ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报, 2018, 50(7): 793-802 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.00793



易仲怡, 杨文登,, 叶浩生,

广州大学教育学院, 广州 510006

Influence of soft and hard tactical experiences on gender role cognition

YI Zhongyi, YANG Wendeng,, YE Haosheng,

Education School of Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China

通讯作者: 杨文登,;叶浩生,

收稿日期: 2017-12-4   网络出版日期: 2018-07-15

基金资助: *广东省高校基础研究与应用研究重大项目.  2016WZDXM022
*广东高校特色创新项目.  2016WTSCX097

Received: 2017-12-4   Online: 2018-07-15


文章从具身隐喻的角度, 探讨了软硬触觉经验与男女性别角色认知的交互影响。实验1采用行为实验法, 考察了软硬的触觉经验对性别分类的影响; 实验2采用内隐联想范式, 探讨了男女性别角色词的加工能否激活软硬的隐喻表征; 实验3通过概念启动和知觉判断任务, 考察了性别角色词的概念加工对物体软硬知觉的影响。得出以下结论:(1)社会性别分类表征和社会性别角色表征可通过软硬进行隐喻表征; (2)性别角色词概念的加工会影响物体软硬知觉的判断, 认知判断存在具身效应。

关键词: 概念隐喻 ; 具身认知 ; 软硬隐喻 ; 性别角色


Previous studies mainly considered gender roles from the perspective of bio-determinism or social constructivism. The two sides stand at the ends of “nature” and “culture,” respectively. The former focuses on physiology, and the latter highlights the role of parenting, social conditions, and social relationships and disregards the link between nature and culture. The results of previous research have revealed limitations in the cognition of individuals regarding the formation and acquisition of gender classification and gender roles. Embodied cognition emphasizes the dependence of cognition on the body, which is embedded in the environment, and the influences of the body and environment are considered. The present study explored the gender role from the perspective of embodied cognition to compensate for the deficiencies of previous studies.

Previous studies mainly considered gender roles from the perspective of bio-determinism or social constructivism. The two sides stand at the ends of “nature” and “culture,” respectively. The former focuses on physiology, and the latter highlights the role of parenting, social conditions, and social relationships and disregards the link between nature and culture. The results of previous research have revealed limitations in the cognition of individuals regarding the formation and acquisition of gender classification and gender roles. Embodied cognition emphasizes the dependence of cognition on the body, which is embedded in the environment, and the influences of the body and environment are considered. The present study explored the gender role from the perspective of embodied cognition to compensate for the deficiencies of previous studies.

Three experiments were conducted with E-prime. In Experiment 1, the effect of soft and hard tactile experiences on gender classification in the Chinese culture was investigated through a behavioral experiment method. In the beginning of the experiment, subjects were asked for a full long-term contact with a specific ball (soft or hard). Afterward, the participants were asked to determine the gender of ambiguous face images with their right hands while squeezing a specific ball with their left hands. We found that the subjects who squeezed the soft ball were likely to judge the ambiguous faces as female, and the subjects who squeezed the hard ball were likely to judge the ambiguous faces as male. By assessing these automatic associations of gender roles with hard or soft tactile experience, we designed an Implicit Association Test in Experiment 2 to explore the implicit effect of the “soft woman and hard man” bias. Our results revealed significant implicit deviations in the concept of gender roles in the Chinese culture. A significant difference was observed between compatible tasks in which feminine role expressions were associated with “soft” while masculine role expressions were associated with “hard” and incompatible tasks in which feminine role expressions were associated with “hard” while masculine role expressions were associated with “soft.” In Experiment 3, we explored the influence of the conceptual processing of gender role expressions on soft and hard perceptions of objects through concept priming and perceptual judgment tasks. The participants were asked to memorize the male role expressions or female characterization expressions and evaluate the degree of hardness and softness from 1 (soft) to 10 (hard). The expressions were then recalled. The results showed that compared with the subjects in the group of masculine role expressions, those in the group of feminine role expressions judged a sofa as softer.

We conclude that gender classification and gender impression representation can be characterized by soft and hard metaphors. The concept of “soft woman and hard man” in the gender role is unconscious. Our conceptualization and categorization of gender roles depend on the metaphorical expansion of the basic concepts of “soft” and “hard.” In addition, the processing of the concepts of gender characterization among the study subjects activated the modal information of the proprioception (soft and hard) channel in the brain memory and caused the simulation of the physical state. It then affected the perception of the degree of softness and hardness of the sofa, thereby proving the existence of an embodied effect in cognitive judgment.

Keywords: conceptual metaphor ; embodied cognition ; soft and hard metaphor ; gender role

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易仲怡, 杨文登, 叶浩生. 具身认知视角下软硬触觉经验对性别角色认知的影响. 心理学报[J], 2018, 50(7): 793-802 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.00793

YI Zhongyi, YANG Wendeng, YE Haosheng. Influence of soft and hard tactical experiences on gender role cognition. Acta Psychologica Sinica[J], 2018, 50(7): 793-802 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.00793

1 引言

近年来, “硬汉子”、“软妹子”的网络热词备受追捧。“硬汉子”是指坚强不屈的男子, 而“软妹子”则喻指那些嗓音温婉、腰身柔软、性格温柔体贴的年轻女性。自古以来, 中国传统文化中, 男性被赋予了坚定、刚强、善于分析的人格特征, 而女性则赋予了温柔、细心、善解人意的气质。“软妹子”和“硬汉子”热词的出现体现了中国文化对男性和女性特质的界定。此外, 生活中人们常常借用软硬来表示人的性格特质, 如口硬心软、铁骨铮铮、心慈手软等。然而, 个体是如何形成有关性别分类的知识?性别角色又是如何获得?为什么“软”与“妹子”会成为女性范畴的角色特征, “铁骨铮铮”会成为男性范畴的角色特征?这仅仅是生活中客观存在的现象, 还是人们建立了相应的心理表征, 通过软硬隐喻来表征性别分类和性别角色特征?

性别角色是社会根据人的性别而规定的一种行为及思维模式(Delamont, 1990), 包括男性和女性不同的社会态度、人格特征和社会行为模式等。性别角色是个人社会性别的代表, 是整个人类认识自身并确认其在社会中位置的重要基准, 对个人甚至整个民族素质的发展具有重大意义(刘电芝等, 2011)。学界关于性别角色的生物决定论与社会建构论之间的争议不断(Eagly & Wood, 2013)。起初, 西方学者用“Sex Roles”来定义性别角色, 认为男女性别角色分工是由男女两性生理结构和生理功能的不同导致的, 生物因素在性别角色分类中有着至关重要的作用(Mealey, 2000)。相关研究也表明, 人类的性别“Sex”会影响他或她的智力表现方式(Haier, Jung, Yeo, Head, & Alkire, 2005)和行为方式(Robin, 2006)。20世纪70年代, 女性主义的相关研究则把生物性别与社会性别区分开来, 用“Gender Roles”取代具有浓厚生理气息的“Sex Roles”, 认为性别角色是与作为男性和女性相关联的社会角色, 是由社会制度、文化规范、个体认同等多方面的共同作用、一起形塑的结果(段瑶瑶, 2016)。社会建构论认为, 心理活动现象, 包括意识、情绪、认知等并非实质性地存在于人的头脑中, 而是一种社会文化和语言的建构, 知识是社会建构的产物, 是个体与社会互动、共同协商的结果(Galbin, 2014)。性别角色理论作为社会建构主义重要理论之一, 强调个体无法超时间、超文化、超历史而存在, 人的成长必然发生于特定的历史和文化背景下, 是社会赋予了男人和女人的种种意义(Lindsey, 2011; Roberto & Li, 2016)。2015年世界卫生组织(WHO)更把性别角色定义为“一个特定的社会认为适合于男性和女性的角色、行为、活动和属性的社会建构”, 并且将“男性气质和女性气质作为性别角色的主要分类”。相关研究还表明, 家庭(Paul & Perry-Jenkins, 2016)、学校(Mutekwe, Maphosa, Machingambi, Ndofirepi, & Wadesango, 2013)和文化风俗(Judith, 2009)等社会因素在孩子性别角色的认识和获得中具有举足轻重的作用。由此可见, 生物决定论认为, 生理的身体对性别角色的起决定性作用, 与社会和环境因素无关。社会建构论则主张生理性别、社会性别和身体都是社会建构的, 既不存在先天的自然事实, 也不存在所谓通过感觉经验获得。争论的双方分别从“自然”与“文化”的两个不同的角度出发, 前者强调生理基础, 后者强调了养育的作用、社会条件、社会关系, 忽略了自然与文化之间的联系, 导致两者对个体如何获得与形成性别角色概念的理解存在局限。

具身认知(embodied cognition)认为心智和认知与身体之间存在内在的和本质的关联, 认知产生于身体的体验及其活动方式(Anderson, 2007)。这里所指的“身体”, 不仅指我们自然“拥有”的物理实体, 还包括嵌入环境, 与自然和社会环境融为一体的“身体”。具身认知主张, 身体的解剖学结构、身体的活动方式、身体的感觉和运动体验等因素决定了我们的认知过程和思维方式(叶浩生, 2017), 认知是身体的认知, 离开了身体便没有了认知的存在。认知是在嵌入环境的身体参与下, 通过身体与外部世界的互动塑造出来的, 其互动的方式决定了认知的类型和性质(Spackman & Yanchar, 2014), 认知、身体、环境三者是一个相互作用的动态统一体(Chemero, 2009)。具身认知把认知投放到环境和身体的整体背景中, 强调了身体构造和状态、感觉运动系统等生理和生物因素对认知的塑造和影响, 既考虑了身体的本身, 更没有脱离自然和社会环境。因此, 本研究拟从具身认知的角度对性别分类和性别角色进行研究, 试图为性别认知的起源与发展寻找更全面、更合理的解释。

具身认知提出, 身体是人类接触和认识世界的根基, 人们往往通过身体经验来概念化世界(Gallagher, 2014), 其感觉和运动经验是抽象概念形成和发展的基础。但抽象概念在现实生活中似乎并没有形象化的感知觉痕迹, 那么它是如何与我们的身体经验进行联系并获得表征?Lakoff和Johson (1980)提出抽象概念的发展建立在隐喻的基础上。隐喻是指利用具体的、“活”的生活经验去理解抽象概念(叶浩生, 2014)。例如“冷淡的态度”、“沉重的话题”, 用我们身体感受到的冷、热、轻、重等最原始的概念去理解“态度”和“话题”等抽象的事物。归根结底, 隐喻是一种以具身经验为基础的思维方式, 人的认知受身体感知运动系统的影响, “以往的感觉运动经验是知识的基础” (Lozada & Carro, 2016)。

2.1 实验目的和假设

实验1是对Slepian等人(2011)的实验进行重复性检验, 运用行为实验法探讨在中国文化背景下, 软硬触觉体验是否也能激活性别分类隐喻表征。

2.2 被试

119名本科大学生, 其中男生62名, 女生57名, 平均年龄20.98 ± 1.26岁。所有被试均为右利手, 视力或矫正视力正常(4.8以上), 无色弱色盲, 无影响实验的精神病史或生理疾病。

2.3 实验材料

经过对市面上球类的严格筛选, 最终选用了两种软硬程度差异明显的软球和硬球各一枚作为实验材料。其中硬球是内部为实心的橡胶料, 外皮为合成树脂的高尔夫球; 软球为内部充满水, 外皮为橡胶的玩具水球, 两球在颜色、形状、大小等其他方面没有区别。

本研究采用Facegen Modeller 3.5.3软件来生成真实人类两歧性别的面孔。该软件使用包括年龄、种族和性别在内的150种控制编辑面孔, 可以随机或者从照片创建三维立体的人类面孔。本研究选取性别参数位于男女中间位置随机生成的26张面孔作为实验材料, 面孔表情为中性, 面孔特征为典型男性和女性的平均水平, 即既可以被判断为男性也可以被判断为女性。采用photoshop对面孔进行处理, 去掉头发、耳朵和下颌等相关部位信息, 图片颜色为黑白色, 像素为800×600。20名不参与正式实验的被试(10名男, 10名女, 平均年龄20.68 ± 1.76岁), 在没有挤压球的情况下, 对26张图片的性别进行判断, 通过卡方检验最后筛选出被试判断为男和女频数差异不显著的正式实验图片共12张。

2.4 实验设计和程序

实验采用2(被试性别:男性、女性) × 2(球的属性:软、硬)两因素被试间设计, 因变量是两歧面孔性别的判断。实验任务是要求被试一边挤压手中的球, 一边对显示在电脑屏幕上的面孔的性别进行判断。

实验采用E-prime 2.0软件进行编程, 将刺激呈现在14英寸的电脑显示器上, 并要求被试端坐保持60 cm的视距, 直至实验结束。为了掩盖实验的真实目的, 事先告知被试本实验是为了探究注意力分散练习对人类面孔性别判断的影响。实验分为练习阶段和实验阶段, 练习阶段, 先给被试一个特定的球(软球或硬球), 每一个trial中, 首先在屏幕中间呈现一红色注视点“+”500 ms, 随后数字(2、3、4)会随机在屏幕中间, 呈现时间为2000 ms, 要求其对屏幕出现的数字进行挤压球的反应, 反应时间为4000 ms, 练习持续2分钟。这样设计的目的是为了让被试与球有充分长效的接触从而产生触觉经验。实验阶段中, 每一个trial中先在屏幕中间呈现一红色注视点“+”500 ms, 随后呈现挤压次数(2、3、4次), 呈现时间为2000 ms, 接着性别两歧面孔随机呈现, 要求被试一边观察一边按照要求挤压球, 直到挤压次数足够后才进行按键反应, 按键反应在组内进行平衡。练习阶段共20个trial, 实验阶段共12个trial。实验结束后的访谈表明, 没有被试猜出实验的真实目的。

2.5 实验结果

首先, 把计数数据转换了百分比数据。将被试判断为女性的图片个数除以总的图片数, 以获得每位被试将性别两歧面孔判断为女性的百分比数据。再次, 将百分比数据通过反正弦变成服从正态分布的数据后进行方差分析。最后, 将各反正弦平均值转换为百分数作为结果。此外, 为了保证平均数所反映的是总体的一般情况, 将被试反应平均值两侧的2.5个标准差之外的极端数据去掉。最后保留有效被试108人, 其中硬球女生组25人, 平均年龄21.52 ± 1.39岁, 硬球男生组28人, 平均年龄20.39 ± 0.86岁; 软球女生组27人平均年龄21.26 ± 1.46岁, 软球男生组28人, 平均年龄20.50 ± 0.87岁。

2(球的类型:软球和硬球) × 2(被试性别:男和女)方差分析结果显示, 球的类型主效应显著, 挤压软球的被试(M = 63.07%)与挤压硬球的被试(M = 52.89%)相比, 更倾向于把性别两歧面孔图片判断为女性, F球的类型(1, 104) = 40.59, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.28。被试性别主效应不显著, F被试性别(1, 104) = 2.18, p = 0.143; 球的类型与被试性别的交互作用不显著, F球的类型x被试性别(1, 104) = 0.50, p = 0.483。

2.6 讨论

实验1采用行为实验法, 被试在按要求挤压手中的球后, 对两歧面孔图片的性别进行判断, 结果发现, 挤压软球的被试会显著偏向于将性别两歧面孔图片判断为女性, 挤压硬球的被试显著会倾向于将性别两歧面孔图片判断为男性, 而这种偏向与被试的性别无关。实验表明软硬的身体触觉经验影响了人们对面孔的性别判断, 中国文化背景下社会性别分类与软—硬触觉隐喻联结的心理现实性的存在, 具体表现为“女性与软联结, 男性与硬联结”。具身认知强调身体—环境—认知的一体化, 个体社会分类知识的形成会因文化背景的不同而有所不同, 但不同文化之间也存在一些共有的特征, 比如触觉等基本身体感觉。因此, 出现了与Slepian等人(2011)一致的实验结果, 性别分类的表征可能部分具身于软和硬的本体感觉经验。

3 实验2:软硬触觉经验与性别角色词的加工之间的关系

3.1 实验目的和假设

运用内隐联想范式探讨性别角色词的加工是否激活了软硬的隐喻表征。实验假设:性别角色词与软硬的触觉经验存在隐喻关系, 当男性化角色词语与石头图片(硬)归为一类时反应时更短, 与海绵图片(软)归为一类时反应时更长; 当女性化角色词语与海绵图片(软)归为一类时反应时更短; 与石头图片(硬)归为一类时反应时更长。

3.2 被试

70名本科大学生, 其中35名女生, 35名男生, 平均年龄为21.66 ± 1.91岁。所有被试母语为汉语, 右利手, 视力或矫正视力正常(4.8以上), 无影响实验的精神病史或生理疾病。

3.3 实验材料

3.3.1 词语材料

实验词语一共30个, 全部为正性描述词语, 其中男性化角色词和女性化角色词各15个。实验材料的选取参考了国内外关于性别角色的相关研究(Bem, 1977; 刘电芝等, 2011)。20名不参与正式实验的大学生对性别角色词与女性特质的符合程度、性别角色词与男性特质的符合程度以及性别角色词的熟悉度分别进行7点量表评定其中:1代表完全不符合/完全不熟悉, 7代表非常符合/非常熟悉。这样设置的目的是从客观认知的角度检验实验所选用的词语材料在描述男女性别角色特征的区分度和稳定性。经统计, 性别角色化词在与女性特质的符合程度上差异显著, F(1, 19) = 6.90, p = 0.017 < 0.05, η2p = 0.27, 女性化角色词得分(M = 5.18)显著高于男性化角色词得分(M = 4.58); 在与男性特质的符合程度上差异显著, F(1, 19) = 18.47, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.49, 男性化角色词得分(M = 5.44)显著高于女性化角色词得分(M = 4.41); 在熟悉度上得分差异不显著, F(1, 19) = 0.22, p = 0.641。

3.3.2 图片材料

使用Photoshop将海绵和石头图片进行处理, 图片的大小都是600×500 像素, 20名不参与正式实验的被试(男女各10人)对图片的软硬程度进行1~10评分:1代表非常软, 10代表非常硬。石头图片(M = 7.15)与海绵图片(M = 2.10)在软硬程度得分上差异显著, F(1, 19) = 82.86, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.81

3.4 实验设计和程序

实验采用2(性别角色词:男性化角色词、女性化角色词) × 2(图片:海绵、石头)两因素被试内设计。采用Greenwald, McGhee和Schwartz (1998)提出的7步内隐联想测验法, 具体过程如表1所示。实验任务包括相容归类任务和不相容归类任务, 相容归类任务是指被试把男性化角色词和石头归为一类并按“F”键, 把女性化角色词和海绵归为一类并按“J”键; 不相容归类任务是指把男性化角色词与海绵归为一类并按“J”键, 把女性化角色词与石头归为一类并按“F”键。

表1   实验2内隐联想测验过程步骤


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实验在电脑上进行, 采用E-prime 2.0软件将刺激呈现在17英寸的电脑显示器上, 字体为白色(24号宋体), 背景为灰色, 图片大小为600×500像素, 被试与显示器的距离为60 cm。首先电脑屏幕中央会呈现一个红色的“+”符号注视点500 ms, 目标刺激随之呈现, 要求被试按照实验指示对目标刺激进行判断和按键反应。目标刺激在被试按键反应后消失, 计算机自动记录反应时和正确率。每个trial之间间隔500 ms, 每个步骤测验之间被试有1 min的休息时间。

3.5 实验结果

使用SPSS 17.0对数据进行分析, 数据分析参照Greenwald, Nosek和Banaji (2003)提出的d值计算法。首先剔除错误率超过20%的被试, 据此删除了3名被试, 然后删除反应时大于10000 ms和小于300 ms的数据, 删除的数据不超过总数据的5%, 最后对67名被试(33名男生, 34名女生)在相容任务与不相容任务的反应时之差进行计算, 并进行d值转换, 作为内隐性别印象分类偏差的指标。

在反应时上, 对相容任务与不相容任务的原始数据进行配对样本t检验, 结果发现被试在相容任务中, 反应时更快, t(66) = -6.64, p < 0.001, r2bp = 0.40, 即进行女性化角色词与海绵图片(软), 男性化角色词与石头图片(硬)的相容归类任务时, 被试反应时更短(761 ms); 进行女性化角色词与石头图片(硬), 男性化角色词与海绵图片(软)的不相容归类任务时, 被试反应时显著延长(1002 ms)。最后, 为了进一步了解性别角色词内隐态度倾向程度, 对数据进行效应大小d值转换, d值越大, 表明内隐联想测验对所测量的对象的敏感度越高。一般d > 0.8就认为有较大的效应, 内隐态度倾向程度较高。实验最后获得的效应大小d值为0.85, t(66) = 6.64, p < 0.001, r2bp = 0.40, 说明此次测验真实反映了被试的内隐性别印象态度。此外, 被试性别在相容任务(F(1, 65) = 0.40, p = 0.532)和不相容任务(F(1, 65) = 0.47, p = 0.494)中平均反应时均没有显著差异。

3.6 讨论

Lakoff和Johson (1999)主张“我们身体的独特属性恰恰塑造了我们概念化和范畴化的可能性。” (p.19), Shapiro (2014, p.98)对此解释到:人类身体的特征会赋予人类心理学一套与众不同的基本概念, 他们继而影响熟悉概念的意义, 那些熟悉概念继而影响了更为抽象概念的意义。Barsalou (2008)也提出概念根源于具身经验, 概念的表征不是抽象的、非模态的, 而是以具体感觉、运动经验为基础的具身模态化, 个体以身体经验记录的方式储存概念知识, 以具身模拟的方式提取概念知识。例如, 看到一个锤子会产生与肌肉关联的使用锤子的模拟, 看到一块石头会产生与“硬”的触觉经验关联的模拟。实验2采用内隐联想范式, 要求被试完成相容归类任务和不相容归类任务, 结果显示, 性别角色词概念存在显著的软硬内隐偏差, 被试在相容任务和不相容任务中平均反应时存在显著差异。这表明了被试对女性化角色词与软、男性化角色词与硬的反应时显著快于女性化角色词与硬、男性化角色词与软的反应时。内隐联想实验的结果表明性别角色存在“女软男硬”的联结倾向, 并且该联结倾向是无意识的, 性别角色的概念化和范畴化依赖于我们对“软”和“硬”基本概念的隐喻扩展。

4 实验3:性别角色词的概念加工对物体软硬知觉的影响

4.1 实验目的和假设

通过概念启动和知觉判断任务, 探讨性别角色词的概念加工对物体软硬知觉的影响。实验假设:与男性化角色词相比, 对女性化角色词的概念进行加工后, 被试会倾向于把物体判断为更软。

4.2 被试

80名大学本科生, 其中男生45名, 女生35名, 平均年龄是23.24 ± 0.90岁。所有被试母语均为汉语, 视力或矫正视力正常(4.5以上), 所有被试均未参与实验1和实验2。

4.3 实验材料

启动刺激的材料从实验2中选取, 男性化角色词和女性化角色词各15个。沙发图片像素为800× 600。

4.4 实验设计和程序

实验为单因素被试间设计, 自变量为性别角色词类型:男性化角色词和女性化角色词, 因变量是被试对图片中沙发软硬程度的评分。

首先, 通过电脑屏幕上的指导语, 告知被试该实验是一项关于记忆力的研究, 需要被试对屏幕上呈现的词语进行记忆。被试随机分配到男性化角色词组和女性化角色词组, 要求端坐并与电脑屏幕保持60 cm的视距, 直至实验结束。实验通过E-prime 2.0进行编程, 首先在电脑屏幕中央呈现一个红色的“+”符号注视点1000 ms, 接着随机呈现男性化角色词或女性化角色词, 每个词语用48号加粗黑体在沙发上呈现, 背景为灰色, 每个词语呈现时间为3000 ms, 要求被试对词语进行记忆, 一共有15个trial。材料呈现完毕后, 要求被试用纸笔先回答屏幕上的问题, 第一个问题(对沙发的软硬程度进行1~10的评分, 1代表软, 10代表硬)与实验目的有关, 其余为填充材料。最后要求被试对之前呈现过的词语进行回忆, 将其写在答题纸上。实验结束后的访谈表明, 被试并没有猜出实验的真实目的。

4.5 实验结果

实验被试80人, 删除错误率超过20%的被试, 删除回忆率低于80%的被试, 最后有效被试为72人, 其中男生40人, 女生32人。2(词汇类型:男性化角色词和女性化角色词)×2(被试性别:男生和女生)的方差分析结果显示:词汇类型主效应显著, F词汇的类型(1, 68) = 46.60, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.41; 对沙发软硬程度的评分, 男性化角色词语启动组的评分(M = 6.71)比女性化角色词语启动组(M = 4.49)显著高; 性别主效应不显著, F被试性别(1, 68) = 0.64, p = 0.426; 词汇类型与性别的交互作用不显著, F词汇类型×被试性别(1, 68) = 0.26, p = 0.613。

4.6 讨论

通过实验2, 我们发现性别角色概念中存在显著的软硬隐喻表征, 支持了概念隐喻理论中思维隐喻是无意识的观点。实验3结果显示, 与男性化角色词的概念启动组相比, 当启动女性化角色词的概念时, 被试偏向于把沙发判断为更软, 这表明个体对物体软硬的知觉显著受到性别角色概念启动的影响。强调具身性和情境性的知觉符号理论, 认为我们通过不同的通道(如视觉、听觉、本体感觉等等)或模态来知觉世界中的物体, 人的认知过程就是将这些多模态的信息进行记忆和存储, 当有需要时在大脑中对这些信息重新提取并进行整合以完成认知(谢久书, 张常青, 王瑞明, 陆直, 2011)。因此, 在对性别角色概念进行加工时, 大脑记忆中本体感觉(软和硬)通道的模态信息被激活, 引起身体状态的仿真或模拟, 从而影响了对沙发软硬程度的知觉判断。

5 总讨论

5.1 软硬触觉经验影响社会性别分类知识的形成

实验1通过行为实验发现, 软硬触觉体验会影响被试对中性面孔的性别判断。与挤压硬球的被试相比, 挤压软球的被试会偏向于把中性面孔判断为女性; 反之, 挤压硬球的被试会偏向于把中性面孔判断为男性, 且性别归类的社会认知过程不受被试本身性别的影响, 实验表明软硬的触觉经验影响了被试对面孔性别分类的判断。该结果证实了社会性别分类与软硬触觉之间隐喻联结的心理现实性。

概念隐喻理论认为隐喻的本质是人们将具体的身体经验映射到抽象的范畴和关系上, 以建构和把握抽象的概念, 即“根据另一种事物或体验来理解和体验一种事物或体验” (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980, p.5)。隐喻的桥梁架构作用使抽象概念与具体概念之间形成紧密联系, 概念间不仅在语词层面上还在心理表征层面上密切关联, 经隐喻映射形成的抽象概念既包含了认知表征, 也包含了主体与客体交互时的感觉运动经验、主体自身的状态及相关神经机制等。触觉是婴儿发展的第一感觉, 妈妈的乳房、身体本身以及与婴儿亲吻、抚摸等互动方式, 予以婴儿柔软的体验, 而父亲结实的骨骼和肌肉, 并常以嬉戏打闹的方式与婴儿进行互动, 则带给婴儿坚硬的感受。这两种截然不同的触觉体验使婴儿形成了关于柔软—坚硬触觉图式结构, 随后架构到社会性别分类范畴上, 用柔软去理解女性, 坚硬去理解男性, 以获得男女性别分类的认识。因此性别分类表征可能包含了个体与坚硬或柔软的客体互动产生的感觉运动信息, 当产生明显软或硬的触觉经验时, 相应的性别触觉印象也可能被激活。实验1中, 当感觉运动通道产生柔软感时, 相应的女性的触觉印象也同时被激活, 进而出现了挤压软球的被试更偏向于把性别两歧面孔判断为女性的结果。

5.2 社会性别角色的软硬触觉隐喻

实验2通过内隐联想范式, 对性别角色词的软硬隐喻进行了探讨, 发现汉语中性别角色概念存在显著的软硬内隐偏差, 被试进行女性化角色词—“软”、男性化角色词—“硬”的相容归类任务与女性化角色词—“硬”、男性化角色词—“软”的不相容归类任务的平均反应时存在显著的差异。这表明在中国文化背景下, 性别角色概念存在显著的软硬隐喻表征, 支持了隐喻思维是无意识的观点。根据概念隐喻理论, 人要认识更高级复杂的概念和思想, 就必须将已知的源概念映射到抽象概念域, 以通过具体经验来理解那些相对抽象的概念与思想, 把握抽象的范畴和关系(殷融, 曲方炳, 叶浩生, 2012), 所以性别角色的理解可通过软硬这一源自“直接身体体验”的源概念来实现的。通过对软硬这一基本概念隐喻的映射, 发展出更抽象的概念比如“刚强”、“温柔”等实现对男女性角色的概念化和社会认知, 而出现了“硬汉子”和“软妹子”这类热词。再者, 身体、认知和环境是一体化的。在远古时代, 男性和女性不同的社会分工扮演了不同的社会角色, 男性作为非生育者负责狩猎和斗争, 女性作为生育者则负责采摘果子和孕育后代。为了生存发展和繁衍后代, 男性的骨骼和肌肉变得更加的强壮坚硬, 以便获得更多的食物和资源, 女性的身体则需要更柔软, 有利于穿越树林以及分娩和哺育后代。同时受社会环境(如农业生产的出现、战争的频繁等)的影响, 男性需要坚强不屈去战斗以保家卫国, 女性需要细心温柔以照料老少, 男女性别角色由生理性别的渲染开始在环境进化中被赋予了不同的内涵。因此, 从进化心理学的角度看, 在人类进化过程中就形成了软硬、性别与性别角色三者之间的紧密联系, 进而造成了用硬和软代表男女社会角色的内隐经验偏差。

身心合一论是中国古代思想的基本观念, 身以“气”为根基, 通过“修身—修心”与“修心—修身”达到天人合一的身体(黎晓丹, 叶浩生, 2015)。阴阳五行学说认为世界是在阴阳二气作用的推动下孪生、发展和变化, 性别角色亦是如此。《周易》中记载:“乾道成男, 坤道成女……乾以易知, 坤以简能。易则易知, 简则易从……”子曰:“乾坤, 其易之门邪?”“乾, 阳物也; 坤, 阴物也。阴阳合德, 而刚柔有体(赵玉宝, 2005)。”这里明确了男女、阴阳和乾坤是相辅相成, 相互依存, 男女的角色形象和气质特点则表现出“主”与“从”、“刚”与“柔”的差异。阴阳之“气”乃人身体之本源, 一柔一刚乃人身体之经验, 因此“修身”、“修心”在于发挥身体的主动性, 以“体知”的方式认识人与世界达到天人合一。所以, 男女气质上“坚强”和“柔婉”的差别是阴阳之“气”的介导、身体刚柔的经验和主从尊卑的文化三者之间互动统一的结果。在中国传统文化中, 儒家思想体系占据主流地位。以父权制为主的文化, 要求女性从属于男性, 并以阴阳五行学说和刚柔体验为根据, 发展出一系列的符号来拥护男性(如刚强不屈、骨骼精奇等)和规训女性(诸如温柔顺从、贤良淑德等), 这些符号从身体、思想和行为上对男女性进行了规定, 男人和女人为了获得社会的认可, 身体力行学习这些符号的意义, 使自己具备合乎社会的男性或女性气质。这些符号的发展实质上是对柔与刚这一具体经验的隐喻扩展, 使个体在“修身”与“修心”之间获得对性别角色认知和理解。

5.3 社会性别角色概念的加工影响个体身体经验的感知

知觉符号理论认为抽象概念是由概念与先前感知运动经验相关联的多模式状态组成, 这种身体经验的相关性导致具身隐喻, 即隐喻是基于知觉的知识表征而不是输入的结果(Barsalou, 2008)。因而, 构想一个抽象概念, 会引起对与先前经验相关联的多模态的模拟、部分重新启动或重新启动(Slepian et al., 2012)。具身理论认为, 概念表征与知觉运动系统具有共同的神经基础, 概念在本实上是个体知觉与运动体验的神经记录, 而对概念理解和加工的基本形式则是身体经验的模拟与还原(殷融等, 2012)。换句话说, 对抽象概念的加工会激活身体关联的知觉、运动状态的模仿或重现。

通过实验2证实了性别角色概念与软硬触觉经验之间的隐喻关系。实验3中, 我们把性别角色概念作为启动材料, 被试对启动材料的加工影响了随后沙发软硬程度的判断:相比男性化角色词作为启动材料, 当女性化角色词的作为启动材料时, 被试更倾向于把沙发判断为更软, 这说明了对性别角色概念的加工也会影响到物体软硬的知觉。当我们对性别角色词进行加工时, 引起或激活了与先前经验关联的软硬触觉的模拟或重现, 导致之后软硬触觉感受的不同。因此, 当对女性化角色词进行加工时, 软的触觉经验得到激活, 导致之后沙发被判断为“更软”的趋势; 当对男性化角色词进行加工时, 硬的触觉经验得到激活, 导致之后沙发被判断为“更硬”的偏向。实验3表明概念加工引起的对“软”和“硬”心理模拟影响了个体的认知判断, 证明了认知判断的具身性。

5.4 性别角色形成与发展的具身性

本文通过3个实验探讨了软硬触觉经验与性别角色认知的隐喻式关系, 发现软硬触觉经验在个体形成性别角色认知的过程中扮演了部分基础性的角色, 与强调身体在个体概念形成和社会认知发展中占据中心位置的具身认知观点一致。具身认知提出, 人类自我概念的形成并非一种抽象的语言表征, 而是受到身体动作、感觉运动系统反馈的影响, 而身体动作和身体活动具有文化的蕴义, 动作和身体姿势的适当与否与环境和社会文化息息相关, 在这个意义上, 认知不仅是具身的, 也是嵌入环境的(叶浩生, 2017)。换句话说, 性别角色的形成与发展既不完全由生理性别所决定, 也不完全由社会关于性别所达成的共识所决定; 性别角色不是一种抽象的认知表征, 而是个体在知觉和行动过程中身体与环境、社会的互动过程中塑造出来的。

我们认为, 性别角色认知的形成与发展具有具身性, 但其所涉及的“身体”绝不仅仅包括软硬触觉。概括说来, 它至少包括以下四个方面的意义:(1)解剖学意义的“身体”。男女生理上的性别差异(包括生理结构和生理成熟等)对性别社会化产生重要影响, 进而影响了人们对性别角色的认知。(2)进行感觉运动的“身体”。身体作为代际传承的基础, 两性在世代进化中具有不同的感觉运动体验。比如, 男性常与围捕猎物、部落战争相联结, 女性常与采集果实、抚养小孩相联系, 不同感觉运动的身体会潜在影响性别角色概念的形成与发展。(3)作为认知方式的“身体”。许多概念的形成最先建基于身体对环境的隐喻。如本文证实性别角色的形成部分源于身体软硬触觉经验, 软—硬图式通过隐喻映射到性别角色的认知, 进而影响性别角色概念的形成与发展。(4)嵌入环境中的“身体”。这种意义上的“身体”, 既受到地形地貌、温度湿度等自然环境的影响, 也受到语言文化、风俗神话等文化环境的影响。在个体性别角色形成与发展过程中, 自然条件的制约(如定居还是游牧)、社会文化对性别的规训、父母或重要他人的示范等, 均起着重要的作用。

因此, 身体参与甚至在某些时候决定了人们性别角色概念的形成与发展。不只是软硬触觉经验, 而是上述所有意义上的“身体”全部参与了性别角色的认知过程。日常生活中“闻香识女人”、“臭男人”、“粉红女郎”、“油腻男”等词汇的存在, 反映了嗅觉、视觉等感觉运动经验参与性别角色的认知过程。将来, 可以从这些方面来进一步探讨性别角色形成与发展的具身性, 更深入地了解性别具身效应产生的条件与机制。

6 结论


(2)性别角色词概念的加工会影响物体软硬知觉, 说明了认知判断存在具身效应。


Ackerman J. M., Nocera C. C., & Bargh J. A . ( 2010).

Incidental haptic sensations influence social judgments and decisions

Science, 328, 1712-1715.

DOI:10.1126/science.1189993      URL     PMID:3005631     

Abstract Touch is both the first sense to develop and a critical means of information acquisition and environmental manipulation. Physical touch experiences may create an ontological scaffold for the development of intrapersonal and interpersonal conceptual and metaphorical knowledge, as well as a springboard for the application of this knowledge. In six experiments, holding heavy or light clipboards, solving rough or smooth puzzles, and touching hard or soft objects nonconsciously influenced impressions and decisions formed about unrelated people and situations. Among other effects, heavy objects made job candidates appear more important, rough objects made social interactions appear more difficult, and hard objects increased rigidity in negotiations. Basic tactile sensations are thus shown to influence higher social cognitive processing in dimension-specific and metaphor-specific ways.

Anderson M. L. ( 2007).

How to study the mind:An introduction to embodied cognition

In F. Santoianni & C. Sabatano (Eds.), Brain development in learning environments: Embodied and perceptual advancements (pp. 65-82). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.

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Embodied Cognition (EC) is a comprehensive approach to, and framework for, the study of the mind. EC treats cognition as a coordinated set of tools evolved by organisms for coping with their environments. Each of the key terms in this characterization-tool, evolved, organism, coping, and environment-has a special significance for understanding the mind that is discussed in this article.

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Grounded cognition

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On the utility of alternative procedures for assessing psychological androgyny

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Bem's definition of psychological androgyny obscures a potentially important distinction between those individuals who score high on both masculinity and femininity and those individuals who score low on both. To assess the importance of this distinction, the Bem Sex-Role Inventory was administered to undergraduate subjects. (Author)

Brauer J., Xiao Y. Q., Poulain T., Friederici A. D., & Schirmer A . ( 2016).

Frequency of maternal touch predicts resting activity and connectivity of the developing social brain

Cerebral Cortex, 26, 3544-3552.

DOI:10.1093/cercor/bhw137      URL     PMID:27230216     

Previous behavioral research points to a positive relationship between maternal touch and early social development. Here, we explored the brain correlates of this relationship. The frequency of maternal touch was recorded for 43 five-year-old children during a 10 min standardized play session. Additionally, all children completed a resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging session. Investigating the default mode network revealed a positive relation between the frequency of maternal touch and activity in the right posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS) extending into the temporo-parietal junction. Using this effect as a seed in a functional connectivity analysis identified a network including extended bilateral regions along the temporal lobe, bilateral frontal cortex, and left insula. Compared with children with low maternal touch, children with high maternal touch showed additional connectivity with the right dorso-medial prefrontal cortex. Together these results support the notion that childhood tactile experiences shape the developing “social brain” with a particular emphasis on a network involved in mentalizing.

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Radical embodied cognitive science

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No Abstract available for this article.

Eagly, A.H., &Wood W. , ( 2013).

The nature-nurture debates: 25 years of challenges in understanding the psychology of gender

Perspectives on Psychological Science, 8, 340-357.

DOI:10.1177/1745691613484767      URL     PMID:26172976      [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT Nature urture debates continue to be highly contentious in the psychology of gender despite the common recognition that both types of causal explanations are important. In this article, we provide a historical analysis of the vicissitudes of nature and nurture explanations of sex differences and similarities during the quarter century since the founding of the Association for Psychological Science. We consider how the increasing use of meta-analysis helped to clarify sex difference findings if not the causal explanations for these effects. To illustrate these developments, this article describes socialization and preferences for mates as two important areas of gender research. We also highlight developing research trends that address the interactive processes by which nature and nurture work together in producing sex differences and similarities. Such theorizing holds the promise of better science as well as a more coherent account of the psychology of women and men that should prove to be more influential with the broader public.

Feingold, A. ( 1994).

Gender differences in personality: A meta-analysis

Psychological Bulletin, 116, 429-456.

DOI:10.1037/0033-2909.116.3.429      URL     PMID:7809307     

Four meta-analyses were conducted to examine gender differences in personality in the literature (1958-1992) and in normative data for well-known personality inventories (1940-1992). Males were found to be more assertive and had slightly higher self-esteem than females. Females were higher than males in extraversion, anxiety, trust, and, especially, tender-mindedness (e.g., nurturance). There were no noteworthy sex differences in , impulsiveness, activity, ideas (e.g., reflectiveness), locus of control, and orderliness. Gender differences in personality traits were generally constant across ages, years of data collection, educational levels, and nations.

Galbin, A. ( 2014).

An introduction to social constructionism

Social Research Reports, 26, 82-92.

DOI:10.5195/jffp.1995.375      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The social constructionism perspective says that we never know what universal true or false is, what is good or bad, right or wrong; we know only stories about true, false, good, bad, right or wrong. The social constructionism abandons the idea of constructivist that individual’s mind represents a mirror of reality. The constructionism is focused on relations and sustains the individual’s role in social construction of realities. 67Maps for the same territory” seems to be the essence of constructivist. The social constructionism is not interested to create maps; it surprises the processes that maps form. Our maps are formed from our experience and how we perceive them. All our maps are differing maps of the same world. Each of us creates our own worlds from our perceptions of the actual world. The social constructionism sees the language, the communication and the speech as having the central role of the interactive process through which we understand the world and ourselves.

Gallagher, S. ( 2014).

Phenomenology and embodied cognition

In L. Shapiro (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of embodied cognition (pp. 9-18). Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group.

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Greenwald A. G., McGhee D. E., & Schwartz J. L . ( 1998).

Measuring individual differences in implicit cognition: The implicit association test

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74, 1464-1480.

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Greenwald A. G., Nosek B. A., & Banaji M. R . ( 2003).

Understanding and using the implicit association test: I. An improved scoring algorithm

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85, 197-216.

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Haier R. J., Jung R. E., Yeo R. A., Head K., & Alkire M. T . ( 2005).

The neuroanatomy of general intelligence: Sex matters

NeuroImage, 25, 320-327.

DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2004.11.019      URL     PMID:15734366      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract We examined the relationship between structural brain variation and general intelligence using voxel-based morphometric analysis of MRI data in men and women with equivalent IQ scores. Compared to men, women show more white matter and fewer gray matter areas related to intelligence. In men IQ/gray matter correlations are strongest in frontal and parietal lobes (BA 8, 9, 39, 40), whereas the strongest correlations in women are in the frontal lobe (BA10) along with Broca's area. Men and women apparently achieve similar IQ results with different brain regions, suggesting that there is no singular underlying neuroanatomical structure to general intelligence and that different types of brain designs may manifest equivalent intellectual performance.

Judith, B. ( 2009).

Gender trouble:Feminism and the subversion of identity

(S. F. Song, Trans.). Shanghai, China: Shanghai Joint Publishing. (original work published in 1990).

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Embodied action improves cognition in children: Evidence from a study based on Piagetian conservation tasks

Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 393.

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Mandler, J.M . ( 1992).

How to build a baby: II. Conceptual primitives

Psychological Review, 99, 587-604.

DOI:10.1037/0033-295X.99.4.587      URL     PMID:1454900     

Abstract A mechanism of perceptual analysis by which infants derive meaning from perceptual activity is described. Infants use this mechanism to redescribe perceptual information into image-schematic format. Image-schemas create conceptual structure from the spatial structure of objects and their movements, resulting in notions such as animacy, inanimacy, agency, and containment. These earliest meanings are nonpropositional, analogical representations grounded in the perceptual world of the infant. In contrast with most perceptual processing, which is not analyzed in this fashion, redescription into image-schematic format simplifies perceptual information and makes it potentially accessible for purposes of concept formation and thought. In addition to enabling preverbal thought, image-schemas provide a foundation for language acquisition by creating an interface between the continuous processes of perception and the discrete nature of language.

Mealey, L. ( 2000).

Sex differences

New York: Academic Press.

[本文引用: 1]

Mutekwe E., Maphosa C., Machingambi S., Ndofirepi A. P., & Wadesango N . ( 2013).

Exploring the teachers'role in the social construction of gender through the hidden culture curriculum and pedagogy: A case of Zimbabwe

Journal of Social Science, 37, 307-318.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Abstract In this qualitative study the researchers adopted a case study design genre and utilized multiple data collection tools: focus group discussions, individual phenomenological interviews and discourse analysis to unmask the patriarchal nature of the Zimbabwean school curriculum. Our analysis of data thus involved content and discourse analyses of curricular material as well as the coding and decoding of participants' responses in accordance with the emerging themes. This approach was motivated by our quest to obtain deeper insights by examining the phenomenon in its natural setting. As a result they unraveled a wide range of the gender biases and prejudices embodied in the school curriculum, which entrench gender disparities by polarizing the educational and occupational aspira tions of boys and girls along gender lines. These results followed the interviewing of a sampl e of 40 participants distributed as 30 schoolgirls and 10 teachers and were also complemented by the content and discourse analyses conducted to selected curricular material. The participants were conveniently and purposively sampled. The results also revealed that through their classroom pedagogy teachers play an influentia l role in the perpetual production and peddling of gender role ideologies and stereotypes that culminate in the consequent gender polarization of social roles for boys and girls or men and women in society. The study also revealed that in spite of the level of consciousness on the need for equality and equity between women and men in society, the Zimbabwean school curriculum continues to play a significant role in the reproduction and structuring of gender role stereotypes, prejudices and disparities.

Paul, H.H., &Perry-Jenkins M. , ( 2016).

Parents' gender ideology and gendered behavior as predictors of children's gender-role attitudes: A longitudinal exploration

Sex Roles, 74, 527-542.

DOI:10.1007/s11199-015-0539-0      URL     PMID:4945126      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract The current study utilized longitudinal, self-report data from a sample of 109 dual-earner, working-class couples and their 6-year-old children living in the northeastern United States. Research questions addressed the roles of parents' gender ideology and gendered behaviors in predicting children's development of gender-role attitudes. It was hypothesized that parents' behavior would be more influential than their ideology in the development of their children's attitudes about gender roles. Parents responded to questionnaires assessing their global beliefs about women's and men's "rightful" roles in society, work preferences for mothers, division of household and childcare tasks, division of paid work hours, and job traditionality. These data were collected at multiple time points across the first year of parenthood, and during a 6-year follow-up. At the final time point, children completed the Sex Roles Learning Inventory (SERLI), an interactive measure that assesses gender-role attitudes. Overall, mothers' and fathers' behaviors were better predictors of children's gender-role attitudes than parents' ideology. In addition, mothers and fathers played unique roles in their sons' and daughters' acquisition of knowledge about gender stereotypes. Findings from the current study fill gaps in the literature on children's gender development in the family context-particularly by examining the understudied role of fathers in children's acquisition of knowledge regarding gender stereotypes and through its longitudinal exploration of the relationship between parents' gender ideologies, parents' gendered behaviors, and children's gender-role attitudes.

Roberto, A.J., &Li K.J . ( 2016).

Gender roles: A sociological perspective

The Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, 89, 272.

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Emotional wiring different in men and women

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Shapiro, L. ( 2014).

Embodied cognitive

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Slepian M. L., Weisbuch M., Rule N. O., & Ambady N . ( 2011).

Tough and tender: Embodied categorization of gender

Psychological Science, 22, 26-28.

DOI:10.1177/0956797610390388      URL     PMID:21106884      [本文引用: 2]

Emerging evidence has shown that human thought can be embodied within physical sensations and actions. Indeed, abstract concepts such as morality, time, and interpersonal warmth can be based on metaphors that are grounded in bodily experiences (e.g., physical temperature can signal interpersonal warmth). We hypothesized that social-category knowledge is similarly embodied, and we tested this hypothesis by examining a sensory metaphor related to categorical judgments of gender. We chose the dimension of "toughness" (ranging from tough to tender), which is often used to characterize differences between males and females. Across two studies, the proprioceptive experience of toughness (vs. tenderness) was manipulated as participants categorized sex-ambiguous faces as male or female. Two different manipulations of proprioceptive toughness predictably biased the categorization of faces toward "male." These findings suggest that social-category knowledge is at least partially embodied.

Slepian M. L., Rule N. O., & Ambady N . ( 2012).

Proprioception and person perception: Politicians and professors

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38, 1621-1628.

DOI:10.1177/0146167212457786      URL     PMID:22956292     

Social-categorical knowledge is partially grounded in . In Study 1, participants describing "hard" and "soft" politicians, and "hard" and "soft" scientists used different "hard" and "soft" traits for the two groups, suggesting that the meaning of these traits is context specific. Studies 2 to 4 showed that both meanings were supported by hard and soft . Consistent with political stereotypes, perceivers viewing faces while handling a hard ball were more likely to categorize them as Republicans rather than as Democrats, compared to perceivers viewing the same faces while handling a soft ball (Study 2). Similarly, consistent with stereotypes of "hard" and "soft" academic disciplines, perceivers were more likely to categorize photographs of professors as physicists than historians when handling a hard versus soft ball (Study 3). Finally, thinking about Republicans and Democrats led participants to perceive a ball as harder or softer, respectively, suggesting that simulating might aid social-categorical thinking (Study 4).

Spackman, J.S., &Yanchar S.C . ( 2014).

Embodied cognition, representationalism, and mechanism: A review and analysis

Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 44, 46-79.

DOI:10.1111/jtsb.12028      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Embodied cognition has attracted significant attention within cognitive science and related fields in recent years. It is most noteworthy for its emphasis on the inextricable connection between mental functioning and embodied activity and thus for its departure from standard cognitive science's implicit commitment to the unembodied mind. This article offers a review of embodied cognition's recent empirical and theoretical contributions and suggests how this movement has moved beyond standard cognitive science. The article then clarifies important respects in which embodied cognition has not departed fundamentally from the standard view. A shared commitment to representationalism, and ultimately, mechanism, suggest that the standard and embodied cognition movements are more closely related than is commonly acknowledged. Arguments against representationalism and mechanism are reviewed and an alternative position that does not entail these conceptual undergirdings is offered.

van Horen ,F., &Mussweiler T. , ( 2014).

Soft assurance: Coping with uncertainty through haptic sensations

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 54, 73-80.

DOI:10.1016/j.jesp.2014.04.008      URL    

Uncertainty is an inescapable element of human life. But how do people deal with it? To date, most research has focused on the cognitive strategies people adopt to do so. In four experiments we examine, whether people may also use an alternative experiential route to cope with uncertainty. We demonstrate that (1) when faced with uncertainty, people seek soft haptic sensations (Experiments 1 and 2) and (2) that doing so is functional (Experiments 3 and 4). More specifically, we show that people shift their preference to objects with soft (i.e., soft-grip pen, soft candy) rather than hard properties (i.e., hard-grip pen, hard candy) when feeling uncertain. Furthermore, we show that holding something soft (i.e., a soft-grip pen, a soft cloth) as compared to something hard (i.e., a hard-grip pen, a hard cloth) reduces uncertainty on a subsequent ambiguous task and helps to shield against uncertainty in daily life by increasing tolerance toward uncertainty. Overall, this research reveals that humans may use their oldest and most fundamental sense – touch – as a basic experiential device to cope with uncertainty.

Deng, A. ( 2016).

The influence of touch experience on economic decision making (Unpublished master’s thesis)

Sichuan Normal University.

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触觉经验对经济决策的影响 (硕士学位论文)


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社会转型期女性性别角色的转变——关于“女汉子”现象的研究 (硕士学位论文)


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Li, X.D., &Ye H.S . ( 2015).

Embodied cognition in Ancient Chinese Confucianism and Taoism

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 47, 702-710.

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Liu D. Z., Huang H. X., Jia F. Q., Gong Q., Huang Q., & Li X . ( 2011).

A new sex-role inventory (CSRI-50) indicates changes of sex role among chinese college students

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 43, 639-649.

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Xie J. S., Zhang C. Q., Wang R. M., & Lu Z . ( 2011).

Paradigms in the study of perceptual symbol systems

Advances in Psychological Science, 19, 1293-1305.

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Ye, H.S . ( 2014).

Theoretical analysis of the meaning of embodiment

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 46, 1032-1042.

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Ye H. S. ( 2017). The principle and application of embodied cognition. Beijing, China: The Commercial Press.

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Yin R., Qu F. B., & Ye H. S . ( 2012).

Research on embodied theories of conceptual representation

Advances in Psychological Science, 20, 1372-1381.

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心理科学进展, 20, 1372-1381.]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2012.01372      URL     [本文引用: 2]

The viewpoints of embodied cognition advocate that cognition is essentially embodied and the body plays a pivotal role in an organism’s cognitive processes. Traditional symbolic–computational theories assume conceptual representation is stored as abstract symbols in semantic memory, separated from systems governing perception and action. The embodied theories of conceptual representation hold that conceptual representation is grounded in the same neural systems that govern sensation, perception and action. According this viewpoint, concepts are essentially neural recordings during perceptual and motor experiences, and these recordings can later be re–enacted as the way of conceptual processing. Recent work has focused on the emergence of perceptual phenomena in conceptual processing, the effect of body movement on conceptual processing, the embodied effect for processing abstract conception, the embodied effect for processing combined concept and modality switching costs effect. Future researches should focus on combining symbolic–computational theories and embodied theories.

Zhao,Y.B . ( 2005).

On gender roles in the pre-qin period (Unpublished doctorial dissertation)

North-East Normal University, Jilin.

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[ 赵玉宝 . ( 2005).

先秦性别角色研究 (博士学位论文)

东北师范大学, 吉林.]

[本文引用: 1]


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