ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报, 2020, 52(5): 633-644 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2020.00633



高娟1, 王鹏1, 王晓田2, 孙倩1, 刘永芳,1

1 华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院, 上海 200062

2 香港中文大学(深圳)人文社会科学学院, 深圳 518172

Effects of others’ reference points and psychological distance on self-other welfare tradeoff in gain and loss situations

GAO Juan1, WANG Peng1, Xiao Tian WANG2, SUN Qian1, LIU Yongfang,1

1 School of Psychology and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

2 School of Humanities and Social Science, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen 518172, China

通讯作者: 刘永芳,

收稿日期: 2019-09-29   网络出版日期: 2020-05-25

基金资助: * 国家社会科学基金重大项目资助.  15ZDB121

Received: 2019-09-29   Online: 2020-05-25


以福利权衡率(WTR)为利他程度的指标, 通过3个实验逐步深入地考察了得失情境下他人参照点及心理距离对自我-他人利益权衡的影响。实验1的结果表明, 得失情境并未改变被试的WTR。实验2引入他人底线、现状和目标三个参照点变量, 发现被试获益情境下的WTR高于损失情境, 且WTR从高到低依次为他人临近底线、目标和现状; 他人临近底线时, 被试在获益情境下的WTR高于损失情境, 而他人临近现状和目标时, 个体在得失情境下的WTR无显著差异。实验3进一步引入心理距离变量, 发现心理距离较近他人的WTR高于较远他人, 且与得失情境和参照点发生了复杂的交互效应, 得失情境的主效应消失了, 但总体上并未改变实验2发现的参照点效应。这些结果对于更深入地理解得失不对称效应、三参照点理论及社会折扣和自我-他人决策差异研究的相关发现具有一定的启示意义。

关键词: 利他 ; 福利权衡率 ; 得失情境 ; 他人参照点 ; 心理距离


Previous studies on self-other welfare tradeoff focus more on the gain situations than the loss situations. Numerous studies have explored the influence of social distance on the tradeoff but ignored the complex interactions among gain and loss situations, others’ reference points, and psychological distance.
This study investigated the influences of others’ reference points and psychological distance on self-other welfare tradeoff in gain and loss situations by using welfare tradeoff rate (WTR) as an index of altruistic degree in self-other welfare tradeoff. In Experiment 1, the effect of WTR on the gain and loss situations and its mechanism were explored. In Experiment 2, others’ reference points were added as another factor to examine their influence on WTR and interaction with the gain and loss situations. In Experiment 3, the psychological distance variable was further introduced to investigate its influence on WTR and interaction with the gain and loss situations and others’ reference points.
Results of Experiment 1 showed no significant difference in WTR between gain and loss situations. In Experiment 2, WTR in the gain situation was found to be significantly higher than that in the loss situation, and WTR was reduced when others approached the bottom line, goal, and status quo. Further analyses showed that the WTR under the gain situation was significantly higher than that under the loss situation when others approached the bottom line. Meanwhile, no significant difference was observed in the WTR under the gain and loss situations when others approached the status quo and goal. In Experiment 3, the WTR of close psychological distance was found to be higher than that of far psychological distance, and the main effect of gain and loss situations disappeared. Psychological distance had complex interaction effects with gain and loss situations and others’ reference points.
These findings contribute to a deep understanding of the asymmetric effects of gain and loss situations, tri-reference-point theory, and related findings from studies on social discounting and self-other decision- making differences. They also have certain practical implications for individuals, organizations, and countries in understanding and dealing with the relationships between ones’ selves and others.

Keywords: altruism ; welfare tradeoff ratio ; gains and losses ; reference points ; psychological distance

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高娟, 王鹏, 王晓田, 孙倩, 刘永芳. 得失情境下他人参照点及心理距离对自我-他人利益权衡的影响. 心理学报[J], 2020, 52(5): 633-644 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2020.00633

GAO Juan, WANG Peng, Xiao Tian WANG, SUN Qian, LIU Yongfang. Effects of others’ reference points and psychological distance on self-other welfare tradeoff in gain and loss situations. Acta Psychologica Sinica[J], 2020, 52(5): 633-644 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2020.00633

1 问题的提出

自我-他人利益权衡是社会决策中最重要的问题之一(Rilling & Sanfey, 2011; 苏彦捷, 张慧, 张康, 2012)。基于进化心理学视角, Tooby, Cosmides, Sell, Lieberman和Sznycer (2008)认为大脑已经具备了计算自我-他人福利比率的机能, 并提出了“福利权衡率” (welfare trade-off ratio, 后文均缩写为WTR)的概念, 用公式表示为Ei,j = xj / xi, xj代表他人利益, xi代表自我利益, Ei,j值越高意味着利他程度越高。几乎与其同时, Jones和Rachlin (2006, 2009)基于跨期选择的时间折扣范式提出了社会折扣研究范式, 让被试在“你得X元” [类似于跨期选择中的“较小较早” (Smaller-Sooner)的收益]和“他得Y元”[类似于跨期选择中的“较大较晚” (Larger-Later)的收益]之间做出选择。该程序固定了他人收益Y (如100元)而变化自我收益X, 以确定被试选择放弃自我利益而成全他人的转折点。考虑到该转折点上的X值(如40元)是个体已经确定愿意为他人收益付出的代价, 可能低估了他人利益在个体心目中的主观效用, 所以Jones和Rachlin (2006, 2009)将其与最后一次不放弃自我利益时的X值(如50元)的均值(45元)作为他人利益在个体心目中的主观效用, 称其为他人获得Y元时的“自我当量” (self-equivalence; 何贵兵, 蒋多, 2013), 该值越高, 表明他人利益在自我心目中的权重越大。他们以他人的社会距离为自变量, 以自我当量为因变量, 建立了社会折扣的双曲模型(Jones & Rachlin, 2006), 后来何贵兵、杨鑫蔚和蒋多(2017)发现社会折扣指数模型的拟合优于双曲模型。Delton (2010)认为, 虽然自我当量可以代表他人利益在自我心目中的权重, 但并未考虑他人收益发生变化时该变量可能产生的变异, 因而参照Tooby等(2008)的WTR概念, 结合Jones和Rachlin (2006)的自我当量采集范式, 创立了一种新的WTR算法规则, 即用他人利益在个体心目中的自我当量(如上述的45元)与所换取的他人收益(如100元)的比率作为个体利他程度的指标。这种算法得到的WTR代表自我与他人利益权衡的主观临界点, 当低于该临界点时, 个人愿意付出代价以成全他人。

近期越来越多的研究者(Delton & Robertson, 2016; Kirkpatrick, Delton, Robertson, & de Wit, 2015; McCullough, Kurzban, & Tabak, 2013; Smith, Pedersen, Forster, McCullough, & Lieberman, 2017)将WTR作为个体利他程度的指标, 来探讨个体的自我-他人利益权衡问题。Kirkpatrick等(2015)发现一定剂量的MDMA药物可以提高被试的WTR, Smith等(2017)发现陌生人的“利益发放” (benefit delivery)可以提高被试的WTR及后续任务中的合作行为。正如Delton和Robertson (2016)指出的那样, 除了社会距离这种显而易见的因素以外, 未来研究需要探讨还有哪些变量影响个体的WTR, 又有哪些因素调节这些变量的作用, 以逐步澄清自我-他人利益权衡的复杂认知过程。

目前的福利权衡研究主要关注我得还是他得、我得多一些还是他得多一些的获益情境(Delton & Robertson, 2016; Kirkpatrick et al, 2015; McCullough et al, 2013), 较少考虑损失情境下的自我-他人利益权衡问题。然而, 现实生活中, 除了此类“两利取其重”的获益情境外, 人们还不得不面对我失还是他失、我失多一些还是他失多一些的“两害取其轻”的损失情境。一个显而易见的问题是, 人们在损失情境下的WTR会与获益情境下有所不同吗?在风险决策领域, Kahneman和Tversky (1979, 1984)的“预期理论” (prospect theory)将获益和损失情境作为核心变量, 发现损失情境下的风险偏好远高于收益情境下的风险偏好, 其根源在于损失引发的心理负效用远大于等量收益引发的心理正效用。随后的大量研究(段婧, 刘永芳, 何琪, 2012; Kahneman, Knetsch, & Thaler, 1990; 刘永芳, 毕玉芳, 王怀勇, 2010; Novemsky & Kahneman, 2005; 谢晓非, 王晓田, 2002)支持这种发现。Brewer和Kramer (1986)探讨了公共物品任务(损失情境)和公共资源任务(收益情境)上的合作水平问题, 发现前一种情境下的合作水平低于后一种情境, 并用Kahneman和Tversky (1979, 1984)的损失厌恶效应对结果进行解释。然而, Aquino, Steisel和Kay (1992)未发现此两种任务上合作水平的差异, 还有一些学者甚至得出了相反的结果(Sonnemans, Schram, & Offerman, 1998)。在独裁者博弈中, 研究者们也没有发现得失情境的差异(Dreber, Ellingsen, Johannesson, & Rand, 2013; Goerg, Rand, & Walkowitz, 2017)。研究者认为, 这可能是由于在此类涉及自我-他人利益权衡的博弈任务上, 界定收益和损失的角度相对模糊或多样化, 如公共物品任务让个体蒙受损失, 却为他人带来利益, 而公共资源任务让自己获益, 却给他人带来损失。一般而言, 在自我-他人利益权衡过程中, 由于要顾及他人利益, 个体损失规避的意愿会适当减弱(Polman, 2012)。相对于博弈范式, 上述的WTR算法规则直接让被试面对自我和他人利益的迫选问题, 且要在心理上将他人利益兑换成自我当量, 然后做出取舍, 因此他人利益更为凸显, 对个体损失规避意愿的抑制作用可能更强。同时, WTR既是一个受决策者自身特征影响的内源型变量, 又是一个受诸多外部因素调节的外源型变量(Delton, 2010; Delton & Robertson, 2016), 具有一定的不稳定性。综合这些发现, 我们提出如下假设:


在影响自我-他人利益权衡的诸多因素中, 他人处境无疑是一种重要变量。Burnstein, Crandall和Kitayama (1994)发现, 当他人处于生命受到威胁的情境时, 人们愿意牺牲个人利益给以更多帮助, 而当面对一些无关紧要的助人情境(如, 给乞讨者一些零钱)时, 人们给以的帮助较少。赵华丽、徐凤娇、郭永玉和舒首立(2018)表明, 相对于处境较好的中高收入阶层而言, 处境不利的低收入阶层得到更多的帮助。虽然这些研究得到了一些有价值的发现, 但均未找到科学地界定他人处境的方法。基于有限理性的三参照点理论(tri-reference point theory; Wang & Johnson, 2012; 王晓田, 王鹏, 2013)为此提供了依据。它考虑到了人们在生死攸关境地下死里逃生的情境(minimum requirement, 即底线, 简称MR)、在现状基础上维持或改善的情境(status quo, 即现状, 简称SQ)和在胜利在望基础上实现目标的情境(goal, 即目标, 简称G)三个参照点, 认为它们共同决定了决策备选方案的价值。基于三个参照点, 可以将决策结果空间划分为失败、损失、获益和成功四个功能区(参见图1)。每个功能区在心理上的重要性不同, 避免失败最为重要, 其次是获得成功, 最后才是现状基础上的改善和提升。将此种关于不同参照点(及结果空间)相对重要性的理论推论到他人身上, 可以预测人们更愿意在他人处于底线时雪中送炭, 其次是在他人接近目标时锦上添花, 最后才是帮助他人在现状基础上有所改善和提升,而且此种参照点效应可能会改变个体对他人得失的关注程度。据此, 我们提出如下假设:


图1   三个参照点和四个结果功能区(Wang & Johnson, 2012; 王晓田, 王鹏, 2013)

假设2:当他人临近底线、目标和现状时个体的WTR依次降低, 并在一定程度上调节得失情境的作用。

如前所述, Jones和Rachlin (2006, 2009)系统探讨了社会距离如何影响自我-他人利益权衡。然而, 一方面现实生活中人们未必需要或能够同时在心理上精确地区分出很多个社会距离不同的人, 另一方面社会距离不等于或至少不完全等于心理距离。人们常常与社会距离较近的人的心理距离较远(如亲子或同事之间反目成仇等), 而与社会距离较远的人的心理距离较近(如网恋等)。更为重要的是, 过于强调社会距离与自我当量关系的量化分析, 容易忽略心理距离与自我-他人利益权衡的质性关系。毕竟, 弄清楚他人与自我的心理距离是否影响、如何影响自我-他人利益权衡及其与其他变量的关系才是最重要的。在行为决策领域, 研究者们从不同角度探讨了心理距离如何影响自我-他人决策差异(Polman, 2010, 2012; Polman & Emich, 2011; Trope & Liberman, 2010; 赵秋荻, 刘永芳, 段婧, 徐沙, 2013; 张葳, 刘永芳, 孙庆洲, 胡启旭, 刘毅, 2014), 并提出了多种假设以解释此种效应。风险即价值假设(risk-as-value hypothesis)认为心理距离引起风险感知的变化(Wallach & Wing, 1968), 建构水平理论(construal level theory)认为心理距离引起表征方式的变化(Polman, 2012; Polman & Emich, 2011; Trope & Liberman, 2010), 社会价值理论(social values theory)认为心理距离引起价值判断标准的变化(Beisswanger, Stone, Hupp, & Allgaier, 2003; Stone & Allgaier, 2008), 自我提升假设(self promotion hypothesis)认为心理距离引起自我提升需求的变化(刘永芳 等, 2010; 张葳 等, 2014; Zhang, Chen, Gao, Liu, & Liu; 2018; 仲轶璐, 刘永芳, 2013)。尽管这些理论假定的心理距离引起的心理变化机制不尽相同, 但有一个共同点, 即均认为增加心理距离会降低他人利益在自我心目中的价值, 并削弱个体对他人得失及参照点的卷入度, 从而影响自我-他人决策差异。这实际上与Jones和Rachlin (2006, 2009)关于他人利益如何随社会距离增加而在自我心目中打折扣的研究逻辑是一致的。综合这些发现, 我们提出如下假设:

假设3:增加他人与自我的心理距离会降低WTR, 并一定程度上调节得失情境和他人参照点的作用。

本研究拟尽量平衡自我相关因素(如自我参照点、贡献大小等额外变量)的作用, 在此前提下探讨得失情境下他人参照点及心理距离对自我-他人利益权衡的影响。实验1初步探讨得失情境是否影响及如何影响WTR, 初步检验假设1; 实验2增加他人参照点变量, 以进一步检验假设1, 重点检验假设2; 实验3引入心理距离变量, 进一步检验假设1和2, 重点检验假设3。

2 实验1:得失情境对自我-他人利益权衡的影响

2.1 方法

2.1.1 被试

参照Dreber等(2013)Kirkpatrick等(2015)确定样本量的方法, 使用G*power软件, 将α设定为0.05, power设定为0.95, 实验1为单因素被试内设计, 采用一般效应量0.25, 计算最低样本量为54名。在开设实践课的学院随机抽取79名相对更能理解分数实际意义的二年级以上大学生参加实验, 回收数据79份。正常情况下, 福利权衡任务上只应有一个自我-他人利益转折点, 据此计算WTR。出现多个转折点说明被试不认真或未理解任务要求, 为无效数据(Kirkpatrick et al, 2015)。剔除这些数据后, 有效数据72份。被试年龄在18~22岁(M = 20.69, SD = 1.44)之间, 女性36名。视力或矫正视力正常, 此前均未参加过相似实验。被试填写知情同意书, 实验结束后获得20元被试费。

2.1.2 设计

采用单因素被试内实验设计, 自变量为得失情境, 因变量为被试的WTR。采用ABBA方式平衡实验顺序, 一半被试先做获益情境下的题目, 另一半被试先做损失情境下的题目。

2.1.3 材料与程序

采用Delton (2010)Kirkpatrick等(2015)的福利权衡任务范式, 不同的是用分数增减权衡替代金钱多少权衡。让被试在一系列自我增分(减分)还是他人增分(减分)的题目中进行迫选, 找出选择自我增分(减分)到他人增分(减分)的转折点并计算WTR。采用分数任务有几个原因:首先, 对尚无固定收入的大学生而言, 让其权衡自我和他人的分数增减问题比金钱问题更切合他们的实际。第二, 本研究需要识别和设置他人参照点, 对大学生而言, 多少钱是底线、现状和目标难以统一界定, 而分数的底线、现状和目标较为统一和稳定, 易于测定和识别。第三, 虽然增减分数在评分标准较为客观的考试科目上较少发生, 但在实践类课程及评分标准较为主观的考试科目上时有发生, 如学生会遇到因小组整体表现、项目答辩等而增减分的情况。第四, 让学生决定增减自己还是他人分数的情形在以小组为单位的实践类课程中时有发生, 这实际上也是组织中常见的福利权衡情形, 例如绩效考核时部门成员之间的分数协调, 进修机会给自己还是他人等等。为检验此种任务的生态效度, 实验前对随机选取的10名大学生进行预访谈, 询问以下三个问题:(1)在实践类课程上是否存在因整体表现等原因增减小组分数的情况?(2)是否有选择增减自己分数还是小组其他同学分数的情境?(3)增减分数是否让你有损失和获益的感觉?10名同学对三个问题的回答均为肯定的。正式实验时, 主试对实验任务口头讲解, 学生理解后方入座在计算机上作答。

实验任务分获益(加分)和损失(减分)情境。屏幕上的书面指导语为:“假设本学期你参加了一门实践课程, 由于一些原因, 老师给你所在小组增加(减少)一些平时成绩分数, 并由你来决定是增加(减少)你自己还是你所在小组中一个同学M的分数。请根据自己的内心感受做出每一道题的选择。”获益情境下, A选项为利己选项, 即分别为你增加15分、12分、10分、8分、6分、4分、2分、1分、-1分、-3分, 同学增加0分; B选项为利他选项, 即你增加0分, 同学增加10分。损失情境下, A选项为利他选项, 即分别给你减少15分、12分、10分、8分、6分、4分、2分、1分、-1分、-3分, 同学减少0分; B选项为利己选项, 即你减少0分, 同学减少10分。一半被试先呈现获益情境的题目, 另一半被试先呈现损失情境的题目。实验中每道题目的设置及WTR参见表1

表1   得失情境下每道题目的设置及其WTR


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WTR的计算步骤为:(1)计算每道题目的自我-他人利益比:如第1题, 自己增加(或减少)15分或他人增加(或减少)10分, 则自我-他人利益比为1.5; (2)确定转折点:即在哪道题目上转而选择让他人加分, 自己不加分(获益情境), 或自己减分而他人不减分(损失情境)。(3)计算WTR:求转折点上的自我-他人利益比与前一次选择自我-他人利益比的均值。如, 在获益情境下, 第3题被试选择了A选项(自己加10分, 他人不加分), 第4题被试选择B选项(自己不加分, 给他人加10分), 那么该被试的WTR = 1/2(第3题的自我-他人利益比+第4题的自我-他人利益比) = 1/2(1.00 + 0.80) = 0.90。如果被试一直选择利他的B选项, 则将其WTR界定为实验任务中的最大值1.6。在损失情境下, 由于被试的利他选项为A选项, 所以如果被试一直选择A选项, 则其WTR为实验任务中的最大值1.60, 以此类推。

参照Kirkpatrick等人(2015)的做法, 将WTR的范围设置在-0.20~1.60之间, 涵盖个体从非常自私到非常慷慨的心理变换过程。在极端自私情况下, 被试甚至宁可自己减3分也不给他人加10分, 或者自己加3分而给他人减10分; 而在极端利他情况下, 被试宁可自己放弃加15分而给他人加10分, 或宁愿自己减少15分也不让他人减10分。这样的任务设置, 便于比较不同情境对WTR的影响, 降低出现实验天花板和地板效应的可能性。预访谈发现, 15分对于大学生来说是一个很难放弃的加分选择, 且一般也是被试群体中可能会遇到的加分最高值, 所以将实验中自我加减分的最高值设置为15分。

2.2 结果与分析

以得失情境为自变量, 对WTR进行配对样本t检验。结果显示, 获益情境下的WTR (M = 0.61, SD = 0.48)与损失情境下的WTR (M = 0.62, SD = 0.41)无显著差异, t(71) = -0.23, p = 0.82, Cohen’s d = 0.05, 95% CI = [-0.1, 0.08]。对照表1, 0.60的WTR对应的自我加减分在4~6分之间, 其均值为5分, 因此可以大体上说, 在收益任务上, 被试宁愿放弃自己加5分而给对方加10分; 在损失任务上, 被试宁愿自己减5分而换取对方不减10分。也就是说, 5分是对方10分的自我当量, 二者的心理效用是相当的。该结果支持了Dreber等(2013)Goerg等(2017)采用独裁者博弈任务得到的发现, 即涉他人决策(related others decision-making)对得失情境较不敏感。

3 实验2:得失情境下他人参照点对自我-他人利益权衡的影响

3.1 方法

3.1.1 被试

样本量计算同实验1, 最低单组样本量为28名。从开设实践课的学院随机选取62名二年级以上大学生参加实验, 回收数据62份。剔除无效数据(方法同实验1), 剩余有效数据59份, 被试的实践课成绩符合正态分布, 平均分为81.85分, 标准差为7.75, 最低分为60分, 最高分为93.50分, 转化成Z分数后差异均在2个标准差以内。为了使学生更真切地感受到分数得失的影响, 实验在课程结束两周后进行。被试年龄在18~22岁(M = 20.61, SD = 1.15)之间, 女性27名, 视力或矫正视力正常, 此前均未参加过相似实验。被试填写知情同意书, 研究结束后获得40元被试费。

3.1.2 设计

采用2(得失情境:获益/损失) × 3(他人参照点:底线/现状/目标)二因素被试内设计, 因变量为被试的WTR。

3.1.3 材料及程序

确定参照点:共调查133名大学二年级以上大学生(47名女生), 分别询问他们:1)如果一门课的总分为100分, 请你给出你能接受的最低分数, 即底线(MR); 2)请给出你认为绝大多数同学的平均分, 即现状(SQ); 3)请给出你内心希望的最高分数, 即目标(G)。调查得到的底线平均分数为60.55分, 现状平均分数为72.40分, 目标平均分数为91.27分。另外, 从同一所大学中抽取10名高年级学生和10名教师进行访谈, 得到的结果也大体相同。鉴于大学生考评体系中补考不到60分将不能毕业, 因此取整数将底线成绩设置为60分; 综合调查和访谈的结果, 将现状成绩确定为74分; 目标成绩也取整数设定为90分。

任务情境:福利权衡任务同实验1。不同的是, 按照实验设计形成了6种实验处理。每种实验处理下, 指导语给出的他人参照点不同, 用其实践课的原始分数来表示。获益情境下, 他人跨越底线、现状和目标条件下的原始分数分别为54分、68分、85分, 而损失情境下, 他人跨越底线、现状和目标任务中的原始得分分别为62分、78分、92分。也就是说, 前者加上10分可以使他人分别跨越底线、现状和目标, 而后者减去10分使他人的底线、现状和目标不保。在他人跨底线条件下, 得失情境下的实验指导语分别为:“假设本学期你参加了一门实践课程, 由于一些原因, 老师给你所在小组增加(减少)一些平时成绩分数, 并由你来决定是增加(减少)你自己还是你所在小组中一个同学G的分数。你得知, G在考试中得了54分(68分)。请根据自己的内心感受做出每一道题的选择。”他人跨现状和目标条件下的实验指导语仅需要依据上述设定的原始分数改变G的得分即可。

一半被试先完成获益任务, 另一半被试先完成损失任务, 两类任务之间有15分钟的休息时间。在获益和损失情境内, 不同参照点的实验处理随机呈现, 整个研究过程持续35分钟左右。

3.2 结果与分析

实验2的结果示于图2。以得失情境和他人参照点为自变量, 对WTR进行二因素重复测量方差分析显示, 获益情境下的WTR (M = 0.94, SD = 0.63)显著高于损失情境下的WTR (M = 0.78, SD = 0.55), F (1, 58) = 5.61, p = 0.02, η2 = 0.11。他人参照点的主效应显著, F (2, 116) = 63.89, p < 0.001, η2= 0.57, 他人跨越底线时的WTR (M = 1.24, SD = 0.45)显著高于他人跨越现状(M = 0.47, SD = 0.54; p < 0.001)和目标(M = 0.87, SD = 0.53; p < 0.001)时的WTR, 他人跨越目标时被试的WTR也显著高于他人跨越现状时的WTR (p < 0.001)。


图2   得失情境和他人参照点对WTR的影响


得失情境和他人参照点的交互作用显著, F (2, 116) = 11.68, p = 0.02, η2 = 0.20。简单效应检验结果显示, 当他人跨底线时, 获益情境下的WTR (M = 1.46, SD = 0.29) 显著高于损失情境下的WTR (M = 1.03, SD = 0.47), t(58) = 5.75, p < 0.001, Cohen’s d = 0.05, 95% CI = [0.43, 0.52]; 当他人跨现状时, 获益情境下的WTR (M = 0.52, SD = 0.58) 与损失情境下的WTR (M = 0.41, SD = 0.49)差异不显著, t(58) = 1.09, p = 0.28, Cohen’s d = 0.05, 95% CI = [-0.1, 0.32]; 当他人跨目标时, 获益情境下的WTR (M = 0.83, SD = 0.58)与损失情境下的WTR (M = 0.91, SD = 0.49)差异也不显著, t(58) = -0.98, p = 0.31, Cohen’s d = 0.28, 95% CI = [-0.26, 0.09]。

实验2的结果表明, 他人参照点对个体的自我-他人利益权衡有显著影响, 帮助他人跨底线(雪中送炭)的利他意愿显著高于帮助他人跨越目标(锦上添花)和现状(维持和改善现状)的意愿, 而锦上添花的意愿又显著高于维持和改善现状的意愿。他人参照点调节了得失情境的作用, 他人处于死里逃生的底线状况极大地激活了个体对得失情境的敏感性, 被试的WTR表现出了得失情境的差异, 而当他人跨现状和目标时则仍未表现出此种差异。

4 实验3:得失情境下他人参照点及心理距离对自我-他人利益权衡的影响

4.1 方法

4.1.1 被试

样本量计算同实验1和2, 单组最低样本量为18名。从开设实践课的学院随机选取65名二年级以上大学生, 随机分为两组, 近心理距离组33人(女16名), 远心理距离组32人(女16名)。剔除无效数据(方法同实验1和2)后, 近心理距离组30人(女15名), 远心理距离组28人(女14人)。被试的实践课成绩符合正态分布, 平均78.64分, 标准差为8.19, 最高94.50分, 最低62.50分, 转化成Z分数后差异均在2个标准差以内。被试年龄在18~23岁(M = 20.13, SD = 1.21)之间, 视力或矫正视力正常, 此前均未参加过相似实验。被试均填写知情同意书, 研究结束后获得50元被试费。

4.1.2 设计

采用2(得失情境:获益/损失) × 3(他人参照点:底线/现状/目标) × 2(心理距离:远/近)混合实验设计, 得失情境和他人参照点为被试内变量, 心理距离为被试间变量, 因变量为被试的WTR。

4.1.3 材料及程序

除了界定和操纵心理距离之外, 其他均同实验2。正式实验前, 参照相关研究(Aron, Aron, & Smollan, 1992; 徐富明, 蒋多, 张慧, 李欧, 孔诗晓, 史燕伟, 2016; 赵秋荻等, 2013), 让近心理距离组被试给出实践课同学中一位要好朋友的名字, 远心理距离组被试则给出一位较生疏同学的名字, 然后让他们在图3所示的IOS量表(Aron et al, 1992)上选择最能描述他(或她)与这位同学关系的一幅图。对两组被试的IOS得分进行独立样本t检验显示, 近心理距离组的IOS得分(M = 6.12, SD = 0.67)显著高于远心理距离组的IOS得分(M = 1.70, SD = 0.47), t(27) = 26.37, p < 0.001, Cohen’s d = 7.78, 95% CI = [4.09, 4.76]。


图3   我中包含多少他量表(IOS) (Aron et al, 1992)

正式实验时, 书面指导语如下:“假设本学期你参加了一门实践课程, 由于一些原因, 老师给你所在小组增加(减少)一些平时成绩分数, 并由你来决定增加(减少)你自己还是***(心理距离近:好朋友的名字; 心理距离远:生疏同学的名字)的分数。你得知, ***在考试中得了X分(因他人参照点不同而异)。请根据自己的内心感受做出每一道题的选择。”

4.2 结果与分析

实验3的结果示于图4。三因素混合设计方差分析结果显示, 获益情境下的WTR (M = 1.07, SD = 0.60)与损失情境下的WTR (M = 0.96, SD = 0.60)无显著差异, F (1, 57) = 1.62, p = 0.21。他人参照点的主效应显著, F (2, 114) = 32.20, p < 0.001, η2= 0.41, 他人跨越底线时的WTR (M = 1.32, SD = 0.45)显著高于他人跨越目标(M = 0.91, SD = 0.63; p < 0.001)和现状(M = 0.74, SD = 0.55; p < 0.001)时的WTR, 而他人跨越目标和现状时的WTR差异不显著(p = 0.17)。心理距离近时的WTR (M = 1.13, SD = 0.59) 显著高于心理距离远时的WTR (M = 0.84, SD = 0.57), F (1, 57) = 9.78, p < 0.01, η2= 0.18。


图4   得失情境下他人参照点和心理距离对WTR的影响


得失情境、他人参照点及心理距离的交互效应显著, F (2, 114) = 3.84, p = 0.03, η2 = 0.08。进一步的分析发现, 当心理距离较远时, 数据几乎复制了实验2的结果(参见图2), 数据分析结果不再重复。当心理距离较近时, 得失情境和他人参照点的交互作用显著, F (2, 29) = 11.53, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.33:当他人跨越底线时, 获益情境下的WTR (M = 1.57, SD = 0.11)高于损失情境下的WTR (M = 1.37, SD = 0.49), 差异达到了边缘显著水平, t(29) = 2.01, p = 0.06, Cohen’s d = 0.82, 95% CI = [-0.01, 0.40]; 当他人跨越现状时, 获益情境下的WTR (M =1.03, SD = 0.52)也显著高于损失情境下的WTR (M = 0.70, SD = 0.65), t(29) = 2.18, p < 0.001, Cohen’s d = 0.89, 95% CI = [0.02, 0.64]。然而, 当他人跨越目标时, 获益情境下的WTR (M =0.87, SD = 0.67)反而显著低于损失情境下的WTR (M = 1.25, SD = 0.48), t(29) = -3.13, p < 0.001, Cohen’s d = 1.28, 95% CI = [-0.63, -0.13]。

实验3的结果表明, 心理距离不仅整体上改变了WTR, 而且调节了得失情境和他人参照点之间的交互作用。心理距离较近时, 无论何种条件下, 被试的WTR整体上均提高了。当近心理距离朋友临近底线和现状时, 获益情境下的WTR显著高于损失情境下的WTR, 意味着此两种情况下被试更愿意不加自己的分数而助朋友跨越底线和改善现状; 而当近心理距离朋友临近目标时, 获益情境下的WTR反而显著低于损失情境下的WTR, 意味着此种情况下被试更愿意减去自己的分数而助朋友保住目标。整体而言, 心理距离变近时增大了得失情境的作用, 却并未改变实验2发现的底线优先、目标次之、现状最后的三参照点效应。

5 讨论

Adam Smith (1833/2015)在《道德情操论》中提出了人们会考虑他人利益的“同感原理”。然而, 在其后来作为西方经济学开山之作的《国富论》中却又提出了著名的理性经济人假设, 认为“人们考虑的不是社会利益, 而是自身利益” (Smith, 1880/2015)。德国历史学派的经济学家Hildebrand (1848)和Knise (1853) (引自:胡怀国, 1999)先后指出, Adam Smith两本著作自相矛盾, 看似其观点前后不一, 而实际上不过是人类普遍面对的利己和利他冲突问题在他身上的体现而已, 史称“斯密之谜” (Smith puzzle)或“斯密悖论” (Smith paradox)。利己和利他真的如此对立、难以调和吗?在现实生活中, 究竟独善其身还是兼济他人, 损人利己还是舍己为人, 这并非一个简单的道德是非判断题, 而是依赖于决策任务的复杂情境(Fehr & Schmidt, 1999), 其中包括究竟是获益还是损失情境、他人的处境如何以及利他行为的后果等。本文在得失两种情境下, 以三参照点理论为依据, 探讨了他人参照点和心理距离对自我-他人利益权衡的影响, 试图从一个侧面为破解“斯密之谜”提供启示。

5.1 关于得失情境的作用

本研究的实验1发现, 被试在得失情境下的WTR无显著差异。实验2引入他人底线、现状和目标三个参照点, 发现获益情境下的WTR显著高于损失情境下的WTR, 但这种差异主要体现在他人临近底线时。实验3进一步引入心理距离变量, 发现得失情境的主效应不再显著, 主要由于心理距离较近条件下他人处于现状和目标时得失情境的效应出现了相反趋势。总体而言, 得失情境的作用较弱且较不稳定, 不完全支持Kahneman和Tversky (1979, 1981)的预期理论及一系列相关研究(刘永芳等, 2010 ; Novemsky & Kahneman, 2005)发现的得失情境不对称效应, 却与Dreber等(2013)Goerg等(2017)采用独裁者博弈任务得到的发现相一致, 一定程度上支持了本研究的假设1。何以会如此呢?一种流行的解释是, 风险决策任务不涉及与他人的利害关系, 无需进行利己或是利他的权衡, 也较少涉及社会规范和舆论压力, 因而得失情境成为人们权衡利弊的主要依据, 直接影响人们的风险偏好和做出的选择(Kahneman et al, 1990; 刘永芳 等, 2010)。而博弈任务涉及与他人的利害关系, 福利权衡更是让被试直接面对我得或他得、我失或他失的迫选任务, 激活了人们的社会责任感、利他和公平偏好, 也促使人们考虑社会规范和舆论的压力(Dreber et al, 2013; Handgraaf, van Dijk, Vermunt, Wilke, & de Dreu, 2008; Krupka & Weber, 2013), 至少不能像在风险决策上那样毫无顾忌地仅根据自己的得失情境偏好做出选择。利他和公平偏好及对社会规范和舆论的顾虑一定程度上抵消了得失情境的作用, 使得失情境的不对称效应削弱了。Krupka和Weber (2013)研究表明, 社会规范影响得失情境效应, 在分配者和接受者地位严重不对称的有些欺负人的独裁者博弈任务上, 公平规范要求分配者共享收益和分担损失(同甘共苦), 多拿或少失都是不公平的, 所以为了显示公平, 更多的分配者选择公平分配。而在我们的研究中, 无论获益还是损失情境, 公平偏好和社会规范的压力也均有助于抵消被试对损失的厌恶, 使得失情境下的WTR的差异变小了。这表明, 利他和公平偏好已成为与利己偏好相抗衡的一种力量, 正因为这样, 在自我-他人利益权衡问题上, 人们才会处于基本的社会困境之中, 导致了“斯密之谜”的产生。人们绝非像经济学所描述的纯粹利己的经济人那样简单, 而是同时具有利他偏好的更为复杂的经济人(刘永芳, 范雯健, 侯日霞, 2019)。

5.2 关于他人参照点的作用

本研究的实验2和3均发现, 他人参照点直接影响被试的WTR, 意味着在自我-他人利益权衡过程中人们会充分考虑他人的处境和需要。当他人处于底线时, 被试的WTR均值达到了1.24 (1.32)1(1括号外为实验2数据, 括号内为实验3数据, 下同。), 意味着他们宁愿放弃自己的10分而给对方加上10分或自己扣除10分而不扣除对方的10分(参照表1)。特别在获益情境下, 被试的WTR高达1.46 (1.45), 表明他们甚至宁可放弃多于10分的分数(12分)也要给对方加上10分。这种强烈的“雪中送炭”愿望, 可以用Adam Smith的“同感原理”来解释。也就是说, 当他人临近底线时, 激发了人们强烈的同情和怜悯之心, 驱使他们按照相对非理性的情感化原则而行事, 导致更多的利他行为 (Carlo, Mestre, Samper, Tur, & Armenta, 2011; Klimecki, Mayer, Jusyte, Scheeff, & Schönenberg, 2016; Sze, Gyurak, Goodkind, & Levenson, 2012)。当他人临近目标时, 被试的WTR均值为0.87 (0.91), 意味着他们大约宁愿放弃自己的8分或扣除自己8分, 也要给对方加上10分或不扣除对方的10分。在此种锦上添花的情境下, 对方的获益值(10分)略高于自己的损失值(8分), 表明人们是按照理性的公平原则做出选择的。这一点在独裁者博弈和最后通牒实验中也得到了印证(Fehr, Bernhard, & Rockenbach, 2008; 苏彦捷 等, 2012)。当他人处于现状时, 被试的WTR均值为0.47 (0.74), 意味着他们只愿意舍弃自己的4~7分或扣除自己4~7去换取他人增加10分或保住10分, 以助他人有所改善和提升。可以看到, 当不知道对方处于何种状况或明确知道其临近现状时, 人们是按照接近于理性经济人的原则做出选择的(Levitt & List, 2008)。这些发现支持本研究的假设1和2, 一定程度上有助于破解前述的“斯密之谜”。整体而言, 人们在自我-他人利益权衡过程中表现出了有限理性的特点, 会因地制宜地做出不同的适应性选择和决策。

5.3 关于心理距离的作用

本研究的实验3发现, 无论何种条件下, 心理距离近者的WTR均显著高于心理距离远者的WTR, 意味着心理距离近者的利益在被试心目中占的权重更大, 一定程度上支持关于“社会折扣” (Jones & Rachlin, 2006, 2009)研究的发现。不仅如此, 交互效应分析的结果表明, 人们更在意心理距离近者的得失。虽然心理距离并未单独与得失情境或他人参照点产生二阶交互效应, 却与二者有三阶交互效应, 意味着它实际上调节了得失情境与他人参照点的相对作用, 整体上增大了得失情境的作用, 却未改变甚至减弱了参照点的作用。具体表现在, 心理距离近者无论处于底线、目标或是现状时, 得失两种情境下的WTR均表现出了显著差异(尽管现状和目标时差异的方向相反), 意味着被试对心理距离近者的得失变化更为敏感。这些结果整体上支持了本研究的假设3。

5.4 意义、问题及展望

5.4.1 理论和现实意义

本研究采取“解剖麻雀”的思路, 以期知微见著, 为澄清自我-他人利益权衡的复杂认知过程贡献一点力量。从理论价值上看,它拓展了现有相关研究的范围,为探讨自我-他人利益权衡问题提供了一种较为整合的框架, 弥补了现有研究的不足。关于涉他人决策问题上得失情境不对称效应减弱的发现意味着对他人利益的考量会削弱个人的损失厌恶情绪, 一定程度上澄清了风险决策中此种效应的边界条件, 有助于深化人们对Kahneman和Tversky (1979, 1981)预期理论的认识。关于他人参照点效应的发现不仅支持三参照点理论(Wang & Johnson, 2012; 王晓田, 王鹏, 2013), 而且将原本用于揭示自我参照点变化如何影响个体风险决策的理论延伸至他人参照点变化如何影响自我-他人利益权衡的涉他人决策问题上, 一定程度上拓展了三参照点理论的应用范围。特别是, 关于同感原理、公平原则、经济人理性分别在他人处于底线、目标和现状时发挥主要作用的分析, 对于破解“斯密之谜”有一定的启示意义。关于心理距离影响自我-他人利益权衡及得失情境和参照点效应的发现, 一定程度上支持“社会折扣” (Jones & Rachlin, 2006, 2009)及自我-他人决策差异(Polman, 2010, 2012; Polman & Emich, 2011; Trope & Liberman, 2010; 赵秋荻 等, 2013; 张葳 等, 2014)研究的发现, 意味着自我-他人关系的本质在于心理距离, 它决定了自我-他人利益权衡中给予他人得失及参照点的关注程度, 进而影响赋予他人利益的相对权重及最后做出的决策。更一般地说, 本研究及其相关发现对于研究者跳出传统的得和失(以预期理论为代表)、现在和未来(如跨期选择理论为代表)两大变量框架, 从我和他变量框架角度重新审视人类决策问题, 具有一定的启示意义。在关于得和失、现在和未来决策问题的研究和理论相对成熟条件下, 我和他的决策问题或许将会是未来行为和社会决策研究需要破解的最后一个难题。

从现实意义上看, 当今人类社会发展的主题是合作而不是竞争, 《Science》更是将“人类合作行为如何演化和维持”确定为“驱动基础科学研究以及决定未来科学研究方向”的重大问题之一(Kennedy & Norman, 2005), 而合作的本质恰恰是如何理解、权衡和处理自我和他人(包括集体、社会)的利害关系。从这种意义上说, 任何关于自我-他人利益权衡问题的研究和发现都是符合此种现实需要和学科发展方向的, 对于个人、组织乃至国家在现实中如何理解和处理我和他的关系都具有一定启示意义。

5.4.2 问题与展望

本研究回答了一些问题, 却留下了更多的问题。首先, 一个显而易见的问题是, 自我临近底线、现状或目标时, 会如何改变被试的WTR呢?特别是, 当自我的三个参照点与他人的三个参照点犬牙交错, 形成复杂的局面时, 人们会如何做呢?其次, 本研究采用自我-他人的分数增减任务, 而增减分数的依据理应是各自在小组中的贡献, 也就是说, 自我和他人在小组中的实际贡献可能影响被试的WTR。虽然这些问题不是本研究关心的主要问题, 且研究中尽可能通过随机化处理平衡此类额外变量对实验结果的影响, 但它们是不可回避的, 需要未来更为复杂的实验设计来做深入探讨。更一般地说, 未来的研究需要综合考虑自我、他人及环境因素, 以期更为全面地揭示自我-他人利益权衡的实质和过程。第三, 本研究采用大学生较为熟悉的分数增减权衡任务代替传统的金钱多少权衡任务, 除了前文所说的原因外, 还试图将物质层面的自我-他人利益权衡研究延伸至与人们的自尊、尊严、荣誉相关的精神层面的自我-他人利益权衡问题上, 以考察此种权衡的一般规律及其与物质利益权衡的异同之处。遗憾的是, 由于未与金钱权衡任务做直接比较, 本研究无法回答上述问题。未来的研究可以将所涉及利益的性质或类型作为变量, 来考察自我-他人利益权衡的异同之处, 更深入地揭示自我-他人利益权衡的过程和本质, 以全方位破解“斯密之谜”。

6 结论

(1)在涉及他人利益的福利权衡任务上, 得失情境的不对称效应削弱了。

(2)常态情况下, 人们的WTR在0.4~0.6之间, 自我-他人利益比在0.5左右, 意味着他人收益大约为自己的2倍时, 愿意放弃自己的利益成全他人。

(3)人们帮助他人跨越底线(雪中送炭)的意愿高于帮助他人跨越目标(锦上添花)的意愿, 而帮助他人跨越目标的意愿又高于帮助其维持和改善现状的意愿。

(4)他人与自我的心理距离变近时一定程度上增大了得失情境的作用, 却未改变甚至减弱了参照点的作用。


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Scientific Reports, 6(3), 19-61.

DOI:10.1038/srep31961      URL     PMID:27578563      [本文引用: 1]

What are the determinants of altruism? While economists assume that altruism is mainly driven by fairness norms, social psychologists consider empathy to be a key motivator for altruistic behavior. To unite these two theories, we conducted an experiment in which we compared behavior in a standard economic game that assesses altruism (the so-called Dictator Game) with a Dictator Game in which participants' behavioral choices were preceded either by an empathy induction or by a control condition without empathy induction. The results of this within-subject manipulation show that the empathy induction substantially increased altruistic behavior. Moreover, the increase in experienced empathy predicted over 40% of the increase in sharing behavior. These data extend standard economic theories that altruism is based on fairness considerations, by showing that empathic feelings can be a key motivator for altruistic behavior in economic interactions.

Krupka E. L., & Weber R. A . (2013).

Identifying social norms using coordination games: Why does dictator game sharing vary?

Journal of the European Economic Association, 11(3), 495-524.

DOI:10.1111/jeea.12006      URL     [本文引用: 2]

We introduce an incentivized elicitation method for identifying social norms that uses simple coordination games. We demonstrate that concern for the norms we elicit and for money predict changes in behavior across several variants of the dictator game, including data from a novel experiment and from prior published laboratory studies, that are unaccounted for by most current theories of social preferences. Moreover, we find that the importance of social norm compliance and of monetary considerations is fairly constant across different experiments. This consistency allows prediction of treatment effects across experiments, and implies that subjects have a generally stable willingness to sacrifice money to take behaviors that are socially appropriate.

Levitt S. D., & List J. A . (2008).

Homo economicus evolves

Science, 319(5865), 909-910.

DOI:10.1126/science.1153640      URL     PMID:18276876      [本文引用: 1]

Liu Y. F., Bi Y. F., & Wang H. Y . (2010).

The effects of emotions and task frames on risk preferences in self decision making and anticipating others’ decisions

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 42(3), 317-324.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2010.00317      URL     [本文引用: 4]

[ 刘永芳, 毕玉芳, 王怀勇 . (2010).


心理学报, 42(3), 317-324.]

[本文引用: 4]

Liu Y. F., Fan W. J., & Hou R. X . (2019).

From theory, research, to applications: Richard H. Thaler and his contributions

Advances in Psychological Science, 27(3), 381-393.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 刘永芳, 范雯健, 侯日霞 . (2019).

从理论到研究, 再到应用: 塞勒及其贡献

心理科学进展, 27(3), 381-393.]

[本文引用: 1]

McCullough M. E., Kurzban R., & Tabak B. A . (2013).

Cognitive systems for revenge and forgiveness

Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36(1), 1-15.

DOI:10.1017/S0140525X11002160      URL     PMID:23211191      [本文引用: 2]

Minimizing the costs that others impose upon oneself and upon those in whom one has a fitness stake, such as kin and allies, is a key adaptive problem for many organisms. Our ancestors regularly faced such adaptive problems (including homicide, bodily harm, theft, mate poaching, cuckoldry, reputational damage, sexual aggression, and the infliction of these costs on one’s offspring, mates, coalition partners, or friends). One solution to this problem is to impose retaliatory costs on an aggressor so that the aggressor and other observers will lower their estimates of the net benefits to be gained from exploiting the retaliator in the future. We posit that humans have an evolved cognitive system that implements this strategy – deterrence – which we conceptualize as a revenge system. The revenge system produces a second adaptive problem: losing downstream gains from the individual on whom retaliatory costs have been imposed. We posit, consequently, a subsidiary computational system designed to restore particular relationships after cost-imposing interactions by inhibiting revenge and motivating behaviors that signal benevolence for the harmdoer. The operation of these systems depends on estimating the risk of future exploitation by the harmdoer and the expected future value of the relationship with the harmdoer. We review empirical evidence regarding the operation of these systems, discuss the causes of cultural and individual differences in their outputs, and sketch their computational architecture.

Novemsky N., & Kahneman D . (2005).

The boundaries of loss aversion

Journal of Marketing Research, 42(2), 119-128.

DOI:10.1016/j.cognition.2013.11.010      URL     PMID:24334107      [本文引用: 2]

In this article, we assess to what extent decision making is affected by the language in which a given problem is presented (native vs. foreign). In particular, we aim to ask whether the impact of various heuristic biases in decision making is diminished when the problems are presented in a foreign language. To this end, we report four main studies in which more than 700 participants were tested on different types of individual decision making problems. In the first study, we replicated Keysar et al.'s (2012) recent observation regarding the foreign language effect on framing effects related to loss aversion. In the second section, we assessed whether the foreign language effect is present in other types of framing problems that involve psychological accounting biases rather than gain/loss dichotomies. In the third section, we studied the foreign language effect in several key aspects of the theory of decision making under risk and uncertainty. In the fourth study, we assessed the presence of a foreign language effect in the cognitive reflection test, a test that includes logical problems that do not carry emotional connotations. The absence of such an effect in this test suggests that foreign language leads to a reduction of heuristic biases in decision making across a range of decision making situations and provide also some evidence about the boundaries of the phenomenon. We explore several potential factors that may underlie the foreign language effect in decision making.

Polman E . (2010).

Information distortion in self-other decision making

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 46(2), 432-435.

[本文引用: 2]

Polman E . (2012).

Self-other decision making and loss aversion

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 119(2), 141-150.

[本文引用: 5]

Polman E., & Emich K. J . (2011).

Decisions for others are more creative than decisions for the self

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37(4), 492-501.

DOI:10.1177/0146167211398362      URL     PMID:21317316      [本文引用: 3]

Four studies investigate whether decisions for others produce more creative solutions than do decisions for the self and if construal level explains this relation. In Study 1, participants carried out a structured imagination task by drawing an alien for a story that they would write, or alternatively for a story that someone else would write. As expected, drawing an alien for someone else produced a more creative alien. In Studies 2a and 2b, construal level (i.e., psychological distance) was independently manipulated. Participants generated more creative ideas on behalf of distant others than on behalf of either close others or themselves. Finally, in Study 3, a classic insight problem was investigated. Participants deciding for others were more likely to solve the problem; furthermore, this result was mediated by psychological distance. These findings demonstrate that people are more creative for others than for themselves and shed light on differences in self-other decision making.

Rilling J. K., & Sanfey A. G . (2011).

The neuroscience of social decision-making

Annual Review of Psychology, 62(1), 23-48.

[本文引用: 1]

Smith A . (2015). An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. (Guo, D. L, & Wang, Y. N, Trans.). Beijing: The Commercial Press. (Original work published in 1880)

[ 亚当·斯密 . (2015). 国富论. 郭大力, 王亚南译. 商务印书馆. (原著出版于1880年)]

Smith A . (2015). The theory of moral sentiments. (Jiang, Z. Q, Qin, B. Y, Zhu, Z. L, & Shen, K. Z, Trans.) Beijing: The Commercial Press. (Original work published 1833)

[ 亚当·斯密 . (2015). 道德情操论. 蒋自强, 钦北愚, 朱钟棣, 沈凯璋译. 商务印书馆. (原著出版于1833年)]

Smith A., Pedersen E. J., Forster D. E., McCullough M. E., & Lieberman D . (2017).

Cooperation: The roles of interpersonal value and gratitude

Evolution and Human Behavior, 38(6), 695-703.

[本文引用: 2]

Sonnemans J., Schram A., & Offerman T . (1998).

Public good provision and public bad prevention: The effect of framing

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 34(1), 143-161.

[本文引用: 1]

Stone E. R., & Allgaier L . (2008).

A social values analysis of self-other differences in decision making involving risk

Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 30(2), 114-129.

[本文引用: 1]

Su Y. J., Zhang H., Zhang K . (2012).

Social decision-making: The equilibrium between self interest and the interests of others

Journal of Psychological Science, 35(6), 1423-1428.

[本文引用: 2]

[ 苏彦捷, 张慧, 张康 . (2012).

社会决策: 自我利益与他人利益的权衡

心理科学, 35(6), 1423-1428.]

[本文引用: 2]

Sze J. A., Gyurak A., Goodkind M. S., & Levenson R. W . (2012).

Greater emotional empathy and prosocial behavior in late life

Emotion, 12(5), 1129-1140.

DOI:10.1037/a0025011      URL     PMID:21859198      [本文引用: 1]

Emotional empathy and prosocial behavior were assessed in older, middle-aged, and young adults. Participants watched two films depicting individuals in need, one uplifting and the other distressing. Physiological responses were monitored during the films, and participants rated their levels of emotional empathy following each film. As a measure of prosocial behavior, participants were given an additional payment they could contribute to charities supporting the individuals in the films. Age-related linear increases were found for both emotional empathy (self-reported empathic concern and cardiac and electrodermal responding) and prosocial behavior (size of contribution) across both films and in self-reported personal distress to the distressing film. Empathic concern and cardiac reactivity to both films, along with personal distress to the distressing film only, were associated with greater prosocial behavior. Empathic concern partially mediated the age-related differences in prosocial behavior. Results are discussed in terms of our understanding both of adult development and of the nature of these vital aspects of human emotion.

Tooby J., Cosmides L., Sell A., Lieberman D., & Sznycer D . (2008).

Internal regulatory variables and the design of human motivation: A computational and evolutionary approach

In A. J. Elliot (ed.), Handbook of approach and avoidance motivation (pp. 251-271). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

[本文引用: 2]

Trope Y., & Liberman N . (2010).

Construal-level theory of psychological distance

Psychological Review, 117(2), 440-463.

DOI:10.1037/a0018963      URL     PMID:20438233      [本文引用: 3]

People are capable of thinking about the future, the past, remote locations, another person's perspective, and counterfactual alternatives. Without denying the uniqueness of each process, it is proposed that they constitute different forms of traversing psychological distance. Psychological distance is egocentric: Its reference point is the self in the here and now, and the different ways in which an object might be removed from that point-in time, in space, in social distance, and in hypotheticality-constitute different distance dimensions. Transcending the self in the here and now entails mental construal, and the farther removed an object is from direct experience, the higher (more abstract) the level of construal of that object. Supporting this analysis, research shows (a) that the various distances are cognitively related to each other, (b) that they similarly influence and are influenced by level of mental construal, and (c) that they similarly affect prediction, preference, and action.

Wallach M. A., & Wing C. W . (1968).

Is risk a value?

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 9(1), 101-106.

DOI:10.1037/h0025719      URL     PMID:5667432      [本文引用: 1]

Wang X. T., & Johnson G. J . (2012).

A tri-reference point theory of decision making under risk

Journal of Experimental Psychology General, 141(4), 743-756.

DOI:10.1037/a0027415      URL     PMID:22390265      [本文引用: 1]

The tri-reference point (TRP) theory takes into account minimum requirements (MR), the status quo (SQ), and goals (G) in decision making under risk. The 3 reference points demarcate risky outcomes and risk perception into 4 functional regions: success (expected value of x ≥ G), gain (SQ &amp;lt; × &amp;lt; G), loss (MR ≤ x &amp;lt; SQ), and failure (x &amp;lt; MR). The psychological impact of achieving or failing to achieve these reference points is rank ordered as MR &amp;gt; G &amp;gt; SQ. We present TRP assumptions and value functions and a mathematical formalization of the theory. We conducted empirical tests of crucial TRP predictions using both explicit and implicit reference points. We show that decision makers consider both G and MR and give greater weight to MR than G, indicating failure aversion (i.e., the disutility of a failure is greater than the utility of a success in the same task) in addition to loss aversion (i.e., the disutility of a loss is greater than the utility of the same amount of gain). Captured by a double-S shaped value function with 3 inflection points, risk preferences switched between risk seeking and risk aversion when the distribution of a gamble straddled a different reference point. The existence of MR (not G) significantly shifted choice preference toward risk aversion even when the outcome distribution of a gamble was well above the MR. Single reference point based models such as prospect theory cannot consistently account for these findings. The TRP theory provides simple guidelines for evaluating risky choices for individuals and organizational management.

Wang X. T., & Wang P . (2013).

Tri-reference point theory of decision making: From principles to applications

Advances in Psychological Science, 21(8), 1331-1346.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2013.01331      URL     [本文引用: 4]

Tri-reference point (TRP) theory (Wang, 2008a; Wang &amp; Johnson, 2012) makes use of three reference points, minimum requirement (MR), status quo (SQ), and goal (G) to demarcate choice outcome space into four functional regions: failure, loss, gain, and success. Based on the priority order of the reference points: MR &gt; G &gt; SQ, the model derives from the four regions a double S-shaped value function, connected at the point of SQ. Risk preferences switched between risk-seeking and risk-aversion when the distribution of a gamble straddles a different reference point and resulted in gain-loss and success-failure asymmetries. In sum, the basic task in making risky choices is to maximize the likelihood of reaching a goal and minimize the likelihood of falling below the MR at the same time. The TRP theory synthetically combines the powerful concept of mean-variance used in statistics and finance with the concept of reference points in the behavioral decision making literature takes into consideration the mean-variance distribution of a choice option and its relationship with the three reference points in order to reach adaptive decisions. In this paper, we introduce the basic assumptions, operational principles, experimental tests of the TRP theory, and compare the TRP theory against expected utility theory, and prospect theory. We also discuss practical guidance and implications of the TRP theory for managerial decision making.

[ 王晓田, 王鹏 . (2013).

决策的三参照点理论: 从原理到应用

心理科学进展, 21(8), 1331-1346.]

[本文引用: 4]

Xie X. F., & Wang X. T . (2002).

Achievement motive and opportunity-threat perception

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 34(2), 192-199.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 谢晓非, 王晓田 . (2002).


心理学报, 34(2), 192-199]

[本文引用: 1]

Xu F. M., Jiang D., Zhang H., Li O., Kong, S X., & Shi, Y W . (2016).

The effect of psychological distance on the base-rate neglect

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 48(10), 1292-1301.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2016.01292      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The base-rate neglect refers to the phenomenon that individuals tend to underestimate or neglect base-rate information in probability judgment and decision-making. The phenomenon is widespread in daily behavioral decision-making. Since the concept of base-rate neglect has been proposed, the studies of its psychological mechanisms have reached well-documented results and conclusions. But the exploration for its influence factors turned out to be a conservative, thus few researches tried to shed light on its application. What&rsquo;s more, there is little empirical study of base-rate neglect in China. Therefore, this study aims to verify the base-rate neglect in real decision-making situations, and explore how the psychological distance would affect the base-rate neglect. Study 1 carried out one experiment with 2 (temporal distance: distant vs. near) &times; 2 (base rate: high vs. low) between-subject design to examine the moderate effect of temporal distance. A total of 121 students were recruited. The results showed that the temporal distance affected the base-rate neglect under the selection circumstances, and that the base-rate neglect effect was weakened along with the increasing temporal distance, thus individuals tended to make probability judgments based on base rate. Similarly, study 2 explored the effect of spatial distance on the base-rate neglect with 2 (spatial distance: distant vs. near) &times; 2 (base rate: high vs. low) between-subject design. A total of 122 students were recruited. The results indicated that the spatial distance affected the base-rate neglect in the selection circumstances, and that the base-rate neglect effect was weakened along with the increasing spatial distance, thus individuals tended to make probability judgments based on base rate. The same with the pattern in study 1 and study 2, study 3 explored the effect of social distance on the base-rate neglect with 2 (social distance: distant vs. near) &times; 2 (base rate: high vs. low) between-subject design. A total of 144 students were recruited. It was found that the social distance affected the base-rate neglect in the selection circumstances, and that the base-rate neglect effect was weakened along with the increasing social distance, thus individuals tended to make probability judgments based on base rate. In sum, three studies provided consistent evidences that different dimensions of psychological distance, namely temporal distance, spatial distance and social distance could affect the relative weight according to case description information as well as base rate information in the base-rate neglect situations.

[ 徐富明, 蒋多, 张慧, 李欧, 孔诗晓, 史燕伟 . (2016).


心理学报, 48(10), 1292-1301.]

[本文引用: 1]

Zhang X. Y., Chen X. Y., Gao Y., Liu Y. J. & Liu Y. F . (2018).

Self-promotion hypothesis: The impact of self-esteem on self-other discrepancies in decision making under risk

Personality and Individual Differences, 127, 26-30.

[本文引用: 1]

Zhang W., Liu Y. F., Sun Q. Z., Hu Q. X., & Liu Y . (2014).

Risk preference in making romantic relationship decisions for others with different psychological distance

Acta Psychologica Sinica. 46(10), 1580-1590.

[本文引用: 3]

[ 张葳, 刘永芳, 孙庆洲, 胡启旭, 刘毅 . (2014).


心理学报, 46(10), 1580-1590.]

[本文引用: 3]

Zhao H. L., Xu F. J., Guo Y. Y., & Shu S. L . (2018).

Difference of prosocial behavior between social classes: Dual perspective of giving and receiving

Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 26(5), 841-846.

DOI:10.1002/jclp.22919      URL     PMID:31909837      [本文引用: 1]

Since September 11, 2001, the United States has engaged in an extended period of military conflict, resulting in 4.1 million men and women serving in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation New Dawn. Whereas not all servicemembers experience mental health issues, many have experienced difficulties with readjusting to the civilian world, often requiring mental health services both inside and outside of the Department of Veterans Affairs. Issues related to stigma and military culture contribute to barriers not only for veterans seeking treatment but for clinicians providing services who may lack experience with military culture. This article provides a framework to use military concepts in clinical sessions to further therapeutic engagement with the military/veteran client.

[ 赵华丽, 徐凤娇, 郭永玉, 舒首立 . (2018).

亲社会行为的阶层差异: 施与受的双重视角

中国临床心理学杂志, 26(5), 841-846.]

PMID:31909837      [本文引用: 1]

Zhao Q. D., Liu Y. F., Duan J., & Xu S . (2013).

The effect of psychological distance and decision makers’ roles on risk decision

Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology, 19( 1) 26-33.

[本文引用: 3]

[ 赵秋荻, 刘永芳, 段婧, 徐沙 . (2013).


应用心理学, 19(1), 26-33.]

[本文引用: 3]

Zhong Y. L., & Liu Y. F . (2013).

Risk preferences in monetary auction tasks: The roles of self-esteem levels and genders

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 45(3), 353-362.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 仲轶璐, 刘永芳 . (2013).

金钱竞拍任务上的风险偏好: 自尊水平和性别的作用

心理学报, 45(3), 353-362.]

[本文引用: 1]


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