ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展, 2020, 28(8): 1293-1306 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2020.01293



陈俊芳1,2, 吴小菊1,2, 陶睿1,2,3, 赵宁1,2, 李纾1,2, 郑蕊,1,2

1 中国科学院行为科学重点实验室(中国科学院心理研究所), 北京 100101

2 中国科学院大学心理学系, 北京 100049

3 上海交通大学心理与行为科学研究院, 上海 200030

Effects of air pollution on individuals’ direct and spillover behaviors

CHEN Jun-Fang1,2, WU Xiao-Ju1,2, TAO Rui1,2,3, ZHAO Ning1,2, LI Shu1,2, ZHENG Rui,1,2

1 CAS Key Laboratory of Behavioral Science, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China

2 Department of Psychology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

3 Institute of Psychology and Behavioral Science, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200030, China

通讯作者: 郑蕊,

收稿日期: 2019-12-3   网络出版日期: 2020-08-15

基金资助: * 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71771209)

Received: 2019-12-3   Online: 2020-08-15


空气污染对行为影响的研究日渐丰富, 且大致分为两个方向:一是与环境健康有关的直接行为, 二是与之无直接相关的社会行为(溢出行为)。基于此, 在回顾空气污染对两种行为影响研究的同时, 进一步综述了用于解释直接行为产生机制的计划行为理论和健康行动过程取向模型, 以及用于解释社会行为机制的焦虑与自我损耗。而更全面的探究现象背后的机制有助于发现更多有效应对空气污染的举措, 未来的研究可以采用更多纵向的研究范式、增加对行为机制的探究, 从而改善人们的风险应对行为。

关键词: 空气污染; 直接行为; 溢出行为; 环境心理学


Depending on how closely it connects with environmental health, behavioral response as a result of air pollution can be classified into two types: direct behavior and social behavior (or spillover behavior). In this regard, this paper reviewed previous literature on how air pollution influences these two types of behaviors. Further, we summarized several mechanisms underlying these two behaviors. Specifically, the Theory of Planned Behavior and the Health Action Process Approach were proposed to model direct behavior; anxiety and ego depletion were proposed to predict social behavior. More comprehensive investigations into the behavioral mechanisms will benefit future designing of more effective measures against air pollution. Future researchers may consider adopting a longitudinal paradigm and conduct in-depth analyses of behavioral mechanisms, in order to improve individuals’ behaviors in response to risks.

Keywords: air pollution; direct behaviors; spillover behaviors; environmental psychology

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陈俊芳, 吴小菊, 陶睿, 赵宁, 李纾, 郑蕊. 空气污染对个体直接和溢出行为的影响. 心理科学进展, 2020, 28(8): 1293-1306 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2020.01293

CHEN Jun-Fang, WU Xiao-Ju, TAO Rui, ZHAO Ning, LI Shu, ZHENG Rui. Effects of air pollution on individuals’ direct and spillover behaviors. Advances in Psychological Science, 2020, 28(8): 1293-1306 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2020.01293

1 前言

空气污染已经成人类共同面对的难题, 对人类的身体健康和心理健康造成了长期危害。在身体健康影响方面, 已有的医学证据表明, 短期和长期暴露于空气污染均可导致急性和慢性健康问题(Seaton, Godden, MacNee, & Donaldson, 1995)。例如, 空气污染导致约420万人死于心脏病、中风、肺病和慢性呼吸道疾病(WHO, 2018)。而在心理健康方面, 也有大量研究表明, 包括NO2 (Welsch, 2006)、SO2 (Ferreira et al., 2013; Luechinger, 2010)、PM10 (Levinson, 2012)和PM2.5 (Du, Shin, & Managi, 2018)等空气污染因素对人们的幸福感和心理健康都造成了显著的负面影响(Yuan, Shin, & Managi, 2018)。同时, 空气污染还进一步降低了快乐感, 增加了人们抑郁症状的发生率(Zhang, Zhang, & Chen, 2017)。

近年来, 随着空气污染问题逐渐为人们所重视, 空气污染对行为影响的研究也日渐丰富。有研究显示, 空气污染既影响了与环境健康相关的直接行为, 如防御行为(Zhang & Mu, 2018)、健康行为(Roberts, Voss, & Knight, 2014)等; 也影响了与环境健康并不直接相关的社会行为, 即溢出行为, 如旷课(Marcon et al., 2014)和攻击性行为(Rotton & Frey, 1985)等。然而, 以往有关空气污染的综述多将关注的焦点放在空气污染对人类心理的整体影响上, 并未对空气污染导致的行为改变做出更为细致的梳理。因此, 本文将关注点放在空气污染对行为影响的相关研究成果上, 首先从行为改变的视角阐述了空气污染与直接行为和溢出行为的关系; 其次, 分别从直接和溢出行为出发重点分析空气污染对人们行为的内在影响机制; 最后就空气污染及其相关环境风险问题的未来研究方向提出展望。

2 空气污染对直接行为的影响及相关机制

空气污染对个体行为的影响首先体现在人们与环境健康相关的一些直接行为上, 如防御行为(Zhang & Mu, 2018; An & Yu, 2018)、健康锻炼行为(An & Xiang, 2015)、移居(Qin & Zhu, 2017)、旅游(Cheung & Law, 2001)和绿色消费(Zhao, Zhang, & Wang, 2019)等。在空气污染对直接行为的影响机制的探索上, 计划行为理论(Theory of Planned Behavior, TPB) (Ajzen, 1991)和健康行动过程取向模型(Health Action Process Approach, HAPA) (Luszczynska & Schwarzer, 2003)则为研究者提供了切入点。

2.1 防御行为

购买口罩和空气净化器:由于口罩和空气净化器能够有效减少个体与污染空气的接触(Langrish et al., 2012; Morishita, Thompson, & Brook, 2015), 因此在室外佩戴防霾口罩、在室内使用空气净化器成为大多数居民的选择(Johnson, Mol, Zhang, & Yang, 2017; Liu, He, & Lau, 2017; Wang, Zhao, Zhang, Niu, & Ma, 2018)。从网络搜索结果上看, 当PM2.5 浓度超过250 μg/m3时, 北京的防霾口罩及空气净化器的搜索量分别增加110%~162%、79%~ 132% (Liu et al., 2017)。网购数据也显示空气污染会增加人们购买两类产品的花费(Sun, Kahn, & Zheng, 2017)。当空气质量指数(Air Quality Index, AQI)每上升100点, 防霾口罩的支出就会增加70.6%, 所有口罩的支出将增加54.4%; 当AQI指数从105增加到205, 中国一天购买防霾口罩和空气净化器等类似产品的成本将高达80247美元, 其中38356美元来自于防霾口罩(Zhang & Mu, 2018)。Qiu等人(2018)也证实了雾霾会促使人们采取戴口罩、安装空气净化器的行为。然而, 在两类产品的选择上, 净化器则更受居民欢迎, 调查的北京市1050名居民中超过60%的人都报告使用空气净化器, 但只有34%的人报告雾霾天会戴口罩(Johnson et al., 2017)。此外, 在对北京1961名居民调查中, 研究发现约有一半的受访者没有在雾霾天戴口罩(贾培, 蔡利国, 2014)。

减少户外时间:元分析研究(An, Zhang, Ji, & Guan, 2018)发现, 空气污染对健康行为的不利影响主要表现为减少了人们户外活动的时间(Ban, Zhou, Zhang, Brooke, & Li, 2017; Lercher, Schmitzberger, & Kofler, 1995; Yu, Yu, Gordon, & Zhang, 2017), 尤其是对于有呼吸系统疾病(Bresnahan, Dickie, & Gerking, 1997; Wells, Dearborn, & Jackson, 2012; Wen, Balluz, & Mokdad, 2009)和有雾霾相关病症的人(Bresnahan et al., 1997)更是如此。首先, 研究者对不同群体的调查都发现空气污染会减少步行时间。例如, Yu, An和Andrade (2017)以退休人员为研究对象, 发现PM2.5浓度每增加一个标准差(56.6 μg/m3), 每周步行时间减少4.69小时。An和Yu (2018)以大学生为研究对象发现, PM2.5浓度每增加一个标准差(36.5 μg/m3), 一周总步行时间减少7.3分钟, 日均睡眠时间增加1.07小时。

其次, 空气污染也会减少人们的其他出行方式。当空气质量警报发布时, 自行车流量将减少14%~35% (Saberian, Heyes, & Rivers, 2017)。一项关于美国部分地区10年间空气质量警报有效性的研究也发现, 市中心的交通流量随空气污染警报显著下降2.1% (Saberian et al., 2017; Tribby, Miller, Song, & Smith, 2013)。即使需要外出, 居民也会驾车来防御污染物, 例如, 波兰和休斯敦地区的1962名居民中约85%~90%人不会在空气质量差时减少驾驶等行为(Semenza et al., 2008), 说明人们不仅不会在雾霾警报日减少开车(Noonan, 2014), 甚至更愿意开私家车阻隔空气污染的危害(Ban et al., 2017; Neidell, 2009)。但是, 也有研究发现相反的结果, 人们并未在污染严重时明显减少户外活动的时间(Alberini & Krupnick, 2000), 特别是周末户外活动的时间(Alahmari et al., 2015)。

购买健康保险:人们还会通过购买健康保险这种长期的自我保护手段来减少对空气污染的担忧。研究者通过对2012年到2015年超过一百万份健康保险合同的研究发现, 空气污染越严重, 人们对健康保险的需求越大; 而如果在购买保险的冷静期(投保人签订订单后在一定时间内, 如果对所购买的保险不满意, 可以无条件退保)中空气污染水平低于签订订单日的污染水平, 那么健康保险的取消率就会上升(Chang, Huang, & Wang, 2018)。

2.2 健康锻炼

研究显示空气污染也会减少人们在闲暇时的锻炼时间(An & Xiang, 2015; Roberts et al., 2014; Wen, Balluz, Shire, Mokdad, & Kohl, 2009)。当 PM2.5 浓度增加时, 被试报告的跑步、健美操和打高尔夫球等时间都会相应减少(An & Xiang, 2015; Roberts et al., 2014)。每周的剧烈身体活动和中强度身体锻炼也随着PM2.5浓度每增加一个标准差(44.72 μg/m3)分别减少22.32分钟和10.63分钟(Yu, Yu et al., 2017)。这些锻炼的减少也导致了居民的患病率(Booth, Gordon, Carlson, & Hamilton, 2000; Wen, Balluz, Shire et al., 2009)和住院率的上升(Moretti & Neidell, 2011)。但是, 也有文献持不同观点, 例如, 研究者在空气污染是否会导致大学生久坐行为上就存在截然相反的意见(An & Yu, 2018; Yu et al., 2018)。不仅如此, 空气污染对健康锻炼行为的影响也存在性别差异, 当PM10每增加10 μg/m3时, 美国女性的马拉松比赛成绩会降低1.4%, 而男性的成绩却未受影响(Marr & Ely, 2010)。

2.3 移居

空气污染水平也是人们在评定理想居所时不可忽视的重要因素(Marques & Lima, 2011; Nelson, 1978), 为了保护自己免受空气污染的危害, 部分居民会因环境问题而选择移居(Elliott, Cole, Krueger, Voorberg, & Wakefield, 1999; Hunter, 2005)。研究者分析了我国153个城市居民搜索“移民”的百度指数发现, 若当日AQI指数上升100个点, 有关移民的搜索量会在翌日增加2.3%~4.8%, 该影响在重度污染(AQI > 200)时表现更为明显(Qin & Zhu, 2017)。Chu等人(2017)调查了湖北武汉某儿童医院的儿童父母后发现, 空气污染知识较为丰富的父母具有更高的移居意愿, 即那些对空气污染了解越多的人移居意愿越强烈。此外, 在对京津冀地区不同行业的工作者研究中发现, 雾霾风险感知中的身体健康、心理健康风险感知均正向预测工作者的迁移意愿, 而政府控制感知反向预测工作者的迁移意愿(Lu, Yue, Chen, & Long, 2018)。由此说明, 空气污染使得个体感知到身心健康受到了居住环境的威胁(Mahmood, 2011), 这种威胁不仅促使个体采取自我防御, 更促使其希望通过移居杜绝空气污染(Chen & Rosenthal, 2008), 而如果政府能够更好的控制雾霾则可降低移居意愿(Lu, Yue et al., 2018)。

2.4 旅游

旅游业的发展受到空气污染带来的自然资源耗竭的阻碍(Sajjad, Noreen, & Zaman, 2014)。研究指出风险感知对访问目的地的意愿具有显著的负面影响(Becken, Jin, Zhang, & Gao, 2016; Zhang, Zhong, Xu, Wang, & Dang, 2015)。基于2005~2016年间北京的入境和境内旅游数据分析发现, 空气质量好时(二级及以下)的游客量明显多于空气质量差时(三级及以上)的游客量(Zhou, Jiménez, Rodríguez, & Hernández, 2019)。在Chen, Lin和Hsu (2017)的研究中也发现了类似的结果, 随着糟糕的空气质量天数(PSI > 100)每增加1天, 在日月潭旅游的高峰期间游客数量将减少25725人。另有研究者发现雾霾警报促使到洛杉矶动物园(Los Angeles Zoo)和格里菲斯公园天文台(Griffith Park Observatory)游玩的人数减少(Neidell, 2009, 2010; Zivin & Neidell, 2009)。但研究者基于2002~2008年英国布里斯托尔动物园(Bristol Zoo Gardens)参观人数的研究发现, 空气污染警报只是减少了当地游客的访问量, 而对外地访客未造成显著影响(Janke, 2014)。

研究显示空气污染不仅有即时效应, 也有滞后效应。Wang, Fang和Law (2018)通过分析中国11个城市网上旅行社的出境旅游订单数据, 发现过去7天的平均AQI指数每增加一个单位, 出境旅游人数增加约13人, 说明当地空气质量差会增加人们未来几天的出境旅游量, 以躲避污染。空气污染感知对入境旅游总量也有显著的滞后负面影响, 空气质量较差的5个月后, 入境游客的数量显著降低(Xu & Reed, 2017)。然而, 该滞后效应也存在争议, 研究显示当连续两天发布雾霾警报时, 人们会选择忽视第二天的警报, 景点访客量并未减少(Zivin & Neidell, 2009)。

2.5 绿色消费

空气污染程度也影响着消费者的绿色消费偏好。研究者将人们的绿色消费行为分为习惯性绿色消费行为(Habitual green consumption behavior, HGCB)和投资性绿色消费行为(Invested green consumption behavior, IGCB)。研究发现, 雾霾污染感知与两种消费行为均呈正相关(Zhang, Guo, Bai, & Wang, 2019), 即, 当居民感知到雾霾越严重, 就越愿意购买健康和环境友好产品(无论是日常用品还是需投入一定资金的绿色产品)。该结论在购买节能家电上也得到佐证(连锋, 2016), 雾霾越严重, 居民购买节能家电的意愿就越强烈(Zhao et al., 2019)。

然而, 这种影响也并非完全一致, 具体到购买环保/非环保汽车行为上, 居民的绿色消费行为随着空气污染的程度变化表现有所不同。随着空气污染加重, 相对于空气污染加重程度较高城市的消费者, 空气污染加重程度相对较低城市的消费者更愿意转向购买更环保的汽车(Li, Moul, & Zhang, 2017)。而在购买非环保汽车上, 空气污染对购买低效能汽车的影响则受到城市收入的调节作用, 低收入的城市中, 低效能的汽车销售量先随AQI指数的增加而减少, 但当AQI指数到达一定阈值后, 低效能汽车的销售量随AQI指数的增加反而上升; 而在收入水平较高的城市, 空气污染越高, 人们越不愿购买低效能汽车(Li et al., 2017)。

2.6 对直接行为影响机制的探索

综上所述, 多数研究都显示, 空气污染影响了人们与环境健康相关的直接行为, 然而遗憾的是, 以往有关空气污染影响直接行为的研究多集中在现象描述上, 较少深入探讨对这些行为的影响机制。在已有的机制研究上研究者大都借鉴了与健康行为相关的模型, 其中最主要借鉴的是计划行为理论(Ajzen, 1991)与健康行动过程取向模型(Luszczynska & Schwarzer, 2003)。

2.6.1 计划行为理论

计划行为理论为人们预测行为提供了一个界定清晰的模型, 通过个人对行为的态度、主观规范和感知行为控制预测其行为意图, 进而预测其在特定情境下的具体行为(图1) (Ajzen, 1991)。具体而言, 个人的行为意图随着个人对行为的态度、主观规范和感知行为控制的增强而增强, 个人行为实施的可能性也随之提升。鉴于计划行为理论具有普遍的适用性(Chan & Lau, 2002; Shi, Wang, & Zhao, 2017), 其被应用于各种行为改变领域, 在与空气污染有关的环保行为研究中得到广泛应用(Hung, Chang, & Shaw, 2019; Zahedi, Batista-Foguet, & van Wunnik, 2019), 不同的研究者分别将其应用到减少温室气体排放(Shi et al., 2017; Zahedi et al., 2019)、佩戴口罩(Hansstein & Echegaray, 2018)、购买绿色产品(Afroz, Masud, Akhtar, Islam, & Duasa, 2015; Taufique & Vaithianathan, 2018)等行为中。例如, Afroz等人(2015)基于该理论模型探究了消费者购买可减少空气污染环保车的行为, 结果表明, 消费者购买环保车的态度、主观规范、感知行为控制和购买意图均正向预测了购买行为。


图1   计划行为理论模型(Ajzen, 1991)

2.6.2 健康行动过程取向模型

Schwarzer指出在计划行为理论中没有考虑意图转化为行为时个体所面临的障碍(如与不良习惯的冲突等), 所以意图对行为的直接预测并不是最佳预测, 需要其他因素弥补意图到行动之间的鸿沟, 故提出了健康行动过程取向模型(Lippke, Ziegelmann, & Schwarzer, 2010; Luszczynska & Schwarzer, 2003; Schwarzer, 2016), 并用于解释空气污染问题(Schwarzer, 2016)。该模型提出行动的产生需要两个阶段:导致行为意图的前意图动机阶段和导致实际行为产生的后意图意志阶段。在动机阶段, 风险知觉和积极结果预测了意图的形成。在意志阶段, 意图转变成追求目标行为的详细计划, 进而预测行为的产生。值得一提的是, 计划分为行动计划和应对计划, 行为控制作为一种自我调节策略维持着追求目标行为的状态。除此以外, 基于前一阶段的行动型自我效能和基于后一阶段的应对型自我效能、恢复型自我效能在两阶段中分别起着重要的作用(图2) (Schwarzer, 2008, 2016)。在应用上, 有研究者将健康行动过程取向模型用于研究雾霾天气下佩戴口罩的动机和潜在因素, 并发现自我效能和风险感知正向预测了人们佩戴口罩的意图, 计划和行动控制在意图和佩戴口罩之间起到了中介作用(Schwarzer, 2016; Zhou et al., 2016)。


图2   健康行动过程取向模型(Schwarzer, 2008, 2016)

值得注意的是, 目前有关机制的探讨还较为初步:缺少从环境心理学视角(而非健康行为视角)出发的系统化、理论化探讨; 同时, 在机制研究上更多偏重认知成分的作用, 而忽视了情绪变量的影响。因此, 未来研究需要综合考虑这些问题, 进一步构建以类似环境风险问题为基础的理论和机制模型。

3 空气污染对溢出行为的影响及相关机制

空气污染不仅会影响直接行为, 还会溢出影响到与环境健康问题并不直接相关的一些社会行为上, 如旷课行为(Chen, Guo, & Huang, 2018)、攻击行为(Perera et al., 2013)、犯罪行为(Younan et al., 2018)、股票投资(Demir & Ersan, 2016)和工作行为(Zivin & Neidell, 2012)等。目前有关空气污染对溢出行为影响机制的文章还较为少见, 但研究者已经开始探讨两者间的中介关系, 如焦虑(Lu, Lee, Gino, & Galinsky, 2018)和自我损耗(Fehr, Yam, He, Chiang, & Wei, 2017)的相关作用。

3.1 旷课行为

学生旷课的人数会随着空气污染等环境风险的增加而增加(Currie, Hanushek, Kahn, Neidell, & Rivkin, 2009)。Berman等人(2018)发现美国环境保护局风险筛查环境指标(Risk-Screening Environmental Indicator, RSEI)的对数每增加一个单位, 公立学校小学生的长期旷课率增加3.40%, 中学生增加8.09%。而且此影响存在长期的滞后性, Liu和Salvo (2018)对中国6545名国际学校的儿童进行了为期1234天的跟踪, 发现空气污染的严重程度导致儿童的旷课行为, 与持续14天空气质量达标的情况相比, 连续14天暴露在PM2.5高于200 μg/m3的情况下, 学生的旷课率会增加0.9%。此外, 对3139所学校学生考勤记录的研究发现, 空气污染通过影响儿童的健康导致入学率下降, 此影响至少可持续4天, 且呈单调递增的模式, 即AQI指数每增加一个标准差, 缺勤率将提高6.99% (Chen et al., 2018)。也有研究者基于2007~2010三个学年的日旷课记录发现, 暴露于高浓度的PM2.5环境中两天后的旷课率显著增加(1.2%~3.5%) (Marcon et al., 2014)。Zhang等人(2018)采用日记法研究发现, 旷课前三天的PM2.5平均值与缺课显著正相关。Mohai, Kweon, Lee和Ard (2011)也发现, 空气污染与美国密歇根州一些公立学校学生的低出勤率、不良身体健康状况有关。该州空气污染最严重地区公立学校的学生出勤率最低, 且该校在国家教育考试中不及格的比例也最高。

3.2 攻击行为

空气污染的加重会导致人们做出更多攻击行为。在一项针对儿童攻击行为的研究中, 研究者对248名来自燃煤地区非吸烟妇女的孩子进行了跟踪调查(从儿童出生前一直跟踪研究到他们9岁), 发现儿童的攻击行为受到空气污染元素多环芳烃的影响, 特别是在母亲道德低下的条件下, 攻击行为随着多环芳烃暴露的增加而增加的程度更高(Perera et al., 2013)。研究者在大学生群体中也发现了类似结果, Jones和Bogat (1978)以非吸烟大学生为被试, 发现二手烟烟雾比清新空气环境更易引发被试的攻击性。同样以大学生为被试, 研究者发现当被试分别处于中度恶臭(乙硫酸、硫化铵)和无恶臭的环境中时, 前者比后者更能激发更高水平的攻击行为(Rotton, Frey, Barry, Milligan, & Fitzpatrick, 1979)。此外, 由于高污染的空气可能含有更多较大的、低流动性的离子以及较少的、小的、高流动性的离子, 研究者研究了负离子对攻击行为的影响, 结果发现暴露在中等或高水平负离子下的A型人格被试对同伙的攻击要比只暴露在低离子水平下被试的攻击性更强(Baron, Russell, & Arms, 1985)。

3.3 犯罪行为

空气污染的加重还会导致更多犯罪行为。基于2001~2009年期间美国联邦调查局(FBI)的犯罪数据进行分析, 研究者发现空气污染显著预测了犯罪事件, 犯罪事件随着空气污染的增加而上升(Lu, Lee et al., 2018)。在2006~2013年间, 美国部分地区的PM2.5每增加10%, 该地区的暴力犯罪则增加0.14%(Burkhardt et al., 2019)。更多的研究揭示了空气污染对青少年犯罪行为的促进作用(Bondy, Roth, & Sager, 2018; Forns et al., 2016; Younan et al., 2018)。一项PM2.5对青少年违法行为的纵向研究也给出了充分的证据, 研究者以出生于1990~1995年、年龄在9~18岁的双胞胎为研究对象, 发现父母报告的青少年的违法行为随所处环境中PM2.5浓度的增加而增加(Younan et al., 2018)。另外, Haynes等人(2011)的研究也发现, 1999年某些空气污染物的排放与2003年至2005年青少年犯罪的判决结果之间存在显著的正相关关系, PM2.5和PM10 排放量的自然对数每增加一个单位, 分别使得青少年犯罪的判决风险增加了12%和19%。Burkhardt等人(2019)研究发现, 如若每天减少10%的PM2.5和臭氧, 每年可以节省治理犯罪成本14亿美元。但Burkhardt等人也发现空气污染与犯罪之间的关系会因犯罪类型而存在差异, 空气污染只增加了暴力犯罪, 而与财产犯罪无关。

3.4 股票投资

空气污染对投资股票行为的影响既出现在发达国家(Levy & Yagil, 2011), 也出现在发展中国家(Zhang & Tao, 2018)。空气污染对股票交易造成负面影响(Demir & Ersan, 2016; Lepori, 2016), 会显著地增加投资者的处置效应(在持有亏损资产的同时出售盈利资产) (Shefrin & Statman, 1985)。该负面影响还体现在回报率上, Levy和Yagil (2011)发现在控制其他变量的情况下, 空气污染与美国四家证券交易所股票回报率呈负相关, 但此关系随着证券交易所与污染地区之间距离的增加而减弱。Wu, Hao和Lu (2018)对中国1548家股份公司的数据研究发现, AQI指数越高, 股份公司的收益、营业额、波动性均越小, 表明当地企业的交易量随城市空气污染的增加而减少:当空气突然恶化时(AQI >150), 当天的千股交易量比前5天的平均千股交易量减少10.13%。Zhang和Tao (2018)基于万得数据库(WIND database)的股票指数数据也发现, 在控制注意力滞后性后, 投资者对雾霾的注意力越高, 中国三个主要的股票市场(上证交易指数、深证交易指数、创业板指数)的收益越低。然而, Li和Peng (2016)基于2005年至2014年的整个中国股市的研究发现, AQI指数与企业的股票收益无关、甚至呈滞后的正相关。基于不一致的结果, He和Liu (2018)指出股票交易是否因空气质量而变化受条件影响, 只有当环保意识提升时, 空气污染才会对股票交易行为产生显著的负作用, 例如在2008年的绿色奥运后, 公众的环保意识提高, 空气污染对股票波动性和流动性的影响由正向转为负向, 降低了股市的交易程度。

3.5 工作行为

以往研究者基于不同工作人群研究了空气污染对生产力的影响(Hanna & Oliva, 2015), 发现空气污染不仅会降低室外的劳动生产力(Zivin & Neidell, 2012), 也会造成室内生产力的下降(Chang, Zivin, Gross, & Neidell, 2016)。例如, Zivin和Neidell (2012)在155天内跟踪调查了约1600名农场工人, 发现即使臭氧水平在国家标准以下, 臭氧浓度每降低10 ppb, 工人生产力也会提高5.5%。He, Liu和Salvo (2019)研究了中国江苏和河南两地纺织厂工人生产力水平日常波动情况, 发现长时间暴露在污染环境中会对生产力造成显著的负面影响, 当日及前25日的PM2.5平均每增加10 μg/m3, 日均产量减少0.5%~3%。Chang, Zivin, Gross和Neidell (2019)获取了携程国际旅行社2010年至2012年在上海和南通的呼叫中心工作人员在工作日内接听电话的时间, 研究发现空气污染指数(Air Pollution Index, API)每上升10个单位, 工人每天接听的电话量减少0.35%。空气污染对生产力的不良影响在运动员身上也得到了验证, 在对德国足球甲级联赛1999~2011年间的2956场比赛统计中发现, 随着空气中悬浮颗粒浓度每增加1%, 足球比赛中的传球数量则相应下降0.02% (Lichter, Pestel, & Sommer, 2017)。空气污染对患病儿童家长的影响更另人担忧, 基于2007~2009年秘鲁首都利马家庭调查(the Peruvian National Household survey, ENAHO)发现, PM2.5每减少10 μg/m3, 家中有患病儿童的工作者一周的工作时间将增加1.9个小时(Aragón, Miranda, & Oliva, 2017)。

3.6 对溢出行为影响的机制

研究者很早就开始关注到空气污染对溢出行为的影响, 在研究的方法上也力求多样, 但却鲜有研究探讨空气污染对于溢出行为影响的机制, 目前人们主要探索了空气污染与溢出行为之间的中介关系, 其中最常被提及的中介变量是焦虑(Lu, Lee et al., 2018)和自我损耗(Fehr et al., 2017)。

3.6.1 焦虑的中介作用

焦虑是对潜在的不良后果做出反应时的痛苦或生理唤醒状态(Brooks & Schweitzer, 2011)。以往研究显示, 空气污染会导致一些不那么严重但非常频繁的消极情绪(Rotton & Frey, 1985), 而这些消极情绪可能会进一步造成生活满意度降低和心理幸福感损害(相鹏, 耿柳娜, 周可新, 程枭, 2017; Dolan & Laffan, 2016)。例如, 现有研究发现空气污染会导致焦虑(Power et al., 2015)、抑郁(Cho et al., 2014)、烦扰(Claeson, Liden, Nordin, & Nordin, 2013)等消极情绪的滋生。目前有关消极情绪在空气污染与行为间中介关系的探讨中多集中于有关焦虑的研究。Greenberg等人(2003)发现空气污染会增加人们的焦虑, 而焦虑会导致人们做出更多不道德行为(Corrigan & Watson, 2005; Kouchaki & Desai, 2015)。甚至有研究表明, 即使只在心理上体验了空气污染(想象生活在雾霾天气的环境里)的被试, 其焦虑感也会提升, 并导致其采用不道德谈判策略的程度更高(Lu, Lee et al., 2018)。

3.6.2 自我损耗的中介作用

根据自我损耗理论(Ego Depletion Theory), 自我控制资源是所有需要心理能量活动的共同资源(Baumeister, Bratslavsky, Muraven, & Tice, 1998), 而这些资源是有限的, 在缺乏足够恢复机会的情况下, 个体的自我控制能力会逐渐枯竭(Baumeister & Vohs, 2007)。由于空气污染作为一种不安全的环境对人类造成威胁、对居民的生活造成压力(Yuan et al., 2018)、助长了人们的悲观情绪(Lima, 2004; Marques & Lima, 2011), 所以个体为了中和这些消极认知而克制对空气污染不良影响的思考, 而这种克制反而会提升对被压制思想的专注(Wegner, Schneider, Carter, & White, 1987), 从而导致自我控制资源的损耗, 趋使个体更加关注个人利益而表现出不道德的行为(Gino, Schweitzer, Mead, & Ariely, 2011)、非利他行为(任俊 等, 2014)等。实证研究已经发现自我损耗在空气污染对溢出行为的影响中起到中介作用, 例如, 当员工自我控制特质程度较高时, 空气污染评价促进了员工的自我控制资源损耗, 进而减少了员工的组织公民行为、增加了员工的怠工行为(Fehr et al., 2017)。

综上所述, 上述研究似乎向我们表明空气污染给人们心理带来的资源损耗与情绪扰动, 造成人们不能专心完成其他社会行为, 从而产生溢出性影响。然而, 具体的机制验证仍需研究者未来的进一步探讨。

4 研究小结与展望

随着空气污染为人们所重视, 相关行为研究逐渐增多, 人们研究的视角也从对个体的直接行为影响的探究扩展到对其溢出行为影响的研究, 而且研究者也开始对相关机制进行思考。然而现有研究还存在一些问题:首先, 有关空气污染的行为研究及其机制缺乏系统化、理论化的探讨; 其次, 研究方法较为单一局限, 以横断面研究为主; 最后, 有关行为改善的干预研究较少。针对以往研究的不足, 我们认为未来研究还需要在以下几个方面继续深化:

4.1 扩展空气污染对直接和溢出行为影响机制的探索

当前有关空气污染影响行为的研究更多关注在对于现象的揭示上, 而在影响机制的探索和相关理论建立方面则鲜有探讨。如前文所述, 在直接行为的影响机制领域, 研究者更多借鉴了健康行为改变模型的成果, 从计划行为理论(Hansstein & Echegaray, 2018; Shi et al., 2017)和健康行动过程取向模型(高雯, 杨丽珠, 李晓溪, 2012; Chow & Mullan, 2010; Scholz, Sniehotta, & Schwarzer, 2005; Wiedemann, Schuz, Sniehotta, Scholz, & Schwarzer, 2009)出发, 对人们受到空气污染后的直接行为进行了探讨。然而, 这些模型均探讨了认知和行为之间的关系, 但却未提及情绪的重要作用。以往有关环境风险的研究揭示, 情绪对行为改变的影响起着重要作用(Slovic, Finucane, Peters, & MacGregor, 2004), 空气污染导致的消极情绪亦可成为解释直接行为产生机制的重要通路。例如, 学者在空气污染对股票交易的研究中提到情绪的波动对投资行为有着重要影响(He & Liu, 2018; Li & Peng, 2016)。因此, 基于现有的各项模型, 未来的研究可以在构建环境心理学领域的直接行为影响机制模型时, 考虑构建认知-情绪的双通路模型。

此外, 在对溢出行为影响的机制探索中, 研究者显然还处在初步阶段, 现有研究也只是分别探究了焦虑(Lu, Lee et al., 2018)和自我损耗的中介机制(Fehr et al., 2017)。这些研究似乎向我们表明空气污染给人们心理带来的资源损耗与情绪扰动是影响溢出行为的关键。那么, 未来的研究除了可以进一步发掘空气污染等环境问题对于各领域溢出行为的影响外, 还有必要对于引发行为的心理机制进行系统化研究。如果从相似的心理机制入手, 那么, 其他类似能够给人们心理带来资源损耗和情绪扰动的研究领域(如睡眠缺乏), 则有可能为我们未来对于环境问题所造成的溢出行为及其机制探讨给予更多启示。

4.2 提倡动态研究与经验取样

在空气污染领域中, 以往研究多固守于传统的横断面取样法(An & Xiang, 2015; An & Yu, 2018; Younan et al., 2018), 而缺乏对实际行为的动态性研究。所谓经验取样(Experience Sampling Methodology)是指多次收集人们在较短时间内对生活中经历事件的瞬时评估, 并对其进行记录的一种方法, 该方法作为一个更接近“事实”的数据收集方法, 为研究者提供了收集实时数据的工具(张银普, 骆南峰, 石伟, 2016; Fisher & To, 2012), 代表了数据收集技术的巨大的进步。常见的经验取样法有日记法(Daily Diary) (Bolger, Davis, & Rafaeli, 2003)、生态瞬时评估法(Ecological Momentary Assessment, EMA) (Stone & Shiffman, 1994)和日重现法(Day Reconstruction Method, DRM) (Kahneman, Krueger, Schkade, Schwarz, & Stone, 2004)等。需要注意的是空气污染和其导致的心理行为是实时变化的, 传统的横断面取样显然无法准确评估这种变化。运用经验取样法不仅能够更好的捕捉人们随空气质量变化的心态, 而且该方法还有利于研究者探究被试在自然真实空气污染情境下的心理状态, 能够保证较好的生态效度。近年来, 有关空气污染的研究已经开始尝试采用经验法进行取样。例如, 研究者(Zhou et al., 2016)采用多阶段取样的方法, 构建健康行为过程取向模型, 探讨了空气污染对戴口罩行为的影响。Zhang等人(2018)则采用日记法, 通过让学生每日记录自己的缺课和上课时的情况来研究空气污染对旷课率的影响。这种从动态性视角出发的研究, 为我们了解空气污染如何影响人们的行为提供了更为扎实的证据。

4.3 增加应对污染行为方案的探究

从以往研究来看, 虽然人们在空气污染中会采用一些自我保护行为, 但是亦有不少研究显示, 人们的这种自我保护行为显然是不够充分的(贾培, 蔡利国, 2014; Johnson et al., 2017)。即使在知道口罩可以有效防护雾霾的情况下, 但由于不舒服和怕麻烦, 人群中只有不到40%的人选择在空气污染日佩戴口罩(Johnson et al., 2017)。同时, 尽管人们能够认识到保护环境是解决空气污染问题的根本有效途径, 但人们在环保行为上的表现却并不理想(Li et al., 2017; Semenza et al., 2008)。这些结论提示我们有必要增加空气污染领域的干预研究, 进一步探索哪些方案能够促使人们的行为发生真正改变(Zhou et al., 2016)。

目前, 已有研究开始从传统风险管理的层面探讨应对人们行为的可能干预方案, 例如研究显示政府制定的空气污染物总排放量的标准(Yuan, Zhang, Wang, Wang, & Zuo, 2017)可以显著降低人们的污染排放。研究还显示可以通过给学生提供免费公交车票、增加交通拥堵高峰期时的里程费等市场奖惩措施(Bamberg & Schmidt, 2001; Rufolo & Kimpel, 2008)从而降低人们驾驶私家车的频率。此外, 近年来区别于传统社会治理手段, 低成本且非强制性的助推策略也为空气污染领域的社会治理提供了一条可行的心理学路径(张书维, 梁歆佚, 岳经纶, 2019)。例如, 研究者通过为期2个月发送每日的空气质量状况的短信促使孕妇增加了自我保护行为(Jasemzadeh, Khafaie, Jaafarzadeh, & Araban, 2018), 以APP的形式实时呈现空气污染信息促使人们从常走的路线转而选择空气污染更少的路线(Ahmed, Adnan, Janssens, & Wets, 2019)。上述结论为我们今后的工作提供了借鉴, 未来研究既可以从传统风险管理方法入手, 亦可借用已有的助推手段, 对促进人们提高自我保护和环境保护行为的改善方案进行综合、系统的探索。


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This paper examines whether attitudes towards electric vehicles (ATEVs), subjective norms (SNs) and perceived behavioural control (PBC) have significant associations with consumer purchase intention (PI) and the purchase behaviour of environmentally friendly vehicles (EFVs). The results from the survey questionnaires are analysed using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modelling (SEM). The findings of this paper indicate that ATEV, SN and PBC significantly influence PI. This finding also indicates that environmental consequence and individual preferences do not influence the PI of the respondents. We found that Malaysian car owners are largely unaware of the greenhouse effects on the environment or attach to it little importance, which is reflected in their PI towards EFVs. The outcomes of this study could help policymakers design programmes to influence attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control and purchase behaviour to prevent further air pollution and reduce CO2 emissions from the transportation sector.

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Individuals scoring high (Type As), intermediate, or low (Type Bs) on the Jenkins Activity Survey were given an opportunity to aggress against a stranger who, previously, had either provoked or not provoked them. The opportunity to aggress (as well as all other aspects of the study) took place in the presence of (a) a high concentration, (b) a moderate concentration, or (c) a low (ambient) concentration of negative air ions. Results indicated that exposure to moderate or high levels of negative ions significantly enhanced aggression by Type A subjects, but not by other participants. In addition, we found that negative ions produced positive shifts in subjects' reported moods in the absence of provocation, but negative shifts in moods in the presence of provocation. These findings suggest that moderate or high concentrations of negative ions serve as a source of heightened activation, thus enhancing individuals' dominant reactions or tendencies in a given situation.

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In this review, we develop a blueprint for exercise biology research in the new millennium. The first part of our plan provides statistics to support the contention that there has been an epidemic emergence of modern chronic diseases in the latter part of the 20th century. The health care costs of these conditions were almost two-thirds of a trillion dollars and affected 90 million Americans in 1990. We estimate that these costs are now approaching $1 trillion and stand to further dramatically increase as the baby boom generation ages. We discuss the reaction of the biomedical establishment to this epidemic, which has primarily been to apply modern technologies to stabilize overt clinical problems (e.g., secondary and tertiary prevention). Because this approach has been largely unsuccessful in reversing the epidemic, we argue that more emphasis must be placed on novel approaches such as primary prevention, which requires attacking the environmental roots of these conditions. In this respect, a strong association exists between the increase in physical inactivity and the emergence of modern chronic diseases in 20th century industrialized societies. Approximately 250,000 deaths per year in the United States are premature due to physical inactivity. Epidemiological data have established that physical inactivity increases the incidence of at least 17 unhealthy conditions, almost all of which are chronic diseases or considered risk factors for chronic diseases. Therefore, as part of this review, we present the concept that the human genome evolved within an environment of high physical activity. Accordingly, we propose that exercise biologists do not study

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BACKGROUND: There is currently insufficient evidence to confirm the effect of ambient air pollution on mental disorders, especially among susceptible populations. This study investigated the short-term effect of ambient air pollution on the risk of depressive episode and the effect modification across disease subpopulations. METHODS: Subjects who visited the emergency department (ED) for depressive episode from 2005 to 2009 (n=4985) in Seoul, Republic of Korea were identified from medical claims data. We conducted a time-stratified case-crossover study using conditional logistic regression. Subgroup analyses were conducted after the subjects were stratified by underlying disease (cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, and depressive disorder). The risk was expressed as an odds ratio (OR) per 1 standard deviation of each air pollutant. RESULTS: SO2, PM10, NO2, and CO were positively associated with ED visits for depressive episode. The maximum risk was observed in the distributed lag 0-3 model for PM10 (OR, 1.120; 95% confidence interval, 1.067-1.176). PM10, NO2, and CO significantly increased the risks of ED visits for depressive episode in subjects with either underlying cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, asthma, or depressive disorder. LIMITATIONS: Our data may include a misclassification bias due to the validity of a diagnosis determined from medical services utilization data. CONCLUSIONS: SO2, PM10, NO2, and CO significantly increased the risk of ED visits for depressive episode, especially among individuals with pre-existing cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, or asthma.

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Kahneman, D., Krueger, A. B., Schkade, D. A., Schwarz, N., & Stone, A. A. (2004).

A survey method for characterizing daily life experience: The day reconstruction method

Science, 306(5702), 1776-1780.

DOI:10.1126/science.1103572      URL     PMID:15576620      [本文引用: 1]

The Day Reconstruction Method (DRM) assesses how people spend their time and how they experience the various activities and settings of their lives, combining features of time-budget measurement and experience sampling. Participants systematically reconstruct their activities and experiences of the preceding day with procedures designed to reduce recall biases. The DRM's utility is shown by documenting close correspondences between the DRM reports of 909 employed women and established results from experience sampling. An analysis of the hedonic treadmill shows the DRM's potential for well-being research.

Kouchaki, M., & Desai, S. D. (2015).

Anxious, threatened, and also unethical: How anxiety makes individuals feel threatened and commit unethical acts

Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(2), 360-375.

URL     PMID:25243997      [本文引用: 1]

Langrish, J. P., Li, X., Wang, S., Lee, M. M. V., Barnes, G. D., Miller, M. R., ... Jiang, L. (2012).

Reducing personal exposure to particulate air pollution improves cardiovascular health in patients with coronary heart disease

Environmental Health Perspectives, 120(3), 367-372.

URL     PMID:22389220      [本文引用: 1]

Lepori, G. M. (2016).

Air pollution and stock returns: Evidence from a natural experiment

Journal of Empirical Finance, 35, 25-42.

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Lercher, P., Schmitzberger, R., & Kofler, W. (1995).

Perceived traffic air pollution, associated behavior and health in an Alpine area

Science of the Total Environment, 169(1-3), 71-74.

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Levinson, A. (2012).

Valuing public goods using happiness data: The case of air quality

Journal of Public Economics, 96(9-10), 869-880.

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Levy, T., & Yagil, J. (2011).

Air pollution and stock returns in the US

Journal of Economic Psychology, 32(3), 374-383.

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Li, J., Moul, C. C., & Zhang, W. (2017).

Hoping grey goes green: Air pollution's impact on consumer automobile choices

Marketing Letters, 28(2), 267-279.

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Li, Q., & Peng, C. H. (2016).

The stock market effect of air pollution: Evidence from China

Applied Economics, 48(36), 3442-3461.

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Lichter, A., Pestel, N., & Sommer, E. (2017).

Productivity effects of air pollution: Evidence from professional soccer

Labour Economics, 48, 54-66.

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Lima, M. L. (2004).

On the influence of risk perception on mental health: Living near an incinerator

Journal of Environmental Psychology, 24(1), 71-84.

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Lippke, S., Ziegelmann, J. P., & Schwarzer, R. (2010).

Initiation and maintenance of physical exercise: Stage-specific effects of a planning intervention

Research in Sports Medicine, 12(3), 221-240.

[本文引用: 1]

Liu, H., & Salvo, A. (2018).

Severe air pollution and child absences when schools and parents respond

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 92, 300-330.

DOI:10.1016/j.jeem.2018.10.003      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Liu, T., He, G., & Lau, A. (2017).

Avoidance behavior against air pollution: Evidence from online search indices for anti-PM2.5 masks and air filters in Chinese cities

Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 20(2), 325-363.

[本文引用: 2]

Lu, H., Yue, A., Chen, H., & Long, R. (2018).

Could smog pollution lead to the migration of local skilled workers? Evidence from the Jing-Jin-Ji region in China

Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 130, 177-187.

[本文引用: 2]

Lu, J. G., Lee, J. J., Gino, F., & Galinsky, A. D. (2018).

Polluted morality: Air pollution predicts criminal activity and unethical behavior

Psychological Science, 29(3), 340-355.

DOI:10.1177/0956797617735807      URL     PMID:29412050      [本文引用: 5]

Air pollution is a serious problem that affects billions of people globally. Although the environmental and health costs of air pollution are well known, the present research investigates its ethical costs. We propose that air pollution can increase criminal and unethical behavior by increasing anxiety. Analyses of a 9-year panel of 9,360 U.S. cities found that air pollution predicted six major categories of crime; these analyses accounted for a comprehensive set of control variables (e.g., city and year fixed effects, population, law enforcement) and survived various robustness checks (e.g., balanced panel, nonparametric bootstrapped standard errors). Three subsequent experiments involving American and Indian participants established the causal effect of psychologically experiencing a polluted (vs. clean) environment on unethical behavior. Consistent with our theoretical perspective, results revealed that anxiety mediated this effect. Air pollution not only corrupts people's health, but also can contaminate their morality.

Luechinger, S. (2010).

Life satisfaction and transboundary air pollution

Economics Letters, 107(1), 4-6.

[本文引用: 1]

Luszczynska, A., & Schwarzer, R. (2003).

Planning and self-efficacy in the adoption and maintenance of breast self-examination: A longitudinal study on self-regulatory cognitions

Psychology & Health, 18(1), 93-108.

[本文引用: 3]

Mahmood, S. A. I. (2011).

Air pollution kills 15, 000 Bangladeshis each year: The role of public administration and governments integrity

Journal of Public Administration and Policy Research, 3(5), 129-140.

[本文引用: 1]

Marcon, A., Pesce, G., Girardi, P., Marchetti, P., Blengio, G., de Zolt Sappadina, S., ... de Marco, R. (2014).

Association between PM10 concentrations and school absences in proximity of a cement plant in northern Italy

International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 217(2-3), 386-391.

DOI:10.1016/j.ijheh.2013.07.016      URL     PMID:23994300      [本文引用: 2]

Dusts are one of the main air pollutants emitted during cement manufacturing. A substantial part of these are breathable particles that are less than 10 mum in diameter (PM10), which represent a potential threat for the health of the exposed population. This study aimed at evaluating the short-term effects of PM10 concentrations on the health of children, aged 6-14 years, who attended the schools in Fumane (Italy), in proximity (1.2 km) to a large cement plant. School absenteeism was used as a proxy indicator of child morbidity. Time series of daily school absences and PM10 concentrations were collected for 3 school-years from 2007 to 2010 (541 school-days, 462 children on average). The associations between PM10 concentrations and school absence rates in the same day (lag0) and in the following 4 days (lag1 to lag4) were evaluated using generalised additive models, smoothed for medium/long term trends and adjusted for day of the week, influenza outbreaks, daily temperature and rain precipitations. The average concentration of PM10 in the period was 34 (range: 4-183) mug/m(3). An average 10 mug/m(3) increase of PM10 concentration in the previous days (lag0-4) was associated with a statistically significant 2.5% (95%CI: 1.1-4.0%) increase in the rate of school absences. The highest increase in the absence rates (2.4%; 95%CI: 1.2-3.5%) was found 2 days after exposure (lag2). These findings provide epidemiological evidence of the acute health effects of PM10 in areas with annual concentrations that are lower than the legal European Union limit of 40 mug/m(3), and support the need to establish more restrictive legislative standards.

Marques, S., & Lima, M. L. (2011).

Living in grey areas: Industrial activity and psychological health

Journal of Environmental Psychology, 31(4), 314-322.

[本文引用: 2]

Marr, L. C., & Ely, M. R. (2010).

Effect of air pollution on marathon running performance

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 42(3), 585-591.

DOI:10.1249/MSS.0b013e3181b84a85      URL     PMID:19952812      [本文引用: 1]

UNLABELLED: Before the 2008 Olympic Games, there was concern that air pollution in Beijing would affect the performance of marathon runners. Air pollutant concentrations during marathon running and their effect on performance have not been reported. Evidence suggests that the lung function of females may be more susceptible than that of males to air pollution, but it is uncertain if this translates to decreased marathon performance. PURPOSE: The purposes of this study were to 1) describe ambient air pollutant concentrations present during major US marathons, 2) quantify performance decrements associated with air pollutants, and 3) examine potential sex difference in performance related to air pollutants. METHODS: Marathon race results, weather data, and air pollutant concentrations were obtained for seven marathons for 8-28 yr. The top three male and female finishing times were compared with the course record and contrasted with air pollutant levels and wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT). A WBGT-adjusted performance decrement was calculated, and regression analysis was used to quantify performance decrements associated with pollutants. RESULTS: The air pollutant concentrations of carbon monoxide, ozone, particulate matter smaller than 10 microm (PM(10)), PM(2.5), nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide ranged from 0 to 5.9 ppm, from 0 to 0.07 ppm, from 4.5 to 41.0 microg x m(-3), from 2.8 to 42.0 microg x m(-3), from 0 to 0.06 ppm, and from 0 to 0.05 ppm, respectively. After adjusting for WBGT-associated performance decrements, only PM(10) was associated with decrements in performance of women. For every 10-microg x m(-3) increase in PM(10), performance can be expected to decrease by 1.4%. CONCLUSIONS: The concentrations of air pollution present during marathons rarely exceed health-based national standards and levels known to affect lung function in laboratory situations. Regardless, PM(10) was significantly correlated with performance of women marathon runners.

Mohai, P., Kweon, B. S., Lee, S., & Ard, K. (2011).

Air pollution around schools is linked to poorer student health and academic performance

Health Affairs, 30(5), 852-862.

DOI:10.1377/hlthaff.2011.0077      URL     PMID:21543420      [本文引用: 1]

Exposing children to environmental pollutants during important times of physiological development can lead to long-lasting health problems, dysfunction, and disease. The location of children's schools can increase their exposure. We examined the extent of air pollution from industrial sources around public schools in Michigan to find out whether air pollution jeopardizes children's health and academic success. We found that schools located in areas with the highest air pollution levels had the lowest attendance rates-a potential indicator of poor health-and the highest proportions of students who failed to meet state educational testing standards. Michigan and many other states currently do not require officials considering a site for a new school to analyze its environmental quality. Our results show that such requirements are needed. For schools already in existence, we recommend that their environmental quality should be investigated and improved if necessary.

Moretti, E., & Neidell, M. (2011).

Pollution, health, and avoidance behavior

Journal of Human Resources, 46(1), 154-175.

[本文引用: 1]

Morishita, M., Thompson, K. C., & Brook, R. D. (2015).

Understanding air pollution and cardiovascular diseases: Is it preventable?

Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports, 9(6), 30.

DOI:10.1007/s12170-015-0458-1      URL     PMID:26097526      [本文引用: 1]

Neidell, M. (2009).

Information, avoidance behavior, and health the effect of ozone on asthma hospitalizations

Journal of Human Resources, 44(2), 450-478.

[本文引用: 3]

Neidell, M. (2010).

Air quality warnings and outdoor activities: Evidence from Southern California using a regression discontinuity design

Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 64(10), 921-926.

DOI:10.1136/jech.2008.081489      URL     PMID:19822555      [本文引用: 1]

BACKGROUND: A study was undertaken to assess the impact of air quality warnings associated with ground-level ozone on outdoor activities in Southern California. METHODS: Data on aggregate daily attendance at two major outdoor facilities were collected and merged with observed and forecasted air quality and meteorology at the daily level. A quasi-experimental regression discontinuity design was used to estimate the impact of warnings. RESULTS: Attendance declined significantly when stage 1 air quality warnings ('smog alerts') were issued. Consistent with expectations, responses were greater for populations more likely to be considered susceptible and more likely to be local residents. CONCLUSIONS: Air quality warnings are an important policy tool for protecting the public's health from high levels of ambient air pollution.

Nelson, J. P. (1978).

Residential choice, hedonic prices, and the demand for urban air quality

Journal of Urban Economics, 5(3), 357-369.

[本文引用: 1]

Noonan, D. S. (2014).

Smoggy with a chance of altruism: The effects of ozone alerts on outdoor recreation and driving in Atlanta

Policy Studies Journal, 42(1), 122-145.

[本文引用: 1]

Perera, F. P., Wang, S., Rauh, V., Zhou, H., Stigter, L., Camann, D., ... Majewska, R. (2013).

Prenatal exposure to air pollution, maternal psychological distress, and child behavior

Pediatrics, 132(5), e1284-1294.

DOI:10.1542/peds.2012-3844      URL     PMID:24101766      [本文引用: 2]

BACKGROUND: Airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are pollutants generated by combustion of fossil fuel and other organic material. Both prenatal PAH exposure and maternal psychological distress during pregnancy have each been associated with neurodevelopmental problems in children. The goal was to evaluate potential interactions between prenatal exposure to airborne PAHs and maternal psychological distress during pregnancy on subsequent behavioral problems in children. METHODS: In a longitudinal birth cohort study, 248 children of nonsmoking white women in the coal-burning region of Krakow, Poland, were followed from in utero until age 9. Prenatal PAH exposure was measured by personal air monitoring during pregnancy, maternal demoralization during pregnancy by the Psychiatric Epidemiology Research Instrument-Demoralization, and child behavior by the Child Behavior Checklist. RESULTS: Significant interactions between maternal demoralization and PAH exposure (high versus low) were identified for symptoms of anxious/depressed, withdrawn/depressed, social problems, aggressive behavior, internalizing problems, and externalizing problems. The effects of demoralization on syndromes of anxious/depressed, withdrawn/depressed, rule-breaking, aggressive behavior, and the composite internalizing and externalizing scores were seen only in conjunction with high PAH exposure. Fewer significant effects with weaker effect sizes were observed in the low-PAH-exposure group. CONCLUSIONS: Maternal demoralization during pregnancy appears to have a greater effect on child neurobehavioral development among children who experienced high prenatal PAH exposure. The results provide the first evidence of an interaction between prenatal exposure to maternal demoralization and air pollution on child neurobehavioral development, indicating the need for a multifaceted approach to the prevention of developmental problems in children.

Power, M. C., Kioumourtzoglou, M. A., Hart, J. E., Okereke, O. I., Laden, F., & Weisskopf, M. G. (2015).

The relation between past exposure to fine particulate air pollution and prevalent anxiety: Observational cohort study

BMJ, 350, h111.

DOI:10.1136/bmj.h111      URL     PMID:25647583      [本文引用: 1]

Qin, Y., & Zhu, H. (2017).

Run away? Air pollution and emigration interests in China

Journal of Population Economics, 31(1), 235-266.

[本文引用: 2]

Qiu, F., Wang, E., Fan, M., Liao, H., Wang, L., & Huang, Z. (2018).

A questionnaire case study of Chinese opinions on the haze pollution and economic growth

Sustainability, 10(6), 1970.

[本文引用: 1]

Roberts, J. D., Voss, J. D., & Knight, B. (2014).

The association of ambient air pollution and physical inactivity in the United States

PloS One, 9(3), e90143.

DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0090143      URL     PMID:24598907      [本文引用: 3]

Rotton, J., & Frey, J. (1985).

Air pollution, weather, and violent crimes: Concomitant time-series analysis of archival data

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 49(5), 1207-1220.

DOI:10.1037//0022-3514.49.5.1207      URL     PMID:4078674      [本文引用: 2]

Archival data covering a 2-year period were obtained from three sources in order to assess relations among ozone levels, nine measures of meteorological conditions, day of the week, holidays, seasonal trends, family disturbances, and assaults against persons. Confirming results obtained in laboratory studies, more family disturbances were recorded when ozone levels were high than when they were low. Two-stage regression analyses indicated that disturbances and assaults against persons were also positively correlated with daily temperatures and negatively correlated with wind speed and levels of humidity. Further, distributed lag (Box-Jenkins) analyses indicated that high temperatures and low winds preceded violent episodes, which occurred more often on dry than humid days. In addition to hypothesized relations, it was also found that assaults follow complaints about family disturbances, which suggests that the latter could be used to predict and lessen physical violence. It was concluded that atmospheric conditions and violent episodes are not only correlated but also appear to be linked in a causal fashion. This conclusion, however, was qualified by a discussion of the limitations of archival data and concomitant time-series analysis.

Rotton, J., Frey, J., Barry, T., Milligan, M., & Fitzpatrick, M. (1979).

The air pollution experience and physical aggression

Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 9(5), 397-412.

[本文引用: 1]

Rufolo, A. M., & Kimpel, T. J. (2008).

Responses to Oregon's experiment in road pricing

Transportation Research Record, 2079(1), 1-7.

[本文引用: 1]

Saberian, S., Heyes, A., & Rivers, N. (2017).

Alerts work! Air quality warnings and cycling

Resource and Energy Economics, 49, 165-185.

[本文引用: 2]

Sajjad, F., Noreen, U., & Zaman, K. (2014).

Climate change and air pollution jointly creating nightmare for tourism industry

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21(21), 12403-12418.

DOI:10.1007/s11356-014-3146-7      URL     PMID:24938808      [本文引用: 1]

The objective of the study is to examine the long-run and causal relationship between climate change (i.e., greenhouse gas emissions, hydrofluorocarbons, per fluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride), air pollution (i.e., methane emissions, nitrous oxide emissions, and carbon dioxide emissions), and tourism development indicators (i.e., international tourism receipts, international tourism expenditures, natural resource depletion, and net forest depletion) in the World's largest regions. The aggregate data is used for robust analysis in the South Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, and East Asia and the Pacific regions, over a period of 1975-2012. The results show that climatic factors and air pollution have a negative impact on tourism indicators in the form of deforestation and natural resource depletion. The impact is evident, as we have seen the systematic eroding of tourism industry, due to severe changes in climate and increasing strain of air pollution. There are several channels of cause-effect relationship between the climatic factors, air pollution, and tourism indicators in the World's region. The study confirms the unidirectional, bidirectional, and causality independent relationship between climatic factors, air pollution, and tourism indicators in the World. It is conclusive that tourism industry is facing all time bigger challenges of reduce investment, less resources, and minor importance from the government agencies because of the two broad challenges, i.e., climate change and air pollution, putting them in a dismal state.

Scholz, U., Sniehotta, F. F., & Schwarzer, R. (2005).

Predicting physical exercise in cardiac rehabilitation: The role of phase-specific self-efficacy beliefs

Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 27(2), 135-151.

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Schwarzer, R. (2008).

Modeling health behavior change: How to predict and modify the adoption and maintenance of health behaviors

Applied Psychology, 57(1), 1-29.

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Schwarzer, R. (2016).

Health Action Process Approach (HAPA) as a theoretical framework to understand behavior change

Actualidades en Psicología, 30(121), 119-130.

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Seaton, A., Godden, D., MacNee, W., & Donaldson, K. (1995).

Particulate air pollution and acute health effects

The Lancet, 345(8943), 176-178.

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Semenza, J. C., Wilson, D. J., Parra, J., Bontempo, B. D., Hart, M., Sailor, D. J., & George, L. A. (2008).

Public perception and behavior change in relationship to hot weather and air pollution

Environmental Research, 107(3), 401-411.

DOI:10.1016/j.envres.2008.03.005      URL     PMID:18466894      [本文引用: 2]

BACKGROUND: Changes in climate systems are increasing heat wave frequency and air stagnation, both conditions associated with exacerbating poor air quality and of considerable public health concern. OBJECTIVES: Heat and air pollution advisory systems are in place in many cities for early detection and response to reduce health consequences, or severity of adverse conditions. Whereas the ability to forecast heat waves and/or air pollution episodes has become increasingly sophisticated and accurate, little is known about the effectiveness of advisories in altering public behavior. METHODS: Air quality and meteorological conditions were measured during advisory and control days in Portland, OR and Houston, TX in 2005 and 2006 and 1962 subjects were interviewed by telephone about their perception and response to these conditions. RESULTS: Elevated ambient temperatures were accurately recognized regardless of air conditioning use; in Portland, respondents resorted to active cooling behavior (AC, fan, etc.), while in Houston no such change was observed. More heat-related symptoms were reported in Portland compared to Houston, probably due to low air conditioning use in the northwest. One-third of study participants were aware of air quality advisories but only approximately 10-15% claimed to have changed activities during such an episode. Not the advisory, however, drove their behavior change, but rather the perception of poor air quality, which was not related to PM(2.5) or ozone measurements. CONCLUSIONS: Messages are not reaching the public during potentially hazardous weather and air quality conditions. Climatic forecasts are increasingly predictive but public agencies fail to mount an appropriate outreach response.

Shefrin, H., & Statman, M. (1985).

The disposition to sell winners too early and ride losers too long: Theory and evidence

Journal of Finance, 40(3), 777-790.

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Shi, H., Wang, S., & Zhao, D. (2017).

Exploring urban resident’s vehicular PM2.5 reduction behavior intention: An application of the extended theory of planned behavior

Journal of Cleaner Production, 147, 603-613.

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Slovic, P., Finucane, M. L., Peters, E., & MacGregor, D. G. (2004).

Risk as analysis and risk as feelings: Some thoughts about affect, reason, risk, and rationality

Risk Analysis, 24(2), 311-322.

DOI:10.1111/j.0272-4332.2004.00433.x      URL     PMID:15078302      [本文引用: 1]

Modern theories in cognitive psychology and neuroscience indicate that there are two fundamental ways in which human beings comprehend risk. The

Stone, A. S., & Shiffman, S. (1994).

Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) in behavioral medicine

Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 16(3), 199-202.

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Sun, C., Kahn, M. E., & Zheng, S. (2017).

Self-protection investment exacerbates air pollution exposure inequality in urban China

Ecological Economics, 131, 468-474.

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Taufique, K. M. R., & Vaithianathan, S. (2018).

A fresh look at understanding Green consumer behavior among young urban Indian consumers through the lens of Theory of Planned Behavior

Journal of Cleaner Production, 183, 46-55.

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Tribby, C. P., Miller, H. J., Song, Y., & Smith, K. R. (2013).

Do air quality alerts reduce traffic? An analysis of traffic data from the Salt Lake City metropolitan area, Utah, USA

Transport Policy, 30, 173-185.

[本文引用: 1]

Wang, F., Zhao, H., Zhang, X., Niu, C., & Ma, J. (2018).

Understanding individual-level protective responses to air pollution warning: A case study of Beijing, China

Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 25(6), 1473-1487.

[本文引用: 1]

Wang, L., Fang, B., & Law, R. (2018).

Effect of air quality in the place of origin on outbound tourism demand: Disposable income as a moderator

Tourism Management, 68, 152-161.

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Wegner, D. M., Schneider, D. J., Carter, S. R. 3rd., & White, T. L. (1987).

Paradoxical effects of thought suppression

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 53(1), 5-13.

DOI:10.1037//0022-3514.53.1.5      URL     PMID:3612492      [本文引用: 1]

In a first experiment, subjects verbalizing the stream of consciousness for a 5-min period were asked to try not to think of a white bear, but to ring a bell in case they did. As indicated both by mentions and by bell rings, they were unable to suppress the thought as instructed. On being asked after this suppression task to think about the white bear for a 5-min period, these subjects showed significantly more tokens of thought about the bear than did subjects who were asked to think about a white bear from the outset. These observations suggest that attempted thought suppression has paradoxical effects as a self-control strategy, perhaps even producing the very obsession or preoccupation that it is directed against. A second experiment replicated these findings and showed that subjects given a specific thought to use as a distracter during suppression were less likely to exhibit later preoccupation with the thought to be suppressed.

Wells, E. M., Dearborn, D. G., & Jackson, L. W. (2012).

Activity change in response to bad air quality, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2007-2010

PloS One, 7(11), e50526.

DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0050526      URL     PMID:23226304      [本文引用: 1]

Air pollution contributes to poor respiratory and cardiovascular health. Susceptible individuals may be advised to mitigate effects of air pollution through actions such as reducing outdoor physical activity on days with high pollution. Our analysis identifies the extent to which susceptible individuals changed activities due to bad air quality. This cross-sectional study included 10,898 adults from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2007-2010. Participants reported if they did something differently when air quality was bad. Susceptible categories included respiratory conditions, cardiovascular conditions and older age (>/= 65 years). Analyses accounted for complex survey design; logistic regression models controlled for gender, race, education, smoking, and body mass index. 1305 individuals reported doing something differently (12.0%, 95% confidence interval (CI): 10.9, 13.1). This percentage was 14.2% (95% CI: 11.6, 16.8), 25.1% (95% CI: 21.7, 28.6), and 15.5% (95% CI: 12.2, 18.9) among older adults, those with a respiratory condition, and those with a cardiovascular condition, respectively. In adjusted regression models the following were significantly more likely to have changed activity compared to those who did not belong to any susceptible group: respiratory conditions (adjusted odds ratio (aOR): 2.61, 95% CI: 2.03, 3.35); respiratory and cardiovascular conditions (aOR: 4.36, 95% CI: 2.47, 7.69); respiratory conditions and older age (aOR: 3.83; 95% CI: 2.47, 5.96); or all three groups (aOR: 3.52; 95% CI: (2.33, 5.32). Having cardiovascular conditions alone was not statistically significant. Some individuals, especially those with a respiratory condition, reported changing activities due to poor air quality. However, efforts should continue to educate the public about air quality and health.

Welsch, H. (2006).

Environment and happiness: Valuation of air pollution using life satisfaction data

Ecological Economics, 58(4), 801-813.

[本文引用: 1]

Wen, X. J., Balluz, L., & Mokdad, A. (2009).

Association between media alerts of air quality index and change of outdoor activity among adult asthma in six states, BRFSS, 2005

Journal of Community Health, 34(1), 40-46.

DOI:10.1007/s10900-008-9126-4      URL     PMID:18821001      [本文引用: 1]

Media alerts of air quality index (AQI) were designed to inform the public the need to avoid harmful air pollution by changing their outdoor activities. The relationship between AQI media alerts and change in outdoor activities among people with asthma is unknown. Our objective is to examine this relationship. Data were analyzed in a cross-sectional study from 33,888 adults, in six states, who responded to the questions in the 2005 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) about reductions/changes in outdoor activity. The prevalence of change in outdoor activity due to media alerts was 31% among adults with lifetime asthma and 16% without asthma. The prevalence of outdoor activity change increased to 75% among those with lifetime asthma and to 68% without asthma, when the combined the effects of media alerts and individual perception were examined. The odds of activity change based on the media alerts was 2.30 (Adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 2.16, 95% Confidence interval [CI]: 1.61, 2.90) among those with lifetime asthma and 1.72 (aO R = 1.72, 95% CI: 1.50, 1.98) without asthma, compared to those unaware of media alerts, after adjustment for demographic variables and covariates. This study shows that awareness of media alerts as well as health professional advice may be associated with reported changes in outdoor activities. Therefore, along with consistent efforts to improve the air quality, government agencies, health professionals, and community leaders should implement measures to effectively inform the public about air quality and educate them to take appropriate actions accordingly.

Wen, X. J., Balluz, L. S., Shire, J. D., Mokdad, A. H., & Kohl, H. W. I. (2009).

Association of self-reported leisure-time physical inactivity with particulate matter 2.5 air pollution

Journal of Environmental Health, 72(1), 40-44.

URL     PMID:19681386      [本文引用: 2]

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Wiedemann, A. U., Schuz, B., Sniehotta, F., Scholz, U., & Schwarzer, R. (2009).

Disentangling the relation between intentions, planning, and behaviour: A moderated mediation analysis

Psychology and Health, 24(1), 67-79.

DOI:10.1080/08870440801958214      URL     PMID:20186640      [本文引用: 1]

Action planning is assumed to mediate between intentions and health behaviours. Moreover, intentions are assumed to moderate the planning-behaviour relation, because people with high intentions are more likely to enact their plans. The present studies extend these suppositions by integrating both assumptions to a novel and parsimonious model of moderated mediation: the mediation effect is hypothesised to be stronger in individuals who report higher intention levels. In two longitudinal studies on physical activity (N = 124) and interdental hygiene (N = 209), intentions and action planning were assessed at baseline, and behaviour was measured four (Study 1), and respectively, three (Study 2) months later. The moderated mediation hypothesis was tested with continuously measured intentions using regression analyses with non-parametric bootstrapping. Results from both studies suggest that levels of intentions moderate the mediation process: The strength of the mediated effect increased along with levels of intentions. Planning mediates the intention-behaviour relation, if individuals hold sufficient levels of intentions. Implications for theory advancement and intervention development are discussed.

Wu, Q., Hao, Y., & Lu, J. (2018).

Air pollution, stock returns, and trading activities in China

Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 51, 342-365.

[本文引用: 1]

Xu, X., & Reed, M. (2017).

Perceived pollution and inbound tourism in China

Tourism Management Perspectives, 21, 109-112.

[本文引用: 1]

Younan, D., Tuvblad, C., Franklin, M., Lurmann, F., Li, L., Wu, J., ... Chen, J. C. (2018).

Longitudinal analysis of particulate air pollutants and adolescent delinquent behavior in Southern California

Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 46(6), 1283-1293.

URL     PMID:29234991      [本文引用: 4]

Yu, H., An, R., & Andrade, F. (2017).

Ambient fine particulate matter air pollution and physical activity: A longitudinal study of university retirees in Beijing, China

American Journal of Health Behavior, 41(4), 401-410.

URL     PMID:28601099      [本文引用: 1]

Yu, H., Cheng, J., Gordon, S. P., An, R., Yu, M., Chen, X., ... Qiu, J. (2018).

Impact of air pollution on sedentary behavior: A cohort study of freshmen at a university in Beijing, China

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(12), 2811.

[本文引用: 1]

Yu, H., Yu, M., Gordon, S. P., & Zhang, R. (2017).

The association between ambient fine particulate air pollution and physical activity: A cohort study of university students living in Beijing

International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 14(1), 136.

DOI:10.1186/s12966-017-0592-x      URL     PMID:28982357      [本文引用: 2]

BACKGROUND: Air pollution has become a substantial environmental issue affecting human health and health-related behavior in China. Physical activity is widely accepted as a method to promote health and well-being and is potentially influenced by air pollution. Previous population-based studies have focused on the impact of air pollution on physical activity in the U.S. using a cross-sectional survey method; however, few have examined the impact on middle income countries such as China using follow-up data. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) air pollution on physical activity among freshmen students living in Beijing by use of follow-up data. METHODS: We conducted 4 follow-up health surveys on 3445 freshmen students from Tsinghua University from 2012 to 2013 and 2480 freshmen completed all 4 surveys. Linear individual fixed-effect regressions were performed based on repeated-measure physical activity-related health behaviors and ambient PM2.5 concentrations among the follow-up participants. RESULTS: An increase in ambient PM2.5 concentration by one standard deviation (44.72 mug/m(3)) was associated with a reduction in 22.32 weekly minutes of vigorous physical activity (95% confidence interval [CI] = 24.88-19.77), a reduction in 10.63 weekly minutes of moderate physical activity (95% CI = 14.61-6.64), a reduction in 32.45 weekly minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) (95% CI = 37.63-27.28), and a reduction in 226.14 weekly physical activity MET-minute scores (95% CI = 256.06-196.21). The impact of ambient PM2.5 concentration on weekly total minutes of moderate physical activity tended to be greater among males than among females. CONCLUSIONS: Ambient PM2.5 air pollution significantly discouraged physical activity among Chinese freshmen students living in Beijing. Future studies are warranted to replicate study findings in other Chinese cities and universities, and policy interventions are urgently needed to reduce air pollution levels in China.

Yuan, L., Shin, K., & Managi, S. (2018).

Subjective well-being and environmental quality: The Impact of air pollution and green coverage in China

Ecological Economics, 153, 124-138.

[本文引用: 2]

Yuan, X., Zhang, M., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., & Zuo, J. (2017).

Evolution analysis of environmental standards: Effectiveness on air pollutant emissions reduction

Journal of Cleaner Production, 149, 511-520.

[本文引用: 1]

Zahedi, S., Batista-Foguet, J. M., & van Wunnik, L. (2019).

Exploring the public's willingness to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from private road transport in Catalonia

Science of the Total Environment, 646, 850-861.

DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.07.361      URL     PMID:30064111      [本文引用: 2]

Internalizing environmental externalities is a market-driven approach to correcting people's private costs and benefits. One way of quantifying these externalities is estimating the willingness to pay (WTP) of people to reduce them. To better understand the determinants of this WTP, we use the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), which is a commonly used approach for predicting behavioral intentions. Our study focuses on air pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from private road transport. We gathered survey data from 406 residents of Catalonia to explore the relationships among the psychological factors determining willingness to pay to quantify the mentioned externalities. We expanded the TPB by adding as antecedent Environmental Concern (EC) prior to the theory's three main factors (Attitude, Subjective Norms and Perceived Behavioral Control). Next, we used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to calculate an estimate of these externalities. The results of our study show that environmental concern is positively related to the three main factors of TPB. Our model accounts for most of the variation of WTP (R-squared is 94.7%). Our results also reveal that a majority of the respondents in Catalonia are willing to pay to reduce air pollution and GHG emissions from private road transport.

Zhang, A., Zhong, L., Xu, Y., Wang, H., & Dang, L. (2015).

Tourists' perception of haze pollution and the potential impacts on travel: Reshaping the features of tourism seasonality in Beijing, China

Sustainability, 7(3), 2397-2414.

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Zhang, J., & Mu, Q. (2018).

Air pollution and defensive expenditures: Evidence from particulate-filtering facemasks

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 92, 517-536.

[本文引用: 3]

Zhang, M., Guo, S., Bai, C., & Wang, W. (2019).

Study on the impact of haze pollution on residents' green consumption behavior: The case of Shandong Province

Journal of Cleaner Production, 219, 11-19.

[本文引用: 1]

Zhang, X., Zhang, X., & Chen, X. (2017).

Happiness in the air: How does a dirty sky affect mental health and subjective well-being?

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 85, 81-94.

URL     PMID:29081551      [本文引用: 1]

Zhang, Y., Cui, L., Xu, D., He, M. Z., Zhou, J., Han, L., ... Li, T. (2018).

The association of ambient PM2.5 with school absence and symptoms in schoolchildren: A panel study

Pediatric Research, 84(1), 28-33.

DOI:10.1038/s41390-018-0004-1      URL     PMID:29795198      [本文引用: 2]

BACKGROUND: Children are a susceptible population to exposure of ambient fine particulate air pollution (PM2.5), and the associated symptoms are sensitive prevalent indicators of morbidity. However, few studies to date investigate the association between PM2.5 exposure and school absence and symptoms. METHODS: In a panel study including 20,291 observations in 615 schoolchildren 8-13 years of age, we asked the participants to record their school absence and symptoms on every school day from 17 November to 31 December 2014 in Jinan, China. We used the generalized linear mixed effects models to examine the adverse effects of ambient PM2.5 on school absence and symptoms, adjusting for covariates including meteorological and individual factors. RESULTS: The 3-day moving average of PM2.5 was significantly associated with school absence (1.37; 95% CI: 1.07-1.74) and increases in symptoms of the throat (1.03; 95% CI: 1.00-1.05), nose (1.03; 95% CI: 1.01-1.06), and skin (1.09; 95% CI: 1.06-1.12). High PM2.5 exposure also increased the risks of individual symptoms, especially for cough (1.02; 95% CI: 1.00-1.04), sneezing (1.03; 95% CI: 1.00-1.07), and stuffy nose (1.09; 95% CI: 1.02-1.17). CONCLUSION: High PM2.5 exposure is a risk factor for the health of schoolchildren. Allocation of medical resources for children should take into account the ambient PM2.5 concentrations and be proportioned accordingly.

Zhang, Y., & Tao, L. (2018).

Haze, investor attention and China's stock markets: Evidence from internet stock forum

Finance Research Letters, 31, 363-368.

[本文引用: 2]

Zhao, C., Zhang, M., & Wang, W. (2019).

Exploring the influence of severe haze pollution on residents' intention to purchase energy-saving appliances

Journal of Cleaner Production, 212, 1536-1543.

[本文引用: 2]

Zhou, G., Gan, Y., Ke, Q., Knoll, N., Lonsdale, C., & Schwarzer, R. (2016).

Avoiding exposure to air pollution by using filtering facemask respirators: An application of the health action process approach

Health Psychology, 35(2), 141-147.

DOI:10.1037/hea0000264      URL     PMID:26371720      [本文引用: 3]

OBJECTIVES: Adherence to the use of filtering facemask respirators on hazy days to reduce exposure to air pollution is examined with the aim of uncovering psychological mechanisms that may be responsible for individual differences in motivation and behavior. METHODS: In a longitudinal survey, 164 young adults from Beijing, China, completed assessments at baseline (Time 1), 2 weeks (Time 2), and 4 weeks later (Time 3). Self-efficacy, risk perception, and outcome expectancies were measured along with intention at Time 1, planning and action control at Time 2, and facemask use at Time 3. A structural equation model was specified to test theory-implied pathways of influence. RESULTS: Self-efficacy and risk perception jointly predicted behavioral intention at Time 1. Planning and action control at Time 2 jointly predicted behavior at Time 3, serving as parallel mediators between intention (Time 1) and facemask use (Time 3). The model explained 19.5% and 30.2% of the variance in intention and behavior, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Results support theory-based psychological mechanisms, with a focus on planning and action control, which might be influential in the adoption and maintenance of self-protective facemask wearing.

Zhou, X., Jiménez, Y. S., Rodríguez, J. V. P., & Hernández, J. M. (2019).

Air pollution and tourism demand: A case study of Beijing, China

International Journal of Tourism Research, 21(6), 747-757.

DOI:10.1002/jtr.v21.6      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Zivin, J. G., & Neidell, M. (2009).

Days of haze: Environmental information disclosure and intertemporal avoidance behavior

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 58(2), 119-128.

DOI:10.1016/j.jeem.2009.03.001      URL     [本文引用: 1]

AbstractIn this paper, we investigate the dynamics of informational regulatory approaches by analyzing the impact of smog alerts issued on consecutive days on discretionary outdoor activities in Southern California. Short-run adjustments t o transitory risk entail costs that are likely to influence the set of evasive actions pursued by those at risk. Our results confirm that the cost of intertemporally substituting activities is increasing over time: when alerts are issued on 2 successive days, any response on the first day has largely disappeared by the second day. Small reprieves from alerts, however, reset these costs.]]>

Zivin, J. G., & Neidell, M. (2012).

The impact of pollution on worker productivity

American Economic Review, 102(7), 3652-3673.

DOI:10.1257/aer.102.7.3652      URL     PMID:26401055      [本文引用: 3]


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