、笔画数, 整词词频和语境预测性参数均值和标准差

高预测性-尾字高频83.7 (14.3)13 (11)471 (563)1123 (415)7.8 (1.9)8.1 (2.9)
低预测性-尾字低频5 (2.4)14 (19)597 (725)51 (28)6.9 (2.5)7.4 (2.3)
高预测性-尾字低频83.7 (152)15 (19)611 (841)47 (20)7.1 (2.5)7.8 (2.0)
低预测性-尾字高频1.3 (4.1)14 (24)535 (801)1115 (667)7.2 (2.5)7.3 (1.7)

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表10   实验3中包含4种目标词汇的框架句子举例


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40名大学生对实验句子的通顺性与合理性进行5点评定(同实验1和实验2)。结果发现:包含4类目标词汇框架句子的通顺性和合理性不受“目标词汇的语境预测性变量、尾字字频变量及其交互作用”的影响(Fs < 0.75, ps > 0.39; 包含“高预测性-尾字低频”目标词框架句子:通顺性4.49, 合理性4.62; 包含“高预测性-尾字高频”目标词框架句子:通顺性4.43, 合理性4.42; 包含“低预测性-尾字低频”目标词框架句子:通顺性4.39, 合理性4.40; 包含“低预测性-尾字高频”目标词框架句子:通顺性4.48, 合理性4.21)。

4.1.3 实验设计

实验采用2(目标词汇的语境预测性:高预测性 vs 低预测性) × 2(目标词汇的尾字字频:高频 vs 低频)两因素被试内设计。框架句子和目标词汇之间的平衡方式同实验1。各种句子设置举例见表10

4.1.4 实验设备和程序


4.2 实验结果

实验因变量选择及其数据处理方法同实验1和实验2。被试回答问题正确率的均值在90%以上, 表明其认真阅读并充分理解实验句子。表11呈现眼动指标的均值与标准误差, 表12为各项指标的统计分析结果。

表11   实验3各条件下目标词汇上注视时间类指标和注视概率类指标的均值与标准误差

首次注视时间225 (2.36)222 (2.36)232 (2.36)241 (2.36)
凝视时间247 (3.46)238 (3.46)257 (3.46)278 (3.46)
总注视时间282 (8.42)256 (8.42)361 (8.42)425 (8.42)
跳读概率29.8 (1.0)30.1 (1.0)27.0 (1.0)24.3 (1.0)
再注视概率8.0 (0.7)6.1 (0.7)8.7 (0.7)13.2 (0.7)
回视概率11.2 (0.7)9.2 (0.7)15.5 (0.7)16.7 (0.7)

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表12   实验3混合线性模型分析结果

bSEtp95% CIbSEtp95% CI
Intercept2.330.01400.65< 0.001[2.32, 2.34]2.390.01313.49< 0.001[2.37, 2.40]
尾字字频0.010.001.460.14-[0.00, 0.01]
语境预测性0.020.06.59< 0.001[0.02, 0.03]< 0.001[0.03, 0.04]
尾字字频×语境预测性0.030.011.990.05[0.00, 0.05][0.01, 0.09]
bSEtp95% CIbSEzp95% CI
Intercept2.500.01212.21< 0.001[2.37, 2.40]-1.060.07-16.15< 0.001[-1.19, -0.94]
尾字字频0.[0.00, 0.01]-0.070.04-1.730.08[-0.15, -0.01]
语境预测性0.110.0024.14< 0.001[0.03, 0.04]-0.240.04-5.68< 0.001[-0.32, -0.16]
尾字字频×语境预测性0.[0.01, 0.09]-0.160.22-0.730.47-
bSEzp95% CIbSEzp95% CI
Intercept-2.940.10-28.14< 0.001[-3.14, -2.73]-2.390.11-21.04< 0.001[-2.61, -2.17]
语境预测性0.500.077.26< 0.001[0.37, 0.63]0.680.0611.37< 0.001[0.57, 0.80]
尾字字频×语境预测性0.800.332.410.02[0.15 1.48]0.400.430.930.35-

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表11表12的统计结果可知:语境预测性在各项眼动指标上均显著, 对于高语境预测性的目标词汇而言, 读者注视之的时间, 再注视和回视之的概率都小于低语境预测性目标词汇, 跳读它的概率则大于低语境预测性目标词汇。尾字字频效应仅在总注视时间上显著, 在凝视时间和跳读概率上边缘显著, 读者对尾字高频目标词汇的总注视时间和凝视时间少于尾字低频目标词汇, 跳读尾字高频目标词汇的概率则大于尾字低频目标词汇。语境预测性与尾字字频间交互作用在4项指标上显著或者边缘显著, 简单效应分析显示, 对于首次注视时间, 高语境预测性条件下尾字字频效应不显著b = -0.01, SE = 0.01, t = -1.09, 低语境预测性条件下尾字字频效应显著b = 0.02, SE = 0.01, t = 2.88, p = 0.01, 95% CI [0.01, 0.04]; 对于凝视时间, 高语境预测性条件下尾字字频效应不显著b = -0.02, SE = 0.01, t = -1.40, 低语境预测性条件下尾字字频效应显著b = 0.03, SE = 0.01, t = 3.13, p = 0.003, 95% CI [0.01, 0.06]; 对于总注视时间, 高语境预测性条件下尾字字频效应不显著b = -0.03, SE = 0.02, t = -1.23, 低语境预测性条件下尾字字频效应显著b = 0.06, SE = 0.02, t = 2.73, p = 0.01, 95% CI [0.02, 0.09]; 对于再注视概率, 高语境预测性条件下尾字字频效应不显著b = -0.24, SE = 0.18, t = -1.34, 低语境预测性条件下尾字字频效应显著b = 0.61, SE = 0.18, t = 3.41, p < 0.001, 95% CI [0.26, 0.96]。

4.3 讨论

实验3操控双字目标词汇的语境预测性和尾字字频, 检验两个变量是否交互影响词汇识别过程。结果如下:首先, 语境预测性效应完全同于前两项实验。其次, 尾字字频的主效应除了影响注视时间外, 还影响跳读和再注视概率, 读者注视尾字低频目标词汇的时间(凝视时间、总注视时间)多于尾字高频目标词汇, 读者跳读尾字高频目标词汇的概率显著大于尾字低频目标词汇, 再注视尾字高频目标词汇的概率显著则少于尾字低频目标词汇。最后, 语境预测性与尾字字频间交互作用在注视时间(首次注视时间、凝视时间、总注视时间)和再注视概率上达到显著或者边缘显著程度; 简单效应分析发现, 各项指标上的交互作用均表现为高语境预测性条件下, 尾字字频效应不显著, 低语境预测性条件下尾字字频效应则达到显著水平, 高语境预测性会消除(减弱)尾字字频对词汇识别的影响, 说明语境预测性能够预激活与词内尾字相关的表征, 从而弥补低频率汉字的加工效率。

在繁体中文阅读中, 研究发现, 语境预测性与频率变量(词频)交互影响N100波幅, N100反映视觉分析和字形、词形知觉; 根据这个结果可以推测, 语境预测性对词汇加工的影响起始于视觉分析或者字形、词形知觉; 也由此可见, 中文读者会根据语境预先激活相关表征以促进后续词汇识别(Lee et al., 2012)。词频与字频密切相关(组成高频词汇的汉字的频率也相对会较高), 故语境预测性与词频交互影响N100波幅可能实质上反映了语境影响单字视觉分析与知觉。除此之外, 研究发现, 自然阅读中的词汇识别需建立在词内汉字的加工基础上(Ma et al., 2015; 刘志方 等, 2017)。对于双字词汇的尾字加工(比如, 其视觉分析, 字形知觉和汉字识别)相对独立于整词加工(申薇, 李兴珊, 2012), 故识别双字词汇尾字加工对词汇识别尤为重要。实验3严格控制了整词词频, 结果发现, 语境预测性与尾字字频间交互作用在多个因变量上显著。由此研究可以推测, 语境预测性与尾字字频变量交互影响前词汇加工阶段, 这种交互模式至少体现在尾字加工环节(比如, 视觉分析、字形知觉与汉字识别等)。

5 总讨论

阅读中读者通常会利用语境信息促进词汇识别, 高语境预测性目标词汇比低语境预测性词汇也更容易被整合理解(Clifton et al., 2016; Dambacher et al., 2006; Rayner, 1998, 2009)。拼音文字阅读研究发现, 语境预测性能促进目标词汇的预视加工(Schotter, Angele, & Rayner, 2012; Schotter, Lee, Reiderman, & Rayner, 2015; White et al., 2005)。中文阅读中也发现, 读者会利用语境预测性信息促进对双字目标词汇的预视加工, 进而影响指向该词的眼跳幅度(Liu et al., 2018)。本研究以双字目标词汇为例, 探讨语境预测性影响早期词汇加工阶段的具体机制, 3项实验结果一致发现, 高语境预测性目标词汇被跳读的概率显著大于低语境预测性目标词汇, 读者会根据预视加工中获得的部分信息跳读目标词汇, 可见语境预测性对中文词汇加工的影响至少起始于预视阶段; 除了跳读概率外, 语境预测性还影响其他各类眼动数据。各项指标侧重反映不同阶段的词汇加工(Rayner, 1998, 2009), 由此可知, 语境预测性影响中文词汇加工的起始点很早, 其影响多个词汇加工阶段(或其效应延续性较强)。本研究考察语境预测性与频率变量间的交互作用, 交互作用显著意味着语境预测性至少可以直接影响频率变量所代表的加工环节, 这利于深化理解语境预测性影响词汇加工的具体机制。

5.1 语境预测性分别与词频、字频交互影响词汇加工的差异

词频效应出现意味着加工进入或者经历了词汇通达(Hudson & Bergman, 1985; Monsell et al., 1989; Sereno & Rayner, 2000, 2003), 语境预测性与词频交互效应显著意味着语境预测性直接影响词汇通达。本研究没有发现语境预测性与词频交互作用显著, 两个主效应也存在差异, 这种差异可部分地解释交互作用不显著的原因。英语阅读中语境预测性非常稳定地影响跳读概率(Balota et al., 1985; Schustack et al., 1987), 而词频是否影响跳读则是选择性的、有条件的, 仅在前注视点接近目标词汇情况时, 读者跳读高频目标词汇的概率才会显著高于跳读低频目标词汇的概率, 可见语境预测性对跳读的影响程度大于词频变量(Rayner, & Duffy, 1986; Rayner & Well, 1996; Rayner, 1998, 2009)。实验1同样发现, 语境预测性和词频在影响跳读概率上存在差异, 词频不能影响跳读概率。读者会根据预视获取的目标词汇的部分信息(此时目标词汇并未被完全识别)决定是否跳读该目标词汇(Engbert et al., 2005; Rayner et al., 2004; Reichle et al., 1998, 2003)。语境预测性影响目标词汇的跳读概率, 说明语境预测性变量会促进目标词汇的预视加工。词频不影响跳读概率, 说明词频变量较难影响目标词汇预视加工。据此可知, 语境预测性变量开始影响词汇加工的时间点早于词频变量, 这应是它们相对独立地影响词汇通达潜在原因和表现。

相对于语境预测性和词频效应, 字频变量仅影响有限的眼动指标。不过, 在跳读概率上, 字频效应与语境预测性效应之间的差异不大, 字频影响跳读概率说明该变量对词汇加工的影响也起始于预视加工, 故从“变量开始影响词汇加工的时间点”角度看, 词频效应与字频效应有一定差异, 而语境预测性效应与字频效应差异不大, 语境预测性有可能与字频交互影响词汇加工的某个(些)阶段。Ma等人(2015)的研究发现, 双字目标词汇的字频效应能在目标词左侧词汇上的注视时间指标上显现, 而目标词汇的整词词频效应则只能在目标词汇的注视时间上可见, 他们据此推测, 识别双字词汇时字的加工要先于词的加工。还有证据显示, 读者需要在获取单字编码的基础上获取整词编码, 预视中可获取双字词汇的单字编码, 而整词编码则需要在注视中获取(刘志方 等, 2017)。本研究结果(字频效应和词频效应在跳读概率上有所差异), 再次验证这个推测的合理性, 说明识别多字词的早期加工中包含字的加工环节(比如, 单字视觉分析, 字形知觉和单字识别等); 而语境预测性与尾字字频交互作用在多个眼动指标上显著, 说明语境预测性与尾字字频至少交互影响尾字加工的部分环节。

对比实验1与后两项实验结果间差异可见, 在语境预测性与频率变量交互影响词汇识别问题上, “词频与语境预测性间交互作用”不如“字频(主要是尾字字频变量)与语境预测性间交互作用”明显。语境预测性与整词词频间交互作用、语境预测性与首字字频间交互作用都不显著, 仅观察到语境预测性与尾字字频交互作用显著。考虑到首字加工能在较大程度上代表词的加工(Li & Pollatsek, 2011), 故语境预测性与首字字频间的交互在较大程度上反映了语境加工与整词加工间的交互模式。综合词频变量、字频变量在与语境预测性交互作用方面的差异, 可得出以下推论:语境预测性与频率变量交互影响词汇加工的程度, 随着加工层面的上升而逐渐减弱; 在词的加工层面上, 频率变量与语境预测性间的交互作用趋于消失。这种结果可在预测编码(Predictive Code)理论中得到解释。该理论认为, 主观预期信息与实际观测信息在各感知觉加工层面上交互影响, 交互激活会随着加工层面上升逐渐减弱, 直到知觉完成(Summerfield & Egner, 2009), 由此可知, 该理论有潜力解释阅读中的字词知觉过程。

5.2 语境预测性分别与首字字频、尾字字频交互影响词汇加工的差异

实验2和实验3考察语境预测性与字频交互影响词汇识别过程特点。对比两项实验结果可得出两项发现:首先, 首字字频和尾字字频变量影响眼动数据的模式不同, 相对于首字字频因素, 尾字字频变量影响更为广泛的眼动数据。Li等人(2014)研究发现, 词频变量对眼动控制过程的影响作用大于字频变量的影响作用, 单字加工从属于/受制于其所在词汇的整词加工。行为学证据显示, 首字加工在较大程度上依赖于整词激活, 而尾字加工则在一定程度上独立于整词激活(申薇, 李兴珊, 2012)。故当严格控制了词汇变量(词频)时, 首字字频效应比尾字字频效应更容易被淹没在整词加工之中。考虑到首字能在较大程度上代表整词(Li & Pollatsek, 2011), 而尾字加工则与整词加工有所分离, 其较少受整词加工的影响, 当前研究在控制整词变量的基础上(实验操控语境预测性变量, 控制词频、笔画数变量)发现, 尾字字频效应比首字字频效应更加明显, 这说明相对首字加工, 尾字加工更不容易被淹没在整词加工当中。故综合首字字频效应与尾字字频效应间差异以及以往研究结论, 不难推测:双字词汇识别中, “整词加工与首字加工间的交互激活模式(程度)”不同于“整词加工与尾字加工间的交互激活模式(程度)”。当然, 对此还需深入探讨。

其次, 在与语境预测性之间的交互作用方面, 首字字频效应和尾字字频效应也相差甚大。具体而言, 我们发现, 不存在首字字频与语境预测性间的交互作用, 而尾字字频则与语境预测性交互影响多个因变量指标。首字加工容易被淹没至整词加工当中, 故实验2结果再次表明语境加工与整词加工以相对比较独立的方式影响词汇识别。实验3发现, 语境预测性与词内尾字字频交互影响多项指标。语境预测性分别与首字字频、尾字字频交互作用差异有利于揭示阅读中的切词机制, 理由如下:首先, 研究发现, 目标词汇尾字后添加空格可促进目标词汇识别, 而在目标词汇首字前增加空格则达不到相应效果(Liu & Li, 2012); 汉字出现在词尾频率与其出现在词首频率间的比值影响词汇加工与习得(Liang et al., 2015; Yen et al., 2012), 这些研究结论表明尾字加工(激活)与切词相关。其次, 已知语境是阅读切词的重要参照线索(Li et al., 2009, 2011; 苏衡, 刘志方, 曹立人, 2016)。最后, 词切分发生时程较早(Gu & Li, 2015), 从发生时间上, 语境预测性效应、尾字字频效应的发生时程有可能与词切分有所重叠。综合本研究与以往研究结论可以推测:语境加工、尾字加工及其之间的交互作用, 可能都是词切分的潜在机制。当然, 对此还需深入研究。

5.3 理论启示

观察语境预测性与词频、字频变量间的交互作用可推测词汇识别的语境效应机制。本研究仅发现语境预测性与尾字字频交互作用显著, 而其与词频、首字字频变量间交互作用不显著, 由此可以推测语境预测性至少直接影响尾字加工的某个(些)环节(比如, 视觉分析、字形知觉或单字识别等)。药盼盼和李兴珊(2019)观测到语境预测性与正字法邻居变量交互影响中文读者的眼动数据, 他们据此推测, 语境预测性可以在识别词汇之前激活目标词, 从而促进目标词汇加工。另有研究发现, 中文阅读中的语境预测性效应依赖于视觉刺激(苏衡 等, 2016)。ERP证据表明, 语境预测性与词频变量交互影响视觉分析(Lee et al., 2012), 来自fMRI方面证据也提示, 语境预测性对词汇加工的影响起始于视觉分析, 而非词汇通达(Altmann & Kamide 1999; Bonhage et al., 2015)。语境效应与频率效应分别反映不同性质的加工过程, 前者代表自上而下的加工, 而后者则与自下而上加工相关(Dambacher et al., 2006)。尾字加工隶属于整词加工的早期阶段, 故语境预测性与频率变量间交互效应模式意味着, 语境与词汇特征(包括词内单字特征)交互影响词汇加工至少发生在“视觉分析至尾字加工”的一段时程内, 当加工进入词汇通达和语义整合阶段时, 两类加工则相对独立。

根据本研究结果可限制和澄清语境预测性效应的具体机制, 这有利于验证和发展阅读认知理论模型。E-Z读者后续版本假定语境预测性和词频以相加的方式影响词汇加工的各阶段(Rayner et al., 2004); SWIFT模型可接纳两个因素交互激活的可能(Engbert et al., 2005; Hand et al., 2010)。Glenmore模型仅限定低加工层面之间的交互模式(比如, 字母加工层面和视觉加工层面), 但并未考虑语境与低层次加工间交互可能。考虑到上述模型并未包含单字加工和词切分模块, 它们在解释本研究结果方面有所局限。本研究发现, 语境预测性与低水平变量交互影响词汇加工的早期阶段, 这有利于完善西文阅读眼动控制模型。李兴珊等人构建的词切分模型假定词的加工与字的加工之间存在交互激活, 但对于“语境加工与词的加工之间”和“语境加工与字的加工之间”是否存在交互激活现象, 并没有提出明确假设(Li et al., 2009, 2014; 李兴珊 等, 2011)。考虑到这个模型本质是个交互激活模型, 因此增加语境预测性与字的加工交互影响词汇早期加工阶段的具体机制后, 能够更好地解释中文阅读中的词汇加工过程。当然, 完美模拟中文阅读中的词汇加工与眼动控制过程仍需更多的研究结果与证据。

本研究也检验了交互激活理论与认知模块理论(Fodor, 1983; Forster, 1979, 1981; McClelland, & Rumelhart, 1981; McClelland, 1987; Morton, 1969; Rumelhart & McClelland, 1982)。我们发现, 语境预测性与频率变量交互影响早期词汇加工的某环节(尾字加工), 这符合交互激活理论预期。不过, 至少词汇加工进入通达阶段以后, 两类变量以相对独立的方式影响词汇加工, 说明认知模块理论至少能解释词汇加工的部分阶段。研究发现, 解码词汇较难时(尤其对于阅读能力较低读者而言)会加重对语境信息的依赖(Ashby et al., 2005; Huck et al., 2017), 解码过程达到自动化程度时, 两类加工则可相对独立。解码中文词汇的工序较为繁琐复杂, 中文读者需要在预视和注视中连续地重解码, 识别中文词汇需要额外词切分和汉字加工环节(Bai et al., 2008; Inhoff & Liu, 1998; Li et al., 2009, 2014; Liang et al., 2015; Yen et al., 2012), 这可能是导致成年中文读者语境预测性与频率变量(尾字字频)交互作用显著的潜在原因之一。有观点认为, 交互激活加工和认知模块化加工共存于认知系统, 当自下而上编码加工效率不足时, 人类认知系统会加重对背景信息的依赖, 以便产生交互激活的加工策略(Stanovich, 1986)。中文读者也许会根据文本难度和自身能力实时调整阅读加工策略, 进而影响交互激活程度, 当然这个问题还需深入探讨。

6 结论

中文阅读中, 语境预测性与词汇频率类变量影响词汇加工的模式在不同加工阶段各有特点。语境预测性至少直接影响前词汇加工的部分环节(比如, 尾字加工); 词汇加工进入通达阶段时, 语境预测性与频率类变量(首字字频和整词词频)的影响作用则相对独立。


Altarriba, J., Kroll, J. F., Sholl, A., & Rayner, K. (1996).

The influence of lexical and conceptual constraints on reading mixed language sentences: Evidence from eye fixations and naming times

Memory & Cognition, 24, 477-492.

DOI:10.3758/bf03200936      URL     PMID:8757496      [本文引用: 1]

In two experiments, we explored the degree to which sentence context effects operate at a lexical or conceptual level by examining the processing of mixed-language sentences by fluent Spanish-English bilinguals. In Experiment 1, subjects' eye movements were monitored while they read English sentences in which sentence constraint, word frequency, and language of target word were manipulated. A frequency x constraint interaction was found when target words appeared in Spanish, but not in English. First fixation durations were longer for high-frequency Spanish words when these were embedded in high-constraint sentences than in low-constraint sentences. This result suggests that the conceptual restrictions produced by the sentence context were met, but that the lexical restrictions were not. The same result did not occur for low-frequency Spanish words, presumably because the slower access of low-frequency words provided more processing time for the resolution of this conflict. Similar results were found in Experiment 2 using rapid serial visual presentation when subjects named the target words aloud. It appears that sentence context effects are influenced by both semantic/conceptual and lexical information.

Altman, D. G., & Bland, J. M. (1995).

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

British Medical Journal, 311, 485-485.

DOI:10.1136/bmj.311.7003.485      URL     PMID:7647644      [本文引用: 1]

Altmann, G. T. M., & Kamide, Y. (1999).

Incremental interpretation at verbs: Restricting the domain of subsequent reference

Cognition, 73(3), 247-264.

DOI:10.1016/s0010-0277(99)00059-1      URL     PMID:10585516      [本文引用: 1]

Participants' eye movements were recorded as they inspected a semi-realistic visual scene showing a boy, a cake, and various distractor objects. Whilst viewing this scene, they heard sentences such as 'the boy will move the cake' or 'the boy will eat the cake'. The cake was the only edible object portrayed in the scene. In each of two experiments, the onset of saccadic eye movements to the target object (the cake) was significantly later in the move condition than in the eat condition; saccades to the target were launched after the onset of the spoken word cake in the move condition, but before its onset in the eat condition. The results suggest that information at the verb can be used to restrict the domain within the context to which subsequent reference will be made by the (as yet unencountered) post-verbal grammatical object. The data support a hypothesis in which sentence processing is driven by the predictive relationships between verbs, their syntactic arguments, and the real-world contexts in which they occur.

Ashby, J., Rayner, K., & Clifton, C. (2005).

Eye movements of highly skilled and average readers: Differential effects of frequency and predictability

The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 58(6), 1065-1086.

DOI:10.1080/02724980443000476      URL     PMID:16194948      [本文引用: 3]

This study offers a glimpse of the moment-by-moment processes used by highly skilled and average readers during silent reading. The eye movements of adult readers were monitored while they silently read sentences. Fixation durations and the spatial-temporal patterns of eye movements were examined to see whether the two groups of readers exhibited differential effects of frequency and/or predictability. In Experiment 1, high- and low-frequency target words were embedded in nonconstraining sentence contexts. In Experiment 2, the same participants read high- and low-frequency target words that were either predictable or unpredictable, embedded in highly constraining sentence contexts. Results indicated that when target words appeared in highly constraining sentence contexts, the average readers showed different effects of frequency and predictability from those shown in the highly skilled readers. It appears that reading skill can interact with predictability to affect the word recognition processes used during silent reading.

Baayen, R. H., Davidson, D. J., & Bates, D. M. (2008).

Mixed effects modeling with crossed random effects for subjects and items

Journal of Memory and Language, 59(4), 390-412.

DOI:10.1016/j.jml.2007.12.005      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Bai, X., Yan, G., Liversedge, S. P., Zang, C., & Rayner, K. (2008).

Reading spaced and unspaced Chinese text: Evidence from eye movements

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 34(5), 1277-1287.

DOI:10.1037/0096-1523.34.5.1277      URL     PMID:18823210      [本文引用: 2]

Native Chinese readers' eye movements were monitored as they read text that did or did not demark word boundary information. In Experiment 1, sentences had 4 types of spacing: normal unspaced text, text with spaces between words, text with spaces between characters that yielded nonwords, and finally text with spaces between every character. The authors investigated whether the introduction of spaces into unspaced Chinese text facilitates reading and whether the word or, alternatively, the character is a unit of information that is of primary importance in Chinese reading. Global and local measures indicated that sentences with unfamiliar word spaced format were as easy to read as visually familiar unspaced text. Nonword spacing and a space between every character produced longer reading times. In Experiment 2, highlighting was used to create analogous conditions: normal Chinese text, highlighting that marked words, highlighting that yielded nonwords, and highlighting that marked each character. The data from both experiments clearly indicated that words, and not individual characters, are the unit of primary importance in Chinese reading.

Balota, D. A., Pollatsek, A., & Rayner, K. (1985).

The interaction of contextual constraints and parafoveal visual information in reading

Cognitive Psychology, 17(3), 364-390.

DOI:10.1016/0010-0285(85)90013-1      URL     PMID:4053565      [本文引用: 2]

Barr, D. J., Levy, R., Scheepers, C., & Tily, H. J. (2013).

Random effects structure for confirmatory hypothesis testing: Keep it maximal

Journal of Memory and Language, 68(3), 255-278.

DOI:10.1016/j.jml.2012.11.001      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Bates, D., Mächler, M., Bolker, B., & Walker, S. (2015).

Fitting linear mixed-effects models using lme4

Journal of Statistical Software, 67, 1-48.

[本文引用: 1]

Bonhage, C. E., Mueller, J. L., Friederici, A. D., & Fiebach. C. J. (2015).

Combined eye tracking and fMRI reveals neural basis of linguistic predictions during sentence comprehension

Cortex, 68, 33-47.

DOI:10.1016/j.cortex.2015.04.011      URL     PMID:26003489      [本文引用: 1]

It is widely agreed upon that linguistic predictions are an integral part of language comprehension. Yet, experimental proof of their existence remains challenging. Here, we introduce a new predictive eye gaze reading task combining eye tracking and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) that allows us to infer the existence and timing of linguistic predictions via anticipatory eye-movements. Participants read different types of word sequences (i.e., regular sentences, meaningless jabberwocky sentences, non-word lists) up to the pre-final word. The final target word was displayed with a temporal delay and its screen position was dependent on the syntactic word category (nouns vs verbs). During the delay, anticipatory eye-movements into the correct target word area were indicative of linguistic predictions. For fMRI analysis, the predictive sentence conditions were contrasted to the non-word condition, with the anticipatory eye-movements specifying differences in timing across conditions. A conjunction analysis of both sentence conditions revealed the neural substrate of word category prediction, namely a distributed network of cortical and subcortical brain regions including language systems, basal ganglia, thalamus, and hippocampus. Direct contrasts between the regular sentence condition and the jabberwocky condition indicate that prediction of word category in meaningless jabberwocky sentences relies on classical left-hemispheric language systems involving Brodman's area 44/45 in the left inferior frontal gyrus, left superior temporal areas, and the dorsal caudate nucleus. Regular sentences, in contrast, allowed for the prediction of specific words. Word-specific predictions were specifically associated with more widely distributed temporal and parietal cortical systems, most prominently in the right hemisphere. Our results support the presence of linguistic predictions during sentence processing and demonstrate the validity of the predictive eye gaze paradigm for measuring syntactic and semantic aspects of linguistic predictions, as well as for investigating their neural substrates.

Cervero, F., & Laird, J. M. (2000).

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence (again)

Pain, 84(1), 114-115.

DOI:10.1016/s0304-3959(99)00180-3      URL     PMID:10681244      [本文引用: 1]

Chen, C., Liu, Z., Su, Y., & Cheng, Y. (2018).

The prediction effects for skill and less-skill deaf readers in Chinese reading: Evidence from eye movement

Psychological Development and Education, 34(6), 692-699.

[本文引用: 2]

[ 陈朝阳, 刘志方, 苏永强, 程亚华. (2018).


心理发展与教育, 34(6), 692-699.]

[本文引用: 2]

Clifton, C., Ferreira, F., Henderson, J. M., Inhoff, A. W., Liversedge, S. P., Reichle, E. D., & Schotter, E. R. (2016).

Eye movements in reading and information processing: Keith Rayner’s 40 year legacy

Journal of Memory and Language, 86(1), 1-19.

DOI:10.1016/j.jml.2015.07.004      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Dambacher, M., Kliegl, R., Hofmann, M., & Jacobs, A. M. (2006).

Frequency and predictability effects on event related potentials during reading

Brain Research, 1084(1), 89-103.

DOI:10.1016/j.brainres.2006.02.010      URL     PMID:16545344      [本文引用: 4]

Effects of frequency, predictability, and position of words on event-related potentials were assessed during word-by-word sentence reading in 48 subjects in an early and in a late time window corresponding to P200 and N400. Repeated measures multiple regression analyses revealed a P200 effect in the high-frequency range; also the P200 was larger on words at the beginning and end of sentences than on words in the middle of sentences (i.e., a quadratic effect of word position). Predictability strongly affected the N400 component; the effect was stronger for low than for high-frequency words. The P200 frequency effect indicates that high-frequency words are lexically accessed very fast, independent of context information. Effects on the N400 suggest that predictability strongly moderates the late access especially of low-frequency words. Thus, contextual facilitation on the N400 appears to reflect both lexical and post-lexical stages of word recognition, questioning a strict classification into lexical and post-lexical processes.

Ehrlich, S. F., & Rayner, K.. (1981).

Contextual effects on word perception and eye movements during reading

Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 20(6), 641-655.

DOI:10.1016/S0022-5371(81)90220-6      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Engbert, R., Nuthmann, A., Richter, E. M., & Kliegl, R. (2005).

Swift: A dynamical model of saccade generation during reading

Psychological Review, 112(4), 777-813.

DOI:10.1037/0033-295X.112.4.777      URL     PMID:16262468      [本文引用: 3]

Mathematical models have become an important tool for understanding the control of eye movements during reading. Main goals of the development of the SWIFT model (R. Engbert, A. Longtin, & R. Kliegl, 2002) were to investigate the possibility of spatially distributed processing and to implement a general mechanism for all types of eye movements observed in reading experiments. The authors present an advanced version of SWIFT that integrates properties of the oculomotor system and effects of word recognition to explain many of the experimental phenomena faced in reading research. They propose new procedures for the estimation of model parameters and for the test of the model's performance. They also present a mathematical analysis of the dynamics of the SWIFT model. Finally, within this framework, they present an analysis of the transition from parallel to serial processing.

Fischler, I. (1985).

Word recognition, use of context, and reading skill among deaf college students

Reading Research Quarterly, 20(2), 203-218.

DOI:10.2307/747756      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Fodor, J. A. (1983).

The Modularity of Mind

Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

[本文引用: 2]

Forster, K. I. (1979).

Levels of processing and the structure of the language processor

In W. E. Cooper & E. Walker (Eds.), Sentence processing: Psycholinguistic studies to Merrill Garrett (pp.27-85). Hillsdale, NJ: Erbaum.

[本文引用: 2]

Forster, K. I. (1981).

Priming and the effects of sentence and lexical contexts on naming time-evidence for autonomous lexical processing

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 33(4), 465-495.

[本文引用: 3]

Gollan, T., Slattery, T. J., Goldenberg, D., van Assche, E., Duyck, W., & Rayner, K. (2011).

Frequency drives lexical access in reading but not in speaking: The frequency-lag hypothesis

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 140(2), 186-209.

DOI:10.1037/a0022256      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Gu, J, & Li, X. (2015).

The effects of character transposition within and across words in Chinese reading

Attention, Perception,and Psychophysics, 77(7), 272-281.

DOI:10.3758/s13414-014-0749-5      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Hand, C. J., Miellet, S., O’Donnell, P. J., & Sereno, S. C. (2010).

The frequency-predictability interaction in reading: It depends where you’re coming from

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36(5), 1294-1313.

DOI:10.1037/a0020363      URL     PMID:20854004      [本文引用: 4]

A word's frequency of occurrence and its predictability from a prior context are key factors determining how long the eyes remain on that word in normal reading. Past reaction-time and eye movement research can be distinguished by whether these variables, when combined, produce interactive or additive results, respectively. Our study addressed possible methodological limitations of prior experiments. Initial results showed additive effects of frequency and predictability. However, we additionally examined launch site (the distance from the pretarget fixation to the target) to index the extent of parafoveal target processing. Analyses revealed both additive and interactive effects on target fixations, with the nature of the interaction depending on the quality of the parafoveal preview. Target landing position and pretarget fixation time were also considered. Results were interpreted in terms of models of language processing and eye movement control. Our findings with respect to parafoveal preview and fixation time constraints aim to help parameterize eye movement behavior.

Hu, C., Kong, X., Wagenmakers, E. J., Ly, A., & Peng, K. (2018).

The Bayes factor and its implementation in JASP: A practical primer

Advances in Psychological Science, 26(6), 951-965.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.00951      URL     [本文引用: 2]

[ 胡传鹏, 孔祥祯, Wagenmakers, E. J., Ly, A., 彭凯平. (2018).


心理科学进展, 26(6), 951-965.]

[本文引用: 2]

Huck, A., Thompson, R. L., Cruice, M., & Marshall, J. (2017).

Effects of word frequency and contextual predictability on sentence reading in aphasia: An eye movement analysis

Aphasiology, 31(11), 1307-1332.

DOI:10.1080/02687038.2017.1278741      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Hudson, P. T. W., & Bergman, M W. (1985).

Lexical knowledge in word recognition: Word length and word frequency in naming and lexical decision tasks

Journal of Memory and Language, 24(1), 46-58.

DOI:10.1016/0749-596X(85)90015-4      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Inhoff, A. W. (1984).

Two stages of word processing during eye fixations in the reading of prose

Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 23(5), 612-624.

DOI:10.1016/S0022-5371(84)90382-7      URL    

Inhoff, A. W., & Liu, W. (1998).

The perceptual span and oculomotor activity during the reading of Chinese sentences

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 24(1), 20-34.

DOI:10.1037//0096-1523.24.1.20      URL     PMID:9483822      [本文引用: 1]

Eye-movement-contingent display changes were used to control the visibility of characters during the reading of Chinese text. Characters outside a window of legible text were masked by dissimilar characters, and effects of viewing constraints were ascertained in several oculomotor measures. The results revealed an asymmetric perceptual span that extended 1 character to the left of the fixated character and 3 characters to its right. The size of right-directed saccades extended across 2 to 2 1/2 character spaces, indicating that the perceptual spans of successive fixations overlapped slightly and that some linguistic information was integrated across fixations. The relatively small spatial overlap of successive spans appears to reflect a text-specific process. However, the results also revealed substantial similarities in the coding of morphographic Chinese and alphabetic English texts, indicating that text-specific coding routines are subordinated to general coding principles.

Kliegl, R., Grabner, E., Rolfs, M., & Engbert, R. (2004).

Length, frequency, and predictability effects of words on eye movements in reading

European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 16(1-2), 262-284.

DOI:10.1080/09541440340000213      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Kretzschmar, F., Schlesewsky, M., & Staub, A. (2015).

Dissociating word frequency and predictability effects in reading: Evidence from coregistration of eye movements and EEG

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 41(6), 1648-1662.

DOI:10.1037/xlm0000128      URL     PMID:26010829      [本文引用: 1]

Two very reliable influences on eye fixation durations in reading are word frequency, as measured by corpus counts, and word predictability, as measured by cloze norming. Several studies have reported strictly additive effects of these 2 variables. Predictability also reliably influences the amplitude of the N400 component in event-related potential studies. However, previous research suggests that while frequency affects the N400 in single-word tasks, it may have little or no effect on the N400 when a word is presented with a preceding sentence context. The present study assessed this apparent dissociation between the results from the 2 methods using a coregistration paradigm in which the frequency and predictability of a target word were manipulated while readers' eye movements and electroencephalograms were simultaneously recorded. We replicated the pattern of significant, and additive, effects of the 2 manipulations on eye fixation durations. We also replicated the predictability effect on the N400, time-locked to the onset of the reader's first fixation on the target word. However, there was no indication of a frequency effect in the electroencephalogram record. We suggest that this pattern has implications both for the interpretation of the N400 and for the interpretation of frequency and predictability effects in language comprehension.

Lee, C. Y., Liu, Y. N., & Tsai, J. L. (2012).

The time course of contextual effects on visual word recognition

Frontiers in Psychology, 3. 285.

DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00285      URL     PMID:22934087      [本文引用: 8]

Sentence comprehension depends on continuous prediction of upcoming words. However, when and how contextual information affects the bottom-up streams of visual word recognition is unknown. This study examined the effects of word frequency and contextual predictability (cloze probability of a target word embedded in the sentence) on N1, P200, and N400 components, which are related to various cognitive operations in early visual processing, perceptual decoding, and semantic processing. The data exhibited a significant interaction between predictability and frequency at the anterior N1 component. The predictability effect, in which the low predictability words elicited a more negative N1 than high predictability words, was only observed when reading a high frequency word. A significant predictability effect occurred during the P200 time window, in which the low predictability words elicited a less positive P200 than high predictability words. There is also a significant predictability effect on the N400 component; low predictability words elicited a greater N400 than high predictability words, although this effect did not interact with frequency. The temporal dynamics of the manner in which contextual information affects the visual word recognition is discussed. These findings support the interactive account, suggesting that contextual information facilitates visual-feature and orthographic processing in the early stage of visual word processing and semantic integration in the later stage.

Li, X., & Pollatsek, A. (2011).

Word knowledge influences character perception

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 18(5), 833-839.

DOI:10.3758/s13423-011-0115-8      URL     PMID:21660620      [本文引用: 3]

In two experiments, we examined whether context information can affect the activity of the nodes at the character level. Chinese readers viewed two Chinese characters; one was intact, but the other (the target) was embedded in a rectangle of visual noise and increased in visibility over time. The two characters constituted a word in one condition but did not in the other condition. The task was to press a button to indicate whether the character in the noise was at the top or bottom of the rectangle. (They did not have to identify the character.) Response times were faster in the word condition than in the nonword condition. Because the

Li, X., Bicknell, K., Liu, P., Wei, W., & Rayner, K. (2014).

Reading is fundamentally similar across disparate writing systems: A systematic characterization of how words and characters influence eye movements in Chinese reading

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143(2), 895-913.

DOI:10.1037/a0033580      URL     [本文引用: 5]

Li, X., Liu, P. P., & Ma, G. J. (2011).

Advances in cognitive mechanisms of word segmentation during Chinese reading

Advances in Psychological Science, 19(4), 459-470.

URL     [本文引用: 3]

A number of cognitive studies have indicated that words play a critical role in reading. Hence, word segmentation is an important procedure in reading. Unlike alphabetic writing systems such as English, there are no spaces between words. Without spaces, how do Chinese readers segment words? In this article, recent progresses in the following topics on Chinese word segmentation are reviewed: 1) Evidences that Chinese characters belonging to a word are processed as a unit; 2) Some recent psychological studies on Chinese word segmentation and some of the models; 3) Word segmentation studies in computer sciences; 4) Future directions on this topic.

[ 李兴珊, 刘萍萍, 马国杰. (2011).


心理科学进展, 19(4), 459-470.]

[本文引用: 3]

Li, X., Rayner, K., & Cave, K. P. (2009).

On the segmentation of Chinese words during reading

Cognitive Psychology, 58(4), 525-552.

DOI:10.1016/j.cogpsych.2009.02.003      URL     [本文引用: 5]

AbstractGiven that there are no spaces between words in Chinese, how words are segmented when reading is something of a mystery. Four Chinese characters, which either constituted one 4-character word or two 2-character words, were shown briefly to subjects. Subjects were quite accurate in reporting the 4-character word, but could usually only report the first 2-character word, demonstrating that word segmentation influences character recognition. The results suggest that even with these simple 4-character strings, there is an element of seriality in reading Chinese words: processing is initially focused at least to some extent on the first word. We also found that the processing of characters that are not consistent with the context is inhibited, suggesting inhibition from word representations to character representations. A simple model of Chinese word segmentation and word recognition is presented to account for the data.]]>

Li, X. S., & Shen, W. (2013).

Joint effect of insertion of spaces and word length in saccade target selection in Chinese reading

Journal of Research in Reading, 36(S1), S64-S77.

DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9817.2012.01552.x      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Liang, F., Blythe, H. I., Zang, C., Bai, X., Yan, G., & Liversedge, S. P. (2015).

Positional character frequency and word spacing facilitate the acquisition of novel words during Chinese children's reading

Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 27(5), 594-608.

DOI:10.1080/20445911.2014.1000918      URL     [本文引用: 4]

Lin, N., Angele, B., Hua, H., Shen, W., Zhou, J., & Li, X. (2018).

Skipping of Chinese characters does not rely on word-based processing

Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 80(2), 600-607.

[本文引用: 3]

Liu, P. P., & Li, X S. (2012).

Inserting spaces before and after words affects word processing differently in Chinese: Evidence from eye movements

British Journal of Psychology, 105(1), 57-68.

DOI:10.1111/bjop.12013      URL     PMID:24387096      [本文引用: 2]

Unlike in English, there are no spaces between printed words in Chinese. In this study, we explored how inserting a space before or after a word affects the processing of that word in Chinese reading. Native Chinese readers' eye movements were monitored as they read sentences with different presentation conditions. The results show that inserting a space after a word facilitates its processing, but inserting a space before a word does not show this effect and inhibits the processing of that word in some cases. Our results are consistent with the prediction of a word segmentation and recognition model in Chinese Li et al., 2009, Cognit. Psychol., 58, 525. Additionally, we found that a space guides the initial landing position on the word: the initial landing position was further away from the space that inserted into the text, whether it was before or after a word.

Liu, Y., Guo, S., Yu, L., & Reichle, E. D. (2018).

Word predictability affects saccade length in Chinese reading: An evaluation of the dynamic-adjustment model

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 25(5), 1891-1899.

DOI:10.3758/s13423-017-1357-x      URL     PMID:28762028      [本文引用: 2]

How does a word's within-sentence predictability influence saccade length during reading? An eye-movement experiment manipulating the predictability of target words indicates that, relative to low-predictability target words, high-predictability targets elicit longer saccades to themselves. Simulations using computational models that respectively instantiate the targeting of saccades to default locations (Yan, Kliegl, Richter, Nuthmann, & Shu in Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63, 705-725, 2010) versus the dynamic adjustment of saccade length (Liu, Reichle, & Li in Journal of Experimental Psychology Learning Memory and Cognition, 41, 1229-1236, 2015, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42, 1008-1025, 2016) indicate that the latter model provides a more accurate and parsimonious account of saccade-targeting behavior in Chinese reading. The implications of these conclusions are discussed with respect to current models of eye-movement control during reading and the necessity to explain eye movements in languages as different as Chinese versus English.

Liu, Z., Zhang, Z., Pan, Y., Tong, W., & Su, H. (2017).

The characteristics of visual word encoding in preview and fixation frames during Chinese reading: Evidences from disappearing text

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 49(7), 853-865.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2017.00853      URL     [本文引用: 2]

[ 刘志方, 张智君, 潘运, 仝文, 苏衡. (2017).

中文阅读中预视阶段和注视阶段内词汇视觉编码的过程特点: 来自消失文本的证据

心理学报, 49(7), 853-865.]

[本文引用: 2]

Lu, Z. L., Bai, X. J., & Yan, G. L. (2008).

Eye movement study on the interaction between word frequency and predictability in the recognition of Chinese words

Psychological Research, 1(4), 29-33.

[本文引用: 4]

[ 卢张龙, 白学军, 闫国利. (2008).


心理研究, 1(4), 29-33.]

[本文引用: 4]

Ma, G., & Li, X. (2015).

How character complexity modulates eye movement control in Chinese reading

Reading & Writing, 28(6), 747-761.

[本文引用: 1]

Ma, G., Li, X., & Rayner, K. (2015).

Readers extract character frequency information from nonfixated-target word at long pretarget fixations during Chinese reading

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 41(5), 1409-1419.

DOI:10.1037/xhp0000072      URL     PMID:26168144      [本文引用: 4]

We performed 2 eye movement studies to explore whether readers can extract character or word frequency information from nonfixated-target words in Chinese reading. In Experiments 1A and 1B, we manipulated the character frequency of the first character in a 2-character target word and the word frequency of a 2-character target word, respectively. We found that fixation durations on the pretarget words were shorter when the first character of a 2-character target word was presented with high frequency. Such effects were not observed for word frequency manipulations of a 2-character target word. In particular, further analysis revealed that such effects only occurred for long pretarget fixations. These results for character and word frequency manipulations were replicated in a within-subjects design in Experiment 2. These findings are generally consistent with the notion that characters are processed in parallel during Chinese reading. However, we did not find evidence that words are processed in parallel during Chinese reading.

McClelland, J. L. (1987).

The case for interactionism in language processing

Psychology of Reading, 1(12), 3-36.

DOI:10.1080/0270271790010102      URL     [本文引用: 1]

McClelland, J. L., & Rumelhart, D E. (1981).

An interactive activation model of context effects in letter perception, part i: An account of basic findings

Readings in Cognitive Science, 88(5), 580-596.

[本文引用: 2]

Miellet, S., Sparrow, L., & Sereno, S. C. (2007).

Word frequency and predictability effects in reading French: An evaluation of the E-Z reader model

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 14(4), 762-769.

DOI:10.3758/bf03196834      URL     PMID:17972746      [本文引用: 1]

French readers' eye movements were monitored as they read a passage of text. Initial global analyses of word frequency, accounting for the majority of fixations in the text, revealed a good fit between the observed data and the simulated data from the E-Z Reader 7 model of eye movement control. However, the model did not perform as well on simulations of contextual predictability effects. A subset of 20 controlled words from the passage were used to examine the combined effects of frequency and predictability. Results from the observed data showed main effects of frequency and predictability but no interaction. With certain modifications, the E-Z Reader 7 model was able to adequately simulate the pattern of data. Although the E-Z Reader model successfully accounted for the present data, we believe that further modifications will be necessary in order to better account for data in the literature.

Monsell, S., Doyle, M. C., & Haggard, P. N. (1989).

Effects of frequency on visual word recognition tasks: Where are they?

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 118(1), 43-71.

DOI:10.1037/0096-3445.118.1.43      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Morey, R. D., Rouder, J. N., Jamil, T., Urbanek, S., Forner, K., & Ly, A. (2018).

BayesFactor: Computation of Bayes factors for common designs

Retrieved from https://

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Morton, J. (1969).

Interaction of information in word recognition

Psychological Review, 76(2), 165-178.

DOI:10.1037/h0027366      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Rayner, K. (1998).

Eye movements in reading and information processing: 20 years of research

Psychological Bulletin, 124(3), 372-422.

DOI:10.1037/0033-2909.124.3.372      URL     PMID:9849112      [本文引用: 5]

Recent studies of eye movements in reading and other information processing tasks, such as music reading, typing, visual search, and scene perception, are reviewed. The major emphasis of the review is on reading as a specific example of cognitive processing. Basic topics discussed with respect to reading are (a) the characteristics of eye movements, (b) the perceptual span, (c) integration of information across saccades, (d) eye movement control, and (e) individual differences (including dyslexia). Similar topics are discussed with respect to the other tasks examined. The basic theme of the review is that eye movement data reflect moment-to-moment cognitive processes in the various tasks examined. Theoretical and practical considerations concerning the use of eye movement data are also discussed.

Rayner, K. (2009).

The Thirty-Fifth Sir Frederick Bartlett Lecture: Eye movements and attention during reading, scene perception, and visual search

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62(8), 1457-1506.

DOI:10.1080/17470210902816461      URL     [本文引用: 5]

Rayner, K., & Duffy, S. A. (1986).

Lexical complexity and fixation times in reading: Effects of word frequency, verb complexity, and lexical ambiguity

Memory and Cognition, 14(3), 191-201.

DOI:10.3758/bf03197692      URL     PMID:3736392      [本文引用: 1]

Rayner, K., & Well, A. D. (1996).

Effects of contextual constraint on eye movements in reading: A further examination

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 3(4), 504-509.

DOI:10.3758/BF03214555      URL     PMID:24213985      [本文引用: 2]

The effect of contextual constraint on eye movements in reading was examined by asking subjects to read sentences that contained a target word that varied in contextual constraint; high-, medium-, or low-constraint target words were used. Subjects fixated low-constraint target words longer than they did either high- or medium-constraint target words. In addition, they skipped high-constraint words more than they did either medium- or low-constraint target words. The results further confirm that contextual constraint has a strong influence on eye movements during reading.

Rayner, K., Ashby, J., Pollatsek, A., & Reichle, E. D. (2004).

The effects of frequency and predictability on eye fixations in reading: Implications for the E-Z Reader model

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 30(4), 720-732.

DOI:10.1037/0096-1523.30.4.720      URL     PMID:15301620      [本文引用: 4]

Readers read sentences containing target words varying in frequency and predictability. The observed pattern of data for fixation durations only mildly departed from additivity, with predictability effects that were slightly larger for low-frequency than for high-frequency words. The pattern of data for skipping was different as predictability affected only the probability of skipping for high-frequency target words. Simulations of these data using the E-Z Reader model indicated that a single-process model was unlikely to provide a good fit for both measures. A version of the model that assumes that (a) word-encoding time is additively affected by frequency and predictability and (b) difficulty with postlexical processing of the target word causes a double take accounted for the data while indicating that the relationship between the duration of hypothesized word-encoding stages and observed fixation durations is not likely to be transparent.

Rayner, K., Binder, K. S., Ashby, J., & Pollatsek, A. (2001).

Eye movement control in reading: Word predictability has little influence on initial landing positions in words

Vision Research, 41(7), 943-954.

DOI:10.1016/s0042-6989(00)00310-2      URL     PMID:11248279      [本文引用: 2]

We examined the initial landing position of the eyes in target words that were either predictable or unpredictable from the preceding sentence context. Although readers skipped over predictable words more than unpredictable words and spent less time on predictable words when they did fixate on them, there was no difference in the launch site of the saccade to the target word. Moreover, there was only a very small difference in the initial landing position on the target word as a function of predictability when the target words were fixated which is most parsimoniously explained by positing that a few programmed skips of the target word fell short of their intended target. These results suggest that low-level processing is primarily responsible for landing position effects in reading.

Rayner, K., Li, X., Juhasz, B. J., & Yan, G. (2005).

The effect of word predictability on the eye movements of Chinese readers

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 12(6), 1089-1093

DOI:10.3758/bf03206448      URL     PMID:16615333      [本文引用: 2]

Eye movements of Chinese readers were monitored as they read sentences containing target words whose predictability from the preceding context was high, medium, or low. Readers fixated for less time on high- and medium-predictable target words than on low-predictable target words. They were also more likely to fixate on low-predictable target words than on high- or medium-predictable target words. The results were highly similar to those of a study by Rayner and Well (1996) with English readers and demonstrate that Chinese readers, like readers of English, exploit target word predictability during reading.

Rayner, K., Reichle, E. D., Stroud, M. J., Williams, C. C., & Pollatsek, A. (2006).

The effect of word frequency, word predictability, and font difficulty on the eye movements of young and older readers

Psychology and Aging, 21(3), 448-465.

DOI:10.1037/0882-7974.21.3.448      URL     PMID:16953709      [本文引用: 2]

Young adult and older readers' eye movements were recorded as they read sentences containing target words that varied in frequency or predictability. In addition, half of the sentences were printed in a font that was easy to read (Times New Roman) and the other half were printed in a font that was more difficult to read (Old English). Word frequency, word predictability, and font difficulty effects were apparent in the eye movement data of both groups of readers. In the fixation time data, the pattern of results was the same, but the older readers had larger frequency and predictability effects than the younger readers. The older readers skipped words more often than the younger readers (as indicated by their skipping rate on selected target words), but they made more regressions back to the target words and more regressions overall. The E-Z Reader model was used as a platform to evaluate the results, and simulations using the model suggest that lexical processing is slowed in older readers and that, possibly as a result of this, they adopt a more risky reading strategy.

Reichle, E. D., Pollatsek, A., Fisher, D., & Rayner, K. (1998).

Toward a model of eye movement control in reading

Psychological Review, 105(1), 125-157.

DOI:10.1037/0033-295x.105.1.125      URL     PMID:9450374      [本文引用: 2]

The authors present several versions of a general model, titled the E-Z Reader model, of eye movement control in reading. The major goal of the modeling is to relate cognitive processing (specifically aspects of lexical access) to eye movements in reading. The earliest and simplest versions of the model (E-Z Readers 1 and 2) merely attempt to explain the total time spent on a word before moving forward (the gaze duration) and the probability of fixating a word; later versions (E-Z Readers 3-5) also attempt to explain the durations of individual fixations on individual words and the number of fixations on individual words. The final version (E-Z Reader 5) appears to be psychologically plausible and gives a good account of many phenomena in reading. It is also a good tool for analyzing eye movement data in reading. Limitations of the model and directions for future research are also discussed.

Reichle, E. D., Rayner, K., & Pollatsek, A. (2003).

The E-Z reader model of eye-movement control in reading: Comparisons to other models

Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 26(4), 445-526.

DOI:10.1017/s0140525x03000104      URL     PMID:15067951      [本文引用: 2]

The E-Z Reader model (Reichle et al. 1998; 1999) provides a theoretical framework for understanding how word identification, visual processing, attention, and oculomotor control jointly determine when and where the eyes move during reading. In this article, we first review what is known about eye movements during reading. Then we provide an updated version of the model (E-Z Reader 7) and describe how it accounts for basic findings about eye movement control in reading. We then review several alternative models of eye movement control in reading, discussing both their core assumptions and their theoretical scope. On the basis of this discussion, we conclude that E-Z Reader provides the most comprehensive account of eye movement control during reading. Finally, we provide a brief overview of what is known about the neural systems that support the various components of reading, and suggest how the cognitive constructs of our model might map onto this neural architecture.

Reilly, R. G., & Radach, R. (2006).

Some empirical tests of an interactive activation model of eye movement control in reading

Cognitive Systems Research, 7(1), 34-55.

DOI:10.1016/j.cogsys.2005.07.006      URL     [本文引用: 1]

AbstractThis paper describes some empirical tests of an interactive activation model of eye movement control in reading (the “Glenmore” model). Qualitatively, the Glenmore model can account within one mechanism for preview and spillover effects, regressions, progressions, and refixations. It decouples the decision about when to move the eyes from the word recognition process. The time course of activity in a fixate centre (FC) determines the triggering of a saccade. The other main feature of the model is the use of a saliency map that acts as an arena for the interplay of bottom-up visual features of the text, and top-down lexical features. These factors combine to create a pattern of activation that selects one word as the saccade target. Even within the relatively simple framework proposed here, a coherent account can be provided for a range of eye movement control phenomena that have hitherto proved problematic to reconcile. The paper examines the performance of the model compared to data gathered in an empirical study of subjects reading a German text. The quantitative fit of the model, while reasonable, highlighted some limitations in the model that will need to be addressed in future versions.]]>

Reilly, R., & Radach, R. (2012).

The dynamics of reading in non-Roman writing systems: A reading and writing special issue

Reading & Writing, 25(5), 935-950.

[本文引用: 1]

Richter, E. M., Engbert, R., & Kliegl, R. (2006).

Current advances in SWIFT

Cognitive Systems Research, 7(1), 23-33.

DOI:10.1016/j.cogsys.2005.07.003      URL     [本文引用: 1]

AbstractModels of eye movement control are very useful for gaining insights into the intricate connections of different cognitive and oculomotor subsystems involved in reading. The SWIFT model (Engbert, Longtin, & Kliegl (2002). Vision Research, 42, 621–636) proposed a unified mechanism to account for all types of eye movement patterns that might be observed in reading behavior. The model is based on the notion of spatially distributed, or parallel, processing of words in a sentence. We present a refined version of SWIFT introducing a letter-based approach that proposes a processing gradient in the shape of a smooth function. We show that SWIFT extents its capabilities by accounting for distributions of landing positions.]]>

Rouder, J. N., & Morey, R D. (2012).

Default Bayes factors for model selection in regression

Multivariate Behavioral Research, 47(6), 877-903.

DOI:10.1080/00273171.2012.734737      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In this article, we present a Bayes factor solution for inference in multiple regression. Bayes factors are principled measures of the relative evidence from data for various models or positions, including models that embed null hypotheses. In this regard, they may be used to state positive evidence for a lack of an effect, which is not possible in conventional significance testing. One obstacle to the adoption of Bayes factor in psychological science is a lack of guidance and software. Recently, developed computationally attractive default Bayes factors for multiple regression designs. We provide a web applet for convenient computation and guidance and context for use of these priors. We discuss the interpretation and advantages of the advocated Bayes factor evidence measures.

Rumelhart, D. E., & McClelland, J L. (1982).

An interactive activation model of context effects in letter perception: Part ii. The contextual enhancement effect and some tests and extensions of the model

Psychological Review, 89(1), 60-94.

URL     PMID:7058229      [本文引用: 2]

Schotter, E. R., Angele, B., & Rayner, K. (2012).

Parafoveal processing in reading

Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 74(1), 5-35.

DOI:10.3758/s13414-011-0219-2      URL     PMID:22042596      [本文引用: 1]

The present review summarizes research investigating how words are identified parafoveally (and foveally) in reading. Parafoveal and foveal processing are compared when no other concurrent task is required (e.g., in single-word recognition tasks) and when both are required simultaneously (e.g., during reading). We first review methodologies used to study parafoveal processing (e.g., corpus analyses and experimental manipulations, including gaze-contingent display change experiments such as the boundary, moving window, moving mask, and fast priming paradigms). We then turn to a discussion of the levels of representation at which words are processed (e.g., orthographic, phonological, morphological, lexical, syntactic, and semantic). Next, we review relevant research regarding parafoveal processing, summarizing the extent to which words are processed at each of those levels of representation. We then review some of the most controversial aspects of parafoveal processing, as they relate to reading: (1) word skipping, (2) parafoveal-on-foveal effects, and (3) n + 1 and n + 2 preview benefit effects. Finally, we summarize two of the most advanced models of eye movements during reading and how they address foveal and parafoveal processing.

Schotter, E. R., Lee, M., Reiderman, M., & Rayner, K. (2015).

The effect of contextual constraint on parafoveal processing in reading

Journal of Memory and Language, 83, 118-139.

DOI:10.1016/j.jml.2015.04.005      URL     PMID:26257469      [本文引用: 1]

Semantic preview benefit in reading is an elusive and controversial effect because empirical studies do not always (but sometimes) find evidence for it. Its presence seems to depend on (at least) the language being read, visual properties of the text (e.g., initial letter capitalization), the type of relationship between preview and target, and as shown here, semantic constraint generated by the prior sentence context. Schotter (2013) reported semantic preview benefit for synonyms, but not semantic associates when the preview/target was embedded in a neutral sentence context. In Experiment 1, we embedded those same previews/targets into constrained sentence contexts and in Experiment 2 we replicated the effects reported by Schotter (2013; in neutral sentence contexts) and Experiment 1 (in constrained contexts) in a within-subjects design. In both experiments, we found an early (i.e., first-pass) apparent preview benefit for semantically associated previews in constrained contexts that went away in late measures (e.g., total time). These data suggest that sentence constraint (at least as manipulated in the current study) does not operate by making a single word form expected, but rather generates expectations about what kinds of words are likely to appear. Furthermore, these data are compatible with the assumption of the E-Z Reader model that early oculomotor decisions reflect

Schustack, M. W., Ehrlich, S. F., & Rayner, K. (1987).

Local and global sources of contextual facilitation in reading

Journal of Memory and Language, 26(3), 322-340.

DOI:10.1016/0749-596X(87)90117-3      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Sereno, S. C., & Rayner, K. (2000).

The when and where of reading in the brain

Brain and Cognition, 42(1), 78-81.

DOI:10.1006/brcg.1999.1167      URL     PMID:10739604      [本文引用: 3]

Sereno, S. C., & Rayner, K. (2003).

Measuring word recognition in reading: Eye movements and event-related potentials

Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 7(11), 489-493.

DOI:10.1016/j.tics.2003.09.010      URL     PMID:14585445      [本文引用: 4]

The investigation of visual word recognition has been a major accomplishment of cognitive science. Two on-line methodologies, eye movements and event-related potentials, stand out in the search for the holy grail - an absolute time measure of when, how and why we recognize visual words while reading. Although each technique has its own experimental limitations, we suggest, by means of review and comparison, that these two methodologies can be used in complementary ways to produce a better picture of the mental action we call reading.

Shen, W., & Li, X. S. (2012).

The uniqueness of word superiority effect in Chinese reading

Chinese Science Bulletin, 57(35), 3414-3420.

[本文引用: 6]

[ 申薇, 李兴珊. (2012).


科学通报, 57(35), 3414-3420.]

[本文引用: 6]

Shen, W., Li, X., & Pollatsek, A. (2018).

The processing of Chinese compound words with ambiguous morphemes in sentence context

The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71(1), 131-139.

DOI:10.1080/17470218.2016.1270975      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Slattery, T. J., Staub, A., & Rayner, K. (2012).

Saccade launch site as a predictor of fixation durations in reading: Comments on Hand, Miellet, O’Donnell, and Sereno (2010)

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 38(1), 251-261.

DOI:10.1037/a0025980      URL     PMID:22082213      [本文引用: 1]

An important question in research on eye movements in reading is whether word frequency and word predictability have additive or interactive effects on fixation durations. A fair number of studies have reported only additive effects of the frequency and predictability of a target word on reading times on that word, failing to show significant interactions. Recently, however, Hand, Miellet, O'Donnell, and Sereno (see record 2010-19099-001) reported interactive effects in a study that included the distance of the prior fixation from the target word (launch site). They reported that when the saccade into the target word was launched from very near to the word (within 3 characters), the predictability effect was larger for low frequency words, but when the saccade was launched from a medium distance (4-6 characters from the word) the predictability effect was larger for high frequency words. Hand et al. argued for the importance of including launch site in analyses of target word fixation durations. Here we describe several problems with Hand et al.'s use of analyses of variance in which launch site is divided into distinct ordinal levels. We describe a more appropriate way to analyze such data-linear mixed-effect models-and we use this method to show that launch site does not modulate the interaction between frequency and predictability in two other data sets.

Stanovich, K. E. (1986).

Matthew effects in reading: Some consequences of individual differences in the acquisition of literacy

Reading Research Quarterly, 21(4), 360-407.

DOI:10.1598/RRQ.21.4.1      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Stanovich, K. E., & West, R F. (1981).

The effect of sentence context on ongoing word recognition: Tests of a two-process theory

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 7(3), 658-672.

DOI:10.1037/0096-1523.7.3.658      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Stanovich, K. E., & West, R F. (1983).

On priming by a sentence context

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 112(1), 1-36.

DOI:10.1037/0096-3445.112.1.1      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Su, H., Liu, Z., & Cao, L. (2016).

The effects of word frequency and word predictability in preview and their implications for word segmentation in Chinese reading: Evidence from eye movements

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 48(6), 625-636.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2016.00625      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Recent studies have revealed that Chinese words are associated with psychological realities that are important for text comprehension. However, given the lack of spaces between words in Chinese text, readers of Chinese have to segment text into words during reading. Previous studies focused on word segmentation have revealed that this ability to preview and process text develops at a very early stage. However, there was little research on what information or cues were used by readers of Chinese to segment text into words. The assumption was that if readers of Chinese parsed a string of characters into words using a character-to-word processing, preview processing would result in word frequency effects on eye movement data, and that if the readers ascertained word boundary by top-down processing, such as anticipation, preview processing would result in word predictability effects. Four experiments were conducted to check these two hypotheses. In the first three experiments, we assumed that readers of Chinese parsed a string of characters into words using a character-to-word style in preview processing. There were two treatments of Chinese sentences in these experiments; all these experiments had a control condition in which as the nth word was fixated, and no words were masked for baseline comparison. An abnormal display condition was manipulated in Experiment 1, wherein the nth word was fixated, but the words located to the right were all masked by a series of &ldquo;※,&rdquo; which deprived the reader of previewing processing. The abnormal display condition was manipulated in Experiment 2 by keeping the nth word fixated, and masking the words located to the right of the n+1th word by a series of &ldquo;※,&rdquo; which provided a cue about the boundary of the n+1th word. Given that the results from Experiment 2 cannot exclude the influence of exogenous attention, Experiment 3 was conducted. Experiment 3 adopted a similar treatment as Experiment 2, but two adjacent characters that did not belong to a word were masked together. In first three experiments, the word frequencies (high and low) of target words that were embedded in the frame sentences were also manipulated. In the last experiment (Experiment 4), there were three display manipulations: control condition, a condition in which readers were deprived of previewing processing, and a condition involving the provision of boundary information about the n+1th word; the predictability of target words that were embedded in the frame sentences were also manipulated. The results of Experiment 1 showed that although eye movement data was negatively affected by being deprived of previewing processing, this manipulation did not have any influence on word frequency effects and, therefore, there was no interaction effect between display condition and word frequency manipulations. The results of Experiment 2 showed that providing boundary information of the n+1th word led to less gaze time on the target word, but here again, there was no interaction effect between the display condition and word frequency manipulations. The results of Experiment 3 showed that mask manipulation led to more gaze time on the target word than the control that excluded the influence of exogenous attention on the results of Experiment 2. It also showed that there was no interaction effect between display condition and word frequency manipulations. However, the results of Experiment 4 were interesting; there were some significant interaction effects between the display condition and word predictability manipulations. Specifically, we found that the manipulation in which readers are deprived of previewing processing eliminates predictability effects, and providing boundary information of the n+1th word decreases the discrepancy between words of high predictability and words of low predictability. The results of the first three experiments indicate that Chinese word processing in the preview cannot reach the desired vocabulary level, and that it must undergo character processing. Therefore, it was difficult for readers of Chinese to complete the segmentation of the n+1th word through a bottom-up characters-to-word processing. The results of Experiment 4 show that deprivation of preview processing can eliminate predictability and providing boundary information of the n+1th word can lessen predictability thereby indicating that top-bottom processing, such as anticipation, is an important reference cue to readers of Chinese to segment the n+1th word.

[ 苏衡, 刘志方, 曹立人. (2016).


心理学报, 48(6), 625-636.]

[本文引用: 2]

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Visual cognition is limited by computational capacity, because the brain can process only a fraction of the visual sensorium in detail, and by the inherent ambiguity of the information entering the visual system. Two mechanisms mitigate these burdens: attention prioritizes stimulus processing on the basis of motivational relevance, and expectations constrain visual interpretation on the basis of prior likelihood. Of the two, attention has been extensively investigated while expectation has been relatively neglected. Here, we review recent work that has begun to delineate a neurobiology of visual expectation, and contrast the findings with those of the attention literature, to explore how these two central influences on visual perception overlap, differ and interact.

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