ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报, 2020, 52(5): 584-596 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2020.00584



郑旭涛1,2, 郭文姣1, 陈满1, 金佳3, 尹军,1

1 宁波大学心理学系暨研究所, 宁波 315211

2 东北师范大学心理学院, 长春 130024

3 宁波大学神经经济管理学研究院, 宁波 315211

Influence of the valence of social actions on attentional capture: Focus on helping and hindering actions

ZHENG Xutao1,2, GUO Wenjiao1, CHEN Man1, JIN Jia3, YIN Jun,1

1 Department of Psychology, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China

2 School of Psychology, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, China

3 Academy of Neuroeconomics and Neuromanagement, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China

通讯作者: 尹军,

收稿日期: 2019-06-18   网络出版日期: 2020-05-25

基金资助: * 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目资助.  31600871

Received: 2019-06-18   Online: 2020-05-25


采用学习-测验两任务范式, 通过3项实验探讨了社会行为的效价信息对注意捕获的影响。在学习阶段, 被试观看具有积极效价的帮助行为(某智能体帮助另一智能体爬山)和消极效价的阻碍行为(某智能体阻碍另一智能体爬山), 以及与各自运动特性匹配的无社会交互行为, 其目的为建立不同智能体颜色与社会行为效价信息的联结关系。在测验阶段, 则分别检验社会行为中的施动方(帮助者和阻碍者)颜色和受动方(被帮助者和被阻碍者)颜色的注意捕获效应。结果发现, 消极社会行为中施动方颜色和受动方颜色均更容易捕获注意, 而积极社会行为效价信息并没有改变联结特征值的注意捕获效应; 且相比于受动方, 与消极社会行为效价建立联结的施动方颜色的注意捕获效应更强。该结果提示, 存在消极社会行为效价驱动的注意捕获, 且消极的效价信息与卷入社会行为所有个体的特征建立联结, 但该联结中施动方物理特征具有更高的注意优先性。这一发现暗示, 声誉信息与对社会交互行为的整体表征可能综合作用于对社会交互事件的注意选择。

关键词: 注意捕获 ; 社会行为 ; 效价 ; 帮助 ; 阻碍


Reward-based learning plays an important role in selective attention. Recent studies have indicated that rewarded stimuli capture more attention after participants directly learned the association between the stimulus and reward, either presented as money or as social feedback. In addition to engaging in direct learning, people can acquire knowledge of stimuli by observing others, and how to interact with and respond to external stimuli. To adapt to our social world, it is critical to gain reputation information by observing whether people interact with each other positively or negatively. However, it remains unclear whether the valence of social actions influences the attentional priority of valence-associated stimuli. Therefore, the present study employed a widely used training-testing paradigm to investigate the influence of the valence of social actions on attentional capture.
Three experiments were conducted. In Experiment 1, the distractors in the actor’s color associated with positive (i.e., helping actions) or negative (i.e., hindering actions) valence of social actions were shown in a visual search task. We examined whether the attentional capture effect was influenced by the valence of social actions and whether the effects were different between positive and negative social actions. In Experiment 2, we investigated whether the attentional capture effect of the recipient’s color was influenced by the valence of social actions as well. To further examine the attentional priority between two individuals’ features involved in the negative social interaction, we directly compared the attentional capture effect between the actor’s color and the recipient’s color from the negative social interaction (i.e., hindering action) in Experiment 3. In the learning phase, participants were required to watch cartoonized videos adapted from Hamlin, Wynn, and Bloom (2007). In these videos, an actor interacted with a recipient in one of four different modes: valid helping (the actor helps the recipient successfully), invalid helping (the actor repeats the same action as helping but without effects on the recipient), valid hindering (the actor hinders the recipient successfully), and invalid hindering (the actor repeats the same action as hindering but without effects on the recipient). In this case, the valid helping action was more positive than invalid helping action in valence, but with the same action pattern, and the valid hindering action was more negative than invalid hindering action in valence, but with the same action pattern. During the testing phase, each trial started with the presentation of the fixation display (400~600 ms), which was followed immediately by the search display (1500 ms or until response). In the search display, the target was defined as the form singleton (e.g., one diamond among circles), while a distractor was a color singleton (additional-singleton) colored the same as the agent in the previously learned videos. Inside the target, a white line segment was oriented either vertically or horizontally, and inside each of the nontargets, a white line segment was tilted at 45° to the left or to the right. The search display was followed by a feedback display (1000 ms), which informed participants whether their responses in the previous trial were correct.
In the training phase, participants were able to successfully learn the association between agents’ color and their interaction information through observation, and the memory performance was not modulated by the interaction mode. However, in the test phase, the results showed that (1) In both Experiments 1 and 2, participants’ reaction time in the search display was longer when the additional-singleton distractors were shown than when none of the additional-singleton distractor were shown, which was referred to as a significant standard additional-singleton effect, suggesting that attention was captured by the additional-singleton distractor; (2) the attentional capture effect was significant when the additional-singleton distractor was associated with the valid hindering condition than when the additional-singleton distractor was associated with the invalid hindering condition, while no difference in the attentional capture effect was observed between valid and invalid helping conditions; (3) whether the additional-singleton distractor’s color was from the actor or the recipient involved in the negative social interaction, the attentional capture effect was present, but the additional-singleton distractor’s color associated with the actor showed a larger attentional capture effect than that associated with the recipient.
Hence, our results demonstrate that the valence of social actions influences attentional capture, and this influence is shown as a negative bias for valence-associated stimuli. In addition, this association is established on all agents involved in the social action, instead of the actor alone, and the actor’s features in the negative social interaction are prioritized to be attended than the recipient. These findings highlight how attention is related to social actions, suggesting an adapted function of negative social actions.

Keywords: attentional capture ; social behavior ; valence ; helping ; hindering

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郑旭涛, 郭文姣, 陈满, 金佳, 尹军. 社会行为的效价信息对注意捕获的影响:基于帮助和阻碍行为的探讨. 心理学报[J], 2020, 52(5): 584-596 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2020.00584

ZHENG Xutao, GUO Wenjiao, CHEN Man, JIN Jia, YIN Jun. Influence of the valence of social actions on attentional capture: Focus on helping and hindering actions. Acta Psychologica Sinica[J], 2020, 52(5): 584-596 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2020.00584

1 前言

人们每时每刻需面对大量的外部世界信息, 但大脑的认知资源是有限的, 无法对所有信息进行深层次的加工(Lavie, 2005)。为此, 大脑进化出了相应的注意功能, 选择一部分刺激进入深层认知加工, 并同时减少在其他刺激上的认知资源分配, 以帮助个体灵活地利用环境中的刺激信息, 从而更好地适应环境(Desimone & Duncan, 1995; Reynolds, Chelazzi, & Desimone, 1999)。那么, 注意如何对外界的信息进行选择呢?

关于注意对外界信息的选择, 目前形成了目标驱动(goal-driven)与突显驱动(salience-driven)这两种经典的理论(Connor, Egeth, & Yantis, 2004; Egeth & Yantis, 1997; Posner, 1980)。具体而言, 目标驱动的注意选择强调当前任务目标对选择优先性的影响, 与任务相关的刺激更容易获得注意。如:Folk, Remington和Johnston (1992)采用空间前线索范式, 发现与目标具有匹配特征的无效空间线索亦能捕获注意。而突显驱动的注意选择理论则认为, 环境中的刺激依据其物理特征占据注意资源(Leber, 2010)。如:有研究发现, 在视觉搜索任务中, 非目标的物理突显刺激会捕获注意, 干扰对目标刺激的反应, 致使反应时延长(Theeuwes, 1994, 2010; Yantis & Jonides, 1984)。

近年来, 大量研究发现刺激的价值在注意选择中起着重要的作用(参见综述, Anderson, 2016a)。不仅任务相关项目的搜索绩效受到它价值的影响, 任务无关、不具备物理突显性刺激的注意优先性也会受到它价值的影响, 其无法用目标驱动或突显驱动理论解释, 故被称为价值驱动的注意捕获(value- driven attention capture)。Anderson, Laurent和Yantis (2011)采用双任务范式, 学习阶段中为特定颜色的正确反应设置不同数额的金钱奖赏, 从而使不同颜色和不同价值的奖赏建立联结; 在测验阶段的目标搜索任务中, 具有奖赏联结特征值的项目作为任务无关的干扰子与目标同时呈现(见图1)。结果显示, 这些奖赏联结干扰子能够捕获注意, 且奖赏价值越高对目标搜索的干扰越强。在进一步的研究中发现, 学习阶段中简单地对目标搜索行为设置奖赏反馈, 其无法使项目特征值表现出价值驱动的注意捕获, 而只有当这种项目特征值能够预测奖赏价值时才能捕获注意(Sali, Anderson, & Yantis, 2014)。后续研究发现, 通过学习建立的奖赏联结对注意优先性的调节作用依赖于特定情境。如:Anderson (2015)在学习与测验阶段设置任务无关的背景图片, 发现只有当测验阶段与学习阶段的背景一致时, 才会出现价值驱动的注意捕获。前述价值驱动的注意捕获, 在较少的训练试次中亦能体现(Anderson et al., 2011; Anderson, Laurent, & Yantis, 2012; Sali et al., 2014), 且该联结一旦形成, 即使不再强化, 其效果仍可持续数周(Anderson et al., 2011)。同时, 有研究发现, 不仅积极价值的刺激具有注意优先性, 通过在学习阶段施加金钱惩罚形成的消极价值联结刺激, 同样能捕获注意(Wentura, Muller, & Rothermund, 2014)。


图1   Anderson等人(2011)设计的实验流程(A为学习阶段, B为测验阶段)

之所以出现上述基于价值驱动的注意捕获, 研究者认为是环境中刺激价值信息对生存的决定性作用, 使环境中的高价值刺激更容易捕获注意(Anderson, 2013)。但价值信息除了金钱这类物质性奖赏, 人们在生活中会接触大量的社会性奖赏。一些研究开始关注社会性奖赏对注意选择的影响(Anderson, 2016b; Anderson, 2017)。延用相同的实验框架, Anderson (2016b)在学习阶段呈现真人微笑表情作为正确反应的奖赏, 结果发现高社会性奖赏联结干扰子在测验阶段更容易捕获注意。随后, Anderson (2017)采用真人生气表情探究消极社会反馈对注意的影响, 发现消极社会反馈联结干扰子同样变得更易捕获注意。

在上述研究中, 不论是金钱奖赏还是社会性奖赏, 被试均通过直接学习的方式了解刺激的价值。然而, 除了直接学习, 人们还可通过观察他人接触刺激的结果, 间接地习得关于刺激价值的知识, 并根据积累的经验, 调整自己在未来面对相同刺激时做出的行为反应(Rendell et al., 2010)。间接的观察学习在自然界中广泛存在。例如, 恒河猴在观察到同类对蛇的恐惧反应后, 能迅速习得同样的对蛇恐惧反应(Mineka & Ohman, 2002)。人类中也普遍存在通过观察学习的方式习得恐惧反应的现象(Olsson, Nearing, & Phelps, 2007)。这种学习方式, 不仅帮助观察者避免亲自执行尝试行为可能带来的消极后果, 也让观察者有效地习得使自身获益最大化的行为(Frith & Frith, 2012)。作为社会性动物, 人类离不开社会互动, 且时常通过观察人际互动中的反馈信息, 来获取他人在社会层面的效价信息(Earley, 2010; Milinski, 2016)。即社会行为是积极的好行为, 还是消极的坏行为。如:实施帮助行为的某人, 被标定为更友好, 并基于此决定是否与其互动。那么这种社会行为的效价信息能否影响人们的注意选择呢?

社会行为的效价信息虽然不是奖赏本身, 但决定了对被观察对象的社会性奖赏。通过观察他人在社会交互中的行为表现, 人们能够形成对他人的声誉表征(Milinski, 2016; Milinski, Semmann, Bakker, & Krambeck, 2001; Wedekind & Milinski, 2000)。个体做出的积极社会行为越多则声誉越高, 且人们在合作交往中的行为决策会根据他人声誉做出相应调整(参见综述, Milinski, 2016)。如, 在间接互惠投资游戏中, 个体投资行为越多, 那么获得他人投资的次数也越多(Milinski et al., 2001; Semmann, Krambeck, & Milinski, 2005; Wedekind & Milinski, 2000)。更重要的是, 做出消极社会行为的个体, 不仅会损害声誉, 而且会受到第三方的惩罚(Fehr & Fischbacher, 2004; Kurzban, DeScioli, & O'Brien, 2007; Liu, Li, Zheng, & Guo, 2017)。因此, 从长远来说, 做出积极行为的个体可能带来更大的收益, 而做出消极行为的个体则会带来惩罚。站在观察者的角度, 他人具有高声誉意味着其合作倾向强, 与之交往很可能会为自己带来收益; 相反, 与低声誉者交往很可能使自己遭受损失(Milinski, 2016)。

虽然观察他人社会行为所获得的行为效价信息是社会交互中行为决策的重要依据, 但对基于观察学习获得的社会行为效价信息是否会对注意选择产生影响, 尚未有研究就此展开探讨。社会行为的效价信息分为积极与消极, 其对注意选择的影响是否存在差异, 即是否均可捕获注意也是本研究关心的问题。虽然有研究通过金钱奖惩操纵积极和消极反馈, 发现与同等额度的积极与消极价值建立联结的刺激, 均能捕获注意且捕获量相当(Wentura et al., 2014)。但针对社会行为的观察学习, 研究者普遍认为存在消极偏向(negativity bias), 即相比于积极刺激, 人们更容易注意消极刺激, 进而形成更加复杂的认知表征(Baumeister, Bratslavsky, Finkenauer, & Vohs, 2001; Rozin & Royzman, 2001)。对于消极偏向的存在原因, 研究者认为, 相比于消极事件, 积极事件发生概率更高, 效价评估基线标准受其影响向积极方向偏移, 最终导致消极事件的吸引力增强(Rozin & Royzman, 2001)。且消极交互对人类威胁更大, 对其感知更敏感(Baumeister et al., 2001; Rozin & Royzman, 2001)。基于此, 本研究预测具有消极效价的社会行为相比具有积极效价的社会行为更容易捕获注意。鉴于社会行为中往往包含一个施动方(actor)和一个受动方(recipient), 本文将考察与社会行为的效价信息建立联结的刺激属性是社会行为中的某个个体还是卷入社会行为的所有个体。近年来一些证据表明, 在认知过程中, 构成社会行为的各部分往往是作为整体被选择、加工与储存(Ding, Gao, & Shen, 2017; Yin, Xu, Duan, & Shen, 2018)。因此, 在加工社会行为的效价信息时, 其可能在社会行为这一整体层面与所有卷入行为的个体进行联结, 从而呈现社会行为的效价信息与施动方和受动方均建立联结, 使得与二者相关的刺激特征值均能捕获注意。

针对以上问题, 鉴于以往研究常用帮助行为与阻碍行为来分别呈现积极效价的社会行为与消极效价的社会行为(Camilleri, Kuhlmeier, & Chu, 2010; Hamlin, 2015; Hamlin, Wynn, & Bloom, 2007), 本研究分别以帮助行为和阻碍行为操纵效价信息, 通过3项实验探讨社会行为的效价信息对注意捕获的影响。实验1检验施动方的颜色与积极和消极的社会行为效价信息建立联结后, 其注意捕获效应是否发生改变, 并检验在此过程中是否存在消极偏向。与Anderson等人(2011)研究方式相同, 实验分为学习阶段与测验阶段:在学习阶段通过观看具有不同效价的社会行为视频, 建立施动方颜色与社会行为效价信息的联结关系; 测验阶段通过视觉搜索任务, 检验社会行为效价信息联结干扰子的注意捕获效应。实验2在实验1的基础上检验相同社会行为场景中受动方颜色的注意捕获效应, 探究社会行为效价信息是否与受动方建立联结。实验3则同时检验消极社会行为场景中施动方与受动方颜色的注意捕获效应, 比较二者注意捕获效应的差异, 以进一步探究基于社会行为效价驱动的注意捕获在卷入交互的两个体间是否存在优先级。

2 实验1:社会行为效价信息对施动方颜色注意捕获的影响

实验1旨在探讨经观察学习建立不同效价社会行为信息与行为施动方颜色的联结关系后, 施动方颜色的注意捕获效应是否受到行为效价的影响。在学习阶段, 被试观看卡通登山视频, 学习不同颜色卡通人物的社会行为效价(即建立不同效价社会行为与不同卡通人物颜色的联结关系)。测验阶段使用视觉搜索任务, 在搜索界面中出现包含施动方颜色特征的干扰子。若不同社会行为条件下注意捕获效应存在差异, 则说明社会行为的效价信息能够影响注意捕获效应。

2.1 被试

27名在校大学生自愿参与本实验, 其中3名被试因正确率未达到标准(详见结果部分描述)被剔除。最终获得24名(其中男性11名, 女性13名)有效被试的实验数据, 被试的年龄在17~21岁之间(M = 19.42, SD = 0.93), 视力或矫正视力正常, 无色盲。实验结束后, 被试获得20元人民币作为报酬。样本量按如下方法予以确定:基于本研究的实验设计, 将预期达到的alpha值设置为0.05, 统计效力设置为0.80且效应量设置为Cohen (1988)所建议的中等水平f = 0.25 (即Cohen’s d = 0.50; η2 p = 0.15), 通过软件GPower 3.0.10计算所得的计划样本量为24左右, 其与Anderson等人(2011)的研究基本一致。

2.2 实验仪器

实验采用19英寸CRT示器, 分辨率为1024× 768, 刷新率为120 Hz, 被试距屏幕约60 cm。

2.3 刺激材料

2.3.1 实验材料的构建

实验刺激材料通过3D动画建模软件blender 2.78a制作, 基于Hamlin等人(2007)用以操纵不同社会行为的视频进行改编而得, 包含呈现不同交互行为的4种视频, 其时长均为12 s。所有视频包含的基本要素相同:具有高中低三个平台的山坡和两个带有眼睛且颜色不同的圆形卡通人物(见图2)。视频前半部分的动画相同, 其中红色的卡通人物首先成功地爬上中间的平台, 并做出左右摇摆的动作, 以示庆祝; 接着, 红色的卡通人物试图爬上最高处的平台, 但尝试两次均没有成功, 并退回到中间的平台。4种不同视频的主要差异是视频中所呈现的交互行为, 具体描述如下。


图2   视频材料示意图

(1)“有帮助”事件:另一个不同颜色的卡通人物出现在最低处的平台, 并一直向上运动, 且将停留在中间平台的红色卡通人物推上最高处的平台, 最后返回出现的位置。

(2)“有阻碍”事件:另一个不同颜色的卡通人物出现在最高处的平台, 并一直向下运动, 且将停留在中间平台的红色卡通人物推至最低处的平台, 最后返回出现的位置。

(3) “无帮助”事件:红色卡通人物在停留一段时间后(其长度与“有帮助”事件中停留时间相同), 依靠自己的努力成功爬上高处的平台; 此时, 另一个不同颜色的卡通人物出现在最低处的平台, 并一直向上运动, 重复“有帮助”事件中帮助者的运动轨迹, 最后返回出现的位置。因此, 该视频中两个卡通人物的运动与“有帮助”事件相同, 只是二者的运动在形成帮助行为上时间不同步, 其不具有实质意义上的帮助。因此该类视频可用于控制可能底层运动信息的解释。

(4)“无阻碍”事件:其制作逻辑与(3)相同, 用于控制“有阻碍”事件中可能底层运动信息的解释。其中, 红色卡通人物在停留一段时间后(其长度与“有阻碍”事件中停留时间相同), 移至最低处的平台; 此时, 另一个不同颜色的卡通人物出现在最高处的平台, 并一直向下运动, 重复“有阻碍”事件中阻碍者的运动轨迹, 最后返回出现的位置。

上述视频中首先出现的卡通人物为受动方, 其颜色均为红色, 之后出现的卡通人物为施动方, 其在每类视频中颜色均不相同。为控制不同条件下施动方颜色的物理差异对被试可能的影响, 对不同视频的颜色在被试间进行平衡, 因而制作4个版本的视频, 其颜色组合如表1所示。

表1   实验1视频中施动方的颜色


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2.3.2 实验材料的有效性检验

为检验上述实验材料中对社会行为效价信息操作的有效性, 要求30位本科生观看某一版本中的4种视频, 并对视频中行为的效价进行评分。具体而言, 被试就“你觉得某色卡通人物的行为”问题从“非常消极”到“非常积极”进行7点评分(-3代表“非常消极”, 3代表“非常积极”)。对行为效价评定结果进行2(行为模式:帮助与阻碍) × 2(有无交互:有与无)重复测量方差分析的结果显示, 行为模式主效应显著, F(1, 29) = 53.82, p < 0.001, η2 p = 0.65, 说明帮助行为模式(M = 1.30, SD = 1.45)下的交互评价比阻碍行为模式(M = -0.58, SD = 1.92)更积极; 有无交互主效应不显著, F(1, 29) < 1; 两者的交互作用显著, F(1, 29) = 70.53, p < 0.001, η2 p = 0.71。简单效应分析结果显示, 对于有帮助条件下的效价评价(M = 2.30, SD = 0.92)显著高于无帮助条件(M = 0.30, SD = 1.18), t(29) = 8.18, p < 0.001, Cohen’s d = 1.49; 而有阻碍条件下的效价评价(M = -1.67, SD = 1.79)显著低于无阻碍条件(M = 0.5, SD = 1.38), t(29) = 5.29, p < 0.001, Cohen’s d = 0.96。且将各个条件与0进行比较(采用FDR矫正), 有帮助和有阻碍条件下的效价评分与0存在显著差异(ps < 0.001), 但各自的控制条件与0无差异(ps > 0.075), 其结果如图3所示。以上结果表明, 制作的视频材料对不同社会行为的效价操作有效, 可用于正式实验。


图3   社会行为效价评定结果(误差线表示标准误)

2.4 实验流程与设计

实验包含学习和测验两个阶段。学习阶段要求被试观看不同社会交互行为视频, 旨在让其习得不同颜色与社会效价的联结关系。测验阶段则采用视觉搜索任务, 检测社会行为效价信息联结干扰子的注意捕获效应。实验程序均采用PsychoPy 1.84.1编写。

2.4.1 学习阶段

以某一版本具有不同交互行为的4段视频为一组, 按随机顺序依次播放, 要求被试观看并记忆视频内容。待4段视频播放结束后, 屏幕上随机呈现一张登山场景图。登山场景图可能来自记忆视频中某一帧动画(即原始图), 也可能是将某记忆视频中两个卡通人物颜色交换后, 截取的一帧动画(即新异图)。被试需判断登山场景图中所呈现的场景是否在4段记忆视频中出现过。“出现过”意味着该图片中的场景与记忆视频中的某一时刻场景一模一样。被试若将其判断为“出现过”, 按键盘上的“Y”键; 若判断为“未出现过”, 按键盘上的“N”键。被试做出按键反应后图片消失。上述过程在同一版本的4段视频中重复进行12次。在所有12次再认判断中, 一半登山场景图为“原始图”, 另一半为“新异图”。

主试指导被试进行练习并确认被试对任务要求理解无误后, 实验正式开始。完成该阶段任务约需15分钟。

2.4.2 测验阶段

测验阶段的视觉搜索任务采用额外奇异项范式(additional singleton paradigm)。实验流程如下:

首先, 屏幕中心出现一个十字状注视点, 呈现时间为400~600 ms。接着进入搜索画面, 6个图形分布在以屏幕中心为圆心、半径5°视角的虚拟圆的6等分点上。其中一个图形为形状奇异项。在一半试次中, 形状奇异项为菱形, 其余图形为圆形。在另一半试次中, 形状奇异项为圆形, 其余图形为菱形。其中, 形状奇异项为搜索目标, 其余图形为干扰子。目标中包含一条处于水平或垂直方向的直线, 干扰子中包含一条向左或向右倾斜45°的直线。被试需要尽可能快地找到目标, 并根据其中包含的直线所处的方向做出相应的按键反应。目标内直线若呈水平方向, 按“z”键; 若呈垂直方向, 按“m”键。该搜索画面呈现1500 ms或持续到被试做出按键反应, 之后进入反馈阶段。若反应错误, 屏幕中心会呈现文字提醒(“错误”), 持续1000 ms; 若在规定时间内未作出按键反应, 播放频率为1000 Hz的提示音, 持续500 ms; 若反应正确, 直接进入下一屏。反馈阶段结束后呈现空屏, 持续500 ms, 之后进入下一个试次。实验流程如图4所示。


图4   测验阶段视觉搜索任务流程

上述所有刺激均呈现在灰色背景上(RGB: 128, 128, 128)。试次总计320个。在一半试次(160)中, 目标与所有干扰子均为白色(RGB: 255, 255, 255), 其被称为无奇异项(no singleton)试次; 另外一半试次(160)中, 某个干扰子的颜色为学习阶段某一视频中施动方的颜色, 或黄色(RGB: 255, 255, 0), 或青色(RGB:0, 255, 255), 或绿色(RGB: 0, 255, 0), 或紫色(RGB: 170, 0, 255), 其余干扰子均为白色, 其被称为额外奇异项(additional singleton)试次。在160个额外奇异项试次中, 4种颜色奇异项各出现40次。所有试次中, 目标的形状类型、目标的呈现位置、颜色奇异项的呈现位置、目标内直线方向、干扰子内直线方向随机。在额外奇异项试次中, 根据奇异项颜色与学习阶段视频中社会行为效价信息的联结关系, 形成了2(行为模式:帮助与阻碍) × 2(有无交互:有与无)完全被试内设计。实验前, 被试需进行充分练习。正式实验中, 每64个试次后进行短暂休息。完成该阶段实验任务约需15分钟。

2.5 结果

2.5.1 学习阶段

2名被试因再认判断的正确次数低于10次(根据预实验结果, 被试的正确次数均在11次左右, 若正确次数低于10次, 说明被试未能认真完成实验, 将其数据剔除, 下同)将其剔除。保留下来的被试平均正确次数为11.33次(SD = 0.82)。

采用Friedman非参数检验, 比较4种视频间再认判断正确次数是否存在差异。结果发现, 4种视频的再认判断正确次数不存在显著差异, χ2(3) = 6.32, p = 0.10。该结果说明, 被试对4种视频的学习效果相当, 下述搜索绩效上的差异不能由学习阶段的差异所解释。

2.5.2 测验阶段

1名被试错误率高于20% (根据预实验结果, 被试的错误率均在10%左右, 若错误率高于20%说明被试未能认真完成实验, 将其数据剔除, 下同)将其剔除。24名有效被试的总体平均错误率为7.60% (SD = 3.54%)。

在对反应时数据进行分析前, 保留正确反应的试次并参考Anderson等人(2011)研究中的处理方法, 剔除每个被试各条件下反应时在3个标准差以外的数据。剔除数据占数据总量的0.72%。

首先, 将有帮助、无帮助、有阻碍、无阻碍四个条件合并为额外奇异项条件, 将其与无额外奇异项条件作比较, 以检验额外奇异项的出现是否干扰目标搜索, 即注意捕获效应。结果显示, 额外奇异项条件下反应时(M = 835 ms, SD = 77 ms)显著高于无额外奇异项条件(M = 771 ms, SD = 79 ms), t(23) = 10.61, p < 0.001, Cohen’ d = 2.17。该结果表明注意捕获效应存在, 可进一步分析社会行为效价对注意捕获效应的影响。

为考察不同社会行为效价信息对注意捕获的影响, 对额外奇异项试次反应时做2(行为模式:帮助与阻碍) × 2(有无交互:有与无)重复测量方差分析。结果显示, 行为模式主效应不显著, F(1, 23) < 1; 有无交互主效应边缘显著, F(1, 23) = 4.18, p = 0.053, η2 p = 0.15, 相比颜色奇异项与无交互中的施动方建立联结时(M = 828 ms, SD = 77 ms), 当颜色奇异项与有交互中的施动方建立联结时(M = 842 ms, SD = 88 ms), 被试对目标的判断更慢, 即后者的注意捕获效应更大; 两者的交互作用显著, F(1, 23) = 5.69, p = 0.026, η2 p = 0.20。进一步简单效应分析结果表明, 颜色奇异项与有帮助的施动方建立联结时(M = 830 ms, SD = 91 ms)和颜色奇异项与无帮助的施动方建立联结时(M =833 ms, SD = 80 ms)相比, 反应时差异不显著, t(23) = 0.32, p = 0.753, Cohen’ d = 0.07; 但是, 颜色奇异项与有阻碍的施动方建立联结时(M = 853 ms, SD = 84 ms)的反应时显著慢于颜色奇异项与无阻碍的施动方建立联结时(M = 822 ms, SD = 75 ms),t(23) = 3.05, p = 0.006, Cohen’s d = 0.621(1对于帮助行为和阻碍行为分别设置了控制条件, 以对可能的物理性解释进行排除。基于此设计, 实验中主要对不同交互模式下(即固定交互模式), 有无作用条件间的注意捕获量进行比较, 以体现社会行为效价信息的作用。但从交互效应的分析来看, 也可对有无作用条件下(即固定行为结果), 不同交互模式下的注意捕获量进行比较。然而, 不同交互模式下除了社会行为效价不相同外, 运动层面的差异也较大, 如:爬山的方式, 其对比分析结果难以说明社会行为效价的作用。因此, 文中并未对固定行为结果时, 不同交互模式下的注意捕获量进行比较。)。该结果说明, 当颜色奇异项与消极社会行为效价(阻碍行为)建立联结时, 其对目标搜索的干扰更强, 即注意捕获效应更大, 且该结果不能由学习阶段对不同事件的学习效果不同所解释。各条件下反应时如图5所示。


图5   实验1测验阶段各条件下反应时平均值(误差线表示标准误)

对错误率做与反应时相同的分析。将有帮助、无帮助、有阻碍、无阻碍四个条件合并为额外奇异项条件, 将其与无额外奇异项条件作比较。结果显示, 额外奇异项条件下反应错误率(M = 8.57%, SD = 4.67%)显著高于无额外奇异项条件(M = 6.64%, SD = 3.06%), t(23) = 2.71, p = 0.012, Cohen’ d = 0.55。该结果再次证实额外奇异项的干扰作用。对额外奇异项试次错误率做2(行为模式:帮助与阻碍) × 2(有无交互:有与无)重复测量方差分析。结果显示, 行为模式主效应、有无交互主效应以及两者的交互作用均不显著, Fs (1, 23) < 1。因此, 本实验不存在正确率与反应时的权衡现象。

2.6 讨论

实验1结果显示, 在测验阶段的搜索任务中出现了经典的额外奇异项效应, 即具有物理突显性的任务无关干扰子捕获注意, 致使搜索反应时延长、错误率提高。更为重要的是, 即使在学习阶段被试对4种视频进行同等程度的学习, 与不同社会行为效价信息建立联结关系后, 额外奇异项的注意捕获效应发生改变。具体而言, 消极社会行为联结特征值的注意捕获效应显著增强, 而积极社会行为联结特征值的注意捕获效应没有发生显著改变。该结果表明, 通过间接的观察学习, 社会行为的效价信息能够与施动方的物理特征值建立联结并使该物理特征值捕获注意的效力发生改变。值得注意的是, 这种改变只在消极社会行为中出现。该结果提示, 社会行为的效价信息对注意捕获的影响存在消极偏向。

3 实验2:社会行为效价信息对受动方颜色注意捕获的影响

实验1结果表明, 被试经观察学习后, 消极社会行为信息与行为施动方颜色建立有效联结, 进而增强联结颜色的注意捕获效应。实验2在实验1的基础上, 将视频中的施动方与受动方角色互换, 以检验相同场景下受动方颜色的注意捕获效应。若受动方颜色的注意捕获效应发生一致的改变, 则意味着社会行为的效价信息可能与卷入社会行为的所有个体建立联结。

3.1 被试

30名在校大学生自愿参与本实验, 其中6名被试因正确率未达到标准(详见结果部分描述)被剔除。最终获得24名(其中男性10名, 女性14名)有效被试的实验数据, 被试的年龄在18~24岁之间(M = 19.50, SD = 1.22), 视力或矫正视力正常, 无色盲。实验结束后, 被试获得20元人民币作为报酬。

3.2 实验流程与设计

实验2所用实验材料和流程与实验1基本相同。不同之处仅在于, 视频中两个卡通人物的角色互换。

3.3 结果

3.3.1 学习阶段

所有数据中, 3名被试因再认判断的正确次数低于10次将其剔除。保留下来的数据中平均正确次数为10.92次(SD = 0.78)。

对再认判断正确次数做Friedman非参数检验, 结果发现4种视频的再认判断正确次数不存在显著差异, χ2(3) = 0.56, p = 0.91。该结果说明, 被试对4种视频学习效果相当。

3.3.2 测验阶段

3名被试错误率高于20%将其剔除。24名有效被试的总体平均错误率为9.22% (SD = 3.72%)。

保留正确反应的试次, 对每个被试各条件下剔除反应时在3个标准差以外的数据。剔除数据占数据总量的0.57%。

与实验1的分析过程相同, 首先将有帮助、无帮助、有阻碍、无阻碍四个条件合并为额外奇异项条件, 将其与无额外奇异项条件作比较, 以检验额外奇异项的出现是否对目标搜索产生干扰。结果显示, 额外奇异项条件下反应时(M = 826 ms, SD = 72 ms)显著高于无额外奇异项条件(M = 764 ms, SD = 73 ms), t(23) = 11.04, p < 0.001, Cohen’ d = 2.25。该结果再次表明额外奇异项对目标搜索产生干扰, 即存在注意捕获效应。

对额外奇异项试次反应时进行2(行为模式:帮助与阻碍) × 2(有无交互:有与无)重复测量方差分析, 以进一步检验社会行为效价对注意捕获的影响。结果显示, 行为模式主效应不显著, F(1, 23) < 1, 有无交互主效应不显著, F(1, 23) = 2.68, p = 0.115, 两者的交互作用显著, F(1, 23) = 5.07, p = 0.034, η2 p = 0.18。进一步简单效应分析结果表明, 颜色奇异项与有帮助的受动方建立联结时(M = 827 ms, SD = 69 ms)和颜色奇异项与无帮助的受动方建立联结时(M = 826 ms, SD = 81 ms)相比, 被试的反应时差异不显著, t(23) = 0.12, p = 0.902, Cohen’s d = 0.03; 但是, 颜色奇异项与有阻碍的受动方建立联结时(M = 837 ms, SD = 78 ms)的反应时显著慢于颜色奇异项与无阻碍的受动方建立联结时(M = 814 ms, SD = 82 ms), t(23) = 2.62, p = 0.015, Cohen’s d = 0.53, 前者表现出更强烈的干扰效应, 即更强的注意捕获效应。该结果模式与实验1中趋势一致。各条件下反应时如图6所示。


图6   实验2测验阶段各条件下反应时平均值(误差线表示标准误)

对错误率进行同样的分析。将有帮助、无帮助、有阻碍、无阻碍四个条件合并为额外奇异项条件, 将其与无额外奇异项条件作比较。结果显示, 额外奇异项条件下反应错误率(M = 10.05%, SD = 4.00%)显著高于无额外奇异项条件(M = 8.39%, SD = 3.79%), t(23) = 3.53, p = 0.002, Cohen’ d = 0.72。该结果再次证实额外奇异项的干扰作用。对额外奇异项试次错误率做2(行为模式:帮助与阻碍) × 2(有无交互:有与无)重复测量方差分析。结果显示, 行为模式主效应、有无交互主效应以及两者的交互作用均不显著, Fs (1, 23) < 1。因此, 本实验不存在正确率与反应时的权衡现象。

3.4 讨论

实验2在实验1的基础上互换行为施动方与受动方颜色, 以检验社会行为场景中受动方颜色的注意捕获效应。结果显示, 消极社会行为中的受动方颜色与施动方颜色的注意捕获效应趋势一致, 提示社会行为的效价信息与卷入行为的所有个体建立联结, 致使受动方的物理特征也具有更强的注意捕获效应。

4 实验3:消极社会行为中施动方与受动方颜色的注意捕获差异

上述实验发现消极社会交互行为中的施动方与受动方颜色均能捕获注意, 但难以回答社会行为效价对二者的影响是否相同。究其原因, 两个实验中施动方与受动方颜色变化是分开操作的, 其诱发的捕获注意效应不仅体现了社会行为效价的作用, 还可能受到颜色变化这一操作的影响。故在实验3中, 同时考察消极社会行为场景中施动方与受动方颜色的注意捕获效应, 以探究基于社会行为效价驱动的注意捕获在卷入交互的个体间是否存在优先级。

4.1 被试

26名在校大学生自愿参与本实验, 其中2名被试因正确率未达到标准(详见结果部分描述)被剔除。最终获得24名(其中男性5名, 女性19名)有效被试的实验数据, 被试的年龄在17~21岁之间(M = 19.29, SD = 1.08), 视力或矫正视力正常, 无色盲。实验结束后, 被试获得20元人民币作为报酬。

4.2 实验流程与设计

在实验3学习阶段仅学习有阻碍条件卡通视频, 学习24次。视频中施动方与受动方颜色在被试间平衡。各版本视频中施动方、受动方的颜色如表2所示。测验阶段视觉搜索任务中仅出现有阻碍施动方或受动方颜色干扰子, 各40次, 无额外奇异项试次出现80次。除以上差异外, 实验3流程与刺激设置与实验1相同。

表2   实验3视频中施动方、受动方的颜色


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4.3 结果

4.3.1 学习阶段

所有被试再认判断的正确次数均在20次以上。平均正确次数为22.67次(SD = 1.52)。

4.3.2 测验阶段

2名被试错误率高于20%将其剔除。24名有效被试的总体平均错误率为9.53% (SD = 4.26%)。

保留正确反应的试次, 对每个被试各条件下剔除反应时在3个标准差以外的数据。剔除数据占数据总量的0.55%。

首先将施动方与受动方颜色作为干扰子的试次合并为额外奇异项条件, 将其与无额外奇异项条件作比较, 以检验额外奇异项的出现是否对目标搜索产生干扰。结果显示, 额外奇异项条件下反应时(M = 845 ms, SD = 105 ms)显著高于无额外奇异项条件(M = 768 ms, SD = 98 ms), t(23) = 8.49, p < 0.001, Cohen’ d = 1.73。该结果再次表明额外奇异项对目标搜索产生干扰, 即存在注意捕获效应。

采用配对样本t检验, 进一步分析额外奇异项试次中施动方颜色与受动方颜色作为干扰子时反应时的差异。结果表明, 当施动方颜色作为干扰子时(M = 860 ms, SD = 117 ms)反应时显著高于受动方颜色作为干扰子(M = 831 ms, SD = 103 ms), t(23) = 2.28, p = 0.032, Cohen’s d = 0.46, 前者表现出更强烈的干扰效应, 即具有更强的注意捕获效应。各条件下反应时如图7所示。


图7   实验3测验阶段各条件下反应时平均值(误差线表示标准误)

对错误率进行同样的分析。首先将施动方与受动方颜色作为干扰子的试次合并为额外奇异项条件, 将其与无额外奇异项条件作比较, 结果显示, 额外奇异项条件下反应错误率(M = 10.64%, SD = 5.78%)与无额外奇异项条件(M = 8.44%, SD = 4.71%)差异不显著, t(23) = 1.72, p = 0.098。故本实验不存在正确率与反应时的权衡现象。

4.4 讨论

实验3的结果提示, 虽然行为效价信息与该场景下所有卷入客体建立联结关系进而捕获注意, 但交互中施动方的物理特征具有更高的注意优先性。

5 总讨论

本研究基于Anderson等人(2011)的研究方式, 通过3项实验将社会行为的效价信息与社会行为(帮助和阻碍行为)中施动方和受动方的颜色建立联结, 探讨社会行为的效价信息对注意捕获的影响。结果显示, 施动方与受动方的颜色在与消极社会行为效价信息建立联结后, 其更容易捕获注意, 而积极社会行为效价信息并没有改变联结特征值的注意捕获效应。且相比于受动方, 与消极社会行为效价建立联结的施动方颜色特征的注意捕获效应更强。该结果提示, 存在消极社会行为效价驱动的注意捕获, 且消极的效价信息与卷入社会行为所有个体的特征建立联结, 更重要的是消极社会行为中的施动方物理特征具有更高的注意优先性。

值得注意的是, 本研究结果显示只有消极社会行为能够提升物理特征的注意捕获效应, 积极社会行为没有改变物理特征的注意捕获效应。但在Anderson (2016b, 2017)的研究中, 学习阶段分别使用真人微笑表情与真人生气表情作为积极社会反馈与消极社会反馈, 结果联结刺激特征的注意捕获效应均增强。对于上述不一致结果, 可能有如下解释。在Anderson的研究中, 被试以直接经验的方式获得社会性奖赏反馈, 并以此学习刺激-价值联结。但在本研究中, 被试以观察学习的方式学习刺激-价值联结, 即在学习阶段并未获得直接奖赏或惩罚, 需要对观察获得的信息进行更加深入的认知加工与评估, 以推测该刺激对自身的可能价值。在加工、评估社会信息时可能存在消极偏向。究其原因, 根据消极偏向假设, 忽视环境中的潜在危险所造成的危害可能远远大于错失一个机会, 故环境中的消极信息比积极或中性信息更容易获得注意(Baumeister et al., 2001; Rozin & Royzman, 2001)。这种假设暗含人们需对观察所得的积极和消极信息进行评价, 以获得其对自身的适应性影响(Camilleri et al., 2010; Premack & Premack, 1997), 从而引导相应的注意资源。但对直接学习积极和消极反馈而言, 二者对个体自身的行为均有相当程度的适应性影响, 其不需要深入的评估(Achterberg, van Duijvenvoorde, Bakermans-Kranenburg, & Crone, 2016; Beston, Barbet, Heerey, & Thierry, 2018), 因为如果不关注反馈, 可能无法获得即时的奖励并遭受一定的惩罚。

在人类独特的社会生活环境中, 通过观察社会行为, 利用效价信息可形成他人的声誉表征, 从而帮助人们辨别高声誉者与低声誉者, 提高在社会交互中获利的可能(Milinski, 2016)。对于社会行为, 观察学习所发挥的作用并不仅限于在行为决策层面为参与者的交互行为提供依据。本研究揭示, 认知加工系统在社会行为的效价信息, 尤其是消极信息与卷入社会行为个体的物理特征值之间建立联结, 改变该物理特征值的注意优先性, 即与消极社会行为效价信息建立联结的物理特征值更易捕获注意。虽然社会行为的效价信息并非等同于直接的奖赏或惩罚, 但它提示与卷入该行为的个体进一步交互的结果是带来收益还是遭受损失, 其是人们为了维护自身利益需要重点关注的信息。根据价值驱动的注意理论, 注意选择的作用是提高个体的收益(Anderson, 2013)。因此, 本研究中发现的消极社会行为信息对注意捕获效应的增强作用, 与价值驱动理论视角下注意选择的作用相一致。该机制意味着, 优先注意消极社会行为信息相关的刺激, 能够帮助个体高效地识别出人群中的低声誉者, 提高规避损失的可能。来自神经生理的证据同样支持这一观点。在一项fMRI研究中发现, 信息的客观价值驱动着被试的信息搜索行为, 且这种信息的客观价值和奖赏价值具有同样的神经编码(Kobayashi & Hsu, 2019)。社会行为的效价信息影响注意捕获效应时, 是否出现一致的脑区活动(如:纹状体, 腹内侧前额叶皮质)需要进一步的研究加以验证。

声誉理论强调社会交互事件中人们获取声誉信息的主体是施动方(Milinski, 2016), 这一理论似乎与受动方颜色的注意捕获效应也受到社会行为效价影响的结果不一致。根据施动方的声誉决定对其施加奖赏或惩罚涉及一定的高层认知(Liu et al., 2017; Milinski et al., 2001; Semmann et al., 2005), 但在底层认知加工过程中, 联结学习以内隐的方式发生, 受其影响的注意行为是瞬时、不自主的(Anderson et al., 2011; Anderson et al., 2012; Sali et al., 2014)。近来有研究发现, 构成社会交互行为的所有对象往往作为整体被注意选择(Yin et al., 2018), 且在工作记忆中以整体形式储存(Ding et al., 2017)。因此, 被试在建立社会行为的效价信息与联结关系时, 由于施动方与受动方作为整体得到认知加工, 在建立施动方声誉与其物理特征的联结时, 也可能自动将受动方的物理特征绑定在一起, 其类似于对客体内部所有特征的绑定。在来自底层的社会交互行为整体表征和来自高层的声誉信息综合作用下, 产生了社会行为效价信息与所有卷入交互行为的个体进行联结的表征组织方式, 从而使得消极交互行为中施动方和受动方的特征均能捕获注意。

然而, 针对消极社会交互中施动方和受动方所表现出的相似注意捕获效应, 也存在其它可能的机制, 其不涉及声誉加工和整体表征机制。具体而言, 对于消极的交互行为, 鉴于其生存意义, 人们对其包含的特性信息比较敏感(Baumeister et al., 2001; Rozin & Royzman, 2001), 类似威胁之类的外部刺激。在该感知机制的驱动下, 人们可能并不区分施动方和受动方, 仅仅将该交互行为中所有个体的特征与效价建立联系, 从而引导后续的注意。其次, 这种对消极信息的敏感性可能在学习阶段吸引更多的注意, 故有更多认知资源参与消极社会交互场景中社会信息与特征的联结, 进一步增强施动方和受动方颜色特征对注意的捕获。但后一作用路径在本研究中所起的作用可能较少, 因为在学习阶段, 被试对积极与消极社会交互场景的记忆绩效相当。因此, 在感知层面对消极信息的特异性加工可能是本研究结果另一种解释。

上述推测均能解释施动方和受动方颜色特征均能捕获注意的发现。但声誉机制的解释视角强调施动方的主导作用, 而对消极信息的特异性感知机制则不区分施动方和受动方的作用。前者在一定程度上预测消极交互行为中施动方物体特征具有更高的注意优先级, 其与实验3中施动方特征的注意捕获效应比受动方特征更强的发现一致, 因此声誉机制的解释视角更符合本研究结果。未来研究可进一步对可能的机制深入探讨。

以往研究表明, 可在行为意图和结果层面来评价社会行为, 且二者的加工机制存在差异(Buon, Jacob, Loissel, & Dupoux, 2013)。本研究并未对形成社会效价信息的来源进行区分, 未来研究可就行为意图(如有帮助的意图, 但不成功)和结果层面(无帮助的意图, 但结果上帮到了对方)形成的社会效价信息, 如何影响注意捕获进行探讨。由于成人更关注社会交互中的行为意图(Cushman, 2008; Guglielmo, Monroe, & Malle, 2009; Young, Cushman, Hauser, & Saxe, 2007), 该维度上形成的社会效价信息可能决定了社会效价驱动的注意捕获。

6 结论

本研究通过学习-测验两任务范式探讨了社会行为的效价信息对注意捕获的影响, 获得以下结论:存在消极社会行为效价驱动的注意捕获, 且消极效价信息与卷入社会行为所有个体的特征建立联结, 但该联结中施动方物理特征具有更高的注意优先性。


Achterberg M., van Duijvenvoorde A. C. K., Bakermans- Kranenburg M. J., & Crone E. A . (2016).

Control your anger! The neural basis of aggression regulation in response to negative social feedback

Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 11(5), 712-720.

DOI:10.1093/scan/nsv154      URL     PMID:26755768      [本文引用: 1]

Negative social feedback often generates aggressive feelings and behavior. Prior studies have investigated the neural basis of negative social feedback, but the underlying neural mechanisms of aggression regulation following negative social feedback remain largely undiscovered. In the current study, participants viewed pictures of peers with feedback (positive, neutral or negative) to the participant's personal profile. Next, participants responded to the peer feedback by pressing a button, thereby producing a loud noise toward the peer, as an index of aggression. Behavioral analyses showed that negative feedback led to more aggression (longer noise blasts). Conjunction neuroimaging analyses revealed that both positive and negative feedback were associated with increased activity in the medial prefrontal cortex (PFC) and bilateral insula. In addition, more activation in the right dorsal lateral PFC (dlPFC) during negative feedback vs neutral feedback was associated with shorter noise blasts in response to negative social feedback, suggesting a potential role of dlPFC in aggression regulation, or top-down control over affective impulsive actions. This study demonstrates a role of the dlPFC in the regulation of aggressive social behavior.

Anderson B. A . (2013).

A value-driven mechanism of attentional selection

Journal of Vision, 13(3), 7.

DOI:10.1167/13.3.7      URL     PMID:23589803      [本文引用: 2]

Attention selects stimuli for cognitive processing, and the mechanisms that underlie the process of attentional selection have been a major topic of psychological research for over 30 years. From this research, it has been well documented that attentional selection can proceed both voluntarily, driven by visual search goals, and involuntarily, driven by the physical salience of stimuli. In this review, I provide a conceptual framework for attentional control that emphasizes the need for stimulus selection to promote the survival and wellbeing of an organism. I argue that although goal-driven and salience-driven mechanisms of attentional selection fit within this framework, a central component that is missing is a mechanism of attentional selection that is uniquely driven by learned associations between stimuli and rewards. I go on to review recent evidence for such a value-driven mechanism of attentional selection, and describe how this mechanism functions independently of the well-documented salience-driven and goal-driven mechanisms. I conclude by arguing that reward learning modifies the attentional priority of stimuli, allowing them to compete more effectively for selection even when nonsalient and task-irrelevant.

Anderson B. A . (2015).

Value-driven attentional priority is context specific

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22(3), 750-756.

DOI:10.3758/s13423-014-0724-0      URL     PMID:25199468      [本文引用: 1]

Attention is automatically drawn to stimulus features previously associated with reward, a phenomenon referred to as value-driven attentional capture. To date, value-driven attentional capture has been studied exclusively by manipulating stimulus-reward contingencies in an experimental setting. Although practical and intuitively appealing, this approach poses theoretical challenges to understanding the broader impact of reward on attention in everyday life. These challenges arise from the fact that associative learning between a given visual feature and reward is not limited to the context of an experiment, yet such extra-experimental learning is completely ignored in studies of value-driven attention. How is it, then, that experimentally established reward associations even influence attention, seemingly overshadowing any prior learning about particular features and rewards? And how do the effects of this experimental learning persist over long periods of time, in spite of all the intervening experiences outside of the lab that might interfere with the learning? One potential answer to these questions is that value-driven attention is context specific, such that different contexts evoke different value priors that the attention system uses to assign priority. In the present study, I directly tested this hypothesis. The results show that the same stimulus feature either does or does not capture attention, depending on whether it has been rewarded specifically in the context within which it appears. The findings provide insight into how multiple reward structures can efficiently guide attention with minimal interference.

Anderson B. A . (2016a).

The attention habit: How reward learning shapes attentional selection

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1369(1), 24-39.

DOI:10.1111/nyas.12957      URL     PMID:26595376      [本文引用: 1]

There is growing consensus that reward plays an important role in the control of attention. Until recently, reward was thought to influence attention indirectly by modulating task-specific motivation and its effects on voluntary control over selection. Such an account was consistent with the goal-directed (endogenous) versus stimulus-driven (exogenous) framework that had long dominated the field of attention research. Now, a different perspective is emerging. Demonstrations that previously reward-associated stimuli can automatically capture attention even when physically inconspicuous and task-irrelevant challenge previously held assumptions about attentional control. The idea that attentional selection can be value driven, reflecting a distinct and previously unrecognized control mechanism, has gained traction. Since these early demonstrations, the influence of reward learning on attention has rapidly become an area of intense investigation, sparking many new insights. The result is an emerging picture of how the reward system of the brain automatically biases information processing. Here, I review the progress that has been made in this area, synthesizing a wealth of recent evidence to provide an integrated, up-to-date account of value-driven attention and some of its broader implications.

Anderson B. A . (2016b).

Social reward shapes attentional biases

Cognitive Neuroscience, 7(1-4), 30-36.

DOI:10.1080/17588928.2015.1047823      URL     PMID:25941868      [本文引用: 3]

Paying attention to stimuli that predict a reward outcome is important for an organism to survive and thrive. When visual stimuli are associated with tangible, extrinsic rewards such as money or food, these stimuli acquire high attentional priority and come to automatically capture attention. In humans and other primates, however, many behaviors are not motivated directly by such extrinsic rewards, but rather by the social feedback that results from performing those behaviors. In the present study, I examine whether positive social feedback can similarly influence attentional bias. The results show that stimuli previously associated with a high probability of positive social feedback elicit value-driven attentional capture, much like stimuli associated with extrinsic rewards. Unlike with extrinsic rewards, however, such stimuli also influence task-specific motivation. My findings offer a potential mechanism by which social reward shapes the information that we prioritize when perceiving the world around us.

Anderson B. A . (2017).

Counterintuitive effects of negative social feedback on attention

Cognition and Emotion, 31(3), 590-597.

DOI:10.1080/02699931.2015.1122576      URL     PMID:26744037      [本文引用: 3]

Which stimuli we pay attention to is strongly influenced by learning. Stimuli previously associated with reward outcomes, such as money and food, and stimuli previously associated with aversive outcomes, such as monetary loss and electric shock, automatically capture attention. Social reward (happy expressions) can bias attention towards associated stimuli, but the role of negative social feedback in biasing attentional selection remains unexplored. On the one hand, negative social feedback often serves to discourage particular behaviours. If attentional selection can be curbed much like any other behavioural preference, we might expect stimuli associated with negative social feedback to be more readily ignored. On the other hand, if negative social feedback influences attention in the same way that other aversive outcomes do, such feedback might ironically bias attention towards the stimuli it is intended to discourage selection of. In the present study, participants first completed a training phase in which colour targets were associated with negative social feedback. Then, in a subsequent test phase, these same colour stimuli served as task-irrelevant distractors during a visual search task. The results strongly support the latter interpretation in that stimuli previously associated with negative social feedback impaired search performance.

Anderson B. A., Laurent P. A., & Yantis S . (2011).

Value-driven attentional capture

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(25), 10367-10371.

DOI:10.1073/pnas.1104047108      URL     [本文引用: 10]

Attention selects which aspects of sensory input are brought to awareness. To promote survival and well-being, attention prioritizes stimuli both voluntarily, according to context-specific goals (e. g., searching for car keys), and involuntarily, through attentional capture driven by physical salience (e. g., looking toward a sudden noise). Valuable stimuli strongly modulate voluntary attention allocation, but there is little evidence that high-value but contextually irrelevant stimuli capture attention as a consequence of reward learning. Here we show that visual search for a salient target is slowed by the presence of an inconspicuous, task-irrelevant item that was previously associated with monetary reward during a brief training session. Thus, arbitrary and otherwise neutral stimuli imbued with value via associative learning capture attention powerfully and persistently during extinction, independently of goals and salience. Vulnerability to such value-driven attentional capture covaries across individuals with working memory capacity and trait impulsivity. This unique form of attentional capture may provide a useful model for investigating failures of cognitive control in clinical syndromes in which value assigned to stimuli conflicts with behavioral goals (e.g., addiction, obesity).

Anderson B. A., Laurent P. A., & Yantis S . (2012).

Generalization of value-based attentional priority

Visual Cognition, 20(6), 647-658.

DOI:10.1080/13506285.2012.679711      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Attention is the mechanism by which important or salient stimuli are selected for perceptual and cognitive processing. Which stimuli are attended has important implications for effective goal-directed behaviour, survival, and well-being. A growing body of evidence suggests that reward-predicting stimuli capture attention involuntarily. In previous studies, value-based attentional priority has been observed only when the formerly reward-related stimuli themselves were presented as targets or distractors. Here we show that stimulus-reward associations learned in one task generalize to different stimuli that share a defining feature (colour) in another task. Our results reveal a broad and flexible role for reward learning in modulating attentional priority.

Baumeister R. F., Bratslavsky E., Finkenauer C., & Vohs K. D . (2001).

Bad is stronger than good

Review of General Psychology, 5, 323-370.

DOI:10.1037/1089-2680.5.4.323      URL     [本文引用: 4]

Beston P. J., Barbet C., Heerey E. A., & Thierry G . (2018).

Social feedback interferes with implicit rule learning: Evidence from event-related brain potentials

Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 18(6), 1248-1258.

DOI:10.3758/s13415-018-0635-z      URL     PMID:30191470      [本文引用: 1]

The human brain can learn contingencies built into stimulus sequences unconsciously. The quality of such implicit learning has been connected to stimulus social relevance, but results so far are inconsistent. We engaged participants in an implicit-intentional learning task in which they learned to discriminate between legal and illegal card triads on the sole basis of feedback provided within a staircase procedure. Half of the participants received feedback from pictures of faces with a happy or sad expression (social group) and the other half based on traffic light icons (symbolic group). We hypothesised that feedback from faces would have a greater impact on learning than that from traffic lights. Although performance during learning did not differ between groups, the feedback error-related negativity (fERN) was delayed by ~20 ms for social relative to symbolic feedback, and the P3b modulation elicited by infrequent legal card triads within a stream of illegal ones during the test phase was significantly larger in the symbolic than the social feedback group. Furthermore, the P3b mean amplitude recorded at test negatively correlated with the latency of the fERN recorded during learning. These results counterintuitively suggest that, relative to symbolic feedback, socially salient feedback interferes with implicit learning.

Buon M., Jacob P., Loissel E., & Dupoux E . (2013).

A non- mentalistic cause-based heuristic in human social evaluations

Cognition, 126(2), 149-155.

DOI:10.1016/j.cognition.2012.09.006      URL     PMID:23177140      [本文引用: 1]

In situations where an agent unintentionally causes harm to a victim, the agent's (harmless) intention typically carries more weight than his/her (harmful) causal role. Therefore, healthy adults typically judge leniently agents responsible for an accident. Using animated cartoons, we show, however, that in the presence of a difficult concurrent task, this result is reversed: the agent's harmless intention is given less weight than her harmful causal role, inducing participants to judge harshly the accidental agent. This was found even though cognitive load did not selectively impair the detection of intentions over causal roles. Not only is this finding evidence that the social/moral evaluation system relies on two dissociable components, but it also demonstrates that these components are asymmetrical, the causal component being more intuitive than the intentional component, and the full integration of the two requiring central cognitive resources.

Camilleri J. A., Kuhlmeier V. A., & Chu J. Y. Y . (2010).

Remembering helpers and hinderers depends on behavioral intentions of the agent and psychopathic characteristics of the observer

Evolutionary Psychology, 8(2), 303-316.

URL     PMID:22947799      [本文引用: 2]

Individual differences in proneness towards granting benefits (i.e., helping) or imposing costs (i.e., hindering) may have led to processes that detect and remember people who are prone to help or hinder. We examined two factors that might influence such memory: the intentionality of the acts and individual differences in psychopathy characteristics. Participants viewed several videos of computer-animated agents that helped or hindered another agent, either intentionally or unintentionally. Afterward, participants had better memory for agents that acted intentionally. Additionally, participants with more psychopathic tendencies had enhanced memory for helpers, suggesting that certain individual characteristics might result in heightened memory for people who are prone to granting benefits.

Cohen J . (1988).

Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences (2nd ed.)

. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

[本文引用: 1]

Connor C. E., Egeth H. E., & Yantis S . (2004).

Visual attention: Bottom-up versus top-down

Current Biology, 14(19), 850-852.

[本文引用: 1]

Cushman F . (2008).

Crime and punishment: Distinguishing the roles of causal and intentional analyses in moral judgment

Cognition, 108(2), 353-380.

DOI:10.1016/j.cognition.2008.03.006      URL     PMID:18439575      [本文引用: 1]

Recent research in moral psychology has attempted to characterize patterns of moral judgments of actions in terms of the causal and intentional properties of those actions. The present study directly compares the roles of consequence, causation, belief and desire in determining moral judgments. Judgments of the wrongness or permissibility of action were found to rely principally on the mental states of an agent, while judgments of blame and punishment are found to rely jointly on mental states and the causal connection of an agent to a harmful consequence. Also, selectively for judgments of punishment and blame, people who attempt but fail to cause harm more are judged more leniently if the harm occurs by independent means than if the harm does not occur at all. An account of these phenomena is proposed that distinguishes two processes of moral judgment: one which begins with harmful consequences and seeks a causally responsible agent, and the other which begins with an action and analyzes the mental states responsible for that action.

Desimone R., & Duncan J . (1995).

Neural mechanisms of selective visual attention

Annual Review of Neuroscience, 18(1), 193-222.

DOI:10.1146/      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Ding X., Gao Z., & Shen M . (2017).

Two equals one: Two human actions during social interaction are grouped as one unit in working memory

Psychological Science, 28(9), 1311-1320.

DOI:10.1177/0956797617707318      URL     PMID:28719763      [本文引用: 2]

Every day, people perceive other people performing interactive actions. Retaining these actions of human agents in working memory (WM) plays a pivotal role in a normal social life. However, whether the semantic knowledge embedded in the interactive actions has a pervasive impact on the storage of the actions in WM remains unknown. In the current study, we investigated two opposing hypotheses: (a) that WM stores the interactions individually (the individual-storage hypothesis) and (b) that WM stores the interactions as chunks (the chunk-storage hypothesis). We required participants to memorize a set of individual actions while ignoring the underlying social interactions. We found that although the social-interaction aspect was task irrelevant, the interactive actions were stored in WM as chunks that were not affected by memory load (Experiments 1 and 2); however, inverting the human actions vertically abolished this chunking effect (Experiment 3). These results suggest that WM automatically and efficiently used semantic knowledge about interactive actions to store them and support the chunk-storage hypothesis.

Earley R. L . (2010).

Social eavesdropping and the evolution of conditional cooperation and cheating strategies

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 365(1553), 2675-2686.

DOI:10.1098/rstb.2010.0147      URL     PMID:20679111      [本文引用: 1]

The response of bystanders to information available in their social environment can have a potent influence on the evolution of cooperation and signalling systems. In the presence of bystanders, individuals might be able to increase their payoff by exaggerating signals beyond their means (cheating) or investing to help others despite considerable costs. In doing so, animals can accrue immediate benefits by manipulating (or helping) individuals with whom they are currently interacting and delayed benefits by convincing bystanders that they are more fit or cooperative than perhaps is warranted. In this paper, I provide some illustrative examples of how bystanders could apply added positive selection pressure on both cooperative behaviour and dishonest signalling during courtship or conflict. I also discuss how the presence of bystanders might select for greater flexibility in behavioural strategies (e.g. conditional or condition dependence), which could maintain dishonesty at evolutionarily stable frequencies under some ecological conditions. By recognizing bystanders as a significant selection pressure, we might gain a more realistic approximation of what drives signalling and/or interaction dynamics in social animals.

Egeth H. E., & Yantis S . (1997).

Visual attention: Control, representation, and time course

Annual Review of Psychology, 48, 269-297.

DOI:10.1146/annurev.psych.48.1.269      URL     PMID:9046562      [本文引用: 1]

Three central problems in the recent literature on visual attention are reviewed. The first concerns the control of attention by top-down (or goal-directed) and bottom-up (or stimulus-driven) processes. The second concerns the representational basis for visual selection, including how much attention can be said to be location- or object-based. Finally, we consider the time course of attention as it is directed to one stimulus after another.

Fehr E., & Fischbacher U . (2004).

Third-party punishment and social norms

Evolution and Human Behavior, 25(2), 63-87.

DOI:10.1016/S1090-5138(04)00005-4      URL     [本文引用: 1]

We examine the characteristics and relative strength of third-party sanctions in a series of experiments. We hypothesize that egalitarian distribution norms and cooperation norms apply in our experiments, and that third parties, whose economic payoff is unaffected by the norm violation, may be willing to enforce these norms although the enforcement is costly for them. Almost two-thirds of the third parties indeed punished the violation of the distribution norm and their punishment increased the more the norm was violated. Likewise, up to roughly 60% of the third parties punished violations of the cooperation norm. Thus, our results show that the notion of strong reciprocity extends to the sanctioning behavior of &ldquo;unaffected&rdquo; third parties. In addition, these experiments suggest that third-party punishment games are powerful tools for studying the characteristics and the content of social norms. Further experiments indicate that second parties, whose economic payoff is reduced by the norm violation, punish the violation much more strongly than do third parties.

Folk C. L., Remington R. W., & Johnston J. C . (1992).

Involuntary covert orienting is contingent on attentional control settings

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 18(4), 1030-1044.

URL     PMID:1431742      [本文引用: 1]

Four experiments tested a new hypothesis that involuntary attention shifts are contingent on the relationship between the properties of the eliciting event and the properties required for task performance. In a variant of the spatial cuing paradigm, the relation between cue property and the property useful in locating the target was systematically manipulated. In Experiment 1, invalid abrupt-onset precues produced costs for targets characterized by an abrupt onset but not for targets characterized by a discontinuity in color. In Experiment 2, invalid color precues produced greater costs for color targets than for abrupt-onset targets. Experiment 3 provided converging evidence for this pattern. Experiment 4 investigated the boundary conditions and time course for attention shifts elicited by color discontinuities. The results of these experiments suggest that attention capture is contingent on attentional control settings induced by task demands.

Frith C. D., & Frith U . (2012).

Mechanisms of social cognition

Annual Review of Psychology, 63(1), 287-313.

DOI:10.1146/annurev-psych-120710-100449      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Guglielmo S., Monroe A. E., & Malle B. F . (2009).

At the heart of morality lies folk psychology

Inquiry, 52(5), 449-466.

DOI:10.1093/scan/nsw077      URL     PMID:27317926      [本文引用: 1]

To not harm others is widely considered the most basic element of human morality. The aversion to harm others can be either rooted in the outcomes of an action (utilitarianism) or reactions to the action itself (deontology). We speculated that the human moral judgments rely on the integration of neural computations of harm and visceral reactions. The present research examined whether utilitarian or deontological aspects of moral judgment are associated with cardiac vagal tone, a physiological proxy for neuro-visceral integration. We investigated the relationship between cardiac vagal tone and moral judgment by using a mix of moral dilemmas, mathematical modeling and psychophysiological measures. An index of bipolar deontology-utilitarianism was correlated with resting heart rate variability (HRV)-an index of cardiac vagal tone-such that more utilitarian judgments were associated with lower HRV. Follow-up analyses using process dissociation, which independently quantifies utilitarian and deontological moral inclinations, provided further evidence that utilitarian (but not deontological) judgments were associated with lower HRV. Our results suggest that the functional integration of neural and visceral systems during moral judgments can restrict outcome-based, utilitarian moral preferences. Implications for theories of moral judgment are discussed.

Hamlin J. K . (2015).

The case for social evaluation in preverbal infants: gazing toward one's goal drives infants' preferences for helpers over hinderers in the hill paradigm

Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 563

DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00563      URL     PMID:24971067      [本文引用: 1]

Previous studies have shown that even elementary school-aged children (7 and 11 years old) experience visually induced perception of illusory self-motion (vection) (Lepecq et al., 1995, Perception, 24, 435-449) and that children of a similar age (mean age = 9.2 years) experience more rapid and stronger vection than do adults (Shirai et al., 2012, Perception, 41, 1399-1402). These findings imply that although elementary school-aged children experience vection, this ability is subject to further development. To examine the subsequent development of vection, we compared junior high school students' (N = 11, mean age = 14.4 years) and adults' (N = 10, mean age = 22.2 years) experiences of vection. Junior high school students reported significantly stronger vection than did adults, suggesting that the perceptual experience of junior high school students differs from that of adults with regard to vection and that this ability undergoes gradual changes over a relatively long period of development.

Hamlin J. K., Wynn K., & Bloom P . (2007).

Social evaluation by preverbal infants

Nature, 450(7169), 557-559.

DOI:10.1038/nature06288      URL     PMID:18033298      [本文引用: 3]

The capacity to evaluate other people is essential for navigating the social world. Humans must be able to assess the actions and intentions of the people around them, and make accurate decisions about who is friend and who is foe, who is an appropriate social partner and who is not. Indeed, all social animals benefit from the capacity to identify individual conspecifics that may help them, and to distinguish these individuals from others that may harm them. Human adults evaluate people rapidly and automatically on the basis of both behaviour and physical features, but the ontogenetic origins and development of this capacity are not well understood. Here we show that 6- and 10-month-old infants take into account an individual's actions towards others in evaluating that individual as appealing or aversive: infants prefer an individual who helps another to one who hinders another, prefer a helping individual to a neutral individual, and prefer a neutral individual to a hindering individual. These findings constitute evidence that preverbal infants assess individuals on the basis of their behaviour towards others. This capacity may serve as the foundation for moral thought and action, and its early developmental emergence supports the view that social evaluation is a biological adaptation.

Lavie N . (2005).

Distracted and confused? Selective attention under load

Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 9(2), 75-82.

DOI:10.1016/j.tics.2004.12.004      URL     PMID:15668100      [本文引用: 1]

The ability to remain focused on goal-relevant stimuli in the presence of potentially interfering distractors is crucial for any coherent cognitive function. However, simply instructing people to ignore goal-irrelevant stimuli is not sufficient for preventing their processing. Recent research reveals that distractor processing depends critically on the level and type of load involved in the processing of goal-relevant information. Whereas high perceptual load can eliminate distractor processing, high load on &amp;quot;frontal&amp;quot; cognitive control processes increases distractor processing. These findings provide a resolution to the long-standing early and late selection debate within a load theory of attention that accommodates behavioural and neuroimaging data within a framework that integrates attention research with executive function.

Leber A. B . (2010).

Neural predictors of within-subject fluctuations in attentional control

Journal of Neuroscience, 30(34), 11458-11465.

DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0809-10.2010      URL     PMID:20739567      [本文引用: 1]

Whether salient objects automatically capture attention has long been the subject of considerable controversy. A possible resolution, investigated in this functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study, is that observers vacillate between periods when attention capture is robust and when it is minimal. Human observers searched static displays for a target circle among nontarget squares; an irrelevant color singleton distractor appeared on 50% of trials. Behavioral results showed a distraction effect in which response times to distractor-present trials were slower than for distractor-absent trials. fMRI results confirmed that this distraction effect not only fluctuated within experimental sessions, but the momentary degree of distraction could be predicted in advance by pretrial activity in middle frontal gyrus. A second experiment ruled out an alternative account by which participants achieved resistance to capture by trading off search efficiency. Together, these data reveal that observers frequently exert the capacity to resist attentional distraction, although they do not to sustain this capacity for long periods of time.

Liu Y., Li L., Zheng L., & Guo X . (2017).

Punish the perpetrator or compensate the victim? Gain vs. Loss context modulate third-party altruistic behaviors

Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 75-84.

DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00075      URL     PMID:28194127      [本文引用: 2]

perturbing&quot; or &quot;functional&quot; depending on its impact on performance (boat velocity); the rowers experienced it as sometimes meaningful and sometimes meaningless; and their experiences were similar or diverging. By combining phenomenological and behavioral data, we explain how constraints not manipulated by an experimenter but emerging from the ecological context of a race can be associated with functional adaptations or perturbations of the interpersonal coordination.]]>

Kobayashi K., & Hsu M . (2019).

Common neural code for reward and information value

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116(26), 13061-13066.

DOI:10.1073/pnas.1820145116      URL     PMID:31186358      [本文引用: 1]

Adaptive information seeking is critical for goal-directed behavior. Growing evidence suggests the importance of intrinsic motives such as curiosity or need for novelty, mediated through dopaminergic valuation systems, in driving information-seeking behavior. However, valuing information for its own sake can be highly suboptimal when agents need to evaluate instrumental benefit of information in a forward-looking manner. Here we show that information-seeking behavior in humans is driven by subjective value that is shaped by both instrumental and noninstrumental motives, and that this subjective value of information (SVOI) shares a common neural code with more basic reward value. Specifically, using a task where subjects could purchase information to reduce uncertainty about outcomes of a monetary lottery, we found information purchase decisions could be captured by a computational model of SVOI incorporating utility of anticipation, a form of noninstrumental motive for information seeking, in addition to instrumental benefits. Neurally, trial-by-trial variation in SVOI was correlated with activity in striatum and ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Furthermore, cross-categorical decoding revealed that, within these regions, SVOI and expected utility of lotteries were represented using a common code. These findings provide support for the common currency hypothesis and shed insight on neurocognitive mechanisms underlying information-seeking behavior.

Kurzban R., DeScioli P., & O'Brien E . (2007).

Audience effects on moralistic punishment

Evolution and Human Behavior, 28(2), 75-84.

DOI:10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2006.06.001      URL     [本文引用: 1]

AbstractPunishment has been proposed as being central to two distinctively human phenomena: cooperation in groups and morality. Here we investigate moralistic punishment, a behavior designed to inflict costs on another individual in response to a perceived moral violation. There is currently no consensus on which evolutionary model best accounts for this phenomenon in humans. Models that turn on individuals' cultivating reputations as moralistic punishers clearly predict that psychological systems should be designed to increase punishment in response to information that one's decisions to punish will be known by others. We report two experiments in which we induce participants to commit moral violations and then present third parties with the opportunity to pay to punish wrongdoers. Varying conditions of anonymity, we find that the presence of an audience—even if only the experimenter—causes an increase in moralistic punishment.]]>

Milinski M . (2016).

Reputation, a universal currency for human social interactions

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 371(1687).

DOI:10.1098/rstb.2015.0100      URL     PMID:26729939      [本文引用: 6]

Decision rules of reciprocity include 'I help those who helped me' (direct reciprocity) and 'I help those who have helped others' (indirect reciprocity), i.e. I help those who have a reputation to care for others. A person's reputation is a score that members of a social group update whenever they see the person interacting or hear at best multiple gossip about the person's social interactions. Reputation is the current standing the person has gained from previous investments or refusal of investments in helping others. Is he a good guy, can I trust him or should I better avoid him as a social partner? A good reputation pays off by attracting help from others, even from strangers or members from another group, if the recipient's reputation is known. Any costly investment in others, i.e. direct help, donations to charity, investment in averting climate change, etc. increases a person's reputation. I shall argue and illustrate with examples that a person's known reputation functions like money that can be used whenever the person needs help. Whenever possible I will present tests of predictions of evolutionary theory, i.e. fitness maximizing strategies, mostly by economic experiments with humans.

Milinski M., Semmann D., Bakker T. C. M., & Krambeck H. J . (2001).

Cooperation through indirect reciprocity: Image scoring or standing strategy?

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 268(1484), 2495-2501.

DOI:10.1098/rspb.2001.1809      URL     PMID:11747570      [本文引用: 3]

Theorists have only recently shown that cooperation through indirect reciprocity can evolve. The first modelling approach favoured a mechanism called image scoring. Helping someone increases one's image score, whereas refusing to help reduces it. The evolutionary outcome was a discriminator image scoring strategy that helps everybody who has, for example, a positive image score. Two experimental studies with humans found results that were compatible with discriminator image scoring. However, a new analysis of other theorists, based on another population structure, has cast doubts on the evolutionary stability of strategies using the recipient's score as a sole basis for decision. The new theoretical study confirmed that a strategy aiming at &amp;quot;good standing&amp;quot; has superior properties and easily beats image scoring. An individual loses good standing by failing to help a recipient in good standing, whereas failing to help recipients who lack good standing does not damage the standing of a potential donor (but would reduce his image score). The present empirical study with 23 groups of seven human subjects each was designed for distinguishing between the two proposed mechanisms experimentally. The results differed strongly from standing strategies, which might demand too much working memory capacity, but were compatible with image scoring or a similar strategy to a large extent. Furthermore, donors of constant &amp;quot;NO players&amp;quot; compensated for their refusing to help these players by being more generous to others.

Mineka S., & Ohman A . (2002).

Phobias and preparedness: The selective, automatic, and encapsulated nature of fear

Biological Psychiatry, 52(10), 927-937.

DOI:10.1016/s0006-3223(02)01669-4      URL     PMID:12437934      [本文引用: 1]

We describe evidence for an evolved module for fear elicitation and fear learning with four primary characteristics. First, it is preferentially activated by stimuli related to survival threats in evolutionary history. Thus, fear-relevant stimuli lead to superior conditioning of aversive associations compared with fear-irrelevant stimuli. Second, the module is automatically activated by fear-relevant stimuli, meaning that fear activation occurs before conscious cognitive analysis of the stimulus can occur. Third, the fear module is relatively impenetrable to conscious cognitive control, and fear conditioning with fear-relevant stimuli can occur even with subliminal conditioned stimuli. Fourth, the amygdala seems to be the central brain area dedicated to the fear module. Finally, we propose that there are two levels of fear conditioning, with an emotional level that is relatively independent of the cognitive contingency level, each mediated by different brain areas.

Olsson A., Nearing K. I., & Phelps E. A . (2007).

Learning fears by observing others: the neural systems of social fear transmission

Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2(1), 3-11.

DOI:10.1093/scan/nsm005      URL     PMID:18985115      [本文引用: 1]

Classical fear conditioning has been used as a model paradigm to explain fear learning across species. In this paradigm, the amygdala is known to play a critical role. However, classical fear conditioning requires first-hand experience with an aversive event, which may not be how most fears are acquired in humans. It remains to be determined whether the conditioning model can be extended to indirect forms of learning more common in humans. Here we show that fear acquired indirectly through social observation, with no personal experience of the aversive event, engages similar neural mechanisms as fear conditioning. The amygdala was recruited both when subjects observed someone else being submitted to an aversive event, knowing that the same treatment awaited themselves, and when subjects were subsequently placed in an analogous situation. These findings confirm the central role of the amygdala in the acquisition and expression of observational fear learning, and validate the extension of cross-species models of fear conditioning to learning in a human sociocultural context. Our findings also provides new insights into the relationship between learning from, and empathizing with, fearful others. This study suggests that indirectly attained fears may be as powerful as fears originating from direct experiences.

Posner M. I . (1980).

Orienting of attention

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 32(1), 3-25.Premack, D., & Premack, A. J. (1997). Infants attribute value± to the goal-directed actions of self-propelled objects. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 9(6), 848-856.

DOI:10.1080/00335558008248231      URL     PMID:7367577      [本文引用: 2]

Rendell L., Boyd R., Cownden D., Enquist M., Eriksson K., Feldman M. W., … Laland K. N . (2010).

Why copy others? Insights from the social learning strategies tournament

Science, 328(5975), 208-213.

DOI:10.1126/science.1184719      URL     PMID:20378813      [本文引用: 1]

Social learning (learning through observation or interaction with other individuals) is widespread in nature and is central to the remarkable success of humanity, yet it remains unclear why copying is profitable and how to copy most effectively. To address these questions, we organized a computer tournament in which entrants submitted strategies specifying how to use social learning and its asocial alternative (for example, trial-and-error learning) to acquire adaptive behavior in a complex environment. Most current theory predicts the emergence of mixed strategies that rely on some combination of the two types of learning. In the tournament, however, strategies that relied heavily on social learning were found to be remarkably successful, even when asocial information was no more costly than social information. Social learning proved advantageous because individuals frequently demonstrated the highest-payoff behavior in their repertoire, inadvertently filtering information for copiers. The winning strategy (discountmachine) relied nearly exclusively on social learning and weighted information according to the time since acquisition.

Reynolds J. H., Chelazzi L., & Desimone R . (1999).

Competitive mechanisms subserve attention in macaque areas V2 and V4

Journal of Neuroscience, 19(5), 1736-1753.

URL     PMID:10024360      [本文引用: 1]

It is well established that attention modulates visual processing in extrastriate cortex. However, the underlying neural mechanisms are unknown. A consistent observation is that attention has its greatest impact on neuronal responses when multiple stimuli appear together within a cell's receptive field. One way to explain this is to assume that multiple stimuli activate competing populations of neurons and that attention biases this competition in favor of the attended stimulus. In the absence of competing stimuli, there is no competition to be resolved. Accordingly, attention has a more limited effect on the neuronal response to a single stimulus. To test this interpretation, we measured the responses of neurons in macaque areas V2 and V4 using a behavioral paradigm that allowed us to isolate automatic sensory processing mechanisms from attentional effects. First, we measured each cell's response to a single stimulus presented alone inside the receptive field or paired with a second receptive field stimulus, while the monkey attended to a location outside the receptive field. Adding the second stimulus typically caused the neuron's response to move toward the response that was elicited by the second stimulus alone. Then, we directed the monkey's attention to one element of the pair. This drove the neuron's response toward the response elicited when the attended stimulus appeared alone. These findings are consistent with the idea that attention biases competitive interactions among neurons, causing them to respond primarily to the attended stimulus. A quantitative neural model of attention is proposed to account for these results.

Rozin P., & Royzman E. B . (2001).

Negativity bias, negativity dominance, and contagion

Personality and Social Psychology Review, 5(4), 296-320.

DOI:10.1207/S15327957PSPR0504_2      URL     [本文引用: 5]

Sali A. W., Anderson B. A., & Yantis S . (2014).

The role of reward prediction in the control of attention

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 40(4), 1654-1664.

DOI:10.1037/a0037267      URL     PMID:24955700      [本文引用: 3]

Previously rewarded stimuli involuntarily capture attention. The learning mechanisms underlying this value-driven attentional capture remain less understood. We tested whether theories of prediction-based associative reward learning explain the conditions under which reward feedback leads to value-based modulations of attentional priority. Across 4 experiments, we manipulated whether stimulus features served as unique predictors of reward outcomes. Participants received monetary rewards for correctly identifying a color-defined target in an initial search task (training phase) and then immediately completed a second, unrewarded visual search task in which color was irrelevant (test phase). In Experiments 1-3, monetary reward followed correct target selection during training, but critically, no target-defining features carried uniquely predictive information about reward outcomes. Under these conditions, we found no evidence of attentional capture by the previous target colors in the subsequent test phase. Conversely, when target colors in the training phase of Experiment 4 carried uniquely predictive information about reward magnitude, we observed significant attentional capture by the previously rewarded color. Our findings show that value-based attentional priority only develops for stimulus features that carry uniquely predictive information about reward, ruling out a purely motivational account and suggesting that mechanisms of reward prediction play an important role in shaping attentional priorities.

Semmann D., Krambeck H. J., & Milinski M . (2005).

Reputation is valuable within and outside one’s own social group

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 57(6), 611-616.

DOI:10.1007/s00265-004-0885-3      URL     [本文引用: 2]

To find conditions under which humans cooperate within groups of unrelated individuals has been of major interest in the behavioral sciences. The experimental paradigm for studying potential cooperation in social dilemmas is the public goods game. Here humans regularly fail to sustain a public resource cooperatively. However, the need to maintain good reputation for other social interactions, such as indirect reciprocity, has been identified as an effective mechanism to sustain cooperation in public goods situations. As a side effect of building a good reputation through cooperative actions, an individual provides direct benefits to members of his/her own social group. These benefits could be an incentive to reward a good reputation of group members. Here we show experimentally that building a good reputation through cooperative behavior in a public goods situation is rewarded in future social interactions, not only within ones own social group but also, at a similar level, in other social groups: humans regard cooperative behavior of others as an honest signal irrespective of past direct personal benefits. Reputation gained within as well as outside ones own social group can be a driving force for selfish individuals to cooperate in public goods situations, and thereby sustain any public resource.]]>

Theeuwes J . (1994).

Stimulus-driven capture and attentional set: Selective search for color and visual abrupt onsets

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 20(4), 799-806.

DOI:10.1037//0096-1523.20.4.799      URL     PMID:8083635      [本文引用: 1]

Recent evidence suggests that attentional capture is contingent on the attentional control setting induced by the task demands (C. L. Folk, R. Remington, &amp;amp; J. C. Johnston, 1992). Because the experiments on which these conclusions are based can be criticized for several reasons, the contingent capture hypothesis was tested using 2 visual search tasks in which subjects searched multielement displays in which a color singleton and onset singleton were simultaneously present. Both experiments show that the contingent capture hypothesis does not hold: Irrespective of attentional set, attention was captured by the most salient singleton. The findings suggest a stimulus-driven model of performance in which selection is basically determined by the properties of the featural singletons present in the visual field.

Theeuwes J . (2010).

Top-down and bottom-up control of visual selection

Acta Psychologica, 135(2), 77-99.

DOI:10.1016/j.actpsy.2010.02.006      URL     PMID:20507828      [本文引用: 1]

The present paper argues for the notion that when attention is spread across the visual field in the first sweep of information through the brain visual selection is completely stimulus-driven. Only later in time, through recurrent feedback processing, volitional control based on expectancy and goal set will bias visual selection in a top-down manner. Here we review behavioral evidence as well as evidence from ERP, fMRI, TMS and single cell recording consistent with stimulus-driven selection. Alternative viewpoints that assume a large role for top-down processing are discussed. It is argued that in most cases evidence supporting top-down control on visual selection in fact demonstrates top-down control on processes occurring later in time, following initial selection. We conclude that top-down knowledge regarding non-spatial features of the objects cannot alter the initial selection priority. Only by adjusting the size of the attentional window, the initial sweep of information through the brain may be altered in a top-down way.

Wedekind C., & Milinski M . (2000).

Cooperation through image scoring in humans

Science, 288(5467), 850-852.

DOI:10.1126/science.288.5467.850      URL     PMID:10797005      [本文引用: 2]

The &amp;quot;tragedy of the commons,&amp;quot; that is, the selfish exploitation of resources in the public domain, is a reason for many of our everyday social conflicts. However, humans are often more helpful to others than evolutionary theory would predict, unless indirect reciprocity takes place and is based on image scoring (which reflects the way an individual is viewed by a group), as recently shown by game theorists. We tested this idea under conditions that control for confounding factors. Donations were more frequent to receivers who had been generous to others in earlier interactions. This shows that image scoring promotes cooperative behavior in situations where direct reciprocity is unlikely.

Wentura D., Muller P., & Rothermund K . (2014).

Attentional capture by evaluative stimuli: Gain- and loss-connoting colors boost the additional-singleton effect

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 21(3), 701-707.

DOI:10.3758/s13423-013-0531-z      URL     PMID:24488806      [本文引用: 2]

In a valence induction task, one color acquired positive valence by indicating the chance to win money (in the case of fast and correct responses), and a different color acquired negative valence by indicating the danger to lose money (in the case of slow or incorrect responses). In the additional-singleton trials of a visual search task, the task-irrelevant singleton color was either the positive one, the negative one, or one of two neutral colors. We found an additional-singleton effect (i.e., longer RTs with a singleton color than in the no-singleton control condition). This effect was significantly increased for the two valent colors (with no differences between them) relative to the two neutral colors (with no differences between them, either). This result favors the hypothesis that the general relevance of stimuli elicits attentional capture, rather than the negativity bias hypothesis.

Yantis S., & Jonides J . (1984).

Abrupt visual onsets and selective attention: Evidence from visual search

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 10(5), 601-621.

DOI:10.1037//0096-1523.10.5.601      URL     PMID:6238122      [本文引用: 1]

The effect of temporal discontinuity on visual search was assessed by presenting a display in which one item had an abrupt onset, while other items were introduced by gradually removing line segments that camouflaged them. We hypothesized that an abrupt onset in a visual display would capture visual attention, giving this item a processing advantage over items lacking an abrupt leading edge. This prediction was confirmed in Experiment 1. We designed a second experiment to ensure that this finding was due to attentional factors rather than to sensory or perceptual ones. Experiment 3 replicated Experiment 1 and demonstrated that the procedure used to avoid abrupt onset--camouflage removal--did not require a gradual waveform. Implications of these findings for theories of attention are discussed.

Yin J., Xu H., Duan J., & Shen M . (2018).

Object-based attention on social units: Visual selection of hands performing a social interaction

Psychological Science, 29(7), 1040-1048.

DOI:10.1177/0956797617749636      URL     PMID:29741989      [本文引用: 2]

Traditionally, objects of attention are characterized either as full-fledged entities or either as elements grouped by Gestalt principles. Because humans appear to use social groups as units to explain social activities, we proposed that a socially defined group, according to social interaction information, would also be a possible object of attentional selection. This hypothesis was examined using displays with and without handshaking interactions. Results demonstrated that object-based attention, which was measured by an object-specific attentional advantage (i.e., shorter response times to targets on a single object), was extended to two hands performing a handshake but not to hands that did not perform meaningful social interactions, even when they did perform handshake-like actions. This finding cannot be attributed to the familiarity of the frequent co-occurrence of two handshaking hands. Hence, object-based attention can select a grouped object whose parts are connected within a meaningful social interaction. This finding implies that object-based attention is constrained by top-down information.

Young L., Cushman F., Hauser M., & Saxe R . (2007).

The neural basis of the interaction between theory of mind and moral judgment

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104(20), 8235-8240.

DOI:10.1073/pnas.0701408104      URL     PMID:17485679      [本文引用: 1]

Is the basis of criminality an act that causes harm, or an act undertaken with the belief that one will cause harm? The present study takes a cognitive neuroscience approach to investigating how information about an agent's beliefs and an action's consequences contribute to moral judgment. We build on prior developmental evidence showing that these factors contribute differentially to the young child's moral judgments coupled with neurobiological evidence suggesting a role for the right temporoparietal junction (RTPJ) in belief attribution. Participants read vignettes in a 2 x 2 design: protagonists produced either a negative or neutral outcome based on the belief that they were causing the negative outcome (&amp;quot;negative&amp;quot; belief) or the neutral outcome (&amp;quot;neutral&amp;quot; belief). The RTPJ showed significant activation above baseline for all four conditions but was modulated by an interaction between belief and outcome. Specifically, the RTPJ response was highest for cases of attempted harm, where protagonists were condemned for actions that they believed would cause harm to others, even though the harm did not occur. The results not only suggest a general role for belief attribution during moral judgment, but also add detail to our understanding of the interaction between these processes at both the neural and behavioral levels.


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