ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报, 2018, 50(9): 1018-1028 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.01018


学龄前儿童分配模式的传递效应:心理理论和共情的作用 *

谢东杰, 路浩, 苏彦捷,

北京大学心理与认知科学学院和行为与心理健康北京市重点实验室, 北京 100871

Pay-forward effect of resource allocation in preschoolers: Role of theory of mind and empathy

XIE Dongjie, LU Hao, SU Yanjie,

School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences and Beijing Key Laboratory of Behavior and Mental Health, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China

通讯作者: 苏彦捷,; 路浩为共同第一作者

收稿日期: 2017-11-22   网络出版日期: 2018-09-15

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金项目.  31571134

Received: 2017-11-22   Online: 2018-09-15


当他人对个体进行资源上的自私、公平或慷慨分配后, 个体倾向于以同样的分配方式对待第三个无关个体, 这一现象为资源分配模式的传递效应。研究考察自我绝对利益受到影响时这一效应在学龄前儿童中的表现以及其中可能的社会认知机制。118名4~6岁儿童被随机分到实验条件或对照条件中。实验条件下被试与匿名同伴合作完成拼图游戏后得到同伴分配的1个(自私)、3个(公平)或5个(慷慨)代币(共6个), 之后再作为分配者与另一匿名接受者完成同样的游戏; 而对照条件下被试只扮演分配者完成拼图和分配游戏。结果发现, 公平条件下公平分配比例与对照条件之间不存在显著差异, 而自私条件下自私分配模式比例和慷慨条件下慷慨分配模式比例分别高于对照条件下相应比例; 在慷慨条件下传递者比非传递者拥有更强的二级心理理论与(认知)共情能力。这提示学龄前儿童会传递自私和慷慨分配模式, 心理理论和共情更强的学龄前儿童更有可能传递慷慨分配模式。

关键词: 资源分配 ; 传递效应 ; 心理理论 ; 共情 ; 广义互惠


Previous studies found that children would reciprocate those having benefited them previously, a behavior termed direct reciprocity. When there was no opportunity to reciprocate, the recipient would pay it forward to a third one. The current study aimed to find whether preschoolers would pay it forward if their absolute gains would be dependent on their allocations and its potential socio-cognitive mechanisms. We hypothesized that preschoolers would pay forward others’ selfish, fair or generous allocations, but this tendency would be stronger in the selfish and fair conditions; theory of mind (ToM) as well as empathy would play a role in it.
Children aged 4 to 6 (N = 118, 63 females; Mage = 64.25 months, SD = 6.76) were randomly assigned into 3 experimental groups and 1 control group. In the experimental groups, each child was firstly asked to help an anonymous partner complete a jigsaw game (the child and the partner were to make equal contributions in the game), and then was allocated a reward of 1 token (selfish), 3 tokens (fair) or 5 tokens (generous) as the partner proposed (allocating a total of 6 tokens); subsequently, each participant completed another jigsaw game with another anonymous recipient, to whom the participant then acted as an allocator. In contrast, participants in the control group only completed the resource allocation task once as an allocator after cooperating with an anonymous partner in the jigsaw game. Participants’ abilities of ToM were measured with first-order and second-order ToM tasks. Their abilities of empathy were assessed with the Griffith Empathy Measurement (GEM), filled by their teacher-in-charge.
We found that preschoolers would pay the selfish allocations forward, and even generous ones in spite that their absolute self-interests were dependent on their decisions. Specifically, compared with children in the control group, children in the selfish or generous groups were more likely to propose a similar pattern of allocation for the anonymous recipient, which indicated that others’ patterns of allocation exerted influence on children’s decisions. In contrast, there was no significant difference between the proportion of fair allocations in the control group (80%) and the fair group (80%). Moreover, children in the generous-allocation group who paid it forward had higher levels of second-order ToM and (cognitive) empathy than those who did not do so. However, there were no such differences between these two types of participants in the selfish-allocation and fair-allocation groups.
It was suggested that preschoolers were sensitive to the patterns of allocations made by others, and they would pay it forward whether the allocations were advantageous or disadvantageous to themselves. Socio-cognitive abilities (e.g., ToM, empathy) could be important explanatory factors for this pay-forward effect. Besides, preschoolers in a collaborative context were more likely to comply with the norm of equity. Future studies might test other moderators, such as group membership of the partner, the way children acquire the resources, and explore other explanatory factors like executive functions.

Keywords: resource allocation ; pay-forward effect ; theory of mind ; empathy ; generalized reciprocity.

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谢东杰, 路浩, 苏彦捷. 学龄前儿童分配模式的传递效应:心理理论和共情的作用 *. 心理学报[J], 2018, 50(9): 1018-1028 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.01018

XIE Dongjie, LU Hao, SU Yanjie. Pay-forward effect of resource allocation in preschoolers: Role of theory of mind and empathy. Acta Psychologica Sinica[J], 2018, 50(9): 1018-1028 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.01018

1 引言

资源分配(如按劳分配、分享等)在儿童的社会化过程中十分重要。前人发现, 学龄前儿童能够进行直接互惠(direct reciprocity)。例如, 互动对象先前与3岁儿童进行分享的经历能够促进他们之后对该互动对象的分享行为, 即“你对我好, 我也对你好” (Warneken & Tomasello, 2013)。但是, 当个体没有机会与之前的互动者进行互惠互利时, 面对无关他人, 个体是否会将之前的互动者对待自己的方式传递下去呢?在资源分配中存在一种传递效应(paying-it-forward), 它指的是个体在遭到不公对待或接受慷慨施与后以相同方式对待第三个无关他人的现象(Gray, Ward, & Norton, 2014; Leimgruber et al., 2014)。具体表现为个体A作为分配者与个体B进行资源分配活动, 此时个体B由于某种原因无法与个体A继续交互, 但是他(或她)有机会与个体C进行资源分配, 那么个体B会将个体A对待自己的资源分配模式传递给个体C, 尤其是传递他人的自私或公平分配(Gray et al., 2014)。

这种资源分配模式的传递效应反映的是一种广义互惠(generalized reciprocity) (Gray et al., 2014), 它对于促进群体内部的合作具有重要意义(Hamilton & Taborsky, 2005)。传递效应建立在两两个体之间的交互上, 却又与单纯的两两交互有所不同。因为两两交互更多地是双向的行为互动, 而传递效应则更像是单向的链式反应。以往的研究从行为经济学(Stanca, 2009)、演化动物模型(Rutte & Taborsky, 2007)、神经机制(Watanabe et al., 2014)等角度对此进行了探究, 本研究则试图从个体发生的角度探讨这一现象, 这将有助于进一步理解广义互惠的发展根源。

以往关于学龄前儿童资源分配行为的研究发现:3~4岁的儿童作为第三方分配者, 能够根据他人做出的不同贡献给出公平的分配方案(Baumard, Mascaro, & Chevallier, 2012); 在自我利益卷入的情况下, 5岁的儿童能够接受程序公平但结果不公平的分配方案(Grocke, Rossano, & Tomasello, 2015); 6岁的儿童甚至能够牺牲自身利益来惩罚不公平行为(McAuliffe, Jordan, & Warneken, 2015)。这表明, 儿童的公平概念在学龄前时期快速发展, 到6岁左右相对成熟。那么, 当学龄前儿童按劳分配(equity)的公平意识与他人的分配模式发生冲突时, 他们会做出什么选择呢?已有的研究发现, 在个体的绝对利益不受影响的情况下, 4岁儿童和卷尾猴(capuchin monkeys)均会将他人的不公平分配传递下去, 不论该分配对自己而言属于有利不公平(advantageous inequity)还是不利不公平(disadvantageous inequity) (Leimgruber et al., 2014)。但是, 在这种决策并不影响自身绝对利益的情境中, 学龄前儿童传递他人的资源分配很有可能是出于单纯的行为模仿, 即“你怎么分, 我就怎么分” (Leimgruber et al., 2014)。如果分配决策能够影响儿童自身的绝对利益, 那么他们可能会有更强的动机参与到具体的决策当中, 而且在这一决策中可能会涉及更加复杂的认知过程, 因而值得进一步研究。前人操纵了资源分配的社会规范, 让4~9岁儿童作为分配者参与独裁者游戏(Dictator Game, DG), 他们需要决定将属于自己的10个糖果分享给他人几个:自私规范条件下, 主试告诉儿童“大多数人把2个分给别人”或“你应该分给别人2个”; 慷慨规范条件下, 主试告诉儿童“大多数人把8个分给别人”或“你应该分给别人8个”。结果发现, 在自私规范下儿童更倾向于自私分配, 在慷慨规范下儿童更倾向于慷慨分配; 而且4~5岁的儿童比8~9岁儿童更倾向于遵守自私规范, 而非慷慨规范(McAuliffe, Raihani, & Dunham, 2017)。同时, 观察到他人的公平行为也可能促进3~8岁儿童的公平行为(Salali, Juda, & Henrich, 2015); 但直到9岁, 儿童也较难做出超越公平准则的慷慨行为(McAuliffe et al., 2017)。由此推测, 在单向链式的社会交互情境中, 学龄前儿童首先作为接受者, 然后作为分配者, 他们很有可能将前一分配者的资源分配模式传递下去, 而且学龄前儿童传递自私和公平分配模式的倾向可能高于传递慷慨分配模式的倾向。

那么, 在这一传递过程中, 个体的何种能力促进了这一行为表现呢? 前人对该领域的研究进行梳理, 推测个体的社会认知能力可能会在资源分配模式的传递行为中有所作用(余俊宣, 寇彧, 2015)。个体的分配行为可能受到认知和情绪两种加工过程的共同作用(Beugré, 2009; 王斯, 苏彦捷, 2013)。例如, 理解错误信念(false belief)的学龄前儿童会比没有理解错误信念的学龄前儿童分享给他人更多的糖果(Takagishi, Kameshima, Schug, Koizumi, & Yamagishi, 2010; Wu & Su, 2014)。而且, 预期接受者得知分配方案时的情绪体验(Paulus & Moore, 2015)能正向预测学龄前儿童的分享行为。这些证据提示, 在资源分配的传递过程中, 心理理论和共情这两个基本的社会认知能力很有可能在学龄前儿童传递他人资源分配模式中发挥作用。

心理理论(theory of mind, ToM)是指个体推测他人的心理状态并由此预测他人行为的能力(Premack & Woodruff, 1978), 在学龄前阶段快速发展(Wellman, Cross, & Watson, 2001)。学龄前儿童的分享行为与心理理论存在正相关关系(Takagishi et al., 2010; Wu & Su, 2014)。Yu, Zhu和Leslie (2016)也发现, 3~9岁儿童与陌生同伴之间的分享行为与其二级心理理论之间存在正相关。那些二级错误信念理解能力越强的个体, 更容易站在他人的角度考虑问题(Goldman, 1989; Yu et al., 2016), 例如“他(或她)可能会想让我多分给他(或她)几个, 我这样做应该会让他(或她)感到开心……”。还有研究发现, 心理理论可以促进学龄前儿童的直接互惠行为:具体来说, 通过错误信念任务的学龄前儿童, 在最后通牒游戏(Ultimatum Game)中作为接受者接受到公平分配后, 更倾向于在随后的独裁者游戏中给之前的分配者分配更多的资源(Schug, Takagishi, Benech, & Okada, 2016)。那么心理理论能否促进学龄前儿童传递他人资源分配模式这一广义互惠行为呢?基于以上证据, 我们推测, 在资源分配模式的传递过程中, 学龄前儿童首先作为接受者接受个体A的分配方案, 之后作为分配者与个体B一起完成分配任务。如果他们具备较好的心理理论能力, 那么可能会将自己对个体B的分配决策与之前个体A对自己的分配决策进行比较, 以自己的愿望或信念来推知个体B的愿望或信念, 进而将公平和慷慨(而非自私)的资源分配模式传递下去。但是, 也有研究发现了不大一致的结果。例如, 在Cowell, Samek, List和Decety (2015)的研究中, 学龄前儿童在独裁者游戏中的分享行为与心理理论之间存在负相关关系。

因此, 有必要进一步探讨心理理论在学龄前儿童资源分配行为中的作用。

共情(empathy)指的是个体能够体验并理解他人感受或情绪状态但又不将自我与他人混淆的能力(Decety & Lamm, 2006)。这种能力在个体与他人的社会交互中起到十分重要的作用(Davis, 2006)。前人发现, 接受到慷慨分配的个体会产生感激等积极情绪, 这种情绪能够使个体传递慷慨分配(DeSteno, Bartlett, Baumann, Williams, & Dickens, 2010), 那么共情很有可能促进个体传递慷慨分配。而且, Watanabe等人(2014)确实发现, 与共情有关的前脑岛(anterior insula, AI)的激活程度和帮助行为的传递倾向之间存在正相关。此外, 他人与个体自身的相似性能够提高个体对他人的共情(Lamm, Meltzoff, & Decety, 2010)。由此推测, 共情能力较好的个体作为分配者时更有可能因为感激之情或考虑第二轮资源分配游戏中的接受者与被试自己之前经历的相似性(即, 都作为接受者), 进而传递公平和慷慨分配, 遏制自私分配。

综上所述, 为了排除个体预期未来互惠互利的影响(Fehr & Fischbacher, 2003), 本研究设置了匿名情境。考虑到学龄前儿童公平意识和心理理论的发展规律, 研究选择4~6岁儿童, 考察他们在牵涉自我利益的匿名情境下是否存在资源分配模式的传递效应, 以及心理理论和共情在其中的作用。研究中4~6岁儿童被随机分到3个不同的实验条件中: 自私条件下儿童获知分配者的分配方案为5 : 1(即分配者得到5个代币, 儿童得到1个代币), 公平条件下分配方案为3 : 3, 慷慨条件下分配方案为1 : 5; 之后, 儿童作为分配者与另一匿名接受者完成相同的资源分配任务。设置的对照条件是儿童只扮演分配者, 与匿名接受者完成分配任务。基于以往的研究, 我们预期, 学龄前儿童能够对他人的资源分配模式进行传递(H1); 相比于慷慨分配, 学龄前儿童可能更倾向于传递自私或公平分配(H2); 心理理论和共情在公平和慷慨分配的传递中起到作用(H3)。

2 方法

2.1 被试

北京一所幼儿园中118名儿童(女生61名; Mage = 64.25月, SD = 6.76, 月龄范围为55~78)参加实验。儿童被随机分到自私条件、公平条件、慷慨条件和对照条件中。其中, 自私条件28人(女生13人; Mage = 64.96月, SD = 7.88, 月龄范围为55~77), 公平条件30人(女生17人; Mage = 63.30月, SD = 6.30, 月龄范围为55~76), 慷慨条件30人(女生15人; Mage = 65.63月, SD = 6.53, 月龄范围为56~78), 对照条件30人(女生15人; Mage = 63.17月, SD = 6.29, 月龄范围为55~76)。在实验前由儿童监护人阅读并签署了知情同意书。

2.2 实验程序

实验在幼儿园的一个安静房间内完成。被试首先完成一级心理理论任务(3分钟)和二级心理理论任务(4分钟), 之后完成资源分配任务(6分钟)。儿童所在班级的班主任完成格里菲斯共情量表(Griffith Empathy Measure, GEM) (魏祺, 苏彦捷, 2018)来衡量其共情能力。

2.2.1 一级心理理论任务

采用改编版意外地点任务(王斯, 苏彦捷, 2013)。主试给被试讲述故事: “有个小朋友叫小新。他给自己买了一颗糖并且放到了厨房的柜子里。然后小新就出去玩了。这时他的妈妈来到厨房, 看到柜子里有一颗糖。妈妈觉得今天太热了, 糖放在柜子里会化掉, 就把糖从柜子里拿出来放到了冰箱里。小新在外面玩累了, 回来想找他的糖吃。”

此时主试询问被试2个控制问题和2个测试问题。控制问题用于检测被试是否理解故事, 不计分; 测试问题每答对1题记1分, 得分范围为0~2分。控制问题为: (1)一开始小新的糖放在哪里? (2)后来他的糖放到了哪里? 测试问题为: (1)小新回来后, 他觉得糖在哪里? (2)小新回来后, 他首先会去哪里找糖?

2.2.2 二级心理理论任务

借鉴Sullivan, Zaitchik和Tager-Flusberg (1994)研究中的任务, 主试给被试讲述故事: “小明今天要过生日, 他的妈妈买了他最喜欢的足球作为生日礼物。为了给小明一个惊喜, 妈妈把足球藏到了柜子里, 想等到晚上再给小明。可是, 白天的时候小明见到妈妈就跟她说: ‘妈妈, 今天是我的生日, 我想要一个足球作为生日礼物。’妈妈说: ‘对不起, 我没有给你买足球, 只给你买了一本书。’”此时主试问第1个控制问题:妈妈给小明准备的真正的生日礼物是什么? 在被试回答正确后, 主试继续讲道: “下午小明要和小朋友们出去玩, 他在屋子里到处找他的滑板, 结果发现了妈妈藏在柜子里的新足球。但是妈妈此时并没有看见。”主试问第2个控制问题: 小明现在知不知道妈妈给自己买了足球? 在被试回答正确后, 主试说: “晚上小明的爸爸回来了, 爸爸问妈妈: ‘小明知道你给他准备的生日礼物是足球吗? ’”此时询问被试第1个测试问题: 妈妈会怎么回答爸爸的问题? 之后主试接着说: “爸爸又问妈妈: ‘小明心里觉得你给他准备的生日礼物是什么呢? ’”此时询问被试第2个测试问题: 妈妈会怎么回答爸爸的问题? 同样地, 控制问题不计分, 测试问题答对1题记1分, 得分范围为0~2分。

2.2.3 资源分配任务

资源分配任务参考已有研究(Gray et al., 2014; Leimgruber et al., 2014)自行设计, 实验条件下被试首先作为接受者获知匿名分配者的分配方案, 之后作为分配者与另一匿名接受者完成代币分配任务。首先, 主试呈现拼图游戏并告诉被试, 之前有个小朋友(主试呈现与被试同性别同龄的儿童照片)过来玩了一个拼图游戏, 他(她)已经拼好了一半, 剩下的留给被试来拼(虚拟匿名分配者与被试在拼图游戏中的贡献相等); 拼好之后有代币, 可以用来换取贴纸, 1个代币可以换1个贴纸, 得到的代币越多, 能换的贴纸也越多(同时主试呈现代币和贴纸样品以引发被试的参与兴趣)。前人的研究发现4~5岁儿童已经能够理解钱的功能(McCrink, Bloom, & Santos, 2010)。确认被试理解游戏规则后被试自行完成拼图游戏。之后主试拿出一个信封并告诉被试, 匿名分配者总共要分配6个代币(拼图游戏的奖励), 信封内为分配者给被试的代币(自私条件、公平条件和慷慨条件下放置的代币数量分别为1个、3个和5个)。主试请被试将自己信封内的代币拿出来数一下从而增强被试对他人分配模式的印象。

主试拿出新的拼图游戏并邀请被试和另一个小朋友(主试呈现与被试同性别的另一张儿童照片)来完成。主试引导被试完成一半的拼图工作, 然后给被试呈现新的代币, 告诉被试另一个小朋友要待会儿才能过来, 所以请被试先来分这6个代币。主试拿出两个新的不同颜色的信封, 并告诉被试可以按照他(她)自己的想法进行分配, 在分配时主试会转过身去, 因此主试当时并不会知道被试的决定(Blake & Rand, 2010)。实验结束后, 被试用代币换取贴画。需要注意的是, 为了不让自私条件下的被试因得到的代币少而伤心, 他们在实验结束后换取贴画时, 主试取出事先准备好的2个代币并告诉被试, 这是之前的小朋友(第一轮资源分配任务中的分配者)留下的, 只是忘记放在信封里了。在对照条件中, 被试与实验条件中的第二个匿名儿童合作完成拼图游戏, 只扮演分配者完成同样的资源分配任务。

2.2.4 中文版格里菲斯共情量表

改编自儿童及青少年版布莱恩特共情指数(Bryant’s Index of Empathy for Children and Adolescents) (Dadds et al., 2008; Zhang et al., 2014; 魏祺, 苏彦捷, 2018)。由被试所在班级的班主任填写。量表共包含17个条目, 其中情感共情(affective empathy)有8个条目, 认知共情(cognitive empathy)有5个条目, 行为共情(behavioral empathy)有4个条目。量表样题为“当看到别的孩子找不到人一起玩时, 这个孩子会感到伤心”。量表采用9点评分方式(-4表示非常不符合, +4表示非常符合)。本研究中量表的内部一致性系数α为0.89, 其中情感共情、认知共情和行为共情维度的一致性系数分别为0.89、0.77、0.66。

3 结果

首先, 将条件作为自变量、年龄作为因变量进行方差分析, 并未发现不同条件之间被试的年龄存在显著差异, p = 0.406。同样的, 也未发现不同条件之间被试的心理理论和共情存在显著差异(ps > 0.050), 表明被试被随机分配到各个条件中。

3.1 资源分配模式的传递效应

以被试在第二轮资源分配任务中分配给他人的代币数量作为因变量, 进行4(条件:自私、公平、慷慨、对照) × 2(性别)两因素方差分析(描述性统计值见表1)。结果发现, 条件的主效应显著, F(3, 110) = 9.19, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.20; 而性别的主效应不显著, F(1, 110) = 2.74, p = 0.101; 交互作用也不显著, F(3, 110) = 0.82, p = 0.485。针对条件进行Bonferroni事后检验, 发现自私条件下被试分配给另一匿名接受者的代币数量最少, 显著少于对照条件(p = 0.035)和慷慨条件(p < 0.001), 与公平条件之间的差异达到边缘显著(p = 0.085); 对照条件和公平条件下被试分配的数量居中, 且两个条件之间不存在显著差异(p = 1.000); 慷慨条件下被试分配的数量最多, 显著多于自私条件和公平条件(p = 0.037), 与对照条件之间的差异达到边缘显著(p = 0.091)。

表1   不同条件下学龄前儿童分配给他人的代币数量 [M (SD)]

对照条件2.87 (0.52)2.87 (0.35)2.87 (0.43)
自私条件2.00 (0.78)2.57 (0.65)2.29 (0.76)
公平条件2.77 (0.60)2.82 (0.64)2.80 (0.61)
慷慨条件3.20 (0.78)3.53 (1.46)3.37 (1.16)

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在自私条件下, 17.86% (5/28)的被试给出的分配为5 : 1, 即与前一自私分配者完全一样; 35.71% (10/28)的被试给出的分配为4 : 2, 在分配数量上并非完全一样, 但分配模式仍为自私分配; 46.43% (13/28)的被试给出的分配为3 : 3, 即未传递前一分配者的自私分配。在公平条件下, 6.67% (2/30)的被试给出的分配为5 : 1, 即为自私分配; 10.00% (3/30)的被试给出的分配为4 : 2, 也为自私分配; 80.00% (24/30)的被试给出的分配为3 : 3, 即与前一公平分配者完全一样; 3.33% (1/30)的被试给出的分配为2 : 4, 即为慷慨分配。在慷慨条件下, 6.67% (2/30)的被试给出的分配为5 : 1, 即为自私分配; 6.67% (2/30)的被试给出的分配为4 : 2, 也为自私分配; 53.33% (16/30)的被试给出的分配为3 : 3, 即未传递前一分配者的慷慨分配; 13.33%(4/30)的被试给出的分配为2 : 4, 在分配数量上并非与前一分配者完全一样, 但分配模式仍为慷慨分配; 16.67% (5/30)的被试给出的分配为1 : 5, 即与前一慷慨分配者完全一样; 3.33%(1/30)的被试给出的分配为0 : 6, 即比前一慷慨分配者更慷慨。为了进一步探究资源分配模式的传递效应, 我们将三个实验条件下传递者与非传递者所占比例分别与对照条件进行比较。对于自私条件和对照条件, 被试分配的数量小于3, 则记为自私分配模式; 分配的数量大于或等于3, 则记为非自私分配模式。卡方检验(Chi-square test)的结果显示, 自私条件下被试的自私分配模式所占比例(53.57%)显著高于对照条件(16.67%), χ2(1) = 8.73, p = 0.003, φ = 0.39 (如图1.a所示)。对于慷慨条件和对照条件, 被试分配的数量大于3, 则记为慷慨分配模式; 分配的数量小于或等于3, 则记为非慷慨分配模式。慷慨条件下被试的慷慨分配模式所占比例(33.33%)显著高于对照条件(3.33%), χ2(1) = 9.02, p = 0.003, φ = 0.39 (如图1.b所示)。对于公平条件和对照条件, 被试分配的数量为3, 则记为公平分配; 分配的数量不等于3, 则记为非公平分配。公平条件下公平分配比例(80.00%)与对照条件中公平分配比例(80.00%)之间没有显著差异, χ2(1) = 0.00, p = 1.000, φ = 0.00(如图1.c所示)。进一步比较自私条件下传递者和非传递者所占比例是否和慷慨条件之间存在差异。卡方检验的结果显示, 自私分配的传递比例(53.57%)与慷慨分配的传递比例(33.33%)之间没有显著差异, χ2(1) = 2.42, p = 0.120, φ = 0.20。


图1   各实验条件与对照条件中不同分配模式的人数所占比例

3.2 心理理论和共情的作用

将心理理论、共情分别与不同条件下被试在第二轮资源分配任务中给另一匿名接受者分配的数量进行皮尔逊(Pearson)相关分析, 结果如表2所示。其中, 一级心理理论得分的偏度(skewness)和峰度(kurtosis)分别为-1.85、1.78; 二级心理理论得分的偏度和峰度分别为-0.30、-1.23; 心理理论总分的偏度和峰度分别为-0.91、0.21。

表2   心理理论、共情与分配数量的皮尔逊相关系数


注:p≤0.10, *p < 0.05

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相关分析的结果提示, 二级心理理论和(认知)共情可能与资源分配模式的传递行为有关。为考察心理理论、共情分别与传递效应之间的关系, 对各实验条件中传递者与非传递者进行编码。其中, 自私条件下, 分配数量小于3, 则记为传递者; 分配数量大于或等于3, 则记为非传递者。公平条件下, 分配数量为3, 则记为传递者; 分配数量不等于3, 则记为非传递者。慷慨条件下, 分配数量大于3, 则记为传递者; 分配数量小于或等于3, 记为非传递者。各组被试的心理理论与共情得分的描述性统计值如表3所示。根据相关分析的结果, 以是否传递为自变量, 二级心理理论为因变量, 对慷慨条件下的被试进行单因素方差分析。结果显示, 慷慨条件下传递者的二级心理理论(M = 1.70, SD = 0.48, 95% CI = [1.38, 2.00])显著高于非传递者(M = 1.05, SD = 0.83, 95% CI = [0.68, 1.43]), F(1, 28) = 5.24, p = 0.030, ηp2 = 0.16。这一差异在控制了性别和月龄之后达到边缘显著水平, F(1, 26) = 3.50, p = 0.073, ηp2 = 0.12。进一步将慷慨条件下二级心理理论得分为0的被试归为低分组, 二级心理理论得分为1~2的被试归为高分组。Fisher精确检验(Fisher’s exact test)发现, 二级心理理论高分组中慷慨分配传递者所占比例(10/24)与低分组中慷慨分配传递者所占比例(0/6)之间的差异达到边缘显著, p = 0.074, φ = 0.35。

表3   不同条件下学龄前儿童的心理理论与共情得分[M (SD)]

自私条件(n = 28)1.751.182.930.641.591.801.20
非传递者(n = 13)1.771.383.150.651.371.771.13
传递者(n = 15)1.731.002.730.631.771.831.27
公平条件(n = 30)1.570.972.531.051.452.111.42
非传递者(n = 6)1.330.672.001.171.532.211.52
传递者(n = 24)1.631.042.671.021.432.081.39
慷慨条件(n = 30)1.671.272.930.490.701.780.85
非传递者(n = 20)1.701.052.750.240.391.670.62
传递者(n = 10)1.601.703.300.991.322.001.32
对照条件(n = 30)1.731.273.000.881.252.211.30
所有被试(N = 118)1.681.172.850.771.241.981.19

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同样地, 以是否传递为自变量, 分别以认知共情和共情量表平均分为因变量在慷慨条件中进行单因素方差分析。慷慨条件下, 传递者的认知共情(M = 1.32, SD = 1.26, 95% CI = [0.56, 2.18])和共情量表平均分(M = 1.32, SD = 0.69, 95% CI = [0.87, 1.80])均显著高于非传递者的认知共情(M = 0.39, SD = 0.89, 95% CI = [-0.03, 0.74])和共情量表平均分(M = 0.62, SD = 0.61, 95% CI = [0.34, 0.88]); F(1, 28) = 5.55, p = 0.026, ηp2 = 0.17; F(1, 28) = 8.13, p = 0.008, ηp2 = 0.23。在控制了性别和月龄之后, 慷慨分配模式的传递者与非传递者在认知共情和共情量表平均分上的差异仍然存在, F(1, 26) = 4.69, p = 0.040, ηp2 = 0.15; F(1, 26) = 6.26, p = 0.019, ηp2 = 0.19。

4 讨论

使用被试先作为接受者、后作为分配者的两轮代币分配游戏, 考察了学龄前儿童在资源分配过程中的传递效应, 以及心理理论与共情在其中可能起到的作用。结果发现, 对于学龄前儿童来说, 确实存在资源分配模式的传递效应。具体来说, 相比于对照条件, 之前得到自私分配的学龄前儿童更倾向于采用自私的分配方式来对待之后的另一匿名接受者; 同样地, 之前得到慷慨分配的学龄前儿童更倾向于采用慷慨的分配方式对待后一接受者; 而公平条件下学龄前儿童传递公平分配的倾向与对照条件之间没有显著差异。此外, 学龄前儿童对自私分配模式和慷慨分配模式的传递倾向之间没有显著差异。在慷慨条件下, 传递者比非传递者拥有更好的二级心理理论与(认知)共情能力。

4.1 分配模式的传递效应

自私条件下被试作为分配者给无辜个体分配的数量显著少于对照条件和公平条件, 慷慨条件下被试给接受者分配的数量则显著多于对照条件和公平条件, 对照条件和公平条件下被试的分配数量无显著差异; 表明学龄前儿童对他人的资源分配模式比较敏感。而且, 相比于对照条件, 自私条件中存在更高比例的自私分配模式, 慷慨条件中存在更高比例的慷慨分配模式。这说明, 不论是在自我绝对利益不受影响的情况下(Leimgruber et al., 2014), 还是在分配决策影响自我绝对利益的情境中, 学龄前儿童都会传递自私分配模式, 他们甚至会传递慷慨分配模式。这表明资源分配模式的传递效应在学龄前儿童中已经比较稳健。而且学龄前儿童对他人的分配模式比较敏感, 即使是一个人而非大多数人做出了与按劳分配这一公平规范不一致的分配行为, 他们的分配决策也会受到影响。这一发现拓展了前人操纵社会规范(大多数人怎么分)的研究结果(McAuliffe et al., 2017)。与以往单独考察亲社会行为传递的研究(Stanca, 2009)相比, 本研究用相同的方法同时考察了学龄前儿童对自私分配和慷慨分配的传递, 这有助于研究者更加全面地理解广义互惠。

这种传递效应可能是由于被试对社会规范的遵守(McAuliffe et al., 2017)。学龄前儿童首先作为接受者获知他人的分配模式, 相当于他们获知了示范性规范(descriptive norm) (Kallgren, Reno, & Cialdini, 2000)的内容, 因而他们在自私条件下做出自私分配, 而在慷慨条件下做出慷慨分配。但是, 本研究并未发现学龄前儿童对他人公平分配的传递效应; 而Gray等人(2014)则发现成人对自私和公平分配的传递。这一差异可能是因为研究范式不同。Gray等人(2014)McAuliffe等人(2017)采用的均为独裁者游戏, 分配行为属于分享行为; 本研究中学龄前儿童分配代币前进行了合作拼图游戏(付出劳动), 分配者参与的是按劳分配活动。合作情境能够促进学龄前儿童进行按劳分配(Warneken, Lohse, Melis, & Tomasello, 2011), 因此对照条件下被试的公平分配行为出现了“天花板效应” (对照条件下公平分配所占比例高达80%, 且他们分配给他人的代币数量与3无显著差异)。这说明, 在合作游戏的情境下, 学龄前儿童按劳分配的公平意识已经非常成熟, 公平可能是学龄前儿童进行资源分配活动的默认准则(Blake, McAuliffe, & Warneken, 2014; Warneken et al., 2011)。这一现象提示, 社会情境对学龄前儿童资源分配决策十分重要, 公平分配作为一个重要的社会规范, 不能忽略社会情境而对其孤立地进行研究(于静, 朱莉琪, 2010)。

另外, 本研究发现学龄前儿童会对慷慨分配进行传递, 并且他们传递自私分配(约54%)和慷慨分配(约33%)的倾向之间没有显著差异。但是McAuliffe et al., 2017却发现, 4~5岁儿童服从自私规范的倾向强于慷慨规范。这可能是因为上文提到的研究范式不同, 以及不同研究之间对资源的所属性或资源的获得方式(Blake et al., 2014)有所差异。在本研究设置的实验情境中主试并未向被试明确说明所有代币属于哪一方; 然而, 前人研究中主试明确告知被试所有资源属于他们自己(McAuliffe et al., 2017)。而且确实有研究发现, 相比于贴画只属于自己的情况, 当贴画属于被试和同伴时, 5岁的儿童会分给他人更多的贴画(Wu, Zhang, Guo, & Gros-Louis, 2017)。另外, 本研究中学龄前儿童作为分配者只需要完成一轮匿名分配游戏, 因此未发现自私和慷慨分配模式传递倾向之间的差异。如果学龄前儿童进行多轮分配, 那么他们传递慷慨分配模式的倾向很有可能会低于传递自私分配模式的倾向。因为以往的研究发现, 单向链式的匿名亲社会行为传递只出现在部分亲社会性较强个体的初始分配中; 而在多轮资源分配游戏中, 基于声誉的亲社会传递倾向才会继续稳定存在, 单向链式的匿名亲社会行为传递倾向则会出现一定程度的减弱(Horita, Takezawa, Kinjo, Nakawake, & Masuda, 2016)。在慷慨条件下, 约有一半的传递者给出了2 : 4的慷慨分配模式而非与他人一样的分配方案(1 : 5)。这一现象说明学龄前儿童的传递行为并非完全出于僵化的模仿, 他们很有可能基于他人的分配模式进行了锚定与调节(anchoring and adjustiment) (Wansink, Kent, & Hoch, 1998)。因此, 学龄前儿童对他人分配模式的传递行为更有可能涉及到了比较复杂的社会认知加工过程, 而不仅仅是单纯地模仿。

4.2 心理理论和共情在传递效应中的作用

研究结果发现, 只有在慷慨条件下, 传递者比非传递者可能拥有更好的二级心理理论与(认知)共情能力。针对亲社会行为传递效应的研究显示, 受到亲社会行为对待的个体会产生感激的情绪, 并在接下来的人际互动中更多地从他人的角度思考, 进而将亲社会行为传递下去(Nowak & Sigmund, 2005)。需要注意的是, 本研究中慷慨分配模式的传递者与非传递者在二级心理理论上的差异在控制了年龄和性别后达到边缘显著水平, 但效应量为中等大小(Cohen, 1988), 结合前人的研究, 我们推断, 二级心理理论能力较强的学龄前儿童作为分配者时能够更好地从他人的角度考虑问题(Goldman, 1989; Yu et al., 2016), 更能够理解接受者的愿望、需求等心理状态, 从而更有可能传递他人的慷慨分配模式。而较强的共情能力可以帮助分配者更好地理解接受者获知分配方案时的情绪体验(例如, “如果他(或她)也得到5个, 可能会像我一样感到开心”), 从而将他人的慷慨分配模式这一亲社会行为传递下去。

然而, 本研究并未发现在自私条件和公平条件中传递者与非传递者之间存在社会认知能力(心理理论和共情)上的差异。一方面, 可能是合作的情境促进了心理理论较弱的学龄前儿童做出公平分配(Warneken et al., 2011), 因此未发现公平分配传递者和非传递者在心理理论和共情上的差异。这一点在对照条件中得到了映证:合作情境下, 即使没有他人做出公平分配, 大多数学龄前儿童也能给出公平分配, 此时他们分配给他人的代币数量与一级心理理论、二级心理理论之间均不存在相关。另一方面, 除了社会认知能力, 学龄前儿童的抑制控制(inhibitory control)在不同资源分配模式的传递过程中也发挥着重要作用(Steinbeis, Bernhardt, & Singer, 2012)。前人研究发现, 资源分配行为不仅与社会认知能力(如心理理论)相关(Takagishi et al., 2010; Wu & Su, 2014), 也依赖于抑制控制(Aguilar-Pardo, Martínez-Arias, & Colmenares, 2013)。自私条件下的被试像是为自己的自私行为拿到了一个“许可证” (McAuliffe et al., 2017), 他们并非不理解应该怎么做, 而是控制不住自己的自私动机(Steinbeis et al., 2012)。因此, 不像慷慨条件, 自私条件中传递者和非传递者之间的差异没有表现在心理理论和共情能力上, 抑制控制可能在其中起到作用。未来的研究可以进一步考察抑制控制在不同情境下如何调节亲社会行为的发生。

共情, 尤其是认知共情而非情感共情, 在资源分配模式的传递效应中作用明显, 这可能是因为在本研究中儿童并没有与同伴面对面地进行社会交互, 而是与假想匿名同伴进行资源分配活动, 使得他们更多的是“自上而下”而非“自下而上”地进行资源分配。情感共情主要是指他人诱发个体的情绪唤醒; 认知共情主要强调对他人情绪和感受的推理(Decety & Lamm, 2006)。Willis, Lawson, Ridley, Koval和Rendell (2015)发现, 被试的情感共情越高, 他们给伤心面孔(而非中性或开心面孔)的人提供帮助的倾向就越强。而本研究中被试只看到匿名同伴的中性面孔照片, 匿名同伴没有面对面地呈现特定的情绪表情, 因此, 被试在分配过程中无法受到接受者对自己情绪的诱发(情感共情), 而是预期接受者的情绪(认知共情) (Paulus & Moore, 2015), 或者考虑公平规范、接受者的贡献、前一分配者的资源分配模式等认知因素。这些均说明认知共情比情感共情更有可能在本研究的传递效应中发挥作用。

4.3 研究局限和未来展望

本研究探讨的是学龄前儿童对他人分配模式的传递行为以及心理理论、共情在其中的作用。但本研究无法明确传递行为的内部动机, 而且学龄前儿童传递自私分配和慷慨分配模式的动机很有可能是不同的。自私条件下个体倾向于对自私分配进行传递, 可能是因为此时自我利益受损, 他们倾向于通过迁移性报复来获得补偿(余俊宣, 寇彧, 2015)。而学龄前儿童也会对慷慨分配进行传递, 可能是受到感激情绪的诱发(DeSteno et al., 2010)。因此, 未来的研究可以丰富共情的测量方法, 或者设置搭档与被试面对面交互的实验情境, 编码被试的情绪反应, 从而进一步探讨情绪和共情在传递行为中的作用。还可以设置不同的情境来进一步考察和区分传递行为背后的动机, 例如, 通过操纵群体身份(group membership) (Wang et al., 2017)、与接受者互惠的可能性等考察声誉在传递行为中的作用; 通过操纵第一轮和第二轮分配游戏中资源的数量、被试与同伴付出劳动的比例等考察传递他人分配模式的可泛化程度。

5 结论

学龄前儿童对他人的分配模式比较敏感, 存在对自私和慷慨分配模式的传递效应; 心理理论和共情更强的学龄前儿童更有可能传递慷慨分配模式。


Aguilar-Pardo D., Martínez-Arias R., & Colmenares F . ( 2013).

The role of inhibition in young children’s altruistic behaviour

Cognitive Processing, 14( 3), 301-307.

DOI:10.1007/s10339-013-0552-6      URL     PMID:23436211      [本文引用: 1]

By behaving altruistically, individuals voluntarily reduce their benefits in order to increase their partners'. This deviation from a self-interest-maximizing function may be cognitively demanding, though. This study investigates whether altruistic sharing in 4- to 6-year-old children, assessed by a dictator game (DG), is related to three measures of executive functioning, that is, inhibitory control, working memory, and cognitive flexibility. We found that children who turned out to be altruistic in the DG performed better on an inhibition task than non-altruists did. This finding lends support to the hypothesis that altruistic sharing might be somewhat constrained by the child's ability to inhibit a natural tendency to preserve his or her own resources. Much research is needed to understand the role of inhibitory control in the development of costly sharing and the consolidation of inequity aversion.

Baumard N., Mascaro O., & Chevallier C . ( 2012).

Preschoolers are able to take merit into account when distributing goods

Developmental Psychology, 48( 2), 492-498.

DOI:10.1037/a0026598      URL     PMID:22148948      [本文引用: 1]

Classic studies in developmental psychology demonstrate a relatively late development of equity, with children as old as 6 or even 8-10 years failing to follow the logic of merit--that is, giving more to those who contributed more. Following Piaget (1932), these studies have been taken to indicate that judgments of justice develop slowly and follow a stagelike progression, starting off with simple rules (e.g., equality: everyone receives the same) and only later on in development evolving into more complex ones (e.g., equity: distributions match contributions). Here, we report 2 experiments with 3- and 4-year-old children (N = 195) that contradict this constructivist account. Our results demonstrate that children as young as 3 years old are able to take merit into account by distributing tokens according to individual contributions but that this ability may be hidden by a preference for equality.

Beugré, C. D . ( 2009).

Exploring the neural basis of fairness: A model of neuro-organizational justice

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 110( 2), 129-139.

DOI:10.1016/j.obhdp.2009.06.005      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Drawing from the literature in neuroeconomics, organizational justice, and social cognitive neuroscience, I propose a model of neuro-organizational justice that explores the role of the brain in how people form fairness judgments and react to situations of fairness and/or unfairness in organizations. The model integrates three levels of analysis: (a) behavioral, (b) mental (cognitive and emotional), and (c) neural. The behavioral level deals with motivated actions displayed by the individual; the mental level deals with information processing mechanisms and emotional arousal; and the neural level concerns the brain systems instantiating mental processes. The paper also describes a fairness theory of mind that could help managers improve their ability to create fair working environments. The model implications for further research and management practice are discussed.

Blake, P. R., & Rand, D. G . ( 2010).

Currency value moderates equity preference among young children

Evolution and Human Behavior, 31( 3), 210-218.

DOI:10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2009.06.012      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Cooperative behavior depends in part on a preference for equitable outcomes. Recent research in behavioral economics assesses variables that influence adult concerns for equity, but few studies to date investigate the emergence of equitable behavior in children using similar economic games. We tested 288 3- to 6-year olds in an anonymous Dictator Game to assess how the value of the currency used affects equity preferences in children. To manipulate value, children played the game with their most or least favorite stickers. At all ages, we found a strong value effect with children donating more of their least favorite stickers than their favorite stickers. We also found a dramatic increase with age in the percentage of children who were prosocial (i.e. donated at least one sticker). However, children who were prosocial tended to give the same proportion of stickers at all ages about half of their least favorite stickers and 40% of their favorite stickers. These findings highlight the influence of resource value on children's preference for equity, and provide evidence for two different processes underlying altruistic giving: the decision to donate at all and the decision about how much to donate.

Blake P. R., McAuliffe K., & Warneken F . ( 2014).

The developmental origins of fairness: The knowledge-behavior gap

Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 18( 11), 559-561.

DOI:10.1016/j.tics.2014.08.003      URL     PMID:25175834      [本文引用: 2]

Recent research in developmental psychology shows that children understand several principles of fairness by 3 years of age, much earlier than previously believed. However, children's knowledge of fairness does not always align with their behavior, and immediate self-interest alone cannot explain this gap. In this forum paper, we consider two factors that influence the relation between fairness knowledge and behavior: relative advantage and how rewards are acquired.

Cohen, J. ( Ed). (1988).

Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.)

Hillsdale: Erlbaum.

[本文引用: 1]

Cowell J. M., Samek A., List J., & Decety J . ( 2015).

The curious relation between theory of mind and sharing in preschool age children

PloS One, 10( 2), e0117947.

DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0117947      URL     PMID:25658696      [本文引用: 1]

Young children have long been known to act selfishly and gradually appear to become more generous across middle childhood. While this apparent change has been well documented, the underlying mechanisms supporting this remain unclear. The current study examined the role of early theory of mind and executive functioning in facilitating sharing in a large sample (N = 98) of preschoolers. Results reveal a curious relation between early false-belief understanding and sharing behavior. Contrary to many commonsense notions and predominant theories, competence in this ability is actually related to less sharing. Thus, the relation between developing theory of mind and sharing may not be as straightforward as it seems in preschool age children. It is precisely the children who can engage in theory of mind that decide to share less with others.

Dadds M. R., Hunter K., Hawes D. J., Frost A. D. J., Vassallo S., Bunn P., .. Masry Y. El . ( 2008).

A measure of cognitive and affective empathy in children using parent ratings

Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 39( 2), 111-122.

DOI:10.1007/s10578-007-0075-4      URL     PMID:17710538      [本文引用: 1]

The construct of “empathy” embodies a number of characteristics necessary for psychological health in children. Surprisingly, most research has been based solely on children and adolescent report and observational measures despite evidence that multi-informant assessment is fundamental to the accurate measurement of such constructs. We present research documenting the development and validation of a brief parent-report measure of child empathy targeted at the formative years for the development of empathic skills, through to adolescence. The Griffith Empathy Measure, adapted from the Bryant Index of Empathy, showed convergence with child ratings, and good reliability and validity across gender and age. Consistent with theoretical accounts of empathy, it was found to include affective and cognitive components that showed divergent associations with other aspects of child functioning.

Davis, M. H . ( 2006). Empathy. In[J]. E. Stets & J. H. Turner (Eds.), Handbook of the Sociology of Emotions (pp. 443-466). Boston: Springer.

[本文引用: 1]

Decety, J., &Lamm, C. ( 2006).

Human empathy through the lens of social neuroscience

The Scientific World Journal, 6( 3), 1146-1163.

DOI:10.1100/tsw.2006.221      URL     PMID:16998603      [本文引用: 2]

Empathy is the ability to experience and understand what others feel without confusion between oneself and others. Knowing what someone else is feeling plays a fundamental role in interpersonal interactions. In this paper, we articulate evidence from social psychology and cognitive neuroscience, and argue that empathy involves both emotion sharing (bottom-up information processing) and executive control to regulate and modulate this experience (top-down information processing), underpinned by specific and interacting neural systems. Furthermore, awareness of a distinction between the experiences of the self and others constitutes a crucial aspect of empathy. We discuss data from recent behavioral and functional neuroimaging studies with an emphasis on the perception of pain in others, and highlight the role of different neural mechanisms that underpin the experience of empathy, including emotion sharing, perspective taking, and emotion regulation.

DeSteno D., Bartlett M. Y., Baumann J., Williams L. A., & Dickens L . ( 2010).

Gratitude as moral sentiment: Emotion-guided cooperation in economic exchange

Emotion, 10( 2), 289-293.

DOI:10.1037/a0017883      URL     PMID:20364907      [本文引用: 2]

Economic exchange often pits options for selfish and cooperative benefit against one another. Decisions favoring communal profit at the expense of self-interest have traditionally been thought to stem from strategic control aimed at tamping down emotional responses centered on immediate resource acquisition. In the present article, evidence is provided to argue against this limited view of the role played by emotion in shaping prosociality. Findings demonstrate that the social emotion gratitude functions to engender cooperative economic exchange even at the expense of greater individual financial gains. Using real-time inductions, increased gratitude is shown to directly mediate increased monetary giving within the context of an economic game, even where such giving increases communal profit at the expense of individual gains. Moreover, increased giving occurred regardless of whether the beneficiary was a known individual or complete stranger, thereby removing the possibility that it stemmed from simple awareness of reciprocity constraints.

Fehr, E., &Fischbacher, U. ( 2003).

The nature of human altruism

Nature, 425, 785-791.

DOI:10.1038/nature02043      URL     PMID:14574401      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Some of the most fundamental questions concerning our evolutionary origins, our social relations, and the organization of society are centred around issues of altruism and selfishness. Experimental evidence indicates that human altruism is a powerful force and is unique in the animal world. However, there is much individual heterogeneity and the interaction between altruists and selfish individuals is vital to human cooperation. Depending on the environment, a minority of altruists can force a majority of selfish individuals to cooperate or, conversely, a few egoists can induce a large number of altruists to defect. Current gene-based evolutionary theories cannot explain important patterns of human altruism, pointing towards the importance of both theories of cultural evolution as well as gene-culture co-evolution.

Goldman, A. I . ( 1989).

Interpretation psychologized

Mind & Language, 4( 3), 161-185.

[本文引用: 2]

Gray K., Ward A. F., & Norton M. I . ( 2014).

Paying it forward: Generalized reciprocity and the limits of generosity

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143( 1), 247-254.

DOI:10.1037/a0031047      URL     PMID:23244034      [本文引用: 5]

Abstract When people are the victims of greed or recipients of generosity, their first impulse is often to pay back that behavior in kind. What happens when people cannot reciprocate, but instead have the chance to be cruel or kind to someone entirely different--to pay it forward? In 5 experiments, participants received greedy, equal, or generous divisions of money or labor from an anonymous person and then divided additional resources with a new anonymous person. While equal treatment was paid forward in kind, greed was paid forward more than generosity. This asymmetry was driven by negative affect, such that a positive affect intervention disrupted the tendency to pay greed forward. Implications for models of generalized reciprocity are discussed.

Grocke P., Rossano F., & Tomasello M . ( 2015).

Procedural justice in children: Preschoolers accept unequal resource distributions if the procedure provides equal opportunities

Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 140, 197-210.

DOI:10.1016/j.jecp.2015.07.008      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Hamilton, I. M., & Taborsky, M. ( 2005).

Contingent movement and cooperation evolve under generalized reciprocity

Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 272( 1578), 2259-2267.

DOI:10.1098/rspb.2005.3248      URL     PMID:1560194      [本文引用: 1]

How cooperation and altruism among non-relatives can persist in the face of cheating remains a key puzzle in evolutionary biology. Although mechanisms such as direct and indirect reciprocity and limited movement have been put forward to explain such cooperation, they cannot explain cooperation among unfamiliar, highly mobile individuals. Here we show that cooperation may be evolutionarily stable if decisions taken to cooperate and to change group membership are both dependent on anonymous social experience (generalized reciprocity). We find that a win-stay, lose-shift rule (where shifting is either moving away from the group or changing tactics within the group after receiving defection) evolves in evolutionary simulations when group leaving is moderately costly (i.e. the current payoff to being alone is low, but still higher than that in a mutually defecting group, and new groups are rarely encountered). This leads to the establishment of widespread cooperation in the population. If the costs of group leaving are reduced, a similar group-leaving rule evolves in association with cooperation in pairs and exploitation of larger anonymous groups. We emphasize that mechanisms of assortment within populations are often behavioural decisions and should not be considered independently of the evolution of cooperation.

Horita Y., Takezawa M., Kinjo T., Nakawake Y., & Masuda N . ( 2016).

Transient nature of cooperation by pay-it-forward reciprocity

Scientific Reports, 6, 19471.

DOI:10.1038/srep19471      URL     PMID:4726336      [本文引用: 1]

Humans often forward kindness received from others to strangers, a phenomenon called the upstream or pay-it-forward indirect reciprocity. Some field observations and laboratory experiments found evidence of pay-it-forward reciprocity in which chains of cooperative acts persist in social dilemma situations. Theoretically, however, cooperation based on pay-it-forward reciprocity is not sustainable. We carried out laboratory experiments of a pay-it-forward indirect reciprocity game (i.e., chained gift-giving game) on a large scale in terms of group size and time. We found that cooperation consistent with pay-it-forward reciprocity occurred only in a first few decisions per participant and that cooperation originated from inherent pro-sociality of individuals. In contrast, the same groups of participants showed persisting chains of cooperation in a different indirect reciprocity game in which participants earned reputation by cooperating. Our experimental results suggest that pay-it-forward reciprocity is transient and disappears when a person makes decisions repeatedly, whereas the reputation-based reciprocity is stable in the same situation.

Kallgren C. A., Reno R. R., & Cialdini R. B . ( 2000).

A focus theory of normative conduct: When norms do and do not affect behavior

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 26( 8), 1002-1012.

DOI:10.1177/01461672002610009      URL     [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT In three experiments, respondents behavior conformed to the dictates of a relevant norm (the norm against littering) only under conditions of normative focus. This relationship held true across three types of procedures for producing normative focus (physiological arousal, modeling, and self-directed attention), across two types of settings (public and private), and across two types of norms (social and personal). Moreover, factors that would be expected to affect normative action were influential only when the norm was focal. These factors included the degree to which the action violated the relevant norm (Study 2) and the degree to which an individual subscribed to that norm (Study 3). Implications are discussed for developing campaigns to encourage prosocial behavior.

Lamm C., Meltzoff A. N., & Decety J . ( 2010).

How do we empathize with someone who is not like us? A functional magnetic resonance imaging study

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22( 2), 362-376.

DOI:10.1162/jocn.2009.21186      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Leimgruber K. L., Ward A. F., Widness J., Norton M. I., Olson K. R., Gray K., & Santos L. R . ( 2014).

Give what you get: Capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) and 4-year-old children pay forward positive and negative outcomes to conspecifics.

PloS One, 9( 1), e87035.

[本文引用: 5]

McAuliffe K., Jordan J. J., & Warneken F . ( 2015).

Costly third-party punishment in young children

Cognition, 134, 1-10.

DOI:10.1016/j.cognition.2014.08.013      URL     [本文引用: 2]

McAuliffe K., Raihani N. J., & Dunham Y . ( 2017).

Children are sensitive to norms of giving

Cognition, 167, 151-159.

DOI:10.1016/j.cognition.2017.01.006      URL     PMID:28129890      [本文引用: 7]

People across societies engage in costly sharing, but the extent of such sharing shows striking cultural variation, highlighting the importance of local norms in shaping generosity. Despite this acknowledged role for norms, it is unclear when they begin to exert their influence in development. Here we use a Dictator Game to investigate the extent to which 4- to 9-year-old children are sensitive to selfish (give 20%) and generous (give 80%) norms. Additionally, we varied whether children were told how much other children give ( descriptive norm ) or what they should give according to an adult ( injunctive norm ). Results showed that children generally gave more when they were exposed to a generous norm. However, patterns of compliance varied with age. Younger children were more likely to comply with the selfish norm, suggesting a licensing effect. By contrast, older children were more influenced by the generous norm, yet capped their donations at 50%, perhaps adhering to a pre-existing norm of equality. Children were not differentially influenced by descriptive or injunctive norms, suggesting a primacy of norm content over norm format. Together, our findings indicate that while generosity is malleable in children, normative information does not completely override pre-existing biases.

McCrink K., Bloom P., & Santos L. R . ( 2010).

Children’s and adults’ judgments of equitable resource distributions

Developmental Science, 13( 1), 37-45.

DOI:10.1111/j.1467-7687.2009.00859.x      URL     PMID:20121861      [本文引用: 1]

This study explored the criteria that children and adults use when evaluating the niceness of a character who is distributing resources. Four- and five-year-olds played the 'Giving Game', in which two puppets with different amounts of chips each gave some portion of these chips to the children. Adults played an analogous task that mimicked the situations presented to children in the Giving Game. For all groups of participants, we manipulated the absolute amount and proportion of chips given away. We found that children and adults used different cues to establish which puppet was nicer: 4-year-olds focused exclusively on absolute amount, 5-year-olds showed some sensitivity to proportion, and adults focused exclusively on proportion. These results are discussed in light of their implications for equity theory and for theories of the development of social evaluation.

Nowak, M. A., & Sigmund, K. ( 2005).

Evolution of indirect reciprocity

Nature, 437, 1291-1298.

DOI:10.1038/nature04131      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Paulus, M. & Moore, C. ( 2015).

Preschool children's anticipation of recipients’ emotions affects their resource allocation

Social Development, 24( 4), 852-867.

DOI:10.1111/sode.12126      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Abstract The present study investigated the impact of preschoolers' anticipation of recipients' emotions on their resource allocation decisions. Three- to six-year-old children participated in one of three different scenarios before performing a resource allocation task. In the Other condition, children were led to think about another person's emotions when being shared with or not being shared with. In the Self condition, children were led to think about their own emotion when being shared with or not being shared with. In an epistemic control condition, children were asked to think about another person's knowledge state. The results showed that children were able to attribute different emotions to the respective recipient when being shared with or not being shared with. Children in the Other condition and the Self condition were more likely to allocate resources to the other when decisions were not associated with costs. Moreover, correlational analyses demonstrated that the more negatively children rated the emotion of the recipient when not being shared with the more they were to allocate resources to the recipient. This indicates that children's inclination to allocate resources to another person can be promoted by their awareness of a recipient's negative emotions when not being shared with.

Premack, D., &Woodruff, G. ( 1978).

Does the chimpanzee have a theory of mind?

Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1( 4), 515-526.

DOI:10.1017/S0140525X00076512      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Rutte, C., &Taborsky, M. ( 2007).

Generalized reciprocity in rats

PLoS Biology, 5( 7), e196.

DOI:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050196      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Salali G. D., Juda M., & Henrich J . ( 2015).

Transmission and development of costly punishment in children

Evolution and Human Behavior, 36( 2), 86-94.

DOI:10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2014.09.004      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Evolutionary theorists argue that cultural evolution has harnessed various aspects of our evolved psychology to create a variety of different mechanisms for sustaining social norms, including those related to large-scale cooperation. One of these mechanisms, costly punishment, has emerged in experiments as an effective means to sustain cooperation in some societies. If this view is correct, individuals' willingness to engage in the costly punishment of norm violators should be culturally transmittable, and applicable to both prosocial and anti-social behaviors (to any social norm). Since much existing work shows that norm-based prosocial behavior in experiments develops substantially during early and middle childhood, we tested 245 3- to 8-year olds in a simplified third party punishment game to investigate whether children would imitate a model's decision to punish, at a personal cost, both unequal and equal offers. Our study showed that children, regardless of their age, imitate the costly punishment of both equal and unequal offers, and the rates of imitation increase (not decrease) with age. However, only older children imitate not-punishing for both equal and unequal offers. These findings highlight the potential role of cultural transmission in the stabilization or de-stabilization of costly punishment in a population.

Schug J., Takagishi H., Benech C., & Okada H . ( 2016).

The development of theory of mind and positive and negative reciprocity in preschool children

Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 888.

DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00888      URL     PMID:27445881      [本文引用: 1]

This study examined the relation between the acquisition of false-beliefs theory of mind (ToM) and reciprocity in preschoolers. Preschool-aged children completed a task assessing the understanding of false beliefs, and played an Ultimatum Game (UG) with another child in a face-to-face setting. Negative reciprocity was assessed by examining the rejection of unfair offers made by another child in the UG, while positive reciprocity was assessed by examining allocations made by participants in a Dictator Game (DG) following the UG. The results indicated that children who had passed a task assessing first-order false beliefs were more likely to make generous offers in a DG following a fair offer made by their partner in a proceeding UG, but that false beliefs ToM was unrelated to the rejection of unfair offers in the UG.

Stanca, L. ( 2009).

Measuring indirect reciprocity: Whose back do we scratch?

Journal of Economic Psychology, 30( 2), 190-202.

DOI:10.1016/j.joep.2008.07.010      URL     [本文引用: 2]

This paper presents an experimental investigation of strong indirect reciprocity. We examine both generalized indirect reciprocity (if A helps B then B helps C) and social indirect reciprocity (if A helps B then C helps A) in a setting where reciprocal behavior cannot be explained by strategic motivations, using a treatment for direct reciprocity as a benchmark. We use a variant of the strategy method to control for differences in first movers’ actions across treatments. We find evidence of strong reciprocity within each treatment, for both strategies and decisions. Generalized indirect reciprocity is found to be significantly stronger than social indirect reciprocity and, interestingly, than direct reciprocity. This finding is interpreted as reflecting the relevance of first movers’ motivation for second movers’ reciprocal behavior.

Steinbeis N., Bernhardt B. C., & Singer T . ( 2012).

Impulse control and underlying functions of the left DLPFC mediate age-related and age-independent individual differences in strategic social behavior

Neuron, 73( 5), 1040-1051.

DOI:10.1016/j.neuron.2011.12.027      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Sullivan K., Zaitchik D., & Tager-Flusberg H . ( 1994).

Preschoolers can attribute second-order beliefs

Developmental Psychology, 30( 3), 395-402.

DOI:10.1037/0012-1649.30.3.395      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Children from preschool through second grade were told four stories and were asked questions about the stories that were designed to elicit their understanding of second order mental states. Found that 90% of kindergartners and 40% of preschoolers were able to attribute second order false beliefs. (BC)

Takagishi H., Kameshima S., Schug J., Koizumi M., & Yamagishi T . ( 2010).

Theory of mind enhances preference for fairness

Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 105( 1-2), 130-137.

DOI:10.1016/j.jecp.2009.09.005      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Wang, S., &Su, Y. J . ( 2013).

From understanding to utilizing: Theory of mind and children’s distributive justice in different contexts

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 45( 11), 1242-1250.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2013.01242      URL    

[ 王斯, 苏彦捷 . ( 2013).


心理学报, 45( 11), 1242-1250.]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2013.01242      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Distributive justice is the core content of children’s moral development. Its development describes a child’s progressive understanding and application of what constitutes fairness during resource distribution. Previous work has suggested that younger children often allocate rewards in a self-interest centered manner as a result of limited cognitive abilities. However, recent studies have indicated that 3- to 5-year-old children could perform fair distribution, even infants hold the expectation of resource allocation according to one's effort. Incidentally, the dual-process theory emphasized that there are two different underlying processes of children’s distributive justice: the automatic emotional process and the controlled cognitive process. Given that children should first attribute others’ beliefs and intents, and hereafter take account of each person’s contributions through understanding and making use of high-level distributive justice principles, Theory of Mind (ToM) may participate an important role during this procedure. Based on current understandings, in order to get a clear overview of distributive justice development and its underlying mechanisms, this study aims in investigating how children’s Theory of Mind affect the two aspects of distributive justice (distributive justice judgment and distributive justice behavior) in the involved and uninvolved contexts. Experiment 1 focused on the relationship between Theory of Mind and children’s distributive justice judgment in two different contexts (involved and uninvolved). 61 preschool participants aged from 4- to 5- participated in the Giving Game and 40 adult participants completed the Giving Game Context Questionnaire. The results from the uninvolved context indicated that judgments made by children who passed the Theory of Mind tasks were similar to the judgments by the adults’, and both Theory of Mind and uninvolved context promoted children’s distributive justice judgment. Experiment 2 explored the question of how Theory of Mind affected children’s resource distributing behavior using distributive justice principles. This study compared the influence of Theory of Mind of 61 4- to 5-year-old children’s distributive justice behavior in the involved context, with the impact under uninvolved context. The results showed that there was an interaction between Theory of Mind and the involvement of distribution context. Under involved context, children who passed Theory of Mind tasks performed much more fairly than the children who didn't pass; whereas in uninvolved context there were no group differences. Together, these two experiments associated a link of how children would understand distributive justice principles, and how they could use in allocating resources. On the basis of the whole structure, Theory of Mind may have stable and context-sensitive impact on children’s distributive justice. This brought support to the dual-process theory, where automatic emotional process is dominant under involved context, while controlled cognitive process is guiding the uninvolved context. These results provided enriched evidence for current researches and brought new perspectives for future studies. Meanwhile, we can improve children’s development of distributive justice by strengthening their Theory of Mind abilities over training, which is valuable for educational purposes.

Wang Y. W., Zhang Z., Bai L. Y., Lin C. D., Osinsky R., & Hewig J . ( 2017).

Ingroup/outgroup membership modulates fairness consideration: Neural signatures from ERPs and EEG oscillations

Scientific Reports, 7, 39827.

DOI:10.1038/srep39827      [本文引用: 1]

Wansink B., Kent R. J., & Hoch S. J . ( 1998).

An anchoring and adjustment model of purchase quantity decisions

Journal of Marketing Research, 35( 1), 71-81.

DOI:10.2307/3151931      URL     [本文引用: 1]

How do consumers decide how many units to buy? Whereas prior research on individual consumers' purchases has focused primarily on purchase incidence and brand choice, the authors focus on the psychological process behind the purchase quantity decision. The authors propose that a simple anchoring and adjustment model describes how consumers make purchase quantity decisions and suggests how point-of-purchase promotions can increase sales. Two field experiments and two lab studies show that anchor-based promotions-presented as multiple-unit prices, purchase quantity limits, and suggestive selling-can increase purchase quantities. The final study shows that consumers who retrieve internal anchors can counter these anchor-based promotions effectively. Firms might receive net benefits from anchor-based promotions depending on whether increases in unit sales reflect increased category consumption, brand switching, variety switching, store switching, or stockpiling.

Warneken F., Lohse K., Melis A. P., & Tomasello M . ( 2011).

Young children share the spoils after collaboration

Psychological Science, 22( 2), 267-273.

DOI:10.1177/0956797610395392      URL     PMID:21196533      [本文引用: 3]

Abstract Egalitarian behavior is considered to be a species-typical component of human cooperation. Human adults tend to share resources equally, even if they have the opportunity to keep a larger portion for themselves. Recent experiments have suggested that this tendency emerges fairly late in human ontogeny, not before 6 or 7 years of age. Here we show that 3-year-old children share mostly equally with a peer after they have worked together actively to obtain rewards in a collaboration task, even when those rewards could easily be monopolized. These findings contrast with previous findings from a similar experiment with chimpanzees, who tended to monopolize resources whenever they could. The potentially species-unique tendency of humans to share equally emerges early in ontogeny, perhaps originating in collaborative interactions among peers.

Warneken, F., &Tomasello, M. ( 2013).

The emergence of contingent reciprocity in young children

Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 116( 2), 338-350.

DOI:10.1016/j.jecp.2013.06.002      URL     PMID:23917162      [本文引用: 1]

Contingent reciprocity is important in theories of the evolution of human cooperation, but it has been very little studied in ontogeny. We gave 2- and 3-year-old children the opportunity to either help or share with a partner after that partner either had or had not previously helped or shared with the children. Previous helping did not influence children’s helping. In contrast, previous sharing by the partner led to greater sharing in 3-year-olds but not in 2-year-olds. These results do not support theories claiming either that reciprocity is fundamental to the origins of children’s prosocial behavior or that it is irrelevant. Instead, they support an account in which children’s prosocial behavior emerges spontaneously but is later mediated by reciprocity.

Watanabe T., Takezawa M., Nakawake Y., Kunimatsu A., Yamasue H., Nakamura M., .. Masuda N . ( 2014).

Two distinct neural mechanisms underlying indirect reciprocity

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111( 11), 3990-3995.

DOI:10.1073/pnas.1318570111      URL     PMID:24591599      [本文引用: 2]

Cooperation is a hallmark of human society. Humans often cooperate with strangers even if they will not meet each other again. This so-called indirect reciprocity enables large-scale cooperation among nonkin and can occur based on a reputation mechanism or as a succession of pay-it-forward behavior. Here, we provide the functional and anatomical neural evidence for two distinct mechanisms governing the two types of indirect reciprocity. Cooperation occurring as reputation-based reciprocity specifically recruited the precuneus, a region associated with self-centered cognition. During such cooperative behavior, the precuneus was functionally connected with the caudate, a region linking rewards to behavior. Furthermore, the precuneus of a cooperative subject had a strong resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) with the caudate and a large gray matter volume. In contrast, pay-it-forward reciprocity recruited the anterior insula (AI), a brain region associated with affective empathy. The AI was functionally connected with the caudate during cooperation occurring as pay-it-forward reciprocity, and its gray matter volume and rsFC with the caudate predicted the tendency of such cooperation. The revealed difference is consistent with the existing results of evolutionary game theory: although reputation-based indirect reciprocity robustly evolves as a self-interested behavior in theory, pay-it-forward indirect reciprocity does not on its own. The present study provides neural mechanisms underlying indirect reciprocity and suggests that pay-it-forward reciprocity may not occur as myopic profit maximization but elicit emotional rewards.

Wei, Q., &Su, Y. J . ( 2018).

The development of different components of empathy during preschool years


[ 魏祺, 苏彦捷 . ( 2018).



[本文引用: 2]

Wellman H. M., Cross D., & Watson J . ( 2001).

Meta-analysis of theory-of-mind development: The truth about false belief

Child Development, 72( 3), 655-684.

DOI:10.1111/1467-8624.00304      URL     PMID:11405571      [本文引用: 1]

Research on theory of mind increasingly encompasses apparently contradictory findings. In particular, in initial studies, older preschoolers consistently passed false-belief tasks-a so-called "definitive" test of mental-state understanding-whereas younger children systematically erred. More recent studies, however, have found evidence of false-belief understanding in 3-year-olds or have demonstrated conditions that improve children's performance. A meta-analysis was conducted (N = 178 separate studies) to address the empirical inconsistencies and theoretical controversies. When organized into a systematic set of factors that vary across studies, false-belief results cluster systematically with the exception of only a few outliers. A combined model that included age, country of origin, and four task factors (e. g., whether the task objects were transformed in order to deceive the protagonist or not) yielded a multiple R of .74 and an R2 of .55; thus, the model accounts for 55% of the variance in false-belief performance. Moreover, false-belief performance showed a consistent developmental pattern, even across various countries and various task manipulations: preschoolers went from below-chance performance to above-chance performance. The findings are inconsistent with early competence proposals that claim that developmental changes are due to tasks artifacts, and thus disappear in simpler, revised false-belief tasks; and are, instead, consistent with theoretical accounts that propose that understanding of belief, and, relatedly, understanding of mind, exhibit genuine conceptual change in the preschool years.

Willis M. L., Lawson D. L., Ridley N. J., Koval P., & Rendell P. G . ( 2015).

The contribution of emotional empathy to approachability judgments assigned to emotional faces is context specific

Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1209.

[本文引用: 1]

Wu, Z., &Su, Y. J . ( 2014).

How do preschoolers’ sharing behaviors relate to their theory of mind understanding?

Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 120, 73-86.

DOI:10.1016/j.jecp.2013.11.007      URL     PMID:24384326      [本文引用: 3]

This study aimed to explore the development of resource sharing in preschoolers and its relationship with children’s theory of mind (ToM) understanding. A total of 74 2- to 4-year-old Chinese children participated in three tasks with toys that could be shared with a puppet (animated by a female experimenter). In each sharing task, the puppet communicated her desire for children’s items with a series of progressively more explicit cues. Results showed that 2- and 3-year-olds relied on more explicit communicative cues to share resources with others, whereas 4-year-olds shared more spontaneously. In addition, children’s ToM understanding was positively correlated with their sharing behavior independent of their age. Specifically, children who had acquired the ability to understand that people could have different beliefs about the same thing and that people were ignorant if they had not seen the fact shared more spontaneously and shared more items with their playmate than children who had not acquired these two abilities. Findings suggest that preschoolers’ sharing behavior is enhanced by their ToM understanding and explicit communicative cues provided by the playmate.

Wu Z., Zhang Z., Guo R., & Gros-Louis J . ( 2017).

Motivation counts: Autonomous but not obligated sharing promotes happiness in preschoolers

Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 867.

DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00867      URL     PMID:28620328      [本文引用: 1]

Research has demonstrated that prosocial sharing is emotionally rewarding, which leads to further prosocial actions; such a positive feedback loop suggests a proximal mechanism of human’s tendency to act prosocially. However, it leaves open a question as to how the emotional benefits from sharing develop in young children and whether sharing under pressure promotes happiness as well. The current study directly compared 3- and 5-year-old Chinese children’s happiness when sharing was autonomous (the recipient did not contribute to getting the reward) with when sharing was obligated (the recipient and the actor jointly earned the reward). We found that children shared more items overall when sharing was obligated than autonomous, demonstrating their conformity to social norms of merit-based sharing. In children who eventually shared with others, 5-year-olds gave out more stickers in the obligated sharing condition than in the autonomous sharing condition, but 3-year-olds shared the same amount between the conditions, suggesting that 5-year-olds adhered to the merit-based sharing norm more strictly than 3-year-olds. Moreover, in the autonomous sharing condition, children displayed greater happiness when they shared with the recipient than when they kept stickers for themselves, suggesting that costly prosocial giving benefited children with positive mood; however, children did not gain happiness when they shared with the recipient in the obligated sharing condition. These findings demonstrate that children’s affective benefits depend on the motivation underlying their prosocial behavior, and further imply that normative force and emotional gains may independently drive preschoolers’ prosocial behaviors.

Yu, J., &Zhu, L. Q . ( 2010).

The development of children’s fair behavior: Evidence from experimental games

Advances in Psychological Science, 18( 7), 1182-1188.


Fairness or justice as the eternal pursuit of human beings is an important topic shared by psychology,economics and many other disciplines.Method of story is often used by developmental psychologists to explore children's reasoning about distributive fairness.The introduction of game theoretical paradigm provides a new approach and perspective to study children's fair behavior.The paper mainly reviewed children's development of fair behavior in experimental games and the reasons for the contradictory age trends was analyzed.The in-group bias in fair behavior,the nature of fair behavior:outcomes versus intentions and the relationship between theory of mind and children's fair behavior were discussed.Finally,the paper suggested that future research on children's fair behavior must keep the social context in mind as well as children's social cognitive abilities.

[ 于静, 朱莉琪 . ( 2010).


心理科学进展, 18( 7), 1182-1188.]

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Fairness or justice as the eternal pursuit of human beings is an important topic shared by psychology, economics and many other disciplines. Method of story is often used by developmental psychologists to explore children’s reasoning about distributive fairness. The introduction of game theoretical paradigm provides a new approach and perspective to study children’s fair behavior. The paper mainly reviewed children’s development of fair behavior in experimental games and the reasons for the contradictory age trends was analyzed. The in-group bias in fair behavior, the nature of fair behavior: outcomes versus intentions and the relationship between theory of mind and children’s fair behavior were discussed. Finally, the paper suggested that future research on children’s fair behavior must keep the social context in mind as well as children’s social cognitive abilities.

Yu J., Zhu L. Q., & Leslie A. M . ( 2016).

Children’s sharing behavior in Mini-Dictator games: The role of In-Group favoritism and theory of mind

Child Development, 87( 6), 1747-1757.

DOI:10.1111/cdev.2016.87.issue-6      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Yu, J. X., & Kou, Y. ( 2015).

Paying it forward: The effect of selfishness transmission

Advances in Psychological Science, 23( 6), 1061-1069.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2015.01061      URL    

Once people became victims of others' selfishness, they would be more likely to treat another innocent person selfishly. That is considered as paying the selfishness forward, namely the effect of selfishness transmission. Descriptive norm and psychological entitlement can account for the mechanism of selfishness transmission. Meanwhile, some personal and situational factors, such as justice sensitivity, moral identity, moral salience, as well as anonymity, may moderate this process. Previous studies have focused on how the victims would punish and retaliate against the selfish person who hurt them, but little is known about how victims would treat the third innocent person. Future researches should discuss the effect of cognitive factors(e.g. general trust, moral judgment), as well as the influence of emotions and empathy in selfishness transmission.

[ 余俊宣, 寇彧 . ( 2015).


心理科学进展, 23( 6), 1061-1069.]

[本文引用: 2]

Zhang Q., Wang Y., Lui S. S. Y., Cheung E. F. C., Neumann D. L., Shum D. H. K., & Chan, R. C. K. ( 2014).

Validation of the Griffith Empathy Measure in the Chinese context

Brain Impairment, 15( 1), 10-17.

DOI:10.1017/BrImp.2014.1      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Objectives: The Griffith Empathy Measure (GEM) is a self-report measure of empathy. The current study aimed to explore the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the GEM. It also aimed to compare individuals with and without schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) features on various components of empathy. Methods: 420 college students from Beijing and 526 college students from Guangzhou completed a set of questionnaires that measured empathy and schizotypal personality disorder traits. Cronbach's coefficient alpha was used to evaluate the internal consistency of the GEM. Construct validity was evaluated using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses (EFA and CFA). Construct validity was also examined by looking at the relationship between the GEM and the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI). Finally, the sensitivity of the GEM was evaluated by comparing the total and factor GEM scores between individuals with and without SPD traits. Results: The Chinese GEM showed good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.83). Results of an exploratory factor analysis suggested a three-factor model consisting of cognitive, affective and behavioural empathy components. Results of a confirmatory factor analysis showed that the three-factor model, as well as the two-factor model found in the English version, were both acceptable. Construct validity (specifically convergent validity) was also corroborated by significant correlations between the IRI subscales and GEM (personal distress: r = .09, p > .05; perspective taking: r = .34, p r = .44, p r = .51, p t(1,250) = 1.99, p = .05), thus confirming discriminative validity. Conclusions: These preliminary findings suggest that the Chinese version of the GEM demonstrated satisfactory internal consistency and construct validity. In addition, the findings suggest that the GEM is culturally appropriate and researchers can use it to study empathy in healthy and clinical Chinese participants.


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