ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报, 2018, 50(12): 1369-1380 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.01369



周楚,1, 苏曼1, 周冲1, 杨艳1, 席雅琪1, 董群2

1 复旦大学心理学系

2 复旦大学老年大学, 上海 200433

Imagination inflation effect in older adults

ZHOU Chu,1, SU Man1, ZHOU Chong1, YANG Yan1, XI Yaqi1, DONG Qun2

1 Department of Psychology, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China

2 Senior Citizen School, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China

通讯作者: 周楚,

收稿日期: 2017-10-5   网络出版日期: 2018-11-30

基金资助: * 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目.  11YJA190026
上海市浦江人才计划.  15PJC015

Received: 2017-10-5   Online: 2018-11-30


通过2个实验探究想象膨胀范式下老年人的错误记忆特点及其认知机制。实验1采用经典想象膨胀实验范式, 考察老年人是否会产生比年轻人更大的想象膨胀错误记忆效应; 实验2引入情景特异性诱导技术, 进一步考察老年人的想象膨胀错误记忆可能的认知机制。研究结果表明:(1)老年人与年轻人均表现出显著的想象膨胀错误记忆, 但老年人并没有比年轻人产生更多的错误记忆; (2)当通过情景特异性诱导技术有效增加了老年人在事件想象过程中的内在细节数量后, 老年人的错误记忆显著上升。该结果揭示对事件情景的想象过程是想象膨胀错误记忆发生的关键环节, 老年人没有表现出明显的老化效应, 主要是由于该群体随年龄增长表现出在回忆/想象情景事件时内部细节缺乏这一特征所致。研究结果支持了建构性情景模拟假说和激活/监测理论。

关键词: 错误记忆 ; 老化效应 ; 想象膨胀 ; 情景特异性诱导


Most of the studies adopting the Deese/Roediger-McDermott paradigm or misinformation effect paradigm demonstrate that older adults are more susceptible to false memories than young ones. However, whether similar aging effect occurs under the imagination inflation paradigm remains unclear. In this study, two experiments were conducted to explore the imagination inflation effect and its potential underlying mechanism in older adults.

In Experiment 1, the classic imagination inflation paradigm was used to investigate whether older adults can induce larger imagination inflation effect than young ones. A 2 × 2 × 2 (age: older adults, young adults × time: pretest, posttest × imagination condition: imagined events, not-imagined events) mixed factorial design was adopted. Owing to their deficit in episodic memory and future simulation, older adults may show less internal (episodic) details than young ones during imagination. We hypothesized that older and young adults show similar false memory effects under the imagination inflation paradigm. In Experiment 2, we used episodic specificity induction technology to further investigate the mechanism of the imagination inflation effect in older adults. Through episodic specificity induction, the number of internal (episodic) details can increase selectively during the imagination of the events, which may facilitate imagination. Therefore, episodic specificity induction brings about larger imagination inflation false memories than control induction. A 2 × 2 × 2 (induction: episodic specificity induction, control induction × time: pretest, posttest × imagination condition: imagined, not-imagined events) mixed design was used in Experiment 2. The procedure of Experiment 2 was similar to that of Experiment 1, except that participants received episodic specificity or control induction before the posttest phase.

Results showed that (1) older and young adults experienced significant false memory effect under the imagination inflation paradigm, but older adults did not show more false memories than young adults. (2) Participants who received episodic specificity induction showed more false memories than those who received control induction.

Taken together, the results demonstrate that imagination of events plays an important role in producing the imagination inflation effect. The reason that older adults do not show significant higher imagination inflation effect than young ones may be closely related to the lack of internal details during imagination. The imagination inflation effect in older adults may be based on the age-related deficits in episodic memory and future thinking. The results are discussed in terms of activation/monitoring theory and constructive episodic simulation hypothesis.

Keywords: false memory ; imagination inflation paradigm ; aging effect ; episodic specificity induction

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周楚, 苏曼, 周冲, 杨艳, 席雅琪, 董群. 想象膨胀范式下错误记忆的老化效应 . 心理学报[J], 2018, 50(12): 1369-1380 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.01369

ZHOU Chu, SU Man, ZHOU Chong, YANG Yan, XI Yaqi, DONG Qun. Imagination inflation effect in older adults. Acta Psychologica Sinica[J], 2018, 50(12): 1369-1380 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.01369

1 引言

随着年龄增长, 人的认知功能如信息加工速度、执行功能、注意力、记忆等会表现出逐渐衰退的趋势(李婷, 李春波, 2013; Drag & Bieliauskas, 2010; Salthouse, 2004)。已有关于老化记忆(aging memory)的研究发现, 与年轻人相比, 老年人对学习过的项目会有低水平的正确回忆和再认, 但他们对没有学习过的项目的错误回忆和错误再认水平却与年轻人相同甚至更高(Dennis, Kim, & Debeza, 2008; Koutstaal & Schacter, 1997; Norman & Schacter, 1997; Tun, Wingfield, Rosen, & Blanchard, 1998), 表现为比年轻人更容易受到错误记忆的影响。这种老年人比年轻人更容易产生错误记忆的现象, 被称为错误记忆的老化效应。

在使用错误记忆的经典DRM范式(Deese/ Roediger-McDermott Paradigm)所进行的研究中发现, 老年人通常不仅表现为典型的错误记忆的老化效应, 而且, 一些可以显著降低年轻人错误记忆的操纵在老年人身上却无明显效应。Kensinger和Schacter (1999)发现, 尽管进行多次重复学习与测验, 老年人依然无法像年轻人一样成功地抑制错误记忆。Watson, McDermott和Balota (2004)在研究中同时考察了重复学习-测验和预警对老年人和年轻人错误记忆的影响, 结果发现预警可显著降低年轻人在多次学习-测验中的错误回忆, 但仅降低了老年人在第一次学习-测验中的错误回忆, 说明老年人在自发地进行来源监测上存在障碍。

Loftus和Palmer (1974)在实验室中通过向被试提问包含误导性信息的问题, 发现接受误导问题的被试更倾向于回答含有错误导向内容的答案, 从而扭曲了其对刚刚看过的短视频中原事件信息的正确记忆。这种误导信息干扰范式(Misinformation effect paradigm)下产生的错误记忆非常牢固, 即使被试察觉到实验人员在有意误导, 也很难避免误导信息对原有记忆的损害。该范式下的研究发现, 相比于年轻人, 老年人更容易混淆信息的来源, 更容易受到干扰信息的误导。郭秀艳、张敬敏、朱磊和李荆广(2007)让老年人与年轻人观看某事件相关的幻灯片, 间隔48小时后, 让被试阅读一段对所看事件有误导性信息描述的文字材料, 并对原有事件信息进行再认测试, 实验结果发现, 老年人在再认中比年轻人出现了更多的错误记忆, 且对其再认反应伴随与年轻人一样的高水平自信心, 说明老年被试比年轻被试更易受误导信息的影响。

在上述使用DRM范式、误导信息干扰范式等错误记忆研究范式的研究中, 均已发现并证实了错误记忆的老化效应。该现象可以用来源监测理论(Johnson, Hashtroudi, & Lindsay, 1993)来解释。根据来源监测理论, 人们对过去经验的记忆中包含了对信息来源的判断, 来源监测则是在对记忆、知识和信念的来源进行归因过程中的一系列加工过程。来源监测的准确性受到很多因素的影响, 对记忆的各种定性特征的编码情境的破坏(如脑损伤、老化和分散注意)将不利于这些特征的整合并最终导致来源监测受损。与年轻人相比, 老年人的来源监测能力出现了大幅度衰退(Dehon & Brédart, 2004; Watson et al., 2004), 这可能是其表现出错误记忆的老化效应的主要原因。

但是, 在错误记忆的另一个经典研究范式——想象膨胀范式(Imagination inflation Paradigm)下, 现有研究却发现了完全不同的结果。标准的想象膨胀实验通常先要求被试填写一份童年生活事件调查表(Life Events Inventory, LEI), 让其对列表上事件发生的可能性进行1~7点评分(1为肯定不可能发生, 7为肯定发生)。例如, 回忆自己在10岁之前有没有在停车场发现一张一美元的钞票、是否曾拨打紧急电话911等。两周后, 要求被试对其中的部分目标事件场景进行想象, 并最终重新填写LEI量表。结果发现, 想象后目标事件发生可能性的评分会显著高于第一次, 也就是想象过程让被试认为同一事件发生的可能性增加, 进而产生了想象膨胀错误记忆效应。Pezdek和Eddy (2001)采用经典的想象膨胀范式, 在相同的情境下比较了老年人和年轻人的错误记忆效应, 结果发现老年人和年轻人均产生了想象膨胀错误记忆, 但两者的错误记忆效应量并无显著性差异。想象膨胀范式中并没有像其他范式中那样发现典型的错误记忆的老化效应, 该现象还需要进一步研究的考察, 同时也提示, 来源监测理论不能解释所有条件下的错误记忆的老化效应, 而想象膨胀范式下错误记忆的产生机制可能与其他范式下有所不同。

想象膨胀范式有两个重要特点:其一, 实验中被试对事件情景的想象是想象膨胀的中心环节, 通过想象补充细节, 增加对事件的熟悉感(李林, 郭晓蓉, 杨靖, 2005), 使被试在第二次量表评分时无法区分某特定事件更可能是童年发生过, 还是仅为想象环节的产物, 进而导致想象膨胀错误记忆效应的发生。Thomas和Loftus (2002)以及Thomas, Bulevich和Loftus (2003)的系列研究发现, 如果在实验操作中要求被试增加想象的细节, 或者进行重复想象, 会产生更显著的想象膨胀错误记忆效应。Von Glahn, Otani, Migita, Langford和Hillard (2012)通过操纵被试想象细节的数量, 分别让被试针对事件想象零个和多个细节, 结果发现想象零个细节的事件不能引发想象膨胀错误记忆。说明想象环节的细节数量会对想象膨胀错误记忆效应有重要的影响。

想象膨胀范式的另一个特点是, LEI量表所涉及到的内容均为生活事件, 具有很强的情景性, 被试在量表评分和想象环节中需要分别提取或想象一段包含情景性细节的事件以完成评分或想象。即, 该过程既需要情景记忆的参与, 也涉及对情景事件的想象。正常的老化通常会涉及到情景记忆的多方面衰退, 使用词表和关联材料的实验研究证明了这种缺陷的存在。有关日常经验的自传体记忆也发现, 与年轻人相比, 老年人会表现出对过去经验的更少的具体记忆。Levine, Svoboda, Hay, Winocur和Moscovitch (2002)使用自传体访谈方法对老年人和年轻人回忆过去的特点进行了研究, 研究中要求他们回忆过去经历的个人事件, 并将其回忆出的个人事件内容区分为两种不同的细节类型:内部(情景)细节和外部(语义)细节。其中, 内部细节包括被提取经验的“事件核心”:关于人物、事件内容、地点和时间的具体信息; 而外部细节包括相关的事实、详述或提及其他事件。结果发现, 与年轻人相比, 老年人会生成较少的内部细节和较多的外部细节。更进一步地, 许多研究还发现, 老年人在想象未来事件与其回忆过去时的特点相似, 也会产生比年轻人更少的内部细节和更多的外部细节(Addis, Musicaro, Pan, & Schacter, 2010; Addis, Wong, & Schacter, 2008; Gaesser, Sacchetti, Addis, & Schacter, 2011)。换句话说, 正常的老化不仅会带来情景记忆的衰退, 同时也会伴随想象未来的缺陷。

想象膨胀效应揭示了, 人们对过去可能发生事件的想象会引发错误记忆。想象未来与想象过去在时间指向上虽有不同, 但其内在过程却基本一致。据此可推断, 由于老年人在对情景事件的回忆和想象上所表现出来的上述特点, 可能会导致其在想象膨胀范式下无法像年轻人一样顺利完成想象环节, 进而无法引发想象膨胀错误记忆的老化效应。当前研究中实验1的目的便是检验上述假设, 考察想象膨胀范式下究竟是否会出现错误记忆的老化效应。实验1沿用经典想象膨胀范式, 但在选择目标事件时, 在Pezdek和Eddy (2001)研究的基础上, 将事件在童年发生的合理性这一因素纳入考虑, 以排除事件合理性可能带来的影响和混淆。在Pezdek和Eddy (2001)研究所使用的目标事件中, 某些事件在被试10岁之前发生的合理性对于老年人和年轻人存在极大的差异, 例如:目标事件“在停车场捡到10美元”对年轻被试(平均年龄20.9岁)来说在10岁之前(大约1988年)发生是符合情理的, 但对于老年被试(平均年龄75.7岁)来说在10岁之前(大约1933年)却是极其罕见的, 这种差异可能会给老年人的回忆和想象过程带来困难。所以, 实验1将通过选择对年轻人和老年人被试同等合理性的目标事件, 在更严格控制的实验条件下, 对比两组被试的错误记忆效应。

如果实验1中确实没有发现想象膨胀错误记忆的老化效应, 那么其背后的机制是否确实如前所述是由于老年人在回忆/想象时的内部细节缺乏这一特征所致呢?实验2将在实验1基础上, 引入情景特异性诱导(Episodic Specificity Induction), 进一步直接考察老年人的想象膨胀错误记忆可能的机制。情景特异性诱导最早由Madore, Gaesser和Schacter (2014)提出, 他们让被试在接受回忆、想象和描述任务之前, 先接受情景特异性诱导, 引导其生成内部(情景)细节, 结果证实情景特异性诱导能选择性地增加两个年龄组被试有关记忆和想象的内部细节, 而非外部细节, 同时诱导条件并不影响图片描述任务的内部和外部细节, 揭示了涉及记忆和想象的情景加工与涉及图片描述的非情景加工是具有分离性的。其后有很多研究均证实了情景特异性诱导可以有选择性地增加被试在回忆或想象中的内部(情景)细节数量而非外部细节(Jing, Madore, & Schacter, 2016; Madore & Schacter, 2016; Madore, Szpunar, Addis, & Schacter, 2016)。因此, 实验2中将比较情景特异性诱导组与控制性诱导组老年被试所产生的想象膨胀错误记忆效应量上的差异, 并假设经过情景特异性诱导的老年人在对目标事件的想象环节可显著增加内部细节, 进而比接受控制性诱导的老年人产生更多的想象膨胀错误记忆。这样, 当前研究通过2个实验来考察老年人的想象膨胀错误记忆的特点及其可能的机制, 以期为错误记忆的老化效应提供完善的理论解释。

2 实验1:想象膨胀错误记忆的老化效应

2.1 实验目的

实验1采用经典想象膨胀范式, 同时排除Pezdek和Eddy (2001)实验中所出现的目标事件对不同年龄段群体的合理性不同这一因素, 考察该范式下老年人的错误记忆特点。

2.2 研究方法

2.2.1 被试

选取48名被试自愿参与实验。其中, 年轻组被试24名(女性10名, 男性14名), 平均年龄23.54 ± 2.52岁。老年组被试24名(女性19名, 男性5名), 平均年龄64.42 ± 7.49岁。老年被试为高中(中专)或以上学历, 与年轻被试的文化程度较为匹配。所有被试均没有参加过类似的心理学实验。实验结束后, 可获得小礼品或少量现金奖励。

所有老年被试在参加第二阶段实验前, 均接受简易智能精神状态检查量表(Mini-Mental State Examination, 简称MMSE)的筛查。所有被试量表的得分区间为28~30, 高于该量表所要求的正常值分界线27分, 表明被试无老年痴呆、抑郁等症状且认知功能良好, 可以参与本实验。

2.2.2 实验设计

采用2(年龄:老年人、年轻人)×2(前后测:前测、后测)×2(想象条件:想象、未想象)的三因素混合设计, 其中年龄为被试间变量, 前后测和想象条件为被试内变量。因变量为目标事件在LEI童年生活事件调查表上的发生可能性评分(得分为1肯定没发生过~7肯定发生过之间)。

2.2.3 实验材料

童年生活事件调查表(Life Events Inventory, 简称LEI)源于Garry, Manning, Loftus和Sherman (1996)所用的事件库。为避免中外文化以及社会差异, 研究者对部分不符合中国国情的事件进行替代。同时, 如引言中所述, 考虑到老年人与年轻人群体由于社会背景不同, 童年事件经历的差异性较大, 选取无年代感的事件组成事件库。基于上述标准修订好的LEI量表经一定数量的大学生与老年人被试进行预评估后, 最终获得由43个项目组成的LEI量表。

2.2.4 实验程序


第一阶段, 所有被试完成LEI量表(即前测)。要求被试回忆在0~10岁之间, 有没有发生过这些事。被试需如实回答, 并逐条对每个事件发生的可能性作7点评分(1为肯定没发生过, 7为肯定发生过)。前测完成后, 计算LEI量表中每个事件得分的平均分, 并从平均分为2~4分的事件中选择8个事件作为目标事件; 同时考虑被试的年龄差异, 在选择上尽量排除两个群体童年经历差异较大的事件。8个事件随机分为AB两组(目标事件详见表1)。

表1   目标事件列表

在某个公共场所中走失爬树时被扎伤, 有人帮你下树
找到父母丢失的物品(如钥匙等)和朋友出去玩儿, 很晚才回家

新窗口打开| 下载CSV

第二阶段, 两周后, 被试返回实验室, 被引导进行想象任务。对于每位被试, 随机分派A或B组中的一组事件要求其进行想象, 另外一组事件作为不进行想象的对照条件。被试签署知情同意书并了解实验任务后, 要求其依次想象10岁之前的自己亲身经历A或B组中的4个童年事件的场景(如:你和家人一起外出去商场或公园, 突然找不到家人了)。场景内容是对选出目标事件的场景化描述。事件想象结束, 立即回答完成该情境下所对应的PIQ (Post-Imagination Questionnaire)问卷上的4个问题(如:想象的画面中有几个人?当你看不到家人时的心情是?你和家人外出目的是什么?事情发生在一天中什么时间?)。依次循环, 直到4个场景想象结束。PIQ问卷旨在引导被试进行想象, 强化想象内容, 答案并不做分析。

当完成想象任务后, 告知被试上次作答的量表因某些原因遗失, 现需要被试重新完成LEI量表(即后测)。第二次的LEI量表和第一次完全一样。如果被试询问是否要和第一次填写的一样, 则回复按照其真实记忆填写即可。

2.3 结果

为了判断想象是否让被试认为事情更有可能发生, 需要观察被试在前后测评分表上打分的变化。根据Garry等(1996)所采用的方法, 首先收集所有被试在所有目标事件上的得分, 并对前后两次的评分结果进行对比, 结果分为降低、不变和增加三种(即后测分数低于、等于或高于前测分数)。每位被试均有8个目标事件(4个想象事件和4个未想象事件), 因此两组被试各有96个想象事件和96个未想象事件。两组被试对目标事件前后测的得分比较见图1


图1   两组被试对目标事件发生可能性评分的前后测对比

对于想象事件, 老年人有50%左右事件的前后测评分相同, 40%以上的事件后测评分上升, 也有少数事件后测评分下降, 年轻人的结果与此相似; 对于未想象事件, 老年人有70%左右事件的前后测评分相同, 20%以上的事件后测评分上升, 极少数事件后测评分下降, 年轻人的结果也是如此。以上结果说明, 不论老年人还是年轻人, 想象事件还是未想象事件, 同前测相比, 后测评分更有可能是增加而非降低, 说明重评后被试认为该事件发生的可能性增加。上述前后测评分的变化比率与Pezdek和Eddy (2001), 以及Garry等(1996)的实验中相似。

两组被试在目标事件上前后测的得分见表2。年龄×前后测×想象条件的重复测量方差分析结果发现:想象条件的主效应显著, F(1, 46) = 4.53, p = 0.039, ηp2 = 0.09, 对于想象事件的打分显著高于未想象事件, 说明被试认为经过想象的目标事件发生的可能性要显著高于未想象的目标事件。前后测的主效应显著, F(1, 46) = 76.85, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.63, 被试在LEI量表上的后测评分显著高于前测评分, 即再次评分后, 被试认为目标事情发生的可能性增加。

表2   两组被试在目标事件上前后测的得分(M ± SD)

想象事件2.51 ± 1.693.79 ± 1.41
未想象事件2.27 ± 1.232.90 ± 1.35
想象事件2.58 ± 0.793.82 ± 0.77
未想象事件2.74 ± 1.283.08 ± 1.11

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想象条件和前后测之间存在交互作用, F(1, 46) = 36.22, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.441, 进一步以想象事件/未想象事件的前后测评分差值为因变量进行简单效应分析发现, 想象事件前后测评分差异显著高于未想象事件, t(47) = 6.03, p < 0.001, d = 0.87。说明经过想象的事件更容易产生错误记忆。其他主效应和交互作用均不显著(ps > 0.05)。

2.4 讨论

实验1结果发现, 不管是老年人还是年轻人, 想象事件还是未想象事件, 在LEI量表的第二次评分中均显著上升, 即产生了典型的想象膨胀错误记忆; 同时, 发现想象膨胀错误记忆效应在不同年龄组被试上没有差异。说明在排除了事件合理性这一因素后, 老年人在想象膨胀范式下所表现出来的错误记忆效应与年轻人没有差异, 即未出现想象膨胀错误记忆的老化效应。该结果与Pezdek和Eddy (2001)的实验结果相似。

同时这一结果也与Horselenberg等(2000)的结论有一致性。他们的研究考察了想象力等个性特征与想象膨胀效应的关系, 实验采用经典的想象膨胀范式流程, 同时测量被试的想象力等多个性特征, 结果发现想象后的目标事件比未想象事件有更高的自信度评分, 同时发现, 多个个性特征中只有想象力和想象膨胀效应有显著相关, 表现为想象能力越强的个体, 更容易出现想象膨胀效应。而随着人的年龄增大, 想象力也逐渐萎缩。

实验1的结果证实了在想象膨胀范式下, 老年人确实未表现出比年轻人更大的错误记忆效应, 究其原因可能与老年人的情景记忆衰退有关。如前所述, 由于情景记忆的衰退, 老年人在想象事件的过程中, 对情景进行建构时不能灵活地抽取已存储的信息并将其重组为全新的模拟事件, 表现为在想象中生成的与事件情景相关的内部细节明显减少。而想象膨胀范式下, 一个核心环节是对童年生活事件的想象过程。在进行实验流程中的想象环节时, 由于内部细节存在较多的缺失, 无法像年轻人那样充分地进行情景模拟构建, 从而可能导致想象失败, 因此未能产生更多的错误记忆。换句话说, 老年人在回忆/想象情景事件时内部细节缺乏的这一特征很可能是其在想象膨胀范式下没有表现出典型的老化效应的核心原因。因此, 实验2中将引入可直接影响情景性内部细节数量的操作, 以进一步验证该推断, 并探明老年人的想象膨胀错误记忆背后可能的机制。

3 实验2:情景特异性诱导对老年人想象膨胀效应的影响

3.1 实验目的

以往研究发现, 老年人在回忆过去和想象未来时, 相较于年轻人来说, 会产生更少的内部细节和更多的外部细节(Addis et al., 2008; Levine et al., 2002), 由此假设老年人没有比年轻人出现更多错误记忆的核心原因可能是由于想象环节的失败。因此, 实验2引入情景特异性诱导(Episodic Specificity Induction)技术这一变量, 引导老年人在想象环节生成更多的内部情景细节, 以观察该操作是否能影响老年人的想象膨胀错误记忆。研究假设通过情景特异性诱导技术可增加老年人想象的内部细节, 进而显著增加老年人的想象膨胀错误记忆效应。

3.2 研究方法

3.2.1 被试

选取48名老年人被试参与实验(女性40名, 男性8名)。被试随机分为两组, 24名接受情景特异性诱导(平均年龄64.54 ± 7.66岁), 24名接受控制性诱导(平均年龄62.00 ± 7.03岁)。所有被试均接受MMSE量表筛查, 确保无老年痴呆、抑郁等症状且认知功能良好。

另外, 为了更好地阐明情景特异性诱导的效应, 并与老年人被试进行对比, 补充选取48名大学生被试作为对照组(女性30名, 男性18名)。被试随机分为两组, 24名接受情景特异性诱导(平均年龄22.21 ± 1.86岁), 24名接受控制性诱导(平均年龄22.22 ± 1.73岁)。

3.2.2 实验设计

采用2(诱导条件:情景特异性诱导组, 控制性诱导组)×2(前后测:前测, 后测)×2(想象条件:想象, 未想象)的三因素混合设计, 其中诱导条件为被试间变量, 想象条件和前后测为被试内变量。因变量为目标事件在LEI量表上的发生可能性评分。

3.2.3 实验材料和实验技术

童年生活事件量表(Life Events Inventory, LEI)同实验1。

实验中采用的情景特异性诱导技术(Episodic Specificity Induction)是Madore等(2014)为了检测情景记忆和非情景记忆机制的分离效应而提出的。它是对回忆/想象细节能力的一种训练方式。情景特异性诱导的描述任务采用自由回忆和一般性探测两种方式施测, 回忆过程由被试自由开始、自然结束, 期间没有任何的限制与干扰, 一般性探测过程则鼓励被试回忆更多的细节。

该技术的具体操作为:首先, 让被试观看一段日常生活片段的小短片(短片内容为一家四口在客厅中互动的情景)。短片结束后, 主试告知被试是最了解熟悉这个短片的人。其次, 情景特异性诱导组被试被要求报告该短片中所出现的周围背景、人物和行为, 并报告前要在脑海中形成相应画面, 描述的细节尽可能的丰富详尽。对于短片背景, 被试需要报告短片中都有哪些事物, 它们是怎样排列的等等; 对于人物, 被试被要求报告短片中人物的外貌特征, 穿的衣物外形等; 对于行为, 被试需要报告短片中的人物都做了什么, 他们是怎么做这些事情等。随后进行一般性探测, 鼓励被试尽可能详细的回忆记得的所有细节信息。这里以尽可能开放的方式提问(例如:“你说, 这个男孩穿的是夏装, 你能告诉我是什么样的夏装么?”), 要求被试详细阐述他们提到的细节。而作为对照条件, 控制性诱导组被试则被要求报告出他们对整段视频短片的总体印象和想法观点等, 然后从问题库中抽取相关问题让被试回答。两组操作之间最主要的差别是, 情景特异性诱导主要让被试关注讨论视频短片的情景细节, 而控制性诱导主要让被试关注对视频短片的一般印象。

3.2.4 实验程序

包括两个阶段, 具体流程如下:

第一阶段, 所有被试完成LEI量表前测(同实验1)。前测完成后, 从平均分为2~4分的事件中选择8个作为实验的目标事件。为了便于比较, 选择与实验1相同的事件。

第二阶段, 两周后, 邀请被试参与第二次实验。被试签署知情同意书并了解实验任务后, 首先让被试观看一段日常生活场景的视频短片, 观看结束后, 进行1分钟的数字减法干扰任务。随后, 一组被试接受情景特异性诱导, 另一组被试接受控制性诱导。在情景特异性诱导组, 主试利用心理意象探测的方式, 让被试自由回忆视频短片的特定细节, 包括短片中的背景、人物、行为, 然后进行一般性探测, 鼓励被试尽可能详细地回忆记住的所有细节信息。在控制性诱导组, 被试的主要任务是接受印象访谈, 诱导被试关注于短片的观点和印象。每组的流程均控制在4~5分钟之间。

诱导结束后, 引导被试进行想象任务。让被试依次想象10岁之前的自己亲身经历A或B组中的4个童年事件场景并完成该情境下所对应的PIQ问卷上的4个问题。依次循环, 直到4个场景想象结束。当完成想象任务后, 被试需再次填写LEI量表。

3.3 结果

3.3.1 对老年人的分析

同实验1一样, 首先观察老年被试在前后测评分表上打分的变化, 以检测被试的想象膨胀错误记忆效应是否发生。两组被试对目标事件前后测量的得分比较见图2


图2   不同诱导条件下老年被试对目标事件发生可能性评分的前后测变化

对于想象事件, 接受情景特异性诱导的老年人只有30%左右事件的前后测评分相同, 60%以上的事件后测评分上升, 极少数事件后测评分下降; 接受控制性诱导的老年人有近50%事件的前后测评分相同, 45%左右的事件后测评分上升, 少数事件后测评分下降。对于未想象事件, 接受情景特异性诱导的老年人被试有60%左右事件的前后测评分相同, 30%的事件后测评分上升, 极少数事件后测评分下降; 接受控制性诱导的老年人被试表现出相似的变化趋势。以上结果说明, 重评后两组被试认为目标事件发生的可能性增加。

两组被试在目标事件上前后测的得分见表3。诱导条件×前后测×想象条件的重复测量方差分析结果发现, 想象条件的主效应显著, F(1, 46) = 4.33, p = 0.043, ηp2 = 0.086, 对于想象事件的打分显著高于未想象事件, 说明被试认为经过想象的目标事件发生的可能性要显著高于未想象的目标事件。前后测的主效应显著, F(1, 46) = 157.56, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.774, 被试在LEI量表上的后测评分显著高于前测评分, 即再次评分后, 被试认为目标事情发生的可能性增加。

表3   两种诱导条件下老年被试在目标事件上前后测的得分(M ± SD)

想象条件2.17 ± 1.004.43 ± 1.11
未想象条件2.71 ± 1.163.39 ± 1.16
想象条件2.57 ± 1.264.06 ± 1.18
未想象条件2.71 ± 1.303.05 ± 1.18

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想象条件和前后测之间的交互作用显著, F(1, 46) = 63.18, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.579, 进一步以想象事件/未想象事件的前后测评分差值为因变量进行简单效应分析发现, 想象事件前后测评分差异显著高于未想象事件, t(47) = 7.90, p < 0.001, d = 1.14。说明经过想象的事件更容易产生错误记忆。前后测和诱导条件之间有显著交互效应, F(1, 46) = 8.44, p = 0.006, ηp2 = 0.155。进一步以前后测评分的差值作为因变量进行简单效应分析发现, 接受情景特异性诱导组被试的前后测差值显著高于控制性诱导组, t(46) = 2.905, p = 0.006, d = 0.84, 详见图3。说明接受情景特异性诱导组的被试产生了更多的想象膨胀错误记忆。其他主效应和交互作用均不显著(ps > 0.05)。


图3   情景特异性诱导组和控制性诱导组老年人前后测的评分差异
注:**p < 0.01, 误差线代表标准差

结合实验1的结果, 以对想象事件的前后测评分差值作为想象膨胀效应指标, 比较实验2中经过情景特异性诱导的老年被试与实验1中未经过任何诱导的年轻被试之间的差异[老年人:M = 2.26, SD = 1.19; 年轻人:M = 1.24, SD = 0.64]发现, t(46) = 3.701, p = 0.001, d = 1.68, 说明经过情景特异性诱导后, 老年人产生了比年轻人更大的想象膨胀错误记忆。

3.3.2 对年轻人对照组的分析

首先观察年轻被试在前后测评分表上打分的变化, 以检测被试的想象膨胀错误记忆效应是否发生。两组年轻被试对目标事件前后测量的得分比较见图4。对于想象事件, 接受情景特异性诱导的年轻人有40%左右事件的前后测评分相同, 50%的事件后测评分上升, 极少数事件后测评分下降; 接受控制性诱导的年轻人有40%左右事件的前后测评分相同, 后测评分上升或下降各不足30%。对于未想象事件, 接受情景特异性诱导的年轻被试有40%左右事件的前后测评分相同, 30%多的事件后测评分上升, 少数事件后测评分下降; 接受控制性诱导的年轻被试表现出相似的变化趋势。该模式与老年人基本一致, 重评后两组被试认为目标事件发生的可能性总体增加。


图4   不同诱导条件下年轻被试对目标事件发生可能性评分的前后测变化

年轻人对照组在目标事件上前后测的得分见表4。对于年轻人对照组的数据进行诱导条件×前后测×想象条件的重复测量方差分析结果发现, 前后测的主效应显著, F(1, 46) = 22.94, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.333, 被试在LEI量表上的后测评分显著高于前测评分, 即再次评分后, 被试认为目标事情发生的可能性增加; 想象条件的主效应不显著, F(1, 46) = 1.89, p = 0.176; 诱导条件主效应不显著, F(1, 46) = 0.002, p = 0.965。前后测与诱导条件的交互作用显著, F(1, 46) = 26.05, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.362, 进一步以前后测评分的差值作为因变量进行简单效应分析发现, 接受情景特异性诱导组大学生被试的前后测差值显著高于控制性诱导组, t(46) = 5.103, p < 0.001, d = 1.88; 前后测与想象条件的交互作用显著, F(1, 46) = 4.067, p = 0.05, ηp2= 0.081, 进一步以想象/未想象事件的前后测评分差值作为因变量进行简单效应分析发现, 想象事件的前后测评分差异边缘显著高于未想象事件, t(47) = 1.81, p = 0.077, d = 0.359; 想象条件与诱导条件的交互作用不显著, F(1, 46) = 0.32, p > 0.05。

表4   两种诱导条件下年轻被试在目标事件上前后测的得分(M ± SD)

想象条件4.03 ± 1.075.07 ± 1.32
未想象条件4.24 ± 1.294.51 ± 1.11
想象条件4.73 ± 1.174.60 ± 1.06
未想象条件4.20 ± 1.174.28 ± 1.12

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前后测、想象条件与诱导条件的三重交互作用显著, F(1, 46) = 12.32, p = 0.001, ηp2 = 0.211。进一步进行简单简单效应分析发现, 在情景特异性诱导条件下, 被试对想象事件评分的前后测差值显著高于其对未想象事件评分的前后测差值, t(23) = 3.65, p = 0.001, d = 0.359; 而在控制性诱导条件下, 被试对想象事件评分的前后差值与其对未想象事件评分的前后测差值没有显著差异, t(23) = -1.14, p > 0.05, 说明情景特异性诱导条件下被试的想象膨胀效应显著增加, 详见图5。该模式与老年人类似。


图5   两组年轻被试对想象和未想象事件前后测的评分差异
注:***p < 0.001, 误差线代表标准差

3.4 讨论

实验2通过引入情景特异性诱导技术, 直接检验了影响老年人想象膨胀错误记忆效应的核心因素是否是老年人在回忆/想象时的内部细节缺乏, 结果发现, 经过情景特异性诱导的老年被试比接受控制性诱导的老年被试产生了更多的想象膨胀错误记忆。说明当通过情景特异性诱导有选择性地增加被试在想象中的内部细节数量而非外部细节后, 老年人的想象膨胀错误记忆显著提升。作为对照组的年轻被试在实验2中也表现出与老年人类似的模式, 即在情景特异性诱导条件下, 年轻人对想象事件的前后测评分差值显著高于未想象事件, 但控制性诱导条件下并未出现此现象, 说明经过情景特异性诱导后, 年轻被试将想象过的事件评价为先前经历过的可能性显著提高。

在基于事件或基于动作行为的想象膨胀范式下, 通过实验操纵被试想象细节的数量发现, 想象环节的细节数量对想象膨胀错误记忆有直接的影响(Thomas et al., 2003; Von Glahn et al., 2012)。被试的想象中包含许多的信息, 当在实验中加入的可增加被试想象细节的操作(如本实验中的情景特异性诱导)后, 可以诱发老年和年轻被试均在想象过程中产生更丰富的内部细节, 进而为被试知觉到的信息带来更精细的细节表征。想象产生的记忆细节与实际发生过事件的记忆细节若发生了混淆, 则给被试后来的再认带来了更多的错误, 进而导致更大的错误记忆效应。

4 总讨论

4.1 老年人的想象膨胀错误记忆

本研究的两个实验首先探讨了老年人的想象膨胀错误记忆特点, 发现老年人与年轻人一样, 在想象膨胀范式下会出现典型的想象膨胀错误记忆, 但却并不会表现出比年轻人更大的错误记忆效应, 这很可能与老年人在想象过程中的内在细节缺乏有关。

已有研究发现, 人们回忆过去(remembering the past)与想象未来(imaging the future)之间有很多共性, 并伴有许多相同的脑区激活(Addis et al., 2008; Schacter & Addis, 2007; Schacter, Addis, & Buckner, 2008; Szpunar, 2010)。据此, Schacter和Addis (2007)提出建构性情景模拟假说(constructive episodic simulation hypothesis), 指出过去和未来事件利用了相似的信息且依赖于相似的加工机制, 情景记忆是建构未来事件的基础, 人们在建构或想象未来事件时需要从情景记忆中抽取已存储的信息并重组为一个全新的模拟事件。从这个观点来看, 建构性记忆系统的一个重要的核心功能便是将过去信息利用于未来或想象事件的成功模拟。已有一些有关老化对回忆过去和想象未来影响的实验研究发现, 随着年龄增长, 老年人在表现出记忆缺陷的同时, 其想象未来事件的能力也会发生显著变化, 且这种变化是与其记忆缺陷有关的(Addis et al., 2008; Addis et al., 2010; Gaesser et al., 2011), 说明与年龄有关的情景记忆缺陷会以相似的方式影响老年人对未来事件的想象, 使老年人在想象未来过程中同样表现为产生更少的内部细节和更多的外部细节。

在想象膨胀范式下, 错误记忆产生的核心环节是对生活事件的想象过程。本研究结果发现, 老年人由于年龄增长而表现出的情景记忆缺陷, 会同样地体现在其对事件的想象过程中, 导致老年人无法像年轻人一样灵活地运用情景记忆中已储存的信息完成对事件情景的模拟构建, 故此没有产生比年轻人更多的错误记忆。但当通过情景特异性诱导有选择性地提升老年人在想象过程中的内部细节数量后, 其想象膨胀错误记忆效应却显著地上升。该结果一方面说明, 在想象膨胀范式下, 未获得典型的错误记忆的老化效应, 其根本原因可能在于老年人在回忆过去和想象未来过程中的内部细节缺失。另一方面也有力地支持了建构性情景模拟假说, 即回忆过去与想象未来的加工机制相似, 且情景记忆是人们构建未来事件的基础; 此外, 在建构情景事件的过程中可能会导致错误记忆的产生。

4.2 老年人的想象膨胀错误记忆机制

对于想象膨胀错误记忆效应的产生机制, 通常可用来源监测理论(Johnson et al., 1993)来解释。根据该理论, 记忆的来源有内外源之分, 内源产生于个体的内部(如思考、推理、想象等), 外源来自外部客观世界, 内外源信息的表征有较大的特征差异, 因此, 来源监测判断一般来说是正确的。但是, 由于想象膨胀范式的实验操作中有想象环节, 在被试想象未发生事件的时候, 脑海中形成了一系列清晰的感知觉形象信息, 并且画面中还有熟悉的时间和地点特征, 导致内部产生的信息特征与外部所产生信息的特征极其相似, 很容易让人们混淆想象与真实, 对事件信息的来源判断失误, 从而产生错误记忆。

想象膨胀效应的发生有两个关键性的环节, 其一是对于目标事件想象的丰富性, 其二是对信息来源监测的失败。如前所述, 对于老年人而言, 由于回忆和想象过程中的内部细节缺失, 导致其在第一个关键环节无法成功想象丰富的细节, 进而在来源监测阶段中可利用的信息大大少于年轻人。实验2的结果显示, 当对老年人进行了情景特异性诱导后, 想象膨胀错误记忆效应显著增大, 这是由于情景特异性诱导导致内部细节数量的增加, 使得进入来源监测阶段的信息量大幅度增加, 加之老年人的来源监测能力衰退, 致使其产生了更多的想象膨胀错误记忆。与之相似, 年轻人对照组在经过情景特异性诱导后也产生类似的效应。该结果说明, 想象膨胀错误记忆的产生机制涉及到两个过程, 首先是想象环节对事件细节(特别是内部情景细节)的激活, 其次是重评环节对事件信息来源的监测失败, 而且, 前者起决定作用。换句话说, 重评时的来源监测失败并非是老年人产生想象膨胀错误记忆效应的核心原因。

4.3 错误记忆的老化效应机制

DRM范式与想象膨胀范式下的错误记忆完全来自个体内部的联想过程, 而误导信息干扰范式下的错误记忆则来自外界信息的干扰。这对应着两种不同类型的错误记忆:其一产生自个体的内部加工过程, 而非外部信息的干扰; 其二则主要产生自对外部信息的加工。尽管不同范式下所揭示的错误记忆类型可能存在区别, 在使用DRM范式、误导信息干扰范式等错误记忆研究范式的研究中, 均发现了错误记忆的老化效应的存在。相反地, 当前研究却发现在想象膨胀范式下, 老年人并未表现出与其他范式中相似的老化效应。来源监测理论可以很好地解释在DRM范式、误导信息干扰范式下所发现的错误记忆的老化效应, 即由于老年人的来源监测能力与年轻人相比出现了大幅度衰退所致。但单一的来源监测过程模型却无法解释想象膨胀范式下老年人的错误记忆效应。

结合当前研究结果, Roediger, Watson, McDermott和Gallo (2001)提出的激活/监测理论(Activation/ Monitoring Theory)也许可为错误记忆的老化效应机制提供更合理的解释。该理论认为, 错误记忆的产生依赖于两个重要的加工过程, 即激活和监测, 二者都能潜在地影响对记忆经验的编码和提取, 表现为激活过程促进了错误记忆的产生, 而监测过程则抑制了错误记忆效应, 激活过程与对记忆准确性的监测过程及其交互作用最终导致错误记忆的产生(周楚, 聂晶, 2009)。根据该理论可推断, 无论在何种研究范式下, 错误记忆的产生均需同时依赖激活与监测两个不同的过程, 二者的作用效应是相互对抗的, 但同时监测过程又需要建立在达到一定水平的激活基础之上。对于老年人而言, 更是如此, 对信息的自动激活过程以及所激活信息的程度是产生错误记忆的重要前提条件。

5 结论

(1)无论是老年人还是年轻人, 对发生概率较低的童年生活事件的想象或重评会导致个体认为事件真实发生的可能性增加, 表现为在想象膨胀范式下均会出现显著的错误记忆效应。

(2)老年人和年轻人在想象膨胀范式下产生错误记忆的效应量没有显著性差异, 即未出现想象膨胀错误记忆的老化效应。

(3)通过情景特异性诱导有选择地增加老年人想象中的内部细节数量后, 老年人的想象膨胀错误记忆显著提升, 说明老年人的想象膨胀错误记忆效应可能主要受想象中的内在细节数量的影响。


Addis D. R., Musicaro R., Pan L., & Schacter D. L . ( 2010).

Episodic simulation of past and future events in older adults: Evidence from an experimental recombination task

Psychology and Aging, 25( 2), 369-376.

[本文引用: 2]

Addis D. R., Wong A. T., & Schacter D. L . ( 2008).

Age-related changes in the episodic simulation of future events

Psychological Science, 19( 1), 33-41.

DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9280.2008.02043.x      URL     PMID:18181789      [本文引用: 4]

ABSTRACT Episodic memory enables individuals to recollect past events as well as imagine possible future scenarios. Although the episodic specificity of past events declines as people grow older, it is unknown whether the same is true for future events. In an adapted version of the Autobiographical Interview, young and older participants generated past and future events. Transcriptions were segmented into distinct details that were classified as either internal (episodic) or external. Older adults generated fewer internal details than younger adults for past events, a result replicating previous findings; more important, we show that this deficit extends to future events. Furthermore, the number of internal details and the number of external details both showed correlations between past and future events. Finally, the number of internal details generated by older adults correlated with their relational memory abilities, a finding consistent with the constructive-episodic-simulation hypothesis , which holds that simulation of future episodes requires a system that can flexibly recombine details from past events into novel scenarios.

Dehon H., &Brédart S. , ( 2004).

False memories: young and older adults think of semantic associates at the same rate, but young adults are more successful at source monitoring

Psychology and Aging, 19( 1), 191-197.

DOI:10.1037/0882-7974.19.1.191      URL     PMID:15065942      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Two experiments explored whether the higher vulnerability to false memories in the DRM (J. Deese, 1959; H. L. Roediger & K. B. McDermott, 1995) paradigm in older compared to young adults reflects a deficit in source monitoring. In both experiments, adding together the number of falsely recalled critical lures and the number of critical lures produced on a post-recall test asking participants to report items that they had thought of but did not recall, indicated that the critical lures were activated during the experiment equally often in young and older adults. However, older adults were more likely than young adults to say that they had actually heard the lures. When strongly encouraged to examine the origin of memories (Experiment 2), the warning substantially reduced false recall in young but not older adults. These results are consistent with the idea that older adults have more difficulty later identifying the source of information that was activated as a consequence of intact semantic activation processes.

Dennis N. A., Kim H., & Cabeza R . ( 2008).

Age-related differences in brain activity during true and false memory retrieval

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20( 8), 1390-1402.

DOI:10.1162/jocn.2008.20096      URL     PMID:18303982      [本文引用: 1]

Compared to young adults, older adults show not only a reduction in true memories but also an increase in false memories. We investigated the neural bases of these age effects using functional magnetic resonance imaging and a false memory task that resembles the Deese oediger cDermott (DRM) paradigm. Young and older participants were scanned during a word recognition task that included studied words and new words that were strongly associated with studied words (critical lures). During correct recognition of studied words (true memory), older adults showed weaker activity than young adults in the hippocampus but stronger activity than young adults in the retrosplenial cortex. The hippocampal reduction is consistent with age-related deficits in recollection, whereas the retrosplenial increase suggests compensatory recruitment of alternative recollection-related regions. During incorrect recognition of critical lures (false memory), older adults displayed stronger activity than young adults in the left lateral temporal cortex, a region involved in semantic processing and semantic gist. Taken together, the results suggest that older adults' deficits in true memories reflect a decline in recollection processes mediated by the hippocampus, whereas their increased tendency to have false memories reflects their reliance on semantic gist mediated by the lateral temporal cortex.

Drag L.L., &Bieliauskas , L. A . ( 2010).

Contemporary review 2009: cognitive aging

Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 23( 2), 75-93.

[本文引用: 1]

Gaesser B., Sacchetti D. C., Addis D. R., & Schacter D. L . ( 2011).

Characterizing age-related changes in remembering the past and imagining the future

Psychology and Aging, 26( 1), 80-84.

DOI:10.1037/a0021054      URL     PMID:21058863      [本文引用: 2]

When remembering past events or imagining possible future events, older adults generate fewer episodic details than do younger adults. These results support the constructive episodic simulation hypothesis: deficits in retrieving episodic details underlie changes during memory and imagination. To examine the extent of this age-related reduction in specificity, we compared performance on memory and imagination tasks to a picture description task that does not require episodic memory. In two experiments, older adults exhibited comparable specificity reductions across all conditions. These findings emphasize the need to consider age-related changes in imagination and memory in a broader theoretical context.

Garry M., Manning C. G., Loftus E. F., & Sherman S. J . ( 1996).

Imagination inflation: imagining a childhood event inflates confidence that it occurred

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 3( 2), 208-214.

[本文引用: 1]

Guo X. Y., Zhang J. M., Zhu L., & Li J. G . ( 2007).

The differences of age and self-confidence in misinformation effect

Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology, 13( 4), 291-296.


In this study,we explored the differences of the subjects' recognition to the earlier events in different age groups and the differences of self-confidence in misinformation effect.The results showed that in the recognition test,the subjects were significantly more inaccurate on misled items than they were on control items.Essentially,there did exist misinformation effect,and the elderly were more vulnerable to the misinformation items than the younger.In the self-confidence test,the age difference played no significant role,whether they were misleading items or control items.The elderly and the younger had the same high self-confidence on the right and wrong response.

[ 郭秀艳, 张敬敏, 朱磊, 李荆广 . ( 2007).


应用心理学, 13( 4), 291-296.]

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6020.2007.04.001      URL    


Horselenberg R., Merckelbach H., Muris P., Rassin E., Sijsenaar M., & Spaan V . ( 2000).

Imagining fictitious childhood events: the role of individual differences in imagination inflation

Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 7( 2), 128-137.

[本文引用: 1]

Jing H. G., Madore K. P., & Schacter D. L . ( 2016).

Worrying about the future: an episodic specificity induction impacts problem solving, reappraisal, and well-being

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 145( 4), 402-418.

DOI:10.1037/xge0000142      URL     PMID:4792686      [本文引用: 1]

Previous research has demonstrated that an episodic specificity induction-brief training in recollecting details of a recent experience-enhances performance on various subsequent tasks thought to draw upon episodic memory processes. Existing work has also shown that mental simulation can be beneficial for emotion regulation and coping with stressors. Here we focus on understanding how episodic detail can affect problem solving, reappraisal, and psychological well-being regarding worrisome future events. In Experiment 1, an episodic specificity induction significantly improved participants' performance on a subsequent means-end problem solving task (i.e., more relevant steps) and an episodic reappraisal task (i.e., more episodic details) involving personally worrisome future events compared with a control induction not focused on episodic specificity. Imagining constructive behaviors with increased episodic detail via the specificity induction was also related to significantly larger decreases in anxiety, perceived likelihood of a bad outcome, and perceived difficulty to cope with a bad outcome, as well as larger increases in perceived likelihood of a good outcome and indicated use of active coping behaviors compared with the control. In Experiment 2, we extended these findings using a more stringent control induction, and found preliminary evidence that the specificity induction was related to an increase in positive affect and decrease in negative affect compared with the control. Our findings support the idea that episodic memory processes are involved in means-end problem solving and episodic reappraisal, and that increasing the episodic specificity of imagining constructive behaviors regarding worrisome events may be related to improved psychological well-being. (PsycINFO Database Record

Johnson M. K., Hashtroudi S., & Lindsay D. S . ( 1993).

Source monitoring

Psychological Bulletin, 114( 1), 3-28.

[本文引用: 2]

Kensinger E. A., &Schacter , D. L . ( 1999).

When true memories suppress false memories: Effects of ageing

Cognitive Neuropsychology, 16( 3-5), 399-415.

DOI:10.1080/026432999380852      URL    

After studying a list of words that are all associated to a nonpresented target word, people often falsely recall or recognise the nonpresented target. Previous studies have shown that such false memories are greatly reduced when study lists are presented and tested several times compared to a single study/test trial. We report that older adults, who are sometimes more susceptible to memory distortions than are young adults, failed to exhibit any reduction in false recall or false recognition after five study/test trials compared to a single trial. By contrast, younger adults showed robust suppression of false memories after five study/test trials compared to a single trial. These results are consistent with the idea that older adults rely on memory for the general features or gist of studied materials, but tend not to encode or to retrieve specific details of individual items.

Koutstaal W., &Schacter , D. L . ( 1997).

Gist-based false recognition of pictures in older and younger adults

Journal of Memory and Language, 37( 4), 555-583.

DOI:10.1006/jmla.1997.2529      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Three experiments examined the recognition performance of older (60–75 yrs) and younger (17–25 yrs) adults for detailed colored pictures of objects as a function of whether the targets and lures were from previously studied categories or were unrelated (noncategorized) items. If participants had studied many exemplars from a category, they often falsely recognized lures from those categories; this false recognition effect was especially pronounced in older adults. Older and younger participants showed equivalent correct recognition of large-category targets, but older adults showed significantly reduced recognition of unrelated targets, suggesting that older adults were relying on the general conceptual and/or perceptual similarity (“gist”) of study and test items in making their recognition decisions. The results extend the domain of robust false recognition to detailed color pictures and demonstrate that, particularly in older adults, false recognition sometimes involves similarity-based errors rather than source confusions regarding whether specific lure items had been presented or were generated spontaneously during the study task.

Levine B., Svoboda E., Hay J. F., Winocur G., & Moscovitch M . ( 2002).

Aging and autobiographical memory: Dissociating episodic from semantic retrieval

Psychology & Aging, 17( 4), 677-689.

[本文引用: 1]

Li L., Guo X. R., & Yang J . ( 2005).

A new field of false memories-imagination inflation

Psychological Science, 28( 1), 138-142.


Imagining a counter-factual event can make subjects more confident than it actually occurres. It is called Imagination Inflation. The article introduces the experiment method, studies, theories and implication of Imagination Inflation.

[ 李林, 郭晓蓉, 杨靖 . ( 2005).


心理科学, 28( 1), 138-142.]

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-6981.2005.01.037      URL     [本文引用: 1]

文章就近年来错误记忆研究中的新领域———“想象膨胀”进行介绍。“想象膨胀”是一种源自生活的错误记忆现象,它 是指通过想象能提高一个人确信某一未发生事件发生过的程度。本文对想象膨胀研究范式、现状、相关理论及其研究意义进行 一一介绍,为进一步的研究提供参考。

Li T., &Li C-B. , ( 2013).

Neural mechanism and hypothesis of cognitive aging

Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Medical Science), 33( 7), 1030-1034.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2013.07.028      URL    

During the course of cognitive aging,the structure and function of brain change at different levels.Brain imaging techniques have become important means for the neural mechanism research of cognitive aging since 1970s.Functional imaging studies have consistently found two "overactivation" models in regional brain area in the elderly:hemispheric asymmetry reduction in older adults(HAROLD) and posterior-anterior shift in aging(PASA).The theories and hypothesis relating to the two models,including compensation theory and dedifferentiation theory are reviewed,and the neural mechanism of cognitive aging is explained from different aspects in this paper.

[ 李婷, 李春波 . ( 2013).


上海交通大学学报医学版, 33( 7), 1030-1034.]

[本文引用: 1]

Loftus E.F., &Palmer , J. C . ( 1974).

Reconstruction of automobile destruction: An example of the interaction between language and memory

Journal of Verbal Learning & Verbal Behavior, 13( 5), 585-589.

DOI:10.1016/S0022-5371(74)80011-3      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Two experiments are reported in which subjects viewed films of automobiled accidents and then answered questions about events occurring in the films. The question, “About how fast were the cars going when they smashed into each other?” elicited higher estimates of speed than questions which used the verbs collided, bumped, contacted, or hit in place of smashed. On a retest one week later, those subjects who received the verb smashed were more likely to say “yes” to the question, “Did you see any broken glass?”, even though broken glass was not present in the film. These results are consistent with the view that the questions asked subsequent to an event can cause a reconstruction in one's memory of that event.

Madore K. P., Gaesser B., & Schacter D. L . ( 2014).

Constructive episodic simulation: dissociable effects of a specificity induction on remembering, imagining, and describing in young and older adults

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 40( 3), 609-622.

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Madore, K. P., &Schacter , D. L . ( 2016).

Remembering the past and imagining the future: Selective effects of an episodic specificity induction on detail generation

The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69( 2), 285-298.

DOI:10.1080/17470218.2014.999097      URL     PMID:4545482      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Abstract According to the constructive episodic simulation hypothesis, remembering past experiences and imagining future experiences both rely heavily on episodic memory. However, recent research indicates that non-episodic processes such as descriptive ability also influence memory and imagination. We recently found that an episodic specificity induction - brief training in recollecting details of past experiences - enhanced detail generation on memory and imagination tasks but not a picture description task, and thereby concluded that the induction can dissociate episodic processes involved in remembering the past and imagining the future from those non-episodic processes involved in description. To evaluate the generality of our previous findings and to examine the role of generative search in producing those findings, we modified our paradigm so that word cues replaced picture cues, and a word comparison task that requires generation of sentences and word definitions replaced picture description. Young adult participants received either a specificity induction or one of two control inductions before completing the memory, imagination, and word comparison tasks. Replicating and extending our previous work, we found that the specificity induction increased detail generation in memory and imagination without having an effect on word comparison. The induction's selective effect on memory and imagination stemmed from an increase in internal (i.e., on-topic and episodic) details and had no effect on external (e.g., off-topic or semantic) details. The results point to the efficacy of the specificity induction for isolating episodic processes involved in remembering the past and imagining the future even when a non-episodic task requires generative search.

Madore, K. P. Szpunar, K. K. Addis D. R., & Schacter D. L . ( 2016).

Episodic specificity induction impacts activity in a core brain network during construction of imagined future experiences

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113( 38), 10696-10701.

DOI:10.1073/pnas.1612278113      URL     PMID:27601666      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Recent behavioral work suggests that an episodic specificity induction-brief training in recollecting the details of a past experience-enhances performance on subsequent tasks that rely on episodic retrieval, including imagining future experiences, solving open-ended problems, and thinking creatively. Despite these far-reaching behavioral effects, nothing is known about the neural processes impacted by an episodic specificity induction. Related neuroimaging work has linked episodic retrieval with a core network of brain regions that supports imagining future experiences. We tested the hypothesis that key structures in this network are influenced by the specificity induction. Participants received the specificity induction or one of two control inductions and then generated future events and semantic object comparisons during fMRI scanning. After receiving the specificity induction compared with the control, participants exhibited significantly more activity in several core network regions during the construction of imagined events over object comparisons, including the left anterior hippocampus, right inferior parietal lobule, right posterior cingulate cortex, and right ventral precuneus. Induction-related differences in the episodic detail of imagined events significantly modulated induction-related differences in the construction of imagined events in the left anterior hippocampus and right inferior parietal lobule. Resting-state functional connectivity analyses with hippocampal and inferior parietal lobule seed regions and the rest of the brain also revealed significantly stronger core network coupling following the specificity induction compared with the control. These findings provide evidence that an episodic specificity induction selectively targets episodic processes that are commonly linked to key core network regions, including the hippocampus.

Norman K.A., &Schacter , D. L . ( 1997).

False recognition in younger and older adults: Exploring the characteristics of illusory memories

Memory and Cognition, 25( 6), 838-848.

DOI:10.3758/BF03211328      URL     PMID:9421570      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Roediger and McDermott (1995) demonstrated that when subjects hear a list of associates to a "theme word" that has itself not been presented, they frequently claim to recollect having heard the nonpresented theme word on the study list. In Experiment 1, we found that asking subjects to explain their remember responses, by writing down exactly what they remembered about the item's presentation at study, did not significantly diminish the rate of remember false alarms to nonpresented theme words. We also found that older adults were relatively more susceptible than younger adults to this false-recognition effect. Subjects' explanations suggested that both veridical and illusory memories were predominantly composed of associative information as opposed to sensory and contextual detail. In Experiment 2, we obtained quantitative evidence for this conclusion, using a paradigm in which subjects were asked focused questions about the contents of their recollective experience. Lastly, we found that both younger and older adults recalled more sensory and contextual detail in conjunction with studied items than with nonpresented theme words, although these differences were less pronounced in older adults.

Pezdek K., &Eddy , R. M . ( 2001).

Imagination inflation: A statistical artifact of regression toward the mean

Memory & Cognition, 29( 5), 707-718.

DOI:10.3758/BF03200473      URL     PMID:11531226      [本文引用: 3]

In the imagination inflation procedure of Garry, Manning, Loftus, and Sherman (1996), subjects rated a list of events in terms of how likely each was to have occurred in their childhood. Two weeks later, some of the events were imagined; control events were not. The subjects then rated the likelihood of occurrence for each event a second time. Garry et al. (1996) reported that the act of imagining the target events led to increased ratings of likelihood. This finding has been interpreted as indicating that false events can be suggestively planted in memory by simply having people imagine them. The present study tests and confirms the hypothesis that the results that have been attributed to imagination inflation are simply a statistical artifact of regression toward the mean. The experiment of Garry et al. (1996) was reproduced (with some procedural changes), using younger and older adults. The results of Garry et al. (1996) were replicated; likelihood ratings for events initially rated low in likelihood did increase from Time 1 to Time 2. However, ratings for events initially rated high in likelihood decreased under the same conditions, and these results were consistent with the imagined target events, the target events not imagined, and the nontarget events.

Roediger H. L., Watson J. M., McDermott K. B., & Gallo D. A . ( 2001).

Factors that determine false recall: A multiple regression analysis

Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 8( 3), 385-407.

DOI:10.3758/BF03196177      URL     PMID:11700893     

In the Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm, subjects study lists of words that are designed to elicit the recall of an associatively related critical item. The 55 lists we have developed provide levels of false recall ranging from .01 to .65, and understanding this variability should provide a key to understanding this memory illusion. Using a simultaneous multiple regression analysis, we assessed the contribution of seven factors in creating false recall of critical items in the DRM paradigm. This analysis accounted for approximately 68% of the variance in false recall, with two main predictors: associative connections from the study words to the critical item ( r +.73; semipartial r +.60) and recallability of the lists ( r +.43; semipartial r -.34). Taken together, the variance in false recall captured by these predictors accounted for 84% of the variance that can be explained, given the reliability of the false recall measures ( r =.90). Therefore, the results of this analysis strongly constrain theories of false memory in this paradigm, suggesting that at least two factors determine the propensity of DRM lists to elicit false recall. The results fit well within the theoretical framework postulating that both semantic activation of the critical item and strategic monitoring processes influence the probability of false recall and false recognition in this paradigm.

Salthouse T. A . ( 2004).

What and when of cognitive aging

Current Direction in Psychological Science, 13( 4), 140-144.

DOI:10.1111/j.0963-7214.2004.00293.x      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Adult age differences have been documented on a wide variety of cognitive variables, but the reasons for these differences are still poorly understood. In this article, I describe several findings that will need to be incorporated into eventual explanations of the phenomenon of cognitive aging. Despite common assumptions to the contrary, age-related declines in measures of cognitive functioning (a) are relatively large, (b) begin in early adulthood, (c) are evident in several different types of cognitive abilities, and (d) are not always accompanied by increases in between-person variability.

Schacter D.L., &Addis , D. R . ( 2007).

The cognitive neuroscience of constructive memory: Remembering the past and imagining the future

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Biological Science, 362( 1481), 773-786.

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Schacter D. L., Addis D. R., & Buckner R. L . ( 2008).

Episodic simulation of future events: Concepts, data, and applications

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1124, 39-60.

DOI:10.1196/annals.1440.001      URL     PMID:18400923      [本文引用: 1]

This article focuses on the neural and cognitive processes that support imagining or simulating future events, a topic that has recently emerged in the forefront of cognitive neuroscience. We begin by considering concepts of simulation from a number of areas of psychology and cognitive neuroscience in order to place our use of the term in a broader context. We then review neuroimaging, neuropsychological, and cognitive studies that have examined future-event simulation and its relation to episodic memory. This research supports the idea that simulating possible future events depends on much of the same neural machinery, referred to here as a core network, as does remembering past events. After discussing several theoretical accounts of the data, we consider applications of work on episodic simulation for research concerning clinical populations suffering from anxiety or depression. Finally, we consider other aspects of future-oriented thinking that we think are related to episodic simulation, including planning, prediction, and remembering intentions. These processes together comprise what we have termed "the prospective brain," whose primary function is to use past experiences to anticipate future events.

Szpunar, K. K . ( 2010).

Episodic future thought: an emerging concept

Perspective Psychological Science, 5( 2), 142-162.

DOI:10.1177/1745691610362350      URL     PMID:26162121      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract The ability to mentally simulate hypothetical scenarios is a rapidly growing area of research in both psychology and neuroscience. Episodic future thought, or the ability to simulate specific personal episodes that may potentially occur in the future, represents one facet of this general capacity that continues to garner a considerable amount of interest. The purpose of this article is to elucidate current knowledge and identify a number of unresolved issues regarding this specific mental ability. In particular, this article focuses on recent research findings from neuroimaging, neuropsychology, and clinical psychology that have demonstrated a close relation between episodic future thought and the ability to remember personal episodes from one's past. On the other hand, considerations of the role of abstracted (semantic) representations in episodic future thought have been noticeably absent in the literature. The final section of this article proposes that both episodic and semantic memory play an important role in the construction of episodic future thoughts and that their interaction in this process may be determined by the relative accessibility of information in memory.The Author(s) 2010.

Thomas A. K., Bulevich J. B., & Loftus E. F . ( 2003).

Exploring the role of repetition and sensory elaboration in the imagination inflation effect

Memory & Cognition, 31( 4), 630-640.

DOI:10.3758/BF03196103      URL     PMID:12872878      [本文引用: 1]

Two experiments were conducted to examine whether a misattribution of specific characteristics or a misattribution of global familiarity underlies false memories as assessed through imagination inflation. Using the paradigm developed by Goff and Roediger (1998), we found that the proportion of false memories increased with repeated imagination, replicating the imagination inflation effect. False memories developed through imagination were greatest in conditions that forced participants to include sensory detail in their imaginings. Finally, conscious recollection more often accompanied false memories in perceptually detailed imagination conditions, whereas feelings of familiarity more often accompanied false memories in conditions that lacked sensory cues. These results suggest that imagination that contains more perceptual information leads to more elaborate memory representations containing specific characteristics that can be confused with actually performed actions. Confusion based on these representations, as opposed to confusion based on processing fluency, is more likely to lead to false memories.

Thomas A.K., &Loftus , E. F . ( 2002).

Creating bizarre false memories through imagination

Memory & Cognition, 30( 3), 423-431.

DOI:10.3758/BF03194942      URL     PMID:12061762     

The present study explored memory for familiar or usual actions (e.g., flip the coin) and bizarre or unusual actions (e.g., sit on the dice). In Session l, action statements were presented to 210 participants, who had to either perform or imagine those actions. In Session 2, 24 h later, participants imagined performing various actions, some presented in the first session and others totally new. Finally, in Session 3, 2 weeks later, participants were tested on their memory for the original actions. We found that as the number of imaginings increased in Session 2, so did the proportion of did responses to actions that were only imagined or not even presented. This pattern was present for both bizarre and familiar actions. These results demonstrate that bizarre actions may lose the item distinctiveness that is used to make accurate memory decisions after repeated imagination.

Tun P. A., Wingfield A., Rosen M. J., & Blanchard L . ( 1998).

Response latencies for false memories: Gist-based processes in normal aging

Psychology and Aging, 13( 2), 230-241.

DOI:10.1037/0882-7974.13.2.230      URL     PMID:9640584      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Three experiments have demonstrated that age-related increases in both probability and speed of false recognitions for word lists depended on the use of a gist-based memory strategy. When test conditions promoted a gist strategy, both younger and older participants were as likely to falsely recognize a thematically associated lure as to correctly recognize a studied item, and both groups were equally fast in making these decisions. However, when test conditions deemphasized a gist-based strategy, older adults were more likely than younger adults, and faster, to falsely recognize both strong and weakly associated lures. These findings suggest an age-related increase in reliance on gist-based processing that may underlie age differences in false memory.

Von Glahn N. R., Otani H., Migita M., Langford S. J., & Hillard E. E . ( 2012).

What is the cause of confidence inflation in the life events inventory (lei) paradigm?

The Journal of General Psychology, 139( 3), 134-154.

DOI:10.1080/00221309.2012.672938      URL     PMID:24837017      [本文引用: 1]

Briefly imagining, paraphrasing, or explaining an event causes people to increase their confidence that this event occurred during childhood he imagination inflation effect. The mechanisms responsible for the effect were investigated with a new paradigm. In Experiment 1, event familiarity (defined as processing fluency) was varied by asking participants to rate each event once, three times, or five times. No inflation was found, indicating that familiarity does not account for the effect. In Experiment 2, richness of memory representation was manipulated by asking participants to generate zero, three, or six details. Confidence increased from the initial to the final rating in the three- and six-detail conditions, indicating that the effect is based on reality-monitoring errors. However, greater inflation in the three-detail condition than in the six-detail condition indicated that there is a boundary condition. These results were also consistent with an alternative hypothesis, the mental workload hypothesis.

Watson J. M., McDermott K. B., & Balota D. A . ( 2004).

Attempting to avoid false memories in the Deese/Roediger- McDermott paradigm: assessing the combined influence of practice and warnings in young and old adults

, Memory & Cognition, 32( 1), 135-141.

DOI:10.3758/BF03195826      URL     PMID:15078050      [本文引用: 1]

On each of five study-test trials, young and old adults attempted to memorize the same list of 60 words (e.g., bed, rest, awake ), which were blocked according to their convergence on four corresponding associates. Half of the participants in each age group were given an explicit warning about the DRM paradigm prior to encoding and were asked to attempt to avoid recalling any associated but nonpresented words (e.g., sleep ). Lists were presented auditorily at either a fast (1,250 msec/word) or a slow (2,500 msec/word) rate. Without a warning, the probability of veridical recall across trials increased for both age groups; however, the probability of false recall across trials decreased only for young adults. When a warning about false recall was provided, young adults virtually eliminated false recall by the second trial. Even though old adults also used warnings to reduce false recall on Trial 1, they were still unable to decrease false memories across the remaining four study-test trials. Old adults also reduced false recall more with slow than with fast presentation rates. Taken together, these findings suggest that old adults have a breakdown in spontaneous, self-initiated source monitoring as reflected by little change in false recall across study-test trials but a preserved ability to use experimenterprovided warnings or slow presentation rates to reduce false memories.

Zhou C., &Nie J. , ( 2009).

An empirical research on the dual-processing mechanism of false recognition

Psychological Science, 32(2), 334-337.

DOI:10.1360/972009-782      URL    

Adopting the Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm,we investigated the mechanism of false recognition in a 2(forewarning) ×2(presentation time) ×2(time pressure during recognition)×3 (types of items) factorial design.ANOVA showed a significant main effect of forewarning,and interaction between item type and time pressure.With the signal detection theory(SDT),further analysis showed that the participants had poorer discrimination under time pressure,which indicated that they did not have enough time to make judgments.The SDT analysis also showed that participants used more strict response criteria when giving them forewarning.In-depth discussion was made in terms of the activation/monitoring theory.

[ 周楚, 聂晶 . ( 2009).


心理科学, 32( 2), 334-337.]

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