ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报, 2018, 50(9): 929-939 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.00929


时间压力对错误记忆的影响:情绪的调节作用 *

钟毅平,, 张文洁, 李亚蕾, 范伟

湖南师范大学教育科学学院, 认知与人类行为湖南省重点实验室, 长沙 410081

Influence of time stress on mood-congruent false memories

ZHONG Yiping,, ZHANG Wenjie, LI Yalei, FAN Wei

Cognition and Human Behavior Key Laboratory of Hunan Province, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China

通讯作者: 钟毅平,

收稿日期: 2017-08-22   网络出版日期: 2018-09-15

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金.  31671134, 31500883
国家社会科学基金重大项目.  17ZDA326
湖南省自然科学基金.  2018JJ3341, 2018JJ2254, 2015JJ2097
湖南省社会科学成果评审委员会重点课题.  XSP17ZDI019, XSP18ZDI036
湖南省哲学社会科学基金青年资助项目.  16YBQ047
湖南省教科规划青年资助项目.  XJK016QXL002
湖南省教育厅科学研究一般项目.  17C1013
湖南省博物馆新馆儿童教育合作项目.  20131231

Received: 2017-08-22   Online: 2018-09-15


考察时间压力下不同类型的情绪刺激和情绪状态对错误记忆的影响, 并进一步探讨时间压力对心境一致性错误记忆的影响。实验1采用经典的DRM范式, 记录被试对情绪关键诱饵的错误再认数。结果发现时间压力增强了被试对负性关键诱饵的错误再认。实验2先在测试阶段启动被试的情绪, 再记录关键诱饵的错误再认数。结果发现, 在时间压力下, 正性情绪组的被试有更多的错误记忆。实验3采用带有情绪效价的DRM词表, 并在测试阶段启动被试的正负情绪, 然后再记录情绪关键诱饵的错误再认数。结果发现, 压力组和控制组被试都表现出了明显的心境一致性错误记忆。研究结果表明, 时间压力对错误记忆具有增强作用, 尤其对负性心境一致性错误记忆具有更为明显的增强作用, 但个体的负性情绪会削弱在时间压力下错误记忆的产生。这些结果进一步发展了激活监控理论和情感信息等价假设理论。

关键词: 错误记忆 ; 情绪 ; 时间压力 ; 心境一致性


A large number of studies have revealed that memories not only easily fade away but also can occasionally be changed spontaneously; memory errors are everywhere, reminding us that memories are not an exact copy of the experienced events. The influences of the various types of stimulus and emotional states on false memories were first studied by using the classical DRM paradigm. Furthermore, we investigated the influence of time stress on mood-congruent false memories.
The first experiment was performed to identify the influences of different emotional stimuli on false memories under time pressure. The hybrid design method was used, namely, 2 (time stress: stress group and control group) × 3 (word titer: positive word, negative word, and neutral word). The between-subject variable was time pressure, the within-subject variable was word titer, and the dependent variable was the number of the false recognitions of the critical lures. The results of experiment 1 showed that the main effect was remarkable under time stress, as was the valence of words. The interaction between the time stress and valence of words was significant. The results demonstrated that the number of false recognitions for the subjects in the stress group with respect to the negative critical lures was much higher than were those of the neutral and positive ones.
The second experiment sought to uncover the influences of different emotional states on the false memory under time pressure. The design method of 2 (time stress: stress group and control group) × 3 (emotion titer: positive emotion group, negative emotion group, and neutral group) was used, and the dependent variable was the number of the false recognitions of the critical lures. The results of experiment 2 showed that the main effect was marginally significant under the time stress, and the emotion was significant. The interaction between time stress and emotion was significant. The results revealed that the false recognition for the subjects in the positive emotion group with respect to the critical lures had the largest number.
The third experiment utilized the hybrid design method of 2 (time stress: stress group and control group) × 4 (mood type: positive mood-congruency, negative mood-congruency, positive mood-inconsistency, and negative mood-inconsistency) to investigate the influences of time pressure on mood-congruent false memories, demonstrating that both the pressure group and the control group subjects showed a significant mood-congruent false memory. The results of experiment 3 showed that the number of false recognitions with respect to the mood-congruency for the subjects in the stress group and the control group were both higher than that of the mood-inconsistency, and the stress group had a larger number of false recognitions than did the control group under the condition of mood-congruency.
The results of three experiments show that time pressure has a positive effect on false memories and further promotes negative mood-consistency false memories. Individual negative emotions can undermine the generation of false memories under time pressure.

Keywords: false memory ; emotion ; time pressure ; mood-congruency

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钟毅平, 张文洁, 李亚蕾, 范伟. 时间压力对错误记忆的影响:情绪的调节作用 *. 心理学报[J], 2018, 50(9): 929-939 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.00929

ZHONG Yiping, ZHANG Wenjie, LI Yalei, FAN Wei. Influence of time stress on mood-congruent false memories. Acta Psychologica Sinica[J], 2018, 50(9): 929-939 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.00929

1 引言

错误记忆(false memory), 是指个体在记忆中错误地把未曾发生过的事件当作发生过, 或者对事件的记忆与事件本身有着明显的差异(Roediger & Mcdermott, 1995), 也称之为虚假记忆或记忆错觉。DRM范式和误导信息干扰范式是研究错误记忆广泛使用的两种范式, 分别代表了两种不同的研究取向。DRM范式通常用于研究内部自发的错误记忆, 该范式包括学习和测验两个阶段。而误导信息干扰范式, 常用于研究外部诱发的错误记忆。Otgaar, Howe和Muris等人(2017)的研究中首次将这两种范式有机地融合, 探讨受虐和未受虐儿童的自发和诱发错误记忆的差异, 结果发现相比未受虐儿童, 受虐儿童会产生更多的自发错误记忆, 而诱发的错误记忆会相对减少。

前人的研究发现对比非情绪事件, 情绪事件更加容易被记住, 这种现象被称为“情绪记忆的增强效应” (王海宝, 张达人, 余永强, 2009)。但是, 有关情绪刺激的错误记忆上也会被增强。有研究发现被试对负性情绪效价的记忆材料的错误再认率显著高于中性和正性情绪效价材料(Brainerd, Holliday, Reyna, Yang, & Toglia, 2010), 还有研究者将DRM词表进行了情绪效价的区分, 编制了正、负、中性词表, 结果发现被试对负性词表的关键诱饵表现出更高的错误再认率(Brainerd, Stein, Silveira, Rohenkohl, & Reyna, 2008)。也有研究者在8岁和12岁的青少年中, 也发现了类似的结果(Howe, 2007)。此外, 不同的情绪状态对错误记忆的影响也是不同的。Storbeck和Clore (2005)使用DRM范式研究情绪状态和错误记忆效应之间的关系, 结果显示与正性和中性情绪相比, 负性情绪抑制了被试出现错误记忆的可能。杜建政和高妍春(2008)的研究也发现, 对比消极情绪组, 积极情绪组的被试产生了更多的错误再认。为了更好的解释情绪状态对错误记忆的影响, Schwarz和Clore (1983) 提出了情感信息等价假设。该理论认为, 相比负性情绪和中性情绪, 正性情绪下可以诱发被试更多的错误记忆, 这可能是由于正性情绪作为一种奖赏、增强的信号, 能增加自我效能感, 导致个体意识不到周围环境存在的威胁, 从而更加依赖个人经验而产生自上而下的加工。这种加工方式是一种整体加工策略, 它减少认知资源的消耗, 增强了关系加工。而负性情绪作为一种惩罚、抑制的信号, 预示着周围存在危险, 个体为了维护自身的生命安全, 会去更多的关注周围的新信息而产生自下而上的加工, 增强了项目特异性加工(张兰, 2013)。由此可见, 个体在某种情绪状态下对中性刺激的错误记忆加工和个体对带有情绪效价的刺激物的错误记忆的加工机制是不同的。

更有令人好奇的是, 在某种情绪状态下对情绪一致刺激的错误记忆加工是怎样的呢?这一问题属于心境一致性错误记忆问题。Bower (1981)提出了关于情绪记忆的理论模型——情感联想网络理论。该理论认为, 人们的记忆网络模型不仅包含对语义的记忆, 还与情感记忆相连接, 语义和情感记忆交叉形成结点是一个富含语义和情感结点的网络。若外界刺激激活了其中的一个结点后, 语义和情感结点就将同时被激活。这就使得人们偏向于提取与自身情感相一致的信息(张蔚蔚, 2013)。但是这种激活不仅仅包括了正确记忆的信息, 同时也包括了与正确记忆信息高度相关的错误记忆信息, 而对于这种错误记忆信息的激活的现象就叫做心境一致性错误记忆。Bland, Howe和Knott (2016)证明了具体情绪存在心境一致性错误记忆, 愤怒组和恐惧组的被试对相应情绪的关键诱饵回答“记得”的人, 表现出明显的心境一致性错误记忆的现象。Howe和Malone (2011)采用DRM范式, 该实验对词表进行了不同情绪效价的区分, 并且加入了抑郁相关的词表, 结果显示抑郁者比正常人对抑郁相关的词产生更多的错误再认。张蔚蔚等人(2012)发现, 正常被试也存在心境一致性错误记忆现象。那么在心境一致性错误记忆中, 即个体在某种情绪状态下对心境一致的情绪刺激物的错误记忆的加工中是情绪状态起主要作用, 还是情绪刺激物起主要作用呢?目前还不得而知。

前人的研究还发现时间压力对情绪和错误记忆都有影响, 在时间压力下, 个体的情绪唤醒敏感度被提高了(Bland, Howe, & Knott, 2016), 错误再认率也增加了((Benjamin, 2001; 周楚, 聂晶, 2009; 窦刚, 2014)。根据激活监控理论, 在无时间压力的情况下, 被试的错误再认率明显降低, 这是因为被试有充足的时间去进行判断, 监控作用大过激活的作用, 监控的过程会促使被试对关键诱饵词的来源进行分析, 从而降低错误记忆。但是在有时间压力的情况, 被试需要在时限控制下快速激活, 对于测试阶段词语的再认是建立在熟悉感基础之上, 而非有意识的来源监控上。那么在一定的时限下, 监控还没来得及发挥作用, 此时激活则会大于监控的作用, 从而导致错误记忆的增加(周楚, 聂晶, 2009)。但时间压力对情绪错误记忆的影响是否也遵循激活监控理论, 还不得而知。而且现实生活中我们还要面对更复杂的情况, 时间压力对心境一致性错误记忆的影响是调节情绪状态, 还是情绪刺激物呢, 其中机制也还不太清楚。

当前研究采用3个实验来考察时间压力和情绪对错误记忆的影响。实验1考察时间压力和情绪刺激对错误记忆的影响, 实验2考察时间压力和情绪状态对错误记忆影响, 实验3则探讨时间压力对心境一致性错误记忆的影响。根据情感联想网络理论(Bower, 1981)和激活监控理论(周楚, 聂晶, 2009), 以及研究者总结的疑问, 提出研究假设为:(1)时间压力会增强被试对关键诱饵的错误再认; (2)时间压力会增强正性情绪组被试对关键诱饵的错误再认; (3)时间压力会增强心境一致性错误记忆, 且负性心境一致错误再认数最高。

2 实验1:时间压力对情绪错误记忆的影响

2.1 目的与假设

检验时间压力对情绪刺激词错误记忆的影响, 实验假设为相比中性和正性情绪关键诱饵词, 时间压力会增强被试对负性情绪关键诱饵的错误再认。

2.2 方法

2.2.1 被试

随机选取某高校学生共60人, 随机分配到压力组30人(男生11人), 控制组30人(男生13人), 年龄在18~25岁之间, 平均年龄为21.23岁。所有被试中文流利, 均为右利手, 视力正常或校正后正常, 无精神病史, 且没有做过类似实验, 实验后赠送小礼品。

2.2.2 实验设计

采用2(时间压力:压力组、控制组) × 3(词语效价:正性、中性、负性)两因素混合设计, 其中时间压力为被试间变量, 词语效价为被试内变量。因变量为情绪关键诱饵的错误再认数。

2.2.3 材料

词表材料选自张蔚蔚等人编制的9个情绪DRM词表(张蔚蔚, 2013; 张蔚蔚 等, 2012)。每个词表包括10个学习项目和3个关键诱饵(只在测试阶段呈现, 确保成功诱发错误记忆), 所以学习阶段共包括90个学习项目, 词表以完全随机的方式呈现。再认测验由90个词组成, 包括45个学过项目, 分别是每个词表的1, 3, 4, 6, 9号的词; 以及45个未学过项目, 未学过项目由18个无关项词和27个关键诱饵词组成。作为缓冲, 有3个无关词在测验的最开始呈现。

本实验运用Svenson编制, 王大伟修订的时间压力量表测量被试的时间压力状态(王大伟, 2007; 王大伟, 胡瑜, 2008)。

2.2.4 程序

采用E-prime 2.0编制程序, 分为学习和再认两部分, 均在电脑上完成。

学习阶段指导语:“请你尽可能多的记住屏幕里的词, 之后将会进行测验。若已明白指导语, 按任意键开始记忆。”随后9个学习词表会随机呈现, 所有词语都以40号黑色宋体呈现。每个词语呈现2000 ms, 词语间隔500 ms, 词表间有5000 ms的白屏间隔。

词表学习完成后, 1分钟干扰, 最后进行再认。再认阶段的指导语:“学习结束, 下面将进行再认测验。如果你觉得现在出现的词是刚刚学习过的, 请按“J”键; 是没有学习过的, 请按“F”键。请按“Q”键开始测验。控制组被试按Q键后, 开始呈现词语, 待被试反应完成之后, 呈现下一个词语。而压力组被试多了一个反馈提示, 必须在词语出现于电脑屏幕上750 ms内做出按键反应, 如果超时则会提示反应过慢, 需加快反应速度(周楚, 聂晶, 2009)。测验阶段的“新”、“旧”反应按键在被试间进行左右手平衡。学习和再认结束后, 所有被试填写时间压力问卷(见图1)。


图1   压力组和控制组实验流程图

2.3 结果

对时间压力量表的得分进行方差分析, 结果表明压力组(25.23 ± 5.20)时间压力得分显著高于控制组(21.40 ± 3.59), 感受到了更大的时间压力, F(1, 58) = 11.01, p < 0.01, η2p = 0.07。

重复测量方差分析发现, 时间压力主效应显著, F(1, 58) = 7.21, p < 0.01, η2p = 0.11, 即压力组被试的关键诱饵词错误再认数显著高于控制组。词语效价主效应极其显著, F(2, 58) = 8.53, p < 0.01, η2p = 0.067, 事后多重比较发现, 被试对负性词的错误再认数显著高于正性词和中性词。时间压力和词语效价交互作用显著, F(2, 116) = 3.38, p < 0.05, η2p = 0.05。进一步简单效应分析发现, 压力组和控制组对正性关键诱饵的错误再认数无显著差异, F(1, 58) = 0.003, p > 0.05; 两组被试对中性关键诱饵的错误再认数也无显著差异, F(1, 58)= 0.90, p > 0.05; 但压力组被试对负性关键诱饵的错误再认数要显著高于控制组, 压力组和控制组差异显著, F(1, 58) = 15.49, p < 0.05 (见表1, 图2)。

表1   两组被试对情绪关键诱饵词的错误再认数(M ± SD)

压力组4.37 ± 1.514.58 ± 1.715.58 ± 1.23
控制组4.35 ± 1.564.32 ± 1.214.60 ± 1.59

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图2   时间压力和情绪刺激对错误记忆的影响

2.4 讨论

再认测验结束之后, 两组被试填写了时间压力量表, 分析结果发现时间压力组和控制组差异极其显著, 压力组的得分显著高于控制组, 这表明相比控制组, 压力的被试确实感觉到了时间压力, 更进一步证明实验操作的有效性。

实验1结果发现时间压力组对关键诱饵错误再认数显著高于控制组, 这表明再认阶段的时间压力会导致被试出现更多的错误记忆, 符合实验1的假设。为了进一步确认两者之间的关系, 将两组被试的学习词和关键诱饵词的再认数来做对比, 结果显示时间压力组和控制组的学习词再认数并无显著差异, 也就是说, 时间压力仅仅是影响了被试对关键诱饵词的再认, 而对学习词无影响。激活监控理论(Roediger & Mcdermott, 1995)认为在记忆的过程中, 不仅存在对事物的激活过程, 还存在监控过程, 是一种激活和监控的双加工, 这两种过程合作共存, 在记忆的编码和提取过程中他们同时存在。因此, 这些结果可能表明时间压力使得判断时间明显缩短, 被试明显感觉到时间压力的存在, 内隐联想网络中与学习词高关联的关键诱饵词会被迅速激活, 从而使得错误记忆的产生。

实验1发现压力组被试对负性关键诱饵词的错误再认数显著高于其他关键诱饵词。该研究结果与前人相关研究是一致的。例如, 黄宇霞和罗跃嘉(2009)的研究结果也发现, 当注意资源相对短缺时, 负性条件引起较大的LPC波幅, 这表明情绪加工受到注意的调节, 负性刺激在资源紧张时可以得到优先加工。Brainerd等人(2008)将DRM词表进行了情绪效价的区分, 编制了正、负、中性词表, 实验结果也发现被试对负性词表的关键诱饵表现出更高的错误再认率。Brainerd等人(2010)的研究发现, 被试对负性情绪效价的记忆材料的错误再认率显著高于正性情绪效价材料。这些研究结果表明时间压力本身会导致注意资源的短缺, 而负性刺激能更快更自动的吸引注意资源, 那么短缺的注意资源首先由负性刺激所占据。

实验1证实了时间压力增强了个体对负性关键诱饵的错误再认, 但是对负性关键诱饵的再认, 还不能代表负性情绪本身, 还没有足够多的证据表明在时间压力下负性情绪会对错误记忆有着重要的影响。为解答这一疑问, 研究者设计了实验2, 考察在不同的情绪状态中个体在有或没有时间压力时会对错误记忆产生怎样的影响。

3 实验2:时间压力和情绪状态对错误记忆的影响

3.1 目的与假设

检验时间压力和情绪状态对错误记忆的影响, 实验假设为:(1)时间压力会增强被试对关键诱饵的错误再认; (2)在时间压力下, 正性情绪组的被试会出现更多的错误记忆。

3.2 方法

3.2.1 被试

湖南某高校大学生共161人, 其中男生79名, 女生82名, 年龄在18~25岁之间, 平均年龄为21.3岁。所有被试中文流利, 均为右利手, 视力正常或校正后正常。无精神病史, 且没有做过类似实验, 实验后赠送小礼品。

3.2.2 实验设计

采用2(时间压力:控制组, 压力组)×3(诱发情绪效价:正性, 负性, 中性)两因素完全随机被试间设计。被试随机分为6组(正性情绪压力组23人、负性情绪压力组25人、中性压力组29人、正性情绪控制组29人、负性情绪控制组28人、中性控制组27人)。因变量为关键诱饵的错误再认次数。

3.2.3 材料

词表材料选自Stadler, Roediger和McDermott (1999)所制的DRM词表。在DRM词表中, 每张词表都对应1个关键诱饵, 词表以完全随机的方式呈现, 作为缓冲, 有3个无关词在测验的最开始呈现(周楚, 杨治良, 2008)。再认测验由60个词组成, 其中30个词为已学习过的, 分别选自10张学过词表中的位置2、位置6和位置11; 30个词是未出现过的, 其中10个词是每张词表对应的关键诱饵, 20个为未学过的无关项。作为缓冲, 有3个无关词在测验的最开始呈现。

情绪诱发材料, 参考前人研究, 正性音乐采用Brandenberg Concerto No.3; 消极音乐采用Sergei Prokofiev的Alexander Nevs: Russiaunder the Mongolian Yoke; 中性音乐采用Kraftwerk的Pocket Calculator。有研究表明, 这些音乐对诱发中国被试的心境具有很好的效度(Chepenik, Cornew, & Farah, 2007; Jiang, Scolaro, Bailey, & Chen, 2011; 张蔚蔚等, 2012)。

3.2.4 程序

实验包含三个阶段:情绪诱发阶段、学习阶段和测验阶段。情绪诱发通过邱林修订的正负性情绪量表(PANAS)评定, 学习阶段和测验阶段同实验1。情绪诱发阶段, 首先让被试评定自己的情绪状态(前测)——用邱林修订的正负性情绪量表(PANAS) (邱林, 郑雪, 王雁飞, 2008)。然后被试戴上耳机听情绪诱发音乐5分钟。5分钟后要求被试再次评定自己的情绪状态(后测), 再认阶段继续小声播放音乐。有研究表明实验室诱发的负性情绪保持时间少于10分钟(Chepenik, Cornew, & Farah, 2007 ), 为保证诱发的情绪在整个实验过程中都有效, 实验全程都将小声播放音乐。学习阶段指导语:“请你尽可能多的记住屏幕里的词, 之后将会进行测验, 若已明白指导语, 按任意键开始记忆。”随后10个学习词表会随机呈现, 所有词语呈现都是40号黑色宋体。每个词语呈现2000 ms, 词语间隔500 ms, 词表间有5000 ms的黑屏间隔, 再接着呈现下一个词表。学习部分完成后, 进入一分钟干扰, 最后进行再认。两组被试再认阶段的指导语:“学习结束, 下面将进行再认测验。如果你觉得现在出现的词是刚刚学习过的, 请按“J”键; 是没有学习过的, 请按“F”键。请按“Q”键开始测验。” 控制组被试按Q键后, 开始呈现词语, 待被试反应完成之后, 呈现下一个词语。而压力组被试多了一个反馈提示, 必须在词语出现于电脑屏幕上750 ms内做出按键反应, 如果超时则会提示反应过慢, 需加快反应速度(周楚, 聂晶, 2009)。测验阶段的“新”、“旧”反应按键在被试间进行左右手平衡。学习和再认结束后, 所有被试填写时间压力问卷。

3.3 结果

3.3.1 操作检验结果

对时间压力量表的得分进行方差分析, 结果发现压力组得分显著高于控制组, F(1, 58) = 12.03, p < 0.01, η2p = 0.09。

采用PANAS自评情绪量表进行前后测, 分为愉悦度和哀伤度两个维度计分, 1(完全没有) ~ 5(非常强烈)正向计分, 三种情绪效价的检测结果如表2。对正性情绪组的愉悦度量表的得分进独立相关t检验, 前后测验结果差异极其显著, t(51) = -11.02, p < 0.01, d = 0.68; 对负性情绪组的哀伤度量表的得分进行相关样本t检验, 前后测验结果差异极其显著, t(52) = -14.61, p < 0.01, d = 0.81; 中性组的愉悦度和哀伤度量表前后测差异不显著(见表2)。

表2   三种情绪效价在愉悦度和哀伤度量表的得分(M ± SD)

愉悦度正性情绪5223.19 ± 0.2925.85 ± 0.33
中性组5622.46 ± 0.2823.16 ± 0.32
负性情绪5322.90 ± 0.2921.04 ± 0.32
哀伤度正性情绪5222.77 ± 0.3920.21 ± 0.36
中性组5623.29 ± 0.3723.20 ± 0.35
负性情绪5323.23 ± 0.3926.04 ± 0.36

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3.3.2 时间压力和情绪状态对关键诱饵词再认的影响

两因素方差分析结果发现, 时间压力主效应不显著, F(1, 155) = 2.97, p = 0.09, η2p = 0.19。情绪主效应显著F(2, 155) = 3.83, p < 0.05, η2p = 0.47, 事后多重比较发现, 正性情绪组被试对关键诱饵词的再认数都显著高于中性情绪、负性情绪的被试, all ps < 0.05。时间压力和情绪交互作用显著, F(2, 155) = 3.31, p < 0.05, η2p = 0.41。进一步简单效应分析发现, 在正性情绪组, 压力组比控制组被试表现出更大的错误再认, F(1, 155) = 3.11, p < 0.05; 在负性情绪组, 压力组与控制组被试的错误再认无显著差异, F (1, 155) = 1.01, p > 0.05; 在中性情绪组, 压力组比控制组被试表现出更大的错误再认, F(1, 155) = 3.99, p < 0.05 (见表3, 图3)。

表3   六种条件下关键诱饵词的错误再认数(M ± SD)

压力组5.96 ± 1.555.34 ± 1.054.60 ± 1.31
控制组5.14 ± 1.544.56 ± 1.125.04 ± 1.88

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图3   时间压力和情绪对关键诱饵错误再认数的影响

3.4 讨论

实验结果发现时间压力组和控制组差异极其显著, 压力组的得分显著高于控制组, 这表明相比控制组, 压力的被试确实感觉到了时间压力。同时采用PANAS自评情绪量表进行前后测, 对正性情绪条件的愉悦度量表的得分前后测验结果差异极其显著, 负性情绪组的哀伤度量表的得分前后测验结果差异极其显著, 中性的愉悦度和哀伤度量表前后测差异不显著, 说明情绪状态启动的效果是有效的。

实验2结果发现了正性情绪组被试对关键诱饵词的再认数都显著高于中性情绪、负性情绪的被试。而且在时间压力下, 对比负性情绪组, 正性情绪组的被试会出现更多的错误记忆。换句话说, 正性情绪增强了在时间压力下的错误记忆的产生, 而负性情绪则抑制了在时间压力下的错误记忆的产生。这也和前人的研究保持了一致。Storbeck和Clore (2005)最早使用DRM范式研究情绪状态和错误记忆效应之间的关系。结果显示与正性和中性情绪相比, 负性情绪抑制了被试出现错误记忆的可能。我国学者杜建政等人的研究结果也发现, 积极情绪组比消极情绪组产生了更多的错误再认(杜建政, 高妍春, 2008)。Schwarz和Clore (1983)提出了情感信息等价假设。他们认为情绪可以直接影响个体的加工策略。该理论认为, 正性情绪作为一种奖赏、增强的信号, 能增加自我效能感, 此种情绪下人们通常意识不到周围环境存在的威胁, 更加依赖个人经验而产生自上而下的加工, 这种加工方式减少认知资源的消耗, 是一种整体加工策略, 增强了关系加工。而负性情绪作为一种惩罚、抑制的信号, 预示着周围存在危险, 个体为了维护自身的生命安全, 会去更多的关注周围的新信息而产生自下而上的加工, 增强了项目特异性加工(张兰, 2013)。因此, 这些结果可能表明正性情绪的个体偏向于依赖已有的经验来进行自上而下的关系加工, 而在DRM范式中, 关系加工是错误记忆产生的基础, 所以正性情绪组被试会比负性情绪组被试产生更多的错误再认。

实验2的结果表明在时间压力下, 正性情绪诱发下的被试会出现更多的错误记忆, 但是实验1的结果又告诉我们时间压力增强了个体对负性关键诱饵的错误再认, 那么当个体处于心境一致, 诱发的情绪状态与关键诱饵词的情绪效价相同时, 时间压力又会对个体的错误记忆造成怎样的影响呢?这个重要而尚不清楚的科学问题, 为解答这一疑问, 研究者设计了实验3, 考察时间压力对心境一致性错误记忆的影响。

4 实验3:时间压力对心境一致性错误记忆的影响

4.1 目的与假设

在实验1和2的基础之上, 进一步探讨时间压力对心境一致性错误记忆的影响, 实验假设为时间压力会增强心境一致性错误记忆, 且负性心境一致错误再认数最高。

4.2 方法

4.2.1 被试

招募某高校大学生共63人, 压力组32人(男生13人), 控制组31人(男生12人), 年龄在18~25岁之间, 平均年龄为20.32岁。所有被试中文流利, 视力正常或校正后正常。无精神病史, 且没有做过类似实验, 实验后赠送小礼品。

4.2.2 实验设计

采用2(时间压力:压力组、控制组) × 4(心境类型:正性心境一致、负性心境一致、正性心境不一致、负性心境不一致)两因素混合设计, 其中时间压力被试间变量, 心境类型是被试内变量。通过刺激词和启动情绪的组合共分为4种心境类型, 分别为:正性心境一致(正性情绪对正性关键诱饵)、负性心境一致(负性情绪对负性关键诱饵)、正性心境不一致(正性情绪对负性关键诱饵)、负性心境不一致(负性情绪对正性关键诱饵)。因变量为情绪关键诱饵的错误再认数。

4.2.3 材料

词表材料同实验1, 情绪诱发材料同实验2。

4.2.3 程序

除将词表材料换成实验1所使用的词表材料之外, 其余程序与实验2相同。

4.3 结果

4.3.1 操作检验结果

对时间压力量表的得分进行方差分析, 结果发现压力组得分显著高于控制组, F(1, 58) = 16.21, p < 0.01, η2p = 0.12。

采用PANAS自评情绪量表来进行前后测, 分为愉悦度和哀伤度两个维度计分, 1(完全没有)—5(非常强烈)正向计分, 两种情绪效价的检测结果如下表。对正性情绪组的愉悦度量表的得分进行相关样本t检验, t(62) = -12.22, p < 0.01, d = 0.73, 前后测验结果差异极其显著。对负性情绪组的哀伤度量表的得分进行相关样本t检验, 前后测验结果差异极其显著, t(62) = -8.96, p < 0.01, d = 0.53。

4.3.2 时间压力和情绪影响情绪关键诱饵词再认的结果

重复测量方差分析发现, 时间压力主效应不显著, F(1, 29) = 1.12, p > 0.05, η2p = 0.02。心境类型的主效应显著, F(3, 87) = 64.04, p < 0.01, η2p = 0.51。事后多重比较发现, 负性心境一致对关键诱饵词的错误再认数显著高于正性心境一致、正性和负性心境不一致, all ps < 0.05。时间压力和心境类型交互作用显著, F(3, 87) = 2.19, p < 0.05, η2p = 0.04。进一步简单效应分析发现, 在负性心境一致条件, 压力组被试比控制组被试表现出更多的错误再认数, F (1, 29) = 13.51, p < 0.05 (见表4, 图4)。

表4   两种条件下正负关键诱饵词的错误再认数(M ± SD)

压力组6.26 ± 1.136.94 ± 0.963.90 ± 1.043.68 ± 0.79
控制组5.77 ± 1.205.71 ± 1.324.03 ± 0.953.84 ± 0.97

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图4   压力组和控制组在不同心境类型下的关键诱饵错误再认数

4.4 讨论

操作检验的结果表明, 压力的被试确实感觉到了时间压力, 时间压力操作是有效性; 同时情绪的前后测说明情绪状态启动的效果是有效的。

实验3考察时间压力和情绪状态对情绪刺激的错误记忆的影响。结果显示, 负性心境一致对关键诱饵词的错误再认数显著高于正性心境一致、正性心境不一致、负性心境不一致。这和前人的研究结果保持了一致。Howe和Malone (2011)采用DRM范式, 该实验对词表进行的不同情绪效价的区分, 并且加入了抑郁相关的词表, 结果显示抑郁者比正常人对抑郁相关的词产生更多的错误再认。Bland等人(2016)证明了具体情绪存在心境一致性错误记忆, 愤怒组和恐惧组的被试对相应效价的关键诱饵回答“记得”的人, 表现出明显的心境一致性错误记忆的现象。心境一致性错误记忆在日常生活中也十分常见, 激活监控理论和情感联想网络理论都可以解释该现象。记忆是一个富含语义和情感节点的网络, 情感和语义内容是相互关联着的, 当外界信息进入记忆网络之后会同时激活情感和语义的节点, 但是这种激活不仅仅包括了正确记忆的信息, 同时也包括了与正确记忆信息高度相关的错误记忆信息, 而对于这种错误记忆信息的激活的现象就叫做心境一致性错误记忆。

结果还发现在负性心境一致情况下, 时间压力组比控制组表现出更多的错误再认。这说明, 时间压力进一步增强了负性心境一致性错误记忆。这一结果与前人关于负性情绪对错误记忆的影响的研究结果也是相呼应的。Brainerd等人(2010)的研究发现, 被试对负性情绪效价的记忆材料的错误再认率显著高于正性情绪效价材料。Brainerd等人(2008)将DRM词表进行了情绪效价的区分, 编制了正、负、中性词表, 实验结果发现, 被试对负性词表的回忆表现出更高的错误再认率。因此, 这些结果可能是因为负性情绪偏向普遍存在, 并且处于负性情绪中的个体不容易走出负性的情绪。实验1结果也显示出人们往往对负性事件优先加工, 这种优先加工体现在人脑对负性情绪事件十分敏感, 当没有情绪启动的情况下, 负性刺激就会吸引更多的资源, 被试会更多的对负性刺激产生错误记忆, 而当启动负性情绪时, 面对负性刺激, 心境一致性效应就会产生, 加之时间压力又进一步加快了情感和语义节点的激活, 从而增强了心境一致性效应, 这就使得时间压力下, 负性心境一致的错误再认数显著增加。

5 总讨论

5.1 时间压力是增强了对情绪词的错误记忆, 还是增强了情绪状态下的错误记忆

实验1和实验2探讨了时间压力和情绪词效价对错误记忆的影响, 但分别是从情绪词和情绪状态两方面入手。实验1改变经典DRM范式里的词表, 使用带有情绪效价的DRM词表, 将刺激物换成具有情绪效价的词表, 前人研究表明, 个体会对负性关键诱饵产生更多的错误再认(Corson & Verrier, 2007; Van, 2013)。在前人的研究基础上, 实验1加入时间压力这一变量后, 结果发现, 个体对负性关键诱饵会产生更多的错误记忆这一效应依然存在, 并且时间压力还会进一步增强被试对负性关键诱饵的错误再认。Brainerd等人(2008)将DRM词表进行了情绪效价的区分, 结果也发现, 被试对负性词表的关键诱饵表现出更高的错误再认率。Brainerd等的研究发现, 被试对负性情绪效价的记忆材料的错误再认率显著高于正性情绪效价材料(Brainerd et al., 2010)。实验1的结果证实了前人的研究, 被试对负性关键诱饵的高错误再认数确实存在, 但在时间压力下, 被试对负性关键诱饵的错误再认数极显著高于正性和中性, 这说明, 时间压力会增强被试对负性关键诱饵的错误再认。黄宇霞和罗跃嘉(2009)的研究结果也发现, 当注意资源相对短缺时, 负性条件引起较大的LPC波幅。这一研究表明, 情绪加工受到注意因素调节, 负性刺激在资源紧张时可以得到优先加工。而时间压力本身就会导致注意资源的短缺, 而负性刺激能更快更自动的吸引注意资源, 那么被试的注意资源将更多的被负性刺激所占据。这些结果也与激活监控理论相符合(Roediger & Mcdermott, 1995)。实验1设置的时间压力变量是在再认测验当中, 也就是提取阶段, 而根据激活监控理论, 提取阶段是既存在编码, 也存在监控, 监控可以提高判断的准确性。然而监控对于刺激的识别和判断需要一定的时间, 时间压力使得判断时间明显缩短, 被试明显感觉到时间压力和注意资源的短缺, 剩余的注意资源将更多的被负性刺激所 占据, 时间压力的存在, 这在一定程度上削弱了监控的作用, 所以才会出现被试对负性关键诱饵的错误再认数显著高于中性和正性(Frenda, Berkowitz, Loftus, & Fenn, 2016)。

实验2采用经典的DRM范式, 并启动个体的正、负性情绪, 加入时间压力这一变量后, 结果发现, 在时间压力下, 正性情绪组的被试会出现更多的错误记忆。杜建政和高妍春的研究结果也发现, 积极情绪组比消极情绪组产生了更多的错误再认(杜建政, 高妍春, 2008)。实验2的压力组被试结果与前人一致, 而在控制组, 正性情绪被试的错误再认数比负性、中性略高, 却没有达到差异显著。这些结果与情感信息等价假设理论相符。Schwarz和Clore (1983)提出了情感信息等价假设, 他们认为情绪可以直接影响个体的加工策略。该理论认为, 正性情绪作为一种奖赏、增强的信号, 能增加自我效能感, 此种情绪下人们通常意识不到周围环境存在的威胁, 更加依赖个人经验而产生自上而下的加工, 这种加工方式减少认知资源的消耗, 是一种整体加工策略, 增强了关系加工。而负性情绪作为一种惩罚、抑制的信号, 预示着周围存在危险, 个体为了维护自身的生命安全, 会去更多的关注周围的新信息而产生自下而上的加工, 增强了项目特异性加工(张兰, 2013)。因此, 这些结果可能表明正性情绪的个体偏向于依赖已有的经验来进行自上而下的关系加工, 而在DRM范式中, 关系加工是错误记忆产生的基础, 所以正性情绪组被试会比负性情绪组被试产生更多的错误再认。然而对于负性情绪条件下的个体, 时间压力带给个体的紧迫感本身就是一种威胁因素, 这就表示环境中的威胁因素增加, 激发了个体更加强烈的动机去消除威胁改变当前环境, 这也就进一步增强了项目特异性加工。而模糊痕迹理论认为, 项目特异性加工可有效的减少错误记忆。

以此, 人脑对情绪词加工的产生错误记忆, 和在情绪状态下对关键词加工产生的错误记忆可能是使用不同的机制, 一种符合激活监控理论, 另一种符合情感信息等价假设理论。那么在时间压力的作用下, 人脑同时激活这两种加工机制, 哪种机制会被优先使用呢?这两种机制的加工是完全独立的吗?这些疑问有待心境一致性错误记忆的考察结果来解答。

5.2 时间压力影响心境一致性错误记忆的机制

实验3是将前两个实验结合起来考察时间压力和情绪状态对情绪刺激的错误记忆的影响。实验3发现, 压力组和控制组都表现出明显的心境一致性错误记忆。张蔚蔚(2013)发现, 正常被试也存在心境一致性错误记忆现象(张蔚蔚, 2013)。Bland等人(2016)证明了具体情绪存在心境一致性错误记忆, 愤怒组和恐惧组的被试对相应效价的关键诱饵回答“记得”的人, 表现出明显的心境一致性错误记忆的现象。实验3的结果证实了心境一致性错误记忆确实存在。实验3还发现在心境一致的情况下, 压力组的负性心境一致相比正性心境一致表现出更多的错误再认, 这说明, 时间压力进一步增强了负性心境一致性错误记忆, 激活监控理论和情感信息等价假设理论都可以解释该现象。除此之外, 实验还发现, 时间压力下, 负性心境一致错误再认显著高于正性心境一致。这可能说明激活监控理论所解释的加工机制优先于情感信息等价假设理论被人脑所选择, 当启动负性情绪时, 面对负性刺激, 心境一致性效应就会产生, 加之时间压力又进一步加快了情感和语义节点的激活, 从而增强了心境一致性效应, 这就使得时间压力下, 负性心境一致的错误再认数显著增加(Chepenik et al., 2007)。

而实验3的研究结果还发现正性心境不一致和负性心境不一致情况下的错误记忆没有显著的差异, 而且时间压力组和控制组之间的错误记忆也没有显著的差异。这些研究结果说明人脑对激活监控理论所解释的加工机制与情感信息等价假设理论所解释的加工机制之间可能并不是独立的, 它们之间相互作用减少了错误记忆的产生, 而这一效应是不受时间压力影响的。

5.3 心境一致性错误记忆的消极偏向

从生物进化论角度来说, 负性情绪比正性情绪具有更强的生物适应意义, 更有利于种群的繁衍(周铁民, 2012)。在实验2当中, 负性情绪组的错误再认数显著低于正性情绪组, 这是因为负性情绪作为一种惩罚, 表示环境中存在着威胁, 使得个体倾向采用自下而上的精密加工来消除环境中可能存在威胁, 而时间压力带来的紧迫感本身就是一种威胁, 这就进一步促使负性情绪的被试对刺激进行精细加工, 利于辨别各种刺激, 这就使得时间压力下的负性情绪被试的错误再认数不增反减。这也符合生物进化论, 负性情绪具有更强的生物适应性, 促使个体精细加工来消除威胁(Chepenik et al., 2007)。

然而这种时间压力下负性情绪的错误再认数不增反减的情况, 仅仅限于中性刺激, 当刺激换成带来情绪效价的刺激, 结果却恰恰相反。实验3的结果显示, 当刺激换成情绪刺激时, 并且同时启动被试的正性或者负性的情绪状态, 就会出现心境一致性错误记忆, 并且负性心境一致的错误再认数显著高于比正性心境一致。此处的负性心境一致错误记忆, 是指当启动负性情绪状态时, 对负性关键诱饵的错误再认数; 正性心境一致错误记忆, 是指当启动正性情绪状态时, 对正性关键诱饵的错误再认数。依据情感信息等价理论, 负性情绪的被试采用自下而上的项目特异性加工, 错误再认数应该比正性情绪更低, 可实验3的结果却显示出, 负性情绪下对负性关键诱饵的错误再认数增加了, 也就是说负性心境一致错误记忆增加了。为什么会出现相反结果?实验1结果显示, 在没有情绪启动下的被试对负性词有着更多的错误再认, 这可以用负性情绪偏向来解释, 人们往往会对负性刺激优先加工, 正如进化心理学所主张, 人类天生可能对负性刺激的反应更加灵敏(Carneiro et al., 2012)。又因为在时间压力下, 个体对负性刺激自动进行反应却来不及甄别, 负性刺激敏感且自动反应, 激活作用增强, 但时间压力削弱了监控的作用, 从而导致了错误记忆的增加。这种对于负性刺激的自动反应在启动消极情绪的被试当中尤为明显, 因为负性情绪刺激可以激活相应的负性情绪结点, 如果被试已经被一种负性情绪状态所激活, 那么对于这种负性刺激的错误记忆将会存在双倍的激活(王振宏, 蒋长好, 2008), 所以才会出现负性心境一致的错误记忆明显高于正性心境一致的情况。

6 结论


(2)时间压力增强了个体对负性关键诱饵的错误再认, 个体的负性情绪会削弱在时间压力下错误记忆的产生;



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The effects of study-list repetition on of semantic associates were examined using (Experiment 1) and recognition time pressure (Experiment 2). Participants studied word lists, each of which was composed of high associates to a single, unstudied word (the critical lure). Under normal testing circumstances, young adult participants (ages 19-26) falsely endorsed fewer critical lures associated with lists that had been presented multiple times than lists presented only once. However, young participants tested under time pressure and older participants (ages 67-85) endorsed a greater number of critical items associated with lists presented thrice than with lists presented once. The results suggest dual bases for the recognition decision, one of which is based on the rapid spread of activation within domains of semantic similarity and the other of which functions to attribute that activation to likely sources and set appropriate decision criteria. The latter capacity is compromised both under conditions of time pressure and in the elderly.

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Research has shown that false memory production is enhanced for material that is emotionally congruent with the mood of the participant at the time of encoding. So far this research has only examined the influence of generic negative affective mood states and generic negative stimuli on false memory production. In addition, much of the research is limited as it focuses on valence and arousal dimensions, and fails to take into account the more comprehensive nature of emotions. The current study demonstrates that this effect goes beyond general negative or positive moods and acts at a more discrete emotional level. Participants underwent a standard emotion induction procedure before listening to negative emotional or neutral associative word lists. The emotions induced, negative word lists and associated non-presented critical lures, were related to either fear or anger, two negative valence emotions that are also both high in arousal. Results showed that when valence and arousal are controlled for, false memories are more likely to be produced for discrete emotionally congruent compared to incongruent materials. These results support spreading activation theories of false remembering and add to our understanding of the adaptive nature of false memory production.

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Do the emotional valence and arousal of events distort children memories? Do valence and arousal modulate counterintuitive age increases in false memory? We investigated those questions in children, adolescents, and adults using the Cornell/Cortland Emotion Lists, a word list pool that induces false memories and in which valence and arousal can be manipulated factorially. False memories increased with age for unpresented semantic associates of word lists, and net accuracy (the ratio of true memory to total memory) decreased with age. These surprising developmental trends were more pronounced for negatively valenced materials than for positively valenced materials, they were more pronounced for high-arousal materials than for low-arousal materials, and developmental increases in the effects of arousal were small in comparison with developmental increases in the effects of valence. These findings have ramifications for legal applications of false memory research; materials that share the emotional hallmark of crimes (events that are negatively valenced and arousing) produced the largest age increases in false memory and the largest age declines in net accuracy.

Brainerd C. J., Stein L. M., Silveira, R A., Rohenkohl G., & Reyna V. F . ( 2008).

How does negative emotion cause false memories?

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Remembering negative events can stimulate high levels of false memory, relative to remembering neutral events. In experiments in which the emotional valence of encoded materials was manipulated with their arousal levels controlled, valence produced a continuum of memory falsification. Falsification was highest for negative materials, intermediate for neutral materials, and lowest for positive materials. Conjoint-recognition analysis produced a simple process-level explanation: As one progresses from positive to neutral to negative valence, false memory increases because (a) the perceived meaning resemblance between false and true items increases and (b) subjects are less able to use verbatim memories of true items to suppress errors.

Carneiro P., Fernandez A., Diez E., Garcia-Marques L., Ramos T., & Ferreira M. B . ( 2012).

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The influence of sad mood on cognition

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Abstract Neuroimaging has identified an overlapping network of brain regions whose activity is modulated by mood and cognition. Studies of depressed individuals have shown changes in perception, attention, memory, and executive functions. This suggests that mood has a pervasive effect on cognition. Direct evidence of the effect of sad mood on cognition is surprisingly limited, however. Published studies have generally addressed a single cognitive ability per study because the fleeting nature of laboratory-induced mood precludes extended testing, and robust findings are limited to mood effects on memory for emotional stimuli. In this study, sad mood was induced and prolonged, enabling the effects of mood to be assessed for an array of abilities, including those that share neural substrates with sad mood and those affected by depression. Sad mood affected memory for emotional words and facial emotion recognition, but not the other processes measured, with a significant nonuniformity of effect over tasks. These results are consistent with circumscribed effects of sad mood on certain emotion-related cognitive processes, but not on cognition more generally.

Corson, Y., & Verrier , N. (2007).

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The study examined the effects of emotional state on false recognition in the DRM paradigm,and tested different emotional groups with every two categories among study words,non-presented lures,and non-related words.In this study different emotional states were created by music.The results show that the negative emotional group was significantly less likely to show false memory effects than the positive emotional group.The positive emotional group did better than the negative emotional group in study items,non-presented lures,and non-related words.The results suggest that both encoding-based process and retrieval-based process play a role in the production of false recognition.

[ 杜建政, 高妍春 . ( 2008).


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Sleep deprivation and false confessions

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113( 8), 2047-2050.

DOI:10.1073/pnas.1521518113      URL     PMID:26858426      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract False confession is a major contributor to the problem of wrongful convictions in the United States. Here, we provide direct evidence linking sleep deprivation and false confessions. In a procedure adapted from Kassin and Kiechel [(1996) Psychol Sci 7(3):125-128], participants completed computer tasks across multiple sessions and repeatedly received warnings that pressing the "Escape" key on their keyboard would cause the loss of study data. In their final session, participants either slept all night in laboratory bedrooms or remained awake all night. In the morning, all participants were asked to sign a statement, which summarized their activities in the laboratory and falsely alleged that they pressed the Escape key during an earlier session. After a single request, the odds of signing were 4.5 times higher for the sleep-deprived participants than for the rested participants. These findings have important implications and highlight the need for further research on factors affecting true and false confessions.

Howe M. L., & Malone c . ( 2011).

Mood-congruent true and false memory: Effects of depression

Memory, 19(2), 192-201.

DOI:10.1080/09658211.2010.544073      URL     PMID:21294037      [本文引用: 2]

The Deese/Roediger-McDermott paradigm was used to investigate the effect of depression on true and false recognition. In this experiment true and false recognition was examined across positive, neutral, negative, and depression-relevant lists for individuals with and without a diagnosis of major depressive disorder. Results showed that participants with major depressive disorder falsely recognised significantly more depression-relevant words than non-depressed controls. These findings also parallel recent research using recall instead of recognition and show that there are clear mood congruence effects for depression on false memory performance.

Howe, M. L . ( 2007).

Children's emotional false memories

Psychological Science, 18( 10), 856-860.

DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9280.2007.01991.x      URL     PMID:17894601      [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT Eight- and 12-year-old children were presented with neutral and negative emotional Deese-Roediger-McDermott lists equated on familiarity and associative strength. Both recall and recognition ( A ') measures were obtained. Recall measures exhibited the usual age increments in true and false recollection. True neutral items were better recalled and recognized than true negative emotional items. Although the children showed more false recall for neutral than for negative emotional lists, false recognition was higher for negative emotional than for neutral items. A ' analyses also showed that whereas true neutral information and false neutral information were easily discriminated by children regardless of age, the same was not the case for true and false negative emotional information. Together, these results suggest that although children may be able to censor negative emotional information at recall, such information promotes relational processing in children's memory, making true and false emotional information less discriminable overall.

Huang, Y. X., & Luo, Y. J . ( 2009).

Can negative stimuli always have the processing superiority?Acta Psychologica Sinica,

41( 9), 822-831.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2009.00822      URL    

It is widely reported that emotional negative stimuli are processed preferentially relative to positive and neutral stimuli. But there are also many other studies that do not find the processing differences between negative and positive stimuli. This divergence might result from the different attention levels among studies. Some researchers suggest that when attention resources are extremely scarce,organisms can not respond discriminately to negative and positive information. Thus,one may ask whether negative stimuli must be treated preferentially if plenty of attention is available. The current study manipulated attention by a cue-target paradigm. In the valid cueing condition,subjects could obtain sufficient attention resources,while in the invalid cueing condition,resources were relatively insufficient. It was noteworthy that both attention levels in the current experiment were far greater than the attention scarceness that was mentioned before. Positive,neutral and negative pictures from the International Affective Picture System and the Chinese Affective Picture System were transformed into upper and lower adjacent patchworks of a normal scene and its inverted copy. Seventeen undergraduate students participated in the study. They were instructed to pay attention to the structure of the patchworks and to judge whether the normal scene was located in the upper or lower part of the whole patchwork. This implicit task was used to avoid the task relevance effect. The behavioral data showed that the response accuracy in the valid cueing condition was significantly higher than that in the invalid cueing condition. Amplitudes of P1,N1,P2 and N2 components were also modulated by attention level. Significant interactions between emotion and attention were found in LPC difference waves. In the sufficient attention condition,there was no obvious difference between 'positive minus neutral' and 'negative minus neutral'. In contrast,the LPC amplitude of 'negative minus neutral' was significantly larger than that of 'positive minus neutral' when the attention resource was relatively inadequate. This study suggests that when enough attention resources are available,positive information can be processed in the same way as negative information,i.e.,negativity bias does not necessarily show up in circumstances of sufficient attention. The processing superiority of negative events is more likely to take effect in situations where attention resources are not adequate. The phenomenon that emotional processing is modulated by attention is a manifestation of adaptation to environments. More work,such as manipulating attention systematically to observe the influence on emotional processing,is needed to explore this issue further.

[ 黄宇霞, 罗跃嘉 . ( 2009).

负性情绪刺激是否总是优先得到加工: ERP研究

心理学报, 41( 9), 822-831.]

[本文引用: 2]

Jiang J., Scolaro A. J., Bailey K., & Chen A . ( 2011).

The effect of music-induced mood on attentional networks

International Journal of Psychology, 46( 3), 214-222.

DOI:10.1080/00207594.2010.541255      URL     PMID:22044234      [本文引用: 1]

Attention network theory suggests that there are three separate neural networks that execute the discrete functions of alerting, orienting, and executive attention. Previous research on the influence of mood on attention has shown subtle and inconsistent results. The attention network theory may aid in clarifying the influence of mood on attention. The present study investigated the influence of mood on attentional networks in a normal population. Participants performed the Attention Network Test (ANT), which provides functional measures of alerting, orienting, and executive attention. Positive or negative mood was induced by listening to music with a positive or negative valence, respectively; neutral mood was induced by reading a collection of basic facts about China. The results revealed that negative mood led to a significantly higher alerting efficiency relative to other moods, while there were no significant mood effects on orienting or executive attention efficiency. According to the algorithm underlying the ANT, the higher alerting efficiency in the negative mood condition can be attributed to relatively greater benefits of cueing effects. The findings are discussed in the context of the noradrenergic system and of evolutionary significance. Specifically, the increase in the alerting function during negative mood states may be due to the modulation effect of negative mood on the noradrenergic system, and/or to the survival benefit resulting from an increase in automatic vigilance towards negative information. The current results suggest that as the influence of negative mood on attention appears to specifically consist in an enhanced alerting function, it may not be found in studies where the three attentional networks are not dissociated.

Lin Q., Zheng X., &Wang Y. F . ( 2008).

Revision of the positive affect and negative affect scale

Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology. 14( 3), 249-254.


This paper revises the Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scale(PANAS)constructed by Watson et al.(1988)on the basis of two-dimension affect structure theory.After collecting the positive and negative affect items in the principal affect circumplex models,we deleted the non-emotion items according to the experts' evaluation,and used questionnaires to explore the typicality of those emotions.The final version of revised scale was identified after a pilot study.Then the psychometrical properties of the revised scale were tested with data collected by ways of self report,peer report,and cognitive approach.The results suggest that all the items in the revised PANAS have ideal differentiability,and hence,it is a valid and reliable measurement for affective well-being.

[ 邱林, 郑雪, & 王雁飞 . ( 2008).


应用心理学, 14( 3), 249-254.]

URL     [本文引用: 1]


Otgaar H., Howe M. L., & Muris P . ( 2017).

Maltreatment increases spontaneous false memories but decreases suggestion-induced false memories in children

Developmental Psychology, 35( 3), 376-391.

DOI:10.1111/bjdp.2017.35.issue-3      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Roediger, H. L., & Mcdermott, K. B . ( 1995).

Creating false memories: Remembering words not presented in lists

Journal of Experimental Psychology Learning Memory and Cognition, 21( 4), 803-814.

DOI:10.1037/0278-7393.21.4.803      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Presents experiments modeled after J. Deese's 1959 study on false recall and false recognition in a list learning paradigm. False recall and false recognition of critical nonpresented words; Confidence with which subjects accepted or rejected the critical nonpresented words as having been in the study list; Use of remember-know procedure developed by Tulving.

Schwarz, N., &Clore, G. L . ( 1983).

Mood, misattribution, and judgement of well-being: Informative and directive functions of affective states

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 45( 3), 513-523.

DOI:10.1037/0022-3514.45.3.513      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Storbeck, J., & Clore, G. L . ( 2005).

With sadness comes accuracy; with happiness, false memory: mood and the false memory effect

Psychological Science, 16( 10), 785-791.

DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9280.2005.01615.x      URL     PMID:16181441      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract The Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm lures people to produce false memories. Two experiments examined whether induced positive or negative moods would influence this false memory effect. The affect-as-information hypothesis predicts that, on the one hand, positive affective cues experienced as task-relevant feedback encourage relational processing during encoding, which should enhance false memory effects. On the other hand, negative affective cues are hypothesized to encourage item-specific processing at encoding, which should discourage such effects. The results of Experiment 1 are consistent with these predictions: Individuals in negative moods were significantly less likely to show false memory effects than those in positive moods or those whose mood was not manipulated. Experiment 2 introduced inclusion instructions to investigate whether moods had their effects at encoding or retrieval. The results replicated the false memory finding of Experiment 1 and provide evidence that moods influence the accessibility of lures at encoding, rather than influencing monitoring at retrieval of whether lures were actually presented.

Stadler M A, Roediger H L, McDermott K B . ( 1999).

Norms for word lists that create false memories

Memory & cognition, 27( 3), 494-500.

DOI:10.3758/BF03211543      URL     PMID:10355238      [本文引用: 1]

Presents normative data for word lists that create false memories. Proportion of subjects who recalled an item as a function of serial position and list; Evaluation of the effectiveness of the word lists developed in previous studies; Role of associative processes in creating false memories; Characteristics of the lists that determines their tendency to elicit false memories.

Van, D. I . ( 2013).

Mood and the DRM paradigm: An investigation of the effects of valence and arousal on false memory

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66( 6), 1060-1081.

DOI:10.1080/17470218.2012.727837      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Wang, D. W . ( 2007).

The experimental research on time pressure affecting decision (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertations)

East China Normal University, Shanghai.

[ 王大伟 . ( 2007).


(博士论文), 华东师范大学, 上海.]

[本文引用: 1]

Wang, D. W., & Hu, Y. ( 2008).

The experimental research on time pressure affecting decision

Chinese Economy Management Science Magazine, ( 3), 26-29.

[ 王大伟, 胡瑜 . ( 2008).


中国经济与管理科学, ( 3), 26-29.]

DOI:10.7666/d.y1073781      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Wang H. B., Zhang D. R., & Yu Y. Q . ( 2009).

Time dependence of enhancement effects in emotional memory

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 41( 10), 932-938.

[ 王海宝, 张达人,& 余永强 . ( 2009).


心理学报, 41( 10), 932-938.]

URL     [本文引用: 1]


Wang, Z. H., & Jiang, C. H . ( 2008).

Theory Models of Emotional Memory

Journal of Northwest Normal University (Social Sciences), 45( 4), 112-117.


Emotional memory involves in the relationship of emotion and cognition.It is not only the focus of emotion study,but also receives the attention of memory study.Many theory models of emotional memory formed in current emotional memory study.The major models are:Bower's associative semantic network model,Lang's bioinformational model,Leventhal' hierarchical model,Teasdale's integrated cognitive subsystems model,Philippot's integrative model,LeDoux's model of emotional memory,and Damasio's theory of primary and secondary emotion system.The perspectives of model were summarized,and its value and limitation were discussed in this paper.

[ 王振宏, 蒋长好 . ( 2008).


西北师范大学学报(社会科学版), 45( 4), 112-117.]

[本文引用: 1]

Zhang, L. ( 2013).

The Effects of Emotions on Associatively false memory (Unpublished master’s thesis)

Capital Normal University, Beijing.

[ 张兰 . ( 2013).

情绪对关联性错误记忆的影响: 一个ERP研究

(硕士论文), 首都师范大学, 北京.]

[本文引用: 3]

Zhang, W. W . ( 2013).

The effect of warning cues on mood- congruent false memory in DRM paradigm (Unpublished Master Theses)

Southwest University, Chongqing.

[ 张蔚蔚 . ( 2013).


(硕士论文). 西南大学, 重庆.]

[本文引用: 4]

Zhang W. W., Gao F., Jiang J., Zhang J. Y., & Zhang Q. L . ( 2012).

The cognitive mechanism of mood-congruent false memory in DRM paradigm

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 44( 12), 1596-1606.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2012.01596      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The memory of people are not always correct,when people sometimes declare to remember some events that in fact has never occurred,this is how false memories produced.Spreading activation theory tries to explain the mechanism of false memories.According to this theory,semantics related information is organized together in memory.Semantic activation of the learning items will spread to critical lures that have semantic association with the items through semantic network and thus activates the critical lures to generate false memory.Due to the fact that false memory has important influence on daily life,many researches focus on how to reduce false memory.Presenting a warning signal is the most common method in the laboratory to reduce false memory.DRM paradigm only shows one type of human false memory phenomenon.Studies show that mood also has great influence on human memory and this effect is mainly reflected in mood-congruent memory bias.Bower(1981) used associative network theory of emotion to explain this phenomenon.Based on spreading activation theory and associative network theory of emotion,we hypothesized that unconsciously spreading activated semantic and emotional information leads people to retrieve mood-congruent information.This information includes original input information and moods and semantics related non-original information,namely false memory information.False retrieval of mood-congruent non-original information generates mood-congruent false memory.Therefore,Experiment 1 examined whether the existence of mood-congruent false memory among normal participants.After warning cues were added,experiment 2 explored whether warning cue can reduce false memory.This study will explore the hypothesis:(1) error recognition rate of positive critical lures in the positive mood is significantly higher than that in the negative and neutral moods,and error recognition rate of negative critical lures in the negative mood is significantly higher than that in the positive and neutral moods;(2)warning cues cannot reduce mood-congruent false memory.Thirty-two and thirty participants were randomly selected in experiment 1 and 2 by campus BBS,respectively.All participants were right-handed with normal or corrected to normal visions,and they had no history of mood disorders.They were equally selected from science major and liberal arts major.All data were analyzed by SPSS 16.0.The hypothesis is supported by the result.The results showed that:(1) error recognition rate of positive critical lures in the positive mood was significantly higher than that in the negative and neutral moods and error recognition rate of negative critical lures in the negative mood was significantly higher than that in the positive and neutral moods;(2) warning cue cannot reduce false memory and mood-congruent false memory;(3) participants were inclined to make "remember" judgment to mood-congruent critical lures with or without warning.This study creatively combined spreading activation theory with associative network theory of emotion to explain mood-congruent false memory phenomenon.Theoretical significance of this study lies in the fact that it can further reveal the mechanism of the interaction between the left hemisphere of the brain which is responsible for word processing and the right hemisphere of the brain which is responsible for perceptual material processing.Practical value is mainly manifested in the fact that it can be used to explain how a pessimist becomes increasingly pessimistic and how an optimist becomes increasingly optimistic.It also has important application value for emotional management and emotional adjustment in psychological counseling.

[ 张蔚蔚, 高飞, 蒋军, 张继元, 张庆林 . ( 2012).


心理学报, 44( 12), 1596-1606. ]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2012.01596      URL     [本文引用: 2]

The memory of people are not always correct, when people sometimes declare to remember some events that in fact has never occurred, this is how false memories produced. Spreading activation theory tries to explain the mechanism of false memories. According to this theory, semantics related information is organized together in memory. Semantic activation of the learning items will spread to critical lures that have semantic association with the items through semantic network and thus activates the critical lures to generate false memory. Due to the fact that false memory has important influence on daily life, many researches focus on how to reduce false memory. Presenting a warning signal is the most common method in the laboratory to reduce false memory. DRM paradigm only shows one type of human false memory phenomenon. Studies show that mood also has great influence on human memory and this effect is mainly reflected in mood-congruent memory bias. Bower (1981) used associative network theory of emotion to explain this phenomenon. Based on spreading activation theory and associative network theory of emotion, we hypothesized that unconsciously spreading activated semantic and emotional information leads people to retrieve mood-congruent information. This information includes original input information and moods and semantics related non-original information, namely false memory information. False retrieval of mood-congruent non-original information generates mood-congruent false memory. Therefore, Experiment 1 examined whether the existence of mood-congruent false memory among normal participants. After warning cues were added, experiment 2 explored whether warning cue can reduce false memory. This study will explore the hypothesis: (1) error recognition rate of positive critical lures in the positive mood is significantly higher than that in the negative and neutral moods, and error recognition rate of negative critical lures in the negative mood is significantly higher than that in the positive and neutral moods; (2)warning cues cannot reduce mood-congruent false memory. Thirty-two and thirty participants were randomly selected in experiment 1 and 2 by campus BBS, respectively. All participants were right-handed with normal or corrected to normal visions, and they had no history of mood disorders. They were equally selected from science major and liberal arts major. All data were analyzed by SPSS 16.0. The hypothesis is supported by the result. The results showed that: (1) error recognition rate of positive critical lures in the positive mood was significantly higher than that in the negative and neutral moods and error recognition rate of negative critical lures in the negative mood was significantly higher than that in the positive and neutral moods; (2) warning cue cannot reduce false memory and mood-congruent false memory; (3) participants were inclined to make 渞emember judgment to mood-congruent critical lures with or without warning. This study creatively combined spreading activation theory with associative network theory of emotion to explain mood-congruent false memory phenomenon. Theoretical significance of this study lies in the fact that it can further reveal the mechanism of the interaction between the left hemisphere of the brain which is responsible for word processing and the right hemisphere of the brain which is responsible for perceptual material processing. Practical value is mainly manifested in the fact that it can be used to explain how a pessimist becomes increasingly pessimistic and how an optimist becomes increasingly optimistic. It also has important application value for emotional management and emotional adjustment in psychological counseling.

Zhou, C., & Nie, J. ( 2009).

An empirical research on the Dual- processing mechanism of false recognition

Psychological Science, 32(2), 334-337.

DOI:10.1360/972009-782      URL    

Adopting the Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm,we investigated the mechanism of false recognition in a 2(forewarning) ×2(presentation time) ×2(time pressure during recognition)×3 (types of items) factorial design.ANOVA showed a significant main effect of forewarning,and interaction between item type and time pressure.With the signal detection theory(SDT),further analysis showed that the participants had poorer discrimination under time pressure,which indicated that they did not have enough time to make judgments.The SDT analysis also showed that participants used more strict response criteria when giving them forewarning.In-depth discussion was made in terms of the activation/monitoring theory.

[ 周楚, 聂晶 . ( 2009).


心理科学, 32( 2), 334-337.]

URL     [本文引用: 5]


Zhou, C., & Yang, Z. L . ( 2008).

The effects of warning and presentation duration on false recognition and false recall

Psychological Science, 31( 3), 546-552.

DOI:10.1115/DSCC2008-2103      URL    

Using the Deese-Roediger-McDermott(DRM) paradigm,the different effects of warning and presentation duration on false recognition and false recall were examined.We used the visual presentation of lists of words and visual tests in both experiments.In Experiment 1,a recognition test was conducted.Effective warning reduced the false recognition of critical lures,but the effect of presentation duration was not significant.In experiment 2,a recall test was conducted.Both warning and presentation duration had no effect on false recall.The results indicated that the effect of warning on false recall was affected by presentation modality,and the wide range of presentation duration would simultaneously facilitate the activation process and monitoring process.

[ 周楚, 杨治良 . ( 2008).


心理科学, 31( 3), 546-552.]

[本文引用: 1]

Zhou, T. M . ( 2012).

Review of emotion theories in the evolutionary psychology

Journal of Shenyang Normal University (Social Scicence Edition), 36( 6), 132-134.

[ 周铁民 . ( 2012).


沈阳师范大学学报(社会科学版), 36( 6), 132-134.]

URL     [本文引用: 1]

进化心理学是一种新的心理学研 究取向。这种研究取向对情绪问题给予了高度关注。从进化论的角度看,情绪是具有调理各种模块功能间关系的更高一级的认知程序。情绪是一种超级认知系统,它 是以采取维持主观允诺而背离具有诱惑力的即刻奖赏的策略来发挥作用的。这种思想对情绪的产生、分类、结构、功能等方面的诠释及理解情绪问题提供了新的思 路。


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