ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报, 2019, 51(1): 85-95 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00085



郝叶芳1, 王争艳1, 董书阳1,2, 刘斯漫1, 武萌1,3, 卢珊1,*

1 首都师范大学心理学院, 首都师范大学儿童发展研究中心, 北京市“学习与认知”重点实验室, 北京 100048

2 乌特勒支大学社会与行为科学学院, 荷兰 乌特勒支 3584CS

3 新乡医学院心理学院, 河南 新乡 453003

The predictive effects of maternal life event stress in early childhood on 5-year-old child behavioral problems: A chained mediation model

HAO Yefang1, WANG Zhengyan1, DONG Shuyang1,2, LIU Siman1, WU Meng1,3, LU Shan1,*

1 Department of Psychology, Center for Child Development, Learning and Cognitive Key Laboratory, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China

2 Faculty of Social and Behavioural Science, Utrecht University, Utrecht 3584CS, The Netherlands

3 Department of Psychology, Xinxiang Medical University, Xinxiang 453003, China

通讯作者: 卢珊, E-mail:

收稿日期: 2017-07-30   网络出版日期: 2019-01-25

基金资助: * 国家自然科学基金.  31470994
北京市社会科学基金项目资助.  15JYB016

Received: 2017-07-30   Online: 2019-01-25


通过对107名幼儿及其母亲历时5年的5次追踪测量, 考察了儿童早期(9~38个月)母亲生活压力对5岁时儿童行为问题的预测效应及其作用机制。结果发现, 在儿童早期, 母亲生活压力具有相对的稳定性, 但引起母亲生活压力的主要生活事件排序有所变化; 儿童早期母亲生活压力对儿童行为问题的作用机制有两种方式:一方面表现为母亲生活压力对儿童5岁时的情绪症状和品行问题的直接效应; 另一方面表现为通过减少母亲积极养育行为进一步影响儿童情绪症状和同伴问题的间接效应; 此外, 儿童早期母亲生活压力还通过积极养育和儿童努力控制的链式中介作用对儿童过度活跃和亲社会行为产生影响。结论:母亲生活压力对儿童行为问题具有预测效应, 这种效应的机制包括母亲生活压力的直接效应以及通过积极养育、努力控制的间接效应。

关键词: 母亲生活压力 ; 行为问题 ; 积极养育 ; 努力控制 ; 学前儿童


As the primary caregiver, mothers have the most frequent interactions with children and display the most significant influence on children’s development. If mothers experience intense life event stress, they may create a stressful environment for their children’s early development. Living in such a developmental environment raises children’s risk of behavior problems in later childhood. Regarding the predictive effects of maternal stress on child outcomes, two compensatory models are differentiated in previous research: one is the direct effect model, which emphasizes on the direct impact of parenting stress on children’s maladjustment; and the other one is the indirect effect model, which focuses on the mediating roles of parenting practices and child self-regulation in the associations between parenting stress and child behavioral problems. However, in contemporary Chinese society, urban mothers face different sources of stress in their daily life. Maternal life event stress represents a more comprehensive and ecologically-validated assessment of maternal stress in the modern China, than maternal parenting stress assessed solely. But it is still unclear that whether those models about parenting stress are applicable to maternal life event stress. Based on Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological theory, we focused on the direct and indirect effects of maternal life event stress throughout infancy and toddlerhood on child behavioral problems at preschool in this longitudinal study. Three research questions were examined: 1) Which life events are the main stressors for urban mothers during their children’s infancy and toddlerhood periods; 2) Does maternal life event stress in these periods exert a long-term direct effect on preschoolers’ behavioral problems; 3) Does maternal life event stress also impact preschoolers’ behavioral problems through parenting practices and children’s self-regulation?
107 families (50 boys and 57 girls) were recruited from the local communities and child care clinics in urban areas of Beijing. During this five-year longitudinal study, questionnaires were distributed to the mothers at five waves of assessments. At 9, 14, 25, and 38 months, data on maternal life event stress were collected through maternal reports on the Life Event Scale. When children were 61 months, mothers rated children’s behavioral problems and prosocial behaviors by the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and child effortful control by the Children’s Behavior Questionnaire-Short Form, and reported their positive parenting practices on the Alabama Parenting Questionnaire.
The results showed that the most frequent negative life events included housing shortage, stress from work and studying, family members being seriously ill or injured, problems with spouse's parents, difficulty with caring for the child, and low quality in marital relationship. Although the correlation coefficients between the maternal life event stress at the adjacent time points were moderate, the top ranked stressor varied slightly when children were at the different ages. At 9 months, housing shortage ranked the highest, whereas at 3 years old, difficulty with caring for the child ranked the highest, and the stress from low quality in marital relationship rose up. Furthermore, structural equation models showed that maternal life event stress across 9 to 38 months impacted children’s behavioral problems at 61 months in two ways. First, there were direct effects of maternal life event stress on preschoolers’ emotional symptoms and conduct problems. Second, the indirect effects included that the indirect effect of maternal life event stress on preschoolers’ emotional symptoms and peer problems through maternal positive parenting practices, and the chained mediating effect through maternal positive parenting practices and then child effortful control between maternal life event stress and preschoolers’ hyperactivity problems and prosocial behaviors.
This study indicated two underlying mechanisms of maternal life event stress throughout early development on preschoolers’ behavior problems, including the direct influence and indirect influence through positive parenting practices and child effortful control. These findings suggested that children’s development was impeded in an early developmental environment where mothers were suffering from the stresses of intense negative life events, particularly for children’s emotional regulation and behavioral conduct. Besides, the alternative indirect mechanism has also been found that positive parenting practices and child effortful control were disrupted by maternal life event stress, which, in turn, increased children’s risks of attentional deficit symptoms and antisocial behaviors. The current study, thus, provided the empirical support for the non-negligible harm to children’s adjustment from maternal life event stress in early childhood. Overall, maternal life event stress might increase the risk of behavior problems. This alerts us that it is necessary to identify the high-risk families in the community samples and conduct effective intervention as early as possible.

Keywords: maternal life event stress ; behavior problem ; positive parenting ; effortful control ; preschooler

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郝叶芳, 王争艳, 董书阳, 刘斯漫, 武萌, 卢珊. 儿童早期的母亲生活压力对其5岁行为问题的预测效应:链式中介分析. 心理学报[J], 2019, 51(1): 85-95 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00085

HAO Yefang, WANG Zhengyan, DONG Shuyang, LIU Siman, WU Meng, LU Shan. The predictive effects of maternal life event stress in early childhood on 5-year-old child behavioral problems: A chained mediation model. Acta Psychologica Sinica[J], 2019, 51(1): 85-95 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00085

1 问题提出

有关人类早期发育的新研究显示, 虽然胚胎/胎儿携带的基因序列可以勾勒出个体发展的框架, 但在0~3岁关键的早期发展阶段, 环境会修饰和改变在这些框架内的具体发展过程。人类大脑应答并适应各种早期经历, 从而支持语言、认知、情绪、社会性能力的获得与发展(Carrano, 2013)。随着《柳叶刀》杂志的“发展中国家儿童早期发展(Early Child Development in Developing Countries)”系列专刊(Series 1, 2007; Series 2, 2011)及最新《促进儿童早期发展:从科学力量到推广普及》(Advancing Early Childhood Development: From Science to Scale, Series 3, 2016)的发布, 来自神经科学、心理学、儿科学及经济学等学科的学者们都在传递这样一个理念:良好的生命开端是确保未来可持续发展的基础(Black et al., 2016; Britto et al., 2017)。

相反, 低质量的早期养育环境对儿童的发展有着消极的作用。过去一些学者重点探讨了家庭贫困(“硬环境”)对儿童发展的影响。他们认为家庭经济贫困通过两条途径影响儿童的成长(Evans & Kim, 2013):第一条是影响养育者的投入, 即贫困的家庭不能为儿童提供拥有丰富认知刺激的环境, 例如阅读互动的频率较低、缺少适宜年龄的玩具和教育性的电子材料; 第二条是影响养育者的回应质量, 即低收入家庭伴随着更多的争吵, 其养育者采用更严厉的教养方式(例如体罚), 而不是积极的回应性互动。但在21世纪的中国, 随着改革开放的落实、脱贫政策的实施, 家庭收入增长较快、物质供给逐渐丰足, 同时激烈的社会竞争也骤然增长并由此带来了巨大的生活压力。此时生活压力有可能成为不同于经济贫困的影响儿童成长的“软环境”。Evans和Kim (2013)认为相对于儿童, 养育者更容易受到生活环境中压力性事件的影响。母亲是婴幼儿的主要养育者, 如果母亲体验着高强度的生活压力, 可能会给儿童塑造一种压力性成长环境, 进而通过多种途径影响婴幼儿的认知、情绪和社会性等方面的发展, 导致儿童后期行为问题的发生(Lake & Chan, 2014)。

母亲生活压力(maternal life event stress)是指母亲在日常生活中所经历和体验的压力性事件, 例如夫妻感情不和、经济拮据、亲人重病、工作学习压力大、孩子难以照管等。养育者通常面临着两种压力体验:一是来自生活和工作环境中各种负性事件的压力, 二是与承担养育职责、抚养下一代直接相关的压力, 即养育压力(刘亚鹏, 邓慧华, 张光珍, 梁宗保, 陆祖宏, 2015)。本研究中的母亲生活压力正是这两种压力体验的总和。虽然有研究者认为养育压力与儿童行为问题有着更紧密的联系(刘亚鹏 等, 2015), 但也有研究者认为婚姻冲突或其他负性生活事件也会导致母亲养育压力的增加, 并进一步影响儿童的行为问题(Anthony et al., 2005)。累积情境风险模型(cumulative risk model)认为风险因素并不是“各自为营”地对个体产生作用, 而是多种风险因素彼此之间相互累积和关联, 共同对个体产生消极的影响(刘旺, 田丽丽, 谈继红, 2015), 例如低质量的婚姻关系、匮乏的社会支持系统、经济拮据会增加母亲的养育压力, 母亲的养育压力也可能反过来降低婚姻的质量、增加对工作压力的感受性(Hibel, Mercado, & Trumbell, 2012)。因此本研究认为综合考察母亲生活压力更符合Bronfenbrenner生物生态系统理论(Bioecological Theory)的观点, 更具有生态学效度(Tudge et al., 2016)。先前的研究主要关注母亲的养育压力、相对忽视了其他环境因素(例如经济压力、工作压力、人际关系紧张等)给母亲带来的身心影响, 因此本研究关注的第一个问题是在现代社会里引起母亲心理压力的主要生活事件有哪些。

国内外大量的研究考察了母亲的养育压力对儿童行为问题的影响, 并取得了相对一致的结果, 即高养育压力与儿童行为问题正相关, 然而少有研究关注母亲生活压力对儿童行为问题的预测效应。母亲生活压力来自各个负性生活事件的累积, 每一件负性生活事件相当于一个风险因素, Rutter (1979)最早发现风险因素的个数与儿童行为问题的严重性呈正相关。风险因素例如贫穷、养育冲突、养育者的心理问题和父母婚姻不和都会增加儿童对消极发展结果的易感性(Chronis et al., 2007)。来自生理心理学的研究表明多重负性体验会破坏儿童的生理系统:Hanson等人(2015)研究了128名经历过养育忽视、身体虐待、低社会经济地位三种类型早期负性体验的儿童, 通过与41名健康发展的儿童对照发现早期负性体验可能导致儿童的杏仁核和海马容量更小, 而行为问题与更小的杏仁核和海马容量正相关。此外, 已有研究发现母亲在孕期所体验到的生活压力与儿童气质困难性、行为问题相关, 甚至对10年后追踪评估的儿童学业成就仍有消极影响(Li et al., 2013)。这类研究重点关注了母亲孕期经历的多种负性生活事件对儿童发展结果的预测效应, 多从医学或生理学的角度进行了解释, 但儿童早期是脑发育和语言、认知等多种能力发展的关键期(Black et al., 2016), 而尤其以学前期为行为问题的萌芽和发生阶段(吕勤, 陈会昌, 王莉, 2003), 故本研究关注的第二个问题是儿童早期母亲的生活压力是否会对学前期儿童的行为问题具有预测效应。

以往的研究表明, 母亲生活压力对儿童行为问题产生的作用机制可能有两种途径:直接效应和间接效应。关于直接效应的实证研究集中于养育压力对儿童行为问题的直接影响(Anthony et al., 2005; Crnic, Gaze, & Hoffman, 2005)。这可能是因为:一方面大部分研究中母亲养育压力和儿童行为问题都是基于母亲报告的, 具有较高养育压力的母亲倾向于将儿童的行为评价为消极(Crnic et al., 2005); 另一方面作为母亲养育压力成分之一的“育儿愁苦”是一种消极情绪, 儿童的情感安全会直接受到这种负性情绪氛围的影响, 并导致行为问题的产生(刘亚鹏 等, 2015)。而更具有生态学效度的母亲生活压力是否可以对儿童行为问题产生直接效应值得在本研究中进一步检验。间接效应的实证研究首先强调养育行为的中介作用, 即母亲生活压力会损害母亲的积极养育行为、削弱儿童的积极适应, 进而导致行为问题的发生。积极养育包括母亲对儿童的生理或情感需求很敏感, 能给予恰当的回应并为儿童探索环境提供丰富的刺激, 充当脚手架作用(Black & Aboud, 2011)。积极养育通过养育者与儿童的互动直接影响儿童发展, 其作用在于促进儿童对环境的积极适应、缓解消极发展、保护儿童远离各种身心问题(董书阳, 梁熙, 张莹, 王争艳, 2017)。积极养育对儿童的发展有着关键性的保护和促进作用, 尤其是在儿童生命的早期(Britto et al., 2017; Singla, Kumbakumba, & Aboud, 2015)。已有的研究表明:母亲生活压力越大, 积极养育行为越少(Lee, 2003; Tan, Camras, Deng, Zhang, & Lu, 2012)。Lee (2003)通过对605对母婴对进行的干预研究发现, 当母亲经历更多的负性生活事件时, 母亲更倾向于使用回避型的应对策略; Tan等人(2012)通过对133名学前儿童及其家庭的研究发现, 在一系列家庭压力(包括住房拥挤、婚姻不和、经济紧张和工作压力等方面)下的母亲倾向于形成放纵型和专制型的养育方式。同时Lee (2003)Tan等人(2012)的研究都发现了缺少积极养育对儿童行为问题的消极影响。

母亲生活压力的间接效应不仅表现为影响其自身的积极养育行为, 也可能会表现为影响儿童努力控制(effortful control)的发展(Gartstein, Bridgett, Young, Panksepp, & Power, 2013), 进而影响儿童的行为问题。努力控制是指儿童抑制优势反应、同时执行劣势反应的能力。这是一个具有双重属性的概念, 一方面, 努力控制是一种气质特质, 在一定程度上是以生物、神经、生理和基因为基础的; 另一方面, 在某种程度上, 努力控制是亲子关系的产物, 积极的亲子关系、安全型的依恋关系是儿童形成自我调节能力的关键性因素(Kochanska & Kim, 2014)。已有的研究发现, 压力性的实验环境会降低个体Stroop任务(努力控制的一种成分的测量方式)的成绩, 因此研究者推断其他长期性的生活压力源也会危害到个体努力控制的发展(Gulley, Hankin, & Young, 2015)。而努力控制是影响学前期情绪社会性发展和学业成就的重要变量(Allan & Lonigan, 2011), 较高的努力控制能够促进儿童适应性行为的发展, 减少行为问题的发生(Tiberio et al., 2016)。2~7岁是儿童调节注意和情绪能力稳步提升的时期(Sawyer, Millerlewis, Searle, Sawyer, & Lynch, 2015), 其中学前期是儿童努力控制快速发展的阶段, 容易受到养育环境的影响, 逐渐打上父母养育的烙印。积极的养育行为对学前期儿童努力控制的发展具有良好的促进作用(Spinrad et al., 2007; Chang, Olson, Sameroff, & Sexton, 2011), 此时努力控制在养育行为和行为问题之间更可能发挥中介作用(Tiberio et al., 2016; Chang et al., 2011)。

综上, 除了直接效应外, 在母亲生活压力和儿童行为问题之间还可能存在两个中介变量:积极养育和努力控制。但先前的研究有以下两点不足:第一, 大部分研究关注母亲养育压力与行为问题之间的作用机制, 尚缺乏对现代社会中母亲高强度的生活压力的研究, 母亲压力这一指标在以往研究中未得到充分关注; 第二, 先前的研究集中于探讨母亲压力、积极养育、努力控制和行为问题两者或三者之间的关系, 缺乏在一个更完整的系统下探讨四者之间的作用机制。因此本研究关注的第三个问题是:母亲体验到的生活压力通过怎样的途径影响儿童的行为问题, 是有直接效应、还是通过影响母亲的养育行为和儿童的努力控制间接影响儿童的行为问题(间接效应)?

2 研究方法

2.1 被试

通过与妇幼保健院等合作, 在北京市区招募6个月的健康婴儿及其家庭参与研究, 当儿童9个月(T1)、14个月(T2)、25个月(T3)、38个月(T4)、61个月(T5)时再次参与研究。6个月时, 总样本量为106对母婴对(57名女孩, 49名男孩), 在随后的5次追踪过程共流失14人, 总的流失率是13.2%。在儿童25个月、38个月、61个月时又分别加入7人、2人、6人, 故总的被试量是107人, 其中女孩57名(53.3%), 男孩50名(46.7%)。所有的被试至少参与了一个时间点的数据采集, 对5个时间点的主要变量进行Little’s完全随机缺失检验, χ2 = 199.46, p = 0.22, 表明所有主要变量的缺失由完全随机缺失造成。卡方检验结果显示, 参加5次研究的被试与至少参加一个时间点研究的被试, 在被试性别、父母受教育水平和收入水平上均无显著差异; 在儿童25、38和61个月时新加入的15人与在婴儿6个月时招募的106人在被试性别、父母受教育水平和收入水平上均无显著差异, 因此可以作为同质性样本纳入本研究。

T1时, 被试的平均月龄为9.75个月(SD = 0.46); T2时, 被试的平均月龄是14.30个月(SD = 0.84); T3时, 被试的平均月龄是25.14个月(SD = 1.14); T4时, 被试的平均月龄是38.33个月(SD = 1.05); T5时, 被试的平均年龄为61.08个月(SD = 0.72)。母亲的平均生育年龄为30.84±3.52岁, 母亲和父亲受教育水平的中位数均为大学, 母亲月收入的中位数水平为3000~6000元, 父亲月收入的中位数水平为6000~10000元。

2.2 研究工具

2.2.1 人口统计学变量调查表

在T1~T5时, 由母亲填写《家庭基本信息调查表》, 其中包括被试性别、月龄、母亲的生育年龄、父母的受教育水平、职业类型、收入水平等基本信息。

2.2.2 母亲生活事件量表

改编自杨德森和张亚林(1990)编制的生活事件量表, 由儿童的母亲在T1~T4时报告, 问卷主要反映母亲因生活事件引起的心理压力情况。量表包括夫妻感情不好、住房紧张、离婚、爱人离世、与爱人父母不和、孩子难以照管、生活规律发生重大变动、工作学习中压力大等14项每个母亲有可能遇到的生活事件, 并需要母亲评价对应的事件的性质(好事、坏事、中性)、精神影响程度(无影响、轻度、中度、重度)。国外多使用多重负性生活事件的刺激强度总分来衡量母亲的生活压力(Li et al., 2013), 我国学者也采用负性生活事件的影响程度总分来代表个体承受的心理风险(刘旺 等, 2015)。因此在本研究中, 参考前人的方法, 全部坏事精神影响程度之和定义为负性生活事件的累积刺激量, 其值越大, 代表母亲生活压力越高。在本追踪研究中, 4个时间点的母亲生活压力量表内部一致性系数在0.88~0.92之间。

2.2.3 Alabama教养问卷学前版(Alabama Parenting Questionnaire-Preschool Version)

该问卷用于评估父母的养育行为(Clerkin, Marks, Policaro, & Halperin, 2007)。T5时由母亲填写, 本研究采用了积极养育维度, 该维度包含12个条目, 例如“当孩子某件事做得好时, 您会拥抱或亲吻他/她”。每个条目5点计分(从1“从不”到5“经常”), 各条目总分分数越高, 积极养育水平越高。本研究中积极养育维度的内部一致性系数为0.80。

2.2.4 儿童行为问卷简版(Children's Behavior Questionnaire-Short Form)

该问卷由Putnam和Rothbart (2006)编制, 国内董光恒等翻译和修订, 适用于测查3~7岁儿童的气质, 包括外倾性、消极情绪和努力控制3个维度。母亲在T5时根据儿童日常行为与题目描述之间的恰当程度进行7点评分, 从“非常不恰当”到“非常恰当”, 若各条目均分得分越高, 则努力控制水平越高。本研究中努力控制的内部一致性系数为0.78。

2.2.5 儿童长处和困难问卷(Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, SDQ)

Goodman编制修订(Goodman, 2001)、我国学者寇建华、杜亚松和夏黎明(2005)首次引进使用, 由母亲在T5时评价儿童的日常行为表现, 共有25个题, 每道题按3点评分, 从“不符合”到“完全符合”。问卷包含整体困难和5个子维度, 5个子维度分别为情绪症状、品行问题、过度活跃、同伴问题和亲社会行为。在本研究中, 各条目与问卷总分的内部一致性系数为0.80, 各子维度与问卷总分的内部一致性系数为0.63。

2.3 研究程序

在5年的长期追踪过程中, 在不同的时间点, 研究共发放问卷5次, 不同问卷其计分方式和应答方式各不相同。在T1~T4时, 母亲在家填写母亲生活压力量表。在T5时, 母亲在家填写积极养育和儿童努力控制有关的问卷, 在实验室填写行为问题有关的问卷。

2.4 数据处理

采用SPSS 22.0和Mplus 7.4对数据进行分析。在使用Mplus建模分析时缺失值采用全息最大似然估计(Full Information Maximum Likelihood, FIML)进行处理, 该方法的优点是能够使用所有观测变量的全部信息。

3 研究结果

3.1 共同方法偏差检验

由于问卷均由母亲报告完成, 因此首先使用Harman单因素检验法检验共同方法偏差, 因素分析结果并没有出现只抽取出的一个因子的情况, 且第一个因子的方差贡献率仅为12.79%, 表明本研究收集的数据不存在严重的共同方法偏差的问题。

3.2 母亲生活压力的来源统计

在不同时期, 负性生活事件对母亲造成的心理压力程度大小与其发生率的高低基本一致。在T1~T4时间点, 发生率较高、并给母亲造成较高心理压力的生活事件主要有6项:“住房紧张”、“工作学习中压力大”、“本人或亲人重病/重伤”、“与爱人父母不和”、“孩子难以照管”、“夫妻感情不好”。值得关注的是, T1时发生率最高的生活事件是“住房紧张”, T2、T3时发生率最高的生活事件均是“工作学习中压力大”, 而T4时“孩子难以照管”的发生率上升为第一、且对母亲造成的心理压力为第一, 此时“夫妻感情不好”的发生率上升至和“与爱人父母不和”相同(第三), 但“夫妻感情不好”对母亲造成的心理压力高于“与爱人父母不和”。

3.3 母亲生活压力、积极养育和儿童努力控制、行为问题的相关分析

5次测查的母亲生活压力、积极养育和儿童努力控制、行为问题的均值、标准差及相关分析见表1。结果发现, 4个时间点的母亲生活压力之间呈显著正相关; 积极养育与各时间点母亲生活压力呈显著或边缘显著负相关, 努力控制与T3母亲生活压力呈边缘显著负相关; 儿童情绪症状、品行问题、同伴问题与早期母亲生活压力均呈显著或边缘显著正相关, 过度活跃与T1~T4母亲生活压力相关不显著, 但这4个维度都与积极养育、努力控制呈显著负相关; 亲社会行为与T2母亲生活压力边缘显著负相关, 与积极养育、努力控制呈显著正相关。

表1   母亲生活压力、积极养育和儿童努力控制、行为问题的均值、标准差及相关分析


注:+p < 0.10, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001。下同

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t检验显示, 各结果变量均无显著的性别差异; 相关分析显示, T5时测量的母亲受教育水平和过度活跃显著负相关, r = -0.33, p < 0.01, 和同伴问题上显著负相关, r = -0.23, p < 0.05, 和情绪症状、品行问题、亲社会行为相关不显著, 故在后续构建模型的过程中控制母亲受教育水平对儿童过度活跃和同伴问题的影响。

3.4 母亲生活压力对儿童行为问题的直接效应和间接效应分析

根据研究假设和表1的相关结果, 将9~38个月4个点的母亲生活压力合成潜变量(合成潜变量能够有效控制测量误差), 得到儿童早期的母亲生活压力, 将T5母亲受教育水平作为控制变量, 通过模型比较构建早期母亲生活压力、积极养育、儿童努力控制、情绪症状、品行问题、过度活跃、同伴问题、亲社会行为之间的链式中介模型。为了验证T5积极养育、努力控制和儿童行为问题之间的中介作用关系, 参考Wu, Liang, Lu和Wang (2017)的分析方法, 构建三种关系的理论模型, 三个模型的相同点在于母亲生活压力均分别作用于积极养育、努力控制和行为问题, 不同点在于:Model 1中, 积极养育→努力控制→行为问题; Model 2中, 行为问题→积极养育→努力控制; Model 3中, 行为问题→努力控制→积极养育。尽管三个模型的拟合指数均在可接受范围(χ2检验显著性ps > 0.05, CFIs > 0.90, RMSEAs < 0.08), 但采用Satorra-Bentler校正的卡方差异检验进行模型比较发现(Model 2 vs. Model 1和Model 3 vs. Model 1), Δχ22-1 (10) = 28.65, Δχ23-1(7) = 29.49, ps < 0.05, 表明Model 1的拟合结果显著优于Model 2和Model 3, 故本研究接受Model 1的建模结果, 其拟合指数为χ2 (31) = 40.51, p = 0.12, RMSEA = 0.05, CFI = 0.95, TLI = 0.90, SRMR = 0.07。

根据结构方程模型建模的节俭原则, 删除Model 1中不显著的路径, 比较完整模型与修正模型发现, Δχ2 (7) = 11.96, p > 0.10, 即删除不显著的路径后的修正模型与原始模型之间无显著差异, 且修正模型更为简洁, 各项拟合指数基本达到要求(χ2 (38) = 48.13, p = 0.13, RMSEA = 0.05, CFI = 0.95, TLI = 0.92, SRMR = 0.08), 故报告图1所示的节俭模型。


图1   早期母亲生活压力与儿童行为问题的链式中介模型(删减不显著路径后的节俭模型)

模型结果显示:早期母亲生活压力可显著正向预测儿童品行问题(β = 0.48, p < 0.001), 同时边缘显著正向预测儿童情绪症状(β = 0.33, p < 0.10), 显著负向预测母亲积极养育(β = -0.52, p < 0.01); 母亲积极养育可显著正向预测儿童努力控制(β = 0.42, p < 0.001), 边缘显著负向预测儿童情绪症状(β = -0.25, p < 0.10), 显著负向预测儿童同伴问题(β = -0.42, p < 0.001); 儿童努力控制显著负向预测过度活跃(β = -0.44, p < 0.001), 显著正向预测亲社会行为(β = 0.35, p < 0.01)。

由于本研究样本量较小, 根据研究者的推荐(温忠麟, 叶宝娟, 2014), 本文采用Bootstrapping (重复抽样5000次)的方法验证中介效应。模型中的直接效应包括两条路径:(1)母亲生活压力→儿童品行问题, 效应值为0.48, 90%置信区间为[0.22, 0.66]; (2)母亲生活压力→儿童情绪症状, 效应值为0.33, 90%置信区间为[0.04, 0.64]。

中介效应检验结果如表2。结果表明, 早期的母亲生活压力通过积极养育和努力控制两个中介变量产生4条显著的间接路径影响儿童行为问题:(1)母亲生活压力→母亲积极养育→儿童情绪症状; (2)母亲生活压力→母亲积极养育→儿童同伴问题; (3)母亲生活压力→母亲积极养育→儿童努力控制→儿童过度活跃; (4)母亲生活压力→母亲积极养育→儿童努力控制→儿童亲社会行为。以上结果表明母亲积极养育对缓解早期生活压力对学前期儿童的情绪症状和同伴问题有间接作用, 而母亲积极养育和儿童努力控制还进一步链式中介了母亲生活压力对儿童过度活跃和亲社会行为的作用。

表2   母亲生活压力对儿童行为问题的影响路径分析表

母亲生活压力→品行问题[0.22, 0.66]0.48
母亲生活压力→情绪症状[0.04, 0.64]0.33
母亲生活压力→积极养育→情绪症状[0.03, 0.35]
母亲生活压力→积极养育→同伴问题[0.08, 0.40]
母亲生活压力→积极养育→努力控制→过度活跃[0.03, 0.20]
母亲生活压力→积极养育→努力控制→亲社会行为[-0.18, -0.02]

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4 讨论

本研究通过对历时5年的追踪数据进行分析, 发现现代城市母亲的生活压力具有相对稳定性, 儿童早期的母亲生活压力对儿童行为问题的作用机制表现为直接效应和间接效应, 对不同的行为问题(品行问题、情绪症状、过度活跃、同伴问题)和亲社会行为的作用路径不同。下面针对以上结果展开讨论。

4.1 儿童早期母亲生活压力的相对稳定性

在此次历时5年的5次追踪测查中, 本研究发现在儿童早期, 母亲的生活压力呈现出相对稳定性, 具体表现为以下因素会长期稳定地影响母亲感受到的生活压力:“住房紧张”、“工作学习中压力大”、“本人或亲人重病/重伤”、“与爱人父母不和”、“孩子难以照管”、“夫妻感情不好”。从社会经济发展的角度来看, 由生活成本高导致生活压力大是城市生活的显著特点。随着物价房价持续上涨和孩子的出生, 住房紧张成为许多城市家庭面临的主要难题。从工作学习的角度来看, 在互联网时代, 信息技术更新迅速, 迫使年轻的父母需要不断地学习深造, 适应竞争日益激烈的工作环境。在中国妇女杂志社和华坤女性生活调查中心公布的《第12次中国城市女性生活质量调查报告(2016年度)》中, 针对已婚女性的调查显示, 86%以上的女性有工作压力, 其中57%以上的女性感到工作“压力大”, 并且工作压力呈现城市与城市间的差异:生活在一线城市的母亲感到工作压力大的比例更高。从环境变化的角度来看, 近几年来环境污染的影响日趋严重, 对城市居民的生活质量和身体素质产生严峻的考验, 老年人和婴幼儿都是空气污染暴露下的易感人群, 发病反应快速, 加剧了城市母亲的生活压力和心理焦虑。此外, 从共同养育的角度来看, 为了分担城市生活的经济压力, 父母双方都参与工作, 因此形成了一种普遍性的祖辈参与儿童日常看护的现象, 由此引发的共同养育冲突会导致已婚女性与爱人父母关系更为紧张。从母亲的角色特点和儿童的发展特点来看, 虽然有祖辈参与共同养育, 但受中国传统文化的影响, 母亲仍是婴幼儿的主要养育者, 在参与职业工作的同时, 还承担着养育婴幼儿的大部分日常事务, 而婴幼儿时期是儿童自我意识发展的飞跃阶段、并出现第一个反抗期, 因此“孩子难以照管”成为儿童早期母亲生活压力的主要方面之一。

在本研究中, 相对于9~25个月, 38个月时“孩子难以照管”、“夫妻感情不好”的发生率和对母亲造成的心理压力程度均上升, 一种可能的解释是儿童3岁以后刚进入幼儿园, 儿童和母亲都会产生分离焦虑, 这两种分离焦虑相互影响, 呈现出正相关的关系(Peleg, Halaby, & Whaby, 2006), 因此此时母亲报告更高的心理压力, Peleg等人还发现职场妈妈的孩子在适应幼儿园方面有着更大的困难, 由此造成母亲更大的生活压力。此外, 儿童的出现是影响父母婚姻幸福感的一个风险因素, 随着家庭成员的增加, 夫妻都面临着更为紧张的经济压力以及更为繁重的家务, 当孩子入园后, 夫妻可能还会面临教育理念上的分歧, 由此更可能导致夫妻关系不和(Tsang, Harvey, Duncan, & Sommer, 2003)。迄今为止, 国内尚没有针对儿童早期母亲生活事件的追踪研究, 因此本文对儿童早期母亲生活压力的研究弥补了这方面的不足。

4.2 儿童早期母亲生活压力对其行为问题的直接效应

本研究表明母亲生活压力越高, 儿童越容易出现情绪症状和品行问题。首先, 母亲经历的负性生活事件越多, 影响自身心理健康水平的风险因素也越多, 长期处于高度生活压力的母亲会产生更多的抑郁和焦虑情绪, 营造出消极家庭氛围。而儿童与生活压力大的母亲长期相处, 受其消极情绪氛围影响的时间较长, 造成儿童长期处于高水平的应激状态。这种状态危害儿童的情感安全, 使儿童产生焦虑、紧张等情绪症状, 在不安全感的影响下, 儿童的性格倾向于向胆小退缩(overcontrol)或者高攻击性(undercontrol)发展(申小娜, 2008)。一项元分析研究发现相对于过度活跃等外显行为问题, 儿童的情绪症状等内隐行为问题与母亲的风险因素相关更强(Connell & Goodman, 2002), 因此更容易受到母亲生活压力直接的消极作用。本研究结果也支持了Chang, Shelleby, Cheong和Shaw (2012)的发现, 通过对310名学前儿童开展追踪研究, 他们发现面临由贫困、住房紧张、父母感情不和、母亲抑郁等因素组成的较高累积风险因素时, 负性情绪较高的儿童其情绪失调情况较为严重。另一方面, 在生活压力大的家庭中, 儿童正常合理的物质要求或情感需求得不到满足, 心理容易陷入不安全及失落状态, 从而引发偷盗、说谎等品行问题(孙灯利 等, 2016)。

4.3 儿童早期母亲生活压力对其行为问题的间接效应

在本研究中, 早期母亲生活压力的间接效应首先表现在通过减少母亲的积极养育行为而增加儿童的情绪症状和同伴问题。当母亲经历更多的压力性生活事件时, 母亲的抑郁水平有潜在增加的风险, 此时较难激发母亲继续表现出积极养育行为(Lee, 2003)。生活压力较高的母亲, 与积极养育有关的卷入程度较低、敏感性低, 反而倾向于使用粗暴、严厉的方式教育孩子, 而惩罚养育或者消极养育会导致儿童行为问题的增加(Tan et al., 2012)。最近的一项对高风险家庭儿童的研究也发现, 缺乏积极养育会增加儿童的焦虑、抑郁等情绪症状(Howell et al., 2016)。而对儿童同伴问题的保护作用来看, 安全的亲子依恋关系是一个重要的因素。但当母亲生活压力较高时, 焦虑抑郁的母亲没有足够的精力或耐心去满足和回应儿童的情感需求, 积极养育行为减少, 母亲的温暖回应和敏感性缺乏, 威胁到了儿童安全型依恋关系的形成, 不安全型依恋会让儿童难以建立信任的人际关系, 导致儿童缺乏社交能力。郑信军和岑国桢(2006)认为处于消极养育情况下的儿童在同伴交往中缺乏主动性, 他们较难成为受欢迎者, 也更可能被同伴所拒绝。

其次, 早期母亲生活压力的间接效应也表现在通过减少积极养育而影响儿童自我调节能力的发展, 导致儿童过度活跃的增加和亲社会行为的减少。积极养育能够引导儿童调节自己的负性情绪、促进儿童努力控制的发展(Chang, Shaw, Dishion, Gardner, & Wilson, 2015)。一项针对3~3.5岁幼儿的研究证明了这一点, 即母亲的积极养育行为能够提高儿童的努力控制能力(Lengua, Honorado, & Bush, 2007), 类似的, Shelleby等人(2012)也发现, 提高积极养育行为, 能够显著提高儿童的行为控制能力。本研究的结果也支持了前人的这些发现。但是早期母亲生活压力作为风险因素, 会损害母亲的积极养育行为, 使儿童努力控制的发展受到影响, 努力控制能力发展不良的儿童在遇到环境中的刺激时, 不能有效抑制自己的冲动和调节自己的行为, 常表现为注意力不集中、过度活跃的症状(Olson, Sameroff, Kerr, Lopez, & Wellman, 2005)。婴幼儿努力控制的发展与其大脑皮质抑制机能的逐渐完善成熟密不可分。然而, 当婴幼儿长期处于较高的母亲生活压力氛围时, 早期过多的负性体验会影响儿童大脑的发展, 是否进而导致脑的抑制功能不足、引起过度活跃的行为也值得进一步的实证研究。此外, 本研究还发现母亲生活压力对亲社会行为的作用路径只有积极养育→努力控制的链式中介显著。这一结果与Bae和Lim (2012)对3~5岁儿童的研究类似, 即当同时考虑努力控制、积极养育的影响时, 幼儿努力控制对亲社会行为具有更直接的正向预测作用, 而积极养育则通过努力控制而影响儿童的亲社会行为, 研究者解释为亲社会行为的发展需要幼儿先有更好的认知能力, 而努力控制的发展能够帮助幼儿从关注自己转移到关注他人、产生共情。

4.4 研究的不足与意义

本研究的创新点在于通过对婴幼儿时期母亲生活压力进行4次的追踪测查, 探讨了母亲所经历的生活压力对儿童行为问题的预测效应, 与只考虑母亲养育压力相比, 本研究所考察的母亲压力更具有生态学效度。但本研究也存在几点不足:第一, 被试样本量较小, 且大多取自北京市区社会经济地位较高的家庭, 将本研究结果推广到其他地区和其他社会经济地位的母亲群体时仍需谨慎。第二, 由于追踪设计中人力物力等方面的原因, 对中介变量和因变量的收集没有考虑到时间序列的问题, 因此在进行因果推论时需慎重。第三, 本研究没有考虑多个时间点的母亲生活压力对儿童发展的交互效应, 在今后的研究需结合更多的分析方法, 如一些纵向数据建模方法。第四, 本研究的变量均采用问卷法测量, 虽采用程序控制在一定程度上控制了共同方法偏差, 但仍有可能受其影响, 故未来的研究需采用实验任务与问卷相结合的方法来进一步验证本研究的结果。

尽管存在以上不足, 本研究仍然具有重要的实践意义:研究结果提示我们, 在实施干预时, 应该对危险因素(母亲生活压力)和保护因素(积极养育和努力控制)的作用予以同样的重视, 即既要采取措施缓解母亲生活压力(例如改善夫妻婚姻质量、改善员工学习机会、减少工作压力、完善社会支持系统的建设等), 又要注意提高母亲积极养育的能力和技巧。特别值得注意的是, 母亲生活压力可以直接造成儿童的品行问题, 这需要引起全社会的关注, 倡议推行关爱母亲行动, 即关注儿童早期的发展, 不仅要关注儿童个体本身, 还要关注为儿童营造良好环境的母亲, 母亲经历的生活环境和由此引起的心理环境也是影响儿童发展的重要因素。


Allan N.P.&, Lonigan C.J, 2011).

Examining the dimensionality of effortful control in preschool children and its relation to academic and socioemotional indicators

Developmental Psychology, 47( 4), 905-915.

DOI:10.1037/a0023748      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Anthony L. G., Anthony B. J., Glanville D. N., Naiman D. Q., Waanders C., & Shaffer S . ( 2005).

The relationships between parenting stress, parenting behaviour and preschoolers' social competence and behaviour problems in the classroom

Infant and Child Development, 14( 2), 133-154.

DOI:10.1002/icd.385      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Young children develop social and emotional competence through interactions with others in the two major contexts in which they spend time: home and preschool. This study examined whether parenting stress in the home context is related to the children's behaviour while in preschool. Previous research has suggested that parenting stress negatively influences parenting behaviour, which in turn has been shown to impact children's development. This study examined the direct relationship between parenting stress and children's behaviour in two types of preschool programmes: private day care centres and Head Start. Parenting stress was significantly related to teacher ratings of social competence, internalizing behaviours, and externalizing behaviours, and the effects of parenting behaviour do not appear to mediate this relationship. Parenting stress was most strongly related to children's social competence. Parents' reports of expectations for their child's behaviour appear to weakly moderate the relationship between externalizing behaviour and parenting stress. This study suggests that examination of a parent's level of stress, in addition to parenting practices, may be important in research and interventions with preschool children's behaviour and social competence. Copyright 脗漏 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Bae Y.J.&, Lim J.Y, 2012).

Factors affecting preschooler’s prosocial behavior and cognitive problem-solving ability: Focusing on the parents’ and preschooler’s effortful control, and affectionate parenting behavior

Korean Journal of Child Studies, 33( 3), 1-22.

[本文引用: 1]

Black M.M.&, Aboud F.E, 2011).

Responsive feeding is embedded in a theoretical framework of responsive parenting

Journal of Nutrition, 141( 3), 490-494.

DOI:10.3945/jn.110.129973      URL     PMID:21270366      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Children throughout the world are confronted with growth problems ranging from underweight and stunting to overweight and obesity. The development of healthy eating behaviors depends on both healthy food and responsive parenting behaviors. With origins from anthropology, psychology, and nutrition, responsive parenting reflects reciprocity between child and caregiver, conceptualized as a 4-step mutually responsive process: 1) the caregiver creates a routine, structure, expectations, and emotional context that promote interaction; 2) the child responds and signals to the caregiver; 3) the caregiver responds promptly in a manner that is emotionally supportive, contingent, and developmentally appropriate; and 4) the child experiences predictable responses. This paper examines evidence for the practice and developmental benefits of responsive parenting with a view to providing a theoretical basis for responsive feeding. Recommendations are made that future efforts to promote healthy growth and to prevent underweight and overweight among young children incorporate and evaluate responsive feeding.

Black M. M., Walker S. P., Fernald L. C. H., Andersen C. T., Digirolamo A. M., Lu C. L., Grantham-McGregor S . ( 2016).

Early childhood development coming of age: Science through the life course

Lancet, 389( 10064), 77-90.

[本文引用: 2]

Britto P. R., Lye S. J., Proulx K., Yousafzai A. K., Matthews S. G., Vaivada T., …, Bhutta Z. A . ( 2017).

Nurturing care: Promoting early childhood development

Lancet, 389( 10064), 91-102.

DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31390-3      URL     PMID:27717615      [本文引用: 2]

The UN Sustainable Development Goals provide a historic opportunity to implement interventions, at scale, to promote early childhood development. Although the evidence base for the importance of early childhood development has grown, the research is distributed across sectors, populations, and settings, with diversity noted in both scope and focus. We provide a comprehensive updated analysis of early childhood development interventions across the five sectors of health, nutrition, education, child protection, and social protection. Our review concludes that to make interventions successful, smart, and sustainable, they need to be implemented as multi-sectoral intervention packages anchored in nurturing care. The recommendations emphasise that intervention packages should be applied at developmentally appropriate times during the life course, target multiple risks, and build on existing delivery platforms for feasibility of scale-up. While interventions will continue to improve with the growth of developmental science, the evidence now strongly suggests that parents, caregivers, and families need to be supported in providing nurturing care and protection in order for young children to achieve their developmental potential.

Carrano J.L . ( 2013).

From parents to children: The intergenerational transmission of advantage

Journal of Children and Poverty, 19( 1), 63-64.

DOI:10.1080/10796126.2013.765391      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Does economic inequality in one generation lead to inequality of opportunity in the next? In From Parents to Children, an esteemed international group of scholars investigates this question using data from ten countries with differing levels of inequality. The book compares whether and how parents resources transmit advantage to their children at different stages of development and sheds light on the structural differences among countries that may influence intergenerational mobility. How and why is economic mobility higher in some countries than in others? The contributors find that inequality in mobility-relevant skills emerges early in childhood in all of the countries studied. Bruce Bradbury and his coauthors focus on learning readiness among young children and show that as early as age five, large disparities in cognitive and other mobility-relevant skills develop between low- and high-income kids, particularly in the United States and the United Kingdom. Such disparities may be mitigated by investments in early childhood education, as Christelle Dumas and Arnaud Lefranc demonstrate. They find that universal pre-school education in France lessens the negative effect of low parental SES and gives low-income children a greater shot at social mobility. Katherine Magnuson, Jane Waldfogel, and Elizabeth Washbrook find that income-based gaps in cognitive achievement in the United States and the United Kingdom widen as children reach adolescence. Robert Haveman and his coauthors show that the effect of parental income on test scores increases as children age; and in both the United States and Canada, having parents with a higher income betters the chances that a child will enroll in college. As economic inequality in the United States continues to rise, the national policy conversation will not only need to address the devastating effects of rising inequality in this generation but also the potential consequences of the decline in mobility from one generation to the next. Drawing on unparalleled international datasets, From Parents to Children provides an important first step.

Chang H., Olson S. L., Sameroff A. J., & Sexton H. R . ( 2011).

Child effortful control as a mediator of parenting practices on externalizing behavior: Evidence for a sex-differentiated pathway across the transition from preschool to school

Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 39( 1), 71-81.

DOI:10.1007/s10802-010-9437-7      URL     PMID:4133744      [本文引用: 2]

AbstractAn explanatory model for children’s development of disruptive behavior across the transition from preschool to school was tested. It was hypothesized that child effortful control would mediate the effects of parenting on children’s externalizing behavior and that child sex would moderate these relations. Participants were 241 children (123 boys) and their parents and teachers. Three dimensions of parenting, warm responsiveness, induction, and corporal punishment, were assessed via maternal report when children were 302years old. Child effortful control at age 3 was measured using laboratory tasks and a mother-report questionnaire. Mothers and teachers contributed ratings of child externalizing behavior at age 6. Results showed that the hypothesized model fit the data well and that the pattern of associations between constructs differed for boys and girls. For boys, parental warm responsiveness and corporal punishment had significant indirect effects on children’s externalizing behavior three years later, mediated by child effortful control. Such relations were not observed for girls. These findings support a sex-differentiated pathway to externalizing behavior across the transition from preschool to school.

Chang H., Shaw D. S., Dishion T. J., Gardner F., & Wilson M. N . ( 2015).

Proactive parenting and children's effortful control: Mediating role of language and indirect intervention effects

Social Development, 24( 1), 206-223.

DOI:10.1111/sode.12069      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Abstract We examined associations of proactive parenting, child verbal ability, and child effortful control within the context of a randomized prevention trial focused on enhancing parenting practices in low-income families. Participants (N = 731) were assessed annually from the age of two to five, with half randomly assigned to the Family Check-Up (FCU). Results indicated that the child's verbal ability at the age of three partially mediated the influence of proactive parenting at the age of two on children's effortful control at the age of five. More importantly, the FCU indirectly facilitated children's effortful control by sequentially improving proactive parenting and children's verbal ability. The findings are discussed with respect to taking a more integrative approach to understanding early predictors and the promotion of self-regulation in early childhood.

Chang H., Shelleby E. C., Cheong J. W., & Shaw D. S . ( 2012).

Cumulative risk, negative emotionality, and emotion regulation as predictors of social competence in transition to school: A mediated moderation model

Review of Social Development, 21( 4), 780-800.

DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9507.2011.00648.x      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The goals of this study were to examine the additive and interactive effects of cumulative risk and child negative emotionality on children's social competence in the transition from preschool to school and to test whether these associations were mediated by child emotion regulation within a sample of 310 low ncome, ethnically diverse boys. Multiple informants and methods were used to measure contextual risk factors and negative emotionality at the ages of 1.5 and two, emotion dysregulation at the age of 3.5, and social competence in the home at the age of five and in school at the age of six. Results indicated that the relation between cumulative risk and emotion dysregulation was amplified for children with higher levels of negative emotionality. In turn, emotion dysregulation predicted lower social competence across both the home and the school contexts. This study represents an early effort to develop an integrative model of social competence by considering joint contributions of contextual risk, negative emotionality, and emotion regulation.

Chronis A. M., Lahey B. B., Jr, Pelham W. E., Williams S. H., Baumann B. L., Kipp H., …, Rathouz P. J . ( 2007).

Maternal depression and early positive parenting predict future conduct problems in young children with attention- deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Developmental Psychology, 43( 1), 70-82.

DOI:10.1037/0012-1649.43.1.70      URL     PMID:17201509      [本文引用: 1]

Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are at risk for adverse outcomes such as substance abuse and criminality, particularly if they develop conduct problems. Little is known about early predictors of the developmental course of conduct problems among children with ADHD, however. Parental psychopathology and parenting were assessed in 108 children who first met Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.) criteria for ADHD at 4-7 years old. When demographic variables and baseline ADHD and conduct problems were controlled, maternal depression predicted conduct problems 2-8 years following the initial assessment, whereas positive parenting during the structured parent- child interaction task predicted fewer future conduct problems. These findings suggest that maternal depression is a risk factor, whereas early positive parenting is a protective factor, for the developmental course of conduct problems among children with ADHD.

Clerkin S. M., Marks D. J., Policaro K. L., & Halperin J. M . ( 2007).

Psychometric properties of the Alabama parenting questionnaire-preschool revision

Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 36( 1), 19-28.

DOI:10.1080/15374410709336565      URL     PMID:17206878      [本文引用: 1]

The psychometric properties of the Alabama Parenting Questionnaire–Preschool Revision (APQ–PR) were explored in a sample of hyperactive–inattentive preschool children (N = 47) and nonimpaired controls (N = 113). A subset of parents completed the questionnaire on 2 occasions, approximately 1 year apart. Factor analysis revealed a 3-factor solution, accounting for 32.28% of the variance. The resultant Positive Parenting, Negative/Inconsistent Parenting, and Punitive Parenting factors demonstrated good internal consistency and temporal stability. At baseline, parents of hyperactive–inattentive and control children did not differ on any APQ–PR subscale. However, over time parents of controls increased their use of positive parenting techniques, whereas the use of positive parenting practices decreased over time in the hyperactive–inattentive group.

Connell A.M.&, Goodman S.H, 2002).

The association between psychopathology in fathers versus mothers and children's internalizing and externalizing behavior problems: A meta-analysis

Psychological Bulletin, 128( 5), 746-773.

DOI:10.1037/0033-2909.128.5.746      URL     PMID:12206193      [本文引用: 1]

In light of the selective focus on maternal (vs. paternal) psychopathology as a risk factor for child development, this meta-analysis examines the relative strength of the association between psychopathology in mothers versus fathers and the presence of internalizing and externalizing disorders in children. Associations were stronger between maternal than paternal psychopathology and the presence of internalizing (but not externalizing) problems in children, with all average effect sizes being small in magnitude. Relations were moderated by variables that highlight theoretically relevant differences between psychopathology in mothers versus fathers (e.g., age of children studied, type of parental psychopathology) and by variables related to methodological differences across studies (e.g., method of assessing psychopathology in parents and children, type of sample recruited, familial composition).

Crnic K. A., Gaze C., & Hoffman C . ( 2005).

Cumulative parenting stress across the preschool period: Relations to maternal parenting and child behaviour at age 5

Infant and Child Development, 14( 2), 117-132.

DOI:10.1002/icd.384      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Despite increasing interest in the effects of parenting stress on children and families, many questions remain regarding the nature of parenting stress and the mechanism through which stress exerts its influence across time. In this study, cumulative parenting stress was assessed across the preschool period in a sample of 125 typically developing children and their mothers. Indices of parenting stress included both major life events stress-assessed annually from age 3 to 5, and parenting daily hassles assessed every 6 months across the same period. Naturalistic home observations were conducted when children were age 5, during which measures of parent and child interactive behaviour as well as dyadic pleasure and dyadic conflict were obtained. Mothers also completed the CBCL to assess children's behaviour problems. Results indicated that parenting daily hassles and major life stress are relatively stable across the preschool period. Both cumulative stress indices also proved to be important predictors of parent and child behaviour and dyadic interaction, although the predictions were somewhat differential. Despite meaningful relations between the stress factors and child well being, no evidence was found to support the premise that parent behaviour mediates the association between parenting stress and child outcomes. Results are discussed within a developmental framework to understand the stability and complexity of cumulative stress associations to early parent-child relationships. Copyright 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Dong S. H., Liang X., Zhang Y., & Wang Z. Y . ( 2017).

Maternal positive parenting behaviors and toddler’s compliance: Prediction from maternal sensitivity in infancy and bidirectional effects of autonomy encouragement in toddlerhood

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 49( 4), 460-471.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 董书阳, 梁熙, 张莹, 王争艳 . ( 2017).

母亲积极养育行为对儿童顺从行为的早期预测与双向作用: 从婴儿到学步儿

心理学报, 49( 4), 460-471.]

[本文引用: 1]

Evans G.W., & Kim P. , ( 2013).

Childhood poverty, chronic stress, self-regulation, and coping

Child Development Perspectives, 7( 1), 43-48.

DOI:10.1111/cdep.12013      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Poverty is a powerful factor that can alter lifetime developmental trajectories in cognitive, socioemotional, and physical health outcomes. Most explanatory work on the underlying psychological processes of how poverty affects development has focused on parental investment and parenting practices, principally responsiveness. Our primary objective in this article was to describe a third, complementary pathway—chronic stress and coping—that may also prove helpful in understanding the developmental impacts of early childhood poverty throughout life. Disadvantaged children are more likely than their wealthier peers to confront a wide array of physical stressors (e.g., substandard housing, chaotic environments) and psychosocial stressors (e.g., family turmoil, separation from adult caregivers). As exposure to stressors accumulates, physiological response systems that are designed to handle relatively infrequent, acute environmental demands are overwhelmed. Chronic cumulative stressors also disrupt the self-regulatory processes that help children cope with external demands.

Gartstein M. A., Bridgett D. J., Young B. N., Panksepp J., & Power T . ( 2013).

Origins of effortful control: Infant and parent contributions

Infancy, 18( 2), 149-183.

DOI:10.1111/j.1532-7078.2012.00119.x      URL     PMID:26269695      [本文引用: 1]

Effortful control (EC) refers to the ability to inhibit a dominant response to perform a subdominant one and has been shown as protective against a myriad of difficulties. Research examining precursors of EC has been limited to date, and in this study, infancy contributors to toddler EC were examined. Specifically, parent/family background variables (e.g., education, income), maternal temperament, perceived stress, and internalizing symptoms were addressed, along with infant temperament: positive affectivity/surgency (PAS), negative emotionality (NE), and regulatory capacity/orienting (RCO); and laboratory observation-based indicators of attention. Infant attention indexed by the latency to look away after initially orienting to the presented stimuli emerged as an important predictor of later EC, after accounting for other child and parent/family attributes, with shorter latencies predicting higher levels of EC. Mothers090005 extraversion and parenting stress were the only parent/family attributes to significantly contribute to the prediction of toddler EC, with the former promoting and the latter undermining the development of EC. Infant temperament factors were also examined as a moderator of parent/family influences, with results indicating a significant interaction between mothers090005 EC and infant RCO, so that children with greater RCO and mothers high in EC exhibited the highest EC scores in toddlerhood.

Goodman R. ( 2001).

Psychometric properties of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 40( 11), 1337-1345.

DOI:10.1097/00004583-200111000-00015      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Gulley L. D., Hankin B. L., & Young J. F . ( 2015).

Risk for depression and anxiety in youth: The interaction between negative affectivity, effortful control, and stressors

Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 44( 2), 207-218.

DOI:10.1007/s10802-015-9997-7      URL     PMID:25870113      [本文引用: 1]

Theories of temperament suggest that individual differences in affective reactivity (e.g., negative affectivity) may confer risk for internalizing psychopathology in youth and that self-regulatory aspects of temperament (e.g., effortful control) may protect against the deleterious effects of high negative affective reactivity. However, no study to date has examined how the relationship between temperament and youth internalizing psychopathology may be moderated by stress. The current study used a prospective longitudinal design to test the interaction of temperament (e.g., negative affectivity and effortful control) and stressors as a predictor of youth (ages 7–16; 5602% female; N 65=65576) depressive and anxious symptoms over a 3-month period. Findings show that at low levels of stress, high levels of effortful control protect against the development of depressive and anxious symptoms among youth with high levels of negative affectivity. However, at high levels of stress, this buffering effect is not observed. Gender and grade did not moderate this relationship. Overall, findings extend current understanding of how the interaction of individual psychosocial vulnerabilities and environmental factors may confer increased or decreased risk for depressive and anxious symptoms.

Hanson J. L., Nacewicz B. M., Sutterer M. J., Cayo A. A., Schaefer S. M., & Rudolph K. D., … Davidson R. J . ( 2015).

Behavior problems after early life stress: Contributions of the hippocampus and amygdala

Biological Psychiatry, 77( 4), 314-323.

DOI:10.1016/j.biopsych.2014.04.020      URL     PMID:4241384      [本文引用: 1]

Early life stress (ELS) can compromise development, with higher amounts of adversity linked to behavioral problems. To understand this linkage, a growing body of research has examined two brain regions involved with socioemotional functioning mygdala and hippocampus. Yet empirical studies have reported increases, decreases, and no differences within human and nonhuman animal samples exposed to different forms of ELS. This divergence in findings may stem from methodological factors, nonlinear effects of ELS, or both. We completed rigorous hand-tracing of the amygdala and hippocampus in three samples of children who experienced different forms of ELS (i.e., physical abuse, early neglect, or low socioeconomic status). Interviews were also conducted with children and their parents or guardians to collect data about cumulative life stress. The same data were also collected in a fourth sample of comparison children who had not experienced any of these forms of ELS. Smaller amygdala volumes were found for children exposed to these different forms of ELS. Smaller hippocampal volumes were also noted for children who were physically abused or from low socioeconomic status households. Smaller amygdala and hippocampal volumes were also associated with greater cumulative stress exposure and behavioral problems. Hippocampal volumes partially mediated the relationship between ELS and greater behavioral problems. This study suggests ELS may shape the development of brain areas involved with emotion processing and regulation in similar ways. Differences in the amygdala and hippocampus may be a shared diathesis for later negative outcomes related to ELS.

Hibel L. C., Mercado E., & Trumbell J. M . ( 2012).

Parenting stressors and morning cortisol in a sample of working mothers

Journal of Family Psychology, 26( 5), 738-746.

DOI:10.1037/a0029340      URL     PMID:22866929      [本文引用: 1]

The cortisol awakening response (CAR) is a normative rise in cortisol levels across the 30 minutes post awakening. Both the levels and the degree of change in cortisol across this time period are sensitive to the perceived challenges of the day and are thought to prepare the individual to meet these tasks. However, working parents of young children may be under unique strains at this time as they attempt to simultaneously care for their children while also preparing themselves for the workday ahead. In these analyses we examined the contributions of both work and parenting stress on maternal cortisol levels and awakening responses, and how these relationships differed on workdays compared with nonworkdays. To do this, saliva samples were collected from 56 working mothers (25% single) with a child between the ages of 2 and 4 years old (mode = 2 children), at awakening and 30 min postawakening. Samples were collected on 4 consecutive days-2 nonworkdays followed by 2 workdays. Analyses revealed mothers reporting higher levels of parenting stress had higher average a.m. cortisol on workdays compared with nonworkdays. Further, mothers reporting a combination of high job strain and high parenting stress had significantly higher cortisol levels and steeper CAR increases on workdays compared with nonworkdays. Findings are discussed by integrating knowledge from the fields of parenting stress, work-family, and stress physiology.

Howell K. H., Barrett-Becker E. P., Burnside A. N., Wamser-Nanney R., Layne C. M., & Kaplow J. B . ( 2016).

Children facing parental cancer versus parental death: The buffering effects of positive parenting and emotional expression

Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25( 1), 152-164.

DOI:10.1007/s10826-015-0198-3      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The serious illness or death of a caregiver are two of the most distressing events that can befall a child, and are often temporally linked. Although both adversities may impact children’s mental health, studies have not yet attempted to disentangle the effects of parental illness versus those of parental death with regard to children’s psychological functioning. Further, there has been little empirical investigation of potential factors that may diminish risk for psychopathology following either of these adversities. The current study evaluated levels of anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) in youth age 7–13 grappling with either parental cancer (N02=0231) or parental death (N02=0232) and examined potential predictors of these mental health outcomes across both groups of children. Youth contending with parental cancer exhibited lower levels of PTSS than children who had experienced the death of a parent, but both groups exhibited similar levels of anxiety and depression. Expressive coping was associated with lower levels of PTSS, anxiety, and depression across both groups. An interaction effect revealed that for the bereaved group only, positive parental reinforcement and supportive caregiver communication were inversely associated with PTSS. These findings provide a foundation for future work designed to identify factors associated with distinct mental health outcomes among children facing parental cancer and/or parental death.

Kochanska G.& Kim S. ,( 2014).

A complex interplay among the parent-child relationship, effortful control, and internalized, rule-compatible conduct in young children: Evidence from two studies

Developmental Psychology, 50( 1), 8-21.

DOI:10.1037/a0032330      URL     PMID:3750102      [本文引用: 1]

We propose a model linking the early parent-child mutually responsive orientation (), children's temperament trait of effortful control, and their internalization of conduct rules. In a developmental chain, effortful control was posited as a mediator of the links between and children's internalization. was further posited as a moderator of the links between effortful control and internalization (i.e., moderated mediation): Variations in effortful control were expected to be more consequential for internalization in suboptimal relationships, with low , than in optimal ones, with high . The model was tested in 2 studies that employed comparable observational measures. In Family Study (N = 102 community mothers, fathers, and children), was assessed at 25 months, effortful control at 38 months, and children's internalization at 67 months. In Play Study (N = 186 low-income, diverse mothers and children), was assessed at 30 months, effortful control at 33 months, and children's internalization at 40 months. was observed in lengthy naturalistic interactions, effortful control in standardized tasks, and internalized, rule-compatible conduct in parent-child interactions and in standardized paradigms without surveillance. Structural equation modeling analyses, with internalized, rule-compatible conduct modeled as a latent variable, supported moderated mediation across mother- and father-child relationships and both studies. In optimal, mutually responsive relationships, multiple mechanisms other than capacity for effortful control may also operate effectively to promote internalization, thus reducing the relative importance of variations in child temperament.

Kou J. H., Du Y. S., & Xia L. M . ( 2005).

Reliability and validity of “children strengths and difficulties questionnaire” in shanghai norm

Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry, 17( 1), 25-28.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 寇建华, 杜亚松, 夏黎明 . ( 2005).


上海精神医学, 17( 1), 25-28.]

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1002-0829.2005.01.007      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Lake A.& Chan M. , ( 2014).

Putting science into practice for early child development

Lancet, 385( 9980), 1816-1817.

DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(14)61680-9      URL     PMID:25245180      [本文引用: 1]

Author information: (1)UNICEF, New York, NY, USA. (2)WHO, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland. Electronic address:

Lee K. ( 2003).

Maternal coping skills as a moderator between depression and stressful life events: Effects on children's behavioral problems in an intervention program

Journal of Child and Family Studies, 12( 4), 425-437.

DOI:10.1023/A:1026064007253      URL     [本文引用: 4]

In this study, I report secondary analyses using data from the Infant Health and Development Program (IHDP). The IHDP included parent-targeted as well as child-targeted components as an integral part of early intervention programs. I examined three questions: (1) Do the IHDP early intervention services enhance adaptive maternal coping skills? (2) Do maternal coping skills moderate the relationship between stressful life events and maternal depression? (3) Are maternal coping skills associated with children's behavioral scores? Mothers in the treatment group have more adaptive coping skills than follow-up only mothers, and these effects are moderated by maternal characteristics. Adaptive coping skills moderate the effects of negative life events on maternal depression. Adaptive maternal coping skills are significantly associated with fewer behavioral problems for children at age three. These effects are moderated by the intervention. Implications for early intervention programs are discussed.

Lengua L. J., Honorado E., & Bush N. R . ( 2007).

Contextual risk and parenting as predictors of effortful control and social competence in preschool children

Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 28( 1), 40-55.

DOI:10.1016/j.appdev.2006.10.001      URL     PMID:3115727      [本文引用: 1]

Using a short-term longitudinal design (6 months), this study examined cumulative contextual risk as a predictor of effortful control (EC) and social competence in a community sample of children (02=0280, ages 33–40 months at time 1). Maternal parenting was examined as a mediator of contextual risk. EC was assessed using laboratory tasks, and parenting was assessed using observational ratings. Time 1 contextual risk was negatively related to time 2 EC after controlling for time 1 EC. Mothers' limit setting and scaffolding predicted higher time 2 EC and accounted for the effect of contextual risk. Time 1 EC, contextual risk, and parenting predicted time 2 social competence, and contextual risk had an indirect effect on social competence through parenting. Results suggest that contextual risk predicts smaller relative increases in EC and that parenting accounts for this effect. Knowledge of the factors that divert or promote effortful control can provide targets for intervention to enhance effortful control abilities and better adjustment.

Li J. H., Robinson M., Malacova E., Jacoby P., Foster J., & Eekelen A. V . ( 2013).

Maternal life stress events in pregnancy link to children's school achievement at age 10 years

The Journal of Pediatrics, 162( 3), 483-489.

DOI:10.1016/j.jpeds.2012.09.007      URL     PMID:23084705      [本文引用: 2]

To test the hypothesis that maternal antenatal exposure to life stress events is associated with lower achievement in literacy and numeracy at age 10 years, with sex differences in this link. The Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort Study recruited 2900 women at 18 weeks' pregnancy, and 2868 children were followed up at birth and postnatally. At age 10 years, information on 1038 children was linked to their literacy and numeracy test scores. Multivariate regression models were used to test the foregoing hypotheses, adjusting for important confounders. In girls, maternal antenatal exposure to 4 or more maternal life stress events or death of the mother's friend and/or relative was associated with lower reading scores. In contrast, exposure to 3 or more life stress events or to a pregnancy or financial problem was associated with higher reading scores in boys. Furthermore, maternal exposure to 4 or more life stress events was associated with higher mathematic scores and a residential move was linked to higher writing scores in boys. Maternal antenatal exposure to life stress events has differing effects on the school performance of male and female offspring. Further research is needed to explore the reasons for this sex difference.

Liu W., Tian L. L., & Tan J. H . ( 2015).

Cumulative contextual cisk and suicidal ideation among working women: A mediated moderation model

Studies of Psychology and Behavior, 12( 3), 397-403.

[本文引用: 2]

[ 刘旺, 田丽丽, 谈继红 . ( 2015).

累积情境风险与职业女性自杀意念的关系: 有中介的调节模型

心理与行为研究, 12( 3), 397-403.]

URL     [本文引用: 2]


Liu Y. P., Deng H. H., Zhang G. Z., Liang Z. B., & Lu Z. H . ( 2015).

Association between parenting stress and child behavioral problems: The mediation effect of parenting styles

Psychological Development and Education, 31( 3), 319-326.

[本文引用: 3]

[ 刘亚鹏, 邓慧华, 张光珍, 梁宗保, 陆祖宏 . ( 2015).

父母养育压力对儿童问题行为的影响: 养育方式的中介作用

心理发展与教育, 31( 3), 319-326.]

[本文引用: 3]

Lv Q., Chen H. C., & Wang L . ( 2003).

A summary of researches on children's problem behaviors and their related parenting factors

Psychological Science, 26( 1), 130-132.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 吕勤, 陈会昌, 王莉 . ( 2003).


心理科学, 26( 1), 130-132.]

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-6981.2003.01.035      URL     [本文引用: 1]

儿童的问题行为是儿童发展过程中的一种常见现象 ,主要表现在攻击反抗、违纪越轨、焦虑抑郁、孤僻退缩以及各种身体不适等方面。儿童期的某些问题行为 ,尤其是典型的外显问题行为和内隐问题行为 ,在很大程度上可以预测青少年期与成人期的种种问题。家庭是儿童社会化发展和心

Olson S. L., Sameroff A. J., Kerr D. C. R., Lopez N. L., & Wellman H. M . ( 2005).

Developmental foundations of externalizing problems in young children: The role of effortful control

Development and Psychopathology, 17( 1), 25-45.

[本文引用: 1]

Peleg O., Halaby E., & Whaby E . ( 2006).

The relationship of maternal separation anxiety and differentiation of self to children's separation anxiety and adjustment to kindergarten: A study in Druze families

Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 20( 8), 973-995.

DOI:10.1016/j.janxdis.2006.01.008      URL     PMID:16497476      [本文引用: 1]

The study explores relationships between preschoolers’ separation anxiety and adjustment to kindergarten and their mothers’ separation anxiety and levels of differentiation. It also examines the universality of several theoretical and clinical notions in Bowen's [Bowen, M. (1978). Family therapy in clinical practice. Aronson: New York] Family Systems Theory, by testing them in the Eastern-collectivist Israeli-Druze society. The main findings were positive correlations between mothers’ and children's separation anxiety, as well as negative correlations between children's separation anxiety and maternal differentiation (for total DSI score and for emotional cutoff), so that lower differentiation and higher cutoff were associated with higher levels of anxiety. Another interesting finding was that teachers perceived the children of Druze working mothers as having more problematic behaviors than non-working mothers, pointing to poorer adjustment to kindergarten. Results suggest that a crucial balance of separation and closeness provides an optimal context for meeting the needs and promoting the healthy development of both mother and child. The present study is the first to indicate relations between mothers’ differentiation and preschoolers’ separation anxiety among Druze participants, partially supporting the universality of Bowen's theory “in all families and in all cultures” [Kerr, M., & Bowen, M. (1988). Family evaluation. New York: Norton, p. 202].

Putnam S.P.&, Rothbart M.K, 2006).

Development of short and very short forms of the Children’s Behavior Questionnaire

Journal of Personality Assessment, 87( 1), 102-112.

DOI:10.1207/s15327752jpa8701_09      URL     PMID:16856791      [本文引用: 1]

Using data from 468 parents and taking into account internal consistency, breadth of item content, within-scale factor analysis, and patterns of missing data, we developed short (94 items, 15 scales) and very short (36 items, 3 broad scales) forms of the Children's Behavior Questionnaire (CBQ; Rothbart, Ahadi, & Hershey, 1994; Rothbart, Ahadi, Hershey, & Fisher, 2001), a well-established parent-report measure of temperament for children aged 3 to 8 years. We subsequently evaluated the forms with data from 1,189 participants. In mid/high-income and White samples, the CBQ short and very short forms demonstrated both satisfactory internal consistency and criterion validity, and exhibited longitudinal stability and cross-informant agreement comparable to that of the standard CBQ. Internal consistency was somewhat lower among African American and low-income samples for some scales. Very short form scales demonstrated acceptable internal consistency for all samples, and confirmatory factor analyses indicated marginal fit of the very short form items to a three-factor model.

Rutter M. ( 1979).

Protective factors in children's responses to stress and disadvantage

Annals of the Academy of Medicine Singapore, 8( 3), 324-338.

[本文引用: 1]

Sawyer A. C. P., Millerlewis L. R., Searle A. K., Sawyer M. G., & Lynch J. W . ( 2015).

Is greater improvement in early self-regulation associated with fewer behavioral problems later in childhood?

Developmental Psychology, 51( 12), 1740-1755.

DOI:10.1037/a0039829      URL     PMID:26501724      [本文引用: 1]

The aim of this study was to determine whether the extent of improvement in self-regulation achieved between ages 4 and 6 years is associated with the level of behavioral problems later in childhood. Participants were 4-year-old children (n = 510) attending preschools in South Australia. Children's level of self-regulation was assessed using the parent-completed Devereux Early Childhood Assessment when children were aged 4, 5, and 6. Children's level of behavioral problems was assessed using total, internalizing, and externalizing scores on parent- and teacher-rated Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaires (SDQs) when children were 6 years old. Random effects regression was used to describe the changes to children's self-regulation between 4 and 6 years. Linear regression models were then used to determine the strength of the association between the extent of self-regulation improvement and level of behavioral problems. Greater improvement in self-regulation, adjusted for family characteristics and baseline self-regulation scores, was associated with lower levels of parent- (B = -3.57, 95% confidence interval [CI] [-4.49, -2.65]) and teacher-rated SDQ total difficulties scores at 6 years (B = -2.42, 95% CI [-3.50, -1.34]). These effects remained after adjustment for level of parent-rated behavioral problems at 4 years. Similar effects were found for internalizing and externalizing scores at age 6 years. The results highlight the importance of improvements in self-regulation from 4-6 years for childhood behavioral problems during the early school years. Children with lower levels of improvement in self-regulation early in life are at risk for higher levels of behavioral problems both at home and at school. (PsycINFO Database Record

Shelleby E. C., Shaw D. S., Cheong J. W., Chang H., Gardner F., Dishion T. J., & Wilson M. N . ( 2012).

Behavioral control in at-risk toddlers: The influence of the family check-up

Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 41( 3), 288-301.

DOI:10.1080/15374416.2012.664814      URL     PMID:3409090      [本文引用: 1]

This study examines the role of one component of emotion regulation, behavioral control, in the growth of children's early behavior problems by examining whether increases in parental positive behavior support brought about by a family-centered intervention were associated with greater child behavioral control, and whether greater behavioral control at age 3 mediated the association between improvements in aspects of positive behavior support from ages 2 to 3 and decreases in growth of behavior problems from ages 2 to 4. The sample included 713 at-risk children (50% female) and their primary caregivers (50% European American, 28% African American, 13% biracial, 9% other) who were randomly assigned to the intervention or control group. Children had a mean age of 29.91 months at the initial assessment. Data were collected through home visits at child ages 2 to 4, which involved questionnaires for primary caregivers and structured and unstructured play activities for children with primary and alternative caregivers and siblings. Results indicated that the intervention improved parental positive behavior support and reduced growth of child behavior problems. One dimension of positive behavior support, proactive parenting, was modestly associated with behavioral control at age 3, which in turn was significantly associated with growth in behavior problems from ages 2 to 4, with greater behavioral control related to lower levels of growth in behavior problems. Results provide support for the notion that proactive parenting is an important factor in the development of children's behavioral control and that behavioral control plays an important role in the growth of behavior problems.

Shen X.N . ( 2008).

The family environmental influence on children behavior

. Henan Journal of Preventive Medicine, 19( 1), 10-12.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 申小娜 . ( 2008).


河南预防医学杂志, 19( 1), 10-12.]

[本文引用: 1]

Singla D. R., Kumbakumba E., & Aboud F. E . ( 2015).

Effects of a parenting intervention to address maternal psychological wellbeing and child development and growth in rural Uganda: A community-based, cluster-randomised trial

Lancet Global Health, 3( 8), 458-469.

DOI:10.1016/S2214-109X(15)00099-6      URL     PMID:26144389      [本文引用: 1]

Parenting interventions have been implemented to improve the compromised developmental potential among 39% of children younger than 5 years living in low-income and middle-income countries. Maternal wellbeing is important for child development, especially in children younger than 3 years who are vulnerable and dependent on their mothers for nutrition and stimulation. We assessed an integrated, community-based parenting intervention that targeted both child development and maternal wellbeing in rural Uganda. In this community-based, cluster randomised trial, we assessed the effectiveness of a manualised, parenting intervention in Lira, Uganda. We selected and randomly assigned 12 parishes (1:1) to either parenting intervention or control (inclusion on a waitlist with a brief message on nutrition) groups using a computer-generated list of random numbers. Within each parish, we selected two to three eligible communities that had a parish office or a primary school in which a preschool could be established, more than 75 households with children younger than 6 years, and at least 15 socially disadvantaged families (ie, maternal education of primary school level or lower) with at least one child younger than 36 months. Participants within communities were mother–child dyads, where the child was 12–36 months of age at enrolment, and the mother had low maternal education. In the parenting intervention group, participants attended 12 fortnightly peer-led group sessions focusing on child care and maternal wellbeing. The primary outcomes were cognitive and receptive language development, as measured with the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, 3rd edn. Secondary outcomes included self-reported maternal depressive symptoms, using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale, and child growth. Theoretically-relevant parenting practices, including the Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment inventory, and mother-care variables, such as perceived spousal support, were also assessed as potential mediators. Baseline assessments were done in January, 2013, and endline assessments were done in November, 2013, 3 months after completion of the programme. Ethics approval was received from Mbarara and McGill universities. This trial is registered,NCT01906606. Between December, 2012, and January, 2013, 13 communities (194 dyads) were randomly assigned to receive intervention, and 12 communities (154 dyads) were assigned to a waitlist control. 319 dyads completed baseline measures (171 in the intervention group and 148 in the control group), and 291 dyads completed endline measures (160 in the intervention group and 131 in the control group). At endline, children in the intervention group had significantly higher cognitive scores (58·90vs55·65, effect size 0·36, 95% CI 0·12–0·59) and receptive language scores (23·86vs22·40, 0·27, 0·03–0·50) than did children in the control group. Mothers in the intervention group reported significantly fewer depressive symptoms (15·36vs18·61, 610·391, 610·62 to 610·16) than did mothers in the control group. However, no differences were found in child growth between groups. The 12 session integrated parenting intervention delivered by non-professional community members improved child development and maternal wellbeing in rural Uganda. Because this intervention was largely managed and implemented by a local organisation, using local community members and minimal resources, such a programme has the potential to be replicated and scaled up in other low-resource, village-based settings. Plan Uganda via Plan Finland (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and Plan Australia (Australian Aid).

Spinrad T. L., Eisenberg N., Gaertner B., Popp T., Smith C. L., Kupfer A., … Hofer C . ( 2007).

Relations of maternal socialization and toddlers' effortful control to children's adjustment and socialcompetence

Developmental Psychology, 43( 5), 1170-1186.

DOI:10.1037/0012-1649.43.5.1170      URL     PMID:17723043      [本文引用: 1]

The authors examined the relations of maternal supportive parenting to effortful control and internalizing problems (i.e., separation distress, inhibition to novelty), externalizing problems, and social competence when toddlers were 18 months old (n = 256) and a year later (n = 230). Mothers completed the Coping With Toddlers' Negative Emotions Scale, and their sensitivity and warmth were observed. Toddlers' effortful control was measured with a delay task and adults' reports (Early Childhood Behavior Questionnaire). Toddlers' social functioning was assessed with the Infant/Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment. Within each age, children's regulation significantly mediated the relation between supportive parenting and low levels of externalizing problems and separation distress, and high social competence. When using stronger tests of mediation, controlling for stability over time, the authors found only partial evidence for mediation. The findings suggest these relations may be set at an early age.

Sun D. L., Zhao Y. F., Xian D. X., Wen G. M., Yang W. K., Yin X. N., & Wu C. A . ( 2016).

The relationship between preschool children behavior problems and family environment

Chinese Journal of School Health, 37( 10), 1576-1578.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 孙灯利, 赵雅芬, 冼丹霞, 温国明, 杨伟康, 尹晓娜, 吴传安 . ( 2016).


中国学校卫生, 37( 10), 1576-1578.]

[本文引用: 1]

Tan T. X., Camras L. A., Deng H. H., Zhang M. H., & Lu Z. H . ( 2012).

Family stress, parenting styles, and behavioral adjustment in preschool-age adopted Chinese girls

Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 27( 1), 128-136.

DOI:10.1016/j.ecresq.2011.04.002      URL     [本文引用: 4]

This study seeks to extend previous research on family stress, parenting, and child adjustment to families with adopted Chinese children. In doing so, we also seek to strengthen inferences regarding the experiential underpinnings of previously obtained relationships among these variables by determining if they also occur in families where parents and children are not biologically related. Participants were families of 133 preschool-age adopted Chinese girls ( M age = 5.2 years, SD = 0.7; M age at adoption = 12.8 months, SD = 4.1). Data on family stress, parenting styles, and children's behavioral adjustment were collected from the adoptive mothers with the Social Problem Questionnaire (SPQ), Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ), and Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) respectively. Results showed that adoptive mothers reported relatively mild family stress, frequent authoritative parenting, and few behavior problems in their children. Nonetheless, family stress, authoritarian and permissive parenting styles positively correlated with children's behavioral problems. Finally, authoritarian parenting mediated the effect of non-child-related family stress (NCR-stress) on the adopted Chinese girls鈥 CBCL internalizing and overall problems, even after controlling for corresponding CBCL scores from 2 years earlier. Our results showed that the overall pattern of relationships found in non-adoptive families is also seen in families with adopted Chinese children.

Tiberio S. S., Capaldi D. M., Kerr D. C., Bertrand M., Pears K. C., & Owen L . ( 2016).

Parenting and the development of effortful control from early childhood to early adolescence: A transactional developmental model

Dev Psychopathol, 28( 3), 837-853.

DOI:10.1017/S0954579416000341      URL     PMID:27427809      [本文引用: 2]

Abstract Poor effortful control is a key temperamental factor underlying behavioral problems. The bidirectional association of child effortful control with both positive parenting and negative discipline was examined from ages approximately 3 to 13-14 years, involving five time points, and using data from parents and children in the Oregon Youth Study-Three Generational Study (N = 318 children from 150 families). Based on a dynamic developmental systems approach, it was hypothesized that there would be concurrent associations between parenting and child effortful control and bidirectional effects across time from each aspect of parenting to effortful control and from effortful control to each aspect of parenting. It was also hypothesized that associations would be more robust in early childhood, from ages 3 to 7 years, and would diminish as indicated by significantly weaker effects at the older ages, 11-12 to 13-14 years. Longitudinal feedback or mediated effects were also tested. The findings supported (a) stability in each construct over multiple developmental periods; (b) concurrent associations, which were significantly weaker at the older ages; (c) bidirectional effects, consistent with the interpretation that at younger ages children's effortful control influenced parenting, whereas at older child ages, parenting influenced effortful control; and (d) a transactional effect, such that maternal parenting in late childhood was a mechanism explaining children's development of effortful control from middle childhood to early adolescence.

Tsang L. L. W., Harvey C. D. H., Duncan K. A., & Sommer R . ( 2003).

The effects of children, dual earner status, sex role traditionalism, and marital structure on marital happiness over time

Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 24( 1), 5-26.

DOI:10.1023/A:1022478919443      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In this study, the link between marital happiness and the advent of children is demonstrated, accounting for dual earner status, sex role traditionalism, and marital structure. A subset of 1,275 respondents from a longitudinal data set (Marital Instability Over the Life Course : A Three Wave Panel Study, 1980 1988) whom remained married through the 3 waves was used to compare the level of marital happiness of respondents who added children between waves to those who did not. Although the addition of children negatively affected marital structure and thus indirectly lowered marital happiness, results showed children also had positive counterbalancing direct effects. Dual-earner status, income, and sex role nontraditionalism were shown to mitigate the negative effects of children on marital happiness.

Tudge J. R. H., Payir A., Merçon‐Vargas E., Cao H. J., Liang Y., Li J. Y., & O’Brien L . ( 2016).

Still misused after all these years? A reevaluation of the uses of Bronfenbrenner's bioecological theory of human development

Journal of Family Theory & Review, 8( 4), 427-445.

DOI:10.1111/jftr.12165      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Abstract A theoretical review published in 2009 revealed that scholars who stated that their research was based on Urie Bronfenbrenner's bioecological theory of human development rarely used it appropriately. To what extent has the situation changed since then? We used the same methods to identify relevant articles as had been used in the 2009 article and found 20 publications whose authors explicitly claimed that Bronfenbrenner provided the theoretical foundation for their study. Although 18 of those publications included citations to the mature (mid-1990s) version of Bronfenbrenner's theory, only two appropriately described, tested, and evaluated the four major concepts of Bronfenbrenner's theory roximal processes, person characteristics, context, and time. Failure either to correctly describe the theory or to critically test its central concepts poses significant problems for the future of family studies and developmental science. We discuss potential ways to improve this situation through metatheoretical, methodological, and pedagogical reflections.

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Analyses of mediating effects: The development of methods and models

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