ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2013, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (12): 1368-1380 .doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2013.01368 cstr: 32110.14.2013.01368

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  1. (1上海师范大学教育学院, 上海 200234) (2上海师范大学青年学院, 上海 200083) (3黄山学院教育科学学院, 黄山 245041)
  • 收稿日期:2013-03-31 发布日期:2013-12-25 出版日期:2013-12-25
  • 基金资助:


Interpersonal Empathy Gap Can Be Overcome: Taking Teachers Forecasting Students’ Emotion as an Example

CHEN Ning;LU Jiamei;WANG Haibin   

  1. (1 Education College, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China) (2 Youth College, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200083, China) (3 College of Educational Science, Huangshan University, Huangshan 245041, China)
  • Received:2013-03-31 Online:2013-12-25 Published:2013-12-25


以教师预测学生情绪这一典型的人际情绪预测现象为例, 考察人际共情鸿沟的形成原因(研究一、研究二)及跨越路径(研究三)。结果发现:(1)自我预测作为共情锚点, 直接影响教师对学生情绪的预测, 自我预测平静组教师的预测准确性相对更高, 而自我预测极端导致更大的师生间共情鸿沟; (2)共情策略影响教师情绪预测准确性, 教师若将自己置于学生角度进行设身处地思考, 可克服自我中心偏差, 有效跨越共情鸿沟, 说明设身处地共情是提升教师情绪预测准确性的有效策略。研究在情绪观点采择双判断模型基础上, 建构并检验了人际情绪预测理论模型, 为人际共情鸿沟的原因解释和跨越策略提供了理论视角。

关键词: 情绪预测, 人际共情鸿沟, 双判断模型, 共情锚点, 共情策略


Emotional forecasting was a psychological research hotspot in recent years. Bias not only existed in forecasting self emotions, but also in forecasting others’, which can lead to interpersonal empathy gap. Van Boven and Loewenstein presented the dual judgment model of emotional perspective taking, implying that self forecasting bias and similarity judgment deviation between themselves and others are the main reasons of interpersonal empathy gap. Based on the dual judgment model, this study established an interpersonal emotional forecasting model, which can not only explain the formation of interpersonal empathy gap, but also help to overcome interpersonal empathy gap. Taking the typical interpersonal forecasting phenomenon (teachers forecasting students’ emotions) as example and selecting typical educational situations, this research explored the formation of interpersonal empathy gap as well as ways to overcome interpersonal empathy gap to verify the interpersonal emotional forecasting model. Study 1 (85 teacher participants, 364 students participants) selected caring students and delaying class as forecasting situations. Study 2 (37 teachers and 37 students) selected positive expectation as forecasting situation, where the teachers were asked to forecast students’ emotional responses. The results indicated that whether they are forecasting groups or individual student, there exists a significant correlation between teacher’s self-forecasting and forecasting the student’s emotions. As the empathy anchor, self-forecasting directly affected teachers’ forecasting on the students' emotions. While the influence of empathy anchor on forecasting accuracy has two-sidedness, the extremeness of self-forecasting would lead to a still greater empathy gap between teachers and students. Study 3 (61 teachers, 68 students) selected preparing for tests as forecasting situation, while the teacher’s empathy strategy was manipulated by instructions. It indicated that empathy strategies significantly influenced the teachers' emotional forecasting accuracy. Teachers thinking only from their own perspective and neglecting to imagine emotions from the student’s perspectives would induce greater forecasting bias. Otherwise, teachers placing themselves on students’ position would overcome egocentric bias, thereby effectively closing the empathy gap. Effective emotional prediction strategy was directly presented in this research with realistic effects and sustained the development of the dual judgment model of emotional perspective taking. Interpersonal emotional forecasting model was conducted and verified. This study laid a theoretical basis for further revealing the characteristics and mechanisms of interpersonal emotional forecasting process.

Key words: emotional forecasting, interpersonal empathy gap, the dual judgment model, empathic anchoring, empathy strategy